Outcomes-Based Course Syllabus: I. Vision of TMC

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PRE-REQUISITE MC 132 Introduction to Political Analysis and Research


A model institution with fully developed academic, technical- vocational education and
skill of man power with positive work attitudes anchored in the core values of leadership
and professionalism essential in the creation of self- reliant citizens.


To build well- trained professionals, competent and employable individual that will meet
the demands in the local and international market.


After going through with the course standards and policies of Trinidad Municipal College, the
students shall be able to:

 Acquire knowledge and information, work skills and work ethics essentials for making an
intelligent choice of an occupation;
 Broaden and heighten one’s appreciation for the arts, the sciences and technology for
maximizing one’s potentials for self – fulfilment and for promoting the welfare of others;
 Acquire knowledge of human culture and the natural world of science, social sciences,
mathematics, humanities, arts and other disciplines.
 Equipped with intellectual and practical skills and have civic responsibility and
engagement; ethical reasoning; intercultural knowledge and actions; propensity for
lifelong learning.



Students in the discipline must exhibit the following competencies at the end of the
undergraduate program. Graduates should be able to:

Upon completion of this course, the students are able to:


 Understand what are the purposes of Social Research

 Identify what are the Elements of Research
 Know the different approaches to research
 Understand the purpose of review related literature
 Learn how concepts are measured
 Explain structure of a research proposal


 Structure Hypothesis
 Make research questions
 To select topics to a research study
 Interpret data summarized in a frequency distribution


 Understand the benefits and limits of statistics

 Understand differences in the level or precision of measurements
 Understand the critical importance of standardization
 Interpret the different types of graphs that can be used to present visualization of your
data distribution
 Properly present and categorize data
 To study political science scientifically


At the end of the semester, a student completing this course should be able to:


 Understand the purposes of Social Research

 Identify the Elements of Research
 Know the five approaches to research
 Understand the purpose of review related literature
 Learn about problems with how concepts are measured
 Know the structure of a research proposal
 Understand the language of science

 To understand what a hypothesis is and how it should be structured
 Know how to make research questions
 Know how to select topics to study
 Interpret data summarized in a frequency distribution


 Understand the benefits and limits of statistics

 Understand differences in the level or precision of measurements
 Understand the critical importance of standardization
 Interpret the different types of graphs that can be used to present visualization of your
data distribution
 Realize that how we present and categorize our data can lead to different interpretations.
 To understand that political science can be studied scientifically


This course provides introduction to qualitative and quantitative research methods that are
employed in political science. The goal of this course is to acquaint students with basic concepts
and tools of statistical analysis. The course emphasizes practical application of statistical methods
and interpretation of statistical results. A variety of examples will be provided to help in gaining
better understanding of quantitative research methods.


Attendance 10%
Class Participation 10%
Quizzes 15%
Individual/ Group Activities- 10%
Academic Paper- 15%
Major Examination- 40%
TOTAL: 100%

a. Class attendance
The maximum number allowed absences from class shall be twenty percent (20%) of the
prescribed number of class periods for the given term. Absences, however, due to
sickness and other legitimate reasons will be excused, provided a medical certificate
issued by a government Physicians or designated School Physician is presented to the
instructor concerned. Being excused, the student will be given make- up lesson or
assignment for the missed work. A student who incurs unexcused absences of more than
twenty percent (20%) of the prescribed number of classes or laboratory periods during
the school year or term should be given a failing grade or given no credit for the course.

b. Class Participation
For the class participation, each student must always come to class prepared for the
assigned readings and discussion on the day. This course heavily draws on the reading
materials. The readings are primary sources of students to fully grasp the basic
understanding of the topic to be discussed in class. Lectures and lecture notes are
secondary only. Students are discouraged to rely on these secondary sources alone
(listening in class and suing lecture notes) to pass the course.

c. Quizzes
At the end of each topic, there will be quiz to test the level of understanding of each
student on the assigned readings. In addition to lectures and lecture notes, mistakes in
the quizzes are also considered as secondary source of knowledge in this course. Students
are therefore encouraged to take note of and learn from their mistakes in the quiz.

d. Individual/ Group Activities

Individual/ Group activities allows students to have experience in collaborating with other
members in group or in class. Students are grouped according to drawn slots.

e. Academic Paper
The class project will make 15% grade of each student. The criteria/ rubric for grading the
class project are as follows:

a. Punctuality 20% Submitting on time

b. Content 65 % detailed presentation of the topics
c. Neatness 15% how the output is presented
Total 100 %
f. Major Examination
Aside from quizzes and tests, four major examinations are given. These are Preliminary
Examination, Midterm Examination, Semi- Final Examination, and Final Examination.

In general, the college applies numerical grading system in rating the academic
performance of the students. This numerical grading system has corresponding indication
and percentage equivalent as follows:

Adjectival Rating Numerical Rating Percentage

Excellent 1.0- 1.09 95- 100 %
Very Good 1.10- 1.50 90- 94 %
Good 1.51- 2.50 80- 89%
Passed 2.51- 3.00 75- 79%
Failed 3.01- 5.00 Below 74%

Grading Standard:
Attendance 10%
Class Participation 10%
Quizzes 15%
Individual/ Group Project 10%
Academic Paper 15%
Major Examination 40%
TOTAL 100%


Policies for the Students:

1) During the first week, the class should assign a Class Beadle. The class beadle is responsible in
coordinating with the instructor regarding class announcements and other communications.
He/ She will make sure that all lights are turned off and blackboard is cleaned at the end of
every meeting. Also, he/she will help the Instructor in making sure that all students will have
the copy of the required readings for each topic. Lastly, he/she will represent the class on all
issues related to the course.
2) The class should have a Google class and Facebook group accounts. All announcements and
other important matters (e.g. uploading questionnaires for take- home quizzes, papers;
announcement regarding schedules; class standing updates and the likes shall be made
through Facebook group account.
3) Reading materials will be sent in the Google Classrooms.
4) Class attendance will be checked at the second bell. Students who will arrive after the second
bell are considered late. Upon entering the classroom, the late student should make sure that
the instructor is informed about his/ her tardiness (to be marked as “late” instead of an
“absent”, in the class attendance). The Instructor will always rely on the class record when it
comes to class attendance. Three (3) tardiness will be recorded as one cut. A student who
incurs more than six (6) cuts will automatically get a W grade (or be considered as dropped).
Only the Dean’s Listers are entitled to unlimited number of cuts.
5) Any student who fails to attend the class should see the Instructor with a Medical Certificate
and/or a Letter from a Guardian. Failure to bring any of these will automatically extinguish
the appeal to be excused from class.
6) An excused cut only entitles a student to request a make-up exam or brief lecture from the
instructor. An excused cut is still a cut.
7) Each student is encouraged to participate every meeting or class recitation. Everyone is
invited to air his or her views or understanding about the subject matter discussed in class.
8) Students are expected to bring the syllabus and assigned readings every meeting. Students
not having any of these materials in class will be marked absent.
9) Students are expected to be attentive always in class. A student who is caught doing
something (i.e., reading books or journal articles from other subjects, browsing the net,
making unnecessary noise in the class and the likes that is NOT related to the course will be
marked absent.
10) Each student should get his her own quiz notebook (blue book) for the semester. Failure to
bring his her blue book on quiz day will automatically get a ten- point deduction (in quiz).
11) During the quiz and major examination, all things should be placed in front of the classroom.
12) Each student should refrain from using his or her mobile phone or other entertainment/
communication devices while in class. Laptops or any electronic devices used for taking down
notes are allowed in the classroom.
13) Any form of academic dishonesty will be dealt accordingly (see the TMC Student manual).
Any student who is suspected to have committed cheating will be requested to see the
Instructor in the Department. The student will be given the chance to air his or her side.
14) Students should at all times treat their Instructor and classmates with courtesy and respect.
15) Each student should avoid going out of the room during class hours.
16) Food and drinks are allowed inside the classroom. Provided that he/ she will clean his/ her
desk after class.

Policies for the Instructor

1) The instructor must always be present every meeting. The Instructor will inform the class
(through the e- group or class beadle) if the Instructor fails to attend class for the day.
2) At the start of the meeting, the Instructor is expected to discuss the contents in the syllabus.
3) The Instructor should try his/ her best to return the quiz notebook (blue book) or take home
exams a week before the next quiz. Any questions, clarifications or comments about the quiz
should be communicated to the instructor either by seeing him personally after the class or
writing him/ her thru email or thru class beadle. Failure to do so, within that day,
automatically extinguishes the student’s right to inform the Instructor about his/ her
questions, clarifications or comments regarding the quiz.
4) The instructor should inform the class about the coverage of the major exams.
5) The Instructor’s lecture notes should be uploaded at least a day before the quiz.
6) The instructor should always make sure that he/ she is available for consultation. The
student’s right to consult with the Instructor should be respected at all times. Students may
also request for a tutorial session depending on the schedule or availability of the Instructor.
7) The instructor may inform each student about his/ her class standing (upon request). Any
student who starts to exhibit poor performance in class (quizzes, etc.) will be informed
8) The Instructor is discouraged to go out of the room during class hours.



Understand the CHAPTER 1 Discussion with Quizzes Research 1-2 PRELIM
purposes of Introduction to oral recitation Oral Recitation, Design:
Social Research Social Research Reporting, Quantitative,
Research Qualitative,
Identify the > Different paper, Mixed
Elements of Ways of Major Exam Methods, Arts-
Research Knowing based, and
Know the five > The Five Based
approaches to Approaches to Participatory
research Research Research
Approaches by:
> The Elements Patricia Leavy
of Research
Pages: 3-22
(Chapter 1)
CHAPTER 2 Discussion with Quizzes 3-4
Ethics in Social oral recitation Oral Recitation, Pages: 23- 53
Research Reporting, (Chapter 2)
> Values System paper,
Major Exam
> Ethical Praxis

> Reflexivity
How to select Chapter 3: Discussion with Quizzes Research 1-2 MIDTERM
topics to study Getting Started oral recitation Oral Recitation, Design:
Designing a Reporting, Quantitative,
Understand the Project Research Qualitative,
purpose of paper, Mixed
review related >Selecting a Major Exam Methods, Arts-
literature Topic based, and
How to make Community-
research > Literature Based
questions Reviews Participatory
Know the Research
structure of a > Research Approaches by:
research Purpose Patricia Leavy
proposal Statements,
Hypotheses, Pages: 54- 86
and Research

> Sampling
Chapter 4: Research 3-4
>Quantitative Quantitative,
Research Qualitative,
Design Mixed
Methods, Arts-
> Structure of a based, and
Research Community-
Proposal Based
> Basic Research
Introductory Approaches by:
Information Patricia Leavy

> The Research Pages: 87-123

To understand Chapter 5: Discussion with Quizzes Research 1-2 SEMIFINALS
that political Qualitative oral recitation Oral Recitation, Design:
science can be Research Reporting, Quantitative,
studied Design Research Qualitative,
scientifically paper, Mixed
To understand > Structure of a Major Exam Methods, Arts-
the language of Research based, and
science Proposal Community-
To understand Based
what a > Basic Participatory
hypothesis is Introductory Research
and how it Information Approaches by:
should be Patricia Leavy
structured > The Topic
To understand Pages: 124- 163
the component > The Research
necessary to Plan
make to make
a casual
argument Chapter 1: Understanding 3-4
The Language Political Science
of Science Statistics:
The structure of and
hypotheses Expectations in
The beauty of Analysis by:
Hypotheses for Peter Galderisi
Pages: 1- 19
The logic of
causation- A
To understand Chapter 2: Discussion with Quizzes Understanding 1-4 FINALS
the benefits oral recitation Oral Recitation, Political Science
and limits of Statistical Reporting, Statistics:
statistics measurement- Research Observation
To learn about an introduction paper, and
problems with Major Exam Expectations in
how concepts Precision in Political
are measured measurement Analysis by:
To understand Peter Galderisi
differences in Levels of Pages: 20- 53
the level or measurement-
precision of mathematical
measurements assumptions.
To interpret
data Levels of
summarized in measurement-
a frequency conceptual
distribution assumptions
To understand
the critical Frequency
importance of distribution as
standardization measurement
To interpret and observation
the different
types of graphs The importance
that can be of
used to present standardization
visualization of
your data From nominal
distribution to interval data
To realize that
how we Graphs as
present and visualizations of
categorize our our
data can lead observations
to different
interpretations. Measuring
properties and
the importance

Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts- based, and Community- Based
Participatory Research Approaches by: Patricia Leavy

Understanding Political Science Statistics: Observation and Expectations in Political Analysis by:
Peter Galderisi

Prepared by: Recommending Approval Approved by:


________________ ___________________ _________________
Faculty Program Chair/ College Administrator
College Department Head

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