Mapeh Performance Task Preventing Communicable Disease

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Lemuel: Good Morning Everyone! We are going Lemuel: Alright, lets continue reviewing.

What is
to present on how to prevent a communicable the condition of being sick?
disease. And we are the Group 4.
Steven: That's morbidity!
(3 students are reviewing)
Lemuel: Yes, that's right.
Lemuel: What is the first stage of infection?
Lemuel: Suddenly, the teacher enters the room,
Vhironica: Incubation stage! and the students take a protracted quiz. After
that, Steven continues to touch everything in
Lemuel: That's right! But what is the 2nd one?
our room and continues to cough and sneeze in
Cindy: I think that's the prodromal stage! our room.

Lemuel: Yes! You're right. Teacher (Vhironica): are you all finish of your
(While Hannah and Wency are talking)
Students (ALL): Yes!!
Hannah: Have you heard? She failed her exam
again! Teacher (Vhironica): Then, exchange papers
with your seatmates. (All members should
Wency: What? Really? exchange papers with your perspective
(Then Steven comes in and sits on his chair, he seatmates).
coughs a lot and isn't wearing a mask. The other Teacher (Vhironica): What is the answer to
students look at him.) number 1?
Hannah: Um... are you alright? (Lemuel and Cindy raise their hands)
Wency: Oh no! You're sick, you should always Teacher (Vhironica): Yes, Lemuel?
wear a face mask.
Lemuel: Its Prodromal Stage
(Wency gives him a face mask)
Lemuel (Narrator): They continue to check their
Steven: Oh right, thanks! quiz while the teacher is saying the correct
Wency: You're welcome! You should cover your answer.
mouth when you cough. Teacher (Vhironica): Okay Class, Dismiss.
(Steven nods. Hannah and Wency continues to Students: Good Bye Teacher!
Lemuel (Narrator): As soon as the student have
Steven: What are you guys doing? left their room. Steven was sick, so the teacher
Cindy: We are reviewing for the quiz. sanitized every thing in the room, especially his
chair and his things.
Steven: Can I join in?
Lemuel (Narrator): And that’s the end of our
Lemuel: Yes! Of course. But you should stay at presentation on how to prevent a
least 6 feet away since you're sick. communicable disease. Hope you understand
(Steven moves his chair away from the group) and Thank you Everyone!!

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