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IZMA SHOAIB 22011598-115

MARYAM LIAQUAT 22011598-124

UBAIDULLAH 22011598-139
Introduction to
In C++, the term "structure" refers to a
user-defined data type that allows you to
combine data types into a single entity.

• The data items in a structure are called

structure elements or members.

• The structure is used to define new data


• Structures provide a convenient way to

organize related data and create
complex data structures.

Declaring a Structure
A structure is declared by using the keyword struct followed by the structure name.

• The structure members are defined with their type inside the opening and closing braces { }.

• The closing braces are ended with a semicolon ( ; ).

• The declaration tells the compiler about the details of the structure. How to declare a
structure ???

Syntax Pictorial Representation
 struct: This keyword is used to
define a structure in C++.
 Struct_Name: This is the name of
the structure you are defining. You
can choose any valid identifier as
the structure name.
 Data_Type1, data_Type2, etc.:
These represent the data types of
the members within the structure.
 member1, member2, etc.: These
are the individual members of the
structure. You can have multiple
members, each with its own data

• The following example declares a structure Student with four members variables;

struct Student
int RollNo, Mark;
float Average;
char Grade;

Defining Structure Variable

 The structure variable  The definition tells

can be defined after the the compiler to
declaration of a allocate memory
structure. Syntax space for the variable.
Struct_Name .
 The process of defining Identifier;  The compiler
a structure variable is automatically
the same as defining a  Struct_Name is the allocates sufficient
variable of basic types name of the structure. memory according to
such as int and char.  Identifier is the the elements of the
variable to be defined. structure.

Variables • SYNTAX
The process of assigning values to
member variables of a structure is Struct_Name Identifier = { Value1 , Value2 } ;
called the Initialization of Structure Value1 and Value2 are the values used for the initialization of the
Variables. structure variable.
 The assignment operator is used for
 The declaration of a structure
variable is specified on the left side
of assignment operator.
 The value for initialization are
written on the right side of
assignment operator.
 The values are written in braces { }
 Each value is separated by a

20XX presentation title 8

Example # 1

Program that declares a structure to

store employ id and salary.t defines and
initialize structure variable. int main ()
#include<iostream> emp e = {20 , 18500 } ;
Using namespace std;
cout << “Employee ID : “ << <<
Struct emp endl ; OUTPUT
int id ; cout << “ Salary : “<< e.sal << endl ; Employee ID: 20
int sal ; Return 0; Salary : 18500
}; }

Accessing members of Structure Variable
Any member of a structure variable can be accessed by using the dot operator.

The dot operator allows you to access the individual members (fields) of the
structure and manipulate their values.

The name of the structure variable is written on the left side of the dot.

The name of the member variable is written on the right side of the dot.

20XX presentation title 10

#include <iostream>
// Initialize the struct members
Using namespace std; = "John";
// Define the structure Return 0;
person1.age = 30;
struct Person }
person1.height = 1.75;
string name;
// Access and display the
int age; OUTPUT
struct members
float height; Name: John
cout << "Name: " <<
}; Age: 30 << endl;
Height: 1.75 meters
int main()
cout << "Age: " <<
person1.age << endl;
// Declare a struct variable
cout << "Height: " <<
Person person1;
person1.height << " meters" <<

Example # 2
#include <iostream>
Cout<<“enter marks:” ;
Using namespace std;
Cin>> s.marks;
// Define the structure Return 0;
Cout<<“enter average :” ; }
struct Student
Cin>> s.average ;
string name;
Cout<<“you entered the OUTPUT
int marks;
following details” ; Enter name: John
float average;
}; Enter marks:872
cout<<“name”<<<<endl; Enter average:76.53
int main()
<< endl; You entered following
Cout<<“average”<<s.average details
<< endl; Name : John
Student s;
Cout<<“enter name:” ; Marks: 872
Cin>> ; Average: 76.53

Referencing Structure Member
In C++, you can refer structure members using references or pointers.

Referencing allows you to create an alias for the structure member,

which means that modifying the reference will affect the original
member, and vice versa.

This can be useful when you want to work with structure members
directly and avoid copying large structures.

include <iostream> // Modify the members through the references
#include <string> nameRef = "Jane";

struct Person // This will also change to "Jane“

{ ageRef = 28;
std::string name;
int age; // This will also change person1.age to 28
float height; heightRef = 1.68;
// This will also change person1.height to 1.68
int main()
{ // Print the modified values through the struct variable
// Declare a struct variable std::cout << "Name: " << << std::endl;
Person person1; std::cout << "Age: " << person1.age << std::endl; std::cout << = "John"; "Height: " << person1.height << " meters" << std::endl;
person1.age = 30;
person1.height = 1.75; return 0;
// Create references to the struct members
std::string& nameRef =;
int& ageRef = person1.age;
float& heightRef = person1.height; THROUGH REFERENCES
// Create pointers to the struct members
Through Pointers std::string* namePtr = &;
int* agePtr = &person1.age;
#include <iostream> float* heightPtr = &person1.height;
#include <string>
// Modify the members through the pointers
struct Person
*namePtr = "Jane“;
std::string name; // This will also change to "Jane“
int age; *agePtr = 28;
float height;
// This will also change person1.age to 28
}; *heightPtr = 1.68;
int main()
{ // This will also change person1.height to 1.68 // Print
the modified values through the struct variable
// Declare a struct variable
std::cout << "Name: " << << std::endl;
Person person1; std::cout << "Age: " << person1.age << std::endl; = "John"; std::cout << "Height: " << person1.height << " meters" <<
person1.age = 30;
person1.height = 1.75; return 0;

Thank You

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