DS Unit - I

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Structures: Introduction, types, initialization and

accessing, Array of Structures, Nested Structures, Self-
referential structures. Unions, enum, typedef, Dynamic
Memory allocation.

Structure , Union and Enumerated Types

❏ To introduce the structure, union, and enumerated types
❏ To use the type definition statement in programs
❏To create and use structures in programs
❏ To be able to use unions in programs
❏To use enumerated types

Derived Types

A structure is a collection of related elements, possibly of different
types, having a single name.


Like all data types, structures must be declared and defined.

A structure definition forms a template that may be used to crate

structure objects.

C has two ways to define a structure:

tagged structure and type-defined structures.


The structure definition associated with the structure name is referred as tagged
It does not create an instance of a structure and does not allocate any memory.

The general form or syntax of tagged structure definition is as follows,

struct tag_name
type1 member1;
type2 member2;
where struct is the keyword which tells the compiler that a structure is being
defined, tag_name is the name of the structure and member1, member2 … are
called members of the structure.
The members are declared within curly braces.

The closing brace must end with the semicolon.

Example: Student details using tagged structure
struct student
char name [10];
int roll_number;
float avg_marks;
}; // no memory is allocated for the structure

Memory is not reserved for the structure definition since no variables are
associated with the structure definition.

The members of the structure do not occupy any memory until they are
associated with the structure variables.

The declaration of the structure variable takes of the form:

struct tag_name var1, var2…;

Where, struct is the keyword, tag_name is the name of the structure.

Structure variables are separated by comma, followed by semicolon.
Structure variable names can be created any where in the program.

For example the variable declaration as follows:

struct student s1; // memory is allocated for the variable

Now a variable of type struct student (derived type) is created and the memory
is allocated for the variable s1.

The following figure shows the memory organization for the above example s1.

10 Bytes 2 Bytes 4 Bytes

The number of bytes allocated for the structure variable is the sum of sizes
of the individual members.

In the above example the size of s1=16 bytes (10+2+4).

You can also create structure variables in the following way:

struct tag_name
type1 member1;
type2 member2;
}var1, var2…; //Here each variable occupies memory.

Example: Student details using structure variables.

struct student
char name [10];
int roll_number;
float avg_marks;
}s1; //Here memory is allocated for a variable s1.
We can omit the tag_name from the structure definition, the following is valid.

char name [10];
int roll_number; float avg_marks;
} s1, s2;

Declares s1 and s2 as structure variables representing two students.

This structure definition and declaration is normally not used because we can not
declare variables in later stage in the program.


The structure definition associated with keyword typedef is called type-defined

structure. This is the most powerful way of defining the structure.
The syntax of typedefined structure is:
typedef struct
type1 member1;
type2 member2;

Where, typedef is keyword added to the beginning of the definition, struct is the
keyword which tells the compiler that a structure is being defined and member1,
member2…are called fields of the structure.

The closing brace must end with type definition name which in turn ends with

Example: Student details

typedef struct /*Structure Definition*/

char name [10];
int roll_number;
float avg_marks;
} STUDENT; //no memory is allocated for structure

/*Structure Declaration*/
STUDENT s1, s2; //memory is allocated for the variables

Note: Using typedef it is not possible to declare a variable. But, we can have user
defined data type. TYPE_ID can be treated as the new data type.

Structure Declaration Format

The rules for structure initialization are similar to the rules for array initialization.
The initializers are enclosed in braces and separate by commas.
They must match their corresponding types in the structure definition.

The syntax is shown below:

struct tag_name variable = {value1, value2,… valuen};

Structure initialization can be done in any of the following initializations.

Initialization along with Structure definition

Consider the structure definition for student with three fields name, roll number
and average marks. The initialization of variable can be done as shown below:
struct student
char name [5];
int roll_number;
float avg;
} s1= {“Ravi”, 10, 67.8};

Initialization during Structure declaration:

Consider the structure definition for student with three fields name, roll number
and average marks. The initialization of variable can be done as shown below,

struct student
char name[5];
int roll_number;
float avg;
struct student s1= {“Ravi”, 10, 67.8};

Initializing Structures

Points to Remember:
The members of the structure cannot be initialized in the structure definition.
For example,
struct s
char name [10] ="ravi”;
int rno;
} s1; //It is invalid.

The initial values are assigned to members of the structure on one-to-one basis
i.e., the values are assigned to various members in the order specified from the
first member.
For example,
s1= {“ravi”, 60, 56.7};
is valid. Here, the string “ravi” will be assigned to the first member, 60 is
assigned to the second member and 56.7 is assigned to the third member.

However the statement, s1= {40, 67.8};
is invalid, because, without initializing the first member name, we are trying to
initialize last two members.

During initialization, the number of initializers should not exceed the number of
members. It leads to syntax error.
For example, s1= {“ravi”, 45, 78.9, 89};

The compiler issues a syntax error “too many initializers”

The members of a structure can be accessed by using dot(.) operator.
Before dot, there must always be a structure variable.
After the dot, there must always be a structure member.

The syntax to access the structure members as follows:

structure_variable_name. structure_member_name
For example, consider the example as shown below,
struct student
char name [5];
int roll_number;
float avg;
struct student s1= {“Ravi”, 10, 67.8};

The members can be accessed using the variables as shown below:

s1.name //refers the string “ravi”
s1.roll_number //refers the roll_number 10
s1.avg //refers avg 67.8
Structure Direct Selection Operator

#include<stdio.h> #include<stdio.h>
struct student typedef struct
{ {
int rollno; int rollno;
char name[20]; char name[20];
}; }student;
main() { main() {
struct student s1 = {1222,”IT"}; student s1 = {1222,”IT"};
printf("\n%d %s",s1.rollno,s1.name); printf("\n%d %s",s1.rollno,s1.name);
} }
struct student
int rollno;
char name[20];
main() {
s1.rollno = 1222;
printf("\n%d %s",s1.rollno,s1.name);
Structures initialization and access members
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>
struct stud struct stud
struct stud
{ {
char name[15]; char name[15];
char name[15];
int rno; int rno;
int rno;
float avg; float avg;
float avg;
}; };
struct stud s1={“IT”,10,90}; void main()
void main()
void main() {
{ struct stud s1={“IT”,10,90};
printf(“student details are”);
printf(“student details are”); struct stud s2;
printf(“name=%s\n rno= %d \n avg=
%f”,s1.name,s1.rno,s1.avg); printf(“name=%s \n rno=%d\n avg= s2.name=“it”;
%f”,s1.name,s1.rno,s1.avg); s2.rno=15;
} s2.avg=90;
printf(“student details are”);
printf(“name=%s \n no=%d\n

Reading values from keyboard
struct stud
char name[15];
int rno;
float avg;
void main()
struct stud s1;
printf(“enter student name ,rno and avg”);
printf(“student details:”);
printf(“name=%s”\n rno=%d\n avg=%f”,s1.name,s1.rno,s1.avg);
(*pointerName).fieldName  pointerName->fieldName
Pointers to Structures

Interpretation of Invalid Pointer Use

Indirect Selection Operator

Pointer to structures
struct stud
char name[15];
int rno;
float avg;
void main()
struct stud s1,*p;
printf(“enter student name ,rno and avg”);
Printf(student details:”);
printf(“name=%s”\n rno=%d\n avg=%f”,(*p).name,(*p).rno,(*p).avg);
printf(“name=%s”\n rno=%d\n avg=%f”,p->name,p->rno,p->avg);
} 26
Copying a Structure

Assign one stucture variable to another
struct stud
char name[15];
int rno;
float avg;
void main()
struct stud s1,s2;
printf(“enter student name ,rno and avg”);
printf(student details:”);
printf(“name=%s”\n rno=%d\n avg=%f”,s2.name,s2.rno,s2.avg);
Arrays with in structures:
It is also possible to declare an array as a member of structure, like declaring ordinary

For example to store marks of a student in three subjects then we can have the following
definition of a structure.
struct student
char name [5];
int roll_number;
int marks [3];
float avg;
Then the initialization of the array marks done as follows,
struct student s1= {“ravi”, 34, {60,70,80}};

The values of the member marks array are referred as follows,

s1.marks [0] will refer the 0th element in the marks
s1.marks [1] will refer the 1st element in the marks
s1.marks [2] will refer the 2ndt element in the marks

ARRAY with in structures
printf(“enter student marks”);
struct stud
char name[15];
int rno;
int m[6];
float avg;
}; printf(student details:”);
void main() printf(“name=%s \ n rno=%d \n
struct stud s1;
int i,sum=0;
printf(“enter student name ,rno ”);

We can also create array of structures. Array of structures can be declared as

struct tag_name array_name[size];

Let’s take an example, to store the information of 3 students, we can have the
following structure definition and declaration,

struct student
char name[10];
int rno;
float avg;
struct student s[3];

The above code defines an array called s, which contains three elements. Each
element is defined to be of type struct student.

For the student details, array of structures can be initialized as follows,

struct student s[3] = {
{“ABC”, 1, 56.7},
{“xyz”, 2, 65.8},
{“pqr”, 3, 82.4}

ARRAY of structures

#include<stdio.h> for(i=1;i<=3;i++)
struct stud {
{ sum=0;
char name[15]; printf(“enter student %d name ,rno ”,i);
int rno;
printf(“enter student %d marks”,i);
int m[6];
float avg;
void main()
struct stud s[3];
int i,j ,sum=0
printf(student details:”);
printf(“name=%s \ n rno=%d \n avg=
%f”,s[i].name,s[i].rno,s[i].avg); 33
Nested Structures:
A structure which includes another structure is called nested structure.

The syntax for the nesting of the structure as follows:

struct tag_name1
type1 member1;

struct tag_name2
type1 member1;
struct tag_name1 var;
The syntax for accessing members of a nested structure as follows,
struct data
int day;
int month;
int year;

struct student
char name [10];
int roll_number;
struct data dob;
int marks [3];
float avg;
} s1;

The members contained in the inner structure namely day, month and year can be referred
to as
s1.dob.year 38
Nested Structures
#include<stdio.h> main()
struct data {
{ printf(“enter student name ,rno and avg”);
int day;
int month; s1.dob.month=3;
int year; s1.dob.year=1995;
}; Printf(student details:”);
struct s tud printf(“name=%s”\n rno=%d\n avg=%f \
char name [10]; }
int rno;
struct data dob;
float avg;
} s1;
Structures with functions
struct student
int rollno;
char name[20];
float avg;
void display(struct student);
void main()
printf(“enter student name ,rno and avg”);
void display(struct student s2)
printf("%s%d %f",s2.name,s2.rno,s2,avg);

A structure definition which includes at least one member as a pointer to the

same structure is known as self-referential structure.

It can be linked together to form useful data structures such as lists, queues,
stacks and trees.

Terminated with a NULL pointer (0).

The syntax for using the self referential structure as follows,

struct tag_name
type1 member1;
type2 member2;
struct tag_name *next;


A union is one of the derived data type.

Union is a collection of variables referred under a single name.

The syntax, declaration and use of union is similar to the structure but its
functionality is different.

The major distinction between structure and union is, in terms of storage.

In structure each member has its own storage location, whereas all the members
of a union use the same location.

Although a union may contain many members of different types, it can handle
only one member at a time.

The general format or syntax of a union definition is as follows,
union tag_name
type1 member1;
type2 member2;

The compiler allocates a piece of storage that is large enough to hold the largest
variable type in the union.

A union variable can be declared same way as structure variable.

union tag_name var1, var2...;

A union definition and variable declaration can be done by using
any one on the following:

union u typedef union

{ union u {
char c; { char c;
int i; char c; int i;
float f; int i; float f;
}; float f; } U;
union u a; } a; U a;
tagged union variable union typedef union

To access the members of union, the same syntax used to access various
members of a structure can be used, by using the dot operator (“. “).

For above example, we can access various members of the union as shown
a.c a.i a.f

For the above example, union contains three members, each with a different data
type. However, we can use only one of them at a time.

Arrays Structures Unions
Keyword … struct union
Definition An array is a A structure is a collection A union is a collection of
homogeneous of logically related logically related elements,
collection of data. elements, possibly of possibly of different types,
different types, having a having a single name, shares
single name. single memory location.
Declaration data_type struct tag_name union tag_name
array_Name[size]; { {
type1 member1; type1 member1;
type1 member2; type1 member2;
…………… ……………
…………… ……………
}; };
struct tag_name var; union tag_name var;

Initialization Done by separating Same. Same.

list of values with
comma (,), specified
in Curly braces { }.
Accessing Accessed by Accessed by specifying Accessed by specifying
specifying array structure variablename. union variablename.
name with subscript membername membername
Memory Each array element Each member of the Memory is allocated by
Allocation occupies memory, structure occupies unique considering the size of largest
stored in contigenous location, stored in member. All the members
locations. contigenous locations. share the common location
Size Size of the array is Size of the structure Size is given by the size of
depending on the depends on the type of largest member storage.
array type and size. members, adding size of all sizeof(un_variable);
sizeof (arr); members.
sizeof (st_var);
Using pointers An array elements Structure members can be Same as structure.
values can be accessed by using de-
accessed by using de- referencing dot operator and
referencing selection operator(->)
We can have array of We can have arrays as a We can have array as a
structures or unions. member of structures. member of union.
here the array type is
structure or union.
All elements can be All members can be Only one member can be
accessed at a time accessed at a time accessed at a time.

The Type Definition (typedef)
A type definition, typedef, gives a name to a data type by
creating a new type that can then be used anywhere a type is

Its purpose is to redefine the name of an existing variable type.

Type-definition Format 50
The general syntax of the typedef is as follows,

typedef data_type IDENTIFIER;

where typedef is the keyword that tells the compiler about the type
definition, data_type refers to an existing data type and IDENTIFIER
refers the “new” name given to the data type.

Note that using typedef, we are not creating new data types.

Instead we are creating only new name for the existing data type.

These new data type names are called user-defined data types.

Suppose we want to store marks scored in various subjects
in variables sub1, sub2 and sub3. These variables can be
declared as follows,

int sub1, sub2, sub3;

Using the user-defined data types, the variables can be

declared as shown below,

typedef int MARKS;

MARKS sub1, sub2, sub3;

//Example program to demonstrate typedef

Enumerated Types
The enumerated type is a user-defined type based on the standard
integer type.

In an enumerated type, each integer value is given an identifier called

an enumeration constant.

Declaring an Enumerated Type:

To declare an enumerated type, we must declare its identifier and its

values. Because it is derived from integer type, its operations are the
same as for integers.

Syntax for defining an enumerated type is as follows,

enum type_Name

Where enum is the keyword that tells the compiler about enumerated
type definition, enum type_Name together represent the user defined
data type and member1, member2… are integer constants but
represented using descriptive names. These are called enumerator
constants or enumerators.

The definition is terminated with a semicolon.

The syntax for declaring the variables are shown below:

enum type_Name var;

Following are some of the examples of enumerator type:

enum color enum days

{ {
enum color c1, c2; } d1;

Assigning Values to Enumerated Types

After an enumerated variable has been declared, we can store values

in it.
While, the compiler automatically assigns values to enumerated
types starting with 0, the next values are initialized with a value by
adding 1 to previous value.

For example,
enum color {RED, BLUE, GREEN, WHITE};
Here red representing the value 0, blue is 1, green is 2, white is 3.

You can also create variables from the enumerated type.

For example, enum color skyColor;

We can override it and assign our own values.
For example, to make JAN start with 1 we could use the following
enum month

Note that we need not to assign every enumerator constant value. If we

omit the initializes, the complier assigns the next value by adding 1.

Consider the following enumerated declaration,

enum days
sun=3, mon, tue, wed=0, thu, fri, sat
} d1, d2;
//Example program to demonstrate enum
enum color
printf("%d %d %d",RED,GREEN,BLUE);
c1 = BLUE;
printf("\n%d ",c1);
0 1 2
Dynamic Memory Allocation Functions

C gives us two choices when we want to reserve

memory locations for an object:
static allocation and dynamic allocation.

 Memory Usage
 Static Memory Allocation
 Dynamic Memory Allocation
 Memory Allocation Functions
 Releasing Memory (free)

Memory Allocation

Conceptually memory is divided into program memory and data

Program memory consists of the memory used for main and all
called functions.

Data memory consists of permanent definitions, such as global

data and constants, local declarations, and dynamic data memory.

All functions, local and global data can be stored in stack memory.

Heap memory is unused memory allocation known as the heap is

available to be assigned during its execution.

It is the memory pool from which memory is allocated when

requested by the memory allocation functions.
We can refer to memory allocated in the heap only
through a pointer.

A Conceptual View of Memory

Static Memory Allocation requires that the declaration and
definition of memory be fully specified in the source program.

The number bytes reserved can not be changed during run time.

Dynamic Memory Allocation uses predefined functions to

allocate and release memory for data while the program is running.

Unlike static memory allocation, dynamic memory allocation

has no identifier associated with it; it has only an address that
must be used to access it.

To access data in dynamic memory therefore, we must use a


Accessing Dynamic Memory

Memory Allocation Functions:

Four memory management functions are used with dynamic


Three of them, malloc, calloc, and realloc, are used for memory

The fourth, is used to return memory when it is no longer needed.

All the memory management functions are found in the standard

library file stdlib.h

Memory Management Functions

Block Memory Allocation ( malloc )

The malloc function allocates a block of memory that contains the

number of bytes specified in its parameter.

It returns a pointer of type void to the first byte of the allocated

memory, even the allocated memory is not initialized.

The malloc function declaration is shown below:

void* malloc (size_t size);

The type, size_t, is defined in several header files including

The type is usually an unsigned integer.

The size specification in malloc’s actual parameter is generally

computed using the sizeof operator.
Block Memory Allocation ( malloc ) Contd…
For example, if we want to allocate an integer in the heap, we code
the call as shown below:
pInt = malloc(sizeof(int));

If successful, malloc returns the address of the first byte in the

memory space allocated.

However, if it is not successful, malloc returns NULL pointer.

Never call malloc with a zero size, result is unpredictable.

Memory allocation casting:

pointer_name = (type*) malloc(size);

An attempt to allocate memory from the heap when memory is

insufficient is known as overflow.

Continuous Memory Allocation ( calloc ) Contd…

The calloc function is primarily used to allocate memory for


It differs from malloc only in that it sets memory to null


The calloc function declaration is shown below.

void *calloc(size_t element-count, size_t element-size);

The result is the same for both malloc and calloc when overflow
occurs and when a zero size is given.

The following example creates memory for an array of 200


Reallocation of Memory( realloc )
The realloc function can be highly inefficient and therefore should
be used advisedly.

When given a pointer to a previously allocated block of memory,

realloc changes the size of the block by deleting or extending the
memory at the end of the block.

If the memory can not be extended because of the other

allocations, realloc allocates a completely new block, copies the
existing memory allocation to the new allocation, and deletes the
old allocation.

The programmer must ensure that any other pointers to the data
are correctly changed.
The operation of realloc is shown below:
void *realloc (void* ptr, size_t new Size);

Releasing of memory (free)

When memory locations are allocated by malloc, calloc, or realloc

are no longer needed, they should be frees using the predefined
function free.

It is an error to free memory with a null pointer.

It is also a potential error to refer to memory after it has been


The function declaration statement fo free is shown below:

void free (void* ptr);

The first one releases a single element, allocated with malloc, back to
heap and second one releases 200 elements (allocated with calloc) back
to heap.
Note: It is not the pointers that are being released but rather what they
point to.

Freeing Memory
Using a pointer after its memory has been released is a
common programming error. Guard against it
by clearing the pointer.

The pointer used to free memory must be of the same type

as the pointer used to allocate the memory.

1. The name malloc stands for memory allocation.
2. malloc() takes one argument i.e, number of bytes.
3. malloc() does not initialize the allocated memory
4. syntax of malloc():
void *malloc(size_t n);
5. Allocates n bytes of memory. If the allocation succeeds, a void pointer to the
allocated memory is returned. Otherwise NULL is returned.
6. malloc is faster than calloc
1. The name calloc stands for contiguous allocation.
2. calloc() takess two arguments.
3. calloc() initializes the allocated memory to ZERO
4. syntax of calloc():
void *calloc(size_t n, size_t size);
5. Allocates a contiguous block of memory large enough to hold n elements of
size bytes each. The allocated region is initialized to zero.
6. calloc takes little longer than malloc because of the extra step of initializing
the allocated memory by zero. However, in practice the difference in speed is
very tiny and not recognizable.
Read and print variables using Read and print array elements using Malloc
Malloc #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdlib.h> int main()
int main() { int n, i, *ptr, sum = 0;
{ printf(“Enter number of elements: “);
int *pa; char *pc; float *pf; scanf(“%d”, &n);
pa = (int*) malloc( sizeof(int)); ptr = (int*) malloc(n * sizeof(int));
printf("Enter integer: "); if(ptr == NULL)
scanf("%d”,pa); {
printf(“number=%d\n”,*pa); printf(“Error! memory not allocated.”);
pc = (char*) malloc( sizeof(char)); exit(0);
printf("Enter character:\n "); }
scanf(“ %c“,pc); printf(“Enter elements of array: “);
printf(“character=%c\n”,*pc); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
pf = (float*) malloc( sizeof(float)); { scanf(“%d”, ptr + i); }
printf("Enter float: "); printf(“array elements are”);
scanf(“%f“,pf); for(i=0;i<n;i++)
printf(“number=%f\n”,*pf); printf(“ %4d“,*(ptr+i));
return 0; free(ptr);
} return 0; }
Realloc Read and print array elements using Calloc
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdlib.h>
int main() int main()
{ { int n, i, *ptr, sum = 0;
int *ptr, i , n1, n2; printf("Enter number of elements: ");
printf("Enter size of array: "); scanf("%d", &n);
scanf("%d", &n1); ptr = (int*) calloc(n, sizeof(int));
ptr = (int*) malloc(n1 * sizeof(int)); if(ptr == NULL)
printf("Address of previously {
allocated memory: "); printf("Error! memory not allocated.");
for(i = 0; i < n1; ++i) exit(0);
printf("%u\t",ptr + i); }
printf("\nEnter new size of array: "); printf("Enter elements of array: ");
scanf("%d", &n2); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i)
ptr = realloc(ptr, n2 * sizeof(int)); { scanf("%d", ptr + i); }
for(i = 0; i < n2; ++i) printf(“array elements are”)
printf("%u\t", ptr + i); for(i=0;i<n;i++)
return 0; printf(“ %4d“,*(ptr+i));
} free(ptr);
return 0; }

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