05.2.26 Lifting Tackle Inspector

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Date 20 October 2023

Lifting Tackle Inspector Site Name Eskom

Appointment Letter Review Date 20 October 2024
Review Nr 3
Document No RSG/DMR18/03


Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993
Driven Machinery Regulation 18

Driven Machinery Regulation 18

Reg. 18(10)(e) “No user shall use or allow the use of any lifting tackle unless the following conditions are
complied with, namely that–

e) Such lifting tackle is examined at intervals not exceeding three (3) months by a person contemplated
in sub-regulation (5) who shall enter and sign the result of such inspection in a book kept for this

Definition: "lifting tackle"

means chain slings, wire rope slings, woven webbing slings, master links, hooks, shackles and swivels, eye
bolts, lifting or spreader beams, tongs, ladles, coil lifters, plate lifting clamps and drum lifting clamps used to
attach a load to a lifting machine.

1. Ensure that all lifting tackle used by RSG Engineering is of the highest standards and always
complies with all statutory requirements as per Driven Machinery Regulations 18
2. Ensure that all lifting tackle used by this company is numbered, inspected before each use daily
when in use and placed on register
3. Ensure that the results of all inspections are recorded and proper records of all Inspections and tests
of all the lifting equipment is on the premises.
4. Review and update the procedures and instructions.
5. Ensure that all lifting tackle is maintained in such a way as to reduce the risk of users
6. Ensure equipment is properly stored.

I, , for , hereby appoint, ___________ ______

(Employee) to ensure all hand tools being used are inspected, recorded and defects reported at intervals
specified, at Eskom Sites.

This appointment is valid from________________ (Date) to the completion of the stipulated construction

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ___________________

Designation: ____16.2_

Acceptance of Appointment:

I, _______________________ hereby accept this appointment and confirm that I have the necessary training
and experience required as specified in Sect 8 (2) (i), and that I am conversant with the relevant statutory
provisions of the Occupational Health and Safety Act 85 of 1993.

Signature: ______________________________ Date: ______________________

Designation: Lifting Tackle Inspector

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