Labor Part 4 Student 2
Labor Part 4 Student 2
Labor Part 4 Student 2
1st Semester, AY 2023-2024
Atty. Cyrus I. Restauro
Cagayan State University – College of Law
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
1. Four-fold Test
2. Two-Tiered Test: Francisco Doctrine
3. Principles on Employer-Employee Relationship
4. Kinds of Employment
a) Regular
b) Casual
c) Probationary
d) Project
e) Seasonal
f) Fixed-term
g) Security Guards
h) Floating Status
5. Legitimate subcontracting vs. Labor-only contracting
a) Legitimate Job Contracting Arrangement
b) Labor-Only Contracting Arrangement
c) Other Illicit Forms of Employment
d) Effects of Labor-Only Contracting and Engaging in Other Illicit
Forms of Employment
e) Legitimate Job Contracting vs. Labor-Only Contracting
f) Solidary Liability
B. Termination by Employer
1. Just Causes
2. Authorized Causes
3. Due Process
a) Twin-Notice Requirement
b) Hearing
C. Termination by Employee
1. Resignation vs. Contstructive Dismissal
D. Preventive Suspension
E. Reliefs from Illegal Dismissal
F. Monetary Claims Arising from Employer-Employee Relationship
G. Retirement
A. Employer-Employee Relationship
1. Four-fold Test
4. Kinds of Employment
a) Regular
i. Legal Basis
iii. Principles
b) Casual
c) Probationary
i. Nature
d. Principles
d) Project
o GMA Network, Inc. vs. Pabriga, G.R. No. 176419, Nov. 27,
v. Principles
o Glory Philippines, Inc. vs. Vergara, G.R. No. 176627, Aug. 24,
o Maraguinot, Jr. vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 120969, Jan. 22, 1998
e) Seasonal
f) Fixed-term
o Pure Foods Corp. vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 122563, Dec. 12, 1997
o Manila Water Co., Inc. vs. Pena, G.R. No. 158255, July 8,
o Pure Foods Corporation vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 122653, Dec. 12,
f) Security Guards
g) Floating Status
• Legal bases
• Trilateral relationship
▪ CBMI vs. Asprec, Jr., G.R. No. 217301, June 06, 2018
▪ Neri vs. NLRC, G.R. Nos. 97008-09, July 23, 1993, 224
SCRA 7171
o Aliviado vs. Procter & Gamble Phils., Inc., G.R. No. 160506, June 6,
o Valencia vs. Classique Vinyl Products Corp., G.R. No. 206390, Jan.
30, 2017
o Lingat and Altoveros vs. Coca-cola Bottlers Phils., Inc., G.R. No.
205688, July 4, 2018
o Mago vs. Sun Power Manufacturing Limited, G.R. No. 210961, Jan.
24, 2018
o Alps Transportation vs. Rodriguez, G.R. No. 186732, June 13, 2013
o Manila Electric Co. vs. Benamira, G.R. No. 146271, July 14, 2005
o Aliviado vs. Protecter & Gamble Phils., Inc., G.R. No. 160506, May
9, 2010
o PCI Automation Center, Inc. vs. NLRC, G.R. No. 115920, January
29, 1996
o Philippines Airlines, Inc. vs. Ligan, G.R. No. 146408, Feb. 29, 2008
f) Solidary Liability
o Eparwa vs. Liceo de Cagayan University, G.R. No. 150402, Nov. 28,
o San Miguel Corp. vs. MAERC Integrated Services, Inc., G.R. No.
144672, July 10, 2003