Task Allocation in Manufacturing Cheng2018
Task Allocation in Manufacturing Cheng2018
Task Allocation in Manufacturing Cheng2018
PII: S2452-414X(18)30080-3
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jii.2018.08.001
Reference: JII 74
Please cite this article as: Ying Cheng , Fengyi Sun , Yongping Zhang , Fei Tao , Task Al-
location in Manufacturing: A Review, Journal of Industrial Information Integration (2018), doi:
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School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, P. R. China
(Corresponding Author: Fei Tao, E-Mail: [email protected])
Abstract: Task allocation (TA) problem is of critical To date, a series of developmental manufacturing modes
importance in manufacturing industry, and determines the have been proposed to realize above-mentioned
effectiveness and efficiency of advanced manufacturing development tendency and requirements. Especially in
systems. A proper TA approach can give an optimized recent years, many national strategic plans are put forward,
arrangement of existing resources, enable manufacturing e.g., Industry 4.0 (Lu 2017), Industrial Internet (Li et al.
system‘s flexibility, thus improve both economic 2018), Made in China 2025 (Li 2018), etc. From the
performance and social benefits. However, there is still no development process of those intelligent manufacturing
modes and the strategies proposed by different countries, we
uniform analysis on TA to date, while it has been paid more
attention from the view of manufacturing resource can see that, customer-focused manufacturing system has
become the main trend for the realization of intelligent
allocation. With the application of advanced information
manufacturing. It is effective to solve the socialized,
and manufacturing technologies, the TA process improved
customized demand problems by corresponding task
with intelligence or even smartness could respond to
distribution and supply-demand matching (Cheng Y et al.
demand changes rapidly and maintain a good balance for 2016).
supply-demand matching issues. In this paper, TA and its To realize the customer-focused manufacturing, tasks
intelligent improvements are picked and investigated. The should be effectively decomposed and distributed.
general workflow of TA is divided into six stages: task Intelligent task allocation (TA), together with
description and modelling, analysis and modelling of TA
process, algorithm selection for TA, decision-making of TA,
simulation, and task execution. Each stage is separately
analyzed at first. In particular, the decision-making process
US manufacturing resource allocation, is the key consideration
for manufacturing service supply and demand matching. As
a result, it is necessary to focus on the practice of intelligent
TA process. TA should rapidly respond to market changes,
of TA consists of two approaches: the traditional way of and balance the relationship of supply and demand in order
system-oriented process (SoP), and the task-oriented to optimize the manufacturing process.
process (ToP). Researches show that the latter one can In order to have a thorough understanding of the existing
better suit current systems and their manufacturing works, 91 articles, which have strong representation in the
environment. At last, future directions of TA are pointed out domain of manufacturing TA, are carefully examined. In the
to make systems achieve much more intelligence. decision-making stage of TA, which is special discussed in
this paper, references are divided into system-oriented
Key Words: Manufacturing task, task allocation (TA), process (SoP) and task-oriented process (ToP). SoP of
intelligent manufacturing, task-oriented process (ToP) of decision-making is a traditional approach. It means using
decision-making, advanced manufacturing systems. one specific manufacturing system to produce large volume
1 Introduction of products. ToP of decision-making means making use of
different machines in separate systems to meet the
Advanced manufacturing systems gradually occupy the inconstant requirements of customized products. By making
dominant position due to the socialization tendency of use of the cooperative work of distributed agents, the
manufacturing industry. The customized requirements of manufacturing system can become more flexible and cost-
single and small-batch products have brought great effective when facing customized productive tasks. Till
challenges to the productive and operational activities of now, due to the rapid development of information
enterprises. At the same time, such trend puts forward new technologies, there are more and more researches or
demands on the application of traditional manufacturing improvements on ToP than before. The contributions of this
systems and the development of advanced manufacturing paper are combing through TA process and providing
systems. Those demands are, (a) effectively decomposing another thinking mode of SoP and ToP for TA decision-
certain task, (b) making full use of distributed making, thus to provide references for more solid
manufacturing agents and resources, (c) adopting a more consideration of task decomposition, resource sharing and
flexible way to respond to dynamic, uncertain, multiple the corresponding supply and demand matching issues.
customized manufacturing task requirements. Most This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces
researches involved in this paper are conducted to realize the research methodology of this paper and classifies six
the allocation of both socialized manufacturing tasks and stages of TA workflow based on the selected papers.
socialized manufacturing resources on the basis of those Section 3 gives the literature review of each stage of TA
requirements. As most of the traditional manufacturing according the classified workflow. Section 4 discusses the
factories are designed for mass production, with little directions on how to make TA achieve more intelligence in
flexibility to adjust to requirement changes, they need to manufacturing systems, and Section 5 concludes the entire
abandon the relatively mature allocating patterns and seek paper.
for development.
2 Research Methodology background, future directions or research methodology.
As we can see in Fig. 2(a), 8 papers are in stage (1), 4
The aim of this study is to extensively review papers are examined in stage (5) and 8 papers concern stage
manufacturing TA to help other practitioners handle (6). In addition, as the main processing phases of TA, stage
problems in this field and optimize their industrial (2) contains 19 papers, stage (3) contains 18 papers, and
structures, as well as to provide an overall instruction on stage (4) contains 24 papers, of which 12 for SoP of
research methods and directions for future work. decision-making, and 12 for ToP of decision-making. Apart
According to the four steps for a literature review from these, there are 6 papers involving in the TA process
mentioned by Mehrbod et al. (2011): material collection, that focus on other issues like maintenance or protocols.
descriptive analysis, category selection and material Some papers we analyzed focus not only on one stage. They
evolution, we involve 91 papers concerning the topic of can focus on two or more stages, such as proposing task
manufacturing TA and its improvements. Papers considered models as well as new algorithms for TA.
in this study are mostly published between the year 2000
and 2018, which have a strong representative of nowadays
allocation technology. We divide the content of those papers
into six different stages of allocation workflow, as shown in
Fig. 1, including (1) task description and modelling, (2)
analysis and modelling of TA process, (3) algorithm
selection for TA, (4) decision-making of TA, (5) simulation,
and (6) task execution. Then we give a separate analysis of
each stage‘s function and nowadays achievements.
Fig. 2 Distribution of the selected papers
The 3 Literature Review of TA
preparatory Task description and
phase modeling
There exists no similar review in the domain of intelligent
manufacturing task allocation. In this section, different
Analysis and stages in the workflow of TA are analyzed. These six stages
modeling of TA
are divided into three phases, i.e., the preparatory phase of
task description and modelling, the authentication phase
Algorithm selection of simulation stage and task execution stage, as well as the
for TA
main processing phase of TA including the analysis and
System-oriented Task-oriented
The main 3.1 Task Description and Modelling
processing scheme
When it comes to manufacturing TA, the first concern is
the problem of task description and modelling, which uses
Task execution
phases, i.e., (a) collecting task-related data which shows
system‘s capability, (b) concluding those data with graphs,
The N
Meet the formats or models, and (c) finding out practical solutions
phase according to task requirements. Task analysis and
description are widely applied in a variety of circumstances,
such as manufacturing industries both using manpower and
with machinery. They should also be considered even in the
Fig. 1 Workflow of TA field of education and financial industry.
Previous studies have concentrated a lot in combining
The number of papers that each stage involves is task analysis and computer modelling, so as to better
illustrated in Fig. 2. Of all the 91 papers we analyzed, there identify system requirements and operating plans with
are 77 papers concerning the TA process, and another 15 human-machine interaction (Kontogiannis 2003). For
papers involved in other parts of this paper, such as industry example, a study conducted by Kontogiannis (2003)
proposed 12 basic requirements to accomplish that
integration using Colored Petri Net. Those requirements but also conventional sampling survey methods are widely
separately reflect aspects of task representation, control and applied. For example, Zona and Zattoni (2007) developed a
decision-making, and usability. Liu et al. (2016) also set up model that relates group‘s social-psychological processes to
multi-objective models and algorithms after quantitative service, monitoring and networking board tasks, and tested
analysis of task granularity, which provided necessary the model through a survey of 301 Italian large
support for task decomposition. manufacturing firms.
There exist many modelling methods which have
3.2 Analysis and Modelling of TA Process
significant influences for industrial domain or existing
manufacturing systems, such as cloud manufacturing According to the definition given by Gordon (2002), TA
(CMfg), collaborative manufacturing, manufacturing grid is the process that results in specific workers being engaged
(MGrid), e-manufacturing, etc. Several examples are listed in specific tasks, with numbers appropriate to the current
below. situation. It operates without any central or hierarchical
Considering industrial ergonomics, various task analysis control, at the same time focuses on task‘s type and
techniques have been developed. Kontogiannis (2003) operating pattern. The process of TA goes after task
described a method that involves both analysis and description and modelling, during which the characteristics
modelling within a single framework based on the 12 basic of task have already been analyzed.
requirements above. It presents an integrated view of Researches have been conducted in different
information flow, and is closely related to the adaptation to manufacturing systems with different characteristics. In
system changes, which includes changes in workload, TA, order to better illustrate the TA process, specific models are
priorities, human errors, etc. Before those researches, built in different manufacturing systems. It is gradually
although not accurately applicable in nowadays situation, known that, an effective description of TA and system
existing approaches, such as Micro SAINT, higher-order design needs to take product‘s evolution into account (Ko
software and WinCrew, have provided useful references for and Hu 2007). Nowadays, single-task service is gradually
In CMfg system, Wang et al. (2014) proposed a
modelling framework which has the characteristics of US
heterogeneity, uncertainty, diversity, correlation of sub-tasks,
replaced by multi-task requirements. This situation makes
the single-task-oriented allocation and optimization methods
out of action. At the same time, it leads to the emergence of
more complex modelling approaches for multi-task
and the requests for service demand and real-time circumstances. The literature review of analysis and
information. This framework is based on ontology of CMfg modelling of TA process in different manufacturing systems
task to solve the general CMfg task ontology construction will be separately illustrated as follows.
problem, and to develop the task sub-ontology extracted
from general CMfg task ontology. 3.2.1 TA Process Modelling in Multi-agent-based
Manufacturing System
Yao et al. (2009) put forward a collaborative
manufacturing task information model based on the Multi-agent system is one of the most promising areas for
information structure of logical manufacturing unit and TA. It consists of several intelligent agents in distributed
logical manufacturing process, expecting to solve complex environment to solve complex engineering problems. TA
part constructing problem. based on multi-agent system owns a certain level of
In MGrid system, He et al. (2011) proposed an ontology flexibility to adjust to the customer‘s requirements.
model of manufacturing task based on the combination According to Vokrinek et al. (2011), the TA process of
study of ontology and MGrid, which involves basic multi-agent system can be divided into three phases:
ontology and MGrid classes, as well as requirement model preprocessing, task deposition and allocation, and resource
of service capacity of MGrid task. Tao et al. (2011) also planning. As for existing researches, Owliya et al. (2010)
analyzed MGrid system. They proposed a framework to proposed four models based on interaction protocols and
decompose manufacturing tasks into several sub-tasks and topologies of multi-agent systems. A Java-based multi-agent
give an optimized selection of resource service. system was developed to simulate different scenarios of TA
In e-manufacturing system, Zhang et al. (2012) proposed and to compare the four models‘ performance. Vokrinek et
a comprehensive mathematical model to solve the al. (2011) presented an abstract architecture to balance the
manufacturing resource configuration problem. This model allocation of tasks to the agent, as well as a corresponding
considers factors like batch volume and alternative algorithm for implementing a wide variety of practical
processing routes, which are more practical for multi-agent-planning and problem-solving system.
manufacturing cell formation. It fits the request of e-
manufacturing quite well, since it solves the problem 3.2.2 TA Process Modelling in Multi-robot Manufacturing
concerning resource‘s visibility and traceability. System
Analysis and modelling process are deeply integrated in In multi-robot manufacturing systems, as more and more
recent researches. Also, they all have different focuses and collaborative robots are designed for specific tasks in
application areas, and most of them are targeted in certain automatic production lines since 1960s, they gradually, and
manufacturing systems. Systems own various characteristics will continuously replace human force in the near future.
due to different practice routines, so in order to optimize Sarker et al. (2014) examined 16 e-puck robots in a simple
such process, the corresponding modelling method puts manufacturing environment under the framework using
different weights on those factors. To test the practical use attractive field model (a generic model of self-organized
of those models, not only computer simulation verification, division of labour derived from the observation of ants,
human and robot social system which can allocate the task disassembly tasks.
and labor autonomously). This study concluded that a multi-
3.2.5 TA Process Modelling for Assembly/Disassembly Line
robot manufacturing system will not perform well unless it
adopts an effective performing and sensing strategy. There exist many studies on the topic of assembly line
Costelha and Lima (2012) also introduced a framework balancing. Assembly line is one of the most commonly used
using Petri Nets to represent robot task plan. This manufacturing processes to produce final products in a flow
framework includes the modelling, analyzing, planning and line. It is the basis of many manufacturing systems. It
execution part of task. In robotic manufacturing system, consists of several tasks. Those tasks are assigned to
there is a mixture of sensing and control process of low- different workstations separately from high-priority to low-
level system, and behavior and perception of high-level one. priority in order to complete the whole manufacturing
Those processes usually consist of several continuous and process in a most optimized way. The assembly line plays
discrete tasks such as sensing, moving, picking up and an important role in producing large quantities of standard
transport. Whereas, it has been a challenging problem to commodity, and recently makes its way to customized
integrate the sensing and control and behavior and products. As a result, it can be described as a flow-oriented
perception of certain systems. To solve this, Zhang et al. manufacturing system, which has great significance on the
(2018) put forward a method based on a two-stage strategy manufacturing task and resource allocation in the system
for dynamic cloud task scheduling and its TA process. Both layer. Since the TA problem is introduced in assembly line
discrete and continuous actions can be planned and issues, approaches have been proposed to solve it, such as
controlled based on this model, and the interaction between metaheuristics or particle swarm optimization (PSO)
the two actions can be formulated analytically. method. Li and Mo (2015) established a multi-weight
contribution balance model and gave a corresponding task
3.2.3 TA Process Modelling in Cellular Manufacturing
queue optimization method for assembly line. Nazarian et al.
(2010) paid their attention to the sequence dependent inter-
Cellular manufacturing system (CMS) is another hybrid
system that combines the advantages both in the wide
variety of the manufacturing products and the high
production rate of the assembly line. It can cope with the
US task time in multi-model manufacturing line design. They
presented a mathematical optimization model using mixed
integer programming to minimize manufacturing line cost.
The developed model will help enhance task-station
production environment which has a demand for mid- assignment. There may be more changes of the analysis
volume and mid variety production mixes. Liu et al. (2016) process under the assumption that task sequences are known
proposed a joint decision-making model to handle the TA but the workforce is partially cross-trained and some tasks
problem in CMS under dual-resource constrained setting. can alternate between workstations. Askin and Chen (2006)
That model involves the consideration for multi-skilled considered this case and proposed a cross-training method
resources, operation sequence, operating and material to improve the flexibility and other characteristics of
handling costs, etc. Lehoux-Lebacque et al. (2015) assembly line. Tuncel and Topaloglu (2013) also analyzed
established the polynomial complexity for the coupled TA the assembly line balancing problem in an electronic
problem and discussed the differences in TA process when company with restraints on position and task assignment.
the number of tasks varies. They also pointed out that the For another, there are some researches concerning the
application of coupled TA problem involves robotic cells disassembly line balancing problem, which shares same
and manufacturing. feathers with assembly line to some extent. Disassembly
line problem aims at determining an effective line design to
methods to achieve the optimization purpose through formulations. Those formulations use an AND/OR Graph as
manufacturing process. The CMfg system has generated the main input so as to ensure the feasibleness of precedence
great deal of interest due to its applicability for globalization, relations among the tasks.
and the number of papers concerning this domain maintains There remains a gap between the real assembly line
a sustainable growth. The distribution of tasks involves balancing situation and researches. A lot of extended factors
many modern technologies and theories, such as big data, should be considered simultaneously for a practical problem.
cloud computing, virtualization and Internet of things. As Boysen et al. (2008) analyzed different practical settings and
for the resource allocation in Cloud Manufacturing, Wang et structured the solving procedure of assembly line balancing.
al. (2016) proposed a model containing four indicators: cost, They built a model to simulate the process, thus helping
time, quality and risk. It can improve the process and operators choose balancing procedures according to their
efficiency of allocating by matching tasks with resources own assembly line types.
according to the task‘s condition. Jiang et al. (2016)
3.2.6 Others
analyzed the TA process in cloud-based disassembly system.
They abstracted that, the disassembly resource in one The coverage of those systems above have some
factory should be allocated to execute disassembly tasks, intersecting situations, as the characteristics of
and built a mathematical model to analyze the allocation manufacturing system are becoming more and more
process. This model considers the uncertainty nature of complex.
process, as well as the precedence relationships of Moreover, there are also other manufacturing patterns. In
flexible manufacturing system, Shah et al. (2016) proposed (2018) also proposed an improved artificial bee colony
an improved colored Petri Net model to reduce the system‘s algorithm by adopting some kind of synergetic mechanism,
analysis time during investigation. This method can reduce new strategy and computing scheme. Venkataramanaiah
the resultant invariants which may lead to the reduced (2008) analyzed a SA algorithm for the scheduling problem
complexity of system. in flow-line-based CMS, in which some products require no
On another side, in MGrid system, TA methods, processing on certain machines. This algorithm can find an
especially the resource allocation of it, is extensively optimized sequence, thus shortens the flow time and
examined by researchers. Liu et al. (2011) proposed a spending.
resource allocation model and integrated it into its Baykasoğlu and Özbakır (2015) used GA to form a new
evolutionary process to construct the MGrid. They also approach for balancing simple assembly lines. GA is fully
analyzed its influence to MGrid network structure. used to discover the TA rules and increase the speed and
From the above review we can learn that, the analysis and accuracy of assembly line balancing.
modelling of TA process have changed their focus from Basic algorithms are used to solving relatively ordinary
single task to multi-task operations. That greatly enhances TA problems in manufacturing. As tasks and machines
the complexity for allocation process description. The core becoming more complex, algorithms are going through
concept for TA in recent researches is collaboration. That continuous fusion and improvement.
involves the collaboration of different manufacturing
3.3.2 Improved Algorithm Design and Selection
systems or distributed machines, as well as different robots
in one manufacturing system. Manufacturing individuals Improvements for algorithms are studied by researchers
usually have open communication channels, so that they can and applied in TA process. Such improvements let basic
behave according to restraints, integrate their independent algorithms better fit practical situations. Improved
producing patterns and achieve the optimal solution. algorithms take a dominant position in algorithm design and
However, as the process becoming more and more complex, selection of TA process. There are 8 articles concerning the
there lack researches on the consideration of task‘s
uncertainty and how systems can correct themselves from
inescapable mistakes on the beginning part of TA process
analyze and modelling.
US improvement of existing algorithms.
Liu et al. (2013) proposed a matrix-coded GA based on
hybrid operators. This method is used for multi-task
operations, such as solving the issue of multi-task oriented
manufacturing cloud service composition and optimization
3.3 Algorithm Design and Selection for TA
with the ‗Multi-Composition for Each Task‘ pattern.
Algorithm is an important supporting tool for Jian and Wang (2014) improved a cooperative PSO
manufacturing TA modelling and simulation. Owing to algorithm to strengthen the fast convergence ability and
different characteristics of systems, the emphasis of avoid local optimization. They used this improved algorithm
allocation processes varies from each other, leading to a to solve the TA problem in CMfg, which requires dynamic
great difference in algorithm selection. and real-time reflection and more precise disposal of big
Basic algorithms that are often used include PSO, data.
simulated annealing (SA) algorithm, genetic algorithm (GA), Wang et al. (2016) used a new swap-shuffled leap-frog
fuzzy algorithm, etc. Some techniques like machine learning algorithm (SSLFA) to propose a resource allocation model
and soft computing are also commonly used for TA. On the in CMfg systems. This algorithm is the improvement of
other hand, due to the limitation of basic algorithms in shuffled leap-frog algorithm (SLFA), which was proposed
increasingly complex systems, improvements of these based on PSO and memetic algorithm. They tested the
algorithms are also studied. In recent researches, different algorithm with different example scales and end conditions,
hybrid algorithms are proposed for different cases. These and compared it with PSO and SA to find its superiority.
hybrid algorithms are evaluated to take the advantages of Jiang et al. (2016) also proposed a multi-objective GA for
existing algorithms mentioned above. Also, some newly- TA in cloud-based disassembly line. This algorithm is on the
developed algorithms are proposed to better solve TA basis on non-dominated sorting GA II and can perform well
problems. in practical situation. Computation results show that the
algorithm can generate a set of Pareto optimal solutions.
3.3.1 Basic Algorithm Design and Selection
algorithm is effective even for large-size problems, because are two separate ways of thinking. First is the traditional
its performance does not depend on the distribution of job process of using one existing, unique system for the
processing times. production of goods, i.e., SoP of decision-making.
When it comes to job shop scheduling problem (JSSP), in Traditionally we tend to analyze things of manufacturing
which the selection of the best scheduling solution is not from the system layer. We are trying to find out how to use
polynomially bounded, heuristic methods are often the current manufacturing system to produce target products
considered. Scaria et al. (2016) proposed an algorithm based efficiently, and how to manage the whole lifecycle of
on artificial bee colony approach to solve the JSSP, which manufacturing task to make it scientific and easy to operate.
involves two performance measures rather than the single As to the second one, ToP of decision-making, is to analyze
criteria that most researchers did. the characteristics of tasks and allocate different parts of
them to different, existing manufacturing systems, which
3.3.3 Hybrid Algorithm Design and Selection
can greatly improve the efficiency and quality of production,
Apart from papers involves algorithm selection, lots of but put more requirements on the interconnection and
work has been done to propose newly-designed hybrid cooperation of manufacturing machines and allocation
algorithms. Hybrid algorithms can take advantage of methods.
different basic approaches, thus achieve better results. Zhao There are many influencing factors for the result of
et al. (2007) described a hybrid algorithm based on PSO and decision-making process of TA, along with different
SA for the allocation in holonic manufacturing system indicators for system performance, such as time, cost,
(HMS). PSO has fast convergent rate. At the same time, it reliability or variance. The optimal result is relative.
has the disadvantages of low accuracy and divergence. This Operators tend to assign different weights for different
hybrid algorithm combines the high speed of PSO with the indicators. Under this assumption, they identify the
powerful ability of SA to avoid being trapped in local effectiveness of their algorithms by simulation. Also, for
minimum. That makes the system more reconfigurable and practical situation, some influences can lead to the errors
Son (2014) adopted machine learning and fuzzy
optimization to introduce an algorithm. This method can
better control robot‘s part micro-manipulation. The
US between theory and reality, such as the state of operators
and machines. Some simplified conditions can also have
negative influences, such as the ignorance of task operating
time uncertainty during allocation process. All those factors
augmenting accurate control is proposed with some need quantitative consideration in the decision-making stage
measures of intelligence to reduce the uncertainty of task of TA.
execution. There are many papers concerning the topic of decision-
Józefczyk (2006) introduced three hybrid solution making process. They focus on different systems or
algorithms to solve the TA problem with moving executors circumstances with different factors and corresponding
for minimum completion time. These algorithms are formed weights. Decision-making processes, both SoP and ToP, are
based on evolutionary approach, and are different in the way separately illustrated below.
that SA metaheuristics applied. It shows the best result when
3.4.1 System-oriented Process of Decision-making
review that involves newly-developed algorithm. Hashemi manufacturing industries consist of the whole process that
and Ghiasi (2010) proposed a provably-effective algorithm transfers raw materials to final products.
to assign the tasks to processors in heterogeneous soft Traditional manufacturing systems represent mass
multiprocessor systems with mapping streaming application. production. They own the characteristics of high production
They addressed that their approach is versatile and can rate and high machine utilization due to the mature
apply to a variety of platforms. procedures and fixed machines. However, it becomes hard
The selection of algorithm is influenced by the for these systems to adjust to outer or inner changes, making
complexity level of the original algorithm, the adaptive them not applicable to customized production. As a result,
capacity to various situations, as well as their effects on the the number of papers concerning this topic is gradually
allocation optimization. There are many indicators that can decreasing as time goes by.
estimate algorithm‘s performance, such as the difficulty, and As the development of information and computer control
accuracy or operating time. Of all the papers concerning technology, those manufacturing systems are changing their
algorithm selection for TA process, most of the improved or patterns to some extent in order to increase flexibility. New
newly-designed approaches focus on the optimization of kinds of systems or machines emerge, such as the flexible
accuracy. manufacturing system. It is based on Computer Numerical
Control (CNC) Machine Tool, which can be allocated multi-
3.4 Decision-making of TA product, small-lot productions, thus represents the level of
When it comes to decision-making process of TA, there automation. Tripathi et al. (2005) presented a multi-agent-
based approach to solve the part selection and TA problem the topology of the precedence between operations, they
with flexible manufacturing departments. It has some created a slot-block theory to compute the precedence graph.
amount of flexibility that enables manufacturing system to To reduce the error caused by the ignorance of operating
react in case of predicted or unpredicted changes on time uncertainty in the disassembly line balancing problem,
production requirements. Maione and Naso (2003) proposed Bentaha et al. (2015) proposed a decision tool to allow the
a task contracting method based on soft computing in multi- decision makers find the best disassembly process and
agent manufacturing control. They applied fuzzy techniques assign it to End of Life products. That can ensure the best
and implemented a real-time, multi-criteria task contracting workstation for manufacturing under precedence and cycle
mechanism for part flow control. time constraint, thus improves the decision accuracy.
When models are formed, decisions can be made
3.4.2 Task-oriented Process of Decision-making
according to different requirements or restrictions of the
practical situation. For example, Tuncel and Topaloglu As addressed before, ToP of decision-making, is to
(2013) used the example in an electronic company to analyze the characteristics of tasks and allocate different
illustrate the assembly line balancing problem with parts of them to different, existing manufacturing systems.
restrictions on position, task assignment and station The rapid development of advanced manufacturing
paralleling. Huang et al. (2012) constructed a model to technology has enabled enterprises and other manufacturers
analyze the empirical effects of the task environment on to carry out productive operations in a more customized way.
reverse logistic commitment. It is a fairly new manufacturing style since the focus of
The allocation decision of designer is greatly influenced manufacturing process shifts from system‘s ability to the
by factors related to not only tasks, but also their own demand of tasks. For manufacturing TA, there are many
design practices (Papantonopoulos 2004). That can be ways to optimize allocating and execution process by
reflected on the human factor engineering. The influence of making full use of various manufacturing resources. At the
human factor engineering should be extended to the same time, there remain considerations of how to allocate
description study of system design and other stages of TA. A
comparative study of cognitive TA problem in a flexible
manufacturing system is provided and the differences
between normative and actual practice of system design is
US the tasks to different machines or groups to minimize the
overall cost. Researches have been conducted to achieve the
optimum use of manufacturing systems for the request of
certain task.
illustrated. Zamorano and Stolletz (2016) also provided a Collaborative production system appears suitable to the
branch-and-price approach for multi-period technician current requirements of ToP in manufacturing industry. It is
routing and scheduling problem motivated by the case of an a system that has large scale, complicated task, specialized
external maintenance provider. Molleman and Annick function and high opacity. In collaborative producing
(2007) turned their focus on the relationship between pattern, a task can be divided into several independent
worker flexibility in team-based work and its perceived elements, such as raw material procuring and storing,
contribution to efficiency, work quality and innovation. manufacture performing, goods storage and transport. Each
However, their assumption is that all technicians are individual entity cooperates with each other to achieve the
proficient in different skills, which is an ideal situation that optimized result. That is a representative of task-oriented
will not always occur in our daily life. thinking. Ko and Nof (2012) investigated the design of
Machines also need accurate selection in decision-making Task Administration Protocol (TAP) and non-TAP
process of TA. CNC machine and flexible manufacturing Coordinate Protocol (CP) in collaborative production
system represent the autonomic level of manufacturing and systems for effective allocation and administration. They
allocating. Wu et al. (2010) gave an example of CNC proposed a framework of protocols, in which TAPs are
machine. Based on multiple criteria considered by different designed as a control mechanism to manage complex
decision makers and their variance of important weights and manufacturing situation. They are activated for priority-
preference ratings, they proposed a group decision-making based allocation, resource-aware allocation, task re-
framework using fuzzy VIKOR method to select machine allocation in different manufacturing situation.
tools with different linguistic information, so as to Besides collaborative manufacturing system, TA process
accomplish the repetitive, difficult and unsafe in MGrid system also represents the idea of task-oriented
method to break through the limitation of enterprise intelligent concurrent design task planner to shorten the time
production scope and management mode. of time-to-market process and improve the agility of a
Of all the task-oriented manufacturing modes mentioned manufacturing system. Several integral programs and a
above, supply chain is of great significance in TA process. column generation formulation is present by Ernst et al.
The supply chain is a system of organizations, people, (2006) to solve the TA problems both for capacitated
activities, information and resources involved in transferring manufacturing environment and for incapacitated one.
a product or service from supplier to customer. Its
3.5 Task Simulation
arrangement influences the transfer of raw materials and
arrangement of machines or factories. The optimal Simulation means imitating the operations of real tasks or
allocation of those resources is a challenging task for supply processes by using a set of models and other technologies.
chain deployment in current competitive, dynamic Those models are established beforehand to calculate and
manufacturing environment. There are many objectives that describe the real situation which varies as time goes by. The
affect the function of systems requiring simultaneous difference between modelling and simulation is that, model
considerations, such as time, cost, quality and risks, etc. represents the manufacturing TA, and the simulation process
Zhang et al. (2016) used the Teaching-Learning-Based represents the operation of system over a certain time period.
Optimization algorithm to solve both the resource selection As a result, task simulation is of same importance as task
and resource sequencing discrete combinatorial modelling. During simulation process, the validity of
optimization problem simultaneously. The result verifies models can be identified.
that it can obtain a better manufacturing resource allocation In the TA process, simulation is divided into two parts:
plan than current algorithms. decision-making simulation and execution simulation.
The task-oriented allocating and manufacturing pattern Decision-making simulation refers to the simulation
has led to the emergence of virtual enterprises. Those verification for the result of decision-making of TA. And
enterprises focus on organizing manufacturing activities execution simulation refers to the forward simulation for the
both within themselves and across the whole supply
network they established. They share their skills,
manufacturing lines of other core competences in order to
better correspond to task changes or business opportunities.
US following task execution process.
3.5.1 Decision-making Simulation
As the development of modern technique of task analysis,
There are many researches on the decision-making process modelling and simulation process can be achieved within
of TA for virtual enterprises. Choi et al. (2007) proposed a the same framework. Decision-making simulation is an
task assignment method for virtual enterprises to select important method to identify its validity. For example, in
manufacturing partners and allocate tasks within the formed order to reduce productive cost and save time, Jian and
groups. Chen et al. (2007) also proposed a qualitative search Wang (2014) put forward a dual-objective model with the
algorithm for partner-selecting and task-allocating in the EA. Simulation experiments are followed, proving that the
formation of dynamic virtual enterprises. Ko et al. (2001) conduction of this model is effective for real situation. Zha
explained a method to designate certain virtual enterprise and Lim (2000) proposed a knowledge-based expert Petri
with the consideration of minimizing the production and net model to solve the problem of assembly/disassembly
transportation cost. planning. It can generate the best strategy and plan, and is
The task-oriented cooperation needs information exemplified by task simulation process as well as a real
technology, which is adopted by many markets and assembly line.
manufacture enterprises to improve their long-term In addition, decision-making simulation can be used to
operating strategies. Enterprises join into several assess the operating rules of certain task. Chien (2006)
reconfigurable, network-like, dynamic groups where they studied the control problem of automated guided vehicles
can make full use of other‘s equipment through allocating (AGVs). They put forward a simulation process to assess
process. As a result, many strategies are put forward to fit the performance of task-determination rules and delivery-
this trend. Liu et al. (2014) proposed a collaborative design dispatching rules for the multi-load AGVs in different
mechanism which meets the requirements of collaborative circumstances. They achieved the best combination of those
product design for distributed product development, aiming rules by understanding their mutual effects.
study of different human-centered simulation approaches reliability of cyclic and non-cyclic appliance manufacturing
and their corresponding methodology in advanced tasks. They used the hand activity level (HAL) to measure
manufacturing systems. the exposure to repetitive exertions during cyclic and non-
cyclic tasks and demonstrated that HAL may be a reliable
3.6 Task Execution
tool for assessment.
Task execution is the last stage of manufacturing TA
3.7 Others
workflow, and is the only way to test whether former TA
procedure correspond to real situation. In other words, the There are other papers concerning the improvements or
former allocation processes should be organized around the the analysis of the existing allocation process. They
task execution, thus can achieve the best effects. separately described as follows.
In task execution stage, there exist many realistic factors
3.7.1 Maintenance
that may influence the consequence of simulation or the
final profit of allocating pattern, such as environment issue, Maintenance is an influencing factor for the performance
labor issue or space issue. These influencing factors should and stability of task execution. According to a survey
be considered beforehand on decision-making stage. conducted in some industrial plants, among 26 most
Moreover, extra adjustments are needed for optimization. commented and reported problems, maintenance is one of
Lots of researchers, such as Jayaswal and Agarwal (2014), the main problems that factories need to face when they
pointed out that the improved U-shaped assembly lines can plan to implement advanced manufacturing technologies in
help the manufacturing industry overcome many their assembly lines (Jorge and Alejandro 2013).
disadvantages of traditional lines, such as inflexibility, job Maintenance problems include the performance of assembly
monotony, large inventories, etc. Lung (2007) proposed a line in the long run, the sustainable quantity demanded,
novel approach based on odd algorithm to preserve task stable stuff members, etc. The problem of task maintenance
condition. This method goes beyond mathematical may generate bankruptcy if not handle properly. In task-
calculation of quality and efficiency, and turns to the
domain of eco-efficiency in the product lifecycle.
Proper use of industrial robot can also do some help in
optimizing the final result of allocating. Perumaal and
US oriented industrial management, task maintenance refers to
the ability to maximize the recurrences of manufacturing
tasks on the same machine throughout product evolution
(Kovács 2016).
Jawahar (2013) analyzed the pick-and-place task of The problem of maintenance costs a lot of expense in
industrial robot and proposed an automated trajectory industries. From 1979, the maintenance cost of U.S.
planner to determine a smooth, minimum-time and industrial firms increased by 10%-15% per year (Li and Ni
collision-free trajectory. Kootbally (2016) presented a 2009), and can reach 15%-70% of production costs varying
capability model of industrial robot for assembly work, from industry types (Bevilacqua and Braglia 2000). From
which can be used to identify the most suitable robot for the existing literature we can learn that, most of the
manufacturers. Due to their great speed, precision and cost- conventional decision support systems for maintenance and
effectiveness in repetitive work, those robots tend to be used production have a focus on long-term statistical analysis,
in place of human workers in automated manufacturing and are based on heuristic methods or experience.
system. Meanwhile, allocating works to robots can not only Nevertheless, Li and Ni (2009) proposed a short-term
increase the working efficiency, but also reduce worker‘s decision support system to respond to the dynamic changes
physical damage. For example, Gooyers and Stevenson in system behaviors.
(2012) analyzed the impact of the increasing work rate on
task demands for an industrial hand tool assembly task. 3.7.2 Protocol
They found that as the work rate increases, speed fastening For more effective performance in collaborative
workers may be exposed to an elevatory risk of manufacturing, protocols are essentially needed to regulate
musculoskeletal injury, which is common for work the act of groups or agents. On the other hand, Protocol
completed at shoulder height. As a result, the development transition plays an important role in today‘s collaborative
of continuous feed tool is one path to productivity manufacturing, since it promotes the information system
improvement and maintenance of worker‘s health. integration. Anussornnitisarn et al. (2002) thought that, two
Safety issue is of great significance for task execution. major ingredients for future effective automated
Marvel et al. (2015) conducted a risk assessment for human- collaboration are autonomous agents and active protocols.
robot collaborative tasks. They pointed out that this task- They used the time-out protocol to solve congestion
based safety assessment can be evaluated offline by utilizing problems in multi-agent system with distributed
a flexible ontology for task deposition on the initial design manufacturing environment. Ko and Nof (2012) designed a
stage. During task execution process, operators‘ health Task Administration Protocol (TAP) to manage the complex
condition also deserves attention. For example, situation. TAPs is constituted of three component protocols:
manufacturers should avoid prolong standing posture during Task Requirement Analysis Protocol, Shared Resource
monotonous tasks, since it may lead to disorders, such as Allocation Protocol and Synchronization & Time-out
fatigue, pain and muscle stiffness Balasubramanian et al. protocol. They are triggered at certain stage in task
(2009). administration.
Task execution performance should be analyzed to find
out the optimized method for task execution. Paulsen et al. 4. Future Research Directions of Intelligent TA
(2014) conducted a case study to evaluate the inter- Manufacturing task intelligent allocation is going through
a complex development to meet the requirements of ToP of integration technology is one of basic conditions.
decision-making in manufacturing systems. The customized Cyber physical system (CPS) Gurdur and Asplund (2018)
trend pushes manufacturers and researchers to make TA and Service-oriented Architecture (SOA) Viriyasitavat and
process more efficient, beneficial and quantified, thus Martin (2017) are created to analyze and enhance this
improves the productivity, efficiency and enterprise‘s profits. integration trend. CPS is the core of Industry 4.0, and is
Considering the requirements of new trends or new used to realize the information integration between cyber
objectives, and introducing some new technologies or world and physical world. SOA has been used as the main
theories, the further intelligent TA in manufacturing systems information integration framework. Service uses specific
becomes possible. Some specific research directions are protocols to regulate the process of passing and parsing
pointed out. These derived research directions separately messages in SOA. Those services in different systems can
correspond to new TA mode, modelling theory, interact with each other in a unified and universal way. The
configuration mechanism, solving method, configuration information integration in TA process based on CPS and
target and execution mode, as shown in Fig. 3. Actually, the SOA can be achieved to offer suggestions for manufacturing
influences are not totally independent. For example, new decision-making, and is attracting more and more attention.
technologies lead to the development of new TA mode, and
4.1.2 Complex Networks Theory based Systems and
TA mode puts new requirements on configuration
Problem Modelling
mechanism and target. New configuration mode causes
different TA problem, which can also result in new The complex network theory provides a useful thinking
modelling theory. On the other hand, new configuration method for analyzing complexity science and complex
problem and modelling method will lead to new systems, especially for collaborative manufacturing systems.
configuration mechanism and solving method as well. New There exist many complex relationships between different
execution mode is another significant reflection of the individuals, such as competitive-cooperative relationship for
application of related technologies in advanced manufacturing enterprises, the relational network of
manufacturing systems. These techniques and theories are
among the above-mentioned six effects, and enable
manufacturing systems progressing into a more complicated,
deeply-networked, service-oriented structure, at the same
US complex parts and product size. The accomplishment of
information integration leads to the change on TA mode.
New relationships are generated because of the supporting
mode in collaborative manufacturing systems. All those
time influence the intelligent TA pattern. relationships cannot be avoided when analyzing
manufacturing system integration and system‘s performance.
4.1 Information Integration-driven TA Mode and
They can be described and controlled based on complex
Problem Description
network theory.
4.1.1 CPS and SOA Based Information Integration As stated before, task-oriented operation leads to the
of unified arrangement, the barrier of manufacturing The application of big data and deep learning can greatly
resource gathering and infrastructure construction block the facilitate the application of Cyber Physical Systems in
implementation of large scale of integration. That all put Industry 4.0 (Xu and Duan 2018), at the same time,
forward high requests for the daily practice of enterprises. optimize ToP of decision-making in many different ways.
To meet the requirements and optimize allocating and With large amount of data revealing allocating process and
manufacturing pattern, more researches and productive system operation, the simulation can be more optimized and
activities should focus on the information integration-driven more similar to real situations. The investigation of big data
TA mode using CPS and SOA and the related problem can make manufacturers up-to-date on market dynamics,
modelling method with complex network theory. and provide decision support for operation strategy. Also, it
can help enterprise react more quickly to customer‘s
4.2 Task Decomposition Mechanism Considering
demands and offer customized service. On the other hand,
Manufacturing Service Models and Supply-demand
task and system‘s universal characteristics can be better
Matching Issues
grasped, big data and deep learning technology may do
Service-oriented and demand-driven manufacturing trend some help to form a more widely-applied model for ToP of
promotes the emergence of collaborative manufacturing decision-making.
pattern. Complex and compound tasks also take dominant Data driven and deep learning technology are important
position in the production requirements of manufacturing signals of industry 4.0 and service-oriented manufacturing
system. However, task‘s complexity makes it difficult for systems. In recent years, manufacturing enterprises are
single manufacturing resource or equipment to completely adopting a cloud-based architecture for the processing of
accomplish a certain task as they did before. As a result, a multiple data. Cluster resource manager, such as Apache
complex task should be decomposed into several sub-tasks, Mesos, Google Omega, Apache YARN and IBM Platform
and be performed in different manufacturing systems or EGO, have appeared to provide uniformed services of
with different equipment. All that situations put new resource management (Abu-Dbai et al. 2016). Also, Abu-
requests on the formation and use of task decomposition
As for the existing task decomposition mechanism, most US
of operators adopt certain templates or use artificial methods
Dbai et al. (2016) evaluated the function of Apache Mesos
and pointed out its default, viz., lack of policy and tenancy
capabilities. The market has provided more and more
platforms for disposing data. As a result, enterprises are
for simple, primary task decomposition. Some of the shifting from task-driven to data-driven. Big data and deep
decomposition processes are even based on human learning are examined by researches to optimize the
experience. Thus, the task decomposition mechanism owns enterprise operation patterns Cheng et al. (2018). Not only
low intelligence. As mentioned before, establishing a task in manufacturing industry, some internet companies also use
decomposition mechanism considering manufacturing data driven operation pattern to analyze customer or user ‘s
service model and supply-demand matching issue is of great behaviors, in order to provide them with individualized
importance for realizing intelligent manufacturing and information. These companies include Amazons, LinkedIn
manufacturing collaboration. As a result, forming such and Facebook.
decomposition mechanism is quite necessary. However, there lack researches on the application of big
Related researches have already been conducted in data and deep learning on ToP of decision-making in
separate angles for TA considering manufacturing service manufacturing industry.
and supply-demand matching. For example, Zuo et al. (2014)
4.4 Human-friendly and Eco-friendly Allocating
proposed a framework for resource allocation optimization
with the consideration of multi-task and deadline constrains.
And Cheng et al. (2017) analyzed the supply-demand Other than economic factors, more factors should be
matching problem for manufacturing service. considered for TA from modelling to simulation and
However, there is still room for perfection and theory execution process. For example, human factors such as
integration. Researches are needed to analyze the whole skills, fatigue and health, and environmental factors. Those
decomposition process and the following TA process with two factors are related to social benefits, thus put forward a
the existing manufacturing service and supply-demand higher request on the influence of manufacturing TA.
stationary one, thus find its influence on the incidence of manufacturing and a positive factor for manufacturing
musculoskeletal disorders. They also proposed an performance, the trends of automatic equipment and service
ergonomic design of the dynamic posture which is benefit application market will definitely show broad perspectives.
for human health. Chung and Wang (2002) also considered However, intelligent equipment cannot completely
human factors and ergonomics problem in manufacturing replace human work like decision-making, and the
system. They presented the ergonomics interventions for intelligence of task execution usually depends on the level
water-handling tasks in a specific case of the semiconductor of human-machine collaboration or interaction during that
manufacturing company. Gooyers and Stevenson (2012) process. As a result, issues like human-machine
analyzed the impact of an increase in work rate for Speed collaboration should also be covered for TA modelling and
Fastening task, and proposed using continuous feed tool to decision-making.
reduce the bad influence on human health. It is quite clear On the other hand, the transportation of tasks and
that human-friendly operating patterns will take their equipment put new demands on device-independent
positions in manufacturing industries, and in return, mobility on task level. The interaction between devices
attribute to more benefits. needs a powerful network infrastructure and a standard task
Manufacturers also try to optimize internal structure and and device description. The period for technology updates
combine producing with environmental benefits to win with no requirement on control software reprogramming
customer‘s preference and make profit, thus extract the should also be shorter (Zuehlke 2010). All those feathers
concept of eco-friendly allocating pattern. Flow provide new study fields on device-independent mobility.
manufacturing often relays on nature resources and makes That also increases the complexity and difficulty of human-
profit by reprocessing. That process often generates wastes, machine collaboration based task execution.
thus put high pressure on environment. Researches have Except industrial robot, there are other techniques which
been done to minimize the negative impact on environment, can also emancipate human productive force and improve
at the same time achieving maximum economic profits. manufacturing quality in the execution stage, such as 3D
Wissmann et al. (2012) took a cheese industry as an
example to analyze the environmental impact. They found
that environmental cost takes 5.59% of the total operating
cost with a suitable disposal of waste. On the other hand,
US print. 3D print can realize the manufacture of complicated
3D components by using digital model and computer
control, but lacks of speed and authenticity. The interaction
and collaboration between different newly-proposed
regulations are widely established to create eco-friendly technologies and theories should also be considered.
manufacturing patterns. Choi et al. (2012) proposed an What‘s more, industrial robot can alleviate the labor
energy-economic model and combined it with lifecycle shortages in manufacturing enterprises, but there still remain
assessment in order to find out how energy policies improvements on the application scale and the completeness
influence product system. Their method can guide of industry systems, so there still need more efforts on
Although numerous researches concerning human factor process and industry environment more efficient and
or environment issue during manufacturing task execution competitive, but have not showed expected outcomes (Xu et
have been put forward, most of them just focus on one al. 2018). Not only in Industry 4.0, but also its important
single issue, so there lacks an integrated method to combine component, the TA process, challenges and issues are still
and analyze various social benefits and financial profit waiting to be resolved.
patterns on other stages of TA, such as resource concerning the topic of TA and analyze the allocating
transportation or follow-up maintenance. workflow from task description and modelling to task
4.5 Human-machine/robot Collaboration based Task execution. We attempt to find out current research focus and
Intelligent Execution existing improvements during the analysis. Researches are
mechanisms would be proposed based on those new Choi, K. H., Kim, D. S., & Doh, Y. H. (2007). Multi-agent-based
technologies. The transformation of thinking mode is also task assignment system for virtual enterprises. Robotics and
taking place, thus as the emphasis on environment and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 23(6), 624-629.
human health, and human-robot collaboration. Future Chung, H. C., & Wang, M. J. (2002). Ergonomics interventions for
wafer-handling task in semiconductor manufacturing
research directions on TA problem are much more focused
industry. Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing
on product‘s whole lifecycle to achieve the final goals of & Service Industries, 12(3), 297-305.
both high-quality and high profit, at the same time creating Costelha, H., & Lima, P. (2012). Robot task plan representation by
more social benefits. Petri nets: modelling, identification, analysis and execution.
Autonomous Robots, 33(4), 337-360.
Acknowledgements Dote, Y., & Ovaska, S. J. (2001). Industrial applications of soft
This work is financially supported in part by National Natural Science computing: a review. Proceedings of the IEEE, 89(9), 1243-
Foundation of China (NSFC) under Grant 51522501, National Key 1265.
Research and Development Program of China (No.2016YFB1101700), and Ernst, A., Jiang, H., & Krishnamoorthy, M. (2006). Exact
Beijing Nova Program (Z161100004916063) in China. Solutions to Task Allocation Problems. Management Science,
52(10), 1634-1646.
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