24 - A Thesis - v10
24 - A Thesis - v10
24 - A Thesis - v10
Emad Alhani
A thesis submitted in accordance with the requirements for the award of
the degree of Doctor of Philosophy of the Cardiff University
May 2023
Supervised by:
Dr. Fatih Anayi
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
I certify that this thesis has never been submitted before for a degree, nor has it been
Emad Alhani
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
The greatest praise goes to Allah (God), who has given me the wisdom, health, and
With the deepest gratitude, I would like to extend my best wishes to my primary
supervisor, Dr. Fatih Anayi, for the outstanding guidance, intellectual support, and
studying under Dr. Fatih Anayi, I have learned a great deal academically and personally.
The comments and advice you provided regarding my research, as well as my life and
career, were invaluable. Additionally, I wish to thank my second supervisor, Dr. Yevgen
My sincere thanks go out to the many people who have contributed to the success of this
research and thesis. The author would like to thank Libya's higher education ministry.
Without their funding, this work would not have been possible. Thanks to them for their
It is also highly appreciated that the academic and technical support staff within the school
helped with the construction of the equipment used for the experimental work, as well as
the design of the printed circuit boards. Thanks are due to the Postgraduate Research
supported and encouraged me throughout my life and my academic pursuits. Thank you to
all my family members and relatives who have inspired and motivated me.
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
The thesis proposes developing, analysing, and verifying these DC-DC converters to
improve the current state-of-the-art topology. Four new DC-DC converters for
applications like light emitting diode, lighting microgrids DC, PV applications, and
electric vehicles are as follows.
In this study, the two-input converter is presented. The two-input converter that has
been proposed serves as the interface between the two input sources and load. Using
two switches and two diodes, the proposed converter minimises switching losses and contains
eight components in total, making it compact and low volume. As a result, the highest
average efficiency is 92.5%, and the lowest is 89.6%.
In this research, the new three-port converter that has been proposed serves as the
interface between the input source, a battery, and a load. In addition, the converter is
suitable for use in standalone systems or satellite applications. A low-volume converter is
designed with three switches and two diodes, thereby minimizing switching losses and ten
components in total. Regarding efficiency, the highest average is 92.5%, and the lowest is
Also, this study proposes a single-switch high-step-up converter for LED drivers and PV
applications. A further benefit of the proposed converter over conventional classical
converters is that it utilises only one active switch. These results align with simulation
results, and its gain is 6.8 times greater than classical converters. Furthermore, stress
across switches and diodes is smaller than the output voltage, approximately 50%.
Semiconductor losses were limited with a low duty cycle of 0.7. This makes the highest
average efficiency 95% and the lowest 93.9%.
The new four-port converter is presented for applications such as microgrid structures
and electric vehicles. As part of the integrated converter, two or three converters are
combined by sharing some components, such as switches, inductors, and capacitors, to
form a single integrated converter. As a result of the four-port converter proposed,
battery power can be managed, and output voltage can be regulated simultaneously.
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
Table of Contents
Declaration............................................................................................................... I
Acknowledgements ................................................................................................. II
Abstract.................................................................................................................. III
1.3.2 EV ......................................................................................................... 10
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
Chapter 5 High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications ........... 87
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
D.1 Introduction………………………………………………………………147
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
E.1 Introduction……………………………………………………………...150
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
List of Figures
Fig 1.1 An illustration of the terminal I-V characteristics of a solar array, (a)
Fig 1.3 Solar panels and batteries supply platform power, while various user loads
Fig 1.5 Renewable energy system connected to the single-phase grid [17]. .......................... 8
Fig 1.7 Block diagram of a high intensity discharge lamp ballast. ............................................ 12
Fig 2.1 Traditional multiport connection in a standalone power system: (a) Multi-
Fig 2.3 The general configuration of a renewable energy generation system using a
three-port converter: (a) SISO mode. (b) SIDO mode. (c) DISO mode. ................................... 22
Fig 2.4 MPC category: (a) Non-isolated converter. (b), (c) partly isolated converter.
Fig 2.9 Non-isolated high step-up three-port DC-DC converter for hybrid energy
Fig 2.11 Proposed a non-isolated “dual-input dual-output boost converter [55]. ............. 29
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
Fig 2.13 The three-port half-bridge converter with synchronous regulation (TPHBC-
Fig 2.14 The pulse width modulation (PWM) plus secondary-side phase-shift
Fig 2.17 Isolated triple-active-bridge converter half bridge [66], [72]. .................................. 34
Fig 2.20 Cascade converter with two stages boost converters [75],[76]. .............................. 38
Fig 2.26 Classification of boost converters by voltage conversion ratio [100]. ................... 46
Fig 3.2 Typical Steady-state waveforms of proposed converter in (a) with d1 > d2, (b)
Fig 3.3 Equivalent circuit in DIDO mode. (a) Switching mode I. (b) Switching mode II.
Fig 3.5 Specifications of the circuit, (a), (b) Driver signals, (c), Inductor currents of L1,
(d), Capacitors voltage Co, and (e), (f) voltage across switches. ............................................... 58
Fig 3.6 The efficiency of the presented converter for various output powers. .................... 59
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
Fig 4.1 Present converter structure (a) Two-input converter proposed based on sepic
Fig 4.5 Different switching states of the DIM:(a) state 1, (b) state 2, (c) state 3. ................ 71
Fig 4.6 Different switching states of the DOM:(a) state 1, (b) state 2, (c) state 3................ 72
Fig 4.7 Control scheme of the proposed three-port converter [124]. ..................................... 74
Fig 4.9 Results of the experiment in DIM (a) gate driving signals, (b) Output voltage
Capacitor. ........................................................................................................................................................ 78
Fig 4.10 Results of the experiment in DIM (a) inductor current of L1 (b) inductor
Fig 4.11 Results of the experiment in DIM (a) battery current, (b) and (c)Power
Fig 4.12 Experimental results in DOM (a) gate driving signals (b) output voltage. ........... 80
Fig 4.13 Experimental results in DOM (a) inductor Current of L1 (b) inductor current
of L2. .................................................................................................................................................................. 81
Fig 4.14 Experimental results in DOM Power switch voltage stresses. .................................. 81
Fig 4.15 Experimental results in DOM (a) Diode voltage stresses (b) battery current. ... 82
Fig 4.16 The efficiency of the presented converter for various output powers. ................. 82
Fig 4.17 Present converter structure of the multiple-input converter proposed. .............. 85
Fig 5.2 Equivalent circuits of the switching modes (a) Operation mode I, (b)
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
Fig 5.8 Results of simulation of the input current iL1 and output voltage. ........................... 98
Fig 5.9 The input current of inductor iL1 and voltage across the power switch Q. ............ 98
Fig 5.10 Result of simulation of the input current iL1 and voltage across diode D1. .......... 99
Fig 5.11 Results of the simulation of the output current inductor (iL2) and voltage
Fig 5.12 View of the experimental prototype of the hybrid DC-DC converter. ................. 100
Fig 5.13 (a) Capacitor voltage VC4 and (b) output voltage......................................................... 101
Fig 5.14 Currents were flowing through the inductors IL1 and gate drive signal. ............ 101
Fig 5.15 Voltage across the diode D2 and D3. ............................................................................... 102
Fig 5.17 The efficiency of the presented converter for various output powers. .............. 103
Fig 5.18 Non-isolated Symmetric Bipolar Output Four-Port converter. ............................. 105
Fig 6.1 The schematic of converters with multiple outputs: (a) conventional (b)
Fig 6.3 Current flow paths of the converter (a) Steady-state waveforms of the
presented converter in the DIDO mode. Current flow paths of the presented
converter in the DIDO mode, (b) Switching mode 1, (c) Switching mode 2, (d)
Fig 6.4 Current flow paths of the converter (a) Steady-state waveforms of the
presented converter in the SITO mode. Current flow paths of the presented converter
in the SITO mode, (b) Switching mode 1, (c) Switching mode 2, (d) Switching mode 3.113
Fig 6.5 (a) Block diagram of the pole-placement control of the proposed converter,
(b) voltage regulator loop of output, (c) current regulator loop of the input source. .... 118
Fig 6.6 Close loop simulation results (a) state of charge in DIM, (b) input variation,
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
Fig 6.7 Close loop simulation results (a)load variation and (b) output voltage. .............. 122
Fig 6.8 Extension of the proposed multi-port DC-DC converter. ............................................ 123
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
List of Tables
Table 4.4 Operation Modes Selections and Switches Operation Lookup Table. .................. 83
Table 4.5 Comparative analysis of TPCs for different applications with a suggested
converter. ........................................................................................................................................................ 84
Table 5.2 Analysis of output voltage waveform of the proposed converter. ...................... 99
Table 6.2 Analysis of output voltage waveforms of the proposed converter. ................. 120
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
AC Alternating Current
DI Dual-Input
DO Dual Output
EV Electric Vehicle
FF Fill Factor
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
LED Light-Emitting-Diode
PI Proportional Integral
PV Photovoltaics
SC Supercapacitor
Design and Implementation of Multi-Port DC-DC Converters for Electrical Power Systems
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 1 Introduction
key driver of efforts to reduce the mass and weight of its electrical system. In the
case of the international space station, the solar panels per kilowatt cost would be
over $3M/kW, presuming a mass of 1000 kg of the solar panel and starting power of
platform accounts for about 25% of its total dry mass and 35% when the user power
system is included [2]. The mass of the space power system is a significant design
make up the satellite platform power system. In Low Earth Orbit (LEO)
applications, the PCU connects the solar arrays and the batteries to a distribution
bus, typically 28V. Upon delivery, the system provides power to various user loads,
including propulsion, altitude control, and data handling. Throughout the satellite's
operational life, the solar arrays produce the electrical power during solar insolation
and supply the power necessary to provide the satellite's bus, which supplies power
to the payload. The solar arrays mentioned above are costly and heavy;
Chapter 1 Introduction
The conversion of solar energy normally involves two steps. In the first step,
solar energy must be converted into uncontrolled electrical energy. Solar array
materials have a strong bearing on the efficiency and mass of electricity, and the
transform the power into a controllable and usable electrical power that can drive a
distribution bus in the second step. In the second conversion step, power electronics
engineers are responsible for developing smart solutions to achieve low mass and
nonlinear terminal characteristics of solar arrays are illustrated. A point on every I-V
curve for certain irradiance levels and temperatures produces the maximum power.
This point represents maximum power. Nevertheless, this point constantly fluctuates
power electronics interface that can change the PV's load characteristics and force
(a) (b)
Fig 1.1 An illustration of the terminal I-V characteristics of a solar array, (a)
variations in irradiance, and (b) variations in temperature [2].
Chapter 1 Introduction
Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) for the PV arrays in the satellite
PCU is very important in missions where the solar intensity changes dramatically.
Due to the decrease in the overall mass of the power system, MPPT is advantageous
when a smaller solar array is required to manage a given power budget requirement.
Additionally, a bus that has been regulated rather than unregulated will enable a
more efficient design of payload converters with less mass and volume by impacting
the filtering and derating of power components. Therefore, the mass of the converter
itself may also be reduced. Hence, MPPT and bus regulation can potentially reduce
In contrast, during pre-launch operations, the launch phase, eclipse periods, and
when the solar array output is insufficient, the battery will provide electric power to
the satellite. To extend the battery's service life, overcharge and over-discharge
protection are essential. Therefore, satellite power systems should always have
battery protection.
converters for solar panels, battery charging and discharging control, and bus
result of the added complexity, size, weight, cost, and decrease in reliability, as well
as increased losses associated with such architectures, their wide adoption has been
slow. Despite its potential profitability, MPPT technologies have difficulty being
justified because the mass of MPPT regulators and control is complex. This
bus while achieving MPPT and battery regulation efficiently, as shown in Fig.1.3.
Power processing components and control tasks integrated into the three-port
Chapter 1 Introduction
converter reduce the size, weight, complexity, and cost-effective, which makes it an
Fig 1.3 Solar panels and batteries supply platform power, while various
user loads sink platform power [2].
Chapter 1 Introduction
less expensive and require less time to develop. However, they may be able to
easy access to space, they are also an excellent alternative for several space
research and educational projects such as solar sails [4], Earth observation [5]
implemented rapidly and can be launched from one deployment unit for a
must provide sufficient power to each subsystem, both during daylight and
during eclipses, by utilizing the battery cells for power storage. In addition, this
power should be sufficient to meet the requirements of the subsystem. The ability
to achieve all these objectives depends on the proper design of the nanosatellite
Design Specifications (CDS). As shown in Fig. 1.4 1U, 2U, 3U, and 6U CubeSat
Chapter 1 Introduction
(10x10x10 cm3) weighing up to 1.33 kg. There are two ways in which a 1U
CubeSats to form a larger satellite. Due to the great success of small CubeSats
such as the 1U and 3U units, an advanced standard for larger CubeSats (6U, 12U
and 27U) was proposed to enable much greater CubeSat capabilities [6]. The
CubeSat standard uses mass and volume to classify small satellites instead of the
the CubeSat standard with a generally accepted classification for small satellites
DC-DC converters in the last few decades due to the significant improvement in
Chapter 1 Introduction
DC-DC converters have indeed been developed over a prolonged period of time,
but complex problems still exist, and related research is still under development
in depth and breadth. As part of this thesis, we focus on improving the topology
Discharge lamps (HIDs) [13], electric drives [14] and Uninterruptible Power
power converters that will be discussed in more detail in the following sections.
renewable energy, especially in countries that make good use of solar radiation
connected to the grid could be used for the application. During 2014, PV grid-
connected power systems grew by 1.9 gigawatts in Germany, 2.4 gigawatts in the
United Kingdom, and 0.9 and 0.4 GW in France and Italy, respectively. During
the same period, Japan, China, and the United States have added 9,7, 10.6, and
6.2 gigawatts, respectively. Consequently, this adds a further 177 GW to the total
Chapter 1 Introduction
Fig 1.5 Renewable energy system connected to the single-phase grid [17].
a DC link voltage that can be used to track the PV's Maximum Power Point
(MPP) range to calculate the final power. In the case of partial shading, or when
increase the MPPT efficiency of the system and reduce costs by using
independent DC-DC converters for each PV panel. In this case, each module is
equipped with a DC-DC converter integrated into it. In this way, every panel can
them. Despite this, having two power electronic converters in this topology is
Chapter 1 Introduction
conversion stage to raise the relatively low DC voltage from the solar panel to a
certain level that can be synthesised for the alternating current AC line voltage,
which in most cases is 380 - 400 VDC. Another type of converter is the DC-AC
inverter, which injects sinusoidal currents into the grid. Using high-step-up DC-
implemented to stabilise the voltage level on the DC bus, providing the PV array
the core of the solar photovoltaic system plays a vital role in the overall
performance of the solar system since the DC-DC converter is the key
component that interfaces the solar PV system with the DC-AC inverter and
system contributes to the grid only a portion of the power added to the grid by
using solar energy, which is only available during daylight hours on a daily basis.
energy storage system, such as a battery, which can improve the system's
performance and provide reliability for the power supply [18]. Using the ESS, it
to the ESS during sunny periods. When solar energy is unavailable at night, the
ESS delivers energy to the DC bus. This results in providing the grid with stable
and buck) to switch power flow in both directions (forwards and reverses) during
power transfer.
Chapter 1 Introduction
luminous efficiency, long lifespan, mercury-free, and rapid response, they have
quantities. There is a need for a high output voltage level when LEDs are
to implement the current balancing technology to regulate the current through the
different LED strings [21]. There is a need for a boost voltage level of around
300 V for LED strings that are powered by 24 V batteries or PV panels for LED
applications. Due to this, LED drivers need high voltage converters since they
1.3.2 EV
To tackle air pollution, the British government will ban all new sales of petrol
and diesel cars by 2030 to curtail the risk of serious health issues due to air
Mercedes-Benz, Ford, and BYD is to meet the market demand for vehicles by
offering Electric Vehicles (EV), Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), and fuel cell
power DC-DC converters of high efficiency, low cost, and small volume. The
fuel cell vehicle drive system shown in Fig.1.6 can be considered a typical one.
Boosting the low fuel cell voltage needed to power the electric motors requires
Chapter 1 Introduction
cases, the fuel cell is boosted to a voltage level of 200~400V and is compatible
with the battery pack when used correctly [23]. The second installation phase is
Discharge (HID) lamps, they are preferable for using automobile headlamps
better light beam focus, and better colour rendering capabilities than conventional
power when it operates. There is a typical ballast circuit in Fig.1.7 which can be
Chapter 1 Introduction
inverter, and an igniter. There are various sources of powering HIDs, such as the
automobile battery, which provides a much lower voltage input than the voltage
for which the ballast is designed to operate. Thus, to provide the extra step-up
power required in the solar ballast, a DC-DC converter with high step-up
capabilities must be installed in the ballast to provide the battery voltage at (380
(UPS) is increasingly used to supply power to them during outages on the utility
having long been used for providing seamless power to a wide range of critical
Chapter 1 Introduction
servers, UPSs have gained in popularity. Any UPS utilises DC-DC power
require a regulated DC link voltage of (380 - 400 V), provided by this supply.
The UPS is designed to act as a backup power source in case of a mains failure or
utility outage. The UPS can power the load from the battery backup powered by
48 V. To raise the voltage of the battery bank to that required by the DC bus, and
of its reduced component count and fewer conversion stages than traditional
reduce mass and increase efficiency in space applications. Moreover, the chapter
Chapter 1 Introduction
defining the work. There are several challenges related to non-isolated DC-DC
boost converters. A simplified circuit, lower cost, and higher efficiency system
components, and a low operation duty ratio. Even under changing and
unpredictable output demands, the converter continuously supplies the load and
regulates the output voltage. The converter can supply the load and regulating the
standalone and space applications that integrate battery storage and an input
source. Aside from the traditional benefits of Multi-Port Converters MPC, this
converter continuously supplies the load for standalone systems and regulates the
output voltage by managing the power flow between the ports. The converter can
supply the load and always regulate the output voltage. Experimental results have
Chapter 1 Introduction
the same switch, which is suitable for LED drivers and PV applications. There is
also a description of how the topology is developed. The design of the converter
outputs. In addition, the operation of the circuit and its topology are described
first. Due to independent duty cycle values, the input current and output voltage
are tightly regulated. Control systems are designed based on the pole placement
and a discussion of how well the objectives and research aim have been achieved.
It also suggests potential areas for further investigation based on the study's
structures that allow interface and control of multiple power sources and storage
Chapter 1 Introduction
provide high efficiency, and several components are shared. The proposed
battery backups.
generation systems was proposed. This design offers many advantages over
Converter with integrated battery storage and an input source for space
the ports, the converter continuously supplies the load and regulates the output
Chapter 1 Introduction
topology is the integration of Luo and Cuk DC-DC converters. Using a single
power semiconductor switch, the proposed topology reduces voltage stress across
current. In addition, this topology has the advantage of extending the static
considered as follow:
and their efficiencies have been calculated. For any DC-DC converters, the
Chapter 1 Introduction
• Alhani E, Anayi F, “The design of a hybrid DC/DC converter for LED lighting
systems using a single switch” Submitted for peer review in: Energy Reports
• Alhani E, Anayi F, “Not-isolated DC/DC converter with multiple inputs and one
output for photovoltaic power generation systems” Submitted for peer review in:
Energy Reports Journal.
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
2.1 Introduction
nature and abundance in nature [24] The downside of solar energy is that they
are intermittent, and they are not generally reliable. It is necessary to use power
electronic converters to connect these sources to the load to solve this problem.
With the aid of these power converters, renewable energy sources can be tracked
for maximum power. The electrical power system can be managed for a satellite
system. T renewable energy sources can be interfaced with the energy storage
system [25] to store energy for eclipse and peak demand and distribute the power
have two or more power converters if more than one input power source or
Energy Storage System (ESS) will be used, as shown in Fig.2.1. These power
converters can be either connected to a power source, which means they are
which case they are producing a bidirectional power flow. Because these
converters are normally cascaded, it will increase the cost, the complexity of the
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
systems [30],[31]. Due to this fact, multi-port converters offer some advantages
compared to single-port converters, including reducing the cost and mass of the
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
There are three main ways in which multi-port converters can be expressed
in (2.1), and these can be categorised according to their operation mode into three
two ports are active, and the power at each port is equal, SISO mode is present.
During SIDO mode, some generated power will be transferred to the storage
element if the input power exceeds the output power. In DISO, some power is
The Multi-Port Converter (MPC) has been proposed in several papers over the
last few years [34]–[48]. A Three-Port Converter (TPC) has three ports and is the
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
TPC can be divided into three categories, as shown in Fig.2.4 below. Each
ratio. As part of this chapter, the most recent MPC will be reviewed; this review
is meant to aid in selecting the most suitable topology for each application.
some benefits associated with this type of topology, such as its low cost, high-
power density, and high efficiency [49]. As a result of this topology, all ports
share the same ground, and all are directly connected. Due to this reason, it is
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
the voltage gain between the ports is not particularly high. Consequently, multi-
stage converters may be used in some situations when high voltage gains are
boost, buck/boost, Cuk, SEPIC, and Zeta converters, which are well-known.
Fig 2.4 MPC category: (a) Non-isolated converter. (b), (c) partly isolated
converter. (d) Isolated converter.
multi-input based on a simple design. Using this topology, N input sources with
having a low component count and being simple to control which is two of its
main advantages. A single inductor, diode, and capacitor are shared between the
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
inputs of the given design. Although this topology is unidirectional, the ports in
the topology can transmit power in only one direction. Due to this, ESS cannot be
converter has the advantage of a positive polarity, which can be achieved without
bidirectional power flow that does not require an additional converter; it can be
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
S1 L
V1 C
Q1 Q2 Vo
distribution of the power between the three ports at the same time. Two filter
capacitors are connected in parallel with the PV panel and battery to smooth the
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
the function of the combined buck and buck-boost converter comes down to one
switch that can handle the Maximum Power Point Track (MPPT), the battery
charging, as well as the operation of the load, which in this case is the water
pump, at a constant flow rate at the same time. An illustration of the proposed
L1 D4
D1 VB C1
L2 C2 M Vo
D2 S D3
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
port converter with high step-up”, as seen in Fig.2.9. The method of coupling
inductors is used to achieve a high voltage gain for the converter. For the
purpose of suppressing the leakage inductance effect, two clamped circuits are
used. The proposed converter has two different paths of power flow, one which is
the main voltage source that delivers power to the load, and the other which is the
battery that supplies power to the load. As a result of the proposed TPC, three
different modes have been developed. This leads to the input power source and
ESS being able to transfer power independently to the load by taking advantage
of the two distinct power flow paths. Power can also be transferred from the input
power source and the ESS to the load simultaneously, as well as the power to the
load while simultaneously charging the ESS from the input power source.
Lb1 Lb2
Cd2 Do2
Fig 2.9 Non-isolated high step-up three-port DC-DC converter for hybrid
energy systems [42].
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
path can be provided for charging the battery by combining solar power and
battery, allowing the solar energy source to deliver the maximum power. With
during the night and the diode prevents the flow of current the other way, the
VBattery D
Iin Vout
iL C R
Vin S
controlling five switches for the TPC operation is more complex and decreases
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
D5 S5
S4 D4 Ibat
D1 S1 IL L
D3 V bat
C VD2 V VS2 Co R Vo V
Fig 2.11 Proposed a non-isolated “dual-input dual-output boost converter
[55]. V
same ground with each other and are directly connected to each other. As well as
this, at least one port on the device is connected to a transformer that generates
high frequencies [56]. Galvanic isolation may be provided for some ports with
feature and increases voltage gain by changing the transformer's turn ratio and
with three types of ports: one for solar energy, one for batteries, and one for
an active clamped forward converter and the half-bridge converter to achieve the
desired results. On the primary side of the transformer, there is an addition of one
switch and one diode, while on the output side, there are two switches that
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
S Rs C2 S2
Lo Vo
V S3 R SR1
It has been proposed, however, that the authors of [60]. have developed a
systems, converters are suitable for use in this field. A schematic diagram for this
converter can be seen in Fig.2.13. This shows that when the converter's output
recovery loss associated with the body diode of the output switches.
C1 S1 S3
D1 Co Vo
Vin S4
C2 S2
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
full bridge converter on the secondary side, in which the primary active switches
are shared. The system's primary and secondary sides have been achieved with
zero voltage switching so that the power can be easily transferred between any
two ports without any problem. In [62], a distributed DC grid design for PV
applications has been implemented in which the proposed topology has been
S1 S3 D1 D2
L1 Lf
Vb Np Ns Co RO
PV L S4 S2 S5 S6
Fig 2.14 The pulse width modulation (PWM) plus secondary-side phase-
shift controlled full-bridge three-port converter proposed in [61].
The proposed topology, as shown in Fig. 2.15, utilises a current-fed dual active
and the dc bus, a wide range of Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS), and a bidirectional
flow of power between any two ports of the system. A voltage multiplier cell is used
on the DC bus side of the bridge to achieve a high voltage conversion ratio between
the DC bus and the supercapacitor (SC). Topologies like this may lead to
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
fluctuations in battery current [63], and the complexity of the circuit or component
ratings may increase [64].To achieve reverse power flow and continuous
charge/discharge current, [64] uses 22 active switches, while another existing four-
Q5 Q6
Cs1 Cs2
Q1 Q2 Q9 Q10 L CDc
L2 L4
Vb Vsc
Q3 Q4 Q7 Q8
transformer in the isolated converter connects all the ports. This means that all
this system. It is hard to share some of these components between ports as they
all require their components. Increasing the turn ratio of the high-frequency
transformer can achieve a high voltage gain, which can lead to a higher voltage
ports of the circuit can achieve a bidirectional flow of power, which is a desirable
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
ratios is possible. To control the flow of power, phase shift control is used. An
example of such work can be found in [69]. Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) is
extended by introducing a simple and effective duty ratio control method on top
of the previous work to enhance its effectiveness. Two series resonant tanks have
S1 S2 S9 S10
L1 L2
V1 Co
S3 S4 S11 S12
S5 S6 L3
S7 S8
In [71], the authors proposed a DC-DC converter consisting of three ports and
three half bridges, one of which is a boost half-bridge topology and the other
fed topologies. This result boosts voltage reduces the transformer current
requirement and provides a current mode control to offer more control flexibility.
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
Two current-fed topologies are employed on the low voltage side by [66],[72] for
S1 C1 1: n S2 C3
S3 C2 S4 C4
S5 C5
S6 C6
In addition, switching losses are usually one of the key factors affecting system
efficiency, especially during light loads. Several series-resonant converters have been
proposed to reduce switching losses and achieve full-ZVS operation [73],[74]. An isolated
that feature the first harmonic-synchronized pulse width modulation, as shown in Fig.2.18.
Using additional resonant components in this design structure will result in increased system
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
S1 S2
V1 C1
S9 S10
S3 S4
S5 S6
L2 S11 S12
V2 C2
S7 S8
converter so that all the ports are galvanically isolated from each other to prevent
shock hazards. In such a setup, it is very easy to achieve ZVS. As well as this,
use of a high-frequency transformer. Despite this, they are heavier, larger, and
incur more magnetic losses because of the use of the high-frequency transformer
and the inclusion of more switches in the half-bridges and full bridges. As a
result, the efficiency and power density of the converter is reduced. A trade-off is
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
the non-isolated multi-port converter is limited by the converter's duty cycle, and
it isn't easy to achieve ZVS using such a converter. In contrast to the isolated
converter, the non-isolated converter has several advantages over the isolated
converter, including high efficiency and high-power density, together with a low
cost due to its numerous shared components that make it more cost-effective. A
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
Previous boost converters have their output ports connected to the input
step-up conversion ratio that is increased to the product of the voltage gain of
each boost converter in the cascade. Fig.2.20 shows that in the cascaded
connection of two boost stages. This approach enabled a high voltage conversion
ratio without using the unity duty cycle. There is a decrease in the voltage stress
placed on the switch Q1 and the diode Do1 in the first-stage converter compared
loss and conduction loss of switch Q1, along with a better reverse recovery
conversion stage reduces the input current. However, the voltage stress of
is equal to that of the output voltage. This cascaded structure is not without its
stable operation of the cascade converter, two closed-loop control circuits are
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
L1 DO1 L2 DO2
Q1 Cf1 Q2 Cf2
Vin VO
Fig 2.20 Cascade converter with two stages boost converters [75],[76].
This quadratic boost converter has been proposed to reduce the complexity
high voltage conversion ratio by using only one switch for a high voltage
control the circuit's feedback, the diode D1 is used instead, which reduces the
number of switches and closed feedback loops in the circuit. In Fig. 2.21, a
the quadratic boost converter can achieve high voltage gains without being
main disadvantage of this method is that energy is converted twice, which can
due to the high voltage and current stress on switch Q and the diode Do2, creating
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
L1 L2 DO2
Vin VO
Fig 2.22 shows the basic topology of switched capacitor converters that
involve only the transfer of electrical energy as its operating principle [80]. The
voltage of the switched capacitor is increased to Vin when switches Q1 and Q2 are
on and Q3 are off. When Q3 is on and Q1 and Q2 are off, the capacitor C is
connected in series with the voltage source Vin to provide power to the load. Due
to this, it is possible to obtain a high output voltage by doubling the input voltage
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
This switched capacitor cell, known as the voltage lift circuit, is integrated
inside the boost converter so it boosts the voltage output [81]–[83]. A wide range
of voltage conversion ratios can be obtained by controlling the duty cycle of the
switches to regulate the output voltage. This voltage lift cell is integrated with the
voltage gain of the converter. When switch Q is switched on, the power source
Vin and the inductor Lb charge the capacitor C1. C1 is connected in series to Vin
inductor Lb. Because the static voltage gain involves the number of voltage lift
cells, it is necessary to obtain a high voltage step-up ratio with a large number of
components to obtain the high voltage step-up ratio. A voltage stress is also
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
Vin Q
the fact that they use a series connection between inductors and voltage sources
to obtain a high output voltage [84]–[87]. It can be seen from Fig.2.24 that when
switch Q is initiated, two inductors, L1 and L2, start to be charged by the diodes
D1 and D2. Through the diode D3, power is transferred from the input source,
together with both inductors L1 and L2, to the load after the switch has been
turned off. Accordingly, the output voltage will equal the maximum of the input
voltage and the voltage of either L1 or L2, assuming that the inductors' L1 and L2
voltages are the same. As a result, the system's power efficiency is deteriorating
because the voltage stress caused by switch Q equals the output voltage, which
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
D1 L1
for diodes D1 and D2. The power is transferred into the inductors L1 and L2 by
conducting the two switches. Diode Do transfers power from the input and
switched inductors to the output when the switches are off. The duty cycle of
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
Q1 Q2
magnitude of the voltage input, as with the switched capacitor converter. Due to
cannot meet the needs of many applications. Although the voltage gain in the
active network can be increased by replacing the inductors L1~L2 in the network
cell for switched inductors, the converter will have a significant increase in
volume, weight, and cost [88]. There is also a possibility that the currents of two
inductors will be different when the characteristic of the two inductors differs.
When the switched inductors are discharged in series, the voltage spike of the
switches is also high. There is also a high reverse recovery loss in diode Do
because the voltage stress is equal to the sum of the diode's input and output
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
There is no method, according to the discussion above, that can achieve high
voltage step-up ratios without causing any disadvantages in the process. There
are limitations to the voltage gain of both the non-isolated conventional boost
converter and the three-level boost converter imposed by their duty cycle.
complex system for control. The energy stored in the capacitors has been
are designed to provide high voltage gain by installing the charged inductors in
switched inductor converters. Despite this, in all of these cases, the voltage gain
loss and a winding loss will lower power generation efficiency. To achieve the
high efficiency and high voltage step-up ratios required for DC-DC converters,
extensive research has been conducted in topologies that integrate the capacitive
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
and magnetic methods. Some circuits, such as coupled inductors and voltage
switching cells and voltage multiplier circuits [99], can be incorporated into
presented in the final part of the study to identify their respective advantages and
disadvantages. Based on the level of voltage gain the converter has, they can be
The voltage conversion ratio of the typical boost and buck-boost converters is
to the gain ratio of the voltage of the three-level converters. With an extreme duty
cycle of switches, they can only achieve a high voltage gain. Multiple converter
cells can extend the voltage step-up conversion ratio of wide static voltage gain
voltage gain.
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
conduction loss, switching loss, and driving loss. Power switch driving losses are
the costs associated with turning power switches on and off, a factor that is often
overlooked. Furthermore, the conduction loss only affects the on-state resistance
of the device and its on-time ton in one cycle as long as the corresponding devices
could be beneficial to reduce the conduction loss level. Switching loss occurs
when switches are turned on and off, which can be reduced by decreasing the
switching frequency, reducing the switching loss. Despite this, with the decrease
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
output capacitor and load, resulting in overheating and eventual failure of the
entire system and even explosion. Several factors can cause OCF to be less
destructive than SCF, which will cause the power system to be shut down and
zero or very low values when a diode is short-circuited in both the forward and
the reverse direction. In rare cases, an open circuit failure may occur and leads to
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
Several transistors are used in high voltage and current situations while
include IGBTs and MOSFETs. The voltage, current, and power that can be
output by a device can exceed its rated capability in the case of fault conditions.
Additionally, when the silicon chip is overheated, the transistors on the silicon
considered as follows:
highly efficient, and useful for low-power applications like satellite applications.
Thus, a satellite platform's cost heavily depends on its mass. The mass of the
is the best topology to integrate the PV with ESS because the sharing component
will be cost-effective. In this study, the third and fourth chapters have focused on
Integrating different input sources to enhance the efficiency of the system, which
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
reducing component counts, making the design compact with low volume. Table
According to the discussion above, no method can achieve high voltage step-up
ratios without causing any disadvantages. To achieve the high efficiency and high
voltage step-up ratios required for DC-DC converters, extensive research has been
conducted in topologies that integrate the capacitive and magnetic methods. Some
circuits, such as coupled inductors and voltage multiplier circuits [89]–[92], [104].
In this study, the fifth and sixth chapters have included high voltage step-up ratios
circuits and cascading two topologies to share components and reduce power
conversion stages which reduce component counts, enhance the efficiency of the
entire system and achieve high gain with low cost. Table 2.2 gives high voltage
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
increase, so the
2.7 Summary
A selection of MPC topologies for the literature review has shown that the
non-isolated topologies are cost-effective, highly efficient, and practical for use
are best suited for applications where high power is required. In conclusion, non-
isolated converters are the best topology to integrate PV with ESS based on the
chapters. According to the analysis above, a substantial amount of work has been
Chapter 2 A Literature Review Multiport Power Converters
particular limitations are associated with each topology, such as a high number of
switches, high volume, low power efficiency, and an issue relating to leakage
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
3.1 Introduction
Therefore, clean energy generation systems are more and more important. For
PVs can be located near the load points, thus reducing transmission costs and
losses greatly. In order to provide the required voltage and power, PV modules
couple energy from the input to the output, the structure inherits all the
advantages of the SEPIC converter. The proposed converter has the capability of
distribute the load power among different power sources. Due to its buck-boost
solar panels. Even if one or more power inputs fail to provide energy to the load,
the converter presented can operate. Through the use of shared components, two
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
converters are combined into one integrated converter that implements all the
prototype was constructed and tested. Besides the above features, the converter is
has two main switches, S1 and S2, and two diodes, D1 and D2. A pair of inductors
is formed by L1, L2 and C1 couples energy from the input to the output, and Co
smooths the output voltage. With the proposed structure of the converter, the
converter would be more suitable for generating clean energy from various
renewable sources, such as solar panels, whose output is strictly dependent on the
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
are also considered ideal, and parasitic parameters are not considered. For the use
behaviour has been analysed. Accordingly, the steady state of the proposed
As shown in Fig. 3.2 and discussed in more detail below, the steady-state
Switching mode I [t0 < t < t1]: [view Fig. 3.3(a)]: During this interval of time,
both power switch S1 and power switch S2 are ON. The diode D1 is reverse
biased due to Vin2 being greater than Vin1. Energy is absorbed by L1 from Vin2,
and iL1 increases linearly. Through capacitor C1, L2 is charged, and iL2 increases
Switching mode II [t1 < t < t2]: [view Fig. 3.3(b)]: During this interval of time,
the power switch S1 is ON, and the power switch S2 is OFF. Linearly an increase
in iL1 is observed after L1 absorbs energy from the input source. Through
Switching mode III [t2 < t < t3]: [view Fig. 3.3(c)]: During this interval of time,
the power switch S1 is OFF and the power switch S2 is ON. By releasing energy
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
through C1 and Vin2, L1 transmits energy to load R. Also, in this case, L2 releases
Switching mode IV [t2 < t < t3]: [view Fig. 3.3(d)]: During this interval of time,
both power switch S1 and power switch S2 are OFF. Through C1 and D2, L1
releases energy to load R. Also, in this case, L2 releases energy to load R. This
If S1 and S2 are turned ON initially, switching mode I, switching mode II, and
switching mode IV may appear in a switching cycle orderly when d1 > d2 [view
Fig. 3.2(a)]. In contrast, states switching mode I, switching mode III, and
Switching mode IV will appear when d1 < d2 [view Fig. 3.2(b)], where d2 is the
(a) (b)
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Fig 3.3 Equivalent circuit in DIDO mode. (a) Switching mode I. (b)
Switching mode II. (c) Switching mode III, (d) Switching mode IV.
deduced with the same result as d1 < d2. Therefore, Volt-second balance
requirements are applied to L1 and L2. It is assumed that the average inductor
voltage of a steady state equals zero. This leads to the following equation for the
In the case where one of the inputs fails. Therefore, input port Vin1 is
considered to have failed in this case. There will be two switching modes
(Switching mode I and Switching mode III) [view Fig.3.3. (a), (c)]. As a result,
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
the output voltage equation of the proposed converter can be rearranged and
𝑉𝑖𝑛2 𝑑1
𝑉𝑂 = (3.2)
In order to select the best power switches and diodes, voltage stresses on
voltage stress analysis, the ripple voltage across the capacitors has been
Voltage Sensor
Power Supply
alternative to renewable energy sources, a constant voltage source was used in the
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
experiments. Specifications for the circuit are presented in Table 3.1. This table
indicates that the first input source is a 10 V, while the second is a 12 V battery.
The control system also includes the microcontroller TMS320F28335 as part of its
representation of the results is given in Fig. 3.5. The gate signals of the switches
can be seen in Fig.3.5 (a) below. Power switches S1, and S2 are applied with duty
cycles of 35 & 75% and 60% & 70%, respectively, when the signals are applied to
S1 (2V/div) S1 (2V/div)
35% 60%
S2(2V/div) S2(2V/div)
t(20µs/div) t(20µs/div)
(a) (b)
t(100µs/div) t(1ms/div)
(c) (d)
Vs1(20V/div) Vs2(50V/div)
t(20us/div) t(50us/div)
(e) (f)
Fig 3.5 Specifications of the circuit, (a), (b) Driver signals, (c), Inductor
currents of L1, (d), Capacitors voltage Co, and (e), (f) voltage across
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
3.5. (d) shows the voltages across output capacitor C2. Under the conditions
(e) and (f), the voltage across the switches is given. The efficiency of the converter
exhibits high efficiency across the complete range of load, and the efficiency
reaches its maximum value of 92.5% when the load power is 10 W. From the
results of the proposed converter, it can be concluded that the theoretical analysis
Vin1 10 V
Vin2 12 V
Vo 48 V
L1 300 μH
L2 300 μH
fs 25kHz
Fig 3.6 The efficiency of the presented converter for various output
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
Power switch
2 4 2 6 6 3 5
Diode count 2 2 2 6 0 3 5
2 2 1 2 4 2 1
Capacitor count 2 2 2 1 4 1 5
component 8 10 7 15 14 9 16
Number of
operating 4 5 2 4 2 2 2
Facility to
integrate two Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
input sources
Complexity of
Low Low Low High High High High
Count of
devices during Low Low Low High High Low
each operating
Input to
output flow of shared shared shared shared shared shared shared
power way
IPF=independent power
3.2. The most important parameters are the independent power flow from the
input sources and the topology of the operation, such as buck, boost, or both
buck and boost, indicating a bidirectional converter, which bucks in one direction
and boosts in the other. In the MICs in [114] and [116], a high number of
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
components are used in [116], and they are capable of operating in buck and
boost modes. There is a lower component count in the MICs in [117] and [113]
compared to [114] and [116], but power can be transferred from the input ports
only in boost mode. Compared to the proposed MIC, the MIC in [118] appears to
have a lower component count, but power flow can only be done in boost mode
proposed MIC. There is no doubt that the proposed MIC will have a low number
of components, less than 15, which is required by [115], considered the closest
would be fewer components in the MIC in [114] than in the proposed MIC, but it
Chapter 3 Not-isolated DC-DC Converter with Multiple Inputs and One Output for Photovoltaic Power Generation Systems
3.7 Summary
This chapter proposes designing and implementing a Two-Input–Single-Output
DC-DC converter. During the study, the operation of the proposed converter is
analysed. In addition, each cell's input current is determined by its duty cycle and is
presented to verify the converter's validity and feasibility among the advantages
gained of the proposed topology that it can be applied to clean energy generation
involving the use of batteries. Several input sources can be added to the proposed
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
4.1 Introduction
available solar energy, which is uncontrolled. In reality, the MPPT algorithms track
the maximum possible power from the exerted solar energy. No solution better than
the Energy Storage System (ESS) solves solar energy intermittency [119].
According to [120],[121], the battery requires low maintenance, and its cost
propose a new non-isolated three-port DC-DC converter that improves the circuit
flow port composed of S3 and diode D3 to interface with the energy storage unit, as
converter will boost its voltage, reduce the effects of solar energy intermittency,
and increase solar energy performance. By combining three converters into one, the
converter becomes an integrated converter. This converter has higher power density
development process, a hardware prototype was built and tested to verify the
proposed circuit. This converter has been designed as a stand-alone device for
electric vehicles.
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
charging and discharging solar panels to maximise power output. This design can
The output voltage can also be calibrated to meet the set point by properly charging
or discharging the battery. They use a series capacitor to couple energy from the
connected at the input side of the converter and, by doing so, causes the ripple
second inductor at an output port. The design includes a SEPIC switch (S1), a
battery charging switch (S3), a discharging switch (S2), three diodes D1, D2, and D3,
illustrated in Fig. 4.1(b). This would result in fewer components besides deriving a
• In order to smooth out the output voltage, coupling capacitor C1 and the output
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
S1 Vo
Vin Iin D1 L1 C1 D2
+VL1 - +VC1 -
D3 iL2 C2
S2 L2
S1 Vo
Vin D1 L1 D2
+VL1 - +VC1 -
D3 C1
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
be discussed in this chapter. The next section below explains how a satellite can
operate in different modes during its orbital cycle. Based on what is shown in
The battery source in this mode of operation supplies the power to the load.
During this operation mode, the input source is not in use as a result of the
operation mode. In this mode, the input source is the eclipse period, as depicted
in Fig. 4.2(A).
It is also possible that the input power might not have been able to meet the
discharge is necessary to provide power to the load. In this case, the second
DOM will become active as soon as the input source produces a higher
output power. The battery circuit must be open to being charged in this case. At
this stage of the process, power is provided to the battery by the input source, as
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
To enhance the input, the battery discharging is essential for the load to
achieve a high energy level. This means that when the battery is discharged, both
Vin input source and the battery produce energy that will feed the load. To
accomplish this goal, the current only has one path (through S2) that could be
switch S2 and the duty cycle of switch S3 which is off state when discharge occurs.
It is shown in Fig.4.3 that the proposed converter exhibits a switching pattern and a
State 1 (t0< t< t1): This mode allows the power switches S1 and S2 to be turned ON
simultaneously while S3 is kept OFF. The switch S2 has been turned ON, causing
D2 is reverse biased. It is evident that, in this interval, the battery power source
energies the inductor L1 during operation. During this mode, the capacitor C2
discharges to provide power to the load. It can be seen in Fig. 4.5(a). how the
State 2 (t1< t< t2): During this interval, S1 is ON, and S2 and S3 are OFF. Due to
energy is absorbed by L1. The capacitor C1 charges L2 respectively, and the iL2
increases linearly. During this mode, the capacitor C2 discharges to provide power
to the load. Fig.4.5(b) shows the current flow paths in the converter.
State 3 (t2< t< t3): During this interval, all three power switches S1, S2 and S3, are
OFF. Through C1 and D2, L1 releases energy to load R. Also, in this case, L2
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
releases energy to load R. This results in linear decreases of iL1 and iL2. According
to Fig.4.5(c), the converter's current flow paths can be seen. By applying the
voltage-second balance to the inductors. Hence, the output voltages can be deduced
V 𝐶1 d1 − V 𝑜 (1 − d1 ) = 0 (4.2)
It is important to note that, in DOM, the Input source is used in two ways: to
supply power to the load Vo and as a Vbat battery charging source simultaneously.
In this case, switch S2 is always turned OFF. The battery acts as an output. The
battery can charge overabundant power generated by the Vin input source. One
switching cycle can have three possible switching states. It is shown in Fig. 4.4.
which is the steady-state waveform of the gate signals for the switches and the
inductor currents iL1 and iL2. Fig.4.6 shows the equivalent circuits for each state.
During this operation mode, three types of states will be described the as follow:
State 1 (t0< t< t1): As a result of this interval, S1 is ON, and S2 and S3 are OFF.
Due to reverse-biased voltages, the diode D2 is not operating. iL1 increases linearly
as energy is absorbed by L1. The capacitor C1 charges L2 respectively, and the iL2
increases linearly. During this mode, the capacitor C2 discharges to provide power
to the load. Fig.4.6(a) shows the current flow paths in the converter.
State 2 (t1< t< t2): During this interval, S1 is OFF, and S3 is ON. It is similar to
switching mode 1. Diode D2 is reverse-biased. Both the input source and the L1 are
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
Through capacitor C1, L2 releases energy to the battery. Linearly, iL2 decreases.
According to Fig.4.6(b), it can be seen the current flow paths of the state.
State 3 (t2< t< t3): S1, S2 and S3 are all OFF at this interval. The diode D2 is
D2 can load R with energy. In the same way, L2 releases energy into load R,
respectively. There is, consequently, a linear decrease in iL1 and iL2. According to
Fig. 4.6(c)., the state's current flow paths can be seen. By applying the voltage-
second balance to the inductors, the output voltages can be deduced for this mode
V 𝐶1 d1 + d3 ( V 𝑏𝑎𝑡 − V 𝑐1 ) + V 𝑜 (1 − d1 − d3 ) = 0 (4.5)
𝑉 𝑖𝑛 (𝑑1+𝑑3)−𝑉 𝑏𝑎𝑡 𝑑3
𝑉𝑂 = 1−𝑑1 −𝑑3
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
(a) (b)
Fig 4.5 Different switching states of the DIM:(a) state 1, (b) state 2, (c) state
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
(a) (b)
Fig 4.6 Different switching states of the DOM:(a) state 1, (b) state 2, (c)
state 3.
VO = 48 V
Vin = 10~25 V
Vbat = 24 V
fs = 25 kHz
𝑉𝑜 2
𝑃𝑂 = 𝑅
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
It can be shown in Table 4.1 that the DC of inductors can be calculated from
∆𝒊𝑳𝟏 𝑉𝑖𝑛 𝑑1
∆𝒊𝑳𝟐 𝑉𝑜 (1 − 𝑑1 )
Based on the peak-to-peak values for the inductor currents ∆iL1, and ∆iL2 that
occur during a switching period, the value of the inductor currents can be calculated
IL1 𝑉𝑜
𝑉𝑖𝑛 𝑅1
IL2 𝐼𝑜 (1 − 𝑑1 )
According to the above results, it is possible to determine the peak value of the
inductor current and the average value of the inductor current in all modes.
avoid excessive losses. As the device parameters vary from mode to mode, all
modes should be considered when selecting the inductor specification to ensure that
the device is selected according to the maximum values across all modes.
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
controller (TMS320F28335) that controls the power flow and produces PWM
signals for the switching process. According to the control scheme shown in Fig.
4.7, two feedback controllers are using the two control inputs of the modulator, one
controlling the Output Voltage Regulator (OVR) while the other controlling the
up the regulation of the load voltage and prevent load transients from affecting the
operation of the input source. The ICR loop independently controls the operating
current of the input source to match the input source's reference current. A
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
significant role that battery storage plays in this system is balancing the energy by
injecting power into the system at heavy loads and absorbing excess power when
solar energy is over the demands of the load. A simple PI voltage regulation loop is
considered when designing and selecting diodes and switches. During the converter
Fig. 4.3 and Fig. 4.4, assume the following voltage stresses are calculated as
= 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 ; 𝑉𝑆𝑀𝑎𝑥
= 𝑉𝑖𝑛 − 𝑉𝑏 ; 𝑉𝑆𝑀𝑎𝑥
= 𝑉𝑐 1 + 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 − 𝑉𝑏 (4.10)
= 𝑉𝑖𝑛 − 𝑉𝑏 𝑉𝐷𝑀𝑎𝑥
= 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 + 𝑉𝑖𝑛 ; 𝑉𝐷𝑀𝑎𝑥
= 𝑉𝑏 − 𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 ; (4.11)
above equations along with (4.10), (4.11) and Tables 4.1,4.2 to protect
semiconductors from voltage and current stresses, and they must be selected
converter's feasibility. The following Table 4.3 lists the parameters used to
implement the prototype. The experiments used a constant voltage source instead of
a renewable energy source. As seen in this table, the input power source of 10 V
and two series batteries of 12 V and 7.4 Ah are considered storage devices. As part
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
in Figs 4.9-4.15. Specifically, the proposed converter can operate in two different
Resistor Load
Current Sensor Supply
Proposed Converter
Voltage Sensor
Dual-input mode is activated when Vin cannot fully or partially supply the
load. To regulate the output voltage, therefore, the battery must be discharged. By
using the power switch S2, the battery discharging mode can be controlled. As can
be seen in Figs. 4.9-4.11, the results of the experiments conducted in this mode of
operation are shown. The gate drive of two switches, S1 and S2, are shown in Fig.
4.9(a). As illustrated in Fig 4.9(b), the output voltage is 48V. In Fig.4.10 (a), (b),
the inductor currents iL1 and iL2 are shown, respectively. In addition, the battery
current is shown in Fig.4.11(a), and the voltage stress on the switches is also shown
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
in Fig.4.11(b)(c). Only the battery voltage is stressing the power switch S 2. This
means it can reduce power losses by using a switch with a relatively low RDS (on)
In Figs. 4.12-4.15, the results of the experiments conducted for dual output
mode. The switch S3 and diode D3 will be activated. As shown in Fig. 4.12(a), the
the output voltage reference is 48 V. Fig.4.13 (a), (b) illustrates the currents
voltage stress is depicted in Fig.4.14 for switches S1 and S3. According to Fig.
4.15(a), the voltage stress on the diode D3 can be seen. The battery charging current
The figure shows that the converter's efficiency is high throughout the full range of
load, and the highest efficiency, 92.5%, is achieved when the load power is 10.
Several advantages have been outlined in [125] concerning using pulsating currents
for charging batteries. Because of the voltage and the current, all waveforms agree
with the previous analysis. Experimental results have shown that the converter can
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
VO (10V/div)
Fig 4.9 Results of the experiment in DIM (a) gate driving signals, (b) Output
voltage Capacitor.
iL1 (10A/div)
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
IL2 (2A/div)
Fig 4.10 Results of the experiment in DIM (a) inductor current of L1 (b)
inductor current of L2.
Ib (1A/div)
Vs1 (50V/div)
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
Vs2 (20V/div)
Fig 4.11 Results of the experiment in DIM (a) battery current, (b) and
(c)Power switch voltage stresses.
S1 (2V/div)
S2 (2V/div)
VO (10V/div)
Fig 4.12 Experimental results in DOM (a) gate driving signals (b) output
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
IL1 (2A/div)
IL2 (0.5A/div)
Fig 4.13 Experimental results in DOM (a) inductor Current of L1 (b)
inductor current of L2.
Vs1 (50V/div)
Vs3 (50V/div)
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
Vd3 (20V/div)
Ib (0.5A/div)
Fig 4.15 Experimental results in DOM (a) Diode voltage stresses (b) battery
Fig 4.16 The efficiency of the presented converter for various output
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
converter and similar topologies: (1) In addition to decreasing cost, the proposed
converter inductor is not required for a battery port filter, which reduces magnetic
elements. (2) Another significant advantage of the proposed topology is that the
input current used in the proposed topology is continuous, which can increase the
efficiency of the renewable energy utilised. (3) Aside from integrating multiple
devices in a single converter and being highly efficient, making it a good choice for
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
Table 4.5 Comparative analysis of TPCs for different applications with a suggested
ports can be made that can be hybridised. Based on Fig.4.17, the converter
illustrates a converter with two stages, which deal with the input stage, which
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
connects multiple sources of power to the converter, and the Vbat stage, which
power switches and m + 2 diodes are part of the proposed converter for m-input.
Also, two inductors and two capacitors have been used to construct topology.
Vin(m+1) S(m+1)
D(m+1) S1 Vo
Vin L1 C1 D2
S2 C2
S3 L2
4.7 Summary
The objective of this chapter is to present a new non-isolated DC-DC
converter with two inputs. An in-depth discussion has been given about the
converter, an optimal port voltage level can be chosen through either buck or boost
structure provides the TPC with the inherent protection of being able to protect
itself against output short circuits due to the series capacitor. The converter
presented has a further advantage that it has a simple and cost-effective design
Chapter 4 A Three-Port DC-DC Converter for Integrated PV-Battery Systems
stresses on switches and diodes. Based on the experimental results, it has been
demonstrated that the analysis and converter performance are both viable. Further,
the proposed topology can also be applied to the design of multiple input specially
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
5.1 Introduction
energy storage systems have steadily gained acceptance as reliable and low-cost
means of generating power [132]. This has led to the integration of non-conventional
renewable resources, semiconductor devices have advanced, and the energy market
increase the power to voltage ratio of many existing low-power renewable resources,
switch boost converter topologies are proposed, but their major goals are using
fewer magnetic elements, smaller sizes, lighter weight, reducing conduction losses,
and reducing inductor costs. The voltage stresses on these switches are nearly equal
converters with additional boosting capabilities, the converter circuit's size and cost
can be reduced by reducing the power switches and passive elements [135]. This
chapter presents a DC-DC converter topology proposed to achieve ten times voltage
gain and low voltage stress on semiconductors. To achieve this goal, a new
and Cuk topology combines the Luo and the Cuk topologies. As well as more than
two outputs of different types, the converter can also manage a series output. The
operating principles and the design example are described in detail. Experimental
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
results are included to validate the effectiveness of the proposed topology in a high-
step-up application.
converter. As indicated by the dotted line box 1, this is the Luo converter, and as
indicated by the solid line box 2, this is the Cuk converter. Compared to the classical
Luo or Cuk converters, this new converter is distinguished using just one switch Q
and the extension of the static gain voltage compared to the classical converters.
produced, but they can also be produced as a series output. Below is an example of
an analysis of the series output of the two outputs, which illustrates the concepts of
the working principle. Based on the assumption that current is continuous in the
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
inductor and all components are ideal, the combined Luo-Cuk converter has two
In operating mode [I]: which can be found in Fig.5.2(a), When the switch Q and
D1 are turned ON, the inductors L1 and L2 are in the charging mode. Meanwhile,
by the negative voltages from VC1 and VC4, and the voltages across the inductors L1
and L2 are:
𝑉𝐿1 = 𝐿1 𝑑𝑡
= 𝑉𝑖𝑛 (5.1)
𝑉𝐿2 = 𝐿2 𝑑𝑡
= 𝑉𝐶4 − 𝑉𝐶2 (5.2)
Fig 5.2 Equivalent circuits of the switching modes (a) Operation mode I, (b)
operation mode II.
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
iL1max t
iL2 iL2max
iL2min t
VL1 Vin
Vc1 -Vin
When t = T on = DT𝑠 , i𝐿1 reaches the maximum value i𝐿1max . During the
conduction period of the switch 𝑄, the increment i𝐿1 of the current ∆ i𝐿1 ↑ Is:
∆ i𝐿1 ↑= 𝐿1
DT𝑠 (5.3)
At the same time, i𝐿2 also reaches the maximum value i𝐿2 max, the increment of
∆ i𝐿2 ↑ Is:
𝑉𝐶4 −𝑉𝐶2
∆ i𝐿2 ↑= 𝐿2
DT𝑠 (5.4)
At this time, the LEDs are powered by capacitors 𝐶1 and 𝐶2 , and the current
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
In operating mode [II] is shown in Fig.5.2(b). When switch Q and D1 are turned
OFF, diodes D2 and D3 are turned ON, and the power supply and the inductor L1
C1. Meanwhile, the capacitor C4 charges by L1 and the capacitor C2 by the inductor
L2 through the diode D3. The inductor currents iL1 and iL2 both decrease linearly,
𝑉𝐿1 = 𝐿1 𝑑𝑡
= 𝑉𝐶1 − 𝑉𝑖𝑛 = 𝑉𝐶4 − 𝑉𝑖𝑛 (5.6)
𝑉𝐿2 = 𝐿2 𝑑𝑡
= 𝑉𝐶2 (5.7)
During the OFF period of the switch Q, the reduction ∆ i𝐿1 ↓ of the current i𝐿1 in
V𝑐4 −𝑉𝑖𝑛
∆ i𝐿1 ↓= (1 − D)T𝑠 (5.9)
Due to the release of energy from the inductor 𝐿2 , the current flowing through
∆ i𝐿2 ↓= (1 − D)T𝑠 (5.10)
When D > 0.5, the Luo link and the Cuk link can be boosted simultaneously,
and when D < 0.5, it can be to achieve the boost of the Luo link while the Cuk link
is stepped down.
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
equation is obtained:
From equations (5.11) and (5.12), the voltage across capacitors C1 and C4 can be
𝑖𝑛 𝑉
V𝑐1 = V𝑐4 = 1−𝐷 (5.13)
equation is obtained:
The voltage across the capacitor C2 can be obtained from equation (5.14) :
V𝑐2 = 𝐷 V𝑐3 1−𝐷 𝑉𝑖𝑛 (5.15)
(5.16) and (5.13),(5.15) and (5.16), The steady-state voltage gain of the
V𝑜 𝐼𝑜 1+𝐷
M= V𝑖𝑛
= 𝐼𝑖𝑛
= 1−𝐷 (5.17)
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
Fig.5.4 shows the relationship between the voltage gain and the duty cycle of
the combined Luo-Cuk, Luo, and Cuk converters. It can be seen from the figure
that the voltage gain of the combined Luo-Cuk converter is higher than the voltage
of the Luo and Cuk converters. Compared with the gain, it not only realises the
high gain of the output voltage but also is suitable for the lighting system (such as
the LED photovoltaic lighting system), which combines the low voltage input
carried out to guarantee a certain variation in the average value (Fig.5.3). Generally
speaking, the differential equation (5.18) represents the evolution of the current in a
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
𝑉𝐿1 = 𝐿1 𝑑𝑡
Thus, using the instantaneous value of the voltage at the coil terminals, 𝑉𝐿 , verified
during a certain period ∆𝑡𝐿 , it is possible to calculate the value of the coils.
𝐿1 = ∆𝑖 (5.21)
Using, in this case, the second time interval, we have ∆𝑡𝐿 = (1 − 𝛿)𝑇 , so:
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
𝑉𝑐2 (1−𝛿)𝑇
𝐿2 =
The calculation of the value of the capacitors C1, C2, and C4 and the circuit
under analysis is carried out to guarantee a certain variation ∆𝑣𝑐 to the average
value VC Fig.5.6. The differential equation (5.24) represents the evolution of the
𝑖𝑐 (𝑡) = 𝐶
Applying the same reasoning in calculating the coils, equation (5.24), after
∆𝑣𝑐 𝑖𝑐
= 𝐶
Thus, using the instantaneous value of the current in the capacitor, 𝑖𝑐 , verified
during a certain period ∆𝑡𝑐 , it is possible to calculate the value of the capacitors. In
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
𝐼𝑜 𝛿𝑇
𝐶1 =
𝑜 𝐼 𝛿𝑇
𝐶4 = ∆𝑣𝑐 (5.29)
In the case of capacitor C2, its current does not present almost constant
the change in charge ∆𝑄 supplied to the capacitor corresponds to the area of the
𝑄 = 𝐶 𝑉𝐶 → 𝐶 = 𝑉 (5.30)
With C2 constant:
𝐶2 = ∆𝑉 (5.31)
𝑄 = ∫ 𝑖. 𝑑𝑡
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
𝑇 ∆𝑖𝐿2
2 2 𝑇∆𝑖𝐿2
∆𝑄 = 2
= 8
𝐶2 = 8∆𝑉 2 (5.33)
such as the cost of the device, the voltage and current limit values supported, the
complexity of its control circuit, and the frequency at which it will operate, among
and currents, plus a safety margin of approximately 50%, if possible. Thus, given
the study under analysis, I opted for using an n-type reinforcement MOSFET
effectively used in this project. The MOSFET will be oversized, thus ensuring
the study, they must be selected considering a safety margin close to that mentioned
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
Parameter Value
Vin 7~10 V
Vo 48 V
L1 300 μH
L2 300 μH
fs 25 kHz
Fig 5.8 Results of simulation of the input current iL1 and output voltage.
Fig 5.9 The input current of inductor iL1 and voltage across the power
switch Q.
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
Fig 5.10 Result of simulation of the input current iL1 and voltage across
diode D1.
Fig 5.11 Results of the simulation of the output current inductor (iL2) and
voltage across two diodes the D2 and D3.
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
converter show the output voltage at 48V followed by the current of inductor L1. As
is obvious from Fig.5.9, it displays the waveforms of the driving voltage on switch
Q and the currents flowing through the inductor L1. The figure shows a relatively
low ripple in the current (the input current ripple) flowing through the inductor L1.
According to Figs 5.10-5.11, The voltage stress waveforms of the diodes D1, D2,
and D3 and the current of inductor L2. The voltage stress on the diodes D2 and D3
are consistent with the voltage stress of the switch. It appears that the simulation
results agree with the analysis above, which lends credence to the findings of the
theoretical analysis. Table 5.2 shows the analysis of output voltage waveform Vo.
Fig 5.12 View of the experimental prototype of the hybrid DC-DC converter.
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
VOUT (10V/div)
Fig 5.13 (a) Capacitor voltage VC4 and (b) output voltage.
Qgate (2V/div)
Fig 5.14 Currents were flowing through the inductors IL1 and gate drive
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
the converter proposed. In the laboratory prototype, all the circuit parameters are
the same as those used in the simulation, as described in Table 5.1. The
a renewable energy source. Based on the table above, it is intended to have an input
included in the design to implement the control system. To demonstrate the test
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
Fig.5.12. In this chapter, the results were all obtained with a duty cycle of less than
0.7, and the duty cycle was set at 0.7 to limit the semiconductor losses, giving a
Fig.5.13(b) also shows the voltage across the capacitor C4. Fig.5.14 shows the
experimental waveforms of the currents flowing through the inductors iL1 and gate
drive signal of switch Q. The inductor in this figure operates in the continuous
the voltage across the switch and the diodes. Here is Fig.5.16, which shows the
experimental waveforms of the voltages across the diodes D2 and D3. It also shows
their complementary states of operation. Considering these last two figures, the
voltage stress across the switch and diodes is half the maximum output voltage. The
figure indicates that the converter's efficiency is not less than 93.9% even under the
Fig 5.17 The efficiency of the presented converter for various output
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
converter provides a better voltage gain with only one active switch and less
normalized voltage stress on the switch. According to the analysis and discussion
presented, the proposed converter has the advantage of both functionality and
Switches used 1 2 1 1 1 1
Diodes used 5 2 2 3 1 2
No. of Inductors
3 2 2 3 2 2
No. of capacitors
3 2 3 3 3 3
Continuous input
Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
The voltage
stress on the Moderate Less High Less High Moderate
active switch
combines the outputs of a unipolar converter Luo and a unipolar converter Cuk as
switches S2, S3, and diode D3, is added to the previously proposed topology in this
chapter to interface with the energy storage unit. The proposed converter integrates
solar panels and batteries into the bipolar dc microgrid. The proposed converter
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
batteries, and deliver symmetrical bipolar voltage as the output voltage. In addition,
the converter can convert power between sources and loads in a single stage,
reference ground between the PV input port, the battery port, the positive output
port, and the negative output port. According to the relationships between PV
uninterrupted power supply to the DC load in three modes. The voltages of positive
and negative polarities in the converter are symmetrical regardless of the mode in
which it operates.
5.9 Summary
This chapter proposes a combined Luo-Cuk converter topology appropriate for
present in the converter. One of the key features of the equipment is to allow the
high voltage gain to be achieved for the converter through the Luo link and the Cuk
Chapter 5 A High gain DC-DC Converter for LED driving and PV applications
link using the same input branch so that you can realise two types of outputs at the
same time through a single switch. It should also be noted that aside from the
extended voltage static gain, the stress on the diode and switch is also reduced. The
laboratory prototype results, and a theoretical and simulation analysis have also been
included. Besides integrating the DC-DC converter, the proposed topology synthesis
method also applies to the design of a non-isolated symmetric bipolar output Four-
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
6.1 Introduction
Integrating these sources into electric power grids has become significantly
these sources often fail to meet the requirements of some applications due to the
low output voltage they produce. As a result, an interface voltage converter should
be used to increase the device's output voltage and control the output voltage [141]–
[144]. Further, renewable energy sources have a wide range of output voltages that
by using N Single Input Single Output Converters for N voltage levels so that these
requirements can be met, as pictured in Fig.6.1(a), but the problem with this
approach is that it is very expensive and inefficient due to the large number of
different types of sources, thereby reducing the component count and the overall
cost of the system. This requires Multi-Input (MI) DC-DC converters, which can
Further, it has been suggested that the use of Multi-Output (MO) DC-DC
converters can also be used to provide the needed power to loads with different
personal computers, which require energy flow and voltage regulation. Since it is
possible to integrate multiple SISO converters into one unit, the MIMO converter,
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
shown in Fig. 6.1(b), becomes the dominant option since it can reduce the number
of components and overall cost due to its ability to combine multiple SISO
In terms of the Multi-Port Converter MPC structure, it can be divided into two
voltage levels are flexible, power levels are high, and switch modes are soft [41],
buck, boost, buck-boost converters, etc., have the advantage of being compact,
more efficient, and with higher power density than isolated converters [151],[152].
applications (particularly those with a 48V DC bus voltage) than the isolated
converter is characterised by bidirectional power flow, low input current ripple, and
designed and derived based on the topology circuit proposed in Chapter 4 of this
thesis. A diode D4 and an active switch S4 have been added to have one more
output power port to the circuit. Voltage lift techniques have been used in the
converter that leads to high-gain outputs that produce low ripples and high-
efficiency outputs. The voltage lift cell has been inserted into the topology of the
four ports, which is mentioned in the literature review in section 2.2.3. A four-port
topology based on a single voltage lift cell has fewer components and a simpler
structure. Among the salient features of the proposed converter are the followings:
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
1) Four simple switches are used to implement input generation, battery charging
and discharging, and two output voltages. As a result of the single-stage power
conversion between the source and the load, the converter's efficiency is also
greatly improved.
2) As a result of the relationship between input source power and load power, the
Fig 6.1 The schematic of converters with multiple outputs: (a) conventional
(b) MIMO converter.
Converter is given in Fig.6.2. Following this figure, the source Vin is considered to
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
be the energy source, and the source Vbat is considered as the energy storage
switches (S1 - S4), three diodes (D1, D2, D3, and D4), two inductors (L1 - L2), and
four capacitors (C1, C2, Co1, and Co2). The resistors R1 and R2 in this figure
represent the equivalent power that can be fed to a multilevel inverter. As a result of
the bidirectional power flow, the battery can be charged and discharged. When the
battery is discharged, no gate pulse is given to the switches S2 during the battery
discharge process. It is, therefore, possible to control the discharging current of the
battery and the output voltage by controlling switches S1 and S2. During charging,
switch S2 receives no gate pulse. The switches S1, S2, S3, and S4 will be controlled
to deliver energy from the input source to the battery. An attempt should be made to
minimise the ripple in the current drawn from the input sources. The converter
(the battery), will supply the power to the loads. S3 is completely OFF during this
mode, and S1, S2, and S4 are activated. Every switch is assigned a particular duty.
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
(b) (c)
Fig 6.3 Current flow paths of the converter (a) Steady-state waveforms of
the presented converter in the DIDO mode. Current flow paths of the
presented converter in the DIDO mode, (b) Switching mode 1, (c) Switching
mode 2, (d) Switching.
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
Controlling the inductor current, S1 regulates the battery current to the desired
value. As shown in Fig.6.3 (a), the gate signals of switches and the inductor's
voltage and current waveforms. Depending on the state of the switches, there are
Switching State 1 (t0< t< t1): Switches S1 and S2 will be turned ON during this
reverse-biased. So, Switch S4 has turned OFF. Because switch S2 is ON, and
of the proposed converter at this state. Due to the charge created by Vbat on the
inductor L1, the inductor current increases at this state. Additionally, in this mode,
the capacitors Co1 and Co2 are discharged, and the energy they hold is delivered to
Switching State 2 (t1< t< t2): At this point, switch S2 is still turned ON, and switch
been turned ON. As shown in Fig.6.3(c), the equivalent circuit for the proposed
transferring its stored energy to capacitors Co1, Co2, and load resistances R1 and R2.
This mode also results in the charging of capacitors Co1 and Co2.
Switching State 3 (t2< t< t3): This mode is characterised by the OFF state of all
three switches. Therefore, the diodes D1 and D4 are forward-biased. The inductor L1
is discharged at this point, and the stored energy is delivered to the capacitor Co1,
Co2, and the load resistances R1 and R2. A charge is also applied to capacitors C1
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
(b) (c)
Fig 6.4 Current flow paths of the converter (a) Steady-state waveforms of
the presented converter in the SITO mode. Current flow paths of the
presented converter in the SITO mode, (b) Switching mode 1, (c) Switching
mode 2, (d) Switching mode 3.
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
It occurs when the battery is depleted, and the load power is low. During this
operation mode, switches S1, S3, and S4 are all active, with switch S2 completely
OFF. Similarly, to the previous mode of operation of the converter in this mode,
The total output voltage is regulated by switching S1 to reach the desired value. A
switch S3 is responsible for regulating the battery charging current Ibat to maintain
the desired level. A representative example of a gate signal of a switch can be seen
Switching State 1 (t0< t< t1): During this state, switches S1 and D2 are turned ON,
so switches S3 and S4 are turned OFF. In addition, the diode D4 doesn't conduct due
inductor L1, there is an increase in current flowing through the inductor. This mode
also involves the discharge of the capacitors Co1 and Co2 so that their stored energy
can be delivered back to load resistances R1 and R2, respectively, in this mode.
Switching State 2 (t1< t< t2): This mode of operation is accomplished by turning
OFF switch S1 and switch S3 turned ON. The diode D2 and D4 are reversely biased.
Vin = Vbat, the inductor current decreases during this period, and the inductor
releases its stored energy to the battery (Vbat). During this mode, the capacitors Co1
and Co2 will also be discharged to deliver their stored energy to the load resistances
R1 and R2 simultaneously.
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
Switching State 3 (t2< t< t3): This mode maintains an OFF condition for switch S1,
turns OFF switch S3, and turns ON switch S4 and diode D4. As well as this, diode
discharged, and the energy stored in the inductor will be transferred to the
capacitors Co1 and Co2 and the load resistances R1 and R2, respectively. This mode
the converter's output voltage and one for controlling the converter's input current.
Decoupling the SISO transfer functions of the system is required for designing
classical control compensators, like PI and PID. In the case of systems with more
than three orders, the decoupling method becomes more complex. Therefore,
controllers. Among the control methods used in MIMO converters is the integral
state feedback-based control method called pole placement, which is useful for
designed with any pole location as desired, as long as the system is fully state-
controlled and able to control its state at all times. An appropriate state feedback
gain matrix is used to achieve this. The following is the definition of the
controllability matrix:
𝚿𝑪 = [𝑩 ⋮ 𝑨𝑩 ⋮ 𝑨𝟐 𝑩 ⋮ 𝑨𝟑 𝑩] (6.1)
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
If ΨC is a complete-rank matrix (rank (ΨC) = 4), it is at this point that the system
becomes fully state-controlled. As a result, two additional integral states will now
be considered:
Based on the new integral states, it is necessary to rewrite the state equations and
𝑥̃̇(𝑡) 𝐴 ⋮ 0 𝑥̃(𝑡) 𝐵 0
[ ⋯ ]=[ ⋯ ⋮ ⋯ ] [ ⋯ ] + [⋯] 𝑢̃(𝑡) + [⋯] 𝑟(𝑡) (6.4)
𝑞̇ (𝑡) −𝐶 ⋮ 0 𝑞(𝑡) 0 𝐼
𝑦(𝑡) = [𝐶 ⋮ 0] [ ⋯ ]
In (6.4), Defining the input reference vector r(t), which can be shown in the
following way:
Following the definition in (6.4), the new matrixes are the following:
𝐴 ⋮ 0 𝐵
𝐴=[ ⋯ ⋮ ̅
⋯ ] , 𝐵 = [⋯] (6.6)
−𝐶 ⋮ 0 0
̅ C) in the
It is possible to arrange the controllability matrix for the system in (6.4) (𝛹
following way:
𝐵 ⋮ 𝐴Ψ𝐶 𝐵 ⋮ 𝐴 𝐼 ⋮ 0
𝚿𝑪 = [ ⋯ ⋮ ⋯ ]=[ ⋯ ⋮ ⋯ ][ ⋯ ⋮ ⋯] (6.7)
0 ⋮ −𝐶Ψ𝐶 0 ⋮ −𝐶 0 ⋮ Ψ𝐶
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
controllable if and only if the rank of the matrix M is 6. Therefore, there is matrix
It can be stated that if matrix M has rank six, it becomes completely state-
the system defined in (6.4) is. Matrix K, then, can be described as follows:
𝑥̃(𝑡) 𝑥̃(𝑡)
𝑢̃(𝑡) = −𝐾 [ ⋯ ] = −[𝐾𝑋 ⋮ 𝐾𝑞 ] [ ⋯ ] (6.8)
𝑞(𝑡) 𝑞(𝑡)
̀ 𝐾12
𝐾11 ̀
𝐾𝑞 = [ ]
̀ 𝐾22
𝐾21 ̀
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
Vco1.ref q˙2 q˙2 Vco1.ref q˙2 q˙2
K`22 K`21
Vco1 Vco1
q1 K`21 q1 K`22
IL1.ref q˙1 q˙1 IL1.ref q˙1 q˙1
K`11 K`12
q2 K`12 q2 K`11
Fig 6.5 (a) Block diagram of the pole-placement control of the proposed
converter, (b) voltage regulator loop of output, (c) current regulator loop of
the input source.
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
Using the state feedback gain matrix K, it is necessary now to find the
controlling signal (t) for the closed-loop system so that the closed-loop system
eigenvalues are situated in the right place. The control systems toolbox provided by
the MATLAB software contains a useful function for pole-positioning that takes
input from the system (6.4) and the locations of the desired eigenvalues to find the
state feedback gain matrices of the system. According to the block diagram of Fig.
6.5(a), the Pole-placement control method is shown in which the input the reference
tracks current (iL1) and the output voltage (Vo1) values iL1, ref, and Vo1, ref,
carry out the steady state and transient analysis. Thus, controllers maintain a
constant and regulated output voltage by adjusting the duty cycles of switches as
the input voltage varies. As default DIDO mode has initiated, the state of charge is
voltage input is applied to the converter, a transition occurs between two modes of
operation. During this instance, the mode switching occurred because the input
being used to charge the battery. It can be seen from Fig.6.6(c) that Vo1 and Vo2 are
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
On the other hand, as it can be seen from Fig.6.6(d), the state of charge of
the battery increases when the switch from DIDO mode to SITO mode is initiated.
As the load resistance changes, as illustrated in Fig.6.7(a), the controllers are also
designed to regulate the output voltage based on these changes. The output voltage
across both output ports does not subject to any significant changes with any
change in load demands, and it remains around 48 V for both output ports with a
negligible variation when the load changes, as it’s seen in Fig.6.7(b). Table 6.2
shows the analysis of output voltage waveforms Vo1 and Vo2. These results
demonstrate the validity of the control scheme in both varying input voltage and
method can maintain a constant bus voltage despite varying inputs or outputs and
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
Fig 6.6 Close loop simulation results (a) state of charge in DIM, (b) input
variation, (c) output voltage, (d) state of charge in TOM.
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
Fig 6.7 Close loop simulation results (a)load variation and (b) output
figure, the converter can be interfaced with another source of input power, Vin1.
The converter proposed has only two inductors, (n+1) capacitors and (n+1)
switches and diodes. The resistance R1 and R2 in the circuit represent the equivalent
power feeding a multilevel inverter. Power flow can be controlled, and input
voltage can be boosted by properly switching switches. This converter can be used
Chapter 6 A New Bidirectional High Step-Up Multi-Input Multi-Output DC-DC Converter for Renewable Energy Applications
6.6 Summary
A new DC-DC step-up converter with dual inputs and dual outputs was
multiple power sources employing this proposed converter topology with a unified
input and multiple outputs. It works in two main modes: battery discharging and
can operate in different modes, such as buck and boost. A method of controlling the
MATLAB simulation program is used to verify the various operating. Several input
sources and multiple outputs can be added to the proposed topology that can be
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works
7.1 Conclusion
The techniques of increasing the voltage step-up conversion ratio have been
addition, the newly developed two Three-Port Converters. The designed converters
also achieve other advantages, such as a simple and cost-effective design, the ability
to step up or down in voltage level, continuous input current, and energy being
converted in one stage by flowing power bidirectionally between the two ports. For
the converter design to improve its performance, three characteristics are highlighted
• Step-up conversion ratios of high voltage are achieved without extremely high duty
cycles of switches.
Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
of the best candidates for input source integration to maximise the use of
The design has some features, including continuous input current, energy being
converted in one stage by flowing power bidirectionally between the two ports,
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works
motor drive systems, and LED drivers. Experimental work has been conducted to
verify topology. In the proposed converter, there are two switches and two
diodes, which reduce switching losses, and have an overall component count of
(8), making the design compact with a low volume. The maximum average
it can resolve the intermittency issue and help manage the unpredictable changes
in demand. One of the best possible candidates for an input source integration is a
has been provided regarding the operation of the converter. By using either buck
or boost modes, the optimal port voltage level can be selected based on the
provides the TPC with the inherent protection of protecting itself against output
short circuits due to the series capacitor, as well as reducing input current ripples.
It is also advantageous that the converter has a simple and cost-effective design.
There are three switches and two diodes in the proposed converter, thereby
minimizing switching losses. Ten components are in total, making the converter
compact and low volume. Experimental results have validated the proposed
structure. The highest average efficiency is 92.5%, and the lowest is 90.9%.
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works
Chapter 5 introduces a non-isolated high step-up converter with only one switch. It
is designed by integrating the Luo and Cuk topologies. This topology is intended
popular DC-DC converters, the proposed model has a high voltage step-up
conversion ratio. Experimental work has been conducted to verify the design of the
proposed non-isolated Luo-Cuk converter. All obtained results have a duty cycle of
less than 0.7 and a gain of 6.8 times higher than classical converters, which was in
line with the simulation results. In addition, stress across the switch and diodes is
smaller than the output voltage, approximately 50% of the obtained output voltage.
With a low-duty cycle, the semiconductor losses were limited. As a result, the
highest average efficiency reaches 95%, and the lowest at 93.9%. In addition to
integrating the DC-DC converter, the proposed topology synthesis method is also
chapter 6. This topology is proposed for microgrids and electric vehicles with
battery backups. Low component counts are characteristic of the topology. Based on
the analysis of the converter presented, the optimal port voltage level can be
determined by using either buck or boost modes. It is also advantageous that the
converter has a cost-effective design and continuous current at the input. Through
simulation, the operation of the circuit and the control system of this converter has
Chapter 7 Conclusions and Future Works
been verified. The proposed control structure achieves a regulated output voltage.
chapters 3 and 4. A proper inverter can be incorporated into the proposed Three-
PV applications.
Converter since the experiment conditions are limited. Their experiments can
further. Two classic topologies can be combined using the topology synthesis
• The coupled inductor can be added to the Luo-Cuk topology to make the system
Appendix A Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
Appendix A
Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
A.1 Introduction
converter. It comprises two dc sources, Vin1 and Vin2, and two primary switches,
Appendix A Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
S1, S2, and C1 coupling capacitors, C2 is the filter capacitor, and 𝑅 is the resistive
Converter. The only difference in the circuits is the substitution of switch 𝑆2 with
step-up converter. The converter employs two inductors (L1 and L2). It comprises C1,
C2, the filter capacitors C3 and C4 coupling capacitors, and three diodes, D1, D2, D3,
Appendix A Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
Converter. The only difference in the circuits is adding extra switches 𝑆4 and D4
Appendix A Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
% close all
% I=(Vco/R*1-D1-D3)/(D1+D3)
%% The system has two modes (SIDO & DISO) both have two input, two output
% % define state matrix
% state-space model of the first mode(SIDO)
% tf(sys)
% bode(sys)
% state-space model of second mode(DISO)
% A1=[0 0 -178 178;0 0 550 450;1 -1 0 0; 0 -1 0 0.0001];
% B1=[8 8;48 0;-0.014 2.5; 0 0];
% C1=[1 0 0 0;0 0 0 1];
% D1 = [0 0; 0 0];
Appendix A Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
% % Steady state model of model DISO
A1=[0 0 (D11-1)/L11 (D11-1)/L11;0 0 D11/L21 (D11-1)/L21;(1-D11)/Cy -D11/Cy 0 0;(1-D11)/Co (1-D11)/Co 0 -
B1=[(Vcy1+Vco1)/L1 Vbat/L1;(Vcy1+Vco1)/L2 0;-(iL11-iL21)/Cy 0;-(iL11-iL21)/Cy 0];
C1=[1 0 0 0;0 0 0 1];
D1a = [0 0; 0 0];
%% TF
% % tf(sys1)
% Check open loop eigenvalues for both modes
% poles = eig(A)
% poles = eig(A1)
% Check the rank of both modes
% rank(ctrb(A,B))
% rank(ctrb(A1,B1))
% % Full state feedback control without integral action
% pL =[-7000+15500i;-7000-15500i;-200+15000i;-200-15000i];
% pL =[-200+5500i;-200-5500i;-7500+1000i;-7500-1000i];
% desired close loop 132eigenvalues of SIDO mode
% pL =[-50+150i;-50-150i;-100+200i;-100-200i];
% pL =[-50+1400i;-50-1400i;-200+4800i;-200-4800i];il only
% pL =[-5500+10i;-5500-10i;-9000;-10200]
% pL =[-50+400i;-50-400i;-100+1300i;-100-1300i];il only
% pL =[-5000+100i;-5000-100i;-9000;-10200];VO only
% pL =[-4099;-10000;-49990;-50000];
% pL =[-300+287i;-300-287i;-35000+22487i;-35000-22487i];
% pL =[-5000;-18907;-27888;-29400];
% pL =[-1473+100*1i -1473-100*1i -14999+9010*1i -14999-9010*1i];
% pL =[-880+i*600;-880-i*600;-2500+i*6000;-2500-i*6000];
% pL =[-10500+7487i;-10500-7487i;-7699;-7700];0000
% pL =[-12000;-20000;-7977;-7989];
% pL =[-26000;-35000;-49977;-49089];
% pL =[-410+i*1580;-410-i*1580;-2000+i*1710;-2000-i*1710];
% pL =[-310+i*1580;-310-i*1580;-2000+i*1710;-2000-i*1710];
% pL =[-210+i*1180;-210-i*1180;-2000+i*1710;-2000-i*1710];
% pL =[-210+i*480;-210-i*480;-2000+i*1710;-2000-i*1710];
% pL =[-250+i*170;-250-i*170;-2700+i*1700; -2700-i*1700];
% pL =[-12+i*40;-12-i*40;-200+i*20;-200-i*20];
% pL =[-300+1000i*1;-300-1000i*1;-70+5000i*1;-70-5000i*1];
% pL =[-100+500i*1;-100-500i*1;-500+5000i*1;-500-5000i*1];
% pL =[-4+0.25i*2; -4-0.25i*2;-30; -150];
% desired close loop 132 eigenvalues of DISO mode
% pL1 =[-2; -50;-90; -120];
% pL1 =[-6000+1000i;-6000-1000i;-25000+1250i;-25000-1250i];%IL/D2
% pL1 =[-6000+400i;-6000-400i;-25000+1250i;-25000-1250i];
% pL1 =[-6000+100i;-6000-100i;-10000+500i;-10000-500i];
% pL1 =[-1700+1000i;-1700-1000i;-20000+5000i;-20000-5000i];
% pL1 =[-1700+1000i;-1700-1000i;-20000+5000i;-20000-5000i]; %il/d1
% % pL1 =[-6000+100i;-6000-100i;-7000+500i;-7000-500i];
% % pL1 =[-5000+100i;-5000-100i;-6000+500i;-6000-500i];
% % pL1 =[-3000+100i;-3000-100i;-4000+100i;-4000-100i];
pL1 =[-3000+100i;-3000-100i;-3700+50i;-3700-50i];
Appendix A Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
% % pL1 =[-1700+1000i;-1700-1000i;-20000+15000i;-20000-15000i];
% % pL1 =[-1700+1000i;-1700-1000i;-21500+14999i;-21500-14999i];
% % pL1 =[-29+10i;-29-10i;-1033;-5000];
% % pL1 =[-10+2.25i*1; -10-2.25i*1;-5; -10];
% % pL1 =[-1+1.25i*1; -1-1.25i*1;-2; -3];
% % To find the state feedback gain K using pole placement of SIDO mode
% % K= place(A,B,pL);
% % % To find the state feedback gain K1 using pole placement of DISO mode
K1= place(A1,B1,pL1);
% % % create a closed loop for SIDO
% % sys_SIDO = ss(A-B*K,B,C,0);
% % tf(sys_SIDO);
sys_DISO = ss(A1-B1*K1,B1,C1,0);
% % create a closed loop for DISO
% % sys_cl1 = ss(A1-B1*K1,B1,C1,0);
% poles = eig(sys_DISO)
% % bode(sys_cl(1,2)),grid on
% % bode(sys_cl(2,1)),grid on
% % display plots of SIDO MODE
% % % /////////////////////////////////////////////////
% % [Gm,Pm] = margin(sys_cl(1,1))
% % [Gm,Pm] = margin(sys_cl(1,2))
% % % [Gm,Pm] = margin(sys_cl(2,2))
% h1 = subplot(211);
% margin(sys_DISO(2,1));
% hold on;
% h2 = subplot(212);
% margin(sys_DISO(2,2));
% hold on;
% h2 = subplot(212);
% margin(sys_cl(2,2));
% hold on;
% allmargin(sys_cl(1,1))
% allmargin(sys_cl(1,2))
% allmargin(sys_cl(2,2))
% 133igenva(sys_cl(1,1))
% bode(sys_cl(1,1),sys_cl(2,2));
% legend(‘iL1’,’Vo’);
% step(sys_cl)
% *///////////////////////////////////////
% /////////////////////////////////////////////////
% [Gm,Pm] = margin(sys_cl1(1,2))
% [Gm,Pm] = margin(sys_cl1(2,1))
% h1 = subplot(211);
% margin(sys_cl1(1,1));
% hold on;
% h2 = subplot(212);
% margin(sys_cl1(2,2));
% hold on;
Appendix A Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
% allmargin(sys_cl1(1,1))
% allmargin(sys_cl1(2,2))
% bode(sys_cl(1,1),sys_cl(2,2));
% legend(‘iL1’,’Vo’);
% step(sys_cl1)
% *///////////////////////////////////////
% bode(sys_cl),grid
% h1 = subplot(211);
% bode(sys_cl(1,1));
% hold on;
% h2 = subplot(1,2);
% bode(sys_cl(2,2,1,1));
% hold on;
% % h1 = subplot(211);
% % bode(sys_cl(1,1));
% % hold on;
% % % h2 = subplot(212);
% % bode(sys_cl(2,2));
% % hold on;
% % set(gcf,’currentaxes’,h1);
% legend(‘iL1’,’Vo’);
% poles = eig(sys_cl)
% poles = eig(sys_cl1);
% % Full state feedback control with integral action
% % Add integrals of iL1 & Vo to the model for steady-state control and generate augmented plant of SIDO mode.
% Aa1=[A zeros(4,1);-C zeros(1,4))]
% Ba1=[B;zeros(1)];
% Ca= [C zeros(1)] ;
% Da=0;
% Aa1 = [[A,[0 0 0 0]];[-C, 0]];
% Ba1 = [B;[0 0]];
% Ca1 = [C,0];
% Da1 = 0;
% Add poles for SIDO MODE
% Here we have six poles
% p1=-50+150i;
% p2=-50-150i;
% p3=-100+200i;
% p4=-100-200i;
% p5 =-50;
% p6 =-25;
% Ki= place(Aa1,Ba1,[p1,p2,p3,p4,p5])
% M=Ki(1:2,1:4)
Appendix A Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
% M1=Ki(1:1)
% M2=Ki(3:3)
% M3=Ki(5:5)
% M4=Ki(7:7)
% % Z=Ki(1:2,5:5)
% M5=Ki(2:2)
% M6=Ki(4:4)
% M7=Ki(6:6)
% M8=Ki(8:8)
% Z1=Ki(9)
% Z2=Ki(10)
% % Z3=Ki(10)
% % Z4=Ki(12)
% sys_c= ss(Aa1-Ba1*Ki,Ca1,Da1)
% sys_1=(Aa1-Ba1*Ki);
% sys_c=ss(sys_1,Ba1,Ca1,Da1)
% tf(sys_c)
% [Gm,Pm] = margin(sys_c(1,1))
% [Gm,Pm] = margin(sys_c(2,2))
% h1 = subplot(211);
% margin(sys_c(1,1));
% hold on;
% h2 = subplot(212);
% margin(sys_c(2,2));
% % Add integrals of iL1 & Vo to the model for steady-state control and generate augmented plant of DISO mode.
% Add poles for DISO MODE
% Here we have six poles
% Aa11=[A1 zeros(4,2);-C1 zeros(2)];
% Ba11=[B1;zeros(2)];
% Ca1= [C1 zeros(2)] ;
% Da1 =0;
% p51 =-98;
% P61=-101;
p51 =-4508;
Ki1 = place(Aa11,Ba11,[p11,p21,p31,p41,p51,P61]);
% F1=Ki1(1:2,1:4)
% H1=Ki1(1:2,5:6)
% Nbar=-inv(C1*inv(A1-B1*K1)*B1)
% sys_1_1=(Aa11-Ba11*Ki1);
% sys_c1_1=ss(sys_1_1,Ba11,Ca1,Da1)
% step(sys_c1_1)
% % F=Ki(1:2,1:4);
Appendix A Simulink Model of the Proposed Converters
% % g1=Ki1(1:1);
% % g2=Ki1(2:2);
% % g3=Ki1(3:3);
% % g4=Ki1(4:4);
% % H1=Ki1(1:1,5:6)
% H2=Ki1(2:2,5:6)
% sim(‘MY_DC_20.slx’)
% sim(‘MY_DC21.slx’)
% % open_system(‘DISO_20.slx’)
% % sim(‘DISO_20.slx’)
% open_system(‘SIDO.slx’)
% sim(‘SIDO.slx’)
% % Check bode plot of both modes
% bode(sys_cl),grid
% bode(sys_cl1),grid
% step(sys_cl1)
% bode(sys_c)
% step(sys_c)
% A11=[-3.847 2.98 -512.9 201;-2.28 -30.78 67.53 4.008;-0.08267 -0.3195 -79.38 30.54; 0 -1 0 0.0001];
% B11=[8 8;48 0;-0.014 2.5; 0 0];
% C11=[1 0 0 0;0 0 0 1];
% D11 = [0 0; 0 0];
% [num111 den111] = ss2tf(A11,B11,C11,D11,1) ; % iu = 1
%[num222 den222] = ss2tf(A11,B11,C11,D11,2); % iu = 2
% sys = ss(A,B,C,D);
% tf(sys_c)
Appendix B Proposed Converters Hardware
Appendix B
Proposed Converters Hardware
B.1 Introduction
This appendix details the power electronics hardware used in testing Three
Fig.B.1 shows the photograph of the Two-Input converter. The converter has
been designed and built to test the performance. The converter consists of two
Appendix B Proposed Converters Hardware
has been designed and built to test the performance. The converter consists of
can be seen from Fig.B.1 and Fig.B.2, both prototypes are the same. The only
difference is the third switch is added with a diode to integrate the battery for
bidirectional flow.
Appendix B Proposed Converters Hardware
two inductors, one switch, two coupling capacitors, three diodes, and two output
Appendix C Controller Overview
Appendix C
Controller Overview
C.1 Introduction
popularly known as the Digital Signal Processor (DSP) board. The board is used in
TMS320F28335 (DSC) [133]. The DSP board consists of many parts, such as an
peripheral comprising six pairs of (ePWM) modules [134]. The card has four
communication ports that can be configured to allow data transfer between the code
composer studio (CCS) environment from the host computer to the target via the
DSP board can be found in [136]. Fig.C.1 shows the TMS320F28335 DSP card,
Appendix C Controller Overview
Appendix C Controller Overview
Ccs interface
Serial interface
external mode
Host Pc
initialisation such as PLL, PWM module, ADC module, Watchdog, and Event
routine (ISR), which contains all the control codes and is triggered from the PWM
module of the DSP. The major feature of this implementation is the DSP integration
to obtain the reference voltage, configuring the voltage and current loop PI
controllers with anti-windup capabilities. The ISR is invoked every 20 μS (50 KHz)
by the period event flag of the Event manager submodule. Timers 1 is used as the
time base for the ePWM output generations with compare A and compare B sub-
Appendix C Controller Overview
SYSCLKOUT, and the ADCCLK is used to time the sampling period. To ensure
that the samples are acquired before the commencement of the control code
execution, the ADC sequencer start of conversion (SOC) is triggered on the apex of
the PWM carrier. When the ADC sampling process is complete, an interrupt
contains all the control codes. The flow chart of this software implementation is
shown in Fig.C.3.
Computer GUI
Appendix D Gate Drives and Sensors Interface Board
Appendix D
Gate Drives and Sensors Interface Board
D.1 Introduction
gate signals required by the converter switches and also for measuring converter
input current and output voltage. Furthermore, the board interfaces the spectrum
IGBTs/MOSFETs. The gate drive interface permits the DSP PWM outputs to
derive the power converter switches. Two ePWM module outputs of the F28335
microcontroller are chosen; therefore, three interface circuits are provided. Each
interface is for only one PWM signal. The interface caters to a single switch with a
Appendix D Gate Drives and Sensors Interface Board
The LEM® current transducer (LA 55-P) and voltage transducer (LV-25p) are
The current transducer is for measuring the input current flowing through the
converter. The output current is an analogue voltage within the range of 0-3V with
a 2.5V nominal output voltage. The transducer measures the DC input current with
galvanic isolation between the power converter and the ADC circuit (primary and
secondary circuit). On the other hand, the voltage transducer measures the
The voltage transducer also has galvanic isolation between the analogue and digital
circuits. The sensors are positioned very close to the ADC input of the DSP board
such that the track length from the sensor output to the ADC input is very short to
reduce the level of noise or interference that might creep into the analogue signal.
Appendix D Gate Drives and Sensors Interface Board
Appendix E Power Loss Analysis and Efficiency
Appendix E
Power Loss Analysis and Efficiency
E.1 Introduction
The losses in DC-DC converters are due to the parasitic elements inherent in the
resistance, core loss, capacitor ESR and forward diode resistance. Unlike the ideal
characteristics, in practice, these parasitic elements limit the voltage gain that a
converter can produce. This behaviour is typical in boost converters. This section
further illustrates the formulae used to estimate the losses regarding the components
losses. To calculate the power loss, the following calculation is carried out
according to [153].
determined. By disregarding the ripples across the inductor currents, the RMS
values are equal to their average values. According to the following formula, the
Appendix E Power Loss Analysis and Efficiency
𝑃CLoss = 𝑟𝑐 𝐼𝑐 2 (E.3)
loss across diode, it is necessary to determine each diode's forward resistance and
forward voltage. To express the power loss across the diode, the following
It should be noted that rD1 is the diode equivalent resistance D1. Moreover, VF
is the forward voltage for diode D1 IDC and represents the average diode current.
device fully conducts, and current passing through the on-state resistor 𝑅𝐷𝑆_𝑜𝑛
generates a power loss. The main switch conduction loss is calculated using the
switch-on state resistance from the data sheet and the switch RMS current given
𝑃sLoss = 𝑟𝑠 𝐼𝑠 + 𝑓𝑠 𝐶𝑠 𝑉𝑄 2 (E.5)
Appendix E Power Loss Analysis and Efficiency
The following formula can be used to calculate the efficiency of the converter
𝑃Loss = 𝑃LLoss + 𝑃CLoss +
𝜂= total
𝑃𝑜𝑢𝑡 +𝑃Loss
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