Biomes Webquest

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Task 1- The worlds major biomes

Describe where the tundra areas are located?




What proportion of Africa is taken up by deserts?


Large areas of tropical rainforests are found on which continent?



Name the regions of the world where temperate and Mediterranean biomes

can be found?




Task 2 Agriculture Land Use

KEY; the darker the colour the closer to 100% coverage the area is a form of agricultue,

either crop land (yellow) or pasture (green)

Compare the map of land use for agriculture with the map of biomes- figure 1
Which biomes are used mostly for cropland?




which biomes are used mostly for pasture i.e animal grazing?




which biomes produce the least food?




Is there an interconnection between biomes and land used for agriculture?

Give examples.




Task 3- Global Food Levels and Food Security

When people can grow food in a biome, they have access to nutritious , safe and
sufficient food for a fit and healthy life, then the region can be said to be food secure.


Step 1: Access the website above that looks at global food levels of 125 countries.

Step 2: select 6 countries from the menu

Step 3: locate the 6 countries within the food index

Step 4: Complete the table below to show the level of food security.
Food Affordabilit
Overall Enough to Eat Food Quality Diabetes & obesity
Index y
Country 1

Country 2

Country 3

Country 4

Country 5

Country 6

Step 5: Using the infographs and the table provided to you, answer the following

 Do all people experience food security? explain and use examples.
















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