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ONT Troubleshooting



For more information on Hyperfibre, visit tuatahifibre.co.nz
HN8250Ts (Hyperfibre)

What is an ONT? 3
Check your connection 4
Is your ONT’s power cable missing or damaged?

What type of ONT do you have? 5

HG8240 6
HG8240H 8
HG8240H5 10
HN8250Ts (Hyperfibre) 12
Back of the ONT’s 14
Glossary 15

0800 Fibre LTD 2

What is an ONT?
The ONT, ETP and
ONT stands for Optical Network Terminal. power cables belong
to Tuatahi First Fibre.
The ONT (also called a fibre box) connects to the External If you move house,
Termination Point (ETP) with an optical fibre cable and make sure you leave it
connects to your modem or router (supplied by your fibre at the property for the
broadband service provider) via a LAN/Ethernet cable. next resident.
It translates light signals from the fibre optic line from
your ETP into electric signals that your router can read.



EXISTING HOUSES – Most existing houses may typically have the ONT located in a hallway, lounge or bedroom.



NEW HOUSES – Most new houses may have a communications box that is usually located in the garage.

0800 Fibre LTD 3

Check your connection Solid or flashing
Solid or flashing
green light
green light (LAN1 to LAN4
(TEL1 to TEL2 if a cable has
if phone been plugged
service exists) into this port) Solid green light

What your ONT

should look like,
when working


If your ONT lights are working

! normally, but you are still not
connected to the internet.
Please contact your Internet
Service Provider to trouble-
shoot your modem or router.

If not working normally, check the ONT has:

Is the On/Off This power adapter cable This cable connected to
button pushed in? connected to your power. your modem or router.

On/Off Power TEL2 TEL1 LAN4 LAN3 LAN2 LAN1

Is your ONT’s power cable missing or damaged?

! Please do not plug any other power cable into the

ONT – this can damage it.

If you are unable to find the power cable, go to

www.tuatahifibre.co.nz/ont-form/ to request one for free
and we’ll courier it to you straight away. In some areas you
have the ability to pick it up from our office. Alternatively
you can phone us at 0800 342 735.

0800 Fibre LTD 4

What type of ONT do you have?
We have four types of ONT’s – read more information and trouble-shooting techniques in the
following pages for the one you have at your home or business.

Model Type HG8240 Model Type HG8240H

Page 6-7 Page 8-9

Model Type HG8240H5 Model Type HN8250Ts (Hyperfibre)

Page 9-10 Page 10-11

If you have an ITP (pictured right) at

your property and no ONT (pictured
above) or the cables are missing or not
connected, please call your Internet
Service Provider as you may require a
visit from a fibre technician.

0800 Fibre LTD 5

Model Type HG8240

If the lights of your ONT
are off, check that it’s
plugged in properly,
powered on, and the rest
of the house has power.

Check your connection

1. Optical cable. 4. Make sure the ON/OFF switch is pushed in.
Do not touch this cable.
! It contains fibre optics and is very fragile. 5. If there are no lights working, check the power plug
is properly connected.
2. This is where you plug your router cable into, 6. BBU function is not currently available.
usually the LAN1 port but your Internet Service
Provider will let you know if it’s a different LAN 7. Reset button. Press the button for a short time to
port number. reset the device; press the button for a long time
(longer than 10s) to restore the device to the default
3. This is where you plug your home phone into if settings and reset the device.
instructed by your service provider.
! Some service providers will ask you to plug
your home phone into your router instead.
Ask your service provider if you are unsure.

1 2 3 4 5

6 7

0800 Fibre LTD 6

Model Type HG8240
Trouble-shooting steps


Off. No power. Check all cables are

plugged in and turned on at the wall.

Steady green. The ONT is powered on.

LAN1 (Local Area Network)

PON (Passive Optical Network)

Off. Nothing is plugged into the LAN1

port. If you have plugged a cable into
this port and the light is still off, this could
indicate a fault.
If your power is on and the PON is off
please contact your Internet On. A cable has been plugged into
Service Provider. this port.
Steady on. Your ONT is connected to the
Blinking. Data is being uploaded or
fibre network and working as it should.
downloading from the Internet.
This is a good thing.

Blinking. Something may be configured NOTE: In some situations you may be expected to plug your modem
into any of the other LAN ports (LAN2-4). Same scenario applies to
incorrectly. Contact your Internet Service the LAN1 port, just a different port. Your service provider will confirm
Provider to raise a fault. which port to plug into.

TEL1 (Telephone)
LOS (Loss of Service)

Off. A landline number hasn’t been

provisioned for your fibre connection.
Off. This is good, you don’t want this
lighting up. Blinking slowly (every 2 seconds). Trying
to register your landline connection with
your Internet Service Provider. (Not yet
On. Something is broken, contact your
ready to use).
Internet Service Provider to raise a fault. Contact your Internet Service Provider when it has
been more than 30 minutes since you have been
connected and all the other lights are behaving as
Blinking. There could be a problem, they should.
contact your Internet Service Provider.
On. Your number should be good to go.
Plug your phone cable into this port, if you
have not done so already.

Blinking quickly. Phone is ringing or off

the hook.

NOTE: TEL2 will only light up if a connection has been set up for this
port. If a connection has been set up, they will act the same as TEL1.
0800 Fibre LTD 7
Model Type HG8240H

If the lights of your ONT
are off, check that it’s
plugged in properly,
powered on, and the rest
of the house has power.

Check your connection

1. Make sure the ON/OFF switch is pushed in. 4. This is where you plug your modem cable into,
usually LAN1 port but your Internet Service Provider
2. If there are no lights working, check the power plug
will let you know if it’s a different LAN number.
is properly connected.
5. Reset button. Press the button for a short time to
3. This is where you plug your home phone into if
reset the device; press the button for a long time
instructed by your service provider.
(longer than 10s) to restore the device to the default
! Some service providers will ask you to plug
your home phone into your router instead. settings and reset the device.
Ask your service provider if you are unsure.

1 2 3 4

0800 Fibre LTD 8

Model Type HG8240H
Trouble-shooting steps


Off. No power. Check all cables are

plugged in and turned on at the wall.

Steady green. The ONT is powered on.

LAN1 (Local Area Network)

PON (Passive Optical Network)

Off. Nothing is plugged into the LAN1

port. If you have plugged a cable into
this port and the light is still off, this could
indicate a fault.
If your power is on and the PON is off
please contact your Internet Service On. A cable has been plugged into
Provider. this port.
Steady on. Your ONT is connected to the
Blinking. Data is being uploaded or
fibre network and working as it should.
downloading from the Internet.
This is a good thing.
NOTE: In some situations you may be expected to plug your modem
Blinking. Something may be configured into any of the other LAN ports (LAN2-4). Same scenario applies to the
incorrectly. Contact your Internet Service LAN1 port, just a different port. Your service provider will confirm which
Provider to raise a fault. port to plug into.

TEL1 (Telephone)
LOS (Loss of Service)

Off. A landline number hasn’t been

provisioned for your fibre connection.
Off. This is good, you don’t want this
lighting up. Your fibre broadband Blinking slowly (every 2 seconds).
is connected. Trying to register your landline connection
with your Internet Service Provider.
On. Something is broken, contact your (Not yet ready to use).
Internet Service Provider to raise a fault.
On. Your number should be good to go.
Plug your phone cable into this port, if you
Blinking. There could be a problem, have not done so already.
contact your Internet Service Provider.
Blinking quickly. Phone is ringing or off
the hook.

NOTE: TEL2 will only light up if a connection has been set up for this
port. If a connection has been set up, they will act the same as TEL1.

0800 Fibre LTD 9

Model Type HG8240H5

If the lights of your ONT
are off, check that it’s
plugged in properly,
powered on, and the rest
of the house has power.

Check your connection

1. Make sure the ON/OFF switch is pushed in. 4. This is where you plug your modem cable into,
usually LAN1 port but your Internet Service Provider
2. If there are no lights working, check the power plug
will let you know if it’s a different LAN number.
is properly connected.
5. Reset button. Press the button for a short time to
3. This is where you plug your home phone into if
reset the device; press the button for a long time
instructed by your service provider.
(longer than 10s) to restore the device to the default
! Some service providers will ask you to plug
your home phone into your modem instead. settings and reset the device.
Ask your service provider if you are unsure.

1 2 3 4

0800 Fibre LTD 10

Model Type HG8240H5
Trouble-shooting steps


Off. No power. Check all cables are

plugged in and turned on at the wall.

Steady green. The ONT is powered on.

LAN1 (Local Area Network)

PON (Passive Optical Network)

Off. Nothing is plugged into the LAN1

port. If you have plugged a cable into
this port and the light is still off, this could
If your power is on and the PON is off indicate a fault.
please contact your Internet Service On. A cable has been plugged into
Provider. this port.
Steady on. Your ONT is connected to the
Blinking. Data is being uploaded or
fibre network and working as it should.
downloading from the Internet.
This is a good thing.

Blinking. Something may be configured

NOTE: In some situations you may be expected to plug your modem
incorrectly. Contact your Internet Service into any of the other LAN ports (LAN2-4). Same scenario applies to
Provider to raise a fault. the LAN1 port, just a different port. Your service provider will confirm
which port to plug into.

TEL1 (Telephone)
LOS (Loss of Service)

Off. A landline number hasn’t been

provisioned for your fibre connection.
Off. This is good, you don’t want this
lighting up.
Blinking slowly (every 2 seconds).
Trying to register your landline connection
On. Something is broken, contact your with your Internet Service Provider.
Internet Service Provider to raise a fault. (Not yet ready to use).

Blinking. There could be a problem, On. Your number should be good to go.
contact your Internet Service Provider. Plug your phone cable into this port,
if you have not done so already.

Blinking quickly. Phone is ringing or off

the hook.

NOTE: TEL2 will only light up if a connection has been set up for this
port. If a connection has been set up, they will act the same as TEL1.

0800 Fibre LTD 11

Model Type HG8250Ts This ONT has a

(Hyperfibre) special 10GB port

specific for those
who purchase
Hyperfibre plans
(2GB or more)

If the lights of your ONT
are off, check that it’s
plugged in properly,
powered on, and the rest
of the house has power.

Check your connection

1. Make sure the ON/OFF switch is pushed in. 5. 10G LAN Indicates Hyperfibre. If you have ordered
Hyperfibre plug CAT6A cable into there.
2. If there are no lights working, check the power plug is
10GE network ports must use network cables
properly connected.
of CAT6A or higher standards to ensure the
3. This is where you plug your home phone into if performance over 100m.
instructed by your service provider.
6. Reset button. Press the button for a short time to
! Some service providers will ask you to plug
your home phone into your modem instead. reset the device; press the button for a long time
Ask your service provider if you are unsure. (longer than 10s) to restore the device to the default
settings and reset the device.
4. If you’re NOT on a Hyperfibre plan, you would plug
your modem into LAN1, however your service provider
will let you know if it’s a different port.

1 2 3 4 5

0800 Fibre LTD 12

Model Type HN8250Ts 10G LAN (Local Area Network)

Trouble-shooting steps

Off. Nothing is plugged into 10G LAN. If you

have plugged a cable into this port and the
light is still off, this could indicate a fault.

On. A cable has been plugged into

this port.

Blinking. Data is being uploaded or

downloading from the Internet.

NOTE: Please make sure you have plugged your Hyperfibre cable into
this port for the light to come on.


Off. No power.

Steady green. The ONT is powered on. Off. Nothing is plugged into these LAN
ports. If a cable is plugged into this port
and the light is still off, this could indicate
a fault.
PON (Passive Optical Network)
On. A cable has been plugged into
this port.

Blinking. Data is being uploaded or

downloading from the Internet.

If your power is on and the PON is off

NOTE: LAN 1 - 4 are only used for non-hyperfibre plans of 1GB or less.
please contact your Internet Service

Steady on. Is in the normal state.

TEL1 (Telephone)
Blinking. Indicates a fault if a service has
been provisioned to the ONT. Contact
your Internet Service Provider.

Off. A landline number hasn’t been provisioned

LOS (Loss of Service) for your fibre connection.

Blinking slowly (every 2 seconds).

Trying to register your landline connection with
your Internet Service Provider.
(Not yet ready to use).

Off. This is good, you don’t want this On. Your number should be good to go. Plug
lighting up. your phone cable into this port, if you have not
done so already.
On. Something is broken, contact your
Internet Service Provider to raise a fault. Blinking quickly. Phone is ringing or off the hook.

Blinking. There could be a problem,

contact your Internet Service Provider. NOTE: TEL2 will only light up if a connection has been set up for this
port. If a connection has been set up, they will act the same as TEL1.

0800 Fibre LTD 13

Back of the ONT’s
The fibre (or optical) port is located on the back of the ONT – this is what the
fibre cable is connected to (except for Model Type HG8240).

Please do not attempt to Do not remove the ONT
open the ONT or remove from the premises.
the bracket as it may
damage the fibre cable. The ONT, ETP and power cables belong to
Tuatahi First Fibre. If you move house, make sure
you leave it at the property for the next resident.

Model Type HG8240 Model Type HG8240H

Model Type HN8250Ts Model Type HG8240H5

(Hyperfibre ONT)

0800 Fibre LTD 14

Adapter cable – A power cable for the fibre box (ONT).
CAT6A cable – This cable is required when on a Hyperfibre plan with the HN8250T
Hyperfibre ONT.
Ethernet – Described by the IEEE 802.3 standards, “Ethernet” is a particular style of
data traffic management and formatting for Layer 2 Services, and is increasingly
being established as the dominant Layer 2 Service technology throughout the world.
ETP – External Termination Point. The box that’s installed on the outside
of your property (as shown on page 3). It connects you to the rest of the
fibre network.
ITP – Internal Termination Point. This is usually built together with your fibre box but it
may be separate to your ONT. (An ITP is pictured on page 5).
LAN – Local Area Network.
LOS – Loss Of Signal. The level of obstruction on the path between two points.
The level of obstruction in a LOS determines not only the visibility from one point
to another but also the quality of signal reception for wireless transmissions,
such as Wi-Fi.
Modem – A device that lets you access the internet through some internet enabled
devices – smartphone, laptop, computer, smart TV etc.
Optical cable – The fibre cable connecting your place to the internet.
ONT – Optical Network Terminal or commonly referred to as the fibre box.
PON – Passive Optical Network. A PON system brings optical fibre cabling and
signals all or most of the way from an Internet Service Provider (ISP) to the end user.
A PON system is designed to deliver fibre broadband Internet access to your home or
office by connecting you as a subscriber to your ISP.
Router – A small box that allows multiple computers to join the same network.
ISP – Internet Service Providers that residential and business customers connect with
to access fibre broadband services.
TEL – Telecommunications, phone or voice over internet line.

0800 Fibre LTD 15

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