API 510 Question Bank Set J

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Professional Training and Consultation

API 510 Preparatory Course

1. A filmside penetrameter can be used for:

a. inaccessible welds (unable to hand place a source

b. all welds
c. all castings at any time
d. an alternative to a source-side wire penetrameter

2. A dark image of the "B" on a lighter background is:

a. Acceptable
b. Rejectable
c. Sometimes rejectable
d. None of the above

3. One of the procedural requirements for conducting PT is

to address the processing details for:

a. Post-examination cleaning
b. Pre-examination cleaning
c. Apply the penetrant
d. All of the above

4. Non-aqueous developer may be applied to a wet


True or False (circle one)

5. The accuracy of a piece of magnetizing equipment that

is equipped with an ammeter shall be verified:

a. Each year
b. Each two years
c. When possible
d. Every 6 months

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Professional Training and Consultation

6. When using fluorescent particles, the examiner shall be

in a darkened area for at least ________ minutes prior
to performing the examination.

a. 7
b. 10
c. 9
d. 1

7. A wire IQI shall be placed adjacent to the weld, with the

wires parallel to the weld.

True of False (circle one)

8. A field indicator is composed of _______low carbon

steel pie sections, furnace brazed together.

a. 2
b. 6
c. 10
d. 8

9. The type and amperage of magnetizing current must be

identified on the written MT procedure.

True of False (circle one)

10. Certification of contaminants shall be obtained for all

PT materials used on:

a. Carbon steels
b. Ferritic stainless steels
c. Austenitic stainless steels
d. None of the above
11. Black light intensity shall be measured with a
_______ when conducting fluorescent PT.
a. Dark room meter
b. Photo-meter
c. Black light meter
d. None of the above

P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ● TEL (966) 3 857 0006 ● FAX (966) 3 857 5255 ● [email protected] ● 92
Professional Training and Consultation

12. When should a densitometer be calibrated as a


a. Annually
b. Every 90 days
c. Whenever it is turned on
d. As required by the Examiner

13. The location markers required by ASME V are

required to appear as radiographic images.

True or False (circle one)

14. D.C.yokers may be used for detecting subsurface

discontinuities, per ASME V?

True or False (circle one)

15. When coatings are applied to enhance contrast, the

procedure must be demonstrated that indications
can be detected through the coating.

True or False (circle one)

16. How many total liquid penetrant techniques are

listed in ASME V?

a. 4
b. 6
c. 2
d. 1

17. Prior to examinations, each adjacent surface shall be

cleaned within at least _____" of the area to be
a. 1
b. 1.5
c. 2
d. 3

18. Water washable penetrant shall be removed with a

water spray not exceeding 60 psi and 1000F.
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Professional Training and Consultation

True or False (circle one)

19. The maximum emulsification time shall be :

a. 5 minutes
b. 10 minutes
c. 15 minutes
d. none of the above

20. Densitometers shall be calibrated by verification with

a calibrated:

a. Densitometer
b. Step Wedge Comparison Strip
c. Light Meter
d. Transmission monitor

21. When using a hydrophillic emulsifier versus a

lipophilic emulsifier and intermediate step that must
be taken is:

a. pre-flooding with emulisifier

b. pre-cleaning with solvent
c. pre-rinsing with water
d. pre-washing with detergent

22. A welded part is to be radiographed and is 1" thick,

with 1/8" reinforcement. What ASTM wire set IQI
should be used on these radiographs if a source side
technique is used :

a. Set A
b. Set B
c. Set C
d. Set D

23. When a PT test cannot be conducted between 500-

1250F, what must be done, per ASME V?

a. The procedure must be qualified.

P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ● TEL (966) 3 857 0006 ● FAX (966) 3 857 5255 ● [email protected] ● 94
Professional Training and Consultation

b. The surface must be re-cleaned

c. The test cannot be conducted
d. None of the above

24. The sulphur content of a penetrant is measured to be

less than 0.0025g. This material is acceptable for use

a. Nickel-base alloys
b. Carbon steel
c. Ferritic steel
d. All of the above

25. All indications are to be evaluated in accordance


c. The referencing Code section
d. The written procedure

26. The scope of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel,

Code, Section V includes:

a. NDE acceptance crtieria

b. How to perform NDE to achieve a desired result
c. Where to do NDE (i.e. what welds to examine)
d. Who can be the Authorised Inspector

27. UT equipment is calibrated?

a. Before heat-treatment
b. AFter completing the examination
c. Prior to visual examination
d. Prior to PT examination

28. What finished surface is required of butt welds for PT


a. Smooth surface prepared by grinding

b. Cosmetically clean acid etched surface
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Professional Training and Consultation

c. A near white blast surface

d. None of the above

29. A penetrameter is used on a DWE/DWV. The

penetrameter selection is based on:

a. The single wall thickness and weld reinforcement

b. Both wall thicknesses
c. The single wall thickness for Sch 80 pipe
d. None of the above

30. A suitable means for applying penetrant.

a. Dipping
b. Brushing
c. Spraying
d. Any or all of the above

31. What materials require the use of tested and

certified liquid penetrants as to the contaminants in
the penetrant?

a. Nickel alloys
b. Austenitic stainless steel alloys
c. Ferritic / martensific stainless steel
d. Both a and b, above

32. How shall indications be evaluated, i.e. acceptance

standards for RT?
a. To ASME V
c. To B31.3
d. To the referencing Code section

33. Thickness readings may be displayed on?

a. SRT
b. PRT
c. CRT
d. Strip chart recorder

P.O. Box No. 7274, Dammam 31462, Saudi Arabia ● TEL (966) 3 857 0006 ● FAX (966) 3 857 5255 ● [email protected] ● 96
Professional Training and Consultation

34. How many copies of a procedure must be available

to the Manufacturers NDE Personnel?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

35. How shall Non-destructive Examination Personnel be


a. To SNT-TC 1A
b. To CP-189
c. To referencing code requirements
d. To ACCP rules

36. Which NDE methods are considered "surface"


a. PT
b. RT
c. MT
d. Both A & C above

37. What designation is used to indicate the

penetrameter is on the film side?

a. An "F"
b. An " E"
c. A " D"
d. An "FS"

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