IG Plant
IG Plant
IG Plant
Series Gln
The information given in this document has been collected for the general convenience of our clients. It has
been based on general data pertaining to construction material properties and working methods known to us
at the time of issue of the document and is therefore subject at any time to change or amendment. The right
to change or amend is hereby expressly reserved. The instructions in this publication only serve as a guide-
line for installation, use and maintenance of the machine mentioned on the cover page of this document.
This publication is to be used for the standard model of the machine of the type given on the cover page.
Thus Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems B.V. cannot be held responsible for any damage resulting from
the application of this publication to the version actually delivered to you.
This publication has been written with great care. However, Aalborg Industries Inert Gas Systems B.V. cannot
be held responsible, either for any errors occurring in this publication or for their consequences.
1.2 Liability
The data published in this manual are based
on the latest information available. They are
subject to future modification.
5 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION To produce dry inert gas air the wet inert gas
is compressed by a screw compressor and
5.1 Process Description led to the dryer unit. After passing the dryer
The generator is capable of producing inert the inert gas is supplied via the delivery valve
gas air. to the deck main line.
5.2 Detailed process description Set-point of the overflow valve is also the fuel
oil deliver pressure.
5.2.1 Introduction The set point of the overflow valve is
The complete system consists of several sub- adjustable.
systems. In this chapter we take a closer look
at the sub-systems and the equipment. Fuel oil pressure on the main burner can be
adjusted by valve 2032. This valve is used to
The complete system contains the following reduce the pressure near to the required
sub-systems and main equipment: pressure.
Inert gas production: Fuel oil supply line to main burner is provided
- Combustion chamber, burner and with 2 block valves (1059, 2043) according
cooling/washing section the class requirements. Block valves will close
- Combustion air blower automatically during shut-down.
- Fuel oil pump
- Blow-off valve
- Oxygen analyser 5.2.4 Pilot burner
- Main electrical panel The combustion chamber is provided with a
pilot burner for ignition of the main burner.
Compressor units: The pilot burner is a reliable burner which
- Knock-out drum needs only fuel oil and compressed air
- Inert gas return line (instrument air from ship) for starting-up. Pilot
- Compressor units burner is ignited by a spark plug (2131).
During start-up of the generator the pilot
Dryer unit: burner will be started first. Ignition of the pilot
- Dryer unit burner is safeguarded by a UV-detector
(2121). When the pilot burner is in operation
and flame detection has been check by the
5.2.2 Combustion air supply UV-detector, the main burner will be started.
Combustion air is supplied to the main burner
by the blower unit (2202). Oil pressure of the fuel oil pump is the same
Via a regulating valve (2050) in a separate as the pressure on the pilot burner.
blow-off line, the quantity of combustion air
supplied to the main burner is adjusted:
5.2.5 Main burner
a) to adapt the combustion air delivery to the The main burner (2001) is ignited by the pilot
compressor capacity, burner. The burning of the flame is monitored
by an U.V.-flame detector (2021), in
b) to obtain the correct atomising pressure conjunction with the flame safeguarding relay
(delta p) over the main burner in the electric system.
The blower is protected against a too high The fuel oil is atomised in two steps. Firstly,
counter pressure by a high-alarm pressure the fuel oil is dispersed by a spray nozzle.
switch (2010). A too low combustion air Then it is subjected to a tangential impulse
pressure is monitored as well by a pressure flow of combustion air which, added to the
switch (2011). mainly axially orientated impulse flow of the
liquid itself, results in an ultrafine dispersion of
5.2.3 Fuel oil supply the liquid.
The fuel oil is supplied at a constant pressure
by the fuel oil pump (1012) with a built in The tangential impulse flow is created by
overflow valve. supplying the air through slots in a ring fitted
Before the ignition is started with the pump round the burner head.
switched on (pre-purge time), all the fuel oil is An optimal atomisation of the fuel oil is
pumped back via the built-in overflow valve. achieved if the differential pressure over the
slots of the atomising ring is approx. 0.2 bar, The mist is condensed and re-supplied as
i.e. the difference between the combustion water droplets, which are carried off via the
pressure (on gauge 2012) and the pressure water seal.
inside the combustion chamber (= approx. The seawater is supplied to the sprayers and
pressure on gauge 2332). the combustion chamber jacket via an orifice
(2314), which distributes the cooling water
The main burner is because of the robust into the correct quantities.
construction free of maintenance. The oil The seawater leaving sprayers and
nozzle at the end of the burner lance must be cooling-water jacket flows out via the water
replaced when dirty or blocked. seal. The seawater supply is safeguarded by
low- and high-alarm pressure switches (2320,
The burner cone is a part of wear and tear. 2321).
Therefore this cone must be checked periodi- Sufficient cooling of the combustion-chamber
cally on damage (see chapter 9) and replaced wall is safeguarded by high-alarm
as soon as it starts burning away (holes, de- temperature switch (2312).
crease of length, see drawing P-X00047). The Sufficient cooling of the inert gas is
life of the burner cone is strongly influenced safeguarded by high-alarm temperature
by the quality of the fuel oil and the correct switch (2335). During ignition blow-off valve
adjustment of the burner. It is STRONGLY 2360 will be open.
ADVISED to have a spare cone on board con-
tinuously. 5.2.7 Water seal
The required final pressure of the generator is
5.2.6 Combustion chamber and achieved by the 'roots'-type air blowers,
scrubbing Tower supplying the combustion air to the burner.
Main and pilot burners are mounted on the This causes an overpressure in the
combustion chamber (2301). The combustion combustion chamber and scrubber section. A
chamber is surrounded by a cooling-water water seal under the scrubber discharges the
jacket to discharge the generated heat as water, at the same time maintaining the
much as possible. The cooling water jacket required pressure and avoiding the escape of
has a spiral, so the cooling water flows round inert gas (or air).
the combustion chamber wall and an optimum
cooling effect is achieved. The water is flowing to overboard on atmos-
The hot inert gas flows through the pherically pressure. The water level in the
cooling/washing tower, where it is directly scrubber is monitored by a level switch
cooled with seawater to a few degrees (max (2322).
4) above seawater inlet temperature. At the
same time, the sulphur oxides are washed out
of the inert gas. These sulphur oxides are 5.2.8 Knock-Out drum
formed during combustion of the fuel oil, as In front of the screw compressors in the
the fuel oil always contains sulphur. suction line, a knock-out (K.O)-drum (2500) is
installed to be certain that no condensate
The scrubbing tower is filled with contact droplets can enter the compressor. The gas
material (2308), in order to ensure an intense speed in that vessel is so low that the droplets
contact between the seawater, which is have to fall out of the gas flow.
supplied via sprayers (2306/2304/2303) in The condensate formed is discharged to a
combustion room and on top of the scrubbing water seal (2503). The K.O. drum is provided
tower and the inert gas flowing in opposite with a level switch (2522) that switches the
direction. generator off in case the condensate level
The filling (2308) of the cooling/washing tower becomes too high.
consists of polypropylene material.
A demister (2307) on top of the scrubbing Valve (3500) is used for capacity control of
tower prevents a water mist from being the screw compressor.
carried away with the inert gas.
Oil circuit:
During operation of the compressor, a large it from being totally closed. Because of the
flow is re-circulating through the entire little gas flow, the compressor is almost
compressor system. Because of the running unload. The valves 3510/3513 are
overpressure in the oil separator vessel and closed. This allows a fast pressure build-up in
under pressure at the compressor inlet, oil the separator tank, need for the oil circulation.
floods into the air-end. Oil is then mixed with The minimum pressure valve (3029) will open
the compressed gas and led to the oil only at approx. 3 bar(g). The compressor will
separator. go on load if the pressure of 5,5 bar has
reached, pressure switch (5120) will release
The air-end outlet temperature is critical. If the the compressor. The valves 3510/3513 will
temperature is too low, condensate will occur open.
in the air-end during compression and can
damage rotors and bearings. A low During this unload running the compressor
temperature alarm thermostat (3109) is blows off a small amount of gas via no-load
installed. The oil temperature and air-end are valve (3411).
also restricted to a maximum temperature; The compressor keeps running unload till the
this is safeguarded by thermostat 3110. minimum temperature alarm is off (not
indicated on local control panel since this is
Oil separation is done in three stages. The not an alarm).
first stage the radial inlet in the oil separator,
oil will separate from the gas flow by means of Compressor is now ready to run unload,
centrifugal forces. In second stage the oil is however this happens after the rest of the
separated by demister (3107), the oil drips system is online (see start-up sequence of
down into the oil collecting tank. A smaller complete system).
amount of oil is of oil is separated by demister
(3100). Oil collected out of this third stage is Shut-down:
returned straight to the air-end via a non-
return valve (3116). Some oil will go with the When the compressor is shut-down, intake
gas to the after cooler (3301) and will be valve (3007) closes and E-motor (3002) stops
drained via 3403. running.
System depressurises via orifice (3420) and
The oil is pressed out of the separator tank no-load valve (3411).
again because of the overpressure and flow
through the oil filter (3120) to the oil cooler
(3201). The cooled oil is then sucked into the Instrumentation and controls:
air-end again.
The compressor is controlled from the main
Cooling water system: control panel. The compressor will start
automatically when the system is started on
The compressor is seawater cooled. Both the main panel.
after cooler and oil cooler are of shell-tube
type, with having the seawater flowing through The oil separator is provided with a level
the tubes. gauge and level switches. Compressor will
shut-down at high and low-low level alarm.
After cooler and oil cooler are placed in serie. Compressor will give pre-alarm at low level
The cooling water flow through the after alarm.
cooler is adjusted by hand valve (3205). Flow
through oil cooler is automatically adjusted by The pressure drop over demisters (3124,
control valve 3210. 3119) is monitored by pressure indicator /
switch (3117). In case of a too high pressure
Start-up: drop the unit will shut-down.
The inert gas leaving the compressor will be will contain less H2O; the quantity of H2O per
filtered by two grades of filters, course (5101) volume unit will fall below the equilibrium
and fine (5111). The last one (5111) will have condition of the filling.
a constant high pressure drop. If the pressure If this dried and expanded inert gas or air is
drop is zero the filter should be checked purged through the vessel in opposite
(bursted or loose elements). direction, the filling will try to reach equilibrium
with this relatively dry inert gas and in this way
For gas entering the dryer is free of water and it will desorbs H2O.
oil mist now. The dryer is not sensitive to The process will take place all over the vessel.
minor oil contents. The H2O, which becomes desorbed in this
way, is expelled with the purged inert gas.
The cycles occur as follows: The inert gas leaving the dryer is filtrated by
an adsorber for oil vapour is used (5700) of a
Start: Compressor on load. carbon type that can adsorb oil vapour under
dry conditions. The carbon need be replaced
1 s: Solenoid 5013 is energised by periodically. After the carbon bed filter a dust
which pneumatic valve 5011 is filter is installed for the carbon dust of the car-
opened. Solenoid 5023 is de- bon bed filter.
energised by which pneumatic
valve 5021 is closed. Wet inert
gas or air flows through vessel 5.2.13 The oxygen content
1. The classification authorities require a
Solenoid 5053 is energised by continuous check (indication, registration &
which pneumatic valve 5051 is alarm) of the oxygen content.
opened. Vessel 2 is de- The analyser constantly indicates the oxygen
compressed and blows-off via content in the inert gas and will effect an
a silencer (5080). alarm if a set maximum or minimum quantity if
After that the vessel 2 is oxygen is exceeded.
purged with dry air/inert gas via The maximum value if fixed by the application
an orifice (5086). of the inert gas. The minimum value protects
against under-stochiometric combustion (too
210 s: Solenoid valve 5053 is high content of combustibles CO + H2).
de-energised, by which
pneumatically operated valve The generator will not stop at alarm condition.
5051 closes. End of purge This enables the operator to change the
period. adjustment of the equipment and to see the
Via the orifice 5086, inert gas At alarm condition 'O2 HIGH' visible and
or air remains is flowing to audible alarm will occur and the inert gas
vessel 2 in order to pressurise produced will be blown off now and not
this vessel rapidly, thus discharged to the cargo tanks.
avoiding pressure dips during At alarm condition 'O2 LOW' the inert gas will
change-over of function of the be blown-off and audible and visible alarm will
vessels. occur too.
The vessel remains in this In case of an O2-alarm, the O2-content can be
mode until change over of changed by supplying more or less fuel oil to
functions occurs. the main burner to be controlled manually by
300 s: The vessels change of function the regulating valve (2032). This can be
now. The solenoid 5013 is de necessary e.g. at temperature variations of
-energised by which pneumatic the combustion air.
valve 5011 closes.
The solenoid valve 5023 is The alarm modules for a 'LOW' and a 'HIGH'
energised by which O2-content (HA, LA) will be activated if the O2-
pneumatically operated valve content exceeds one of the set limits.
5021 opens. In case of an 'O2 LOW' alarm, if the failure
remains for more than 60 seconds, purge
301 s: The regeneration of vessel 1 valve (6021) will open and delivery valve
starts. Vessel 2 is in the drying (6041) will close. In case of a 'HIGH' O2
mode. The regeneration cycle content alarm (HA) same will happen.
of vessel 1 is identical to that of
vessel 2. The full adjustment range of the alarm units
corresponds with the analyser range selected.
The high value is laid down by the application
5.2.12 Filtration (dust/ oil vapour) of the inert gas.
The low value protects against under- burner open; pilot burner ignites
stochiometric combustion (content of main burner.
combustibles CO + H2 too high, with risk of
soot). 30 sec.: Solenoid valves (2103, 2105 and
The analyser has to be calibrated regularly, 2114) for fuel oil and instrument
with the aid of a 'zero' gas (nitrogen) and a air to pilot burner are closed
'span' gas (instrument air). Calibration to be again. Pilot burner extinguishes.
done after abt. 10 hrs temperature
stabilisation (= power on). Automatic Main burner flame must have
ignition/start-up sequence been detected by UV-flame
After having carried out the preliminary detector (2021), otherwise
starting instructions, such as opening supply generator shuts down and alarm is
valves, starting up seawater supply, putting given.
mode selector switch into position 'INERT Dryer unit is started
GAS PRODUCTION' or 'AIR PRODUCTION', Compressor intake valve (3007) is
the generator can be started by operating the opened, compressor on load
generator start switch. Blow-off valve (2360) is closed.
The automatic program for inert-gas 235 sec.: Inert gas can be delivered to the
production then runs as follows: tanks, provided that:
a) the O2-content is between its
b) the dew point is below its
Start limits. If conditions are OK, the
• Blower starts. indication light "generator stand-
• F.O. pump starts. by" is ON. Gas to deck switch can
• Bypass valves 3510/3513 closed. now be operated.
• Compressor starts, intake valve 3007 is
• No load valve (3411) open when
compressor is warmed-up (thermostat
3213) or when 60 seconds of pre-purge
time have exceed, ignition sequence is
Start time +
0 sec.: Ignition pilot burner
Solenoid valves (2103,2105,2114)
for fuel oil and instrument air to
pilot burner open; ignition
transformer(2131) and thus spark
plug energised.
10 sec.: Ignition transformer de energised.
Flame pilot burner must have
been detected by UV-flame
detector (2121), otherwise
generator shuts down and alarm is
Capacity measured on dry basis at 15oC and Oil pump 0.65 kW 0.3 kW
at atmospheric pressure. Combustion air blower 35 kW 29 kW
Discharge pressure: 6 bar(g) Compressor: 330 kW 290 kW
Control system: 3.0 kW 3.0kW
Typical Gas composition: (on dry basis)
Ambient air:
Note: sufficient ventilation is obligatory.
- Temperature: between 0 and 45°C
- Pressure: atmospheric
- Consumption for combustion: abt.
2653 Nm3/h
6.4 Materials
7 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS After opening the hand valves for all utilities,
doing the necessary checks, and starting-up
Before operating the unit, read the cooling-water supply, the generator can
the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS. be started by one single switch. The starting
process is programmed by a contact drum
and is operating fully automatically. The
7.1 General process is safeguarded by safety devices.
This packaged equipment is a piece of
machinery that inherently has many possible 7.2 Operation panels
hazards. There are systems that operate
under pressure, at extreme temperatures, at Local control panel 2
high speeds and at high voltages. The local control panel 2 contains all
Therefore the equipment must be operated equipment for the start-up of the generator.
by qualified personnel who have been trained On the front door of this control panel all
to work on this type of machinery. status and failure lamps are inserted in a
coloured mimic diagram.
• Do not remove parts from pressure
containing systems without relieving Compressor panel 13
pressure first. Panel 7 contain motor starters, local
indicators and alarms for compressors.
• Do not operate this equipment without all
guards in place and properly adjusted. Starter panels 10 and 12
The starter panels contain the electrical
• Do not operate this unit in a manner for starting and safeguarding equipment for the
which it was not designed. E-motor (panel 10 for the combustion air
blowers, panel 12 for the fuel oil pump).
• There are parts of this equipment which
can cause electrical shock. Panel 20 for the oxygen analyser
This panel is mounted on the dryer unit.
• Do not remove any of the protective
devices or render them inactive.
• When doing any service work or
maintenance work on the compressor(s),
be absolutely sure the equipment is
locked out and all internal pressure is
Switch: Automatic/manual
BEFORE STARTING THIS INSTALLATION, 10. Check water seal under the k.o. drum
IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW, WHAT (2503) on following points:
PRODUCTION MODE MUST BE CHOSEN: - filled already with water?
- Inert Gas production - drain valve (if appl.) closed?
- Air (dry) production
11. Check if shut-off valves (3202, 3302) are
7.4.2 Inert gas production
12. Check if the screw compressors are filled
1. Put main supply switches 'ON' (keep 'ON'
with oil.
normally for analyser).
Switching on has to be done at least 5 -
13. Check if the drain valves are closed.
10 hours hour before the generator is
started, in connection with the
14. Open the instrumentation valves on the
warming-up time for the oxygen
compressor unit.
15. Open the instrument air supply valve
2. After 10 hours:
(5301) on the dryer and stripper unit.
Open instrument air shut-off valve (1501)
and calibrate oxygen analyser according
16. Check if the sample point valves (5240)
to the instructions given in the Aalborg
on the delivery line of the dryer and
Industries IGS manual (see chapter 11).
(5243) on dryer inlet for the dew point
and oxygen analyser are opened.
3. Starting up seawater supply:
- Open valves in cooling-water supply and
17. Open the instrumentation valves for the
discharge lines of combustion chamber
pressure indicators on the dryer and
and water seal.
stripper unit.
- Open valves in water supply and
discharge lines of the deck seal.
18. If the indication "SYSTEM READY TO
- Start cooling water supply pump.
START" on the mimic panel lights-up (if
not, consult section ...), start the inert
4. Open the main fuel-oil shut-off valve
gas generator with the START/STOP
(1001) and check, if f.o. control valve in
switch and release the switch to position
oil return line to tank is opened.
Generator running indicator lights up.
5. Rotate the handle of the fuel oil filter
Compressors, fuel-oil pump and blower
(1002) twice.
start running.
6. Open the fuel oil shut-off valve (1051) on
19. The start-up sequence is started now,
the generator.
see chapter 3).
With the start of the generator, the
7. Put the mode selector switch in the
compressor and dryer are started as
well. The compressor runs in the
"unload" mode.
8. Check if the instrumentation valves for
the pressure indicators and transmitters
20. When blow-off valve (2360) closes, inlet
are opened and if the drain valve (2351)
pressure of compressor should be
and rinsing valve (2340) on the generator
checked. If pressure is too high, adjust
are closed.
valve (3500).
26. If the generator operates normally and 7. Drain possible fuel oil out of the burner
the composition of the gas is correct: housing by opening the plug underneath
The indicator "Generator stand-by" lights the burner. Close this drain again!
8. Note: Unit can also be stopped remote.
26. Now the gas delivery valve (6041) can be
opened, this can be done remote or local
depending on the position of switch S11 9. The jacket shall be rinsed before every
on the main panel. long stand-still period, open valve 2340
for rinsing.
27. Check:
- pressures 10. In case of long stand-still periods, drain
- temperatures oil and water from all systems and close
- oxygen content of inert gas valves.
Period: Check:
- Check fuel oil pump discharge pressure after start; oil must return via
pressure control valve in f.o. return line;
IF NOT, STOP SYSTEM and RE-ADJUST valve (2032).
- Check via sight glass (2502) the discharge of condensate from K.O.
drum to water seal (2503)
Lamp test.
Alarm test.
- After eliminating the cause of the 1. a. Blower and cooling water pump are
failure, the installation has to be reset switched off after an after purge time
by pushing the RESET button on the of 30 seconds.
generator control panel. b. Fuel oil pump is switched off.
- Next, the generator can be restarted. c. Fuel oil valves close. Burner extin-
- The setting of all safety devices is d. Purge valve opens.
given in the test-protocol. e. Delivery valve closes.
f. Visible and audible alarm.
- The alarm modules for 'O2-max.' and
'O2-min.' are mounted in the local 2. a. Blower switched off immediately.
panel. Their inputs (4-20mA) are b. Same as 1b up to 1f incl.
connected with the output of the
oxygen analyser. The alarm values 3. a. Blower switched off immediately.
depend on the chosen analyser b. Cooling water supply pump switched
range. off.
- The full range of the set point c. Same as 1b up to 1f incl.
potentiometer of the alarm modules
corresponds with the selected
4. a. Purge valve open.
analyser range; i.e. selecting another
b. Delivery valve closes.
analyser range will automatically alter
c. Audible and visible alarm.
the alarm values for 'O2-LOW' and
'O2-HIGH', thus it might be necessary
to re-adjust. 5. a. Cargo pumps stop.
b. Audible and visible alarm.
- In section 5.2 a trouble chart is given
in which all failures that are indicated 6. a. Audible and visible alarm.
on the control panels, plus some
general generator failures, are
Inert gas tempera- 1 TZA-H 2335 Supply cooling water Check pressure.
ture behind the low.
scrubber high: Sprayer pipes in Clean them.
scrubber clogged.
Orifice 2314 clogged. Clean them.
Valve 2313 not correct Adjust it.
Water level knock- 2 LZA-H 2522 Condensate discharge Clean it.
out drum high: line clogged
Compressor capacity Readjust (see adjustment
too high against the of atomizing pressure)
blower capacity
Common alarm 3000 See next chapter about
compressor unit trouble shouting of com-
pressor unit and sub sup-
plier manual of Airconet
Condensate level 1 LZA-H5104 Valve 5108 clogged or Clean and/or open more
high closed to much
Condensate level 1 LZA-H5114 Valve 5118 clogged or Clean and/or open more
high closed to much
Dryer 5000 Consult the Sub-suppliers
documentation manual in
Sub-suppliers documenta-
Inert gas delivery 4 PZA-H6053 Tank full or valve
pressure high closed
Inert gas delivery 1 PZA-H6053 Valves downstream Check valves
pressure high closed/blocked
Dew point analyser 1 7100 Consult the Sub-suppliers
defect: documentation manual in
Sub-suppliers documenta-
Dew point high 1 QIAH7101 - dryer malfunction- -Check sample line on
ing leaks and flow.
- sample flow low -dry desiccant vessel 7109
(7105) at 150 °C
- Desiccant vessel -Consult the Sub-suppliers
7109 saturated. documentation manual in
- PIC 5241 leaking Sub-suppliers documenta-
- Block valves tion
7104/7103 leaking
- By-pass line 7110
List of documentation:
List of documentation:
List of documentation:
1) 19657299 Generator
2) 19657309 FOP
3) 19657319 Blower
4) 19657549 Compressor
5) 19657374 Dryer
6) P-000590 Maintenance Main Burner
7) P-000588 Maintenance Pilot Burner
8) P-X00047 Status burner cone
List of documentation:
List of documentation:
Supplier Description
05 EL-O MATIC - Engineering manual pneumatic actuators "P" and "E" series
18 SAUNDERS - Saunders_IDV_GB_2009
- Saunders_ES_Modular_Actuato_336129_6-04[1]
- 171
19 SIEMENS - Sipart PS 6DRxxx1-1N/E, -2N/E. Operating instructions
20 HANKINSON - HF-brochure