Path Fit Ref

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Locomotor skills: These are movement skills that involve traveling from one place to another.
They are often considered the foundational skills for various physical activities and sports.

Non-locomotor skills: Non-locomotor skills, on the other hand, are movements that do not
involve traveling but rather focus on body control and balance.

Enhanced Physical Fitness:

 By combining locomotor and non-locomotor skills, students engage a wider
range of muscle groups, promoting overall physical fitness.
 Improved cardiovascular health and stamina can result from activities that
incorporate both types of movements.

Motor Skill Development:

 Locomotor skills, such as running and jumping, enhance students' gross motor
skills, while non-locomotor skills, such as balancing and twisting, improve fine
motor skills.
 The combination of these skills can lead to better motor coordination and

Balance and Body Awareness:

 Non-locomotor skills, like balancing and twisting, help students develop a better
sense of their body's position in space.
 This increased body awareness can improve their performance in various physical
activities and sports.
Cognitive Benefits:
 Combining different movement skills challenges students' cognitive abilities as
they must plan and sequence their movements.
 Cognitive skills, such as problem-solving, memory, and attention, can be
improved through this type of physical education.

Variety and Engagement:

 Incorporating both locomotor and non-locomotor skills adds variety to physical
education lessons, making them more engaging for students.
 Increased engagement can lead to better participation and a more positive
attitude toward physical activity.

Long-Term Physical Literacy:

 Learning a variety of movement skills sets a foundation for lifelong physical
activity and health.
 Students are more likely to stay active throughout their lives when they have a
broad repertoire of physical skills.

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