Area 4 Bylaws - Adopted 10-20-2023
Area 4 Bylaws - Adopted 10-20-2023
Area 4 Bylaws - Adopted 10-20-2023
Name and Offices
Section I ame: The name of the organization shall be Area IV, The American Guild of English Handbell Ringers,
Inc., hereinafter referred to as Area IV. Said organization has legally obtained a doing business as (dba),
listed as Handbell Musicians of America, Area 4.
Section II ffices: The principal office(s) of the organization shall be located at any place where the organization is
qualified to do business. The Board of Directors shall have full power and authority to establish,
maintain and relocate its principal offices.
Section I urpose: The primary objectives of the organization shall be to educate, to promote the exchange of
ideas relating to handbell and handchime ringing, and to sponsor educational activities that are not
exclusively competitive. Recognized by the Internal Revenue Service as a not-for-profit 501(c)3
charitable organization, it shall be governed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, with the
organization’s Articles of Incorporation along with additional amendments (if any) and with these Bylaws
as amended periodically. The said organization is established exclusively for charitable, religious,
educational and scientific purposes.
Membership and Organization
Section 1 pon payment of annual dues to the national offices, membership in Area IV shall be open to all
individuals and organizations who are members of The American Guild of English Handbell Ringers, Inc.,
hereinafter referred to as AGEHR, Inc., and who reside in the geographical area designated by AGEHR,
Inc., as Area IV. This area includes but is not limited to: Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Puerto Rico, the
Bahamas and the US Virgin Islands.
1.1 member in good standing is one who is current with AGEHR, Inc. dues and has no other
outstanding financial obligation to Area IV or AGEHR, Inc.
Section 2 ll categories of membership shall have all of the privileges established by the AGEHR, Inc. Bylaws or
AGEHR, Inc. Board of Directors. The Area IV Board of Directors may grant additional privileges.
2.1 Voting privileges of Area IV members shall be consistent with AGEHR, Inc. Bylaws and policies.
2.2 In addition, members can be afforded other membership benefits as established in the future.
Section 3 Area IV shall be administered by a Chair elected from the voting membership.
3.1 E ach state or region within the geographical boundaries of Area IV can be represented and/or
administered by a Chair or Chairs who shall be members of the Area IV Board of Directors.
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3.2 F urther sub-divisions of Area IV may be made at the discretion of the Area IV Chair, with the
approval of the Area IV Executive Committee.
3.3 rea IV, its states, and Sub-Areas shall operate under Bylaws in alignment with the national
AGEHR, Inc. Bylaws.
Executive Committee & Board of Directors
Section 1 T he Executive Committee shall consist of the following officers: Chair, Chair-Elect, Past Chair, Secretary,
and Treasurer. The Executive Committee shall:
1.1 erform duties as specified by these Bylaws, the Area IV Board of Directors, and the policies and
procedures of Area IV.
1.2 ct on behalf of the Area IV Board of Directors between annual or called meetings, subject to
the Area IV Board of Directors approval.
Section 2 T he Area IV Board of Directors shall consist of the Executive Committee, the State Chairs, and other
appointed officers or positions designated as members of the Area IV Board of Directors.
Section 3 embers of the Area IV Board of Directors shall attend, at Area IV expense, all meetings required by the
Bylaws or called by the Chair.
Section 4 T here shall be a minimum of one meeting of the Board of Directors per fiscal year. Special meetings may
be called by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee.
Section 5 majority of members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at a scheduled or called
Section 6 E ach member of the Board of Directors must be a member in good standing of Area IV, as stated in
Article III, Section 1.1.
Section 7 T he Area IV Board of Directors shall have unanimous decision making authority for all business on behalf
of the organization.
Election of Officers
2.1 T he Nominating Committee shall be formed by the Past Chair with the approval of the Executive
Committee. The Nominating Committee shall be led by the Past Chair and should try to include
fair representation from areas covered in Area IV. The committee shall consist of no less than
three members and no more than seven members total. Current Board members, with the
exception of the Past Chair, may not serve on the Nominating Committee. If the Past Chair
position is vacant and/or unavailable, an appointed representative either from or appointed by
the Executive Committee shall be named.
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2.2 T he nominating committee shall prepare a slate of two candidates for each of the following
offices: Chair-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.
2.3 ballot containing the names of all nominees and biographical material shall be provided to all
voting members of Area IV. Ballots will be verified in a two person verification process by the
Past Chair and a person independent of the Board, who will receive and count the ballots. A
simple majority of all members voting shall elect. In case of a tie, the election shall be
determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. Timeline for vote will be a minimum of
two weeks to allow for membership to respond.
2.4 T he Chair-Elect shall serve for six years in the following manner: a two-year term as Chair-Elect, a
two-year term as Chair, and a two-year term as Past Chair.
2.5 T he Secretary and the Treasurer shall each serve for a term of two years and be eligible for
re-election, but may serve not more than three terms consecutively in the same office.
2.6 T he term of each elected officer shall commence at the beginning of the fiscal year following
election in accordance with Article IX, Section 1 of these Bylaws.
2.7 If a person newly elected becomes unable or unwilling to assume office, a nominating
committee shall be appointed by the Past Chair and an election for that office held in accordance
with Article V, Section 2.3 of these Bylaws.
2.8 ny elected or appointed officer who moves from Area IV shall relinquish their office
2.9 S hould a vacancy occur in the office of Chair, the Chair-Elect shall ascend to the office for the
unexpired term. Under these circumstances, the Chair’s term shall not exceed three years or be
shorter than one year. The Past Chair shall immediately appoint a nominating committee to
nominate two persons for the office of Chair-Elect. Within a period of one month after the
nominees have been selected and confirmed, a ballot containing these two names and
biographical material shall be issued to the voting membership in accordance with Article V,
Section 2.3 of these Bylaws.
2.10 S hould a vacancy occur in the office of Chair-Elect, the Past Chair shall immediately appoint a
nominating committee to nominate two persons for this office. Within a period of one month
after the nominees have been selected and confirmed, a ballot containing these two names and
their biographical material shall be sent to the voting membership in accordance with Article V,
Section 2.3 of these Bylaws.
2.11 S hould a vacancy occur in any office other than Chair or Chair-Elect, it shall be filled with an
appointment at the discretion of the Chair and with the approval of the Executive Committee.
2.12 T he term of each officer elected or appointed to fill a vacancy shall commence immediately upon
notification of their election or appointment.
2.13 pon evidence of any elected officer’s incapacity to serve or unwillingness to follow the Bylaws
and Area IV Official Documents, the Area IV Board of Directors, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, may
declare that office to be vacant.
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Appointed Positions and Committees
1.1 The appointed officers shall be Sub-Area Chairs and any others deemed necessary.
1.2 ppointed officers shall be designated by the Chair with the approval of the Executive
Committee for a term of up to two years. Appointed officers may be reappointed at the
discretion of the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee.
1.3 The appointed officers shall be voting members of the Area IV Board of Directors.
1.4 pon evidence of any appointed officer’s incapacity to serve or unwillingness to follow the
Bylaws and Area IV Official Documents, the Area IV Executive Committee, by a simple majority
vote, may declare that office to be vacant.
Section 2 ommittees may be appointed to serve for specified times as the needs and welfare of Area IV demand
and shall be appointed by the Chair with the approval of the Area IV Executive Committee.
2.1 ommittee Chairs shall perform duties as prescribed by the Rules of Procedures, or as directed
by the Chair.
2.2 ommittees serve at the pleasure of the Executive Committee and can be disbanded by a simple
majority vote.
Official Documents
Section 1 T he Area IV Board of Directors shall establish documents necessary for implementing the provisions of
these Bylaws and for governing the Corporation. These shall include the Rules of Procedure and any
other Area IV Official Documents approved by the Area IV Board of Directors.
Section 2 T he rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order, most recently revised, shall govern Area IV in all cases
where they are applicable and when they are not inconsistent with these Bylaws or the Rules of
Procedure adopted by Area IV.
Bylaws Revisions
Section 1 ylaws revisions may be initiated by a voting member, a special committee appointed by the Chair, or the
Board of Directors.
Section 2 ylaws revisions shall be reviewed by the Area IV Board of Directors. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the
Board of Directors shall be required for approval.
2.1 fter the Area IV Board of Directors approves the revisions, the revisions shall be submitted to
the AGEHR, Inc. Board of Directors for approval.
2.2 ylaws revisions must be approved by the AGEHR, Inc. Board of Directors prior to being
submitted to the Area IV membership for ratification.
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Section 3 If the Area IV Board of Directors rejects the proposed revisions, a petition to the Chair bearing the
signatures of ten percent of the voting membership shall cause this set of revisions to be submitted to
the AGEHR, Inc. Board of Directors to begin the revision process.
Section 4 roposed Bylaws revisions shall be issued to the voting membership in accordance with Article V, Section
Section 5 two-thirds (2/3) majority of the votes cast shall be required for adoption. Timeline for Bylaw Revisions
will be a minimum of two weeks to allow for membership to respond.
Fiscal Policy
Section 1 The fiscal year shall begin October 1 and extend through September 30.
Section 2 rea IV shall submit appropriate financial documents to the next higher level of AGEHR, Inc. on an
annual basis.
2.1 T he states or regions within Area IV shall submit appropriate financial documents to Area IV on
an annual basis.
2.2 S ub-Areas within the states shall submit appropriate financial documents to the next higher level
of AGEHR, Inc. on an annual basis.
Section 1 In the event of the dissolution of Area IV and/or state or sub-area of Area IV, all assets shall be
transferred to the next higher level of AGEHR, Inc.
Code of Ethics and Whistleblower Policy
Section 1 urpose: Area IV requires and encourages directors, officers and employees to observe and practice high
standards of business and personal ethics in the conduct of their duties and responsibilities. The
representatives of the organization must practice honesty and integrity in fulfilling their responsibilities
and comply with all applicable laws and regulations. It is the intent of Area IV to adhere to all laws and
regulations that apply to the organization and the underlying purpose of this policy is to support the
organization’s goal of legal compliance. The support of all volunteers is necessary in achieving
compliance with various laws and regulations.
Section 2 iolations: If any director, officer or employee (in the future) reasonably believes that some policy,
practice or activity of Area IV is in violation of law, a written complaint must be filed by that person with
the Area IV Chair or Chair Elect.
Section 3 ood Faith: Anyone filing a complaint concerning a violation or suspected violation must be acting in
good faith and have reasonable grounds for believing the information disclosed indicates a violation of
the Code. Any allegations that prove not to be substantiated and which prove to have been made
maliciously or knowingly to be false shall be viewed as a serious disciplinary offense.
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Section 4 etaliation: Said person is protected from retaliation only if they bring the alleged unlawful activity,
policy or practice to the attention of Area IV and provide Area IV with a reasonable opportunity to
investigate and correct the alleged unlawful activity. The protection described below is only available to
individuals that comply with this requirement.
rea IV shall not retaliate against any director, officer or staff (in the future) who in good faith, has made
a protest or raised a complaint against some practice of Area IV or of another individual or entity with
whom Area IV has a business relationship, on the basis of a reasonable belief that the practice is a
violation of law, or a clear mandate of public policy
rea IV shall not retaliate against any director, officer or employee (in the future) who disclose or
threaten to disclose to a supervisor or a public body, any activity, policy or practice of Area IV that the
individual reasonably believes is in violation of a law, or a rule or regulation mandated pursuant to law or
is in violation of a clear mandate of public policy concerning health, safety, welfare or protection of the
Section 5 onfidentiality: Violations or suspected violations may be submitted on a confidential basis by the
complainant or may be submitted anonymously. Reports of violations or suspected violations shall be
kept confidential to the extent possible, consistent with the need to conduct an adequate investigation.
Section 6 andling of Reported Violations: The Board Chair or Chair Elect shall notify the sender and acknowledge
receipt of the reported violation or suspected violation within five business days. All reports shall be
promptly investigated by the Board and its appointed committee and appropriate corrective action shall
be taken if warranted by the investigation.
T his policy shall be made available to all directors, officers and employees (in the future) and they shall
have the opportunity to ask questions about the policy.
Compensation and Conflicts of Interest
Section 1 ompensation: Except as may be specifically permitted by the Articles of Incorporation, the ByLaws or
Area IV’s Policies and Procedures, no member of the Area IV Board or appointed committee shall receive
any salary, fee, payment, honorarium or other compensation of any kind from Area IV or any other party
as a result of their position or affiliation with Area IV. Nothing contained herein shall prevent any person
from being reimbursed by Area IV for expenses incurred in performing authorized business of, or on
behalf of Area IV; from being paid the usual and normal royalties or honoraria for authoring music,
books, and other resources published by Area IV; or from being paid the usual and normal honoraria for
teaching, conducting, or serving as a clinician at events sponsored or endorsed by Area IV.
Section 2 onflicts of Interest: No member of the Area IV Board or of an appointed committee shall engage in any
course of conduct that may result in a conflict of interests with Area IV. No member of the Area IV Board
or appointed committee, while operating in that capacity, may take any public position contrary to the
best interests of Area IV or of AGEHR, Inc., without the prior written approval of the Area IV Board.
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Indemnification and Nondiscrimination
Section 1 Indemnification: Area IV shall indemnify, to the full extent permitted by the Florida Department of
State’s Division of Corporations, any person who was or is a party or is threatened to be made a party to
any threatened, pending or completed action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative
or investigative, by reason of the fact that they are or were a director, officer or volunteer of Area IV, or is
or was serving at the request of Area IV as a director, trustee, officer, member, manager, employee or
volunteer or another domestic or foreign nonprofit corporation or corporation for profit, or a
partnership, limited liability company, joint venture, trust or other enterprise. Area IV may, but shall not
be required to, indemnify any other person whom it indemnifies under the provisions of the Florida
Department of State’s Division of Corporations.
Section 2 ondiscrimination: Area IV, its officers, employees and members will not discriminate against any voting
or nonvoting member on any basis including, but not limited to, race, age, color, religion, marital status,
veteran status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, national origin or physical or
mental disability.
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