N-MFT Constitution and Bylaws - August 2008
N-MFT Constitution and Bylaws - August 2008
N-MFT Constitution and Bylaws - August 2008
Article I
The name of this organization shall be the Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers (N-MFT) of
the California Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of Teachers, AFL-CIO,
Local 1794.
Article II
Section 1. To secure full employment rights for all members of the certificated employees
bargaining unit.
Section 2. To advance the economic, social, and political well being of the bargaining unit
Section 5. To promote the interests of citizens who are served by the bargaining unit
Article III
Section 1. All persons are eligible for membership who are employed as certificated
employees and are not excluded by law from the Certificated Employees
Bargaining Unit.
Section 3. No person shall be denied membership on the basis of sex, race,national origin,
religious or political belief, social status,or private life.
Section 4. A member may be dropped from the rolls of the N-MFT upon being two(2)
months or more in arrears in the payment of their dues.
Article V
Election of Officers
Section 1. During the month of May the organization shall elect the following officers for
a two-year term of office:
a. President
b. First Vice President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
Section 2. The President and Secretary shall be elected in even numbered years. The First
Vice President and Treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered years.
Section 3. To be eligible for office a person must be a member in good standing of the
organization for a continuous period of one year immediately prior to the date
of the election.
Section 4. The Elections Committee shall conduct all general and special elections of the
Section 5. Forty-five (45) days prior to the date of the election the Elections Committee
shall notify all members of the opening of nominations for office and the date
of the election. Such notification shall be through a letter to the members sent
by U.S. Mail. Nominations shall close fifteen (15) days prior to the date of the
Section 6. The Elections Committee shall prepare ballots and conduct a secret-ballot
election using either a double envelope return or an on-site election where no
one can see ballots being marked and where ballots are placed in sealed boxes.
Section 7. A majority of the ballots cast shall determine the election results. In the
absence of a majority, the Elections Committee shall conduct a run-off election
among the two candidates who have received the most votes for the office in
Section 8. Elected officers shall serve from July 1 to June 30 of the year(s) following the
Section 9. With the exception of the President, and vacancies created by recall, all
vacancies shall be filled for the remainder of the term by a majority vote of
the Representative Assembly.
Section 10. A petition signed by thirty percent (30%) of the membership, and stating
specific grounds shall be sufficient to require the Elections Committee to
conduct a recall election of any officer. If an officer is recalled, the Elections
Committee shall hold a special election under the procedures in Sections 5 and
Section 11. All officers elected by the general membership of the organization and the
immediate Past President shall serve as members of the Executive Board.
Section 12. Subject to final authority of the membership, the general governing body of the
organization shall be the Representative Assembly, consisting of members of
the organization elected by the members of the organization as specified in the
Article VI
Section 1. The dues of this organization shall be the cost of the unified dues of all
Affiliations, the related insurance costs, plus four and one half tenths of one
percent (0.45%) of the annual Newport-Mesa USD base salary (Step 1,
Column A.).
Section 2. The dues of this organization may be amended by the Executive Board and
approved by the General Membership.
Article VII
Section 1. Any member of the organization may present a proposed amendment to any
regular meeting of the Representative Assembly, which shall notify the
membership of the proposed amendment no later than fifteen (15) days prior to
the next election.
Section 2. Two-thirds (2/3) approval by those members voting at the annual election shall
be required for passage of the amendment.
Article VIII
Section 1. All matters not covered in this constitution shall be referred to the Bylaws.
Bylaws can be proposed, changed and amended by a two-thirds vote of the
presentative Assembly providing notice of that meeting has been sent at least
one week in advance to all members of the Assembly.
Article IX
Rules of Order
Section 1. Robert's Rules of Order, Revised shall govern all meetings of this
organization, unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws.
of the
Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers, Local 1794
Article I
Duties of Officers
g. transmit per capita payments on a regular basis to the Secretary-
Treasurer of the AFT, the CFT and similar officers of all other bodies
with which the organization is affiliated,
h. oversee the work of and receive reports from the Finance Committee,
i. perform other duties as delegated by the President or
assigned by the Executive Board,
j. perform duties of the office as required by the Labor-
Management Reporting and Disclosure Act.
Article II
Executive Board
Section 1. The Executive Board shall meet monthly, or at the call of the
President, or at the call of two (2) or more of its members, or at the call of the
Representative Assembly for the purpose of the organization and to conduct
other business of the organization that is within its authority.
Section 2. The Executive Board shall prepare, and present for approval to
the Representative Assembly, an annual budget each June.
Section 4. The Executive Board shall establish the salary, benefits, and
expense guidelines of any general officer who is employed by the organization;
except that no such person shall suffer loss of economic status as a result of
such action.
Section 5. Consistent with the approved budget, the Executive Board shall
be empowered to make contracts and incur liabilities including the purchase of
services, equipment, and real property, to borrow money, to secure such
obligations by mortgagee or other instrument, and to otherwise engage in
financial transactions to the extent permitted by applicable law or statute.
Article III
Representative Assembly
Section 2. The Representative Assembly shall meet monthly for the purpose
of establishing the policies of the organization; receiving and reviewing the
reports of the President, Executive Board, and Committees; taking appropriate
action as specified in the Constitution; and initiating and taking other such
actions as the body deems necessary.
Section 4. A quorum of 50% of the elected Representatives must be present to conduct
Article IV
Duties of Representatives
Article V
Membership Meetings
Section 1. The Executive Board shall determine the time and place and give
forty-five (45) days notice, of the annual membership meeting.
Section 3. The membership meeting shall be the supreme policy making body of the
Section 4. The membership meeting shall have the right to initiate
referenda, which shall be conducted by the Elections Committee.
Section 5. A quorum of no less than 10% of the membership must be present to conduct
Article VI
Section 2. The Executive Board on its won initiative, or at the direction of the
Representative Assembly, may establish special committees.
Section 3. The chair and four members of the Elections Committee shall be
elected every two years by the Representative Assembly. Members of the
Elections Committee may not hold, or seek office in the organization. The
Elections Committee shall conduct and supervise all elections and referenda of
the organization.
Section 7. The Finance Committee shall assist the Executive Board in the
preparation of the annual budget, and shall identify, and with the approval of
the Executive Board, pursue activities to generate revenues for the good and
welfare of the organization.
location; and, shall make recommendations the Executive Board regarding
disputes to be taken to arbitration or civil remedy. The Grievant may appeal
unfavorable decisions as specified in Article VIII of these Bylaws.
Section 10. The Publications Committee shall design, produce and distribute
a regular printed communication to the membership and other printed material
for the organization as necessary.
Section 11. The Social Committee shall conduct activities which shall
promote the social well being of the membership, are attractive to potential
members, and promote community among labor and in the society at large.
Section 12. The Health and Welfare Insurance Committee shall conduct ongoing
monitoring of existing benefits and shall investigate alternative, more cost
effective alternatives and make recommendations to the Executive Board.
Section 13. The Professional Education Committee shall work with the
District to organize inservice, professional growth classes for teachers, and
other professional education which will promote the professional image of the
Article VII
Convention Delegates
Section 1. Official Local delegates to the AFT and CFT conventions will be
elected by the membership.
Section 2. Delegates shall prepare and present written and/or oral reports
to the Representative Assembly and membership.
Article VIII
Internal Review Panel
members: one chosen by each party, and a chairperson, chosen by the first
two. No attorneys shall be selected by either party. The Chair of the panel
shall be chosen from a list of recognized neutrals consisting of members of the
California State Conciliation and Mediation Service, the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service and local mediators who have agreed to serve under the
established policy of the N-MFT Internal Review Panel. The list shall contain
no less than three names. The chairperson of the panel shall not be a member
of the Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers, nor shall have been a member
during any of the five (5) previous years immediately prior to his/her
appointment to the panel.
Section 3. The N-MFT shall assume the administrative costs (if any) of the
procedure and the fees and expenses of the chairperson of the panel. Expenses
for witnesses or a panel member shall be paid by the party producing such
witnesses or panel member.
Section 4. The Panel shall have authority to decide the issue in conflict
and order a correction of the situation in those instances in which it is judged
that the complaint has merit; however, no monetary damages can be granted in
the award.
Section 6. The decision of the panel shall be an oral award given at the
close of the hearing, shall not be subject to appeal, shall be non-precedential,
and shall be binding.