Vol-1 - Khulna GIS - FF (Sample
Vol-1 - Khulna GIS - FF (Sample
Vol-1 - Khulna GIS - FF (Sample
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning
of Khulna 33/11kV 2x20/26.66MVA GIS New Substation On
Turn Key Basis
Strengthening Power Distribution System Project (SPDSP)
(Single Stage Two Envelope)
(International Competitive Tendering)
Strengthening Power Distribution System Project (SPDSP), WZPDCL
Volume-1 of 2
Table of Contents
Volume-1 of 2
Section-1: Instruction to Tenderers (ITT)
Section-2: Tender Data Sheet (TDS)
Section-3: General Conditions of Contract (GCC)
Section-4: Particular Conditions of Contract (PCC)
Section-5: Tender & Contract Forms
Section-6: Schedule of Requirements and Bill of Quantities
Volume-2 of 2
Section-7: Technical Specifications
Section-7.1: Technical Specification for 33/11kV GIS substation switchgear
Section-7.2: Technical Specification for Substation Automation System
Section-7.3: Technical Specification for33/11kV GIS substation Equipment
Section-7.4: Technical Specification for Power Transformers
Section-7.5: Technical Specifications for Power Cables
Section-7.6: Technical Specifications for Tools and Accessories
Sectiion-7.7: Supplementary Information
Section-7.8: Civil and Architecture General Provision
Section-7.9: Inspection and Testing
Section-7.10: Technical Specifications for CCTV System
Section-8: Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP)
Section-9: Drawings
Table of Contents
Section 1. Instructions to Tenderers ............................................................................................. 1
A. General .............................................................................................................................. 1
1. Scope of Tender .................................................................................................................................1
2. Interpretation .....................................................................................................................................1
3. Source of Funds .................................................................................................................................1
4. Corrupt, Fraudulent, Collusive or Coercive Practices .......................................................................1
5. Eligible Tenderers ..............................................................................................................................3
6. Eligible Goods, Works and Associated Services ...............................................................................4
7. Site Visit.............................................................................................................................................4
B. Tender Document ............................................................................................................. 4
8. Tender Document: General ................................................................................................................4
9. Clarification of Tender Document .....................................................................................................5
10.Pre-Tender Meeting ..........................................................................................................................5
11. Addendum to Tender Document ......................................................................................................6
C. Qualification Criteria ........................................................................................................... 6
12. Qualification (General) ....................................................................................................................6
13.Joint Venture, Consortium or Association (JVCA) ..........................................................................8
14. Subcontractor (s) ..............................................................................................................................9
15. Domestic Preference ........................................................................................................................9
D. Tender Preparation ......................................................................................................... 10
16.Only One Tender.............................................................................................................................10
17.Cost of Tendering ...........................................................................................................................10
18.Issuance and Sale of Tender Document ..........................................................................................10
19.Language of Tender ........................................................................................................................11
20.Contents of Tender ..........................................................................................................................11
21.Tender Submission Letter and Bill of Quantities ............................................................................13
22. Alternatives ....................................................................................................................................13
23.Tender Prices, Discounts and Price Adjustment .............................................................................13
24.Tender Currency and Payments ......................................................................................................16
25.Documents Establishing Eligibility of the Tenderer .......................................................................17
26.Documents Establishing the Eligibility and Conformity of Materials, Equipment and Services ...17
27.Documents Establishing Technical Proposal ..................................................................................17
28.Documents Establishing the Tenderer’s Qualification ...................................................................17
29.Validity Period of Tender ...............................................................................................................19
30.Extension of Tender Validity and Tender Security.........................................................................19
31.Tender Security ...............................................................................................................................19
32.Form of Tender Security .................................................................................................................20
33.Authenticity of Tender Security ......................................................................................................20
34.Return of Tender Security ...............................................................................................................20
35.Forfeiture of Tender Security ..........................................................................................................20
36.Format and Signing of Tender ........................................................................................................21
E. Tender Submission ........................................................................................................ 21
37.Sealing, Marking and Submission of Tender ..................................................................................22
38. Deadline for Submission of Tender ...............................................................................................23
39. Late Tender ....................................................................................................................................23
40.Modification, Substitution or Withdrawal of Tender ......................................................................23
41.Tender Modification .......................................................................................................................23
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) iii SPDSP, WZPDCL
65. Variations .......................................................................................................................................73
66. Costing of Variations or Extra Orders...........................................................................................75
67. Cash Flow Forecasts ......................................................................................................................76
68. Payment Certificates ......................................................................................................................76
69. Payments to the Contractor ...........................................................................................................77
70. Delayed Payment ...........................................................................................................................77
71. Payments to Nominated Subcontractor (s) ...................................................................................77
72. Compensation Events ....................................................................................................................77
73. Adjustments for Changes in Legislation .......................................................................................79
74. Price Adjustment ............................................................................................................................79
75. Retention Money ...........................................................................................................................79
76. Liquidated Damages ......................................................................................................................80
77. Bonus .............................................................................................................................................80
78. Advance Payment...........................................................................................................................81
79. Performance Security ....................................................................................................................81
80. Provisional Sums ...........................................................................................................................82
81. Day works ......................................................................................................................................83
82. Cost of Repairs to Loss or Damages ..............................................................................................83
E. Completion of the Contract ........................................................................................... 83
83. Completion .....................................................................................................................................83
84. Completion Certificate and Taking Over .......................................................................................83
85. Amendment to Contract .................................................................................................................84
86. Final Account .................................................................................................................................84
87. As-built Drawings and Manuals......................................................................................................84
88. Force Majeure .................................................................................................................................84
89. Notice of Force Majeure ................................................................................................................85
90. Duty to Minimize Delay ................................................................................................................85
91. Consequences of Force Majeure ...................................................................................................85
92. Force Majeure Affecting Subcontractor .........................................................................................86
93. Optional Termination, and Release ...............................................................................................86
94. Release from Performance ............................................................................................................86
F. Termination and Settlement of Disputes ...................................................................... 86
95. Termination ....................................................................................................................................86
96. Payment upon Termination ...........................................................................................................88
97. Property ..........................................................................................................................................89
98. Frustration ......................................................................................................................................89
G. Claims, Disputes and Arbitration ..................................................................................... 89
99. Contractor’s Claims .......................................................................................................................89
100. Settlement of Disputes .................................................................................................................90
101.Packing and Documents ................................................................................................................90
102. Amendment to Order ....................................................................................................................91
103. Delivery and Documents ..............................................................................................................91
104.Specifications and Standards ........................................................................................................92
105. Inspections and Tests ...................................................................................................................92
106. Scope of Supply ...........................................................................................................................93
107.Trademark, Patent and Intellectual Property Rights .....................................................................93
Section 4. Particular Conditions of Contract .............................................................................. 94
Section 5. Tender and Contract Forms ..................................................................................... 116
Tender Submission Letter (Form PW5 – 1A) ....................................................................................117
Tender Submission Letter (Form PW5 – 1B) ....................................................................................120
Tenderer Information (Form PW5-2) .................................................................................................123
JVCA Partner Information (Form PW5-3)..........................................................................................126
C. Qualification Criteria
12. Qualification 12.1 Tenderers shall be able to abide by the professional and ethical
(General) standards set out in Section 64 of the Public Procurement Act,
2006 and Rule 127 of the Public Procurement Rules, 2008.
12.2 The Employer requires the Tenderers to be qualified by meeting
predefined, precise minimum requirements, which entails setting
pass/fail criteria, which if not met by the Tenderers, will result in
consideration of its Tender as disqualified.
12.3 In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria, as stated under ITT
Clause 5, the Tenderer shall satisfy the other criteria as stated
under ITT Clauses 12 to 14 inclusive.
12.4 Tenderers, with regard to professional and technical capacity to
execute Goods, Works and associated services they are
participating for, shall possess:
(i) the professional and technical qualifications;
(ii) managerial capability;
13.Joint Venture, 13.1 Tenderers may participate in the Tender process and
Consortium or subsequent procurement proceedings by forming a Joint
Association (JVCA) Venture, Consortium or Associations (JVCA) or alternately with
the intent to enter into such an agreement supported by a Letter
of Intent along with the proposed agreement.
13.2 The JV agreement, indicating at least the parts of the Goods,
Works and associated services to be executed by the respective
partners, shall be legally entered into case-by-case in the
Tenderer’s Leading Partner’s country of origin, as specified in the
TDS, duly signed by all legally authorised representatives of the
Persons who are parties to such agreement. Percentage (%)
stake of individual partners in the JVCA must mentioned in the
JVCA Agreement.
13.3 Tenderers, as an alternate to ITT Sub Clause 13.3, may intend to
enter into a JV agreement case-by-case in the form of a Letter of
Intent along with the proposed agreement, indicating at least the
parts of the Works Goods and associated services to be executed
by the respective partners, duly signed by all partners of the
intended JV and authenticated by an authority of the Tenderer’s
Leading Partner’s country of origin, as stated in the TDS, with the
declaration that the partners will execute the Joint Venture
agreement in the event the Tenderer , in the Tender.
13.4 For a Joint Venture under ITT Sub Clause 13.1, the precise
minimum qualification requirements of Leading Partner and other
partners shall be as specified in the TDS.
13.5 In cases where a JV partner’s, personnel capacity, equipment
capacity and financial capacity individually fulfils the precise
minimum qualifying requirement of that particular component as
specified, capacities of such partner(s) in the JV will be combined
together for summation to determine the total precise minimum
qualifying requirements criterion of that JV as stated under ITT Sub
D. Tender Preparation
16.Only One 16.1 Tenderers shall submit only one (1) Tender for each lot, either
Tender individually or as a JV. The Tenderer who submits or participates in
more than one (1) Tender in one (1) lot will cause all the Tenders of
that particular Tenderer to be considered non-responsive.
17.Cost of 17.1 Tenderers shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and
Tendering submission of its Tender, and the Employer shall not be
responsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the Tendering process.
18.Issuance and 18.1 The Employer shall make Tender Documents to the Tenderers, to
Sale of Tender purchase at the corresponding price by the date the advertisement
Document has been published in the newspaper.
Bidders shall note that the Goods included in Schedule Nos. A and B
above exclude materials used for civil, building and other
construction works. All such materials, all type Installation Services
shall be included and priced under Schedule No. C,
E. Tender Submission
38. Deadline for 38.1 Tenders shall be delivered to the Employer at the address
Submission of specified in the TDS and no later than the date and time
Tender specified in the TDS.
38.2 The Employer may, at its discretion on justifiably acceptable
grounds duly recorded, extend the deadline for submission of
Tender as stated under ITT Sub Clause 38.1, in which case all
rights and obligations of the Employer and Tenderers previously
subject to the deadline will thereafter be subject to the new
deadline as extended.
38.3 If submission of Tenders for this procurement is allowed in more
than one location, the date and time for submission of Tender at
the primary and secondary place(s) shall be as specified in the
38.4 The Employer shall ensure that the Tenders received at the
secondary place(s) are hand-delivered at the primary place as
stated under ITTSub Clause 38.1 before the time specified in the
TDS; but in no case later than THREE (3) HOURS after the
deadline for submission of Tenders at the secondary place(s) in
39. Late Tender 39.1 Any Tender received by the Employer after the deadline for
submission of Tenders as stated under ITT Sub Clause
38.1shall be declared LATE, excluded, and returned unopened
to the Tenderer.
40.Modification, 40.1 Tenderers may modify, substitute or withdraw its Tender after it
Substitution or has been submitted by sending a written notice duly signed by
Withdrawal of the authorized signatory and properly sealed, and shall include
Tender a copy of the authorization confirmed by an affidavit
authenticated by an authority of the Tenderer’s Leading
Partner’s country of origin; provided that such written notice
including the affidavit is received by the Employer prior to the
deadline for submission of Tenders as stated under ITT Clause
40.2 If submission of Tenders for this procurement is allowed in more
than one location, the Tenderer may modify, substitute or
withdraw its Tender as stated under ITT Sub Clause 40.1after it
has been submitted, prior to the deadline prescribed for
submission of Tenders at the primary place.
41.Tender 41.1 Tenderers shall not be allowed to retrieve its original Tender, but
Modification shall be allowed to submit corresponding modification to its
original Tender marked as “MODIFIFICATION”.
42.Tender 42.1 Tenderers shall not be allowed to retrieve its original Tender, but
Substitution shall be allowed to submit another Tender marked as
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Number of court cases filed
and won against PEs during
last 5 years (a) Cases filed No. of Court ≥5 < 5 but ≥ 3
< 3 but ≥ 1 no ≤ 1 no none
Cases Nos. Nos.
In case of multiple EQUALS in their Past Performance, total Turnover of last five (5) years shall determine the ranking.
54.3 For the purpose of comparison of the Tenders only, the margin
of ‘domestic preference’ shall be applied following the
procedures as stated under ITT Sub Clause 54.4, 54.5and 54.6.
54.4 The responsive Tenders shall be classified into following
(i) Group A shall include all Tenders offered by national
Tenderers and JV, which meet the requirements stated
under ITT Sub Clause 15.2; and
(ii) Group B shall include all other Tenders.
54.5 For the purpose of ranking the Tenders only, the respective
55.2 The Employer through the TEC may, however, negotiate with
the lowest evaluated Tenderer with the objective to reduce
the Contract price by reducing the scope of works or a
reallocation of risks and responsibilities, only when it is found
that the lowest evaluated Tender is significantly higher than
the official estimated cost; the reasons for such higher price
being duly investigated.
55.3 If the Employer decides to negotiate for reducing the scope of
the requirements under ITT Sub Clause 55.2, it will be
required to guarantee that the lowest Tenderer remains the
lowest Tenderer even after the scope of work has been
revised and shall further be ensured that the objective of the
Procurement will not be seriously affected through this
55.4 In the event that the Employer decides because of a high
Tender price to reduce the scope of the requirements to meet
the available budget, the Tenderer is not obliged to accept the
award and shall not be penalised in any way for un-accepting
the proposed award.
56.Post- 56.1 After determining the lowest evaluated responsive Tender in
G. Contract Award
59.Award Criteria 59.1 The Employer shall award the Contract to the Tenderer whose
offer is responsive to all the requirements of the Tender
Document and that has been determined to be the lowest
evaluated Tender, provided further that the Tenderer is
determined to be Post-qualified in accordance with ITT Clouse
59.2 The Tenderer will not be required, as a condition for award, to
undertake responsibilities not stipulated in the Tender
documents, to change its price, or otherwise to modify its
60.Notification of 60.1 Prior to the expiry of the Tender Validity period and within
Award seven (7) working days of receipt of the approval of the award
by the Approving Authority, the Employer shall issue the
Notification of Award (NOA) to the successful Tenderer.
Instructions for completing Tender Data Sheet are provided in italics in parenthesis for the relevant ITT clauses
ITT Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the Instructions to Tenderers
IFT IDENTIFICATION NO:.............................................
A. General
ITT 1.1 The Employer is West Zone Power Distribution Co. Ltd. (WZPDCL),
Representative by
Project Director, Strengthening Power Distribution system Project, WZPDCL
Address: Bidyut Bhaban Campus, Boyra Main Road, Khulna
Telephone: 041-813794 Facsimile number: 041- 731786
e-mail: [email protected]
The Name of the Tender is:
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 01 no. 33/11 kV,
2x20/26.66 MVA new (GIS) Substation (Khulna) on Turnkey basis.
Brief Description of the Works:
Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of 01 no. 33/11 kV,
2x20/26.66 MVA new (GIS) Substation (Khulna) on Turnkey basis.
Tender Ref:
Lot No(s): Single package single Lot
ITT3.1 The source of public funds is Government of Bangladesh (GoB) (Cash Foreign
ITT3.3 The name of the Development Partner is: None.
ITT 5.1 Tenderers from the following countries are not eligible: Israel and countries having no
diplomatic relation with the Government of Bangladesh.
ITT 6.1 Materials, Equipments and associated services from the following countries are not
eligible: Israel and countries having no diplomatic relation with the Government of
B. Tender Document
ITT8.2 The following are authorized agents of the Employer for the purpose of issuing the
Tender Document:
1. Project Director, Strengthening Power Distribution System Project (SPDSP),
WZPDCL, Bidyut Bhaban Campus, Boyra Main Road, Khulna, Telephone: +88-
2. Khulna Office of the Police Commissioner, KMP, Khulna,
3. Office of the Divisional Commissioner, Khulna Division, Khulna, and
4. Director, Directorate of Purchase, Address: WAPDA Building (9th Floor), Motijheel
C/A, Dhaka-1000, Telephone: +880-2-9550532
ITT9.1 If any party contemplating the submission of the Proposal for the Work be in doubt as
C. Qualification Criteria
ITT 12.7 Non-performance of a contract shall not occur within the last 10 years; years
counting backward from the date of publication of IFT.
Note: A Non-performance of a contract is such as abandonment of the project for reasons
other than a Force Majeure event on contractor replacement by the client for non
ITT 12.8 All pending litigation shall in total not represent more than 30 percent of the
Tenderer’s net worth.
ITT12.9 The minimum requirements of Leading Partner and other Partner(s) of a JV shall be as
follows :
TDS Clauses Requirements Requirements for Requirements for other
References by summation Leading Partner Partner(s)
ITT-12.7 Summation not Same as stated in Same as stated for Leading
applicable TDS Partner
ITT-12.8 Summation not Same as stated in Same as stated for Leading
applicable TDS Partner
ITT-12.10(a) Summation not as stated in ITT- Same as stated for Leading
applicable 12.10(a) Partner
ITT-12.10(b) 100% Must Meet the Minimum requirement Not
requirement Applicable
ITT-12.10(c) 100% Must Meet the Minimum requirement Not
requirement Applicable
ITT-12.11(a) 100% Minimum 40% Minimum 25%
ITT-12.11(b) 100% Minimum 40% Minimum25%
ITT-12.11(c) 100% Minimum 40% Minimum 25%
ITT-12.12(a) 100% Minimum requirement Minimum requirement Not
Not Applicable Applicable
ITT12.12(b) 100% Minimum requirement Minimum requirement Not
Not Applicable Applicable
ITT12.12(c) 100% Minimum requirement Minimum requirement Not
Not Applicable Applicable
3. Tenderer himself and any member of JVCA who have already completed or
executing similar or higher capacity substation works (33/11kV substations work on
turnkey basis) in last 10 years in WZPDCL shall submit satisfactory performance
certificate to be issued from Project Director, WZPDCL with the bid otherwise bid
shall not be eligible. In this case Tenderer himself and any member of JVCA shall
have to submit prayer to Project Director, WZPDCL for issuing of the certificate
15 days before the bid submission.
12.10(c) A satisfactory completion shall be required for same nature of works in power sector of at
least BDT 1100.00 lac or USD 1.33 million equivalent under maximum 02
contract(s) over a period of last 10 years; years counting backward from the date of
publication of IFT in the news paper. Tenderer Shall submit completion or
performance Certificate(s) from end user along with contract agreement as documentary
evidence in English.
12.11(a) The Tenderer must demonstrate average annual turnover of at least BDT 3100.00 lac or
USD 3.74 million equivalent as total certified payments received for contracts or work
in progress or completed works within the last five years; years counting backward
from the date of publication of IFT in the news paper. In case of JVCA, members
should have total average annual turnover of at least BDT 3100.00 lac or USD
3.74million as stated in minimum requirements of ITT12.9.
12.11(b) The minimum Tender Capacity shall be: BDT 1200.00 lac or USD 1.45 million
equivalents. In case of JVCA, members should have total Tender Capacity of at least
BDT 1200.00 lac or USD 1.45 million as stated in minimum requirements of ITT12.9.
[the following formulae may be used to assess the Tender Capacity:
In Similar
Total Works
SL Works
Position Qualification Experience
No. Experience
Minimum B.Sc. in
01 Project Manager Electrical/Mecha 10 5
nical Engineering
The tenderer shall provide details of proposed personal and CV of the employee
shall be endorsed by the Tenderer in its letter head pad.
[for Tenders where the package contains more than one (1) lot, this qualification
requirement may be necessary for each lot in the package, subject to the nature of
the control required over each package]
12.12(b) The minimum number of Engineers with qualifications and experience shall be
as follows:
In Similar
Total Works Minimum
SL. Minimum Works
Position Experience Number
No. qualification Experience
(years) requirement
01 Electrical B.Sc. in 7 3 1
Engineer Electrical
02 Power B.Sc. in 5 2 1
Transformer Electrical
Expert* Engineering
03 Civil Engineer B.Sc. in Civil 5 2 1
04 Protection/Co B.Sc. in 5 2 1
ntrol/Automati Protection/contr
on Engineer ol/ Automation
engineering or
The tenderer shall provide details of proposed personal and CV of the employee
except expertise shall be endorsed by the Tenderer in its letter head pad.
*The Tenderer shall state clearly in its Tender to the effect that installation, testing
and commissioning of 33kV VCB, 11kV Switchgear, Power Transformer, etc. shall be
performed by experts of relevant manufacturer. In this regard, the Tenderer shall
provide CV of the expertise of the relevant manufacturer in addition to the CV of
Tenderer's employee.
[for Tenders where the package contains more than one (1) lot, this qualification
requirement may be necessary for each lot in the package, subject to the nature of the
In Similar
Total Works
SL. No of Minimum Works
Position Experience
No. Position Qualification Experience
01 Foreman 03 Diploma 01 05
02 Technician 01 Diploma 05 02
(Auto CAD)
03 Technician 03 Diploma 05 02
CV of the employee shall be endorsed by the Tenderer in its letter head pad.
[for Tenders where the package contains more than one (1) lot, this qualification
requirement may be necessary for each lot in the package, subject to the nature of
the control required over each package]
12.13 The Tenderer shall demonstrate to own or have proven access to hire or lease of the
major construction equipments, in full working order as follows :
17. Type Test Certificates & Reports for offered type similar or higher Ampere rating
CB/Switchgear for same voltage class from any short-circuit testing liaison (STL) Member
[http://www.stl-liaison.org/web/03_Members.php] Testing Organization or Laboratory as
per relevant IEC standard. The type test report along with results shall include at least the
following tests :
a) Dielectric Test
b) Radio interference Voltage test
c) Measurement of resistance of the main circuit.
d) Temperature Rise Tests
e) Short-time withstand current and peak withstand current tests
f) Internal Arc Fault test
g) Mechanical operation tests.
21. Loss calculation, short circuit calculation and temperature rise calculation. Tenderer’s
quoted No load Loss and Full load loss shall be supported by loss calculation. Moreover,
Tenderer shall submit the characteristic curve (flux vs Loss/Kg) of core materials.
ITT 22.2 There shall not be alternative times for completion of the Works.
ITT 22.4 Alternative technical solutions for any parts of works will be permitted.
ITT 23.7 Tenders are being invited for Single lot.
ITT The prices quoted by the Tenderer shall be fixed for the duration of the Contract.
ITT23.15 “Final destination (Project Site)”: W Z P D C L c e n t r a l Store (Khalishpur) or
(a)(iii), WZPDCL’s store near to the substation sites.
(b) (iii)
ITT23.15 Port of Destination: Chittagong/ Dhaka/ Khulna (Mongla)/ Benapole.
ITT 24.1 The currency of the Tender shall be USD/EUR/GBP/JPY and/or BDT.
The electronic copy of the Financial Proposal (Price schedules in editable format (MS Excel))
shall be included in the envelope with the original Financial proposal. Data storage medium for
electronic submission will be USB memory.
E. Tender Submission
ITT37.1 The Tender shall comprise two envelopes submitted simultaneously, one called the
Technical Proposal and the other the Financial Proposal. Both envelopes enclosed
together in another outer single envelope.
All documents/ Information (except price schedule and tender submission letter with
financial proposal) shall be included in the Technical Proposal.
Price schedule and tender submission letter with financial proposal shall be included
in the Financial proposal.
The original & three copies of the Technical Proposal and the original & three copies
of Financial Proposal shall be submitted within the due date and time as mentioned
in the tender notice. Any technical proposal associated with financial proposal
in the same envelopes will be rejected.
ITT37.2 The two inner envelop shall be marked as a “Technical Proposal” and “Financial
(d) Proposal”.
The outer envelope and the inner envelope (Technical proposal) shall bear a warning
not to open before the time and date for the opening of Technical Bid
Another inner envelope (Financial Proposal) shall bear a warning not to open until
advised by the Employer.
ITT37.2 The inner and outer envelopes shall bear the following additional identification marks:
(e) 1. Date of Submission
2.Tender Enquiry no., name and date
3. Name and address of the Employer
4. Name and address of the tenderer
5.Seal and Signature of the Tenderer
Book Binding and Page Number is required for original and copies.
ITT38.1 For Tender submission purposes only, the Employer’s address is:
The deadline for the hand-delivering of the Tenders at the PRIMARY PLACE is: The Office
ITT38.4 of the Director, Directorate of Purchase, BPDB, WAPDA Building (9th floor), Motijheel
Time & Date: BST 11.00 AM on 18.02.2019
G. Contract Award
ITT 61.2 The amount of Performance Security shall be Ten percent 10% of the Contract Price.
ITT 68.5 The name and address of the office where complaints to the Employer under Rule 57
are to be submitted is:
Attention: Project Director, Strengthening Power Distribution System Project
Bidyut Bhaban Campus, Boyra Main Road, Khulna
Telephone: +88-041-813803
Fax No. : + 88-041-731786
7.Contract 7.1 The parties shall enter into a Contract Agreement within
Agreement twenty eight (28) days from the date of issuance of the
Notification of Award (NOA). The costs of stamp duties and
similar charges, if any, designated by the applicable law in
connection with entry into the Contract Agreement, shall be
borne by the Employer.
8. Assignment 8.1 Neither the Contractor nor the Employer shall assign, in whole
or in part, its obligations under the Contract; except with the
Employer’s prior written approval.
9. Eligibility 9.1 The Contractor and its Subcontractor(s) shall have the
nationality of a country other than that specified in the PCC.
9.2 All materials, equipment, plant, and supplies used by the
Contractor in both permanent and temporary works and
services supplied under the Contract shall have their origin
in the countries except any specified in the PCC.
9.3 For the purpose of the GCC Clause 9.2, origin means the
country where the goods have been grown, mined,
cultivated, produced, manufactured, or processed; or through
manufacture, processing, or assembly, another
commercially recognized article results that differs
substantially in its basic characteristics from its components.
10. Gratuities / 10.1 No fees, gratuities, rebates, gifts, commissions or other
Agency fees payments, other than those included in the Contract, shall
be given or received in connection with the procurement
process or in the Contract execution.
11. 11.1 The Employer and the Contractor shall keep confidential
Confidential and shall not, without the written consent of the other party
Details hereto, divulge to any third party any documents, data, or
other information furnished directly or indirectly by the other
(a) the amounts payable for any work carried out for
which unit rates or prices are stated in the Contract;
(b) the cost of Plant and Materials ordered for the Works
which have been delivered to the Contractor, or of
which the Contractor is liable to accept delivery:
this Plant and Materials shall become the property
of (and be at the risk of) the Employer when paid
for by the Employer, and the Contractor shall place
the same at the Employer’s disposal;
(c) other costs or liabilities which in the circumstances
were reasonably and necessarily incurred by the
Contractor in the expectation of completing the
(d) the cost of removal of Temporary Works and
Contractor’s Equipment from the Site; and
(e) the cost of repatriation of the Contractor’s staff and
labor employed wholly in connection with the Works
at the date of termination.
97. Property 97.1 All Materials on the Site, Plant, Equipment, Temporary
Works, and Works shall be deemed to be the property of
the Employer if the Contract is terminated because of the
Contractor’s default stated under GCC Sub Clause 93.1.
98. Frustration 98.1 If the Contract is frustrated by the occurrence of a situation of
Force Majeure as defined in GCC Sub Clause88, the
Engineer shall certify that the Contract has been frustrated.
The Contractor shall make the Site safe and stop work as
quickly as possible after receiving this certificate and shall
be paid for all works carried out before receiving it and for
any work carried out afterwards to which a commitment
was made.
G. Claims, Disputes and Arbitration
99. Contractor’s
99.1 If the Contractor considers himself to be entitled to
any extension of the Completion Time and/or any
additional payment, under any Clause of these
Conditions or otherwise in connection with the
Contract, the Contractor shall give notice to the
Employer, describing the event or circumstance giving
rise to the claim. The notice shall be given as soon
Instructions for completing the Particular Conditions of Contract are provided in italics in
parenthesis for the relevant GCC Clauses.
GCC Amendments of, and Supplements to, Clauses in the General Conditions
Clause of Contract
GCC 1.1(l) The Contractor is
[Name, address, and name of authorized representative]
GCC 1.1(v) The Employer is West Zone Power Distribution Co. Ltd. (WZPDCL)
Represented by:
Project Director
Strengthening Power Distribution System Project (SPDSP), WZPDCL
Bidyut Bhaban Campus, Boyra Main Road, Khulna
Telephone: +88-041-813803
Fax No. : + 88-041-731786
Sub-station: Also means Plant.
Supplier: Also means Contractor for the Supply of Goods and related Services.
Subcontractor means a person or corporate body, who has a contract with
the Supplier to carry out a part of the work.
GCC 1.1(w) The Engineer is
Superintending Engineer, Planning and Development,WZPDCL,HQ,Khulna.
GCC 1.1(gg) The original Contract price is [insert the amount in the NOA]
GCC 1.1(dd) The Intended Completion Date for the whole of the Works shall be 240 days from
the date of contract signing.
GCC 1.1(nn) The Site is located at Khulna
GCC 1.1(qq) The Start Date shall be the Date of contract signing.
GCC 1.1(vv) The Works consist of
As mentioned in Section 6. Scope of works and Bill of Quantities, Section
7, General Specification (Technical) and Section 8, Guaranteed Technical
Particulars (GTP) Section 9, Drawing.
GCC 2.5 The Sectional Completion Dates are: Not Applicable
GCC 3.1 The Employer’s address for the purpose of communications under this contract is :
Contact person:
Project Director
Strengthening Power Distribution System Project (SPDSP), WZPDCL
Bidyut Bhaban Campus, Boyra Main Road, Khulna
Telephone: +88-041-813803
Fax No. : + 88-041-731786
The Contractor’s address for the purpose of communications under this contract is
: Contact person:
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 94 SPDSP, WZPDCL
s: Tel:
e-mail address:
GCC 6.1 (j) Other documents forming part of the Contract are;
All correspondences between Procuring Entity and contractor prior to sighing of
the contract agreement.
GCC 9.1 A Contractor or a Subcontractor that is a national of, or registered in, the following
countries are not eligible:
Israel and countries having no diplomatic relation with Bangladesh.
GCC 9.2 Materials, Equipments Plants and supplies shall not have their origin in the following
Israel and countries having no diplomatic relation with Bangladesh.
GCC 13.1 Possession of the Site or part(s) of the Site, to the Contractor shall be given on the
following date(s);
Within 15 days from the date of contract signing.
GCC 18.1 Bangladesh Income tax and VAT for Income Earned in Bangladesh:
The Contractor shall be entirely liable to pay Income Tax on Contract price for
both of Foreign & Local currency (i.e CIF, Works, Service and Erection &
Commissioning) according to the Income Tax ordinance 1984 at the prevailing
rate (the date of tender submission) of the Govt. (at present 7.5%) which shall be
deducted at source at the time of payment of bills for onward deposition of the
same into Government Treasury. In case of any change of tax rate on the date of
payment that will be in account of employer.
The contractor shall also be liable to pay VAT arising out of this contract price
both foreign and local currency (Except CIF) portions according to the VAT Act.
1991 at the prevailing rate (the date of tender submission) of the Government (at
present 6%) which shall be deducted at source at the time of payment of bill for
onward deposition of the same into Govt. Treasure. In case of any change of Vat
rate on the date of payment that will be account of employer.
The Board shall pay all VAT on CIF portion at the payment stage.
Foreign country Taxes and Permits
The Contractor shall pay all sales, income and other taxes and duties, tariffs
and imports that can be lawfully assessed against the contractor by the
Government or any lawful authority of any country other than the people's
Republic of Bangladesh which has jurisdiction over the contractor in connection
with this contract and shall pay for all licenses permits and inspection required for
the work including the cost or securing all export licenses and permits for
materials, equipment, supplies and personnel exported from that country to
Import duty, vat, taxes, levies and other taxes for permanent materials of the
The WZPDCL shall pay all Bangladesh Customs and duties, VAT, Taxes, and all
other liabilities arising from the Importation of all permanent Materials and
equipments under the contract.
The Contractor shall obtain all import permits or licenses required for any part of
the work within the terms stated in the program or if not so stated, in reasonable
time having regard to the time for delivery of the work and the time for
completion. The Board shall pay all Bangladesh customs and import duties,
VAT, taxes and all other levies arising from the importation of all
permanent materials and equipments (on CIF Value) under the contract, The
Board shall provide its extreme effort to pay such taxes in a timely manner to
avoid any extra cost thereon. The contractor shall submit to the owner 5 (five)
copies of non-negotiable shipping document ahead of shipment for arranging
payment of such taxes and clearing the materials in time. The Board shall not
bear any expenditure on account of import of cement, if any, by the Contractor.
Normally, equipment and materials that will be incorporated in the permanent
works shall be transported by vessel. If the Contractor decides to air freight any
items, the excess freight beyond freight of vessel or excess inland transportation
or any other additional cost on account of air freight shall be borne by the
Manufacturer/supplier/contractor shall be entirely responsible for clearing the
material//equipment. through their appointed clearing agent (including necessary
payment to them), Submission of tax assessment report from custom authority to
Deputy Manager (Accounts),SPDSP, WZPDCL, Khulna ahead of time period to
avoid any sorts of demurrage. On presentation of assessment report from custom
authority, concerned Deputy Manager (Accounts),SPDSP, WZPDCL, Khulna will
make arrangement for payment to custom authority. all charges related to tax
assessment & Clearing shall be borne by the contractor if necessary.
GCC 19.1 Following Key Personnel to carry out the functions stated in the Schedule shall be
employed by the Contractor;
As mentioned in the offer or Personnel having experience in similar work.
GCC 21.1 a) Nominated Subcontractor named in the Contract shall be entitled to execute
the specific components of the Works shall be stated below:
The Contractor shall not be under obligations to employ a Nominated Subcontractor
against whom the Contractor raises reasonable objection by notice to the Engineer
as soon as practicable, with supporting particulars while there are reasons to believe
that the Subcontractor does not have sufficient competence, resources or financial
strength, or does not accept to indemnify the Contractor against and from any
negligence or misuse of Goods by the nominated Subcontractor, or does not accept
to enter into a subcontract which specifies that, for the subcontracted work including
design, if any, the Nominated Subcontractor shall undertake to the Contractor such
obligations and liabilities as will enable the contractor to discharge his or her liabilities
under the Contract. Subcontracting shall in no event relieve the Contractor from
any of its obligations, duties, responsibilities, or liability under the Contract and all
Subcontractors shall comply with the provisions of all clauses in GCC.
b) From the Start Date until the Defects Correction Certificate has been issued the
risks of personal injury, death, and loss of or damage to property including
without limitation, the Works, Plant, Materials, and Equipment, which are not
Employer’s risks are Contractor’s risks.
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 96 SPDSP, WZPDCL
d) If, as a result of an examination, inspection, measurement or testing, of Works it is
found to be defective or otherwise not in accordance with the Contract, the Engineer
may reject the Works by giving notice to the Contractor, with reasons. The Contractor
shall then promptly make good the defect and ensure that the rejected Works
subsequently complies with the Contract.
e) The Contractor Shall be responsible for the proper fencing, lighting, guarding and
watching of all the Work on the Site until Taking over and for the proper provision
during a like period of temporary roadways, footways, guards, and fences as far as
the same may be deemed necessary by reason of the Work for the accommodation
and protection of the Board and occupiers of adjacent property, the public and
GCC 23.1 The Contractual matters between the Procuring Entity and the Contractor shall
be decided by Consignee.
The Contractor shall provide to the Board and the Engineer copies of Policy or
policies of insurance, undertaken by the Contractor for detailed scrutiny and
approval. The Board may accept or reject any company policy or section
thereof which in the Board's opinion does not meet the intent of Clause
"INSURANCE". The contractor shall provide draft copies of his proposed
contracts of insurance to the Board immediately after such insurance come into
The Board reserves the right to affect the insurance referred to in this Clause
at his own cost and under his own arrangement, in which case this Clause
shall not be applicable. The Tenderer shall therefore, quote separately the
cost of Insurances referred to in the appropriate spaces provided for in the
Schedule of Prices.
In case the Insurances are arranged by the Board, the Contract Price shall
be adjusted accordingly. All insurance Policies shall provide that the
insurance shall not without approval of the Board, be cancelled reduces,
restricted, or changed in any way without "at least fifteen{15) days' written
notice being given to the Board and sent by registered mail to the head office
of the WZPDCL, in the event of any such cancellation, reduction, restriction or
change in any insurance, the Contractor shall immediately replace such
insurance. If the Contractor shall fail to effect and keep in force the insurance or
any other insurance which he may be required to effect under the term of the
Contract or if he should fail to provide evidence of this insurance being kept
in effect then and in such case the Board will effect and keep in force any
such insurance and pay such premiums as may be necessary for that
purpose and from time to time deduct the amount so paid by the Board from
any monies due or that may become due to the Contractor or recover the
same as a debt due from the Contractor. It is expressly provided that any
action on the part of the WZPDCL in this respect will in no way change or
reduces the Contractor's responsibilities and liabilities under this Contract.
The minimum insurance cover shall be 110% (Hundred Ten). The insurance
policy would be furnished from Bangladesh Sadharan Bima Corporation.
The Supplier shall secure and maintain throughout the duration of the
contract insurance of such types and in such amounts as may be necessary
to protect himself and the interest of Purchaser against hazards of risk or
loss at Supplier's cost.
Failure of the Supplier to maintain such coverage shall not relieve him of
any contractual responsibility or obligations for transportation and ocean cargo
insurance from port of loading to port of unloading and from warehouse to
warehouse in Bangladesh.
As Marine insurance as well as Local Insurance shall be from M/S.
Sadharan Bima Corporation, 139, Motijheel Commercial Area, Dhaka,
Bangladesh and the cost shall be paid by Supplier/Contractor.
(a) The maximum deductible for insurance of the Works and of Plant and
Materials is 5%
(b) The minimum cover for insurance of the Works and of Plant and Materials in
respect of the Contractor’s faulty design is 110% of the value of the works,
plant and materials.
(c) The minimum cover for loss or damage to Equipment is 110% of the
replacement value of the equipment.
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 98 SPDSP, WZPDCL
(d) The maximum deductible for insurance of Equipment is 7% of the sum
(e) The minimum cover for other property is 10% of the Contract Price.
(f) The maximum deductible for insurance of other property is 7% of sum
(g) The minimum cover for personal injury or death:
(i) For the Contractor’s employees is as per the law and common practice
in Bangladesh.
(j) and for third parties is as per the law and common practice in
GCC 40.1 Commencement Date of Works shall be as follows; t he date of contract
GCC 42.1 The Contractor shall submit a Programme for the Works within 15 (Fifteen) days
of signing the Contract.
GCC 42.3 The amount to be withheld for late submission of an updated Programme is:
As decided by the Consignee.
GCC 60.2 The Defects Liability Period is: 24(Twenty four) months from Intended
Completion Date of the Works (the date of issuance of Provisional Acceptance
Certificate/ Taking Over Certificate (TOC).
The Defects Liability/ Warranty shall cover the following:
The contractor warrants that each item of equipment/ Materials and work furnished
under this contract will be specified and will be free from defects in design to the
extent the contractor is responsible for design, workmanship and material. The
warranties contained in the contract document are in lieu of any other warranties
made by contractor with respect to the equipment, material & work. If within the
warranty period set forth below any part of the material or work fails to meet the
warranty WZPDCL will notify the contractor shall promptly correct any defect
including non-conformance with specifications by adjustment, repair or replacement
of any and all defective parts or materials.
Unless otherwise specified the Defects liability period/ warranty period hereunder
shall begin from the date of issuance of Provisional Acceptance Certificate
(PAC)/Taking Over Certificate (TOC) by WZPDCL and shall end after 24 (twenty)
months of operation until final acceptance.
The contractors shall pay all costs for correction of defects including shop and field
labour and supervision, transportation, parts, supplies, and all tackles and special
The contractors will be given an opportunity to check the existence of defects and
he shall promptly do the correction within reasonable time. This section states the
limit of contractors liability for defects for which he is responsible.
When it is necessary to dismantle the piping, ducts, machinery, equipments or other
work furnished or performed by the contractor in order to obtain access to the work ,
the cost of all such dismantling and reassembling will paid by the contractor.
The contractor shall extend the provisions of this warranty to cover all repaired and
replacement parts furnished under the Warranty provisions for a period of 24
(twenty) months of operation from the date of repair, replacement , commissioning
If within twenty (20) days after WZPDCL gives the Contractor notice of a defect,
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 99 SPDSP, WZPDCL
the Contractor neglects to make or undertake with due diligence to make the
necessary corrections, WZPDCL is hereby authorized to make the corrections
himself or order the work to be done by a third party and cost of the corrections
shall be paid by the Contractor. WZPDCL will be permitted to make repairs or
replacements on equipment without affecting the warranty or without prior notice to
the Contractor so long as the repairs or replacements involve the correct installation
of spares. WZPDCL shall also be permitted to adjust or test equipment as outlined
in instruction manuals provided by the manufacturer.
In the case of an emergency where in the judgment of WZPDCL the delay
resulting from giving formal notice would cause serious loss or damage which
could be prevented by immediate action, defects may be corrected by WZPDCL or
a third party chosen by WZPDCL without giving prior notice to the Contractor and
cost of corrections shall be paid by the Contractor. In the event, such action is
taken by WZPDCL, the Contractor will be notified promptly and the Contractor shall
assist wherever possible in making the necessary corrections.
The contractor shall extend the provision of the Defects Liability Period to cover all
repaired and replacement parts furnished under the Defects Liability Period.
GCC 62.1 The Contract Price is USD/GBP/EUR/JPY [insert amount] and/or
delete not appropriate
[insert amount]
Delete if not appropriate
GCC 69.1
Payments under this Contract shall be effected in the currency of the Tender for
Foreign Currency and in Taka for local currency.
(a) Payment of foreign currency portion shall be made through Letter of Credit
(L/C) opened in favor of the Supplier in a schedule Bank of Bangladesh. The
charges within Bangladesh for establishment of the L/C shall be borne by
WZPDCL but the L/C charges outside Bangladesh shall be borne by
the Contractor. The Contractor shall have to bear all such charges both
inside and outside Bangladesh in case of extension of L/C if done at the
request of the contractor.
(b) Payment of Local currency portion shall be made direct through transfer of
fund to Contractor’s account or through cheque. Payment shall be made direct
through Consignee.
1. Payment for Goods supplied from abroad (Form PG4-3B):
i) Advance Payment : Not Applicable
ii) On Shipment: Sixty (60) percent (%) of the foreign currency Price of the Goods
shipped shall be paid through letter of credit opened in favour of the Contractor in a
bank in its country, upon submission of documents specified in GCC Clause 103.2
and issuance of payment advice by the Consignee.
iii) On Acceptance:
a) On R&I Report: Twenty (20) percent (%) upon presentation of WZPDCL’s
“Receiving cum Inspection Report” for each consignment delivered at site and a
claim bill duly verified by consignee certified by the Engineer and issuance of
payment advice by the Consignee.
b) On Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC): Ten (10) percent (%) upon
issuance of Provisional Acceptance Certificate specified in GCC Clause 83.1 and a
claim bill duly verified by consignee certified by the Engineer and issuance of
payment advice by the Consignee supported by the Provisional Acceptance
c) On Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC): Ten (10) percent (%) upon issuance of
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 100 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Final Acceptance Certificate specified in GCC Clause 84.1 and a claim bill duly
verified by consignee certified by the Engineer and issuance of payment advice by
the Consignee supported by the Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC).
Partial Shipment is allowed. Partial payment against on Shipment is allowed.
Transshipments allowed as and when/where required as per prior approval of
the procuring entity.
Third Party B/L shall be allowed as and when/where required as per
prior approval of the procuring entity.
Payment for Local currency part of Goods supplied from abroad :
Hundred (100) percent (%) Payment of local currency portion shall be made in
Bangladesh Taka within thirty (30) days of presentation of claim bill duly verified by
consignee, certified by the Engineer and issuance of payment advice by the
Consignee supported by the Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC) declaring that
the Goods have been delivered and that all other contracted Related Services have
been performed.
Note: The Port handling charges and Inland Transportation shall be paid at actual but not exceeding
the quoted amount.
2) Payment of Foreign & Local currency portion of Goods supplied from
Bangladesh shall be made in the following manner(PG4-3A):
ii) On monthly progress: Eighty (80) percent (%) payment upon monthly progress
according to the progress of the service work at site and provided that the Related
Services works are performed satisfactorily and in accordance with the stipulations
of the Contract documents against submission of invoices/claim bill duly verified by
consignee certified by the Engineer and issuance of payment advice by the
iii) On Provisional Acceptance Certificate (PAC): 10% (Ten percent) upon issuance
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 101 SPDSP, WZPDCL
of the Provisional Acceptance Certificate after successful completion of commissioning
and handing over against submission of invoices/claim bill duly verified by consignee
certified by the Engineer and issuance of payment advice by the Consignee.
iv) On Final Acceptance Certificate (FAC): Ten (10) percent (%) upon issuance of
Final Acceptance Certificate and a claim bill duly verified by consignee certified by the
Engineer and issuance of payment advice by the Consignee.
a) Letter of Credit opening and other charges including amendment charges within
Bangladesh shall be borne by WZPDCL and those outside Bangladesh shall be borne
by the supplier. b) The supplier shall have to bear all such charges both inside and
outside Bangladesh in case of extension of L/C if done at the request of the supplier.
Procedure for progress payment against service
On or about the first day of each month the contractor will prepare a bill in
prescribed form the value (As per Breakdown estimate) of the service done up-to
such date. The estimated cost of service which, do not conform to the
specification will be deducted from the billed amount. Payment will be made to
the contractor as stipulated above. Such intermediate payment shall be regarded
as payment by way of advance against the final payment for work actually done
and shall not preclude the requiring of bad ,unsold and imperfect work to be
removed reconstructed. Such payments shall not be considered as admission
that the contract performance has been completed nor shall it indicate the
accruing or any claim, or shall it conclude, determine or affect in any way the
powers of WZPDCL under this Contract to final settlement and adjustment of
the account or any other way vary affect the contract.
Contractor’s Breakdown Estimate
The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Consignee for approval a
breakdown estimate for and covering each lump-sump price stated in the
contract. The break down estimate, showing the value of each kind of service
shall be certified by consignee and approved by the engineer before any partial
payment estimate is prepared .Such items as bond premium, temporary facilities
and plant may be listed separately in the breakdown estimate, provided that their
cost can be substantiated.
The sum of the items listed in any breakdown estimate shall equal the Contract
lump-sum price or prices, overhead and profit shall not be listed as separate
GCC 69.3 The particulars of the Bank Account nominated are as follows :
[information furnished by the Contractor shall be substantiated by the concerned Bank and
authenticated by the Employer]
GCC 70.2 The Contractor shall be entitled to receive financing charges for delayed payment
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 102 SPDSP, WZPDCL
during the period of delay at the annual rate of interest of [insert rate] ; Not Applicable
[usually London Inter Bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) plus 2 percent]
GCC The following additional events shall also be the Compensation Events: None
GCC 74.1 The Contract is not subject to price adjustment.
GCC 75.1 The proportion of payments to be retained is None.
GCC 76.1 The amount of Liquidated Damages or in other words Delay Damages for the
uncompleted Works or any part thereof is 0.10 of ONE (1) percent of its Contract price
per day of delay.
Guide to application of GCC Sub Clause 76.1 above
[ Liquidated damages is equivalent to an amount to be determined in accordance with the
following formula
TLD = VUWxPx n
TLD = Total amount of Liquidated Damages
VUW= Value of Uncompleted Works (i.e. works not having been completed as of the expiry of
the Intended Completion Date plus the works completed after the expiry of the
Intended Completion Date). VUW shall be calculated by deducting the value of the
completed works under the Contract from the total Contract price
P = Percent-rate at which the Liquidated Damages shall be imposed for every day of
n = No of days of delay for completion of works under the Contract]
GCC 76.2 The maximum amount of Liquidated Damages for the uncompleted Works or any
part thereof is 10 (ten) percent of the final Contract price of the whole of the Works.
GCC 77.1 The Bonus for the whole of the Works is None.
The maximum amount of Bonus for the whole of the Works is None.
GCC 78.1 The Advance Payment shall be: None.
GCC 78.4 Repayment of Advance Payment shall be at the rate of [insert percentage] from the
progressive payments of invoices. Not Applicable
GCC 80.2 The percentage for adjustment of Provisional Sums is None.
The work shall not be considered as complete until a PAC has been issued for
the work, signed and dated by the Acceptance Committee constituted by the
WZPDCL and the Engineer and delivered to the Contractor with a copy to
the WZPDCL. The PAC will be issued ( by the WZPDCL) only after
commissioning of each substation (within 12 months) has been carried out by
a team of representatives of the Contractor, the Engineer and the members of
the acceptance committee of the WZPDCL, and the work has been judged
complete and in compliance with the Contract Documents. The test shall be
performed as specified in the applicable Technical Requirements. Necessary
testing equipment will be supplied by the Contractor.
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 103 SPDSP, WZPDCL
guarantee periods shall become applicable to different parts of the work, after the
expiration of the latest of such periods and as soon as any and all work to be
made good is completed to the satisfaction of the Consignee/Project Manager
and the competent Authority.
GCC 87.1 The date by which “as-built” drawings are required is before within one month from
The date by which operating and maintenance manuals are required is: Within one
month from the date of PAC. All documents including Drawings/Testing
Report/Operational/Maintenance Manual must be submitted in English language.
GCC 87.2 The amount to be withheld for failing to produce “as-built” drawings and/or operating
and maintenance manuals by the date required is: No money will be withheld but
FAC shall not be issued until the submission of “as-built” drawings and/or operating
and maintenance manuals.
GCC 96.1 The percentage to apply to the contract value of the works not completed,
representing the Employer’s additional cost for completing the uncompleted Works is
twenty (20) percent.
GCC 100.3 The rules of procedure for arbitration proceedings shall be as follows:
i) In the case of a dispute between the Employer and the foreign Contractor,
Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Contract, or
breach, termination or invalidity thereof, shall be settled by arbitration in
accordance with the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
(UNCITRAL) Arbitration Rules of 1976 as at present in force.
All disputes arising in connection with the present Contract shall be finally
settled under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International
Chamber of Commerce by one or more arbitrators in accordance with the
said rules.
ii) In the case of a dispute between the Employer and the national Contractor, in
particular, the arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the Arbitration
Act (Act No 1 of 2001) of Bangladesh as at present in force and in the place
President of the Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh.
The packing, marking and documentation within and outside the packages shall be:
GCC 101.2
AS per Sub-Section 7.7: Supplementary information, Section; 7: Technical
Specification. Other than this the packing, marking and documentation inside and
outside the packages shall be:
A complete packing list indicating the content of each package shall be enclosed in
a waterproof envelops and shall be secured to the outside of the packing Case. In
addition, each package shall be marked with indelible ink/paint in bold letters, as
Name and address of Procuring Entity
Name of the supplier
Contract Description
Final Destination/ Delivery point.
Gross Weight
Package number of total number of packages
Brief description of the content
Any special lifting instructions
Any special handling instructions
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 104 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Upright markings, where appropriate, shall be placed on all four vertical sides of the
All material used for packing shall be environmentally neutral.
Additional markings and documentation within and outside the packages shall be:
1) The Supplier shall provide such packing of the goods as is required to prevent
their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination as indicated
in the Contract. The packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation,
rough handling during transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and
precipitation during transit and open storage. Packing case size and weights,
shall take into consideration, where appropriate, the remoteness of final
destination of the supply and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all
points in transit.
2) The packing, marking and documentation within and outside the packages shall
comply strictly with such special requirements as shall be expressly provided for
in the Contract and in any subsequent instructions ordered by the Purchaser.
3) The supplier shall provide such crate for shipment of goods as to protect the
equipment and materials.
4) Delivery of the goods shall be made by the Supplier in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the contract and the goods shall remain at the risk of
the Supplier until delivery has been completed. Delivery shall be considered to
have been completed when the last consignment to be delivered are accepted
and taken over by the Purchaser at the final destination. All transportation,
insurance and other costs incurred in delivering the goods to the final
destination shall be entered in the Tenderer’s price schedule.
5) The Supplier warrants that the goods supplied under the Contract are new and
unused of the most recent or current models and incorporate all recent
improvements in design and materials unless provided otherwise in the
6) The Supplier further warrants that all goods supplied under this Contract shall
have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship (except in so far
as the design or material is required by the Purchaser's Specifications) or from
any act or omission of the Supplier, that may develop under normal use of the
Supplied Goods in the conditions obtaining in the country of final destination.
7) No goods should be shipped, without prior instruction from the Engineer
8) Purchaser. In cases, where the goods have been passed inspection but the
Contractor from the Engineer/Purchaser has not received the instruction of
delivery within one month from the date of inspection, the contractor may
proceed with the shipment. In case of ex-factory basis delivery for domestic
goods, the purchaser shall arrange to lift the goods from the specified place of
the factory/warehouse within 30 (thirty) days after the date of inspection/
acceptance certificate issued by the Purchaser.
8) All air cargoes destined for the site shall be landed at Hazrat Shahjalal
International airport of Dhaka as specified in Tender Document.
9) Any items liable to be damaged in transit shall be effectively protected and
securely fixed in their cases. All lists of over 1(one) ton shall be marked to
show where slings should be placed.
10) The Contractor shall give complete shipping information concerning the weight,
size, content of each package including any other information the Purchaser or
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 105 SPDSP, WZPDCL
the Engineer may require.
11) All materials used in packing are to comply with the relevant Bangladesh
regulations. Adequate protection and precautions are to be taken to exclude
termites or other vermin, noxious insects, larva or fungus from the packing
materials or plant. All contents are to be clearly marked for easy identification
against the packing list.
12) All galvanized ferrous materials shall, in any case, not be touched with water
and shall not be handled with any chemical products during transportation to
prevent the corrosive effect to the galvanized surface.
13) The Supplier shall pack and crate all goods for export to a tropical, humid
climate and for ocean transport and in accordance with internationally accepted
export practice and such a manner as to protect it from damage and
deterioration in transit by truck, rail and sea. The contractor shall be held
responsible for and make good any and all damages costs involved due to
improper and inadequate packing. Each box or other unit of shipment shall be
eligible and properly marked in addition to the usual contractor's marking code.
Detailed instructions for marking shown are given in tender document and such
marking shall be written either on the box itself or on a metallic tag for drums,
steel section etc. strongly attached to the Equipment.
14) Two bands red and green, each 25 mm ( 1 inch ) wide or combined width
not exceeding one- quarter the length of the package shall be painted
around the package as shown in figure.
15) The following monogram, measuring about one quarter of the side of the
package shall also be painted in red on at least two sides of the package.
16) All equipment are to be packaged in bundles and labelled for the appropriate
town according to the list that will be provided to the successful Tenderer
for each lot. Any items liable to be damaged in transit shall be effectively
protected and securely fixed in their cases. All lifts of over 2 tones shall be
marked to show where slings should be placed.
All identification marks on the outside of cases are to be waterproof and
permanent and as shown in Figures.
17) All delicate electrical equipment shall be adequately sealed and desiccating
agents used where necessary to prevent damage from condensation. All
equipment shall be packed and protected bearing in mind that it will be
shipped to a tropical zone and that a considerable period may elapse
between its arrival on site and its unpacking.
18) Underground cables and overhead conductors shall be delivered wound
on strong Aluminum or wooden drums. Drums with an outside
diameter not exceeding 2.5 meters and an outside width exceeding 1.4
meters shall not be used except with the Engineers approval. The central
hole of the drums shall be reinforced to fit an axle size 95mm diameter.
The interior of the conductor drums shall be lined with bituminous paper
to prevent the conductor from being in contact with the Aluminium or
timber. Waterproof paper and felt lining shall overlap at seams by at
least 20mm and the seams shall be sealed.
19) Drums shall be adequately protected by securely fastening substantial
wooden battens around the periphery. These battens shall be secured by
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 106 SPDSP, WZPDCL
means of hoop metal bindings to approval.
20) Cables and conductors shall be securely fastened around the periphery of the
drum. Cables shall be supplied with both ends properly capped and
protected against damage. Each drum and one of each cable length shall
bear a metal label detailing manufacturers name, specified voltage and
type of conductor. Cables drums shall be treated in an approved manner
to resist termite and fungus attacks and shall be suitable for outside
storage for a minimum period of five years in an equatorial climate without
undue deterioration. The leading end of cable on cable drums shall be the
‘A’ end as defined in BS 6480.
21) The inner cable end attached to the drum shall be capped and sealed
in such a manner that core screening and sheath are able to be measured
from the outer cable and without removing the inner end cap. The thread of
bolts used to strengthen the cable drums shall be pinned in such a way that
the nut can be lightened but cannot be readily removed.
22) Other electrical equipment items shall be packed for transport to site so
that they are protected against the climatic conditions and handling to
which they may be subjected in transit and in storage at the site. They
shall be enclosed in planked wooden boxes with hoop metal bindings with
ends sealed. Bindings shall be of rust less material.
23) The Supplier shall pack and crate all Equipment for export to a tropical humid
climate and for ocean transport and in accordance with internationally accepted
export practice and in such a manner as to protect it from damage and
deterioration in transit by truck, rail and sea. The supplier shall be held
responsible for and make good any and all damage costs involved due to
improper and inadequate packing.
24) Each box or other unit of shipment shall be legible and properly marked in
addition to the usual Suppliers marking code. Detailed instruction for marking as
shown in Figure shall be written either on the box itself or on a metallic tag for
drum, steel section etc. Strongly attached to the Equipment..
25) Contents of cases are to be bolted securely or fastened in position with
struts or cross battens and not with wooden chocks wedged in place
unless otherwise firmly fastened. All struts or cross battens are preferably
to be supported by cleats fixed to the case, above and below, to form
edges on which the batten may rest. Open cases shall not be used. Where
parts are required to be bolted to m the sides of the case, large washers
are to be used to distribute the pressure and the timber is to be
strengthened by means of a pad.
26) All cases shall be clearly identified giving particulars of manufacturers name
and type of equipment.
GCC 103.1
As specified in section 6, Schedule of requirements and the goods and related
services mentioned in the price schedules (FromPWG4-3A,3B,3C & 3D),
Section 7: Technical section & Section 8: Guaranteed Technical Particulars to
complete Sub-station at rated capacity.
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 107 SPDSP, WZPDCL
For the successful completion to complete Sub-Station at rated capacity in this
turnkey contract, if any goods or services are required, which are not included in
section-6: Schedule of requirements, Section 7: Technical section & Section 8:
Guaranteed Technical Particulars and In the price schedules, the Supplier will be
responsible for the delivery of those goods, works and related services within the
Contract Price.
a) All materials used In packing are to comply with the relevant Bangladesh
regulations. Adequate protection and precautions are to be taken to exclude
termites or other vermin, noxious insects, larva or fungus from the packing
materials or plant. All contents are to be clearly marked for easy identification
against the packing list.
b) All galvanized ferrous materials shall, in any case, not be touched with
water and shall not be handled with any chemical products during transportation
to prevent the corrosive effect to the galvanized surface.
c) The Supplier shall pack and crate all goods for export to a tropical, humid
climate and for ocean transport and in accordance with internationally accepted
export practice and such a manner as to protect it from damage and
deterioration in transit by truck, rail and sea. The contractor shall be held
responsible for and make good any and all damages costs Involved due to
improper and inadequate packing. Each box or other unit of shipment shall be
eligible and properly marked in addition to the usual contractor's marking code.
Detailed instructions for marking shown are given in tender document and such
marking shall be written either on the box itself or on a metallic tag for drums,
steel section etc. strongly attached to the Equipment
GCC103.1 No goods will be shipped without prior instruction from the Consignee.
1. Delivery of the goods shall be made by the Supplier In accordance with the
terms and the goods shall remain at the risk of the Supplier until delivery has
been completed. Delivery shall be considered to have been completed when
the last consignment to be delivered are accepted and taken over by the
Purchaser at the final destination (project site). All transportation, insurance
and other costs incurred in delivering the goods to Port of landing up to the
final destination is included in the Contract price.
Incomplete Delivery:
i) The Supplier shall be responsible for any shortages in supply when the
contents of the cases do not comply with the manifests, for which claim
documents will be prepared in the English language by the Purchaser and
submitted to the Supplier for the necessary action.
ii) Compliance with specification: Notwithstanding any descriptive literature,
drawings or illustrations which may have been submitted with the Tender, all
details other than those shown on the Schedule will be deemed to be in
accordance with the Specification and the Standard specifications and codes
referred to in the Specification. Apart from those shown in the Schedule any
departures from the specification are to be made with prior written approval
of the Purchaser. The documentary evidence of the equipment's conformity
to the Tender Document may be in the form of literature, drawings and date,
and shall furnish. A detailed description of the equipment essential technical
and performance characteristics like specification, drawings; A list, giving full
particulars, including available sources and current prices, of all spare parts,
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 108 SPDSP, WZPDCL
special tools, etc., necessary for the proper and continuing of the equipment
for a period of 10(ten) years; A clause-by-clause commentary on the
specifications demonstrating the equipment's statement of deviations and
exceptions to the provisions of the Specifications and Details containing the
name of the manufacture of type of trade name, reference of all equipment
and materials, which shall be firm. The words "equivalent" "similar" etc. for
specifying equipment and materials shall not be considered acceptable.
iii) Storage of the materials: After the goods under this contract arrive in
Bangladesh, the Supplier will store Goods, equipment and other equipment &
materials to the store designated by Consignee. The storing facilities are the
responsibility of the Supplier. Any damage to the equipment facility will be the
responsibility of the contractor.
iv) Rejection: In the event any of the Equipment supplied by the Contractor is
found defective prior to the issue of R & I report or Provisional Acceptance
Certificate (PAC) or otherwise not in conformity with the requirements of the
Contract, the Purchaser or the Engineer shall have the right to either reject
the Equipment or request the Supplier in writing to rectify/ replace the
equipment. The Supplier shall with utmost diligence and at his own expense
replace the defective equipment or rectify the defect as the case may be. If
the Supplier fails to comply within 30 (Thirty) days after having been
informed, the Purchaser has the option to replace or rectify such defective
equipment and charge the Supplier the extra cost plus 15% (fifteen percent)
of the total cost.
(a) In the event the Supplier is not able to rectify or replace the rejected
equipment within reasonable time, the Purchaser reserves the right to
recover any money due as a result of rejection and to terminate the
Contract for default as provided in the contract.
(b) Acquire the said Goods at a reduced price considered equitable
under the circumstances.
GCC 103.2
Details of shipping and documents to be furnished by the Supplier shall be:
“For Goods supplied from abroad as per INCOTERM CIF or CIP”:
Upon shipment, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser and the Insurance
Company by fax or telex: the full details of the shipment including Contract
number, description of Goods, quantity, the bill of landing number and date,
port of loading, date of shipment, port of discharge, etc. The Supplier shall
mail the following documents to the Purchaser, with a copy to the Insurance
i) 7 (Seven)Copies of the Supplier's invoice showing goods
description, quantity, unit price, total amount;
ii) Original and 6 (six) copies of the negotiable, clean, on-board bill of
lading marked “freight prepaid and ........ copies of non-negotiable
bill of lading;
iii) 7 (Seven) copies of packing list identifying contents of each
iv) 7 (Seven) copies of Insurance certificate;
v) 7 (Seven) copies Certificate of origin;
vi) 7 (Seven) copies of Manufacturer's or supplier's warranty
vii) 3 (three) copies of Inspection certificate, issued by the nominated
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 109 SPDSP, WZPDCL
inspection agency and the Supplier's factory inspection report ;
viii) Shipping advice issued by the Consignee;
ix) Freight Memo/Truck Challan;
The Employer/Consignee shall receive the above documents at least one
week before arrival of the goods at the port or place of arrival and, if not
received, the Supplier will be responsible for any consequent expenses.
The Employer/Consignee shall receive the above documents before the
arrival of the goods and, if not received, the Supplier will be responsible for
any consequent expenses.
[Note 2: The above requirements should be reviewed by a
Employer/Consignee on a case-by-case basis, with amendments being
made necessary.]
3) The Employer/Consignee shall receive the above documents at least
one week before arrival of Goods at the port and, if not received, the
Supplier will be responsible for any consequent expenses.
4) The negotiable sets of documents shall be originals signed by the
Supplier. The Commercial Invoice is to show material value plus freight as
Shipping Documents
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 110 SPDSP, WZPDCL
of the Goods and, if not received, the Supplier will be responsible for any
consequent expenses.
[Note 2: The above requirements should be reviewed by a Employer/Consignee
on a case-by-case basis, with amendments being made necessary.]
GCC 105.1 Witnessing of the manufacturing process and tests of the equipment at
manufacturer’s works including transfer of technical know-how.
Such witness/inspection shall not relieve the supplier from any obligation to
supply the goods in accordance with contract document. For foreign
manufacturer, Invitation letter from the manufacturer should be submitted to
the purchaser at least 02(two) months prior to the schedule date of the witness
and tests. For manufacturer inside Bangladesh Engineering Teams for
Witnessing of the manufacturing process and tests of the Goods at
manufacturer’s works including transfer of technical know-how shall be same as
stated above.
Post Landing Inspection:
a) Post Landing Inspection shall be done after arrival of the goods at Final
destination. The post landing inspection shall be intimated to the
representative of Supplier. The program of such inspection shall be
intimated to the representative of contractor/supplier by WZPDCL upon
arrival of the goods at Final destination store of WZPDCL. R&I Report will
be issued after post landing inspection.
b) The purchaser has right to inspect, test and where necessary, reject the
Goods arrival in purchaser’s store shall in no way be limited or waived by
reason of the goods having previously been tested and passed by the
manufacturer/ supplier.
c) Nothing in this clause shall in any way release the supplier from any
warranty or other obligation under the provisions of the contract/ purchase
GCC 109 Approval of the Design, Drawing, Specification & Guaranteed Technical
Particulars (GTP):
Design, Drawing, Specification & GTP/ Engineering Data etc, shall be
submitted to the Project Director, SPDSP, WZPDCL by the Supplier for
approval, prior to the manufacturing of the goods. The Supplier shall have
to submit 3 (three) sets of the same for approval within 15 (fifteen) days from
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 111 SPDSP, WZPDCL
the date of signing Contract. Only Original copy shall be submitted
(photocopy / scanned copy will not be allowed).
One copy of Design, Drawing, Specification & GTP/ Engineering Data shall
be returned to the Supplier marked “APPROVED” or “APPROVED AS
NOTED” or “RETURNED FOR CORRECTION” within 14 (Fourteen) days
after receipt from the Supplier and if not returned within 14 (Fourteen) days
after receipt by the Engineer, the Suppliers shall notify Engineer of such fact,
and if the Design, Drawing, Specification & GTP/ Engineering Data still have
been not returned within 7(Seven) days after notice, the Supplier may
proceed as if Design, Drawing, Specification & GTP/ Engineering Data have
been returned approved. When the Design, Drawing, Specification & GTP/
Engineering Data are returned marked “APPROVED AS NOTED” or
corrections or changes shall be made and 3 (three) revised copies shall
be submitted to the Engineer. One copy of the revised Design, Drawing,
Specification & GTP/ Engineering Data will be returned to the Supplier by
7(Seven) days from the receipt of the same with due approval, if re-
submitted Design, Drawing, Specification & GTP/ Engineering Data are in
line with the earlier comments of the Engineer and satisfy contract
The Contractor shall submit Specification and Drawings showing the
proposed Temporary works to the engineer, who is to approve them, if they
comply with the Specification and Drawings.
The Contractor shall be responsible for design of this works.
All Drawings prepared by the Contractor for the execution of the Temporary
or Permanent works, are subject to prior approval by the Engineer before their
The Engineer’s approval shall not alter the Contractor’s responsibility for
design of the Temporary works.
The Contractor shall obtain approval of third parties to the design of the
Temporary Works, where required.
GCC 110 110.1 The Contractor shall clean the working areas periodically of all trash and
CLEAN UP waste Materials and shall maintain the Site in a neat and orderly
OF SITE condition throughout the construction period. The Engineer shall have
the right to determine what is waste material or rubbish and the manner
and place of disposal. On or before the completion of the Work the
Contractor shall, without charge therefore, carefully clean out all pits,
pipes, chambers or conduits, and shall tear down and remove all
temporary structures built by him, and shall remove all rubbish of every
kind from the tracts or grounds which he has occupied and shall leave
them in first class condition. In the event that the Contractor fails to
comply with the cleanliness requirement or to perform the cleanup work
assigned to him by the Board. the Board will reserve the right to hire
another contractor to perform the necessary cleaning work and the
Contractor shall reimburse the Board or the cost of all such cleanup work.
111.1 The acceptance by the contractor of the last payment shall operate as,
GCC 111
and shall be, a release to the COMPANY and every officer, agent
Release of
and employee thereof, from all claims and liability hereunder for
anything done or furnished for or relating to the work, or for any act or
neglect of the COMPANY or of any person relating to or the affecting the
The last payment by the COMPANY to the Contractor shall constitute
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 112 SPDSP, WZPDCL
final acceptance of all work performed under this Contract and shall
release the Contractor and his surety, from all contractual liabilities
and responsibilities to the COMPANY except these liabilities assumed
under the warranty clause PCC [GCC 33.3] of these Special Conditions
or arising out of hidden defects.
In the event a suit were to be instituted in Bangladesh against the
BOARD and the contractor as defendants neither shall be released from
his respective liabilities under this contract.
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 113 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Appendix to the Tender
[In Tables below, the Procuring Entity shall indicate the source and base values with
dates of Indexes, unless otherwise instructed to be quoted by the Tenderer, for the
different Cost Components and mention its Weightings or Coefficients]
Not Applicable
1. The sources of Indexes and its values with dates shall be Bangladesh Bureau of
Statistics (BBS) unless otherwise mentioned by the Procuring Entity or instructed to be
quoted by the Tenderer.
2. The Procuring Entity may require the Tenderer to justify its proposed Indexes, if
quoted by the Tenderer.
3. The Base Value of the Indexes shall be those prevailing twenty eight (28) days prior
to the deadline for submission of the Tenders.
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 114 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Table 1.2: Price Adjustment Data
[GCC Sub Clause 74.1: To be provided by the Procuring Entity]
Not Applicable
Coefficients or
Weightings for Coefficients or Weightings for adjustable
Item Bill No. if non- Cost Components
Group applicable adjustable
Cost Total
Component a b c d e f g h i j
The Weightings or Coefficients of the Cost Components shall be mentioned by the
Employer based on the proportion of components involved in the work items caused to
be impacted by rise and fall in its prices.
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 115 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Section 5. Tender and Contract Forms
Form Title
Tender Forms
Contract Forms
Forms PW5-1 to PW5 -6, PW5 – 12, PG4 – 3A, 3B, 3C and PG4 – 4 – 5, 11 comprises part of
the Tender Format and should be completed as stated in ITT Clause 20.
Forms PW5-7 to PW5 -11 & PG4 – 12 comprises part of the Contract as stated in GCC
Clause 6.
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 116 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Tender Submission Letter (Form PW5 – 1A)
(To be submitted with technical Proposal)
[This letter shall be completed and signed by the Authorised Signatory
preferably on the Letter-Head pad of the Tenderer].
To: Date:
[Contact Person]
[Name of Purchaser]
[Address of Purchaser]
We, the undersigned, offer to supply in conformity with the Tender Document the following
Goods and related Services:
In signing this letter, and in submitting our Tender, we also confirm that:
(a) our Tender shall be valid for the period stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub
Clause 29.2) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any
time before the expiration of that period;
(b) a Tender Security is attached in the form of a bank guarantee in the amount
stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub Clause 31.2) and valid for a period of
twenty eight (28) days beyond the Tender validity date;
(d) we have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Document, issued by
you on [insert date]; including Addendum to Tender Document No(s) [state
numbers] , issued in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers (ITT Clause
11). [insert the number and issuing date of each addendum; or delete this
sentence if no Addendum has been issued];
(e) we, including as applicable, any JVCA partner or Specialist Subcontractor for any
part of the contract resulting from this Tender process, have nationalities from
eligible countries, in accordance with ITT Clause 5;
(f) we are submitting this Tender as a sole Tenderer in accordance with ITT Sub
Clause 36.3
we are submitting this Tender as the partners of a JVCA, comprising the following
other partners in accordance with ITT Sub Clause 36.4;
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 117 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Name of Partner Address of Partner
(h) we, including as applicable any JVCA partner, declare that we are not associated,
nor have been associated in the past, directly or indirectly, with a consultant or
any other entity that has prepared the design, specifications and other documents
in accordance with ITT Clause 5;
(i) we, including as applicable any JVCA partner or Specialist Subcontractor for any
part of the contract resulting from this Tender process, have not been declared
ineligible by the Government of Bangladesh on charges of engaging in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices in accordance with ITT Clause 5;
(j) furthermore, we are aware of ITT Clause 4 concerning such practices and pledge
not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract;
(k) we intend to subcontract an activity or part of the Works, in accordance with ITT
Clause 14, to the following Specialist Subcontractor(s);
(l) we, including as applicable any JVCA partner, confirm that we do not have a
record of poor performance, such as abandoning the works, not properly
completing contracts, inordinate delays, or financial failure as stated in ITTClause
5, and that we do not have, or have had, any litigation against us, other than that
stated in the Tenderer Information (Form PW5-2);
(m) we are not participating as Tenderers in more than one Tender in this Tendering
process. We understand that your written Notification of Award shall constitute
the acceptance of our Tender and shall become a binding Contract between us,
until a formal Contract is prepared and executed;
(n) we, including as applicable any JVCA partner, confirm that we do not have a
record of insolvency, receivership, bankrupt or being wound up, our business
activities were not been suspended, and it was not been the subject of legal
proceedings in accordance with ITT Clause 5;
(o) we, including as applicable any JVCA partner, confirm that we have fulfilled our
obligations to pay taxes and social security contributions applicable under the
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 118 SPDSP, WZPDCL
relevant national laws and regulations of Bangladesh in accordance with ITT
Clause 5;
(p) we understand that you reserve the right to reject all the Tenders or annul the
Tender proceedings, without incurring any liability to Tenderers, in accordance
with ITT Clause 57.
[If there is more thanone (1) signatory, or in the case of a JVCA, add other boxes
and sign accordingly].
Attachment 1: Written confirmation authorising the above signatory(ies) to commit the Tenderer,
in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 34.3;
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 119 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Tender Submission Letter (Form PW5 – 1B)
(To be submitted with Financial Proposal)
[This letter shall be completed and signed by the Authorised Signatory
preferably on the Letter-Head pad of the Tenderer].
To: Date:
[Contact Person]
[Name of Purchaser]
[Address of Purchaser]
We, the undersigned, offer to supply in conformity with the Tender Document the following
Goods and related Services:
In accordance with ITT Clauses 22 and 23, the following prices and discounts apply to our
In signing this letter, and in submitting our Tender, we also confirm that:
(a) our Tender shall be valid for the period stated in the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Sub-Clause
29.2) and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before the
expiration of that period;
(b) a Tender Security is attached in the form of a bank guarantee] in the amount stated in
the Tender Data Sheet (ITT Clause 31.2) and valid for a period of 28 days beyond the
Tender validity date;
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 120 SPDSP, WZPDCL
(c) if our Tender is accepted, we commit to furnishing a Performance Security within the
time stated under ITT Sub Clause 62.2 in the amount stated in the Tender Data
Sheet (ITT SubClauses61.2 and 61.3) and in the form specified in the Tender Data
Sheet(ITT Sub Clause 62.1)valid for a period of twenty eight (28) days beyond the
date of issue of the Completion Certificate of the Works;
(d) we have examined and have no reservations to the Tender Document, issued by
you on [insert date]; including Addendum to Tender Document No(s) [state numbers] ,
issued in accordance with the Instructions to Tenderers (ITT Clause 11). [insert the
number and issuing date of each addendum; or delete this sentence if no Addendum
has been issued];
(e) we, including as applicable, subcontractor for any part of the contract resulting from
this Tender process, have nationalities from eligible countries, in accordance with ITT
Sub-Clause 5;
we are submitting this Tender as a sole Tenderer in accordance with ITT Sub
Clause 36.3
we are submitting this Tender as the partners of a JVCA, comprising the following
other partners in accordance with ITT Sub Clause 36.4;
(g) we are not a Government owned entity as defined in ITT Sub-Clause 5.3
we are a Government owned entity, and we meet the requirements of ITT Sub-Clause
(delete one of the above as appropriate)
(h) we, declare that we are not associated, nor have been associated in the past, directly or
indirectly, with a consultant or any other entity that has prepared the design,
specifications and other documents, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.5;
(i) we, including as applicable subcontractor have not been declared ineligible by the
Government of Bangladesh on charges of engaging in corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or
coercive practices, in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 5.6;
(j) furthermore, we are aware of ITT Sub Clause 4.3 concerning such practices and pledge
not to indulge in such practices in competing for or in executing the Contract;
(k) we intend to subcontract an activity or part of the Supply, in accordance with ITT Sub-
Clause 16.1 to the following Subcontractor(s);
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 121 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Nature of the Supply or related service Name and address of Subcontractor
(l) we, confirm that we do not have a record of poor performance, such as abandoning the
Supply, not properly completing contracts, inordinate delays, or financial failure as
stated in ITT Sub-Clause 5.8, and that we do not have, or have had, any litigation against
us, other than that stated in the Tenderer Information Sheet(Form PG4-2);
(m) we are not participating as Tenderers in more than one Tender in this Tendering
process. We understand that your written Notification of Award shall become a binding
Contract between us, until a formal Contract is prepared and executed;
(n) we understand that you reserve the right to accept or reject any Tender, to cancel the
Tender proceedings, or to reject all Tenders, without incurring any liability to Tenderers,
in accordance with ITT Clause 58.1.
[If there is more than one (1) signatory add other boxes and sign accordingly].
Attachment 1: Written confirmation authorising the above signatory(ies) to commit the Tenderer,
in accordance with ITT Sub-Clause 34.3;
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 122 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Tenderer Information (Form PW5-2)
[This Form should be completed only by the Tenderer, preferably on its Letter-Head Pad]
Government-owned Enterprise
[please describe, if applicable]
1.5 Tenderer’s year of registration
1.6 Tenderer’s authorised representative details
National ID number, if any
Telephone / Fax numbers
e-mail address
1.7 Litigation [ITT Cause 13]
Information on non-performance of contract and pending litigation furnished in PW5-12
1.8 Tenderer to attach photocopies of
the original documents mentioned
aside [All documents required under ITT Clauses 5 and 25]
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 123 SPDSP, WZPDCL
1.9 Tenderer’s Value Added Tax
Registration (VAT) Number
1.10 Tenderer’s Tax Identification
[The foreign Tenderers, in accordance with ITTClause 5, shall provide evidence by a written
declaration to that effect to demonstrate that it meets the criterion]
2. Qualification Information of the Tenderer [ITT Clause12]
2.1 General Experience in Construction Works of Tenderer
Start End Years Contract No and Name of Contract Role of
Month Month Name and Address of Employer Tenderer
Year Year [Prime/Sub
Brief description of Works
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 124 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Clause 12.2]
Name of Contract Target Value of Existing
Contract No [reference] of [year] Completion Date Commitments and Works
Name of Employer
Contact Address Amount & USD/GBP/EUR/JPY
Tel/fax Currency delete not appropriate
2.5 Financial Resources available to meet the construction cash flow [ITT Sub Clause 12.2]
No Source of Financing Amount Available
In order to confirm the above statements the Tenderer shall submit , as applicable, the documents
mentioned in ITT Clause 28.
2.6 Contact Details [ITT Clause 28]
Name, address, and other contact details of Tenderer Bankers and other Employer(s) that
may provide references, if contacted by this Employer
2.7 Qualifications and experience of key technical and administrative personnel proposed for
Contract administration and management [ITT Clause 28]
Years of Specific Experience
Years of General Experience
[Tenderer to complete details of as many personnel as are applicable. Each personnel listed
above should complete the Personnel Information (Form PW5-5)]
2.8 Major Construction Equipments proposed to carry out the Contract [ITT Clause 28]
Condition Owned, leased or to
Item of Equipment (new, good, be purchased
average, poor) (state owner, lessor
or seller)
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 125 SPDSP, WZPDCL
JVCA Partner Information (Form PW5-3)
The following two information are applicable for national JVCA Partners only
1.9 JVCA Partner’s Value Added Tax
Registration (VAT) Number
1.10 JVCA Partner’s Tax Identification
[The foreign JVCA Partners, in accordance with ITT Clause 5, shall provide evidence by a written
declaration to that effect to demonstrate that it meets the criterion]
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 126 SPDSP, WZPDCL
2. Key Activity(ies) for which it is intended to be joint ventured [ITT Clause 13]
Elements of Activity Brief description of Activity
Employer’s Name
Tel / Fax
Brief description with
justifications of the
similarity compared to the
[state justification in support of its similarity compared to the
Employer’s requirements
proposed works]
3.3 Average annual construction turnover [ITT Sub Clause 12.2]
[total certified payments received for contracts in progress or completed for each year of
works in progress or completed; using selling exchange rate quoted by the source being
Bangladesh Bank on the date reported, if applicable]
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 127 SPDSP, WZPDCL
3.4 Existing commitments and works
[targeted to be completed by the Intended Completion Date of the proposed works; ITT Sub
Clause 12.2]
Name of Contract Target Value of Existing
Contract no [reference] of [year] Completion Commitments and Works
Name of Employer
Contact Address Amount & USD/GBP/EUR/JPY
Tel/fax Currency delete not appropriate
3.5 Financial Resources available to meet the construction cash flow [ITT Sub Clause 12.2]
No Source of financing Amount available
In order to confirm the above statements the JVCA Partner shall submit, as applicable, the
documents mentioned in ITT Clause 28.
3.6 Contact Details [ITT Clause 28]
Name, address, and contact details of Tenderer’s Bankers and other Employer(s) that may
provide references if contacted by this Employer
3.7 Qualifications and experience of key technical and administrative personnel proposed for
Contract administration and management [ITT Clause 28]
Position Years of Specific Experience
Years of General Experience
(Name of Authorized Signatory of the JVCA Partner)
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 128 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Specialist Subcontractor Information (Form PW5-4)
[This Form should be completed by each Subcontractor, preferably on its Letter-Head Pad]
Invitation for Tender No: [indicate IFT No]
Tender Package No [indicate Package No]
This Package is divided into the following Number of Lots [indicate number of Lot(s)]
e-mail address
1.7 Attach copies of the following original documents All documents to the extent relevant
to ITT Clause 5 and 25 in support
of its qualifications
The following two information are applicable for national Subcontractors
2.2 List of Similar Contracts in which the proposed Subcontractor had been engaged
Name of Contract and Year of Execution
Value of Contract
Name of Employer
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 129 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Personnel Information (Form PW5-5)
[This Form should be completed for each person proposed by the Tenderer on Form PW5-2& PW5-3, where applicable]
B. Personal Data
Date of Birth:
National ID Number:
Professional Qualifications:
D. Professional Experience
Summarise professional experience over the last twenty (20) years, in reverse chronological order. Indicate
particular technical and managerial experience relevant to the project.
Bid Doc for Khulna 33kV GIS SS(Vol-1 of 2) 130 SPDSP, WZPDCL
Price Schedule for Goods (Form PG4-3A) for Khulna GIS SS
[ Group A Tenders: Goods Manufactured in Bangladesh ]
Invitation for Tender No: 27.22.4785.700. Date: 31.12.2018
Tender Package No: GD14 Package Description: Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of
Khulna 33/11 kV, 2x20/26.66 MVA GIS new Substation
on Turnkey basis.
Tender Lot No: Lot Description: N/A
Name of The Work : Supply, Delivery, Installation, Testing and Commissioning of Khulna 33/11 kV, 2x20/26.66 MVA GIS new Substation on Turnkey basis.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Line Description of Item Unit of Quanti Unit EXW price Inland Cost of local VAT Total Price
Item Measur ty price per Line transportation, labour, raw Payable on per line item
No . ement EXW Item Insurance and materials account of
other local and Supplier if (Col. 6+7)
(Col. 4 5) costs for the components the
[FC or delivery of the from with Contract is FC Taka
[FC or Taka.] Goods to their origin in awarded
Taka.] final Bangladesh
destination [Taka]
Supply of 33/11 kV, 20/26.66 MVA Power Transformer complete with
1 all accessories (As per Scope of Works, Technical Specification and Set 2
Supply of 33 kV, GIS Indoor Switchgear 06 units with 2500A bus
having breaker and cubicles for 02 Incoming & 01 Outgoing (1600A)
feeder with Line PT, Bus Coupler with Riser-1no. (2000A),
Transformer feeder- 2 nos. (1250A) and cubicles for 33 kV Bus PT- Set 1
2sets, Station Auxiliary Transformer panel -01 sets with 33 kV
Protection Control and Metering (PCM) in same 33kV GIS Panel (As
2 per Scope of Works,Technical Specification and GTP)
a) 33kV Line Incoming (1600A) feeder with Line PT- 2 Nos.
b) 33kV Line Outgoing (1600A) feeder with Line PT- 1 No.
c) 33kV Bus Coupler with Riser (2000A)- 1 No.
d) 33kV Transformer feeder (1250A)- 2 Nos.
Supply of 11 kV, 3 core XLPE copper cable 185 Sq.mm XLPE (CU)
Cable for Outgoing feeder for 10 nos. feeder each 50 m length or
10 M 500
more required (As per Scope of Works, Technical Specification and
Supply of All Cable termination Kit (33 kV and 11 kV) all as per
13 Lot 1
Supply of All necessary Control Cable and LV Power Cables (As per
14 Lot 1
Scope of Works,Technical Specification and GTP)
Supply of Fire Fighting Equipment (CO2, Foam type & Dry Chemical Each
21 8
type) (As per Scope of Works,Technical Specification and GTP) (2 Nos.)
Name: [insert full name of signatory] Signature with Date and Seal
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory] [ Sign]
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Line Description of Item Country Unit of Quantity Unit price CIF/CIP Inland VAT Payable Total Price
Item of Measur CIP[insert price per transportation on account of per line item
No . Origin ement place of Line Item , Insurance Supplier if the (Col. 7+ Col.
destination] and other Contract is 8)
local costs for awarded
Or CIF[insert (Col. 5 6) the delivery [Taka]
port of FC Taka
of the Goods
destination] [FC] to their final
[FC] destination
Supply of All Cable termination Kit (33 kV and 11 kV) all as per
13 Lot 1
[Note: The Purchaser may also use other INCOTERMs, if deemed necessary, In such case Form PG4-3B, will require to be customized by the Purchaser]
Name: [insert full name of signatory] Signature with Date and Seal
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory] [ Sign]
Duly authorized to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Service Description of Services (excludes inland Country Unit of Quantity Unit price Price per line VAT Payable Total Price per line
No. transportation and other services required in of Measur of service item of on account of item of service
Bangladesh to convey the goods to their final Origin ement [FC] or service Supplier if the (Col. 7)
destination) [Taka] Contract is
(Col. 5 X awarded
Col. 6) [Taka] FC Taka
[FC] or
28 Civil Works:
a) Construction of new 2-storied Sub-station Sq. ft. 7359
Building including Switch Gear Room, Control
Room, Office Room with foundation of 10
storied building, 1 passenger lifts having
b) Foundation for Power transformers Nos. 2
c) Construction of Fire Protection Wall between Nos. 1
power transformers
d) Foundation for Station transformers Nos. 1
e) Foundation for Supporting structures Lot 1
f) Boundary Wall,Main Gates(Decorative) with Rm 90
Electronic Signboard and guard post building
and Drainage System
g) Switchyard Fencing with Barbed wire with gate m 0
Name: [insert full name of signatory] Signature with Date and Seal
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory] [ Sign]
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer
Name: [insert full name of signatory] Signature with Date and Seal
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory] [ Sign]
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer
Grand Total
Name: [insert full name of signatory] Signature with Date and Seal
In the capacity of: [insert designation of signatory] [ Sign]
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer
1 2 3 4 5
and works
Duly authorised to sign the Tender for and on behalf of the Tenderer
[The Tenderer shall require the Manufacturer to fill in this Form in accordance with
the instructions indicated. This letter of authorization should be on the letterhead of the
Manufacturer and should be signed by a person with the proper authority to sign
documents that are binding on the Manufacturer. The Tenderer shall include it in its
tender, if so indicated in the TDS as stated under ITT Sub-Clause 26.1(b)]
who are official manufacturers of [insert type of goods manufactured], having factories
[insert full address of Manufacturer’s factories], do hereby
We hereby extend our full guarantee and warranty as stated under GCC Clause 33 of
the General Conditions of Contract, with respect to the Goods offered by the above
[Name and address of the Employer]
We have been informed that [name of Tenderer] (hereinafter called “the Tenderer”) intends to
submit to you its Tender dated [date of Tender] (hereinafter called “the Tender”) for the execution
of the Works of [description of works] under the above Invitation for Tenders (hereinafter called
“the IFT”).
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, the Tender must be supported by
a Bank Guarantee for Tender Security.
At the request of the Tenderer, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you,
without cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of USD/GBP/EUR/JPY
delete not appropriate
Bangladesh Taka
[insert amount in figures and words] and/or [insert amount in figures and
delete if not appropriate
words] upon receipt by us of your first written demand accompanied by a written statement that
the Tenderer is in breach of its obligation(s) under the Tender conditions, because the Tenderer:
a. has withdrawn its Tender after opening of Tenders but within the validity of the
Tender Security; or
b. refused to accept the Notification of Award (NOA) within the period as stated under
ITT; or
c. failed to furnish Performance Security within the period stipulated in the NOA; or
d. refused to sign the Contract Agreement by the time specified in the NOA; or
e. did not accept the correction of the Tender price following the correction of the
arithmetic errors as stated under ITT.
(a) if the Tenderer is the successful Tenderer, upon our receipt of a copy of the
Contract Agreement signed by the Tenderer or a copy of the Performance
Security issued to you in accordance with the ITT;
(b) if the Tenderer is not the successful Tenderer, twenty eight (28) days after the
expiration of the Tenderer’s Tender validity period, being [date of expiration of the
Tender validity plus twenty eight (28) days ].
Consequently, we must receive at the above-mentioned office any demand for payment under this
guarantee on or before that date.
[Name of Contractor]
This is to notify you that your Tender dated [insert date] for the execution of the Works for
[name of project/Contract] for the Contract Price of USD/GBP/EUR/JPY [insert amount in figures and
delete not appropriate
words] and [insert amount in figures and in words], as corrected and modified
deleteif notappropriaet
days of issuance of this Notification of Award but not later than (specify
date), in accordance with ITT Clause 63.2.
iii. sign the Contract within twenty eight (28) days of issuance of this
Notification of Award but not later than (specify date), in accordance with
ITTSub Clause 65.2.
You may proceed with the execution of the Works only upon completion of the above tasks.
You may also please note that this Notification of Award shall constitute the formation of this
Contract which shall become binding upon you.
We attach the draft Contract and all other documents for your perusal and signature.
WHEREAS the Procuring Entityinvited Tenders for certain works named [brief description of
works] and has accepted the Tendersubmitted by the Tenderer for the execution of those works
in the sum of USD/GBP/EUR/JPY [insert amount]and/or [insertamount][Contract price in
deleteif notappropriaet
delete not appropriate
figures and in words] (hereinafter called “the Contract Price”).
2. The documents forming the Contract shall be interpreted in the following order of priority:
(a) the signed Contract Agreement
(b) the Notification of Award
(c) the completed Tender and the appendices to the Tender
(d) the Particular Conditions of Contract
(e) the General Conditions of Contract
(f) the Technical Specifications
(g) the General Specifications
(h) the Drawings
(i) the priced Bill of Quantities and the Schedules
(j) any other document listed in the PCC forming part of the Contract.
IN WITNESS whereof the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed in
accordance with the laws of Bangladesh on the day, month and year first written above.
National I D No.
In the pr esence
We have been informed that [name of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) has
undertaken, pursuant to Contract No [insert reference number of Contract] dated [insert date of
Contract] (hereinafter called “the Contract”), the execution of works [description of works] under
the Contract.
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your conditions, the Contract must be supported
by a Bank Guarantee for Performance Security.
At the request of the Contractor, we [name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you,
without cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of
USD/GBP/EUR/JPY/BDT and/or [insert amount in figures and in words] upon receipt
deleteif notappropriaet
delete not appropriate
by us of your first written demand accompanied by a written statement that the Contractor is in
breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract conditions, without you needing to prove or show
grounds or reasons for your demand of the sum specified therein.
This guarantee is valid until [date of validity of guarantee], consequently, we must receive at the
above-mentioned office any demand for payment under this guarantee on or before that date.
We have been informed that [name of Contractor] (hereinafter called “the Contractor”) has
undertaken, pursuant to Contract No [insert reference number of Contract] dated [insert date of
Contract] (hereinafter called “the Contract”), the execution of works [description of works] under
the Contract.
Furthermore, we understand that, according to your Conditions of Contract under GCC Clause
78, the Advance Payment on Contract must be supported by a Bank Guarantee.
At the request of the Contractor, we [insert name of bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay
you, without cavil or argument, any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of
USD/GBP/EUR/JPY/BDT and/or [insert amount in figures and in words] upon receipt
deleteif notappropriaet
delete not appropriate
by us of your first written demand accompanied by a written statement that the Contractor is in
breach of its obligation(s) under the Contract conditions, without you needing to prove or show
grounds or reasons for your demand of the sum specified therein.
We further agree that no change, addition or other modification of the terms of the Contract to be
performed, or of any of the Contract documents which may be made between the Employer and
the Contractor, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby
waive notice of any such change, addition or modification.
This guarantee is valid until [insert date of validity of guarantee], consequently, we must receive
at the above-mentioned office any demand for payment under this guarantee on or before that
Demand Guarantee
We have been informed that [insert name of Contractor] (hereinafter called "the Contractor") has
entered into Contract Number [insert reference number of the Contract] dated [insert date] with you,
for the execution of [insert name of Contract and brief description of Works] (hereinafter called "the
Furthermore, we understand that, according to the conditions of the Contract, when the Taking-Over
Certificate has been issued for the Works and the first half of the Retention Money has been certified
for payment, payment of [insert the amount of the second half of the Retention Money] which
becomes due after the Defects Liability Period has passed and certified in the form of Defects
Correction Certificate, is to be made against a Retention Money Guarantee.
At the request of the Contractor, we [insert name of Bank] hereby irrevocably undertake to pay you
any sum or sums not exceeding in total an amount of USD/GBP/EUR/JPY/BDT and/or
delete not appropriate
[insert amount in figures and words]) upon receipt by us of your first demand in
deleteif notappropriaet
writing accompanied by a written statement stating that the Contractor is in breach of its obligation
under the Contract because the Contractor failed to properly correct the defects duly notified in
respect of the Works.
It is a condition for any claim and payment under this guarantee to be made that the payment of the
second half of the Retention Money referred to above must have been received by the Contractor on
its account number[insert A/C no] at [name and address of Bank].
This guarantee is valid until [insert the date of validity of Guaranteethat being twenty eight (28)
days beyond the Defects Liability Period].Consequently, we must receive at the above-
mentioned office any demand for payment under this guarantee on or before that date.
who are authorized Supplier of [insert type of goods to be Supplied], having registered office at
[insert full address of Tenderer’s registered office] do hereby warrants that all the Goods [insert
name and brief description of the Goods] will be supplied by us and extend our full guarantee and
warranty as stated under GCC Clause 33 of the General Conditions of Contract with respect to the
Goods offered by us under this contract.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Purchaser’s Option for delivery terms is: 240 Days from the date
of Signing contract.
Lot No 1: [enter description]
[add as many rows and details as there are individual items in the Lot]
[add as many rows and details as there are individual items in the Lot]
Note: This Section provides the List of Goods and Delivery Schedule and List of Related Services and
Completion Schedule and must be carefully prepared by a Purchaser for each object of procurement
The Purchaser may include the delivery of a limited supply of fast-moving and/or hard-to-find spare parts in
this Schedule of Requirement. This is to ensure the continued use or operation of the equipment.
When completing Form PG4-3D, the Tenderer shall quote prices and Completion date for services for
each item against each lot
1 2 3 4 5 6
240 Days from the
date of Signing
[add as many rows and details as there are individual items in the Lot]
The Purchaser shall clearly specify the related services/Incidental services, other than inland transportation
and other services required to convey the Goods to their final destination, in this Schedule of requirement. In
particular, these services may refer to any of the following but not limited to:
(a) performance or supervision of on-site assembly and/or start-up of the supplied Goods;
(b) performance or supervision or maintenance and/or repair of the supplied Goods, for a period of time as specified,
provided that this service shall not relieve the Supplier of any warranty obligations under this Contract; and
(c) training of the Purchaser’s personnel, at the Supplier’s plant and/or on-site, in assembly, start-up, operation,
maintenance, and/or repair of the supplied Goods
The 11 KV incoming connection from the transformer to the breaker will be made by 06(six)
Nos. of single core 500mm2 XLPE Cu cable. Transformer Neutral will also be connected to
ground by copper cable of 2x 120mm2. The requisite termination kits are to be supplied and
installed. The 11KV outgoing feeder of the substation from the 11KV outgoing breaker shall
be connected by 3Cx185rm XLPE Cable.
Supply and installation of office room, Control room indoor illumination. Lighting levels within
the building must be generally designed to meet the requirements of IEC Standards, and in
particular, meet the following specific lighting levels:
400 lux between rows at switchgear front panels within the Control Building;
400 lux at the front of control panel within the Control Building;
160 lux adjacent to the Battery Storage, Load Management Equipment, AC and DC
Supply and installation of decorative LED street lighting after every 15 meter interval
(distance). LED Street lighting has the feature of Multiple Mounting Options Available,
Rugged Precision Cast Aluminum Housing, Perforated Air Flow Venting, High Surface Area
Extruded Aluminum Heat Sinks, High Output White LED Diode, Decorative Lens Cover
Seals the Electrical/Optical Chamber to IP66, Electronic Driver. The pole shall be stylish,
non-corrosive, easy to install and have longer service life.
All civil works and necessary indoor & outdoor lighting (Energy efficient (CFL & LED) and
automated) are required within the scope of the Tender. The substation control room
building shall have the emergency automated dc lighting system in case of power failure.
The scope shall include fire extinguishing equipment such as Trolley mounted fire
extinguisher with foam type chemical for B type Fire (15kg), Wall mounted fire extinguisher
with dry type chemical for A, B and C type Fire (5kg) and Wall mounted fire extinguisher with
CO2 type chemical for A, B and C type Fire (2kg). The scope shall also include Air
conditioning Equipment for substation.
Fire-wall shall be constructed between one and the next power transformer. Adequate free
air passage space shall be maintained.
Design and Construction of new 7359 square feet 2 storied substation building with
foundation of 10 stories, installation of one passenger lift having capacity of 12 persons,
power transformer foundation, cable trenches with their RCC covers, earthing, construction
of internal road and boundary walls, retaining wall (if required), land development (1 meter
above the existing road level) work, Drains, construction of the septic tank and soak pit,
underground water reservoir tank and all allied civil works deemed necessary are included in
the Bid.
Employer will provide all lands filled by sand (if necessary) up to Ground Level. Soil testing
for soil resistivity and soil bearing capacity before designing final leveling, consolidation,