All questions carry equal marks. The distribution of marks in the right margin
give an approximate indication of the relative importance of each part of the
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Question 1 (33⅓ marks)
b) The first industrial revolution was mechanics and steam; the second, mass
production and division of labour and the third, electronics and automation.
Describe the key elements of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0).
(10 marks)
ii. Detail the type of information required to build and run the
model? Describe typical sources where the required information
can be obtained?
iii. When the model is built describe how it can be ensured that it
provides the correct information? Explain the concepts of
verification and validation and describe possible approaches
that could be used to validate the model.
(16 marks)
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Figure 1: Manufacturing system to simulate
ii. Identify the different types of events that can happen in this
iii. Which of the events you defined in (b) may affect one or more of
the state variables you identified in (a) and how?
(17⅓ marks)
This question covers two topic areas i. Robotics and ii. Grinding
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(d) Describe three critical properties of abrasive particles used in grinding and
refer to their fundamental effects.
(10 marks)
a) Paints are widely used for both decorative and protective applications.
Write detailed notes on the main constituents used in the manufacture of
industrial paints.
(10⅓ Marks)
(b) Identify and compare the main characteristics of the “mass production”
and “lean production” systems.
(20 marks)
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