CFD Analysis For Estimation of Efficiency of Low-Pressure Steam Turbine

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International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)

ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-1, Issue-3, August 2012

CFD Analysis for Estimation of Efficiency of

Low-Pressure Steam Turbine
A. Chenchu Deepa, B.Jayachandraiah

Abstract: The performance of steam turbine blade is related to The key in reducing the flow energy losses is the
many factors. One of the important factors is the degradation and understanding of the steam flow behavior inside the steam
change in turbine blade profile after many hours of operation. turbine. Considerable experimental work has been performed
This leads to increased in flow losses and hence reduction in in studying the flow [4]. In parallel with this, due to the
overall turbine efficiency. The performance of turbine blade can limitation of experimental measurement and to aid in
be predicted and improved by using Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD). CFD is the art of numerically solving the
interpreting experimental results, Computational Fluid
governing fluid flow equations in order to obtain the descriptions Dynamics (CFD) analysis is used. In CFD, the relevant fluid
of the complete flow-field of interest. With the availability of flow governing equations are solved numerically using
computer power and efficient numerical algorithm, CFD is digital computer and applied to flow inside the turbine blade
becoming a very important tool for engineers in improving the rows.
performance of component involving fluid flows. The reason is
that CFD effectively replace the needs to perform expensive II. LITERATURE REVIEW
experimental measurement and testing of new design and
prototype. To develop better performing blades, it is essential to Edwin Kramer, Hans Huber and Dr. Brendon Scarlin [5],
identify the losses generating mechanism and study their LP steam turbine retrofits are generally undertaken as a result
influence and effects on performance. This paper outlines design of mechanical problems, for example due to stress corrosion
considerations and the estimation of efficiency of LP Steam cracking, torsional vibration or erosion. They present plant
Turbine using CFD, thus aiding in optimizing the design and operators with an opportunity to introduce advanced
helps in integrating CFD into the design process itself. The CFD aerodynamic technology, and at the same time improve
results are in concurrence with the analytical values. efficiency and availability. Standard components, the
Keywords: CFD, steam turbine, Performance. majority proven in long-term service, can be used to obtain a
permanent solution to the problems. In several European
I. INTRODUCTION countries, retrofits have been carried out on intact LP steam
turbines owned by utilities whose primary motivation is
The steam turbine is one of the key components because it
efficiency improvement. Paul Albert [6] this paper has
is the steam turbine that converts the thermal energy of the
presented some of the latest advancements used for
steam into rotational kinetic energy, which in turn, drives the
evaluating and assessing the performance of steam turbine,
generator shaft. It is therefore very important to keep the
including methods for periodic data acquisition,
steam flow energy losses at a low level as possible. Research
interpretation of performance data, and inspection of the
work aimed at reducing the aerodynamics and wetness losses
turbine steam path, monitoring the performance of steam
and hence improving the steam turbine efficiency has
turbine and evaluating the total plant. These programs are
attracted a great deals of attention in recent years e.g. [1], [2],
essential in order to achieve and maintain the highest level of
[3], Although the majority of the research work is directly
thermal performance of a turbine-generator unit.
relevant to steam turbine manufacturers, the tools developed
can also be used by steam turbine operator to predict and
improve the steam turbine efficiency. It is well known that
after many hours of operation, the blade profile of turbo Turbine: Steam turbines belong to power generating turbo
machines will deviate from its design shape and this leads to machines which uses the steam as a working fluid. In steam
increase in flow losses and reduction in expansion efficiency. turbines, high pressure steam from the boiler is expanded in
The tools can be used in predicting the reduction in efficiency nozzle, in which the enthalpy of steam being converted into
and also the possible improvement that may be achieved if kinetic energy. Thus, the steam at high velocity at the exit of
the blade row is retrofitted by a new blade that employs the nozzle impinges over the moving blades which cause to
latest technology in blade profile design. The predicted change the flow direction of steam and thus cause a tangential
improvement in efficiency can then be converted to possible force on the rotor blades. Due to this dynamic action between
future saving and compared with the cost of blade the rotor and the steam, thus the power is developed.
retrofitting. The analysis can be used in judging whether Impulse-Reaction turbine is used for the 10MW capacity
blade retrofitting is a viable option. steam turbine, which is the combination of both impulse and
reaction turbine.
Revised Manuscript Received on 30 August 2012. Impulse turbine: pressure drop completely, occurs in the
* Correspondence Author nozzle itself and when the fluid passes over the moving
A.Chenchu Deepa, B-tech, Department of Mechanical, JNTUA, blades, pressure drop does not take place again. Hence
M-tech, Department of CAD CAM, JNTUA, Anantapur. India.
Dr. B. Jayachandraiah, Head vice principal, Sri kalahasteeswara pressure remains constant when the fluid passes over the
Institute of Technology. moving blades. As the steam flows through the nozzle its
pressure falls from inlet pressure to the exit pressure
© The Authors. Published by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and (atmospheric pressure, or more usually,
Sciences Publication (BEIESP). This is an open access article under the
CC-BY-NC-ND license the condenser vacuum).

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Retrieval Number: C0268071312 /12©BEIESP
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Journal Website: 71
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CFD Analysis for Estimation of Efficiency of Low Pressure Steam Turbine

Reaction turbine: addition to the pressure drop occurs in CATIA V5 is a powerful software package yet has a
the nozzle there will also be pressure drop occur when the relatively short learning curve. One of the reasons for the
fluid passes over the rotor blades. This type of turbines makes short learning curve is that it is fully Windows compatible
use of the reaction force produced as the steam accelerates and the processes are consistent across the workbenches,
through the nozzle formed by the rotor. A pressure drop toolbars and tools. If you learn the basics of a particular
occurs across both the stator and the rotor, with steam workbench the same process can be used for more complex
accelerating through the stator and decelerating through the problems. Several tools are used in more than one
rotor, with no net change in steam velocity across the stage workbench. Modeling of steam turbine rotor, blade is done
velocity across the stage but with decrease in both pressure using CATIA V5. CATIA is mechanical design software. It
and temperature, reflecting the work performed in the driving is a feature-based, parametric solid modeling design tool that
of the rotor. takes advantage of the easy-to-learn Windows graphical user
interface. You can create fully associative 3D solid models,
IV. ANALYTICAL METHOD with or without constraints, while using automatic or
Operating Parameters user-defined relations to capture the design intent.
Generative Shape Design is used to model the rotor blade. It
The following parameters are considered for the steam is a complete surfacing tool used to create complex shape
turbine: parts.
Type of turbine : Impulse-reaction turbine
Turbine Capacity : 10MW
Inlet steam Pressure : 65bar
Inlet steam Temperature : 4850c
Turbine Speed : 6750 rpm
Exhaust steam Pressure : 0.1765bar
Outlet steam Temperature : 57.400c
Number of Stages : 12
Working medium : Steam
Calculations for Stage Performance
Fig 01: shows the CATIA model of rotor and blades of
The analytical calculations are carried out for last stage a LP impulse-reaction turbine
(12th stage) of the Low pressure steam turbine.
- In analytical method: CFD Grid Generation
- Blade area
- Blade efficiency
- Stage efficiency
- Power developed
- Absolute velocity of steam at the outlet of moving blade
- Angle made by the absolute velocity of
- Moving blade
The above parameters of steam turbine are calculated using
velocity triangles for the impulse-reaction turbine.
Table 1: shows the results obtained from analytical method
Analytical Method
S.No Parameter Units Value Fig 02: shows the body fitted structured mesh of
Absolute velocity of
1 steam from the m/s 456.05 hexahedral elements of stator blade and rotor blade
stator blade V1 Hyper mesh tool is used to create the flow domain and
Tangential velocity the grid. The turbine blades mesh is shown in Fig 02. The
2 m/s 280.976
of the blade U figure show 3-D mesh of stator blade in brown collector with
Absolute velocity at hexahedral element and rotor blade in green collector with
3 the outlet of moving m/s 241.93
blade V2 hexahedral elements, first the QUAD element are created on
Power developed in the surface of the blade and 2-D element are dragged or given
4 kW 1470.538
the stage P thickness to create volume mesh and the meshed module is
Blade efficiency
% 81.74 export to the analysis software as .PRP., were imported file
ηblade from the mesh module is used to carry out the analysis in CFX
Stage efficiency
% 79.245 software. After the geometric model of the turbo machinery
7 Blade area m 2
0.30722 component has been established, the next step in the process
Pressure at the exit of communicating this configuration to the CFD analysis
8 bar 0.176
of the stage program is to define the computational grid within the
Temperature of physical domain. The boundaries of this region are typically
9 steam at the exit of c 57
defined by the flow-path surfaces (end walls, blades, etc.) and
the stage
by the periodic boundaries
between blade passages, where
CATIA appropriate.

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C0268071312 /12©BEIESP
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 72
© Copyright: All rights reserved
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-1, Issue-3, August 2012

Inlet and exit boundaries are established at points upstream

and downstream, where the necessary flow conditions are
assumed to be known. Within this region, a three dimensional
computational grid is applied, such that the governing
equations will be solved at every point on the grid, or within
every cell formed by the grid. The grid imposed on the
physical domain must conform to the boundaries of that
domain and must provide adequate resolution in all areas of
the flow field to permit accurate prediction of the flow
behavior. The mesh was generated as shown in Fig.02. And
the grid independence check was done and the optimum
number of elements found for stator or rotor is around
4,50,000. The typical mesh pattern around blade profile is
shown. Sufficient number of nodes is taken around the blade Fig 04: Inlet Pressure boundary condition-Stator blade
profile and wall boundaries to capture wall boundary layer
CFD-CFX post processer tool is used to carry out the
analysis on the meshed models. Significant percentage of the
total time spent on a CFD analysis is involved in pre and post
processing activities. Both the setup for an analysis and the
evaluation of results require considerable effort on the part of
the component designer. Therefore, the use of software tools
to automate or facilitate these activities has the potential to
substantially reduce the time required for the analysis and Fig 05: Outlet Mass flow rate boundary condition-Rotor
improve the overall efficiency of the process. Preprocessing blade
involves the definition of the boundaries of mesh elements
and interfaces between rotor and stator etc. The basic V. RESULTS AND DISCUSIONS
boundary conditions used for an element are shown in Fig
03, 04, 05. And for inflow boundary condition total The simulation and post processing was carried out using
temperature, total pressure and flow angle are given. For CFD-CFX and the above problem was run for the
outlet flow boundary condition static pressure outlet model convergence level in 450 iterations. Post processing function
was selected. The basic boundaries and inputs given in CFD for a CFD analysis provides the necessary information of
model are given in below. variables such as pressure, temperature, velocity and
enthalpy etc.
Boundary conditions
Simulation Type : steady
Heat Transfer Model : Total Energy
Turbulence Model : K Epsilon
Inlet : total pressure total temperature
turbulence level wetness fraction
Outlet : static pressure
Material : steam
Speed : in rpm
Fig 06: Contours of pressure distribution across the
last stage of LP steam turbine
From the above contours shown in fig 06, we can conclude
that pressure is maximum at the being i.e. inlet to stator blade
and the pressure drops as the steam passes through the stator
blades and the rotor blade, the pressure drops, as the working
medium passes through the stator and rotor blades, this
condition satisfies Impulse-reaction turbine. The pressure of
steam at the inlet of the stage is 0.65 bar, pressure of steam at
the outlet is 0.172 bar and state of the working medium is wet
steam. Fig 5.1 and 5.2 shows the pressure distribution from
0.65 bar to 0.172 along stage of the steam turbine.
Fig 03: Boundary condition stator and rotor blade

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C0268071312 /12©BEIESP
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 73
© Copyright: All rights reserved
CFD Analysis for Estimation of Efficiency of Low Pressure Steam Turbine


Computational Fluid Dynamics is becoming a very
important tool for engineers. Although currently CFD is
mainly being used in the design office by the steam turbines
manufacturer, it can also be employed by power plant
engineers to predict and improve the efficiency of the turbo
machines. The data obtained from the prediction may then be
Fig 07 Contours of temperature distribution across the used to aid in decision making whether to replace the blade
last stage of LP steam turbine row with the more efficient one.
From the above contours shown in figure 07, we can The overall efficiency of turbine was predicted using CFD
conclude that temperature is maximum at the being inlet approach and compared with the model testing results
to stator blade and is around 880c and the temperature at the obtained from the manufacturer and very good agreement
exit of the stage is 59.50c. was found. It can be concluded that CFD approach
complements the other approaches, as CFD approach helps in
reduction in cost of model testing and saving in time which
leads to cost-effective design of the system. CFD approach
may be helpful in improvement of the existing efficiency
measuring techniques and evaluation of the performance of
hydro turbines to enhance the viability of hydropower

Fig 08: Contours of velocity distribution across the last 1. Zamri, M.Y., “ An Improved Treatment of Two-Dimensional
Two-Phase Flows of Steam by a Runge-Kutta Method”, Ph.D. Thesis,
stage of LP steam turbine Department of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, The
From the above contours shown in figure 08, we can University of Birmingham, U.K., 1997
conclude that velocity is maximum at inlet to rotor blade and 2. Bakhtar, F., So, K.S., “ A Study of Nucleating Flow of Steam in a
the velocity increases as the steam passes through the stator Cascade of Supersonic Blading by the Time-Marching Method”,
International Journal oh Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 12, pp: 52-64., 1991
blades and the velocity is maximum at the exit of the stator 3. Deckers, M., Simon, V., Scheuerer, G., “The Application of CFD to
blade and the velocity of the steam decreases as the steam Advanced Steam Turbine Design”, International Journal of Computer
impinges over the moving blade (rotor blade), and thus Applications Technology, 1997.
satisfies condition of Impulse-reaction turbine. The 4. Bakhtar, F., Shojaee-Fard, M.H., Siraj, M. A., “An Experimental
Facility for Studies of Nucleating and Wet Steam Flows in Turbine
maximum the velocity at the inlet of the moving blade is 456 Blading”, IMechE Paper No. C423/003, 1991.
m/s and the velocity of steam at the exit of stage is 242 m /s. 5. Edwin Krämer, Hans Huber and Dr.Brendon Scarlin, ABB Power
Generation, Low-pressure steam turbine retrofits.
6. Paul Albert, Steam Turbine Thermal Evaluation and Assessment.

Fig 09: Contours of Mach number distribution across

the last stage of LP steam turbine
Table 2 Comparison of CFD results with analytical
Parameter Analytical CFD
Power developed in
1470 1386
the stage in kW
Blade efficiency in
81.74 79.8
Stage efficiency in
79.245 78.2
Pressure at stage
0.1765 0.172
outlet in bar
Absolute velocity at
the outlet of the
241.93 224(average)
moving blade in
Temperature at the
57 59.5
outlet of the stage in

Published By:
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
Retrieval Number: C0268071312 /12©BEIESP
and Sciences Publication (BEIESP)
Journal Website: 74
© Copyright: All rights reserved

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