Pempie 2000

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(12000 American Instute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) andlor Authors)’ Sponsoring Organization. @AIAA A00-36655 AIAA 2000-3449 CRYOGENIC UPPER STAGE ENGINE TRADE-OFF Pascal Pempie and Hilda Boussif CNES Launcher Directorate Evry, France 36" American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics 17-19 July, 2000 Huntsville, Alabama For permission to copy or to republish, contact the American Institnte of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1801 Alexander Bell Drive, Suite 500, Reston, VA, 20191-4344. (2000 American Instute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) andlor Authors)’ Sponsoring Organization. ATAA 00-3449 CRYOGENIC UPPER STAGE ENGINE TRADE-OFF Pascal PEMPIE, Hilda BOUSSIF C.N.ES. Launcher Directorate Rond Point de Espace ‘pascal. [email protected] [email protected] Abstract Early in the development of ARIANE 5 two different upper stages was foreseen, one burning. storable propellants, the second powered by the current ARIANE | to 4 LOX/LH2 engine HM7B. ‘The first stage powered by the ABSTUS Engine was developed and, itis currently fight reference engine However to follow the commercial satellite market characterised by an increase of the payload and to keeps to ARIANE the dual launch characteristic, the use of 2 modem upper stage with a very efficient engine has been recognised as the best way, ‘The development of 2 new cryogenic engine is a tough task which needs a great investment of the ESA countries, so trade-off dedicated to engine cycle, thrust pressure chamber has to be done 10 anchor the program. The main specifications thrust (Fv), [SP and mixture ratio (Rm) are issued from Launcher performance analysis which indicate as target Fv = 150 KN; ISPv= 466s ;Rm=6. A new important requirement, to cope with the future ARIANE missions like GEO is the re- ignition, up to 6, capacity and the possibility for a long, up to 6 hr, coast phase. According this set of specifications Gas Generator, Bleed and Expander cycle were investigated considering two level of thrust combustion pressure (40 bar and 60 bar). Copyright © 2000 by the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales. Published by the American Institute of ‘Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. with permission, F-91023 EVRY Cedex ‘These analyses have shown great benefit to Expander cycle. Introduction The analysis of near future commercial launch market shows the necessity for ARIANE 5 to update its performances. To keep the dual launch capacity the GTO performance has to increase from 6000 Kg, the current payload capacity up to 11,5 T. To cope with new missions, and added flexibility it must be foreseen multiple ignitions, up to 6 and Jong coast phase (up to 6 hrs). ‘The evolutions for ARIANE 5 are step by step as described in ref. [1] and [2]. The need for an up-to- date LOX/LH2 engine to power the new cryogenic upper stage has appeared early in the investigations, ARIANE system analysis. To anchor the proposition to ESA to develop in short time the VINCI Engine ref. [3] CNES has performed trade-off regarding thermodynamical cycle engine, thrust combustion chamber pressure. ‘The candidate cycles which have been regarded a) Gas generator cycle, the current cycle for European engines from VIKING to VULCAIN via HM7B ref. [4] 'b) Bleed cycle like LESA and B ref. [8] ©) Expander eyele like RL10 ref. [7] ‘The preliminary set of specification was the following Fy = 1S0KN(33klb) American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2000 American Instute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) andlor Authors)’ Sponsoring Organization. ISPv = 4665 Ii may be observed that the Staged combustion was rot been considered due its complexity and by consequences its recurring costs, its questionable re-ignition capability and due to the lack of background in Europe linked to the requirement of, a short (~5 years) development schedule. It may be, however, observed that Russia has developed this kind of engine for this class of thrust ref. [5] and (6). Start of Art ‘The current flight proven LOX/LH2 engines for upper stage are shown in the table si Basic Relations For common understanding the figure 1 shows the different flow charts for Expander (1.2, Gas Generator (1.b}, hot Bleed (1.c) and cold Bleed ag). Tse] ee vim foo F/B [8 foe (2, a FERRE EL — eta apts Hatten tebe pe Fare eeeeer tt — tee fe feta bar — Tus —— fied toto nH tea tesa fore taal et te fee ee he ete tee Ha — Hp — teste ttt Seem ts pee For more indication refer to the ref. (7) for # mythical, unrivalled expander engine flight proven, the RLIO, to [8] for LES series engines, to ref. [9] for YF engines to ref. (6] for KVD 1M and to ref. [4] for the HIM7B which powers the upper stage of ARIANE 4 with great reliability (56 consecative successful flights until V126).. Observation of this table leads to the conclusion that to power upper stage for the new heavy lift launchers like ARIANE 5, which needs 150 KN thrust class engine a new engine is required, ‘The development for a new up-to-date LOX/LH2 engine is a continuous concem as shows the reading of ref (10] and ref. [11] for Europe, ref. [12]. {13} {14}, [15] for USA (with OTV application) ref. (161 for Japan and ref. {171 for India, This standing preoccupation was the source of technological demonstrator engine ref. [18], rof 191, * not yt ight proven 3 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics ‘The engine cycle basic relations have been investigated in ref. (20), [21], [22] and [23]. These relations based on the power equilibrium between turbine and pumps are shortly reminded table 2 Expander Pay —Poleiy King + Kreg) ISP =18Pre Bleed Ran Kia Pe Pape], i [Pekin + Ke) Pepe me efal nies "eine Terxpy I=L bane mae] Lotey Par =PelKini + Kres) ISPy = ISP x + 57, Gas generator Ref Pekin) = Pas, Pol 4, Feking, + Kreg)- Pasp, | ie, Table 2 : Cycle Basic Relations ‘These considerations. relations lead 10 the following a) Gas generator and Bleed cycle are less efficient compared to Expander due t0 the fact that the mass flow ("diverted mass flow") which drives the turbine dont burn and dont expand in the ‘main thrust chamber. ) For Expander and Bleed cycle the heat power required to drive the turbine is extracted from the main thrust chamber cooling circuit. ‘This feature limits the Pe to about 70 bar and the thrust to about 200 KN. For higher figures it may be consider the use of regenerative heat ‘exchanger, which transfers heat energy from turbine exhaust to thrust regenerative cooling circuit inet ref. 18]. 12 a 22 23 4 (2000 American Instute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) andlor Authors)’ Sponsoring Organization. ©) The main driver to optimise Bleed and Gas Generator cycle is to reduce turbine mass flow by increasing Tet (Inlet turbine temperature) with regards to strength materials and cycle complexity for Bleed so TeT is limited to 900 K for GG and about 700 K for Bleed. ©) The discharge pressure for Expander fuel pump is higher and regarding the pump stage number limitation (< 2) for cost and reliability concern, its an other way for pressure combustion chamber control. ) ‘The specific heat (Cp) of gas driving the turbine in corresponding to pure H2 for Bleed cyele and (© a blend of H20+H2 for gas generator. The consequence is a lower performance for this eyele 1) The drawbacks for Gas Generator cycle are the following : Necessity for an auxiliary combustion chamber (the gas generator) with its valves and ignition system. These devices increase the recurring cost and decrease the reliably The revignition after a long coast phase may be questionable infront ofthe icing risk duc 10 the H20 vapour gas content. Good example for performance comparison between GG, hot Bleed and cold Bleed cycles is given ref. [8] related to LES (GG cycle), LES-A {hot Bleed engine) and LES-B (cold Bleed engine. ‘Teade-off Cycle Analysis For a common set of specification as Fv = 150 KN; ISPy = 466 s; Rm ‘The computational code Anasyn ref. [24] to [26] hhas been used to predict performances and to compare Expander, Bleed and Gas Generator engines, To check the consequences of combustion pressure level, 40 bar Pe and 60 bar Pe has been regarded. Figure 2 is related (o thrust chamber sizes in 60 bar American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2000 American Instute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) andlor Authors)’ Sponsoring Organization. Gas Generator Inlet Temperature Turbine (600 K) requires @ quite complicated cooling circuit using combustion chamber wall, as usual, and a large part ofthe nozzle extension. ‘The gas generator technology is completely mastered, itis its great advantage. However, the loss produced by the ges mass flow feeding the turbine brings penalty in size and mass, ‘The cold Bleed could be the best candidate = low inlet temperature turbine, moderate discharge hydrogen pump pressure, low thermal power extracted from combustion pressure wall but these Properties are such that the nozzle area ratio and size are too high, We may also remark that the fuel mass flow which drives the turbine shifts. the combustion chamber mixture ratio forward Stochiometric value and by consequence limits de stage mixture ratio, In conclusion the cold Bleed cannot meet the requirements. An other mean to classify these cycles is to consider the ISP for a fixed value nozzle extension ratio. Table 4 presents the ISP versus cycle design FV = 150 KN; Rm-= 6, €= 330 “Table 3 shows the main engine data, SE [TET Fv = 150 KN; Rm = 6; ISP = 466 s Jeo [aeis o | 59-01 Tae [pia PAP] = | canal [Sea] Me] a 7 wo) | ean | & | Min Fos | eT Sa a6 aa] as | pe] fo fas ate @| ou |» || 9 t CEE He Sa aT a fe (ire [oe | 41 | 146 | 50] a 2 fans ase a rr | coats Jo ss7 | i098 @ | ae | ass | mm | as | 22] me fo Laser | inas som | OPES OR P| as | a |e a | | rt) ed Ee Figure 4a shows the classification of the engine versus length and the figure 4b versus mass According this table the following remarks may are addressed ‘The thermodynamical losses are compensated by the area ratio of the nozzle extension with its oe ‘consequences on size and mass. ~ Duc to its higher thermodynamical efficiency (no loss by “diverted flow") Expander Engine is b Ib Jaureated by its length, its mass, - ‘The hot Bleed arrives in second position with a penalty of 7% in mass and presents the benefit of a low discharge hydrogen pump synonym of simple turbopump. However the high figure for s American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Conclusion ‘The expander cycle is taureated for power upper cryogenic stage on account of its performances on size and mass. ‘The profits in size (figure 5) and mass, without main technology risk plead in favour of a 60 bar level for combustion pressure Expander 40 bar : ‘Symbol TeT Inlet Turbine Temperature (K) Fv ‘Thrust (N) Pe ‘Thrust Combustion Pressure (Pa) Pasp Pump Inlet Pressure (Pa) 6 were w aux ul m (8) o) [10] ou (2000 American Instute of Aeronautics & Astronautics or Published with Permission of Author(s) andlor Authors)’ Sponsoring Organization. Mixture Ratio Mass flow Ka/s Mass density Kg/mn? Specific heat (Kg) Pressure Ratio for turbine Inlet Injector Pressure /Pe Regenerative Cooling Loss Pressure/Pe Isentropic exponent Pump Discharge Pressure (Pa) Pump efficiency ‘Turbine efficiency Indices for oxidiser for fuel for gas generator for thrust chamber for turbine for exhaust gas turbine References L. RAVET - The ARIANE 5 Launcher Improvements - IAF 99 V 1.09 JM. ASTORG and al - The ARIANE 5 Launcher and its Future ~ IAF 98 V 1.03, F, JEAN and al ~ A New Cryogenic Upper Stage Engine ~ [AF 98 $ 1.05 F. DALBIES — From HM7B to VINCI ~ ‘World-wide Status and Recent Advancements in Liguid Rocket Propulsion ~ Oct.99 D. ANALOLY and al - The Development of the DS7 Advanced Staged Combustion Engine for Upper Stage — AIAA 94 J. BROWN — RL10 Evolution World-wide Status and Recent Advancements in Liquid Rocket Propulsion ~ Oct.99 K.KISHIMOTO ~ LES Series Engine World- wide Status and Recent Advancements in Liguid Rocket Propulsion ~ Oct.99 GU, MINGCHU, L. GUOQIU - The Oxygen/hydrogen Rocket Engine for Long March Vehicle ~ AIAA 95 2838 P. CAISSO — An Exploratory Development Programme for the Preparation of Future European Rocket Engines ~ IAF 95.S.2.02 G. SCHMIDT, M. POPP, ‘Th, FROHLICH Design Studies for a 10 Tons Class High Performance Expander Cycle Engine ~ AIAA 98 3673 American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (2000 American Instute of Aeronautics & Astronauties or Published with Permission of Author(s) andlor Author(s)’ Sponsoring Organization. (12] D.A. HEALD - Why Hasnt the United States Developed a New Cryogenic Upper Stage ~ AIAA 93 4066 {13} TJ. FANCIULLO and al - An Advanced Cryogenic Engine Cycle for Commercially Successful Single Stage to Orbit Vehicles ~ ALAA 93 2286 [14] J. GLASS, A. MARTINEZ - Advanced LON/H2 Engine Technologies for future OTVs [15] 5. FITZSIMMONS — Technology Considerations for Future Upper Stages — AIAA 94 4636 [16] A. 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