JIR Maithon'2023
JIR Maithon'2023
JIR Maithon'2023
Across River : Damodar Inspection by: 1) Joy Marandi, SE (C), Dam Safety
Latitude: 23˚ 47´ N Inspection by: 2) Ram Krishna, SE (C), Dam Safety
Longitude: 86˚ 49´ E Inspection by: 3) Sri. Prakash Kumar, SDE (C) & I/c Dam Division
1.3.3 Is the surface of the crest free from undulations and local depressions or heaving? Y
1.3.4 Does it provide an all-weather road surface? Y
1.3.5 Any degradation to access road (sealed/unsealed)? N
Does it develop any visible cracks in transverse or longitudinal directions? If so,
1.3.6 attach a map showing their locations and extent. Depth of cracks must be N
ascertained by taking open trenches extending below the bottom of cracks.
What is the condition of the edges of crest? Have got eroded and cut up resulting
1.3.7 N
in reduced effective width?
1.3.8 Is the crest free from local slips throughout its length on either sides? Y
Do the headers, guard stones and parapet wall provided at the edges of the crest
1.3.9 Y
appear in proper profile and plumb?
1.3.10 Any degradation to upstream parapet or downstream curb wall? N
1.3.11 Evidence of livestock on dam crest? N
some plants has onserved near crest
1.3.12 Trees or profuse growth of weeds/bushes at any location? Y and abutments.
Is the maintenance staff fully aware of the instructions related to operation of the
beaching section and for reconstruction after the breach
Ascertain and indicate the latest event of operation of breaching section and its
1.8.5 NA
1.8.6 Evidence of recent degradation? NA
1.8.7 Any other issues? N
MAITHON DAM, Post-Monsoon-2022 inspection report 20.12.2022
Responsea Observations and Conditionb
S. No. Inspection Item recommendations, if any, of the (Unsatisfactory/Poor/
Y N NA authorized inspecting officer Fair/ Satisfactory)
B-1.9 Junction of Earth work with Masonry/Concrete dam sections and outlets
Is there any existence of leaks, springs or wet spots in the earth work in the
vicinity of the junctions between earth work and masonry works?
If so, what is the approximate rate and colour of the leakage? Does it turn turbid
at any time? Please ascertain from enquiries and record the findings.
Is there any tendency for separations, cracking, settlement or upheaval of the
1.9.2 earth work in the vicinity of masonry or concrete? N
If so, indicate the locations and the exact nature of deficiency. SATISFACTORY
1.9.3 Is there any tendency for surface erosion or slope instability at the junction? N
If the outlet conduit is located in the earth dam section, is the entire length of the
conduit in perfect order and profile and free from offsets, open joints, cracks and
1.9.4 leakage? NA
Examine the conduit carefully from the downstream or from inside, if possible,
and indicate the deficiencies observed, if any.
1.9.5 Any other issues? N
B-1.10 Relief Wells
1.10.1 Are the relief wells in good working condition and functioning well? NA
1.10.2 Are the relief properly surged and cleaned periodically? NA
1.10.3 Please indicate the dates of last surging and cleaning and the next surging due. NA
Are the necessary plant and equipment for cleaning the relief wells, available with NO PROVISION OF RELIEF WELL.
the office?
Is the record of periodical measurements of discharge from each relief well
1.10.5 NA
If so, indicate total discharge and maximum discharge observed from a single well
on the date of inspection.
B-1.11 Abutment Contacts
1.11.1 Any presence of leaks, springs or wet spots near the abutment? N
1.11.2 Any presence of cracking, settlement or upheaval of earthwork? N
1.11.3 Any evidence of erosion or slope instability? N SATISFACTORY
1.11.4 Trees or profuse growth of weeds/bushes? N
1.11.5 Any degradation to up/downstream slope protection (rip-rap, turfing)? N
1.11.6 Any other issues? N
C Dam and Dam Block/Reach (Concrete/Masonry)
C-1.1 General Condition
1.1.1 Any major alterations or changes to the dam since the last inspection? N
1.1.2 Is there any new nearby development in the downstream floodplain? N SATISFACTORY
1.1.3 Any misalignment of poles, fencing or walls due to dam movement? N
MAITHON DAM, Post-Monsoon-2022 inspection report 20.12.2022
Responsea Observations and b
S. No. Inspection Item recommendations, if any, of the (Unsatisfactory/Poor/
Y N NA authorized inspecting officer Fair/ Satisfactory)
C-1.2 Upstream Face
1.2.1 Evidence of surface defects (honeycombing, staining, stratification)? N
1.2.2 Concrete/masonry deterioration (spalling, leaching, disintegration)? N
1.2.3 Is cracking present (structural, thermal, along joints)? N
1.2.4 Evidence of differential settlement (displaced/offset/open joints)? N SATISFACTORY
1.2.5 Presence of vegetation (growth in joints between blocks)? N
1.2.6 Evidence of any other damage to joints and/or water stops? N
1.2.7 Any other issues? N
C-1.3 Crest of Dam
1.3.1 Evidence of differential settlement (displaced/offset/open joints)? N
1.3.2 Presence of cracking (structural, thermal, along joints)? N
1.3.3 Profuse growth of weeds/grass/plants at any location? N
1.3.4 Any degradation to access road? N
1.3.5 Any degradation to upstream parapet or downstream curb wall? N
1.3.6 Any other issues? N
C-1.4 Downstream Face
1.4.1 Evidence of surface defects (honey-combing, staining, stratification)? Y
1.4.2 Concrete/masonry deterioration (spalling, leaching, disintegration)? N
1.4.3 Presence of cracking (structural, thermal, along joints)? N
1.4.4 Evidence of differential settlement (displaced/offset/open joints)? N Minor scouring / honeycombs
1.4.5 Presence of vegetation (growth in joints between blocks)? Y observed in some location. SATISFACTORY
1.4.6 Evidence of any other damage to joints and/or water stops? N
1.4.7 Excessive seepage/sweating at any location on downstream face? N
1.4.8 Significant leakage at any location on downstream face? N
1.4.9 Any other issues? N
C-1.5 Abutment Contacts
1.5.1 Any presence of leaks, springs or wet spots in vicinity of abutment? N
1.5.2 Any presence of cracking or settlement? N
1.5.3 Profuse growth of weeds/grass/plants at any location? N
1.5.4 Any other issues? N
D Gallery/Shaft and Drainage (Concrete/Masonry)
D-1.1 General Condition
1.1.1 Slushy condition or water logging immediately downstream of dam? N
1.1.2 Any evidence of boiling in vicinity of dam toe? N
D-1.2 Gallery/Shaft Condition
1.2.1 Any problems accessing or inspecting gallery/shaft (obstruction)? N
1.2.2 Any safety issues (inadequate handrails, lighting or ventilation)? N
Problems of inadequate drainage (slippery stairs, water logging of gallery,
1.2.3 N
clogged porous or foundation drains)? Sweating observed in inspection
1.2.4 Evidence of differential settlement (displaced/offset/open joints)? N gallery near block 12
1.2.5 Excessive seepage/sweating at any location along gallery/shaft? Y
MAITHON DAM, Post-Monsoon-2022 inspection report 20.12.2022
Response Observations
Sweating observed in and
inspection Conditionb
S. No. Inspection Item recommendations, if any,
gallery near block 12 of the (Unsatisfactory/Poor/
Y N NA authorized inspecting officer Fair/ Satisfactory)
Significant or excessive leakage at any location along gallery/shaft / porous
1.2.6 N
drain? If yes, provide location(s).
Are proper arrangements made for the measurement of seepage into the gallery?
Is the seepage measured separately from-
1. Porous pipes? NA
2. Foundation drains? And NA
3. Monolith Joints? NA
Are the above arrangements satisfactory? NA
Has there been substantial progressive reduction in the seepage through the
1.2.8 foundations? Is it due to choking of the drain holes? If so, indicate number of N SATISFACTORY
holes choked.
Are all the foundation and porous holes periodically cleaned with reaming tool
1.2.9 and air water jetting? Indicate the last date of such cleaning and extent of N
variation observed in the seepage discharge before and after the cleaning.
Is the seepage water and the deposit, if any, from the seepage being regularly
1.2.10 examined for chemical composition? If so, indicate the result and the probable NA
source of dissolved salts, if any.
Are any seepage water springs observed in the downstream area any where? If
so, indicate the locations and state the physical nature of this seepage. Look out
1.2.11 for such seepage spots particularly near the dykes, fault zone etc. Ascertain if N
chemical testings are made of water samples from such springs for dissolved
1.2.12 Is there any leachate deposition? If yes provide location N
1.2.13 Any other issues? N
D-1.3 Drain Condition
1.3.1 Is the flow in the drain unusually high or low? N
1.3.2 Presence of calcium or other deposits in drain? Y
1.3.3 Is dewatering pumping station fully operational? Y
1.3.4 Any problem inspecting pump? N
1.3.5 Any obstruction preventing or impairing smooth operation? N
1.3.6 Any deterioration of pump and associated equipment? N
1.3.7 Is sump well clean and maintained? Y SATISFACTORY
1.3.8 Is V-notch before sump well clean and maintained? NA
1.3.9 Any other evidence of the drain being blocked/having reduced section? N
1.3.10 Is the flow in the drain noticeably sporadic/irregular? N
1.3.11 Does the drainage water have unusual color (leachate)? N
1.3.12 Any other issues? N
D-1.4 Body Wall (Masonry/Concrete) of ‘NOF’ Dam and Spillway
What is the total seepage into gallery from the porous pipes in the dam at lake full
1.4.1 condition? How does it compare with the seepage when the reservoir was first NA
filled? (For the corresponding water level)
MAITHON DAM, Post-Monsoon-2022 inspection report 20.12.2022
Responsea Observations and b
S. No. Inspection Item recommendations, if any, of the (Unsatisfactory/Poor/
Y N NA authorized inspecting officer Fair/ Satisfactory)
If there has been substantial reduction in this seepage? Ascertain and indicate the
1.4.2 N
probable reasons therefore.
Has there been a tendency for gradual reduction of drainage through pipes and
1.4.3 N
progressive appearance of sweating on the downstream face of the dam?
Has there been considerable leaching from the seepage water and deposition of
1.4.4 N
lime near the seepage exit spots?
Are the samples of the seepage water and reservoir water being regularly tested
1.4.5 NA
for reactive and corrosive properties?
Is there excessive seepage, sweating at any locations on the downstream face SATISFACTORY
of the dam?
1.4.6 N
( Examine the monolith or construction joints for such seepage and leaching and
indicate the findings)
Is there any swelling or cracking observed on the downstream face especially
near the points of concentration of stresses like the toe or locations of abrupt
1.4.7 N
change in geometry of the face of the opening? If so, indicate the details of
Is the pointing on upstream face of the dam in good condition? If not, indicate the
1.4.8 Y
nature and extent of deficiency.
Are the registers and graphs showing the periodical measurements of seepage
1.4.9 discharge from the porous drains in the gallery and from the downstream face at NA
various lake levels maintained at site?
D 1.5 Waste Weir Bar and Tail Channel
Is the Concrete/masonry spillway bar in good condition? Is there any leakage
through the masonry or from the foundation? If so, what remedial measures are
1.5.1 proposed/taken for minimizing the leakage? Is the record of leakage Y
measurement maintained? What is the quantity of Seepage/Leakage on the date
of inspection?
1.5.2 Is the coping over the spillway bar in good condition? Y
1.5.3 Does the upstream and downstream face of waste weir bar need pointing? N
Is there any scouring on downstream side of the bar and/or EDA? If so what
1.5.4 N
remedial measures are proposed/taken?
Are there any damages or undermining to guide walls, divide wall and other
1.5.5 N
appurtenants? If so, what remedial measures are proposed/taken?
D 1.6 Structural performance of the ‘NOF’ and ‘OF’ Portions of Dam Foundations
Are there any signs of structural distress noticed in the dam spillway and
foundations in the form of-
i. Excessive deflection with respect to permissible deflection at the time of
ii. Tendency of gradual sliding N
MAITHON DAM, Post-Monsoon-2022 inspection report 20.12.2022
Response Observations and Conditionb
S. No. Inspection Item recommendations, if any, of the (Unsatisfactory/Poor/
Y N NA authorized inspecting officer Fair/ Satisfactory)
iii.Cracking and upheaval or settlement in any part of the body wall or
iv. Excessive uplift, N
v. Excessive seepage and leaching through the body of the dam and the
Conspicuous weathering of materials or components in any portion of the body
1.6.2 N
wall or the foundations.
E Spillway and Energy Dissipation Structure
E 1.1 Spillway
Are the decking, girders and structural supports of spillway bridge, hoist bridge,
1.3.1 Y
trunnion level bridge and catwalks structurally sound?
1.3.2 Is the chequered platform of the bridge structurally sound and safe? Y
1.3.4 Are the structural members and joints sound and free from corrosion? N
1.3.5 When were the steel components painted last? Year -2022
1.3.7 Is the parapet or railing over the bridges sound, safe and painted? Y
1.12.4 Is there any damage noticed to the conduit concrete, breast wall and gate slots?
Is the bye-pass valve/filling-in-valve (wherever provided) operating
(a) Take operation trials of the following as provided and record the
observations and defects noticed, if any.
(1) Service gate(s).
(2) Emergency gate(s).
(3) Stop-log gate(s).
(4) Sluice valves. NA
Operation trial of Emergency gate
Note- of intake gate is done time to time.
(i) The operating trial for the emergency gate shall be taken with service gate in
partially open position to test the capability of emergency gate for self-closing SATISFACTORY
under these conditions. The trial for the operation of the emergency gate under
balanced condition of water pressure also needs to be taken
(ii) To guard against the possibility of outlet gate hoist being operated forcibly
after closed position of gate a “Distinctive Mark” should be insisted or check the
functioning of the limit switches.
1.14.2 Are the trash racks (wherever provided) cleaned before monsoon? N
1.14.3 Is there excessive silting on the upstream of the sluice? N
1.14.4 When were the gates last opened for desilting, etc.? Oct'2022
1.14.5 Please indicate the approximate quantity of the leakage through the gates, if any. Within the permissible limit
1.14.6 Is there any seepage or leakage through the conduit surface? N
Is there any damage to the upstream and downstream convergence of the
Is the condition of energy dissipation arrangement satisfactory?
1.14.8 If not, indicate nature and extent of damage. Is there any retrogression noticed in
the downstream channel? If so, give details of nature and extent of damage.
H Access Road
H-1.1 General Condition
1.1.1 Any problems ensuring security of dam site (including gates and fencing)? N
Is there a properly constructed and well maintained all weather access road to
1.1.2 NA
the dam site?
1.1.3 What is the type of the pavement of the access road and its condition? NA
Are there properly constructed and well maintained access road arrangements
to the following components for inspection, maintenance and repairs? Top of
Dam Spillway Gates and hoisting arrangement Drainage gallery, adits and exits
1.1.4 Y
Bridge structure Downstream stilling basin Junction and abutments Outet
control tower Outlet gates Toe of earth dam, downstream drainage arrangements
and berms. All saddle dams.
What is the general condition of all the masonry structures on various access SATISFACTORY
1.1.5 Y Good Condition
Are all the structures on the access roads adequately safe for allowing passage of Gated Fence have to be
1.1.6 N
plant machinery for emergent repairs? constructed at one location.
Is the Emergency Action Plan (EAP) prepared for the dam as per the national
1.1.1 Y
guidelines? If not, the expected date of preparation of guidelines
1.1.2 When EAP was last updated? Y DEC'22
1.1.3 If not, are any dam staff unaware or insufficiently conversant with the EAP? NA
1.1.4 Any concerned authorities unaware or insufficiently conversant with the EAP? N
Are communication directories/contact details and other dynamic information
1.1.5 Y
are being updated annually?
1.1.6 Any problems accessing or operating the communication/ warning system? N
1.1.7 Are inundation maps updated and available to concerned authorities? Y SATISFACTORY
Are the concerned authorities informed about the system of emergency reporting
1.1.8 Y
procedures and warning?
MAITHON DAM, Post-Monsoon-2022 inspection report 20.12.2022
Response Observations and Conditionb
S. No. Inspection Item recommendations, if any, of the (Unsatisfactory/Poor/
Y N NA authorized inspecting officer Fair/ Satisfactory)
Are available safety spots on the downstream of the dam identified and made
1.1.9 known to the concerned authorities?
Are adequate warning devices and facilities provided at the dam? Y
Are proper arrangements made for security of the dam and preventing cases of
1.1.8 Y
unauthorized trespass, vandalism and sabotage to the dam works?
Date of last annual stakeholder consultation meeting along with mock drill 14-Dec-2022, No Mock Drill
1.1.9 Y
exercise conducted conducted.
1.1.10 Does the EAP disseminated to all the concerned stakeholders? Y
1.1.11 Any other issues? N
K-1.2 Inspection of Records
Whether following Dam Safety Documents are prepared and approved by the
competent authority?
I. As Built Drawings Y
1.2.1 II. EAP Y
III. Completion Report Y
IV. Data Book Y
V. O&M manual Y
1.2.2 Are the relevant documents reviewed and updated from time to time? Y
MAITHON DAM,Post-Monsoon-2022 inspection report 20.12.2022
Response Observations and Condition
S. No. Inspection Item Y N NA
recommendations, if any, of the (Unsatísfactory/Poor/
authorized inspecting officer Fair/ Satisfactory)
Are all the members of the maintenance staff adequately trained and fully
|conversant with their responsibilities concerning. SATISFACTORY
(a) Designer's Operation Criteria.
(b) Standing Operating Procedures.
(c) Maintenance and Vigilance Procedures of the dam.
1.2.3 (d) Maintenance and operation of all control equipments. Training is Required.
(e) Reservoir Operation Schedules, Gate Operation Schedule
O Maintenance and Operation of all instruments.
g) ldentification of signs of deficient behavior.
(h) Reporting Procedures of emergency situations.
J0 Emergency repairs
EEC), Ds
Name of Offictat &Signature Name of Official & Signature Name of Official & Signature
Date: 15.04.2023 Date: 15.04.2023 Date: 15.04.2023
Rip-rap on dykes especially from Kalipahari to Gogna and on many Redressing of dykes required
places from Kalipaharito Spillway structure found dislodged
6 Toe drain at main earthen dam dyke was found to be fullof debris, Toe drain necds to be clcared immediately
cables and concealed under earth
Numerous passages (with masonry steps/ kutcha pass) have been Top and bottom of dykes are required to be provided with
noticed throughout the dyke areas on w's and d/'s both. Stel ropes chain link fencing to check infiltration of people and livestock
also found missing from downstream dyke from KV to Kalipahari
andfrom Kalipahari to Gogna.
Corrosion observed in crest gates, crane structures and intake gates Painting works may be taken up
|Welding of chequered plate of walkway near gate no 8-9 is missing Needs to be welded
Leakage has been reported at d/s entrance of gallery when the Maintenance required
reservoir was fulI, leakage was not visible on 15/04/2023
Sweating noticed in inspection gallery near block no 12 Further investigation is recommended
Some of the lights at gallery of Maithon dam are found non Replacement of damaged light for proper illumination in Dam
gallery is required.
Overall condition of dam based on above inspection -
Overall Safety Category of the Dam -Category IIl
Category - deficiencies which may lead to failure;
Category I| - major deficiencies requiring prompt remedial
during the year
Category ||| - minor remedial measures which are rectifiable
Name of Official & Signature
Name of Official &Signature Date: 15-04-2023
Name of 0ffMciat&Signature Date: 15-04-2023
Date: 15-04-2023
JE MAand
Name ofOfficial & Signature
Name of Official & Signature
Date: 15-04-2023
Name of Official &Signature Date: 15-04-2023
Date: 15-04-2023