Vibration of Induction Motors
Vibration of Induction Motors
Vibration of Induction Motors
Master the art of vibration monitoring of induction motors with this unique guide to
on-line condition assessment and fault diagnosis, building on the author’s 50 years of
investigative expertise.
It includes:
Robust techniques for diagnosis of a wide range of common faults, including shaft
misalignment and/or soft foot, rolling element bearing faults, sleeve bearing faults,
magnetic and vibrational issues, resonance in vertical motor drives and vibration
and acoustic noise from inverters.
Detailed technical coverage of 30 real-world industrial case studies, from initial
vibration spectrum analysis through to fault diagnosis and final strip-down.
An introduction to real-world vibration spectrum analysis for fault diagnosis, and
practical guidelines to reduce bearing failure through effective grease management.
This definitive book is essential reading for industrial end users, engineers and
technicians working in motor design, manufacturing and condition monitoring. It will
also be of interest to researchers and graduate students working on condition
EM Diagnostics Ltd, Scotland
Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781108784887
© Cambridge University Press 2020
Robust techniques for diagnosis of a wide range of common faults, including shaft
misalignment and/or soft foot, rolling element bearing faults, sleeve bearing faults,
magnetic and vibrational issues, resonance in vertical motor drives and vibration
and acoustic noise from inverters.
Detailed technical coverage of 30 real-world industrial case studies, from initial
vibration spectrum analysis through to fault diagnosis and final strip-down.
An introduction to real-world vibration spectrum analysis for fault diagnosis, and
practical guidelines to reduce bearing failure through effective grease management.
This definitive book is essential reading for industrial end users, engineers and
technicians working in motor design, manufacturing and condition monitoring. It will
also be of interest to researchers and graduate students working on condition
EM Diagnostics Ltd, Scotland
Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781108784887
© Cambridge University Press 2020
Robust techniques for diagnosis of a wide range of common faults, including shaft
misalignment and/or soft foot, rolling element bearing faults, sleeve bearing faults,
magnetic and vibrational issues, resonance in vertical motor drives and vibration
and acoustic noise from inverters.
Detailed technical coverage of 30 real-world industrial case studies, from initial
vibration spectrum analysis through to fault diagnosis and final strip-down.
An introduction to real-world vibration spectrum analysis for fault diagnosis, and
practical guidelines to reduce bearing failure through effective grease management.
This definitive book is essential reading for industrial end users, engineers and
technicians working in motor design, manufacturing and condition monitoring. It will
also be of interest to researchers and graduate students working on condition
EM Diagnostics Ltd, Scotland
Information on this title:
DOI: 10.1017/9781108784887
© Cambridge University Press 2020
Preface page xv
About the Author xviii
Acknowledgements xix
Biographies of Personnel in the Acknowledgements xx
Nomenclature xxii
Acronyms and Abbreviations xxiv
Relevant Units of Equivalence Useful for this Book xxvi
Published online by Cambridge University Press
vi Contents
1.4 Industrial Case History – Vibration Analysis Identified Soft Foot – Shaft
Misalignment in a 110 kW/147 H.P. SCIM Pump Drive 31
1.4.1 Introduction 31
1.4.2 Vibration Analysis on Repaired Motor in Repair Shop 32
1.4.3 On-Site Vibration Analysis during a Coupled Run of
Repaired Motor 32
1.4.4 On-Site Vibration Analysis during an On-Site Uncoupled Run of
Repaired Motor 36
1.4.5 On-Site Vibration Analysis during a Coupled Run after Re-
alignment of the Drive Train 36
1.4.6 Conclusions 37
1.5 Industrial Case History – Vibration Spectrum Analysis (VSA) Diagnosed
Soft Foot and Abnormal Shaft Misalignment in a 180 kW/240 H.P. SCIM
Pump Drive 37
1.5.1 Summary 37
1.5.2 Overall Vibration Measurements and Vibration Spectrum Analysis
(VSA) – Motor Run Uncoupled and Coupled 37
1.5.3 Overall R.M.S. Velocities on the Motor as a Function of
Slackening and Tightening the Motor’s Fixing Bolts During an
Uncoupled Run – Soft Foot was Diagnosed 39
1.5.4 Overall Vibration Measurements and VSA – Comparison between
before and after Removal of Misalignment and Soft Foot 41
1.5.5 Conclusions 42
References and Further Reading 42
6 Industrial Case Histories – VSA Detected Inner and Outer Race Faults in Rolling
Element Bearings in SCIMS 103
6.1 Introduction 103
6.1.1 Overall Vibration Measurements 103
6.1.2 Vibration Spectrum Analysis 106
6.1.3 Visual On-Site Inspection of the NDE of Motor B 107
6.1.4 Interpretation of Logarithmic Spectrum and Predictions 107
6.1.5 Conclusions 108
6.2 Industrial Case History – VSA Diagnosed Outer Race and Ball Defects in
a 7324 B Single-Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing in the NDE of a
Vertical 1193 kW/1600 H.P. SCIM Driving a Thruster Propeller 109
6.2.1 Introduction 109
6.2.2 Vibration Measurements and Overall Velocity Levels 110
6.2.3 Vibration Spectrum Analysis 113
6.2.4 Inspection – Photos – Conclusions 114
Appendix 6A Prediction of Bearing Defect Frequencies 115
6.3 Industrial Case History – VSA Diagnosed Outer Race Defects in a Rolling
Element Bearing via Vibration Measurements on the Drive End Frame of
a 160 kW/215 H.P. SCIM Driving a Boiler Forced Draft Fan 115
6.3.1 Summary 115
6.3.2 On-Site Vibration Measurements and Spectrum Analysis before
New Bearings were Fitted 117
6.3.3 Inspection of DE Bearing 119
6.3.4 Conclusions 120
6.4 Industrial Case History – VSA of Vibration Measured on the Outer Frame
Predicted an Outer Race Bearing Defect in a Vertically Mounted
75 kW/100 H.P. SCIM 120
6.4.1 Summary 120
6.4.2 Overall Vibration Velocity Measurements 121
6.4.3 Vibration Spectrum Analysis – Diagnosis of BPFO 123
6.4.4 Conclusion and Recommendations 124
6.4.5 Vibration Analysis Predicted Misalignment in Drive Train B 124
Index 280
Vibration condition monitoring has been used for many years to diagnose mechanical
faults in bearings, gearboxes, compressors and pumps. Numerous text books cover
these topics but none focus on vibration monitoring to diagnose faults in induction
This book is unique because it is solely dedicated to vibration monitoring and analysis to
diagnose faults in induction motors.
There are 30 industrial case histories which include both theoretical and practical
knowledge for on-line condition assessment of induction motors. A key feature of
these case histories is closure of the loop between the diagnosis of faults using
vibration spectrum analysis and subsequent strip-down of the motors and accompany-
ing photographic evidence of, for example, faulty bearings. The industrial case
histories include:
Five on the diagnosis of shaft misalignment and/or soft foot.
Fifteen on the diagnosis of rolling element bearing faults.
Three on vibration problems in sleeve bearings.
Four on problems due to magnetic forces and vibration.
Three on miscellaneous problems including resonance in a vertical induction motor
drive, vibration and acoustic noise from induction motors supplied from inverters.
The case histories are presented in detail because a broad-brush, superficial presen-
tation that lacks clarity and evidence as to how the fault was diagnosed is meaningless
to the reader. Each case history is stand-alone and does not require the reader to scroll
backwards or forwards within the book to understand the vibration measurements,
spectrum analysis and predictions.
Chapter 1 provides an overview of publications on sources of vibration in elec-
trical machines. Problems in rolling element bearings account for the largest number
of failures of induction motors, therefore a review is presented on the use of vibration
measurements and spectrum analysis to diagnose faults in rolling element bearings.
The practical difficulty of accessing the housings of rolling element bearings is
strongly emphasised, because if bearing housings cannot be accessed then it is more
difficult to diagnose bearing faults.
xv Published online by Cambridge University Press
xvi Preface
A brief overview of shaft misalignment and soft foot in induction motor drives is
included and five industrial case histories are presented on vibration analysis to detect
shaft misalignment and/or soft foot.
Chapter 2 is a preparatory chapter for Chapters 3 and 4 and presents the main types
and basic features of rolling element bearings that are used in induction motors.
Chapter 3 presents an overview of the types and causes of defects that occur in
rolling element bearings to support the case histories in Chapters 4 to 8.
Chapter 4 presents an introduction to vibration spectrum analysis to diagnose
faults in rolling element bearings in induction motors. This chapter is a precursor to
the presentation of industrial case histories in Chapters 5 to 8 using conventional
vibration spectrum analysis to diagnose the onset of faults in rolling element bearings
before actual bearing failures occur.
It is emphasised that previously published books and papers that cover the theory
and application of vibration monitoring to diagnose faults in rolling element bearings
assume that vibration transducers such as accelerometers can always be mounted on
the bearing housings. In many cases access to bearing housings is not practically
possible on induction motors and this is a key fact that is demonstrated in this book.
Chapter 5 presents industrial case histories using VSA to diagnose cage faults in
bearings of SCIMs.
Chapter 6 presents industrial case histories using VSA to diagnose inner and outer
race faults in bearings of SCIMs.
Chapter 7 presents industrial case histories using VSA to diagnose false brinelling
and skidding problems in cylindrical roller bearings in SCIMs.
Chapter 8 presents industrial case histories using VSA to diagnose miscellaneous
faults in rolling element bearings in SCIMs.
Chapter 9 presents fundamental knowledge on the construction and operation of
sleeve bearings. The practical measurement of shaft displacement is also described, to
support the case histories in this chapter on vibration monitoring to diagnose problems
in sleeve bearings.
Chapter 10 presents the fundamental causes of electromagnetic forces and conse-
quential vibration in induction motors, including the twice supply frequency compon-
ent and its harmonics, and the classical rotor slot passing frequency components.
Chapter 11 presents industrial case histories on miscellaneous problems such as
mechanical resonance in a vertical induction motor drive and vibration and acoustic
noise from induction motors supplied by inverters.
Chapter 12 presents an appraisal on VSA to diagnose faults in rolling element
bearings. A discussion is provided on the key outcome that end users hope to achieve
from vibration monitoring, which is the prognosis of remaining operational life of a
SCIM after a fault is diagnosed.
It is also reiterated, via more photographic evidence, that access to mount tempor-
ary accelerometers directly on the bearing housings of rolling element bearings used in
induction motors can be difficult.
Guidelines are given for grease management of rolling element bearings because of
the predominance of failures being caused by incorrect greasing practice.
Bill was born in Scotland in 1946 and started his career in 1961 as a maintenance
electrician. He has worked with induction motors at all levels from craft apprentice
through to appointment as a professor in electrical machines in 1990. For the past
20 years he has been, and still is, the managing director of his own company providing
consulting services in condition monitoring of electrical machines and drives.
Evening class study provided the vocational qualifications to enter the University of
Strathclyde (Glasgow, Scotland) in 1970. In 1973 he graduated with an Honours degree
in Electrical & Electronic Engineering specialising in electrical machines. From 1973 to
1977 he was a noise and vibration engineer with Hoover Ltd. In 1977 he was awarded a
master’s degree from the University of Strathclyde for a research thesis entitled ‘Reduc-
tion of Acoustic Noise and Vibration from Small-Power Electric Motors’. From 1977 to
1979, Bill was a lecturer in electrical power at the Hong Kong Polytechnic and from
1979 until 2001 he was a lecturer (1979–83), senior lecturer (1983–90) and professor
(1990–2001) at Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, Scotland. In 1980, Bill initiated
his research on condition monitoring of induction motors and received research funding
from power utilities and major oil companies. The focus of the research was on the
industrial application of vibration analysis and Motor Current Signature Analysis
(MCSA) to diagnose faults in induction motors and drives before failures occur. Bill
successfully supervised ten PhD and eight MPhil students.
He left academia in 2001 to start his own company and is the Director and principal
consultant of EM Diagnostics Ltd providing consultancy services on the operation and
condition monitoring of induction motors to power stations, petrochemical refineries, natural
gas refineries and offshore oil and gas production platforms. He has published 72 papers on
condition monitoring of induction motors in engineering journals such as IEEE Transactions
(USA), IEE Proceedings (UK), and at International IEEE and IEE (IET, UK) conferences.
He is the co-author of an IEEE Press Wiley publication in 2017: William T. Thomson
and Ian Culbert, Current Signature Analysis for Condition Monitoring of Cage Induction
Motors: Industrial Application and Case Histories. Bill is a SMIEEE, FIEE (IET) in the
UK and a chartered professional engineer registered in the UK. He was awarded the
Queen’s award for technological achievement in 1992 for knowledge input to ‘Motor
monitor’ marketed by Entek, USA. In 1999, Bill provided access to his knowledge on
Motor Current Signature Analysis, via a licence from Robert Gordon University, Scot-
land, to Iris Power, Canada, for the development of an MCSA instrument.
Published online by Cambridge University Press
Sincere thanks are expressed to Mr Archie Low and Mr Donald Sutherland, formerly
of Robert Gordon University (RGU), Scotland, for their indispensable contributions to
the design and construction of fault producing, 3-phase induction motor test rigs.
The author greatly acknowledges Mr Ellis Hood (see biography), former senior
lecturer at RGU for his invaluable input on checking the manuscript and for the many
technical suggestions he made to improve its content and style of presentation.
Very sincere thanks are expressed to Dr Muni Gunawardene (see biography),
consultant, EM Diagnostics Ltd, for his excellent drawings and presentation of
vibration spectra and for his technical contributions.
Mr Alistair Carr is acknowledged for his excellent advice and contributions that he
provided to the author to produce Sections 9.1.1 through to, which cover an
introduction to sleeve bearings in large HV induction motors. Alistair is a senior
electrical machines consultant with EM Diagnostics Ltd (author is the Director) and
was appointed in November 2014. He was formerly Head of Test with Parsons
Peebles, Scotland, and was employed by this company for 42 years.
Mr Bill Lockley, Life Fellow of IEEE, Calgary, Canada, is duly acknowledged for
his invaluable and private review of the manuscript, which was by personal invitation
from the author.
Bill dedicates this book to his wife, Mary Thomson, for her irreplaceable support,
patience and encouragement throughout his career which made the writing of this
book become a reality; without Mary, it would not have been possible.
William T. Thomson
Published online by Cambridge University Press
Biographies of Personnel in the
Ellis Hood BSc (Eng) Hons 2.1 MIEE CEng FTC (coms) CGLI
1953: Scottish Higher Leaving Certificate.
1953–55/64–66: Full Technological Certificate in Telecommunications CGLI.
1966–70: BSc Electrical Engineering (Hons 2.1), University of Aberdeen, Scotland.
1971–72: Further Education Teaching Certificate in Engineering and Mathematics
1977: PGSCE Secondary Mathematics Teaching Certificate.
1984: MIERE CEng, MIEE 1987.
Published online by Cambridge University Press
Biographies of Personnel in the Acknowledgements xxi
1955–67: Moratu Maha Vidyalaya, Moratuwa, Sri Lanka, Primary and Secondary
1967–69: Katubedda Technical College, Sri Lanka, Technician Course.
1969–73: Kingston Polytechnic, Middlesex, BSc Electrical Engineering.
1975–76: University of Bradford, MSc Control Engineering.
1976–79: Sheffield City Polytechnic, now Sheffield Hallam University, PhD.
(1) G. W. D. M. Gunawardene and M. J. Grimble, Development of a Static Model for
a Sendzimir Cold Rolling Mill, IMACS Symposium on Control Systems, Technical
University, Vienna, Sept. 1978.
(2) G. W. D. M. Gunawardene, M. J. Grimble and A. Thomson, Static Model for
Sendzimir Cold Rolling Mill, Metals Technology, July 1981.
(3) Static Model of a Sendzimir Mill for Use in Shape Control, PhD thesis, 1982.
(4) G. W. D. M. Gunawardene and E. Forest, Controllability of Linear Control
Systems using Gilbert and Kalman Criteria, International Journal of
Mathematical Education, Sept. 1996.
A programme to calculate the conditions of Sendzimir Cold Rolling Mill when loaded
was developed during the research period which was bought by two steel companies
in USA and Sweden.
Quantity Unit
Quantity symbol Unit symbol
Published online by Cambridge University Press
Nomenclature xxiii
Quantity Unit
Quantity symbol Unit symbol
Published online by Cambridge University Press
Acronyms and Abbreviations xxv
PD Pitch Diameter
PM Planned Maintenance
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
r.m.s. (or R.M.S.) Root Mean Square
R&D Research and Development
RCFA Root Cause Failure Analysis
RTD Resistance Temperature Detector
SCIM Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
SPM Shock Pulse Measurement or Method
SRIM Slip Ring Induction Motor
SRP Sulphate Removal Pump
SWIP Sea Water Injection Pump
TEFC Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled
VSA Vibration Spectrum Analysis
Published online by Cambridge University Press
1 Vibration Monitoring of Induction
Motors and Case Histories on
Shaft Misalignment and Soft Foot
1.1 Introduction
Induction motors dwarf all other types of electric motors because they are used in
their hundreds of millions throughout industry around the world. Without the
induction motor, which was invented and successfully patented in the USA by
Nikola Tesla in 1888 (see references [1.1] and [1.2]), modern society as we know it
today would probably not exist. It is without doubt one of the greatest inventions
of all time but one which is sadly not common knowledge worldwide. It is well
known that induction motors typically consume between 40% and 50% of the
generated electricity [1.3] in an industrialised nation and are often referred to as
the workhorses of industry. A condition assessment of their operational integrity
via condition monitoring is normal practice by industrial users to prevent the
(i) catastrophic failures
(ii) unscheduled downtime and lost (delayed) production and income
(iii) hazardous conditions that may lead to major accidents.
Maintenance strategies can be streamlined to be more reliable and cost effective.
The primary objective of this book is as follows:
To present industrial case histories on vibration measurements and analysis to diagnose
faults in induction motors.
1 Published online by Cambridge University Press
2 Vibration Monitoring of Induction Motors and Case Histories
Figure 1.1 Typical distribution of failures in induction motors [1.57]. (A. H. Bonnett, Root Cause
Methodology for Induction Motors; A Step-by-Step Guide to Examining Failure, IEEE Industry
Applications Magazine, 18 (6), 2012, pp. 50–62.)
review titled Large Electric Motor Reliability: What Did the Studies Really Say?, and
the reader is encouraged to read this reference.
Sleeve or journal bearings are mainly, but not exclusively, used in induction motors
with ratings from, typically, 1000 kW/1340 H.P. upwards, and this will be further
discussed and explained in Chapter 9. Because of the predominance of induction
motors with rolling element bearings it is obvious that there will be more failures in
these than in sleeve bearings. However, that is certainly not the sole statistical reason.
Displacement probes are normally fitted in the housings of sleeve bearings as
shown in Figure 1.2 to monitor the peak–peak shaft displacement. An alarm level is
set to alert staff to possible problems and prevents a catastrophic bearing failure
because the motor is tripped out at a pre-set peak–peak displacement level, which is
a function of the bearing clearances and rotor speed.
Many strategic induction motors in industrial plants with rolling element bearings
do not have permanent vibration sensors fitted on the bearing housings as illustrated in
the photographs of Figures 1.3 (a and b), 1.4 and 1.5. For example, many end users
rely on monthly vibration surveys, using temporarily mounted accelerometers to
measure and trend the vibration from rolling element bearings.
It is naïve to suggest that end users should simply retrofit permanent accelerometers
after the induction motors are commissioned, because this would require a significant
capital cost investment.
For example, in the petrochemical industry the vibration sensors would often have to
be certified as being intrinsically safe and approved for the hazardous operating zone
Figure 1.2 Photograph of the NDE of a sleeve bearing assembly on a 3-phase, 6.6 kV, 2800 kW,
290 A, 60 Hz, 3575 r/min, p.f. = 0.85, eff = 96%, SCIM fitted with displacement probes.
Figure 1.3a Photograph of the NDE of a 3-phase, 6.6 kV, 750 kW/1000 H.P., SCIM.
Figure 1.3b Photograph of the DE of a 3-phase, 6.6 kV, 750 kW/1000 H.P., SCIM.
Figure 1.5 Photograph of a 3-phase, 415 V,185 kW/250 H.P., SCIM – coupling guard prevents
access to the DE bearing housing.
which further increases the capital costs. Flame-proof motors and certified hazardous
zone SCIMs must be re-certified by the OEM to permit mounting permanent vibration
sensors on the bearing housings. The reality is that, in many industrial plants, where
permanent vibration sensors were not installed on the bearing housings of induction
motors by the OEM before shipment to industry, they are rarely retrofitted.
A crucial practical factor that is very rarely mentioned in published papers or in
condition monitoring books is as follows:
It is often impossible to mount temporary accelerometers directly on both the DE and NDE
rolling element bearing housings of induction motors.
This is illustrated in Figures 1.3 (a and b) to 1.5 and will also be discussed and
further verified in case histories presented in Chapters 4 to 8. When the vibration
cannot be measured directly on the bearing housings, the vibration and spectra at the
positions where it is measured will obviously be different from that on the bearing
housing. Therefore, the analysis is more complex because the mechanical impedance
(stiffness) between the bearing housing and the positions of vibration measurements
can attenuate or amplify the vibration, the latter being the case from a fan cowl.
There is an additional complexity in the content of vibration from an induction
motor compared to the vibration from a pump, fan or compressor because the former
produces inherent electromagnetic forces and consequential vibration [1.30] to
[1.44] – see also Chapter 10 in this book. The closer the accelerometer is to the stator
frame (and core), for example on the outer periphery of an end frame, the greater the
effects that electromagnetic forces can have on the measured vibration.
One of the most informative books on vibration analysis to diagnose faults in
rolling element bearings is by Taylor and Kirkland, titled The Bearing Analysis
Handbook [1.63]. Case histories are presented in three chapters with definitive
predictions. However, there are only four of 21 case histories on diagnosing faults
in rolling element bearings in electric motors.
Taylor and Kirkland’s book [1.63] is not dedicated to diagnosing rolling element
bearing faults in induction motors. It was never intended to, since it covers a wide
range of rotating mechanical plant with rolling element bearings. The largest electric
motor, which was covered in the four case histories on detecting bearing faults, in
Taylor and Kirkland’s [1.63] book was 224 kW/300 H.P., whereas there is a case
history presented in Section 6.2 in this book on the diagnosis of rolling element
bearing defects in an 1139 kW/1600 H.P. SCIM.
Condition monitoring companies and OEMs of vibration instruments and software
often present end users with vibration diagnostic charts, which give vibration charac-
teristics caused by faults in electric motors. A comprehensive vibration diagnostic
chart was published in reference [1.40], which makes the following points, with which
the author of this book agrees.
(i) Many different problems either electrical or mechanical in nature can cause
vibration at the same or similar frequencies.
(ii) One must look closely to differentiate between the true sources of vibration.
During the past 40 years the author has reviewed numerous reports on behalf of end
users that were written by vibration monitoring companies who conclude by stating the
problem could be, may be or might be this, that or the other and the end user was left to
make the final diagnosis and decide what action to take. The end users do not want
uncertainties. The case histories in this book give clear predictions and actions to be taken.
Horizontal parallel misalignment is often the most critical and gives rise to shaft
reaction forces in the direction of displacement as shown in Figures 1.9 and 1.10.
One of the major effects of shaft misalignment in an induction motor drive is the
production in a specific radial direction of rotor pre-load, which produces a radial
force that can push the rotor to the side. The rotor can in fact become displaced from
its original position resulting in a higher eccentricity level inside the seals and
bearings. In extreme cases it is also possible for the rotor to become bowed and rotate
in a bow configuration. This means that misalignment can change the radial airgap
length due to a change in dynamic airgap eccentricity [1.32]. It is well known that
misalignment can cause coupling failure and premature wear and consequential failure
of bearings in induction motors.
Abnormal misalignment: end users often set a misalignment limit of 0.05 mm/0.002 inches in each of the
parallel, axial and radial planes.
Figure 1.11b Illustrations of soft foot produced by the mounting base, note that soft foot can also
occur in the axial direction.
If the motor does not have soft foot and the shaft misalignment between the motor
and mechanical load in all planes is a minimum, then the velocity of the 1X component
should not normally vary significantly around the periphery of the bearing housings at
the DE and NDE.
In contrast, the forces produced by shaft misalignment are unlikely to be similar
around the radius of the bearing housing or outer periphery of the end frames and
therefore the magnitude of the velocity in one radial direction can be different from the
velocity in another radial direction. The generic condition of shaft misalignment can
cause the following vibration characteristics:
An increase in the magnitude of the 1X velocity component on the motor’s feet and/
or the bearing housing in the radial direction.
A high magnitude of the 2X velocity component, for example two or three times
greater than the velocity of the 1X component, for example, in the axial direction at
the DE.
Harmonics of the 1X component may occur due to shaft misalignment, which may
also be a by-product of soft foot in the motor mounting.
Shaft misalignment may cause high horizontal velocity at one end of the motor
whereas it can be high in the vertical direction at the other end. An increase in rotor
imbalance does not normally produce this vibration characteristic.
Prior to visiting the site, the end user should provide the following:
Record the nameplate data directly from all induction motors to be monitored and
compare with the end user's data base.
A look and listen tour (this excludes touch because surfaces can be hot) of the motors
to be vibration monitored noting any unusual noises and also evidence of rust on
the base-plates and at the edges of mounting shims.
If permitted take photos of the motors and focus on accessibility of the DE and NDE
bearing housings and the size of accelerometers required to be mounted on them via
1.1.4 Introductory Industrial Case History – Normal Shaft Misalignment and no Soft Foot
in a 230 kW/308 H.P. SCIM Pump Drive
Abstract – This introductory case history illustrates that meticulous attention to detail
is essential for reliable vibration measurements and VSA to diagnose faults in induc-
tion motors.2 This case history is deliberately prescriptive and a detailed flow chart
(Section for vibration measurements and VSA presents the method used by
the author.
Normal shaft misalignment: typically less than 0.05 mm/0.002 inches in each of the parallel, axial and
radial planes.
*See Section 2.1.1: M = brass cage, C3 = radial clearance; bore diameter = 5 17 = 85 mm.
Full-load slip, sf :l: ¼ N sNN
¼ 30002957
3000 ¼ 0:0143 pu ð1:43%Þ.
The full-load 1X rotational speed frequency fr = 2957/60 = 49.28 Hz.
The operational current of each motor ˂ full-load current; therefore, the rota-
tional speed Nr will be greater than the rated full-load speed at 2957 r/min and
likewise the 1X component will be greater than 49.28 Hz.
Figure 1.12 Positions of accelerometers on the NDE end frame and the motor’s mounting base.
Figure 1.13 Positions of accelerometers on the DE bearing housing and end frame.
Figure 1.15 Accelerometer with magnet (flux density 0.32 tesla/3200 gauss).
Table 1.1 Overall r.m.s. velocity levels in mm/s r.m.s., to within 10%.
Frequency span: 10–1000 Hz
Table 1.3 Unfiltered vibration limits – resiliently mounted motors USA NEMA standards. MG 1,
section 7.8 [1.68]
@ Velocity Velocity r/min @ Velocity Velocity
60 Hz inches/s peak mm/s peak 50 Hz inches/s peak mm/s peak
Figure 1.17 DE vertical bearing housing velocity Figure 1.18 DE vertical bearing housing velocity
spectrum. zoom spectrum.
Figure 1.19 DE horizontal bearing housing velocity Figure 1.20 DE horizontal bearing housing velocity
spectrum. zoom spectrum.
(iii) Note that a measured component at 100 Hz suggests it is the twice supply
frequency component at 2f1, which is caused by the fundamental electromagnetic
force in a SCIM, see Section 10.1.1 and Appendix 10A.
(iv) Separation of the 2f1 and 2X was achieved by analysis of a 10–120 Hz spectrum,
with a line resolution of 0.0086 Hz/line and the zoom analysis is presented in
Figure 1.18.
(v) The 2X component is only 0.12 mm/s, whereas the 2f1 component at 100 Hz
is 0.42 mm/s r.m.s., which is 3.3 times greater than the velocity at 2X.
The reason for focusing on separating the frequency components at 2f1 and 2X (for
a 2-pole SCIM) is that the component at 100 Hz in Figure 1.17 is often referred to as
the 2X component which in this case, it is not, and its frequency is not given.
When diagnosing a shaft misalignment problem, the 2X component can, but
certainly not always, be an indicator of shaft misalignment if it has a substantially
higher velocity, for example, two to three times higher than the velocity of the 1X
component. This is certainly not the case in this case history. The velocity spectra for
the other positions on motor DM-2501A are shown in Figures 1.19 to 1.26.
The overall r.m.s. velocities measured next to the fixing bolts on each motor are
presented in Table 1.4.
Figure 1.21 DE axial bearing housing velocity Figure 1.22 DE axial bearing housing velocity zoom
spectrum. spectrum.
Figure 1.23 NDE vertical bearing housing velocity Figure 1.24 NDE vertical bearing housing velocity
spectrum. zoom spectrum.
Figure 1.25 NDE horizontal bearing housing Figure 1.26 NDE horizontal bearing housing velocity
velocity spectrum. zoom spectrum.
Table 1.4 Overall r.m.s. velocities 10%, next to the motor’s fixing bolts; 10–1000 Hz
1.1.5 Conclusions
All the vibration spectra were acceptable on the DE bearing housing and on the outer
periphery of the NDE’s end frame of the motor in Tag slot DM-2501A. The highest
velocity of the 1X component was only 0.4 mm/s r.m.s. in the vertical direction on the
bearing housing at the DE. The velocities of the 2X components at all positions are
very low with the highest being only 0.12 mm/s r.m.s. in the vertical direction on the
DE bearing housing of DM-2501A.
There is no evidence whatsoever of an above normal shaft misalignment (e.g. ˃
0.05 mm/2 mils in of the alignment planes). The velocity of the 2f1 component in each
of the spectra due to the fundamental electromagnetic force was normal for a 2-pole
SCIM, with the highest being only 0.42 mm/s r.m.s. in the vertical direction on the DE
bearing housing. The other two motors had very similar velocity spectra.
There are no abnormal velocity levels at any of the positions next to the fixing
down bolts on the three motors and an inspection of Table 1.4 shows that the
velocities in the vertical positions do not differ by more than 0.1 mm/s r.m.s. and
likewise in the horizontal directions. The velocity levels in the vertical and horizontal
directions next to the fixing bolts are virtually the same and there is therefore no
evidence of soft foot in the motor mounting.
The case histories that follow in this chapter will confirm that abnormal levels of
shaft misalignment and soft foot can be diagnosed via VSA.
1.2.1 Introduction
Abstract – Four nominally identical SCIMs were used to drive gas recirculating
(GRF) fans in a Combined Cycle Gas Turbine (CCGT) fired power station. This
station was originally designed and built in the 1970s to use oil as the fuel source but
has had numerous changes during the past 40 years and is presently a CCGT station.
The nameplate data of the motors was as follows:
Figure 1.28 Photograph of the motor’s end plate at the DE bearing assembly of a GR fan motors.
(ii) At the NDE of the GRF2A fan the overall r.m.s. velocity in the horizontal
direction on the bearing housing was 1.2 mm/s compared to 6.4 mm/s r.m.s. in
the same direction on the fan’s DE bearing.
(iii) The overall r.m.s. velocity in the axial direction on the DE bearing of the GRF2A
fan was 4 mm/s r.m.s., which was eight times higher than the velocity (0.5 mm/s
r.m.s.) in the axial direction on the NDE bearing housing of the fan.
Figure 1.32 GRF2A vertical velocity spectrum, Figure 1.33 GRF2A horizontal velocity spectrum,
housing of DE fan bearing. housing of DE fan bearing.
Figure 1.34 GRF2A axial velocity spectrum, housing Figure 1.35 GRF2A vertical velocity spectrum,
of DE fan bearing. housing of NDE fan bearing.
Figure 1.36 GRF2A horizontal velocity spectrum, Figure 1.37 GRF2A axial velocity spectrum, housing
housing of NDE fan bearing. of NDE fan bearing.
(iii) If the relatively high 1X component at 6.3 mm/s r.m.s. in the horizontal direction
on the DE fan bearing housing was due to an increase in the mechanical
imbalance of the fan, then this should normally be also reflected in the horizontal
direction on the NDE fan bearing but it was only 0.5 mm/s r.m.s. Thus, a
mechanical imbalance fan problem was discounted.
(iv) As explained in Section 1.1.3 this vibration characteristic indicates that there is
misalignment between the motor and the DE bearing of the fan. Recall only one
vibration measurement was practically feasible on the motor. The alignment was
checked by power station personnel and the following misalignments were
reported to the author of this book.
From: Ian.Johnston@XXXXXXXX
To: Bill Thomson [email protected]
Date: Thu, 24th August 2006 14:42:55 +0100
At long last we have finished the alignment checks on GR Fan 2A.
The results are as follows, the motor was 10 thou high and the motor was 22 thou out
towards the turbine hall. As discussed the motor plinth holding down bolts were slack,
retightened approximately 2 turns.
Hope this information is of use to you.
Note that towards the turbine hall means towards the DE fan bearing on GRF2A.
Also 10 thou = 10 mils = 0.25 mm and 22 thou = 22 mils = 0.56 mm.
The normal misalignment tolerance used by the power station is typically between
2 thou (0.05 mm) and a maximum of 4 thou (0.1 mm) on these drive trains.
Figure 1.38 GRF2A vertical velocity spectrum, Figure 1.39 GRF2A vertical velocity spectrum,
housing of DE fan bearing. housing of DE fan bearing.
Figure 1.40 GRF2A horizontal velocity spectrum, Figure 1.41 GRF2A horizontal velocity spectrum,
housing of DE fan bearing. housing of DE fan bearing.
Table 1.6 shows that the 1X components on the fan’s NDE bearing housing were
normal before realignment and that they dropped to very low levels after
Figure 1.42 GRF2A axial velocity spectrum, housing Figure 1.43 GRF2A axial velocity spectrum, housing
of DE fan bearing. of DE fan bearing.
1.3.1 Introduction
Abstract – Three SCIMs were used to drive pumps that circulate lubrication oil via a
closed loop with an oil header tank to sleeve bearings in three 11 kV, 35 MVA,
synchronous generators operating on an offshore oil production platform. These
motors (see Figure 1.44) were highly critical because if one fails there is a loss of
circulating oil to the plain bearings in the generator, which is then automatically
The offshore installation manager (OIM) was informed by the incumbent vibration
condition monitoring sub-contractor that one of the motors had a bearing fault. No
detailed vibration analysis was presented to the OIM by the technician who took the
vibration measurements, and the diagnosis was based solely on high overall r.m.s.
velocity levels. The OIM contacted the author to provide an independent investi-
gation, which included a one-off visit to the offshore installation and the main
objective was as follows:
To carry out vibration measurements and analysis to ascertain whether there was
truly a faulty bearing in one of the small-power motors.
Neither the vibration measurement positions nor the velocity magnitudes on the frame
of the motor were made available to the author so that no direct comparisons with
earlier measurements could be made.
Figure 1.44 Photograph of one of the motors, showing the positions of the accelerometers – the
bearing housings are inaccessible.
off-line because only two generators are required to deliver the load demand. The
motor nameplate data for A and C are as follows:
Motor A
Motor A had unacceptably high velocities but before switching off the motor the
velocity spectra were recorded for subsequent interpretation.
Figure 1.45 Motor A DEV velocity spectrum. Figure 1.46 Motor A DEH velocity spectrum.
Figure 1.47 Motor A DEA velocity spectrum. Figure 1.48 Motor A NDEV velocity spectrum.
Figure 1.49 Motor A NDEH velocity spectrum. Figure 1.50 Motor C NDEH velocity spectrum.
1.3.4 Conclusions
(i) The high overall r.m.s. velocities at the DEH and NDEH positions were a result
of the dominant 1X component in each spectrum.
(ii) An increase in the mechanical imbalance in the rotor could possibly cause the
high 1X velocities at the DEH (7 mm/s r.m.s.) and NDEH (15 mm/s r.m.s.).
However, this is highly unlikely in this 7.5 kW/10 H.P. SCIM because the
squirrel cage winding is aluminium die cast. There are no internal cooling fins on
the rotor that could be broken or lose material, since these are an integral part of
the short-circuiting end ring [1.32].
(iii) There is therefore no likely reason for an increase in the mechanical imbalance of
the rotor. The motor is cooled via an external fan and channels/ribs on the outer
frame of the motor as shown in Figure 1.44. Therefore, an increase in the rotor’s
mechanical imbalance was ruled out as the cause of the high 1X velocities. The
high velocities in the horizontal direction at the DE and NDE suggest that there
was an unacceptable level of misalignment between the motor and the pump.
(iv) It was subsequently confirmed by the OIM that the pump had been replaced nine
months prior to a set of vibration readings being taken by the incumbent
condition monitoring contractor followed by the investigation and analysis
carried out by the author.
(v) The OIM reported that following the author’s report the drive unit A was re-
aligned, and the overall velocities were reduced to 3 mm/s and 5 mm/s at the
DEH and NDEH positions thus confirming that the problem had been correctly
(vi) Note that optical or laser alignment instrumentation could not be used owing to
the very restricted access to the drive train as shown in Figure 1.44, and re-
alignment was achieved by trial and error and subsequent vibration
measurements until the lowest velocities could be achieved at the DE and NDEH
positions. The re-alignment and vibration measurements were carried out by on-
site maintenance personnel on the offshore installation.
The reader is referred to references [1.64] to [1.66] for practical guidance on alignment
procedures for drive trains.
1.4 Industrial Case History – Vibration Analysis Identified Soft Foot – Shaft
Misalignment in a 110 kW/147 H.P. SCIM Pump Drive
1.4.1 Introduction
Abstract – This case history illustrates the industrial reality of an independent con-
sultant (the author) having to deal with three different parties after a project was
nominally completed but an ongoing vibration problem still existed in a SCIM drive
train. The three parties were as follows:
Shaft misalignment, due to soft foot in the motor mounting, when a repaired SCIM
was coupled to the pump.
The soft foot was caused by rusted shims under the motor’s feet and a corroded
mounting base.
Prior to the author’s input the SCIM motor was overhauled and new bearings were
Motor nameplate information:
Table 1.8 Overall r.m.s. velocities 10% span 10–1000 Hz, 0.078 Hz/line, uncoupled run on a solid base-plate in the
motor repair shop
DEV DEH DEA NDE on the bolt holding down the fan cowl to the end frame
0.63 mm/s 0.4 mm/s 0.36 mm/s 1.7 mm/s
Figure 1.52 DEV velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum, Figure 1.53 DEH velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum,
uncoupled run in repair shop. uncoupled run in repair shop.
Table 1.9 Overall r.m.s. velocities 10% span 10–1000 Hz, 12,800 lines, 0.078 Hz/line on-site
coupled run
Figure 1.54 DEA velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum, Figure 1.55 NDE vertical velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum,
uncoupled run in repair shop. uncoupled run in repair shop.
The end user contacted the author to investigate the comments from the condition
monitoring vendor, but no quantitative vibration readings were provided to the author.
This was a constraint imposed by the end user.
The overall r.m.s. velocities measured by the author with the motor driving the
pump with an operating current of 100 amperes, at the same positions as the results
taken from the uncoupled run in the motor repair shop, are presented in Table 1.9.
Figure 1.56 DEV velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum, on-site Figure 1.57 DEH velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum, on-site
coupled run. coupled run.
Figure 1.58 DEA velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum, on-site Figure 1.59 NDE vertical velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum,
coupled run. on-site coupled run.
(ii) There are also harmonics of 1X at 2X , 3X, 4X and 5X from the DEH position as
shown in Figure 1.57.
These characteristics are not normal, particularly the 1X component at 4 mm/s r.m.s.
in the DEH position in comparison to the much lower velocity of 0.56 mm/s r.m.s. of
the 1X component in the DEV position because this was a very recently refurbished
SCIM and the rotor was balanced to the ISO G1.0 grade.
Recall from Section 1.2, that rotor imbalance causes a centrifugal force, which is
rotating at the rotor speed frequency of 1X Hz, and this causes the bearing housing to
vibrate at that frequency, but such a large difference (by a factor of seven) between the
velocities from the DEH and DEV positions is abnormal.
The author predicted that the shaft misalignment was unacceptable and was the
cause of the vibration characteristics during the coupled run. He advised that the
vibration measurements were repeated during an on-site uncoupled run of the SCIM
for comparisons with uncoupled results from vibration measurements in the motor
repair shop.
Table 1.10 Overall r.m.s. velocities 10%, span 10–1000 Hz, 0.078 Hz/line
On-site uncoupled run and uncoupled run in the motor repair shop
Uncoupled run in the 0.63 mm/s 0.4 mm/s 0.36 mm/s 1.7 mm/s
motor repair shop
On-site uncoupled run 1.5 mm/s 2.3 mm/s 0.9 mm/s 2.6 mm/s
Maintenance staff at the LNG plant could or would not provide (perhaps through
lack of records?) any alignment results when the repaired motor was initially re-
installed, the author simply received a ‘blank’ response.
This was a constraint by the end user.
1.4.4 On-Site Vibration Analysis during an On-Site Uncoupled Run of Repaired Motor
Table 1.10 presents the overall r.m.s. velocities for the uncoupled runs in the repair
shop and on-site.
There is a substantial difference between the velocities during uncoupled runs at the
LNG plant and the motor repair shop. For example, the on-site DEH and DEV overall
r.m.s. velocities were 5.75 and 2.5 times greater than those measured in the repair shop
with the motor running uncoupled on a solid steel base plate. Owing to these large
differences, it was predicted that there was a soft foot problem with the motor
mountings on the on-site base-plate. The author observed that the base-plate was
corroded, and the maintenance staff confirmed that they simply replaced the shims
which were used before refurbishment of the motor. When challenged they did admit
there was some rust on the shims.
Table 1.11 Overall r.m.s. velocities, span 10–1000 Hz, 0.078 Hz/line
1.4.6 Conclusions
The overall r.m.s. velocities have been reduced by factors of 2, 2.8, 2.2 and 3.7 at the
DEV, DEH, DEA and NDE positions respectively after the drive train was realigned
so that the misalignment was 0.05 mm/2 mils in all planes and the motor’s soft foot
had been removed.
Traditional vibration spectrum analysis without using phase measurements suc-
cessfully diagnosed the problem.
1.5.1 Summary
Abstract – This case history verified that vibration analysis provided the evidence
required to prove that a motor had to be removed because of soft foot due to rusted
shims and a very rusty base-plate. The motor’s nameplate data are as follows:
1.5.2 Overall Vibration Measurements and Vibration Spectrum Analysis (VSA) – Motor
Run Uncoupled and Coupled
Figure 1.60 shows the positions of the accelerometers and Table 1.12 presents the
overall velocities during coupled and uncoupled runs.
The key features of the overall r.m.s. velocities presented in Table 1.12 with the
motor running uncoupled compared to the motor driving the pump are as follows:
(i) DEV bearing housing: velocity dropped by a factor of 2
(ii) DEH bearing housing: velocity dropped by a factor of 1.8
Table 1.12 Overall r.m.s. velocity levels on the SCIM in mm/s r.m.s., to within 10%; frequency span: 10–1000 Hz
Figure 1.61 DEH bearing housing: velocity spectrum. Figure 1.62 DEH velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum.
Figure 1.63 NDE velocity spectrum. Figure 1.64 NDE velocity spectrum.
A comparison between Figures 1.63 and 1.64 shows that the velocity of the 2X
component at the NDE has dropped by a factor of 8 during an uncoupled run
compared to the coupled run.
The above comparisons indicate that there was an unacceptable level of shaft
misalignment and possibly motor soft foot.
1.5.3 Overall R.M.S. Velocities on the Motor as a Function of Slackening and Tightening
the Motor’s Fixing Bolts During an Uncoupled Run – Soft Foot was Diagnosed
Figure 1.65 shows the positions and designations of the bolts holding down the motor.
Table 1.13 presents the overall r.m.s. velocities during an uncoupled run for a range of
bolt tightness conditions, starting with their tight positions and followed by combin-
ations of tight and slack bolts.
The key observations from Table 1.13 are as follows:
(i) With B1 slackened and the other bolts tight the overall r.m.s. velocity at the
DEH position dropped from 3.5 mm/s to 1.0 mm/s.
Table 1.13 Overall r.m.s. velocity levels on the SCIM in mm/s r.m.s., to within 10%; frequency span: 10–1000 Hz
Holding down bolts tight – in 1.5 mm/s 3.5 mm/s 1.3 mm/s 4.7 mm/s
original positions
B1 slack, B2, B3, B4 tight 1.5 mm/s 1.0 mm/s 1.0 mm/s 3.4 mm/s
B2 slack, B1, B3, B4 tight 1.0 mm/s 3.0 mm/s 1.0 mm/s 4.8 mm/s
B3 slack, B1, B2, B4 tight 0.75 mm/s 1.3 mm/s 1.0 mm/s 2.8 mm/s
B4 slack, B1, B2, B3 tight 1.0 mm/s 3.0 mm/s 1.2 mm/s 3.38 mm/s
(ii) With B3 slackened and the other bolts tight the overall r.m.s. velocity at the
DEH position dropped from 3.5 mm/s to 1.3 mm/s.
(iii) With B3 slackened and the other bolts tight the overall r.m.s. velocity at
the DEV position dropped from 1.5 mm/s to 0.75 mm/s.
(iv) With B3 slackened and the other bolts tight the overall r.m.s. velocity at the
NDE on the bolt holding down the fan cowl to the end frame dropped from
4.7 mm/s to 2.8 mm/s.
(v) The overall r.m.s. velocity at the DEA position on the end frame next to the
DE bearing housing remained virtually constant at 1.3 mm/s 15% when the
bolts were slackened and tightened in sequence.
These results provide the evidence that the motor mounting to the base had soft
foot. Also, in the axial position (DEA) the velocity only varied by 15% which
further verified this prediction.
The bolts holding down the motor were sequentially slackened and tightened, and it
was verified that the overall r.m.s. velocity at the drive end horizontal (DEH) position
on the bearing housing dropped by a factor of 3.5 when one of the motor’s fixing bolts
was slackened. Similar trends occurred at the other positions and this was a clear
indication that soft foot existed.
Table 1.14 Overall r.m.s. velocities on the SCIM in mm/s r.m.s., 10%
Coupled run before and after shaft re-alignment and removal of soft foot
Before: 3.0 mm/s Before: 6.3 mm/s Before: 2.7 mm/s Before: 10.0 mm/s
After: 1.3 mm/s After: 2.4 mm/s After: 1.2 mm/s After: 3.0 mm/s
Figure 1.66 DEH bearing housing: velocity spectrum. Figure 1.67 DEH velocity (r.m.s.) spectrum, on-site
coupled run.
The rust was removed from the surfaces of both the base-plate and the motor’s base
and each of these surfaces were machined to ensure that they were clean and had flat
New shims were installed under the motor’s base and the motor and pump were
coupled, then realigned using laser technology to achieve a maximum shaft misalign-
ment in any of the three alignment planes of 0.05 mm (2 mils). No soft foot was
indicated by the results presented in Table 1.14.
1.5.4 Overall Vibration Measurements and VSA – Comparison between before and after
Removal of Misalignment and Soft Foot
Table 1.14 presents the overall r.m.s. velocities during a coupled run before and after
shaft re-alignment and removal of motor soft foot.
The overall r.m.s. velocities have dropped by factors of between 2.3 and 3.3 at the
DE and NDE positions after re-alignment and removal of motor soft foot, therefore the
predictions from the measurements and VSA were proven to be valid.
Samples of velocity spectra before and after corrective action at the NDEH and
NDE positions (see Figure 1.60) are presented in Figures 1.66 to 1.69.
The 1X component from the original coupled run, which had a high
shaft misalignment and motor soft foot has dropped due to corrective actions from
6 mm/s r.m.s. to 2.4 mm/s (a reduction factor of 2.5) and the 2X component dropped
from 2 mm/s to only 0.12 mm/s r.m.s. (a massive reduction factor of 16.7).
1.5.5 Conclusions
Prior to carrying out the vibration measurements and VSA it was observed that the
motor was rusty, as were the edges of the shims under the motor and the mounting
base plate.
It might seem to the reader that using vibration monitoring to detect soft foot and
consequential shaft misalignment was unnecessary. The motor could have simply
been removed and corrective action taken to remove the rust, fit new shims, clean up
the base-plate and then re-align the drive train. This is a rather naïve suggestion for the
following reasons:
(i) The outer edges of the mounting shims for all the motors and base-plates were
rusted, because this LNG site was next to the sea, and therefore in a salty and
windy environment. The top and bottom faces of the shims are not visible.
(ii) The end user will certainly not shut down a strategic motor just because there is
evidence of rust. The end user requires evidence via analysis of the vibration,
while a motor is running, that soft foot and/or shaft misalignment is causing
unacceptable levels of vibration.
The results presented in this case history verified that VSA was required to convince
the end user to take the motor out of service for corrective action to remove the rust
which was the root cause of the soft foot problem.
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1.2 P. Dunsheath, A History of Electrical Engineering, Faber and Faber, first published in
1.29 G. Slemon, Electric Machines and Drives, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company Inc.,
1.30 P. L. Alger, Induction Machines – Their Behaviour and Uses, Gordon and Breach Science
Publications Inc., second edition, published by OPA Amsterdam, third printing with
additions, 1995.
1.31 H. Vickers, The Induction Motor, Sir Isaac Pitman and Sons Ltd, London, first edition
1924, second edition 1953.
1.32 W. T. Thomson and I. Culbert, Current Signature Analysis for Condition Monitoring of
Cage Induction Motors, IEEE-Press Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-02959-5, 2017.
1.33 P. L. Alger, Magnetic Noise in Poly-phase Induction Motors, Transactions of the AIEE,
73 (Part IIA), 1954, pp. 118–25.
1.34 M. J. Costello, Understanding the Vibration Forces in Induction Motors, Proc., 19th
Turbomachinery Symp., College Station, TX, Oct., 1989, pp. 179–83.
1.35 W. R. Findlay and R. R. Burke, Troubleshooting Motor Problems, IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, 27, Nov./Dec. 1991, pp. 1204–13.
1.36 R. O. Eis, Electric Motor Vibration – Cause, Prevention and Cure, IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, 1A11 (3), May/June 1975.
1.37 E. W. Sommers, Vibration in 2-pole Induction Motors Related to Slip Frequency, IEEE
Transactions on Power Applications, 74 (3), Feb. 1955, pp. 69–72.
1.38 A. J. Ellison and C. J. Moore, Acoustic Noise and Vibration of Rotating Electric
Machines, Proceedings of the IEE, 155 (11), Nov. 1968, pp. 1633–40.
1.39 F. T. Chapman, Production of Noise and Vibration by Certain Squirrel Cage Induction
Motors, IEE Journal, 61, Dec. 1922, pp. 39–48.
1.40 W. R. Finley, M. M. Hodowanec and W. G. Holter, An Analytical Approach to Solving
Motor Vibration Problems, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 36 (5), Sept./
Oct. 2000, pp. 1467–80.
1.41 J. Baumgardner, Vibration in Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors, Proc. 18th Turbomachin-
ery Symp., College Station, TX, Oct. 1989, pp. 179–83.
1.42 S. J. Yang, Low Noise Electric Motors, Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engin-
eering, IEE, Savoy Place, London, 1981.
1.43 W. J. Morrill, Harmonic Theory of Noise in Induction Motors, Transactions of the AIEE,
59 (8), Aug. 1940, pp. 474–80.
1.44 A. Arkkio, M. Antila, K. Pokki, A. Simon and E. Lantto, Electromagnetic Force on a
Whirling Cage Rotor, Proceedings of the IEE, Electrical Power Applications, 147 (5),
Sept. 2000, pp. 353–60.
1.45 A. Bonnett et al., Motor Vibes: Noise and Vibration Bibliographies and Abstracts, IEEE
Conference Record of 1993 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, 1993,
pp. 184–205.
1.46 J. R. Cameron, W. T. Thomson and A. B. Dow, Vibration and Current Monitoring for
Detecting Airgap Eccentricity in Large Induction Motors, IEE Proceedings, 133 (Part B,
No. 3), May 1986.
1.47 D. G. Dorrell, W. T. Thomson and S. Roach, Analysis of Airgap Flux, Current and
Vibration Signals as a Function of the Combination of Static and Dynamic Airgap
Eccentricity in 3-Phase Induction Motors, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,
33 (1), Jan./Feb. 1997, pp 24–34.
1.48 W. T. Thomson, A Review of On-Line Condition Monitoring Techniques for Three-Phase
Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors - Past, Present, and Future, IEEE Symposium on
Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and Drives, Gijon, Spain, 1999,
pp. 3–18 (opening keynote address).
1.49 W. T. Thomson and P. Orpin, Current and Vibration Monitoring for Fault Diagnosis and
Root Cause Analysis of Induction Motors, Proc. 31st Turbomachinery Symposium, Texas,
A&M University, USA, Sept. 2002.
1.50 W. T. Thomson, A. Barbour, C. Tassoni and F. Filippetti, An Appraisal of the MMF-
Permeance Method and Finite Element Models to Study Static Airgap Eccentricity and its
Diagnosis in Induction Machines, Proc. ICEM'98, Istanbul, 1998.
1.51 W. T. Thomson, J. R. Cameron and A. B. Dow, On-Line Diagnostics of Large Induction
Motors, NATO ARW (by invitation only), Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium,
August 1986, published in the NATO Api Series, Pub Martines Hijhoff, July 1988.
1.52 W. T. Thomson, N. D. Deans, R. A. Leonard and A. J. Milne, Monitoring Strategy for
Discriminating Between Different Types of Rotor Cage Faults, Proc. 18th Universities
Power Engineering Conference Proceedings, University of Surrey, April 1983.
1.53 W. T. Thomson, Vibration and Noise in Small-Power Electric Motors, MSc thesis by
research, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland, 1977.
1.54 R. A. Leonard and W. T. Thomson, Vibration and Stray Flux Monitoring for Unbalanced
Supply and Inter-turn Winding Faults in Induction Motors, Proc, Condition Monitoring
Conference, University College, Swansea, Wales, UK, 1983.
1.55 P. Tavner et al., Condition Monitoring of Rotating Electrical Machines, The Institution of
Engineering and Technology, ISBN: 978-0-86341-739-9, London, UK, 2008.
1.56 A. H. Bonnett, Root Cause Failure Analysis for AC Induction Motors in the Petroleum
and Chemical Industry, IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference (PCIC),
2010 Record of Conference Papers Industry Applications Society 57th Annual Confer-
ence, 2010, pp. 1–13.
1.57 A. H. Bonnett, Root Cause Methodology for Induction Motors; A Step-by-Step Guide to
Examining Failure, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, 18 (6), 2012, pp. 50–62.
1.59 IEEE Committee Report, Report of Large Motor Reliability Survey of Industrial and
Commercial Installations, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1A-21 (4), Parts
I and II, July/Aug. 1985.
1.60 IEEE Committee Report, Report of Large Motor Reliability Survey of Industrial and
Commercial Installations, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1A-23 (1), Part
III, Jan./Feb. 1987.
1.61 O. V. Thorson and M. Dalva, A Survey of Faults on Induction Motors in Offshore Oil
Industry, Petrochemical Industry, Gas Terminals and Oil Refineries, IEEE Transactions
on Industry Applications, 31 (5), Sept./Oct. 1995.
studies-really-say/ Large Electric Motor Reliability: What Did The Studies Really Say?,
EP Editorial Staff 23 March 2012; Efficient Plant Magazine formerly Maintenance
1.63 J. I. Taylor and D. Wyndell Kirkland, The Bearing Analysis Handbook, ISBN: 0-
9640517-3-7, Vibration Consultants, VCI USA, 2004.
1.64 J. Piotrowski, Shaft Alignment Handbook, third edition, CRC Press, ISBN: 13 978-1-
57444-727-1, 2007.
1.65 J. S. Mitchell, Introduction to Machinery Analysis and Monitoring, second edition,
Penwell Books, USA, ISBN 0-78714-401-3, 1993.
1.66 Pruftechnic, A White Paper on a Practical Guide to Shaft Alignment, distributed in the
USA by Ludeca Inc. (, 2002, pp. 1–62.
1.67 ISO 1940-1:2003.
1.68 British Standard (BS) 60034-14: Rotating Electrical Machines, Part 14 Mechanical
Vibration of Certain Machines with Shaft Heights of 56 mm and Higher – Measurement,
Evaluation and Limits of Vibration Severity, Feb. 2004.
1.69 NEMA MG1: Motors and Generators, 2012.
Further Reading
1.70 A. H. Bonnett and G. C. Soukup, Rotor Failures in Squirrel Cage Induction Motors, IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, IA-22 (6), 1986, pp. 1165–73.
1.71 A. H. Bonnett and G. C. Soukup, Analysis of Rotor Failures in Squirrel-Cage Induction
Motors, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 24 (6), 1988, pp. 1124–30.
1.72 A. H. Bonnett and G. C. Soukup, Cause and Analysis of Stator and Rotor Failures in
Three-Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applica-
tions, 28 (4), 1992, pp. 921–37.
1.73 H. Barr, A. H. Bonnett and C. Yung, Understanding Vertical Motor Bearing Systems and
Minimizing Their Failures, IEEE Petroleum and Chemical Industry Conference, 2007,
pp. 1–9.
Abstract – The objectives are to describe the main types of rolling element bearings
that are used in induction motors and these are as follows:
(i) To provide relevant information for Chapter 3, which is on the types of faults that
occur in rolling element bearings.
(ii) To provide knowledge relevant to the 15 industrial case histories in Chapter 4.
(iii) To provide engineers responsible for the operation and maintenance of induction
motors with knowledge on rolling element bearings.
This is not a book on the design, manufacture or in-depth operational characteristics of
rolling element bearings; for more information, see references [2.1] to [2.12].
47 Published online by Cambridge University Press
48 Rolling Element Bearings for Induction Motors
Figure 2.2 Photograph of unshielded and shielded deep groove ball bearings, reproduced by kind
permission of the NSK Corporation.
respectively. The first two numbers give the basic series for the part number, but
further numbers are required to identify the bore size and clearance, C.
A deep groove ball bearing such as a 6316 C3 is defined as follows:
(i) The first two numbers give the basic series for the part number.
(ii) Multiply the pair formed by the third and fourth numbers by 5 to give the bore =
5 16 = 80 mm/3.15 inches.
(iii) Except with: 00 = 10 mm, 01 = 12 mm, 02 = 15 mm, 03 = 17 mm and 04 =
20 mm.
Figure 2.4. The arrows illustrate the load zone on a rolling element bearing in a horizontal
machine; the lengths of the arrows are indicators of the load (stress) on those parts of the
motor reaches its operating temperature at full load. Table 2.1 presents typical radial
clearances in a deep groove ball bearing.
Over Incl min max min max min max min max min max min max
10 only 0 7 4 11 2 13 8 23 14 29 20 37
10 18 0 9 4 11 3 18 11 25 18 33 25 45
18 24 0 10 5 12 5 20 13 28 20 36 28 48
24 30 1 11 5 12 5 20 13 28 23 41 30 53
30 40 1 11 9 17 6 20 15 33 28 46 40 64
40 50 1 11 9 17 6 23 18 36 30 51 45 73
50 65 1 15 12 22 8 28 23 43 38 61 55 90
65 80 1 15 12 22 10 30 25 51 46 71 65 105
80 100 1 18 18 30 12 36 30 58 53 84 75 120
Note: Incl means including.
Table 2.2 Samples on the use of rolling element bearings in induction motors
The letter and first number give the basic series for the part number: in this case the
N indicates the flange configuration and 3 the part number. There are different
flange configurations such as NU and NJ, which means non-locating and semi-
locating designs respectively.
Multiply the pair formed by the third and fourth numbers by 5 to give the bore =
5 24 = 120 mm/4.724 inches.
C3 gives the internal clearance designation.
If an M is included this means a brass cage.
If an E is included this means an extra capacity bearing.
Figure 2.8 illustrates the key constructional features of a cylindrical roller element
bearing and a photograph is presented in Figure 2.9.
Figure 2.9 Photograph of a cylindrical roller element bearing, reproduced by kind permission of
the NSK Corporation.
Figure 2.11 Photograph of an angular contact bearing, reproduced by kind permission of the NSK
Clearly, for a given force, the stress (N/m2) on the ball bearing in an angular contact
bearing is much less compared to the same force applied to a deep groove ball bearing
because the surface contact area in the latter is much smaller.
For example, a single-row angular contact bearing with the number 7322B is
normally interpreted as follows:
(i) The first two numbers indicate that it is an angular contact bearing.
(ii) Multiply the pair formed by the third and fourth numbers by 5 to give the bore =
5 22 = 110 mm/4.33 inches.
(iii) An angular contact bearing often has a brass cage.
Figure 2.12a Photograph of a 4-point angular contact bearing, reproduced by kind permission of
the NSK Corporation.
The following characteristics of a 4-point angular contact ball bearing are very briefly
summarized as follows:
(i) The bearing can cater for high axial loads in both directions and relatively small
radial loads.
(ii) The contact angle is typically 30 .
(iii) This bearing requires considerably less space in the axial direction compared to
double row designs or back-to-back angular contact 7*** bearings. The QJ
bearing caters for downward and upward thrust in vertically mounted induction
motor drives.
Figure 2.13c Photograph of a tapered roller element bearing, by kind permission of the NSK
Figure 2.13e Photograph of a spherical roller bearing, reproduced by kind permission of the NSK
Corporation. Published online by Cambridge University Press
References 61
There are different types of bearing arrangement and only one is given as an illustra-
tion of their use as ball bearings in an induction motor. The reader should refer to the
references for more examples. One of the bearings needs to be fixed and the other in
this example is floating to allow for thermal expansion of the shaft–rotor assembly.
The definitive functions of fixed and floating arrangements are as follows:
(i) A fixed bearing guides the shaft and rotor assembly and also supports axial forces.
(ii) A floating bearing compensates for changes in the bearing centre due to thermal growth.
Figure 2.14 illustrates fixed and floating bearing arrangements.
These are the main rolling element bearings which are used in the industrial case
histories presented in Chapter 4. There is a vast selection of different types of rolling
element bearings which is beyond the scope of this book, and, as already stated, this is
not a book on bearings. The author considers that this chapter provides sufficient
information to allow the reader to comprehend the subsequent chapters which deal
with case histories on VSA to diagnose rolling element bearing faults before failures,
which is the prime function of this book.
2.1 A. H. Bonnett and T. Albers, Motor Bearing Systems, IEEE Industry Applications
Magazine, 8 (5), 2002, pp. 58–73.
2.2 A. H. Bonnett and T. Albers, Motor Bearing Systems for Forest Products Applications,
IEEE Conf., Record, Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, 2001,
pp. 96–110.
2.3 J. I. Taylor and D. Wyndell Kirkland, The Bearing Analysis Handbook, ISBN:
0-9640517-3-7, Vibration Consultants, VCI USA, 2004.
2.4 T. A. Harris and M. N. Kotzalas, Essential Concepts of Bearing Technology, fifth edition,
CRC Press, ISBN: 13 978-0-8493-7183-7, 2007.
2.5 D. F. Wilcock and E. R. Booser, Bearing Design and Application, McGraw-Hill,
New York, ASIN: B0011VRU2Q, 1957.
2.6 P. S. Haughton, Ball and Roller Bearings, Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London, 1985.
2.7 A. Palmgren, Ball and Roller Bearing Engineering, third edition, Burbank, Philadelphia,
2.8 R. K. Allen, Roller Bearings, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, London, 1945.
2.9 D. Dowson, History of Tribology, second edition, Longman, New York, 1999.
2.10 R. Juvinall and K. Marshek, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, second
edition, John Wiley, New York, 1991.
2.11 B. Hamrock, B. Jacobson and S. Schmid, Fundamentals of Machine Elements, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1999.
2.12 M. Spotts and T. Shoup, Design of Machine Elements, seventh edition, Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998.
2.13 P. M. Lugt, Grease Lubrication in Roller Bearings, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, ISBN: 978-
1-118-35391-2, 2013.
2.14 The National Lubricating Grease Institute,
Abstract – There are numerous publications with in-depth information on types and
causes of defects in rolling element bearings, and the reader is referred to the sample in
the list of references [3.1] to [3.26]. To support the industrial case histories in
Chapters 4 to 8 this chapter presents a brief and general overview of the types and
causes of defects which can occur in rolling element bearings. Figure 3.1 gives general
guidelines [3.4] on the causes of rolling element bearing failures in induction motors.
An estimate of bearing life is highly complex and is in fact a statistical quantity
when bearings are operating in industrial plant such as induction motors because
degradation and failure is a function of many variables which in practice are difficult
to quantify.
The International Standards Organization (ISO) publication ISO 281:2007 [3.1]
covers the calculation of bearing ratings and life and the reader should refer to
that standard for further information. In bearing technology, bearing life is
referred to as a bearing’s L10 life and in the ISO standard it is given as the life
that 90% of a large group of nominally identical bearings can be expected to reach
or exceed. In practice there are many variables which can affect the L10 life
when nominally identical bearings are used in a wide variety of applications in
63 Published online by Cambridge University Press
64 Types of Defects in Rolling Element Bearings
Figure 3.1 Typical causes of premature failures of roller element bearings in induction motors
[3.4]. (A. H. Bonnett, Cause and Analysis of Bearing Failures in Electrical Motors, IEEE Conf.,
Record of 39th PCIC Conference, 1992, pp. 87–95.)
Figure 3.2 Relative bearing life versus bearing failures in % [3.2]. (A. H. Bonnett and T. Albers,
Motor Bearing Systems, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, 8 (5), 2002, pp. 58–73.)
106 C a
L10 ¼ , (3.1)
60n P
L10 = run life, in hours
C = bearing dynamic capacity, N or lbsf
P = equivalent bearing load, N or lbsf
n = speed, r/min
a = 3 for ball bearings
a = 10/3 for roller element bearings.
Equation 3.1 is only applicable within specific constraints such as design, size,
lubrication, temperature, load and speed. Note that there is a limiting speed for each
bearing, which is a function of size, type, lubrication and configuration. It is therefore
obvious that the L1 life given by Equation 3.1 is certainly not a definitive predictor of
bearing life when they are installed in induction motors of different designs, which
operate in a diverse range of industrial applications and environments with different
planned maintenance strategies used by operators.
Bearing life is a function of numerous variables and an adjusted life rating can be
expressed as follows:
Figure 3.3 illustrates the classical case of fatigue and spalling. Fatigue usually starts
in the most heavily stressed part of the bearing, for example, in the load zone, centred
around 6 p.m. in a horizontal induction motor.
Figure 3.5 False brinelling on the outer raceway in the bearing’s load zone.
(i) If a time-varying axial flux exists along the shaft and through the bearings, a shaft
voltage is generated via Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. If the voltage
is high enough to break down the oil film between the rollers and races a current
can flow and, due to high temperatures, this creates small pits/fluting in the
bearings. The axial flux is due to any magnetic asymmetry in the motor caused by,
Figure 3.10 Example of effects of skidding/slippage on the raceway of a cylindrical roller element
Figure 3.14 Illustration of the flow of bearing currents due to axial flux and induced shaft voltage.
for example, above normal (e.g. greater than 10%) airgap eccentricity or magnetic
asymmetry in the magnetic steels used in the stator or rotor core. The asymmetry
must be high enough to create an axial flux that generates a voltage which will
break down the oil film. There is a closed path for the flow of current since the
phenomenon is within the induction motor and not externally created.
Figure 3.14 illustrates the flow of current and insertion of insulation at the DE bearing
to break that flow can solve the problem of bearing failures due to circulating bearing
(ii) A different phenomenon is due to electrostatic discharges caused by friction, for
example, charge is transferred from the driven mechanical load, which
accumulates on the motor shaft through belts or via a shaft mounted fan operating
Figure 3.15 Electrostatic discharge currents which caused pitting as indicated by the arrow.
in very dry air. This can produce electrical discharges on the bearing surfaces and
consequential pitting that can lead to failure. Electrostatic coupling can be
produced from external power supplies, for example, from Pulse Width
Modulated Inverters (PWMs), which have very high dv/dt.
(iii) This is inherent during switching of Gate Turn-Off (GTOs) and Insulated-Gate
Bipolar Transistors (IGBTs), and is the major cause of electrical discharges.
Figure 3.15 illustrates the effects of discharge current which caused pitting in a
Bearing manufacturers can now supply rolling element bearings with a ceramic
layer coating around the surface of the outer ring [3.32], which can prevent
bearing currents. The ceramic coating layer consists of an oxide-ceramic, which is
plasma sprayed on to the outer ring and these bearings can be fitted if the end user is
concerned about bearing currents, particularly in inverter-fed induction motors.
Also, shaft grounding via a carbon brush in contact with the shaft and earth can be
used to divert bearing currents in large motors and generators, but in hostile environ-
ments the mechanism and contact pressure have to be regularly maintained to ensure a
low resistance path to ground. Irrespective of the source of induced shaft voltage,
when the value exceeds typically 500 mV r.m.s., it can produce large enough currents
to permanently damage the bearings.
This chapter has presented a sample of the problems in roller element bearings,
but it is emphasized that many other problems and failures can occur for example,
due to:
(1) Excessive overheating caused by over greasing.
(2) Outer ring fracture.
(3) Misalignment during fitting of the bearings or excessive misalignment in the drive
train, which causes severe reaction forces on the bearings.
(4) Tight bearing fits.
(5) Lubricant failure, for example due to under greasing, mixing of greases, etc.
(6) Effects of reverse loading/severe cyclic loads.
3.1 ISO 281:2007, Rolling Bearings – Dynamic Load Ratings and Rating Life, Geneva, ISO,
3.2 A. H. Bonnett and T. Albers, Motor Bearing Systems, IEEE Industry Applications
Magazine, 8 (5), 2002, pp. 58–73.
3.3 A. H. Bonnett and T. Albers, Motor Bearing Systems for Forest Products Applications,
IEEE Conf., Record, Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Technical Conference, 2001,
pp. 96–110.
3.4 A. H. Bonnett, Cause and Analysis of Bearing Failures in Electrical Motors, IEEE Conf.,
Record of 39th PCIC Conference, 1992, pp. 87–95.
3.5 NTN Corporation, Care and Maintenance of Bearings
3.6 NSK New Bearing Doctor
3.7 Bearing Defects and Damage
3.8 Timkin Bearing Damage Analysis with Lubrication Reference Guide https://www.timken
3.9 F. R. Hutchings and P. M. Unterweiser, A Survey of the Causes of Failure of Rolling
Bearings, from: Failure Analysis: The British Engine Technical Reports, Ed., American
Society for Metals, 1981.
3.10 Z. Vintr and M. Vintr, An Assessment of Mean Time between Failures for a Group of
Rolling Bearings, IEEE Conference Record, 2011, International Conference on Quality,
Risk Maintenance, and Safety Engineering, 2011, pp. 177–81.
3.11 W. R. Finley and M. M. Howowanec, Optimal Induction Motor Bearing Selection, Annual
Record of the IEEE 2003 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Conference, 2003, pp. 29–41.
3.12 M. M. Howowanec, Evaluation of Antifriction Bearing Lubrication Methods on Motor
Life Cycle Cost, 1996 IEEE Record of Annual Pulp and Paper Industry Conference,
1996, pp. 170–7.
3.13 M. M. Howowanec, Satisfactory Motor Bearing Service Life: A Review of Often Over-
looked Design Considerations, IEEE Record of 1995 Annual Pulp and Paper Industry
Conference, 1995, pp. 177–184.
3.14 T. A. Harris and M. N. Kotzalas, Essential Concepts of Bearing Technology, fifth edition,
CRC Press, ISBN: 13 978-0-8493-7183-7, 2007.
3.15 J. I. Taylor and D. Wyndell Kirkland, The Bearing Analysis Handbook, ISBN:
0-9640517-3-7, Vibration Consultants, VCI USA, 2004.
3.16 J. I. Taylor, The Vibration Analysis Handbook, second edition, VCI, ISBN: 0-9640517-2-9,
3.17 D. F. Wilcock and E. R. Booser, Bearing Design and Application, McGraw-Hill,
New York, ASIN: B0011VRU2Q, 1957.
3.18 P. M. Lugt, Grease Lubrication in Roller Bearings, Wiley & Sons Ltd, ISBN:978-1-118-
35391-2, 2013.
3.19 T. Tallian, Rolling Contact Failure Through Lubrication, Journal of Institution of Mech-
anical Engineers, UK, 182 (3A), 1987.
3.20 P. S. Haughton, Ball and Roller Bearings, Applied Science Publishers Ltd, London, 1985.
3.21 A. Palmgren, Ball and Roller Bearing Engineering, third edition, Burbank, Philadelphia,
3.22 R. K. Allen, Roller Bearings, Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, London, 1945.
3.23 D. Dowson, History of Tribology, second edition, Longman, New York, 1999.
3.24 R. Juvinall and K. Marshek, Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, second
edition, John Wiley, New York, 1991.
3.25 B. Hamrock, B. Jacobson and S. Schmid, Fundamentals of Machine Elements, McGraw-
Hill, New York, 1999.
3.26 M. Spotts and T. Shoup, Design of Machine Elements, seventh edition, Prentice Hall,
Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998.
3.27 Romero de Souza et al., Premature Wear and Recurring Bearing Failures in an Inverter-
Driven Induction Motor – Part I: Investigation of the Problem, IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, 51 (6), 2015, pp. 4861–7.
3.28 Romero de Souza et al., Premature Wear and Recurring Bearing Failures in an Inverter-
Driven Induction Motor – Part II: The Proposed Solution, IEEE Transactions on Industry
Applications, 51 (1), 2015, pp. 92–100.
3.29 S. Barker, Avoiding Premature Failure with Inverter Fed Induction Motors, Power
Engineering Journal, 14 (4), 2000, pp. 182–9.
3.30 T. Hadden et al., A Review of Shaft Voltages and Bearing Currents in EV and HEV
Motors, 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON,
2016, pp. 1578–83.
3.31 M. Asefi and J. Nazarzadeh, Survey on High Frequency Models of PWM Electric Dives
for Shaft Voltage and Bearing Current Analysis, IET Electrical Systems in Transportation,
7 (3), 2017, pp. 179–89.
3.32 J. A. Oliver, G. Guerrero and J. Goldman, Ceramic Bearings for Electric Motors, IEEE
Industry Transactions Magazine, 33 (6), 2017, pp. 14–20.
4.1 Summary
Abstract – This introductory chapter supports the application of VSA – see references
[4.1] to [4.8] – which is used in the industrial case histories in Chapters 5 to 8, to
diagnose the onset of faults in rolling element bearings before actual bearing failures
occur. In the case histories, and whenever possible, the loop was closed between the
prediction of bearing faults through to strip down of the motors and photographic
evidence of the damaged bearings. Chapters 2 and 3 lead into this chapter because
they cover the typical types of roller element bearings used in SCIMs and types of
bearing faults.
Section 4.1.1 provides a typical example of the number of strategic LV SCIMs with
rolling element bearings compared to HV, high-power, SCIMs with sleeve bearings in
a large LNG processing plant. This section will also illustrate the vibration monitoring
strategy applied to these motors by an end user. In Section there is a discussion
with photographic evidence of a catastrophic DE bearing failure in an LV, 185 kW/
250 H.P., SCIM, culminating in the destruction of the DE end frame and a broken
The catastrophic destruction of a 185 kW/250 H.P. SCIM due to a bearing failure
was a major health and safety violation and demonstrates the importance of reliable
vibration monitoring to diagnose faults in rolling element bearings to prevent such a
failure. Section 4.2.1 provides a brief overview of the different stages of bearing
degradation and Section 4.2.2 presents the rationale for using VSA to diagnose faults
in rolling element bearings. The case histories in this chapter have not been previously
Ten 3-phase 11kV SCIMs, which have sleeve bearings with ratings from 930 kW/
1247 H.P. to 2530 kW/3390 H.P., driving gas compressors and pumps.
At the date of manufacture in 1992, these HV motors were fitted with permanent
displacement probes to measure peak-to-peak shaft displacement. Alarm and trip
settings set at 70 μm and 100 µm peak-to-peak respectively have prevented any
75 Published online by Cambridge University Press
76 Introduction to Vibration Spectrum Analysis to Diagnose Faults
Figure 4.1 Photograph of catastrophic failure of an LV SCIM and positions of mounting studs on
the DE end frame used by a condition monitoring vendor.
catastrophic bearing failures during the operational life (30 years) of these motors at
the time of writing this book.
Thirty-five strategic, LV, 415 V, SCIMs driving compressors, pumps and fans, with
ratings from 75 kW/100 H.P. to 265 kW/355 H.P. These motors are fitted with
rolling element bearings of different types, such as deep groove ball, cylindrical
roller and angular contact bearings. None of these SCIMs has permanent
accelerometers fitted for vibration monitoring.
The end user’s strategy for vibration monitoring of strategic LV motors with rolling
element bearings was, and still is, as follows:
(i) The end user sub-contracts a vibration monitoring vendor to carry out monthly
vibration surveys of these 35 LV SCIMs using temporary accelerometers. As
shown in Figure 4.1, these are mounted on permanent fixing studs and a hand-
held vibration analyser collects the data.
(ii) The sub-contractor uses vibration envelope analysis to detect bearing faults, but
the accelerometers used by the vendor are too large to mount on the bearing
housings of any of the 35 LV SCIMs. They are therefore mounted on the outer
periphery of the DE end frame as shown in Figure 4.1.
(iii) It is the author’s opinion that, to reliably apply envelope analysis, the
accelerometers must be mounted directly on the bearing housings, and this is also
supported in reference [4.9]. A case history is presented in Section 8.2 which
reports on the false diagnosis of a cage fault in a N324 C3 bearing in the DE of a
SCIM by a condition monitoring (CM) sub-contractor. Envelope analysis was
used, and the accelerometers were mounted on the outer periphery of the motor’s
flange and not on the bearing housing. The author was appointed as an
independent consultant by the oil company to carry out VSA before the motor
was stripped down and after new bearings were fitted. There was no cage fault
and VSA predicted the motor could have continued to run because there were no
faults in the DE bearing.
induction motors which have rolling element bearings the DE bearing housings may
not be accessible due to practical restrictions such as the coupling guard. Furthermore
at the NDE of induction motors which have external cooling fans and cowls the NDE
bearing is certainly not accessible.
The author therefore does not use spike energy, SPM or envelope analysis tech-
niques to assess the condition of rolling element bearings in induction motors.
End users are unimpressed with a false diagnosis that the bearing in a SCIM is
seriously degraded when the motor repair shop subsequently reports that considerable
operational life was still left in the bearings and there was negligible visual evidence
of any flaws. End users do not want to have a microscopic inspection of the bearing
just to prove that there are minor flaws. The end users require visual evidence that the
bearing has a reduced operational life and action has been taken to prevent a
catastrophic failure.
4.2.2 Vibration Spectrum Analysis (VSA) as Applied in the Industrial Case Histories
Vibration spectrum analysis (VSA) has been applied for many years and compared to
the signal processing required for envelope analysis the application of VSA is easier to
understand as will be verified in the case histories that follow in this chapter. This is
borne out by the author’s vast experience of meeting (during the past 40 years)
numerous on-site maintenance personnel and mechanical and electrical engineers
who are responsible for the operation, maintenance and condition monitoring of
induction motors with rolling element bearings. When end users were asked if they
understood the fundamental theory of envelope analysis and the associated signal
processing, their answers have nearly always been:
No, with additional comments that they do not really understand the fundamental theory and
signal processing used in envelope analysis.
In contrast, the end users are, in general, more comfortable with traditional VSA.
and predictions can differ from actual measurements due to for example, skidding (see
Section 3.1.6) or the effects of high thrust loads.
BPFI = ball pass frequency of the inner race and is the frequency at which the rolling
elements contact a defect in the inner race,
BPFO = ball pass frequency of the outer race and is the frequency at which the rolling
elements make contact with a defect in the outer race.
FTF = the fundamental train frequency is the rotational speed frequency of the
combined cage and rolling elements assembly. For example, FTF can be detected
as a discrete frequency component due to internal looseness. It has also been
reported [4.3] that FTF may modulate harmonics of BPFI, BPFO and 2BSF which
may show up as a difference frequency between these spectral components:
β = contact angle on raceways, degrees
PD = pitch diameter, mm
fr = rotational speed frequency of the rotor, Hz
BD = ball diameter, mm
ne = number of rolling elements, an integer.
4.3 Flow Chart for Vibration Measurements and VSA to Diagnose Bearing
Defect Frequencies from Faulty Rolling Element Bearings in SCIMS
The reader should refer to the preparatory guidelines for vibration monitoring of
induction motors presented in Section and the flow chart for vibration meas-
urements in Section before proceeding to the following flow chart.
Use the correct bearing numbers. If new bearings have been fitted in the past it
may well be that extra capacity cylindrical rolling element bearings have been
installed in place of standard ones.
For example, an induction motor nameplate specifies an N324 C3, but two major
bearing manufacturers no longer provide an off the shelf, standard steel cage
cylindrical roller bearing, which has been replaced by an extra capacity bearing
N324E M C3. A steel cage version, of an N324 C3 has 12 rollers and the N324E
C3 has 13 rollers. Therefore, the bearing defect frequencies will be different. If in
doubt calculate the frequencies for both bearings.
Record the vibration velocity spectrum to accurately measure the r.m.s. velocity
(or peak) and frequency of the 1X component. If the measured 1X component is
different from the full-load rotational speed frequency, then recalculate the bearing
defect frequencies using the operational speed frequency.
Measure the overall r.m.s. velocity, velocity spectra and r.m.s. velocity of each
bearing defect frequency in the V, H and A directions and where possible, to be
measured on the bearing housings.
Drive Train:
A SCIM driving a condensate extraction pump in an LNG processing plant has the
following nameplate data:
3-phase, SCIM, 11 kV, 230 kW/300 H.P., 14 A
50 Hz, 2957 r/min, 0.9 p.f., eff = 95.8%
DE and NDE bearings, 6317 M C3 deep groove ball bearings, M means brass cage.
4.4.4 Stage Four – Predict the Bearing Defect Frequencies at the Full-Load Rated Speed
The full-load speed from the nameplate = Nr = 2957 r/min.
Full-load slip sf.l. = (3000 – 2957)/3000 = 0.0143 or 1.43%.
The 1X rotational speed frequency component = 2957/60 = 49.28 Hz.
Figure 4.7 Positions of accelerometers on the NDE end frame and the motor’s mounting base.
Figure 4.8 Positions of accelerometers at the DE on the DE bearing housing and end frame.
Table 4.1 presents the predicted bearing defect frequencies using the full-load name-
plate speed. The predictions can be obtained via
selectProduct.action;jsession (see reference [4.12]). Simply enter the bearing number
(in this case 6317) and the shaft speed.
4.4.5 Overall R.M.S. Velocities and VSA to Detect the 1X Frequency Component and the
Bearing Frequencies using Velocity versus Frequency Spectra
First, if possible, record the motor’s operating current.
Tag number D2501A = 10.8 A; full-load current = 14 amperes. The results are
presented in Table 4.2 and the highest velocity was only 0.7 mm/s r.m.s. 10% at the
Table 4.1 Predicted bearing defect frequencies for the DE and NDE bearings
Bearing type: 6317 M C3 deep groove ball bearing with a brass cage
Table 4.2 Overall r.m.s. velocity levels in mm/s r.m.s., to within 10%. Frequency span: 10–1000 Hz
Figure 4.9 DEV velocity spectrum, 10–120 Hz, Figure 4.10 DEV velocity spectrum, 10–500 Hz,
0.0086 Hz/line. 0.078 Hz/line.
DEV position with the motor running on load at a current of 10.8 amperes – the motor
was running very smoothly indeed.
Figure 4.9 shows the velocity spectrum between 10 Hz and 120 Hz to exactly
identify the 1X frequency component which is 49.5 Hz (motor speed 2970 r/min).
The bearing defect frequencies in Table 4.1 were calculated using the full-load
nameplate speed and can be corrected using the operational speed, for example BPFO
= 152(2970/2957) = 153 Hz, this is a difference of only 0.65%. Therefore, the values
in Table 4.1 can be used for the first pass VSA.
(i) Figures 4.10 to 4.14 show the r.m.s. velocity spectra between 10 to 500 Hz for the
positions at the DE and NDE.
(ii) The objective was to present a VSA procedure to diagnose whether any of the
bearing defect frequencies given in Table 4.1. were present.
(iii) Figure 4.11 and Figure 4.14 indicate that BPFO at 153.7 Hz (predicted at the
operational speed = 153 Hz) at the DEH and NDEH positions exist but at very
low velocities of 0.05 mm/s and 0.035 mm/s r.m.s. respectively.
Figure 4.11 DEH velocity spectrum, 10–500 Hz, Figure 4.12 DEA velocity spectrum, 10–500 Hz,
0.078 Hz/line. 0.078 Hz/line.
Figure 4.13 NDEV velocity spectrum, 10–500 Hz, Figure 4.14 NDEH velocity spectrum, 10–500 Hz,
0.078 Hz/line. 0.078 Hz/line.
(iv) These velocities can be trended because the results presented are the base-line
measurements for this new motor.
(v) There was no evidence of any of the other bearing defect frequencies in the linear
spectra presented.
v is the measured absolute velocity in mm/s.
vr is the reference velocity in mm/s used to produce the dB spectrum.
Figure 4.15 DEV vertical bearing housing dB velocity spectrum, 10–250 Hz, 0.078 Hz/line.
A dB versus frequency spectrum is now used to detect the bearing frequencies because
much more information can be obtained as shown in Figure 4.15.
4.5 Conclusions
The following bearing frequencies are now very evident in the dB spectra of Fig-
ures 4.15 and 4.16, in comparison to the linear velocity spectra shown in Figures 4.10
and 4.11 which shows no bearing frequencies.
With respect to Figure 4.15:
The bearing frequencies are very low in magnitude, but they do exist and can be
taken as base-line magnitudes at the DEV position on the bearing housing of this new
Figure 4.16 DEH horizontal bearing housing dB velocity spectrum, 10–250 Hz, 0.078 Hz/line.
(1) The dB scale is a much more powerful analysis tool compared to a linear velocity
spectrum, as demonstrated in this case history, and vibration analysts are strongly
encouraged to use the dB scale to obtain much more information.
(2) Unfortunately, there is a very strong reluctance by vibration analysts to use dB
vibration spectra and, likewise, mechanical and electrical power engineers
employed by end users find it alien.
(3) Overall vibration levels and linear spectra are normally presented in reports
because vibration standards are usually given in linear absolute units of
displacement, velocity or acceleration.
(4) Recall that acoustic engineers always use the dB scale and humans are perfectly
happy to relate to that scale when assessing the level of acoustic noise perceived
by the human ear in dBs.
4.1 S. A. McInerny and Y. Dai, Basic Vibration Signal Processing for Bearing Fault Detec-
tion, IEEE Transactions on Education, 46 (1), Feb. 2003, pp. 149–56.
4.2 Spectrum Analysis:;
4.3 J. I. Taylor and D. Wyndell Kirkland, The Bearing Analysis Handbook, ISBN: 0-
9640517-3-7, Vibration Consultants, VCI USA, 2004.
4.4 J. I. Taylor, The Vibration Analysis Handbook, second edition, Vibration Consultants,
VCI, ISBN: 0-9640517-2-9, 2003.
4.5 R. B. Randell, Vibration-Based Condition Monitoring, John Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-
74788-8, 2012.
4.6 A. Brant, Noise and Vibration Analysis, John Wiley, ISBN 978-0-470-74644-8, 2011.
4.7 R. Elsheman, Basic Machinery Vibrations: An Introduction to Machine Testing, Analysis
and Monitoring, ASIN: B011YTFB9A, 1999.
5.1 Introduction
Abstract – This case history reports on the application of VSA to diagnose a faulty
cage and consequential damage to the balls and inner raceway in an angular contact
bearing (7316 BE) at the NDE of a vertically mounted SCIM.
Photographs of the faulty bearing are presented. The fundamental cause of
the defects was lack of grease caused by not greasing the NDE bearing at intervals
of run hours recommended by the OEM of the motor. The end user did not have
a proper quality control regime for the correct greasing of bearings in induction
90 Published online by Cambridge University Press
5.1 Introduction 91
Figure 5.1 Positions of accelerometers at the NDE during a FAT, which is the same as the
positions on-site.
Figure 5.2 Motor during a FAT with the fan cowl removed, which was not possible on-site.
Velocity r.m.s. Velocity r.m.s. Velocity r.m.s. Velocity r.m.s. Velocity r.m.s.
2.4 mm/s 2.0 mm/s 1.0 mm/s 1.2 mm/s 1.0 mm/s
Figure 5.3 Schematic illustration of the motor to show the positions of accelerometers during on-
site vibration measurements.
Figure 5.4 Velocity r.m.s. versus frequency for position NDE12, 0.078 Hz/line.
Figure 5.5 Trend graph of magnitude of cage defect frequency versus a 12 month period from
July 2010 to July 2011.
Figure 5.6a Velocity spectrum for position NDE12, Figure 5.6 Velocity spectrum for position NDE12,
0.078 Hz/line. 0.078 Hz/line.
fault could not be estimated from a one-off measurement because the vibration was
measured on the outer periphery of the NDE end frame.
Figure 5.5 presents the results of trending the FTF component during a year.
Between March and July 2011 there was a doubling of the FTF component from
1.4 mm/s to 2.9 mm/s, and the rate of rise of FTF with respect to time is obvious in
the plot.
The vibration spectra recorded in July 2010 and July 2011 are presented in
Figures 5.6a and 5.6 to provide a direct comparison. The FTF component has
increased by a factor of 5 in 12 months.
The author recommended that the motor should be shut down and removed from
service as soon as possible. It was predicted that there was a cage defect and possibly
secondary damage to the raceways.
(i) The angular contact bearing was operating with no effective grease
lubrication because the grease residue was in the form of consolidated
(ii) The root cause of the faults in the bearing was lack of grease.
(iii) There was substantial wear in the cage pockets and inside diameter of the brass
cage. Particles of brass debris from the damaged cage had accelerated the wear
process and reduced the operating life.
(iv) There was also consequential damage to balls and the inner
(v) The remaining run life was dramatically reduced. If the motor had not been
stopped, a failure was imminent and there was potential for a bearing collapse
and a rotor to stator rub.
5.1.4 Conclusions
Because the NDE bearing housing was inaccessible, the vibration in
the V and H directions was measured on the outer periphery of the
end frame. Therefore the vibration was attenuated and the cage frequency
component was relatively small (0.58 mm/s) and thus the initial severity of the
fault was masked.
The magnitude of the FTF component was trended over a period of 12 months to
determine this component’s rate of rise, which was 2 mm/s r.m.s. during the last
month. This was unacceptable and the motor was removed from service to prevent a
catastrophic bearing failure.
The end user was strongly advised to install permanent accelerometers directly on
the DE and NDE bearing housing positions where access is impossible while the
motor is running.
The bearings should be re-greased at the run hours interval specified by the
motor’s OEM, and the correct volume and grade of grease must be inserted at
The end user was advised to fit run hours counters on the induction motor drives to
record the run hours for each motor so that a structured greasing regime could be
Vibration monitoring is a valuable aid to prevent sudden and catastrophic failures
but should not replace correct re-greasing of bearings.
5.2.1 Introduction
Abstract – A SCIM that drives an Amine Transfer Pump at an LNG processing plant
was removed from service in July 2007 for the following reasons:
(1) To repair the rusted frame via a Thermally Sprayed Aluminium (TSA) process.
(2) To refurbish the motor and fit new bearings.
The motor was installed in 1990 and was last overhauled in 2004. Prior to strip-
down of the motor at the repair shop it was run uncoupled and vibration measurements
were carried out by the author. The motor’s nameplate details are as follows:
Table 5.3 Overall r.m.s. velocities before motor strip down, span 10–1000 Hz
Figure 5.15 DEH velocity spectrum, 0.078 Hz/line. Figure 5.16 DEH velocity spectrum, 0.078 Hz/line. Interpretation of Spectra before and after New Bearings were Fitted
(1) Figures 5.15 and 5.16 show that there was an FTF cage defect frequency
component in the DEH and DEA velocity spectra from the DE bearing housing
with magnitudes of 0.4 mm/s and 0.5 mm/s r.m.s. respectively. There were also
high-frequency components, which were spaced FTF apart.
(2) The conclusion was that there was a cage defect and the motor was removed from
service and the DE bearing inspected.
Figure 5.17 DEA velocity spectrum, 0.078 Hz/line. Figure 5.18 DEA velocity spectrum, 0.078 Hz/line.
(3) A new set of steel cage bearings was fitted, the motor was run uncoupled, and the
velocity spectra for the DEH and DEA positions are presented in Figures 5.17 and
5.18. There are no cage frequency components or harmonics.
5.2.5 Conclusions
(1) The overall r.m.s. velocities on the DE bearing housing were low (maximum of
0.7 mm/s r.m.s.), as shown in Table 5.3, and therefore this did not give any
indication whatsoever that there was a problem with the bearing.
(2) However, VSA clearly detected that the FTF dominated the DEA velocity
spectrum at a velocity of 0.5 mm/s r.m.s., which was 71% of the overall r.m.s.
(3) Overall r.m.s. velocities should not be used to assess the operational condition of
rolling element bearings.
6.1 Introduction
Abstract – Two vertically mounted SCIMs (A and B) were used to drive LNG pumps
in an onshore LNG processing plant. The nameplates provided the following relevant
103 Published online by Cambridge University Press
104 Industrial Case Histories – VSA Detected Inner and Outer Race Faults
Table 6.1 Overall velocities from motors A and B on 13th January 2013, coupled to pump
DE motor flange DEV 2.0 mm/s DEH 1.0 mm/s DEA 1.0 mm/s
NDE motor casing NDEV 3.0 mm/s NDEH 2.0 mm/s NDEA 0.9 mm/s
DE motor flange DEV 2.4 mm/s DEH 6.0 mm/s DEA 0.4 mm/s
NDE motor casing NDEV 1.0 mm/s NDEH 3.0 mm/s NDEA 4.0 mm/s
Note that this was the first time the author had analysed vibration data from these
motors and no historical records were available for trending vibration measurements.
They were considered to be operational, but a re-survey was proposed for May 2013.
On 7th May 2013, the velocity at the NDEH position on motor B when driving the
pump had increased from 3 mm/s to 10.7 mm/s and the results are presented in
Table 6.2. The overall velocity on the 3.3 kV terminal box (Tr) was 8.5 mm/s. These
levels were unacceptable.
The motor was uncoupled from the pump for a no-load run and the overall velocity
at the NDEH position dropped from 10.7 mm/s to 8 mm/s, verifying that the main
source of the high vibration was from the motor and not the pump. A vibration
spectrum analysis was applied to try to ascertain the source of the vibration problem.
Figure 6.3 Motor B – vibration spectrum NDEH, Figure 6.4 Motor B – vibration spectrum NDEH,
coupled to the pump. coupled to the pump.
Figure 6.5 Motor B – vibration spectrum NDEH, Figure 6.6 Motor B – vibration spectrum NDEH,
coupled to the pump. uncoupled.
Figure 6.7 Motor B – uncoupled run, dB versus frequency spectrum at position NDEH on
the motor.
Misalignment between the pump and the motor was therefore not the source of the
problem but further analysis and interpretation were required.
The predicted bearing defect frequencies for the QJ312 bearing at the NDE are
presented in Table 6.2a.
The dB spectrum presented in Figure 6.7 shows the following:
(i) There are multiple harmonics of the 1X component up to 10X.
(ii) There are bearing defects at BPFO, BPFI and FTF (plus multiple harmonics of
FTF were present).
(iii) It was therefore predicted that the QJ312 bearing was faulty.
(iv) Note that the spectrum was filtered to remove noise below 110 dB.
6.1.5 Conclusions
Based on the high (up to 13 mm/s r.m.s.) overall r.m.s. velocity measurements and the
interpretation of the dB spectrum presented in Section 6.1.4, the motor was stopped
and removed for an inspection of the bearings.
(i) A strip down and inspection verified the QJ312 bearing was faulty as is shown on
the photograph in Figure 6.8.
(ii) The motor’s nameplate stated an N314 M C3 rated bearing but an N312E M C3
bearing had been fitted at a previous overhaul. This means that the E rated
bearing was overrated for the load on the bearing.
(iii) Figure 6.9 shows that the N312E M C3 bearing from the NDE had severely
damaged rollers and this may have been initially caused by excessive skidding
(see Section 3.1.6 for an explanation of skidding).
Figure 6.10 Large volume of grease inside the motor and on the end windings, etc.
(iv) Figure 6.10 is a photograph of the inside of the motor that shows excessive
grease contamination of the end winding and blockage of ventilation,
resulting in overheating which could escalate degradation of both bearings at
the NDE.
6.2 Industrial Case History – VSA Diagnosed Outer Race and Ball Defects in
a 7324 B Single-Row Angular Contact Ball Bearing in the NDE of a
Vertical 1193 kW/1600 H.P. SCIM Driving a Thruster Propeller
6.2.1 Introduction
Abstract – Two vertically mounted SCIMs drive bow thrusters on a Floating Produc-
tion and Oil Off-Loading Ship (FPSO). This is an interesting case history because the
Figure 6.11 Positions of accelerometers and measured velocities (r.m.s.) at the NDE of Bow
Thrusters 1 and 2.
bearing defect frequencies were not evident in the vibration spectrum although the
faulty bearing was at an advanced stage of degradation.
However, a bearing with severe degradation is often characterised by a vibration
velocity spectrum with pronounced multiple harmonics of the 1X fundamental rota-
tional speed frequency (Nr/60 Hz) vibration component. This was indeed the case with
the NDE bearing in one of the following motors. Overall velocities (r.m.s.) and
vibration spectra are presented, and photos of the faulty bearing verified the diagnosis.
Figure 6.12 Photograph of actual positions of accelerometers and measured velocities (r.m.s.) at
the NDE of Bow Thruster No. 1.
Figure 6.13 Photograph of actual positions of accelerometers and measured velocities (r.m.s.) at
the NDE of Bow Thruster No. 2.
Table 6.3 Overall r.m.s. velocity mm/s, span between 5.3 Hz and 1000 Hz
Accelerometer positions for Bow 1 (B1) and Bow 2 (B2) as shown in Figure 6.11
B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2 B1 B2
0.5 1.6 0.5 1.9 0.6 1.6 1.7 5.5 1.4 5.6 1.0 4.4
(i) The first step was to measure the overall vibration velocities r.m.s. (span of
5.3–1000 Hz) at the DE and NDE of each of the motors.
(ii) The lower frequency limit of 5.3 Hz was selected because the bearing cage
frequency (FTF) is 7.7 Hz and 8.8 Hz for the DE and NDE bearings respectively
(see Table 6.5 and Table 6.6 in Appendix 6A).
The overall velocities at the DE and NDE for both motors are presented in Table 6.3
and the key observations are as follows:
(a) Bow 1 DE motor: The overall velocities are low with the highest being only
0.6 mm/s r.m.s. in the axial direction (B1DEA).
(b) Bow 2 DE motor: The overall velocities are normal with the highest being
1.9 mm/s r.m.s. in the radial direction (B2DE90).
(c) Bow 1 NDE motor: The overall velocities are normal with the highest
being 1.7 mm/s r.m.s. in the NDE0 direction (B1NDE0).
(d) Bow 2 NDE motor: The overall velocities r.m.s. were high at the NDE of Bow
2 in comparison to the velocities at the NDE of Bow 1. The velocity was 5.6 mm/
s r.m.s. at B2NDE90 (recall not directly on the bearing housing) from Bow 2,
which was four times greater than the velocity of 1.4 mm/s r.m.s. at B1NDE90
which was directly on the bearing housing of Bow 1.
In summary, the overall r.m.s. velocities at the positions on the NDE of Bow 2,
namely, B2NDE0, B2NDE90 and B2NDEA, were 5.5 mm/s, 5.6 mm/s and 4.4 mm/s
r.m.s. respectively, whereas at the NDE of Bow 1, namely, B1NDE0, B1NDE90 and
B1NDEA, the velocities were only 1.7 mm/s, 1.4 mm/s and 1.0 mm/s r.m.s.
Note that from Figures 6.12 and 6.13 the positions of the accelerometers on the
NDE of Bow 1 and Bow 2 were not the same, in fact the positions at Bow 2 were
further away from the bearing housing than was the case with Bow 1. The reasons for
this are as follows:
(i) During the vibration measurements there was a high acoustic noise level coming
from the vicinity of the NDE bearing of Bow 2; this could best be described as
a fast and repetitive chattering.
Figure 6.14 Velocity spectrum for position B1NDE0 Figure 6.15 Velocity spectrum for position B2NDE0
on the bearing housing at the NDE. on the end frame at the NDE.
(ii) It was proposed that the noise was being produced from repetitive transient
vibrations within the NDE bearing of Bow 2.
(iii) To obtain valid velocity (r.m.s.) vibration measurements the accelerometers
were placed at the positions on the NDE assembly of Bow 2 as shown on
Figure 6.13 because, when an attempt was made to measure the vibration directly
on the actual NDE bearing housing, the same position as on Bow 1, the transient
vibration pulses were very high.
(iv) This caused the vibration instrument to go into intermittent overload modes of
very short duration so that r.m.s. velocity readings could not be obtained on the
NDE bearing housing of Bow 2.
1X = Nr/60 Hz,
where Nr = rotor speed in r/min,
The main features in the vibration spectra from the SCIMs driving Bow 1 and 2 are as
(i) There are multiple harmonics of the 1X frequency component from Bow 2, up to
the thirtieth harmonic, whereas from Bow 1 there are no harmonics of 1X
above the third harmonic, 3X.
(ii) The velocity (r.m.s.) of the 3X component at 2.63 mm/s from Bow 2 is 3.4 times
greater than 3X at 0.78 mm/s from Bow 1.
(iii) No bearing defect frequencies were evident.
Figure 6.17 Sample of one of the damaged balls, all the balls were damaged.
6.3 Industrial Case History – VSA Diagnosed Outer Race Defects in a Rolling
Element Bearing via Vibration Measurements on the Drive End Frame
of a 160 kW/215 H.P. SCIM Driving a Boiler Forced Draft Fan
6.3.1 Summary
Abstract – This SCIM was driving a boiler forced draft fan in an LNG processing
plant and only the end frames were available for assessing the operational condition of
the bearings. The coupling guard and the fan cowl respectively prevented access to the
DE and NDE bearing housings during the on-site vibration measurements. The overall
r.m.s. velocities on the DE end frame were perfectly acceptable for a SCIM driving a
Table 6.5 Predicted bearing frequencies for the motor’s DE bearing at the rated and nominal full-load
speed on the nameplate
Harmonics 2 3 4 5 6 7
BPFO Hz 124 186 248 310 371 433
BPFI Hz 193 289 385 481 577 674
FTF Hz 15.5 23 31 38.6 46 54
2 3BSF Hz 173 260 347 434 520 607
Table 6.6 Predicted bearing frequencies for the motor’s NDE bearing
Harmonics 2 3 4 5 6 7
BPFO Hz 214 321 428 535 642 749
BPFI Hz 297 446 595 745 892 1041
FTF Hz 16 24 32 40 48 56
2 3BSF Hz 177 266 354 443 534 620
fan in an industrial plant, witnessed by the fact that the maximum velocity was
3.2 mm/s r.m.s. in the vertical direction at the DE.
However, the bearing defect frequency BPFO from the N319 C3 DE bearing, plus
multiple harmonics, were evident in the vibration spectra on the DE end frame in the
vertical, horizontal and axial positions. See Figure 6.18 for an illustration of the
accelerometer positions, from which these spectra were obtained. Note that the taking
of on-site photographs of rotating plant was not permitted in this LNG installation.
The r.m.s. velocities of the bearing defect frequency components, due to a bearing
defect, when measured on a SCIM’s end frame can be considerably less than the
vibration measured directly on the bearing housing, because the bearing vibration can
be attenuated by the mechanical stiffness of the end frame. That attenuation is also a
function of frequency.
In this case there was considerable likelihood that the bearing vibration was greater
than the measured value on the end frame. It was therefore predicted that there were
defects in the outer race that merited the decision to stop the motor for an inspection of
the DE roller element bearing. The removal and inspection of the motor had to be done
Figure 6.18 Illustration of positions of accelerometers on the DE end frame, and on the fan cowl
at the NDE.
6.3.2 On-Site Vibration Measurements and Spectrum Analysis before New Bearings
were Fitted
The overall r.m.s. velocities on the DE end frame during a routine vibration survey are
presented in Table 6.7 and the maximum was 3.2 mm/s r.m.s. in the vertical direction
which is certainly acceptable for a SCIM driving its mechanical load. Note that this
was not a FAT vibration test during an uncoupled run.
It is important to point out that the levels on the actual DE bearing housing are very
likely to be higher. The motor’s operating current was 124 amperes (full-load current
= 265 amperes).
The first step in the prediction of a defect in a roller bearing is to calculate the
bearing defect frequencies for the synchronous speed of this SCIM, and these are
presented in Table 6.8.
(1) The DEVEF velocity spectrum in the vertical direction on the DE end frame
between 10 Hz and 1000 Hz is presented in Figure 6.19 and this shows that
Bearing: N319 C3
Contact angle: 0 Synchronous speed:
No. of balls: 8 1500 r/min (50 Hz)
BPFO and its harmonics are present. The fifth harmonic of BPFO was 1.7 mm/s
r.m.s., which is 53% of the overall r.m.s. velocity of 3.2 mm/s.
(2) Note that the motor was on reduced load at an operating current of 124 amperes
(full-load current is 256 amperes), therefore its speed is higher than the full-
load speed.
(3) The ball pass outer race defect frequency (BPFO) was initially calculated at
1500 r/min and was 134 Hz, the 1X component from the velocity spectrum in
Figure 6.19 was 24.88 Hz, which is equivalent to a rotor speed of 1493 r/min. The
predicted BPFO frequency based on the actual operating speed of the motor is
133.2 Hz and the measured BPFO was 133.4 Hz – a negligible difference.
(4) The motor was removed from service for an inspection of the bearings.
Figure 6.19 DEVEF vertical velocity spectrum, Figure 6.20 DEVEF vertical velocity spectrum,
10–1000 Hz, 0.078 Hz/line. 10–1000 Hz, 0.078 Hz/line.
Figure 6.21 Inner race defects centred at 6.00 p.m. in the load zone and spaced apart at
roller pitch.
Figure 6.22 Zoom view of inner race defects centred at 6.00 p.m. and spaced apart at roller pitch.
This suggests that the problem was caused by false brinelling and it was subse-
quently established that this was normally the standby SCIM, which had not operated
for nine months prior to a routine vibration survey check. The motor had not been
given any starts, for example once per month, or barred over to prevent false
In industrial plants where production and income generation are the key drivers this
non-turning of the rotor is very often the case because operators will not disrupt the
operational process just to turn a motor to prevent false brinelling – that is the
industrial reality and is based on the author’s experience of 57 years.
6.3.4 Conclusions
(i) This case history proved that it is possible to diagnose a bearing defect via
vibration analysis of vibration on the end frame of a SCIM even although the
overall r.m.s. velocities on the end frame were perfectly acceptable.
(ii) For example, the highest overall velocity was 3.2 mm/s r.m.s. on the DE end
frame; however, it was the presence of BPFO and its harmonics up to 1.7 mm/s
that were the key factors for predicting a bearing fault.
(iii) The motor was removed from service and photographs of the faulty bearing
confirmed the vibration analysis.
(iv) The bearing fault was caused by false brinelling because the motor had not
operated for nine months prior to the routine vibration survey check. The motor
had not been given any starts, for example once per month, or barred1 over to
prevent false brinelling.
(v) In industrial plants where production and income generation are the key drivers
this non-turning of the rotor is often the case because operators will not disrupt
the operational process just to turn a motor to prevent false brinelling.
6.4.1 Summary
Abstract – Two identical, 75 kW, vertically mounted SCIMs were driving auxiliary
sea water lift pumps (ASWLPs) on an offshore oil and gas production platform.
The DE and NDE bearing housings were inaccessible as shown in Figure 6.23.
There were no permanent accelerometers on the drive trains and vibration measure-
ments were taken at the positions shown in Figure 6.23 using small accelerometers
mounted on strong magnets.
Note: barred means manually turned via a bar connected to the motor shaft.
Table 6.9 Overall r.m.s. velocities 10% in mm/s and BPFO r.m.s. velocities; frequency span:
10–1000 Hz
Motor A Motor B
BPFO as a % BPFO as a
Motor BPFO of overall Motor BPFO % of overall
A A velocity B B velocity
Figure 6.24 Overall r.m.s. velocities for motors A and B as a function of the positions shown in
Figure 6.23.
Note that offshore oil and gas production operators in the North Sea (off the coast
of Scotland) normally set the alarm and trip levels on SCIMs with rolling element
bearings to 7 mm/s (0.28 inches/s) and 11 mm/s (0.43 inches/s) r.m.s. respectively.
These levels are normally based on the measurements being taken directly on the
bearing housings but the only option with this motor is to apply these alarm and trip
levels to the measurement positions shown in Figure 6.23.
Graphical displays of the overall r.m.s. velocities for motors A and B as a function
of the positions where the velocity was measured are presented in Figure 6.24 to
provide a visual display compared to the tedious task of processing the numbers in
Table 6.9.
Table 6.10 Prediction of bearing defect frequencies DE and NDE bearing: 6314 C3 deep groove ball
The overall r.m.s. velocities on motors A and B are acceptable for vertical motors
driving pumps on an offshore oil installation, with the highest being 4.4 mm/s r.m.s.
on motor B.
In summary:
(i) At the NDEA position the velocity of BPFO from motor A was 3.24 times greater
than that from motor B.
(ii) At the DEA position the velocity of BPFO from motor A was 5.3 times greater
than that from motor B.
The BPFO velocities can often be less when measured on the outer frame of the motor
than those measured directly on the bearing housings.
Motor A
(i) BPFO’s velocity was 56% of the overall r.m.s. velocity at the DEV position.
(ii) BPFO’s velocity was 33% of the overall r.m.s. velocity at the NDEA position.
(iii) BPFO’s velocity was 32% of the overall r.m.s. velocity at the DEA position.
For motor B the percentages are much less:
Motor B
(i) BPFO’s velocity was 25% of the overall r.m.s. velocity at the DEV position.
(ii) BPFO’s velocity was only 5.3% of the overall r.m.s. velocity at the NDEA
axial position.
(iii) BPFO’s velocity was only 3.8% of the overall r.m.s. velocity at the DEA axial
The ratio (as a percentage) of BPFO’s velocity to the overall r.m.s. velocity is an
important indicator of potential bearing problems, and the larger that percentage is, the
more likely it is that a bearing fault exists.
The recommendation was to take vibration measurements every month and trend
the overall r.m.s. velocities but with a focus on the velocities of BPFO from
motor A. If the velocities of BPFO increase by a factor of 2 or greater in this particular
case history,2 from 0.85 mm/s r.m.s. and 0.8 mm/s r.m.s. up to 1.7 mm/s and 1.6 mm/s
r.m.s. respectively at positions DEA and NDEA, then motor A should be stopped and
the bearings inspected to prevent a sudden and catastrophic bearing failure and a
consequential rotor to stator rub.
Note: this doubling factor has proven to be an effective working guide used by the author for 50 years.
Figure 6.26 Motor A NDEH spectrum of 1X. Figure 6.27 Motor B NDEH spectrum of 1X.
Figure 6.28 Motor A DEH spectrum of 1X. Figure 6.29 Motor B DEH spectrum of 1X.
Figure 6.30 Vibration velocity levels of the 1X component for motors A and B as a function of
7.1 Introduction
Abstract – This case history will show that false brinelling, which is caused by
vibration being transmitted to a stationary motor’s bearings from an adjacent running
plant, was detected in a cylindrical roller element bearing even though the overall
velocity levels were normal.
This was achieved by interpreting the velocity spectrum to detect the bearing
defect frequencies. The SCIM was driving an Amine Transfer Pump in an LNG
onshore plant and was an in-situ standby unit. There were lengthy periods of time
during which the motor was neither started nor manually turned to prevent false
Interpretation of the vibration spectra and photographs of the faulty bearing
confirmed that the diagnosis was correct. The motor was removed and a refurbished
spare motor was installed. The vibration analysis from the replacement motor estab-
lished that no bearing defect frequencies were then present.
127 Published online by Cambridge University Press
128 Industrial Case Histories – VSA Diagnosed False Brinelling
Bearing type NU219 Nominal full-load speed 2960 r/min (49.33 Hz)
Figure 7.2 Trend graph for 12 months of DE overall velocities r.m.s. on the bearing housing.
(ii) After 12 months the velocity at the DEA position had increased by 166%
compared to the average over the previous 11 months, and at the DEV and DEH
the velocities had increased by 63% and 60% respectively.
(iii) The change in the DEA velocity between the eleventh and twelfth month is
evident in the graph presented in Figure 7.2.
A vibration spectrum analysis was carried out to determine if bearing defect frequen-
cies existed.
Figure 7.6 DEH velocity spectrum, 0.078 Hz/line. Figure 7.7 DEH velocity spectrum, 0.078 Hz/line.
Figure 7.8 DEH velocity zoom spectrum, 0.078 Hz/line. Figure 7.9 DEH velocity zoom spectrum, 0.078 Hz/line.
(ii) The zoom spectrum in Figure 7.4 shows 2 BSF at 336.5 Hz with a velocity of
0.13 mm/s r.m.s., which is due to defect/s on the rollers. It is amplitude
modulated by the FTF component.
(iii) Figure 7.5 confirmed that there was a cage frequency component FTF, at
21.33 Hz (predicted 21.3 Hz) with a velocity of 0.9 mm/s r.m.s., which is 90% of
the overall velocity.
7.1.3 Conclusions
(i) Owing to the presence of three bearing defect frequencies, it was predicted that
there would be a defect in the outer race and on several roller elements.
Figure 7.10 False brinelling on the outer raceway in the bearing’s load zone.
(ii) This motor was an in-situ spare that typically had not run for six months and it
was subjected to vibration from adjacent motors and pumps. It was therefore
predicted that false brinelling would exist.
(iii) The DE bearing was removed in a motor repair shop and the photographs in
Figures 7.10 and 7.11 confirmed that false brinelling was the problem, therefore
the analysis and predictions were correct.
The term skidding in a roller element bearing is best described as excessive and
abnormal sliding of the rollers compared to normal operation where the rollers are
rotating in the raceways.
It is caused by insufficient traction forces between the rollers and raceways to
overcome the inertial and drag forces.
The typical causes of skidding in roller element bearings in SCIMs are during no-
load (uncoupled) operation, when the dynamic load is insufficient to load the
bearing, or when an overrated extra capacity bearing has been fitted.
Skidding can result in shear stresses below the surfaces of the raceways, which can
lead to premature failure, before the normal fatigue failure at the end of the
bearing’s operational life.
The industrial site was an LNG processing plant situated on the coastline of Scotland
facing the North Sea.
The strategic LV SCIMs were 25 years old and their outer frames were severely
corroded. A project to remove 35 motors for repairs and complete overhauls com-
menced in 2006, and the end user decided on the following procedures:
(i) The motors were to be run uncoupled at an electric motor repair shop and the
vibration at the bearings was measured before strip-down.
(ii) The motors would be dismantled and all external parts, such as main frames and
end frames, would be thoroughly cleaned and repaired, followed by a Thermally
Sprayed Aluminium (TSA) process to provide future protection from rust.
(iii) The rotors would be balanced to ISO G1.0 [7.1], to reduce centrifugal forces and
vibration on the bearings and transmitted vibration to other parts of the motor,
because the OEM’s original balance grade was G6.3 in 1981.
(iv) The repair shop was contracted to fit new bearings as per the nameplate
The repaired motors were to be run uncoupled at rated voltage and frequency and the
vibration recorded in accordance with the BS 60034-14 2004 vibration standard [7.2].
7.2.2 Vibration Measurements before and after New Bearings were Fitted
The motor’s nameplate data were as follows, but note the p.f. and efficiency of this
motor, which was manufactured in the UK in 1981, were not stated:
2.7 mm/s 4.4 mm/s 3.2 mm/s 4.5 mm/s 1.7 mm/s 3.2 mm/s
1.1 mm/s 0.7 mm/s 0.85 mm/s 0.55 mm/s 1.2 mm/s 0.5 mm/s
The overall r.m.s. velocity levels before and after the motor was overhauled and
new bearings were fitted are presented in Table 7.3.
The main reason for the low levels (maximum 1.2 mm/s) after the motor was overhauled was
that the rotor was re-balanced to G1.0 compared to G6.3 before the overhaul.
Key observations:
(i) The 1X component after balancing the rotor to G1.0 has dropped to 0.26 mm/s
compared to 3.7 mm/s before overhaul due to the rotor balance being improved
from G6.3 to G1.0.
(ii) However, the acoustic noise from skidding during the no-load run with the
new DE bearing was very evident compared to the very low (virtually non-
existent) acoustic noise from skidding prior to the overhaul.
(iii) There are no standards that cover unacceptable levels of skidding in roller
element bearings. The author therefore could not state that the motor was unfit for
purpose because the overall r.m.s. levels were low (maximum of 1.1 mm/s r.m.s.
on the DE bearing housing) and the BS 60034-14 2004 vibration standard allows
up to 2.3 mm/s r.m.s.
(iv) The electric motor repair shop put forward their view that skidding was normal
during an uncoupled run and it should reduce when the SCIM is loaded and
coupled to the mechanical load. The author agreed that this is normally the case
but the noise level was excessive.
Figure 7.14 No-load uncoupled run prior to strip- Figure 7.15 No-load uncoupled run with new DE
down, vibration spectrum, DEV bearing housing. bearing, vibration spectrum, DEV bearing housing.
(v) The author probed the repair shop as to whether the new roller element bearing
at the DE was the same number as shown on the nameplate because he
considered the skidding noise to be too loud.
(vi) The repair shop then confirmed that they fitted an extra capacity bearing (N324E
M C3) and that is the main reason why the skidding was excessive compared
to that from the N324 C3 bearing that was in the motor before it was overhauled.
(vii) Also the centrifugal forces with the re-balanced rotor are less and therefore
the dynamic loading on the bearing is reduced, which compounds the problem of
skidding due to this overrated E (extra capacity) bearing.
Bearing frequencies
Figure 7.17 Vibration zoom spectrum, 5–20 Hz, Figure 7.18 Vibration zoom spectrum, 5–20 Hz,
vertical DE bearing housing. vertical DE bearing housing.
There is also a component at 10.08 Hz which is very close to the predicted bearing
cage frequency (FTF) of 10 Hz at a no-load speed of 1499 r/min as presented in
Table 7.4.
A second zoom spectrum between 5 Hz and 20 Hz is shown in Figure 7.17, which
was taken at a different time from the velocity spectrum presented between 5 Hz and
100 Hz in Figure 7.16; the component at 10 Hz (FTF) is still present in Figure 7.17
but at a lower velocity and the DE bearing was still emitting the classical
skidding noise.
It is well known that when grease is inserted while the bearing is skidding the noise
will temporarily disappear because a temporary oil film is created between the rollers
and outer race. This film is quickly dissipated due to lack of loading on the motor
during an uncoupled no-load run of a SCIM of this size and rating.
Figure 7.18 shows the velocity spectrum after the acoustic noise from skidding
had disappeared immediately after 3 grams of grease were inserted and there were
no components thus verifying that skidding was exciting the bearing cage
frequency, FTF.
However, after the grease was thrown out due to minimum load on the bearing at
no-load, the skidding returned, as expected.
7.3 Conclusions
Figures 7.19 and 7.20 show photographs of an N324E M C3 bearing; note how robust
the brass cage is in this extra capacity bearing.
Figure 7.21 illustrates damage due to skidding.
The acoustic noise from skidding is a transient and not constant due to the skidding
Inserting grease into the bearing will very temporarily reduce skidding noise.
The E rated extra capacity roller element bearing should not replace the non E rated
bearing which is stated on the motor’s nameplate. That was the choice selected by the
OEM based on the design and operation of the motor.
Figure 7.19 Photograph of an N324E M C3 cylindrical roller bearing – the rule indicates the
overall diameter (254 mm/10 inches).
Figure 7.20 Photograph of an N324E M C3 to illustrate the rollers, cage and robustness of the
Abstract – At an LNG processing plant, four horizontally mounted axial fans are
driven by 1.5 kW/2 H.P. SCIMs whose drive ends face upwards in a corrosive
environment because the units are installed close to the sea. The DE end frame has
channels that are designed so that the rotating shaft can throw off any accumulation of
water to prevent it entering the bearing housing. This preventive design operates only
when the motors are turning.
The motors only ever operate in pairs with a duty cycle of two weeks on and two
weeks off, because only two are required to meet the cooling requirements. However,
they still need to operate on a relatively regular basis to avoid the units being
stationary for long periods of time with the consequent possibility of false brinelling.
When the motors are stationary, the channel design described does not prevent the
ingress of water.
New motors were lasting for only approximately 12 to 18 months from installation
to failure, and removal of the faulty motors was based on their high acoustic noise, as
perceived by the human ear, or when the DE bearing seized, but the faulty motors
were never stripped down for inspection, the policy being to replace with new motors
and discard the faulty ones. Maintenance personnel merely accepted that failures were
an unavoidable consequence of the hostile operating environment.
The processing plant was thirty years old and the existing personnel did not know if
the design of the replacement motors was identical to the original design supplied by
the OEM of the fan drives. No vibration monitoring was applied to these small-power
SCIMs. The costs to remove a faulty motor and replace it with a new one had,
however, become unacceptable because it involved the following:
(i) cost of erecting and removing scaffolding
(ii) cost of time for maintenance personnel to remove a faulty motor and fit a new one
(iii) cost of a new replacement 1.5 kW/2 H.P. SCIM.
The maintenance manager at the plant decided to commission the author to carry out
vibration measurements, identify the root cause of failures and propose a solution. The
case history presents results from vibration measurements taken on the motors and
140 Published online by Cambridge University Press
8.1 VSA Detected Corroded Deep Groove Ball Bearing in Vertically Mounted SCIMs 141
fabricated support structure together with spectrum analysis to determine when a motor
should be removed for inspection followed by an RCFA (root cause failure analysis).
3-phase, SCIM, 440 V, 1.5 kW/2 H.P., 3.9 A, 50 Hz, 930 r/min (i.e. 6-pole), delta
connected, SCIM
Drive End (DE) bearing: 6206 ZZ C3; (i.e. bore diameter 30 mm/1.18 inches)
Non Drive End (NDE) bearing: 6205 ZZ C3; (i.e. bore diameter 25 mm/0.984
The 6205 ZZ C3 and 6206 ZZ C3 bearings are deep groove shielded ball bearings with
a C3 clearance as shown in the photograph of Figure 2.2 and illustrated in Figure 8.1.
Figure 8.2 shows a photograph of one of the motors on its mounting bracket, which
is welded to the ‘H’ beam support structure, and Figure 8.3 presents a photograph
looking upwards towards the fan.
The main observations from the photographs in Figures 8.2 and 8.3 are as follows:
(i) There is extensive rust on the fan enclosure and ‘H’ support beams.
(ii) Each fan has four blades.
(iii) It is impossible to mount temporary accelerometers on either the DE, NDE
bearing housings or on the end frames.
(iv) Owing to the external cooling channels there are a very limited number of
positions on the motor’s frame to mount accelerometers.
Figure 8.2 Photograph of motor, mounting bracket and ‘H’ beam support structure.
Figure 8.3 Photograph of motor, fan and its enclosure, which demonstrates the extensive
difficult, because the magnitude of these components can be attenuated due to the
mechanically stiff end frames in the radial direction, the stator core structure and the
outer frame of the motor.
Figure 8.5 illustrates the ‘H’ beam support structure for mounting the motors to the
vertical support brackets. It is obvious that there will be vibration transmitted
through the ‘H’ beams between motors, and this further complicates the analysis of
Figure 8.5 Schematic layout of ‘H’ beam support structure and positions of the four axial fan
motors; Bank A: A1 and A2; Bank B: B1 and B2.
Because it was vital to obtain data on the vibration from each motor operating on its
own, permission was given by the end user to run the units in various configurations,
and vibration measurements were taken with the fan motors running in the following
(i) Bank A: A1 and A2 running but with Bank B off – normal operation.
(ii) Bank B: B1 and B2 running but with Bank A off – normal operation.
(iii) A1, A2, B1, B2 – each motor running on its own – not normal operation.
(iv) Bank A and B on – all motors operating – not normal operation.
Table 8.1 Overall velocities levels in mm/s (within 10%), 10–1000 Hz)
Figure 8.6 Faulty motor B2, DE horizontal velocity r.m.s. versus frequency spectrum.
Figure 8.7 Healthy motor A1, DE horizontal velocity r.m.s. versus frequency spectrum.
In the healthy motor there are no components higher than 0.3 mm/s r.m.s., whereas
in the spectrum from the problem motor there are in fact harmonics of the cage defect
frequency at 11FTF and 16FTF at 0.6 mm/s and 0.7 mm/s r.m.s. respectively.
(iii) The fan blades passing frequency at 4X was 2.3 mm/s r.m.s. in the problem motor
(B2), which will cause higher centrifugal forces on the DE bearing, compared to
4X at 0.3 mm/s in the healthy motor (A1).
(iv) This suggests that the mechanical unbalance in the fan of the faulty motor was
much greater (value unknown) than in the healthy motor’s fan.
(v) It was also noted that, when a strong wind was imposed on the fan in the opposite
direction to its rotation, the 4X component increased in velocity.
(vi) It was therefore recommended to remove motor B2 for a full strip-down and
inspection of the DE bearing.
Figure 8.8 Motor before strip down – recall it is vertically mounted with the drive end upwards.
Figure 8.11 Heavily corroded and contaminated DE bearing – the face shown is towards the DE
end frame.
Motor rating:
3-phase SCIM, 1.5 kW/2 H.P., 440 V(10%), 3.9 A, 50 Hz, 945 r/min
cosΦ = 0.75, η = IE1–77. DIN 60034; PTB 09 ATEX 1011 X; IP66
Type: DB100L, vertical foot mounted drive shaft upwards IMV6
DE and NDE bearings 6206 2ZR C3.
Photographs of the new motor are shown in Figures 8.12 and 8.13, and Figure 8.14
illustrates the special seal system at the DE.
Table 8.3 Overall velocities levels in mm/s (within 10%); span: 10–1000 Hz
Figure 8.14 Illustration of double sealing system to prevent the ingress of water or any other
Table 8.3 shows that, by comparison to the overall velocities produced by the
original faulty motor, there was a large reduction of those from the new design. Both
motors were in tag slot B2 when the measurements were taken.
The quantitative reductions were as follows:
Motor frame V: Reduction in velocity by a factor of 4.6.
Motor frame H: Reduction in velocity by a factor of 2.5.
Motor terminal box A1: Reduction in velocity by a factor of 3.
The velocity spectra from the faulty motor and new motor design are presented in
Figures 8.15 and 8.16.
8.1.5 Conclusions
(i) There was evidence of harmonics of FTF as shown in Figure 8.15 in the
original motor with the faulty DE bearing. The spectrum in Figure 8.16 shows
that there are no bearing defect frequencies from the new motor design.
Figure 8.15 Faulty motor in slot B2, DE horizontal velocity r.m.s. versus frequency spectrum.
Figure 8.16 New motor in slot B2, DE horizontal velocity r.m.s. versus frequency spectrum.
(ii) The 4X vibration component on the original motor was 2.3 mm/s which was due
to mechanical unbalance of the external fan; whereas with the new motor and the
fan re-balanced it dropped to 1.0 mm/s.
(iii) The original axial fan motors operated on a two week on/off regime; thus for
26 weeks they were stationary in a hostile environment because the LNG plant is
on the coast directly next to the North Sea off Scotland.
(iv) Figures 8.8 and 8.9 show photographs of end views of the original motor’s DE to
illustrate the channels and labyrinth seal arrangement, which is supposed to
prevent any accumulation of water entering the bearing. This design only
functioned properly provided that the shaft was rotating, but for 26 weeks
(annually) it was stationary.
(v) The fundamental root cause of bearing seizures at the DE of the motors was
caused by the ingress of water with consequential corrosion and contamination of
the DE bearings.
(vi) A new design of motor was proposed to prevent the ingress of water and is
presented in Section 8.1.5. The design has a double bearing seal assembly
and has proven to be successful because no DE bearing failures have been
reported since 2015. This is in comparison to the original motor designs
which had regular DE bearing failures of eight motors every 12 to
18 months.
8.2.1 Introduction
Abstract – An oil company that operated an offshore oil production platform in the
North Sea off the coast of Scotland sub-contracted a vibration condition
monitoring (CM) vendor to carry out monthly vibration measurements on rotating
The sub-contractor used envelope analysis to assess the operational condition of
rolling element bearings in the LV (440 V, 60 Hz) SCIMs. On a previous occasion, the
sub-contractor had predicted a bearing cage defect in one of the SCIMs, but this was
proven to be false after strip down and examination of the DE bearing by an
independent motor repair workshop.
The sub-contractor subsequently reported another cage fault in the DE bearing of a
different SCIM, and this is the subject of this case history. The oil company decided to
carry out a quality assurance (QA) test case on the sub-contractor’s prediction of
another cage fault and commissioned the author to carry out an investigation with the
following objectives:
(i) With the motor running uncoupled in a motor repair workshop, carry out
independent vibration measurements on the motor prior to strip-down for
(ii) To analyse the vibration prior to strip-down of the motor and predict if either a
cage fault or any other bearing fault existed in the DE bearing.
(iii) To obtain a preliminary report from the repair shop on the condition of the
The author predicted, by using VSA, that there was not a cage fault in the DE
cylindrical roller element bearing, and subsequent examination of the bearing con-
firmed that there were no bearing defects whatsoever and only slight and normal wear
as reported by the repair workshop.
Figure 8.18 Illustration of motor to show coupling guard covering the DE bearing and the cowl
over the NDE.
A SCIM of this voltage and power rating will normally be cooled by an external
fan, which is covered by a fan cowl, and therefore access to the NDE bearing housing
was impossible, as shown in Figure 8.17.
The CM sub-contractor applied vibration envelope analysis to assess the condition
of rolling element bearings in the motor shown in Figure 8.17 by measuring the
vibration on the outer periphery of the DE flange and on the fan cowl in line with the
end frame at the NDE. The author considers it was unwise to use envelope analysis,
because the vibration on the outer periphery of the DE flange is not the same as the
vibration on the bearing housing.
It is very well known that the special accelerometer used for subsequent envelope
analysis should be mounted directly on the bearing housings to reliably diagnose
faults in rolling element bearings in SCIMs as discussed in Section
The overall levels of velocity, acceleration and enveloped acceleration recorded by
the CM sub-contractor and presented to the author’s client are shown in Table 8.4. The
oil company has an alarm and shut-down policy for SCIMs with rolling element
bearings at 7 mm/s and 11 mm/s r.m.s. respectively when driving the mechanical load.
The enveloped acceleration spectrum presented by the sub-contractor to the client
is presented in Figure 8.19, which shows that there was a component at 12.5 Hz and its
harmonics. It was proposed by the sub-contractor that this was due to a cage fault in
the DE bearing.
The component at 12.5 Hz in Figure 8.19 is not a cage FTF frequency
Bearing frequencies
Bearing frequencies
Figure 8.19 Envelope spectrum (gE) versus frequency (Hz), DEH on the flange.
The bearing defect frequencies for both bearings are presented in Tables 8.5 and 8.6.
The bearing defect frequencies predicted by the author for an N324 C3 and an
N324E MC3 (it was unknown which bearing was in the motor) are presented in
Tables 8.5 and 8.6 for a no-load speed of 1799 r/min and the cage frequency
component FTF is 12 Hz and 12.2 Hz respectively.
The sub-contractor tested the motor on load on the offshore installation but did
not state the operating current or speed, but it would certainly have been less than
1799 r/min (no-load uncoupled speed) and the cage frequency FTF would be 11.84 Hz
and 12 Hz for an N324 C3 and N324E M C3 respectively if the motor was on full load.
This oversight is typical of a mechanical vibration technician not understanding the
basics of induction motor operation.
8.2.3 Vibration Measurements and VSA Applied to the SCIM before Strip-Down
and Inspection of the DE Bearing Test Conditions
(1) The motor was mounted on a solid steel base-plate in the motor repair workshop
as shown in Figure 8.17.
(2) The motor was supplied at the rated nameplate voltage (440 V) and, at the time of
testing, the supply frequency was f1 = 60.47 Hz. The supply frequency was
subject to variation because it was supplied from an independent generator.
(3) The no-load input line currents were balanced to within 1.5 amperes of the
average line current, which was 56 amperes.
(4) Because the sub-contractor had predicted a cage fault in the DE bearing the focus
was on taking vibration measurements at the DE at the same positions as those
used by the sub-contractor as shown in Figure 8.18.
(5) Vibration measurements were also recorded directly on the actual bearing
housings at the DE and NDE (the fan cowl was removed) because this was
possible when the motor was run uncoupled in the repair workshop.
(6) Overall vibration velocity levels (r.m.s.) using a frequency span of 5.3 Hz to
1000 Hz were recorded, based on using the British Standard, BS EN 60034-14,
Feb. 2004 [8.1] as a general guide. The maximum permissible velocity (r.m.s.) in
either the V, H or axial positions on the bearing housing is 2.3 mm/s 10% for
this motor, when rigidly mounted on a solid steel base-plate during an
uncoupled run.
Table 8.7 Overall r.m.s. velocities before motor strip down, span 5.3–1000 Hz
Figure 8.20 Illustration of motor to show where the vibration was measured that produced the
spectra shown in Figures 8.21 to 8.24.
Figure 8.21 DEH spectrum from the DE flange, 0.078 Figure 8.22 DEH zoom spectrum from the DE flange,
Hz/line. 0.078 Hz/line.
Figure 8.23 DEV spectrum from the DE flange, 0.078 Figure 8.24 DEA spectrum from the DE flange, 0.078
Hz/line. Hz/line.
The components shown in Figure 8.22 can be the effect of skidding of a cylindrical
roller element bearing during an uncoupled run of a SCIM, as was proven in the case
history in Section 7.2.
Interestingly, the CM sub-contractor stated that the cage frequency was at 12.5 Hz
when the motor was tested on load when driving the pump on the oil production
This was not a cage defect frequency, but note that the DE bearing could have been
skidding, particularly if it was an extra capacity rated N324 EM C3 bearing, which is
over rated for the motor and would not be in accordance with the OEM’s original
design specification.
The author predicted that there was no cage defect in the DE bearing, after which
the motor was dismantled and the bearings were inspected.
Figure 8.25 Photograph of the DE bearing which indicates that no cage fault existed; note that the
brass cage is very robust.
Clearly this motor had been previously repaired, and an extra capacity bearing was
fitted at the DE, which is what the author anticipated would be the case.
This bearing should not have been fitted because the OEM’s design for this SCIM did not
require an extra capacity bearing.
The key factor is that an E rated bearing requires more dynamic loading to prevent excessive
8.2.4 Conclusions
The repair shop reported that there was no cage defect in the DE bearing, and the
general condition of the bearing was that it was only slightly worn due to the normal
wear process.
Figure 8.25 shows a photograph of the DE bearing and it is in a normal condition
and to quote the repair shop:
‘The DE bearing, if properly maintained would
have continued to perform with no problems’.
This verified the author’s prediction, via VSA, that there was not a cage defect and
confirmed the CM sub-contractor’s prediction that a cage fault existing in the DE
bearing was a false diagnosis due to the use of vibration envelope analysis in a
situation when the accelerometers could not be fitted directly on the bearing housing.
Figures 8.26 and 8.27 present photographs of a new N324 E M C3 bearing and it is
obvious that the brass cage is very robust indeed.
A cage fault in this brass cage, of an extra capacity rated bearing would be a rare event.
8.3 Bearing Failures in 800 kW/1072 H.P. SCIMs Driving Sulphate Removal
Pumps (SRP) and a FAT on Repaired Motor
Figure 8.26 Photograph of a new N324E M C3 cylindrical roller bearing – the ruler scaled in
inches indicates the overall diameter.
Figure 8.27 Photograph of an N324E M C3 to illustrates the rollers, cage and robustness of this
occurred in one (A) of five SCIMs driving sulphate removal pumps (SRP) on a large
offshore oil production (approximately 200,000 barrels of oil per day) platform.
There were also subsequent failures of DE and NDE 6316 C3 bearings in identical
motors. The routine vibration condition monitoring was carried out once per month by
a CM vendor who did not have experts on the design and operation of SCIMs. The
author was not involved in vibration monitoring and analysis of any of the motors
prior to bearing failures. He was initially hired by the oil company to investigate this
catastrophic failure.
It was difficult to obtain reliable operational records and measured vibration data
from the date of installation of these new motors in 2007 up to the time of a bearing
failure. Maintenance crews changed every three weeks, therefore it was difficult to
obtain concise and unambiguous records. An RCFA of the failed bearing was
impossible because the bearing was seized due to the very high temperature, which
was more than 900 C at the inner raceway, as predicted from an independent
metallurgical examination. Thus, any initial evidence of bearing degradation was
The reason for presenting the inspection of this failure is to demonstrate the
catastrophic damage that can be caused by a failed bearing, and as a lead in to the
case histories that follow on identical motors.
The SCIM details are as follows:
3-phase SCIM, 6.6kV, 800 kW/1072 H.P., 76 A, 60 Hz, 3580 r/min, 0.9 p.f., eff =
Star connected, frame E450/1400, IP56, Class F, B temperature rise
Number of rotor bars: 50, single cage, rotor bars not skewed, airgap length 4 mm
Bearings: DE and NDE 6316 C3, re-greasing quantity 33 g
Nominal bearing L10 life: 30,000 hours, lubrication details: use Shell Albida R2 grease
OEM’s recommendation: bearings should be greased every 1200 running hours
using the quantity of grease given above.
Note that the pump manufacturer supplied the complete drive train and, as is
normally the case, various electrical machine manufacturers were invited to tender
for the supply of the motors. The oil company contracted the pump manufacturer to
supply the motor as part of the complete package.
The L10 life for the bearings was 30,000 hours, which is 3.4 years, but these motors
do not run continuously because the running regime alternates their usage. The
author’s opinion was that for the high speed and rating of these motors it would have
been wise to have used sleeve bearings.
On the day prior to the failure the vibration was measured on the outer periphery of
the end frames at the DE and NDE by a condition monitoring contractor (not the
author of this book) and the highest overall r.m.s. velocities were 15 mm/s (0.6 inches/s)
and 12 mm/s (0.47 inches/s) in the horizontal and vertical directions respectively;
therefore the motor should have been stopped. However, because of essential oper-
ational requirements the motor could not be immediately shut down, and the bearing
failure and broken shaft occurred the next day.
This is an example where production and possible loss of income take priority over
the operational condition of the motor even though there was clearly a vibration
problem. Note that the author could not obtain any recorded vibration spectra leading
up to the failure because only overall vibration velocities were measured. Inspection
Figures 8.28 and 8.29 show photographs of the motor and broken shaft respectively,
which were received by the OEM, and Figure 8.30 indicates it was a classical torque
and twist break due to seizure of the bearing. The tip of the broken shaft was within
the inner raceway of the NDE bearing. Figure 8.31 presents a photograph of the NDE
bearing which was seized.
Figure 8.28 Overall view of NDE. Figure 8.29 Broken shaft end.
8.3.2 RCFA of a Faulty 6316 C3 Bearing and FAT of the Repaired Motor (B) with
New Bearings
An identical motor (B) to the one described in Section 8.3.1 was returned to the OEM
based upon a loud clunking noise from the DE, which was reported by maintenance
personnel on the offshore platform. Permanent accelerometers were not fitted on the
motor and a third-party vendor carried out vibration measurements on a monthly basis
using temporary accelerometers mounted via magnets.
A repeat catastrophic bearing failure, as reported in Section 8.3.1, was not accept-
able to the oil company and evidence was required to ascertain the cause(s) of the
problem in this identical motor. The author was hired to carry out an investigation,
which was in three stages:
(i) Inspect the motor received by the OEM and, if possible, run the motor on the
OEM’s test bed and take vibration measurements before any strip-down.
Figure 8.32 Section of DE bearing which Figure 8.33 Severe spalling (pitting) of the
shows a lack of effective grease. inner raceway.
(ii) Remove the bearings from the DE and NDE to determine the condition of the
bearings and grease.
(iii) Carry out a vibration Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) after the fitting of new bearings.
Table 8.8. They are normal and well below the upper limit of 2.3 mm/s r.m.s. as
specified in BS EN 60034-14, Feb. 2004 [8.1].
The vibration spectra are presented in Figures 8.37 to 8.42, and Table 8.9 gives the
predicted bearing defect frequencies.
8.3.3 Conclusions
(i) The vibration spectra are all normal as measured on the DE and NDE bearing
housings and, as expected, they are dominated by the 1X frequency component,
Figure 8.37 DEV vibration spectrum. Figure 8.38 DEH vibration spectrum.
Figure 8.39 DEA vibration spectrum. Figure 8.40 NDEV vibration spectrum.
Figure 8.41 NDEH vibration spectrum. Figure 8.42 NDEA vibration spectrum.
which is caused by the centrifugal force from the inherent mechanical unbalance,
which was ISO balance grade G1.0 [8.3], in the rotor.
(ii) There were no bearing defect frequencies present, as should be the case with
brand new bearings.
(iii) These results provided a base-line of the overall r.m.s. velocities and vibration
spectra for a refurbished SRP motor, which was fitted with new bearings.
(iv) The motor was returned to the oil company.
Bearing frequencies
8.4 Industrial Case History – False Brinelling and FAT of an 800 kW/1072
H.P. SCIM and Attenuation of Vibration between the Bearing Housing
and the Outer Periphery of the End Frame
8.4.1 Summary
Abstract – Sections 8.31 and 8.3.2 presented information on a catastrophic NDE
bearing failure and broken shaft in one of five motors that drive sulphate removal
pumps on an offshore oil and gas production platform (see Figure 8.43).
Figure 8.33 showed a severely pitted (spalled) DE bearing in an identical motor
(B). It was proposed that this may have been initiated by false brinelling.
Motor details:
3-phase SCIM, 6.6kV, 800 kW/1072 H.P., 76 A, 60 Hz, 3580 r/min, 0.9 p.f., eff
Star connected, frame E450/1400, IP56, Class F, B temp rise
Figure 8.44 Motors mounted on a steel fabricated structure on the offshore oil production
Figure 8.46 DE 6316 C3 outer ring outside diameter; light fretting corrosion.
Figure 8.47 DE 6316 C3 inner ring bore – light fretting corrosion on bore surface.
Figure 8.48 DE 6316 C3 multiple light surface abrasions/wear markings on the spherical
Figure 8.49 DE 6316 C3 steel cage pocket – multiple surface abrasions/wear in pocket
(iii) Multiple light surface abrasions/wear on the balls, as shown in Figure 8.48.
(iv) Multiple surface abrasions/wear in the steel cage pocket, as shown in Figure 8.49.
Table 8.10 Overall r.m.s. velocities on bearing housings and end frames
(i) No-load uncoupled run – vibration measurements carried out as per BS 60034-14,
Feb. 2004 [8.1].
(ii) Maximum allowable overall r.m.s. velocity = 2.3 mm/s (0.09 inches/s) 10%; frequency
span 10–1000 Hz
(iii) Rated volts applied: 6600 V; measured frequency: 60.05 Hz
(iv) Measured no-load phase currents: R: 10.5, Y: 10.7 and B: 10.2 A
Position DEVB bearing Position DEHB bearing Position DEAEF end frame
housing housing 0.7 mm/s
1.2 mm/s 1.5 mm/s
Position NDEVEF end Position NDEHEF end frame Position NDEAEF end
frame 1.5 mm/s frame
1.6 mm/s 0.6 mm/s
Figure 8.50 FAT vibration measurements – photograph of the motor with its NDE fan cowl
separated from the end frame to allow access to measure the vibration directly on the NDE
bearing housing.
Figure 8.51 Motor in-situ: the DE bearing Figure 8.52 Motor in-situ: photograph of NDE –
housing is not accessible. the NDE bearing housing is not accessible.
Figure 8.53 Accelerometers on the DE bearing Figure 8.54 Accelerometers on the outer
housing. periphery of the DE end frame.
To compare the vibration directly on the bearing housings with that measured on
the outer periphery of the end frame.
The magnitudes of the bearing defect frequencies of vibration generated within the
bearing can be attenuated when the vibration is measured on the outer periphery of the
end frame or at the end of the stator frame.
This SCIM is a Zone 1, flame-proof EXd design and the construction is very robust,
particularly the end frames, which will have a high mechanical stiffness in both the
radial and axial directions, as shown in Figures 8.53 to 8.56.
From Table 8.10, the effect of attenuation between the overall r.m.s. velocities
measured on the DE bearing housing, compared to the overall r.m.s. velocities values
on the DE end frame, is as follows:
Bearing frequencies
Figure 8.55 Accelerometers on the NDE bearing Figure 8.56 Accelerometer on the outer periphery
housing. of the NDE end frame.
Figure 8.57 DEHB horizontal bearing housing, Figure 8.58 DEHEF horizontal outer periphery of
vibration spectrum. end frame.
Figures 8.57 and 8.58 present the vibration spectra for the DE horizontal positions
directly on the DE bearing housing and on the outer periphery of the DE end frame
The 1X, 2X and BPFO components are present in both spectra, but their magnitudes
on the outer periphery of the end frames are attenuated due to the mechanical stiffness
and frequency response of the DE end frame between the bearing housing and the
outer periphery of the end frame. The vibration spectra verified the following
attenuation factors for this motor caused by the mechanical stiffness and frequency
response of the end frames:
1X is attenuated by a factor of 1.8.
2X is attenuated by a factor of 2.
BPFO is attenuated by a factor of 2.5.
(vi) More rolling element bearing failures occurred and the outcome was that the
deep groove ball bearings (6316 C3) were unsuitable for the operational
conditions of these motors and therefore not fit for purpose.
(vii) The author recommended a revised motor design and that sleeve bearings
should be fitted. This was carried out over a period of two years during major
maintenance outages.
(viii) No failures have been reported since the sleeve bearings were installed.
Note that Babbitt metal is also named white metal and is a soft, white non-ferrous alloy used to provide a
bearing surface. Its composition helps to reduce friction, which makes it a good material to use in a sleeve
175 Published online by Cambridge University Press
176 Industrial Case Histories on Vibration Measurements and Analysis
Figure 9.1 Typical sleeve or journal bearing housing assembly in an induction motor.
Figure 9.2 Bearing shells removed from a sleeve bearing in an induction motor.
Figure 9.3 is a simple diagrammatic illustration of the oil film wedge in a fluid film
bearing. A rotating shaft in a fluid film bearing produces a high-pressure wedge of oil,
for example, at 10 bars or 145 pounds/square inch (p.s.i.), which lifts the shaft off the
bearing Babbitt and prevents metal-to-metal contact, and in theory the bearing should
have an infinite life-time. This oil film pressure profile naturally moves the shaft into
an eccentric operating position and there must be sufficient clearance between the
journal and the bearing sleeve to prevent a rub. For detailed information on bearing
clearances please refer to the references; however, a general rule-of-thumb guideline
that is often used for diametral journal bearing clearance is 0.0015 inches/1.5 mils-per-
inch of journal diameter. Considerable caution must be exercised because it depends
on many factors, particularly the application, in which it is being used; see references
[9.11] and [ 9.12].
The oil film thickness in the operating load zone of a sleeve bearing is different for
each SCIM and depends on factors such as:
(i) bearing design
(ii) bearing clearance
(iii) shaft diameter
(iv) operating speed
(v) power rating.
Oil film thickness has a very wide range and reference [9.5] quoted the following:
Typically, minimum oil film thickness in the load zone during operation ranges from 1.0 μm to
300 µm but values of 5 μm to 75 µm are more common in midsized equipment.
Reference [9.5] also quoted that: ‘normally the minimum oil thickness is also the
operating clearance of the bearing’.
system feed pressure and sizing the orifice accordingly. A typical oil-feed pressure
would be 25 p.s.i. (1.724 bar). It is essential that this specified oil-supply pressure is
maintained to protect the bearing from wear and possible failure. This pressure is
usually controlled by a pressure reducing valve at the oil system and there is a gauge
in the motor supply line for monitoring purposes.
The oil-feed ports are clearly visible in the bearing’s bottom bush, as shown in
Figure 9.3b, and the area where the white metal is relieved to allow the oil to enter
the bush can also be seen. This photograph also illustrates the interface between the
white metal Babbitt and the steel bush, including the thrust faces. Wear is clearly
visible in this white metal Babbitt but, despite this, the bearing bush will still be
The thrust faces on the bush illustrated are designed only for limited and short-
duration axial load. This may occur during starting for example.
Looking at Figure 9.3a the breather can be seen at the 12 o’clock position at the top
of the housing. The motor internal fans produce a negative pressure in the motor
enclosure adjacent to the bearing housing and the vent ensures that this negative
pressure is not transferred into the bearing via the seals.
The term wiped is used to describe the situation when movement of white metal has occurred due to
localized excess surface heat from short-term loss of lubrication, which may occur during an abnormal
Figure 9.4 Photograph of a self-contained ring sleeve lubricated bearing to show the oil scoop
(i) External malfunctions are the predominant reasons why sleeve bearings fail.
Abstract – The objectives of this introductory industrial case history are as follows:
(i) To explain how vibration measurements are carried out on a large, 6800 kW/
9115 H.P. SCIM with sleeve (or journal) bearings.
(ii) To present results from vibration Factory Acceptance Tests (FATs) on a new
6800 kW/9115 H.P. SCIM in accordance with the British vibration standard (BS
60034-14-2004 [9.13]), and as per the client’s requirements.
(iii) To demonstrate the distinct difference between the measured shaft and bearing
housing displacements from a sleeve bearing in this large SCIM.
The coil in the probe’s tip is supplied from a high-frequency oscillator and the
current in the coil produces an alternating magnetic field, as illustrated in
Figure 9.6.
Figure 9.5a Photograph of a sleeve bearing on a SCIM with displacement probes fitted.
Figure 9.6 Illustration of the main flux from the probe’s coil and the magnetic field created by
induced eddy currents.
This high-frequency magnetic field couples with the conductive target, which in
this case is the rotating shaft (journal), and eddy currents are induced in the steel
shaft. Eddy currents are closed loops of current, which move perpendicular to the
flux produced by the coil but effectively parallel to the shaft.
The magnetic flux produced by the eddy currents opposes the main flux from the
coil. A change in the distance (d) between the shaft and the fixed probe tip in
Figure 9.5 results in a change in the resultant flux and therefore a change in
inductance and impedance.
This changing coil impedance is directly proportional to the distance (d) between
the fixed coil in the probe’s tip and the rotating shaft.
Two displacement probes, as illustrated in Figure 9.5a, are mounted 90 apart so
that polar plots, orbits and the shaft centre line position data can be produced. The
displacement probes can be fitted through the centre of the bearing cap housing
rather than via the seal housing, and the advantage of this is that the surface is
truly concentric with the bearing, thus eliminating any possible error due to
Enclosure CACW Rating MCR S1 Starting current, Starting torque 0.6 FLT
Figure 9.7 Photograph of the 13.8 kV, 60 Hz, 2-pole, 6800 kW/9115 H.P., SCIM under test.
9.2.3 No-Load FAT Results from Vibration Measurements on the Bearing Housing
Figure 9.8 shows a photograph of the NDE sleeve bearing with the accelerometers on
the housing and the positions of the displacement probes.
Table 9.2 presents the overall r.m.s. velocity, displacement and acceleration on the
bearing housings, when the motor was run uncoupled on a rigid base-plate supplied at
rated voltage and frequency. The no-load current was 64 amperes.
From Table 9.2, all the measured r.m.s. velocity (max. 1.7 mm/s), acceleration
(max. 1.6 m/s2) and displacement (max. 5.5 μm) levels on the bearing housings are
below the allowable limit levels in the British Standard BS 60034-14-2004 [9.13].
Table 9.2 Overall r.m.s. vibration levels 10%; span: 10–1000 Hz; BS 60034-14 2004 limits:
Figure 9.8 Photograph of accelerometers on the NDE bearing housing and position of shaft
displacement probes.
The displacement levels in the vertical and horizontal positions on the bearing housings
are negligible (maximum of 3.5 μm) but they do not indicate the actual displacement of the
rotating shaft (bearing journal), which must be measured by displacement probes.
Recall that there is no physical contact between the rotating journal and the white
metal Babbitt and bearing shell housing.
For example, the no-load rotor speed was in fact, Nr = 3598 r/min and 1X = 59.97
Hz. The vibration spectra were taken between 10 Hz and 500 Hz using 12,800 spectral
lines, giving a line resolution of 0.0398 Hz/line, which equates to 4.6 r/min, therefore
the 1X component is displayed as being at 60 Hz.
Figure 9.12 DE peak–peak shaft displacement during Figure 9.13 DE peak–peak shaft displacement during
a 27-minute recording. a 27-minute recording.
Figures 9.9 to 9.11 show the displacement, velocity and acceleration r.m.s. spectra
respectively at the vertical position on the DE bearing housing.
The vibration spectra are perfectly normal. Note that the classical differences in
frequency profile between the displacement, velocity and acceleration are present.
Obviously the displacement spectrum is dominated by the 1X component (Figure 9.11)
whereas, considering the acceleration spectrum, the higher frequencies at 2X and 3X
are greater (Figure 9.10) in magnitude than the 1X component.
Position of probe at DE and NDE, 45 left of Position of probe at DE and NDE, 45 right of
12.00 hours 12.00 hours
Figure 9.14 NDE peak–peak shaft displacement Figure 9.15 NDE peak–peak shaft displacement
during a 27-minute recording. during a 27-minute recording.
(iv) This demonstrates that the displacement values are vastly different and the peak–
peak displacement on the bearing housing does not indicate the peak–peak shaft
displacement of the shaft (journal) in the sleeve bearing. Conclusions
(i) Recall that the vibration standard (BS 60034-14-2004 [9.13]) only applies to a
vibration FAT during a no-load uncoupled run.
Table 9.4 Displacements peak–peak (in μm) after a four-hour full-load run
Position of probe at DE and NDE, 45 left of Position of probe at DE and NDE, 45 right of
12.00 hours 12.00 hours
Figure 9.16 DE peak–peak shaft displacement during Figure 9.17 DE peak–peak shaft displacement during
a two-hour recording. a two-hour recording.
Figure 9.18 NDE peak–peak shaft displacement Figure 9.19 NDE peak–peak shaft displacement
during a two-hour recording. during a two-hour recording.
(ii) However, the peak–peak displacements after the four-hour full-load heat run were
still below the upper limit of 65 μm peak–peak, and this was acceptable to the
client who did not require bearing housing vibration measurements to be taken
during the full-load heat run for the following reasons:
When this motor is installed on the offshore oil and gas production platform, it
will be driving a sea-water injection pump (SWIP), which is quite different
from the load machine in the OEM’s factory.
The transmitted vibration to the SCIM’s bearing housings from the SWIP and
from adjacent rotating plant on the platform will be quite different to that
transmitted from the OEM’s load test facility, and thus comparisons would not
be valid.
9.3.1 Background
Abstract – The author was contacted by a major oil company to determine the root cause
of a recurrent vibration problem in a 6250 kW/8380 H.P., variable speed, Slip-Ring
Induction Motor (SRIM) that drives a centrifugal compressor. Prior to the client contact-
ing the author the motor had had its stator and rotor rewound as part of a major overhaul.
After the client (not the repair company) re-commissioned the motor, it could not be
run continuously because it tripped out on high shaft displacement at the pre-set level of
120 µm peak–peak at the DE. This occurred during uncoupled and coupled runs, and the
run times, before trip-out occurred, were typically between 5 minutes and 10 minutes.
A key feature of the shaft displacement problem was that after the motor tripped,
the shaft displacement (peak–peak) at the DE continued to increase during the initial
run-down period up to a level of 180 µm peak–peak at around half the synchronous
speed and thereafter the shaft displacement did decay to zero. Note that this was not
the result of a rotor resonance problem because the high vibration did not occur during
the controlled run-up.
This was an unusual phenomenon, and the client, the repair company that rewound
the stator and rotor and a third-party vibration CM company could not establish the
root cause of the problem. This phenomenon should not theoretically occur because
the fundamental force on the shaft is due to centrifugal force (C.F.) caused by
mechanical imbalance in the rotor:
C. F. / mw2r(Nr), (9.1)
Figure 9.20 Schematic of a static Kramer slip energy recovery, speed control system.
The client reported that this shaft displacement problem had existed (for six
months) from the time that the repaired motor was re-commissioned. Fortunately, a
duplicate drive train was available to deliver the gas process.
Various parties had been involved for six months in trying to determine the root
cause of the problem with no success, despite numerous on-site test runs and vibration
measurements and analysis.
It was therefore obvious to the author that the motor had to be removed for
controlled tests at the operating speed range of the motor during uncoupled and load
runs in a factory test bed. The client agreed, and the motor was sent to an independent
OEM of large induction motors but not to the repair company that had carried out the
major refurbishment of the motor.
Power is recovered rather than wasting power by varying the rotor resistance using
external rotor resistors to obtain speed control.
In the drive string (see Figure 9.22) there was a very large coupling, of 1800 kg ,
which, in the author’s opinion, also acts as a flywheel to reduce any torsional
oscillations that may occur in this variable speed drive. This could not be confirmed
by either the original OEM or the client for the following reasons:
(1) The original OEM had been brought over by another company and original
records were not available.
(2) The motor was 22 years old when the motor vibration problem occurred, and the
personnel employed by the client when the motor was originally specified and
commissioned had retired.
Records and fundamental knowledge were therefore lost, and this is one of the real
practical difficulties that can be experienced in industry when a vibration problem
occurs in a large 22-year-old SRIM. Photographs of the motor and the motor’s
nameplate are shown in Figures 9.21 and 9.22 respectively.
(1) The first test would be a no-load uncoupled run of the received SRIM.
(2) The client instructed the independent OEM to discontinue the no-load run when the
shaft displacement reached 100 µm peak–peak, to avoid any damage to the bearings.
(3) The main goal of the first test run was to confirm that the vibration phenomenon
which had occurred during an uncoupled run on-site was repeated on the test bed.
The client informed the author and the independent OEM that it would be impossible
to remove the 900 kg half coupling hub without damaging the shaft and therefore no
attempt should be made to do so.
Figure 9.24 Shaft displacements during the no-load uncoupled run versus time.
(i) The slow roll run out of the shaft’s peak–peak displacement is shown in section
A to B of Figure 9.24, and is acceptable at 15 µm peak–peak, because BS
60034-14-2004 allows 16 µm peak–peak for electric motors of this speed and
shaft height.
Figure 9.25 Spectrum DEX shaft displacement versus Figure 9.26 Spectrum DEY shaft displacement versus
frequency – see position E on plot in Figure 9.24. frequency – see position E on plot in Figure 9.24.
(ii) The maximum shaft displacement from the four probes was 40 µm peak–peak at
the DEX position when the motor reached its no-load speed of 1499 r/min at
position C.
(iii) After 6.5 minutes at 1499 r/min the DE shaft displacement had risen to 65 µm
peak–peak, which is the maximum allowed as per BS 60034-14.
(iv) After a total of eight minutes running at 1499 r/min the DE shaft displacement
had reached 100 µm peak–peak at position D, and the client instructed the
independent OEM to switch off the motor. This was an increase of 150% during
a period of only eight minutes and corresponds to a rate of rise of 7.5 µm peak–
(v) The shaft displacements were still recording data after the switch off, but
during the deceleration period between D to E on Figure 9.24, the DEX and
DEY shaft displacements increased to a maximum of 184 µm and 177 µm
peak–peak at position E respectively, at a speed of 750 r/min. This was not due
to rotor resonance at 750 r/min because it did not occur during the controlled
(vi) The phenomenon recorded at the client’s refinery plant was therefore replicated,
which confirmed the vibration problem was inherent in the motor.
(b) Uncoupled Run – Shaft Displacement Spectra
The vibration spectra from the displacement probes which correspond to the
displacements at position E (750 r/min) on Figure 9.24 are presented in
Figures 9.25 and 9.26. As expected the spectra are dominated by the 1X rotational
speed frequency component.
(c) Uncoupled Run – DE Bearing Housing Overall R.M.S. Velocities
Figure 9.27 shows the r.m.s. velocities on the DE bearing housing in the vertical,
horizontal and axial positions during the run-up and run-down period.
Figure 9.27 Overall r.m.s. velocities on the DE bearing housing during an uncoupled run from
start-up versus time.
The fundamental reason for presenting the bearing housing velocities is to demonstrate
that the levels are perfectly acceptable at a maximum of 1.5 mm/s r.m.s. in the
vertical position on the DE bearing housing but if shaft displacements were not being
measured the serious shaft displacement problem would not have been identified.
9.3.4 Ingress Protection (IP) Rope Seal Malfunction – Source of High Shaft
It was Alistair Carr (senior electrical engineer), an employee of the author’s company,
who predicted that a malfunctioning IP (ingress protection) rope seal, which is used to
prevent contaminants damaging the Babbitt, was the source of the high shaft
displacement at the DE during the run-down.
Photographs of the DE bearing’s IP seal assembly and the actual rope seal and
channel are shown in Figures 9.28 and 9.29 respectively.
The reasons for suspecting that the rope seal was the possible source of the shaft
vibration problem were as follows:
The bearing seals on this SRIM consist of floating labyrinths to contain the oil and
an IP seal that also serves to retain enclosure pressure.
The IP seal consists of fibrous material (6 mm2), as shown in Figure 9.29, which is
impregnated with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) or tallow to provide a lubricant.
Heating can be very localised and is confined to the inboard seal housing and
the motor shaft at the point of contact. As a result, this cannot be readily
detected thermally and would not be seen by the bearing bush temperature
The frictional heating generated by the seal is cumulative. As the seal area heats up
the seal tightens and, in addition, the lubricant dries out. Generally, the tight area
will only be over a segment of the seal and not the full circumference. As the IP seal
binds on the shaft the shaft tends to climb in the bearing.
The shaft movement relative to the white metal Babbitt increases but the bearing
housing absolute vibration remains comparatively low as this is only influenced by
what is transmitted through the shaft seal or the oil film.
Once the IP seals have been over heated the material’s original characteristics
cannot be recovered as the lubricant has dried out and the material will no longer be
evenly distributed in the locating groove.
Note that after careful fitting of a correctly specified IP seal material it may still be
necessary to carry out a seal bedding procedure, and this may not have been
properly done by the motor repair company. There must be a balance where the seal
surface sits sufficiently close to the shaft to serve its purpose, without any contact
friction, which could generate excess heat and subsequent binding.
Seal bedding is achieved when the motor is run up to speed, in stages, from a
variable frequency supply. Shaft vibration must be closely monitored and if seen to
start to climb at a given speed, the motor speed is reduced, or the motor stopped,
until the seal area cools.
Figure 9.30 Shaft displacements (unfiltered) at the DE and NDE during a four-hour
uncoupled run.
9.3.5 Shaft Displacement with the IP Rope Seals Removed from the DE and NDE
The tests were being carried out on a factory test bed; therefore the IP rope seals from
the DE and NDE could be removed and the vibration measurements repeated during a
no-load run.
This procedure was used to verify whether the IP rope seals were the source of the
problem. Figure 9.30 presents the shaft displacements at the DE and NDE during a no-
load run of four hours from start-up.
The shaft displacements were not greater than 40 µm peak–peak throughout the
complete run period, which therefore confirmed that the rope seals were not fit for
Figure 9.31 presents the shaft displacement spectrum for the DEx position and this
confirms that the displacement is normal with the 1X frequency component at 25 Hz
being only 22 µm peak–peak compared to 160 µm peak–peak when the operationally
unfit for purpose rope seal was in the DE bearing.
9.3.6 Shaft Displacements with New IP Rope Seals at the DE and NDE – Full-Load
Heat Run
9.3.7 Conclusions
(i) New IP seals were fitted into the DE and NDE bearing assemblies and the seals
were subsequently bedded-in.
Figure 9.32 Shaft displacements versus time during a 12-hour load run with different supply
frequencies but with an approximately constant V/f ratio to keep the flux constant.
(ii) Because the SRIM had an operational speed range between 1192 r/min and
1490 r/min, the shaft displacements were measured at full-load current covering
this speed range.
(iii) Figure 9.32 presents the shaft displacements during a 12-hour load run and the
V/f ratio was kept constant at the different operating speeds to ensure the main
airgap flux was constant.
(iv) The results of Figure 9.32 show that the maximum shaft displacements (DEX and
DEY) were at the DE, but they were perfectly acceptable at 40 µm peak–peak.
The new seals were fit for purpose and the motor was successfully returned to
9.4.1 Summary
Abstract – The author of this book diagnosed broken rotor bars using Motor Current
Signature Analysis (MCSA) in a 13.8 kV, 6800 kW, SCIM.
The rotor cage winding was re-barred, and the motor was Factory Acceptance
Tested (FAT) for vibration levels during a no-load uncoupled run and a full-load heat
run. It was found during the heat run that shaft displacement was abnormally high
(130 µm peak–peak) for 30 minutes during the first 40 minutes after switch on but it
settled down to a normal level of 30 µm peak–peak during the last 2.5 hours of a five-
hour full-load heat run.
The results will verify that this phenomenon was a function of the rotor design and
rate of change of temperature. The motor’s nameplate data are presented in Table 9.5,
which refers to its full-load rated output, and a photograph of the motor under test is
shown in Figure 9.33.
9.4.2 Shaft Displacements at the NDE during the Full-Load Heat Run
The motor was supplied at rated volts and frequency for the full-load heat run at the rated
input current of 326 amperes. Figures 9.34 and 9.35 present the shaft displacements at the
NDE at 45 left and 45 right of the 12 o’clock position respectively.
Figure 9.34 NDE shaft displacement, 45 left of 12 o’clock versus time of full-load run.
the NDE, but there was a dramatic rise up to 130 µm peak–peak at the NDE
which lasted for 30 minutes. This magnitude of shaft displacement was initially
not acceptable to the client.
(ii) The refurbished rotor was balanced to grade 1.0 before the tests. The shaft
displacement trip level was previously set at 125 µm peak–peak when the motor
was operating on the offshore oil production platform.
(iii) After 100 minutes on full load, the vibration at the NDE was still 100 µm peak–
peak (alarm level) but it then dramatically dropped down to 30 µm peak–peak
Figure 9.35 NDE shaft displacement, 45 right of 12 o’clock versus time of full-load run.
and remained at that level for the remainder of the full-load run – a further
2.5 hours.
(iv) A second full-load heat run was carried out two days after the first heat run so that
the motor had cooled down to the ambient temperature of 20 C, and the
vibration measurements were repeated and the same phenomenon occurred.
The shaft displacement increased dramatically during the highest rate of rise of
stator winding temperature.
Figure 9.36 Vibration and stator winding temperature versus time of full load heat run.
Figure 9.37 Squirrel cage rotor before replacement of the cage winding.
9.4.3 Conclusions
The rotor with broken rotor bars prior to it being re-barred is shown in Figure 9.37.
The rotor core is a heat shrink fit onto the shaft, and of particular significance is the
fact that there are no radial cooling ducts in this rotor from a 6800 kW SCIM.
The likely reasons for the vibration phenomenon were as follows:
(i) During the tests the temperatures of the copper cage winding, laminated steel
core and solid steel shaft will all be different and, in particular, the copper bars
and end ring will heat up much more quickly than the rotor core, and the former
will expand external to the rotor core ends.
(ii) There will, of course, be a re-distribution of the rotor’s mechanical imbalance due
to temperature differentials between start-up from cold and the motor reaching its
steady-state temperature after four to five hours. The rotor’s mechanical
imbalance then takes up a steady-state value, after all parts of the rotor reach their
full-load temperatures and the vibration returns to normal.
(iii) It was subsequently found that this was a characteristic of the rotor design, and
carrying out a trim balance of the rotor did not reduce the high shaft displacement
(130 µm peak–peak) during a period of 30 minutes, as shown in Figure 9.36.
(iv) The client required the motor to be returned for operational service as soon as
possible, and therefore the only option was to set the vibration trip level on the
offshore platform to 135 µm peak–peak to prevent the motor tripping out during
this early running period after start-up.
(v) The client approved this increase in the vibration trip level and. despite this
higher level of displacement, after start-up, the motor has run without incident
since its return to service in 2010.
9.1 F. Y. Zeidan and B. S. Herbage, Fluid Film Bearing Fundamentals and Failure Analyses,
Proceedings 20th Turbo Machinery Symposium, Texas A&M University, College Station,
Houston, TX, 1991, pp. 161–86. Can be accessed via:
9.2 W. R. Finley and M. M. Hodowanec, Sleeve vs. Anti-Friction Bearings: Selection of the
Optimal Bearing for Induction Motors, Record of Conference Papers, IEEE Incorporated
Industry Applications Society, Forty-Eighth Annual Conference, 2001 Petroleum and
Chemical Industry Technical Conference (Cat. No.01CH37265), 2001, pp. 305–17.
9.3 M. E. Leader, Understanding Journal Bearings, Proceedings 25th Turbo Machinery
Symposium, Texas A&M University, College Station, Houston, TX, 2001.
9.4 H. P. Bloch and F. K. Geitner, Machinery Failure Analysis and Trouble Shooting:
Practical Machinery Management for Process Plants, fourth edition, Elsevier, 2012.
9.5 R. Scott, Journal Bearings and their Lubrication, Machinery Lubrication Magazine, July
9.6 G. J. Willis, Lubrication Fundamentals, Marcel Dekker Inc., ISBN 0-8247-696-7, 1980.
9.7 M. M. Khonsani and R. E. Booser, Applied Tribology – Bearing Design and Lubrication,
John Wiley & Sons Inc., ISBN 0-471-28302-9, 2001.
9.8 A. Muszynska, Rotor Dynamics, CRC Press/Taylor and Francis, FL, USA, 2005.
9.9 J. M. Vance, Rotordynamics of Turbo Machinery, John Wiley & Sons, ISBN 0-471-
80258-1, 1988.
9.10 B. J. Hamrock, S. R. Schmid and B. O. Jackson, Fundamentals of Fluid Film Lubrication,
Marcel Decker, New York, 2004.
9.11 C. Yung, Sleeve bearing clearance depends on many factors,
9.12 Type E Slide Bearings – RENK AG,, Slide_Bearings_
9.13 BS 600 34-14-2004, Rotating Electrical Machines, Part 14 Mechanical Vibration of
Certain Machines with Shaft Heights of 56 mm and Higher – Measurement, Evaluation
and Limits of Vibration Severity, 2004.
9.14 NEMA MG 1-2006, Part 7: Mechanical Vibration – Measurement, Evaluation and
9.15 American Petroleum Institute (API), 541 Vibration Standard, item
Figure 10.1a shows the developed airgap of an induction motor with 2-poles of the
revolving flux wave.
The magnetic flux exerts a radial pull across the airgap, proportional at each point to
the flux density squared (B2 / Φ2).
The force wave is therefore a fully displaced sine wave of double the frequency of
the magnetic flux wave as shown in Figure 10.1a [10.5].
A brand new SCIM will therefore inherently produce stator core vibration at 2f1,
but an increase in magnetic asymmetry will change the characteristics of the vibration
measured on the stator core back and will normally increase its magnitude. However,
this increase will only occur at specific positions on the core back as shown in the case
history in Section 10.4, later in this chapter.
The causes of an increase in magnetic asymmetry include, for example:
(i) Thermal bowing of the rotor, which causes a change in dynamic airgap
(ii) Soft foot that may cause frame or stator core distortion in certain designs
of SCIMs.
(iii) Single phasing or an increase in supply voltage unbalance.
208 Published online by Cambridge University Press
10.1 Electromagnetic Forces and Vibration in Induction Motors 209
Figure 10.1 Schematic diagram of stator core and winding and positions of vibration
Figure 10.1a Illustration of the radial magnetic flux and force wave; see reference [10.5],
Transactions AIEE, 73 (IIA), 1954, pp.118–25.
Different designs and ratings of SCIMs will have different stator cores and frame
dimensions and different flux densities, therefore the magnitude of vibration on the
stator core at 2f1 is different for each design of motor.
Unless the client specifically requests such measurements, the vibration on the
actual stator core is not normally measured during Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT)
of large induction motors (e.g. 1000 H.P./746 kW and above). There are no vibration
standards or guidelines that cover acceptable levels of velocity or acceleration directly
on the stator core back.
Acceptable vibration criteria on the bearing housings are published in vibration
standards by NEMA, IEEE, API and BS, which are in fact different; please refer to
references [10.10] to [10.13] for full details.
Twice supply frequency vibration at 2f1 when it is measured on the bearing
housings does not reflect the actual stator core back vibration at that frequency. The
former will normally be less than that which exists on the stator core back as
demonstrated in the first industrial case history (Section 10.2).
In 2014, The American Petroleum Institute published the following criterion:
The API 541 standard recommends [10.11] that the vibration on the outer frame, in line with
support brackets [10.14] for the stator core should not be greater than twice the permitted
velocity on the bearing housings.
frv = classical and inherent rotor slot vibration frequency components
f1 = supply frequency
R = number of rotor slots
p = pole-pairs
s = operating slip in p.u., where s ¼ ðN sNN
nrv = integers 0, 2, 4, 6
Nr = rotor speed in r/min
NS = synchronous speed in r/min.
Example: consider a 4-pole, 60 Hz, 1782 /min SCIM with 56 rotor slots. Substituting
these values in Equation 10.2, and with nrv = 0, frv can be calculated as
RN r 56 1782
f rv ¼ f 1 nrv ¼ 60 0 ¼ 1633 Hz,
60 60
Important points
The electromagnetic forces at these rotor slot passing frequencies are normal and
inherent in a SCIM and are not due to a fault; see references [10.3] to [10.5].
Their magnitudes in mm/s or m/s2 are a function of load current taken by the motor,
for example as the load current increases the current in the rotor bars also increases.
The leakage flux from each rotor bar therefore increases and likewise the magnitude of
the rotor slot passing flux components and hence the rotor slot vibration
Their magnitudes in mm/s or m/s2 can increase with an increase in airgap eccentricity,
but they are not unique frequency characteristics which can be used to truly
diagnose an airgap eccentricity problem. The reason is that their magnitudes in
mm/s change as a function of the rotor current and load applied to the motor.
10.2 Industrial Case History – Magnetic Forces and Vibration on the Stator
Core and Outer Frame of a New 4000 kW/5362 H.P. SCIM
Abstract – This investigation had the following objectives, which were carried out and
achieved by the author in 1986:
(i) To measure and analyse the vibration on the stator core back and at strategic
positions on the outer box frame of a new 6.6 kV, 4000 kW/5362 H.P., 60 Hz,
2-pole, SCIM.
(ii) To compare the vibration measurements and analysis from item (i) with the
measurements and analysis of vibration on the housings of the journal bearings.
This was carried out during FATs of the motor, and accelerometers were mounted
directly on the stator core back.
The results of the investigation have not been previously published by the author of
this book, but he did carry out the vibration measurements and analysis as part of a
research and development project, which was sponsored by BP Exploration, Aber-
deen, Scotland. At that time he was a senior lecturer at Robert Gordon University,
Aberdeen, Scotland, and leader of the electrical machines monitoring research and
development team.
Voltage 6.6 kV
Power 4000 kW/5362 H.P.
Current (full-load) 404 A
Frequency (nominal) 60 Hz
Full-load speed 3540 r/min (2-pole)
p.f. 0.89
Efficiency 95.4%
In 2014, the American Petroleum Institute’s standard API 541 [10.11] was
amended to include vibration limits on the frame of an electrical machine with
guidelines as to where the vibration measurements should be taken. This was 28 years
after the author carried out the tests presented in this case history.
Additional data
The key conclusions from the measured overall velocities and accelerations on the
bearing housings and stator core back are as follows:
(i) The overall velocities and acceleration levels on the bearing housings are all
perfectly acceptable and well within the upper limits in BS 60034-14-2004, as
shown in Table 10.2.
(ii) The overall velocity and acceleration levels on the stator core back are up to
3.5 times greater than in the radial directions on the bearing housings.
(iii) The bearing pedestals are separate from the end frames in this motor and the
vibration transmitted from the stator core to the bearing housings will be
attenuated. The attenuation would be less if the bearing housings were an integral
part of the end frames.
The reasons for the vibration being much higher (see item (ii) above) on the stator core
back of this 2-pole SCIM require an analysis of the time domain waveforms and
vibration spectra.
10.2.2 Time Domain and VSA of Vibration on the Stator Core Back
Figures 10.2 and 10.3 present the time domain velocity waveforms on the core back at
positions SC1 and SC2, and it is very clear that there is a dominant pattern with a
complete time cycle of period, T = 8.33 ms, which corresponds to 120 Hz.
The peak velocity was 8 mm/s at position SC1 on the core back, which is 0.3
inches/s peak. The NEMA MG1 standard [10.10] allows up to 0.15 inches/s peak on
the bearing housings when mounted on a rigid base, which was the case with this
Figure 10.2 Velocity time waveform at position SC1 on the stator core back.
Figure 10.3 Velocity time waveform at position SC2 on the stator core back.
motor, thus the core back vibration was twice the NEMA limit for the bearing housing
The API 541 [10.11] standard only allows a maximum of 0.1 inches/s peak on the
bearing housing, therefore the core back vibration at 0.3 inches/s was three times
larger in this motor: an interesting result.
There are also numerous higher frequencies superimposed on the 120 Hz time
domain waveform. The velocity spectrum on the stator core back at SC1, as shown in
Figure 10.4, is given as a sample using a dB versus frequency display so that all the
components can be simultaneously displayed on the same spectrum.
With respect to Figure 10.4 the following nomenclature applies:
A = 1X rotational speed frequency = 60 Hz at 92 dB (i.e. 0.76 mm/s r.m.s.)
B = 2f1 = 120 Hz at 108 dB (i.e. 4.8 mm/s r.m.s.)
C = 4f1 = 240 Hz at 88 dB (i.e. 0.48 mm/s r.m.s.)
D = 6f1 Hz
E = 8f1 Hz
F = frv(nrv = 0)= 2760 Hz at 78 dB (i.e. 0.15 mm/s r.m.s.).
Figure 10.4 Velocity spectrum, position SC1 on the stator core back.
The key observations from the velocity spectrum on the stator core back are as follows:
(i) The spectrum is dominated by the 2f1 component at 120 Hz at a velocity of
4.8 mm/s r.m.s. (overall 5.2 mm/s r.m.s.).
(ii) As predicted, there are harmonics of 2f1 at 240 Hz, 360 Hz and 480 Hz of
magnitudes at 0.24 mm/s, 0.48 mm/s and 0.5 mm/s r.m.s. respectively.
(iii) As predicted, there is a series of rotor slot vibration components spaced at 2f1
apart, and from Equation 10.2, and with nrv = 0, we have:
RN r 46 3600
f rv ¼ f 1 nrv ¼ 60 0 ¼ 2760 Hz:
60 60
The motor was running uncoupled; therefore the rotor speed was very close to the
synchronous speed of 3600 r/min, and for the calculation Nr is taken to be 3600 r/min.
This is often termed the principal rotor slot passing vibration component. There are
also additional and inherent rotor slot passing frequencies, which are spaced 2f1 apart,
as shown in Figure 10.4:
With nrv = 2, 4, 6, 8 the rotor slot passing vibration components occur for this motor as
nrv = 2, frv = 2760 2f1 = 2880 and 2640 Hz
nrv = 4, frv = 2760 4f1 = 3000 and 2520 Hz
nrv = 6, frv = 3120 6f1 = 3120 and 2400 Hz
nrv = 8, frv = 2760 8f1 = 3240 and 2280 Hz.
This proved the previous predictions and was in line with numerous publications by
eminent electrical machine designers and academics; see references [10.1] to [10.5].
Figure 10.5 Velocity time waveform on stator core back at position SC1.
Figure 10.6 Velocity time waveform in the horizontal direction on the NDE bearing housing.
These results were from a brand new 2-pole SCIM that had an airgap eccentricity
(static plus dynamic) of 8% of the radial airgap, which is normal and was confirmed
by the OEM.
The electromagnetic forces and consequential vibration on the stator core back at
these frequencies were inherent in this brand new SCIM and were not the result of
a fault.
Figure 10.7a Velocity spectrum, position SC1 on the stator core back.
D = 6f1 Hz
F = frv(nrv = 0)= 2760 Hz at 78 dB (i.e. 0.15 mm/s r.m.s.).
The velocity spectrum at the NDE horizontal position on the bearing housing is shown
in Figure 10.7, and Figure 10.7a is a repeat (for a direct comparison between the two
spectra) of the spectrum shown in Figure 10.4, which was from the stator core back at
position SC1; the key observation is as follows:
Figure 10.8 Overall r.m.s. velocities and accelerations on the outer frame at the side without the
terminal box.
(i) The twice supply frequency vibration component at 120 Hz was only 0.48 mm/s
r.m.s. on the bearing housing; this was one tenth that at the SC1 and SC2 positions
(see Figures 10.1 and 10.7a) on the stator core back.
With respect to Figure 10.7a the following nomenclature applies:
A = 1X rotational speed frequency = 60 Hz at 92 dB (i.e. 0.76 mm/s r.m.s.)
B = 2f1 = 120 Hz at 108 dB (i.e. 4.8 mm/s r.m.s.)
C = 4f1 = 240 Hz at 88 dB (i.e. 0.48 mm/s r.m.s.)
D = 6f1 Hz
E = 8f1 Hz
F = frv(nrv = 0)= 2760 Hz at 78 dB (i.e. 0.15 mm/s r.m.s.).
Figure 10.9 Overall r.m.s. velocities and accelerations on the outer frame at the side with the
terminal box.
Figure 10.10, as reported in reference [10.14], illustrates one mode of excitation along with
an example of why it is important to measure the vibration on a loaded structural member. Conclusions
The key observations from the velocities and accelerations are presented in Fig-
ures 10.8 and 10.9 in comparison to the velocities measured on the stator core back
at positions SC1 and SC2 (see Table 10.1).
(1) From Figure 10.8, which is on the side without the terminal box, the overall r.m.s.
velocities and accelerations at positions ‘1’ and ‘2’ were 6 mm/s at each position
and 5.5 m/s2 and 5 m/s2 respectively.
Figure 10.10 Stator frame vibration should be measured on a loaded structure as shown in the
illustration [10.14].
In 2010, the end user called in the author to carry out vibration measurements and
analysis and Motor Current Signature Analysis (MCSA) – see references [10.21] to
[10.30] – to check the operational integrity of the cage winding.
This case history shows that the sub-contractor, on two instances, erroneously
deduced that the vibration component at the principal rotor slot passing frequency
(see Section 10.1.2) measured on the motor’s frame at the NDE was caused by broken
rotor bars. This prediction resulted in unnecessary costs for the end user, because the
motor was removed from the LNG plant for strip-down and an independent inspection
at a motor repair workshop.
To quote the electrical team leader at the LNG site, the total cost was of the order of
£10,000.00 because removal and inspection involved the following:
(i) Lifting equipment to remove the motor shown in Figure 10.11a.
(ii) Time for personnel to remove the motor.
(iii) Transportation to repair shop.
(iv) Strip-down cost.
(v) Inspection of rotor.
(vi) Fitting of new bearings which is normal practice and a requirement by the end
user when a motor is stripped down.
(vii) Transport back to site.
(viii) Re-installation.
The vendor’s diagnosis was false because, as explained in Section 10.1.2, electromag-
netic forces caused by rotor slotting produce consequential vibration at the rotor slot
vibration frequencies on the motor’s stator core and frame. The consequential vibra-
tion caused by rotor slotting is not due to broken rotor bars; see [10.15] and [10.17].
The first and crucial oversight by the sub-contractor was to not obtain information
on the type of cage rotor in this induction motor, because it was an aluminium die cast
rotor that had been in operation for 17 years.
It is well known [10.21] that broken rotor bars in aluminium cage rotors are rare events.
They either exist due to flaws in manufacture, such as porosity in the die casting process or
when the rotor has been subjected to excessive overheating from, for example, a stall.
There were no reported incidents of severe overloading or a stall.
The relatively high overall vibration of 6.3 mm/s r.m.s. on the outer frame compared
to the highest velocity on the DE bearing housing at 1.8 mm/s r.m.s. was due to an
electromagnetic force at the principal rotor slot passing frequency (defined in Section
This caused vibration at that frequency on the outer frame, which has an interfer-
ence and keyed fit to the stator core back. It will be shown that MCSA verified that
there were no 2sf sidebands (or pole-pass frequencies) around the supply component
of current [10.21], and the aluminium die cast cage winding was perfectly healthy. As
of 2020 this motor was still running normally without any incidents of cage winding
The overall r.m.s. velocities at the DE were normal, but the overall velocity at the
NDE F position on the outer frame of the motor was up to 3.5 times higher than from
any of the positions on the DE bearing housing; see Table 10.3. Spectrum analysis
was required to explain the reason for this result.
Figure 10.12 Vibration spectrum, bearing housing on DEV, coupled to the compressor, base-
band frequency span was 10–1000 Hz, 7.9 mHz/line.
Figure 10.13 Vibration spectrum, NDE F stator frame position, coupled to the compressor, base-
band frequency span was 10–1000 Hz, 7.9 mHz/line.
corresponding slip of 0.0117 (1.17%). This is in line with the expected operational slip
at a current of 96%If.l. Particular features of the spectrum are two velocity components
at 830 Hz and 930 Hz on the DE bearing housing. They are at a very low velocity
level; for example, the 830 Hz component is only 0.15 mm/s.
In comparison, Figure 10.13 shows the velocity of the 830 Hz and 930 Hz
components on the frame at the NDE F position on the motor’s outer frame are
5.7 mm/s and 1.4 mm/s respectively, compared to 0.15 mm/s and 0.17 mm/s on the
DE bearing housing.
The components at 830 Hz and 930 Hz are not harmonic integer multiples of the 1X
component, nor are they at any of the predicted bearing defect frequencies and integer
multiples from the DE or NDE bearings as predicted in Table 10.4.
N324 C3
6316 C3
The fundamental source of the components at 830 Hz and 930 Hz on the frame of
the motor is caused by inherent and normal components due to vibration rotor slot
slotting from electromagnetic forces, as explained in Section 10.1.2. Using Equation
10.2 to predict the rotor slot vibration components gives:
RN r
f rv ¼ f 1 nrv ,
frv = classical and inherent rotor slot vibration frequency components
f1 = supply frequency
R = number of rotor slots = 84
nrv = integers 0, 2, 4, 6
Nr = rotor speed in r/min.
Using these values in Equation 10.2, and with nrv = 0, frv can be calculated as
RN r 84 593
f rv ¼ f 1 nrv ¼ 60 0 ¼ 830 Hz,
60 60
Figure 10.14 Current zoom spectrum base-band span 0-–120 Hz, 12,800 spectral lines.
the origin of the rotating electromagnetic force wave that produced the principal rotor
slot passing vibration at 830 Hz.
10.3.4 Conclusions
(i) The vibration condition monitoring sub-contractor misunderstood the source of
the frame vibration and assumed that because it was a function of the number of
rotor bars and was at a relatively high magnitude it must be due to broken rotor
(ii) Figure 10.14 shows the current spectrum produced by the author via MCSA and
there are no 2sf1 sidebands (or pole-pass) frequencies around the supply
component f1 and this categorically proves that the aluminium die cast cage
winding was perfectly healthy.
(iii) The vibration condition monitoring sub-contractor did not offer MCSA services
to check for broken rotor bars.
(iv) For full details on the industrial application of MCSA to diagnose broken rotor
bars, the reader is referred to reference [10.21], which contains 50 industrial case
histories on MCSA.
10.4 Case Study – Measurement of the Stator Core Vibration Proved that
Broken Rotor Bars in a SCIM Modulate the Vibration Rotor Slot Passing
Frequencies at Twice the Slip Frequency
10.4.1 Background
Abstract – The author of this book, when he was leader of the electrical machine
monitoring research group at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, Scotland, initiated
a research and development (R&D) project in 1980 on condition monitoring to
diagnose faults in 3-phase induction motors. The author’s approach to research and
Figure 10.15 Special SCIM test rig for monitoring and analysing vibration and current during
normal and fault conditions.
development was to design and build special test rigs [10.21], to introduce different
faults in them and to analyse signals such as vibration and current. The latter, known as
MCSA – see references [10.21] to [10.30] – is now extensively used by industry, and
the author published reference [10.21], which contains 50 industrial case histories on the
application of MCSA.
The objective of this study is as follows:
(i) To verify via controlled experiments that broken rotor bars modulate the vibration
rotor slot passing frequency components at twice the slip frequency (2sf1).
10.4.2 Measurement of Vibration Rotor Slot Passing Frequencies on the Stator Frame
A special SCIM test rig, shown in Figure 10.15, was designed and constructed in
1981. The outer frame of the motor had mounting studs installed to secure accelerom-
eters on the frame’s outer periphery.
The first objective, during normal operation and with no faults introduced into the
motor, was to measure the vibration rotor slot passing frequency components on the
stator frame, which is in direct contact with the stator core back.
Motor details
RN r
f rv ¼ f 1 nrv ,
frv = classical and inherent rotor slot vibration frequency components
f1 = supply frequency
R = number of rotor slots = 51
nrv = integers, 0, 2, 4, 6. . .
Nr = rotor speed in r/min;
RN r 51 1430
f rv ¼ f 1 nrv ¼ 60 0 ¼ 1215 Hz,
60 60
The vibration rotor slot passing frequency components, as predicted from Equation
10.2, are present in both spectra at 100 Hz apart.
There were differences between the acceleration magnitudes at different positions on
the stator frame. For example, the magnitudes of the principal rotor slot passing
frequency (1215 Hz) at full load, were 76 dB and 70 dB at positions 12 o’clock and
3 o’clock respectively (i.e. a difference factor of 2).
This is because of the complex vibratory response of a stator core assembly and the
magnitudes of vibration components are a function of position around the frame.
With respect to Figure 10.16 the following nomenclature applies:
A = 2f1 = 100 Hz at 80 dB
B = 1015 Hz at 69 dB
C = 1115 Hz at 76 dB
D = 1215 Hz at 76 dB
E = 1315 Hz at 72 dB
F = 1415 Hz at 86 dB
G = 1515 Hz at 72 dB.
Figure 10.16 Acceleration spectrum, dB versus frequency, at 12 o’clock on the stator frame as
shown in Figure 10.15.
Figure 10.17 Acceleration spectrum, dB versus frequency, at 3 o’clock on the stator frame as
shown in Figure 10.15.
Figure 10.18 No broken rotor bars, acceleration zoom spectrum, dB versus frequency at
12 o’clock on the outer frame – see Figure 10.15.
Figure 10.19 One broken rotor bar, acceleration zoom spectrum, dB versus frequency at
12 o’clock on the outer frame – see Figure 10.15.
E = 1315 Hz at 68 dB
F = 1415 Hz at 78 dB
G = 1515 Hz at 70 dB.
10.4.3 VSA of the Stator Frame Vibration with Broken Rotor Bars
A zoom acceleration spectrum of the frame vibration at 12 o’clock from a perfectly
healthy 51 slot aluminium cage rotor is shown in Figure 10.18, and Figure 10.19
shows the zoom acceleration spectrum at the same position with one broken rotor bar
introduced into the same cage rotor.
At the full-load speed of 1430 r/min, the operational slip is given by:
N s N r 1500 1430
s¼ ¼ ¼ 0:0467 pu
Ns 1500
and 2sf1 = 4.67 Hz.
Figure 10.20 Two broken rotor bars, acceleration zoom spectrum, dB versus frequency at
12 o’clock on the outer frame – see Figure 10.15.
It is very well known that broken rotor bars in a squirrel-cage rotor cause the
following – see references [10.21] to [10.30]:
(i) Modulation of the rotor’s speed and torque at twice the slip frequency (2sf1).
(ii) Amplitude modulation of the airgap flux and supply frequency current at twice
the slip frequency (2sf1), which is the correct terminology. These sidebands are
sometimes referred to as pole-pass frequencies (but only in the USA) by vibration
condition monitoring companies but induction motor experts do not use that term
[10.21] and use the correct terminology.
(iii) Equation 10.3, which gives the vibration rotor slot passing frequencies, is a
function of the rotor speed, Nr; therefore the rotor slotting vibration components
are also modulated at twice the slip frequency (2sf1).
Figure 10.20 shows the acceleration spectrum with two broken rotor bars. The
principle rotor slot vibration component is still at 74 dB but the lower (–2sf1) and
upper (+2sf1) sidebands aroundfrv(nrv = 0)= 1215 Hz are 16 dB and 18 dB down on frv
(nrv = 0). The lower sideband relative to frv(nrv = 0) has increased by 6 dB, which equates
to a factor increase of 2.
10.5.1 Introduction
Abstract – This study reports on research work carried out in 1983 as part of the R&D
project that was described in Section 10.3.1. A special SCIM test rig designed and
constructed in 1981 is shown in Figure 10.21. The outer frame of the motor had
mounting studs installed to secure accelerometers on the frame’s outer periphery. The
nameplate data of the test motor shown in Figure 10.21 are as follows:
3-phase, SCIM, 415 V, 11 kW/14.75 H.P., 21 A, 50 Hz, 1430 r/min.
The objectives of this experimental study were as follows:
(i) To verify that the magnitude of the acceleration and velocity of the twice supply
frequency vibration component (2f1) is a function of position on the outer
circumference of the stator frame.
(ii) To measure the magnitude of the acceleration and velocity of the twice supply
frequency vibration component (2f1) at no load and full-load.
(iii) To verify that the magnitude of the velocity and acceleration of the twice supply
frequency component around the stator frame is highly sensitive to an increase in
voltage unbalance and that there are optimum positions on the frame that must be
selected for measuring the velocity to identify that change.
Figure 10.21 Special SCIM test rig for monitoring and analysing vibration and current during
normal and fault conditions.
10.5.2 Measurement of the Velocity and Acceleration of the Twice Supply Frequency
Component on the Stator Frame as a Function of Position during No-Load and
Full-Load Operation
It has already been shown in Section 10.1.1 that the fundamental vibration due to
electromagnetic forces in a SCIM is at:
twice the supply frequency = 2f1.
Note that the stator core and outer aluminium frame are in direct contact in this
11 kW/14.75 H.P. SCIM because the core is pressed into the frame under a very high
pressure. The outer frame and the stator core act as a solid body to the magnetic force
and consequential vibration at 100 Hz (2f1). Owing to the foot mounting it was
impossible to measure the vibration around the complete circumference of the outer
frame as is clear in Figure 10.21, and as also illustrated in the schematic diagram of the
stator core and frame, which is shown in Figure 10.22.
The r.m.s. velocity and acceleration levels around the stator frame at no load and
full load are presented in Figure 10.23 and the key observations are as follows:
(i) The r.m.s. velocity of the 100 Hz component is low at no load and full load, with
the maximum being only 0.4 mm/s (0.57 mm/s peak) or 0.022 inch/s peak at the
–125 position; this is anticlockwise from the zero reference position, which is
taken as 12 o’clock (i.e. the 0 position on Figure 10.23) looking from the NDE of
the SCIM shown in Figure 10.21.
(ii) The maximum difference between the magnitudes of the velocities at no load and
full load is only 13% at the –100 position. This is expected since the flux density
Figure 10.22 Schematic diagram of the construction of the stator core and outer frame.
Figure 10.23 Vibration (r.m.s.) levels of the 100 Hz component at no load and full load versus
position around the frame of the 4-pole SCIM shown in Figures 10.21 and 10.22.
and flux per pole are virtually constant between no load and full load and are also
a function of the applied voltage and frequency.
(iii) The electromagnetic force equation for an induction motor (see references [10.1]
to [10.5]) is given by Equation 10.3:
E = 4.44f1ΦNphkskd, (10.3)
E = volts/phase, V
f1 = supply frequency, Hz
Φ = flux/pole, Webers
Nph = number of turns/phase
ks = coil span factor of the 3-phase winding
kd = distribution factor of a group of series connected coils.
At constant voltage and frequency, the flux/pole and therefore the motor’s flux density
is constant because the number of turns/phase and the coil span and distribution
factors are constant.
(iv) It is well known – see references [10.4] and [10.5] – that the electromagnetic
force wave at 2f1 has a mode wave number equal to twice the number of pole-
pairs. The vibration distribution of the 100 Hz (2f1) component around the frame
of the motor has nodes (minimum vibration) and anti-nodes (maximum vibration)
and this reflects the 4-pole electromagnetic force wave, at 100 Hz.
(v) The results from the tests provide the base-line vibration at 100 Hz around the
frame of this motor; this can be used as the reference for vibration measurements
on the core as a function of unbalanced voltage.
Figure 10.24 Vibration (r.m.s.) levels of the 100 Hz component at full load as a function of
voltage unbalance and position around the frame of the 4-pole SCIM.
10.5.4 Conclusions
The key observations from the velocity plots shown in Figures 10.23 and 10.24 are as
(i) The nodes and anti-nodes are obvious and resemble the expected distribution from
the 4-pole electromagnetic force wave profile at 100 Hz, as shown in Figure 10.1a
and reference [10.5]. For this 4-pole motor the velocity of the 100 Hz component
at the node at 12 o’clock is as expected, a minimum, and there is a negligible
change in the velocity at that position as the voltage unbalance increased in
comparison to the increase in velocity of 100% at the –100 position with only
0.84% voltage unbalance.
(ii) With a voltage unbalance of 3.45% the velocity of the 100 Hz component
increased by a factor of three at the –100 position.
The main conclusion is that a small voltage unbalance (e.g. of 0.84%) at full load caused
a doubling in the velocity of the 100 Hz component on the stator core and frame, but the
optimum position for sensing that velocity increase must be correctly selected.
It has been known for many years that the fundamental electromagnetic force is
proportional to the flux density squared, see references [10.1] to [10.5], i.e.:
Fem(θ, t) / B2 (10.4)
B / Φ,
Fem = electromagnetic force (N) – a function of time and space
B = flux density (Tesla) – a function of time and space
Φ = magnetic flux (Webers) – a function of time and space
B ¼ ΦA
A = cross-sectional area, m2.
Let the fundamental flux in the time domain =Φ = Φp1 sin ω1t.
The frequency of the fundamental electromagnetic force (Fem(θ, t) / B2 / Φ2), see
references [10.6] to [10.9], is therefore given by:
Φ2 ¼ Φ2p1 sin 2 ω1 t ¼ Φ2p1 ð1 cos 2ω1 t Þ,
where ω1 = 2πf1.
Therefore, the fundamental flux produces an electromagnetic force at:
sin 2 ω1 t ¼ ð1 cos 2ω1 t Þ
sin 2 ω3 t ¼ ð1 cos 2ω3 t Þ
2 sin ω1 t sin ω3 t ¼ cos ðω3 t ω1 t Þ cos ðω3 t þ ω1 t Þ
10.1 M. Liwschitz-Garik and C. C. Whipple, Electric Machinery Vol. II, A C Machines, Van
Nostrand Company, first published Sept. 1946.
10.2 M. G. Say, Alternating Current Machines, fourth edition, ELBS and Pitman Publishing,
10.3 P. L. Alger, Induction Machines – Their Behaviour and Uses, Gordon and Breach
Science Publications Inc, second edition, published by OPA Amsterdam, third printing
with additions, 1995.
10.4 S. J. Yang, Low Noise Electric Motors, Monographs in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering, IEE, Savoy Place, London, 1981.
10.5 P. L. Alger, Magnetic Noise in Poly-phase Induction Motors, Transactions AIEE, 73
(Part IIA), 1954, pp. 118–25.
10.6 W. R. Finley, M. M. Hodowanec and W. G. Holter, An Analytical Approach to Solving
Motor Vibration Problems, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 36 (5), Sept./
Oct. 2000, pp. 1467–80.
10.7 M. J. Costello, Understanding the Vibration Forces in Induction Motors, Proceedings
19th Turbomachinery Symposium, College Station, TX, Oct. 1989, pp. 179–83.
10.8 W. R. Findlay and R. R. Burke, Troubleshooting Motor Problems, IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, 27, Nov./Dec. 1991, pp. 1204–13.
10.9 R. O. Eis, Electric Motor Vibration – Cause, Prevention and Cure, IEEE Transactions on
Industry Applications, 1A11 (3), May/June, 1975.
10.10 NEMA MG1: Motors and Generators, 2012.
10.11 API Standard 541, Form-Wound Squirrel Cage Induction Motors – 375 kW (500 H.P.)
and Larger, fifth edition, December 2014.
10.12 British Standard (BS) 60034-14, Rotating Electrical Machines, Part 14: Mechanical
Vibration of Certain Machines with Shaft Heights of 56 mm and Higher – Measurement,
Evaluation and Limits of Vibration Severity, Feb. 2004.
10.13 IEEE 841-2009, IEEE Standard for Petroleum and Chemical Industry – Premium
Efficiency, Severe-Duty, Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled (TEFC) Squirrel-Cage Induction
Motors – up to and Including 375 kW (500 H.P.), IEEE, New York.
10.14 M. Chisholm et al., Amending API 541 – An Overview of the New Requirements and
Improvements of the Fifth Edition, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, 20 (1), 2014,
pp. 41–9.
10.15 J. R. Cameron, W. T. Thomson and A. B. Dow, Vibration and Current Monitoring for
Detecting Airgap Eccentricity in Large Induction Motors, IEE Proceedings, 133 Part
B (3), May 1986.
10.16 W. T. Thomson, J. R. Cameron and A. B. Dow, On-Line Diagnostics of Large Induction
Motors, NATO ARW (by invitation only), Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium,
August 1986, published in the NATO Api Series, Pub. Martines Hijhoff, July 1988.
10.17 D. G. Dorrell, W. T. Thomson and S. Roach, Analysis of Airgap Flux, Current and
Vibration Signals as a Function of the Combination of Static and Dynamic Airgap
Eccentricity in 3-Phase Induction Motors, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,
33 (1), Jan./Feb. 1997, pp. 24–34.
10.18 W. T. Thomson, A. Barbour, C. Tassoni and F. Filippetti, An Appraisal of the MMF-
Permeance Method and Finite Element Models to Study Static Airgap Eccentricity and
its Diagnosis in Induction Machines, Proceedings ICEM’98, Istanbul, 1998.
10.19 W. T. Thomson, A Review of On-Line Condition Monitoring Techniques for Three-
Phase Squirrel-Cage Induction Motors – Past Present and Future, Keynote address at
IEEE Symposium on Diagnostics for Electrical Machines, Power Electronics and
Drives, Gijon, Spain, Sept. 1999, pp. 3–18.
10.20 W. T. Thomson and P. Orpin, Current and Vibration Monitoring for Fault Diagnosis and
Root Cause Analysis of Induction Motors, Proceedings of 31st Turbomachinery Sympo-
sium, Texas, A&M University, USA, Sept. 2002.
10.21 W. T. Thomson and I. Culbert, Current Signature Analysis for Condition Monitoring of
Cage Induction Motors, Wiley IEEE Press, ISBN: 978-1-11902959-5, 2017.
10.22 G. B. Kliman and J. Stein, Methods of Motor Current Signature Analysis, Electric
Machines and Power Systems, Hemisphere Publishing, New York, NY, 20, 1982.
10.23 G. B. Kliman, R. A. Koegl, J. Stein, R. D. Endicott and M. W. Madden, Non-Invasive
Detection of Broken Rotor Bars in Operating Induction Motors, IEEE Transactions on
Energy Conversion, 3 (4), Dec. 1988, pp. 873–9.
10.24 W. T. Thomson and R. J. Gilmore, Motor Current Signature Analysis to Detect Faults in
Induction Motor Drives – Fundamentals, Data Interpretation and Industrial Case Histor-
ies, Proceedings of 32nd Turbomachinery Symposium, Texas, A&M University, USA,
Sept. 2003.
10.25 M. Fenger, M. Susnik and W. T. Thomson, Development of a Fully Portable Current
Signature Analysis Meter to Detect Electrical and Mechanical Faults in Induction Motor
Drives, Iris Rotating Machines Conference, IRMC 01, Washington DC, June 2001.
10.26 W. T. Thomson and M. Fenger, Current Signature Analysis to Detect Induction Motor
Faults, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, 7 (4), 2001, pp. 26–34.
10.27 W. T. Thomson and A. Barbour, The On-Line Prediction of Airgap Eccentricity Levels
in Large (MW Range) 3-Phase Induction Motors, Proc. IEEE, IEMDC Conference,
Seattle, May 1999 (US$1000 best paper award).
10.28 W. T. Thomson and A. Barbour, On-line Current Monitoring and Application of a Finite
Element Method to Predict the Level of Airgap Eccentricity in 3-Phase Induction
Motors, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, 13 (4), Dec. 1998, pp. 347–57
(includes discussion and closure).
10.29 C. Hargis, B. Gaydon and K. Kamish, The Detection of Rotor Defects in Induction
Motors, Proceedings 1st IEE International Conference on Electrical Machines, Design
and Application, London, UK, 1982, pp. 216–20.
11.1.1 Background
Abstract – The fire pump motor is a strategic unit at an LNG plant, and it must
always be operationally available with minimum risk of failure. A vibration condition
monitoring (CM) sub-contractor had monitored the motor for 14 years from 1992 to
2006. A poorly presented trend plot of the velocity at the NDE of the motor was
produced by the sub-contractor; the plot indicates wide variations in the overall r.m.s.
velocities, as shown in Figure 11.1. The author was appointed by the owner of the
LNG plant to carry out an independent investigation into the results produced by the
Figure 11.1 shows a random variation of the velocity levels.
Between June and December of 1998 the velocity increased by a factor of seven,
from 2 mm/s to 14 mm/s. The end user disputed that result. By March 2006, the
velocity had decreased to 8 mm/s r.m.s. but no actions were taken by the end
user during that period. Five months later, in August 2006, it had increased to
16 mm/s r.m.s.
The sub-contractor did not attempt to explain to the end user the dramatic variations in velocity
levels, and this was a gross omission by the sub-contractor.
The author provided further critical comments on Figure 11.1, to the end user, which
were as follows:
The time spans between the dates when the velocities were actually measured are
unequal on the x-axis and correspond to the actual velocity points (in mm/s on the
y-axis!) on the graph. This is not the conventional method that should be used to
draw a graph, because the reader must work out the dates on which the
measurements were taken.
There were no annotations on the velocity trend plot by the sub-contractor, but the
author has added dates when the velocities were widely different.
It is a vertical motor, and the actual position of the accelerometer at the NDE on the
motor was not specified by the sub-contractor who simply stated NDE velocity.
241 Published online by Cambridge University Press
242 Miscellaneous Industrial Case Histories on Vibration Analysis
Figure 11.1 Velocity at the NDEH position during a period of 14 years produced by the vibration
CM sub-contractor (not the author) for the oil and gas company.
A crucial factor is that the operating current and pump flow rate were not recorded
by the vibration CM sub-contractor for each velocity measurement. It is well known
that operating conditions can change the vibration levels, but this was ignored.
Figure 11.1 shows a random variation of the velocity levels; for example, in June
1998, the value was 2 mm/s r.m.s. but six months later, in December 1998, it was
14 mm/s r.m.s. but then decreased to 8 mm/s r.m.s. in March 2006. Five months
later, in August 2006, it had increased to 16 mm/s r.m.s.
The oil and gas company requested the author to establish the fundamental reasons for
the variations presented in Figure 11.1 because the vibration CM sub-contractor had
not done so but had simply advised the client to stop the motor on 14th August 2006.
The fire-water pump system (Figure 11.2) operates as follows:
(i) An induction motor (15 kW/20 H.P.) driven pump, which the client refers to as
the jockey pump, operates continuously to keep the water pressure at 10 bar in the
water distribution pipes and at the outlets, but it was not operational due to a
major malfunction.
(ii) In its normal mode of operation the main fire-water pump motor (415 V, 265 kW/
355 H.P.) automatically comes into operation if the pressure drops to 9 bar when
hose outlets are opened. However, because of the faulty jockey pump the main
motor was required to continuously drive the fire-water pump to maintain the
pressure in the pump system at 10 bar.
(iii) There is also a standby diesel engine fire-water pump which comes into operation
if the pressure drops to 8 bar when a high usage of water is required.
Because of the vital necessity for the fire-water pump to be operational at all times, the
end user was very concerned that the vibration CM sub-contractor had reported that
Figure 11.2 A 3-phase, SCIM, 415 V, 265 kW/355 H.P. 438 A, 50 Hz, 1480 r.p.m.,1990.
Aluminium die cast rotor cage winding.
Note the total vertical length of the drive train is 2.86 metres/9 feet 4.5 inches.
the vibration at the NDE of the main fire-water pump motor was 16 mm/s. This was
much too high and was deemed to be in the high-risk category for a potential motor
The author was commissioned to deliver the following objectives:
(1) To determine the root cause of the wide variation in magnitude of the r.m.s.
velocities (as reported by the vibration CM sub-contractor) in the horizontal
direction at the NDE of the motor.
Figure 11.3 Overall r.m.s. velocities during phase (1) – coupled to the pump, operating current
was 300 amperes.
(2) To ascertain the fundamental cause of the last velocity, recorded by the sub-
contractor in August 2006, being very high at 16 mm/s r.m.s., when five months
prior to that date it was 8 mm/s r.m.s. Both readings were taken in the horizontal
direction at the NDE of the motor.
(measured by the author), was 16 mm/s r.m.s. at position R4 (Figure 11.3b) at the
NDE of the SCIM. This was the same magnitude as reported by the vibration
sub-contractor on 14th August 2006.
(ii) The overall velocity at position R1 in Figure 11.3a (180 from R4) was 14.5 mm/s
at the NDE.
(iii) The overall velocity at position R2 in Figure 11.3a was 4 mm/s r.m.s. at the DE
of the SCIM, which was at a position of 1000 mm/40 inches vertically
downwards from R1 (at 14.5 mm/s r.m.s.).
The velocity spectrum for position R1 at the NDE is presented in Figure 11.4, and
shows that the 1X rotational speed frequency component at 24.766 Hz (Nr = 1486 r/min)
was at a velocity of 14.2 mm/s (overall velocity – 14.5 mm/s r.m.s.).
This is the fundamental frequency of vibration due to the centrifugal force from the
rotor (i.e. C.F. / mw2r (N)) and its magnitude in mm/s is normally due to mechanical
imbalance in the rotor. All the vibration spectra from the other positions were also
dominated by the 1X rotational speed frequency component. There was no evidence of
any harmonics at 2X, 3X.
The predicted bearing defect frequencies for the NDE and NDE bearings are
presented in Table 11.1. The sample velocity spectrum shown in Figure 11.4 for
position R1 at the NDE confirms that there were no bearing defect frequencies.
A rolling element bearing at an advanced stage of degradation can exhibit multiple
harmonics of the 1X component.
Bearing frequencies
Bearing frequencies
Table 11.2 Phase Two – Overall r.m.s. velocities 10% – span 10–1000 Hz
Date of uncoupled run: 25th August 2006
Reference accelerometer position: 12 o’clock as viewed from a top-down plan view at the NDE
of the vertical motor at the side of the motor’s frame without the terminal box
Radial position 12.00 Radial position 12.00 on motor frame R2 Radial position
on motor frame R1 12.00 on motor flange
Reference accelerometer position: 12 o’clock as viewed from a top-down plan view at the NDE
of the vertical motor at the side of the motor’s frame with the terminal box.
(b) The velocity at position R1 at the NDE of the motor was 13.8 mm/s compared to
14.5 mm/s during the coupled run. This is a negligible change in the velocity.
(c) These results confirm that there was an insignificant amount of vibration being
transmitted from the pump to the motor during the coupled run.
11.1.4 Phase Three – Motor FAT Vibration Measurements – Rotor Re-balanced to ISO
G0.4 Grade – New Bearings Fitted
The motor was sent to a repair shop and the rotor was balanced to G0.4; this was a
challenging and lengthy task with this size of rotor – the balance certificate is
presented in Appendix 11A. New bearings were fitted. The repair shop could not
run this vertical motor because they did not have a suitable vertical mounting set up.
The on-site motor mounting stool was delivered to the repair shop (at the author’s
insistence) and it was bolted to a solid steel base-plate of 200 mm/8 inches thickness
with a surface area of 7.5 m2/81 feet2.
The repair shop could only carry out a no-load uncoupled run of the motor because
they did not have a loading test facility for vertical motors.
The refurbished motor was supplied at rated voltage and frequency and the no-load
current was 64 amperes. The overall r.m.s. velocities are presented in Figure 11.5. The
key observations from the vibration Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) test are as follows:
(1) The velocities at the NDE at positions R1 and R4 were only 0.25 and 0.3 mm/s r.m.s.
respectively due to the very low balance grade of ISO G0.4.
(2) The velocity at position R5 was only 0.23 mm/s r.m.s.
(3) The overall r.m.s. velocities after the refurbishments were all very low with the
maximum being on the terminal box (R6) at 0.4 mm/s.
11.1.5 Phase Four – On-Site Vibration Measurements on the Refurbished Motor during
a Coupled Run – Operating Current of 300 Amperes
Figure 11.6 presents the accelerometer positions and overall velocity levels. The key
differences between the overall velocities during the coupled run before and after re-
balancing the rotor to ISO G0.4, and with the motor operating at the same current and
flow rate in both cases, were as follows:
NDE R1: before 14.5 mm/s and after 6 mm/s – dropped by a factor of 2.4.
NDE R4: before 16 mm/s and after 6 mm/s – dropped by a factor of 2.7.
DE R2: before 4 mm/s and after 1.7 mm/s – dropped by a factor of 2.4.
These results verified that the motor can be operated at loads up to 300
amperes; this was achieved by re-balancing the rotor to ISO G0.4.
11.1.6 Phase Five – On-Site Vibration Measurements on the Refurbished Motor during
a Coupled Run – Operating Current of 400 Amperes
The load on the motor was increased to 400 amperes at the maximum flow rate of
175 m3/hour.
(i) The speed dropped from 1482 r/min at 300 amperes to 1476 r/min at 400
amperes, and therefore the 1X rotational speed frequency component was
24.6 Hz.
(ii) At a load current of 400 amperes the rotor speed frequency was 24.6 Hz, which is
1476 r/min, and was obtained from the spectrum analysis presented in
Refurbished motor that was fitted with new bearings and the rotor was balanced to the ISO
standard of G0.4
Radial position 12.00 Radial position 12.00 on motor frame R2 Radial position 12.00
on motor frame R1 on motor’s flange R3
Figure 11.8. This is the excitation forcing frequency due to the centrifugal force
(C.F.) produced by the rotor. Thus the frequency (24.6 Hz) of the C.F. is now
closer to the first natural frequency (24.38 Hz) of the motor on its mounting.
Consequently the velocity at the motor’s NDE at 400 amperes will be higher
compared to a load current of 300 amperes. This was indeed the case, and
Table 11.3 presents the overall r.m.s. velocities for the motor loaded to
400 amperes and the pump delivering a flow rate of 175 m3/hour.
(iii) The differences between the velocities with a load of 300 amperes and
400 amperes with flow rates of 150 m3/hour and 175 m3/hour respectively were
as follows:
NDE R1: velocity increased from 6 mm/s to 10 mm/s – a factor increase of
NDE R4: velocity increased from 6 mm/s to 10 mm/s – a factor increase of
The velocity spectra at position R1 and R4 with operating loads of 300 amperes and
400 amperes respectively are presented in Figures 11.7 and 11.8. The spectra are
dominated by the 1X rotational speed frequency component.
11.1.7 Conclusions
(i) The overall r.m.s. velocity measurements and VSA carried out by the author
confirmed that the high velocity of 16 mm/s r.m.s. at the NDE of the motor was
due to resonance of the motor on its mounting–pump stool (see Figure 11.2).
(ii) The magnitude of the vibration is a function of load and operating speed of
the motor.
Figure 11.7 Velocity spectrum, position R1, operating current of 300 amperes.
Figure 11.8 Velocity spectrum, position R4, operating current of 400 amperes.
(iii) Re-balancing the rotor to ISO G0.4 to reduce the high vibration (NDE: 16 mm/s),
which was caused by resonance, was successful because the vibration at the
NDE of the motor was reduced from 16 mm/s to 6 mm/s, when the motor was
operating at 300 amperes and a flow rate of 150 m3 of water/hour.
(iv) The motor can be operated from 300 amperes down to light load because the
vibration drops as the rotational speed frequency moves away from the resonant
or reed frequency.
(v) When the motor was operated at 400 amperes with a flow rate of 175 m3/hour,
the rotational speed frequency (24.6 Hz) was closer to the resonant or reed
frequency (24.38 Hz), and the velocity at the NDE increased from 6 mm/s (at
300 amperes) to 10 mm/s at 400 amperes. The client was advised not to operate
the motor above 300 amperes.
(vi) The vibration CM sub-contractor obtained widely different velocities (see
Figure 11.1) because vibration measurements were taken when the motor was
operating at different operating currents and pump flow rates.
(vii) This case history reinforces the need for vibration CM companies to record the
operational load current of an induction motor and the actual mechanical load
being delivered at the time when vibration measurements are being taken.
(viii) In many cases, the personnel employed by vibration CM sub-contractors do not
record the operational currents of motors or the mechanical load conditions
when measuring vibration on electric motors. This observation is based on the
author’s experience of reviewing hundreds of reports produced by vibration CM
companies on behalf of end users.
11.2 Industrial Case History – Investigation into the Cause of Loud Acoustic
Noise from an Inverter-Fed 3.3 kV, 4500 kW/6032 H.P. Vertically
Mounted SCIM Driving a Multi-Phase Pump
11.2.1 Background
Abstract – A major oil company had received reports from personnel on one of its
offshore oil and gas production platforms that an unexplained and loud acoustic noise
Voltage 3.3 kV
Power 4500 kW/6032 H.P.
Current (full-load) 2 457 amperes; this means two parallel paths in the stator winding,
each carrying 457 amperes with an input line current = 914 amperes
Frequency (nominal) 50.33 Hz
Speed (maximum) 1510 r/min (4-pole)
p.f. 0.89
Efficiency 96.8%
Motor full-load rated 28,650 Nm
Inertia 265 kg m2
Method of cooling IC86W
Mounting IP55
DE bearing 6316 M C3 – deep groove ball bearing
NDE bearing 7330 B MP – angular contact ball bearing
(as perceived by offshore personnel but not measured) was emanating from an
inverter-fed, vertically mounted 3.3 kV, 4500 kW/6032 H.P. SCIM when running at
approximately 950 r/min. The motor, which drives a multi-phase pump at different
speeds, had previously operated between 1110 r/min and 1510 r/min and the end
user confirmed that no acoustic noise problem was ever reported. The process now
required the motor to operate from 900 r/min up to 1500 r/min. At the lower speed of
950 r/min, the client was now concerned that the acoustic noise might be indicative of
a malfunction that only manifested itself at that speed.
The oil company commissioned the author to determine the root cause of the loud
acoustic noise, occurring in the region of an operational speed of 950 r/min.
A photograph of the motor is shown in Figure 11.9, and Table 11.4 gives its relevant
nameplate data.
It is well known – see references [11.1] to [11.3] – that inverter-fed SCIMs can be
the source of unwanted acoustic noise but such noise does not necessarily mean that
there is a fault in the motor – see references [11.4] and [11.5].
Figure 11.9 Photograph of the 3.3 kV, 4500 kW/6032 H.P. variable-speed, vertically mounted
SCIM driving a multi-phase pump on the oil and gas production platform.
these vibration components could be the source that excites the outer frame of the
motor, which can then act as an acoustic radiator.
Figure 11.10 Schematic layout of the main SCIM with supporting photographs.
will be shown that the two major factors that caused the offshore personnel to report a
high acoustic noise from the motor were as follows:
(i) The ear is highly responsive to sound pressure levels in the range of 800 Hz to
4 kHz.
(ii) The unique production of a vibration component on the motor at 827 Hz at
950 r/min – see Figure 11.15).
0.64 mm/s 0.56 mm/s 0.63 mm/s 0.67 mm/s 0.8 mm/s 0.8 mm/s
DE 0 DE 90 DE A DE 0 DE 90 DE A
0.6 mm/s 0.5 mm/s 0.72 mm/s 0.47 mm/s 0.67 mm/s 0.6 mm/s
Figure 11.11 Presentation of the overall r.m.s. velocities on the NDE bearing housing at the
operational speeds of 950 r/min and 1110 r/min.
Figure 11.12 Presentation of the overall r.m.s. velocities on the DE mounting flange at the
operational speeds of 950 r/min and 1110 r/min.
Figure 11.13 shows that the fundamental frequency of the current waveform from
the inverter with the motor operating at 950 r/min and an input current of 400 amperes
(If.l. = 914 amperes), was f1 = 31.8 Hz. Recall that the synchronous speed of the
rotating magnetic field in this 4-pole (two pole-pairs) SCIM is given by:
Figure 11.14 Current spectrum to confirm multiple harmonics of the fundamental frequency from
the inverter.
Figure 11.15 Vibration spectrum: DE0 overall Figure 11.16 Vibration spectrum: DE0 overall
velocity level 0.6 mm/s. velocity level 0.47 mm/s. Conclusions
(i) The overall r.m.s. velocities measured at the DE and NDE are perfectly normal.
(ii) Electromagnetic rotating force waves act directly on the stator core and outer
frame structure, and are also transmitted to the bearings and flanges of
the motor.
(iii) When operated at 950 r/min the motor’s vibration spectrum contains a
unique component at 827 Hz that is due to an electromagnetic force at that
frequency and is a by-product of the complex supply current waveform from the
(iv) When operated at 1110 r/min, no significant vibration components from
electromagnetic forces were evident in the velocity spectrum, and it can be
concluded that the stator core or frame were not responsive (negligible
vibration, no vibration at 2(13f1)) to the electromagnetic forces at that
higher speed of operation, hence no acoustic noise problem was previously
(v) It is concluded from the analysis of current and vibration spectra that the
acoustic noise from the motor at a speed of 950 r/min is due to an
electromagnetic force (proportional to flux2) at 2 (13f1), which causes vibration
of the stator core and outer frame of the motor at that frequency.
(a) This noise was of concern to the end user because the motor had only
recently been operated at this speed, and had not been heard at the higher
operating speeds, which were previously used.
(vi) The fundamental inverter supply frequency was f1 = 31.8 Hz, with a corresponding
rotor speed of 950 r/min, thus the thirteenth current harmonic and corresponding
flux component in the airgap flux waveform is 13f1 = 413.5 Hz. An
electromagnetic force, Fem (due to flux2), occurs at 2(13f1) = 827 Hz, and this is
clearly seen in the vibration spectrum from the DE.
(i) The physical and neural mechanisms of hearing are extremely complex. The
human ear has a logarithmic response and can detect sounds spanning six decades
of intensity and in fact is a very non-linear transducer.
(ii) In terms of frequency, the audible range extends over three decades, from 20 Hz
to 20 kHz for a teenager, but the upper limit of frequency declines as humans age
and, for example, by the age of 70 it has typically dropped to 12 kHz.
(iii) For a given constant sound pressure level (SPL), the perceived loudness of a
sound is not constant over the audible range because it is frequency dependent,
with sounds of equal SPL appearing to be much louder to the human ear in
the 800 Hz to 4 kHz range than the sound at lower frequencies, as shown in
Figure 11.A.
(iv) The variability of loudness perception with frequency is formalized in ‘equal
loudness contours’ as shown in Figure 11.A. These contours were developed
from original plots known as ‘Fletcher–Munson curves’, named after early
researchers in the field.
(v) As an example of loudness perception variability, the contours show that a sound
at a given sound pressure level is perceived as twenty-five times louder at 1 kHz
than at 100 Hz.
11.3 Industrial Case History – VSA of a Repaired 1000 kW/1340 H.P. SRIM
Diagnosed a High Twice Supply Frequency Vibration and Cracks in the
Concrete Mounting Plinth
Figure 11.A SPL (sound pressure levels) and loudness level contours in Phons versus frequency.
The motor repair shop found cracks at the fixing positions of the stator frame to the
main frame, but no photos were provided to the author. The radial airgap was
measured via feeler gauges, and it was confirmed that the airgap eccentricity was
28% at the NDE. This is a very high level of airgap eccentricity when compared to 5%
airgap eccentricity, which OEMs aim to achieve in a brand-new motor. The cement
factory required the motor to be back in service as soon as practically possible, and
therefore the cracks from the stator frame to main frame were temporarily repaired by
welding. Also, the airgaps were set to within 10% of the radial airgap length at the
NDE and DE.
The author’s objectives were as follows:
(i) To carry out vibration measurements and analysis on the repaired SRIM during a
FAT programme.
(ii) To determine, based on the FAT results, whether the motor was fit for purpose
with respect to vibration levels.
(iii) To carry out VSA during no-load and coupled runs of the SRIM after re-
(iv) To advise the client if the motor could continue to run and recommend any future
uncoupled run when bolted down to the large concrete plinth at the cement factory, as
shown in Figure 11.17.
The motor repair shop could not supply the motor at 3.3 kV due to supply
limitation, but the client accepted the 3 kV, which was available at a supply frequency
of nominally 50 Hz. Thus, it was operating below its rated flux density, therefore the
Table 11.6 Overall r.m.s. velocities (10%), span 5–1000 Hz and the velocities of the 2f1 component
on the bearing housings
DE bearing housing DEV: 1.2 mm/s DEH: 1.4 mm/s DEA:1.9 mm/s
DE bearing housing DEV: 0.9 mm/s DEH: 1.2 mm/s DEA:1.7 mm/s
NDE bearing housing NDEV:2.0 m/s NDEH: 0.6 mm/s NDEA:1.0 mm/s
NDE bearing housing NDEV:1.8 mm/s NDEH: 0.4 mm/s NDEA: 0.8 mm/s
velocity of the 2f1 vibration component was slightly reduced in magnitude compared
to its value at 3.3 kV.
The no-load currents for the red, yellow and blue phases were 49 amperes,
48 amperes and 54 amperes; this unbalance can be expressed – see references [11.6]
to [11.8] – as:
Maximum current deviation from the average current
% Unbalance ¼ 100
Average current
¼ 7:3%: Overall R.M.S. Velocities and Magnitude of the 2f1 Component on the
Bearing Housings – Uncoupled Run in Repair Shop
Table 11.6 presents the overall r.m.s velocities in the vertical, horizontal and axial
positions on the bearing housings. The vibration standard, BS 60034-14-2004 [11.9],
was used as the criterion for assessing the velocity and the maximum allowable for
this motor is 2.3 mm/s r.m.s. The velocities of the 2f1 component are also presented in
the same table.
A sample of the velocity spectra is presented in Figures 11.21 and 11.22 for the
NDE and DE bearing housing in the vertical direction.
The key observations of the vibration measurements on the bearing housings
during the uncoupled run in the repair shop are as follows:
(i) The overall r.m.s. values on both bearing housings were normal and below the
acceptable limit of 2.3 mm/s r.m.s.
(ii) Figures 11.21 and 11.22 show that the 2f1 component dominates the spectra, for
example, at the NDE in the vertical direction the 2f1 component is 90% of the
overall value. This is unusual for a 6-pole induction motor.
Figure 11.21 NDE vertical bearing housing, velocity spectrum, uncoupled in repair shop.
Figure 11.22 DE vertical bearing housing, velocity spectrum, uncoupled in repair shop.
The stator core back overall r.m.s. velocity at position X in Figure 11.18 was 4.2 mm/s
and the 2f1 component was 4 mm/s, as shown in Figure 11.23.
11.3.3 Vibration Measurements and Analysis – Uncoupled and Coupled Runs at the
Cement Factory
It was not possible to measure the vibration on the NDE bearing housing due to the
restricted access imposed by the totally enclosed slip ring assembly. Figure 11.24
illustrates the positions of the accelerometers during the uncoupled and coupled runs
at the cement factory, and Table 11.7 presents the overall r.m.s. velocities. Key Observation from the On-Site Uncoupled and Coupled Runs
The velocity at position 5 was 4 mm/s r.m.s., and it was observed that there were
cracks in the concrete mounting plinth directly below the motor’s fixing bolts, as
0.5 m/s 1.9 m/s 0.7 m/s 1.0 m/s 4 mm/s 0.9 m/s 0.3 m/s
1.0 m/s 1.9 m/s 1.2 m/s 0.7 m/s 4 mm/s 0.9 m/s 0.5 m/s
Figure 11.23 Stator core back, velocity spectrum, uncoupled run in repair shop.
Note that the repair shop could not load test this 1000 kW/1340 H.P. SRIM.
shown in Figures 11.25 and 11.26. This was the first time the author had been on-site
at the cement factory.
One of the holding-down bolts was slackened at position 1 and the acoustic noise
dramatically increased. The overall velocity at position 5 increased from 4 mm/s to
8 mm/s r.m.s., which was not normal.
This increase was dominated by the 2f1 component as shown when Figures 11.27
and 11.28 are compared; this reveals that the 2f1 component increased from 3.8 mm/s
to 6.2 mm/s r.m.s., an increase of 63%. Conclusions
(i) The results presented in Section 11.3.3 verified that the velocity at 2f1 is highly
sensitive to the tightness of the motor’s fixing-down bolts.
Figure 11.27 Velocity spectrum, position 5; all holding-down bolts were tight.
(ii) Cracks were identified in the concrete plinth directly under the holding-
down bolts.
(iii) Cracks were also found by the repair shop between the fixing positions of the
stator core assembly to the main base of the motor.
(iv) Items (i) and (ii) indicate that there are abnormal levels of force and vibration
being transmitted to these positions within this motor.
(v) The client should remove the motor at the next major outage to establish the
extent and depth of the cracks under the fixing-down bolts. Carry out repairs as
11.1 M. Liwschitz-Garik and C. C. Whipple, Electric Machinery Vol. II, A-C Machines, Van
Nostrand Company, first published Sept. 1946.
11.2 M. G. Say, Alternating Current Machines, fourth edition, ELBS and Pitman Publishing,
11.3 P. L. Alger, Induction Machines – Their Behaviour and Uses, Gordon and Breach Science
Publications Inc., second edition, published by OPA Amsterdam, third printing with
additions, 1995.
11.4 S. J. Yang, Low Noise Electric Motors, Monographs in Electrical and Electronic Engin-
eering, IEE, Savoy Place, London, 1981.
11.5 P. L. Alger Magnetic Noise in Poly-phase Induction Motors, Transactions AIEE, 73 (Part
IIA), 1954, pp. 118–25.
11.6 J. H. Dymond, Operation on Unbalanced Voltage: One Motor’s Experience and More,
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 43 (3), May/June, 2007, pp. 829–37.
11.7 E. Williams, Operation of 3-Phase Induction Motors on Unbalanced Voltages, AIEE
Transactions, 73, pt III-A, April 1954, pp. 125–33.
11.8 M. Campbell and G. Arce, Effect of Motor Voltage Unbalance; Test and Evaluation, IEEE
Transactions on Industry Applications, 54 (1), 2018, pp. 905–11.
11.9 British Standard (BS) 60034-14, Rotating Electrical Machines, Part 14 Mechanical
Vibration of Certain Machines with Shaft Heights of 56 mm and Higher – Measurement,
Evaluation and Limits of Vibration Severity, Feb. 2004.
Rolling element bearing faults, which constitute the largest percentage of failures in
SCIMs – see references [12.1] to [12.6] – can be diagnosed by measuring the
combination of the overall r.m.s. velocities and velocities of the bearing defect
frequencies. To achieve this, the trending of overall velocities and velocities of the
bearing defect frequencies is essential to reliably diagnose bearing faults.
Trending is the taking of repeatable measurements under the same conditions at
regular intervals so that change, particularly a sudden major increase in vibration
levels, in any of these values can be readily and accurately seen.
Key points to be applied when trending vibration measurements are as follows:
(i) When no permanent accelerometers are fitted, it is vital that temporary
accelerometers are put in exactly the same positions every time measurements
are taken.
(ii) Ideally, the motor should be operating at the same loading (input current) each
time vibration measurements are taken.
(iii) If possible the time interval between the taking of sets of measurements should be
(iv) Trending only the overall velocity levels very often does not indicate a high rate
of rise of the velocities of bearing defect frequencies because the 1X component
dominates the overall velocity.
270 Published online by Cambridge University Press
12.2 Predictions and Prognosis of Remaining Run Life 271
(v) If the overall velocity level doubles, this can be used as a practical guide to
indicate that a problem exists in a SCIM; and likewise for the velocity level of a
bearing defect frequency, this is a good indicator that the fault has increased in
severity. This is verified in a number of the case histories (e.g. see the case
histories in Sections 5.1 and 7.1).
(vi) As the percentage velocity levels of any of the bearing defect frequencies
increases with respect to the overall velocity levels, this can also be used as an
indicator of bearing faults. This is verified in the case histories (e.g. see the case
history in Section 6.4).
Note that a similar vibration monitoring and VSA strategy can be applied to the
diagnosis of shaft misalignment (see the case histories in Chapter 1), faults in sleeve
bearings (see the case histories in Chapter 9) and vibration problems caused by
abnormal electromagnetic forces (see the case histories in Chapter 10).
One-off measurements of the overall velocities on the bearing housings and
vibration spectrum analysis (VSA) with no historical records are an inefficient appli-
cation of vibration monitoring.
When VSA and the vibration analyst predict that a specific fault exists in a SCIM, the
end users often require answers to the following:
(i) How severe is the fault?
(ii) How long can the motor operate with this type of fault?
(iii)How quickly will the severity of the fault increase?
(iv) How long will the motor run with this fault before it fails?
(v) What is the risk of a rolling element bearing fault causing a bearing collapse and a
consequential rotor to stator rub?
(vi) Should the motor be immediately switched off and removed from service to
eliminate a catastrophic motor failure and a risk to the health and safety of
personnel and other items of plant?
The author’s opinions with respect to VSA and the vibration analyst being able to
provide definitive and quantifiable answers to items (i) to (vi) are as follows:
(i) The application of trending vibration measurements when analysed by a
knowledgeable and professional vibration analyst can provide an answer to item
(i), and sometimes an answer to item (vi).
(ii) It is not technically or practically possible to provide a definitive and quantifiable
prognosis for items (ii) to (v) because of the many variables that can subsequently
affect the rate at which the fault severity increases in, for example, a rolling
element bearing with continued use of the motor.
12.2.1 Variables that Affect the Remaining Run Life of Faulty Rolling
Element Bearings in SCIMs
Vibration spectrum analysis (VSA) or any other vibration analysis technique, such as
envelope analysis, cannot quantify the actual severity of the fault, which can only be
reliably done by removing the bearing for a forensic inspection.
The following are typical examples of variables that prevent the prognosis of the
remaining run life of faulty rolling element bearings:
(i) Under or over greasing the bearing after the fault is diagnosed.
(ii) Abnormal mechanical load dynamics, which transmit high forces to the bearing.
(iii) Cyclic and transient load dynamics from the driven load.
(iv) Forces due to airgap eccentricity in a SCIM, in particular rotating forces wave
due to an increase in dynamic airgap eccentricity.
Figure 12.1 A 6.6 kV 746 kW/1000 H.P. SCIM with rolling element bearings.
Figure 12.2 A 415 V 185 kW/250 H.P. SCIM with rolling element bearings.
Figure 12.3 A 415 V 132 kW/175 H.P. SCIM with rolling element bearings.
Figure 12.4 A 3.3 kV 400 kW/540 H.P. SCIM with rolling element bearings.
vibration measurements on a monthly sequence while the motors are running, using
temporary accelerometers mounted via strong magnets or fixing studs. However,
access to the NDE bearing housings is often not possible. This is a major constraint,
because the vibration can only be measured on the outer frame close to the fan cowl at
the NDE, or alternatively on the bolts that secure the fan cowl to the end frame, which
houses the bearing.
The latter (i.e. the bolt) does provide a direct transmission path for the vibration on
the bearing housing to the bolt that is bolted into the outer periphery of the NDE end
frame as shown in Figures 12.5a and b.
The mechanical stiffness and frequency response of the end frame in the radial
direction between the bearing housing and the outer periphery of the end frame, where
the vibration can be measured, will normally attenuate the vibration produced by the
bearing. Consequently, the very early stages of bearing faults are difficult to detect
by outer frame vibration measurements, but the case histories verified that as the
bearing faults become more serious the bearing defect frequencies can be detected
via VSA.
The measurement of vibration on the DE bearing housing requires the use of a
small accelerometer because the surface area is often limited, as shown in Figure 12.6.
The coupling guard can also prohibit access to the DE bearing housing, as shown in
Figure 12.7.
With respect to the use of envelope analysis or shock pulse techniques to detect the
inception of bearing defects the special accelerometers should be mounted directly
on the bearing housings. If not a false diagnosis of a bearing fault can occur (see the
case history in Section 8.2).
Figure 12.5b Position of accelerometers on the bolts holding down the fan cowl to the NDE
end frame.
Figure 12.6 Photograph showing the small surface area that can exist on the DE bearing housing.
Figure 12.7 Photograph showing a coupling guard which prohibits access to the DE bearing
In many cases, as shown in Figure 3.1 and in the case histories, the major cause of
rolling element bearing failures is due to greasing issues such as:
over greasing
under greasing
mixing of greases
incompetent re-greasing of rolling element bearings
lack of a stringent planned maintenance procedure for greasing of bearings.
Approximately 50% of faults in induction motors are caused by bearing failures, of
which a significant proportion are the result of greasing problems in rolling element
bearings, as demonstrated in the case histories. Many of these could be eliminated by
personnel with proper knowledge who have been trained on the correct greasing
procedures. The following points are the author’s guidelines for successful greasing
of rolling element bearings in induction motors:
(i) The starting point is the OEM’s operation and maintenance manual for the motor.
It should state the type of grease, the re-greasing interval based on actual run
hours of the motor, and the volume of grease to be inserted.
(ii) It is normal for manual grease guns to be used. One pump of the grease gun will
release one shot of grease and the weight of that one shot for that grease gun
should be measured and clearly marked on the grease gun.
(iii) The type of grease to be used in each grease gun should be clearly specified on
the gun, and different greases should never be mixed in a grease gun or applied to
a bearing.
(iv) Re-greasing of rolling element bearings should be done when the motor is running.
(v) Grease relief apertures may exist at the 6 o’clock position in the bearing housing in
horizontal motors and they should be checked when greasing the bearing.
(vi) It is essential that end users have proper training schemes for personnel who are
assigned to grease bearings in electrical machines. It is the author’s experience
that not enough serious attention is given to training by end users and they
wrongly assume that anyone can properly grease bearings – that is NOT the case.
Normally there are no automatic run counters fitted to motor drives, and therefore
there is a lack of accurate records on the number of run hours. End users often re-
grease the bearings every three months irrespective of run hours, but this does not
follow the OEM’s guidelines.
Accurate records should be kept of run hours; this should be the responsibility of
operations and maintenance personnel, and re-greasing carried out as per the operation
and maintenance manual.
It is often the case that, with vertically mounted induction motors (see Figure 12.4),
the end user has retrofitted extension grease pipes so that the bearings can be greased
by maintenance personnel standing at ground level so that temporary scaffolding is
unnecessary. The author has seen cases where the extension pipes have several right-
angled bends (the worst case was six), which is bad practice for successful re-greasing
and should be avoided. If it is not possible to avoid this then the extension pipes
should be cleaned out at least every six months to remove the possibility of blockages.
When new bearings are fitted to induction motors, the end user should insist that the
repair shop fits identical bearings in accordance with the information on the motor’s
It can be the case that certain repair shops do not keep diligent records and
photographs of the removed faulty bearings, or of the actual new bearings that were
fitted. The author requires a repair shop to photograph the bearing numbers on the new
bearings that they have fitted. The reasons for this are as follows:
(i) The OEM of the motor selected the bearings (as stamped on the nameplate)
to suit the motor’s design, operational speed and dynamic loading on the bearing.
(ii) Two major manufacturers, who supply bearings worldwide, have replaced
certain off-the-shelf, stock items of steel cage bearings with extra capacity
(E rated), brass cage bearings. For example, they have replaced an N324 C3 with
an N324 E M C3, and other cylindrical roller bearings are now E rated as
standard off-the-shelf cylindrical roller bearings. It may seem that an E rated
cylindrical roller element bearing is better than a non-E rated bearing, but the
crucial point is that an E rated bearing is unnecessary and will be overrated in a
motor that was designed for a non-E rated bearing. Excessive skidding can occur
(e.g. see case history in Section 7.2) because the dynamic loading on the bearing
is insufficient to effectively rotate the rolling elements.
(iii) An N324 E MC3 has 13 rollers and an N324 C3 has 12 rollers, and the vibration
analyst will not know that an E rated bearing has been fitted, unless the repair
shop has updated the nameplate, and that is very unlikely indeed. The prediction
of the bearing defect frequencies will be based on the nameplate information, and
the vibration analysis no longer becomes valid to detect bearing defects in an
E rated bearing. This is based on the author’s knowledge of what can happen in
12.1 A. H. Bonnett, Root Cause Methodology for Induction Motors; A Step-by-Step Guide to
Examining Failure, IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, 18 (6), 2012, pp. 50–62.
12.3 IEEE Committee Report, Report of Large Motor Reliability Survey of Industrial and
Commercial Installations, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1A-21 (4), Parts
I and II, July/Aug. 1985.
12.4 IEEE Committee Report, Report of Large Motor Reliability Survey of Industrial and
Commercial Installations, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 1A-23 (1), Part
III, Jan./Feb. 1987.
12.5 O. V. Thorson and M. Dalva, A Survey of Faults on Induction Motors in Offshore Oil
Industry, Petrochemical Industry, Gas Terminals and Oil Refineries, IEEE Transactions
on Industry Applications, 31 (5), Sept./Oct. 1995.
studies-really-say/ Large Electric Motor Reliability: What Did The Studies Really Say?,
EP Editorial Staff March 23, 2012; Efficient Plant Magazine formerly Maintenance
abnormal misalignment, 9, 23 condition monitoring, 1, 6–7, 11, 27, 31–2, 76, 79,
acoustic noise, 2, 88, 112, 135, 137, 140, 144, 92, 160–1, 221, 226, 231
252–4, 256, 259, 266 contact angle, 55, 58, 110
alignment, 9, 19, 25, 36, 126, 182 corrosion, 9, 36, 68, 152, 167
aluminium die cast, 31, 222, 226–7 coupling guard, 20, 79, 81, 115, 153, 274
American Petroleum Institute, 189, 210, 212 cylindrical roller element bearing, 47, 53, 55, 78,
angular contact bearing, 55, 57, 76, 90, 95, 103 90, 103, 127, 152, 158, 278
angular misalignment, 8
API, 189, 210, 212, 214, 219 damaged ball, 115
attenuation, 116, 171, 173, 213 decibel, 86
auxiliary sea water lift pump, 120 deep grove ball bearing, 52
axial clearance, 49, 182
axial load, 52, 54, 58, 90, 103, 179, 182 eddy current displacement probe, 183
axial misalignment, 8 electromagnetic force, 2, 6, 17, 19, 208, 210–11,
216, 221, 225, 233, 235–7, 258, 271
Babbitt, 175, 179–80, 182–3, 187, 198–9 electrostatic discharge, 71–2
ball diameter, 81 envelope analysis, 76, 78–9, 152, 154, 159, 274
ball pass frequency inner race, 115 equivalent bearing load, 65
ball pass frequency outer race, 115 excessive load, 66, 182
ball spin frequency, 79, 115 extra capacity bearing, 54, 82, 133, 136, 138, 154,
Bearing Analysis Handbook, 6 159
bearing clearances, 4, 49, 176
bearing defect frequency, 83, 116, 271 Factory Acceptance Test, 28, 68, 90, 163, 183, 185,
bearing degradation, 75, 78, 161 202, 209, 211–12, 262
bearing dynamic capacity, 65 false brinelling, 66, 120, 127, 132, 140, 163, 166–7
bearing housing vibration, 185, 191, 214, Fast Fourier Transform, 15
216 fatigue failure, 65, 67, 79, 133
bearing insulation, 162 fluid film bearing, 175
bearing life, 63–5 flux density, 208, 233, 235, 237, 263
bearing load zone, 49 4-point contact ball bearing, 55
bearing shells, 175, 182 FPSO, 109
boiler forced draft fan, 115 frequency conversion, 193
Bow Thruster, 109–10, 114 frequency spectra, 11, 84, 86, 107
brass cage, 12, 49, 54, 57, 83, 90, 95, 103, 138, frequency spectrum, 87, 103, 107
158–9, 262, 278 fretting, 68, 167
British Standard, 15, 156, 186 fundamental train frequency, 81
broken rotor bars, 2, 202, 206, 221–2, 226–7, 231
broken shaft, 75, 159, 161, 166 gas recirculating fan, 19
grease lubrication, 50, 95
cement factory, 260, 263, 265–6 grease management, 270, 277
centrifugal force, 10, 35, 133, 136, 146, 164, 192,
245, 250 ingress protection, 198
coil span factor, 235 inner race, 80
280 Published online by Cambridge University Press
Index 281