Iso 10816-5-2000 21

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ISO 10816-5:2000(E)

Table A.2 — Recommended evaluation zone boundaries for machines of Group 2: Horizontal machine sets
with bearing housings which are only braced against the casing of the hydraulic machine, usually with
operational speeds of less than 300 r/min

At measurement location 1 and 2

Zone boundary R.m.s. velocity
A/B 2,5
B/C 4,0
C/D 6,4
NOTE Displacement values cannot at present be given for this machine
group since vibrations of the bulb with very low frequencies and high
displacement amplitudes are frequently transmitted to the machine
bearings. They may disguise at these parts all vibration displacement
values originating from the machine itself. The recommended zone
boundary values are not applicable to the evaluation of bulb vibration

Table A.3 — Recommended evaluation zone boundaries for machines of Group 3: Vertical machine sets
with bearing housings which are all braced against the foundation, usually with operational speeds of
between 60 r/min and 1 800 r/min

At all main bearings

Zone boundary Peak-to-peak

R.m.s. velocity
mm mm/s
A/B 30 1,6
B/C 50 2,5
C/D 80 4,0

Table A.4 — Recommended evaluation zone boundaries for machines of Group 4: Vertical machine sets
with lower bearing housings braced against the foundation and upper bearing housings braced against the
generator stator only, usually with operational speeds of between 60 r/min and 1 000 r/min

At measurement location 1 At all other main bearings

Peak-to-peak R.m.s. velocity Peak-to-peak R.m.s. velocity
Zone boundary
displacement displacement
mm mm/s mm mm/s

A/B 65 2,5 30 1,6

B/C 100 4,0 50 2,5
C/D 160 6,4 80 4,0
NOTE 1 If a machine has a lower generator bearing without bracing against the foundation, the vibration
should be evaluated according to measurement location 1.
NOTE 2 Umbrella-type machines belong to this group, evaluation zone boundaries are those for the main

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