ONA-800 Remote Control Getting Started Guide
ONA-800 Remote Control Getting Started Guide
ONA-800 Remote Control Getting Started Guide
This guide describes remote operation and control of a T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM,
DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000, using SCPI
SCPI command syntax and format requirements are presented along with instructions on how to
establish a connection to a module and initiate example applications. A list of commands and
queries that apply to all applications concludes this section as a reference for basic remote control
This guide addresses several test platforms. As these platforms are physically different, only those
physical features that apply directly to remote operations will be discussed when necessary.
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
About the T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
About the T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module,
MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
Before beginning a remote session, you should be familiar with the products and modules, found
in the T-BERD/MTS/SC/MAP-2100 Getting Started Guide, ONA-1000 Getting Started Guide, and
ONA-800 Getting Started Guide.
The following terms have a specific meaning when referring to the T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family,
MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000:
• 10/100/1000 Ethernet — Used to represent 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet. The connector
panel also uses 10/100/1000M to identify the connector used for 10/100/1000 Mbps
Ethernet testing.
• 1GigE — Used to represent 1 Gigabit Ethernet.
• 10GigE — Used to represent 10 Gigabit Ethernet.
• 40GigE — Used to represent 40 Gigabit Ethernet.
• 100GigE — Used to represent 100 Gigabit Ethernet.
• 400GigE — Used to represent 400 Gigabit Ethernet.
• Action — Refers to an item that triggers some change to the test interface, such as inserting
an alarm or enabling the laser. In the user interface, these are located in the Actions toolbar
at the bottom of the main results screen.
• Application module — Used to refer to the component that provides test functionality to
the assembled instrument. This manual supports application modules: the MSAM and
• Assembly — Used to refer to a complete set of components assembled as an instrument and
used for testing. This manual supports several assemblies: the Transport Module assembly,
consisting of an T-BERD ⁄ MTS 8000 base unit and Transport Module, the MSAM assembly,
consisting of a MSAM, Physical Interface Modules (PIMs), and a T-BERD ⁄ MTS 6000A base
unit, the CSAM, and a DMC assembly, consisting of up to two MSAMs, up to four PIMs, and/
or up to two CSAMs, a Dual Module Carrier (DMC), a T-BERD ⁄ MTS 8000 base unit, and an
ONA-1000/ONA-800 base unit.
• Base unit — The unit which connects to the application module and power adapter,
providing the user interface and a variety of connectivity and work flow tools. If optioned to
do so, the base unit also allows you to measure emitted power, received power, and optical
link loss on fiber optic networks.
• Battery Module — The module connected to the back of the base unit, which supplies
power whenever it is not provided using the power adapter.
• Component— Used to refer to an individual hardware component which is connected to the
other components to build a test instrument (assembly). This manual supports the following
components: the Transport Module, the MSAM, the CSAM, and the DMC. The base units are
documented in separate manuals.
• DMC — Dual Module Carrier. The DMC is a two slot chassis which you can connect to the
T-BERD / MTS 8000 base unit to test using up to two MSAM and/or up to two CSAM
application modules and four Physical Interface Modules (PIMs).
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
About the T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
• FC — Used to represent Fibre Channel on the Transport Module connector panel and the
Transport Module and the MSAM user interface to identify the optical connectors used for
Fibre Channel testing.
• Viavi Ethernet test set — A test set marketed by Viavi and designed to transmit an Acterna
Test Packet (ATP) payload. These packets carry a time stamp used to calculate a variety of
test results. The FST-2802 TestPad, the SmartClass Ethernet tester, the HST with an Ethernet
SIM, the T-BERD/MTS 8000 Transport Module, and the T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM,
CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000 can
all be configured to transmit and analyze ATP payloads, and can be used in end-to-end and
loopback configurations during testing.
• MSAM (Multiple Services Application Module) — Referred to generically as “the
instrument” when inserted in the T-BERD / MTS 6000A base unit or the DMC with a PIM. The
MSAM provides testing functionality for the base unit.
• CSAM (100G Services Application Module) — Provides testing functionality up to 100G for
the base unit.
• MTS 8000 and MTS 6000A — See T-BERD/MTS 8000 and T-BERT 6000A.
• OC-n — Used to refer to each of the optical SONET rates supported by the Transport Module
or MSAM (OC-3, OC-12, OC-48, and OC-192), where “n” represents the user-selected line
• OTN — Optical Transport Network.
• OTU1 — Optical Transport Unit 1. A 2.7G OTN signal designed to carry a SONET OC-48 or
SDH STM-16 client signal.
• OTU2 — Optical Transport Unit 2. A 10.7G, 11.05G (OTU1e), or 11.1G (OTU2e) OTN signal
designed to carry SONET OC-192, SDH STM-64, or 10GigE Ethernet WAN and LAN client
• OTU3 — Optical Transport Unit 3. A 43G OTN signal designed to carry a SONET OC-768 or
SDH STM-256 client signal or 43GE signal using transcoding.
• OTU4 — Optical Transport Unit 4. A 111.8G signal designed to carry 100GE client signals.
• PIM — The physical interface module (PIM) inserted into one of up to two ports provided on
the MSAM chassis. PIMs supply the physical connectors (interfaces) required to connect the
MSAM to the circuit under test. A variety of cables, SFPs, and XFPs are offered as options,
and can used to connect the PIMs to the circuit.
• Result — Refers to a measurement made by the test application. In the user interface, these
are displayed in the result windows and in the software LED panel on the main Results
• Setup — Refers to a setting of a test application that is usually changeable by the user. In the
user interface, they are located on the Setup screen and on the main Result screen in the
horizontal toolbars.
• SFP — Small form-factor pluggable module. Used on the connector panel and throughout
this manual to represent pluggable optical modules.
• Slice — Used as a generic term for an application module or battery module. Typical use is
referring to the Transport Module, as the “BERT slice”. After assembling a T-BERD/MTS 8000
base unit to a battery module and then to the Transport Module, the instrument resembles
a sandwich; thus, the individual components are slices.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Remote control flow
• STM-n — Used to refer to each of the optical SDH rates supported by the Transport Module
or MSAM (STM-1, STM-4, STM-16, and STM-64), where “n” represents the user-selected line
• STS-1 — Used to refer to the electrical equivalent of OC-1 (51.84 Mbps) supported by the
Transport Module or MSAM.
• STM-1e — Used to refer to the electrical equivalent of STM-1 (155.52 Mbps) supported by
the Transport Module or MSAM.
• T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/
4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000 — The family of products, typically a combination of a base
unit, a battery module, and one or more application modules. The Dual Module Carrier
(DMC) can be used on the T-BERD / MTS 8000 platform to test using two MSAMs.
The products are branded T-BERD in North America and branded
MTS (Media Test Set) in Europe, and are interchangeably used
throughout supporting documentation. (T-BERD 8000, MTS 8000,
MTS-6000A, T-BERD 6000A, MTS5800, T-BERD 5800). Smart Class
4800 and 4800P are also referred to as SC-4800 in supporting
• XFP — 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable optical transceiver. A variety of optional XFPs
are available for testing 10 Gigabit fiber circuits.
• SFP — Small Form Factor Pluggable optical transceiver.
• SFP+ — 10 Gigabit Small Form Factor Pluggable optical transceiver.
• QSFP28 — Quad Small Form Factor Pluggable optical transceiver with up to 28 Gbps per
lane for 100GE/OTU4.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Command syntax and format requirements
Command case-sensitivity
SCPI command headers are not case sensitive, so both commands below are correct and return
the Signal Present test result.
:sense:data? CSTatus:PHYSical:SIGNal
Result names are not case sensitive, so both commands below return the Signal Present test
:SENSE:DATA? cstatus:physical:signal
Without the following \n, a message may be interpreted incorrectly or cause an error condition.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Getting the module port number with TBERD/MTS, MAP-2100, and SC-4800 units
command is still being processed, the second command will not be processed until the first
command has been fully executed.
If long-form is used, the entire word must be specified; “partial” long-form is not recognized.
The following examples show the complete long-form version followed by various, short-form
versions of the same command. The final example shows an example of “partial” long-form that
is not acceptable.
:SENSe:DATA? CSTatus:PHYSical:SIGNal Correct
It is strongly recommended and best practice to use command :SYST:ERR? after issuing
each SCPI command, except for global commands that start with * such as *IDN?. The
expected result is:
0, "No error"
This ensures the system is running normally and provides validation prior to issuing the next
Getting the module port number with TBERD/MTS, MAP-2100, and SC-4800
This section describes how to get the module port number with TBERD/MTS units, MAP-2100, and
SC-4800 units. For information about getting the module port number with ONA-800 and ONA-
1000 units, see “Automation with ONA-800 and ONA-1000” on page 24. For ONA-800 and ONA-
1000 units, it is recommended to start SCPI automation using port 5025.
If you are using the firewall feature on 5800 models or MAP-2100, you will first need to
establish a tunnel over SSH (port 22) with the unit. All commands can be executed on the
provided port numbers local to the unit or over an SSH tunnel.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Getting the module port number with TBERD/MTS, MAP-2100, and SC-4800 units
In order to establish a connection, the module must first be identified using the <side> and <slice>
parameters. The MTS-5800 and MTS-6000 platforms can only hold a single module so these
always use the same side/slice parameters. The MTS-8000 can potentially hold multiple modules,
and these parameters specify which one to establish the remote control connection with. Refer to
the table below to determine which parameter values to use.
For ONA-800 and ONA-1000 units, the access to multiple modules is handled differently through
different ports for each module.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Getting the module port number with TBERD/MTS, MAP-2100, and SC-4800 units
MOD:FUNC:LIST? <side>,<slice>
replacing <side> and <slice> as detailed in “Module identification and location”. If the module is
located where queried, the system will respond with “BERT”.
Example procedure
1 Verify whether the module is powered.
MOD:FUNC:SEL? <side>,<slice>,"BERT"
example (MTS-5800v1 and MTS-5800v2):
The module will return “OFF” or “ON”.
2 If the module state response was OFF, turn ON the module:
MOD:FUNC:SEL <side>,<slice>,"BERT",ON
3 Query the module’s port number.
MOD:FUNC:PORT? <side>,<slice>,"BERT"
The module will return its port number.If the module is in a
ready state, the response to the port query will be the port
number, for example “8002”.
If the port is not in a ready state, the response will be -1 .
This port number will be needed in the next step.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Getting the remote control port number
Remote modes
Remote operations are often conducted when there is no physical access to the base unit where
applications can be directly implemented using the Graphical User Interface (GUI). Alternate
situations can exist where remote operations need to be monitored by a technician at the base
unit or even supplemented with input from the base unit.
Default Mode
The default remote operational mode disables the Graphical User Interface (GUI) on the base unit.
This mode is activated by the implementation of the following command with no optional values:
In this mode, the GUI is disabled and a message is displayed indicating the unit is under remote
control. At any time the GUI is enabled or disabled, all currently running applications will be shut
GUI Mode
Alternatively, remote control may be used without deactivating the GUI. This mode can be used
to debug remote control tests and to verify that commands have the expected behavior; the
default mode is recommended for routine automated tasks. To activate GUI mode, two optional
parameters may be added to the *REM command on the remote control port: <GUI-mode> and
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Getting the remote control port number
<GUI-mode> parameter
<access-mode> parameter
These modes may be activated by the implementation of the REM command and specifying the
alternate parameters as follows:
*REM <GUI-mode> <access-mode>
Only use *REM when running your script in production. The *REM VISIBLE and especially
*REM VISIBILE FULL are ONLY to be used in helping to see the UI while developing a
remote script using SCPI. Once the script is stable and ready for regular usage or production,
DO NOT use the VISIBLE parameter when placing the unit under remote control with your
script. The timing disparity between the almost immediate responses in the SCPI command line
environment and those of updating a GUI can cause unexpected execution errors, up to and
including GUI crashes.
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Getting the remote control port number
The Read-Only icon will display when the *REM <access-mode> has been set to READ_ONLY.
The Full-Access icon will display when the *REM <access-mode> has been set to FULL.
Once remote control has been started with the GUI active, an "Access Mode" entry will become
available in the Tools menu, which allows the GUI user to switch between read-only or full-access
Global Commands
The following commands are recognized by remote control. The *RST, *IDN? and *OPC?
commands are loosely based on the SCPI standard, but may not have the same behavior. Other
common commands from the SCPI standard starting with “*” are not supported.
The *REM command is usually the first command issued once connected to the remote control
port. This puts the unit into remote control mode. By default, this will shut down any running
applications, disable the graphical user interface (GUI), and display a message indicating the unit
is under remote control.
*REM may be given additional parameters to keep the GUI active, and possibly prevent another
user from modifying any settings while the GUI-enabled remote control mode is active.
The *RST command shuts down all running applications and clears any saved application settings.
This is useful for closing multiple applications at one time, or to ensure that a newly launched
application isn't affected by any settings made in a previous test.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Getting the remote control port number
The *IDN? command returns identifying information about the test unit in the form of a comma
separated list. The manufacturer, software name, module id, and software version number are
> *IDN?
The operation complete query from the SCPI standard is recognized, but does not have the same
behavior the standard describes. This due to the fact that in remote control, commands are
processed serially; a command will not be processed until all previous commands are completed.
This means that *OPC? will not be processed until all previous operations are complete, at which
point it will always return 1.
This command terminates remote control mode and restores the GUI interface. All applications
that were running under remote control will be shut down, and first application in the test menu
will be launched. Alternatively, the application to launch may be specified as an optional
The example below shows this command with a parameter to launch 10/100/1000M Ethernet
Layer 2 Traffic Terminate. Keep in mind the *GUI command may take some time to process. The
0, “No error” message may not show up for a minute or two.
> *GUI TermEth10ML2Traffic
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
0, "No error"
Using the information discovered in “Getting the remote control port number” on page 10,
establish a socket connection to the BERT application port so the BERT application can be set for
To prepare the BERT application port for use, it must be reset to its default configuration, shutting
down all running applications.
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Working with applications
Exits all running applications and shows a message on the screen indicating the unit is under
remote control.
Reset BERT
Optional. Exit all currently running applications and restore the default configurations:
To verify that the system has been reset, the system must be checked for errors. There will be no
return from this query until the reset sequence has been completed. This may take a little while
but a 90 second time-out on this command should be sufficient.
When the 0, "No error" response is received, the desired module connection has been
completed. The system is now ready to have testing applications started on that module.
System Commands
If a remote control command has an error, no message will be returned unless requested with
“:SYSTem:ERRor?”. The response to this command is an error code number and a brief
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Working with applications
description in quotes. The description will be one of the messages in the table below, possibly
followed by more information.
It is recommended that this command is sent automatically after any query command (ending
with a '?'). If a command is errored, checking “:SYSTem:ERRor?” will immediately report the
mistake, while not checking it will result in the mistake being silently ignored.
> *REM
> :INITiate
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
-221, "Settings conflict; no application has been selected"
> :SENSe:MISSpelled:COMMand?
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
-113, "Undefined header; could not find
This command returns a comma-separated list of all applications that can be launched in addition
to any applications currently running.
If an existing application is using a particular interface, then all other applications that use that
interface type will be unavailable unless another suitable interface is available. For example, if a
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
August 2023 21165803, R017 Page 15
Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Working with applications
10/100/1000M electrical Ethernet application is using the only Ethernet port, all other 10/100/
1000M Ethernet applications will be unavailable and therefore will not show up in this query. To
determine the full list of applications a unit supports, query this command when no other
applications are running.
> :SYSTem:APPLication:APPLications?
For units that have multiple ports, this query can also be given additional parameters to request
the applications that are available to a specific port. The first parameter is reserved for internal
use; use the value “none”. The second parameter specifies the port to query: 1 or 2.
> :SYSTem:APPLication:APPLications? none 2
This command returns a comma-separated list of the unique identifiers for all currently running
applications. The return values returned from this query may be used to select an application
(using the :SYSTem:APPLication:SELect command).
> :SYSTem:APPLication:CAPPlications?
Launch an Application
This command will launch the specified application. This operation is different from normal GUI
interaction in that the application will be launched in addition to any existing applications; it will
not replace the currently running application. The port number on which to launch the application
(1 or 2) may be specified as an optional parameter if the unit has a second port. If not specified,
the default is the first available port. If no open ports are available, an error message will be stored
(accessible with the :SYSTem:ERROR? command) and no action will be taken.
Launch 2G Fibre Channel on port 1 (or port 2 if port 1 is
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Working with applications
Another key difference from launching the test on the GUI is that in remote control, the test will
come up in the “stopped” state, leaving most test results unreadable. The remote control user
should usually send the :INITiate command after initializing the remote session.
Adding a question mark (?) to the end of the launch command will query for the application
identifier of the most recently launched application. This identifier may be used to select the
application using the :SYSTem:APPLication:SELect command.
> :SYSTem:APPLication:LAUNch?
Select an Application
This command selects a specific running instance of an application, which directs all subsequent
commands to that application. It must be sent after the application is launched and the unique id
for that application instance has been obtained.
The application id will be the application name followed by a 3-digit number. The first two digits
represent the “slice” number and the “side” number where the module is located (see the
documentation on Connecting to Remote Control for more explanation of these), and will always
be the same within a particular remote control connection. The third digit represents the port
number: 1 or 2. The example below shows two instances of the same Ethernet application, one
running on port 1 and one running on port 2, and the command to select the one running on port
> :SYSTem:APPLication:CAPPlications?
> :SYSTem:APPLication:SELect TermEth10ML2Traffic_121
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
0, "No error"
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Working with applications
This command creates a remote control session with the selected application.
This command starts a previously created remote control session.
This command terminates the current remote control session. The session will automatically be
ended when an application is shut down or the remote connection is terminated.
To perform a test restart and restart all test measurement results, perform a test stop, followed
by a test start.
> :ABORt
> :INITiate
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
0, "No error"
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Using setups, actions, and results
Setup commands
A unique SCPI command exists for every setup.
The setup value should be space-separated from the command, but there should be no space
before the port number and/or question mark.
Commands do not return any values unless they are a query. Remember to check each
command with the :SYSTem:ERRor? query. If you do not check each command, and one is
incorrect, the error message does not indicate the incorrect command.
For setups that are arrays, you can specify an index or list indices of the array element(s) that you
want. A colon (:) can be used to denote an index range (within the @ specification of the channel)
followed by the status value.
The following example disables (0) time slot 4 (first line) and enables (1) time slots 1, 2, 3 and 7
(second line) in fractional E1:
:SOURce:PDH:E1:CHANnel (@4) 0
:SOURce:PDH:E1:CHANnel (@1:3,7) 1
String values
String values are used for setups where the exact string is not a value defined by the SCPI
implementation. String values must be enclosed in double quotes.
Correct format
:SOURce:DATA:MAC:IPV6:TX:DESTination:ADDRess "ff00::1234:2345"
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Using setups, actions, and results
Incorrect format
:SOURce:DATA:MAC:IPV6:TX:DESTination:ADDRess ff00::1234:2345
Port Definition
Port definitions are generally not required in setups unless a dual port application is being tested.
If no number is specified, 0 (port 1) is assumed.
To specify port numbers in dual port applications, add a zero-based port number (0 for port 1, 1
for port 2) directly after the command (or before the ? if you are issuing a query).
The setup value should be space-separated from the command, but there should be no space
before the port number and/or question mark.
Remember to check each command with the SYST:ERR? query. If you do not check each
command, and one is incorrect, the error message does not indicate the incorrect command.
Enumerated Values
Enumerated values are used for setups that have specified settings defined by the SCPI
implementation. Enumerated setup values are case sensitive and should not be enclosed in
Correct format
Incorrect format
:SENSe:PAYLoad:BERT:PATTern all_ones
Investigate the command line specifications, found elsewhere in this document, for a more
complete list of string values and enumerated values that apply to various commands.
Query values
To query the current value of the setup, issue the SCPI command for that setup followed by a
question mark.
The commands in the following examples both query for the transmit DS1 framing on line 0 (as
described in “Port Definition” on page 20):
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Using setups, actions, and results
Initiating actions
A unique SCPI command exists for every action. The examples in this section will show how actions
can be implemented, and status can be queried and toggled using the same root command with
minor variations on its initiation.
Remember to check each command with the SYST:ERR? query. If you do not check each
command, and one is incorrect, the error message does not indicate the incorrect command.
Initiate command
The command in the following example inserts a single bit error on line 0 (line assumed to be 0
when not indicated):
Query state
To discover what is the state of error rate insertion action (on line 0) the:RATE? query is added:
Initiate command
To turn error rate insertion ON (on line 0):
Toggling actions
Many action commands simply toggle the action ON and OFF.
The following command toggles error rate insertion (reverses its state) for line 0.
Executing the same command a second time without a parameter will turn error rate insertion
back to its original state (OFF).
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Using setups, actions, and results
Port Definition
As with setups, the zero-based port index (0 for port 1 and 1 for port 2) may optionally be specified
at the end of the command (or before the “?” if a query is issued).
Further resources
Investigate the action initiation specifications, found elsewhere in this document, for a more
complete list of actions commands.
Querying results
Action commands do not return any value unless they are queries. To obtain the results of the
tests initiated, a query must be issued.
These examples query for the value of the signal present result on line 1 (the second port),
illustrating that [:SENSe] is optional:
The following examples query for the value of pattern sync present result on line 0 (the first port),
illustrating the optional nature of defining port 0:
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Using setups, actions, and results
Not-a-Number formats from the SCPI standard are supported. If a result is not applicable or is
out of range, a result query will return an appropriate value as shown below.
9.91e+37 Not Applicable/Not Ready
(cannot be calculated from current information)
9.90e+37 Over range
-9.90e+37 Under range
Result groups
Result commands may be added to user-defined groups, which allow the simultaneous query and
reporting of multiple parameter result values.
Group definition
The format of a command to add a result parameter to a group is:
:SENSe:DATA:GROUP [group name] [result parameter]
• [group name] specifies the name of the group.
• [result parameter] is the data parameter being tested that is to be reported when
the group results report is queried.
A result can only be in a group once; no change will be made to
the group if it is added again.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Rebooting an instrument
:SENSe:DATA:GROUP? summary
The last command will return something like “1; 0; 9.91e+37”,
indicating signal is on, sync is off, and frame detect is not
All result groups will be deleted when the remote control session is closed with
Rebooting an instrument
To reboot the unit, establish a socket connection to port 8000. The *REM command must be sent
first. Then send the following command:
For ONA 800 units, including units with a 400G module, query the basic information from port
5025 as described in the following sections. From port 5025, it is possible to see which modules
are attached to the unit.
– For the ONA 1000, it is recommended to query the information from port 5025 as described in the
following sections; 5025 is the preferred port to use.
– For ONA 1000 configurations other than dual 400G modules, you can also query the base from port
8000. This is the legacy method for TBERD/MTS-5800 mainframes, and provided as a convenience
for older scripts.
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Automation with ONA-800 and ONA-1000
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Automation with ONA-800 and ONA-1000
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Automation with ONA-800 and ONA-1000
4 Refer to the module’s remote control guide for a list of commands that are available.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Automation with ONA-800 and ONA-1000
>> 0
>> "Viavi Solutions","ONA-800","ABCD123","platform-version:
1.1.0, caa-solution: 6.010.002b, fiber-optic: 18.94"
>> Client1: 5027, Client2: 5028
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Automation with ONA-800 and ONA-1000
:STSY:ACNT my_tech_id
>> my_tech_id
:STSY:SRV http://my_server.com
>> http://my_server.com
Get the StrataSync sync status.
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Example remote TBERD/MTS control procedures
>> 1234
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Example remote TBERD/MTS control procedures
Connecting to a MTS-6000A
The MTS-6000A only supports the use of a single module (MSAM or CSAM). Therefore when
connecting to that platform, the parameters supplied to the commands below should always be
1 Open a TCP/IP socket connection to the unit on port 8000.
> *REM
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Example remote TBERD/MTS control procedures
The port number returned by the final command can be used to establish a remote control
connection, as shown in “Starting Remote Control” on page 34.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Example remote TBERD/MTS control procedures
> :SYST:FUNC:PORT? BOTH,SLIC1,"BERT" (Query for the port
number to remote control)
The port number returned by the final command can be used to establish a remote control
connection, as shown in “Starting Remote Control” on page 34.
The port number returned by the final command can be used to establish a remote control
connection, as shown in “Starting Remote Control” on page 34.
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Example remote TBERD/MTS control procedures
Application interaction
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Example remote TBERD/MTS control procedures
> :SYSTem:APPLication:CAPPlication?
Get a list of identifiers for applications that are currently
> :SYSTem:APPLication:LAUNch?
Get the identifier of the most recently launched application.
Launching an application
Once the test unit is in remote control mode, the following commands may be sent to launch an
application (in this example, 1GigE L3 Traffic Terminate).
> :SYSTem:APPLication:LAUNch TermEth1GL3Traffic
Launch the application (same as “Add test” on the GUI; other
running applications will not be shut down by this command).
This may take a few seconds...
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
This command may be sent in the mean time, but will not be
processed until the application launch is finished.
0, "No error"
Once the application is running, this message will be returned.
> :SYSTem:APPLication:LAUNch?
Get the id of the most recently launched application.
> :SYSTem:APPLication:SELect TermEth1GL3Traffic_121
Select that application id.
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
0, "No error"
> :SESSion:CREate
Create a new remote session
> :SESSion:STARt
Start the session
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
0, "No error"
> :INITiate
Start the test. (When applications are launched through remote
control, they begin in the “stopped” state).
> :SYSTem:ERRor?
T-BERD/MTS 5800 Family, MSAM, CSAM, DMC, Transport Module, MAP-2100, SC 4800/4800P, ONA-800, and ONA-1000
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Example remote TBERD/MTS control procedures
0, "No error"
When using remote control with the GUI enabled and an desired application is already running, a
similar process can be followed to connect to it. Use the
“:SYSTem:APPLication:CAPPlication?” query to find its application id, select the
application, then create and start a remote session. “:INITiate” only needs to be sent if the
test is in the “stopped” state.
This example also illustrates use of the :SYSTem:ERRor? query. The user should have this
command sent automatically after every non-query command and the 0, “No error” response
should be expected. Doing so will provide vital information in the event of a command error or
connection issue.
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Example remote TBERD/MTS control procedures
Exiting an application
To shut down an application through remote control, it must first be selected. If the application is
already selected and a session has been created, that session should be ended.
> :SYSTem:APPLication:SELect TermDs1Bert_121
> :SESSion:END
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Demo Remote Control Scripts
RC-DMC.pl - to connect to an MSAM module a T-BERD/MTS-8000 dual Module carrier with MSAM
Usage: perl RC-DMC.pl <unit ip> <side> <slice #>
Script parameters:
• <unit ip> - the IP address of the unit
• <side> - optional, specifies which slot of the DMC to communicate with
– OPPS - (default) left side (“opposite side” from the power connector)
– PWRS - right side (“power side”, same side as the power connector)
• <slice #> - optional, specifies which module to communicate with
– 1 - (default) the module closest to the front display
– 2, 3, etc - second or third modules, counting from the front
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Automation using SCPI Commands - Steps to Connect
This section applies to all platforms including SC4800, 5811P, 5822P, 5800-100G, MAP-2100, and
the ONA-100.
PuTTY is available from https://www.putty.org
Setting up Connectivity
1 Launch PuTTY.
2 Connect to the unit's IP address using port 8000 and the connection type Raw.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Automation using SCPI Commands - Steps to Connect
If the system is not in a ready state, the response will be -1.
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Automation using SCPI Commands - Steps to Connect
10 Query identification information about the unit by issuing the *IDN? command.
The unit will return a string such as:
Viavi Solutions,"T-BERD5800
Viavi Solutions,"MTS5800V2","WMME0031140091","BERT","V26.0.0"
11 Issue the following command to determine the correct port to use for automation.
This command will return a port number such as 8006.
14 Issue the following command. This must be the first command issued after reconnecting to
the unit.
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Automation using SCPI Commands - Steps to Connect
If logged into the UI, the UI will now say:
"Remote Control is in use for this module and the display has
been disabled"
At any point during these steps it is possible to check errors with the
command :SYST:ERR?
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Automation using SCPI Commands - Steps to Connect
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Automation using SCPI Commands - Steps to Connect
0, “No error”
12 Restart a test.
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Summary Result Commands
14 Inject an error.
15 End the remote session.
0, “No error”
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
MAP-2100 Optical Switch Automation
This command provides the current stats as an overall summary result for a test. Expected results
• normal (green) — All results okay.
• warning (yellow) — There is or was at least one warning.
• error (red) — There is or was at least one alarm and/or error event present.
This command obtains the detailed list of items as in summary status on the UI via automation.
The purpose of this command is to obtain the detailed list of events, similar to the items in the
event log, via automation.
From the command line, enter optswitch to view the available commands and functions of the
optical switch.
The command optswitch is not a SCPI command.
For a Telnet connection, use port 23; for an SSH connection, use port 22. Use the ID tb-5800 or
mts-5800, and use the remote access password provided in the GUI (System > Remote).
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SCPI command reference
There is a delay of up to 3 seconds from the command input to execution. The UI will not
update in the optical switch application when manipulated in this manner.
MAC Addresses
MAC addresses are set as an array of 6 integers between 0-255. These integers are determined
taking 6 pairs of hexadecimal digits from the MAC address and converting them to decimal. For
example, to set the destination MAC address to 00-80-16-8A-FF-C2:
:SOURce:MAC:ETH:DESTination:ADDRess (@0) 0
:SOURce:MAC:ETH:DESTination:ADDRess (@1) 128
:SOURce:MAC:ETH:DESTination:ADDRess (@2) 22
:SOURce:MAC:ETH:DESTination:ADDRess (@3) 138
:SOURce:MAC:ETH:DESTination:ADDRess (@4) 255
:SOURce:MAC:ETH:DESTination:ADDRess (@5) 194
IP Addresses
IP Addresses are specified as a single 32-bit integer given by the following formula:
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Appendix: Special Setup Types
Setup value = (first IP number) x 2563 + (second IP number) x 2562 + (third IP number) x 256 +
(fourth IP number)
IPv6 Addresses
To specify an IPv6 address through remote control, simply provide or read the address as a string.
:SOURce:DATA:MAC:IPV6:TX:DESTination:ADDRess "ff00::1234:2345"
For boolean setups, the accepted values are 1 (on/enable) and 0 (off/disable). The command
examples are as follows:
:INPUT:SDISRUPTION:ENABLE 1 # turns on Service disruption
:INPUT:SDISRUPTION:ENABLE 0 # turns off Service disruption
:INPUT:SDISRUPTION:LOS 0 # turns off the service disruption
LOS trigger
Array setups or results contain multiple values that are accessed using a single command. Querying
the value of the setup or result will return all of the values as a comma-separated list. Alternatively,
a zero-based index can be provided to query or set a single element from the array using the
following syntax:
:SOURce:PDH:E1:CHANnel? (@3)
:SOURce:PDH:E1:CHANnel (@7) 1
To set the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 8th elements to 1 (note only one setting may be specified):
:SOURce:PDH:E1:CHANnel (@2:4,7) 1
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Appendix: Special Setup Types
Character Arrays
Character arrays are used to represent text. Each element of the array is an integer between 0-255
indicating the ASCII value of a character. The end of the text is marked by the first 0 in the array.
See the table below for a list of ASCII values.
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@0) 74
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@1) 68
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@2) 83
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@3) 85
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@4) 32
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@5) 56
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@6) 48
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@7) 48
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@8) 48
:SENSe:SDH:HP:EXPected:TRACe (@9) 0
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Remote Operation Getting Started Guide
Appendix: Special Setup Types
Below are the commands to configure a VCG (with matching Tx and Rx settings) in a SONET Vt-1.5-
Xv application using the first 3 Vt-1.5 channels on STS-N channel 14.
:SOURce:SONet:EXPected:SEQ (@0) 0
:SOURce:SONet:NKLM (@0) 14011
:SOURce:SONet:EXPected:SEQ (@1) 1
:SOURce:SONet:NKLM (@1) 14012
:SOURce:SONet:EXPected:SEQ (@2) 2
:SOURce:SONet:NKLM (@2) 14013
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Appendix: Special Setup Types
:SENSe:SONet:EXPected:SEQ (@0) 0
:SENSe:SONet:NKLM (@0) 14011
:SENSe:SONet:EXPected:SEQ (@1) 1
:SENSe:SONet:NKLM (@1) 14012
:SENSe:SONet:EXPected:SEQ (@2) 2
:SENSe:SONet:NKLM (@2) 14013
:SOURce:SONet:VCATlcas:NUM:MEMBers 0
:SOURce:SONet:VCATlcas:NUM:MEMBers 3
To insert the error or alarm on all members, set the entire selection array to 1's:
:SOURce:SONet:PATH:INS:SELect (@0-63) 1
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Appendix: Special Setup Types
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