9500MPR TechnicalDescription Rel2.1
9500MPR TechnicalDescription Rel2.1
9500MPR TechnicalDescription Rel2.1
Release 2.1
Alcatel-Lucent with its innovation of Microwave Packet radio has introduced for the first time a
Native packet microwave capable to be deployed on TDM network today and have already all
the required potentiality to move to a full packet network.
9500 MPR in fact is a packet-based solution designed to address in native way networks where
packet based traffic is predominant, nevertheless supporting the still present TDM/ATM traffic,
which remains vital. 9500 MPR represents the solution to allow smooth migration from the TDM
world to the packet domain in the Mobile Backhauling networks. The different incoming traffics
are converted into Ethernet packets before sending them to the internal Ethernet switch, the
packet overhead on E1 being removed before sent in the air.
Packet domain
MW radio
2G,3G,4G GigE handoff
9500 MPR
Private ATM
Business office
TDM 9500 MPR
IMA/n x E1/T1 Native handoff
9500 MPR TDM
As capacity grows in the access, the requirement for higher bandwidth support will be needed in
the backhaul as well as in the metro network. Alcatel-Lucent target to address metro networks
requirement with a carrier Ethernet based solution combined with microwave packet transport.
The result in the long run is a change in the backhaul from PDH links to carrier Ethernet and in
the Metro from SDH to carrier Ethernet packet rings, and eventually to mesh networks.
Exploiting the benefits of packet architecture vs. circuit architecture (Multiservice aggregation,
Service awareness, adaptive packet transport) in accommodating broadband services, 9500
MPR allows the access equipment to smoothly evolve in line with the new technology and
related protocols (ATM/TDM/Ethernet) without the need of renewal of an existing microwave
site and protecting the already made investments.
9500 MPR Node supports a mix of non-protected and protected or diversity operation for single
link, repeater or star radio configurations.
The core platform, with multiplexing & symmetrical x-connection functions, is able to manage
different radio directions, with the possibility to add-drop tributaries in case of local
PDH/ATM/Ethernet accesses. Core platform is based on packet technology (Ethernet Switch)
with a generic interface serial 16 x GETH between Core and peripherals.
Industry-leading scalability and density is provided in the 9500 MPR, supporting a two rack unit
MSS-8 (2 RU) or a one rack unit MSS-4 (1 RU). The MSS-8 has eight slots, while MSS-4 has four
slots; in both cases, two are allocated for core cards (control and switch module), with the
remaining six (or two) being available for user traffic adapter cards (PDH access card, ATM
access card, Auxiliary card) or for radio card (modem or MPT Access Card). Each of the adapter
card slots can be used for any adapter card type, removing the burden of complex pre-
engineering and future scenario planning.
For tail application, a half width one rack unit MSS-1c is available, offering a compact and cost
optimized solution. MSS-1c is supporting PDH access and Ethernet access.
The Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR has a compact, modular architecture, constructed to allow flexible
use of line adapter cards so operators can optimize the configuration to meet the specific
requirements of a site. With the modular architecture comes additional resiliency and flexibility.
The solution can optionally support 1+1 fully redundant configuration with core cards, PDH
Available in future release
cards and modem cards; each type of card can be redundant independently. Full-protected
configuration is available, including EPS, RPS hitless, HSB and Core module protection.
9500 MPR together with all other Microwave and Optical transmission Network Elements is fully
integrated into 1350 OMS Network Management System providing all the tools required
operating the network. 9500MPR is also managed by the 5620 SAM broadband manager shared
with the Alcatel-Lucent IP product portfolios to provide full management and provision of the
network at service level.
Working Modes
9500 MPR provides, with a unique type of HW, two SW (Operational Systems) each one with its
own set of features and corresponding licenses:
• Packet OS - Service Switch Aggregator
• Hybrid OS - Traditional Microwave
The Service Aggregator OS allows configuring any features and any HW (included the Traditional
MW ones) supported in the release.
It is always possible to migrate (upgrade) from the Hybrid OS to the Packet OS by installing the
proper SW and upgrading the license accordingly. Over-air capacity per ODU installed is
common for both OS.
• Cost-effective wireless solution for High Capacity applications up to 500 Mbit/s equivalent
capacity per ODU/RF channel.
• High Capacity Ethernet transport with embedded L2 switch
• Intelligent Indoor nodal unit supports up to 12x ODU, expandable to 36 with stacking
• Multipurpose outdoor unit MPT working either in split mount or zero footprint
• Universal Node Architecture
• Aggregate any traffic type over a single traffic flow
• Statistical Multiplexing gain thanks to the Data Aware Features
• ODU capacity and modulation independent
• Adaptive modulation error free service driven
• Up to 16 Gigabit Switching Capability
• TDM MEF8 Encapsulation
• ATM over PW according to RFC 4717
• E1, Ethernet and Gigabit Ethernet customer interfaces.
• Hardened-temperature, from –40°C to +65 °C.
• Software-configurable traffic routing, without local cabling.
• 9500 MPR Craft Terminal, an advanced Java-based maintenance tool presents local and
remote node status with performance monitoring, configuration control and diagnostics.
MPT xx
Mobile Antenna
MPT xx
Eth MPT xx or
TDM MPT xx or ODU300
MSS-1c ODU300
MPT xx
MPT xx MSS-8
or Metro
ODU300 NE: 9500 MPR Network
Hybrid, Packet and Full outdoor with a single product 9500 MPR
MSS implements functionalities of grooming, routing, switching and protection, exploiting a
packet-oriented technology. It is a modular design through a variety of hot-swappable plug in
• MSS-1c 1RU and ½ a rack width shelf to support up to 2 MPT
9500 MPR MSS–8 receives the Battery input through 2 power connectors mounted on the
chassis and connected directly to the Back plane; on MSS-4 a single connector is available.
Each board receives the Battery input (via Back plane) and provides adaptation to the customer
central power bus.
Please note that for building protected radio links, the relevant boards have to be put on the
same horizontal level, i.e. coupled on slots 3-4, or 5-6, or 7-8.
MSS-8 Block diagram
ODU 300
The ODU is a microprocessor controlled transceiver that interfaces the MSS with the antenna.
Transmitter circuits in the ODU consist of cable interface, modulator, local oscillator, up-
converter/mixer, power amplifier, and diplexer. Receive circuits consist of diplexer, low-noise
amplifier, local oscillator, down-converter/mixer, automatic gain control, and cable interface.
The microprocessor manages ODU frequency, transmit power alarming, and performance
monitoring. Power is provided by -48Vdc from the MSS to the ODU DC-DC converter. The ODU is
frequency band/TX-RX shifter dependent.
ODU 300
ODU 300 connects to the MSS via a single 50Ω coaxial cable, which carries transmit and receive
IF signals, telemetry signals, internal controls and ODU DC power.
The innovative outdoor unit design of MPT, with GbE standard interface, opens the way to
optimized cost solution in the backhaul network.
MPT is a unique radio capable with the same hardware to be used:
-in standalone configuration (i.e. w/o dedicated indoor units), particularly useful in tail sites
enabling direct interconnection to Base Stations
-in split-mount configuration with MSS indoor
Any BS
MSS-1c Optimize MSS-4/8 SAR/TSS
Optimize Optimize Optimize Optimize
E1 and Ethernet Microwave MPLS
Ethernet Only Nodal Node
The MPT is a Multipurpose Packet Radio that converts an Ethernet signal into a Radio signal; it
performs not only IF/RF functionalities, but hosts the modem section too. The input interface
is a standard Giga Ethernet interface (electrical or optical).
The Ethernet traffic is transmitted over the radio channel according to the configured QoS and
to the scheduler algorithms.
Baseband signal coming from MSS is transported to MPT through optical and electrical
In case of electrical connectivity, a single CAT5 cable connects an MPT to the MSS, which
carries transmit and receive baseband signals, telemetry overheads, internal controls and MPT
DC power.
In case of optical connectivity, two cables connect an MPT to the MSS: one cable is a 50 ohm
coaxial cable to send the -48 V power supply to the MPT; the second cable is an Ethernet
Environmental – Operating Limits
Item Limit
ETS 300019-1-1, Class 1.2
ETS 300019-2-1, Class 1.2
ETS 300019-1-2, Class 2.3
ETS 300019-2-2, Class 2.3
ETS EN 300 019-1-3 class 3.2
ETS EN 300 019-2-3 class 3.2
MSS-4 & 8:-40° to +65° C [1]
Altitude ≤ 4000m
Notes: [1] Cold start is guaranteed at -20 °C [2] Class A with ASAP board equipped.
2 Card Description
Core Board
The Core Board provides the key node management, control functions and Ethernet User traffic
management by performing the following macro functions:
• MSS Controller to manage all the peripheral modules. MSS has a one layer control
architecture implemented by a microprocessor acting as Equipment Controller and
Physical Machine Controller.
• Layer-2 Ethernet Switch performing Cross-Connect function between all the peripherals
and Ethernet ports. The switch assures to the system a complete interconnections
between all the boards connected into MSS node. The cross-connection between the
boards is realized by 1.25 GHz link.
• Clock Reference Unit (CRU) with main function to generate the Network Element Clock.
Core Board
The core board could be protected through a Core “Spare” (same PN of Core “Main”) that can
be added to provide Control platform redundancy and protection of aggregated data using an
external switch. The Core Board also carries the Compact Flash Card, which holds the terminal
SW Configuration and Node License.
The Frontal panel interfaces provide:
• 1 x Sync CK input via 1.0-2.3 coaxial connector that can be used as source for the
• 1 x Sync CK output via 1.0-2.3 coaxial connector that provides the NE Clock
PDH Access Board
The PDH Access Board has the aim to manage the specificities of the related external interface,
to implement the adaptation function between the external interface and the boundary internal
interface providing the consistency to the established SLA rules.
In case of EPS line protection two boards will be plugged inside the sub rack and an additional
protection panel will perform a ‘Y’ connection for both Tx and Rx PDH signals.
The card version is 32-port adapter.
ASAP Board
16E1 ASAP (Any Service Any Port) board is one of the peripherals units of 9500MPR. It enables
the management of ATM services on 9500MPR, collecting native IMA traffic, terminating the
IMA groups and encapsulating/extracting the ATM cells into/from ATM PW packets towards the
core board.
Like the PDH Access Card, the ASAP Card has the aim to manage the specificities of the related
external interface, to implement the adaptation function between the external interface and the
boundary internal interface providing the consistency to the established SLA rules.
ASAP Board
ASAP card is sharing same cords and same connectors of PDH access board for local access.
The Card Version is 16-Port Adapter.
Modem Board
The Modem Peripheral Modules are the intermediary between the digital base band and the
ODU, adapting the core output into the ODU 300 input.
• Conversion at IF frequency
Modem Card
The card supports adaptive modulation feature: it means to adjust adaptively the modulation
based on the near-instantaneous channel quality information perceived by the receiver, which is
fed back to the transmitter with the aid of a feedback channel. Modulation switching is “error-
less” with fading speed up to 100 dB/sec for any type of services (TDM, ATM or Ethernet).
Radio protection based on frequency diversity or space diversity with a hitless switching at the
receiver side is available.
MPT Access Card
The MPT Access Card is dedicated to connect the MPT to MSS, especially for 1+1 configurations.
2 x 10/100/1000 Base – T Port for electrical data to/from MPT. These ports can also
power the MPT through the same CAT5 cable.
Double 50Ω QMA Connectors as an option for MPT Power feeding in case of optical
Main Functions:
o Lightning and surge protection for both electrical GETH and power interfaces that are
connected to MPT
AUX Board
Service channels accesses and housekeeping alarm are supported by auxiliary peripheral.
AUX Board
Only one auxiliary card per NE can be equipped, and in a fixed position: it can be lodged in slot 8
(bottom right) of MSS-8 or in slot 4 (bottom right) of MSS-4.
• transport over MPR of the ingress service channels that could be delivered for example
by 9400 LUX 40/50, LUX12, 9400AWY 2.0/2.1, 9500 MXC
• transport over MPR of the ingress service channels that could be delivered by end user.
Note in case of 64 Kbit/sec the end user must be always configured as DTE.
Please note that in the last case MPR is taking care of pure transport; no termination of TMN
channel is done inside MPR using aux card, while recommended TMN chain is done using
Ethernet TMN interface for 9400AWY and 9500 MXC.
Fan Board
A FAN card is required into the shelf. The FAN holds three long-life axial fans, which are
controlled and performance-monitored by the controller.
To have high reliability 3 fans are used with separate alarms in order to understand the urgency
(two or three fans failed) or the not urgency condition (one fan failed).
The Unit is inserted from front side to avoid payload interruptions in case of fan maintenance.
The FAN is hot swappable and in-service replacement doesn't affect traffic.
IDU Datasheet
MSS-8 Indoor Chassis 2RU
Number of Slots 9
Slots Dedicated to FAN unit 1
Slots dedicated for Core Boards 2
Slots dedicated for Access/Modem Boards 6
Electrical DC Supply input range -40.5 to -57,6 VDC
DC connector 2-pin DSUB power type
Weight (nominal) < 3.8 kg
Dimensions (including mounting brackets) 88mm (2RU) x 482mm x 250mm
Type 2xGE Optical
Connector SFP module
Power consumption <13 W
LAN interface Type 2x 10/100/1000 baseT
Connector 2x 8-pin RJ45
Type 2xGE Optical
Connector SFP module
Configuration memory, removable On-Board removable Compact Flash card
Power consumption <16 W
LED Indicators 5
Dimensions (including front panel and rear conn.) 22mm x 230mm x 170mm (H,L,W)
Fuse 5A
Weigth <0.5 Kg
Fan Card 2U
Fans 3
Power consumption <8 W
Weight (nominal) < 0.22 Kg
Dimensions (including front panel and rear conn.) 26.5mm x 82.5mm x 220mm
Fan Card 1U
Fans 3
Power consumption <3 W
Weight (nominal) < 0.1 kg
Dimensions (including front panel and rear conn.) 28.5mm x 41 mm x 220mm
Modem and Access Cards Datasheet
Modem Card
IF connector QMA
IF interface Transmit 311 MHz, -8.0 to -12.0 dBm
Receive 126 MHz, -8 to -27 dBm
LED Indicators 2x Tri-state ('Online', 'Status')
Dimensions (including front panel and rear connector) 22mm x 230mm x 170mm (H,L,W)
Weight < 0.38 kg (0.84 lb)
Capacities supported 10 to 350Mbit/s
Modulations supported 4,16, 32, 64, 128, 256 QAM
Adaptive modulation supported YES
Power consumption <23 W
Fuse 3A
Access Cards
Electrical interface Standards E1 Compliant to ITU-T Rec. G.703,
parameters Compliance G.823
LED Indicators 4 Status led
Power consumption (nominal) <16 W
Dimensions (including front panel and 22mm x 230mm x 170mm (H,L,W)
rear connector)
Weight (nominal) < 0.9 kg (2 lb)
Interface, configurable Electrical 1 to 16x 2.048 Mbps (E1)
Auxiliary card
LED Indicators 2 Status led
Power consumption (nominal) <8 W
Dimensions (including front panel and 22mm x 230mm x 170mm (H,L,W)
rear connector)
Weight (nominal) < 0.5 kg
Auxiliary data Aux Data 2
Interface RS422
Line rate 64 Kbit/s, synchronous
Connector type 15 pin D-SUB
Alarm I/O External Alarm 6
External Alarm 7
Connector type 15 pin D-SUB
3 Modem Performances (ODU 300)
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
4 Modem Performances (MPT)
Bit Rate, Capacity and Roll-Off factor1
**Not available with MPT-MC
Profile DFM
4QAM - 28 MHz 70
8PSK - 28 MHz 69,3
16QAM - 56 MHz 56,6
16QAM - 28 MHz 64,6
16QAM - 14 MHz 70,7
32QAM - 56 MHz 49,3
32QAM - 28 MHz 56,1
32QAM - 14 MHz 67
32QAM - 7 MHz 73,5
64QAM - 56 MHz 46,7
64QAM - 28 MHz 55,1
64QAM - 14 MHz 65,1
64QAM - 7 MHz 72,6
128QAM - 56 MHz 43,3
128QAM - 28 MHz 53,1
128QAM - 14 MHz 69,7
128QAM - 7 MHz 70,4
256QAM - 56 MHz 40,7
256QAM - 28 MHz 49,4
256QAM - 14 MHz 58,7
256QAM - 7 MHz 69,6
Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR)
5 MEF-8 and ATM
Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR implements a proprietary technique that reduces to a few percentages
the overhead improving the use on bandwidth on air when MEF-8 emulated circuits are
transported. The improvement depends on the MEF-8 payload size and frame format and in
case of TDM2TDM results in having quite the same efficiency than a traditional TDM radio.
BER performances
When MEF-8 Ethernet frames are transmitted through a noisy medium (e.g. the Radio Physical
Layer), bit errors may occur. If an Ethernet frame is affected by one error, this is detected and
the entire frame is dropped. This affects the TDM with a worse BER that if compared with a
traditional TDM over TDM transmission process, it is higher, multiplied by a factor that is the
frame length.
In order to avoid such BER degradation a technique is implemented such as for any reasonable
BER on the Radio Channel, the TDM transported by MEF-8 CESoETH is affected by the same BER
without any multiplication effect.
A technique is implemented in order to control Packet Delay Variation (PDV) affecting MEF-8
Ethernet frames. With this technique the waiting time that affects MEF-8 Ethernet frames are
not depending on the length of the Ethernet frame.
This gives benefit in term of packet delay variation minimization, so that any kind of services
(VoIP, TDM, ATM, Ethernet) is experiencing a small cost value of PDV, independently and
regardless of the traffic load.
9500 MPR terminates the native ATM stream collected through ASAP card and to aggregate this
traffic into a unique Ethernet flow towards the air.
In the 9500 MPR node facing the Core Network, the original ATM stream can be either re-built
on ASAP card or sent as ATM PW packets through Ethernet interface.
ASAP card supports Inverse Multiplexing over ATM (IMA) v.1.1. It is possible to configure up to 8
IMA groups on the same card; a single IMA group can support 1 to 16 E1 links.
The ASAP card extracts the ATM cells from each IMA group and discards the empty cells,
optimizing the bandwidth; it performs policing on ATM traffic and encapsulates the ATM cells
into Ethernet packets, according to RFC 4717.
At radio level, 9500 MPR manages the QoS of the original ATM stream according to the ATM
services category. Each ATM flow is assigned to a different radio queue according to its priority.
Same proprietary technique used in MEF-8 transport to improve the use on bandwidth on air, the
BER and PDV are also used to improve the ATM transport.
• ATM to ATM (ATM hand-off) 9500MPR terminates the native ATM stream collected
though ASAP board and aggregates this traffic into a unique Ethernet flow at Radio Side.
In the last 9500MPR node facing Core Network, the original ATM flows are re-built on
ASAP board. ATM aggregation is performed by collecting the traffic of multiple NodeB
onto a single IMA group with a reduced number of E1 output links. In this scenario,
optimization is achieved at radio level and in terms of number of E1 interfaces towards
core network.
• ATM PW IMA groups are terminated by MPR network on NodeB side and ATM traffic,
encapsulated into Ethernet frames, is transported into the Core Network towards RNC.
At RNC site, MPLS gateways shall de-capsulate the ATM cells from the Ethernet frames
and rebuild the original ATM streams.
Physical layer Management
Compliant to ATM E1 Physical Layer Specification AF-PHY-0064.000
Physical impedance configurable (twisted pair 120 Ohm balanced or coax. 75 Ohm
o node timing (i.e. clock is derived from the common network element clock)
o loop timing (i.e the clock is derived from the incoming E1)
• Compliant to Inverse Multiplexing for ATM (IMA) Specification – Version 1.1 AF-PHY-0086.
• Minimum number of transmit links (E1s) inside one IMA group to consider active the group
is user configurable. Default value is 1.
• Maximum differential delay among links is user configurable, up to 75 ms. Default value is
25 ms.
ATM layer management
For each VP/VC defined inside an ATM interface, an ATM Traffic descriptor for the ingress
(ATM to Packet direction) and egress (Packet to ATM direction) directions could be defined,
as foreseen by relevant standards.
o Service category: CBR (Constant Bit Rate), UBR+, UBR (Unspecified Bit Rate)
o PCR value: Peak Cell Rate [cell/sec] specified for all service categories
o MDCR value: Minimum Desired Cell Rate [cell/sec] specified for UBR+. MDCR=0 for
In order to further optimize the radio bandwidth, the following traffic management is
• UBR+ : traffic is transported at the MDCR (Minimum Desired Cell Rate), the traffic
exceeding the MDCR (but below PCR) is transported if radio bandwidth is available
• VCC mode (Virtual Circuit Connection): the transport of ATM traffic into Ethernet frames is
done encapsulating into the same Ethernet flow only ATM cells belonging to the same VC. ·
• VPC mode (Virtual Path Connection): the transport of ATM traffic into Ethernet frames is
done encapsulating into the same Ethernet flow all ATM cells belonging to the same VP,
whatever the VC
Interface types supported are both UNI/NNI, to be chosen at NE level.
PW layer
o Maximum number of concatenated ATM cells; this value answers to “how many
ATM cells in one Ethernet frame?”. Usual value are low for CBR traffic (L=2) and
higher for UBR (L=10)
o Timeout value; this value answers to “how long it is needed to wait for next ATM
cell?”. Usual value are low for real time traffic (1 ms) and higher for non real time
traffic (5 ms)
For each ATM PW flow, it is possible to change VPI/VCI value of the transported cells to a
different value (VPI/VCI Translation)
Ingress VPI/VCI translation (ATM-> Ethernet direction): VPI/VCI value of ATM cells
encapsulated into PW Ethernet frames is changed to a user configurable value
Egress VPI/VCI translation (Ethernet -> ATM direction) : Whatever is the VPI/VCI value within
ATM cells transported by ATM PW frame, VPI/VCI value is changed (into the ATM Cells sent
towards ATM interface) according to the configured value of related VP (in case of VPC
mode) or VC (VCC mode) of ATM interface
o Up to 48 ATM PWs for each ATM interface (IMA group) that can be supported on
the same ASAP card
6 Adaptive Modulation
To be able to fulfill the required quality of service (QoS) parameter of the specific applications,
together with the goal of efficient usage of the available frequency spectrum under temporal
variable channel conditions, the signal transmission parameter should be adapted to the near-
instantaneous channel conditions.
The receiver measures/estimates the communication channel conditions and sends a report to
the transmitter station. The signal transmission parameters are determined for the next
transmission according to channel quality estimation. The transmitter and the receiver must
regularly synchronize the applied communication mode.
The radio with ACM is "error-less", in other words is able to guarantee the same performances
either in case of Constant Bit Rate (CBR) payload or in case of "First Priority" payload. The error-
less concept means that a certain portion of the traffic, i.e. SDH, PDH or other-like CBR or NCBR
defined by the customer/operator as "first priority", shall be treated as the traditional traffic in
SDH or PDH system, guarantying a certain level of availability.
The remaining portion of traffic is carried with less availability, according to the link propagation
performances, guarantying the "best effort" or other objectives.
9500 MPR allows to fully exploit the air bandwidth in its entirety by changing modulation
scheme according to the propagation availability, associating to the different services quality the
available transport capacity.
• in case of Selective Fading 9500 MPR is able to provide a 40 dB notch event, thus
supporting 100 MHz/sec speed without errors.
7 Synchronization
The Alcatel-Lucent 9500 MPR product family supports a full range of local and end-to-end
network-synchronization solutions for a wide variety of applications.
At the ingress of the microwave backhauling the network clock can be locked to anyone of the
following sources:
• Synch-Eth
• Any plesiochronous E1/T1 data link chosen from any input interface
• Dedicated Sync-In port available on MPR core module for a waveform frequency signal
at 2, 5, or 10 MHz
At the egress of the backhauling network synchronization is made available through anyone of
the following:
• Any plesiochronous E1/T1 data link chosen from any output interface
• Dedicated Sync-In port available on MPR core module for a waveform frequency signal
at 2, 5, or 10 MHz.
It is important to notice that ingress and egress methods can be freely mixed, depending on the
specific needs of the operator. So, as an example, the network clock can be locked to an ingress
E1 and delivered through a Synch-Eth or BITS interface at the egress of the microwave
On the radio channel, a 9500 MPR transfers the reference clock to an adjacent MPR device
through the radio carrier frequency at physical layer. This method offers two main advantages:
End-to-end scenarios where time-of-day/phase alignment are requested are fully supported, as
1588 PTP v2 is carried transparently by MPR across the microwave backhauling network.
site Aggregation
Synchronization distribution path
Point of availability of the synchronization
Possible synchronization
Possible synchronization sources:
options: • E1/T1 available for data
• E1/T1 traffic
• 2.048, 5 or 10 MHz • 2.048 MHz, 5 or 10 MHz
output input
• Synchronous Ethernet • Internal clock
• Synchronous Ethernet
Both for Hybrid and Packet working modes, the Clock can be received at hand-off or delivered at
the cell site. Synch-Eth, E1, PDH and BITS clock modes are available.
9500 MPR has an embedded reference clock which is distributed to each board of the network
element. Such clock is generated in the Clock Reference Unit (CRU) of the core card (controller).
E1 2.048 Mbit/s
E1 2.048 Mbit/s Distributed
PDH card reference PDH card
2.048 Mbit/ 2.048 Mbit/
ASAP card ASAP card
Symbol rate selector CRU Symbol rate
Stratum 3
The availability of the Clock in the Network represents the most common scenario, cha-
racterized by a time source available at the ingress of the microwave backhauling network,
derived from the primary reference clock.
clock DCR
clock –
phase 1588
Synchronization (frequency) is delivered to the cell site using any of the options available on
MPR, depending on the operator’s need. Worth repeating ingress and egress methods can be
mixed (i.e. Synch-Eth at the ingress, E1/T1 at the egress) via a simple configuration.
8 Ethernet Features
The switch is capable to evaluate the destination address of each frame received and to transmit
the individual frames to the correct egress port according to information contained in a
database "address resolution table" and associated to destination address. If the switch does
not know on which port to forward the frame (destination address is not present in "address
resolution table"), it sends the packet on all ports (flooding). The switch performs half
transparent bridge functionality that is to filter the frames which destination is on the segment
(port) where it was received.
Level-2 Addressing
The address management function is performed in the switch through the address table (Level-2
Table) that can manage up to 16384 entries. This means that the maximum number of MAC
addresses supported is 16384.
The aging process periodically removes dynamically learned addresses from the "address
resolution table".
It is possible to combine this function with the static configuration of the registration entries.
For any valid incoming packet, the Source MAC Address is associated to the VLAN ID (directly
from the packet or through VLAN Tables) and used to search the proper tables.
If a match is not found, the new address is learned and associated with the ingress port of the
packet. If a match is found, no further action is taken for learning.
The Destination MAC Address along with the VLAN ID is used as a search key for the packet’s
output port.
If a match is found then the packet is switched out on the matched port, otherwise, if the match
is not found, then a Destination Lookup Failure (DLF) occurs and the packet is switched out on
all ports that are members of the VLAN, except that one which has received the packet in
If the switch does not know on which port to forward the frame (destination address is not
present in "address resolution table"), it sends the packet on all ports (flooding). By default the
flooding is enabled on all ports and doesn’t require any CT/NMS setting. Nevertheless using the
cross connections capability is possible to restrict the flooding only on some ports.
The switch performs half transparent bridge functionality (address learning to filter the frames
which destination is on the segment where it was generated).
In case of incoming Ethernet traffic leading to exhaustion of buffers on input queues, PAUSE
frames are transmitted from the switch to remote peer in order to slow down the traffic (if the
peer supports flow control).
In the other direction, when the switch receives a pause frame on a specific port from peer
equipment, the switch stops the packet transmission on that port until receives again a pause
frame with resume transmission command.
Flow control to be fully effective (no packets lost inside the network) requires that all devices in
the end-to-end path support flow control.
The flow control function is supported only when the capability is full duplex.
The flow control setting on the switch ports linked to user Ethernet ports must be consistent
with the setting on the user ports.
This features on switch port based, allows of enable the pause frame only in transmission or
receiver side.
In the first case the switch can generate pause frame toward peer but is not able to stop
transmission traffic when receives a pause from peer.
In the second case, asymmetric receive flow control enabled, the switch when receives a pause
frame stops the transmission but is not able to transmit pause frame toward the peer.
The asymmetric flow control setting on the switch ports linked to user Ethernet ports must be
consistent with the setting on the user ports.
The port-based VLAN feature allows of partition the switch ports into virtual private domains.
According to the type of site configuration and cross-connections setting this feature is properly
managed by the software. For example, if all traffic from one Ethernet port must be forwarded
only in one radio direction is good to enable the traffic exchange only between these ports.
The IEEE 802.1Q tag VLAN feature can be enabled including between the other the stripping or
adding of the TAG and VLAN lookups in addition to MAC lookups (this feature between the
other can be useful for re-route TMN traffic to the controller).
The IEEE 802.1Q tag VLAN feature can be enabled or disabled (be transparent for the VLAN)
including between the other the stripping or adding of the TAG and VLAN lookups in addition to
MAC lookups (this feature can be useful to logically break a physical LAN into a few smaller
logical LAN and to prevent data to flow between the sub-LAN), dropping NON-VLAN Frames.
Other features
• Port Segregation: all traffic received/transmitted from one user Ethernet port or radio
direction can not be exchanged with specific user Ethernet ports/radio directions
• Per flow policer: ingress rate limiter per VLAN, dropping the traffic exceeding a given
CIR value
• MAC address access control list: only packet with SA inside a given list are transmitted
towards the radio
• pbits value of service VLAN is a)user configurable b)same value of customer VLAN.
• EtherType 0x8100
• EtherType 0x9100
• EtherType 0x88A8
VLAN swap
Every incoming frames on a given user having VLANID xxx is remarked with VLANID yyy without
changing the priority (.1p bits).
Ethernet QoS
The Ethernet switch provides a Quality of Service mechanism to control all streams. If by
CT/NMS the QoS is disabled all traffic inside the switch has the same priority, this means that for
each switch port there is only one queue (FIFO) therefore the first packet that arrives is the first
that is transmitted.
Traffic priority
In the switch the QoS assigns the priority for each packet according to information in:
• Port-based: the same priority is assigned to each frame arriving at the given ingress port;
• IEEE std 802.1p: the packet is examined for the presence of a valid 802.1P user-priority Tag.
If the tag is present the correspondent priority is assigned to the packet;
• MAC based: the MAC destination address and VLAN ID are used to determine the priority
for each packet;
• DiffServ: each packet is classified based on DSCP field in the IP header to determine the
By CT/NMS the priority can be chosen between 802.1p or DiffServ for each Network Element.
When 802.1p QoS mechanism is adopted the reference is the standard "IEEE 802.1D-2004
Annex G. User priorities and traffic classes” that defines 7 traffic types and the corresponding
user priority values.
By CT/NMS is possible to configure the mapping 802.1p value to queue inside the switch.
When an incoming packet is not 802.1p it is assigned to the lowest priority queue.
DiffServ QoS configuration
When DiffServ QoS mechanism is adopted the classification uses the DS field of the IP packet
header. By CT/NMS is possible to configure the mapping DS field value to queue inside the
switch. When an incoming packet has not DiffServ valid value it is assigned to the lowest priority
queue. IPv6 TOS classification is supported as well.
Congestion management
In case of traffic congestion is possible to choose between Random Early Detection (RED) or tail
drop algorithm before the congestion becomes excessive.
The Quality of Service feature of the Ethernet switch provides eight internal queues for each
port to support eight different class of service (COS). For each egress port according to the
method of QoS classification configured in the switch, the packets are assigned to specific
High priority traffic is served starting from Queue 8 to 6, while the remaining five queues are
shared by all generic Ethernet flows according the default and fixed classification mechanism
configured by CT/NMS.
Two types of scheduler algorithms are possible:
• Deficit Weighted Round Robin (DWRR); the weights determine the number of blocks
(not the number of packets) that each queue can send at each algorithm round.
• Strict Priority (SP) or High Queue Preempt (HQP); guarantee that when the queue with
higher priority is not empty is immediately served. The primary purpose of the strict
priority scheduler is to provide lower latency service to the higher CoS classes of traffic.
9 ODU 300 Technical Description
The ODU 300 supports capacities from 4xE1 to 150xE1 (9 to 435 Mbps) and modulation rates
QPSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, 64 QAM, 128 QAM and 256 QAM without hardware change.
The ODU will support also the new modem profile that will be implemented in next releases. So
it makes full capacity migration possible without the need to climb towers.
ODU V2 is available for all licensed frequency bands from 6 to 38 GHz and is for use with the
ODU V2 connects to the MSS via a single 50Ω coaxial cable, which carries transmit and receive IF
signals, telemetry overheads, internal controls and ODU DC power.
ODU Capacities
7 MHz
16QAM RTU 40 8 20 26
64QAM RTU 40 13 30 40
14 MHz
4QAM RTU 40 8 20 26
16QAM RTU 40 18 41 54
64QAM RTU 60 27 62 81
28 MHz
4QAM RTU 40 18 41 54
56 MHz
ODU300 RF specifications
All specifications are referenced to the ODU antenna flange, and are typical values unless
otherwise stated, and are subject to change without notice. For Guaranteed values (over time
and operational range) subtract 2 dB from Power Output, add 2 dB to Threshold values, and
subtract 4 dB from System Gain values.
Note: 10GHz Power Output and System Gain specifications are reduced by 1.5dB, 1.5dB and 3dB
respectively for 91MHzT-R option.
Receiver threshold at 10-6 BER (RSL): 6-15 GHz [dBm]
Receiver threshold at 10-6 BER (RSL): 18-38 GHz [dBm]
System Gain at 10-6 BER (RSL): 6-15 GHz
System Gain at 10-6 BER (RSL): 18-38 GHz
Radio Frequency Specifications
Tx-Rx spacings
Specification Frequency Range (GHz) Max. Tuning Range (MHz)
supported (MHz)
L6 GHz 5.925 - 6.425 56 252.04
U6 GHz 6.425 - 7.11 56 340
7 GHz 7.125 - 7.9 56 154, 161, 168, 196, 245
119, 126, 151.164, 195,
8 GHz 7.725 - 8.5 140 208, 266, 305.56, 310,
10 GHz 10.0 - 10.68 165 91, 230, 143.5, 350
11 GHz 10.7 - 11.7 165 490, 530
13 GHz 12.75 - 13.25 84 266
315, 420, 475, 490, 644,
15 GHz 14.4 - 15.35 245
340, 1008, 1010, 1092.5,
18 GHz 17.7 - 19.7 380
1120, 1560
23 GHz 21.2 - 23.632 370 600, 1008, 1200, 1232
26 GHz 24.52 - 26.483 360 1008
28 GHz 27.5 - 29.5 360 1008
32 GHz 31.8 - 33.4 370 812
38 GHz 37.0 - 39.46 340 1260
Note: Max. Tuning Range is dependent upon Tx-Rx spacing.
Antenna Interface
Antenna Mount Losses
Frequency Band
6 - 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
1+0 0 0 0
1+1 FD AP 0 0 0
1+1 SD HSB 0 0 0
1+1 SD
3.6+3.6 3.6+3.6 3.8+3.8
1+1 HSB* 1.6(6.6)+1.6(6.6) 1.9(6.6)+1.9(6.6) 1.8(6.8)+1.8(6.8)
1+1 SD
0 0 0
1+1 FD +
0 0 0
SD Hybrid
1+1 FD +
0 0 0
SD Hybrid*
1+1 FD CP* (3.6x2)+(3.6x2) (3.6x2)+(3.6x2) (3.8x2)+(3.8x2)
Note: The above table considers losses for integrated antennas. In case of non-integrated
antennas, flexible waveguide losses (table on next page) are also to be considered.
*stands for double antenna.
Antenna Mount Losses by Configuration (26-38 GHz)
Frequency Band
26 - 28 GHz 32 - 38 GHz
1+0 0 0
1+1 FD AP 0 0
1+1 SD HSB 0 0
1+1 SD
3.8+3.8 4.0+4.0
1+1 HSB* 2.1(6.8)+2.1(6.8) 2.1(7.0)+2.1(7.0)
1+1 SD
0 0
1+1 FD +
0 0
SD Hybrid
1+1 FD +
0 0
SD Hybrid*
1+1 FD CP* (3.8x2)+(3.8x2) (4.0x2)+(4.0x2)
Note: The above table considers losses for integrated antennas. In case of non-integrated
antennas, flexible waveguide losses (table below) are also to be considered.
*stands for double antenna.
Frequency Bands
Frequency Tx-Rx spacings Standard ODU Min ODU Max
Band (GHz) supported (MHz) Rec. (MHz) (MHz)
ITU-R F.385-6 7184 7240
(Annex 1) 7338 7394
7443 7527
ITU-R F.385 7611 7695
161 / 168
(Annex 3H) 7499 7583
7667 7751
7107 7191
ITU-R F.385 7303 7387
7 GHz 196
(Annex 3L) 7163 7247
7359 7443
7428 7512
7673 7757
ITU-R F.385-7 7512 7596
(Annex 4) 7757 7841
7568 7652
7813 7897
7725 7859
ITU-R F.386 8025 8170,5
311.32 / 305.56
(Annex 1) 7844 7980
8145 8285,5
8204 8274,5
8355 8426
151.164 -
8274 8344,5
8425,5 8496
8279 8321
8398 8440
ITU-R F.386 8307 8349
119 / 126
(Annex 3) 8426 8468
8 GHz
8335 8377
8454 8496
7718 7802
195 -
7913 7997
7898 8024
ITU-R F.386 8164 8286,5
(Annex 4) 8010 8136
8276 8402
7905 8045
8215 8355
310 -
8045 8185
8355 8495
Frequency Tx-Rx spacings Standard ODU Min ODU Max
Band (GHz) supported (MHz) Rec. (MHz) (MHz)
8050 8148
8258 8356
8099 8197
8 GHz 208 -
8307 8405
8148 8246
8356 8454
10150,5 10252
10500,5 10602
350 CEPT 12-05
10196 10297,5
10546 10647,5
10500,5 10516,3
10591,5 10607,3
10514,5 10530,3
10605,5 10621,3
10 GHz
10528,5 10544,3
10619,5 10635,3
91 -
10542,5 10558,3
10633,5 10649,3
10556,5 10572,3
10647,5 10663,3
10570,5 10586,3
10661,5 10677,3
10675 10835
11200 11345
10795 10955
ITU-R F.387-7
11310 11465
11 GHz 490 / 500 / 530 (Annex 1 & 2)
10915 11075
11430 11585
11035 11200
11550 11705
12751 12835
13017 13101
12807 12891
13073 13157
13 GHz 266 ITU-R F.497-6
12891 12975
13157 13241
12835 12919
13101 13185
Frequency Tx-Rx spacings Standard ODU Min ODU Max
Band (GHz) supported (MHz) Rec. (MHz) (MHz)
14627 14788
14942 15103
315 Mexico
14760 14914
15075 15229
14501 14648
14921 15068
ITU-R F.497, 14641 14788
F.636-3 15061 15208
14781 14928
15201 15348
15 GHz
14403 14634
14893 15124
475 / 490 ITU-R F.636-3
14627 14873
15117 15348
14501 14697
15145 15348
644 / 728 CEPT 12-07
14500 14714,5
15136,5 15350
14500 14660
475 ITU-R F.636-3
14975 15135
17700 18140
1560 N. America & Brazil
19260 19700
18580 18660
18920 19000
18660 18740
340 -
19000 19080
18740 18820
19080 19160
18 GHz
17700 18060
18710 19070
17905 18275
1008 / 1010 / ITU-R F.595 18920 19290
1092.5 / 1120 CEPT 12-03 18110 18490
19130 19510
18330 18690
19340 19700
21200 21570
22400 22770
21475 21845
ITU-R F.637-3 22675 23045
23 GHz 1200 / 1232
(Annex 1 & 3) 21750 22120
22950 23320
22030 22400
23230 23600
Frequency Tx-Rx spacings Standard ODU Min ODU Max
Band (GHz) supported (MHz) Rec. (MHz) (MHz)
21952 22312
22960 23320
ITU-R F.637-3 22232 22592
(Annex 3) 23240 23600
23 GHz
22002 22337
23010 23345
22140 22380
600 Japan FWA Band
22740 22980
24549 24909
25557 25917
ITU-R F.748 24817 25177
26 GHz 1008
(Annex 1) 25825 26185
25085 25445
26093 26453
27500 27870
28508 28878
ITU-R F.748
27820 28190
28 GHz 1008 (Annex 2)
28828 29198
CEPT 13-02
28140 28510
29148 29518
31800 32050
32612 32862
31978 32228
ITU-R F.1520 32790 33040
32 GHz 812
CEPT ERC(01) 32340 32590
33152 33402
32151 32401
32963 33213
37028 37368
38288 38628
37308 37648
38568 38908
37588 37928
ITU-R F.749
38848 39188
38 GHz 1260 (Annex 1)
37868 38208
CEPT 12-02
39128 39468
37251 37526
38511 38786
37058 37478
38318 38738
10 MPT Technical description
The MPT supports capacities from 2xE1 to 160xE1 (6 to 553 Mbps) and modulation rates QPSK,
8PSK, 16QAM, 32QAM, 64 QAM, 128 QAM and 256 QAM without hardware change. All
channelization from 3.5 MHz2 up to 56 MHz can also be used in the same platform.
MPT is available for all licensed frequency bands from 6 to 38 GHz.
Baseband signal coming from MSS is transported to MPT through optical and electrical
In case of electrical connectivity, a single CAT5 cable connects an MPT to the MSS, which
carries transmit and receive baseband signals, telemetry overheads, internal controls and MPT
DC power.
In case of optical connectivity, two cables connect an MPT to the MSS: one cable is a 50 ohm
coaxial cable to send the -48 V power supply to the MPT; the second cable is an Ethernet
optical cable that carries transmit and receive baseband signals, telemetry overheads and
internal controls.
Due to the capability of MPT to support stand-alone configurations, 1+1 protection requires the
exchange of RPS data through a dedicated cable connecting the coupled MPTs. This cable is
mandatory for 56MHz channel spacing in FD/SD configurations.
MPT Capacities
3,5 MHz
3,5MHz supported from Release 2.1
Note: Ethernet throughput depends on average packet size.
7 MHz
14 MHz
28 MHz
40 MHz
56 MHz
MPT RF specifications
All specifications are referenced to the ODU antenna flange, and are typical values unless
otherwise stated, and are subject to change without notice. For Guaranteed values (over time
and operational range) subtract 2 dB from Power Output, add 2 dB to Threshold values, and
subtract 4 dB from System Gain values.
QPSK 26,0 dBm 27,0 dBm 27,0 dBm 25,0 dBm 25,0 dBm
8PSK 26,0 dBm 27,0 dBm 27,0 dBm 25,0 dBm 25,0 dBm
16QAM 25,0 dBm 24,0 dBm 24,0 dBm 23,0 dBm 23,0 dBm
32QAM 25,0 dBm 24,0 dBm 24,0 dBm 23,0 dBm 23,0 dBm
64QAM 24,0 dBm 23,0 dBm 23,0 dBm 21,0 dBm 21,0 dBm
128QAM 24,0 dBm 23,0 dBm 23,0 dBm 21,0 dBm 21,0 dBm
256QAM 22,0 dBm 22,0 dBm 22,0 dBm 20,0 dBm 19,0 dBm
QPSK 25,0 dBm 22,0 dBm 20,0 dBm 18,0 dBm 17,0 dBm
8PSK 25,0 dBm 22,0 dBm 20,0 dBm 18,0 dBm 17,0 dBm
16QAM 23,0 dBm 20,0 dBm 18,0 dBm 16,0 dBm 15,0 dBm
32QAM 23,0 dBm 20,0 dBm 18,0 dBm 16,0 dBm 15,0 dBm
64QAM 22,0 dBm 19,0 dBm 16,0 dBm 14,0 dBm 13,0 dBm
128QAM 22,0 dBm 19,0 dBm 16,0 dBm 14,0 dBm 13,0 dBm
256QAM 20,0 dBm 18,0 dBm 15,0 dBm 13,0 dBm 12,0 dBm
MPT Receiver threshold at 10-6 BER (RSL): 6-13 GHz [dBm]
QPSK -96,5 dBm -95,0 dBm -95,0 dBm -96,0 dBm -94,5 dBm
8PSK -91,5 dBm -90,0 dBm -90,0 dBm -91,0 dBm -90,0 dBm
3,5 MHz
16QAM -90,0 dBm -88,5 dBm -88,5 dBm -89,5 dBm -88,5 dBm
32QAM -86,0 dBm -84,5 dBm -84,5 dBm -85,5 dBm -85,0 dBm
64QAM -83,5 dBm -82,0 dBm -82,0 dBm -83,0 dBm -82,0 dBm
QPSK -94,0 dBm -92,5 dBm -92,5 dBm -93,5 dBm -92,0 dBm
8PSK -89,0 dBm -87,5 dBm -87,5 dBm -88,5 dBm -87,5 dBm
16QAM -87,5 dBm -86,0 dBm -86,0 dBm -87,0 dBm -86,0 dBm
7 MHz
32QAM -83,5 dBm -82,0 dBm -82,0 dBm -83,0 dBm -82,5 dBm
64QAM -81,5 dBm -80,0 dBm -80,0 dBm -81,0 dBm -80,0 dBm
128QAM -78,0 dBm -76,5 dBm -76,5 dBm -77,5 dBm -76,5 dBm
256QAM -75,0 dBm -73,5 dBm -73,5 dBm -74,5 dBm -73,0 dBm
QPSK -91,0 dBm -89,5 dBm -89,5 dBm -90,5 dBm -89,5 dBm
8PSK -86,5 dBm -85,0 dBm -85,0 dBm -86,0 dBm -85,0 dBm
16QAM -85,0 dBm -83,5 dBm -83,5 dBm -84,5 dBm -83,0 dBm
14 MHz
32QAM -81,0 dBm -79,5 dBm -79,5 dBm -80,5 dBm -80,0 dBm
64QAM -78,5 dBm -77,0 dBm -77,0 dBm -78,0 dBm -77,0 dBm
128QAM -75,5 dBm -74,0 dBm -74,0 dBm -75,0 dBm -74,0 dBm
256QAM -72,5 dBm -71,0 dBm -71,0 dBm -72,0 dBm -71,0 dBm
QPSK -88,5 dBm -87,0 dBm -87,0 dBm -88,0 dBm -86,5 dBm
8PSK -83,5 dBm -82,0 dBm -82,0 dBm -83,0 dBm -82,5 dBm
16QAM -81,5 dBm -80,0 dBm -80,0 dBm -81,0 dBm -80,5 dBm
28 MHz
32QAM -78,0 dBm -77,0 dBm -77,0 dBm -77,5 dBm -77,0 dBm
64QAM -75,5 dBm -74,0 dBm -74,0 dBm -75,0 dBm -74,0 dBm
128QAM -72,0 dBm -70,5 dBm -70,5 dBm -71,5 dBm -71,0 dBm
256QAM -69,0 dBm -67,5 dBm -67,5 dBm -68,5 dBm -68,0 dBm
64QAM -74,5 dBm - - -74,0 dBm -
40 MHz
128QAM -71,5 dBm - - -70,5 dBm -
16QAM -79,5 dBm -78,0 dBm -78,0 dBm -78,8 dBm -78,0 dBm
32QAM -75,5 dBm -74,0 dBm -74,0 dBm -75,0 dBm -74,5 dBm
56 MHz
64QAM -73,0 dBm -71,5 dBm -71,5 dBm -72,5 dBm -72,0 dBm
128QAM -70,0 dBm -68,5 dBm -68,5 dBm -69,0 dBm -69,0 dBm
256QAM -67,0 dBm -66,0 dBm -66,0 dBm -66,5 dBm -66,5 dBm
MPT Receiver threshold at 10-6 BER (RSL): 15-38 GHz [dBm]
QPSK -95,5 dBm -94,5 dBm -94,0 dBm -94,0 dBm -92,0 dBm
8PSK -90,5 dBm -89,5 dBm -89,0 dBm -89,0 dBm -87,0 dBm
3,5 MHz
16QAM -89,0 dBm -88,0 dBm -87,5 dBm -87,5 dBm -85,5 dBm
32QAM -85,0 dBm -84,0 dBm -83,5 dBm -83,5 dBm -81,5 dBm
64QAM -82,5 dBm -81,5 dBm -81,0 dBm -81,0 dBm -79,0 dBm
QPSK -93,0 dBm -92,0 dBm -91,5 dBm -91,5 dBm -89,5 dBm
8PSK -88,0 dBm -87,0 dBm -86,5 dBm -86,5 dBm -84,5 dBm
16QAM -86,5 dBm -85,5 dBm -85,0 dBm -85,0 dBm -83,0 dBm
7 MHz
32QAM -82,5 dBm -81,5 dBm -81,0 dBm -81,0 dBm -79,0 dBm
64QAM -78,5 dBm -79,5 dBm -79,0 dBm -79,0 dBm -77,0 dBm
128QAM -75,0 dBm -76,0 dBm -75,5 dBm -75,5 dBm -73,5 dBm
256QAM -72,0 dBm -73,0 dBm -72,5 dBm -72,5 dBm -70,5 dBm
QPSK -90,0 dBm -89,0 dBm -88,5 dBm -88,5 dBm -86,5 dBm
8PSK -85,5 dBm -84,5 dBm -84,0 dBm -84,0 dBm -82,0 dBm
16QAM -84,0 dBm -83,0 dBm -82,5 dBm -82,5 dBm -80,5 dBm
14 MHz
32QAM -80,0 dBm -79,0 dBm -78,5 dBm -78,5 dBm -76,5 dBm
64QAM -77,5 dBm -76,5 dBm -76,0 dBm -76,0 dBm -74,0 dBm
128QAM -74,5 dBm -73,5 dBm -73,0 dBm -73,0 dBm -71,0 dBm
256QAM -71,5 dBm -70,5 dBm -70,0 dBm -70,0 dBm -68,0 dBm
QPSK -87,5 dBm -86,5 dBm -86,0 dBm -86,0 dBm -84,0 dBm
8PSK -82,5 dBm -81,5 dBm -81,0 dBm -81,0 dBm -79,0 dBm
16QAM -80,5 dBm -79,5 dBm -79,0 dBm -79,0 dBm -77,0 dBm
28 MHz
32QAM -77,0 dBm -76,0 dBm -75,5 dBm -75,5 dBm -73,5 dBm
64QAM -74,5 dBm -73,5 dBm -73,0 dBm -73,0 dBm -71,0 dBm
128QAM -71,0 dBm -70,0 dBm -69,5 dBm -69,5 dBm -67,5 dBm
256QAM -68,0 dBm -67,0 dBm -66,5 dBm -66,5 dBm -64,5 dBm
16QAM -78,3 dBm -77,3 dBm -76,8 dBm -76,8 dBm -74,8 dBm
32QAM -74,5 dBm -73,5 dBm -73,0 dBm -73,0 dBm -71,0 dBm
56 MHz
64QAM -72,0 dBm -71,0 dBm -70,5 dBm -70,5 dBm -68,5 dBm
128QAM -69,0 dBm -67,5 dBm -67,0 dBm -67,0 dBm -65,0 dBm
256QAM -66,5 dBm -65,0 dBm -64,5 dBm -64,5 dBm -62,5 dBm
MPT System Gain at 10-6 BER (RSL): 6-13 GHz
64QAM 98,5 dB - - 95,0 dB -
40 MHz
128QAM 95,5 dB - - 91,5 dB -
MPT System Gain at 10-6 BER (RSL): 15-38 GHz
16QAM 101,3 dB 97,3 dB 94,8 dB 92,8 dB 89,8 dB
MPT Radio Frequency Specifications
Tx-Rx spacings
Specification Frequency Range (GHz) Max. Tuning Range (MHz)
supported (MHz)
L6 GHz 5.925 - 6.425 252.04
U6 GHz 6.425 - 7.11 340
7 GHz 7.125 - 7.9 154, 161, 168, 196, 245
119, 126, 151.164, 208,
8 GHz 7.725 - 8.5 213.5, 266, 294, 305.56,
11 GHz 10.7 - 11.7 490, 500, 530
13 GHz 12.75 - 13.25 266
308, 315, 322, 420, 490,
15 GHz 14.4 - 15.35
644, 728
18 GHz 17.7 - 19.7 340, 1008, 1010, 1560
23 GHz 21.2 - 23.632 1008, 1050, 1200, 1232
26 GHz 24.52 - 26.483 1008
38 GHz 37.0 - 39.46 1260
Note: Max. Tuning Range is dependent upon Tx-Rx spacing.
MPT Antenna Mount Losses
Frequency Band
6 - 15 GHz 18 GHz 23 GHz
1+0 0 0 0
1+1 FD AP 0 0 0
1+1 SD HSB 0 0 0
1+1 SD
3+3 3+3 3+3
1+1 HSB* 1(10)+1(10) 1(10)+1(10) 1(10)+1(10)
1+1 SD
0 0 0
1+1 FD +
0 0 0
SD Hybrid
1+1 FD +
0 0 0
SD Hybrid*
1+1 FD CP* (3x2)+(3x2) (3x2)+(3x2) (3x2)+(3x2)
Note: The above table considers losses for integrated antennas. In case of non-integrated
antennas, flexible waveguide losses (table on next page) are also to be considered.
*stands for double antenna.
MPT Antenna Mount Losses by Configuration (26-38 GHz)
Frequency Band
26 GHz 38 GHz
1+0 0 0
1+1 FD AP 0 0
1+1 SD HSB 0 0
1+1 SD
3+3 3+3
1+1 HSB* 1(10)+1(10) 1(10)+1(10)
1+1 SD
0 0
1+1 FD +
0 0
SD Hybrid
1+1 FD +
0 0
SD Hybrid*
1+1 FD CP* (3x2)+(3x2) (3x2)+(3x2)
Note: The above table considers losses for integrated antennas. In case of non-integrated
antennas, flexible waveguide losses (table below) are also to be considered.
*stands for double antenna.
MPT Frequency Bands
Frequency Tx-Rx spacings Standard ODU Min ODU Max
Band (GHz) supported (MHz) Rec. (Mhz) (Mhz)
7107 7191
7303 7387
7 GHz 196 -
7163 7247
7359 7443
7428 7512
7582 7666
7484 7568
7638 7722
7442 7526
154 F.385-6
7596 7680
(Annex 1)
7498 7583
7652 7743
7107 7163
7261 7317
7443 7527
7611 7695
7 GHz
7499 7583
168 -
7667 7751
7187 7243
7355 7411
7414 7498
7596 7680
182 -
7470 7554
7652 7736
7428 7540
7673 7785
245 F.385-7
7540 7652
(Annex 4)
7785 7897
7732.875 7851.475
ITU-R F.386 8044.195 8162.795
311.32 / 305.56
(Annex 1) 7851.475 7970.075
8157.405 8281.395
8204.217 8274.189
8355.831 8425.803
8 GHz 151.164 -
8274.189 8344.161
8425,5 8496
8283 8328
ITU-R F.386 8405 8451
119 / 126
(Annex 3) 8325 8370
8447 8493
Frequency Tx-Rx spacings Standard ODU Min ODU Max
Band (GHz) supported (MHz) Rec. (Mhz) (Mhz)
8064 8162
8272 8370
208 -
8148 8246
8356 8454
8035 8046
8 GHz 213,5 -
8248 8259,0
7905 8024
ITU-R F.386 8171 8290,0
(Annex 4) 8017 8136
8283 8402
ITU-R 10695 10955
F.387-7 11205 11485
11 GHz 490 / 500 / 530
(Annex 1&2) 10935 11205
N.America 11445 11705
12750 12865
ITU-R F.497- 13016 13131
13 GHz 266
6 12861 12980
13127 13246
14630 14766
14945 15081
308 / 315 /322 Mexico
14759 14899
15074 15215
14500 14724
ITU-R F.497, 14920 15144
420 / 475
F.636-3 14710 14941
15 GHz
15130 15361
14400 14635
ITU-R 14890 15125
F.636-3 14625 14860
15115 15350
14500 14700
644 / 728 CEPT 12-07
15144 15348
Frequency Tx-Rx spacings Standard ODU Min ODU Max
Band (GHz) supported (MHz) Rec. (Mhz) (Mhz)
N. America 17700 18140
& Brazil 19260 19700
18581 18700
18920 19040
340 -
18701 18820
18 GHz
19040 19160
17700 18201
ITU-R 18710 19211
1008 / 1010
F.595-4 18180 18690
19190 19700
ITU-R F.637- 21198 21819
3 (Annex 1) 22400 23019
1050/ 1200 / 1232
ITU-R F.637- 21781 22400
2 (Annex 5) 22981 23600
23 GHz
22000 22315
ITU-R F.637- 23008 23323
3 (Annex 3) 22300 22600
23308 23608
24540 24997
ITU-R F.748 25548 26005
26 GHz 1008
(Annex 1) 24994 25448
26002 26456
37050 37620
ITU-R F.749
38310 38880
1260 (Annex 1)
CEPT 12-02 37619 38180
38879 39440
38 GHz
38600 38950
39300 39650
700 -
38950 39300
39650 40000
11 Radio Configurations
Modem/MPT (1+0)
Access Card
This method offers protection against HW failures providing two independent TX/RX chains. In
(1+1)HSby one transmitter is working, while the other one is in stand-by; both receivers are
active and the best ODU source is selected.
A single MPT Access Card will manage 1+1 configurations in next releases
In case of 1+1 Hot Stand-by on single antenna, both Radio Units are connected to a coupler,
balanced or un-balanced. Either remote or separate mounting is available.
Alternatively, in case of 1+1 Hot Stand-by Space Diversity, each Radio Unit is connected to an
individual antenna.
Access Card
This method offers protection against selective and temporary link quality degradation.
In (1+1) Frequency Diversity, both radio paths are active in parallel using different frequencies;
this method, based on memory buffer that guarantee the bit to bit alignment, can offers error
free protection against fading (via a hitless switch) up to 100dB/sec.
Both two antennas and single antenna (dual polarized) mounting arrangements are available.
(1+1) Polarization Diversity adopts the same concepts of FD, but in this case the same RF signal
is transmitted on two different polarizations (H/V) by means of a single double polarized
Adjacent Channel Alternate Polarised (ACAP), Adjacent Channel Co Polarised (ACCP) and Co-
Channel Dual Polarisation4 (CCDP) operations are supported
Access Card
The Radio Unit is attached to its antenna by a direct-mount collar, which includes a built-in
rotator for selection of vertical or horizontal polarization.
A full range of direct-mount antennas is offered with diameters from 0.2m to 1.8m. As an aid
to antenna alignment, the ODU includes receive signal level (RSL) access
XPIC available in next releases to support CCDP operations
ODU 300 Direct Mounting MPT Direct Mounting
For single antenna protected, frequency diversity and 2+0 operation, a direct-mount antenna
coupler for two ODU is available.
Remote-Mounted ODU
Radio Unit can be installed separate from its antenna, using a remote-mount to support the
ODU, and a flexible-waveguide to connect the Radio Unit to its antenna.
A remote mount allows use of standard, single or dual polarization antennas. The mount can
also be used to remotely support a protected ODU 300/MPT pairing installed on a coupler. The
coupler connects to the remote mount assembly in the same way as a Radio Unit
11.2 Couplers
A coupler is used to connect two ODU to a common antenna for protected or single antenna
frequency diversity operation.
ODU 300
Two versions are available, an equal-split 3.5/3.5 dB coupler, and an unequal-split coupler with
a nominal 1.6 dB insertion loss to/from the main ODU, and 6.4 dB insertion loss to/from the
standby ODU.
Two versions are available, an equal-split 3/3dB coupler, and an unequal-split coupler with a
nominal 1dB insertion loss to/from the main ODU, and 10 dB insertion loss to/from the standby