MySQL Practice

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SQL Practice:

1. create database <database_name>;

Example: create database student;
2. show databases;
3. use <database_name>
Example: use student;
4. create table <table_name> (attribute_name1 datatype1,…………………..…n)
Example: create table parent(pid char(10),pname varchar(30),paddress varchar(30));
Example: create table student(sno int, sadmno int,sname varchar(30), sclass char(3),dob date,pid char(10),scode char(10));
5. show tables;
6. describe <table_name>; (or) desc <table_name>;
Example: describe student (or) desc student;
Example: describe parent (or) desc parent;
7. alter table <table_name> add primary key(attribute_name);
Example: alter table student add primary key(sno);
8. alter table <table_name> add unique (attribute_name);
Example: alter table student add unique (sadmno);
9. alter table <table_name> add <new attribute_name> <datatype>;
Example: alter table parent add pphone int;
10. alter table <table_name> change <old attribute_name> <new attribute_name> <datatype>;
Example: alter table student change sno srollno int;
11. alter table <table_name> modify <attribute_name> <new datatype>;
Example: alter table parent modify pphone char(12);
12. alter table <table_name> modify <attribute_name> <datatype> default <default_value>;
Example: alter table student modify scode char(10) default ‘130163’;
13. alter table <table_name> modify <Attribute_name> <datatype> not null;
Example: alter table student modify sadmno int not null;
alter table <table_name> modify <Attribute_name> <datatype> null;
Example: alter table student modify sadmno int null;
14. alter table <table_name> rename <new table_name>;
Example: alter table student rename stud;
15. alter table <table_name> drop <attribute_name>;
Example: alter table stud drop pid;
16. drop table <table_name>;
Example: drop table parent;
17. drop database <database_name>;
drop database stud;
18. insert into <table_name> values(attribute_value1, attribute_value2,……………….n);
Example: insert into stud values(12,2304,’kireeti’,’XII’,’12-09-2012’,default);

19. select * from <table_name>;

Example: select * from stud;
20. select attribute_name1, attribute_name2,………………………..……….n from <table_name>;
Example: select sadmno,sname,sclass from stud;
21. select <old attribute_name> as <new attribute_name> from <table_name>;
Example: select sname as stud_name from stud;
22. select distinct <attribute_name> from <table_name>;
Example: select distinct sclass from stud;
23. select * from <table_name> where <condition>;
Example: select * from stud where srollno>4;
24. select * from <table_name> where <attribute> between initial value and final value;
Example: select * from stud where srollno between 4 and 8;
select * from <table_name> where <attribute> not between initial_value and final_value;
Example: select * from stud where srollno between 4 and 8;
25. select * from <table_name> order by <attribute_name> desc;
Example: select * from stud order by srollno desc;
select * from <table_name> order by <attribute_name> asc; (or) select * from <table_name> order by <attribute_name>;
Example: select * from stud order by srollno asc (or) select * from stud order by srollno;
26. select <attribute_name> ,<aggregate_function>from <table_name> group by <attribute_name>;
Example: select sclass,count(sclass) from stud group by sclass;
select <attribute_name> ,<aggregate_function>from <table_name> group by <attribute_name> having <condition>;
Example: select sclass,count(sclass) from stud group by sclass having sclass=’XII’;
27. select * from <table_name> where <attribute_name> in (value1, valu2,……..value_n);
Example: select * from stud where sname in (‘ravi’,’kireeti’,’ramu’);
select * from <table_name> where <attribute_name> not in (value1, valu2,……..value_n);
Example: select * from stud where sname in (‘ravi’,’kireeti’,’ramu’);
28. select * from <table_name> where <attribute_name> is null;
Example: select * from stud where sadmno is null;
select * from <table_name> where <attribute_name> is not null;
Example: select * from stud where sadmno is not null;
29. select * from <table_name> where <attribute_name> like “pattern with characters”;
Example: select * from stud where sname like “%ar%”;
Example: select * from stud where sname like “_ag_%”;
select * from <table_name> where <attribute_name> not like “pattern with characters”;
Example: select * from stud where sname not like “%ar%”;
Example: select * from stud where sname not like “_ag_%”;
30. update <table_name> set <attribute1=value1,attribute2=value2,………………….…………n> where <condition>;
Example: update stud set sadmno=2124,dob=”2012-11-23” where srollno=23;
31. delete from <table_name> where <condition>;
Example: delete from stud where srollno=5;
32. create table customer(c_id int not null primary key, c_name varchar(30),c_mobile varchar(10));

desc customer;

create table orders(order_id int not null primary key, order_date date,customer_id int, amount float, foreign key(customer_id)
references customer(c_id));

desc orders;
insert into orders values(1005,'2022-09-20',6,3000);

ERROR 1452 (23000): Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`sales`.`orders`, CONSTRAINT `orders_ibfk_1`
FOREIGN KEY (`customer_id`) REFERENCES `customer` (`c_id`))

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