show databases;
use sampledb;
show tables;
create table Student(
id int primary key auto_increment,
s_name varchar(50) not null,
age int not null default 18,
courseId int not null,
constraint fk_course foreign key (courseId) references course(courseid)
desc course;
desc employee;
insert into employee values (3001, 'Prithvi', 'Raj', 'Accountant', 1002, 'lsfjk',
insert into employee values (3002, 'Kanchan', 'K', 'Developer', 1004, 'dfgk',
insert into employee values (3003, 'Manoj', 'M', 'Accountant', 1002, 'sdfsdf',
insert into employee values (3004, 'Nayan', 'T', 'Tester', 1001, 'ddes', '2020-09-
select * from employee;
select now();
select curdate();
select concat('Pallavi', ' ', 'Prasad');
-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
use classicmodels;
select count(*) from customers;
select * from customers LIMIT 10; -- shows the top 10 records
select * from customers LIMIT 100, 5; -- shows 5 records starting from the 101th
select * from customers where country='USA' limit 10;
select customerNumber, customerName, concat(contactFirstName, ' ', contactLastName)
as 'Contact', creditLimit
from customers where country='Australia'
order by creditLimit desc
limit 5;
-- substring example
select substring('subsring examp', instr('subsring examp', 'r'), length('subsring
create database sampledb;
show databases;
use sampledb;
show tables;
create table Student(
id int primary key auto_increment,
s_name varchar(50) not null,
age int not null default 18,
courseId int not null,
constraint fk_course foreign key (courseId) references course(courseid)
desc course;
desc employee;
insert into employee values (3001, 'Prithvi', 'Raj', 'Accountant', 1002, 'lsfjk',
insert into employee values (3002, 'Kanchan', 'K', 'Developer', 1004, 'dfgk',
insert into employee values (3003, 'Manoj', 'M', 'Accountant', 1002, 'sdfsdf',
insert into employee values (3004, 'Nayan', 'T', 'Tester', 1001, 'ddes', '2020-09-
select * from employee;
-- SELECT STATEMENTS------------------------------
select * from student;
select courseid, s_name, age from student;
select courseid, s_name, age from student where courseid=100;
select courseid, s_name, age from student where age in (18, 19);
select courseid, s_name, age from student where age >=18 and age <= 19;
select courseid, s_name, age from student where age not between 18 and 19;
select now();
select curdate();
select concat('Pallavi', ' ', 'Prasad');