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create database sampledb;

show databases;
use sampledb;
show tables;
create table Student(
id int primary key auto_increment,
s_name varchar(50) not null,
age int not null default 18,
courseId int not null,
constraint fk_course foreign key (courseId) references course(courseid)

alter table student auto_increment=201;

desc Student;

create table course(

courseid int primary key auto_increment,
coursename varchar(50) not null

desc course;

alter table Student add column courseid int not null;

alter table Student add constraint foreign key(courseid) references

alter table course alter column courseid set default 100;

create table dept(

deptid int primary key,
dept_name varchar(50) not null
create table emp(
id int primary key,
firstname varchar(50) not null,
lastname varchar(50) not null,
desgination varchar(50) not null,
dept_id int not null,
constraint fk_dept foreign key(dept_id) references dept(deptid)

rename table emp to employee;

alter table employee modify column desgination varchar(30);
alter table employee rename column desgination to job;
alter table employee add column doj date not null;
alter table employee add column salary double not null;
-- alter table emp drop constraint fk_dept;

alter table employee add column email_id varchar(50) not null;

alter table employee add constraint unique(email_id);

desc employee;

-- drop table emp;

select column_name, constraint_name, referenced_column_name, referenced_table_name

from information_schema.key_column_usage
where table_name='student';
-- drop database sampledb;
-- DML
insert into dept values(1001, 'QA');
insert into dept values (1002, 'Accounts'),
(1003, 'Management'), (1004, 'Development'), (1005, 'Design'), (1006,

Select * from dept;

insert into employee values (3001, 'Prithvi', 'Raj', 'Accountant', 1002, 'lsfjk',
insert into employee values (3002, 'Kanchan', 'K', 'Developer', 1004, 'dfgk',
insert into employee values (3003, 'Manoj', 'M', 'Accountant', 1002, 'sdfsdf',
insert into employee values (3004, 'Nayan', 'T', 'Tester', 1001, 'ddes', '2020-09-
select * from employee;

insert into course(coursename) values ('Java');

insert into course(courseid, coursename) values (101, 'MySQL');
insert into course(courseid, coursename) values (102, 'Python');

select * from course;

insert into student(s_name, courseid) values ('Prithvi', 100);

insert into student values (203, 'Nayan', 19, 101);
insert into student(courseid, age, s_name) values (101, 20, 'Lavanya');
insert into student set id=206, courseid=100, s_name='Janhavi';

select * from student;

update employee set doj='2020-11-02' where id=3001;
update employee set salary=23451.00 where dept_id=1002;

-- truncate table student;

-- drop table student;
-- commit;

delete from student; -- deletes all the rows

delete from student where courseid=101; -- specific row(s) is deleted

create table product (

productId int primary key,
p_desc varchar(255) not null,
price decimal(10,2) not null check(price >= 100.00)

alter table product add column category varchar(30) not null;

insert into product values(101, 'android charger', 150.00, 'Accessory');

insert into product values(102, 'dell laptop', 58000.00, 'Laptop');
insert into product values(103, 'boat earphones', 2500.00, 'Accessory');
insert into product values(104, 'note 9 case', 250.00, 'Accessory');
select * from product;
-- delete from product;
-- SELECT STATEMENTS------------------------------
select * from student;
select courseid, s_name, age from student;
select courseid, s_name, age from student where courseid=100;
select courseid, s_name, age from student where age in (18, 19);
select courseid, s_name, age from student where age >=18 and age <= 19;
select courseid, s_name, age from student where age not between 18 and 19;

select now();
select curdate();
select concat('Pallavi', ' ', 'Prasad');

select courseid, s_name, age from student order by s_name desc;

select courseid as 'Course Id', s_name as 'Student Name', age as Age

from student
where courseid=100
order by s_name;

select c.coursename, s.s_name, s.age from student s, course c

where c.courseid = s.courseid;

select course.coursename, s.s_name, s.age from student s, course

where course.courseid = s.courseid and course.courseid=100;

select c.coursename as 'Course', s.s_name as 'Student Name', s.age from student s,

course c
where c.courseid = s.courseid and c.courseid=100
order by s.s_name;

select * from student where s_name LIKE 'P%';

select * from student where s_name NOT LIKE '%i%';

select category, sum(price) as 'Total Value' from product where

select category, Max(price) as 'Highest' from product where category='Accessory';
select category as Category, count(*) as 'Products'
from product group by category;
select category, sum(price) as 'Total' from product
group by category
having Total > 50000.00;

select left(p_desc, 4) from product;

select s_name from student where instr(s_name, 'i') > 0 and instr(s_name, 't') > 0;
select s_name from student where s_name like '%i%' and s_name like '%t%';
select s_name, length(s_name) from student;
select s_name, replace(s_name, 'i', 'u') from student;
update student set s_name=replace(s_name, 'y', 'i');
select p_desc, locate('ro', p_desc) from product;
select p_desc, instr(p_desc, 'ro') from product;
select p_desc, price, substring(p_desc, 4, 6) from product where price > 2500.00;
select p_desc, substring(p_desc, instr(p_desc, 'o'), length(p_desc)) from product;

-- select category as Category, brand as Brand, count(*) as 'Num of Products'

-- from product
-- where price between 50000.00 and 200000.00
-- group by category, brand;

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
use classicmodels;
select count(*) from customers;
select * from customers LIMIT 10; -- shows the top 10 records
select * from customers LIMIT 100, 5; -- shows 5 records starting from the 101th
select * from customers where country='USA' limit 10;
select customerNumber, customerName, concat(contactFirstName, ' ', contactLastName)
as 'Contact', creditLimit
from customers where country='Australia'
order by creditLimit desc
limit 5;

select customerNumber, customerName,

concat(contactFirstName, ' ', contactLastName) as 'Contact', max(creditLimit) as
from customers;

-- substring example
select substring('subsring examp', instr('subsring examp', 'r'), length('subsring
create database sampledb;
show databases;
use sampledb;
show tables;
create table Student(
id int primary key auto_increment,
s_name varchar(50) not null,
age int not null default 18,
courseId int not null,
constraint fk_course foreign key (courseId) references course(courseid)

alter table student auto_increment=201;

desc Student;

create table course(

courseid int primary key auto_increment,
coursename varchar(50) not null

desc course;

alter table Student add column courseid int not null;

alter table Student add constraint foreign key(courseid) references

alter table course alter column courseid set default 100;

create table dept(
deptid int primary key,
dept_name varchar(50) not null
create table emp(
id int primary key,
firstname varchar(50) not null,
lastname varchar(50) not null,
desgination varchar(50) not null,
dept_id int not null,
constraint fk_dept foreign key(dept_id) references dept(deptid)

rename table emp to employee;

alter table employee modify column desgination varchar(30);
alter table employee rename column desgination to job;
alter table employee add column doj date not null;
alter table employee add column salary double not null;
-- alter table emp drop constraint fk_dept;

alter table employee add column email_id varchar(50) not null;

alter table employee add constraint unique(email_id);

desc employee;

-- drop table emp;

select column_name, constraint_name, referenced_column_name, referenced_table_name

from information_schema.key_column_usage
where table_name='student';

-- drop database sampledb;

-- DML
insert into dept values(1001, 'QA');
insert into dept values (1002, 'Accounts'),
(1003, 'Management'), (1004, 'Development'), (1005, 'Design'), (1006,

Select * from dept;

insert into employee values (3001, 'Prithvi', 'Raj', 'Accountant', 1002, 'lsfjk',
insert into employee values (3002, 'Kanchan', 'K', 'Developer', 1004, 'dfgk',
insert into employee values (3003, 'Manoj', 'M', 'Accountant', 1002, 'sdfsdf',
insert into employee values (3004, 'Nayan', 'T', 'Tester', 1001, 'ddes', '2020-09-
select * from employee;

insert into course(coursename) values ('Java');

insert into course(courseid, coursename) values (101, 'MySQL');
insert into course(courseid, coursename) values (102, 'Python');

select * from course;

insert into student(s_name, courseid) values ('Prithvi', 100);

insert into student values (203, 'Nayan', 19, 101);
insert into student(courseid, age, s_name) values (101, 20, 'Lavanya');
insert into student set id=206, courseid=100, s_name='Janhavi';

select * from student;

update employee set doj='2020-11-02' where id=3001;
update employee set salary=23451.00 where dept_id=1002;

-- truncate table student;

-- drop table student;
-- commit;

delete from student; -- deletes all the rows

delete from student where courseid=101; -- specific row(s) is deleted

create table product (

productId int primary key,
p_desc varchar(255) not null,
price decimal(10,2) not null check(price >= 100.00)

insert into product values(101, 'charger', 150.00);

select * from product;

-- SELECT STATEMENTS------------------------------
select * from student;
select courseid, s_name, age from student;
select courseid, s_name, age from student where courseid=100;
select courseid, s_name, age from student where age in (18, 19);
select courseid, s_name, age from student where age >=18 and age <= 19;
select courseid, s_name, age from student where age not between 18 and 19;

select now();
select curdate();
select concat('Pallavi', ' ', 'Prasad');

select courseid, s_name, age from student order by s_name desc;

select courseid as 'Course Id', s_name as 'Student Name', age as Age

from student
where courseid=100
order by s_name;

select c.coursename, s.s_name, s.age from student s, course c

where c.courseid = s.courseid;

select course.coursename, s.s_name, s.age from student s, course

where course.courseid = s.courseid and course.courseid=100;
select c.coursename as 'Course', s.s_name as 'Student Name', s.age from student s,
course c
where c.courseid = s.courseid and c.courseid=100
order by s.s_name;

select * from student where s_name LIKE 'P%';

select * from student where s_name NOT LIKE '%i%';

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