Carren Ingutia Report .

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Class sept 2019

Dates of the diagnosis 5/7/2021- 9 /7/2021


This research project is my original work and has not been submitted to any

other collage for academic award.

Name ..Carren Ingutia …………. Sign………………………….



I dedicate this project to my father, Lucas Ouko Ogot for his financial support

and my friend Aseneka Elon who has been of constant help during my

Bachelor Degree program. God bless them abundantly.

I wish to thank The Almighty Father for guiding me through the whole project up to its
completion. I also express my gratitude to the Principal KMTC Homa Bay Mr.Dominic Ndombi
for allowing me to carry out the study. I am also of thankful to our able and experienced
facilitators the HOD Mrs. Anyango,Mr Osonga,Mr.Felix,Madam Mercy and Madam Marther for
the time, knowledge and guidance they accorded me during the project.
I also wish to thank the office of the chief of Rangwe Sub-Conty for allowing us to carry out the
study in the area. I also appreciate the CHEW and CHVs who accorded us the much needed
support while in the field.

List of Abbreviation

CDx-community diagnosis
CA-Community Analysis
HI- Health Indicators
CHVs-Community Health Volunteers
3Ls-Look,Listen and Learn
Operational Definition of terms

Community Diagnosis - Identification and quantification of health problems in a

community in terms of mortality and morbidity rate as well as the risk factor in order to identify
those in need of health care .

Community Diagnosis Process-Examining of social statistics in addition to knowledge of the

local situation in order to determine the health need of a community .

Community Analysis –Process of examining data to define the

strength ,weekness ,opportunities ,precks and remanence of the community

Indicator –a sign of presence or absence of a concept to be studied

Effective Communication –Process of passing a message from a sender to a receiver with
reasons for communication

Homabay county ,being along the lake Region , It is know for Water born diseases I.e
cholera ,. Lack of clean drinking water . Poor Hygiene and Malnutrition among house
With this in Mind the community diagnosis was carried out in Rangwe subcounty within
Homabay county to identify and outline the demography , food security ,nutritional status
of the community ,Availability of clean drinking water,Sanitation and Hygiene practices.

Data collection method used included ;Observation, Interview , the use of questionnaire,
and discussion .
We collected data and information from the locals and arear administration . We managed
to have one on one interaction with the Communitie and even experienced some
Table of Content

Community diagnosis is the identification and quantification of Health problem in a community

interms of mortality and morbidity rate as well as the risk factors in order to identify those
inneed of health care .

It is normally carried out to define and describe the health status of a community .In this study ,
Rangwe Subcounty was involved . We looked into describing demography , food
security ,nutritional status of the community ,Availability of clean drinking water,Sanitation and
Hygiene practices.

Background Information

Rangwe subcounty is one of the eight sub counties within Homabay county . It is to the south of
the former Nyanza proince . As a subcounty it has a population of .With majority being women
and children .

The main economic activity within this subcounty is Small scale farming with main focuse on
subsistence crops majorly maize and beans , they also grow sorghum, cassava and avocado .In
addition they have small livestock keeping; they are rearing indigenous cows , goats and
sheep.They also depend on fish from lake Victoria which is miles away from the community .

Major water sources for the community within Rangwe subcounty are Rivers , borehore and
rainwater . There are a few people with tanks for water storage ,most of the general population
are Jericans and pots .
Problem Statement

Majority of house hold in Rangwe Sub-County have bushes round them which formes breeding
ground for mosquitoes which spreads malaria.
There is poor sanitation in homes which is majorly contributed by the high population in house
hold ,lack of enough water sources and storages ,Making it hard to have proper hygiene hence
resulting into majority experiencing waterborn diseases i.e Diarrhea

Most of the children in Rangwe subcounty are malnourished, this comes as a result of lack of
knowledge about proper nutrition . Some house hold normally depend on carbohydrates only
leaving proteins and vitamins .

There are also a few Health centers within the community , with some lacking equipment ,
Health workers and medicines . Most of the Health centers are located in towns making it hardly
accessible to the community .

Having looked at the issues affecting Rangwe subcounty we were ascertained there was need to
carry out this research to.


Methodology involved in this research included ;

1. Observation
2. Questionair
3. Interview

Study Design

Study Area

Rangwe subcounty ; Upper Genga B. Village

Study Population
The community has got a total population of …. We managed to interview ….. and visited ,
…..Households .

Data Collection tools and Procedures

Five senses
Ethical Consideration put in Place
Population of this …..are Luos , we were therefore guided by the luo customs and believes
Results /Findings

Conclusion /Recommendations



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