Lesson 6 Sexual Health Hygiene 1

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Lesson 6
1. identify the
important 3. know when
health habits 2. observe to seek help
for the maintaining from a health
developing good care
adolescent; hygiene; professional
• Puberty causes all kinds of
changes in the adolescent’s body.
• These bodily changes are normal
Introduction part of developing into an adult
• There are instances when these
changes can be a source of
anxiety to the growing teens.*
- A state of complete
physical, mental, & social
HEALTH well-being and not merely
the absence of disease or

- Refers to behaviors that can

improve cleanliness & lead to
good health*
- Refers to a state of physical,
emotional, mental & social well-
SEXUAL being in relation to sexuality *
- Refers to the state of complete
physical, mental & social well-being
& not merely the absence of disease
REPRODUCTIVE or infirmity in all matters relating to
HEALTH the reproductive system & its
functions& processes at all stages
of life *
Common Filipino hygiene problems
Oily hair Sweat & body Body Hair
- Hormones that create
- Sweat glands produce - Body hair appear in new
ACNE as same ones places
that make hair greasy sweat or perspiration
(sebaceous or oil - Best way to keep clean - You may want to start shaving
glands) is to bathe everyday some places where body hair
using soap & water grows
- Wash your hair daily to
control oil - Wear clean & dry DENTAL HYGIENE
- Look for shampoos that clothes & underwear - Proper brushing & flossing
say “greaseless” or “oil - Use of deodorant to get prevents tooth decay
free” rid of odor & sweat
- Brushing stimulates the gums
which helps to keep them
healthy & prevent gum diseases.
Self-breast exam for females
Best time to do it:
- 1 week after the last day of menstruation
- Breasts are not tender and swollen at this time
- Should be done at the same time each month when you no longer
have your menstrual period
Keeping the female external genitalia clean
- Use soap & water to - Properly dispose of the - Be aware of abnormal
wash the external sanitary napkins after each fluids from your vagina &
genitalia everyday use or ash & dry the piece of do not confuse this with
especially during cloth used as menstrual pad normal vaginal fluids..
menstruation before reuse
- Use either a disposable - If you see any changes
pad made of cotton w/ a - Wash starting from the vagina in the vaginal fluid such
nylon base or just clean towards the anus & not the as change in color or
piece of cotton to absorb from anus towards the vagina odor, please visit a health
blood during for this allows germs to enter professional
menstruation the inner genitalia easily and
may cause infection
- Wash only the external
genitals & don’t try to
clean the inside part of
Keeping the male external genitalia clean
- Wash the external genitalia - Be aware of abnormal fluids
daily with soap & water as coming from your penis & do not
you wash the rest of your confuse this with the presence of
body normal fluids

- Boys who are not circumcised - If you see any abnormal fluid or
need to pull back the foreskin wound, please visit a health
& gently wash underneath it professional
with clean water

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