97 Turner Interac Incl Lamellar
97 Turner Interac Incl Lamellar
97 Turner Interac Incl Lamellar
single particle fixes the local layer separation at d * . Such a ized version of the resulting equations to obtain corrections
condition may be shown to imply @7# b .ld(d2d * ). to the two-body interaction potential.
Minimization of Eq. ~1! and subsequent calculations are We calculate the potential field f (r) due to a particle at
most easily performed in Fourier space. The Fourier trans- the origin and its associated correlated neighbors. Thus the
form is defined by f q5 * d 3 rf (ri ,z)e i(qi •ri 1q z z) with ri and energy required to move an infinitesimal number of inclu-
qi vectors in the x-y plane. Minimizing Eq. ~1! with respect sions d n from infinity to r is d n f (r).
to u q the energy is given by @7# Invoking Boltzmann statistics the density field near the
particle is of the form
H5 E d 3q
G r r 5
~ 2 p ! 3 q q 2q
E 8E
d 3r d 3 rG ~ r2r8 ! r ~ r! r ~ r8 ! , r ~ r! 5 r̄ e 2 f ~ r! 1 d ~ r! , ~6!
~2! where r̄ is the density at infinity and the term d (r) fixes one
where particle at the origin.
We may linearize Eq. ~6! whenever f !1, which is satis-
q 2z fied whenever the energy scale E 0 !1. The linearized form
G q52E 0 ld 2
, ~3! of Eq. ~6! is
q 2z 1l 2 q 4i
r ~ r! 5 r̄ @ 12 f ~ r!# 1 d ~ r! ⇒ r q5 r̄ @~ 2 p ! 3 d ~ q! 2 f q# 11.
with ~7!
AKB b 2 Our second equation relates the potential f to the density via
E 05 , ~4! the bare two-body Green’s function G. From Eq. ~2! we have
8l 2 d 2
G ~ r! 5 S DS
E0 d
8p z
r 2i
4l u z u
D exp2
r 2i
4l u z u
. ~5!
Solving Eqs. ~7! and ~8! for f q and substituting Eq. ~3! we
find @14#
E 0 ld 2 q 2z
The fact that Eq. ~5! diverges in the limit z→0 does not f q52 , ~9!
12 r̄ E 0 ld 2 q z 1l 8 q i
2 2 4
reflect an underyling problem in the theory since the energy
is well behaved for densities r (r) that are smoothly varying
@13#. The two-body interaction potential for z@d is approxi- where
mately U 12(r)52G(r) @the factor 2 arises because of the l 8 5 ~ 12 r̄ E 0 ld 2 ! 21/2l, ~10!
intrinsic double counting in Eq. ~2!#.
From Eq. ~5! we see that the interaction between two a result that is valid for q z !1/d. In some sense Eq. ~10!
particles is long ranged in the z direction and is anisotropic indicates that the range of the interactions is increasing with
and radially nonmonotonic. This anisotropy is characterized the particle density. Transforming Eq. ~9! we find that the
by the paraboloid r 2i 54l u z u , which also appears in the clas- real space potential is well approximated by the following
sical problem of the interaction between two dislocations in form for z@d:
smectic A @2#, although the precise functional form is rather
different in this case. One can also show that the energy scale
for the interaction potential E 0 is equal to the ~self-! energy
of a single isolated particle a E 0 , to within a numerical pref-
f ~ r! 5
8 p ~ 12 r̄ E 0 ld 2 ! 1/2
r 2i
4l 8 u z u
D exp2
r 2i
4l 8 u z u
actor a of order unity @7#. A quantitative estimate of this
prefactor formally requires an improvement in Eq. ~1! and We may calculate the correction to the zero density interac-
also depends on microscopic details. tion potential either by expanding Eq. ~11! directly in powers
of r̄ or, equivalently, by expanding Eq. ~9! before transform-
II. FINITE DENSITY CORRECTIONS TO THE TWO- ing to real space. Writing the real space potential
r̄ ld 2 E 20 d 2
r 2i r 2i 2
r 2i
We now examine the effect of surrounding particles on d f ~ r! 5 11 2 exp2 ,
16p z 4l u z u 4l u z u 4l u z u
the two-body interaction potential. We will employ a mean ~12!
field theory in which the particle density and potential fields
are determined self-consistently. Such an approach has been where we neglect terms of O( r̄ 2 ). This function is plotted in
employed with success in many other physical problems. Fig. 1. This finite density correction to the interactions can
Perhaps the best known example is the Debye-Hückel theory be identified with weakly correlated three-body interactions.
for electrolytes. In the present work we use the smectic po- Finally we can examine the influence of the particles on
tential f ~in k B T units! determined via our modified the effective moduli K 8 and B 8 . These moduli are those
Landau–de Gennes functional ~1!. We assume Boltzmann which mimic the effect of the finite particle density. In the
statistics for the distribution of particles and solve the linear- limit of zero particle density they are merely the bare smectic
The numerical prefactor depends on the choice of this cutoff.
1 The opposite, strong interactions, limit may often be rel-
S ~ q! 5C a2 d 3 rd 3 r8 r ~ r! r ~ r8 ! e iq~ r2r8 ! , ~14!
N evant for particles incorporated in thermotropic liquid crys-
tals, such as the diblock copolymer lamellar phases. In this
where C a is the scattering amplitude per inclusion and N is limit we can no longer expand the exponential e 2U 12 in Eq.
the total number of particles. We wish to calculate this func- ~17! everywhere but can make a crude estimate of the far
tion for scattering from inclusions incorporated in a lamellar field contribution to B V by ~i! integrating Eq. ~17! by steepest
phase and assume that this signal can be isolated from that descents in the regime where U 12@1 and ~ii! expanding the
scattered by the lamellae. If we treat the inclusions as point- exponential when U 12!1. We proceed by crudely cutting off
like and neglect the details of the short range interactions we the integral at z5 n d, as before, and find
may write S(q) in terms of the two-body potential f (r) by
2 23/2
invoking Boltzmann statistics V .2ld E 0
B far exp@ E 0 / ~ 4 p e 2 n 2 !# for E 0 @1.
S ~ q! 5C a2 r̄ E 3
d re iq•r2 f ~ r!
. ~15! This represents a large ~exponential! average attraction be-
tween particles.
By assuming that the potential f is small, which is often a We emphasize again that these results neglect any addi-
reasonable approximation for uncharged lyotropic systems, tional short range interactions not described by the linear
we may expand the exponential in Eq. ~15! to obtain S(q) coupling term b r] z u in Eq. ~1!.
for small but finite q.
S ~ q! 52C a2 r̄ f q , ~16!
We have studied the effect of particulate inclusions in a
where f q is given by Eq. ~9!. This prediction allows for a bulk smectic-A phase and have derived equations for the
test of the present theory on two grounds. Firstly a structure energy of an arbitrary distribution of particles. These results
factor of the form S(q);q 2z /(q 2z 1l 8 2 q 4i ) would provide are used to develop a self-consistent mean field theory for the
strong evidence that the particle-layer coupling in a given particle distribution, which is used to study the effect of fi-
nite particle density on the effective two-body interaction suggest that direct measurements of this may provide a direct
potential. The correction to this potential is computed and we test of our theory. We also briefly discuss the second virial
find that although the effective compressional modulus of the coefficient for the mixed particle-lamellar system, noting that
phase is unchanged, the effective bending modulus increases the far-field interactions are always attractive on average.
linearly with the particle density according to Eq. ~13!. This
result is in contrast to one, rather different, study of mem-
brane impurities, which predicted a decrease in the bending ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
modulus @10#, but is in qualitative agreement with the trend
observed for membranes densely decorated with PEG lipids The authors wish to thank P. Pincus for his encourage-
@17#. In addition both of these studies show a change in B ~an ment and advice, including a critical reading of the manu-
increase in the first and a decrease at large densities in the script. Stimulating discussions are acknowledged with G. H.
second!. The qualitative differences with the present theory Fredrickson, D. Morse, and C. M. Marques. The authors ac-
are unsurprising in view of the differences between the sys- knowledge support from the Royal Society ~UK! and the
tems. We give the static structure factor for the particles and MRL program of the NSF under DMR-9123048.
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