Arduino-Based Digital Advanced Audiometer
Arduino-Based Digital Advanced Audiometer
Arduino-Based Digital Advanced Audiometer
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Abstract—The ear is an organ that is able to detect or An algorithm design for eliminating artifacts in the
recognize sound and also has a lot to play in the balance and embedded auditory diagnostic system was investigated by
position of the body. The ears are organs that are very Haimeng [7]. Using a Dynamic Tracking Filter to Extract the
vulnerable to noise. There are two common causes of hearing Autoacoustic Emissions of Distortion Products Induced by the
loss, namely decreased hearing conduction (hearing loss) and Hue Signal Swept was investigated by Jun Deng [8].
nerve hearing (sensorineural hearing loss). To prevent deafness, Phoneme-based self-auditory assessment on smartphones was
hearing control is necessary. Generally to test hearing function studied by Choi [9]. A comprehensive cloud-based remote
is done regularly by the ENT doctor at the hospital. This if done hearing diagnostic system was studied by Yao [10]. Learn
many times is deemed ineffective because it is time consuming
about self-assessment using speech sounds researched by
and requires relatively expensive costs, therefore an early
diagnosis of portable hearing loss is designed that is expected to
Sohn [11]. The development of a portable A-ABR screener
be able to test independently independently over and over again. using a microprocessor was investigated by Hyung Wook Noh
This tool is equipped with SD Card data storage, where the [12]. The design of a web service based system for remote
results of the data can be consulted by a doctor for further hearing diagnosis was investigated by Jianchu Yao, Yongbo
diagnosis. This tool uses an arduino uno R3 control, the Wan and Givens [13].
frequency generator uses IC XR2206. The highest error is at the From previous research on hearing diagnosis, it appears
frequency of 8000 Hz which is 0.52%, but overall all systems on
that the level of hearing loss (hearing threshold) in an
the device are functioning properly and the error is still within
tolerance of 10%. From the results of these data, this tool can be
individual can be determined by various types of hearing tests
recommended for early diagnosis of hearing function.
including whisper tests, fork tests, audiometric tests. Until
now, the audiometer has developed into various types,
Keywords—audiometer, sound, arduino including pure tone audiometer and speech audiometer. In a
pure tone audiometer the hearing test system uses a digital
I. INTRODUCTION circuit that can produce pure tones with various frequencies
Hearing is the five human senses that have the function to (125, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz, 8000 Hz)
capture sound, so that everything that is around us can be and the intensity level can be adjusted in decibels (dB).
heard. The frequency of sound that can be heard by humans Whereas in the audiometer the hearing test system uses
ranges from 20-20 KHz. People who cannot use hearing are selected words that have been standardized, pronounced
called deaf. Deafness has reached 16.8% of the population of through a calibrated circuit. The audiometer has been studied
Indonesia and 0.4% for deafness with the highest group at by several researchers. The development of an auditory self-
school age (7-9 years). Besides that, it is estimated that every assessment pure tone audiometer was investigated by
year there will be around 5200 babies born deaf. This figure Gargouri, Chaoui and Wira [14]. Automatic Hearing Test
will put Indonesia, including a country that has a high deafness Equipment Based on Active Noise Control Technology was
rate in Southeast Asia. studied by Sun, Liu and Wang [15]. The conception of Pure
Tone Audiometer Application Software was studied by
Research on hearing diagnosis has been widely studied by Gargouri, Chaoui and Kachouri [16]. The determination of the
previous researchers. The application of Mathematical patient's hearing sensitivity using data mining techniques was
Modeling for the Assessment of the Risk of Developmental studied by Elbasi, Ayanoglu and Zreikat [17]. A portable
Delay in Young Deaf Children was studied by Mashevskiy, audiometer to detect hearing loss at an early stage for cancer
Sablina and Dubrovina [1]. Objective Audiometry Based on patients was studied by Rani and Patil [18]. Audiometer
Middle Ear Parameter Formulas: A New Technique for controlled by brain waves was studied by Sanchez, Funes and
Research and Differential Diagnosis of Hearing was Cosme Cisneros [19]. The design of the audiometer device
investigated by Naida [2]. EVOTION - Big Data Supports with integration to multiple sources was studied by Isler and
Public Hearing Health Policy researched by Christensen and Uzun [20]. Using wireless telecommunication technology to
Pontoppidan [3]. The application of IOS-based Ear Scales for promote tele-audiology was researched by Daoyuan Yao,
Clinical Audiology and Otology was studied by Liao [4]. Givens and Yao [21]. A comprehensive cloud-based remote
Smartphone-based self-auditory assessment using phonemes hearing diagnosis system was studied by Yao [22]. The
was studied by Jong Min Choi [5]. The objective adaptive expert system for audiologists was studied by
neurophysiological assessment of the perception of sound Rajkumar, Muttan and Pillai [23].
quality by hearing impaired listeners was studied by Millman,
Stone and Tan [6]. Arduino microcontroller is used to process data on the
digital advanced audiometer. Arduino microcontrollers are
widely used in sensor data processing such as Arduino-based comes out according to the length of time required. If the
Digital Liquid Density Meter Design [24], turbidimeter design patient hears, the save button will be pressed, then the dB and
and realization using a TSL250 photodetector and Arduino frequency displayed on the display will be stored on the SD
microcontroller [25], A Home Environmental Monitoring card. Frequency and decibel values that have been tested will
Design in Arduino [26], Water monitoring systems using be stored on the micro SD in sequence based on the frequency
arduino with labview [27], Environmental Temperature and decibel values tested.
Monitoring of the Arduino Assisted Engineering Faculty
using Telegram [28], Arduino UNO and GSM-based wireless B. Systems work flow
health monitoring system for patients [29] and induction When the device is turned on, LCD initialization will
motor fault detection, protection and speed control using occur, the voltage activates the oscillator is shown in Figure 2.
Arduino [30]. From the figure, Attach headphones to the patient. After that,
adjust the frequency and dB according to the hearing test
Along with age and noisy work environment factors, the instructions according to health standards. Press the play
function of the ear organ can sometimes be weakened button to make a sound. When the device starts testing see the
unnoticed, because too often hear in high noise levels, patient's reaction, if he hears the patient will raise his hand, if
therefore it is necessary to check ear organ function regularly. the patient has heard then press the save button, do the
Previously to test the function of the hearing organ can be selection of sound frequency and intensity again to do the test
done at the ENT hospital, this is less effective because it on the frequency and intensity of the other sounds. The
requires a long time to do the hearing test. Therefore it is process will continue to repeat until all sound frequencies and
necessary to design an arduino uno R3-based audiometer that intensities have been tested. Frequency and decibel test data
is able to diagnose the hearing organs regularly at home that can be heard by patients will be stored on micro SD with
without having to go to the hospital. This tool is also equipped sequential save data.
with patient data storage in the form of frequency and sound
intensity (dB). This tool is also equipped with a save button
for data stored on the micro SD.
This tool uses a frequency generator with IC XR2206, its
working principle is to use an RC oscillator, where the
frequency produced depends on the value of the resistor and
capacitor used. Frequency generator is used in order to get a
sound that varies in each frequency. So this tool is categorized
as pure tone audiometer.
A. System components
The audiometer uses the Arduino Uno R3 control, the
frequency generator uses the XR 2206 IC, and data storage
uses an SD Card. For more details, the audiometer block
diagram can be seen in Figure 1. From this figure, it can be
seen that the microcontroller processes the input signal
generator data.
Fig. 1. System block diagram A tool for diagnosing hearing is shown in Figure 3. From the
figure, it can be seen that there are two buttons, namely the
When the on button is pressed, the supplay voltage will play and save buttons. The tool also has tuning to adjust the
enter the entire circuit on the device. The oscillator will frequency and db.
generate a frequency with a sine wave and box output. Sine
waves are used to adjust the sound intensity (dB) while square
waves are used to calculate frequency values. The frequency
value is set by rotating the variable resistor (potentio). The
frequency will be calculated by the microcontroller by
counting the number of counters per second, then displayed
on the display. The sine wave will be amplified by the
amplifier then connected to the headphones. Potensio is used
to adjust the intensity of the sound that comes out. The sound
that has come out in the form of pure tones that will be
forwarded to the headphones. So that the test tone does not
come out all the time, a switch is added so that the sound Fig. 3. Device visual
A. Frequency generator
The function of PIN 1 is as a regulator of the amplitude of To simplify research, it is necessary to know the waveform
the input signal modulation is shown in Figure 4. From the at each test point. The following are the waveforms at each
figure, PIN 5 functions as an output multiplier. From the test point.
figure, the frequency produced is determined by the price of
the capacitor on PIN 5.6 and the resistor on PIN 7. To adjust The output signal from U1.B, with an amplitude of
the output oscillation frequency, a pin is mounted on pin 7. approximately 5 Vpp. This value is the result of the
PIN 2 as a sine wave output, then enters the voltage amplifier strengthening of the signal test point 2.
transistor circuit. PIN 11 as a square wave output, then it C. System minimum
enters the amplifier transistor circuit. The inbox wave is micro
to be used as a value to calculate frequency. While the sine The minimum system circuit in this module serves as the
wave will go into the amplifier circuit. overall module work control is shown in Figure 6. From the
figure, the function of the crystal is as an additional clock
connected to the capacitor which is useful for emptying and
charging the oscillator, in fact the ATMega328p already has
an internal clock but the frequency is still small so it is not
optimal in data processing. The 328p ATMega IC is given a
program that will control the module's working system. The
program used in this module uses the Arduino program.
B. Amplifier
Sine wave, entering the potentio (RV3) is shown in Figure
5. Potensio functions as a regulator of the height of the sine
wave that goes to foot 3 in U1.B. After the C4 capacitor is Fig. 6. System minimum schematic
installed which functions as a coupling, the function is to
block the DC voltage from the next circuit so that it does not Following the functions of the ports on ATMega328p,
affect each other (Test Point 1). After the signal capacitor PD2 is connected to IC 4584. PD3 to PD7 plus PB0 are
enters the circuit connected to PORTC 2 as ADC 2, the connected to the LCD circuit. PB2 through PB5 are connected
reference voltage is 2.5 V. Before entering foot 3 U1.B the to the SD card module. PB6 and PB7 are each connected to
signal enters the voltage divider at R7 and R12 (Test Point 2). the crystal foot. PC1 as the ADC2 input, PC2 as the ADC1
Potentio (RV3) is adjusted to OpAmp U1.B 5Vpp output (Test input. PC3 is connected to the save button push button. PC4 is
Point 3). The 5 Vpp voltage is the result of non-inverting connected to SDA, PC5 is connected to SCL on the RTC 1307
reinforcement with 11 times the gain of R3 100K Ohms and module.
R4 10K Ohms. U1.A is a buffer circuit amplifying the voltage
1 time. The output is made as a bias circuit or reference IV. RESULT AND DISCUSSION
voltage so that the signal output is not below the zero line. After the tool is finished, the next step is to test and
Output U1.B then enters C7, then enters the Pot vol dB. measure is shown in table 1. The purpose of testing and
Potensio Vol dB serves to regulate the outputs of U2.A and measuring the tool is to make sure the tool is functioning
U2.B arranged in parallel. Strengthening at U2.A and U2.B is properly and how accurately the tool is made compared to the
1.12 times with a value of R23 = R25 which is 1.2K Ohms and calibrated tool. The test is carried out at 7 points, namely 125
R24 = R28 which is 10K Ohms. The U2.A output is used as Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1000 Hz, 2000 Hz, 4000 Hz and 8000
the ADC 1 input, while the U2.B output is connected to the Hz.
headphones. The function of capacitor C13 is to block DC
waves so that only sine waves enter the headphones. TABLE I. FREQUENCY MEASUREMENT RESULT
No. Frequency
test (Hz) Average (Hz) Deviation (Hz) Error
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