DNB Family Medicine Question Bank

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Family Medicine
Question Bank

Mohamed Haroon Rashid



2 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


Dedicated to my Teachers of
Sagar Hospitals, Jayanagar
Parents, and all Family Medicine PGs

3 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



Dr Mohammed Haroon Rashid

Final year PG Family Medicine
Sagar Hospitals, Jayanagar, Bangalore

Dr Prince Christopher
Family Medicine
CMC, Vellore

4 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


Contents Page

Introduction & National board of Examination----------------------------- 06

Section I
Family Medicine Question Bank year wise 2007 to 1985 ---------------- 25

Section II
Family Medicine Question bank with references & subject wise------ 101

Section III
Family Medicine Text books and websites----------------------------------- 150

5 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



T he specialty of Family Medicine is a discipline focused on the

healthcare needs of all people without regard to gender, age, disease,
or life-stage. With the unique perspective of this focus we are concerned with
contextualizing care and integrating the complex biologic, social, psychological,
economic and cultural needs of people and families. While this approach may
take many different forms, our focus has traditionally been on offering
comprehensive health care for all.
This book focuses on the question papers and references to books in Family Medicine for the post


DR. K. P. PARTHASARATHY on the importance of family practice as a discipline

6 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



(Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India)
Mahatma Gandhi Marg (Ring Road)
Post Box No. 4931, Ansari Nagar,
New Delhi – 110 029
Telephone : 26589517
Website : www.natboard.nic.in
Email: [email protected]

7 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



The National Board of Examination was established in 1975 with the primary objective of
improving the quality of the Medical Education by elevating the level and establishing
standards of post graduate examinations in modern medicine, on an all India basis. It was
to function as a National resource for imparting quality in evaluation of professional
competence in Medical Sciences. The Medical Council of India has laid down standards for
post graduate examinations conducted by various universities and other institutions, yet it is
felt that the levels of proficiency and standards of evaluation still vary considerably in these
institutions and universities. The setting up of a National Body, to conduct post -graduate
medical examination was intended to provide a common measurement standard and
mechanism of evaluation of the minimum level of attainment of the objective for which post
graduate courses were started in medical institutions. Moreover, inter-country and
international comparison will be facilitated with the availability of commonly accepted
evaluation mechanism.
There are more than 149 recognized Medical Colleges in the country, in addition to over
325 accredited institutions, imparting DNB in various specialties and super specialties.
There are 41 medical disciplines identified by the by the Board for which approved training
courses are available in the country at present.
The present undergraduate medical curriculum and the internship are inadequate to turn
out well trained and competent medical professionals to serve the community needs.
Preventive, promotive and rehabilitation aspects, which form an integral part of healthy
living, have lost focus with most of the medical practitioners. More than 80% of our
population comprises of either the rural or urban poor. They are unable to get access to
adequate medical care facilities from the exiting hospitals. Moreover, to practice holistic
medicine, the treating physician should also understand the social, cultural and economic
conditions of the family. Family physicians need to make the optimal use of the resources
and judiciously select the investigations for diagnosis. They can form the back bone of
health care delivery system and can play a vital role in fulfilling the Rural Health Mission
announced by the Government of India:

The DNB Family Medicine (New Regulations) is not included in the First
schedule of Medical Council of India. Act 1956.

This information booklet is expected to provide the necessary information to

the institutions/hospitals which are willing to start DNB Family Medicine
(New Regulations) and also preliminary information to the candidates who
are aspiring to enroll for DNB Family Medicine (New Regulations).

8 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


DNB in Family Medicine (NEW REGULATIONS)

Family Medicine is defined as that specialty of medicine which is concerned with

providing comprehensive care to individuals and families and integrating biomedical,
behavioral and social sciences. As an academic discipline, it includes comprehensive
health care services, education and research. A family doctor provides primary and
continuing care to the entire family within the communities; addresses physical,
psychological and social problems; and coordinates comprehensive health care services
with other specialists, as needed. The practitioners in family medicine can play an important
role in providing healthcare services to the suffering humanity. The General practitioner’s
responsibility in Medicare includes management of emergencies, treatment of problems
relating to various medical and surgical specialties, care of entire family in its environment,
appropriate referrals and follow up. He is the first level contact for the patients and his
family. In a country with large population spread over to rural sector, the need for
adequately trained, properly qualified, competent general practitioners is acutely felt. The
National Board plans to conduct postgraduate degree examinations in Family Medicine
leading to Diplomate of the National Board (New Regulations) to fulfill these felt needs of
the country.


After qualifying the final examinations the candidate should be able to function as a
junior consultant (specialist) in Family Medicine. He should be able to render health
services to the community by providing health care to all members irrespective of age, sex,
culture and socio-economic background. He should be able to decide for appropriate
referral in order to provide secondary/tertiary health services when necessary. He should
be clinically competent and should be able to take personal responsibility for rendering
comprehensive and continuing care of his patients in their own family settings.


At the end of the training period the candidate should be able to acquire following

competencies for:

1. Effective management of common diseases within the limited resources of family

practice setting.

2. Identification of complex health problems and their appropriate referral.

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3. Promotion of health and prevention of disease, and support of the national health

4. Ability to care for disadvantages groups in the community such as the elderly,
mentally and physically handicapped persons.

5. Behavioral sciences related to family practice.

6. Effective communication with patients, family, colleagues and other health care
workers, and community.

7. Domiciliary care and palliative care.

8. Conducting research, and submit it in the form of a dissertation.

9. Management of a wide range of common medical emergencies in the context of

family practice with evidence-based medicine.

10. Decision making regarding the need for, and the appropriate and cost-effective
use of, modern technological investigations and ability to interpret the results of these

11. Management, team work and leadership.

12. Development of a critical mind and the ability to solve patient problems within a
particular socio-cultural setting, harnessing available community services.

13. Being a role model in health behaviour, and the ability to organize and actively
engage in community care programmes, focusing on promoting and maintaining health
of the community.

IV Content areas

Knowledge and skills for life-saving procedures:

Medical, Obstetric, Paediatric, including neonatal resuscitation, Surgical
and Trauma.

(2) Maternal and child health : prevention, screening , health education,

nutritional guidance and immunization, ante-natal and post-natal check up, well baby

10 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


clinic and family planning procedures. Age-specific risk assessment including cancer
risk, adolescent health and lifestyle guidance.

Principles of anaesthesia: local, regional and intravenous sedation

(4) Paediatrics :Growth and development, infectious diseases, malnutrition,

immunization and common paediatric illnesses.

(5) General Medicine:Initial management of all symptoms/health problems,

recognition, assessment, management, follow-up of common medical conditions in the
community, prevention and health promotion, geriatric problems in the community,
palliative care of terminally ill patients, poisoning, chronic disease conditions;
hypertension, diabetes, asthma ischaemic heart disease, obesity, epilepsy and

(6) Diseases of public health importance. e.g., - tuberculosis, leprosy,

HIV/AIDS, STD and malaria.

Reproductive and sexual health problems including HIV/STD.

(8) Common dermatological problems and investigations.

(9) Mental health problems in a community setting:Common psychological

problems pertaining to life-cycle, behavioural problems, substance abuse, domestic
violence, psychoneurosis, anxiety and depression, dementia and identification of at risk
patients by age, sex and environment.

(10) Orthopaedics :Reduction of simple fractures and dislocations, trauma

management and fundamentals of physiotherapy.

(11) Common ophthalmological problems, both curable and incurable.

(12) Common problems in otolaryngorhinology.

(13) Oral health: management of dental emergencies and preventive measures.

(14) Occupational health.

(15) Radiodiagnosis: Interpretation of x-rays, preparation for radiological and

imaging procedures, understanding interpretation and limitations of other imaging

(16) Hospital and practice management :Management science/organization,

management of clinics, resource management, financial management, accounting and
auditing and health economics and health insurance schemes.

(17) Basic epidemiology and clinical epidemiology.

(18) Biostatistics.

(19) Behavioral and social sciences related to family medicine.

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(20) Research methodology – use of quantitative and qualitative research

methods, use of statistical packages, writing scientific papers.

(21) Critical appraisal of literature and evidence-based medicine.

(22) Communication skills with patients, peers, through media and publications.

(23) Legal and ethical considerations in family practice, Medical negligence and
consumer protection act.


The students are expected to acquire following skills :

(1) Anaesthesiology : endotracheal intubation; intravenous access (peripheral

and central lines, venesection, intravenous infusion); anaesthesia (local, regional,
intravenous sedation).

(2) Medicine : cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and advanced cardiac,

trauma, obstetric life supports, lumbar puncture, pleural aspiration, peritoneal aspiration,
drainage of tension pneumothorax; nasogastric intubation and lavage; intravenous,
intramuscular, intradermal and intralesional injections; intra-articular injection and
aspiration; take an ECG.

(3) Obstetrics & Gynaecology : conduction of normal delivery, making and

suturing of episiotomy, management of breech delivery and retained placenta; repair of
perineal laceration; vacuum extraction, forceps extraction; speculum examination,
cervical smear, IUCD insertion.

(4) Ophthalmology : funduscopy, removal of foreign bodies.

(5) Orthopaedics : splinting of fractures, reduction of simple fractures and

dislocation; application of casts.

(6) Otolaryngorhinology : removal of foreign bodies from nose, syringing of ear,

nasal packing; use of otoscope.

(7) Paediatrics : resuscitation of the newborn; intraosseous infusions.

(8) Pathology : haemoglobin level, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, total and

differential leukocyte count, blood picture, routine and microscopic examination of urine
and stool; taking swabs from various orifices and wounds; Fine Needles Aspiration;
performing Gram stain and Ziehl-Neelsen stain; microscopy of urethral and vaginal
discharge; blood sugar with glucometer; use of uristix etc.

(9) Surgery : Assessment and closure of traumatic wounds; burns; incision and
drainage of abscess; in-growing toe-nails; excision and biopsy of superficial swellings;
venesection; urethral catheterization; suprapubic cystostomy; circumcision in adults;
intercostals tube drainage; tracheostomy; screening for breast cancer.

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VI Eligibility criteria for candidates

1. Any medical graduate with MBBS qualification, who has completed internship and is
registered with MCI/State Medical Council (Age limit upto 50 years).
2. Any medical graduate holding PG diploma qualification from Indian Universities.
3. Foreign medical graduates who have passed the screening test conducted by NBE
and are registered with MCI/State Medical Council.
4. In service candidates from Defense, Central/State Government, Railways, Public
sector institutions.

Duration of Course – Full Time : 3 Years

Part Time : Minimum 20 hours per week for 3 years

Stipend/Course Fee – the accredited institution for DNB (Family Medicine) should employ
the candidate and provide clinical responsibilities of a Senior Resident and pay
remuneration for his/her services. It is desirable to provide accommodation where it is
possible. There is no entrance test to join the course. The accredited institutions will select
suitable candidates with aptitude for general practice, their concerns & compassion to live &
work within communities. The candidate will be evaluated for various technical skills,
medical skills and communications skills at the end of 12-18 months.



1. All hospitals attached to Government and Private medical colleges.

2. All Government hospitals including General hospitals, District hospitals, E.S.I.

Defence, Railways etc.

3. Any Multispeciality hospital already accredited to NBE (Single Specialty hospitals

are not eligible).

4. All public sector hospitals, Corporation, Port Trust, Mission hospitals and
multispeciality private hospitals.

Inspection Fee – No inspection fee for categories 1,2 and 3

– – For category 4 inspection fee is 10,000/-

The minimum requirement for hospitals are:

i. The hospital should have full time consultants with postgraduate qualification
MD/MS or DNB or equivalent, in internal medicine, general surgery, OBG, Pediatrics,
and full time/part time/visiting consultants in other specialties.

ii. The hospital should have a minimum number of 50 indoor beds (for 2
candidates) and a minimum of 100 indoor beds (for 4 candidates).

iii. The hospital should have causality/emergency medicine department including

availability of anesthetists and blood transfusion services.

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iv. The hospital should have clinical laboratory investigation facilities, viz,
Biochemistry, Microbiology, Pathology etc.

v. Faculties for teaching in small groups, seminars, bed site clinics etc.
vi. Library with standard text books and journals and access to internet. The
institutions which are keen on starting the programme shall fill in the forms available at
NBE office or download the form from internet, giving details of infrastructure, staff and
facilities. The accredited institutions shall send the names of candidates selected, for
registration with NBE.



The candidate should have completed not less than 3 years of training after full
registration in an recognized institution for Family Medicine.

8.1 Clinical areas

24 months of rotating residencies in approved hospital wards in the areas of :

ƒ Internal Medicine including mental health : 10 months

ƒ Paediatrics : 4 months
ƒ General Surgery including orthopedics : 3 months
ƒ Obstetrics and Gynecology : 2 months
ƒ Emergency services : 1 month and
ƒ Elective training includes any one or more from the areas of dermatology,
ophthalmology, otorhynolaryngology, geriatrics, physical medicine, rehabilitation and
anesthesia. Other relatively lesser known areas for elective training include school health,
sports medicine, long term care and occupational/industrial medicine.

8.2 Field areas

12 months of rotating field postings in the following areas to be identified by the

institutions / hospitals recognized by the NBE:

ƒ Family Practice Centre (or a primary health centre or a rural/urban health clinic)
ƒ Practice area of a senior general practitioner 3 months
ƒ Nursing homes and other sites for training 3 months

Posting at each of these sites should be equally distributed into 50% of time for
assistantship with the tutor’s practice where he also participates in group discussions
and in planned programmes to carry out short projects such as detection and follow up
of some risk factors under tutor’s supervision and another 50% of time for independent
work with the trainee’s own allotted practice population during which he will be required

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to study and record 5 family profiles, 15 case histories and 20 domiciliary visits and
participate in group discussions focussed on clinical situations.

The details of the topics to be covered during the period are as follows:


Diagnosis & management of common diseases; management of common

emergencies seen in General Practice cardio-vascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal,
neurological, metabolic and others like snake bite and heat stroke etc.; nutritional
advice & management of undernutrition and Obesity; basic knowledge of adolescent
health needs, common genetic diseases, immunology and autoimmune diseases,
hormonal disorders psychosomatic illness tropical diseases and common infections.


Medical examination of the aged; common diseases in the old age & their management
eg. vascular, musculosketetal, oncological, psychological, neurological and accidental;
management of terminally ill patients and problems of the family after death; care of
elderly, social & psychological problems in elderly.


Knowledge of the principles and experience in the practice of interviewing and

counseling patients and their families; basic principles of psychotherapy; rational use of
psychotherapeutic medication; management of alcoholism and other substance abuse;
common psychiatric problems and their management.


Prevention diagnosis and management of common dermatological conditions; principles

of dermatological therapy; principles of rehabilitation of chronic dermatological patients
and domiciliary care; minor surgical procedures in dermatology including electro-
surgery, skin-biopsy; principle of diagnosis and management of sexually transmitted
diseases, HIV/AIDS.


The recognition and evaluation of conditions requiring surgical procedures;

management and appropriate referral of primary surgical emergencies e.g. burns,
shock, etc.: acute abdomen; management of minor of trauma injuries including
immediate and resuscitative treatment of acute injuries: accidents; management of
electrolyte and fluid requirements; health education for prevention of injuries; diagnosis
and management injuries, sprains, fractures and dislocations with proper referral;
recognition, diagnosis and management of common diseases including emergencies of
ENT; removal of foreign bodies from nose, ear.

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Recognition of common eye diseases defects and management and referral of all
emergencies in eye diseases including eye injuries; refractive errors; national
programme for prevention of blindness, indications, contraindications and advantages of
contact lens and Intra Ocular Lenses (IOL); minor surgical procedures in ophthalmology.


Antenatal care and intranatal care; management of common problems during pregnancy
and common problems in gynaecology; genital tract malignancies; immediate therapy in
obstetrical emergencies


Basic principles of anaesthesiology; basic knowledge about specific techniques eg.

endotracheal incubation, local anaesthesia, intravenous, anaesthesia, relaxants in
anaesthesia, techniques in management of common anaesthesia, accidents including
cardiac arrest spinal anaesthesia, epidural anaesthesia; cardiopulmonary resuscitation


CLINICAL LABORATORY : Basic laboratory investigations; Familiarization with clinical

laboratory equipments, common reagents, tests, interpretation of common laboratory

IMAGING TECHNIQUES : Basic radiological procedures; ability to read a normal ski

grams; radiation hazards and their precautions; basic idea about least imaging
techniques and their indications including ultrasound.
ELECTRONIC TRACING : ECG, recording, knowledge of normal and abnormal ECG;
(TMT) Tread Mill Test – indications and outline of technique; EEG –
Electroencephalogram its indication outline of technique.


Knowledge about national pharmacopoeia, drug acts, drug & pharmaceutical agents,
their indications contraindications, dosage, adverse reactions and their management;
awareness of essential and rational drug use.

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TOXICOLOGY – Common poisons, their sources properties, symptoms they produce,

lethal doses, and remedial measures to combat the effects e.g. Alcohol, Kerosene,
barbiturates, corrosives, insecticides cannabis, ether and organic phosphorus.


Behavioural sciences – sociology, psychology; general epidemiological – levels of

prevention; health services at centre, state and district levels; national health
programmes and policies; demography and family planning; principles of environmental
sanitation; health statistic and demography – record keeping statistics tabulation and
analysis of morbidity and mortality data; health education – principle of health education
and methods; health planning and five year plans; national health insurance schemes
and other private schemes; school health programmes; management of epidemics and
national disasters; epidemiological, prevention and control of common communicable
and other diseases eg. malaria, filarial, cholera, gastrointestinal diseases, leprosy,
tuberculosis, STD, AIDS; control of malnutrition; blindness; psychosomatic illness; role
of NGOs; research in community medicine and interaction with other fields of medicine


Basic concepts and principles of medical practice to help; financial aspects of practice;
medical practice in India, its patterns, comparative medical services, staff management
record keeping, stock keeping, account keeping and taxation and equipments including
furniture; man-power and staff management in general practice; role of computers in
general practice


Health legislation relating to public health and health programmes including municipal
acts in relation to health and mental health; Indian Medical Council Act.; ESI and
Factories Act, other legislation; law and private practitioners


Obligation and responsibilities in medical practice; knowledge of relevant laws of the

country governing the practice of medicine; knowledge of medical ethics and principles
of good practice; doctor-patient relationship, doctor-doctor relations, relationship with
medical organisation and hospitals, para-medical services, including pharmacists and


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Knowledge of health legislation and duties of doctor attending to cases, certification

court evidence, expert advice; medical negligence and Consumer Protection Act.

SKILLS PROFICIENCY – Minimum of these activities should be done by each


MEDICAL-L.P. (5); venepuncture (5); C.R.P. (5), gastric levage, enema, catheterization
(10), thoracocentesis (5), use of defibrillator (5), ascitic fluid aspiration (5)

SKIN-skin biopsy and skin smear – (5)

electocauterisate of warts (0)

OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY-use of gavidogram; instrumental evacuation for

incomplete abortion; conduct normal labour (5); using parictogram and management of
atonic PPH

OPHTHALMOLOGY-refractive error assessment (5); tonometry (5); fundoscopy (10);

removal of foreign body (3); eye syringing (2)

SURGERY-Fine needle aspiration; cytology (FNAC); proctoscopy (2); paracentesis (2);

incision & drainage (5); suturing (10); Dressing/Bandage (10); tracheosomy (3);
intravenous infusion (15); circumcision (5); reduction of paraphimosis (3); anal & urethral
dialatation (5) water seal drainage (5); vasectomy (10); cut open (15)

ENT-audiometry (5); auroscopy (5); rhinoscopy (5); laryngoscopy (5); removal of wax
and foreign body removal for ear & nose (5); nasal packing (5); ear syringing (5);
hearing tests (5); Earpeircing (5)

ORTHOPEDICS AND TRAUMATOLOGY-transportation of patients with trauma

application of POP (10); removal of POP (10); splints (10); tractions (3); reduction of
fracture & dislocation, intra-articular injection (5)

8.3 Teaching and Training activities

a. Discussions : The main teaching/learning activity will be discussions.

These will be focussed on clinical situations arising in the family practice and
will cover the specific topics as well as subjects of topical interest.

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b. Case presentations : The candidates will be required to present to the

Programmed Director/Preceptor, cases of clinical interest for discussion. The
record of such cases will be maintained in the logbook.

c. Family profiles : The candidates will be required to study the family

profiles under the charge of programme director and will be required to
maintain records at least of the two families in the logbook.

d. Case histories : The candidates will be required to record eight case

histories (two each of medicine, paediatrics, surgery, obstetrics and

e. Medical and Surgical Procedures : A candidates will maintain a record of

the procedures performed, assisted or observed in the logbook.

f. Emergency/Domiciliary visits : A record of emergencies attended and

domiciliary visits made be maintained.


The log book should show evidence that the above subjects were covered (with
dates and the name of teacher(s)

The candidate will maintain the record of all academic activities undertaken by
him/her in log book supplied by National Board of Examinations.

a. Personal profile of the candidate

b. Educational qualification/Professional data

c. Record of case histories (Fifteen cases) studied by him/her. (Model should be given
in the log book) Three case histories pertaining to predominantly Medical problems, three
predominantly Surgical, two Paediatrics, while the rest seven may pertain to other
discipline like Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ophthalmology, ENT, Dermatology,
Psychiatric etc.

d. Record of Family Profiles – Candidates will maintain the profiles of at least five
families in which at least one member of the family has health problem, eliciting its impact
on the family and the role of family taking into account their social cultural and the
economic consideration.

e. Procedures learnt – The candidates are expected to learn Medical and Surgical
procedures during their advance training in Family Medicine. The record should depict

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medical and surgical procedures observed, assisted and performed during the period of

f. Record of case Demonstration/Presentations

g. Record of participation in EME activities – Direct contact activities (lectures,

seminars, workshops conference); Indirect contact activities (correspondence journals,
books, audio-video tapes)

Every candidate will submit the record of academic activities-log book duly certified by the
MS of the hospital, to N.B.E. one month before the date of examination.

The purpose of the log book is to :

a. Help to maintain a record of the work done during the training.

b. Enable the programme director to have first hand information about the work done
and to intervene whenever necessary

c. Use it to assess clinical and surgical experience gained periodically.

d. The entries in the log book should be maintained on a daily basis.

e. During the viva, the candidate may be asked questions based on the cases of
procedures entered in the log book.

The log book should be clear, explicit record of the work carried out by the candidate
and should be a true reflection of the training received by the candidate. Considerable
importance will be given to the quality of the log book in the final assessment of the

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The candidates are required to submit a thesis at the end of three days of training as per
the rules and regulations of the Baord. Subjects like Tropical Medicine, Community Health
may also be chosen.


Research shall form an integral part of the education programme of all candidates
registered for Diplomat of NB degrees of the Board. The basic aim of requiring the
candidates to write a thesis is to familarise him/her with research methodology. The
members of the faculty guiding the thesis for the candidate shall ensure that the subject
matter selected for the thesis is feasible, economical and original.
The thesis may be normally restricted to the size to 100 pages. To achieve this, following
points may be kept in view.
1. Only contemporary and relevant literature may be reviewed.
2. The techniques may not be described in detail unless any
modification/innovations of the standard techniques are used and reference may be
3. Illustrative material may be restricted.
4. Since most of the difficulties faced by the residents relate to the work in
clinical subject or clinically oriented laboratory subjects the following steps are

a. For prospective studies, as far as possible, the number of cases should be

such that adequate material, rudged from the hospital attendance, will be
available and the candidate will be able to complete the date collection within a
period of 6-12 months, so that she/he is in a position to complete the work within
the stipulated time.

b. The objectives of the study should be limited and well defined.

c. As far as possible, only clinical or laboratory data of investigations or

patients or such other material easily accessible in the existing facilities should
be used for the study.

d. The laboratory work required to be performed by the residents of clinical

departments should be minimal. For this purpose technical assistance, wherever
necessary, may be provided by the department concerned. The resident of one
specialty taking up some problem related to some other specialty should have
some basic knowledge about the subject and he/she should be able to perform
the investigations independently, wherever some specialised laboratory
investigations are required a co-guide may be co-opted from the concerned

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investigative department, the quantum of laboratory work to be carried out by the

candidate should be decided by the guide and co-guide by mutual consultation.

e. The Clinical residents may not ordinarily be expected to undertake

experimental work or clinical work involving new techniques, not hitherto
perfected or the use of chemicals or radio isotopes not readily available. They
should however, be free to enlarge the scope of their studies or undertake
experimental work on their own initiative but all such studies may be feasible
within the existing facilities.

f. The residents should be able to use freely the surgical pathology/autopsy

data if it is restricted to diagnosis only, if however, detailed historic data are
required the resident will have to study the cases himself with the help of the
guide/co-guide. The same will apply in case of clinical data.

5. Statistical method used for analysis will be described in detail.

Rules for Submission of Thesis by candidates for DNB
(i) The protocol of Thesis should be submitted to the office of the NBE through head of
the institutions within three (3) months of joining the training in Medical
college/university/DNB accredited institution.

(ii) No correspondence will be made in regard to acceptance of the protocol except only
in the case of rejected protocols for which individual will be informed by office
through mail/website.

(iii) The guide will be a recognized PG specialist in the institution.

(iv) If the candidates appearing in the DNB (Family Medicine) have already written their
thesis in the MD/MS examination, they need not submit the thesis. However they
are required to submit a copy of the letter accepting the thesis by the University.

(v) If thesis is rejected or needs to be modified for acceptance, the Board will return it to
the candidate with suggestion of assessors in writing for modification. The result of
such candidate will be kept pending till the thesis is modified or rewritten, accordingly
as the case may be and accepted by the assessors of the Board.

(vi) If any unethical practice is detected in work of the Thesis, the same is liable to be
rejected. Such candidates are also liable to face disciplinary action as may be
decided by the Board.

(vii) The thesis is to be submitted 6 MONTHS before the commencement of the DNB
examination along with thesis evaluation fees of Rs. 1500/- drawn in favour of
NATIONAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS - payable at New Delhi, for evaluation.
Theory result of the candidates whose thesis/dissertation are accepted by the Board
will be declared.
Guidelines for Writing of Thesis
Title - Should be brief, clear and focus on the relevance of the topic.

Introduction – Should state the purpose of study, mention lacunae in current knowledge
and enunciate the Hypothesis, if any.
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Review of Literature – Should be relevant, complete and current to date.

Material and Methods- Should include the type of study (prospective, retrospective,
controlled, double blind etc.) details of material and experimental design procedure used for
data collection and statistical methods employed; statement of limitations ethical issues

Observations– Should be organized in readily identifiable sections having correct

analysis of data, and presented in appropriate charts, tables, graphs and
diagram etc. There should be statistically interpreted.

Discussion -Observations of the study should be discussed and compared with observations
of other research studies. The discussion should high light on bold original finders and
should also include suggestion for future.

Summary and Conclusion

Bibliography - Should be correctly arranged in Vancouver pattern.

Appendix—All tools used for data collection such as questionnaire, interview schedules,
observation check lists etc should be put in the annexure.

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Candidates are required to register with the Board within one month from the date of
joining a hospital/institution recognized for training. After joining an Institution the
candidate has to submit his registration form to NBE duly completed in all respects through
the head of the Institution with all necessary enclosures.


The session begins in July and January. The Institution will follow July to June or January to
December session strictly as per the accreditation given to them. The validity of recognition
of Institution can be seen at the end of this Bulletin.


The final examination will consist of Theory/Clinical-Viva Voce.


ƒ 4 papers of 100 marks and 3 hours duration each

ƒ Pass 50% in aggregate

PAPER I - Medical and Allied Sciences including Cardiology,

Gastroenterology, Geriatrics, Dermatology,
Psychiatry, Neurology and Nephrology, Radiology
and other diagnostic procedures.

PAPER II - Surgery and Allied Sciences including ENT,

Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics and Anaesthesia.

PAPER III - Maternal and Child Health including their

community Health Care Management.

PAPER IV Applied Basic Sciences and comprehensive

community health care and knowledge of normal
development of health and disease.

After passing the theory examination (Final) – should obtain a minimum of 50%
score in practical.

24 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


Section I
Family Medicine Question Bank year wise 2007 to 1985

25 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Acne vulgaris

2. Adverse reactions to blood transfusions

3. Staphylococcal food poisoning

4. Pyrexia of unknown origin

5. Risk factors for atherosclerosis

6. Urinary incontinence in the elderly

7. Temporal arteritis

8. Management of case of moderate hypertension

9. Management of obesity

10. Anemia in children and management hookworm infestation

26 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Discuss the a etiology of upper quardrant abdominal pain

2. Investigations of a case of dysphagia

3. Differentiate between anuria, oliguria & retention of urine. How will you
manage a case retention of urine.

4. Enumerate causes of hematuria. Discuss the investigation for diagnosis.

5. Describe chronic suppurative ottitis media

6. Types of conjunctivitis. How will you manage viral conjunctivitis

7. Enumerate the causes of low backache. Write briefly management of prolapsed

intervertebral disc

8. Classify epistaxis. Briefly describe the management.

9. Postpartum hemorrhage

10. Regional anaesthesia

27 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. High risk pregnancy

2. Emergency contraception

3. Management of urinary tract infections during pregnancy

4. Hazards of immunization and its prevention

5. Monitoring of growth and development of infants

6. Management of diarrhea as per IMNCI strategy

7. Promotion of breast feeding

8. Under fives clinics

9. Integrated child development services scheme

10. Role of family physician in reduction of neonatal mortality

28 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Qualitative research

2. Health economics

3. Medical geography

4. Epidemiology of Hepatitis B

5. Evolution of community medicine

6. Prevention & control of nutritional anemia in children

7. Health system monitoring

8. Integrated diseases surveillance project

9. Vaccine research against HIV

10. Role of ICD-10 health management

29 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Aetiological causes and management of upper GI bleeding in the elderly.

2. Discuss the differential diagnosis of intermittent fever with chills of 5 days

duration in a young adult patient. How would you investigate and manage such
a case.

3. What are the complications of diabetes mellitus. How would you manage a
case of diabetic foot?

4. How would distinguish cardiac chest pain from non-cardiac chest pain? Write
emergency management of a patient with a severe chest pain.

5. Discuss the common cause of pleural effusion. How will you investigate such a

6. What are the common causes of jaundice? How would you investigate a case of
medical jaundice and how will you manage a case of Hepatitis A.

7. What are the common causes of rectal bleeding in a child aged 6 years? How do
you investigate such a case? Mention medical management of case of

8. What are the common causes of headache in general practice? As a family

physician how will you manage the case of headache?

9. Management of endogenous depression.

10. Alcohol withdrawal syndrome.

30 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Management of a case of fracture of the clavicle.

2. Management of a case of CORNEAL ABRASIONS.

3. Management of a case of acute suppurative otitis media.

4. Tracheostomy

5. Acute Embolic Occlusion of Lower Limb.

6. Spinal Anaesthesia.

7. Cystosarcoma Phylloides.

8. Congenital Hyperplastic pyloric stenosis.

9. Undescended Testis.

10. Fissure in ANO.

31 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Role of Family Physician in eradication of Polio myelitis in India.

2. Categorization of children with tuberculosis and treatment recommended under

DOTS for category II patient.

3. Common nutritional problems of underfives and management of grade Ii protein

energy malnutrition

4. Hormonal contraceptives: Contraindication, mechanism of action, side effects

and efficacy.

5. Differential diagnosis and management of haemorrhage in first trimester of


6. Vomiting in pregnancy and its management.

7. Causes and management of obstructed labour

8. Treatment of 10 year child with malaria in residing in high risk area.

9. Water related diseases: enumerate and mention the magnitude of problem in


10. Management of 1½ year child, weighing 6 kg suffering from diarrhoea and


32 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Role of Family Physician in reduction of infant mortality.

2. Health related millennium development goals.

3. Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases.

4. Control of cancers in women.

5. Assessment of unmet needs of family planning.

6. Monitoring of growth and development of underfives.

7. Role of family physician in control of anemia.

8. Sources, assessment and health hazards of indoor air pollution.

9. Prevention of pneumoconiosis.

10. Principles of health education. What health education you will provide to a
patient of leprosy.

33 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

Part – A

1. (a) Bell’s palsy

(b) Adam stokes Attacks

2. Write about Dementia: Causes and clinical features

3. Management of Haematuria

4. Management of tuberculous meningitis in children

5. Write about the causes and clinical features of chronic renal failure.

Part - B

6. Write the cause, transmission, clinical features, diagnosis of AIDS.

7. Medical management of Heart Failure

8. Management of Stroke

9. Symptoms, Differential diagnosis and treatment of anxiety disorder

10. Management of Hypoglycemia.

34 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

Part – A

1. Describe Blood substitutes and their role in resuscitation

2. Discuss management of a case of hematemesis.

3. Discuss Nosocomial infections

4. Describe in details Home Parenteral Nutrition

5. Discuss Etiopathology and management of gas gangrene.

Part – B

6. Discuss diagnosis and management of varicose veins of lower limbs

7. What are the principles of management of fracture of limbs? Describe stress


8. Discuss Acute Osteomyelitis

9. Discuss causes and management of exopthalmos

10. Describe etiology, symptoms and diagnosis of CSOM

35 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

Part – A

1. Assessment and treatment of cough / difficult breathing in a child

2. Advise to parents of 6-12 months old child regarding complementary

3. Baby friendly hospital initiative

4. Common childhood behavioural problems and their management

5. Management of septic abortion

Part – B

6. RH incompatibility and its management.

7. Management of Dysmenorrhoea

8. Centchroman

9. Services provided by I.C.D.S / Anganwadi centre

10. Vector control

36 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

Part – A

1. How would you improve the health of pregnant women in the community?

2. What do you understand by Protein energy malnutrition? Describe the role of

family physician in prevention of PEM

3. What are the indicators of health? How do these indicators help to evaluate the
health services

4. What are the causes of juvenile delinquency? How can a family physician help
to prevent them?

5. How would you organize primary health care services in your area?

Part – B

6. You do not heal old age. You protect it. You promote it. Justify the statement.

7. How would you improve the health of industrial workers?

8. What the principles of health education.

9. Discuss the principles of health education.

10. How can you improve the functioning of your family practice by applying
modern management techniques?

37 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. How would you manage a case of acute left ventricular failure in your general
practice clinic.

2. Describe the medical management of case of peptic ulcer.

3. “DOTS” has revolutionized the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. Discuss the


4. What are the medical problems faced by the elderly. What specialized care is
required to treat elderly.

5. What is endogenous depression. How would you manage such a case in family

6. How would you approach a patient with pyrexia of unknown origin.

7. Write short notes:

a. Acne vulgaris
b. Tinea versicolor

8. Write the management of a case of status asthmaticus.

9. How would you evaluate a case of poedal oedema.

10. Describe the diagnosis and management of a case of iron deficiency anaemia.

38 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Describe the complications of blood transfusion.

2. How would you evaluate a case of head injury in your family practice. What
precaution is required in transporting such patient.

3. Discuss the differential diagnosis of a case of scrotal swelling.

4. Discuss the management of a case of 60-year-old man with diabetic foot.

5. Discuss the diagnosis and management of a case of Colle’s fracture.

6. Discuss the management of a case of cervical spondylosis.

7. How would you approach a patient suffering from dysphasia.

8. Discuss the differential diagnosis of a case of red eye.

9. Discuss the principle of local anesthesia.

10. How would you manage a case of epistaxis.

39 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. How would you promote breast-feeding.

2. A one-year-old child is brought to you with diarrhea and dehydration. How would
you manage the patient.

3. How would you approach an unconscious child in your clinic.

4. Discuss antenatal care.

5. How would you approach a patient with first trimester bleeding.

6. What are the causes of low birth weight babies. What steps would you recommend
to prevent the same.

7. Newborn child is brought to you. Draw an immunization schedule for the child.

8. Discuss genetic counseling.

9. Write short note on perinatal sex determination.

10. Discuss the role of ‘HRT’

40 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. What are the causes of infant mortality. What is the role of family physician in
reducing infant mortality rate.

2. What is balanced diet. What factors you would take into consideration while
suggesting a diet.

3. Discuss the role of family in health and disease.

4. What is drug abuse. Discuss the role of family physician in curbing the menace of
drug abuse.

5. Write a note on delivery of health care and consumer protection act.

6. What are problems faced by adolescents. How can family physician help to reduce

7. Give the broad outline of the ‘school health programme’

8. What are the common causes of blindness in India. How can blindness be

9. Write a short note on: ‘use of computers in health’

10. What role family physician can play in health promotion.

41 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Vascular theory of Migraine

2. Cardiogenic pulmonary oedema

3. Urinary incontinence.

4. Injectable contraceptives

5. Vitamin A deficiency in children.

6. Management of thalassaemia

7. Bacterial resistance to β-Lactam antibiotics.

8. Drug therapy of osteoarthritis

9. Cutaneous candidiasis.

10. Treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder

42 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Tetanus

2. Cataract

3. Tuberculosus lymphadenitis

4. Amoebic liver abscess

5. Factors influencing fracture healing

6. Epistaxis

7. Epidural anaesthesia

8. Stage Horn calculus

9. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

10. Testicular torsion

43 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Low birth weight

2. Disability adjusted life years (DALY)

3. Sex Ratio

4. Community involvement

5. Principles of PEM management.

6. Braker hypothesis: Foetal life & adult disease

7. Barriers in health communication

8. Genetic counseling

9. Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV

10. Revised national tuberculosis control programme.

44 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Testing for HIV

2. Rational use of Drugs

3. Iodine deficiency disorders

4. Elements of good counseling

5. Adult immunization

6. Dengue fever

7. Emergency contraception

8. Adolescent health

9. Chicken pox vaccine

10. General principles in the management of poisoning.

45 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Management of Acute coronary syndrome

2. Post exposure prophylaxis of HIV infection.

3. Drug induced renal diseases

4. Stroke management in the first 3 hrs

5. Newer hypoglycemic drugs

6. Year old child with febrile convulsions

7. Lab. Investigations for chronic liver disease

8. Delirium tremens

9. Steven Johnson syndrome.

46 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Aids and General surgeon

2. Factors influencing wound healing

3. Thyroglossal cyst.

4. Surgical emphysema

5. Spinal anesthesia


7. Tracheostomy

8. Peritonsillar abscess

9. Cataract

10. Glaucoma

47 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Exclusive breast feeding

2. Integrated management of vector control

3. Medical termination of pregnancy

4. Community control of BLINDNESS

5. Audience analysis

6. Balanced diet

7. Sentinel surveillance

8. Growth charts

9. Control council of health

10. Cole chain.

48 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Sensitivity and specificity of tests.

2. Mass approach in health education.

3. Sex education of school children.

4. Acute respiratory infection in under 5 year old children.

5. National water and sanitation control programme.

6. Cultural aspects in disease and health

7. Ergonomics

8. Basic health indicators of India.

9. Hepatitis A vaccine.

10. UN Rights of the child.

49 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. What are the health problems of the elderly. How would you manage them in
your family practice.

2. Write short notes on:

a. Hyperthyroidism

b. Obesity

c. Seabies

d. Alcoholism

e. Lumber puncture

50 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Fracture clavicle

2. Acute cholecystitis

3. Epistaxis

4. Breast lump

5. Haemoturia

6. Refractory error

7. Epidural anaesthesia

8. Fibroid uterus

9. Trigeminal neuralgia

10. Fissure in Ano

51 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Describe the role of counseling in

a. Problems of adolescence

b. Promotion of voluntary blood donation

2. Write short notes on:

a. Ante natal care

b. Oral Rehydration therapy

c. Periodic health check up

d. Low birth weight babies

e. Hormone replacement therapy

52 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Medical ethics

2. Osteoporosis

3. Water borne disease

4. Informed consent

5. MDR in tuberculosis

6. Pulse polio programme

7. A vitaminosis

8. Information technology in health care

9. Environmental pollution

10. Smoking

53 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Transmission of HIV. What are its sequele?

2. Psoriasis-diagnosis and management

3. Management of status asthmaticus

4. Anti-oxidants

5. Management of depression in elderly person

6. Principles of drug prescribing in the elderly

7. Alzheimers disease

8. Role of family physician in the care of tuberculosis patient in the family

9. Holter monitoring

10. Osteo-arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis – differential diagnosis

54 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Glasgow coma scale

2. Tension Pneumothorax

3. Ankle Sprain

4. Hypovolumaeic Shock

5. Laryngeal stridor

6. Chronic Ear discharge

7. Xerophthalmia

8. Allergic Conjunctivitis

9. Basis life support

10. Lignocaine

55 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Baby friendly hospitals

2. Child survival rate

3. Juvenile delinquency

4. UN declaration of the rights of the child National population policy 2000

5. National population policy 2000

6. Health communication

7. Street children

8. Pulse polio immunization program

9. Essential obstetric care

10. Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV / Aids

56 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. What is meant by risk approach strategy? Describe the role of General

practioner in risk screening.

2. Write short notes on:

a. DOTS therapy in tuberculosis

b. Hepatitis B vaccine

c. Epidemic curve

d. Endemic flurosis

e. Syndrome approach

57 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Management of case of cerebral malaria

2. Management of gram negative pneumonias

3. Management of status epilepticus

4. Evaluation of a case of hypertension

5. HIV in Indian Scenario

6. Management of depression

7. Management of Migraine

8. Medical management of acute pancreatitis

9. Medical management of upper GI haemorrhage

10. Treatment of paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.

58 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Give a management plan for a case of “Blunt Abdominal Trauma” with ragard to
diagnosis and treatment.

2. Write short notes on following:

a. Indications for tracheotomy

b. Role of pre-anaesthetic check up and medication

c. Management of foreign body in eye

d. Ileal perforation – physical signs and management.

e. Role of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in lower extremity fractures.

59 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. How will you diagnose, monitor and treat a baby with perinatal asphyxia.

2. Write short notes on:

a. Cold chain for vaccines

b. “I do not have enough milk”, mother complaints

c. Universal safety precautions (USP)

d. Neonatal transport

e. Eclampsia

60 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Sources of health information

2. Hazards of smoking

3. Falls in the elderliness

4. Fluorosis

5. Universal immunization programme

6. Rehabilitation after heart attack

7. Medico-legal problem of suicide

8. Advertising in Medical practice

9. Iatrogenic (physician-induced) disease

10. Employees state insurance scheme.

61 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Dengue show syndrome

2. Anti-oxidants

3. Management of barbiturate poisoning

4. Herpes zoster

5. Management of diabetic ketoacidosis

6. Alzheimers Disease

7. Albuminuria

8. Lumbar puncture

9. Enumerate the causes of acute stroke

10. Describe management of pleurisy with effusion

62 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

Each question is of 10 marks.

1. Management of depression in an elderly person

2. Differential diagnosis between Rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis

3. Management of dandruff

4. Transmission of HIV.

5. Interpretation of lipid profile

6. Hypothyroidism

7. Oral Hypoglycemic drugs

8. Management of acute renal failure

9. Impotence

10. Drug treatment of Tuberculosis.

63 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Concept of high risk pregnancy

2. Side effects an complications of intra-uterine devices

3. Causes of low birth weight babies

4. Hormone replacement therapy

5. Obese child

6. Oral Rehydration therapy

7. Immunization schedule of Infants and Children

8. Accidents in pre-school children

9. Common parasitic infestations

10. National Family Welfare Programme – Role of family physician.

64 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. “Blindness in India”. Discuss. (25)

2. Write short notes (5 x 15)

f. “Target free approach” in Indian Family Welfare Programme.

g. Profile of Silent Killer disease

h. Use of Epidemiology in Community Medicine

i. Medico legal problems in private practice

j. Adolescence – related problems

65 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.



66 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Oral leukoplakia

2. Breast infections

3. Maxillary sinusitis

4. Haematemesis

5. Fracture clavicle

6. Colposcopy

7. Management of acute appendicitis

8. Colour blindness

9. Ectopic pregnancy

10. Anal haemorrhoids

67 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Pulse polio immunization.

2. Rheumatic fever

3. Principles of nutrition during pregnancy and lactation.

4. Gynecomastia

5. Oral rehydration therapy

6. Behavioral changes during adolescence

7. Primary health care complex

8. Prevention of HIV infection

9. Control of tuberculosis

10. Water-borne diseases

68 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Describe how environment pollution affects the health of the people. (25)

2. Write short notes on the following: ( 5 x 15 )

a. National Aids control programme.

b. Balanced diet

c. Role of UNICEF

d. Family Physician as a health educator.

e. Alcohol is hazardous to health-how.

69 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Role of the family physician in the care of EPILEPSY patient

2. Management of Leprosy.

3. Methods available for reperfusion of Myocardium following myocardial infarction

4. Acute Respiratory Distress

5. Senile Dementia

6. Endoscopy

7. Management of chronic renal failure

8. Hypokalemia

9. Insomnia

10. Folic acid deficiency

70 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Acute fissure in ANO

2. Complications of blood transmission

3. Intra-ocular lens transplantation

4. Principles of treatment of burns

5. Epidural anesthesia


7. Investigative work up in a 40 years man with obstructive jaundice

8. Complications of for enteral hyper-alimentation

9. Crush syndrome

71 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Enumerate the principles of health education. Discuss this knowledge as a family


a. Prevention of HIV infection

b. Promotion of voluntary blood donation

2. Briefly describe the following:

a. Maternal Mortality

b. Role of surveillance on disease control with suitable examples

c. Consumer protection act. How would it effect the health care in the country?

72 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. What is primary health care? Discuss the role of Family Physician in improving the
health status of the community?

2. Enumerate the health problems that can arise as a result of fare breaking out in a
crowded temporarily covered area.

3. Briefly describe the following

a. Causes of infant mortality and role of Family Physician in its reduction.

b. Balanced diet

c. Blood borne diseases

d. Oral rehydration therapy

73 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. DIAGNOSIS and MANAGEMENT of osteoarthritis in elderly.

2. ETIOLOGY and DIAGNOSIS of acute subarachnoid haemorrhage.

3. Management of CHLOROQUINE RESISTANT malaria.

4. CUTANEUS Drug Reactions.

5. FIBRINOLYTIC THERAPY in acute myocardial infarction

6. Management of Snake bite.

7. Etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of FARMER’s LUNG

8. Management of DIABETIC COMA

9. Clinical picture and management of OBSSESSIVE COMPULSIVE NEUROSIS.

10. Etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of renal rickets.

74 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Enumerate the CAUSES of Haematemesis. How will you confirm the

DIAGNOSIS. What are the PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT of peptic ulcer

2. Briefly describe the following:

a. TUBERCULAR cervical lymphadenopathy.

b. ACUTE iridocyclitis.



e. ACUTE osteomyelitis.

75 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Efficacy of measles vaccine and prevention of adverse effects of the vaccination.

2. National Programme for CONTROL OF BLINDNESS.

3. Role of Family Physician in PREVENTION OF AIDS.

4. Prevention of mortality IN UNDERFIVES

5. ROLE OF DIET of Ischaemic heart disease.

6. MULTIPLE DRUG THERAPY in multibacillary leprosy.

7. Prevention of ACCIDENTS AT HOME.

8. SOIL TRANSMITTED HELMINTHS and their prevention.


10. Health problems in URBAN SLUMS.

76 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Role of Family Physician in CONTROL OF POPULATION in India.

2. Principles of control of NON-COMMUNICABLE DISEASES.

3. Balanced diet.

4. Water-borne diseases.

5. Mortality rates.

6. Role of VOLUNTARY HEALTH AGENCIES (VHA’s) in Health Education

7. Life style illnesses.


9. PREVENTION of occupational diseases.

10. Immunizing agents.

77 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Discuss the management of ACUTE RHEUMATIC FEVER. Give a brief

description of its sequele.

2. Briefly describe the following:

a. Biology of AGING

b. Diagnosis and treatment of MIGRAINE

c. Diagnosis and treatment of TROPICAL PULMONARY EOSINOPHILA

d. Diagnosis and treatment of HYPOTHROIDISM in adults

e. Diagnosis and treatment of SCABIES.

78 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Describe the causes of Haematuria. How will you investigate such a case?

2. Briefly describe the following:

a. Caudal Block Analgesia

b. Maxillary sinusitis

c. Osteogenic sarcoma

d. Cholangitis

e. Management of cataract.

79 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. National Malaria Eradication Programme.

2. D.P.T. Vaccination

3. Primary Health centre

4. Prevention of BLINDNESS



7. Oral Rehydration therapy

8. Cold chain


10. Family Physician relationship with consultants.

80 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Environment and Health.

2. Principles of Nutrition in ELDERLY

3. National Health Policy

4. RECORD KEEPING in Family Medicine


6. HOLISTIC Medicine

7. Prevention of ACCIDENTS AT HOME.

8. HEALTH DELIVERY system in India.

9. Certification by a doctor.

10. Accountability in practice of Medicine.

81 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.






6. Management of HYPERPYREXIA

7. Management of CHRONIC URTICARIA.




82 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.



3. Swellings in the NECK

4. Bleeding per RECTUM



7. Surgical interventions in CARDIOLOGY




83 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. INFANT MORTALITY and their prevention


3. Problems in ADOLESCENCE







10. Health education for promotion of immunization in Community

84 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.


2. Prevention of RABIES

3. Social and Cultural factors in Epidemiology of malnutrition in India.


5. Convalescent rehabilitation of a case of poliomyelitis

6. Causes and effects of AIR POLLUTION


85 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Describe the pathogenesis of BRONCHIAL ASTHMA. Give the differential

diagnosis and principles of management.

2. Write short notes on:




d. Complications of MITRAL STENOSIS


86 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.







7. RASPBERRY tumors




87 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Enumerate the health problems that can arise in a flood affected area. Describe the
management of a camp for evacuees from such an area.

2. Write short notes on:

a. Causes and effects of uncontrolled FERTILITY in India.

b. Measures to reduce INFANT MORTALITY in India.

c. National goal of HEALTH FOR ALL by 2000 AD


e. Health Education during pregnancy

88 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Mention causes of generalized Oedema (Anasarca). How will you differentiate

each condition? Give the principle of management.

2. Write short notes on:

a. Hysteria

b. Management of Status asthmaticus

c. Contact Allergic dermatitis

d. Serum enzymes in myocardial infarction

e. Chronic Gonorrhea

89 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Principles of Management of a Burns case.

2. Primary Management of Road Injuries

3. Management of Fracture RIB

4. Indications for Endoscopic Examination.

5. Causes of Hoarseness

6. Retinal Detachment

7. Principles of Management of Slipped Disc

8. Technique of Paracentesis

9. Differential diagnosis of Acute Abdomen

10. Causes of Bleeding Per-Rectum

90 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Etiology and clinical features of Indian Childhood Cirrhosis (ICC)

2. Oral Rehydration therapy

3. Salient features of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTP)

4. National Malaria Control Programme.

5. High Infant Mortality Rate – dimensions and causes.

6. Cause of Blindness in India and Role of Voluntary Eye Donation

7. Medico Legal Aspects of Rape

8. Role of Primary Health Centre in Health Delivery System.

9. Active Immunization – Definition and Schedule

10. Drug Addiction in India – Prevalence and Prophylaxis.

91 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Discuss the aetiopathogenesis, complications and principles of management of


2. Discuss the clinical picture, complications and management of acute diarrhoea in a


3. Write short notes on the following:

a. Principles of Diet in DIABETES MELLITUS.

b. Treatment of MALARIA.

c. Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD)

4. Give the differential diagnosis between:

a. Hemoptysis and Haematemesis

b. Rheumatoid Arthritis and Osteoarthritis

c. Cerebral Thrombosis and Cerebral Haemorrhage

d. Pleurisy with effusion and Pneumonia

92 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. A 25 years old woman with a GOITRE presents with a probable diagnosis of

THYROTOXICOSIS. How would you investigate this case? Discuss the
indications for operation.

2. Discuss the differential diagnosis of ACUTE ABDOMEN

3. Write short notes on the following:

a. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

b. Dysphasia

c. Funduscopy

d. Laparoscopic Sterilization

e. Management of Burns

93 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Discuss the following:

a. Advantages of Breast feeding

b. Expanded programme of Immunization

2. Give the essential features of:

a. ALMA-ATA Declaration – Health for All by the year 2000

b. Define the role of private practitioners

3. Write short notes on the following:

a. Hyperemesis Gravidarum

4. Give details of Programme for prevention of blindness

94 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical features, complications and management of

diabetes mellitus.

2. Write notes on:

a. Laboratory diagnosis of syphilis

b. Lumber puncture as a method of investigation

3. Write short notes:

a. Haemoplysis
b. Psycho-sexual disorders
c. Immunoglobins

4. Discuss the management of

a. Acute myocardial infarction

b. Acute renal failure.

95 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. How will you diagnose and manage acute upper profuse gastro-intestinal
haemorrhage? (OR) How will you diagnose dysphasia and treat?

2. Write short notes on:

a. Deafness
b. Cardiogenic shock
c. Low backache (adults)
d. Joint aspiration

3. Give comments on:

a. Haemo-analysis
b. Keratoplasty

4. Review in short:

a. Occupational therapy
b. Management of severe burns
c. Non-healing wounds
d. Detachment of ratina.

96 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. How will you organise minimum perinatal care in a Primary Health Centre?

2. Define ‘Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act’. Discuss provisions of the act and
its effects on maternal health.

3. Write short answers on:

a. Leucorrhoea

b. Bleeding in 1st Trimester

c. Management of aclamptic fit

d. Personal hygiene in adolescent girl.

e. Oral Pill

f. Resuscitation of the newborn

97 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. Discuss the pathophysiology, clinical features, complications and management of


2. What are the risks involved in blood transfusion.

3. Discuss the management of the common complications and the measures to avoid

4. Write short notes on:

a. Dementia
b. Heat stroke
c. Trigeminal neuralgia
d. CT scanning
e. Genetic counseling

98 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. A forty-year-old man has noticed a lump in right iliac fossa for two months.
Discuss the differential diagnosis; Describe the treatment of any one of the

2. Discuss the differential diagnosis of bleeding per Rectum. How will you confirm
the diagnosis? Describe treatment of Carcinoma of Rectum.

3. Write notes on:

a. Epistaxis

b. Cervical ulcer

c. Extradural anaesthesia

d. Management of Burns

99 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




Time: 3 hrs Maximum Marks: 100

All questions are compulsory.

1. What are the problems met with during pregnancy. Describe in brief their
management. Outline the principles of general guidance to the pregnant women.

2. Write short notes on the following:

a. Oral Rehydration Therapy

b. Health care delivery system in India.
c. Rheumatic fever.
d. Environmental Pollution

3. Describe the role of general practitioner in the following:

a. Primary health care in population under 5 years.

b. Sex education.
c. Population control.

100 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


Section II-
Family Medicine Question Bank with references

101 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid




1. Describe the impact of environmental pollution on health and survival. (Also

environment and health).

2. National Health Policy and its goals by 2000 AD.

3. Criteria of assessment of safe drinking water.

4. Social and cultural factors in disease and health.

5. Dimension in the specialty of family medicine.

6. Health care during calamities.

7. International Health agencies in India.

8. Importance of record keeping in family medicine.

9. Non-communicable disease and their control.

10. Consumer protection Act in relation to medical practice

11. School Health programme

12. Cafeteria approach in birth control programme

13. Role of Anganwadis in MCH services.

14. Cold chain.

15. Patterns of health care delivery in India.

16. Essentials of teaching of family medicine at under-graduate level.

17. National programme for the control and eradication of Malaria.

18. Role of Voluntary Health Agencies (VHAs) and Non-Government Organisations in

health care.

19. Blood borne diseases

102 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


20. Nutritional requirements of special groups.

21. Role of computers in Health and Medical care.

22. Noise pollution and its effects on health.

23. Helmenthiasis

24. Dimensions of HIV Infection in India and its control.

25. Epidemiology and prevention of RHD in school children.

26. Health management information systems

27. Concept of comprehensive health care

28. Give a profile of silent Killer diseases

29. Enumerate National Health Programmes to control/eradicate disease

30. Drug abuse – its prevalence and suggested plan to control it.

31. Management of a suspected case of TB reporting to a PHC OPD.

32. Role of NGOs in Health Care of the Aged.

33. Complications and management of malaria during pregnancy.

34. Control of occupational cancers.

35. Medical and social aspects of Amniocentesis

36. Precautions during immunization procedures in infants

37. Family physician as a health education

38. Important health legislations in the country

39. Broad outline of a practical model of family health care

40. Principles of drug prescribing in the elderly.

41. Tobacco and alcohol and health hazards – justify the statement.

103 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


42. Health education

43. Rabies

44. Infant mortality

45. Scabies

46. Drug addiction – prevalence and prevention

47. Why are disposable syrings and needles preferred

48. Family Physician as doctor, philosopheer and guide

49. Medico-legal problems in private practice

50. National pharmacopoeia

51. Functions of Medical council of India.

52. Dimensions of non-communicable diseases in India

53. Alternate systems of medicine

54. Family physicians role as a psychiatrist

55. Vital health statistics

56. Common parasitic infestations

57. PEM in women-prevention and management

58. Cafeteria approach in birth control programmes

59. Prevention of HIV infection in women

60. Role of family physician in MCH care

61. Problems of the elderly

62. Role of ICMR in control of AIDS

63. Measurement of morbidity

104 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


64. Employees state health Insurance Scheme.

65. Arthropods of medical importance

66. Factors affecting fertility

67. Prophylaxis for rabies

68. Referral services in primary health care

69. School health programme

70. Treatment of complete care of falciparum

71. Drug treatment regimens in TB

72. National Programmes for prevention of nutritional def. Dis. In preschoolers

73. Prevention of mortality in ARI in children

74. Pop. Explosion + National Family Welfare Programme

75. Role of joint family system in MCH care

76. National Programme for control of blindness. Cause of blindness in India.

77. Role (family physician in prevention of Aids)

78. Multiple drug therapy in multibacillary leprosy

79. Prevention of accidents at home

80. Soil transmitted helminthes

81. Rehabilitation of mentally handicapped children

82. Health problems in urban slums

83. Role of family physician in control of population in India

84. Principles of control of non-communicable diseases

85. Balanced diet

105 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


86. Water borne diseases

87. Mortality rates

88. Life style illnesses

89. Blood transfusion services set up

90. Prevention of occupational diseases

91. Immunizing agents

92. DPT vaccination

93. Primary health centre

94. Oral rehydration therapy

95. Family physicians relationship with consultants

96. Principles of nutrition in the elderly

97. Holistic medicine

98. Certification by a doctor

99. Causes of infant mortality and their prevention

100. Epidemiology of cancers

101. Primary health care complex

102. Methods of population control

103. Medical ethics

104. Breast feeding

105. Health education for promotion of immunization in a community

106. Prevention of rabies

107. Social and cultural factors in the epidemiology of malnutrition in India

106 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


108. Health hazards in slums

109. Causes of air pollution

110. Physicians role in health service research

111. Drug abuse

112. Manifestations and treatment of plague

113. Role of integrated child development scheme (ICDS) in achieving mother and
child health goals in India.

114. Principle features of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act (MTP)

115. Diseases spread by rodents

116. Role of the WHO

117. How will you organize the medical and health care of the elderly in your city

118. What is hospital infection? How can its prevention be planned?

119. A young mother comes to you with a 3/12 old baby. Discuss how you will
health educate the mothers as to

a. Prevent the common childhood

b. Promote infant nutrition i.e. weaning.

120. Discuss breast cancer and its prevention

121. What do you understand by chemoprophylaxis?

Discuss the role of chemoprophylaxis in

i) Malaria
ii) Leprosy
iii) Rh. Fever
iv) TB

122. Write short notes on oral Rehydration therapy in a village home

123. Control Birth and Death Registration Act of 1969

124. Discuss the social problems of a family having a mental retarded child
107 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid

125. Discuss the problem of short term measures to improve child survival in India

126. Outline, the pattern of deliveries in rural areas. Discuss the organization of
health services to reduce the hazards assoc. with the above pattern of deliveries

127. Short notes on leprosy research

128. Periodic abstinence as a method of family planning.

129. Limitations of baby food in developing countries

130. Mass therapy in disease control

131. Community participation in health programmes

132. Describe the role of general practitioners in

a. Primary health care in population

b. Sex education
c. Population control

133. Occupational therapy

134. How will you organize minimum perinatal care in a PHC?

135. Define “Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act”. Discuss provisions of the acts
and its effects on maternal health.

136. Steps taken to decrease IMR.

137. School Health Programmes

138. Role of Anganwadis in MCH services

139. Promotion of measures for healthy child growth

140. Efficacy of measles vaccine

141. Prevention of Mortality in <5 years.

108 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



1. Acne

2. Diagnosis and management of psoriasis

3. Scabies

4. Herpes oster

5. Management of chronic urticaria

6. Alopecia

7. Dry management of STDs

8. Cutaneous drug

9. Adverse drug


1. Dementia

2. Depression in the elderly

3. Problems of adolescence

4. Manic depressive psychosis

5. Diagnosis and treatment of endogenous depression

6. Organic brain syndrome

7. Clinical picture and management of obsessive compulsive neuosis

8. Electro Convulsive therapy (ECT)

9. Psycho-social disorders


109 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


1. PEM in women a prevention and management

2. Menstrual regulation

3. Complications and management of malaria during pregnancy

4. Amniocentesis

5. Principles of nutrition during pregnancy and lactation

6. Maternal mortality

7. Cafeteria approach in birth control programmes

8. Prevention of HIV infections in women

9. Ectopic pregnancy

10. Oral contraceptive pills

11. Female sterilization

12. High risk approach in antenatal services

13. Dilatation and curettage

14. Antenatal care

15. Complications during pregnancy and measures to prevent them

16. Tubectomy

17. Cancer cervix

18. What are the problems met with during pregnancy. Discuss in brief their
management. Outline the principles of general guidance to the pregnant women.

19. Management of eclamptic fits

20. Bleeding in the 1st trimestic

21. Personal Hygiene in adolescent girls.

110 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



1. Ocular lens implant

2. Acute glaucoma

3. Chalazion

4. Corneal ulcer

5. Acute Iridocyclitis

6. Management of Cataract

7. Fundus examination

8. Detachment of retina

9. Hypopyon ulcer

10. Write short notes on keratoplasty

11. Panophthalmitis

12. Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis


1. Causes and management of epistaxis

2. Acute mastoiditis

3. Hoarseness

4. Quinsy

5. CSF Rhinorrhoea


7. Peritonsillar abscess

8. Maxillary sinusitis

111 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


9. Retropharyngeal abscess

10. Tongue tie

11. Otoscerosis

12. Suppurative otitis media

13. Tracheal intubation

14. Deafness


1. Differential diagnosis and investigations of a patient with solitary thyroid module.

2. Non healing wounds

3. Diagnosis and principles of management of strangulated inguinal hernia

4. Amebic liver abcess

5. Fissure in Ano

6. Surgical shock diagnosis and management

7. Classification of burns and principles of their management

8. Differential diagnosis in acute abdomen

9. Cancer prostate

10. Chronic subdural haematoma

11. Varicocele

12. Surgical complications of filariasis

13. Complications of blood transfusion

14. Flat chest

15. Swellings in the neck

112 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid

16. Techniques of vasectomy

17. Surgical interventions in cardiology

18. Cancer lung

19. Spermatocele

20. Choledochal cyst

21. Thyroglossal cyst

22. Meckel's diverticulum

23. Spina bifida

24. Frost bite

25. Mesenteric cysts

26. Hydrocele

1. Drug therapy in chronic renal failure.

2. Lab investigations of a case of chronic diarrhoea

3. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic active hepatitis

4. Enumerate the poor prognostic indications of Rells Palsy

5. Heparin therapy

6. Causes of transient recurrent muscular weakness

7. Complications of haemodialysis

8. Risk factors in cardiac ailments

9. Differential diagnosis between rheumatoid arthritis and Osteoarthritis

10. Acute rheumatic fever – diagnosis and complications

113 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


11. Diagnosis of hydropneumo thorax

12. Use of skin tests in clinical diagnosis

13. Home care of a hemiplegic patient

14. Drug therapy of pulmonary TB

15. Kidney function tests

16. Food poisoning

17. Status epilepticus

18. Syncope

19. Diabetic ketoacidosis

20. Acute uremia

21. Principles of management of cardiac asthma

22. Ulcerative colitis

23. Aetiopathogenesis of anaemia.

24. Liver function tests

25. Cerebral malaria

26. Irritable bowel syndrome

27. Complications of typhoid

28. Trigeminal neuralgia

29. Management of Ectopic heart beats

30. Anaphylaxis

31. Oral anti-diabetics

32. Drug treatment of TB

114 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


33. Causes of loss of weight and principles of investigations

34. Recent imaging techniques

35. Cretinism

36. Impotence

37. Genetic counseling

38. Diagnosis and principles of management of acute renal failure

39. Diagnosis and treatment of thyrotoxicosis

40. Management of leprosy

41. Diagnosis and treatment of cholera

42. Acquired immune-deficiency syndrome (AIDS)

43. Principles of advice about diet in diabetes

44. Metabolism in starvation

45. Immunity

46. Principles of rehab. After acute M.I. (management of acute MI)

47. Etiology of viral hepatitis

48. Aetiopath and treatment of septic shock

49. Treatment of tetanus in elderly

50. Etiology and treatment of ac. Hypoglycemia

51. Accelerated H.T.

52. Acne vulgaris

53. Bence jones proteinuria

54. Haematuria

115 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


55. Diagnostic tests for HIV

56. Acteiology and diagnosis of acute subarachnoid haemorrhage

57. Cutaneous drug reaction

58. Fibrinolytic therapy in acute MI

59. Management of snake bite

60. Etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of Farmer’s lung

61. Management of diabetic coma

62. Etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of renal rickets

63. Biology of aging

64. Diagnosis and treatment of Migraine

65. Diagnosis and treatment of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia

66. Diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism in adults

67. Obesity

68. Chronic constipation in the elderly

69. Acute dyspnoea

70. Management of hyperpyrexia

71. Signs of avitaminosis-D

72. Alopecia

73. Risk factors in coronary artery disease

74. Convalescent rehab. Of a case poliomyelitis

75. Management of anaphylaxis

76. Status asthmaticus

116 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


77. Drug treatment of (L) ventricular failure

78. Endoscopy

79. Labs investigation of a case of jaundice

80. Metabolic changes during a heat wave

81. Discuss the differential diagnosis and management of recurrent headaches.

82. Discuss when will you refer a case of the following as an emergency to the

A. Br.asthma
B. Lobar pneumonia

83. Discuss the information provided by the examination of nail of a patient

84. Discuss briefly the information gained by the following:

a. Micro exmn of urine

b. Micr exmn. Of peripheral blood smear

85. Discuss briefly physiological changes which are likely occur in the cardio
respiratory system at 70 years of age.

86. Lepromatous leprosy

87. Short term chemotherapy for pulmonary TB

88. Complications of enteric fever

89. Discuss the principles of nutrition in the following conditions:

a. Chronic renal failure

b. Hepatic coma
c. Bronchopulmonary suppuration

90. Describe the clinical manifestations of:

a. Hyponatremia
b. Hypoglycemia
c. Hypercalcemia
d. Hypocalcemia
117 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid

e. Heat stroke

91. Discuss the pathophysiology, complications and management of shigellosis

92. CT scan

93. Adverse drug reaction

94. Describe the pathophysiology, CF, complication and management of DM

95. Short notes on:

a. Lab diagnosis of syphilis

b. LP as a method of investigation.

96. Hemoptysis

97. Immunoglobins

98. Cardiogenic shock


1. Pre hospital management of injured

2. Altered conciousness

3. Assessment of head injury

4. Uterine rupture

5. Acute cholecystitis

6. Pyloric stenosis

7. Urolithiasis

8. Surgical emphysema

9. Pneumothorax

10. Hypovolemic shock

118 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


11. Gas gangrene

12. Gangrene

13. Local anaesthesia

14. Premedication

15. Preoperative assessment

16. Traumatic paraplegia

17. Obstructive jaundice

18. Epidural anesthesia

19. Spinal anaesthesia

20. Periarthritis shoulder

21. pain heel

22. Osteoporosis

23. Approach to back pain

24. Supra condylar fracture of humerus

25. Sprain

26. Fracture healing

27. Congenital talipes Equino varus

28. Dislocation of shoulder

29. Fracture pelvis

30. hallux valgus

31. Arthritis

32. Septic arthritis

119 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


33. Cervical spondylosis

34. Fracture clavicle

35. Colles fracture

36. Osteosarcoma

37. TB spine

38. Chronic osteomyelitis

39. Acute osteomyelitis

40. Colostomy

41. Fracture ribs

42. Flail chest

43. Cystic hygroma

44. Pancreatitis

45. management of acute pain

46. Acute cholangitis

47. Primary sclerosing cholangitis

48. Hematemesis

49. Peptic ulcer bleed

50. Types of wounds

51. Factors influencing would healing

52. Dentigerous cyst

53. Appendicitis

54. Breast infection

120 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


55. Melanoma

56. Malignant melanoma

57. Staging of breast cancer

58. Frost bite

59. Vasectomy

60. Classification of burns

61. DD in acute abdomen

62. Amoebic liver abscess

63. Spina bifida

64. Raspberry tumour

65. Dysphagia

66. Infection of the palmar space

67. Whitlows

68. Lymphnodes in axilla

69. Haemorroids

70. Undescended testis

71. Assessment of burns areas

72. Fissure in ANO

73. Varicocoele

74. Evaluation of acute abdominal pain DD of scrotal swellings Hydrocoele

75. History of breast lump

76. Crush syndrome

121 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


77. Neck swelling strangulated hernia

78. Nodular goiter

79. Classification of thyroid swelling

80. Torsion testis

81. Umbilical hernia

82. Choledochal cyst

83. Spermatocoele

84. Ectopia vesica

85. Inguino scrotal swelling

86. Thyroglossal cyst

87. Meckels diverticulam

88. Mesenteric cyst

89. Gynaecomastia

90. Fistula in ANO

91. Ranula

92. Tuberculous cervical lympadenitis

93. Ca prostate

94. Retention of urine Oral leukoplakia

95. BPH

96. Complication of blood transfusion

122 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



1. GBS in children

2. Jaundice in newborn

3. When to ventilate preterm

4. Ventilate term

5. Physiological jaundice in new born

6. Neonatal reflexes

7. Resuscitation in delivery room

8. Approximate daily weight gain in infants

9. Necrotizing Enterocolitis

10. Scoring system for GA

11. Sepsis in neonate

12. Glycogen storage disorders

13. Inborn errors of metabolism

14. perinatal hypoxia

15. Functions of phenobarbitone

16. Meningitis in new born

17. Metabolic disorders

18. Diabetic babies

19. Hirschsprung disease

20. Habitual constipation after 2 years / in neonates

21. Delayed milestones

123 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


22. ORS

23. Diarrhoea

24. MAS syndrome

25. Rectal bleeding in neonate / 1½ years / preschools / older children

26. Intusussuption

27. Meckels diverticulam

28. Duplication of gut

29. Breathlessness in neonates

30. Anemia at birth

31. Hydrops foetalis

32. Cyanosis in newborn

33. Bleeding in newborn

34. Neonatal seizures

35. Basic fluid therapy in neonates

36. Neurological assessment

37. Growth chart

38. Percentile urve

39. Short stature – causes, approach to diagnosis

40. Learning disabilities

41. Dyslexia

42. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

43. Failure to thrive

124 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


44. Enuresis

45. Preterm – causes

46. LBW – causes, problems, management

47. Neonatal transport

48. Tetanus neonatorum

49. Hydrocephalus

50. Obesity

51. Assessment of severity of dehydration, treatment

52. Advantages of breastfeeding

53. Baby friendly hospital initiative

54. PEM

55. Anemia in children / in newborn

56. Clinical approach to a child with anemia

57. Intra uterine infections

58. Poliomyelitis

59. Vit.D & Rickets

60. Acute glomerulonepritis

61. Nephrotic syndrome

62. Bronchial asthma

63. Physical and behavioural changes in adolescence

64. Juvenile delinquency

65. Principles of nutrition in neonates – breastfeeding, artificial feeding,

complimentary feeds
125 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid

66. Undeclaration of right of the child

67. Rights of a child in India

68. Febrile convulsions

69. Vit.A deficiency

70. Iodine deficiency disorders

71. Iron deficiency anemia

72. Genetic counseling

73. National immunization schedule

74. Cold chain

75. Cerebral palsy

76. Mental handicap

77. Urinary tract infection

78. TB in childhood

79. Anuria – acute renal failure

80. Shock

81. Coma

82. Fever in childhood

83. Fever with rash

126 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



Reference Books

A Practical Guide to Operative Surgery. S. Das 2nd ed. 1985.

An Introduction to Biostatistics. Sundar Rao, Richard, 3rd ed.(Biostats)
Clinical Methods in Surgery. K.Das, 12th ed.(Das)
Clinical Ophthalmology. Kanski. 3rd ed. (K)
Current Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 37th ed. 1998.
Current Obstetrics and Gynaecology Diagnosis and Treatment 7th ed.
Davidson’s Principles and Practice of Medicine. 17th ed. (D)
Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology. Narayana Reddy 13th ed.
Essential Paediatrics. O.P. Ghai,4th ed. (OPG)
Essentials of Medical Pharmacology. K.D. Tripathi, 3rd ed.(Tripathi)
Family Medicine. Rakel (CHTC library)
Gynaecology by Ten Teachers (Chamberlains’s) 16th ed. (TT)
Hall and Colman’s Diseases of the Nose, Throat, Ear, Head and Neck. (HC)
Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine. 14th ed. (H)
Lecture Notes on General Surgery. Harold Ellis, Sir Roy Calne, Christopher Watson,
9th ed. (L.N. on G.S.)
Lecture Notes on Urology. John Blandy. 4th ed.
Outline of Fractures. John Crawford Adams, David L. Hamblen. 10th ed (OF)
Outline of Orthopaedics. John Crawford Adams. 12th ed. (OO)
Medicine in Old Age. S.C. Allen 4th ed.
New Short Textbook of Otolaryngology. McCormick, Primrose, McKenzie, 3rd ed.
Obstetrics by Ten Teachers. (Chamberlain’s) 16th ed.(TT)
Park’s Textbook of Preventive and Social Medicine 15th ed.(P&P)
Parson’s Diseases of the Eye. 18th ed. (P)

127 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


Primary Anaesthesia. Edited by Maurice King. 1996.

Scott: an aid to Clinical Surgery. Robin C.N.Williamson, Bruce P Waxman.(Scott)
Short Practice of Surgery. Bailey and Love, 21st ed.(B&L)
Te Linde’s Operative Gynaecology. 7th ed.
Textbook of Medical Parasitology. C.K.J. Paniker, 2nd ed.
Textbook of Obstetrics. D.C. Dutta (Dutta), 3rd ed.


1. Describe the impact of environmental pollution on health and survival. (also

environment and health ) P&P 468-514.
2. National Health Policy and its goals by 2000 AD. P&P 597/613.
3. Criteria of assessment of safe drinking water. P&P 403, 479-86.
4. Social and cultural factors in disease and health. P&P 13, 16, 32.
5. Dimension in the specialty of Family Medicine. P&P 9.
6. Health Care during calamities. B&L 29.
7. International Health Agencies in India P&P 623-9.
8. Importance of record-keeping in family medicine. Rakel 1609. (CHTC)
9. Consumer Protection Act in relation to medical practice. P&P461.
10. School Health Programme. P&P 380.
11. Cafetaria approach in birth control programme.
12. Role of Anganwadis in MCH services. P&P 369, 618.
13. Role of Anganwadis in medical services.
14. Cold chain. P&P 94.
15. Patterns of health care delivery in India. P&P 25, 611, 616.
16. Essentials of teaching of family medicine at under-graduate level. Rakel 3.
17. National programme for the control and eradication of malaria P&P 302.
18. Role of voluntary health agencies (VHAs) and Non-governmental Organisations in
health care. P&P 621.

128 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


19. Blood-borne diseases. Harrison’s 723, 1164. HIV/AIDS P&P 259-64. Hepatitis
P&P 157-62. CMV Davidson’s 109. Syphilis . Malaria . Toxoplasmosis .
Brucellosis .
20. Nutritional requirements of special groups. P&P 392,411.
21. Role of computers in Health and Medical care. Rakel 1632-4. CHAD example.
22. Noise pollution and its effects on health. P&P 498-9.
23. Helminthiasis. Davidson’s 163-81. P&P 181-5, 230-1.
24. Dimensions of HIV infection in India and its control. P&P 259-64.
25. Epidemiology and prevention of RHD in school children. P&P 279-81.
26. Health Management Information Systems. P&P 572.
27. Concept of comprehensive health care. P&P 25, 612.
28. Give a profile of silent killer diseases.
29. Enumerate the National Health Programmes to control or eradicate disease. P&P
30. Drug abuse – its prevalence and suggested plan to control it. P&P 568-71.
31. Management of a suspected case of TB reporting to a PHC OPD.
32. Drug treatment regimens in TB.
33. Role of N.G.O.s in health care of the aged. P&P 388, 628.
34. Complications and management of malaria during pregnancy. Dutta 302. P&P 199.
35. Control of occupational cancers. P&P 547.
36. Medical and social aspects of amniocentesis. Dutta 112.
37. Precautions during immunisation procedures in infants. P&P 96.
38. Family physician as a health educator.
39. Family physician as doctor, philosopher and guide.
40. Family physicians role as a psychiatrist. Rakel 1480, 1482, 1495, 1506, 1545.
41. Important health legislations in the country. P&P 464.
42. Broad outline of a practical model of family health care. P&P 451-4.
43. Principles of drug prescribing in the elderly. Davidson’s 1123.
44. Tobacco and alcohol are health hazards – justify the statement. P&P 569.

129 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


45. Health education. P&P 586-92.

46. Rabies. P&P 207-14. CHAD rabies protocol.
47. Prophylaxis for rabies. P&P 211-3.
48. Infant mortality. P&P 374-8.
49. Scabies. P&P 534.
50. Why is disposable needles and syringes preferred.
51. Medico-legal problems in private practice. Rakel chapter starting on 1675.
52. National Pharmacopoeia.( published by Govt. of India – 3rd ed. Of National
Formulary, 1979 )
53. Functions of Medical Council of India. Essentials of Forensic Medicine and
Toxicology by Narayana Reddy, 13th ed. 18-9.
54. Food poisoning. P&P 177.
55. Principles of control of non-communicable diseases. P&P 268-301.
56. Dimensions of non-communicable diseases in India. (see above)
57. Alternate systems of medicine.
58. Vital Health Statistics. Biostats 121-36.
59. Common parasitic infestations. P&P 181-4, 230-2.
60. PEM in women – prevention and management. Davidson’s 554-5.
61. Prevention of HIV infection in women. P&P 261, 264.
62. Role of Family Physician in MCH care. Rakel 528-34.
63. Problems of the elderly. P&P 388-90.
64. Role of ICMR in control of AIDS. P&P 602.
65. Measurement of morbidity. Biostatistics 143-4.
66. Employees State Health Insurance Scheme. P&P 553-6.
67. Arthropods of medical importance. P&P 520-35.
68. Factors affecting fertility. P&P 316-7.
69. Referral services in Primary Health Care. P&P 619. (G.K.)
70. School Health Programme. P&P 380.
71. Complete cure of falciparum malaria. P&P 198, Harrison’s 1182.

130 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


72. National Programmes for prevention of nutritional deficiency disorders in pre-

schoolers. P&P 435.
73. Prevention of mortality in ARI in children. P&P 132-8.
74. Population Explosion and National Family Welfare Programmes. P&P 339, 312-3.
75. Role of joint family system in MCH care. (G.K.)
76. National Programme for control of blindness. Causes of blindness in India. P&P
307, 295-7.
77. Role of Family Physician in prevention of AIDS. Rakel 175-6.
78. Multiple drug therapy in multibacillary leprosy. See leprosy sheets. P&P 248-50.
79. Prevention of accidents at home. (G.K.)
80. Soil-transmitted helminths. Paniker’s. P&P 181, 230. (thro’ ingestion – Tape
worms. Ascaris, T..trichiura. thro’ bare feet – Hookworms, Strongyloides.)
81. Rehabilitation of mentally handicapped children. P&P 384-5.
82. Discuss the social problems of a family having a mentally retarded child. See
83. Health problems in urban slums. (G.K.)
84. Role of Family physician in control of population of India.
85. Balanced diet. P&P 414, 437. Also see table in annex.
86. Water-borne diseases. P&P 473.
87. Mortality rates. P&P 49-51.
88. Life-style illnesses. P&P 16, G.K.
89. Blood-transfusion services set-up. WHO ’94. AIDS images of the epidemics
90. Prevention of occupational diseases. P&P 550-2.
91. Immunizing agents. P&P 91-4.
92. DPT vaccination. P&P 131.
93. Primary Health Centre. P&P 619.
94. Oral rehydration therapy. P&P 167.
95. Family Physician’s relationship with consultants. Rakel 214-9.

131 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


96. Principles of nutrition in the elderly. Medicine in Old Age 162-5. (Dodd)
97. Holistic Medicine. P&P 12.
98. Certification by a doctor. Essentials of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology 13th ed.,
99. Causes of infant mortality and their prevention. P&P 374, 376, 378.
100. Epidemiology of cancers. P&P 285-9.
101. Primary Health Care complex. P&P 612-3, 619.
102. Methods of population control. P&P 321-2.
103. Medical Ethics. P&P 460, Rakel 153-61.
104. Breast-feeding. O.P.Ghai 43, 96-7. P&P 351, 355-6.
105. Health education for promotion of immunisation in a community. P&P 590-2.
106. Organising medical and health care programmes in slums. G.K.
107. E.S.I. scheme. P&P 553-6.
108. Social and cultural factors in the epidemiology of malnutrition in
India.P&P415-6, 427-9.
109. Health hazards in slums. G.K.
110. Causes of air pollution. P&P 492-5.
111. Physicians role in health service research.
112. Manifestations and treatment of plague. P&P 224.
113. Role of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) in achieving mother and
child health goals in India. P&P 369, 388.
114. Principle features of Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act. Discuss its effects
on maternal health P&P 332.
115. Diseases spread by rodents. P&P 179, 221, 226,228-30, 232,539.
116. Role of the WHO. P&P 624-5.
117. How will you organise the medical health care of the elderly in your city? P&P
118. What is hospital infection? How can its prevention be planned? CMCH
Infection Control Manual.

132 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


119. A young mother comes to you with a 3 month old baby. Discuss how you will
health educate the mother as to
a) prevent the common childhood diseases in her baby
b) promote infant nutrition i.e. weaning.
120. Discuss breast cancer and its prevention. P&P 285-7.
121. What do you understand by chemoprophylaxis? Discuss the role of
chemoprophylaxis in
a) Malaria P&P 199.
b) Leprosy P&P 250.
c) Rh. Fever P&P 281.
d) T.B. P&P 148.
122. Write short notes on oral rehydration therapy in a village home.
123. Central Birth and Death Registration Act of 1969. P&P 573.
124. Discuss the problems of short term measures to improve child survival in India.
P&P 376-9.
125. Discuss the pattern of deliveries in rural areas. Discuss the organisation of
health services to reduce the hazards associated with the above pattern of
deliveries. P&P 370-3.
126. Short notes on leprosy research. International Journal of Leprosy June 1998.
Pgs. 218-21. CHTC library.
127. Periodic abstinence as a method of family planning. P&P 333.
128. Limitations of baby food in developing countries.
129. Mass therapy in disease control. P&P 37, WHO technical report series No. 736
pg. 86.
130. Community participation in health programmes. P&P 17-8.
131. Describe the role of general practitioners in
a) Primary health care in the population. Rakel 225-31. P&P 10, 26, 612-3, 617.
b) sex education. Discuss under school health programme, family practice and
newly married couples meeting in the communtiy.

133 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


c) Population control. Rakel 715-28. P&P 322-3.

132. Occupational therapy.
133. How will you organise minimum perinatal care in a PHC? P&P 372.
134. Steps taken to decrease IMR. P&P 377.
135. Promotion of measures for healthy child growth. P&P 357-63.
136. Efficacy of measles vaccine and prevention of adverse effects of the
vaccination. P&P 120-1.
137. Prevention of mortality in under-fives. P&P 376-9.
138. Pulse polio immunisation. P&P 152.
139. Periodic medical examination of vulnerable groups. Describe 3 major health
related areas where periodic examination could prove beneficial.
140. NMEP – points of failure. P&P 302. Also see community medicine registrars
141. How does avitaminosis manifest? P&P 396-402.
142. Autoclaves. P&P 102.
143. “Target free approach” in Indian Family Welfare Programme. P&P 322, 339.
144. Crimes against women. G.K.
145. Management of flood situation.
146. Health problems due to fire in a closed area.
147. National A.I.D.S. Control Programme. P&P.
148. H.I.V. in Indian scenario.
149. Sources of Health Information.
150. Fluorosis. P&P.
151. Universal Immunisation Programme.P&P.
152. Medico-legal problem of suicide.
153. Advertising in medical practice.


134 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


1) Acne. H 303.
2) Acne vulgaris
3) Diagnosis and management of psoriasis. H 300-1, 311.
4) Scabies. P&P 534, H 2548.
5) Herpes zoster. H 1087-8.
6) Management of chronic urticaria. H 1865-6.
7) Alopecia. H 312-2.
8) Dry management of STDs. See WHO publication.
9) Cutaneous drug manifestations. H 305-7.
10) Adverse drug reaction. Tripathi 65-71.
11) Dandruff management. H 300, Tripathi 778-9.
12) Fungal infection of nails. H 1149, 1159.


1. Causes and management of epistaxis. MPM 96-7.

2. Acute mastoiditis. MPM 29.
3. Hoarseness. MPM 182-92.
4. Quinsy (Peritonsillar abscess).HC 105-6.
5. CSF Rhinorrhoea.
6. CSOM. HC 233-40.
7. Maxillary sinusitis. MPM 109-16.
8. Retropharyngeal abscess. HC 107-8.
9. Tongue tie. MPM 136.
10. Otosclerosis MPM 45, HC 262-4.
11. Suppurative otitis media. Acute – HC 223-9. Chronic – HC 233-40.
12. Tracheal intubation. Primary Anaesthesia 96-7.
13. Deafness. D 1053-4.
14. Nasal Polyp.
15. Tracheostomy. HC 135-7.
135 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid

1. Drug therapy in chronic renal failure. H 414-6.
2. Adverse reactions to blood transfusions
3. Staphylococcal food poisoning.
4. Lab investigations of a case of chronic diarrhoea. D 413-47. H 241-2.
5. Diagnosis and treatment of chronic active hepatitis. D 522.
6. Enumerate the poor prognostic indications of Bell’s palsy. D 1052.
7. Heparin therapy. Tripathi 548-51,556-7.
8. Causes of transient recurrent muscular weakness. Current Medical Diagnosis and
Treatment 37th ed. 1998. 968-70.
9. Complications of haemodialysis. H 1522-3.
10. Risk factors in cardiac ailments. H 1349,1370. P&P.
11. Differential diagnosis between rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. H 1883-4,
12. Pyrexia of unknown origin

13. Temporal arteritis

14. Acute rheumatic fever – diagnosis and complications. D 281-4. H 1310-1.

15. Diagnosis of hydropneumothorax. D 318. Golwalla 16th ed. 250.
16. Use of skin tests in clinical diagnosis. H 296-7, 1009,1017.
17. Home care of a hemiplegic patient. MOA 174-7.
18. Drug therapy of pulmonary TB. See TB sheets.
19. Kidney function tests. D 615-20.
20. Food poisoning. P&P.
21. Status epilepticus. D 1069-70.
22. Syncope. H 100-3.
23. Diabetic ketoacidosis. D 729, 748-51.
24. Acute uremia. D 626-31, H 1504-12.
25. Principles of management of cardiac asthma. H 1289-94.
136 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid

26. Ulcerative colitis. D 456-64. H 1633-40.

27. Aetiopathogenesis of anaemia. How will you manage a case of iron deficiency
anaemia. D 782-6. H 335-8,638-43.
28. Liver function tests. D 488-98.
29. Cerebral malaria. H 1182-7.
30. Irritable bowel syndrome. D 470-1. H 1646-8.
31. Role of diet in I.H.D. D 247,581.
32. Management of case of moderate hypertension

33. Management of obesity

34. Complications of typhoid. H 952. Manson’s 20th ed. 851-2.

35. Trigeminal neuralgia. D 1049-50.
36. Management of ectopic heart beats. D 227-8,231. H1261-3.
37. Anaphylaxis. D 42-3,49,50. H 1862-3.
38. Oral antidiabetics. H 2070-1. D 738-40.
39. Drug treatment of TB. See TB sheets.
40. Causes of loss of weight and principles of investigations. H 245-6.
41. Recent imaging techniques. D 318-9, 410, 494-5, 618-9, 1035.
42. Cretinism. OPG 370.
43. Impotence. H 286-9.
44. Genetic counseling. H 393, 407-8.
45. Diagnosis and principles of management of acute renal failure. D 626-31. H 1504-
46. Diagnosis and treatment of thyrotoxicosis. H 2023-7.
47. Management of leprosy. See sheets and WHO small book.
48. Diagnosis and treatment of cholera. P&P. H 962-6.
49. Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome. H 1791-854.
50. Drug treatment of H.I.V. infection.
51. Principles of advice about diet in diabetes. H 2066. D 734-8.
52. Metabolism in starvation. H 452-3.
137 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid

53. Immunity. D from p.28.

54. Principles of rehabilitation after acute myocardial infarction. D 259-66.
55. Management of acute M.I.
56. Risk factors for atherosclerosis

57. Fibrinolytic therapy in acute M.I. H 1357-8.

58. Etiology of viral hepatitis. D 513-5. H 1682-6.
59. Etiopathology and treatment of septic shock. H 776-80.
60. Treatment of tetanus in elderly. 901-4.
61. Etiology and treatment of acute hypoglycemia. H 2082-4.
62. Accelerated H.T. H 203,1393.
63. Acne vulgaris. H 260,716.
64. Insomnia. H 154-5.
65. Hypokalemia. H 272-4.
66. Complications of parenteral hyperalimentation. H 477-8.
67. Haematuria. H 261.
68. Aetiology and diagnosis of acute subarachnoid haemorrhage. H 2345-6.
69. Cutaneous drug reaction. H 304-7.
70. Management of snake bite. H 2544-6. Also see Forensic Medicine.
71. Etiopathogenesis of Farmer’s lung. H 1426-8, P&P.
72. Management of diabetic coma. D 746-51.
73. Biology of aging. H 37.
74. Diagnosis and treatment of Migraine. H 2307-10.
75. Diagnosis and treatment of tropical pulmonary eosinophilia. H 1214.
76. Diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism in adults. D 692-6.
77. Obesity. D 578-84.
78. Chronic constipation in the elderly. D 472-3. H 242-3,1651.
79. Acute dyspnoea. H 190-4.
80. Management of hyperpyrexia. H 88-9.
81. Signs of avitaminosis D. H 2254.

138 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


82. Alopecia. H 312.

83. Risk factors in coronary artery disease. H 1348-50. D 245-7.
84. Convalescent rehabilitation of a case of poliomyelitis.
85. Status asthmaticus. D 339, 342-4. H 1419-27.
86. Microalbuminuria. D 622.
87. Manifestation and treatment of plague. P&P 224-5.
88. Drug treatment of left ventricular failure. D 222-3.
89. Endoscopy. H 1583-8, 1418-9.
90. Lab. Investigation of a case of jaundice. H 254.
91. Metabolic changes during a heat wave. P&P 503.
92. Discuss the differential diagnosis and management of recurrent headaches. H 68-
93. Discuss when you will refer a case of the following as an emergency to the
a) Bronchial asthma. D 342-3. H 1425.
b) Lobar pneumonia. D 352. H 1441.
94. Discuss the information provided by the examination of the nails of a patient. D
95. Discuss briefly the information gained by the following:
a) Microscopic examination of urine. Hutchison’s 19th ed 166-72.
b) Microscopic examination of peripheral blood smear. Hutchison’s 19th ed.
89) Beclomethasone. Tripathi 210,782.
90) Prostaglandins. Tripathi 185-91.
91) A 50 year old man reports to the medical OP clinic with pain in the right lower
chest of one week duration. O/E Pulse 100/min., regular, Temp. 100 degrees
F, impaired note with distant breath sounds in the right base. Discuss the differential
diagnosis. What investigations will you suggest to arrive at the correct diagnosis?

139 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


92) Discuss briefly the physiological changes which are likely to occur in the
cardiorespiratory system at 70 years of age. H 38.
93) Lepromatous leprosy. See small book by WHO. H 1016.
94) Discuss the principles of nutrition in the following conditions:
a) Chronic renal failure. H 1519-20.
b) Hepatic coma. H 1716-7.
c) Bronchopulmonary suppuration. (increased protein, plenty of fluids and
chest physio before food to prevent vomiting of ingested food)
95) Describe the clinical manifestations of:
a) Hyponatremia. H 269.
b) Hypoglycemia. H 2081-2.
c) Hypercalcemia. H 2228.
d) Hypocalcemia. H 2241.
e) Heat stroke. H 88. P&P 503.
96) Surgical interventions in Cardiology. D 206-8, 287, 292, 295, 296.
97) Diagnosis of a case of dehydration. D 594. OPG 196-7. P&P.
98) Discuss the pathophysiology, complications and management of shigellosis. D
126. H 957-9.
99) C.T. scan. H 2287-8.
100) Adverse drug reaction. Tripathi 65-71.
101) Describe the pathophysiology, clinical findings, complication and management
of D.M. D 724-64. H 2060-80.
102) Short notes on:
a) Lab diagnosis of syphilis H 1029-31.
b) L.P. as a method of investigation.H 2281.
103) Haemoptysis. H 196-7.
104) Immunoglobins. D 32-5. H 1768-8.
105) Cardiogenic shock. D 212-8. H 1360-1.
106) Impotence. H 286-9.

140 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


107) Dengue Shock Syndrome. H 1145. P&P 187.

108) Anti-oxidants. ( Vit. E H 486. Others – B-carotene, Vit. C and Selenium )
109) Barbiturate poisoning. H 2531.
110) Herpes zoster. H 2445-6.
111) Alzheimer’s disease. H 142-9, 2349-51.
112) Causes of acute stroke. H 2326.
113) Management of pleurisy with effusion. H 1472-4.
114) Diabetic autonomic neuropathy. H 2076-7.
115) Iatrogenic diseasess. H 4.
116) Holter monitoriing. H 64. D 203.
117) Hepatomegaly – differential diagnoses. D 525 + some glycogen storage diseases.
118) Interpretation of lipid profile. H 2142-5.
119) Trigeminal Neuralgia. H 2377-8.
120) Medical management of B.P.H. H 598.
121) Kala-azar. H 1189-91.
122) Complications of Mitral Stenosis. H 1312-3.
123) Shock Lung. (A.R.D.S.) D 388-9.
124) Geriatrics is now a specialised discipline. How? H 37.
125) Terminal care – role of the family physician. See Rakel.
126) Osteoporosis. D 931-2. H 2247-52.
127) Marriage counseling.
128) Gram negative pneumonias. H 939-40,943-4,952.
129) Evaluation of a case of H.T. H 202-5.
130) Falls in the elderly. H 42.

141 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



1. PEM in women – prevention and management. D 5554-5.
2. Menstrual regulation. P&P 331.
3. Complications and management of malaria during pregnancy. P&P 199, Dutta 302.
4. Amniocentesis. Dutta 112.
5. Principles of nutrition during pregnancy and lactation. Duttta 105-7, P&P 377, TT
6. Maternal mortality. P&P 370-1, Dutta 614-6.
7. Cafeteria approach in birth control programme.
8. Urinary incontinence in the elderly

9. Ectopic pregnancy. Dutta 190-202.

10. Oral contraceptive pills. P&P 327-31,Dutta 556-60.
11. Female sterilisation. Dutta 564-9, P&P 334-6, Te Linde’s Operative Gynaecology,
7th ed. 343-58.
12. High-risk approach in antenatal services. P&P 345.
13. Dilatation and Currettage. Dutta 571-4.
14. Antenatal care. Dutta 104-9, P&P 344-7.
15. Complications during pregnancy and measures to prevent them.
16. What are the problems met with during pregnancy and measures to prevent them.
Discuss in brief their management. Outline the principles of general guidance to the
pregnant women.
17. Cancer cervix. TT 129-36.
18. Leucorrhoea TT 80-4.
19. Management of eclamptic fits. Dutta 243-6. See labour room protocol.
20. Bleeding in the first trimester. Dutta 170.
21. Personal hygiene in adolescent girls.
22. Colposcopy. Current O&G Diagnosis and Treatment 7th ed. 622, TT 126-8.
23. HRT. Current O&G Diagnosis and Treatment 7th ed. 1063-5, TT 32-4.
24. Important components of post-natal care.

142 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


25. Pap smear. TT 124-6.

26. Factors influencing fertility. P&P.
Other useful topics – Lamaze and Leboyer techniques for assistance in labour,
Marriage counselling.

1. Ocular lens implant. P 307.Also learn Blumenthal technique used in CMCH.

2. Acute glaucoma. P 216-28.
3. Management of elderly patient with Glaucoma.
4. Chalazion. P 357.
5. Corneal ulcer. P 147-53.
6. Acute iridocyclitis. P 172-4.
7. Management of cataract. P 202-3.
8. Fundus examination. P 103-5.
9. Detachment of retina. P 247-50, Kanski 312.
10. Hypopyon ulcer. P 147-51 esp. 151.
11. Write short notes on Keratoplasty. P 296-7.
12. Panophthalmitis. P 179-80.
13. Phlyctenular keratoconjuncivitis. P 140, 158.
14. Colour blindness. P 269-70.
15. Exopthalmos. P 380-1, 389.
16. Management of foreign body in the eye. (Explain management of superficial
foreign bodies. Penetrating foreign bodies – P 286-90.)
Other useful topics indications for enucleation and evisceration.

143 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



1. Tetanus neonatorum and its prevention. OPG 107.

2. Juvenile delinquency. OPG 30, P&P.
3. Management of acute respiratory infections in children. OPG 272-83, P&P.
4. Principles of nutrition in neonates. OPG 43, 96, P&P 356.
5. Oral rehydration therapy. P&P 166.
6. Anemia in children and management hookworm infestation

7. Accidents among children and their prevention. OPG 444-5.

8. Effect of tobacco smoking by parents on children and infants. P&P 569.
9. Effects of passive smoking on mother and child.
10. Hydrocephalus in a child – diagnostic criteria. OPG 333-4.
11. Dehydration in children – diagnosis and management. OPG 196-7.
12. Low-weight babies – causes and management. OPG 89-90, P&P 353-5.
13. Promotion of measures for healthy child growth.
14. Obesity in children. OPG 368-9.
15. Management of febrile convulsions in childhood. OPG 336.
16. Problems of adolescence and guidance by the family physician. OPG 25.
17. Adolescence – physiological and behavioral changes.
18. Causes of anaemia in children. OPG 63.
19. Kopliks spots. OPG 139.
20. Resuscitation of the newborn. OPG 92-4.
21. How will you diagnose, monitor and treat a baby with perinatal asphyxia.
22. Genetic counseling. Davidson 23, OPG 418.
23. Etiopathogenesis and diagnosis of renal rickets. OPG 61-2.
24. Neonatal transport.

144 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid



1. Dementia. D 989-92.
2. Depression in the elderly. D 1000-3. Also see psychiatry sheets by Dr. KSJ.
3. Manic Depressive psychosis. D 1000-3.
4. Diagnosis and treatment of endogenous depression. D 1000.
5. Organic brain syndrome. D 987-92.
6. Clinical picture and management of obsessive compulsive neurosis. D 1005.
7. Electro-convulsive therapy. D 987, 1002, Also read ECT sheets by Dr. P. Tharien.
8. Psycho-social disorders. P&P 32.
9. Anxiety. D 1003-4.


1. Differential diagnosis and investigation of a patient with solitary thyroid nodule.

B&L 741-4.
2. Non- healing wounds.
3. Discuss the a etiology of upper quardrant abdominal pain
4. Diagnosis and principles of management of strangulated inguinal hernia. B&L
5. Amoebic liver abscess. B&L 1010-3.
6. Fissure-in-ano. B&L 1254-5.
7. Surgical shock – diagnosis and management. B&L 47-55.
8. Classification of burns and principles of their management. B&L 184-93. L.N.on
G.S. 31-6.
9. Differential diagnosis in acute abdomen. Das 247-51. D 442-5.
10. Cancer prostate B&L 1430-6. L.N.on G.S. 342-3.
11. Chronic subdural haematoma. B&L 568-70. L.N. on G. S. 113-4.
12. Varicocoele. B&L 1481-2.

145 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


13. Surgical complications of filariasis. Das 327-9.

14. Complications of blood transfusion. D 824-5.
15. Flail chest B&L 828.
16. Swellings in the neck. Das 204-9.
17. Techniques of vasectomy. Operative methods in Surgery, Das 375. P&P. Lecture
Notes on urology, John Blandy 316-7.
18. Cancer lung. L.N.on G.S.57-9.
19. Spermatocoele. B&L 1487.
20. Choledochal cyst. B&L 1058.
21. Thyroglossal cyst. B&L 768.
22. Meckel’s diverticulum. B&L 1132-4.
23. Spina bifida. B&L 504-5.
24. Frost bite. B&L 221.
25. Mesenteric cysts. B&L 1121-2.
26. Hydrocoele. B&L 1483-6.
27. Undescended testis. B&L 1476-8.
28. Palmar space infections. L.N.on G.S.44-5. B&L 460-4.
29. Cryosurgery. B&L 709. Kanski.( glaucoma, trichiasis, retinal tears, proliferative
retinopathy, small retinoblastomas, eyelid tumours, small basal cell carcinomas)
30. Mallet finger. B&L 328.
31. Dentigerous cyst. B&L 663.
32. Investigation of 40 year old man with obstructive jaundice. L.N. on G.S. 246.
33. Crush syndrome. B&L 55.
34. Pre-hospital management of road injuries.
35. Acute osteomyelitis. OO 69-76.
36. Osteogenic sarcoma OO 85-9.
37. Caudal block analgesia. Primary anaethesia. 53-4.
38. Whitlow. Scott 43. B&L 457-8.
39. Caries spine. B&L 383-5.

146 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


40. Hallux valgus. B&L 476-7.

41. Complications of colostomy. L.N. on G.S. 210-1. B&L 1169.
42. Raspberry tumours. B&L 1298-9.
43. L.A.T.S. B&L 750. L.N. on G.S.300.
44. Ectopia vesicae. B&L 1373-4.
45. Cystic hygroma. B&L 721-2.
46. Lumbar puncture and sub-arachnoid anaethesia. Primary Anaesthesia 56-7.
47. Umbilical hernia. B&L 1291-2.
48. Chronic retension of urine. L.N. on G.S. 344-7. B&L 1376-8.
49. Retension of urine. B&L 13766-8.
50. Head injury. B&L 542-70. Das 144-9.
51. Melanoma. B&L 175-82. L.N. on G.S. 42-6.
52. Pathophysiology and treatment of hypovolemic shock. B&L 47-55.
53. Muscle relaxants. Tripathi 126-46.
54. Treatment of breast cancer. L.N. on G.S. 286-91. B&L 815-21.
55. Enumerate the causes of haematemesis. How will you confirm the diagnosis? What
are the principles of management of peptic ulcer bleeding? D.438-40, 426-34. H
56. Tuberculous cervical lymphadenopathy. Das 50-1. L.N. on G. S. 294.
57. Describe the causes of haematuria. How will you investigate such a case? Das 297-
58. Cholangitis. B&L 1009,1069-72,1074.
59. Lymph nodes in the axilla.
60. Nodule in the breast of a 20 year old female. B&L 802-4.
61. Pain in the right iliac fossa. Das 214-5.
62. Gangrene. Das 41-3.
63. What is a peptic ulcer? Give in detail the management of duodenal ulcer. D 426-
34. L.N. on G.S. 164-9.
64. Discuss the management of a case of 30% burns of the body. B&L 184-92.

147 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


65. Dysphagia. Das 194-6.

66. Symptoms, signs, investigations, diagnosis, differential diagnoses of a case of acute
pancreatitis. B&L 1086-90. H 1745-6.
67. A 40 year old man has noticed a lump in the right iliac fossa for 2 months. Discuss
the differential diagnoses. Describe the treatment of any one of the conditions. Das
68. Discuss the differential diagnosis of bleeding PR. How will you confirm the
diagnosis? Describe the treatment of carcinoma rectum. Das 283-4. B&L 1229-39.
L.N. on G.S. 220-2.
69. How will you diagnose and manage a case of dysphagia. Das 194-6.
70. Fracture of the pelvis. B&L 332-5.
71. Ranula. B&L 632-3.
72. Oral leucoplakia. B&L 638-40. L.N. on G. S. 140.
73. Breast infections. L.N. on G.S. 282. B&L 794-7.
74. Fracture clavicle. B&L 299-300. OF 110-1.
75. Anal haemorrhoids and fistula. B&L 1255-63, 1267-72.
76. Pyloric stenosis. B&L 960,981. L.N. on G.S. 162-3,169-71.
77. Monoarthritis. OO 109-26.
78. Gynaecomastia. B&l 820-1.
79. Colle’s fracture. B&L 321-4. OF 150-6.
80. Local anaesthesia. Primary Anaesthesia 23-5.
81. Fracture rib. L.N. on G.S.51-5.OF 99-101. B&L 827-9.
82. T.U.R.P. B&L 1425, 1430, 1434, L.N. on G.S. 341.
83. Electrolyte disturbances in Pyloric Stenosis. L.N. on G.S.170.
84. Blunt abdominal trauma – management plan. (diagnosis and treatment) B&L 1037-
85. Role of pre-anaethetic check-up and medication.
86. Ileal perforation – physical signs and management.

148 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


87. Role of physiotherapy and rehabilitation in lower extremity fractures.(enumerate

on how to preserve muscle strength, prevent thromboembolism and limit
osteoporosis due to disuse)
88. Universal safety precautions. See Infection Manual published by C.M.C.H.


149 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


Section III-
Family Medicine Text Books and Websites

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152 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


Indian textbooks
• Family Medicine by C S MADGAONKAR- Jaypee publications

153 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


Family Medicine websites/Journals

Family practice management
Annals of family medicine
Journal of American board of family medicine
The medscope
Indian journal of clinical practice
Family medicine journal (Free)
BMC family practice (Free)
Middle east journal of family medicine (Free)
Asia pacific family medicine (Free)
Journal of family practice (Free)

Job Opportunities for Family Physician

„ Job opportunities- in hospitals, corporate.

„ Public health centers- urban and rural
„ Office practice-
- self
- group practice
„ Involve in / manage national health programmes


ƒ National board of Examinations- DNB family medicine- in various recognized

ƒ FCGP- conducted by IMA’s college of GPs twice a year.
ƒ IMA Chattisgarh state branch- fellowship to GPs, certificate course, twice
ƒ CMC Vellore- diploma in family medicine, 2 year course in partnership with
Mercy Mayo Hospital, USA.
ƒ Apollo Hospitals- diploma in family medicine, in association with royal collage
of general practioners,UK.
ƒ Annamalai university- PG diploma in health science in family medicine.
ƒ Dr MGR medical university- MD in family medicine.

154 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


What does a family physician do?

„ Care for people of both gender and all ages.

„ Diagnose and treat 90% of all patient problems, including biological and
mental health concerns.
„ Treat conditions of all organs systems rather than limiting their practice to
specific organ systems.
„ Treat the whole patient by taking into account all the medical, social and
mental health concern of the individual.
„ Practice disease prevention and health maintenance in addition to treating


For updates or queries: [email protected]

155 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid


156 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid

[2008] ©groups.google.com/group/family-medicine

Family Medicine
Question Bank

Contains previous question papers and

references for the National Board of
Examinations, New Delhi.

157 Question Bank| Dr Mohamed Haroon Rashid

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