Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Using Banana Fruit Peel Powder As Natural Coagulant
Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Using Banana Fruit Peel Powder As Natural Coagulant
Evaluation of Wastewater Treatment Using Banana Fruit Peel Powder As Natural Coagulant
Abstract - For the survival of living life, water is very carbohydrates, and lipids. Several skills are in practice to treat
essential but also provides immensely to the quality of our the wastewater and in the current research; an effort was made
lives. Water is very essential to improve living life, several to examine the low-cost adsorbents application by using
articles have revealed the indirect and direct poisonous banana peels to treat by considering the wastewater.
impacts of heavy metals in the form of cancers, tumors,
and skin allergies. Wastewater treatment always costs little Banana peel is one of the agricultural trashes that is
expensive since the use of chemical coagulants, hence being thrown out all over the world as a worthless raw
practically all village residents go for a substitute to easily material. They produce waste managing challenges although
available materials generally which is of nominal quality they have advantages such as use in compost and cosmetics
and revealing them to waterborne illnesses. In this production. The material can be utilized in the manufacturing
research work, experiments were performed to investigate of medicine, in personal care as it is having anti-fungal and
the numerous properties of banana fruit peel powder. This antibiotic properties. Along with that, banana peels also have
was carried out with varying dosages of 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, adsorbent properties. It is extremely helpful in purification and
and 30 g/L of banana pith powder as a coagulant. refining methods. To be a better coagulant than others in terms
Experiments were performed with not adding or addition of coagulant activity (turbidity removal). Banana peel is
of banana pith powder. Also, the requirements achieved composed of polymeric substances such as fiber (11.04%) and
from tests indicate a minimal acidic value. The turbidity protein (10.14%). Banana peels can be used to filter water.
ratio achieved showed that tests with a variety of dosages Banana peels contain Sulphur, nitrogen, carboxylic acid, and
of banana peel powder 5gm/L give clean water all along other atoms that function pretty much the same way magnets
with a turbidity value of 44NTU. Jar test apparatus was do in terms of attracting heavy metals.
used to investigate the optimal dose of banana peel
1.1 Objective of the study
powder, and pH values indicate it as an acidic range, for
the banana peel. Results achieved in this analysis provide To examine the physical characteristics of
support to the earlier works, recommending the use of wastewater.
banana peel to treat wastewater. Outcomes accomplished To know the effect of pH, contact time, and
in this examination support the previous works conducted adsorbent dosage.
using banana peel powder as a natural coagulant. To evaluate the influence of turbidity.
To study the effect and modifications of wastewater
Keywords: adsorbent, turbidity, hardness, chlorides, banana
parameters like chlorides, hardness, etc.
fruit peel powder.
A) Coagulant Materials
The increase in water demand worldwide is due to the
rapid increase in the population, and alternatively, there is a Banana (Musa Acuminata species) fruit peels were
constant decrease in the ground and shallow water intensities collected from the regional fruit shop, at Chandapura. Banana
due to over development. A lot of efforts are carried out to peel powder of 500 grams was produced naturally. New
bring alternatives to the problems caused due to excessive use banana peels were accumulated from household wastes and
of water, reuse of water, and treatment of wastewater is one of fruit shops, as their accessibility and conveyance were easy.
the prominent solutions. The wastewater is a mixture of Banana peel comprises lipids (1.7%), proteins (0.9%), crude
kitchenette wastewater, cleaning, and washing, rinsing water fiber (31%), and carbohydrates (59%). The numerous minerals
which produces huge wastewater which comprises an comprise of potassium (78.10 mg/g), manganese (76.20 mg/g),
extremely high intensity of organic elements such as proteins, sodium (24.30 mg/g), calcium (19.20 mg/g) and iron (0.61