Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
11 18,905
3 authors:
Subrat Kar
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi
All content following this page was uploaded by Hemani Kaushal on 12 February 2018.
1.1 Introduction
Fig. 1.2 Applications of WOCs: (a) chip-to-chip communication, (b) wireless body area network,
(c) indoor IR or visible light communication, (d) inter-building communication, and (e) deep space
missions [6–9]
California, etc. provide a wide range of wireless optical routers, optical wireless
bridges, hybrid wireless bridges, switches, etc. that can support enterprise connec-
tivity, last mile access, and HDTV broadcast link with almost 100 % reliability in
adverse weather conditions.
4 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
1.1.1 History
The first experiment of transmitting signal over the atmosphere was conducted
by Alexander Graham Bell in 1880. He used sunlight as a carrier to transmit
voice signal over a distance of about a few feet. However, the experiment was not
successful due to inconsistent nature of the carrier. Later, in the 1960s, Theodore
H. Maiman discovered the first working laser at Hughes Research Laboratories,
Malibu, California. From this point onward, the fortune of FSO has changed. Vari-
ous experiments were conducted in military and space laboratories to demonstrate
FSO link. In the 1970s, the Air Force sponsored a program known as Space Flight
Test System (SFTS) to establish satellite to ground link at Air Force ground station,
New Mexico. The program was later renamed as Airborne Flight Test System. This
program achieved its first success in the 1980s where a data rate of 1 Gbps was
demonstrated from aircraft to ground station. After this, a flurry of demonstrations
were recorded during the 1980s and 1990s. They include Laser Cross-Link Sub-
system (LCS), Boost Surveillance and Tracking System (BSTS), Follow-On Early
Warning System (BSTS), and many more [12]. A full duplex ground to space
laser link known as Ground/Orbiter Laser Communication Demonstration was
first established in 1995–1996 by National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) in conjunction with Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL). In addition to this,
various demonstrations were carried out for deep space and inter-satellite missions
such as Mars Laser Communication Demonstration (MLCD) and Space Inter-
satellite Link Experiment (SILEX) [12], respectively.
Very large-scale development is carried out by NASA in the USA, Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO) in India, European Space Agency (ESA) in Europe,
and National Space Development Agency (NSDA) in Japan. Demonstrations have
established a full duplex FSO link with high data rates between various onboard
space stations and ground stations, inter-satellite, etc. with improved reliability and
100 % availability. Besides FSO uplink/downlink, extensive research is carried out
for FSO terrestrial links, i.e., link between two buildings to establish local area
network segment that will provide last mile connectivity to the users (Fig. 1.3).
FSO communication is well suited for densely populated urban areas where
digging of roads is cumbersome. Terrestrial FSO links can be used either for short
range (few meters) or long range (tens of km). Short-range links provide high-
speed connectivity to end users by interconnecting local area network segments
that are housed in building separated within the campus or different building of the
company. Long-range FSO communication links extend up to existing metropolitan
area fiber rings or to connect new networks. These links do not reach the end
user but they extend their services to core infrastructure. FSO communication
system can also be deployed within a building, and it is termed as indoor wireless
optical communication (WOC) system. This short-range indoor WOC system is
a futuristic technology and is gaining attention these days with the advancement
of technology involving portable devices, e.g., laptops, personal digital assistants,
portable telephonic devices, etc.
1.1 Introduction 5
The most commonly used optical sources in IR transmitters for indoor WOC are
light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes (LDs). LEDs are preferred over LDs
as they are cheap and have broader modulation bandwidth and linear characteristics
in the operating region. Since LEDs are nondirectional optical sources, their output
power is not very high. Therefore, to compensate for lower power levels, an array of
LEDs can be used. However, LEDs cannot work at high data rates beyond 100 Mbps.
Laser diodes can be used at data rates of the order of few Gbps. Due to eye safety
regulations, laser diode cannot be used directly for indoor WOC as they are highly
directional and can cause optical damage.
The classification of an indoor optical link depends upon two major factors: (i)
transmitter beam angle, i.e., degree of directionality, and (ii) the detector’ s field-
of-view (FOV), i.e., whether the view of the receiver is wide or narrow. Based on
this, there are mainly four types of link configuration, i.e., directed line-of-sight
(LOS), non-directed LOS, diffused, and multi-beam quasi diffused links.
(i) Directed LOS Link: In this type of link, the beam angle of transmitter
as well as FOV of receiver are very narrow. The transmitter and receiver
are directed toward each other. This configuration is good for point-to-point
link establishment for indoor optical communication. The advantages and
disadvantages of directed LOS link are as follows:
• Improved power efficiency as path loss is minimum
• Reduced multipath distortion
• Larger rejection of ambient background light
• Improved link budget
• Links are highly susceptible to blocking (or shadowing), and therefore, they
cannot provide mobility in a typical indoor environment.
• Reduced flexibility as it does not support point-to-multipoint broadcast
• Tight alignment between transmitter and receiver is required making it less
convenient for certain applications.
Figure 1.4 shows the pictorial representation of the link. This configuration
has been used for many years at low data rate for electronic appliances
using remote control applications like television or audio equipments. It
provides point-to-point connectivity between portable electronic devices such
as laptops, mobile equipments, PDAs, etc. Depending upon the degree of
directionality, there is another version of LOS link called hybrid LOS. In
this case, transmitter and receiver are facing each other, but the divergence
1.1 Introduction 7
• There is no requirement of alignment between transmitter and receiver as
the optical signal is uniformly spread within the room by making use of
reflective properties of walls and ceilings.
• This link is most robust and flexible as it is less prone to blocking and
• Severe multipath distortion
• High optical path loss typically 50–70 dB for a link range of 5 m [15].
Diffuse link is the link configuration of choice for IEEE 802.11 infrared
physical layer standard. It can support data rates up to 50 Mbps and is typically
as shown in Fig. 1.6.
(iv) Multi-Beam Quasi Diffused Link: In this type of link, a single wide beam
diffuse transmitter is replaced by multi-beam transmitter, also known as
quasi diffused transmitter. The multiple narrow beams are pointed outward
in different directions. These optical signals are collected by angle diversity
receiver [16, 17] placed on the ground. Angle diversity of the receiver can
be achieved in two ways: First is to employ multiple non-imaging receiving
elements oriented in different directions, and each element is having its own
lensing arrangement/concentrators. The purpose of the lensing arrangement
1.1 Introduction 9
a b
Fig. 1.7 Multi-beam quasi diffused links. (a) Receiver with multiple lens arrangement. (b)
Receiver with single lens arrangement
10 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
Most of the indoor wireless optical links operate in 780–950 nm range. For this
reason, indoor wireless systems is also called IR systems. For directed and non-
directed LOS, typically one LED is used that emits an average power of tens of mW.
In case of diffused configuration, an array of LEDs oriented in different directions
are used so as to provide flexibility in coverage area. These LEDs transmit power
in the range of 100–500 mW. The comparison of indoor WOC and Wi-Fi systems is
given in Table 1.2.
The basic block diagram of an FSO link is shown in Fig. 1.9. Like any other
communication technologies, FSO communication link comprises of three basic
subsystems, viz., transmitter, channel, and receiver [20].
(i) Transmitter: Its primary function is to modulate the message signal onto the
optical carrier which is then propagated through the atmosphere to the receiver.
The essential components of the transmitter are (a) the modulator, (b) the
driver circuit for the optical source to stabilize the optical radiations against
temperature fluctuations, and (c) the collimator or the telescope that collects,
collimates, and directs the optical radiations toward the receiver. The most
widely used modulation is the intensity modulation (IM) in which the source
data is modulated on the irradiance/intensity of the optical carrier. This can be
12 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
achieved by varying the driving current of the optical source directly with the
message signal to be transmitted or by using an external modulator.
(ii) Channel: Since the FSO communication channel has the atmosphere as its
propagating medium, it is influenced by unpredictable environmental factors
like cloud, snow, fog, rain, etc. These factors do not have fixed characteristics
and cause attenuation and deterioration of the received signal. The channel is
one of the limiting factors in the performance of FSO system.
(iii) Receiver: Its primary function is to recover the transmitted data from the
incident optical radiation. It consists of a receiver telescope, optical filter,
photodetector, and demodulator. The receiver telescope collects and focuses
the incoming optical radiation onto the photodetector. The optical filter reduces
the level of background radiation and directs the signal on the photodetector
that converts the incident optical signal into an electrical signal.
FSO communication system offers several advantages over the RF system. The
major difference between FSO and RF communications arises from the large
difference in the wavelength. Under clear weather conditions (visibility >10 miles),
the atmospheric transmission window is in the near IR region and lies between
700 and 1600 nm. The transmission window for RF lies between 30 mm and 3 m.
Therefore, RF wavelength is a thousand of times larger than the optical wavelength.
This high ratio of wavelengths leads to some interesting differences between the two
systems as given below:
(i) Huge modulation bandwidth: It is a well-known fact that an increase in carrier
frequency increases the information-carrying capacity of a communication sys-
tem. In RF and microwave communication systems, the allowable bandwidth
can be up to 20 % of the carrier frequency. In optical communication, even if
the bandwidth is taken to be 1 % of carrier frequency .1016 Hz/, the allowable
bandwidth will be 100 THz. This makes the usable bandwidth at an optical
frequency in the order of THz which is almost 105 times that of a typical RF
(ii) Narrow beam divergence: The beam divergence is =DR , where is the
carrier wavelength and DR the aperture diameter. Thus, the beam spread offered
by the optical carrier is narrower than that of RF carrier. For example, the laser
beam divergence at D 1550 nm and aperture diameter DR D 10 cm come
out to be 0:34 rad. On the other hand, radio-frequency signal say at X band
will produce a very large beam divergence, e.g., at 10 GHz i.e., D 3 cm, and
aperture diameter DR D 1 m yields beam divergence to be 67.2 mrad. Much
smaller beam divergence at optical frequency leads to increase in the intensity
of signal at the receiver for a given transmitted power. Figure 1.10 shows the
1.2 Comparison of FSO and Radio-Frequency Communication Systems 13
comparison of beam divergence for optical and RF signals when sent back
from Mars toward Earth [21].
(iii) Less power and mass requirement: For a given transmitter power level, the
optical intensity is more at the receiver due to its narrow beam divergence.
Thus, a smaller wavelength of optical carrier permits the FSO designer to
come up with a system that has smaller antenna than RF system to achieve the
same gain (as antenna gain is inversely proportional to the square of operating
wavelength). The typical size for the optical system is 0.3 vs. 1.5 m for the
spacecraft antenna [22].
(iv) High directivity: Since the optical wavelength is very small, a very high
directivity is obtained with small-sized antenna. Antenna directivity is closely
related to its gain. The advantage of optical carrier over RF carrier can be seen
from the ratio of antenna directivity as given below
Gainoptical 4=div.optical/
D 2
; (1.1)
GainRF 4=div.RF/
where div.optical/ and div.RF/ are the optical and RF beam divergence, respec-
tively, and are proportional to =DR . For system using optical carrier with
aperture diameter DR D 10 cm and D 1550 nm gives div.optical/ 40 rad.
At beam divergence of 40 rad, the antenna gain, Gainoptical , is approximately
100 dB. In order to achieve the same gain in RF system using X band at
D 3 cm, the size of aperture diameter DR becomes extremely large and
unpractical to implement.
(v) Unlicensed spectrum: In RF system, interference from adjacent carrier is the
major problem due to spectrum congestion. This requires the need of spectrum
licensing by regulatory authorities. But optical system is free from spectrum
licensing till now. This reduces the initial setup cost and development time.
(vi) Security: It is difficult to detect the transmuted optical beam as compared to RF
signal because of its narrow beam divergence. In order to detect the transmitted
14 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
optical signal, one has to be physically very close ( 0.1 miles) to the beam
spot diameter. Studies have shown that the optical signal would drop to 140 dB
from its peak transmission power at a distance of 10 miles. However, RF signal
has much wider region of listening. In this case, signal can easily be picked up
roughly at a distance of 40 miles and is down about 40 dB at approximately
100 miles.
In addition to the above advantages, the secondary advantages of FSO communica-
tion system are: (a) it is beneficial in the cases where fiber optic cables cannot be
used, (b) easily expandable and reduces the size of network segments, and (c) light
weight and compact.
Besides these advantages, an FSO communication system has got some disad-
vantages as well. It requires tight alignment and pointing due to its narrow beam
divergence. Since light cannot penetrate walls, hills, buildings, etc., a clear line-of-
sight is required between the transmitter and receiver. Also, unlike RF systems,
an FSO system is highly prone to atmospheric conditions that can degrade the
performance of system drastically. Another limiting factor is the position of the
sun relative to the laser transmitter and receiver. In a particular alignment, solar
background radiations will increase leading to poor system performance.
Almost all commercially available FSO systems are using NIR and SIR wavelength
range since these wavelengths are also used in fiber-optic communication, and their
components are readily available in the market.
The wavelength selection for FSO communication has to be eye and skin safe
as certain wavelengths between 400 and 1500 nm can cause potential eye hazards
or damage to the retina [25]. Table 1.3 summarizes various wavelengths used in
practical FSO communication for space applications.
The link performance analysis begins with the basic component values and system
parameters which are assumed to be known and are fixed in advance. For example,
the laser with the fixed output power as a function of operating wavelength,
transmitter, receiver telescope sizes, etc. directly affect the link performance.
Therefore, the link performance analysis can be performed if all the components and
operational parameters are precisely specified. The three basic steps for evaluating
the performance of an optical link are as follows:
(i) Determine the number of detected signal photons at the detector taking into
account the various losses in the transmitter, channel, and receiver.
(ii) Determine the number of detected background noise photons generated at the
(iii) Compare the number of detected signal photons with the number of detected
noise photons.
At the transmitter side, the optical source emits optical power with a varying
degree of focusing often described by its emission angle. The total power (in
watts) emitted from a uniform source characterized by brightness function B
(watts/steradianarea), surface area As , and emission angle s is given by [43]
PT D BAs s : (1.2)
For symmetrical radiating sources, the solid emission angle s can be related to the
planar emission angle s (refer Fig. 1.11a) by
For any Lambertian source that emits power uniformly in forward direction has
jj =2 implying s D . It gives s D 2 and therefore transmitted power,
PT D 2BAs : The light can also be collected and refocused by means of beam-
forming optics as shown in Fig. 1.11b. The light from the source beam is focused to
a spot with the help of converging lens, and the diverging lens expands the beam to
planar beam diameter DR given by
16 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
a b
Fig. 1.11 Demonstration of optical emission from light source. (a) Light emission from Lamber-
tian source [43]. (b) Light emission using beam forming optics [43]
" 2 #1=2
DR D DT 1 C ; (1.4)
where is the operating wavelength, DT the transmitter lens diameter, and R the
distance from the lens or link range.
< Near field; R
< 1; DR ' DT
For (1.5)
: Far field; R
> 1; DR ' R
First condition implies that emerging light is collimated with diameter equal to
transmitter lens diameter. The second condition means that emerging light diverges
with distance from the source. The planar beam angle, b of the diverging light
source, also called diffraction limited transmitter beam angle is approximately given
by [43]
b Š : (1.6)
Substituting the value of DR for far field case, we get
b D : (1.7)
The two-dimensional solid angle can be approximately related to planar beam angle
b D 2 Œ1 cos .b =2/ Š b2 : (1.8)
1.4 Range Equation for FSO Link 19
After propagating through link distance R, the field intensity of the beam will be
ID : (1.10)
A normal receiving area A within the beam collects the field power
PR D A: (1.11)
When the other loss factors are incorporated, the above equation becomes
PR D PT .GT T TP / .GR R / ; (1.14)
PR : signal power at the input of photodetector
PT : transmitter power
T and R : efficiencies of transmitter and receiver
h optics, respectively
GT : gain of the transmitting antenna GT .4DT =/2
h i
GR : gain of the receiving antenna GR .4DR =/2
TP : transmitter pointing loss factor
: space loss factor, where R is the link distance
: narrowband filter transmission factor
From the above equation, it is seen that the receive signal power can be increased
by one or more of the following options:
(i) Increasing transmit power: The most simplest way to improve the receive
signal power is to increase the transmit power since the receive power scales
20 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
linearly with the transmit power. However, increasing the transmit power
implies the increase in the overall system power consumption, and this can
lead to issues like safety, thermal management, etc.
(ii) Increasing transmit aperture: The transmit aperture size and beamwidth are
inversely proportional to each other. Therefore, increasing the transmit aperture
size will effectively reduce the transmitter beamwidth and hence deliver the
signal with more intensity. However, it will lead to tight acquisition, pointing,
and tracking requirement. Further, transmit aperture cannot be increased
indefinitely as it will increase the overall mass of the terminal and that will
increase the cost of the system.
(iii) Increasing receiver aperture: The receive signal power scales directly with the
receive aperture area. However, the amount of background noise collected by
the receiver will also increase with the increase in the receiver aperture area.
It implies that the effective performance improvement does not always scale
linearly with the receiver aperture area.
(iv) Reducing pointing loss: Reducing the transmitter and receiver pointing loss
will improve the overall signal power level and will also reduce the pointing-
induced signal power fluctuations.
(v) Improving overall efficiency: The overall efficiency can be improved by
improving T , R , and through appropriate optics and filter design.
a b
Fig. 1.12 Optical modulators. (a) Internal modulator. (b) External modulator
ways to modulate optical carrier are by using its phase or polarization. However,
due to simplicity reasons, the most popular modulation scheme used in FSO
system is intensity modulation: baseband or subcarrier. The modulation schemes
can be classified into two categories: baseband intensity modulation and subcarrier
intensity modulation. The most common method used for the detection of the
optical signal is direct detection. When the intensity-modulated signal is detected
by a direct detection receiver, the scheme is known as intensity-modulated/direct
detection (IM/DD) and is commonly used in FSO systems. The other approach of
detecting the modulated optical signal is coherent detection. It makes use of local
oscillator to down convert the optical carrier to baseband (homodyne detection) or to
RF intermediate frequency (heterodyne detection). This RF signal is subsequently
demodulated to baseband via conventional RF demodulation process.
In direct detection technique, the received optical signal is passed through optical
band-pass filter to restrict the background radiation. It is then allowed to fall on
the photodetector which produces the output electrical signal proportional to the
instantaneous intensity of the received optical signal. It may be regarded as linear
intensity to current convertor or quadratic (square law) converter of optical electric
field to detector current. The photodetector is followed by an electrical low-pass
filter (LPF) with bandwidth sufficient enough to pass the information signal.
The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of direct detection receiver can be obtained by
using noise models for a particular detector, i.e., PIN or avalanche photodetector
(APD). With the received power given in Eq. (1.14) and detector noise sources, the
SNR expressions are obtained. The SNR for PIN photodetector is given by
.R0 PR /2
SNR D ; (1.15)
2qB .R0 PR C R0 PB C Id / C 4KB TB=RL
22 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
.MR0 PR /2
SNR D (1.17)
Œ2qB .R0 PR C R0 PB C Idb / M2 F C Ids C 4KB TB=RL
In Eq. (1.17), F is the excess noise factor arising due to random nature of
multiplication factor, I db the bulk dark current, and I ds the surface dark current.
The block diagram of direct detection receiver is given in Fig. 1.13. Since the
photodetector response is insensitive to the frequency, phase, or polarization of the
carrier, this type of receiver is useful only for intensity-modulated signals.
In case of direct detection receiver, the energy of the received signal is considered
but not its phase. For every transmitted message, say X, a number of photons fall on
the detector. The absorption of these photons results in an output Y from the detector
that can be passed on to the demodulator and the decoder. Several direct detection
statistical models are mentioned below which define the conditional probability
density function of the output Y given X.
Fig. 1.14 OOK modulation scheme for the transmission of message 110010
Fig. 1.15 8-PPM scheme with eight slots for the transmission of message 110010
24 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
KD P .t/ dt; (1.19)
where h is the Planck’s constant, the optical frequency, and the quantum
efficiency of the photodetector, defined as the ratio of average number of
photons absorbed by the APD (each absorbed photon produces an electron-
hole pair) to the average number of incident photons. The actual number of
absorbed photons is a Poisson-distributed random variable with mean K (where
K D K0 D K b for bit “0,” i.e., the sum of background photon count, or
K D K1 D K s C Kb for bit “1,” i.e., the sum of actual and background photon
count). In an APD, the density of the output electrical signal in response to
the absorbed photons is modeled accurately by McIntyre-Conradi distribution
[45]. The conditional probability density of obtaining k0 electrons in response
to n0 absorbed photons is given by
n0 C1
1 keff
fY=N k0 =n0 D
0 0 0
keff k0 0
k .k n /Š Cn C1
1 keff
n0 C keff k0 0 0
1 C keff .M 1/ 1 keff .1 keff / .M 1/ k n
where M is the average gain of the APD and keff the ionization ratio ranging
from 0 < keff < 1. Taking an average of Eq. (1.20) over the number of absorbed
photons n0 gives
1.5 Technologies Used in FSO 25
fY k 0 D fY=N k0 =n0 0 exp .K/ ; k0 1: (1.21)
n0 C keff k0
0 k 1 C keff .M 1/ 1 keff 0
k0 n
X C1 Kxn exp .Kx /
1 keff M
keff k0
n0 D1 k0 .k0 n0 /Š jn0 j n0 Š
1 keff
.1 keff / .M 1/ k n
; (1.22)
1 h i
fY=X .y=x/ D p exp .y x /2 =2x2 ; (1.23)
where x 2 f0; 1g. The parameters x and x2 are the mean and variance,
respectively, when X D x. This model is often used with APD and the mean
and variance in Eq. (1.23) are given as [47]
0 D MKb C Is Ts =q;
1 D M .Ks C Kb / C Is Ts =q;
Is Ts 2KB TTs
0 D M2 FKb C
C 2 2BTs ; (1.24)
q q RL
Is Ts 2KB TTs
1 D M2 F .Ks C Kb / C
C 2 2BTs :
q q RL
26 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
In the above equations, M is the average APD gain, F the excess noise
factor of APD, I s the surface dark current, T s the slot width, B .D 1=2Ts / the
electrical bandwidth of receiver, and K s and K b the average number of signal
and background noise photons, respectively.
requires the trade-off between power efficiency, bandwidth requirement for a given
data rate, and implementation complexity.
Ip / .eR C eL /2 ; (1.25)
where eR and eL are incoming received signal and local oscillator electric fields,
respectively. The above equation can, therefore, be written as
where ER and EL are the peak incoming received and LO signals, respectively,
and s and L are the phase of transmitted and LO signals, respectively. Solving
Eq. (1.26) and removing higher frequency terms which are beyond the detector
response give
1 2 1
Ip / ER C EL2 C 2ER EL cos .!L t !S t C / ; (1.27)
2 2
where D S L . Since the signal power is proportional to the square of the
electrical field, the above equation can be written as
Ip / PR C PL C 2 PR PL cos .!L t !S t C / : (1.28)
In the above equation, PR and PL are the optical power levels of incoming signal
and local oscillator signal, respectively. Photocurrent in relation to incident power
PR is governed by Ip D qPR=h . Hence, the above equation can be written as
qh p i
Ip D PR C PL C 2 PR PL cos .!L t !S t C / ; (1.29)
where is the quantum efficiency of photodetector, h the Plank’ s constant, and
the optical frequency. Generally, the local oscillator signal power is much higher
than the incoming signal power, and therefore, the first term in the above equation
can be neglected. After that the signal component of the photodetector current is
given as
qh p i
Ip D 2 PR PL cos .!L t !S t C / : (1.30)
For heterodyne detection, !s ¤ !L and therefore the above equation can be written
qh p i
Ip D 2 PR PL cos .!IF t C / : (1.31)
1.5 Technologies Used in FSO 29
It is clear from this equation that photodetector current is centered around an IF.
This IF is stabilized by incorporating the local oscillator laser in a frequency control
loop. In case of homodyne detection, !L D !s and therefore Eq. (1.31) reduces to
2 qp p
Ip D PR PL cos D 2R0 PR PL cos: (1.32)
In this case, output from the photodetector is in the baseband form, and local
oscillator laser needs to be phase locked to the incoming optical signal. It is
clear that the signal photocurrent p
in both homodyne and heterodyne receivers is
effectively amplified by a factor 2 PR PL . This amplification factor has the effect
of increasing the incoming optical signal level without affecting the preamplifier
noise or photodetector dark current noise. This makes coherent receiver to provide
higher receiver sensitivity.
Various noise contributors in coherent detection are signal shot noise, back-
ground shot noise, LO shot noise, signal-background beat noise, LO-background
beat noise, background-background beat noise, and thermal noise. When the local
oscillator signal power is much greater than the incoming signal power, then the
dominant source of noise is due to local oscillator shot noise, and its mean square
noise power is given by
ˆ 2qR0 PL B for PIN
INL2 D (1.33)
:̂ 2qR P BM2 F for APD:
0 L
The SNR in this case (assuming no phase difference between source and local
oscillator signal, i.e., D 0) is given by
IP2 2R0 PR
SNR D D : (1.34)
2qR0 PL BF qBF
The value of F is unity in case of PIN photodetector. It has been seen that coherent
detection system provides larger link margin (approx 7–10 dB) over direct detection
system. Coherent system can employ any modulation scheme like OOK, FSK, PSK,
PPM, etc. Due to complexity and high cost of coherent receiver design, it is rarely
used in FSO systems. It becomes cost-effective at high data rates and may find
applications in the future.
over many lower rate subcarriers. OFDM when implemented with wireless optical
system gives a very cost-effective solution for improving its performance. OFDM
allows the high data rate to be divided into multiple low data rates, and they are
transmitted in parallel form. The main objective of using this MCM scheme is to
lower the symbol rate and provide high tolerance to deep fades that deteriorate the
performance of FSO communication system. OFDM-based FSO system will exploit
the advantages of both OFDM and FSO to become a good candidate for “last mile”
solution for broadband connectivity. Such systems are capable of providing high
spectral efficiency and increased robustness against intensity fluctuations caused
by turbulent atmosphere. OFDM-based FSO system can also be used in some
coding techniques. Low-density parity check (LDPC)-coded OFDM is able to give
performance much better than LDPC-coded OOK over fluctuating atmospheric
environment both in terms of coding gain and spectral efficiency. However, due to
sensitivity of OFDM scheme to phase noise and relatively large peak-to-average
power ratio, the design of OFDM for FSO system has to be implemented very
carefully. Figure 1.19 shows the block diagram of OFDM-based FSO system.
In OFDM system, the input from the source is baseband modulated using any
of the modulation scheme like PSK, QAM, etc. It is also known as mapping
and the mapped signal is converted from serial to parallel form. This will allow
high data rate stream to split into multiple low data rate narrowband subcarriers.
These narrowband subcarriers experience lesser distortion than high data rates and
require no equalization. Inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT) and cyclic prefix
(CP) operations are performed on the low data rate narrowband subcarrier to
generate OFDM signals. It is then followed by digital-to-analog and parallel-to-
serial convertors. This OFDM signal now modulates the laser diode, and it is
then allowed to propagate through FSO channel. At the receiver side, after the
signal is being detected by photodetector, the reverse process is carried out to
recover the information signal. Since OFDM uses FFT algorithms for modulation
and demodulation, such system does not require equalization. OFDM employed in
1.5 Technologies Used in FSO 31
optical system is a little bit different as compared to RF-OFDM system. Table 1.4
gives the comparison of RF and optical OFDM systems.
In order to improve the power efficiency of OFDM-based FSO, three variants of
OFDM schemes are used:
(i) Biased-OFDM single side-band scheme: This scheme is based on intensity
modulation and is also known as “Biased-OFDM” (B-OFDM) scheme. In this
case, the transmitted signal is given by
where D is the bias component. Since IM/DD does not support bipolar signals,
the bias component D has to be sufficiently large so that when it is added to
SOFDM .t/ ; it results in a nonnegative component. The main disadvantage of
B-OFDM scheme is the poor efficiency.
(ii) Clipped-OFDM single side-band scheme: It is based on single side-band
transmission with clipping of the negative portion of OFDM signal after bias
addition. The conversion of DSB to SSB can be made in two ways: (a) by the
use of Hilbert transformation of inphase signal as the quadrature signal in the
electrical domain or (b) by the use of optical filter. By choosing the optimum
bias value, the power efficiency of clipped OFDM (C-OFDM) can be improved
as compared to B-OFDM.
(iii) Unclipped-OFDM single side-band scheme: This scheme employs LiNb O3
Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) to improve its power efficiency. To avoid
distortion due to clipping, the information signal is transmitted by modulating
the electric field so that the negative part of OFDM is given to the photode-
tector. The distortion introduced by the photodetector is removed by proper
filtering and in recovered signal distortion is insignificant. Unclipped OFDM
(U-OFDM) is less power efficient than C-OFDM, but is significantly more
power efficient than B-OFDM.
The optical OFDM signal at the receiver can be detected by using non-coherent or
coherent technique. The main features of non-coherent and coherent OFDM systems
are as follows:
(i) Non-coherent OFDM: It uses direct detection at the receiver but it can further
be classified into two categories according to how the OFDM signal is
generated: (a) linearly mapped direct detection optical OFDM (DDO-OFDM or
32 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
While designing an FSO link, the designer has to ensure that the chosen operating
wavelength has to be eye and skin safe. This means that the laser should not
pose any kind of danger to the people who might encounter the communication
beam. Figure 1.20 clearly shows the region where different wavelengths of light get
absorbed in the human eye.
Microwaves and gamma rays are absorbed by the human eye and can cause
high degree of damage to lenses and retina. Near-ultraviolet (UV) wavelengths are
absorbed in the lens making them cloudy (cataract) which leads to dim vision or
Fig. 1.20 Pictorial representation of light absorption in the eye for different wavelengths [50]
1.6 Eye Safety and Regulations 33
Transmission (%)
Absorption (%)
60 60
40 40
20 20
blurring. In far UV and IR regions, wavelengths are absorbed in the cornea and
produce an effect called photokeratitis which can lead to pain/watering in the eye or
pigmentation in the cornea. Visible and near IR region (wavelengths used in FSO
communication) has the highest potential to damage the retina of the eye, and it can
lead to permanent loss of vision that cannot be healed by any surgery. The range
of wavelengths between 400 and 1400 nm can cause potential eye hazards or even
skin damage [25]. The impact of laser injury is more significant in case of eyes than
the skin as the outer layer of the eye, i.e., the cornea, acts as a band-pass filter to
the wavelengths. Therefore, the cornea will be transparent to these wavelengths, and
the energy emitted by the light sources will get focused on the retina and may cause
damage to the eye due to increase in concentration of the optical energy. However,
the light below 400 nm and above 1400 nm is absorbed by the cornea and does
not reach the retina. The absorption coefficient of the cornea is more for higher
wavelengths than (>1400 nm) than for the shorter wavelengths as can be observed
from the Fig. 1.21.
Lasers can cause damage to our skin by causing thermal burns or photochemical
reaction. The penetration of laser beam inside the human body depends upon the
choice of operating wavelength. UV rays are absorbed by the outer layer of the skin
and cause skin cancer or premature aging of the skin. Exposure of high-intensity
beam for very long period can cause thermal burns or skin rashes. IR radiation can
penetrate deep into skin leading to thermal burns. Therefore, it is very essential to
regulate the laser power to ensure the safety of the human eye and skin.
Various international standard bodies (such as American National Standards
Institute (ANSI) Z136 in the USA, Australian/New Zealand (AS/NZ) 2211 Standard
in Australia, and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) 60825 interna-
tionally) provide safety guidelines of laser beam depending upon their wavelength
and power. Laser Institute of America (LIA) is an organization that promotes
the safe use of lasers and provides laser safety information. These standards are
global benchmark for laser safety, and they are used as guidelines for various
manufacturers. Every organization has its own way of laser classification, and
accordingly, safety precautions and administrative control measures have to be
taken. The classification of the laser is based on whether or not the maximum
permissible emission (MPE) is longer or shorter than the human aversion response.
34 1 Overview of Wireless Optical Communication Systems
MPE is a quantity that specifies a certain level up to which the unprotected human
eye can be exposed to laser beam without any hazardous effect to the eye or
skin. Aversion response is the autonomic response (within 0.25 s) of the blinking
eye when it moves away from the bright source of light. Another quantity that
determines classification of lasers is accessible emission limit (AEL) which is the
mathematical product of two terms, i.e., MPE limit and limiting area (LA) factor.
Therefore, AEL D MPE LA.
Based upon MPE and AEL calculations, lasers are broadly classified into four
groups, i.e., Class 1 through Class 4. The lower classifications (Class 1 and 2) have
minimum power and therefore do not require protective eye wear. This class has
extended MPE measurements as the human eye will avert from the bright light long
before the beam can injure the unprotected eye. The higher classification (Class 3R,
3B, and 4) has high power levels; therefore, proper eye safety precautions have to be
taken during laser operations. In this class MPE is shorter than aversion response.
Table 1.5 gives the comparison of laser classification according to IEC and ANSI
Table 1.6 presents the AEL for two most commonly used wavelengths in FSO
communication systems. It is evident from the table that for Class 1 and 2, lasers
operating at 1550 nm are almost 50 times more powerful than lasers at shorter
operating wavelength, i.e., 850 nm. Also, the combination of low attenuation, high
component availability, and eye safety at 1550 nm wavelength makes it a preferred
choice for FSO communication. Lasers operating at 1550 nm wavelength when used
with erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) technology are capable of providing high
data rates (>2.5 Gbps) and high power.
Class 1 and Class 1M lasers are preferred for terrestrial FSO communication
links as their radiations are safe under all circumstances. IEC60825-12 [51] covers
the safety standard for free-space optical communication links, and it lists out the
requirements like power, aperture size, distance, and power density for 850 and
1550 nm wavelengths which are presented in Table 1.7. Higher classes of lasers are
also used for FSO communication links for long distance communication or deep
space missions. To ensure the safety of these systems, they are installed on higher
platforms like rooftops or towers to prevent any kind of human injury.
It is to be noted that high-powered pulsed lasers are more dangerous than lower
power continuous lasers. However, lower power laser beams can also be hazardous
when given long-term exposure.
Applications of FSO communication systems range from short range (<1 km) to
long range and space applications. It provides broadband solution (high data rates
without cabling) for connecting end users to the backbone. Short-range application
provides last mile access by connecting various towers, buildings, etc. in urban areas
1.7 Applications of FSO Communication Systems 35
Class 3B Average power lasers that cannot emit an average radiant power greater than 0.5 Watts
for an exposure time equal to or greater than 0.25 seconds. It is unsafe to view the beam
directly but are normally safe when view diffused reflections
Class 4 High power lasers and are very dangerous both under intrabeam and diffuse reflection
viewing conditions. They may also cause skin injuries and are potential fire hazards.
Table 1.6 Accessible emission limits for 850 and 1550 nm according to IEC standard
Average output optical power (mW)
Laser classification 850 nm 1550 nm
1 <0.22 <10
2 Used only for 400–700 nm and has same AEL as Class 1
3R 0.22–2.2 10–50
3B 2.2–500 50–500
4 >500 >500
Table 1.7 Various requirements of Class 1 and 1M lasers for 850 and 1550 nm [52]
Classification Power (mW) Aperture size (mm) Distance (m) Power density (mW/cm2 )
850 nm Wavelength
Class 1 0.78 7 14 2.03
50 2000 0.04
Class 1M 0.78 7 100 2.03
7 14 1299.08
50 2000 25.48
1550 nm Wavelength
Class 1 7 14 26
25 2000 2.04
Class 1M 10 3.5 100 103.99
7 14 1299.88
25 2000 101.91
(ii) Fiber backup: In case of optical fiber link failure, FSO link can be deployed as
a backup link to ensure availability of the system.
(iii) Point-to-point links: It coves inter- (LEO-LEO) and intra-orbital (LEO-GEO)
links and satellite-to-ground/ground-to-satellite link. This type of link requires
good pointing and tracking system. Here, the output power of the transmitter,
power consumption, size, mass, and deployment cost increase with the link
(iv) Point-to-multipoint links: Multi-platform multi-static sensing, interoperable
satellite communications, and shared spaceborne processing are unique net-
work application of FSO system.
(v) Hybrid wireless connection/network redundancy: FSO communication is
prone to weather conditions like fog, heavy snow, etc. In order to obtain 100 %
availability of the network, FSO links can be combined with microwave links
that operate at high frequencies (in GHz range) and offer comparable data
(vi) Disaster recovery: FSO communication system provides high-capacity scal-
able link in case of collapse of existing communication network.
(vii) Backhaul for cellular networks: With the advent of 3G/4G cellular communi-
cation, there is a growing challenge to increase the backhaul capacity between
Bibliography 37
the cell towers to cope up with the increase in demand of broadband mobile
customers. The viable backhaul options for 4G network are to deploy fiber-
optic cables or to install FSO connection between towers. Deploying fiber
cables is time-consuming and an expensive task. So FSO communication
system plays an important role in providing backhaul capacity for cellular
1.8 Summary
This chapter begins with the discussion of various types of optical wireless
communication ranging from indoor IR to outdoor FSO communication. However,
the chapter mainly focuses on outdoor terrestrial FSO communication link. It
presents the advantages of optical carrier over RF carrier where the transmission
rate can exceed 10 Gbps and can find its application in enterprise connectivity, video
surveillance and monitoring, disaster recovery, backhaul for cellular systems, etc.
Various technologies used in FSO communication system, i.e., direct detection,
coherent detection, and OFDM, are presented in this chapter. The choice of
operating wavelength based on absorption losses and component availability in
market is also discussed.
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