Text Data Transfer Using Li-Fi Communication

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Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Text Data Transfer Using Li-Fi Communication

V. Parthasaradi1*, T. Senthil Kumar 2, R. Aswin Saravanan3, A. Andro Edwin4,
M. Yohesh5, S. Kamalesh6, K.K. Shanthosh Shree7, R. Deepa8
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu.
UG Scholar, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
E.G.S. Pillay Engineering College, Nagapattinam, Tamilnadu.

Abstract:- A new and innovative technology called Light

Fidelity (Li-Fi) has been developed in the past few years
which are an alternate solution for wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi).
Li-Fi uses light source as a transmitting medium for data
transmission. The data is transmitted by flickering the light
source (i.e. switching them On and Off) at a speed that
cannot be noticeable to the eye. In this proposed article,
wireless data transfer b e t w e e n t w o systems is
established with the support of Li-Fi technology. Here
data is transmitted from Tx PC via the LASER module
that is driven by the Arduino UNO. On the receiver side
data will be received on Rx PC using the photodiode (Solar
panel), which is also connected to the Arduino UNO to
extract the original data from the light. Li-Fi provides better
bandwidth, efficiency, connectivity and security than Wi- Fig 1. Basic Li-Fi communication setup
Fi and achieved high speeds larger than 1 Gbps under the
laboratory conditions. The experimental report shows that
the bit rate is enhanced using the proposed system and
reached up to 147 bps with 1 0 0 % accuracy, over a 50
cm d i s t a n c e . And the setup also made it simpler than
others out there and overall cost also reduced.

Keywords:- Li-Fi, LASER, PC to PC Communication, Text Data

Transmission, Solar Panel.


In today’s world of overcrowded data communication, lots

of research works are available in solitons [1-2], and Light
Fidelity (Li-Fi) is a new and efficient way of wireless
communication. The idea of Li-Fi was introduced for the first
time by a German physicist Harald Hass in the TED Fig 2. Li-Fi communication
(Technology, Entertainment, and Design) Global talk onVisible
Light Communication (VLC) in July 2011, by introducing it as In that talk, he demonstrated the setup of a table lamp with
“data through illumination”. an LED bulb to transmit a video of a blooming flower that was
then projected onto a screen. In simple words, Li-Fi is another
form of light enabled Wi-Fi i.e, instead of using radio frequency
it uses visible lights to transmit the data. It may offer an
additional frequency band of the order of 400 THz compared to
that available in RF communication which is about 300 GHz.

IJISRT23JAN890 www.ijisrt.com 273

Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
Widely available light is the basic source for Li-Fi In October 2011, companies and industry groups
technology infrastructure. The studies using Light Emitting overcome the limited amount of available radio-based wireless
Diode in the submission point are eco-friendly and absorb spectrum by promoting high-speed optical wireless systems,
destructive radiation. The proposed technology requires less utilizing a very different part of the electromagnetic spectrum.
power and having good switching speed, which creates them For this reason, the Li-Fi Consortium was formed [4]. Hence,
riffle faster so that they are imperceptible by the human eyes PureLiFi introduced its first LiFi-X dongle in February 2016.
also. About the size and width of a business card, LiFi-X plugs into
a computer‟s USB port [5-6].
The major apparatuses of a basic Li-Fi system may contain
the following: Mahendran, (2016) proposed a smart communication
 A high brightness white LED which acts as transmission system using illumination but couldn‟t address the issue of
source. cost-effectiveness alongside. Although the system was able to
 A silicon photodiode (PV) with good reaction to visible light meet some other requirements like security, and speed, the
as the receiver. essence of cost-effectiveness of LiFi systems cannot be
overemphasised. The system demonstrated in Shakeera,
Digital strings with different combinations of 1s and 0s are Manideep, Begum, Bhargav, & Malleswara, (2017) showed
generated by turning the LEDs on and off. bidirectional Visible Light Communication (VLC) between two
LED performance appears constant to humans because LEDs computerswhere both computers can act as a transceiver. Using
blink at an astonishing rate (millions of times per second) and it a processing software and the Arduino microcontroller, the
is impossible for the human eye to detect this frequency. By transmission of files occurred between the computers where
using high-speed LEDs with various multiplexing techniques, LEDs and LDRs used were in the same line of sight.
communication speeds of over 100 Mbit/s can be achieved.
This VLC data rate can also be further accelerated up to 10 Importantly, Shakeera, Manideep, Begum, Bhargav, &
Gbps by parallel data transmission using a series of Malleswara, [7] opined that VLC based text and file transfer
LED lights, each LED carrying a different data stream. systems were best implemented with white LED bulbs. Shruti,
Two basic functions: Lighting and wireless data transmissions Shivam, Prateek, & Kamakshi, [8], developed a highway
are combined by attaching a small microchip navigation system using cost-effective components depicting
to the potential lighting device. This relationship between the use of Li-Fi in establishing smart cities and managing traffic
these features solves four major problems facing wireless seamlessly. Also, Jilani, Vijayashree, Aseem, Ashwini, &
communications today: capacity, cost, efficiency, and security. Mithapelli, [9] presented a way for Serial and Parallel
Communication of data through Li-Fi.
 Advantages of Li-Fi:
 Efficiency: Very little additional power is required to III. DESIGN METHODOLOGY
transmit data, making it very efficient both in terms of cost
and energy. A. Hardware Section
 High speed: The combination of low interference, high
bandwidth and high brightness output allows Li-Fi to  Transmitter Side
deliver high data rates.H. 1 Gbps or or higher In every Li-Fi system LEDs were used bt they are
 Security: The main advantage of Li-Fi is incoherent and not much directional, So Because of coherent
security. Because light cannot pass through opaque nature, and highly directional ability then LEDs, at the
structures, Li-Fi Internet can only be used by users within transmitter side we used the LASER module (650nm 5v) as
a limited area and cannot be intercepted or light source, connected to a Arduino UNO microcontroller. And
exploited outside the operational area. the UNO board is connected with the PC through USB A to B
Table 1. Transmitter components
The need for an alternate means of communication makes SI No COMPONENTS QUANTITY
Light Fidelity extremely important (Ifada, et al., 2019). By the 01 PC 01
year 2020, 10 billion devices will be subscribed to LTE, which 02 Arduino UNO 01
would result in exponential growth of wireless traffic demand 03 Laser Module (650nm 5v) 01
and result in a congested, scarce, and expensive RF-spectrum

IJISRT23JAN890 www.ijisrt.com 274

Volume 8, Issue 1, January – 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
at the output one by one. This allows signals to be
transmitted by modulating light at different rates. The
signal is then received by a detector that interprets changes in
light intensity. Intensity modulation is invisible to the human
eye, so communication is as seamless as any other wireless
system, allowing users to connect wherever her Li-Fi
enabled light is.


Fig 3. Transmitter

For the wide area of acceptance, Solar Panel [10-16]

(70mm*70mm*03mm) is used and connected with the Arduino
UNO microcontroller. Then this setup is made to connect with
the Rx PC through USB A to B cable.

Table 2. Receiver components

01 PC 01
02 Arduino UNO 01
Fig 6. Receiver
03 Solar Panel (70mm*70mm*03mm) 01

Even this is a simple Li-Fi setup, while setuping we were

faced with lots of issues. There is something that we need to
make sure before starting the transmission. And those are
discussedbelow. First thing is that we should make sure the
threshold value is set correctly, because thisvalue is the decision
maker of this whole project. If you are using solar panel
means, you should set the T value every time before yourun
the setup according to your place’s ambient. Make sure you set
up all the devices in a fixed position. Make the LASER source
fall on the center of that solar panel. Before uploading the
Fig 4. Receiver source code into the UNO, make sure to compile the
sketchwithout an error. The code that we were fetched above is
B. Software Section fully functional, and you can change as per yourneed.
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