Biology A-Level Wider Reading List
Biology A-Level Wider Reading List
Biology A-Level Wider Reading List
Depending on your areas of interest there are a huge number of “popular” science books to
inspire you. I have only given you some ideas below.
The Beak of the Finch. Weiner, J
Almost Like a Whale. Jones, S.
A Devil's Chaplain. Dawkins, R.
The Selfish Gene. Dawkins, R.
The Blind Watchmaker. Dawkins, R.
Wonderful Life. Gould, SJ.
Dinosaur in a Haystack. Gould,
Trilobite. Fortey, RA.
The Rise and fall of the Third Chimpanzee. Diamond, J.
The Ancestor's Tale. Dawkins, R.
The Thinking Ape: Evolutionary Origins of Intelligence. Byrne, R.
The Kiwi's Egg; Charles Darwin and Natural Selection. Quammen, D.
The Greatest Show on Earth. Dawkins, R.
The Seven Daughters of Eve. Sykes B.
Why Elephants Have Big Ears. Lavers, C.
The Energy of Life. Brown, G.
Keep on Running. Newcastle Leech Duester
Power, sex, suicide: mitochondria and the meaning of life. Lane, N.
Oxygen. Lane, N.
Life at the Extremes. Frances Ashcroft
Immunology: A Comparative Approach. Turner RJ
Friendly Fire: Explaining Auto-immune disease. Isenerg, E.
The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat. Sacks, O.
An Anthropologist on Mars. Sacks, O.
Awakenings. Sacks, O.
Mapping the Mind. Carter, R.
How the Mind Works. Pinker, S.
The Brain Story. Greenfield, S.
In addition, this will help you prepare for the course and is essential if you (a) did combined
science (b) are predicted a 5 or 6 grade at GCSE.
The magazine Biological Sciences Review is specially written for A-Level Biology
students and is highly recommended. It can be ordered at a reduced rate from the
Biology department. - McGraw-Hill
animations are excellent at explaining complex concepts
Also, look up “Biology Carol” on . She is a biology tutor who has made
some excellent videos to help with revision.