Applying GPR-FGRA Hybrid Algorithm For Prediction and Optimization of Eco-Friendly Magnetorheological Finishing Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
Applying GPR-FGRA Hybrid Algorithm For Prediction and Optimization of Eco-Friendly Magnetorheological Finishing Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
Applying GPR-FGRA Hybrid Algorithm For Prediction and Optimization of Eco-Friendly Magnetorheological Finishing Ti-6Al-4V Alloy
To produce the mirror finish of the Ti–6Al–4V alloy workpieces, a newly developed polishing tool based on magnetic field
assistance. This work has developed an environmentally friendly model of magnetic finishing with a carrier fluid natural origin
combined with carbonyl and abrasive iron particles; and a new GPR-FGRA hybrid algorithm to predict, optimize and identify
critical factors affecting material removal rate and surface quality. The best surface quality with the optimization method
increased by 37.5% (Ra 0.025 μm) when choosing the optimized cutting parameter with the GPR-FGRA hybrid algorithm
compared with the Taguchi experimental analysis (Ra 0.040 μm). The analysis results by the GPR-FGRA algorithm show
that the prediction surface quality accuracy was more significant than 99.63%, and the working distances (K) had the most
remarkable influence on the polishing effect, while the result of workpiece speed was the least important. This study provides
excellent reference values for predicting, optimizing and identifying the main factors affecting surface quality and material
removal rate in a polishing model for complex, expensive materials from low-cost and environmentally friendly materials.
Keywords Magnetorheological finishing · Ti–6Al–4V alloy · GPR-FGRA · Polishing · Surface roughness · Eco-friendly
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
surface finish and surface topography at a rotational tool intervals for prediction and optimization [18]. Zhang et al.
speed of 1200 rpm, a working gap of 1 mm, and a finishing [19] gave a multi-responsive GPR model and showed supe-
time of 6.30 h. Nagdeve et al. [14] developed a rotational- riority through surface reaction. Besides the advantages of
magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing process-based the GPR model, there are also limitations, such as not fully
unique tool for nano-finishing the knee joint’s femoral com- describing the influencing factors from technological param-
ponent and surface finish in the 78–89 nm was attained by eters and not identifying the most and most minor influential
considering the effect of various input process parameters. factors that affect the survey subjects. Also, optimization
The roughness parameters have obtained the values in the problem solving is preeminent but based on the objective and
range of nanometers and rendered better surface topography explicit boundary functions. It has not established sufficient
[15]. Magnetorheological (MR) fluids are used by mixing empirical relationships and has not solved the identification
with abrasive particles as finishing media for surface finish- problem thoroughly. The authors integrated fuzzy grey rela-
ing. Singh et al. developed a ball-end tool formed by MR tionship analysis (FGRA) into the GPR model to overcome
polishing medium for nano-finishing of 3D surfaces, the sur- these shortcomings. Based on the fuzzy system approach,
face roughness of the ferromagnetic workpieces was reduced the importance and uncertainty factors in the considering
from 414.1 nm to 70 nm in 100 min [16]. Parameswari weights by different criteria in the FGRA model [20, 21].
et al. [13] explored the critical quality performance of the The factors affecting the survey subjects are effectively mea-
MRF process in achieving nanolevel finish on Ti–6Al–4V sured and statistical by FGRA. This method is very suitable
flat discs. The initial surface roughness parameter signifi- for solving problems of incomplete information, little input
cantly affects the finishing. MRF is primarily used to finish data or lots of data but sporadic, uncertain and inconsistent.
optics in nanometer surface roughness without sub-surface The FGRA method is used in many fields, in which many
damage [17]. MRF has been successfully used to complete researchers have optimized the processing parameters. The
a wide variety of materials to sub-nanometer surface rough- grey relation level indicates the similarity between the com-
ness values from initial sub-micrometre surface roughness parison and reference sequences [22, 23].
values. From the above characteristics, the authors have intro-
The MRFs apply successfully to finish Ti alloy and various duced a new polishing method with MRF containing inex-
materials to sub-nanometer surface roughness values from pensive CIPs and APs. The carrier liquid is a safe and
initial sub-micrometre surface roughness values. However, eco-friendly cutting oil solution combined with a new hybrid
these studies have not addressed the issue of environmental algorithm for a super precise mirror polishing surface. In this
protection from carrier fluids derived from vegetable oils. In work, after describing the principles and operating princi-
the MRF polishing processes, the biodegradability of car- ples of the MRF model, setting up the proposed Gaussian
rier fluids in the MRF is less critical than during their use. Process Regression and Fuzzy grey relationship analysis
It depends mainly on the carrier medium used in the liq- (GPR-FGRA) hybrid algorithm. Experimental processes on
uid synthesis. Silicon oil, mineral oil, hydrocarbon oil, and the Ti–6Al–4V workpiece aim to analyze the effects of tech-
deionized water use commonly carrier fluids. In which deion- nical parameters on MRR and surface quality. The optimal
ized water can biodegrade in the environment, but with low parameters in the MRF polishing process aim to increase sur-
viscosity, APs and CIPs deposited quickly. Furthermore, the face quality and save machining time. The proposed method
deionized water components in MRF polishing are often in an provides excellent reference values to further improve the
acidic or alkaline environment to increase the magnetism in surface quality and MRR capability.
the carrier fluid. Consequently, CIP particles corrode and oxi-
dize over time, reducing liquid structures’ magnetic and yield
stress. Deionized water-based carrier fluids cannot maintain 2 Methodology and experimental design
the high temperature obtained during machining. Therefore,
necessary to implement unique methods to overcome these The created MRF polishing process by a suspension of
problems, such as adding additives to reduce sedimentation micrometre-sized (about 20–50 mm) magnetized particles in
and enhance thermal stability, creating a coating for magnetic the carrier liquid, with a magnetization particle volume per-
particles to avoid corrosion and improve the carrier liquid, centage of 30–40%. The ability to change behaviour under
etc., which will increase the cost of the synthetic fluid. From the impact of the magnetic field is a crucial feature of MRF.
the above problems and combined with biodegradation, it When no magnetic field exists, the liquid behaves like a reg-
is essential to find an environmentally friendly alternative ular liquid with properties close to the carrier liquid. MRF
carrier liquid and overcome the disadvantages of deionized acts as a semi-solid substance when there is a magnetic
water. field impact [24]. The CIPs in MRF with deionized water
The Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) algorithm is a in nature is easily oxidized and dehydrated. Depending on
powerful and flexible tool capable of providing confidence working conditions, iron particles will be oxidized quickly
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
or slowly with time, humidity and temperature. Magnetic also overcomes the phenomenon of ferromagnetic particles
particle oxidation directly affects MRF behaviour in practi- in the MRF oxidized and dehydrated, reducing viscosity and
cal applications because iron oxides have inferior magnetic polishing ability over time as previous work encountered.
properties compared to pure iron. MRF with CIP oxidized Figure 2 shows the principle of polishing operation by
showed a 20% decrease in magnetic effect. Figure 1 indi- MRF. The workpiece is attached to the milling machine
cates that the MRF with the proposed carrier solution has spindle via a fixture and has a rotational speed of n1 . The
a high viscosity, excellent oxidation resistance, and almost permanent magnet placed on the MFC carries material SUS
no oxidation over time. When not affected by an active mag- 304, and rotation is transmitted by motor 2. The direction of
netic field, the MRF returns to its original state. It can see that rotation of the MRF carrier is opposite to that of the milling
the proposed liquid is not only environmentally friendly but
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
Fig. 4 Determination of MRR and surface roughness before and after polishing
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of MRF processes, it is necessary to use an extended equation. the fluid given by φ and the magnetic strength field provided
The Equation of. The equation of Zhang et al. [26] includes by H.
process parameters that depend on the physical properties of The distance between the workpiece surface and the car-
the MR fluid through a complex relationship, as shown by rier for the liquid at each position is given by the actual
Eq. (2) for the pressure distribution. distance K. The actual distance h depends on the depth of
cut ae and the MRF height h0 , as shown in Eq. (3).
⎡ ⎤
H K h 0 − ae (3)
−2μ × u × x × η0 μp − μ f
p⎣ + 3φμ0 μ f × × Hd H⎦
h2 μ p + 2μ f
0 Experimental to analyze the consistency between material
removal and the listed MRF parameters. Factors investigated
during MRF polishing, including MRF carrier speed, work-
where η0 is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid and u is the piece speed, the working distance (K) and feed rate, are
velocity of the fluid, η0 v×ρ shows that the initial viscosity shown in Tables 3 and 5.
of the liquid η0 can be calculated from the liquid density ρ Nowadays, machining process studies strive to exploit
and the kinematic viscosity ν. The parameters μ is related environmental safety features while preserving machining
to the magnetic field, μ0 is the magnetic permeability of the properties such as good abrasion resistance, low volatility,
vacuum, μf is the magnetic permeability of the liquid, and maintaining viscosity and ability to work at high tempera-
μp is the magnetic permeability of the magnetic particles in tures, non-toxic, easy to biodegradable, etc. Studies of [27]
1 530 1 25 250
2 720 1,25 30 500
3 980 1,5 35 750
4 1330 1,75 40 900
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
1 1 1 1 1 13.33 0.041
2 1 2 2 2 11.66 0.059
3 1 3 3 3 10 0.089
4 1 4 4 4 7.67 0.098
5 2 1 2 3 14.15 0.044
6 2 2 1 4 12.83 0.050
7 2 3 4 1 10.50 0.057
8 2 4 3 2 9.21 0.079
9 3 1 3 4 15.30 0.067
10 3 2 4 3 13.26 0.080
11 3 3 1 2 10.83 0.081
12 3 4 2 1 9.33 0.091
13 4 1 4 2 15.92 0.040
14 4 2 3 1 14.02 0.059
15 4 3 2 4 11.17 0.062
16 4 4 1 3 9.60 0.071
for a vegetable oil-based water-soluble cutting liquid have Table 6 Constraints on cutting parameters
solved the above requirements. On that basis, the per cent
Mumerical order Constraint factor Constraint range
components by weight of the cutaneous fluid, as described
in Table 4. 1 Working distance (mm) 0.3 < K < 5
Taguchi experiment method is applied in polishing by 2 Feed rate (mm/min) 2 < f < 3500
MRF to save many experiments and time from getting the
3 Spindle speed (rpm) 100 < n < 2100
optimal target group [28]. According to this approach, the
4 Carrier speed (rpm) 0 < n < 60
impact levels of the survey factors are established based on
the orthogonal array. In this work, the MRF polishing exper-
iments for Ti–6Al–4V titanium alloy were set up according
to the Taguchi experimental design, as shown in Table 5.
Together with the constraints for cutting parameters are
described in Table 6. Before polishing, the workpieces were ground on a single crystal diamond grinding wheel, giving a
surface roughness of about Ra 0.49 μm.
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
Before polishing, the workpiece cleaning with ethanol and and optimizes the ability of MRR and surface quality when
acetone. The MRR (mg/min) was determined by a high- polishing by MRF, as depicted in Fig. 5.
resolution electronic balance (0.1 mg) as expressed by the The GPR-FGRA hybrid algorithm includes the steps
equation: described as follows:
m × 103
MRR (4)
• Step 1. Set up an experimental model according to Taguchi
where m: the mass difference before and after polishing analysis. The experiment processes are analyzed based on
(g), T: polishing time (min). survey factors and levels.
The surface quality obtained after polishing is determined • Step 2. Conduct experiment steps and data collection.
by the average value of three measurements at different loca- Ti–6Al–4V alloy polishing steps constructing in the L16
tions using the Mitutoyo SJ-400 roughness meter. Surface orthogonal array.
morphology of the workpiece after polishing observed by • Step 3A. Give empirical relationships and random values
electron microscopy. by algorithm GPR and FGRA.
• Step 3B. Experimental analysis by the Taguchi method
affecting the polishing process of Ti–6Al–4V alloy. The
3 Modeling prediction and optimization experiment analysis results decide to repeat the experiment
of MRF polishing process Al–6Ti–4V alloy or proceed with the previously established investigations.
• Step 4A. Set up the prediction model and optimize surface
3.1 Set up GPR-FGRA hybrid algorithm quality and MRR when polishing Ti–6Al–4V alloy. The
for predicting and optimizing the polishing analysis results give the optimal parameters from specific
process Ti–6Al–4V alloy polishing conditions.
• Step 4B. Given the smallest and largest impact factors
Prediction and optimization for the polishing process in polishing surface quality and MRR. The experimental
Al–6Ti–4V alloy belong to the experiment problem. With the results give the problem of surface quality optimization
approach from Taguchi’s empirical analysis, the GPR-FGRA and MRR. This process makes it cost-effective to polish
hybrid algorithm applying provides predictive parameters the Ti–6Al–4V alloy.
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
• Step 5. Problem solve of identifying and establishing the weaknesses of conventional polishing methods, such as giv-
relationship between network parameters by the FGRA ing experimental relationships when using the GPR-FGRA
algorithm. hybrid algorithm to increase the ability to predict surface
• Step 6. Predict the surface quality, MRR and polishing quality, MRR and that reliability of prediction and optimiza-
interval confidence using MRF according to GPR. tion. Applying GPR-FGRA hybrid algorithm to predict and
• Step 7. Optimization and prediction parameters compared optimize the polishing model with target functions set from
with surface texture parameters and critical threshold the GPR algorithm increases the proposed model’s flexibil-
MRR. Predicted parameters more significant or smaller ity, predictability, and optimization. Adding a new stage to
than the prediction threshold will go to step 8 and back to the polishing model: The experimental polishing model has
step 2, respectively. determined the influence of technology modes on surface
• Step 8. Stop the polishing device when the predicted quality, thereby validating the reliability of the experiment
parameter equals or exceeds the critical value. When the implementation method and data collection.
survey parameters approach, the limit value will give warn-
ings. 3.2 Convergence and optimization solution
GPR-FGRA hybrid algorithm approach combined
with Taguchi experimental parameters when polishing Hybrid algorithm GPR-FGRA proposed when applied to
Ti–6Al–4V alloy, the disadvantages of the traditional polish- multimodal functions (F10–F12) and non-modal (F1–F9)
ing method are reduced and add new stages. To overcome the [29], as described in Table 7.
B 2 x ∈ [−10, 10] 0
100 × xi2 − xi+1 + (1 − xi )2
F-7 n
√ x ∈ [−10, 10] −10
|xi | − 10. cos |xi |
F-8 sin2
x 12 +x 22 −0.5
x1 , x2 ∈ [−10, 10] 0
0.001× x 12 +x 22 +1
+ 2
n xi x ∈ [−10, 10] 0.29289
1− cos √ + 4000
i1 i1
Polynomial equation with MRR and surface quality when polishing Ti–6Al–4V alloy
F-10 MRR −7.60409 + 0.0133498 × nw – 9.86072 × K + 1.76568 × nMRF – 0.0158805 ×
F – 0.0000149638 × nw 2 + 0.00319454 × nw × K + 0.000372297 × nw ×nMRF –
0.00000274302 × nw × F + 1.96309 × nMRF 2 – 0.456901 × K ×nMRF + 0.0175629 ×
K × F – 0.0186909 × nMRF 2 –0 .000326395 × nMRF × F + 0.00000460377 × F 2
F-11 Ra −0.840419 + 0.000481304 × nw + 0.391957 × K + 0.036819 × nMRF –
0.000553489 × F – 1.73741E-7 × nw 2 – 0.0000710729 × nw × K – 0.00000273123 ×
nw ×nMRF – 2.50774E−8 × nw × F – 0.020918 × nMRF 2 – 0.456901 × K ×nMRF –
0.0109927 × K × F –0 .000336342 × nMRF 2 – 000000371069 × nMRF × F +
1.54043E−7 × F 2
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
The following formula determines the stop criteria of the F-11 increases, thereby reducing the quality of solutions. The
algorithm: average optimization value (AO) corresponding to the func-
tion F-10 is 19.1. However, the AO value with the function
f End (G P R − F G R A[M]) − Glo ≤ S.C A (5) F-11 achieved by GPR-FGRA is 0.025. The results show
that the quality obtained by GPR-FGRA is superior to the
where f End (G P R − F G R A[M]) is the value corre- algorithms mentioned in most cases. Therefore, the proposed
sponding to the solution, which is best obtained at the last hybrid algorithm GPR-FGRA is highly applicable for iden-
iteration of the algorithm, and S.CA is the stop criterion of tification and optimization when polishing Ti–6Al–4V alloy.
the algorithm. This criterion will converge with tolerances
10−6 and 10−3 corresponding to non-modal and multimodal
functions, respectively.
The standard deviation with the obtained results is shown 4 Results and discussion
as follows:
Predicting and optimizing MRR and surface quality is deter-
1 mined through the experimental process. Aim to confirm
n 2
S.AD [xi − x]2 (6) the accuracy of the prediction model. The experiments were
i1 repeated three times with different machining conditions.
Used the initial two datasets for training procedures and the
where x i is the solution result vector run by the algorithm third set of tests to predict the MRR and surface quality.
and x is the average value of solutions determined by the The prediction diagram of MRR and surface quality
following formula: according to different cutting modes is shown in Figs. 7 and
8. The results of MRR prediction, as described in Fig. 7,
x xi (7) show that the prediction error is less than 4.24% (the pre-
n diction accuracy is more than 95.76%). The accuracy of the
GPR-FGRA hybrid algorithm for surface roughness predic-
The results include the best, mean and worst values and tion is higher than 99.63%, as illustrated in Fig. 8. Thus, the
standard deviation (S.AD) after 50 times of independent predicted parameters from the GRP-FGRA algorithm close
implementation with the proposed GPR-FGRA and then with measurements and provide the confidence interval of
compared with GSA, ABC, BBO, PSO and TLBO algorithms the proposed prediction is 98%, as shown in Figs. 7 and 8.
as shown in Table 8. Figure 9 shows the SEM surface morphology before and
Table 8 shows the proposed GPR-FGRA for the best per- after finishing with MRF proposed for some experiments
formance. The GPR-FGRA clearly shows its superiority and polishing Ti–6Al–4V. Figure 9 shows the results of surface
effectiveness in finding a search solution and has a lower stan- roughness. Experimental results show that corresponding
dard deviation than other algorithms. Furthermore, in the case to different polishing technology modes will have different
of the worst solution, GPR-FGRA has shown its excellence MRR and surface quality. It can see that the polishing exper-
amongst the different algorithms by benchmark functions. iments all yielded a significantly improved surface quality
Hence, with non-modal objective functions, in terms of solu- compared to the original grinding surface. Figure 10 depicted
tions and quality, GPR-FGRA shows superiority to other the surface roughness (Ra) before and after finishing the
well-known algorithms. However, this superiority does not experiments. The workpiece surfaces Ti–6Al–4V alloy ini-
manifest in all benchmark functions following the conver- tial (Ra ≈ 0.35 μm) significantly improve with Ra < 0.1 μm
gence capability. The convergence feature of GPR-FGRA under different test conditions.
was investigated and compared with the optimal algorithms Experimental results show that experiment number 13
of GSA, BBO, PSO, ABC and PLBO. Figure 6 shows the gives the best surface quality corresponding to polishing dis-
excellent convergence rate of GPR-FGRA compared to pre- tance K 1 mm, workpiece speed 1330 rpm, MRF carrier
viously mentioned algorithms. speed 40 rpm and feed rate F 500 mm/min. A mirror surface
When applying algorithms for polynomial functions with Ra 0.040 μm is produced by these polishing parameters.
MRR and surface roughness (F-10, F-11) based on time, the With experiment 4, polishing distance K 1.75 mm, spindle
average value (mean value of all algorithm runs) and the opti- speed 530 rpm, MRF carrier speed 40 rpm and feed rate F
mal average value (average number of peaks found above 50 900 mm/min, for maximum roughness but still shown the
runs with S.CA 1000), as shown in Table 9. The results mirror surface Ra 0.098 μm after this polishing process.
show that the possibility of polynomial functions with MRR Experimental procedures showed different surface qualities
and surface roughness is not as high as non-modal functions. produced by other technological parameters when polish-
The complexity of the benchmark functions from F-10 and ing Ti–6Al–4V alloy. However, the polishing surfaces are all
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
mirror-like, thereby demonstrating the effectiveness of the the surface quality obtained from our experiments is sig-
proposed polishing method. nificantly improved compared to the method proposed by
The polishing experiments with MRF performed by Parameswari et al. [30]. Our study resulted in the best sur-
Parameswari et al. [30] apply to the polishing process of face quality corresponding to Ra 40 nm, and the surface
Ti–6Al–4V alloy from grinding surfaces with an average quality improved by 57.44% compared with the proposed
surface roughness Ra 0.415 mm. After polishing by method by Parameswari et al. [30].
Parameswari et al. [30], the workpiece obtained the best sur- Figures 11 and 12 show a 3D image visually describing
face quality with Ra 94 nm (0.094 μm). As described in the relationship between input parameters and survey param-
Figs. 9 and 10, our experimental results show that the surface eters Ra and MRR given by the GPR-FGRA. Figure 11a, d
quality from the proposed method is significantly improved illustrate the relationship between working distance (K) and
compared to before polishing. The experiment processes cor- workpiece speed, MRF carrier speed. The slight MRR values
responding to different polishing technology modes will have correspond to a high working distance (K), workpiece speed,
different MRR and surface quality. However, it can see that and low MRF carrier speed. The MRR value increases with
decreasing working distance (K) and increasing workpiece
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
speed and MRF carrier speed. It can find that the MRR values speed increase. The cutting speed between the APs and the
decrease as the working distance (K) increases. As our previ- workpiece increases, thereby increasing the ability to remove
ous study [28] mentioned, the higher working distance leads residual material.
to the APs force acting on the surface machining more minor The results obtained in Fig. 11b, c show that the relation-
in the MRF process; therefore, MRR will reduce. K 1 mm ship between the feed rate, the MRF carrier speed and the
at the working distance for the highest material removal rate workpiece speed to MRR value is quite complex. Figure 14b
capacity. When the workpiece speed and the MRF carrier illustrates that the workpiece speed in the range of 1000–1200
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
Fig. 9 Surface roughness and morphology after MRF polishing of Ti–6Al–4V alloy under different experimental conditions
(rpm) and the MRF carrier speed of 25–30 rpm gives a MRR when the workpiece speed is in the range of 800–1000
small MRR value. With the workpiece speed in the range (rpm) with a feed of 300–500 (mm/min) for small MRR val-
of 1000–1200 (rpm) and the MRF carrier speed increased ues, whereas increasing the feed rate between 300 and 500
to 35–40 rpm, the MRR value increases rapidly. Figure 11d (mm/min) for high MRR. The relationship between work-
shows the influence of workpiece speed and feed rate on the piece speed, feed rate and MRF carrier speed to MRR is
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
Fig. 11 Effect of workpiece speed, working distance, MRF carrier and F to MRR
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
⎡ ⎡⎤ ⎤
Y1 (x) 530 530 530 530 720 720 720 720 980 980 980 980 1330 1330 1330 1330
⎢Y ⎥ ⎢
⎢ 2 (x) ⎥ ⎢ 1
⎢ ⎥ 1, 25 1, 50 1, 75 1 1, 25 1, 50 1, 75 1 1, 25 1, 50 1, 75 1 1, 25 1, 50 1, 75 ⎥
⎢ Y3 (x) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 25 30 35 40 30 25 40 35 35 40 25 30 40 35 30 25 ⎥ (8)
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎣ 750 ⎦
⎣ Y4 (x) ⎦ 250 500 750 900 750 900 250 500 750 900 500 250 500 250 900
Y (x) 13, 33 11, 66 10 7, 67 14, 15 12, 83 10, 50 9, 21 15, 30 13, 26 10, 83 9, 33 15, 92 14, 02 11, 17 9, 60
⎡ ⎡⎤ ⎤
Z 1 (x)
530 530 530 530 720 720 720 720 980 980 980 980 1330 1330 1330 1330
⎢ Z (x)⎥ ⎢
⎢ 2 ⎥ ⎢ 1
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 1, 25 1, 50 1, 75 1 1, 25 1, 50 1, 75 1 1, 25 1, 50 1, 75 1 1, 25 1, 50 1, 75 ⎥⎥
⎢ Z 3 (x)⎥ ⎢ 25 ⎥
⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 30 35 40 30 25 40 35 35 40 25 30 40 35 30 25 ⎥ (9)
⎢ ⎥ ⎥
⎣ Z 4 (x)⎦ ⎣ 250 500 750 900 750 900 250 500 750 900 500 250 500 250 900 750 ⎦
Z (x) 0, 041 0, 059 0, 089 0, 098 0, 044 0, 050 0, 057 0, 079 0, 067 0, 080 0, 081 0, 091 0, 040 0, 059 0, 062 0, 071
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
As shown in Figs. 13 and 14, the grey Euclidean relation According to the GPR-FGRA algorithm, the proposed
layer of the four elements in the polishing process, show optimization model gives the optimal parameters for the best
negligible differences. However, it still shows that with MRR, surface quality. The results of different optimization mod-
the grey Euclidean relation layer of the workpiece speed is els as described in Table 10. The surface quality obtained
highest. The grey Euclidean relation layer of the working with the GPR-FGRA proposed algorithm is significantly
distance (K) is the highest with Ra. Therefore, when it is improved (Ra 0.025 mm) compared with the Taguchi
necessary to improve the surface quality, we should focus experimental method (Ra 0.040 mm). Thus, the surface
on changing the working distance (K), then the MRF carrier quality increased by 37.5% when choosing the optimized
speed and feed rate. Meanwhile, changing workpiece speed cutting parameter with the GPR-FGRA hybrid algorithm.
has the most influence on MRR compared to changing the
remaining parameters.
The fuzzy grey relationship layer of the four factors up to
the surface polishability, as shown in Figs. 13 and 14. The 5 Conclusions
analysis provides an overview to evaluate survey factors that
affect the MRR and Ra. The fuzzy grey relationship layer This study introduced a new polishing method with MRF
for the Ra of the four elements (workpiece speed, working containing inexpensive CIPs and APs. The carrier liquid is
distance, MRF carrier speed and feed rate) corresponds to a safe and eco-friendly cutting oil solution combined with a
0.6983, 0.8057, 0.7818, and 0.7817. Whereas with MRR, new GPR-FGRA hybrid algorithm for an ultra-precise mirror
the fuzzy grey relationship layer to technological parameters polishing surface Ti–6Al–4V alloy. According to work done,
is shown by 0.7995, 0.7122, 0.7678 and 0.7555. Therefore, the main conclusions as description follows:
when MRF polishes Ti–6Al–4V alloy, the working distance
must first be chosen when super smooth surface quality is
required. Workpiece speed is the priority when increasing
productivity and reducing polishing time. • Introduced ultra-precise machining models for expensive,
difficult-to-machine materials from highly commercial
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing (IJIDeM)
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