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A Thesis
Presented to
The Academic Faculty


Michael Peter Beck

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Philosophy in the
School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

Georgia Institute of Technology

December 2008

Approved by:

Dr. Amyn S. Teja, Advisor Dr. Sankar Nair

School of Chemical and Biomolecular School of Chemical and Biomolecular
Engineering Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Carson Meredith Dr. Ganesh Skandan

School of Chemical and Biomolecular CEO
Engineering NEI Corporation
Georgia Institute of Technology

Dr. Said I. Abdel-Khalik

School of Mechanical Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology

Date Approved: August 12, 2008

Dedicated to the memory of

my mother

Linda S. Beck
(August 24, 1947 – October 25, 2000)

I would like to thank all of the people that have helped me throughout my studies

here at Georgia Tech. First, I would like to acknowledge my advisor Dr. Amyn Teja for

his support and guidance in my research. I would also like to acknowledge my

committee members, Dr. Nair, Dr. Meredith, Dr. Abdel-Khalik, and Dr. Skandan for their

help and advice over the years.

I would also like to thank the past and present members of the Teja research

group. Dr. Sun, Kerry, Ibrahim, Shutaro, Izumi, Chunbao, Nan, James, Anu, Pei Yoong,

Angel, Yanhui, Pramod, and Nelson have all been very helpful and have been great

friends. Dr. Sun taught me how to perform my experiments and was instrumental in the

initial stages of my research. I am grateful to Chunbao, Pei Yoong, Yanhui, and Pramod

who spent their time helping me through various stages of my work.

I would also like to thank Chris Gill of the Jones group for his help with the TEM

imaging of my samples and Jason Ward of the Koros group for his help with surface area

measurements. I appreciate the efforts of Brad and Jeff in the ChBE machine shop and

the technicians in the Mechanical Engineering electronics shop for their help during the

construction of my measurement apparatus.

I would also like to acknowledge my family for all of the encouragement and

support they have provided throughout my education. Most importantly, I would like to

thank my wife, Nan. Her love and support have helped me through many obstacles and

have allowed me to accomplish my goals. I would not be where I am today without her.












2.1 Thermal Conductivity of Liquids 6

2.1.1 Temperature and Pressure Dependence 8

2.2 Thermal Conductivity of Solids 12

2.2.1 Lattice Thermal Conductivity 13

2.2.2 Temperature Dependence 15

2.2.3 Thermal Conductivity of Solids as a Function of Size and Dimension 17

2.3 Thermal Conductivity of Heterogeneous Systems 20

2.3.1 Thermal Conductivity of Microparticle Dispersions 20

2.3.2 Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids 21 Effect of Volume Fraction 25 Effect of Particle Size 29 Effect of Temperature 31

v Effect of Ratio of Particle to Fluid Thermal Conductivity 33 Effect of Particle Surface Charge 33 Effect of Particle Arrangement in Suspension 34



3.1 Basic Measurement Technique 38

3.2 Background of Transient Hot-wire Method 39

3.2.1 Basic Transient Hot-wire Method 39

3.2.2 Insulated Wire Method 40

3.2.3 Liquid Metal Wire Method 40

3.3 Construction of Transient Hot-wire Instrument 41

3.3.1 Instrumentation 44 Hot Wire Cell 44 Instrumentation of Bleazard and Teja 44 Updated Instrumentation 44

3.3.2 Data Acquisition and Analysis 45

3.4 Procedure, Analysis and Corrections 48

3.4.1 Procedure 48

3.4.2 Analysis 48

3.4.3 Corrections and Calibration 50 Insulating Layer and Three Dimensional Aspect of Wire 50 Finite Extent of the Liquid 51 Heat Transfer by Radiation 51

vi Calibration 52
3.5 Calibration of Updated Instrument 53

3.6 Validation of Updated Instrument 60




4.1 Materials and Methods 63

4.1.1 Materials 63

4.1.2 Sample Preparation 65

4.2 Nanofluid Characterization 67

4.2.1 Primary Particle Size 67

4.2.2 Secondary Particle Size 68

4.3 Thermal Conductivity Measurements 73

4.3.1 Temperature Studies 73

4.3.2 Particle Size Studies 86

4.4 Thermal Conductivity Behavior 95



5.1 Type I Thermal Conductivity Models 97

5.2 Type II Thermal Conductivity Models 100

5.3 Theoretical Bounds for Thermal Conductivity of Heterogeneous Materials 101

5.4 Accuracy of Thermal Conductivity Models 101

5.5 Geometric Mean 102

5.6 Nanofluid Thermal Conductivity Models 103

5.6.1 Brownian Motion 104

5.6.2 Ordered Liquid Molecules 107

5.6.3 Nanoparticle Clustering 108

5.6.4 Interfacial Thermal Resistance 109

5.7 Summary of Thermal Conductivity Models for Nanofluids 110




6.1 Evaluation of Thermal Conductivity Models 112

6.1.1 Particle Volume Fraction 112

6.1.2 Temperature 115

6.1.3 Thermal Conductivity of Individual Phases 119

6.1.4 Particle Diameter 123

6.1.5 Geometric Mean 127

6.2 Size Dependent Particle Thermal Conductivity 131

6.3 Prediction of Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids 134

6.4 Particle Size Polydispersity 143



7.1 Conclusions 147

7.2 Future Work 149




B.1 LabVIEW Code 153

B.2 MATLAB Code 163




VITA 189



Table 2.1 Thermal conductivity of some solids and liquids at 25 ºC ............................. 7

Table 2.2 List of references containing thermal conductivity data of nanofluids......... 23

Table 3.1 Validation of transient hot wire apparatus with ethylene glycol .................. 61

Table 4.1. Sources of Alumina and Ceria powders and their properties provided by the
manufacturer ................................................................................................. 64

Table 4.2 Nanofluids provided by NEI Corporation (Somerset, NJ)............................ 64

Table 4.3 Mean primary and secondary particle sizes (nm) of powders dispersed in
water from specific surface area measurements, transmission electron
microscopy, and dynamic light scattering .................................................... 72

Table 4.4 Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol nanofluids containing Al2O3 ........ 75

Table 4.5 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing Al2O3 ................... 75

Table 4.6 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing Al2O3 from NEI ... 76

Table 4.7 Thermal conductivity of water + ethylene glycol nanofluids containing Al2O3
(50 nm) from NEI ......................................................................................... 77

Table 4.8 Thermal conductivity of water + ethylene glycol nanofluids containing Al2O3
(10 nm) from NEI ......................................................................................... 78

Table 4.9 Thermal conductivity of water + ethylene glycol nanofluids containing TiO2
from NEI ...........................................................................................................
....................................................................................................................... 79

Table 4.10 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing Al2O3 ................... 88

Table 4.11 Thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing Al2O3 in ethylene glycol .... 89

Table 4.12 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing CeO2 .................... 89

Table 6.1 Deviations between thermal conductivity model predictions and

experimental values available in the literature............................................ 141

Table A.1 Calibration of type E thermocouple ............................................................ 151


Figure 2.1 Reduced thermal conductivity of diatomic fluids as a function of reduced

temperature and pressure adapted from Bird et al. [1]. The solid line
represents a saturated fluid. The reduced values are defined as the absolute
values normalized by the critical values. ...................................................... 10

Figure 2.2 Reduced thermal conductivity of water as a function of reduced temperature

and pressure [23]. The solid line represents saturated water. The reduced
values are defined as the absolute values normalized by the critical values. 11

Figure 2.3 Illustration of a phonon wave [36] ................................................................ 14

Figure 2.4 Thermal conductivity of alumina from various studies. Adapted from Bansal
& Zhu [37]. ................................................................................................... 16

Figure 2.5 Out-of-plane thermal conductivity at room temperature for silicon films.
Adapted from Liu & Asheghi [40]. A linear fit is provided as a visual aid. 19

Figure 2.6 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing metal oxides as

measured by Eastman et al. [60]. The dashed lines represent linear fits of the
data. ............................................................................................................... 26

Figure 2.7 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids containing TiO2 in water

for both spherical and rod shaped nanoparticles as measured by Murshed et
al. [66]. The lines represent fits of each linear regime................................. 27

Figure 2.8 Thermal conductivity enhancement for dilute metal nanofluids. The circles
(●) represent the measurements by Eastman et al. [74] of Cu (10 nm) in
ethylene glycol + 1 % (v/v) thioglycolic acid. The squares (■) represent the
measurements by Jana et al. [73] of Cu (35 – 50 nm) in water + laurate salt.
The triangles (▲) represent measurements by Putnam et al. [78] of
alkanethiolate – stabilized Au (2 – 4 nm) in toluene. ................................... 28

Figure 2.9 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids consisting of alumina

particles in pump oil and ethylene glycol as a function of particle size as
measured by Xie et al. [12] ........................................................................... 30

Figure 2.10 Thermal conductivity enhancement nanofluids as a function of temperature.

The circles and squares represent measurements by Das et al. [8] of aqueous
nanofluids containing alumina. The triangles represent measurements by
Yang and Han [10] of nanofluids consisting of perfluorohexane and Bi2Te3
nanorods. ....................................................................................................... 32

Figure 3.1 Liquid metal transient hot-wire cell. Adapted from Bleazard and Teja [104] .
................................................................................................................... 42

Figure 3.2 Electrical diagram of transient hot-wire apparatus. ...................................... 43

Figure 3.4 Multiple calibrations of the effective length of the hot wire with dimethyl
phthalate (DMP) at 73 ºC as a function of the time period. .......................... 56

Figure 3.5 The mean effective length as a function of the time period determined from
each measurement of water and dimethyl phthalate at all temperatures ...... 57

Figure 3.6 The standard deviation of the effective wire length as a function of the time
period analyzed. ............................................................................................ 58

Figure 3.7 Residuals of the effective wire length for water and dimethyl phthalate at
various temperatures ..................................................................................... 59

Figure 3.8 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous alumina nanofluids. The

solid circles (●) represent measurements from this study (47 nm diameter
alumina), and the others represent data from the literature (38 – 50 nm
diameter alumina) [8, 13, 50, 52, 57, 58]. ..................................................... 62

Figure 4.1 Aqueous nanofluid containing 3 % (v/v) alumina particles.......................... 66

Figure 4.2 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 47 nm from Nanophase Technologies (Romeoville, IL). The average
diameter of these particles is 77 nm and 46 nm as determined by TEM and
BET, respectively. Magnification = 100,000 ............................................. 70

Figure 4.3 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 50 nm from Electron Microscopy Sciences (Hatfield, PA). The
average diameter of these particles is 20 nm and 16 nm as determined by
TEM and BET, respectively Magnification = 100,000................................ 71

Figure 4.4 Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol and nanofluids consisting of

alumina nanoparticles (diameter = 12 nm) in ethylene glycol. Each data set
represents a different volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room
temperature). The curve represents the thermal conductivity of ethylene
glycol............................................................................................................. 80

Figure 4.5 Thermal conductivity of water and aqueous nanofluids containing alumina
nanoparticles (diameter = 12 nm). Each data set represents a different
volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The curve
represents the thermal conductivity of water. Data of Das et al. [8] is
presented for comparison (diameter = 38 nm). ............................................. 81

Figure 4.6 Thermal conductivity of water and aqueous nanofluids containing alumina
nanoparticles (diameter = 50 nm) with a dispersant. Each data set represents
a different volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The
curve represents the thermal conductivity of water. ..................................... 82

Figure 4.7 Thermal conductivity of a 50 % (w/w) ethylene glycol and water mixture and
nanofluids consisting of this mixture and alumina nanoparticles (diameter =
50 nm) with a dispersant. Each data set represents a different volume
fraction of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The curve represents
the thermal conductivity of the ethylene glycol and water mixture.............. 83

Figure 4.8 Thermal conductivity of a 50 % (w/w) ethylene glycol and water mixture and
nanofluids consisting of this mixture and alumina nanoparticles (diameter =
10 nm) with a dispersant. Each data set represents a different volume
fraction of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The curve represents
the thermal conductivity of the ethylene glycol and water mixture.............. 84

Figure 4.9 Thermal conductivity of a 50 % (w/w) ethylene glycol and water mixture and
nanofluids consisting of this mixture and titania nanoparticles (diameter = 2
nm) with a dispersant. Each data set represents a different volume fraction
of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The curve represents the
thermal conductivity of the ethylene glycol and water mixture. .................. 85

Figure 4.10 Thermal conductivity versus volume fraction for aqueous nanofluids
containing alumina at room temperature. The lines represent linear fits. .... 90

Figure 4.11 Thermal conductivity versus volume fraction for aqueous nanofluids
containing ceria at room temperature. The lines represent linear fits. ......... 91

Figure 4.12 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing 2 - 4 % (v/v)

alumina at room temperature. Empirical curve fits are provided to aid in
visual detection of trends in the data. Data from Chon et al. [50] and
Timofeeva et al. [58] is presented for comparison. ...................................... 92

Figure 4.13 Thermal conductivity of nanofluids consisting of 2 - 4 % (v/v) alumina in

ethylene glycol at room temperature............................................................. 93

Figure 4.14 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids containing 3 % (v/v)

alumina as a function of the ratio of solid to liquid thermal conductivity at
room temperature. ......................................................................................... 94

Figure 5.1 Schematic of method by Prasher et al. [150] to determine the thermal
conductivity of an aggregate which includes the backbone of nanoparticles,
the dead end nanoparticles and the fluid surrounding the particles. ........... 109

Figure 6.1 Thermal conductivity measurements and predictions for an aqueous
nanofluid containing alumina (diameter = 72 nm) from several models as a
function of volume fraction (φ). The error bars represent the estimated
measurement error. ..................................................................................... 114

Figure 6.2 Thermal conductivity enhancement predictions for an aqueous nanofluid

containing 5 % (v/v) alumina (40 nm) from several models as a function of
temperature. ................................................................................................ 117

Figure 6.3 Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol and nanofluids consisting of

ethylene glycol and alumina nanoparticles (diameter = 12 nm). Each data set
represents a different volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room
temperature). The dashed lines represent the Maxwell equation for each
concentration. The error bars represent estimated error for the
measurements. ............................................................................................. 118

Figure 6.4 The thermal conductivity of 5 % (v/v) alumina in pump oil, ethylene glycol,
glycerol, and water from Xie et al. [59]. The dashed lines represents the
volume fraction weighted geometric mean or the Maxwell equation......... 121

Figure 6.5 The Hashin and Shtrikman bounds for the thermal conductivity of a
heterogeneous material as a function of the ratio of the individual phase
thermal conductivies (α). The lower bound is equivalent to the Maxwell
model. The volume fraction in these calculations is 5 %. ......................... 122

Figure 6.6 Thermal conductivity enhancement predictions for an aqueous nanofluid

containing 5 % (v/v) alumina at room temperature from several models as a
function of particle diameter. ...................................................................... 125

Figure 6.7 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing 2 - 4 %

(v/v) alumina at room temperature. Empirical curve fits are provided to aid
in visual detection of trends in the data. ..................................................... 126

Figure 6.8 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing 4 %

(v/v) alumina at room temperature. The Nan et al. [155] model and the
Maxwell model [118] are provided for comparison. The thermal
conductivity of bulk alumina (40 W m-1 K-1) was used in the predictions. 129

Figure 6.9 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing 2 - 4 %

(v/v) alumina at room temperature. Empirical curve fits are provided to aid
in visual detection of trends in the data. The dashed lines represent the
volume fraction weighted geometric mean at each concentration using the
bulk alumina thermal conductivity (40 W m-1 K-1). ................................... 130

Figure 6.10 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing
alumina at room temperature for various mean particle diameters. The lines
represent least squares fits of the volume fraction weighted geometric mean
by adjusting the thermal conductivity of the particle (k2)........................... 132

Figure 6.11 Estimated thermal conductivity of alumina particles from the volume
fraction weighted geometric mean. The curve represents a semi-empirical fit
(eq. 6.5). ...................................................................................................... 133

Figure 6.12 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids consisting of 2 and 3 %

(v/v) alumina in ethylene glycol at room temperature. The circles and
squares represent experimental data at 2 % and 3 % respectively. The
dashed lines represent predictions using Equation 6.5 with the volume
fraction weighted geometric mean. ............................................................. 136

Figure 6.13 Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol and nanofluids consisting of

ethylene glycol and alumina nanoparticles (diameter = 12 nm). Each data set
represents a different volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room
temperature). The dashed lines represent predictions using Equation 6.5 with
the volume fraction weighted geometric mean. .......................................... 137

Figure 6.14 Thermal conductivity of alumina nanofluids as a function of αbulk from this
work and the work of Xie et al. [59]. The thermal conductivity of the bulk
solid was used to determine αbulk. The dashed lines represent predictions
using Equation 6.5 with the volume fraction weighted geometric mean. ... 138

Figure 6.15 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids consisting of alumina in

ethylene glycol at room temperature from Xie et al. [12]. The dashed lines
represent predictions using Equation 6.5 with the volume fraction weighted
geometric mean. .......................................................................................... 139

Figure 6.16 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing

alumina (diameter = 35 nm) from Eastman et al. [60]. The dashed line
represents a prediction using Equation 6.5 with the volume fraction weighted
geometric mean. .......................................................................................... 140

Figure 6.17 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 300 nm from Electron Microscopy Sciences. The average diameter
of these particles is 99 nm and 71 nm as determined by TEM and BET,
respectively. Magnification = 20,000 ........................................................ 145

Figure 6.18 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 47 nm from Nanophase Technologies The average diameter of these
particles is 77 nm and 46 nm as determined by TEM and BET, respectively.
Magnification = 30,000............................................................................... 146

Figure A.1 Calibration of type E thermocouple ............................................................ 152

Figure C.1 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 11 nm from Nanostructure and Amorphous Materials. The average
diameter of these particles is 6 nm and 8 nm as determined by TEM and
BET, respectively. Magnification = 200,000 ............................................. 169

Figure C.2 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 20 nm from Nanostructure and Amorphous Materials. The average
diameter of these particles is 10 nm and 12 nm as determined by TEM and
BET, respectively. Magnification = 200,000 ............................................. 170

Figure C.3 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 150 nm from Nanostructure and Amorphous Materials. The average
diameter of these particles is 180 nm and 245 nm as determined by TEM and
BET, respectively Magnification = 10,000 ................................................ 171

Figure C.4 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 1000 nm from Electron Microscopy Sciences. The average diameter
of these particles is 290 nm and 282 nm as determined by TEM and BET,
respectively. Magnification = 15,000 ........................................................ 172


a radius of dispersed spheres

A heat transfer area

A1 adjustable parameter in Eq. 6.4

b inside diameter of cell

b radius of spherical volume (Eq. 5.8)

B radiation parameter in Eq. 3.12

c cell constant in Eq. 3.1

C1 proportionality constant in Eq. 5.20

d diameter of particle

df diameter of fluid molecule

D diffusivity

D pipe diameter (Eq. 1.2)

f empirical factor in Eq. 5.16

gv roots of J0

G temperature gradient

h heat transfer coefficient

h thickness of ordered liquid molecular layer (Eq. 5.27)

H overall heat transfer coefficient

I electric current

J0 zero-order Bessel function of the first kind

k thermal conductivity

k1 thermal conductivity of liquid

k2 thermal conductivity of solid

kB Boltzmann constant

kbulk thermal conductivity of bulk solid

keff effective thermal conductivity of dispersion

klayer thermal conductivity of ordered liquid molecules

L wire length

L pipe length (Eq. 1.2)

m mass

n empirical shape factor in Eq. 5.10

nS number of spheres

q heat dissipated per unit length

P1 one dimensional porosity

Q heat flow

r radial distance from heat source

ri inner radius of capillary

ro outer radius of capillary

R1, R2 electric resistance of fixed resistors

RB interfacial thermal resistance (Kapitza resistance)

RD electric resistance of decade resistor

RW electric resistance of wire

t time

T temperature

Tid ideal temperature of wire

V electric potential across Wheatstone bridge

V electric potential (Eq. 3.2)

V specific volume (Eq. 2.1)

VS source electric potential

Y0 zero-order Bessel function of the second kind

Greek Symbols

α ratio of solid to liquid thermal conductivity

α thermal diffusivity (Chapter 3)

γ exponent of Euler’s constant

ε constant related to Kapitza resistance in Eq. 5.20

κ temperature coefficient of mercury resistivity

μ viscosity

μb viscosity of fluid at bulk temperature

μ0 viscosity of fluid at wall temperature

ρ density

σ standard deviation of P1

τ relaxation time constant

φ particle volume fraction

ψ sphericity


G borosilicate glass

Hg mercury


The focus of this work is on nanofluids containing metal oxides. The specific

goals were the determination of the effects of temperature and particle size on the thermal

conductivity of nanofluids, the elucidation of the mechanism of conduction, and the

development of a predictive thermal conductivity model.

Thermal conductivity measurements were performed with a liquid metal transient

hot wire apparatus, which made possible measurements of electrically conducting fluids

at elevated temperature. The nanofluid samples consisted of either alumina, titania, or

ceria particles dispersed in deionized water, ethylene glycol, or a mixture of the two.

Thermal conductivity measurements were performed at room temperature and at other

temperatures up to 422 K that is over the largest temperature range that has been hitherto

reported in the literature. Additionally, measurements were performed on nanofluids

containing seven sizes of alumina particles with average diameters ranging from 8 to 282

nm, which is the largest number of sizes than previously considered.

The results of the thermal conductivity measurements at elevated temperatures

revealed that the thermal conductivity relationship with temperature mimics the

temperature relationship for the base liquid. The results of the thermal conductivity

measurements of nanofluids containing different sizes of particles revealed that the

addition of the smaller nanoparticles yielded lower thermal conductivity. The thermal

conductivity measurements of dispersions containing larger particles (> 50 nm) yielded

values that were well represented by predictions from the volume fraction – weighted

geometric mean, which display agreement with measurements than predictions from

theoretical models for solid – liquid dispersions. These results also suggest that the

thermal conductivity of the solid nanoparticles is less than the thermal conductivity of the

bulk solid due to phonon scattering at the solid – liquid interface.

A predictive model has been developed for the thermal conductivity of nanofluids

containing alumina. The model incorporates the particle size dependence of the thermal

conductivity of solids in the volume fraction – weighted geometric mean. The model was

fit to the experimental data for aqueous nanofluids containing alumina by adjusting a

single parameter. The resulting model was capable of predicting the thermal conductivity

of nanofluids containing ethylene glycol and alumina at various temperatures and

containing various particle sizes from this work (within 2.3 %) and from the literature

(within 5.0 %). Lastly, the model was used to evaluate the consistency of published data

on the thermal conductivity of nanofluids.



The advent of high heat flow processes has created significant demand for new

technologies to enhance heat transfer. For example, microprocessors have continually

become smaller and more powerful, and as a result heat flow demands have steadily

increased over time leading to new challenges in thermal management. Furthermore,

there is increasing interest in improving the efficiency of existing heat transfer processes.

An example is in automotive systems where improved heat transfer could lead to smaller

heat exchangers for cooling resulting in reduced weight of the vehicle.

Many methods are available to improve heat transfer in processes. The flow of

heat in a process can be calculated using,

Q = hAΔT (1.1)

where Q is the heat flow, h is the heat transfer coefficient, A is the heat transfer area, and

ΔT is the temperature difference that results in heat flow [1]. We can see from this

equation that increased heat transfer can be achieved by:

(i) increasing ΔT

(ii) increasing A

(iii) increasing h

A greater temperature difference ΔT can lead to increased the heat flow, but ΔT is

often limited by process or materials constraints. For example, the maximum

temperature in a nuclear reactor must be kept below a certain value to avoid runaway

reactions and meltdown. Therefore, increased ΔT can only be achieved by decreasing the

the temperature of the coolant. However, this would reduce the rate of the nuclear

reaction and decrease the efficiency of the process.

Maximizing the heat transfer area A is a common strategy to improve heat

transfer, and many heat exchangers such as radiators and plate-and-frame heat

exchangers are designed to maximize the heat transfer area [2]. However, this strategy

cannot be employed in microprocessors and microelectromechanical systems (MEMS)

because the area can not be increased. In aerospace and automotive systems, increasing

the heat transfer area can only be achieved by increasing the size of the heat exchanger

which can lead to unwanted increases in weight.

Heat transfer improvements can also be achieved by increasing the heat transfer

coefficient h either by using more efficient heat transfer methods, or by improving the

transport properties of the heat transfer material. For example, heat transfer systems

which employ forced convection of a gas exhibit a greater heat transfer coefficient than

systems which employ free convection of a gas. Alternatively, the heat transfer

coefficient can be increased by enhancing the properties of the coolant for a given

method of heat transfer. Additives are often added to liquid coolants to improve specific

properties. For example, glycols are added to water to depress its freezing point and to

increase its boiling point. The heat transfer coefficient can be improved via the addition

of solid particles to the liquid coolant. In the case of nanosized particles, the resulting

dispersion is known as a nanofluid [3]. Xuan and Li [4] studied the forced convective

heat transfer of an aqueous nanofluid containing 2 % (v/v) copper nanoparticles in a

horizontal tube and observed a 39 % increase in heat transfer coefficient over that of the

pure coolant. Similarly, Wen and Ding [5] performed a pool boiling heat transfer

experiment with an aqueous nanofluid containing 1.25 % (v/v) alumina nanoparticles on

a polished stainless steel surface and observed a 40 % enhancement of the heat transfer

coefficient compared to that of pure water. Based on these results, the addition of

nanoparticles to a coolant appears to significantly enhance the heat transfer coefficient.

The relationship between the heat transfer coefficient and transport and

thermodynamic properties of the coolant can be ascertained from heat transfer

correlations. For example, in laminar flow through a pipe, the heat transfer coefficient is

obtained from the Nusselt number Nu via the Sieder and Tate correlation [1],
1 0.14
hD ⎛ D⎞ 3⎛μ ⎞
Nu = = 1.86⎜ Re Pr ⎟ ⎜⎜ b ⎟⎟ (1.2)
k ⎝ L ⎠ ⎝ μ0 ⎠

where D is the diameter of the pipe, k is the thermal conductivity of the fluid, Re is the

Reynolds number, Pr is the Prandtl number, L is the length of the pipe, and μb and μ0 are

the viscosities of the fluid at the bulk temperature and the wall temperature, respectively.

Equation 1.2 shows the relationship between the heat transfer coefficient and the thermal

conductivity of the coolant. Increases in thermal conductivity therefore relate directly to

increases in the heat transfer coefficient. It is not surprising therefore that nanofluids

exhibit enhanced heat transfer since they also exhibit enhanced thermal conductivity [6].

The thermal conductivity of a liquid coolant can be increased with the addition of

a more thermally conductive liquid or with the addition of solids, which are inherently

more thermally conductive than liquids. Whereas a highly thermally conductive liquid,

such as water, has a thermal conductivity that is 4 – 6 times greater than that of a less

conductive liquid, solid thermal conductivity can be as much as three orders of magnitude

greater than liquid thermal conductivity. Thus, much research has been dedicated to

nanofluids containing solid nanoparticles [6].

The thermal conductivities of nanofluids containing solid particles are generally

greater than values predicted by theories of transport in heterogeneous materials.

Existing models predict no more than 6 % enhancement of the thermal conductivity of

poly (α-olefin) oil containing dispersed 1 % carbon nanotubes. However, Choi et al. [7]

observed that the thermal conductivity of this nanofluid was 150 % greater than that of

the oil alone. Thermal conductivities for a variety of nanofluids are discussed in chapter

2, and it can be seen that many of these nanofluids exhibit significant thermal

conductivity enhancement. However, most of the studies are limited to nanofluids

containing a single size of nanoparticles at room temperature [6]. The few studies

focusing on the effect of temperature on the thermal conductivity of nanofluids have

produced seemingly conflicting results. Some have observed increasing thermal

conductivity with increasing temperature [8, 9], while others have reported the opposite

[10, 11]. Similar discrepancies have arisen as to the effect of particle size on the thermal

conductivity of nanofluids [12, 13]. Based on these data, several theories have been

proposed to explain the anomalous thermal conductivity behavior. The most prevalent

theories involve the Brownian motion of particles to create a microconvective effect, or

the ordering of liquid molecules at the solid interface to enhance conduction through

those molecules, or the clustering of nanoparticles to form pathways of lower thermal

resistance [14].

Semi-empirical thermal conductivity models have been developed based on these

mechanisms as detailed in Chapter 3. These models are effective in fitting some of the

thermal conductivity data from the literature. However, they are ineffective in predicting

the general behavior of the thermal conductivity of nanofluids. Thus, the mechanisms for

thermal conduction in nanofluids remain to be resolved. Furthermore, it remains unclear

how parameters such as temperature and particle size affect the thermal conductivity of


This work focuses on the effects of various parameters on the thermal

conductivity of nanofluids and the development of a new model for predictive purposes.

A systematic experimental study has been performed in which thermal conductivity has

been measured for nanofluids containing metal oxides over a wider temperature range

than previously studied, and for more particle sizes than previously considered. The

measurements have been performed using a liquid metal transient hot wire method

described in Chapter 3. The resulting data are presented in Chapter 4 and are used to

resolve discrepancies in the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity and

particle size dependence of the thermal conductivity.

The data are also used to rigorously test the prediction of published models for the

thermal conductivity of nanofluids and thereby identify (or eliminate) mechanisms for

heat transport in these fluids. Based on these tests, a new model for thermal transport in

nanofluids is proposed and is described in Chapter 6. The predictive capabilities of the

model are outlined, so that new nanofluids and/or new thermal management options can

be explained for different applications that require enhanced heat transfer fluids.



Nanofluids can be considered to be composite materials consisting of a solid

discrete phase and a liquid continuous phase, and the behavior of their thermal

conductivity can best be understood by considering the thermal conductivity of the

individual phases. This chapter provides a review of thermal conductivity data for

liquids, solids, and solid – liquid dispersions.

2.1 Thermal Conductivity of Liquids

The thermal conductivity of liquids is generally greater than that of gases but

much less than that of solids. Values range from 0.06 W m-1 K-1 for fluorocarbons (FC-

72 from 3M) to 0.6 W m-1 K-1 for water. Associating liquids such as water and ethylene

glycol exhibit greater thermal conductivity than nonpolar liquids such as hexane. Table

2.1 displays the thermal conductivity of several solids and liquids that have been used in

nanofluid investigations.

Heat conduction occurs in liquids through the interactions between vibrating

molecules in a temperature gradient. As liquid molecules vibrate around their

equilibrium positions, their force fields overlap with their nearest neighbors. The

molecules at a greater temperature vibrate at a higher frequency and transfer heat through

these vibrationss to the molecules vibrating at a lower frequency due to their lower

temperature [15]. Liquids such as water, ammonia, or glycols have greater thermal

conductivity than non-polar liquids such as alkanes because of the stronger

intermolecular force between polar molecules [16].

Table 2.1 Thermal conductivity of some solids and liquids at 25 ºC

Material Thermal Conductivity (W m-1 K-1)

Carbon Nanotubes 2000 [7]
Diamond 900 – 2320 [17]
SiC 490 [2]
Silver 424 [2]
Copper 398 [2]
Gold 315 [2]
Aluminum 273 [2]
Graphite 119 – 165 [7]
Iron 80 [2]
Cupric Oxide 77 [18]
Alumina 40 [19]
Zinc Oxide 29 [13]
Carbon Nanofibers 13 [20]
Titania 8.4 [13]
Iron (II, III) Oxide 7.0 [21]
Bismuth Telluride 5.0 [22]
Carbon (amorphous) 1.59 [17]
Silica 1.34 [2]
C60 – C70 (Fullerenes) 0.4 [18]
Water 0.608 [23]
Glycerol 0.285 [2]
Ethylene Glycol 0.257 [2]
Ethanol 0.172 [2]
Decene 0.14 [24]
Toluene 0.133 [2]
Perfluorotriethylamine 0.13 [25]
Hexane 0.126 [26]
Poly (α-olefin) oil 0.117 [27]
Perfluorohexane (FC-72) 0.057 [10]

2.1.1 Temperature and Pressure Dependence

The thermal conductivity of liquids generally exhibits a linearly decreasing

relationship with increasing temperature due to thermal expansion. As the density

decreases, the thermal conductivity also decreases. This is demonstrated by the following

relationship between the temperature coefficient of thermal conductivity and the

coefficient of thermal expansion,

1 ⎛ ∂k ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂V ⎞ 1 ⎛ ∂ρ ⎞
⎜ ⎟∝− ⎜ ⎟= ⎜ ⎟ (2.1)
k ⎝ ∂T ⎠ V ⎝ ∂T ⎠ ρ ⎝ ∂T ⎠

Thus, the relative change of thermal conductivity with temperature is directly

proportional to the relative change of density [28]. The temperature dependence is

relatively weak when compared to that for the viscosity. For example, the thermal

conductivity of hexane decreases 22.6 % when heated from 235 K to 335 K at

atmospheric pressure, but the viscosity decreases 68.7 % for the same temperature change

[26]. The difference arises from kinetic theory, which yields an exponential decreasing

of viscosity with increasing temperature. The pressure has an even weaker effect on the

thermal conductivity of liquids. The thermal conductivity of hexane increases just 4.8 %

when pressurized from 1 to 101 bar at 298 K [26]. The pressure dependence also arises

from the relationship between thermal conductivity and density. These temperature and

pressure trends are illustrated in Figure 2.1, which displays a corresponding – states plot

for the reduced thermal conductivity of liquids. Note the relationship between the

thermal conductivity and temperature is linear except near the critical point. The plot

was developed from the thermal conductivity of several monatomic liquids, and is often

used to estimate the thermal conductivity of many polyatomic liquids as well [1].

However, this plot is insufficient when estimating the thermal conductivity of polar or

associating liquids such as water and ethylene glycol. For these liquids, there may exist a

maximum on the thermal conductivity versus temperature curve, as is the case for water

and glycols [23, 29]. This phenomenon for water and other associating liquids is due to

changes in the local structure of the hydrogen bonding network with changes in

temperature. At lower temperatures, a portion of the energy being transferred becomes

stored in the hydrogen bonds as they form a network. With increasing temperature, less

energy is captured by the structural changes of the hydrogen bonding network leading to

increased thermal conductivity [30]. This phenomenon competes with the typical

relationship between thermal conductivity and temperature, where the thermal

conductivity continually decreases with increasing temperature due to thermal expansion.

Figure 2.2 displays the effect of temperature and pressure on the thermal conductivity

water. The maximum thermal conductivity occurs at approximately 404 K for saturated


Reduced Thermal Conductivity, k = k / k

P =0
P = 0.1
1 P =1
P =5
P = 10

0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 3
Reduced Temperature, T = T / T
r c

Figure 2.1 Reduced thermal conductivity of diatomic fluids as a function of reduced

temperature and pressure adapted from Bird et al. [1]. The solid line
represents a saturated fluid. The reduced values are defined as the absolute
values normalized by the critical values.

Reduced Thermal Conductivity, k = k / k

P = 0.0046
P = 0.92
P = 2.3


0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 2

Reduced Temperature, T r = T / Tc

Figure 2.2 Reduced thermal conductivity of water as a function of reduced temperature

and pressure [23]. The solid line represents saturated water. The reduced
values are defined as the absolute values normalized by the critical values.

2.2 Thermal Conductivity of Solids

Heat can be conducted through solids by several different excitations. In metals,

the primary heat carriers are free electrons. In insulators and in some semiconductors,

lattice waves (phonons) are primarily responsible for heat transfer. Thermal conduction

by electrons is more effective than conduction by phonons, which is demonstrated by the

orders of magnitude difference between the thermal conductivity of metals and insulators

in Table 2.1. As a rule of thumb materials that exhibit greater electrical conductivity also

exhibit greater thermal conductivity. Thus, copper is a better conductor of electricity

than aluminum and also exhibits a greater thermal conductivity. There are some notable

exceptions to this rule such as diamond, which is an excellent electrical insulator (1017 Ω

m-1 [31]), but has a thermal conductivity of 900 W m-1 K-1 [32].

The thermal conductivity is greatly dependent on the structure of the solid, even

when the solids have identical chemical formulas. For example, amorphous carbon has a

thermal conductivity of approximately 1.6 W m-1 K-1 [17], but diamond and carbon

nanotubes can exhibit thermal conductivities as high as 900 W m-1 K-1 [32] and 2000 W

m-1 K-1 [7], respectively. Crystalline solids typically conduct heat more readily than

amorphous solids and therefore their thermal conductivities are higher than those of

amorphous solids. In crystalline solids, the phase, crystallite size, and impurities affect

the thermal conductivity. In amorphous solids, the degree of molecular order is the

dominant variable in heat conduction [1] This work focuses on insulators, so the

following discussion is limited to conduction by phonons, which gives rise to lattice

thermal conductivity [33].

2.2.1 Lattice Thermal Conductivity

Phonons are defined as quantized modes of vibration in a solid crystalline lattice,

which arise from the vibrations of atoms within the lattice. Due to the proximity of

atoms, their vibrations are strongly coupled with those of neighboring atoms. Since

chemical bonds between atoms are generally not rigid and are similar to springs, the

displacement of an atom from its equilibrium position also affects neighboring atoms.

The oscillating motion of these coupled atoms is analogous to acoustic waves moving

through the lattice. In the presence of a temperature gradient, energy is propagated

through the lattice by these phonon waves [34], as illustrated in Figure 2.3. If the atoms

oscillated harmonically, the velocity of phonon waves would be the speed of sound in a

crystal. However, anharmonicity is caused by higher order interactions among atoms,

known as phonon scattering, which lead to a change in direction of the phonon wave

[35]. Phonon scattering can be divided into elastic phonon scattering, where phonon

momentum is conserved, and inelastic scattering, where it is not. Inelastic scattering

creates resistance to thermal transport and lowers the thermal conductivity. Scattering

can result from collisions of phonons with each other (Umklapp scattering) or defects in

the crystal structure such as impurities and grain boundaries.

Figure 2.3 Illustration of a phonon wave [36]

2.2.2 Temperature Dependence

The thermal conductivities generally increase for nonmetals and decrease for

metals as temperature increases [1]. An exception to this rule is alumina, which despite

being a nonmetal, exhibits a decreasing thermal conductivity with increasing temperature

(Figure 2.4). The thermal conductivity of alumina decreases 25 % when heated from 300

to 400 K. The magnitude of this reduction is similar to that generally exhibited by liquids

such as hexane. The thermal conductivity of hexane decreases 22.6 % when it is heated

from 235 to 335 K.

The decrease in thermal conductivity with increasing temperature for alumina and

other crystalline solids arises from the temperature dependence of Umklapp scattering,

which is the dominant source of heat transfer resistance at ambient and higher

temperatures. The mean free path for phonons (l) is limited by Umklapp scattering and

exhibits the following relationship:

l ∝ T −n (2.2)

where n is typically greater than 1.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )


Bansal & Zhu

30 Youngblood
Barea et al.
25 Santos & Taylor



200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
Temperature (K)

Figure 2.4 Thermal conductivity of alumina from various studies. Adapted from Bansal
& Zhu [37].

2.2.3 Thermal Conductivity of Solids as a Function of Size and Dimension

Several recent studies have focused on thermal conduction in nanoscale thin films

due to their use in microelectronics [38-40]. Thermal conductivities of submicron films

were measured and shown to decrease as the thickness of the film decreased. For

example, Liu et al. [40] found that for a 20 nm thick silicon film, the out-of-plane thermal

conductivity was nearly an order of magnitude less than the bulk value. Figure 2.5

displays their data along with those of others for the out-of-plane thermal conductivity of

thin silicon films. They suggested that phonon scattering at the interface of the solid

becomes the dominant source of thermal resistance in solid nanomaterials because of

their large specific surface area. A less substantial decrease of the in-plane thermal

conductivity (~10 % at 300 K) was observed by Yu et al. [41] in a superlattice with a 70

nm periodic structure.

Phonon-interface scattering is not as well understood as other phonon scattering

processes (such as boundary scattering or phonon-phonon scattering), and it is seldom

incorporated into predictive methods for the thermal conductivity of solids. This could

be the reason why most methods are unable to predict the reduced thermal conductivity

of nanostructured materials [42]. Ziambaras and Hyldgaard [43] examined the thermal

conductivity of nanoscale films and wires using the Boltzmann transport equation and

including the effect of phonon-interface scattering. Their results indicate that the axial

thermal conductivity of a wire is less than the in-plane thermal conductivity of a film of

the same thickness. They suggested this effect is caused by confinement of the phonon

wave since the thickness of the nanomaterial is similar to the phonon mean free path,

similar to Knudsen diffusion. Thus, nanowires, which are confined in two dimensions,

should exhibit a lower thermal conductivity than nanofilms which are only confined in

one dimension. Li et al. [44] demonstrated this effect when they measured axial heat

conduction in silicon wires as small as 22 nm in diameter, and found the thermal

conductivity to be more than two orders of magnitude less than the bulk value. The axial

thermal conductivity of a 22 nm diameter Si nanowire is approximately 6 W m-1 K-1,

while the out-of-plane thermal conductivity for a 20 nm thick Si film is 22 W m-1 K-1


Nanoparticles should exhibit an even lower thermal conductivity than nanowires

or nanofilms because they are confined in three dimensions. Fang et al. [45] came to the

same conclusion using their molecular dynamic simulations to estimate the thermal

conductivity of silicon nanoparticles. They found that below 8 nm, silicon nanoparticles

exhibited a two order of magnitude decrease in thermal conductivity (~ 2 W m-1 K-1)

compared to the bulk material (237 W m-1 K-1). This decreased thermal conductivity of

nanoparticles should be considered in the study of the thermal conductivity of nanofluids.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )



Liu & Asheghi

Ju & Goodson
Asheghi et al.
0 4
10 100 1000 10
Film Thickness (nm)

Figure 2.5 Out-of-plane thermal conductivity at room temperature for silicon films.
Adapted from Liu & Asheghi [40]. A linear fit is provided as a visual aid.

2.3 Thermal Conductivity of Heterogeneous Systems

Thermal transport in heterogeneous systems has been studied extensively due to

their wide range of industrial applications. Some examples include the modeling of

transport in packed beds and the freezing and thawing of food products. Nanofluids

represent a subset of heterogeneous materials. Consequently, a comparison of the

thermal conductivity behavior of nanofluids and of other heterogeneous materials should

provide insight into the effect of decreasing particle size on the conduction mechanism.

2.3.1 Thermal Conductivity of Microparticle Dispersions

Shin and Lee [46] measured the thermal conductivity of polyethylene and

polypropylene particles suspended in mixtures of silicon oil and kerosene. The particle

diameters ranged from 25 to 300 μm. At 10 % (v/v) particles, all suspensions exhibited a

13 % thermal conductivity enhancement. Thermal conductivity enhancement is defined

as the relative difference in thermal conductivity of the dispersion (keff) and the pure

liquid (k1), (k eff − k1 ) k1 . Shin and Lee observed a linear relationship between the

thermal conductivity and volume fraction of particles, but they did not observe any

dependence on the particle size. Bjorneklett et al. [47] reported measurements of the

thermal conductivity of epoxy containing silver particles for various volume fractions of

silver. The epoxy containing 6.25 % (v/v) silver particles exhibited a 160 % thermal

conductivity enhancement due to the large thermal conductivity difference between the

silver and epoxy. The thermal conductivity varied linearly with volume fraction up to

6.25 % volume fraction. At volume fractions greater than 6.25 %, the slope increased

until the thermal conductivity of epoxy containing 23.1 % (v/v) silver particles was 790

% greater than the pure epoxy.

Turian et al. [48] measured the thermal conductivity of a number of fluids

containing as much as 50 % (v/v) suspended coal, glass, gypsum, and silica particles.

The ratios of the thermal conductivities of these solids to liquids (k2 / k1) were relatively

small (< 14). For example, silica has a thermal conductivity of approximately 1.3 W m-1

K-1 while for water it is 0.6 W m-1 K-1 giving a thermal conductivity ratio of 2.2.

Consequently, the thermal conductivity enhancement for such suspensions was found to

be small, 18 % enhancement in the case of an aqueous dispersion containing 12 % (v/v)

silica particles. Turian et al. also observed a linear relationship between thermal

conductivity and volume fraction at dilute concentrations, although beyond 10 % (v/v) of

particles, the slope increased as the concentration increased.

2.3.2 Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids

The thermal conductivity of nanofluids has drawn increasing attention since Choi

[3] first postulated that heat transfer could be improved through the addition of metallic

nanoparticles to the heat transfer fluid. He addressed the limitation in thermal

conductivity of typical heat transfer fluids and suggested the addition of more conductive

solid particles would enhance the fluid thermal conductivity beyond that suggested by

conventional models. The advantages of using nanoparticles are that they are more easily

suspended in the fluid, they may be used in microchannels, and the small size causes less

wear to machinery. However, aggregation of particles must be minimized in order to

benefit from these effects of small particle size.

Eastman et al. [49] measured the thermal conductivity of nanofluids, and found

that an aqueous nanofluid containing 5 % (v/v) CuO nanoparticles exhibited a thermal

conductivity 60 % greater than that of water. Additionally, they reported a 40 % greater

thermal conductivity compared to water for an aqueous nanofluid containing 5 % volume

fraction of Al2O3 nanoparticles [49]. Subsequently, many authors have presented data for

a wide variety of nanofluids. A list of nanofluid systems for which the thermal

conductivity has been measured is presented in Table 2.2. Some of these nanofluids

exhibit thermal conductivities that are in good agreement with the conventional models

described in Chapter 5 (within 10 %), while other nanofluids exhibit anomalous thermal

conductivities which are greater than predicted (> 25% deviation). The reasons for these

discrepancies remain unknown, but they may arise from experimental error in the

measurement technique or differences in sample preparation.

Table 2.2 List of references containing thermal conductivity data of nanofluids

Nanoparticle k2 / k1 Fluid
Al2O3 66 Water [8, 9, 11-13, 49-60]
156 Ethylene Glycol [12, 13, 53, 57-59]
140 Glycerol [59]
342 Oil [12, 53, 59, 61]
CuO 127 Water [8, 9, 11, 18, 49, 51, 53, 57, 60, 62, 63]
300 Ethylene Glycol [18, 53, 57, 62, 64, 65]
TiO2 14 Water [11, 13, 51, 56, 66, 67]
33 Ethylene Glycol [13, 68]
Fe3O4 11.5 Water [69]
ZrO2 Water [51]
WO3 Ethylene Glycol [56]
ZnO 48 Water [13]
113 Ethylene Glycol [13]
SiO2 2.2 Water [18, 32, 62, 67]
5.2 Ethylene Glycol [32, 67]
7.8 Ethanol [67]
SiC 806 Water [70]
1910 Ethylene Glycol [70]
Cu 655 Water [71-73]
1550 Ethylene Glycol [60, 74, 75]
Water + Ethylene Glycol [76]
3400 Oil [49, 71]
3060 Perfluorotriethylamine [25]
Ag 697 Water [32, 77]
Water + Ammonia [77]
Water + Ethylene Glycol [77]
Au 518 Water [61, 73]
1830 Ethanol [78]
2370 Toluene [11, 54, 78]
Fe 132 Water [68]
311 Ethylene Glycol [55, 56, 79, 80]
AlxCuy Water [81, 82]
Ethylene Glycol [81, 82]
AgxCuy Oil [83]
AgxAly Water [82]
Ethylene Glycol [82]
Bi2Te3 42.7 Oil [10]
87.7 Perfluorohexane [10]

Table 2.2 (continued)

Carbon Nanotubes 3290 Water [11, 18, 24, 62, 73, 75, 84-89]
7780 Ethylene Glycol [24, 62, 75, 90, 91]
Antifreeze [87]
17100 Oil [7, 18, 27, 75, 90, 92, 93]
14300 Decene [24]
Carbon Nanofibers 21.4 Water [54]
111 Oil [27]
C60-C70 (Fullerenes) 0.66 Water [18]
3.01 Toluene [78]
3.42 Oil [18]
Graphite 196 Water [94]
1020 Oil [27]
Diamond 3500 Ethylene Glycol [32]

The following examples are some of the more notable thermal conductivity results for

nanofluids. Choi et al. [7] reported a 150 % thermal conductivity enhancement of poly

(α-olefin) oil with the addition of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) at 1 %

volume fraction. Similarly, Yang et al. [93] reported a 200 % thermal conductivity

enhancement for poly (α-olefin) oil containing 0.35 % (v/v) MWCNT. It is important to

note that this thermal conductivity enhancement was accompanied by a three order of

magnitude increase in viscosity. Eastman et al. [74] found a 40 % thermal conductivity

enhancement for ethylene glycol with 0.3 % (v/v) copper nanoparticles (10 nm diameter),

although the authors added about 1 % (v/v) thioglycolic acid to aid in the dispersion of

the nanoparticles. The addition of this dispersant yielded a greater thermal conductivity

than the same concentration of nanoparticles in the ethylene glycol without the

dispersant. Jana et al. [73] measured the thermal conductivity of a similar copper

containing nanofluid, except the base fluid was water and laurate salt was used as a

dispersant. They observed a 70 % thermal conductivity enhancement for 0.3 % (v/v) Cu

nanoparticles in water. Kang et al. [32] reported a 75 % thermal conductivity

enhancement for ethylene glycol with 1.2 % (v/v) diamond nanoparticles between 30 and

50 nm in diameter. Despite these remarkable results, some researchers have measured

the thermal conductivity of nanofluids and have found no anomalous results. Also, those

results can often be predicted by conventional thermal conductivity models [11, 51, 54,

58]. It is therefore unclear why certain nanofluids exhibit anomalous thermal

conductivity enhancement while other nanofluids do not. Effect of Volume Fraction

Most of the nanofluid thermal conductivity data in the literature exhibit a linear

relationship with the volume fraction of particles as shown in Figure 2.6. However, some

exceptions have shown a non-linear relationship especially at low volume fraction (< 1

%) [66, 69]. In these studies, the slope of the thermal conductivity versus volume

fraction can be divided into two linear regimes. At low concentrations, the slope was

greater than at high concentrations. This typically occurred around 1 % (v/v) as seen in

Figure 2.7.

Some researchers have observed anomalous thermal conductivity enhancement

for dilute suspensions (< 1 % by volume) of metallic nanoparticles [72-74, 83]. In

addition to the aforementioned results of Eastman et al. [74] and Jana et al. [73], Ceylan

et al. [83] measured a thermal conductivity enhancement of 33 % for 0.006 % (v/v) Ag –

Cu alloy nanoparticles in pump oil. Yet others have reported no anomalous enhancement

for similar systems [54, 78]. Limited data are available for these ultra dilute metal

nanofluids, but there does not seem to be any explanations for the large differences in

results (Figure 2.8).

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )

Al O in H O

0.74 2 3 2
CuO in H O






0 1 2 3 4 5 6
φ (%)

Figure 2.6 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing metal oxides as

measured by Eastman et al. [60]. The dashed lines represent linear fits of the



(keff - k1) / k1 (%)



5 Cylinders

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
φ (%)

Figure 2.7 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids containing TiO2 in water

for both spherical and rod shaped nanoparticles as measured by Murshed et
al. [66]. The lines represent fits of each linear regime.


Eastman et al.
60 Jana et al.
Putnam et al.
- k ) / k (%)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
φ (%)

Figure 2.8 Thermal conductivity enhancement for dilute metal nanofluids. The circles
(●) represent the measurements by Eastman et al. [74] of Cu (10 nm) in
ethylene glycol + 1 % (v/v) thioglycolic acid. The squares (■) represent the
measurements by Jana et al. [73] of Cu (35 – 50 nm) in water + laurate salt.
The triangles (▲) represent measurements by Putnam et al. [78] of
alkanethiolate – stabilized Au (2 – 4 nm) in toluene.

28 Effect of Particle Size

Xie et al [12] measured the thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing

different sizes of alumina nanoparticles with diameters between 12 nm (124 m2 g-1) and

304 nm (5 m2 g-1). With the exception of the largest particles, the thermal conductivity

decreased as particle size decreased as seen in Figure 2.9. They concluded that there is

an optimal particle size which yields the greatest thermal conductivity enhancement.

However, Kim et al. [13] measured the thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing

different sizes of Al2O3, TiO2, and ZnO in water and in ethylene glycol. They observed

greater thermal conductivity for nanofluids containing the smaller nanoparticles. For

nanofluids containing 3 % (v/v) TiO2 in ethylene glycol, the thermal conductivity

enhancement for the 10 nm sample (16 %) was approximately double the enhancement

for the 70 nm sample. Li and Peterson [52] also observed up to 8 % greater thermal

conductivity enhancement for aqueous nanofluids containing 36 nm Al2O3 particles

compared to nanofluids containing 47 nm Al2O3 particles.


(k - k ) / k (%)



20 Pump Oil
Ethylene Glycol
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Average Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 2.9 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids consisting of alumina

particles in pump oil and ethylene glycol as a function of particle size as
measured by Xie et al. [12]

30 Effect of Temperature

Das et al [8] measured the thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing

Al2O3 and CuO at temperatures between 20 and 50 ºC. They observed that the thermal

conductivity increased as the temperature increased and speculated that this behavior is

typical of nanofluids over greater temperature ranges as well. However, they did not

measure the thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids at temperatures greater than 130

ºC where the thermal conductivity of saturated water attains a maximum. Over the

limited temperature range considered in their study, a gradual curve could appear linear.

Thus, more comprehensive data is required before concluding whether the thermal

conductivity exhibits a linear relationship with temperature. In contrast, Yang and Han

[10] reported thermal conductivity measurements of perfluorohexane (FC-72) containing

semiconductor (Bi2Te3) nanorods. They observed a decrease in the effective thermal

conductivity as the temperature increased from 5 to 50 ºC. This trend is similar to the

relationship between the thermal conductivity of non-polar liquids and thermal

conductivity [1]. Figure 2.10 illustrates the contrast among the observed temperature

dependence of the thermal conductivity of nanofluids.


1 % Das et al.
20 4 % Das et al.
Yang and Han
- k ) / k (%)



270 280 290 300 310 320 330
Temperature (K)

Figure 2.10 Thermal conductivity enhancement nanofluids as a function of temperature.

The circles and squares represent measurements by Das et al. [8] of aqueous
nanofluids containing alumina. The triangles represent measurements by
Yang and Han [10] of nanofluids consisting of perfluorohexane and Bi2Te3

32 Effect of Ratio of Particle to Fluid Thermal Conductivity

Xie et al. [59] also examined the effect of the thermal conductivity of the base

fluid using measurements of the thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing 60 nm

diameter (25 m2 g-1) alumina nanoparticles dispersed in different base fluids. The ratio of

particle to fluid thermal conductivity, α, ranged from 75 to 326. They observed a greater

relative thermal conductivity enhancement for nanofluids with a greater α. The

enhancement for the least conductive nanofluid (alumina in pump oil, α = 326) was

nearly 40 %, while the enhancement for the most conductive nanofluid (alumina in water,

α = 75) was about 23 %.

Several studies have explored the thermal conductivity of nanofluids with the

same base fluid but with different nanoparticles [8, 9, 49, 53, 57, 62]. The thermal

conductivity enhancement was greater for systems with greater α.

Similarly, some of the largest thermal conductivity enhancements observed in

nanofluids have contained highly thermally conductive particles (copper [74], carbon

nanotubes [7], diamonds [32]) in the same base fluids as nanofluids containing less

conductive particles, which exhibited much lower thermal conductivity enhancements

[59]. Effect of Particle Surface Charge

Lee et al. [63] explored the effect of the charge at the particle surface by varying

the pH of the water before dispersing the nanoparticles. They observed a greater thermal

conductivity enhancement at the acidic and basic pH range and a lower enhancement for

nanofluids with neutral pH values and concluded that greater surface charges increase the

stability of the dispersion leading to an increased thermal conductivity. Effect of Particle Arrangement in Suspension

Wright et al. [88] studied the thermal conductivity of dilute nanofluids containing

0.01 – 0.02 % Ni coated single wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) within a magnetic

field. They observed greater thermal conductivity enhancement when the magnetic field

was applied, which suggested that the SWCNTs aligned to form chains creating greater

conductive paths within the nanofluid. Hong et al. [95] and Wensel et al. [89] observed a

similar phenomenon for dilute nanofluids containing both Fe2O3 and SWCNTs.

However, after the nanofluids remain in the magnetic field for a certain amount of time

the thermal conductivity decreases due to particle settling caused by greater particle


In this review, several discrepancies among the thermal conductivity data of

nanofluids have been highlighted. Anomalous thermal conductivity enhancement ( up to

200 %) has been observed in certain nanofluids, while not in others. The effect of

smaller particle size has been shown to enhance conduction in some nanofluids and

hinder conduction in others. Similarly, the effect of higher temperature has been shown

to enhance conduction in some nanofluids, but it has also been shown to mimic the

thermal conductivity behavior of the base fluid. Alternatively, there appears to be

agreement on the relationship of the thermal conductivity of nanofluids with particle

volume fraction φ and with the ratio of solid to liquid thermal conductivity α. The

thermal conductivity linearly increases with particle volume fraction, and thermal

conductivity enhancement is greater for nanofluids with greater α.

The reliability of thermal conductivity values of nanofluids in the literature is

difficult to determine as evident by the aforementioned discrepancies in the observed

behavior of the thermal conductivity with temperature and particle size. However,

thermal conductivity measurements of commonly studied systems such as alumina in

water have been reproduced within 2 % at room temperature [8, 9, 13, 50, 57, 58]. The

lack of reliable and reproducible data at different temperatures and particle sizes make

the development of predictive models difficult.



In order to measure the thermal conductivity of a fluid, the measurement

technique must be capable of isolating contributions due to heat conduction from those

resulting from convection and radiation. Steady-state or transient methods can be used to

achieve this. Steady-state methods generally confine the fluid between two surfaces,

maintained at different temperatures. Two of the common geometries employed in these

measurements are coaxial cylinders and parallel plates [96]. In the first method, the fluid

occupies a thin annular gap between the two vertically oriented cylinders. By uniformly

heating the inner cylinder while maintaining the outer cylinder at a constant lower

temperature, a constant axial thermal gradient can be achieved. In the second method,

the fluid occupies a thin gap between two horizontally aligned plates. The upper plate is

maintained at a higher temperature so that the adjacent fluid is hotter and therefore less

dense. This helps to eliminate free convection. Both methods are versatile and can be

used to measure thermal conductivity over a wide range of temperature and pressure.

Both methods are suitable for nonpolar as well as electrically conducting fluids. The

basic equation for the thermal conductivity in these methods is rather straightforward,

k =c (3.1)

where Q is the heat flow by conduction, ΔT is the temperature difference between the two

surfaces, and c is the cell constant for the specific cell geometry. The difficulty with

these methods is in the careful design and construction of the measurement cell.

Convection is minimized by keeping the coaxial cylinders perfectly aligned on a vertical

axis, or keeping the parallel plates perfectly horizontal. Improper placement of one

surface in relation to the other can yield a significant error due to convection. In addition,

a correction must be applied to account for radiation and other heat losses. Heat is

generated by resistive heating, and the heat flow Q due to conduction is obtained using,

Q = VI − Q S − Q R − QC (3.2)

where V is the electric potential, I is the electric current, QS is the heat flow to the

surroundings, QR is the heat flow by radiation, and QC is the heat flow by convection.

The heat flow to the surroundings must be determined experimentally by calibrating the

cell. The radiative heat flow can be found analytically for fluids which are entirely

transparent. However, no analytical solution is available for partially transparent fluids.

In this case, the heat transferred by radiation is found by measuring the apparent thermal

conductivity while varying the thickness of the fluid gap between the solid surfaces. Due

to this difficulty, the radiative heat transfer is generally minimized by designing the cell

with a thin gap (0.2 – 0.3 mm) between the surfaces and using solid materials with low

emissivity and highly polished surfaces. The convective heat transfer in these methods is

often negligible when the cell is designed properly, but a correction can be applied by

using the Rayleigh number with an empirical formula developed by Le Neindre and

Tufeu as listed in Wakeham et al. [96]. When all sources of error are accounted for in a

careful design, steady-state thermal conductivity measurements can be made with

accuracies in the 1 – 3 % range.

Transient methods generally require that the fluid only be heated for several

seconds to take advantage of the longer timescale for the onset of convection compared to

the propagation of thermal energy by conduction. These methods utilize a single surface

to heat the fluid and to measure the temperature response to find the thermal conductivity

of the surrounding medium. Transient methods eliminate the need for precise

temperature control needed in steady-state methods. They employ a heated cylinder,

plate, or wire suspended in a liquid to measure th thermal conductivity. The transient hot

wire method is particularly simple to use because the wire can be modeled as a line. This

simplicity also minimizes sources of heat loss compared to the steady-state systems. A

significant advantage of the transient hot wire method is the ability to analytically verify

the elimination of convective and radiative contributions to heat transfer. Free

convection would appear in the data analysis as a deviation from the transient conduction

model. Additionally, the radiative contribution to heat transfer is calculated in the

analysis as detailed in Section These properties of the transient hot wire method

have made it the preferred method for thermal conductivity measurement, as

demonstrated by the use of this method in many recent nanofluid studies [7, 11-13, 18,

24, 25, 32, 49-51, 54-59, 62-66, 68-72, 74-77, 79, 80, 84-86, 90, 93, 94, 97].

3.1 Basic Measurement Technique

The transient hot-wire technique utilizes a thin metal wire immersed vertically in the

fluid of interest. This wire forms one resistor of a Wheatstone bridge with other resistors

of known resistances. When a constant voltage is applied to the initially balanced bridge,

heat is dissipated along the wire, and causes a temperature change in the wire. This

temperature change and heating period must be small enough that convection does not

occur during the measurement, and power is therefore supplied to the bridge for only a

few seconds. The small temperature change in the wire induces a small change in

electrical resistance of the wire, which can then be used to determine the temperature

change. Thus, the wire acts both as the heat source and a thermometer. The temperature

versus time relationship is related to the thermal conductivity of the fluid via a specific

solution to Fourier’s law for an infinite line heat source in an infinite medium,

q ⎛ 4αt ⎞
ΔT = ln⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ (3.3)
4πk ⎝ r γ ⎠

where ΔT is the temperature change of the wire, q is the heat dissipated per unit length, r

is the distance from the heat source, γ is the exponent of Euler’s constant, and k and α are

the thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of the fluid, respectively [98].

Corrections must be applied for the finite extent of the real system, and are addressed in

section 3.3.3.

3.2 Background of Transient Hot-wire Method

3.2.1 Basic Transient Hot-wire Method

The transient hot-wire method had been developed over many years, but did not

become the predominant method of thermal conductivity measurement for fluids until the

work of de Groot et al. [99], who showed that this method could be used to make

absolute measurements of the thermal conductivity of gases up to 800 °C and 400 atm

with an estimated accuracy and precision of 0.2 %. The accuracy was due to careful

design of the system to minimize differences between the real and the model system.

Each assumption that was made in the derivation of Equation 3.3 was analyzed to

determine its significance [100], and corrections were applied to account for any

deviations, particularly the change in physical properties due to the temperature increase

and the finite extent of the wire and the fluid.

3.2.2 Insulated Wire Method

A transient hot-wire device with a bare metal wire can be used to measure the

thermal conductivity of fluids which are not electrically conductive, such as gases and

most organic liquids. In the case of electrically conducting liquids, current leakage

would occur from the wire into the fluid, which would introduce significant error in the

measurement of heat dissipated in the wire. Nagasaka and Nagashima [101] extended the

method to measure electrolytes by adding a polyester insulating layer to the platinum

wire to prevent electrical leakage. This layer of insulation added more complexity to the

method, and created another correction during data analysis. However, they were able to

measure the thermal conductivity of aqueous NaCl solutions between 0 and 45 °C with

an estimated accuracy of 0.5 %.

3.2.3 Liquid Metal Wire Method

Hoshi et al. [102] further extended the insulated transient hot-wire method by

using a borosilicate glass capillary as the insulating layer with a mercury wire. This

method allows measurement over a greater temperature range than a coated wire, which

is prone to cracking at high temperatures because of differences in thermal expansion of

the two materials. They measured the thermal conductivity of molten salts at

temperatures up to 300 °C with an estimated accuracy of 3.5 %.

The method developed by Hoshi et al. has been used extensively for the

measurement of the thermal conductivity of electrically conducting liquids by DiGuilio

and Teja who measured the thermal conductivity of aqueous salt solutions [103], and by

Bleazard and Teja who measured the thermal conductivity of aqueous LiBr solutions and

propionic acid and water mixtures [104], alkanediols [105], and acetic acid and water

mixtures [106]. More recently, Sun and Teja measured the thermal conductivity of

various glycol and water mixtures [107, 108] and benzoic acid and water mixtures [109]

using this method. The estimated accuracy of these measurements is approximately 2 %.

Two methods have been used to construct the capillary. The first method

employed a high temperature rubber cement to seal the ends of a fine pyrex capillary to

the ends of larger pyrex tubes to form a U shape shown in Figure 3.1 [110]. This method

limits the temperature range of the thermal conductivity measurements because the

capillary can break due to differences in the thermal expansion of the two materials. The

second method consists of a single pyrex tube that is heated and stretched to form the

capillary [111]. No sealant is needed, but the disadvantage is that the capillary created by

this method has a non-uniform cross sectional area. However, this method allows

measurements at higher temperatures than any of the previously mentioned methods.

Due to the versatility and demonstrated effectiveness of the second method, it was chosen

for measurement of the thermal conductivity of nanofluids in this work.

3.3 Construction of Transient Hot-wire Instrument

Two transient hot-wire instruments were used in this research. The first was

designed and constructed by Bleazard and Teja [104], and consisted of a transient hot-

wire cell and the electric apparatus illustrated in Figures 3.1 and 3.2, respectively. This

instrument is described in detail by Bleazard and Teja [104] and was used to make the

thermal conductivity measurements in Section 5.3.1. An updated apparatus which

utilizes greater computing power, provides faster analysis, and is more user-friendly, was

used to make the thermal conductivity measurements presented in Section 5.3.2.

Figure 3.1 Liquid metal transient hot-wire cell. Adapted from Bleazard and Teja [104]

Figure 3.2 Electrical diagram of transient hot-wire apparatus.

3.3.1 Instrumentation Hot Wire Cell

Both the original and updated instrument employed the same transient hot-wire

cell. The cell consisted of a capillary formed from a standard wall borosilicate glass tube

(4 mm OD, 2 mm ID) which was fixed in a ceramic support with ceramic epoxy

(Thermeez Hi-Seal, Cotronics Corp.). The capillary was examined with a microscope to

determine the dimensions. The average inner diameter was approximately 100 microns

and the average outer diameter was approximately 250 microns. Mercury was drawn

through the capillary with a vacuum pump, and tungsten wires were used to connect the

mercury to the rest of the Wheatstone bridge. The mercury filled capillary was placed in

a glass test tube containing the fluid to be studied, and the test tube was sealed and placed

in a pressure vessel in a Techne fluidized sand bath (Model SBL-2D). The temperature

of the fluid was determined with a type E thermocouple (see Appendix A for calibration). Instrumentation of Bleazard and Teja

The electrical circuit is shown in Figure 3.2. The Wheatstone bridge consisted of

the hot wire, two 100 ± 0.01 Ω precision resistors, and a 4-dial decade resistance box

(General Radio 1433A) adjustable by ± 0.01 Ω with a maximum of 111.1 Ω. The bridge

was powered by a Hewlett-Packard power supply (model 6213A), and a relay

(Magnecraft W172DIP-1) was placed in series with the power supply to close the circuit

when activated. An IBM PC XT and a Strawberry Tree analog to digital converter card

(ACPC-16) was used to control the relay and for data acquisition. Updated Instrumentation

All of the aforementioned components were replaced in the updated instrument.

The new Wheatstone bridge circuit consisted of two 100 ± 0.005 % Ω precision

wirewound resistors (RCD Components, Inc., Manchester, NH, Model 150B-1000-VB)

and a 4-dial decade resistance box (IET Labs, Inc., Westbury, NY, HARS-X-4-0.01)

adjustable by ± 0.01 Ω with a maximum of 111.1 Ω. The bridge was powered by an DC

supply (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, Model E3610A). A generic 100 μF capacitor was

placed in parallel with the power supply for signal conditioning. A solid state relay

(Omron Electronic Components, Schaumburg, IL, G3VM-61B1) was placed in series

with the power supply, which closed the circuit when activated. A Dell computer

containing an analog to digital (A/D) converter (IOtech, Cleveland, OH,

ADAC/5502MF) was used to control the relay and for data acquisition and analysis.

There is no significant difference between the resistors in the updated instrument

compared to the original instrument. However, the Agilent power supply is an upgrade

from the original power supply because it produces a more reliable constant voltage than

the original. Additionally, there was no capacitor for signal conditioning in the original

instrument. The greatest difference between the original hardware and the updated

hardware is the improved computing power of the Dell computer with the IOtech A/D.

The original system recorded data at approximately 60 Hz for each channel, while the

updated system records data at 1000 Hz for each channel.

3.3.2 Data Acquisition and Analysis

The apparatus designed by Bleazard and Teja employed a BASIC program to

control the relay and for data acquisition and a separate Fortran program to analyze the

data and obtain a thermal conductivity value.

In the updated apparatus, the graphical programming software LabVIEW (version

7.1) was chosen for the data acquisition and analysis and to control the relay. The

LabVIEW program was designed to automatically collect the data, import data into

MATLAB for data analysis, and then provide graphical analysis and a thermal

conductivity value. The results from a typical thermal conductivity measurement are

shown in Figure 3.3, and the actual LabVIEW and MATLAB code can be found in

Appendix B. The graphical analysis includes plots of the measured data (voltage offset

of the bridge and source voltage) and two plots of ΔT versus ln(t), one over the entire

time period of the measurement, and the other a snapshot of the linear time period used to

calculate thermal conductivity. The selection of this linear portion is described in Section

3.5. In the second plot, the experimental temperature changes are compared with

predicted values for the wire. Graphical analysis provides the user with the ability to

identify any errors that may arise during the measurement. Such errors include

disturbances in the voltage source or the onset of convection, which would appear as a

noticeable decrease in the slope on the ΔT versus ln(t) plot at later times.

Figure 3.3 User interface in LabVIEW for transient hot wire device
3.4 Procedure, Analysis and Corrections

The following is a detailed description of the procedure and analysis used in this


3.4.1 Procedure

With the mercury filled capillary immersed in the fluid, the bridge is manually

balanced by adjusting the decade resistance to a value which minimizes the absolute

voltage offset. Then, the temperature of the fluid is measured using a thermocouple.

This is followed by activation of a relay to close the circuit and allow a constant voltage

to be supplied to the bridge. The current flowing through the wire gives rise to heat

dissipation, which leads to an increase in the temperature of the wire. After several

seconds, the relay is deactivated to open the circuit and stop current flow. The voltage

across the bridge is measured at regular intervals while current flows through the circuit,

and the voltage versus time data are analyzed as described below to determine the

thermal conductivity.

3.4.2 Analysis

The thermal conductivity of the liquid is found from Fourier’s law for an infinite

line heat source in an infinite medium (Eq. 3.3). Equation 3.3 can also be written,

⎛ 4α ⎞
ln(t ) +
q q
ΔT = ln⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ (3.4)
4πk 4πk ⎝ r γ ⎠

Thus, if the physical properties of the fluid are effectively constant during the

measurement, the relationship between ΔT and ln (t) has the following slope,

d (ΔT ) q
= (3.5)
d (ln t ) 4πk

Since the heat dissipated in the wire is effectively constant, the slope is constant and the

relationship between ΔT and ln (t) is linear. Thus, the thermal conductivity can be found

from the slope and the heat dissipated (Eq. 3.5).

The temperature change of the wire is calculated from the voltage offset data

using the following equation to find the resistance of the wire RW,

VS RD (R1 + R2 )
RW (t ) = − RD (3.6)
VS R1 + V (t )(R1 + R2 )

where RD is the resistance of the decade box, R1 and R2 are the resistances of the

corresponding fixed resistors in Figure 3.2, VS is the voltage supplied to the bridge, and V

is the voltage across the bridge. Then, the resistance of the wire was converted to the

temperature change of the wire by,

RW (t ) − RW (0 )
ΔT (t ) = (3.7)
κRW (0 )

where κ is the temperature coefficient of the electrical resistivity of mercury. Lastly, the

average heat dissipated in the wire per unit length, q, is calculated from Joule’s first law,

I 2 RWav VS2 RWav

q= = (3.8)
L (RD + RWav )2 L
where I is the current flow through the wire, L is the length of the wire, and RWav is the

average resistance of the wire. The heat dissipated per unit length and the slope of the

linear relationship between ΔT and ln (t) are all that are needed to determine the thermal

conductivity using equation 3.5 if all of the assumptions are assumed to be correct.

However, some assumptions create significant error in the thermal conductivity

measurement. Some of these errors can be corrected theoretically, and others can only be

corrected through calibration.

3.4.3 Corrections and Calibration

The thermal conductivity is calculated from the temperature versus time response

of an ideal system using equation 3.5. The ideal temperature change ΔTid is obtained by

adding theoretical corrections to the measured temperature change of the wire,

ΔTid (t ) = ΔT (t ) + ∑ δTi (t ) (3.9)


where δTi are corrections to the temperature change. Insulating Layer and Three Dimensional Aspect of Wire

The analysis in the previous section is based on a one dimensional linear heat

source immersed in a fluid. The radius of the wire, and the radius and physical properties

of the pyrex capillary were not considered in the model. Nagasaka and Nagashima [101]

derived the following expression to account for the temperature correction caused by the

insulating pyrex layer and for the three dimensional aspect of the wire:

− q ⎧⎪ ⎛ ri ⎞ 2k ⎛ ro ⎞ 1⎡ ⎛ 4αt ⎞⎤ ⎫⎪
δT1 (t ) =
⎨2 ln⎜ ⎟⎟ + ln⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ + + ⎢C1 + C 2 + C 3 ln⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟⎥ ⎬ (3.10)
4πk ⎪⎩ ⎜⎝ ro ⎠ k G ⎝ ri ⎠ 2k Hg t ⎢⎣ ⎝ ro γ ⎠⎥⎦ ⎪⎭

ri 2 ⎡⎛ k − k G ⎞⎛ 1 1 ⎞⎟ 4 2 ⎤
C1 = ⎢⎜⎜ ⎟⎜
⎟⎜ α

+ − ⎥
8 ⎢⎣⎝ k Hg ⎠⎝ Hg α G ⎠ α G α Hg ⎥⎦

ro2 ⎛1 1 ⎞ ri 2 ⎛⎜ k G k Hg ⎞ ⎛ ro
⎟ ln⎜

C2 = ⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟ + − ⎟⎟
⎜ ⎟ ⎜r
2 ⎝ α α G ⎠ k G ⎝ α G α Hg ⎠ ⎝ i ⎠

ri 2 ⎛⎜ k G k Hg ⎞ ro2 ⎛ k k G ⎞
C3 = − ⎜ − ⎟
2k ⎜⎝ α G α Hg ⎟ 2k ⎜ α α ⎟
⎠ ⎝ G ⎠

where ri and ro are the inner and outer radii of the capillary, respectively, t is time, k is the

thermal conductivity, α is the thermal diffusivity, and γ is the exponential of Euler’s

constant. The subscripts Hg and G refer to properties of mercury and borosilicate glass,

respectively, while properties with no subscript refer to the fluid. The magnitude of this

correction is strongly dependent on the geometry of the capillary and can cause as much

as 10 % error in the thermal conductivity measurement if omitted. Finite Extent of the Liquid

Equation 3.3 is based on an infinite volume of liquid to act as a heat sink. The

following expression was derived by Healy et al. [100] to calculate the magnitude of this


⎡ ⎛ 4αt ⎞ ∞ ⎛ − gν2αt ⎞ ⎤
δT2 (t ) = ⎟⎟[πY0 ( gν )]2 ⎥
⎢ ⎜ 2 ⎟ ∑
ln ⎜ ⎟ + exp⎜⎜ (3.11)
4πk ⎢⎣ ⎝ b γ ⎠ ν =1 ⎝ b
⎠ ⎥⎦

where b is the inside diameter of the cell, Y0 is the zero-order Bessel function of the

second kind, and gν are the roots of J0, the zero-order Bessel function of the first kind.

The magnitude of this correction was calculated during each measurement to ensure the

assumption caused negligible error. In the present work, this correction was insignificant

( < 0.1 %). Heat Transfer by Radiation

Nieto de Castro et al. [112] developed the following equation to determine the

amount of heat transfer by radiation during the measurement:

− qB ⎡ ri 2 ⎛ 4αt ⎞ ri 2 ⎤
δT3 (t ) = ⎢ ln⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ + − t⎥ (3.12)
4πk ⎢⎣ 4α ⎝ ri γ ⎠ 4α ⎥⎦

where B is a radiation parameter. This parameter was determined from the following

equation after the first two temperature corrections are made:

q ⎛ Br 2 ⎞ ⎛ 4αt ⎞ Bqri 2
ΔTid (t ) =
⎜1 + i ⎟⎟ ln⎜⎜ 2 ⎟⎟ + − (3.13)

4πk ⎝ 4α ⎠ ⎝ ri γ ⎠ 16παk 4πk

This correction was also insignificant for data measuremed in this study ( < 0.1 %). Calibration

There are two sources of error that can not be accounted for theoretically. The

first is the non-uniform diameter of the capillary. The capillary was produced by heating

and stretching the borosilicate glass, which creates a capillary of varying thickness along

its length. In the preceding analysis, the average inner and outer diameters of the wire

were used in the calculations. Those values were approximated by examining the

capillary under a microscope. However, the use of an average wire diameter did not

eliminate this source of error. During Joule heating, a wire of varying diameter is

analogous to a series of resistors with varying resistance, which causes different levels of

heat dissipation along the length of the wire.

Secondly, axial heat conduction was not considered in any of the previous

calculations. The analysis was based on all heat conducting radially through the wire,

glass and fluid, since the model is of an infinite wire with no ends. The real system was

designed to minimize end effects, but they are not eliminated. Despite far less heat

transfer area, a small amount of heat is conducted axially in the mercury wire because

there is much less resistance to heat transfer through the mercury at the end of the wire

than through the borosilicate glass. De Groot et al. [113] solved this problem for the bare

platinum wire by constructing an instrument from two wires of the same diameter but

different lengths. DiGuilio and Teja [110] extended this method to the liquid metal

transient hot wire method. The end effects would be similar in both of these wires and

would effectively offset each other. The system would then be modeled as a single wire

with a length equal to the difference between the two wires. The differential method

requires that both wires be the same diameter, and that the insulation for each wire have

the same thickness. The differential method was not used in this work because of the

difficulty with producing capillaries of different lengths but equal diameters.

There is no analytical correction available for either of these sources of error.

However, calibration of the apparatus was used to compensate for these errors. By

measuring a reference fluid with a well known thermal conductivity, an effective wire

length was calculated. The effective wire length determined during the calibration was

then used for subsequent measurements and provides accurate results for various liquids,

temperatures, and pressures, since these errors are primarily dependent on the geometry

of the wire. To validate this approach, the thermal conductivity of another reference fluid

was measured as a function of temperature. Bleazard and Teja [104] used this approach

to show that overall the error was < 2 % using this method.

3.5 Calibration of Updated Instrument

The effective length of the wire was adjusted to calibrate the updated apparatus.

Two other parameters were considered in the calibration experiment. First, the voltage

supplied to the bridge had to be selected since this directly determines the temperature

rise in the wire. Since the voltage supplied to the bridge was constant, a higher voltage

leads to a greater temperature rise in the wire. If the voltage is too low, the noise in the

data becomes more significant and leads to lower resolution in the experimental

measurement. However, if the voltage is too large, convection may occur during the

measurement due to a larger temperature rise in the wire. A precise optimization was

unnecessary for this parameter. However, it is most important to operate within a range

that avoids both of these problems for the variety of fluids to be studied. For this

research, a value of 4 V was chosen based on several trials.

The second parameter is the time period corresponding to the linear portion of the

ΔT vs ln(t) relationship, which was determined through calibration. Time periods of 1,

1.5, 2, and 2.5 seconds were considered. At 1 second, the variation between

measurements was greater than at larger time periods. However, as the time period

increased, there was a greater change in temperature and therefore in the physical

properties of the fluid, which caused an increasingly larger change in the slope. For this

reason, 1.5 seconds was selected as the time period for the experiment. The specific time

corresponding to the beginning of the linear portion was then selected. This value along

with the effective wire length was determined during the calibration with reference fluids

water [23] and dimethyl phthalate [114]. Calibration data are presented in Figure 3.4 for

dimethyl phthalate at 73 ºC. The same data were collected for this fluid at 24, 117, and

145 ºC and for water at 24, 59, and 84 ºC. At least five measurements were performed

for each set of conditions. For water above 84 ºC, convection occurred and the data were

not considered in the calibration. The individual measurements were averaged to obtain a

single curve corresponding to a specific fluid at one temperature. From these seven

curves, the average and standard deviation were found for each time period and displayed

in Figures 3.5 and 3.6, respectively. The effective length and time period were selected

that produced the minimum standard deviation. The standard deviation reached a

minimum value of 0.055 cm for the time period of 0.88 to 2.38 seconds with a

corresponding effective length of 9.9 cm. A plot of residuals of the effective mean is

presented in Figure 3.7.


Effective Length (cm)



9.8 73A
9.6 73C
9.4 73E
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Initial Time of Linear Section (ms)

Figure 3.4 Multiple calibrations of the effective length of the hot wire with dimethyl
phthalate (DMP) at 73 ºC as a function of the time period.


Effective Length (cm)





500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Initial Time of Linear Section (ms)

Figure 3.5 The mean effective length as a function of the time period determined from
each measurement of water and dimethyl phthalate at all temperatures


Standard Deviation (cm)





500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Initial Time of Linear Section (ms)

Figure 3.6 The standard deviation of the effective wire length as a function of the time
period analyzed.


Residuals (%)



280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420
Temperature (K)

Figure 3.7 Residuals of the effective wire length for water and dimethyl phthalate at
various temperatures

3.6 Validation of Updated Instrument

Ethylene glycol was used to validate the transient hot wire apparatus because it is

one of the base fluids considered in this study. Table 3.1 contains a comparison of the

measured thermal conductivity and reference values [115] at three temperatures. Each

reported measured value is the average of at least 5 measurements. The error for the

reference data is reported to be less than 5 %, and measured values from this work are

within 2 % of the reported values.

A heterogeneous system was also selected to validate the instrument for nanofluid

samples. An aqueous nanofluid containing alumina was selected due to the large amount

of data available for this system in the literature. Six thermal conductivity data sets [8,

13, 50, 52, 57, 58] are available for this system containing 0 – 5 % (v/v) alumina

nanoparticles with average particle diameters between 38 – 50 nm at room temperature.

Moreover, these six sets of data are in general agreement with each other within 1.5 %.

The measurements in this study for the aqueous nanofluid sample containing alumina (46

nm diameter) compare favorably with the results from the literature as illustrated in

Figure 3.8. The measured values in this study were within 1.1 % of a linear fit to the

literature values, which is well within the 2 % reported accuracy of this method.

Table 3.1 Validation of transient hot wire apparatus with ethylene glycol

Temperature (K) 298.0 323.9 352.4

kexp (W m-1 K-1) 0.257 0.260 0.264
kref (W m-1 K-1) [115] 0.254 0.257 0.258
% error 1.36 % 1.02 % 1.85 %


(keff - k1) / k1 (%)

Lee et al.
Chon et al.
4 Das et al.
Kim et al.
2 Timofeeva et al.
Li & Peterson
This work
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
φ (%)

Figure 3.8 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous alumina nanofluids. The

solid circles (●) represent measurements from this study (47 nm diameter
alumina), and the others represent data from the literature (38 – 50 nm
diameter alumina) [8, 13, 50, 52, 57, 58].




The focus of this work is on the thermal conductivity of dispersions containing

metal oxides in electrically conducting liquids. This chapter describes the systems that

were studied and the results of the thermal conductivity measurements as well as methods

for characterization of the nanofluids.

4.1 Materials and Methods

4.1.1 Materials

Nanofluids were prepared using alumina, ceria, or titania particles in deionized

water, ethylene glycol, or a mixture of the two. The resistivity of the pure deionized

water was greater than 18 MΩ·cm, and the ethylene glycol was reagent grade (99.0 %)

from VWR International (West Chester, PA). The particles were obtained from different

vendors as dry powders. Sources are listed in Table 4.1 together with the crystal phase

and average particle size reported by the manufacturer.

Commercial nanofluids were supplied by NEI Corporation (Somerset, NJ) and are

listed in Table 4.2. Each of these nanofluids contained a proprietary dispersant.

Table 4.1 Sources of Alumina and Ceria powders and their properties provided by the

Manufacturer (Product Name) Crystal Phase & Average Particle

Material Diameter (nm)
Electron Microscopy Sciences γ - Al2O3 50
Electron Microscopy Sciences α - Al2O3 300
Electron Microscopy Sciences α - Al2O3 1000
Nanophase (NanoTek) δ/γ - Al2O3 47
Nanostructured and Amorphous Materials γ - Al2O3 11
Nanostructured and Amorphous Materials γ - Al2O3 20
Nanostructured and Amorphous Materials α-Al2O3 150
Nanostructured and Amorphous Materials CeO2 15 - 30
Nanostructured and Amorphous Materials CeO2 70 - 100

Electron Microscopy Sciences (Hatfield, PA)

Nanophase (Romeoville, IL)
Nanostructured and Amorphous Materials (Los Alamos, NM)

Table 4.2 Nanofluids provided by NEI Corporation (Somerset, NJ)

Particle Average Particle Base Fluid Volume

Material Diameter (nm) Fractions
γ - Al2O3 50 nm Water 1.4, 2.9, 4.6 %
γ - Al2O3 50 nm 50 % (w/w) Water + Ethylene Glycol 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 %
γ - Al2O3 10 nm 50 % (w/w) Water + Ethylene Glycol 0.5, 1, 2, 3 %
TiO2 2 nm 50 % (w/w) Water + Ethylene Glycol 2, 4, 6, 8.5 %

4.1.2 Sample Preparation

Nanofluid samples were prepared by dispersing pre-weighed quantities of dry

particles in either deionized water or ethylene glycol. The pH of each aqueous mixture

was measured and, if necessary, was adjusted to 4.0 ± 0.2 by the addition of HCl to

promote dispersion. The mixtures were then subjected to ultrasonic mixing (Sonics &

Materials, Inc. Vibra-Cell VCX 750) for several minutes to break up any particle

aggregates. The acidic pH is much less than the isoelectric point of these particles (7-9

for alumina [116] and 6.7-8.7 for ceria [117]), thus ensuring a positive surface charge on

the particles. The surface charge enhanced repulsion between the particles, which

resulted in uniform dispersions for the duration of the experiments. An image of an

aqueous nanofluids containing alumina is displayed in Figure 4.1

Figure 4.1 Aqueous nanofluid containing 3 % (v/v) alumina particles

4.2 Nanofluid Characterization

4.2.1 Primary Particle Size

Average particle sizes provided by the manufacturer are typically determined by

surface area measurements of the dry powder. However, different lots of particles may

have different sizes, and this measurement provides no information regarding the size

distribution of particles. Thus, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was employed

to obtain images of each type of alumina particle, and surface area measurements were

performed to determine the average particle size.

TEM images were obtained using a Hitachi (Pleasanton, CA) HF-2000

transmission electron microscope. TEM samples were prepared by diluting a small

amount of a nanofluid sample (approximately 10:1) and placing a few drops on the TEM

grid and allowing it to dry for 24 hours.

The Brunauer – Emmett – Teller (BET) surface areas were obtained from nitrogen

adsorption data measured by an Accelerated Surface Area and Porosity (ASAP 2020)

system from Micromeritics (Norcross, GA). The samples were degassed before the

measurements by ramping the temperature up to 300 ºC at a rate of 10 ºC / min and held

at that temperature for 100 minutes. Afterwards, free space in the sample tube was

measured using the analysis port of the ASAP 2000. The sample was then degassed by

heating to 300 ºC under vacuum for at least 4 hours. The BET surface areas were

calculated from P / P0 data between 0.05 and 0.30, where P and P0 are the equilibrium

and saturation pressures of nitrogen, respectively.

The average particle diameter was determined from the specific surface area and

an estimate of the shape of the particles obtained from the TEM images. All of the

particles were either spherical or ellipsoidal (sphericity > 0.9). Estimates of the average

and standard deviation of the particle diameter were obtained by measuring individual

particles in the TEM images. The images display aggregates consisting of many

particles, which make it difficult to differentiate individual particles. Therefore, only ten

particles were considered from each image. Examples of these images are displayed in

figures 4.2 and 4.3. The remaining images are shown in Appendix C. Table 4.3 displays

the average particle diameters obtained from both the surface area measurements and the

TEM images. The large differences between a few of the particle samples can be

attributed to the polydispersity of those samples (Figure 4.2). The surface area

measurements provide a more accurate mean than the TEM images due to the extremely

small sample size considered in the analysis of TEM images. Therefore, only the

diameters obtained from the surface area measurements are considered in the analysis of

thermal conductivity results. Only two samples of ceria were used in this study, thus

surface area measurements were sufficient without TEM imaging to demonstrate the

difference in size. The average particle size of the ceria was calculated assuming

spherical particles.

4.2.2 Secondary Particle Size

Particles in each sample were aggregated to some degree, which can be seen in

the TEM images. The aggregate size is also referred to as the secondary particle size and

is important in determining the stability of the dispersion. It is this size which determines

the Brownian velocity of particles in a liquid. An average hydrodynamic radius can be

calculated by measuring the velocity of the aggregates with dynamic light scattering. The

measurement is only valid for transparent or nearly transparent samples, so the technique

is not appropriate for the concentrations used in this work (0.5 – 5.0 %). Aqueous

samples were prepared as stated previously, and then a portion was diluted until the

liquid was transparent. The level of dilution was adjusted so that a similar average count

rate was achieved in each measurement. The measurements were performed with a

90Plus particle size analyzer from Brookhaven Instruments Corporation (Holtsville, NY).

The samples were measured at room temperature. Two runs were performed on each

sample, and each run lasted 2 minutes at a measurement rate of 1 per second. The results

are displayed in Table 4.3 and are presented as hydrodynamic diameters for consistency.

Figure 4.2 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 47 nm from Nanophase Technologies (Romeoville, IL). The average
diameter of these particles is 77 nm and 46 nm as determined by TEM and
BET, respectively. Magnification = 100,000

Figure 4.3 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 50 nm from Electron Microscopy Sciences (Hatfield, PA). The
average diameter of these particles is 20 nm and 16 nm as determined by
TEM and BET, respectively Magnification = 100,000

Table 4.3 Mean primary and secondary particle sizes (nm) of powders dispersed in water from specific surface area measurements,
transmission electron microscopy, and dynamic light scattering

Material Particle Diameter Particle Tranmission Electron Microscopy Hydrodynamic

from Diameter from Diameter
Diameter Standard Coefficient of
Manufacturer BET
Deviation Variation
Al2O3 11 8 6 2 33 % 320
Al2O3 20 12 10 2 20 % 265
Al2O3 47 46 77 110 140 % 205
Al2O3 50 16 20 5 25 % 520
Al2O3 150 245 180 38 21 % 790
Al2O3 300 71 99 95 96 % 492
Al2O3 1000 282 290 51 18 % 522

CeO2 15 – 30 12 NA NA NA 280
CeO2 70 – 100 74 NA NA NA 550
4.3 Thermal Conductivity Measurements

4.3.1 Temperature Studies

The thermal conductivity of nanofluids of specific mass fractions is presented in

Tables 4.4 - 4.9 and Figures 4.4 – 4.9. Each data point represents the average value of

five thermal conductivity measurements. Standard deviations for each series of

measurements are also provided. The measurements were made at temperatures ranging

from 294 K to 422 K using the original transient hot wire instrument constructed by

Bleazard and Teja [104], after the sample was allowed to come to thermal equilibrium at

each temperature for no less than 30 minutes. The samples consisted of 12 nm alumina

nanoparticles dispersed in water and in ethylene glycol, and the nanofluids provided by

NEI listed in Table 4.2. Note that for each mass fraction, the volume fraction decreases

with temperature since the density of the liquid phase decreases with temperature. Thus,

the volume fractions listed in the figures refer to the volume fraction at room


The nanofluids containing ethylene glycol (Figure 4.4) and the ethylene glycol

and water mixture (Figures 4.7 and 4.8) clearly display curvature in the thermal

conductivity – temperature relationship. Furthermore, the maximum thermal

conductivity occurs at approximately the same temperature as the base liquid. This

relationship may be valid in aqueous nanofluids (Figures 4.5 and 4.6), but this cannot be

stated unambiguously since the thermal conductivity maximum for water occurs at a

temperature (~ 403 K) near the maximum temperature measured in this work (~ 422 K).

At temperatures greater than 422 K, convection was evident during the measurement,

which invalidated those measurements. Figure 4.5 displays a comparison of the thermal

conductivities for aqueous data from this work and from Das et al. [8]. Their data lies at

the lower temperature range of this work (< 320 K), but the thermal conductivity data

displays a stronger temperature dependence than observed in this work. This work and

the data from Das et al. appear to exhibit a linear relationship between thermal

conductivity and temperature below 320 K.

The nanofluids containing TiO2 nanoparticles exhibited a lower thermal

conductivity than the ethylene glycol and water mixtures (Figure 4.9). Furthermore, the

thermal conductivity of the nanofluids decreased as the volume fraction increased. This

suppression of the thermal conductivity with the addition of nanoparticles to a liquid has

not been observed previously in the literature.

Table 4.4 Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol nanofluids containing Al2O3

Mass fraction T (K) Volume fraction Mean k Standard

of Al2O3 of Al2O3 W m-1 K-1 Deviation
3.26 % 302.0 1.00 % 0.258 0.004
3.26 % 323.4 0.98 % 0.259 0.004
3.26 % 347.3 0.97 % 0.262 0.001
3.26 % 372.2 0.95 % 0.267 0.003
3.26 % 392.4 0.94 % 0.264 0.002
3.26 % 411.1 0.92 % 0.260 0.002
9.34 % 296.3 3.00 % 0.276 0.003
9.34 % 323.6 2.95 % 0.282 0.002
9.34 % 349.0 2.90 % 0.284 0.005
9.34 % 373.3 2.85 % 0.285 0.005
9.34 % 392.1 2.81 % 0.287 0.003
9.34 % 409.6 2.78 % 0.280 0.007
12.2 % 304.0 3.99 % 0.290 0.005
12.2 % 323.7 3.94 % 0.291 0.005
12.2 % 348.5 3.87 % 0.294 0.003
12.2 % 373.3 3.81 % 0.293 0.006
12.2 % 391.0 3.76 % 0.288 0.007
12.2 % 409.0 3.71 % 0.285 0.007

Table 4.5 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing Al2O3

Mass fraction T (K) Volume fraction Mean k Standard

of Al2O3 of Al2O3 W m-1 K-1 Deviation
3.61 % 297.2 1.00 % 0.625 .014
3.61 % 321.6 0.99 % 0.641 .017
3.61 % 345.5 0.98 % 0.653 .011
3.61 % 371.1 0.96 % 0.670 .007
3.61 % 396.9 0.94 % 0.678 .005
10.3 % 298.7 3.00 % 0.636 .014
10.3 % 322.3 2.97 % 0.646 .009
10.3 % 346.9 2.94 % 0.674 .010
10.3 % 371.4 2.89 % 0.680 .006
10.3 % 391 2.85 % 0.696 .013
10.3 % 410.9 2.80 % 0.687 .010
16.3 % 302.3 4.99 % 0.650 .011
16.3 % 324.4 4.95 % 0.671 .005
16.3 % 348.3 4.89 % 0.685 .006
16.3 % 368.6 4.82 % 0.712 .006
16.3 % 391.9 4.74 % 0.720 .011

Table 4.6 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing Al2O3 from NEI

Mass fraction T (K) Volume fraction Mean k Standard

of Al2O3 of Al2O3 W m-1 K-1 Deviation
5.00 % 294.4 1.40 % 0.621 0.002
5.00 % 322.2 1.39 % 0.632 0.007
5.00 % 346.6 1.37 % 0.651 0.005
5.00 % 373.5 1.34 % 0.677 0.002
5.00 % 398.0 1.32 % 0.693 0.009
5.00 % 421.5 1.29 % 0.701 0.005
10.0 % 294.9 2.91 % 0.635 0.004
10.0 % 326.0 2.88 % 0.662 0.003
10.0 % 349.5 2.84 % 0.680 0.007
10.0 % 373.0 2.80 % 0.697 0.005
10.0 % 396.1 2.75 % 0.701 0.006
15.0 % 294.9 4.54 % 0.645 0.005
15.0 % 322.2 4.50 % 0.675 0.008
15.0 % 348.7 4.44 % 0.694 0.003
15.0 % 372.7 4.37 % 0.703 0.008
15.0 % 397.3 4.29 % 0.728 0.007

Table 4.7 Thermal conductivity of water + ethylene glycol nanofluids containing Al2O3
(50 nm) from NEI

Mass fraction T (K) Volume fraction Mean k Standard

of Al2O3 of Al2O3 W m-1 K-1 Deviation
1.71 % 294.7 0.50 % 0.403 0.002
1.71 % 322.0 0.49 % 0.422 0.003
1.71 % 349.6 0.48 % 0.430 0.004
1.71 % 373.1 0.47 % 0.440 0.002
1.71 % 397.3 0.46 % 0.446 0.003
1.71 % 418.6 0.45 % 0.431 0.005
3.37 % 295.4 1.00 % 0.411 0.003
3.37 % 322.2 0.99 % 0.425 0.003
3.37 % 348.4 0.97 % 0.435 0.006
3.37 % 372.6 0.95 % 0.442 0.003
3.37 % 397.1 0.93 % 0.453 0.003
3.37 % 419.6 0.91 % 0.440 0.009
6.59 % 294.6 2.00 % 0.424 0.004
6.59 % 326.1 1.97 % 0.454 0.004
6.59 % 348.0 1.94 % 0.461 0.005
6.59 % 373.5 1.90 % 0.469 0.005
6.59 % 397.2 1.86 % 0.473 0.004
6.59 % 418.1 1.82 % 0.474 0.008
9.65 % 295.1 3.00 % 0.432 0.004
9.65 % 322.8 2.96 % 0.446 0.004
9.65 % 347.4 2.91 % 0.457 0.002
9.65 % 374.4 2.85 % 0.464 0.003
9.65 % 397.5 2.79 % 0.467 0.003
9.65 % 418.6 2.73 % 0.468 0.002
12.6 % 295.3 4.00 % 0.440 0.002
12.6 % 326.5 3.93 % 0.460 0.009
12.6 % 349.5 3.87 % 0.471 0.005
12.6 % 372.7 3.81 % 0.482 0.004
12.6 % 398.1 3.72 % 0.481 0.002
12.6 % 420.1 3.64 % 0.484 0.004

Table 4.8 Thermal conductivity of water + ethylene glycol nanofluids containing Al2O3
(10 nm) from NEI

Mass fraction T (K) Volume fraction Mean k Standard

of Al2O3 of Al2O3 W m-1 K-1 Deviation
1.71 % 296.4 0.50 % 0.403 0.002
1.71 % 324.1 0.49 % 0.414 0.004
1.71 % 348.4 0.48 % 0.429 0.003
1.71 % 372.2 0.48 % 0.435 0.005
1.71 % 397.8 0.46 % 0.441 0.004
1.71 % 422.3 0.45 % 0.438 0.007
3.37 % 296.6 1.00 % 0.413 0.003
3.37 % 324.8 0.98 % 0.431 0.004
3.37 % 348.0 0.97 % 0.438 0.003
3.37 % 373.1 0.95 % 0.447 0.004
3.37 % 397.6 0.93 % 0.457 0.005
3.37 % 421.3 0.91 % 0.449 0.004
6.59 % 296.7 2.00 % 0.423 0.002
6.59 % 315.2 1.98 % 0.438 0.002
6.59 % 333.2 1.96 % 0.451 0.004
6.59 % 353.6 1.93 % 0.458 0.007
6.59 % 372.5 1.90 % 0.464 0.004
9.66 % 296.0 3.00 % 0.429 0.001
9.66 % 313.6 2.97 % 0.445 0.005
9.66 % 333.8 2.94 % 0.456 0.001
9.66 % 353.6 2.90 % 0.468 0.004

Table 4.9 Thermal conductivity of water + ethylene glycol nanofluids containing TiO2
from NEI

Mass fraction T (K) Volume fraction Mean k Standard

ofTiO2 of TiO2 W m-1 K-1 Deviation
6.59 % 297.3 2.00 % 0.392 0.004
6.59 % 321.3 1.97 % 0.397 0.004
6.59 % 348.0 1.94 % 0.414 0.006
6.59 % 372.9 1.90 % 0.422 0.006
6.59 % 397.0 1.86 % 0.424 0.003
6.59 % 421.2 1.82 % 0.420 0.008
12.6 % 297.6 4.00 % 0.384 0.002
12.6 % 324.4 3.94 % 0.398 0.003
12.6 % 348.3 3.88 % 0.402 0.003
12.6 % 373.4 3.81 % 0.413 0.003
12.6 % 397.4 3.73 % 0.414 0.002
12.6 % 419.0 3.65 % 0.417 0.002
18.1 % 296.8 6.00 % 0.383 0.002
18.1 % 321.9 5.92 % 0.389 0.003
18.1 % 348.5 5.82 % 0.402 0.003
18.1 % 373.7 5.71 % 0.414 0.006
18.1 % 397.4 5.60 % 0.417 0.005
18.1 % 419.0 5.48 % 0.416 0.002
24.3 % 296.8 8.50 % 0.362 0.003
24.3 % 323.7 8.38 % 0.375 0.001
24.3 % 347.9 8.26 % 0.375 0.002
24.3 % 372.7 8.11 % 0.383 0.001
24.3 % 397.3 7.94 % 0.384 0.003
24.3 % 418.6 7.78 % 0.389 0.003

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )


0.27 3%


280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Temperature (K)

Figure 4.4 Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol and nanofluids consisting of

alumina nanoparticles (diameter = 12 nm) in ethylene glycol. Each data set
represents a different volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room
temperature). The curve represents the thermal conductivity of ethylene

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )



0.6 5%
1% [7]
4% [7]
280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Temperature (K)

Figure 4.5 Thermal conductivity of water and aqueous nanofluids containing alumina
nanoparticles (diameter = 12 nm). Each data set represents a different
volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The curve
represents the thermal conductivity of water. Data of Das et al. [8] is
presented for comparison (diameter = 38 nm).

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )






0.62 H2O
0.6 2.9%
280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Temperature (K)

Figure 4.6 Thermal conductivity of water and aqueous nanofluids containing alumina
nanoparticles (diameter = 50 nm) with a dispersant. Each data set represents
a different volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The
curve represents the thermal conductivity of water.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )


EG /
0.44 1%

280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Temperature (K)

Figure 4.7 Thermal conductivity of a 50 % (w/w) ethylene glycol and water mixture and
nanofluids consisting of this mixture and alumina nanoparticles (diameter =
50 nm) with a dispersant. Each data set represents a different volume
fraction of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The curve represents
the thermal conductivity of the ethylene glycol and water mixture.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )


EG /
0.44 1%

280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Temperature (K)

Figure 4.8 Thermal conductivity of a 50 % (w/w) ethylene glycol and water mixture and
nanofluids consisting of this mixture and alumina nanoparticles (diameter =
10 nm) with a dispersant. Each data set represents a different volume
fraction of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The curve represents
the thermal conductivity of the ethylene glycol and water mixture.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )



0.4 EG /
0.39 2%
0.38 6%

280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Temperature (K)

Figure 4.9 Thermal conductivity of a 50 % (w/w) ethylene glycol and water mixture and
nanofluids consisting of this mixture and titania nanoparticles (diameter = 2
nm) with a dispersant. Each data set represents a different volume fraction
of alumina (calculated at room temperature). The curve represents the
thermal conductivity of the ethylene glycol and water mixture.

4.3.2 Particle Size Studies

The thermal conductivity of nanofluids measured at specific mass fractions and

particle sizes is presented in Tables 4.10 - 4.12 and Figures 4.10 – 4.13. Each data point

represents the average value of at least five measurements. The standard deviations for

each series of measurements are also provided. All measurements were made at room

temperature with the new transient hot wire instrument described in section 3.3.1. The

samples consisted of alumina or ceria nanoparticles dispersed in water and alumina in

ethylene glycol. The error bars in the figures represent the estimated experimental error.

Figure 4.10 and 4.11 display a linear particle volume fraction dependence for

aqueous alumina and ceria nanofluids, respectively. The same trend has been observed in

many studies in the literature as discussed in section Note that the slope

increases as the particle size increases. Figure 4.12 displays the thermal conductivities

for aqueous alumina nanofluids as a function of particle diameter. The thermal

conductivity generally decreases with decreasing particle size below a certain particle

diameter (~ 50 nm). The thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing larger particles

appears nearly constant with particle diameter. Additionally, the thermal conductivity

decreased as the particle size decreased for the nanofluids consisting of alumina in

ethylene glycol (Figure 4.13).

Figure 4.12 displays a comparison of thermal conductivities for aqueous

nanofluids containing alumina from this work and from the work of Chon et al. [50] and

Timofeeva et al. [58]. Chon et al observed an increase in the thermal conductivity of the

nanofluids as the particle diameter decreased. Alternatively, the data from Timofeeva et

al. is similar to data from this work, where the addition of the largest particles yielded the

greatest thermal conductivity of the nanofluids. In each study, only three different sizes

of nanoparticles were considered, but they demonstrate the discrepancy in nanofluid

thermal conductivity data in the literature.

The effect of the ratio of solid to liquid thermal conductivities α has not been

rigorously studied in this work. However, the thermal conductivity enhancement of

nanofluids containing ethylene glycol and alumina was greater than that of aqueous

nanofluids containing the same size of alumina particles. The ethylene glycol has a lower

thermal conductivity than water, so α is higher for these nanofluids containing ethylene

glycol. Figure 4.14 displays this difference in thermal conductivity enhancement.

Table 4.10 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing Al2O3

Average Particle T (K) Volume fraction Mean k Standard

Diameter (nm) of Al2O3 W m-1 K-1 Deviation
8 299.1 1.93 % 0.620 0.017
8 297.4 2.99 % 0.621 0.008
8 297.7 3.99 % 0.623 0.016
12 297.4 2.00 % 0.622 0.006
12 297.4 3.00 % 0.630 0.009
12 297.8 4.00 % 0.640 0.005
16 296.8 2.00 % 0.635 0.003
16 298.0 3.00 % 0.642 0.015
16 298.3 3.98 % 0.662 0.015
46 298.0 2.00 % 0.637 0.017
46 298.3 2.99 % 0.644 0.018
46 297.8 3.99 % 0.660 0.011
71 299.9 0.93 % 0.633 0.009
71 296.8 1.86 % 0.657 0.010
71 297.7 3.00 % 0.696 0.017
71 296.6 3.99 % 0.712 0.016
245 300.5 1.86 % 0.656 0.013
245 298.5 3.00 % 0.678 0.012
245 299.1 4.00 % 0.709 0.013
282 297.7 1.00 % 0.646 0.016
282 297.4 2.00 % 0.669 0.011
282 298.0 3.00 % 0.693 0.008
282 298.7 4.00 % 0.719 0.020

Table 4.11 Thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing Al2O3 in ethylene glycol

Average Particle T (K) Volume fraction Mean k Standard

Diameter (nm) of Al2O3 W m-1 K-1 Deviation
12 298.6 2.00 % 0.272 0.001
12 298.0 3.00 % 0.276 0.002
16 298.6 2.00 % 0.273 0.001
16 297.9 3.00 % 0.281 0.002
245 298.6 2.00 % 0.280 0.002
245 298.3 2.99 % 0.294 0.003
282 297.9 2.00 % 0.283 0.002
282 298.0 3.01 % 0.299 0.002

Table 4.12 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing CeO2

Average Particle T (K) Volume fraction Mean k Standard

Diameter (nm) of CeO2 W m-1 K-1 Deviation
12 297.7 2.00 % 0.630 0.006
12 297.9 3.00 % 0.649 0.010
12 298.0 4.00 % 0.671 0.013
74 297.8 2.00 % 0.659 0.010
74 298.7 3.00 % 0.693 0.016
74 298.1 4.00 % 0.730 0.020

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )



0.68 12 nm
46 nm
245 nm


1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
φ (%)

Figure 4.10 Thermal conductivity versus volume fraction for aqueous nanofluids
containing alumina at room temperature. The lines represent linear fits.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )


12 nm
74 nm


1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
φ (%)

Figure 4.11 Thermal conductivity versus volume fraction for aqueous nanofluids
containing ceria at room temperature. The lines represent linear fits.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )


0.65 4%
1% [30]
2.5% [38]

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Average Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 4.12 Thermal conductivity of aqueous nanofluids containing 2 - 4 % (v/v)

alumina at room temperature. Empirical curve fits are provided to aid in
visual detection of trends in the data. Data from Chon et al. [50] and
Timofeeva et al. [58] is presented for comparison.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Average Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 4.13 Thermal conductivity of nanofluids consisting of 2 - 4 % (v/v) alumina in

ethylene glycol at room temperature.


(keff - k1) / k1 (%)

12 nm
10 16 nm
245 nm
282 nm

60 80 100 120 140 160

Figure 4.14 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids containing 3 % (v/v)

alumina as a function of the ratio of solid to liquid thermal conductivity at
room temperature.

4.4 Thermal Conductivity Behavior

The thermal conductivity of nanofluids displayed a temperature dependence

similar to the base fluid in this work. This trend was observed in nanofluids consisting of

alumina and water, alumina and ethylene glycol, and alumina and a mixture of ethylene

glycol and water. A maximum was observed in the thermal conductivity versus

temperature curve for nanofluids at approximately the same temperature as the maximum

for the base fluid.

The thermal conductivity of nanofluids appears to decrease with decreasing

particle size below a certain diameter (< 50 nm), but seems constant above that size. This

trend was observed for aqueous alumina nanofluids. Nanofluids containing alumina and

ethylene glycol and aqueous ceria nanofluids also exhibited a decreasing thermal

conductivity with decreasing particle diameter.

The thermal conductivities of nanofluids in this work exhibited particle volume

fraction and α dependences in agreement with the literature. The thermal conductivity

linearly increases with increasing particle volume fraction, and the thermal conductivity

enhancement increases with increasing α.



The transport properties of heterogeneous systems have been the subject of many

investigation beginning with Maxwell [118] who derived an expression for the effective

conductivity of a medium containing a dilute suspension of non-interacting spheres as


k eff 3(α − 1)φ

= 1+ (5.1)
k1 (α + 2) − (α − 1)φ
where φ is the volume fraction of spheres and,

α = k2 k (5.2)

with k1 and k2 being the conductivities of the continuous and discrete phases,

respectively. This equation was derived for the electrical conductivity, but it applies to

other transport properties such as thermal conductivity. Many studies have focused on

extensions of this model to account for the interaction of particles in more concentrated

suspensions, particle shape, and arrangements of particles. The more commonly used

models are discussed in this section. A more detailed discussion of thermal conductivity

models for heterogeneous materials can be found elsewhere [119-121].

Tsotsas and Martin [120] classified thermal conductivity models for

heterogeneous systems into three categories, solutions (analytical or numerical) of the

Laplace equation (type I), empirical models consisting of combinations of resistances in

series and in parallel (type II), and solutions of a unit cell with either parallel heat flux

vectors or parallel isotherms (type III). This discussion will be limited to the first two of

these categories since they are more commonly used.

5.1 Type I Thermal Conductivity Models

The Maxwell equation (Eq. 5.1) was the first model for transport properties of a

heterogeneous system derived by solving the Laplace equation,

∇ 2T = 0 (5.3)

He considered a dilute dispersion of nS spheres with radius a and thermal conductivity k2

in a continuous medium with thermal conductivity k1.and a constant temperature

gradient, G, far from the spheres. The Laplace equation can then be solved in spherical

coordinates for the temperature inside and outside the spheres with the following

boundary conditions:

T (r , θ )r →∞ = Gr cos θ
T2 (r , θ ) r = a = T1 (r ,θ ) r = a (5.4)
∂T2 ∂T1
k2 = k1
∂r r =a ∂r r =a

The last boundary condition is based on the assumption that each sphere is surrounded by

the base fluid and does not interact with other spheres. Each sphere is considered

separately, and the total effect is obtained by multiplying by the number of spheres. The

resulting solutions for the temperature within and outside the sphere is as follows,

⎛ 3k1 ⎞
T2 (r , θ ) − T0 = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟Gr cos θ (5.5)
⎝ 2 k1 + k 2 ⎠

⎛ k − k1 n S a 3 ⎞
T1 (r , θ ) − T0 = ⎜⎜1 − 2 3 ⎟
⎟Gr cos θ (5.6)
⎝ 2 k1 + k 2 r ⎠

where T0 is the temperature at the center of a sphere. If this dispersion with an effective

thermal conductivity keff is contained within a single sphere of radius b and surrounded by

the same base fluid, equation 5.3 can be solved with the following boundary conditions:

T (r , θ )r →∞ = Gr cos θ
Tm (r , θ ) r =b = T1 (r ,θ ) r =b (5.7)
∂Tm ∂T1
k eff = k1
∂r r =b ∂r r =b

The resulting solution is,

⎛ k eff − k1 b 3 ⎞
T1 (r ,θ ) − T0 = ⎜1 − ⎟Gr cos θ (5.8)
⎜ 2k + k r 3 ⎟
⎝ 1 eff ⎠

By introducing the volume fraction of spheres,

φ = nS a (5.9)

equations 5.6 and 5.8 can be combined to yield equation 5.1.

Many models have been proposed to overcome some of the limitations of the

Maxwell model. For example, Lord Rayleigh [122] derived a series of linear equations

which provide a thermal conductivity for concentrated systems of square arrays of

cylinders or cubic arrays of spheres. Hamilton and Crosser [123] extended the Maxwell

equation to include an empirical shape factor, n,

k eff n(α − 1)φ

=1+ (5.10)
k1 (α + n − 1) − (α − 1)φ
For systems where α < 100, n is equal to 3, which is equivalent to the Maxwell equation.

For systems where α >100, n is defined by the following equation,

n= 3 (5.11)

where ψ is the sphericity of the particles. This model provided predictions within 2 % of

measured thermal conductivity values for mixtures of rubber with aluminum particles of

different shapes (0.5 < ψ < 1.0). Additionally, Jeffrey [124] extended the first order

Maxwell equation to include a second order term by including the effect of interactions

between pairs of spheres to give:

k eff ⎛ 3β 3 9β 3 α + 2 3β 4 ⎞
= 1 + 3βφ + φ 2 ⎜⎜ 3β 2 + + + 6 + ...⎟⎟ (5.12)
k1 ⎝ 4 16 2α + 3 2 ⎠


α −1
β= (5.13)
α +2

The terms inside the parentheses are a convergent infinite series. This equation was also

developed for a dilute suspension. Thus, for small values of φ, the equation is equivalent

to the Maxwell equation if the second order term is neglected.

Progelhof et al. [121] described an equation developed by Bruggeman [125] for

the thermal conductivity of dilute suspensions of spheres. In contrast to the Maxwell

equation, the effective medium approximation was used in the derivation to give:

⎛ k 2 − k eff ⎞⎛ k1 ⎞ 3

1 − φ = ⎜⎜ ⎟⎜ ⎟ (5.14)
⎟⎜ k ⎟
⎝ k 2 − k1 ⎠⎝ eff ⎠

With the effective medium approximation, each sphere is considered to be suspended in a

medium with a homogenous conductivity of keff. Landauer [126] also employed this

approximation in his derivation for the thermal conductivity of a suspension of spheres,

k1 − k eff k 2 − k eff
(1 − φ ) +φ =0 (5.15)
k1 + 2k eff k 2 + 2k eff

Landauer observed that predictions of this equation compared favorably with

experimental electrical conductivity data for binary metallic mixtures over the entire

range of concentrations [126]. The derivation did not require the assumption of a dilute

suspension of spheres. However, the equation was developed under the assumption that a

single particle is surrounded by a random arrangement of volumes containing either the

medium or a particle. As a result, this model does not provide accurate predictions of the

thermal conductivity of dispersions containing aggregated particles [48].

5.2 Type II Thermal Conductivity Models

The second type of thermal conductivity model for heterogeneous materials

considers a suspension as an array of elements with specific resistances. This system is

then modeled as a combination of resistances in series and in parallel. The simplest of

these models was described by Keey [127] and developed by Krischer [128],
⎡ 1− f ⎛ 1 − φ 2 φ 2 ⎞⎤
k eff =⎢ + f ⎜⎜ + ⎟⎟⎥ (5.16)
⎣ (1 − φ 2 )k 1 + φ k
2 2 ⎝ 1 k k 2 ⎠⎦

where f is an empirical factor equivalent to the relative proportion of parallel resistances

in a rectangular array of elements. No assumption is made regarding the spacing of the

discrete phase. Thus, the model is capable of incorporating the irregular arrangement of

particles. However, experimental data is required to estimate the empirical factor. A

useful aspect of this model is that it provides upper (f = 0) and lower (f = 1) bounds for

the thermal conductivity of heterogeneous materials. If f = 0, all of the particles are

arranged in series which creates a pathway of high thermal conductivity and maximizes

the effective thermal conductivity of the dispersion. If f = 1, all of the particles are

arranged in parallel and therefore minimizes the effective thermal conductivity of the

dispersion. Tsao [129] developed a model similar to the Krischer model which includes

the effect of different geometries of the discrete phase. His model gives:

⎡ ⎤
⎢ 1 ⎥
⎢ dP1 ⎥
k eff = ∫ (5.17)
⎢0 1 ⎛ P − φ ⎞ ⎥
⎢ k1 + (k 2 − k1 )∫P1
e −1 2 ⎜ 1 ⎟dP1 ⎥
⎣ σ 2π ⎝ σ ⎠ ⎦

where P1 and σ are parameters that must be determined experimentally. Tsao defined P1

as the one dimensional porosity which is the fraction of the discrete phase on any line

drawn through a cubic volume of the heterogeneous material, and σ is the standard

deviation of P1.

5.3 Theoretical Bounds for Thermal Conductivity of Heterogeneous Materials

It may be deduced from the above discussion that the thermal conductivity of

heterogeneous materials depends on the spatial distribution of each phase [130]. Since

this information is typically unavailable, theoretical bounds for the thermal conductivity

are often considered. As mentioned earlier, Krischer’s model gives upper and lower

bounds when f = 0 and f = 1. Hashin and Shtrikman [130] derived more restrictive

bounds using variational theorems to give:

3φ (α − 1) k eff ⎡ 3(α − 1)(1 − φ ) ⎤

1+ ≤ ≤ α ⎢1 − ⎥ (5.18)
α + 2 − φ (α − 1) k1 ⎣ 3α − φ (α − 1) ⎦

Note that the lower bound is equivalent to the Maxwell equation. Thus, an idealized

suspension with homogeneously dispersed spheres yields the lowest thermal conductivity

of any spatial arrangement.

5.4 Accuracy of Thermal Conductivity Models

Turian et al. [48] compared many theoretical models for the thermal conductivity

of heterogeneous materials with available data on solid – liquid dispersions (0.16 < α <

1507). They demonstrated that when the difference between the thermal conductivities

of each phase is small (0.4 < α < 2.4), many of the thermal conductivity models

(Maxwell [118], Jeffrey [124], Bruggeman [125]) agree within 2 % with experimental

data for dilute suspensions (φ < 0.15). For these values of α, the Jeffrey and the

Bruggeman equations were accurate within 2 % for more concentrated suspensions as

well. However, as α increased, agreement with experimental data was less satisfactory.

For each dispersion considered, the Jeffrey model was more accurate than the Maxwell

equation, and the Bruggeman model was more accurate than both the Maxwell and

Bruggemann models.

5.5 Geometric Mean

Turian et al. [48] found that the volume fraction – weighted geometric mean of

the thermal conductivities of the individual phases,

k eff = k11−φ k 2φ (5.19)

provided as good or a better prediction of the thermal conductivity than any of the

theoretical models when α > 3.5. This empirical equation seems to better reflect the

thermal conductivity of real dispersions containing interacting particles with irregular

spatial arrangement as opposed to the ideal homogeneously dispersed systems considered

by Maxwell. Turian et al. investigated the volume – fraction weighted arithmetic,

geometric, and harmonic means in addition to theoretical thermal conductivity models.

The arithmetic mean and the harmonic mean are equivalent to the upper and lower

bounds provided by the Krischer model, and the geometric mean falls between these

bounds. Moreover, the geometric mean is within the more restrictive Hashin – Shtrikman

bounds for α > 5. In their comparison of various model predictions with experimental

data, the average deviation for 3.5 < α < 70 was 14.3 % with the Maxwell equation and

5.7 % with equation 5.19, and for 70 < α < 200 the average deviation was 26.3 % with

the Maxwell equation and 9.9 % with equation 5.19. Overall, the volume fraction –

weighted geometric mean provided the best prediction of experimentally measured

thermal conductivities of solid – liquid dispersions.

5.6 Nanofluid Thermal Conductivity Models

Keblinski et al. [14] considered several size dependent contributions to the

thermal conductivity of nanofluids and suggested that the enhancement in thermal

conductivity is due to Brownian motion of the particles, or to ordered liquid molecules at

the liquid / particle interface, or nanoparticle clustering. The Brownian motion of the

nanoparticles results in collisions between particles that can cause heat to transfer directly

from particle to particle. However, a simple kinetic analysis showed that mechanism

could be discounted. They then assumed that the liquid molecules at the surface of the

particles are more conductive because they exhibit higher order than bulk liquid

molecules. As there is greater surface area associated with smaller particles, a greater

fraction of the liquid molecules is ordered and contributes to enhanced conduction.

Keblinski et al. also considered aggregation or clustering of suspended particles and

showed that it is possible for these clusters to create paths of lower thermal resistance.

The higher specific surface area of nanoparticles promotes a greater degree of

aggregation than with a suspension of larger particles. This last theory is very similar to

that of Krischer [128], who developed an empirical model to describe the irregular

arrangement of suspended particles. Most nanofluid thermal conductivity models were

developed based on one or more of these mechanisms.

5.6.1 Brownian Motion

Many models attribute the enhanced thermal conductivity of nanofluids to the

effect of Brownian motion. Instead of heat transfer between individual particles, the

hypothesis is that interaction between the dynamic particles and fluid molecules enhances

conduction. As the particles move randomly through the fluid, they carry fluid molecules

with them and create a local convective effect at the microscale level, thus enhancing

thermal conduction. As an example, the Jang and Choi [131] model is based on a linear

combination of contributions from the liquid, the suspended particles, and the Brownian

motion of the particles to give:

k eff , m df
= (1 − φ ) + εαφ + C1 Re 2 Pr φ (5.20)
k1 d

where ε is a constant related to the Kapitza resistance (see Section 5.6.4), C1 is a

proportionality constant, df is the diameter of a fluid molecule, and Re and Pr are the

Reynolds the Prandtl numbers of the fluid, respectively. The Reynolds number, Re, is

defined by,

ρk B T
Re = (5.21)
3πμ 2 l f

where kB is the Boltzmann constant, lf is the mean free path of a fluid molecule, and ρ and

μ are the density and viscosity of the fluid, respectively. Their model reflects a strong

temperature dependence due to Brownian motion and a simple inverse relationship with

the particle diameter. As the particle diameter increases, the third term becomes

negligible and the model reduces to a linear combination of the thermal conductivity of

the fluid and the contribution from the particle. However, it has been demonstrated

repeatedly that a linear combination of the individual thermal conductivity contributions

is a poor predictor of the effective thermal conductivity in heterogeneous systems [48,

120]. Based on the Jang and Choi model, Chon et al. [50] employed the Buckingham-Pi

theorem to develop the following empirical correlation,

k eff , m ⎛df ⎞
= 1 + 64.7φ 0.7460
⎜ ⎟ α 0.7476 Pr 0.9955 Re 1.2321 (5.22)
⎜ d ⎟
k1 ⎝ ⎠

where the Reynolds and Prandtl numbers are the same as in the Jang and Choi model.

The equation was fit to their measurements of aqueous nanofluids containing three sizes

of alumina particles. However, their correlation is of limited use, since it is based on

measurements over a limited temperature range (20 – 70 ºC) and it was fit to thermal

conductivity data for a single nanoparticle material in a single base fluid. Chon et al. did

not demonstrate any ability of their model to predict the thermal conductivity of other

nanofluids. Other models are available that are fitted to similarly limited nanofluid data

and include no consideration for the more conventional thermal conductivity models

[132-134]. However, some researchers have used conventional heterogeneous thermal

conductivity models as a starting point and extended these to include a particle size

dependence based on Brownian motion [135-139]. For instance, Xuan et al. [138]

developed an extension of the Maxwell equation to include the microconvective effect of

the dynamic particles and the heat transfer between the particles and fluid to give:

k eff , m α + 2 + 2φ (α − 1) 18φHAk B T
= + 2 6 τ (5.23)
k1 α + 2 − φ (α − 1) π ρd k1

where H is the overall heat transfer coefficient between the particle and the fluid, A is the

corresponding heat transfer area, and τ is the comprehensive relaxation time constant.

The heat transfer area should be proportional to the square of the diameter, thus the

effective thermal conductivity is proportional to the inverse of the particle diameter to the

fourth power. Such a strong particle size dependence has yet to be demonstrated

experimentally. Additionally, the equation reduces to the Maxwell equation with

increasing particle size. As discussed previously, thermal conductivity enhancements

greater than those predicted by the Maxwell equation have been reported for nanofluids

containing relatively large nanoparticles (d > 30 nm) [59]. It is therefore obvious that

models that reduce to the Maxwell equation at large nanoparticle sizes will not be able to

represent published data.

The Brownian motion models share a common attribute that distinguishes them

from other models. Each model exhibits a monotonically increasing relationship between

the thermal conductivity and temperature due to the temperature dependence of the

velocity of the particles. This behavior has been observed over a limited temperature

range for nanofluids between 10 ºC and 70 ºC [8, 9, 50, 52, 58]. However, all of these

studies have focused on nanofluids consisting of polar liquids, water and ethylene glycol.

The thermal conductivities of these liquids increase with temperature unlike most other

liquids. In the one study [10] which considered nanoparticles in a liquid with decreasing

thermal conductivity, perfluorohexane, the thermal conductivity of the nanofluid

decreased with increasing temperature.

5.6.2 Ordered Liquid Molecules

A layer of ordered liquid molecules adjacent to the surface of the solid particles

has been credited with the enhanced thermal conductivity observed in nanofluids.

Molecules in this layer exhibit greater order than bulk liquid molecules, and with greater

order, they should exhibit a greater thermal conductivity than that of the bulk liquid. Yu

and Choi [140] developed the following extension of the Maxwell equation which

incorporates a layer of ordered liquid molecules into an effective particle,

k pe + 2k1 + 2(1 + β l ) (k pe − k1 )
k eff , m
= , (5.24)
k pe + 2k1 − (1 + β l ) (k pe − k1 )

where the thermal conductivity of the effective particle is defined as,

k pe =
[2(1 − γ ) + (1 + β ) (1 + 2γ )]γ k

, (5.25)
− (1 − γ ) + (1 + β l ) (1 + 2γ )
3 2

k layer
γ= k2
, (5.26)

βl = h d , (5.27)

where klayer is the thermal conductivity of the ordered liquid layer of molecules and h is

the thickness of that layer. Others [141-146] have developed similar models using the

same method of defining an effective particle which includes the solid particle and the

surrounding ordered liquid layer. These models are capable of fitting some of the

experimental data available in the literature by adjusting the thickness and thermal

conductivity of the ordered liquid layer. However, Evans et al. [147] used molecular

dynamics simulations to estimate the thermal conductivity of water molecules with

greater order and found that the thermal conductivity was greater by an order of three

when the water had crystalline order. Thus, the thermal conductivity of the ordered water

layer should be less than or equal to three times the thermal conductivity of bulk water.

By using this value in any of the aforementioned models, the thermal conductivity

enhancement is equivalent to the Maxwell equation except at very small values of

particle diameter (< 5 nm). Based on this data, nanofluids would be more thermally

conductive than other dispersions only if the diameter of the nanoparticles is less than 5


An inverse relationship between thermal conductivity and particle size is a

common attribute among both the Brownian motion and ordered liquid thermal

conductivity models. In certain models, this relationship is stronger (Xuan et al. [138])

than others (Chon et al. [50]). However, there is little to no experimental evidence to

support this relationship. Some studies have examined the effect of particle size on

thermal conductivity, and have found slightly greater enhancement [50, 52] or lower

enhancement [12, 58] with decreasing particle size.

5.6.3 Nanoparticle Clustering

The difference between models developed to account for nanoparticle clustering

[148-150] and models which reflect the spatial arrangement of particles is that the

nanoparticle clustering models include a particle size dependence. The smaller particle

size creates greater attraction between the individual particles, which leads to a greater

extent of aggregation. Prasher et al. [150] extended the Maxwell equation for use with a

dispersion of particle aggregates. Each aggregate consists of nanoparticles, a fraction of

which form a conductive pathway, or backbone, while the remaining nanoparticles are

considered dead ends. They calculated the thermal conductivity of the fluid and dead

ends inside the aggregate (knc) and then found the thermal conductivity of the effective

aggregate (ka) by including the backbone. This concept is illustrated in Figure 5.1. This

model is quite difficult to use as it requires knowledge of the aggregate size as well as the

proportion of nanoparticles forming conductive pathways through the aggregate.

The hypothesis that particle clustering enhances conduction in suspensions is well

supported by numerical simulations and molecular dynamics studies [151-153].

However, those studies did not find a significant particle size dependence.

Figure 5.1 Schematic of method by Prasher et al. [150] to determine the thermal
conductivity of an aggregate which includes the backbone of nanoparticles,
the dead end nanoparticles and the fluid surrounding the particles.

5.6.4 Interfacial Thermal Resistance

In contrast to the previously discussed phenomena, thermal resistance at the solid-

liquid interface should lead to a reduction in the thermal conductivity of the dispersion.

The interfacial thermal resistance is defined as a temperature discontinuity at the interface

and is sometimes referred to as the Kapitza resistance [154]. This empirical property

incorporates phonon scattering that occurs at the interface as well as any other

phenomena that create resistance to heat transport across the interface such as poor

contact between the substances. Nan et al. [155] presented several models which

incorporate the shape of the particle and the interfacial thermal resistance into the

Maxwell equation. For spheres the model is as follows,

k eff α (1 + 2 χ ) + 2 + 2φ [α (1 − χ ) − 1]
= , (5.28)
k1 α (1 + 2 χ ) + 2 − φ [α (1 − χ ) − 1]

2 R B k1
χ= , (5.29)

where RB is the interfacial thermal resistance. When χ << 1, equation 5.28 reduces to the

Maxwell equation. As χ increases due to smaller diameter or greater resistance, the

effective thermal conductivity of the nanofluid decreases. The work of Prasher et al.

[136] extends this model to include the effect of Brownian motion. The interfacial

thermal resistance has been measured for a few systems, carbon nanotubes with sodium

dodecyl sulfate (SDS) in D2O [156], citrate-stabilized Pt nanoparticles in water and thiol-

stabilized AuPd nanoparticles in toluene [157]. The thermal conductivity of these

systems can be estimated by using these values of the interfacial thermal resistance in

conjunction with equation 5.28. For example, based on the value for Pt in water, an

aqueous nanofluid containing 25 nm diameter Pt particles would enhance the thermal

conductivity half as much as a nanofluid containing 100 nm diameter Pt particles.

5.7 Summary of Thermal Conductivity Models for Nanofluids

Numerous thermal conductivity models have been developed for heterogeneous

systems and specifically for nanofluids. Theoretical models such as those by Maxwell

[118] and Bruggeman [125] were derived by assuming a homogeneous or random

arrangement of particles. However, these assumptions are not valid for dispersions

containing aggregates. Empirical models [48, 128] have been successfully employed to

account for the spatial arrangement of particles. More recently, particle size has been

incorporated into many models in an attempt to describe the thermal conductivity of

nanofluids. Several mechanisms have been described in the previous section that may

affect the thermal conductivity of nanofluids, including Brownian motion of the particles,

ordered liquid molecules at the solid / liquid interface, nanoparticle clustering, and

interfacial thermal resistance. However, there is no consensus as to which mechanism

has the dominant effect on the thermal conductivity.




There have been many attempts to model the thermal conductivity of nanofluids

and to elucidate the mechanisms for conduction in these fluids [50, 131, 136, 140, 150].

In this chapter, some of the models and mechanisms discussed in chapter 2 are evaluated

using the data presented in Chapter 4.

6.1 Evaluation of Thermal Conductivity Models

A number of thermal conductivity models have been discussed in Chapter 5.

These models have been evaluated in terms of their predictions and through a comparison

trends in the thermal conductivity data presented in Chapter 5. This assessment has been

performed through an examination of the relationships between the thermal conductivity

of nanofluids and volume fraction (φ), temperature (T), the ratio of the pure phase

thermal conductivities (α), and the particle diameter (d).

6.1.1 Particle Volume Fraction

The thermal conductivity of nanofluids in this work generally exhibited a linear

relationship with the volume fraction between 1 and 5 % as displayed in Figure 6.1. The

linear trend observed in this work has also been commonly observed in the literature [8,

12, 49, 57, 60]. Some exceptions have been reported in the case of particle volume

fractions less than 1 % (v/v) [66, 69], but such dilute nanofluids were not considered in

this work. Thus, the nonlinear relationship observed by Murshed et al. [66] displayed in

Figure 2.6 was not observed in this work. Throughout the range of particle volume

fractions considered in this work (1 – 5 %), all of the thermal conductivity models

discussed in chapter 5 exhibit a linear relationship with respect to particle volume

fraction (Figures 4.10 and 4.11). Figure 6.1 includes a comparison of the predicted

thermal conductivity versus volume fraction relationship for various models. At particle

volume fractions between 1 and 5 %, the models by Bruggemann, Landauer, and Jeffrey

predict thermal conductivity values within 2 % of the Maxwell equation. Thus, the

Maxwell model effectively predicts the same trends as these models and will be the only

of these models discussed in this chapter.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )

d = 71 nm
Nan et al.
Yu & Choi
Jang & Choi
Chon et al.
Prasher et al.
0.65 Geometric Mean

0 1 2 3 4 5 6
φ (%)

Figure 6.1 Thermal conductivity measurements and predictions for an aqueous

nanofluid containing alumina (diameter = 72 nm) from several models as a
function of volume fraction (φ). The error bars represent the estimated
measurement error.

6.1.2 Temperature

The thermal conductivity models based on Brownian motion exhibit a strong

temperature dependence while the temperature dependence of other thermal conductivity

models arises from the inherent temperature dependence of the individual phases. Figure

6.2 illustrates the difference in the predicted thermal conductivity enhancement versus

temperature relationship for several models. Note that the Brownian motion models by

Jang and Choi [131], Chon et al. [50], and Prasher et al. [136] display a monotonically

increasing thermal conductivity as the temperature rises, but the other models exhibit

thermal conductivity enhancements which are relatively constant with temperature. This

temperature dependence due to the Brownian motion of the nanoparticles can be seen in

the Stokes – Einstein relation,

k BT
D= (6.1)

where D is the diffusivity of the particle, kB is the Boltzmann constant, T is the

temperature, μ is the viscosity, and d is the radius of the particle. The diffusivity contains

both direct and indirect temperature dependence because of the viscosity, and the

temperature dependence is greater than first order. In many of the Brownian motion

models, the thermal conductivity is directly proportional to the diffusivity or velocity of

the suspended particles. Consequently, the relationship between the thermal conductivity

of a nanofluid and temperature greater than first order. However, the experimental

results clearly demonstrate curvature in the thermal conductivity versus temperature

behavior for each nanofluid, as illustrated in Figures 5.4, 5.7 – 5.8. Each nanofluid

exhibits a maximum thermal conductivity at approximately the same temperature as the

maximum observed for the pure fluid. Figure 6.3 displays the thermal conductivity of the

nanofluids consisting of alumina in ethylene glycol

These results suggest that the thermal conductivity versus temperature behavior of

the nanofluid closely follows the behavior of the base fluid. Due to their strong

temperature dependence, the Brownian motion based models are incapable of fitting

these experimental results. A more appropriate thermal conductivity model would

contain no direct temperature dependence, but would be approximately proportional to

the thermal conductivity of the base fluid, similar to the Maxwell model. A comparison

between the Maxwell model and the experimental data in Figure 6.3 illustrates the

similarity between the experimental and theoretical relationship between the thermal

conductivity of nanofluids and temperature.


- k ) / k (%)


Nan et al.
100 Yu and Choi
Jang and Choi

Chon et al
Prasher et al


280 300 320 340 360 380 400
Temperature (K)

Figure 6.2 Thermal conductivity enhancement predictions for an aqueous nanofluid

containing 5 % (v/v) alumina (40 nm) from several models as a function of

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )


0.27 3%


280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Temperature (K)

Figure 6.3 Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol and nanofluids consisting of

ethylene glycol and alumina nanoparticles (diameter = 12 nm). Each data set
represents a different volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room
temperature). The dashed lines represent the Maxwell equation for each
concentration. The error bars represent estimated error for the

6.1.3 Thermal Conductivity of Individual Phases

As the ratio of solid to liquid thermal conductivity, α, increases, the thermal

conductivity predictions from the Maxwell equation approach a limiting value, which is

only dependent on the particle volume fraction and the thermal conductivity of the liquid.

The following equation is obtained from the Maxwell equation when α >> 1.

⎛ 3φ ⎞
k eff = k1 ⎜⎜1 + ⎟⎟ (6.2)
⎝ 1−φ ⎠

This shows that the thermal conductivity of a nanofluid does not depend on the solid

thermal conductivity when α >> 1 or k2 >> k1. (Note that the thermal conductivity

enhancement is also independent of the liquid thermal conductivity.) However, this

limiting value given by eq. 6.2 is not observed experimentally. Xie et al. [59] measured

the thermal conductivity of alumina nanoparticles in various base fluids and observed that

the relative thermal conductivity enhancement of the nanofluid was greater for less

conductive fluids (greater α). In this work, nanofluids consisting of ethylene glycol and

alumina exhibited greater thermal conductivity enhancement than the aqueous nanofluids

containing the same concentration of the same size of alumina particles.

Turian et al. [48] observed this deficiency in the Maxwell model and similar

models [124-126]. They found that deviations between thermal conductivity predictions

of the Maxwell equation and experimental data increased as α increased, and that the

volume fraction – weighted geometric mean provided more accurate predictions of the

thermal conductivity of solid – liquid dispersions when α is high (α > 70),

k eff
=αφ (6.3)

A comparison of thermal conductivity predictions from the geometric mean and the

Maxwell equation are compared with the data from Xie et al. [59] in Figure 6.4. The

geometric mean exhibits a relationship between the thermal conductivity and α that is

similar to the empirical trend. Furthermore, the geometric mean predictions are within 6

% (within 1 % for α ≤ 150) of the experimental data while the predictions from the

Maxwell equation deviate from the experimental data by as much as 23 %.

The geometric mean is compared with the Hashin and Shtrikman (HS) bounds in

Figure 6.5. The HS bounds represent the limits of thermal conductivity throughout the

range of spatial arrangement of particles in suspension. Note that the lower HS bound is

the same as the Maxwell equation. Thus, the lower HS bound represents the thermal

conductivity of a dispersion containing homogeneously dispersed particles with no

particle interactions. Consequently, aggregation of suspended particles promotes

conduction and yields a greater thermal conductivity than that predicted by Maxwell.

The upper HS bound represents the arrangement of particles that maximizes the thermal

conductivity of a dispersion. Also the thermal conductivity of the upper HS bound

increases monotonically with increasing α, and the lower HS bound reaches a limiting

value. Thus, the thermal conductivity of dispersions is a function of α due to aggregation

of the particles and is best represented by the volume fraction – weighted geometric


Xie et al. 2002
35 Geometric Mean
(keff - k1) / k1 (%)





0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
-1 -1
k1 (W m K )

Figure 6.4 The thermal conductivity of 5 % (v/v) alumina in pump oil, ethylene glycol,
glycerol, and water from Xie et al. [59]. The dashed lines represents the
volume fraction weighted geometric mean or the Maxwell equation.

Maxwel / Lower HS bound
Geometric Mean
80 Upper HS bound
(keff - k1) / k1 (%)




0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Figure 6.5 The Hashin and Shtrikman bounds for the thermal conductivity of a
heterogeneous material as a function of the ratio of the individual phase
thermal conductivies (α). The lower bound is equivalent to the Maxwell
model. The volume fraction in these calculations is 5 %.

6.1.4 Particle Diameter

The models for the thermal conductivity of nanofluids exhibit an inverse

relationship between thermal conductivity and particle diameter. In the Brownian motion

based models, the size dependence typically arises from the Brownian velocity. In the

ordered liquid layer models, the particle diameter is related to the total surface area,

which determines the volume of ordered liquid molecules. Figure 6.6 displays a

comparison of thermal conductivity predictions from various models and their

relationship with particle diameter. These types of models yield thermal conductivity

predictions that increase as the particle size decreases below a threshold. For example,

the predictions of the Yu and Choi [140] model are weakly dependent on particle size

above a diameter of 20 nm. However, below 20 nm, the thermal conductivity exhibits a

strong particle size dependence. This inverse relationship between the thermal

conductivity and the particle size has not been validated experimentally.

The experimental data in this work (Tables 4.10 – 4.12) exhibits a relationship

between the thermal conductivity of the dispersion and the particle size similar to that

exhibited by the Nan et al. [155] model. As illustrated in Figure 6.7, the thermal

conductivity of the dispersion decreases with decreasing particle size. A decrease in

thermal conductivity enhancement was also observed for decreasing particle size in

aqueous ceria nanofluids (Figure 4.11). The thermal conductivity models for nanofluids

are incapable of fitting these results due to their inverse dependence between thermal

conductivity and particle size. The model by Nan et al. is the only available model that

exhibits decreasing thermal conductivity with decreasing particle size. They attributed

this trend to thermal resistance at the interface of the solid nanoparticles and the liquid. .

The interfacial thermal resistance is defined as a temperature discontinuity at the

interface. Thus, it is an empirical phenomenon and can be caused by various mechanisms

such as phonon dynamics and poor contact between the individual phases. In nanofluids,

the thermal resistance is most likely phonon boundary scattering occurring at the

interface of the solid and liquid. A number of studies [38, 40, 44] have experimentally

demonstrated lower thermal conductivity of silicon nanomaterials attributed to phonon

boundary scattering. Also, the thermal conductivity of solids is lower when the solid

dimensions are confined. For example, the thermal conductivity of nanowires is less than

that for nanofilms when the diameter of the wire is comparable to the thickness of the

film as a result of confinement in two dimensions instead of one [43]. Consequently,

nanoparticles should exhibit lower thermal conductivity than either wires or films due to

confinement in three dimensions. The thermal conductivity of nanofluids consisting of

titania (d = 2 nm) in a mixture of ethylene glycol and water exhibited thermal

conductivity less than the mixture without particles (Figure 5.9). Furthermore, the

thermal conductivity decreased with increasing particle concentration. These results

suggest that the thermal conductivity of the titania is less than the thermal conductivity of

the fluid. Thus, the thermal conductivity of solid nanoparticles should be represented by

a model which is a function of the particle size rather than incorporating the particle size

dependence into the model for the dispersion.

80 Nan et al 1997
Yu and Choi 2003
Jang and Choi 2004
(keff - k1) / k1 (%)

60 Chon et al 2005
Prasher et al 2005


0 20 40 60 80 100
Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 6.6 Thermal conductivity enhancement predictions for an aqueous nanofluid

containing 5 % (v/v) alumina at room temperature from several models as a
function of particle diameter.


(keff - k1) / k1 (%)

10 2%

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Mean Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 6.7 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing 2 - 4 %

(v/v) alumina at room temperature. Empirical curve fits are provided to aid
in visual detection of trends in the data.

6.1.5 Geometric Mean

All of the published models for the thermal conductivity of nanofluids represent

the enhancement versus volume fraction trend well, as shown in Figure 6.1 and discussed

in section 6.1.1. However, the relationship of the enhancement with temperature, α, and

particle size is not represented adequately by any of the models as discussed in the

previous three sections (6.1.2 – 6.1.4). Based on this analysis in the previous sections,

only two models are capable of predicting three of these four observed trends, the model

by Nan et al. and the volume fraction – weighted geometric mean.

The model by Nan et al. [155] displays trends that reflect the behavior of the

thermal conductivity as a function of particle volume fraction, temperature, and particle

diameter. However, the model reduces to the Maxwell model at large particle size and

includes the same deficiency in reflecting the relationship between the thermal

conductivity of the dispersion and the thermal conductivities of the individual phases.

Figure 6.8 displays a comparison of predictions from the Nan et al. model compared to

the Maxwell model and experimental data. The Nan et al. model is incapable of

predicting the thermal conductivities of these nanofluids containing larger particles (d >

50 nm).

The volume fraction – weighted geometric mean reflects the empirical trends

between the thermal conductivity and the particle volume fraction, temperature, and the

thermal conductivities of the individual phases. Figure 6.9 displays experimental data

and the corresponding predictions from the geometric mean. The geometric mean yields

predictions that are within 2 % of the experimental values for the dispersions containing

larger particles (d > 50 nm), but it contains no direct particle size dependence. However,

the thermal conductivity of the solid is dependent on the particle size in the nanoscale

range (section 3.2.2). Therefore, a particle size dependence can be incorporated into the

volume fraction – weighted geometric mean through the thermal conductivity of the solid



(keff - k1) / k1 (%)


0 Nan et al.

0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Mean Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 6.8 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing 4 %

(v/v) alumina at room temperature. The Nan et al. [155] model and the
Maxwell model [118] are provided for comparison. The thermal
conductivity of bulk alumina (40 W m-1 K-1) was used in the predictions.


(k - k ) / k (%)


0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Average Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 6.9 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing 2 - 4 %

(v/v) alumina at room temperature. Empirical curve fits are provided to aid
in visual detection of trends in the data. The dashed lines represent the
volume fraction weighted geometric mean at each concentration using the
bulk alumina thermal conductivity (40 W m-1 K-1).

6.2 Size Dependent Particle Thermal Conductivity

Molecular dynamics studies by Ziambaras and Hyldgaard [43] and Fang et al.

[45] predict that the thermal conductivity of nanomaterials increases linearly with particle

size at small sizes and eventually attains the bulk thermal conductivity at larger particle

sizes. It is therefore proposed here that the thermal conductivity of the particle be

represented by the following equation,

k 2 (d ) = k bulk 1 − e − A1d ) (6.4)

where kbulk is the thermal conductivity of the bulk material (40 W m-1 K-1 for alumina

[19]) and A is an empirical parameter. To estimate this parameter, the thermal

conductivity of each size of alumina particles was estimated by performing a least

squares fit of the geometric mean to the experimental data of the aqueous nanofluids

(Table 5.10) as displayed in Figure 6.10. The semi-empirical fit and the estimated

thermal conductivities of alumina particles versus average particle diameter are displayed

in Figure 6.11. The error bars represent the experimental error in the thermal

conductivity measurement of the fluid. The following equation was found with the least

squares method to find the fitted parameter,

k 2 (d ) = ⎜ 40
W ⎞
⎝ m⋅K ⎠
⎟1− e (
− (0.0126 nm −1 )d
). (6.5)



(keff - k1) / k1 (%)


12 nm
8 46 nm
245 nm

1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5
φ (%)

Figure 6.10 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing

alumina at room temperature for various mean particle diameters. The lines
represent least squares fits of the volume fraction weighted geometric mean
by adjusting the thermal conductivity of the particle (k2).

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )




0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Mean Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 6.11 Estimated thermal conductivity of alumina particles from the volume
fraction weighted geometric mean. The curve represents a semi-empirical fit
(eq. 6.5).

6.3 Prediction of Thermal Conductivity of Nanofluids

Equation 6.5 and the geometric mean were used to predict the thermal

conductivity of alumina in ethylene glycol as a function of temperature and particle size.

Figures 6.12 and 6.13 display comparisons of these predictions of thermal conductivity

enhancement with the experimental data from this study. The predictions are all within

1.5 % of the experimental data in Figure 6.12 and within 2.3 % in Figure 6.13. Figure

6.14 displays a comparison between the predictions of the model and experimental data

as a function of α from this work and that of Xie et al. [59]. The predictions were within

4 % of the data of Xie et al. and within 2 % of the data from this work. Additionally,

these equations provided predictions within 4 % of the experimental data from Xie et al.

[12] (Figure 6.15) and within 1 % of Eastman et al. [60] (Figure 6.16). Furthermore,

these equations provided predictions within 4.8, 4.5, 2.2, and 1.8 % of the measured

values of Lee et al. [57], Wang et al. [53], Kim et al. [13], and Yoo et al. [55],

respectively. However, some experimental thermal conductivity data deviates from

predictions of this model due to a temperature dependence which conflicts with the

results of this work [8, 9, 50, 52]. The reasons for other discrepancies between the

measured thermal conductivity and these predictions are unknown [49, 51, 58].

The dearth of thermal conductivity data for nanofluids containing different

particle sizes makes it difficult to apply this model to other systems. Thermal

conductivity data is available for CuO nanofluids containing particles between 23 and 36

nm [11, 18, 53, 57, 60, 65], but this size range is too narrow to obtain a reliable

correlation between thermal conductivity and particle size. However, the model is

capable of fitting data available in the literature for CuO nanofluids because the measured

values are less than the maximum value of the model given by the geometric mean with

the thermal conductivity of the bulk solid. Alternatively, the model is incapable of

predicting the measured thermal conductivity values for nanofluids containing more

conductive particles such as Cu [25, 49, 60, 71-74], diamond [32], Ag [32, 77], Au [73]

or alloys [81-83]. Specifically, the maximum predicted thermal conductivity

enhancement for a nanofluid consisting of 0.3 % (v/v) Cu in ethylene glycol is 2.1 %,

whereas the measured value was 40 % [74]. In addition, the maximum predicted thermal

conductivity enhancement for a nanofluid consisting of 1.3 % (v/v) diamond particles in

ethylene glycol is 11.2 %, and the measured value was 75 % [32]. Further comments

about the available thermal conductivity studies in relation to this new model are

provided in Table 6.1. Studies of nanofluids containing particles which were not

spherical or nearly spherical were not considered, since the effect of particle shape has

not been incorporated into the model [10, 24, 27, 75, 84-93].

Thus, the volume fraction – weighted geometric mean with a single parameter

semi-empirical equation for the solid thermal conductivity is capable of predicting the

thermal conductivity of nanofluids containing alumina, but it unproven with other

systems. Furthermore, the model is not appropriate for predicting the thermal

conductivity of nanofluids containing highly thermally conductive particles such as

copper, silver, or diamond.



(k - k ) / k (%)



0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Average Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 6.12 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids consisting of 2 and 3 %

(v/v) alumina in ethylene glycol at room temperature. The circles and
squares represent experimental data at 2 % and 3 % respectively. The
dashed lines represent predictions using Equation 6.5 with the volume
fraction weighted geometric mean.

Thermal Conductivity (W m K )




280 300 320 340 360 380 400 420 440
Temperature (K)

Figure 6.13 Thermal conductivity of ethylene glycol and nanofluids consisting of

ethylene glycol and alumina nanoparticles (diameter = 12 nm). Each data set
represents a different volume fraction of alumina (calculated at room
temperature). The dashed lines represent predictions using Equation 6.5 with
the volume fraction weighted geometric mean.


(k - k ) / k (%)


5 %, 60 nm
Xie et al.

15 3 %, 16 nm
3 %, 282 nm


60 80 100 120 140 160

Figure 6.14 Thermal conductivity of alumina nanofluids as a function of αbulk from this
work and the work of Xie et al. [59]. The thermal conductivity of the bulk
solid was used to determine αbulk. The dashed lines represent predictions
using Equation 6.5 with the volume fraction weighted geometric mean.


(k - k ) / k (%)



15 5%


0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Average Particle Diameter (nm)

Figure 6.15 Thermal conductivity enhancement of nanofluids consisting of alumina in

ethylene glycol at room temperature from Xie et al. [12]. The dashed lines
represent predictions using Equation 6.5 with the volume fraction weighted
geometric mean.



(keff - k1) / k1 (%)



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
φ (%)

Figure 6.16 Thermal conductivity enhancement of aqueous nanofluids containing

alumina (diameter = 35 nm) from Eastman et al. [60]. The dashed line
represents a prediction using Equation 6.5 with the volume fraction weighted
geometric mean.

Table 6.1 Deviations between thermal conductivity model predictions and experimental
values available in the literature

Authors and Nanofluids Maximum Comments

Reference deviation of
data from
Eastman et al. Al2O3 / Water 10 % Data has not been
1997 [49] CuO / Water 24 % reproduced by others
Eastman et al. Al2O3 / Water 1%
1999 [60] CuO / Water 5%
Cu / Ethylene Glycol Maximum > geometric mean
Lee et al. 1999 Al2O3 / Water 5%
[57] Al2O3 / Ethylene Glycol 4%
CuO / Water 5.4 %
CuO / Ethylene Glycol 2%
Wang et al. 1999 Al2O3 / Water 2.3 %
[53] Al2O3 / Ethylene Glycol 7.5 %
Al2O3 / Engine Oil 8%
Al2O3 / Pump Fluid 16 %
CuO / Water 13 %
CuO / Ethylene Glycol 23 %
Xie et al. 2002 [12, Al2O3 / Water 4.4 %
59] Al2O3 / Ethylene Glycol 4%
Al2O3 / Pump Oil 7.3 %
Xie et al. 2002 SiC / Water 22 %
[70] SiC / Ethylene Glycol 28 %
Das et al. 2003 [8] Al2O3 / Water Temperature dependence of data is
CuO / Water apparently erroneous
Chon et al. 2005 Al2O3 / Water Temperature dependence of data is
[50] apparently erroneous
Kwak and Kim CuO / Ethylene Glycol 1.2 %
2005 [64]
Murshed et al. TiO2 / Water 20 % > maximum model
2005 predictions
Hwang et al. 2006, CuO / Water 1.3 %
2007 [18, 62] CuO / Ethylene Glycol 4.1 %
SiO2 / Water 4.3 %
CNT / Water NA not spherical
CNT / Mineral Oil NA not spherical
Lee et al. 2006 CuO / Water 10 %
Li and Peterson Al2O3 / Water Temperature and particle size
2006, 2007 [9] CuO / Water dependence are apparently erroneous
Liu et al. 2006 [65] CuO / Ethylene Glycol 2.5 %

Table 6.1 (continued)

Zhang et al. 2006, Al2O3 / Water 7% when φ < 6 %

2007 [11, 51, 54] 24 % when φ > 6 %
CuO / Water 4%
TiO2 / Water 2%
CNT / Water NA not spherical
Au / Toluene NA no enhancement
(φ = 0.003 %)
Kim et al. 2007 Al2O3 / Water 2%
[13] Al2O3 / Ethylene Glycol 2.2 %
ZnO / Water Particle size dependence of data are
ZnO / Ethylene Glycol apparently erroneous
TiO2 / Water
TiO2 / Ethylene Glycol
Yoo et al. 2007 Al2O3 / Water 2%
[55, 56] TiO2 / Water 12 %
WO3 / Ethylene Glycol NA
Fe / Ethylene Glycol 14 %
Timofeeva et al. Al2O3 / Water Particle size dependence of data are
2007 [58] Al2O3 / Ethylene Glycol apparently erroneous
Wang et al. 2007 TiO2 / Water 6.1 %
[67] SiO2 / Water 3.3 %
SiO2 / Ethylene Glycol 3.4 %
SiO2 / Ethanol 3.7 %

* Maximum deviation of data from model is defined as (k measured − k predicted ) k predicted

( )
Model predictions were obtained using k 2 (d ) = k bulk 1 − e − (0.0126 nm )d .

Note that the exponent is the same as that for alumina.

6.4 Particle Size Polydispersity

The relationship between the thermal conductivity of the solid and particle size

raises a concern about the use of mean particle size to characterize the samples. Some of

the particle samples in this study have more polydisperse distributions than others.

Specifically, the alumina nanoparticles with an average size of 46 nm and 71 nm have a

much greater standard deviation than the other samples as observed in the TEM images

(see Table 4.3). The range of particle diameters observed in TEM images was 14 – 260

nm for the 71 nm average diameter particles (Figure 6.17). Similarly, the range was 8 –

370 nm for the 46 nm average diameter particles (Figures 4.2 and 6.18). When studying

the thermal conductivity of the solid particles, the primary size distribution would be a

more appropriate characterization than the average particle size. However, the size

distribution is quite difficult to measure in aggregated particles. The use of average

particle size to characterize polydisperse particle samples is especially poor when the

thermal conductivity versus particle size relationship is not linear over the entire size

distribution. Thus, the polydisperse size distribution creates some uncertainty when

examining the relationship between size and thermal conductivity. Consequently, the

experimental data points representing nanofluids containing polydisperse particles (d =

46 nm and 71 nm) display the largest deviation from the model.

A possible method to incorporate the particle size distribution into the model

would be to treat each size of particles separately. For example, for a binodal distribution

with particle sizes dA and dB, the geometric mean would be written,
φA φB
k eff ⎛ k (d ) ⎞ ⎛ k 2 (d B ) ⎞
= ⎜⎜ 2 A ⎟⎟ ⎜⎜ ⎟⎟ (6.6)
k1 ⎝ k 1 ⎠ ⎝ k1 ⎠

where φA and φB are the volume fractions of each size of particle, and the sum of φA and

φB is the volume fraction of particles in the dispersion. Thus, for a distribution of n sizes

of particles, the model would be,

⎛ k (d ) ⎞

∏i ⎜⎜ 2k i ⎟⎟ (6.7)
⎝ 1 ⎠

Figure 6.17 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 300 nm from Electron Microscopy Sciences. The average diameter
of these particles is 99 nm and 71 nm as determined by TEM and BET,
respectively. Magnification = 20,000

Figure 6.18 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 47 nm from Nanophase Technologies The average diameter of these
particles is 77 nm and 46 nm as determined by TEM and BET, respectively.
Magnification = 30,000



7.1 Conclusions

The thermal conductivities of dispersions containing alumina in water, alumina in

ethylene glycol, alumina in ethylene glycol + water, and ceria in water were measured

with the transient hot wire apparatus at temperatures ranging from 296 K to 422 K and

average particle diameters ranging from 8 nm to 282 nm. To date, these measurements

cover the largest number of particle sizes in a single study and the widest temperature

range considered for any nanofluid.

The effects of temperature and particle size on the thermal conductivity of these

nanofluids have been discovered. The temperature dependence arises mostly from the

temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity of the liquid. Thus, a maximum was

observed in the thermal conductivity versus temperature relationship of nanofluids with

water and ethylene glycol as the base fluids. This maximum occurred at approximately

the same temperature as the maximum for the base liquid. The thermal conductivity of

the nanofluids with smaller particles (d < 50 nm) exhibited a lower thermal conductivity

than the dispersions containing larger particles.

A semi-empirical predictive model containing a single adjustable parameter was

developed based on the experimental thermal conductivity data from aqueous nanofluids

containing alumina. The model consists of the volume fraction – weighted geometric

mean with a size dependent solid thermal conductivity. Turian et al. [48] demonstrated

that the geometric mean provides the most accurate predictions compared with other

models for a wide range of solid-liquid systems. The size dependence of solid thermal

conductivity was demonstrated previously for ultrathin films [40] and nanowires [44]. In

the present work, the effect of this phenomenon was observed in measurements of

nanofluids containing different sizes of nanoparticles. Nanofluids containing smaller

nanoparticles (< 50 nm) exhibited an increasing thermal conductivity with increasing

particle diameter, and as the particle size increased the thermal conductivity reached a

plateau. This plateau is equivalent to the thermal conductivity predictions from the

volume fraction – weighted geometric mean using the bulk thermal conductivity of

alumina. Thus, the thermal conductivities of each size of alumina particles was estimated

from the nanofluid thermal conductivity data by using the geometric mean, and a semi-

empirical equation with a single adjustable parameter was fit to this data. The new

predictive model yielded values that were within 5 % for several sets of experimental

thermal conductivity data for nanofluids containing alumina.

The model presented here is the only available model that reflects observed

relationships between the thermal conductivity of nanofluids and the volume fraction (φ),

temperature (T), particle diameter (d), and the ratio of the individual phase thermal

conductivies (α). Specifically, the model is approximately linear at low volume fractions

(φ < 5 %), which has been demonstrated throughout the literature and in these

experiments. Additionally, this model exhibits a temperature dependence similar to the

base fluid. This behavior was demonstrated in the measurements of the nanofluids

containing ethylene glycol and alumina, where both the nanofluids and pure ethylene

glycol exhibited maximum thermal conductivity at approximately the same temperature.

Additionally, the decrease in thermal conductivity of the nanoparticles with particle size

predicted by Fang et al. [45] was observed in the thermal conductivity measurements for

nanofluids containing alumina and for those containing ceria. Lastly, Xie et al. [59] and

Turian et al. [48] observed increasing thermal conductivity enhancement as α increased,

and this relationship was also evident in this work for the nanofluids containing the same

size of particles, but different base fluids (water and ethylene glycol).

7.2 Future Work

Future work should focus on applying the model presented here to other systems.

The semi-empirical equation for the particle thermal conductivity was developed

specifically for alumina. The available thermal conductivity data for other nanofluid

systems are not as comprehensive as for nanofluids containing alumina, and the

relationship between the thermal conductivity of nanofluids and the particle size must be

determined for those systems. With this information, one could estimate the adjustable

parameter in the particle thermal conductivity equation and try to find a relationship

between that parameter and certain solid properties, such as the phonon mean free path.

For metal oxides and other ceramics, the difficulty in these experiments would be in

obtaining particles of various sizes. However, certain nanofluids have exhibited thermal

conductivity enhancement beyond the predictions of this model. These nanofluids often

consist of highly thermally conductive solid particles such as diamond [32], carbon

nanotubes [7], and metals [74]. There are no studies that focus on the effects of

parameters such as temperature and particle size for these systems. A further difficulty is

that these systems often require a dispersant to create a stable nanofluid, which makes

these ternary systems. Thus, the model would have to be extended to include the effect

of the dispersant.

Other work could focus on the spatial arrangement of the particles in the

nanofluids. The volume fraction weighted geometric mean represents a spatial

arrangement where clusters of particles form small networks of low thermal resistance

whereas the Maxwell equation is a theoretical solution for a dispersion where there is no

particle interaction [48]. Such an experiment would require fine control over the degree

of aggregation of the suspended particles, possibly by adjusting pH and/or the ionic

strength. Aggregation appears to enhance conduction in these dispersions to some extent,

but extensive aggregation would lead to particle settling. Thus, there may be an optimal

degree of aggregation that yields the greatest thermal conductivity enhancement. This

experiment may provide greater insight into the specific effect aggregation has on the

thermal conductivity of the dispersion.



A type E thermocouple was used to measure the initial temperature of the fluid

before each thermal conductivity measurement. A second junction was held at 0 C in a

ice bath during measurements. To calibrate the thermocouple between 25 and 50 ºC, the

thermocouple and a RTD probe (ASL Inc. B463712) were placed in a recirculating heater

(Thermo NESLAB RTE 740). At each temperature, the voltage of the thermocouple was

recorded from a Fluke 8840A multimeter, and the temperature was recorded from an

Omega DP251 precision digital thermometer. Above 50 ºC, the thermocouple was

calibrated with the same RTD probe in an Omega hot point® dry block probe calibrator.

Table A.1 Calibration of type E thermocouple

Temperature (ºC) Voltage (mV)

24.99 1.483
30.00 1.792
34.95 2.097
39.93 2.407
44.94 2.722
49.95 3.041
70.06 4.260
90.16 5.56
110.23 6.898
130.12 8.2215


T = 2.2861 + 15.656V R= 0.99987

Temperature ( C)





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
V (mV)

Figure A.1 Calibration of type E thermocouple



B.1 LabVIEW Code

Figure B.1 LabVIEW Code: Case 0 of Nested Sequence Structure

Figure B.2 LabVIEW Code: Case 1 of Nested Sequence Structure
Figure B.3 LabVIEW Code: Case 2 of Nested Sequence Structure
Figure B.4 LabVIEW Code: Case 3 of Nested Sequence Structure
Figure B.5 LabVIEW Code: Case 4 of Nested Sequence Structure
Figure B.6 LabVIEW Code: Case 5 of Nested Sequence Structure
Figure B.7 LabVIEW Code: Case 6 of Nested Sequence Structure
Figure B.8 LabVIEW Code: Case 0 of Sequence Structure
Figure B.9 LabVIEW Code: Case 1 of Sequence Structure
Figure B.10 LabVIEW Code: Case 2 of Nested Sequence Structure

format long e

%Wire Geometric Parameters

L = 9.9; %Effective Length of capillary (cm)
ri = 50*10^-6; %Effective Inner Radius of capillary (meters)
ro = 0.240*10^-3; %Effective Outer Radius of capillary (meters)

final = Nsample*period;
time0 = linspace(period, final, Nsample)';

%Resistivity of mercury (ohms*cm)

resistivity = 78.69943*10^-6 + 2.9613798*10^-8*T + 9.771140*10^-11*T^2;

%Temperature coefficient of resistivity for mercury (1/K)

res = (2.9613798*10^-8 + 1.954228*10^-10*T) / resistivity;

%Transport properties of fluid

if (fluid == 1) %Dimethyl Phthalate

kW = -2.393E-07 * T^2 + 0.000026236 * T + 0.16083
rhoW = 396.30 * (1 + 3.71131*(1 - T/765)^(1/3) - 5.02261*(1 - T/765)^(2/3) +
4.03136*(1 - T/765));
CpW = 8.314/0.19419 * (32.6009-0.604958*10^-2*T+0.736242*10^-4*T^2);
elseif (fluid == 2) %Ethylene Glycol
kW = -4.8687E-07*T^2 + 3.7311E-04*T + 1.8625E-01
rhoW = 62.068*(1.3151 / 0.25125^(1+ (1 - T/719.7)^0.2187)); %from Table
2-30 of Perry's 7th ed.
CpW = 6.4884E-04*T^2 + 3.8644E+00*T + 1.0450E+03;
elseif (fluid == 3) %Toluene
kW = 0.1311*(1.68182-0.682022*T/298.15)
rhoW = 92.141*(0.8488 / 0.26655^(1+(1-T/591.8)^0.2878)); %from Table
2-30 of Perry's 7th ed.
CpW = 0.010606*T^2 - 3.5303*T + 1816.9; %from fit of data taken from
NIST Chemistry WebBook
elseif (fluid == 4) %Methanol
kW = 9.790E-07*T^2 - 9.309E-04*T + 3.909E-01 %from fit from Table
2-370 of Perry's 7th ed.
rhoW = 32.042*(2.288 / 0.2685^(1+ (1 - T/512.64)^0.2453)); %from Table 2-30 of
Perry's 7th ed.
CpW = (1.0580e5 - 3.6223e2*T+.93790*T^2)/32.042; %from Table 2-196 of
Perry's 7th ed.
elseif (fluid == 5) %Hexane
kW = -2.972E-04*T + 0.2143 %from fit of data taken from NIST
Chemistry WebBook

rhoW = 86.177 * 0.70824 / 0.26411^(1 + (1 - T/507.6)^0.27537); %from Table
2-30 of Perry's 7th ed.
CpW = (434.6*T + 63741) / 86.18; %from fit of data taken from NIST
Chemistry WebBook
elseif (fluid == 6) %PDMS
kW = 0.155 %from Manufacturer (3M)
rhoW = 960; %from Manufacturer (3M)
CpW = 1460; %from Manufacturer (3M)
else %Water
kW = 1.8822E-08*T^3 - 2.7872E-05*T^2 + 1.3274E-02*T - 1.3710 % from fit of
data from IAPWS between 275 and 420 K
rhoW = -0.0025803*T^2 + 1.2333*T + 857.81; % from fit of data from
IAPWS between 275 and 420 K
CpW = 0.013564*T^2 - 8.7637*T + 5594.7; % from fit of data from
IAPWS between 275 and 420 K

rhof = rhoW;

%Transport Properties of Mercury

CpHg = 152.039 - 0.0598907*T + 5.34676*10^-5*T^2; %Heat Capacity for 273 K <
T < 473 K (CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 71st ed., 1990-1991, p. 6-102)
rhoHg = 14291 - 2.6325*T +3.0946*10^-4*T^2; %Density for 273 K < T < 473 K
(CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 71st ed., 1990-1991, p. 15-18)
kHg = 1.1097794 + 3.064102*10^-2*T - 2.195573*10^-5*T^2; %Thermal
Conductivity from Bleazard Thesis
alphaHg = kHg / (CpHg * rhoHg); %Thermal Diffusivity at T

%Transport Properties of Pyrex Insulating Layer

CpIns = -0.001927*T^2 + 2.98*T + 14.72; %Heat Capacity (J /kg /K) from
Thermophysical Properties of Matter, Vol. 5, 1970
rhoIns = 2230; %Density (kg /m3) from Corning website (Pyrex brand 7740
Borosilicate type 1 glass)
kIns = 0.81039 + 1.0914*10^-3*T; %Thermal Conductivity from Bleazard
alphaIns = kIns / (CpIns * rhoIns); %Thermal Diffusivity at T

%Transport Properties of Gamma - Alumina

CpAl = (108.683 + 37.2263*(T/1000) - 14.2065*(T/1000)^2 + 2.193601*(T/1000)^3 -
3.20988*(1000/T)^2) / 0.10196; %Heat Capacity from NIST (J /kg /K)
rhoAl = 3700; %from Manufacturer

%Transport Properties of Nanofluid

CpW = w*CpAl + (1-w)*CpW;
rhoW = 1/(w/rhoAl + (1-w)/rhoW);

eEuler = exp(0.577215665); %exponent of Euler's constant

R1 = 100; %Resistance of fixed resistor 1 (ohms)

R2 = 100; %Resistance of fixed resistor 2 (ohms)
X = R2 / (R1 + R2);
Y = length(find(E0 > 0.05));
Z = Nsample + 1 - Y;

e = e0(Z:Nsample);
E = E0(Z:Nsample);
Eavg = mean(E(2:Y));
time = time0(1:Y);
Rwire = (Rdecade)*(e + Eavg*X) ./ (Eavg - Eavg*X - e); %Resistance of
capillary (ohms)
aa = polyfit(time(2:4)', Rwire(2:4), 1);
Rinitial = aa(2); %Initial Wire Resistance
DTw = (Rwire - Rinitial) ./ (res*Rinitial); %Temperature change of wire (K)

T1 = T + DTw;
resistivity1 = 78.69943*10^-6 + 2.9613798*10^-8*T1 + 9.771140*10^-11*T1.^2;
res1 = (2.9613798*10^-8 + 1.954228*10^-10*T1) ./ resistivity1;
DTw = (Rwire - Rinitial) ./ (res1*Rinitial);

start =880;
stop = start + 1500;

Emean = mean(E(start:stop));
Rmean = mean(Rwire(start:stop));

timelin = time(start:stop)';
lntime = log(timelin); %Linear part of curve
DTwlin = DTw(start:stop);
fit0 = polyfit(lntime, DTwlin, 1); %Linear fit of Temp vs ln Time
slope = fit0(1);
DTfit = slope * lntime + fit0(2);

qmean = Emean^2*Rmean / ( L * (Rdecade + Rmean)^2)*100; %Power

dissipated (W /m)
kW = qmean / (4 * pi * slope)
kW0 = kW;

gv = [2.40482, 5.52008, 8.65373, 11.79153, 14.93092, 18.07106, 21.21164, 24.35247,

27.49348, 30.63461]';
index = linspace(11, 100, 90)';
CN = index * pi - pi/4;

gv(11:100) = CN + 1 ./ (8*CN) - 31 ./ (394*CN.^3) + 3779 ./ (15360*CN.^5); %
roots of the zero-order Bessel function of the first kind
Yo = bessely(0,gv); %zero-order Bessel function of the second kind
b = 0.0219;
gv2 = gv.^2;
[dim2, dim] = size(timelin);

p = 1;
count = 0;

while p > 0.01

count = count +1;

alphaW = kW / (CpW * rhoW); %Thermal Diffusivity at T

%Finite physical properties of the wire and correction for insulating layer
C1 = ri^2 / 8 * ((kW - kIns) / kHg * (1/alphaHg - 1/alphaIns) + 4 / alphaIns - 2 /
C2 = ro^2 / 2 * (1/alphaW - 1/alphaIns) + ri^2 / kIns * (kIns / alphaIns - kHg /
alphaHg) * log(ro / ri);
C3 = ri^2 / (2 * kW) * (kIns / alphaIns - kHg / alphaHg) + ro^2 / (2 * kW) * (kW /
alphaW - kIns / alphaIns);

dT1 = -qmean / (4 * pi * kW) * (2 * log(ri / ro) + 2 * kW / kIns * log(ro / ri) + kW / (2

* kHg) + ( C1 + C2 + C3 * log(4 * alphaW * timelin / (ro^2 * eEuler))) ./timelin);

AA = exp((-alphaW/b^2)*gv2*timelin);
BB = (pi*Yo*ones(1,dim)).^2;
dT2 = qmean / (4 * pi *kW) * (log (4 * alphaW * timelin / (b^2 * eEuler)) + sum (AA
.* BB));

DTw12 = DTwlin + dT1 + dT2;

fit2 = polyfit(lntime, DTw12, 1); %Linear fit of Corrected Temp vs ln Time
M2 = fit2(1);
B2 = fit2(2);
ebm = exp(B2 / M2);
B = fminsearch(@(B) LLSQ(B, DTw12, timelin, M2, ebm, eEuler), -0.1);
dT3 = - M2 * B * (log (ebm * timelin) / (ebm * eEuler) + 1 / (ebm * eEuler) - timelin);

DTid = DTw12 + dT3;

fitf = polyfit(lntime, DTid, 1);
Mf = fitf(1);
bf = fitf(2);
kWnew = qmean / (4 * pi * Mf);

p = abs(kWnew - kW)/kW*100;
kW = kWnew


alphaW = kW / (CpW * rhoW); %Thermal Diffusivity at T

DTw1 = DTwlin + dT1;

fit1 = polyfit(lntime, DTw1, 1);
M1 = fit1(1);
kW1 = qmean / (4 * pi * M1);
error1 = (kW1 - kW0) / kW1 * 100;

kW2 = qmean / (4 * pi * M2);

error2 = (kW2 - kW1) / kW2 * 100;

error3 = (kW - kW2) / kW * 100;

phi = w*rhof/(w*rhof+(1-w)*rhoAl)*100

P1 = ri^2/4 * (1/alphaIns - 1/(2*alphaHg)) + ro^2/4 * (2 / alphaW - 1 / alphaIns);

P2 = ri^2/(2*kIns) * (kIns / alphaIns - kHg / alphaHg) * log(ro/ri);
dTf = qmean / (4*pi*kW) * (log(4*alphaW*timelin/(ro^2*eEuler)) + (P1 + P2 + C3 *
log(4*alphaW*timelin/(ro^2*eEuler))) ./timelin);
Tf = T + mean(dTf);

if (fluid == 1) %Dimethyl Phthalate

kWf = -2.393E-07 * Tf^2 + 0.000026236 * Tf + 0.16083;
elseif (fluid == 2) %Ethylene Glycol
kWf = -4.8687E-07*Tf^2 + 3.7311E-04*Tf + 1.8625E-01;
elseif (fluid == 3) %Toluene
kWf = 0.1311*(1.68182-0.682022*Tf/298.15);
elseif (fluid == 4) %Methanol
kWf = 9.790E-07*Tf^2 - 9.309E-04*Tf + 3.909E-01; %from fit from
Table 2-370 of Perry's 7th ed.
elseif (fluid == 5) %Hexane
kWf = -2.972E-04*Tf + 0.2143; %from fit of data taken from
NIST Chemistry WebBook
elseif (fluid == 6) %PDMS
kWf = 0.155;
else %Water
kWf = 1.8822E-08*Tf^3 - 2.7872E-05*Tf^2 + 1.3274E-02*Tf - 1.3710 % from fit of
data from IAPWS between 275 and 420 K

props = [kW rhoW CpW];

DTwcalc = qmean / (4 * pi * kW) * (log (4 * alphaW * timelin / (ro^2 * eEuler)) + 2 *
kW / kIns * log (ro / ri) + kW / (2 * kHg) + ( C1 + C2 + C3 * log(4 * alphaW * timelin /
(ro^2 * eEuler))) ./timelin);



Figure C.1 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 11 nm from Nanostructure and Amorphous Materials. The average
diameter of these particles is 6 nm and 8 nm as determined by TEM and
BET, respectively. Magnification = 200,000

Figure C.2 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 20 nm from Nanostructure and Amorphous Materials. The average
diameter of these particles is 10 nm and 12 nm as determined by TEM and
BET, respectively. Magnification = 200,000

Figure C.3 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 150 nm from Nanostructure and Amorphous Materials. The average
diameter of these particles is 180 nm and 245 nm as determined by TEM and
BET, respectively Magnification = 10,000

Figure C.4 Transmission electron microscopy image of alumina particles with a nominal
size of 1000 nm from Electron Microscopy Sciences. The average diameter
of these particles is 290 nm and 282 nm as determined by TEM and BET,
respectively. Magnification = 15,000


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Michael P. Beck was born in Evanston, Illinois on October 27, 1975 to Donald P.

Beck and Linda S. Beck. He grew up with three brothers and attended Beloit Catholic

High School in Beloit, Wisconsin. He received his Bachelor of Science degrees in

Chemical Engineering and in Biochemistry from the University of Wisconsin in Madison

in 1999. From 1999 until 2002, he worked for Abbott Laboratories in North Chicago,

Illinois in the Corporate Engineering Division and the Abbott Diagnostics Division

before coming to Georgia Tech in 2002 to pursue a doctorate in chemical engineering.

On June 4, 2005, he married Kanrakot (Nan) Thamanavat in Atlanta, GA. Following his

graduation from Georgia Tech, he will work at Nalco Company in Naperville, IL as a

senior engineer.


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