Brian Dewhirst PHD
Brian Dewhirst PHD
Brian Dewhirst PHD
A Dissertation
Submitted to the Faculty
of the
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Materials Science and Engineering
December 2008
Diran Apelian, Howmet Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Advisor
Richard D. Sisson, Jr., George F. Fuller Professor, Materials Science and
Engineering Program Head
Tautologically, castability is a critical requirement in any casting process. The two
most important factors impacting castability are the susceptibility of a metal to
hot tearing and the degree of casting fluidity a material possesses. This work
concerns itself with fluidity of molten metal. Since experimental investigations
into casting fluidity began, researchers have sought to maximize fluidity through
superheat, mold temperature, alloy chemistry, melt cleanliness, and mold design.
Researchers who have examined the published results in the field have remarked
on the difficulty of making quantitative comparisons and drawing conclusions
from the data. Ragone developed a horizontal vacuum fluidity apparatus and an
analytical expression for fluid length to help resolve these issues. This was
expanded on by Flemings et al. Still, the comparison of results is complicated by
experimental uncertainties and a plurality of experimental procedures. This work
seeks to resolve these issues through an analysis of experimental uncertainties
present in existing fluidity tests and the development of an improved test and
procedure which is very precise, accurate, and reliable. Certain existing tests and
software packages have been shown to be unsuitable for quantitative fluidity
measurement. Expressions for experimental uncertainty in fluidity testing have
been derived. The capability to predict variations in fluidity as a function of alloy
chemistry and other variables whose range of values are intrinsic to the
economics of the process will help to more accurately determine the superheat
needed for successful castings and will in turn lead to a decrease in scrap rates.
This will enable metal casters to more reliably cast thin sections, and to reduce
cycle time or scrap rate to achieve productivity goals. Superheat was shown to
remain the dominant factor in fluidity, but the test allowed investigation of alloy
modifications within an alloy specification in this alloy system. Factors known to
have negative effects on structural properties were found often to have neutral
or positive impacts on fluidity. A deep understanding of variations in fluidity
measurements is the next necessary step in a century-long quest to understand
how best to make metal castings through the use of fluidity experiments.
First, I would like to thank the ACRC Consortium members who‘ve helped to fund
this work, especially the ACRC focus group and its co-chairs Ray Donahue and
John Jorstad, for their support and guidance which help to insure that academic
work retains its intended relevance to industry. Prof. Apelian, my advisor, has
likewise been a constant source of guidance and inspiration, as have the other
members of my committee, Prof. Sisson, Prof. Makhlouf, Prof. Liang, and Dr.
Major. I also would like to thank the support staff at WPI, who‘ve been a great
help to me. In particular, our department secretary Rita Shilansky, and Maureen
Plunkett, Carol Garofoli, and the rest of the MPI Staff have helped me throughout
my time at WPI and MPI. The Gordon Library staff and HAAS Center machine
shop staff have also contributed greatly to the quality of this work as well. Profs.
Furlong, Gennert, Iannacchione, Ludwig, Petruccelli, and Dr. Shu have all been
generous with their time in providing advice and assistance within their
respective fields. Deepika Gaddam and Matt Proske and Dr. Kim and Ken
Siersma were of great help with MAGMA and CAPCAST respectively. My
officemates, Shimin Li and Kimon Symeonidis, have always been there to discuss
my work and to offer assistance, and I wish them and the rest of the many
graduate students I‘ve interacted with the best of luck in their future endeavors.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents for their love and guidance throughout
my life and Carolyn Lachance, my wife, for her love, support, and
3.0 Methodology 29
3.1 Uncertainty Calculations 33
3.2 Development of Experimental Apparatus 33
3.2.1 Preliminary Analyses 34
3.2.2 Development of an Improved Apparatus 38
3.3 Measurement Systems Variability (MSV) 42
3.4 Further Refinements and the Demonstration of Linear Superheat 44
3.4.1 Confirmation of Improvements by Baseline Comparison 45
3.5 Application of Apparatus to Variables of Interest 45
3.5.1 Si Level Adjustment 46
3.5.2 Fe and Mn Addition 47
3.5.3 Pure Aluminum Testing 47
3.5.4 Grain Refinement 48
3.5.5 Eutectic Modification (Sr) 48
3.5.6 Artificial Introduction of Oxides 48
3.5.7 Degassing 49
3.6 Predictive Modeling 50
4.0 Results & Discussion 52
4.1 Uncertainty Calculations 52
4.1.1 Error in Metal-Mold Interface Dominated Case 53
4.1.2 Error in Mold Resistance Dominated Case 54
4.2 Development of Experimental Apparatus 55
4.2.1 Preliminary Analyses 56
4.3 Measurement Systems Variability (MSV) 57
4.4 Further Refinements and the Demonstration of Linear Superheat 63
4.4.1 Confirmation of Improvements by Baseline Comparison 66
4.5 Application of Apparatus to Variables of Interest 68
4.5.1 Si Level Adjustment 68
4.5.2 Fe and Mn Addition 72
4.5.3 Pure Aluminum Testing 73
Appendices 91
Appendix A: Fluidity Testing Data 92
Appendix B: Consortium Survey and Results 109
Appendix C: Castability Measures for Diecasting Alloys: Fluidity, Hot Tearing,
and Die Soldering 113
Appendix D: Flemings‘ Equation Derivations 127
Appendix E: Pumping Calculations 131
Appendix F: Calibration Nomogram 135
Appendix G: Microstructure Schematic 138
Appendix H: Phase 1 Procedures 140
Appendix I: Phase 2 Procedure 146
Appendix J: Phase 3 Procedure 150
The answer to the question ‗why is fluidity important‘ is highly dependent on who
is asking. There are at least three:
To a foundry worker, the answer is ―because it is useful.‖ Fluidity refers to
an important property of cast alloys. The more fluid an alloy is, the more
easily it should be able to fill a given cavity. As the response of fluidity
with increasing superheat is known to be linear, fluidity directly relates to
the amount of superheat needed to fill a given cavity.
Theorists express interest in the impacts and causes of changes in fluidity,
principally as it relates to the study of solidification and interdendritic
metal flow. However, variations in precision and accuracy of fluidity
measurements make correlating data between experimenters problematic.
The majority of fluidity investigations in the last 25 years have focused on
maximizing fluidity with respect to precise alloy chemistry. The influence
of minor alloy additions is often slight when compared with that of
superheat, head pressure, or melt cleanliness.
A third answer, one which might satisfy an ambitious experimentalist, is
that there are believed to be significant problems with the repeatability
and precision of fluidity measurements. Surmounting these challenges so
that more accurate and repeatable measurements of fluidity can be
All of these answers are equally correct, but each touches on a different aspect
of the ways fluidity measurements are conducted and used. Herein, the
definition of fluidity shall be: Fluidity is a material’s ability to flow into and
fill a given cavity, as measured by the dimensions of that cavity under
specified experimental conditions. It is understood that fluidity is heavily
dependent on heat flow during solidification, and many of the critical specified
experimental conditions will reflect this.
Past work in the field has focused on maximizing fluidity. However, this work
holds that decreasing the variations in fluidity is as important as determining
under which conditions fluidity is maximized. There are two main aspects to
variation in fluidity:
One is the standard deviation of test methods used in the lab to
determine fluidity.
The other is the range over which fluidity values will vary in a real casting
environment where alloy chemistry and temperature controls vary within
some range.
Based on the perceived potential for improvement in fluidity testing, and thus for
improvement in castings, a research project was begun. The literature review
revealed a lack of confidence in present testing methods, as is discussed in
greater length in that section. Following a comprehensive literature review,
theoretical calculations were performed to determine the most critical sources of
error. Preliminary tests were engaged in to determine how complex testing
equipment and procedures needed to be in order to produce repeatable and
reliable results and statistical tools were used to evaluate repeatability. These
results, along with the results of an informal industrial survey, helped to further
define the problem. An existing testing apparatus was located and refurbished,
and a new procedure was generated for it. Successive testing with well-
understood phenomena, such as superheat, as well as other questions of interest
allowed for further refinement of the apparatus and procedure. Attempts to
model the rapid filling of thin sections during these sorts of tests have revealed
that present commercial casting modeling software is no substitute for lab
foundry testing. These successive steps are detailed in the rest of this
The experimental techniques described here are most appropriate for cases
where cooling is dominated by heat transfer during rapid solidification, as
opposed to cases where solidification is slower and dominated by the mold heat
conductivity. A dissertation on an improved mold-dominated sand spiral test has
recently been completed by a colleague [1], while theoretical calculations for
both cases are presented in this work.
The likely benefits of this work are threefold: A robust and reliable testing
apparatus and methodology will allow for comparisons between groups working
in different parts of the world, confidence in fluidity testing will improve, and
metal casters will be able to use the derived theoretical error equations and
testing methodologies to more closely fine-tune their processes to optimize scrap
rates, superheat, and alloy chemistry. More consistent fluidity should lead to
more consistent castings.
gas. Variants on the existing testing devices have been devised which take these
requirements into account [8-13].
The answer to the question ‗why is fluidity important‘ is highly dependent on who
is asking. There are at least three:
To a foundry worker, the answer is ―because it is useful.‖ Fluidity refers to
a very important property of cast alloys. The more fluid an alloy is, the
more easily it should be able to fill a given cavity. As the response of
fluidity with increasing superheat is known to be linear, fluidity directly
relates to the amount of superheat needed to fill a given cavity.
Theorists express interests in the impacts and –causes- of changes in
fluidity, principally as it relates to the study of solidification and
interdendritic metal flow. Variations in precision and accuracy of fluidity
measurements make correlating data between experimenters problematic,
however. The majority of fluidity investigations in the last 25 years have
focused on maximizing fluidity with respect to precise alloy chemistry. The
All answers are equally correct, but each touches on a different aspect of the
ways fluidity measurements are conducted and used. Herein, the definition of
fluidity shall be: Fluidity is a material’s ability to flow into and fill a given
cavity, as measured by the dimensions of that cavity under specified
experimental conditions. It should be noted that one of the most critical of
those experimental conditions is heat flow during solidification.
cross section, especially near the end of the casting, is used to examine how
solidification mechanisms ‗choked off‘ the flow. Often, in alloy development work
for example, it is unclear which fluidity test should be performed. Experimenters
frequently report the results of both a sand spiral and a Ragone-style vacuum
suction apparatus or fin casting [13, 16-19], and since this covers a wide range
of solidification conditions it is a good general procedure for an alloy intended for
a variety of solidification conditions. An alloy which is only expected to be cast in
die castings should be tested in a die casting fluidity die or Ragone glass tube
test, and an alloy intended only for sand casting ought to be tested in a sand
spiral test. Even so, there are many, many ways to conduct a particular test.
Indicating that it was ―a sand spiral‖ or ―Ragone-type test‖ is not sufficiently
Compared to its predecessor, a long linear sand mold along a foundry floor, the
spiral also takes up less room, is more likely to be level over its entire length,
and is more uniform in temperature.
A common variation on the single sand spiral is the dual-spiral test [23],
although some experimenters have encountered problems with ensuring equal
pressure head, mold temperature, etc. to both spirals [24]. Although not spiral in
geometry, the serpentine test is similar to the spiral test in most critical respects
Much of Di Sabatino‘s work was done with refining sand spiral fluidity testing [1,
24, 26-28]. Di Sabatino compares sand spiral results to those of a commercial
thin strip (N-Tec) mold [27], and finds that they have qualitatively similar
results. Her work built on previous work by Dahle et al. [29].
setup [2-7], some portion of the melt was drawn against gravity due to a curve
in the tube. Ragone‘s initial procedure involved using a wax plug to seal the tip
of his vacuum-filled tube, but subsequent experimenters modified the procedure
not to use this feature. Ragone also made use of a high-speed camera to
monitor the metal filling the tube, and he observed that the melt velocity was
nearly constant until the very end (when flow stops). Subsequent experimenters
did not make use of a camera, but it was an important procedural detail of the
initial work by Ragone, and one of the reasons his glass tubes were an
improvement on existing procedures. Ragone worked with pure metals, but later
experimenters in the same laboratory worked with alloys, and met with
unexpected difficulties [6]. It was discovered that commercial levels of alloy
additions change the solidification mechanism such that flow stops at the tip,
rather than the entrance neck. Horizontal fluidity testers were used in the
investigation of the solidification mechanisms and microstructures [5]. The final
‗crossing of t‘s and dotting of i's‘ of this theory was Flemings‘ British Foundryman
paper [4].
Vertical suction tests have been performed using different tube materials and
different bore sizes, which confirm the theoretical predictions of Flemings et al.
discussed in Section 2.3.1 with respect to heat transfer coefficient and mold
dimensions [31], [32].
Similar vertical tests in borosilicate glass have been performed with liquid metal
and SSM metal poured into a vertical tube with a funnel and without vacuum
[33], [34].
The N-Tec mold is a variation on the idea of a permanent mold spiral test.
Instead of pouring into a spiral of fixed cross section, metal feeds into five
‗fingers‘ of varied cross section. The fluidity reported from this experiment is the
sum of the lengths in the five fingers. This procedure conflates the cavity
parameters with the fluidity of the metal. If the goal of the experiment was only
to investigate the impact of cavity thickness on a given melt, this might be valid,
but the N-Tec mold is intended to be a general test for fluidity measurements
[27, 35, 36].
Researchers investigating the impact of grain refiners and oxide inclusions in Al-
Cu alloys made use of a permanent mold setup with integrated removable
stopper and thermocouple. It seems from their diagrams that there will be
thermal variations between the central and edge fingers [37, 38]. Such design
complications appear to be common in permanent mold fluidity designs.
Permanent mold metal finger tests can easily be modified for magnesium testing,
because steel is a preferred mold material for magnesium casting. One example
incorporated eight radial spokes from a central filling well, as well as appropriate
protective cover gas equipment [8]. Other groups present similar solutions to the
same problem [13].
Exotic tests include forcing semisolid metal through a packed bed of beads [47],
novel simultaneous measurements of viscosity, density, and surface tension [48],
use of thin section fluidity tests to measure defects in zinc with a mind towards
controlling die soldering [41], and assessment of melt cleanliness via a porous
filter [49]. In addition to a standard sand spiral test, Ware investigated casting
elbows, cylindrical castings, Tatur molds, etc. [50]. Frequently, these papers are
investigating rheological fluidity rather than casting fluidity [14].
While not the focus of this thesis, since there is activity in this area to model
fluidity tests as a test of the casting/ solidification software programs, it bears
mention [54]. Work in this area began quite early in finite element modeling,
though early codes were of necessity much simpler as a consequence of limited
computer resources [55]. Simulation of sand spirals is one example [56]. Often,
this work is more concerned with the modeling and pure math involved than with
the physical system being represented [57]. Recently, efforts have been made to
improve the modeling capability of thin sections, which would seem to relate
closely to fluidity testing, as this is another technique used to evaluate casting of
thin sections [58].
The fluidity equation from Flemings [5] for metal with some superheat T and a
mold which conducts heat rapidly is:
( p s * a * v)( H c'*T )
L eqn. 1
2 * h * (Tm To )
h * * * X
where eqn. 2b
k' v
a channel radius
A mold surface area (proportional to roughness)
S circumference of mold channel
X choking range
c specific heat of metal
(T-Tr) liquid metal temperature minus room temperature
T the time average melt temp in the fluidity test, approximately equal to
(Tm T ' )
To room temperature
h heat transfer coefficient at mold-metal interface
Tm metal melting temperature
T superheat
k thermal conductivity of mold material
density of metal
v velocity of metal flow
Hf Heat of fusion of metal
T‘ temperature of superheated metal entering flow channel
critical solid concentration required to stop flow in ‗mushy‘ alloys
or with superheat:
c' Lf
Where ( )* eqn. 6
H dL f
Where is evaluated at T=Tm, and is called the critical solid concentration.
Flemings reports that the critical solid concentration is between 0.2 and 0.3
fraction solid, and Campbell gives 0.5 to 0.6 using slightly different criteria [5,
16, 59]. This is the fraction solid where the flow is choked off, as will be
discussed under flow stoppage mechanisms. Attempts to tie this choking off to
dendrite coherency by Dahle, as explored by Backerud, were inconclusive. Dahle
did not find an unambiguous impact of dendrite coherency measurements on
fluidity [29, 60, 61]. The specific fraction solid at which this takes place varies
with alloy composition and solidifying phase morphology. This critical fraction
solid is usually higher for die casting due to the increased pressure involved, but
the extent of increase is likely to depend on alloy-specific morphology
characteristics. Much work on determining the solid fractions where flow is
possible has been done in the area of SSM, in terms of both alloy rheology and
thermodynamics, and this may have much to contribute in understanding how
this factor changes according to the specific casting and alloy conditions [62].
These formulations of fluidity include a term T , which is the time average melt
temperature in the fluidity test, which is approximately equal to (Tm T ' ) .
(This takes into account the fact that the mold does not necessarily remain
isothermal throughout the test.)
In Campbell‘s Casting [16], he gives the following equations for fluidity in mold
and metal-mold interface dominated cases.
Sand: k *V * m eqn. 7
Lf k '*V
Die: eqn. 8
m h
k = a constant
m= casting modulus (Volume/Area)
V= velocity
Although increasing alloy additions typically reduce fluidity, there are some
important exceptions. Additions of silicon to aluminum increase the fluidity for
two reasons. First, the high heat of fusion of silicon prolongs metal flow. Second,
in the case of hypereutectic silicon, the morphology of primary silicon and
requisite undercooling result in prolonged metal flow [1, 17, 18, 24, 25, 30, 33,
35, 47, 56, 63-65].
Though a great deal of research has been done to determine the impact of minor
alloy additions, with some papers reporting minor increases of fluidity under one
set of conditions and other researchers reporting minor decreases in fluidity
under slightly different conditions, the aggregate impact of these small changes
in composition to overall fluidity is minor [1-7, 17, 18, 23, 27, 29, 35, 38, 43, 50,
52, 66-71]. As will be discussed in Section 2.3.3, superheat is a much more
powerful mechanism for increasing fluidity. Similarly to the addition of minor
alloying elements, high hydrogen levels increase porosity but have no great
influence on metal fluidity [26].
Much of what these tests measure is process dependent. The results of two
spiral tests, one with a boron nitride coated metal mold and another conducted
with green sand, will show quite different results depending on the interaction of
specific melts with the specific interface. Since wetability of the metal and mold
will vary as a function of alloy chemistry in these two cases, so too will the heat
transfer coefficients. (For an example of how heat transfer coefficients can vary
dramatically within a single experimental apparatus as a function of time, see
Farouk, Apelian, and Kim [76]). As is known from the derived results above (see
Section 2.3.1), this will have a profound impact on the flow length, but this
behavior cannot be generalized, especially if mold coating is not the parameter
under investigation. Heat flow considerations are seldom considered, since, while
there are direct measurements of temperature and length, there are typically no
measurements of the heat transfer coefficients of the molds in question.
Compounding these problems is the fact that, while experimental procedures and
setup are critically important to obtaining self-consistent results, to say nothing
of results reproducible by other researchers, there is not a standard for either
Fortunately, statistical tools exist to define how well fluidity is known and what
determines its variation.
dq dx dy dz du dw
then: ( ) 2 ( ) 2 ( ) 2 ... ( ) 2 ... ( ) 2 eqn. 9b
q x y z u w
dq dx
For q n n* eqn. 10
q x
If: q x y... z u v... w eqn. 11a
then: dq (dx) 2 (dy) 2 ...(dz ) 2 (du) 2 (dv) 2 ...(dw) 2 eqn. 11b
The above assumes that there are small, random errors, where dx is the error in
x, and so on for the other variables. Although this sort of analysis is common in
physics, no work of this kind has been done with fluidity. Section 4.1 applies
this to Flemings‘ equations, discussed above[4].
Given the high part numbers involved in die casting, questions of repeatability
are especially important. Fluidity failure can result in increased scrap rates, and
the costs associated with scrap are known to be high in die casting [99, 100].
Thin sections are desirable for a variety of reasons, and can be achieved with
increased mean fluidity, but if that increase comes at the expense of increased
fluidity variation, this will have the undesirable effect of increasing scrap rates.
Often, the factors which can be adjusted to improve fluidity have other impacts
on the casting process, and so a careful tradeoff must be achieved to insure
there is enough fluidity, and a margin of safety, without causing deleterious side
effects. Greater fluidity is often achieved by increasing melt superheat, but as
will be discussed below, this has negative implications for die soldering. Mold
coatings can decrease the heat transfer coefficient, and thus increase fluidity,
but this may have a small negative impact on cycle time. While minor alloy
additions often have little impact on fluidity, the secondary alloy components
(specifically, their heat of fusion and morphology) do contribute to fluidity.
made before the borosilicate tube is removed from the experimental setup, as
the rapid fracturing of the glass and other factors otherwise make it difficult to
determine the ‗zero point.‘ Through repeated measurements under controlled
experimental conditions the reliability of the test was established.
In reviewing the above literature, there was little indication that results were
necessarily comparable between different lab apparatuses, even if they were of
the same nominal type and dimensions. Results can certainly be normalized and
compared qualitatively, but there is great skepticism as to the quantitative nature
of the results. If someone were to establish a standard test, or procedure for
comparing the fidelity of differing tests, this would be of great value to the field.
This section details the procedures and equipment used to collect data in this
dissertation. Results of these methods are discussed below, in Section 4,
Results and Discussion. Throughout this work appropriate spark testing was
done on coupons prepared according to standard procedures to insure that metal
chemistries were in line with expectations.
Work in this dissertation fell into four categories, but in each phase of work the
dependent variable was fluidity and its variation. (There were additional
dependent variables during MSV testing.)
The following table, Table 3.A, indicates the number of data points comprising
each experimental run of the four phases discussed above. Data displayed in
Section 4, Results, will often comprise the mean of multiple sets of points
conducted under the same experimental conditions. It also indicates where the
relevant methodology and results are reported. The full data for these
experiments is presented in Appendix A.
baseline n/a 3.4.1 4.4.1 288 700
Figure 3.2.1.A, B: Pressure testing setup, including air tank, ½ hp pump, gauge, valves.
Front (A) and Rear (B).
Figure 3.2.1.C, D: C) Lab stand, borosilicate tube, and crucible in upright position. D)
Close-up of borosilicate tube, stand, rubber tube, and rubber stopper in lower position.
Figure 3.2.1.G, H: Resistance heated furnace (G), used to preheat crucibles (H)
Initially, thermocouples were inserted into the crucible to record the final
temperature immediately after the test was completed. Molds were preheated in
a resistance furnace to 400 C. Both 4mm and 5mm tubes were used in an
attempt to determine which was more suitable for further testing. On the basis
of ease of handling, 5mm tubes were selected for further tests. The valve was
open, such that the tube was vacuuming prior to being inserted into the melt. As
soon as the tube touched the surface, melt was drawn up. The height the frozen
melt had reached was measured while the tube was still inserted in the melt.
In all subsequent tests, 5mm glass tubes were used. The thermocouple was
inserted into the melt prior to fluidity testing, so that the temperature of the melt
at the time of testing could be measured more precisely. This improvement
showed that the crucible needed to be pre-heated to a higher temperature to
insure rapid melt cooling did not take place as soon as metal was poured into the
crucible. Consequently, all subsequent preliminary tests used crucibles which had
been preheated to 800 C. In other respects, tests were conducted as discussed
Measuring the melt while it was still within the crucible resulted in inaccuracies if
the level of the melt in the crucible was not exactly even with the top of the
crucible, and also presented a burn and spill danger. The procedure was
modified to measure the tubes after they had been extracted from the melt. The
tradeoff was an additional glass hazard, as an extracted tube sheds its
borosilicate coating (especially when fluidity greater than 10 cm is reached).
The above tests, as previously mentioned, only involved lowering the tube until it
first made contact with the surface. This was done to insure that the depth the
tube was inserted into the melt was not a factor, but after one accidental
immersion led to a much greater fluidity than simple pressure differential as a
result of head pressure would suggest, subsequent tests were conducted. There
is clearly an effect, presumably due to increased oxide content, when suction is
at the surface. Metal dropping below the level of the tube, resulting in a
cessation of flow and the freezing of the metal, is another possible factor.
Finally, tests were conducted with the suction off. The tube was inserted to a
depth in the melt, then clamped off. (After removal from the melt, the depth the
tube was submerged was recorded as well.) The valve was then opened, and
vacuum sucked the melt up the tube.
Above, in Figure 3.2.2.A, the vertical vacuum setup is shown. When a sample
reaches a pre-set temperature, a pneumatic jack raises the crucible so that a
1016 mm long, 5 mm OD, 3.35 mm ID borosilicate tube is submerged into the
melt. This automatically triggers a valve which evacuates the tube and draws the
metal up the tube with a 95%+ vacuum. Measurements are conducted by the
operator immediately afterwards, before the tube is removed. This unit was
selected because it fulfilled the needs determined in earlier testing. Existing
Alcan equipment was refurbished, and a new testing procedure devised.
To reach the desired precision with the vacuum testing apparatus, several
possible improvements were considered.
One testing method considered was ultrasonic height measurement of the liquid
metal, but since the speed of sound is highly sensitive to air pressure (and
ultrasonic testing is not possible at all under high vacuum), this is not a feasible
Mounting a digital camera such that it would photograph the melt on completion
of its flow and analyze the height with software was considered. There are
several professors in the Computer Science Department who work on computer
vision, including the department head. After speaking with Ph.D. Gennert [102],
it became clear there were a number of complications which had not been
considered. Such an arrangement would require a great deal of work to tune the
lighting to avoid false reflections, to ensure proper contrast, etc. It would be very
sensitive to the angle of its mounting, and the software would need time for
tuning as well. In computer vision, the camera is among the least important
parts of the system, and doing this properly is still an active area of research in
computer science. Again, since the intent at the ACRC is to be at the forefront of
light metals casting, rather than computer science, the work needed to make this
solution practical is enough to suggest other alternatives.
It turns out that there is a common instrument which does not suffer from these
problems of angular deflection, contrast in variable lighting conditions,
programming, etc. With additional care to specify the position of the observer,
the necessary measurements will be taken with the human eye and a fixed
measuring stick. With the chin placed on a specified spot (the corner of the cart-
top, sighting between the tip of the now-solid fluidity sample and a ruler), note
and record the height of the uppermost bit of metal drawn up the tube.
Measurements are now taken with the dominant eye. Sufficient measurements
have been taken (the height from chin to pupil) to allow another experimenter
either to place their pupil in exactly the same spot or to calculate an offset. This
offset problem should impact accuracy rather than precision, and so testing
against a known standard can also be helpful.
Additional procedural improvements have been made, such as filling the crucible
directly from the induction unit rather than with an intermediate ladle. (The
dimensions of that crucible are the same as specified in Section 3.2.1.)
The above schematic, Figure 3.2.2.B, depicts the fluidity testing apparatus
used in all later stages of research after the initial work described in Section
3.2.1. The various numbered components on the diagram are: 1) pneumatic
jack 2) switch which, when triggered by a L-shaped rod attached to the bottom
of platform, opens a valve evacuating the glass tube and drawing liquid metal up
the tube 3) steel platform covered by heat resistant tile which is raised and
lowered by the jack and which supports the plexiglass case 4) protective fiber
surrounding bottom of plexiglass case 5) crucible inscribed on the inside with a
fill-line 6) ruler affixed to the rear of the plexiglass box 7) thermocouple
connected by wire to temperature controller 8) temperature controller which
triggers pneumatic jack if the appropriate lever is in the ‗on‘ position and the
temperature of the melt as indicated by the thermocouple is below the set point
9) lever controlling jack, a pressure gage, and a fitting for the pressurized air
supply 10) lab ringstand which helps to maintain glass tube in vertical orientation
11) clamp holding rubber stopper connecting rubber tubing to pyrex tube 12)
connections between vacuum reservoir, vacuum pump, vacuum gage, and tube
terminating in rubber stopper and pyrex tube which is controlled by the switch
activated by the raising of the pneumatic jack 12b) vacuum gage 13) vacuum
pump 14) vacuum reservoir 15) switch for ac power supply to pump and
temperature controller, not shown 16) ac power line in 17) level wheels on which
cart is mounted.
The tests which were evaluated were the vertical vacuum testing unit and the N-
Tec test. In the vertical vacuum testing unit, a pneumatic jack raises a crucible of
One alloy composition, A356, was used for all experiments, and the other casting
parameters (superheat range, degassing, and grain refinement) were selected
and kept constant as well. Testing was done on 700 C metal, with no degassing
or grain refinement addition. Mold temperatures were kept constant for each
instrument, but varied based on the needs of the apparatus.
Each test has a separate procedure, which is presented at the end of this
section. Each test was repeated ten times by different experimenters. One of
these experimenters was already familiar with the pieces of equipment. All
experimenters were instructed to follow a written experimental procedure for the
piece of equipment. The experimenters were Brian Dewhirst, Shimin Li, and
Kimon Symeonidis. The assistance provided by the latter two is appreciated by
the former.
In the case of the vertical vacuum test, each of the 30 tests (10 tests each by
three people, divided into two blocks of five each) was a measured length. The
result of the N-Tec test was the sum of the lengths of the fingers. Volumetric
measures, which measure the total volume of metal in each of the fingers, weigh
thin fingers less heavily than thicker fingers, which was considered undesirable
for this test.
MSV analysis is algorithmic, and spreadsheet macros were written to perform the
relevant steps[87, 89, 90]. The result is four numbers: %EV (percent equipment
variation), %AV (percent appraiser variation), %PV (percent part variation), and
%MSV (percent measurement system variation), and standards exist to assist in
evaluating these results. These numbers are determined based upon a user-
specified TV (total variation), which was 100 mm for these experiments.
When %MSV is greater than 100%, the process is considered out of control, and
is best suited for qualitative work. A %MSV of 60 to 100% indicates that the
process can be used for quantitative work, but any changes which could be
made to reduce variability should be investigated. A %MSV less than 60%
indicates everything is functioning properly, and further improvement is generally
The written procedures for this phase of work can be found in Appendix H.
These same data were used to generate a process control chart, which can be
found in Section 4.4.1.
and phase 2 and between phase 2 and phase 3 of the work. All three procedures
are presented in Appendixes H through J.
Table 3.5.A: Summarizes the improvements made over the course of the work
Procedure Change Phase I --> II Phase II --> III
Crucible dimensions specified X X
Crucible filling procedure specified X X
Changes related to simplified vacuum setup X X
Thermocouple pre-warming X X
Observation orientation specified X X
Glass safety instructions added X X
Used melt returned to induction unit X X
Clarifications/ corrections X X
Notice offset is needed X
Coupon frequency reduction X
Chemistry-based sample rejection eliminated X
Offset specified X
All experiments were performed at 700 C, with the exception of a small number
of experiments conducted with the specific intent of maintaining constant
superheat. The base alloy for this work, unless otherwise specified, was A356.2.
These experiments involved applying the testing apparatus and procedures
presented above to a number of areas of interest listed below in Sections 3.5.1
through 3.5.7. Unless otherwise specified, degassing was not performed.
3.5.7) Degassing
Readings with pure A356.2 were recorded as a baseline. Degassing was
performed using a rotary degasser with argon gas for 15 minutes and 35
minutes. Gas levels for un-degassed and heavily degassed metal were directly
measured with the Alscan setup. The indicated intermediate (15 min) level, 0.15
ml/cc, is based on past experience with the Alscan setup, A356, etc. Direct
measurements indicated that the high (35 min) degassing produced levels below
0.1 ml/cc of hydrogen and that the levels of hydrogen with no degassing were
over 0.3 ml/cc.
These measured levels of hydrogen are not precise, because both the Alscan
testing and degassing were performed at a lower temperature than testing, and
time passed while the metal was brought up to a suitable temperature for testing
allowing hydrogen to diffuse back into the melt. Naturally, time also passed
during testing, as it takes quite a while for the Alscan tester to reach equilibrium
and results are supposed to be the average of multiple measurements.
Three common molten metal modeling software packages were investigated for
this work:
First, each of these packages was evaluated with consultation with their
manufacturers to determine their suitability for modeling the apparatus discussed
in Section 3.2.2 Comsol's manufacturer indicated that it was not suitable for
this application. The manufacturers of the more casting-specific packages both
felt that their products were potentially suitable and provided assistance in
conducting the modeling.
Much work has been done on the fluidity of light metals over the last 50 years,
and the equations developed by Flemings are still the best available to account
for the factors involved in the filling of thin channels. The expected variations
from these equations in the absence of certain systemic measurement biases
have been calculated, and are a good guide to improving fluidity testing. This
understanding allowed for an improved, robust, quantitative testing procedure. A
quantitative understanding of the factors involved in variations in fluidity testing
can also illuminate factors which will have an impact on the scrap rates of parts
containing secondary and ternary constituents which differ from those found in
primary alloys. It was possible, for the first time, to conduct accurate fluidity
testing within the specified chemistry range of a given alloy outside of those
alloys cast exclusively in die casting. These experimental results have been
compared with computational modeling work and as is discussed in Section 4.6,
this underscored the importance of experimental work to determine fluidity.
All of the raw data reported on in this section can be found in Appendix A.
dq dx dy dz du dw
then: ( ) 2 ( ) 2 ( ) 2 ... ( ) 2 ... ( ) 2 eqn. 9b
q x y z u w
dq dx
For q n n* eqn. 10
q x
If: q x y... z u v... w eqn. 11a
c' Lf
Where ( )* eqn. 6
H dL f
Define some useful terms: F (H c' T ) and E (T To )
dx d dH 2 d dH 2
( )2 ( ) dx x ( )2 ( )
x H H
db dc' dT 2 dc' 2 dT 2
( )2 ( ) db b ( ) ( )
b c' T c' T
dF (dx) 2 (db) 2
d dH 2 dc' dT 2
dF x 2 (( )2 ( ) ) b 2 (( ) 2 ( ) )
H c' T
d dH 2 dc' dT 2
dF ( * H ) 2 (( )2 ( ) ) (c'*T ) 2 (( ) 2 ( ) )
H c' T
dL dF DE 2 da d ' dVo 2 dh
( )2 ( ) ( )2 ( )2 ( ) ( )2
L F E a ' Vo h
dL f (dTo ) 2 )
d ' 2
... ((d T ) da
( )2 ( ) (
dVo 2 dh
) ( ) 2 eqn. 12a
Lf 2 (T To ) 2
a ' Vo h
d dH 2 dc' dT 2
( * H ) 2 (( )2 ( ) ) (c'*T ) 2 (( ) 2 ( ) )
... H c' T eqn. 12b
( * H c'*T ) 2
By the same process, this method can be applied to the ‗theta type‘ calculation
also from Flemings‘ British Foundryman paper [4].
c' Lf
Where ( )* eqn. 6
H dL f
... ((d T ) (dT2 o ) ) (d T dT2o ) ( da ) 2 ( d ' ) 2 ( dB ) 2
dL f 2 2
Lf 4 (T To ) (T To ) a ' B
d dH 2 dc' dT 2
( * H ) 2 (( )2 ( ) ) (c'*T ) 2 (( ) 2 ( ) )
... H c' T eqns. 13a&b
( * H c'*T ) 2
Where B
k * '*c
dq dx
Recall equation 10: For q n n* eqn. 10
q x
dB 1 dVo 2 dk d ' 2 dc
( ) ( )2 ( ) ( )2 eqn 13c
B 2 Vo k ' c
dB 1 dVo 2 dk d ' 2 dc
( ) ( )2 ( ) ( ) 2 eqn 13d
B 4 Vo k ' c
the measurements of the temperatures). The other includes all the intrinsic
factors, factors which may well vary in actual casting practice (variation in the
specific heat c, heat transfer coefficient h, mold thermal conductivity k, etc.)
Some variables can fall into both categories. When a variation in heat transfer
coefficient is due to a change in chemistry or local mold characteristic, this is of
interest, but if an experimental apparatus has a persistent air bubble which
would not be found in casting practice, it is desirable to eliminate the variation.
(Since the heat transfer coefficient between glass and molten metal is likely to be
quite different from that found in a die cavity, it is good that it is constant in this
Though the degree of uncertainty will vary between the lab test and the casting
facility, the same terms determine the uncertainty implicit in filling a thin section
in the foundry. Though heat transfer is, one hopes, well-controlled in the
laboratory setting, the presence or absence of an air gap between melt and mold
(or between melt and mold coating) can significantly affect the thermal
conductivity and heat transfer coefficient [76], and so lead to great variation in
the observed fluidity in the foundry setting. This variation can be estimated by
using the above equations.
750 4mm
Temp (C)
"800C, surface"
650 vac after
0 10 20 30 40
Length (cm)
Figure 4.2.1.A: Graph of fluidity versus temperature for vertically suctioned A356 under
varied experimental conditions, as detailed in Section 3.2.1.
The results of the five procedures above are presented in Figure 4.2.1.A. As
can be seen, the various refined procedures generated greater fluidity than the
procedures they replaced. Only the final procedure shows the expected linear
response between superheat and fluidity. Presumably, this was because of
confounding factors in the earlier test procedures (oxides, insufficient tube depth
to permit continued flow of metal, etc). It was found that the testing mechanism
and procedure were converging with the design decisions made for the
refurbished Alcan fluidity tester. Correcting problems with this apparatus and
procedure would bring it even closer to the Alcan setup. Future vacuum fluidity
testing was conducted with the Alcan apparatus. Based on these experiments, a
new procedure was written for the apparatus.
result of these calculations is %MSV, and the lower this value is, the better the
results a testing procedure/apparatus can provide.
The following table contains the MSV results and analysis of N-Tec testing. This
format is standard for GR&R/ MSV testing and follows the procedure, above, in
Section 3.3.
EV 826.67 %EV 826.67 K1 4.56
AV 647.46 %AV 647.46 K2 2.70
PV 457.16 %PV 457.16 K3 2.08
TV 100.00 %MSV 1145.24 n 30.00
The following table contains the MSV results and analysis of vertical vacuum
testing. This format is standard for GR&R/ MSV testing and follows the
procedure, above, in Section 3.3.
EV 140.77 %EV 140.77 K1 4.56
AV 212.64 %AV 212.64 K2 2.70
PV 23.55 %PV 23.55 K3 2.08
TV 100.00 %MSV 256.10 n 30.00
In order to better compare and contrast the results of these two tables, Table
4.3.C below collects the results for side-by-side analysis.
Table 4.3.C: The key values for N-tec and Vertical Vacuum are presented together
Vacuum N-Tec
%EV 140 %EV 830
%AV 210 %AV 650
%PV 24 %PV 460
%MSV 260 %MSV 1100
While both tests have %MSV (percent measurement systems variation) values
which are much higher than the desired 100% or 60%, the vertical vacuum test
produced much more favorable overall results. %MSV results can be improved by
further refining the procedure and apparatus. N-Tec variations were high across
the board, rather than in any one area which might be targeted. In contrast, the
part and equipment variations for the vertical vacuum test were low, suggesting
that the step which needs improvement is the measurement of completed
samples. Experimental methodologies which either incorporate more data points
or allow for broader tolerances on total variation (such as applying a linear fit to
superheat values) would likely help reduce %MSV to below 100%, the threshold
for quantitative work.
In these experiments (as mentioned above) there were variations across the
board for the N-Tec permanent mold. The manufacturers of this mold do not
claim it is suitable for quantitative testing. Though it might be possible to
incorporate it into a quantitative setup, in part through controlling melt velocity
and mold temperature more precisely, it is by far the less promising of the two
tests under consideration. Variations in mold temperature are clearly a factor in
the variation, as can be seen from examining Equations 12 and 13, presented
earlier. Many commercial and experimental molds have features in common with
the N-Tec mold which suggest they may not be suitable for robust and reliable
experimentation. These data confirm, in the case of these kinds of tests, the
common belief that fluidity testing is unreliable and difficult to compare between
labs. Manufacturers marketing fluidity tests would likely benefit from more robust
procedures and tighter temperature and temperature gradient controls in their
is closer to the desired level of refinement, but still needs work to increase
precision and accuracy.
length (cm)
660 680 700 720 740 760 780
Temperature (C)
Figure 4.4.A: The mean values of the runs are presented along with the
standard deviations of the means.
When the mean and the standard deviations of the mean are depicted, the
overall linear trend becomes clear. As expected, a linear trend with respect to
superheat is observed. The linear trend and small standard deviation of the
mean indicates that this is an accurate and repeatable apparatus and procedure.
A356 at 680 C
fluidity (cm)
0 1 2 3 4
experim ent run
Figure 4.4.B: Data points, mean, and standard deviation of the three
experimental runs taken at 680 C
Data in Figure 4.4.B are presented in chronological order. Please note the
different scale from the previous figure. Between the second and third points a
switch was replaced due to its failure. It is believed it was operating
intermittently during the first two runs, resulting in variable suction. The smaller
range (thus, smaller standard deviation) of the third data point and its
agreement with the overall linear trend support the contention that it represents
the correct value. Regardless, the three ranges are still within three standard
deviations of each another.
Fluidity (cm)
Figure 4.4.C: Comparison of means and standard deviations of old MSV (green
squares) and new (blue diamonds) fluidity values at 700 C.
As can be seen, the new data are much more consistent, and the standard
deviations do not account for the variation seen in the old MSV experiments, but
do a good job of accounting for the variation in current testing. Please note the
different scale from above, and recall that the MSV results were collected by
three separate experimenters in accordance with the MSV procedure. The
contention was that the main cause for this variation was the measuring
procedure, and it seems that affixing the position of the eye doing the measuring
has greatly improved the reproducibility of results. (Discussion following testing
revealed that experimenters were measuring the lengths in subtly different
ways—the most variant feature was the ‗metal line,‘ from which measurements
were supposed to be taken.)
fluidity (cm)
Phase 1 procedure
16.00 Phase 2 procedure
Phase 3 procedure
0 40
Control Chart
Fluidity (cm)
X bar
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Data point number
Figure 4.4.1.B: Control Chart of A356.2 fluidity data recorded at 700 C for Phases 1 and 2
The above graph of the data, mean, upper and lower control limits shows that
the process is in a state of control, displaying common variation apart from one
point at 33.4 cm, which constitutes a special cause of error. In this case, the
special error was caused by opening the hydraulic valve before the thermocouple
reached either the melt temperature or the set temperature, resulting in
premature suction with a high superheat.
fluidity (cm)
6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5
Silicon content (%)
heat of fusion of the melt and through modifications of the morphology of the
solidifying melt. These tendencies, however, were studied on a much coarser
scale— investigations of binary Al-Si alloys over a relatively wide range of silicon
concentrations, or comparisons of different commercial alloys which again
involved relatively coarse changes in silicon concentration alloy to alloy. While it
is not the case that the rankings of the mean value of ten data points over five
varied compositions are always ordered from greatest to least silicon
concentration, it is the case that through successive experiments a trend can be
seen. Though difficult, changes due to Si content can be seen at this scale. The
large additions (6.3% Si and 8.1% Si) are slightly outside of the range of
acceptable chemistries for A356.2, while the smaller additions (6.4% Si and
7.6%Si) are right on the edge of those composition ranges. While it is difficult to
discern the difference between two silicon additions (7.6% Si and 8.1%Si), it is
very easy to distinguish between addition and removal (7.6% Si and 6.4% Si, for
instance), and possible to distinguish between the baseline average (7% Si) and
the smaller additions. The resolution at this number of experimental trials seems
to be +/- 0.5% Si. Again, the importance of this trial was not that Si improves
fluidity, but that the impacts of individual alloy constituents can be detected
within the range of an alloy specification for this kind of alloy.
fluidity (cm)
6 8 10 12 14 16
percent Si
Figure 4.5.1.B: Comparison of hypereutectic binary Al-Si alloy at constant temperature to Si-
content modified A356.2
In Figure 4.5.1.B this linear trend is seen with respect to silicon content
continue as Si content increases. Hypereutectic silicon alloys are known to be
especially fluid up until 16 or 17% Si, though the specific maximum is dependent
on processing conditions and other aspects of the alloy such as copper and
phosphorous content. Note the larger scale in this figure as compared to
previous figures.
fluidity (cm)
6.4 6.6 6.8 7 7.2 7.4 7.6
percent Si
fluidity (cm)
base low Fe high Fe low Mn high Mn high Fe
(0.2%) (1%) (0.25%) (0.5%) (1%) high
Mn (0.5%)
typical of secondary alloys. The higher fluidity of combined iron and manganese
is most likely attributable to the iron content as opposed to the manganese
content. While there are negatives associated with excess manganese content,
such as sludge formation, they do not appear to be a threat to secondary alloy
fluidity. The higher iron and manganese levels investigated here suggest that the
higher fractions of these metals in secondary alloys do not have a marked
negative impact on fluidity, though other deleterious effects of these constituents
is well known, and other factors in secondary alloys may independently
negatively impact fluidity. It is also noteworthy that the effect of relatively small
iron additions can be detected.
fluidity (cm)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
grams TiBor added
The above data in Figure 4.5.4.A depict a single batch of metal to which
increasing levels of TiBor grain refiner has been added. The first data point is
unmodified A356.2 and all subsequent points (with a range of TiBor addition
between one and twelve times the recommended level of modification for
commercial castings) have equivalent fluidity. The second point is modified at the
commercial level. Fluidity remained constant when five to six times the
commercial level was added for the third point. After adding a total of ten to
twelve times the commercial modification level, no increase was observed. Past
research on the impact of TiBor addition has been mixed, but there is a general
consensus that the overall impact of grain modification is minor if present at all,
which is consistent with these results. This higher level of precision in testing
indicates TiBor addition is not a serious concern in this alloy at these
concentrations, which is favorable news for recycling and reuse of previously
refined materials.
fluidity (cm)
low Sr
mid Sr
10 high Sr
0.00% 0.04% 0.08% 0.12%
percent Sr added
The above graph, Figure 4.5.5.A, depicts three levels of strontium modification.
In comparing baseline A356.2 with very low strontium levels, commercial
modification, and twice the necessary strontium addition to achieve commercial
modification, a small dip in fluidity is observed at the level of commercial
modification but this dip disappears at higher levels of strontium. When much
higher levels of strontium are added, levels corresponding to those found in the
Mercalloy die casting alloys, a slight decrease in fluidity is again observed. This
decrease may be related to the change in surface tension brought about by the
change in viscosity, though these surface tension effects are small compared to
the impact of the vacuum on the metal. Strontium addition is known to
dramatically increase the viscosity of aluminum melts, as has been demonstrated
in the ACRC project on eutectic modification [104]. This increase in viscosity,
however, does not significantly impact casting fluidity. Strontium is also well
known for altering the morphology of the eutectic microstructure. Early fluidity
work, preceding Ragone‘s doctoral dissertation, continued to emphasize the role
viscosity played in casting fluidity, and some researchers still stress the supposed
fluidity (cm)
0 142 401.8 497.6
grams Al powder added
Given the volume of oxides added (half a kilogram into roughly 12 kilograms of
melt) and the known impact of diluting the silicon content of the melt, the
relatively constant response of A356.2 to oxide addition and deliberate melt
mishandling is surprising. In addition to the relatively slight decrease in the
mean, higher levels of aluminum powder addition were associated with a small
number of points with very low fluidity. Though this does not impact the mean to
a great extent, this variability would prove a hindrance to manufacturing
methodologies calling for very low scrap rates.
no addition
fluidity (cm)
borax lv 1
borax lv 2
10 borax lv 3
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
borax added (gm)
The above graph shows the more pronounced impact of very high additions of
borax and repeated melt mishandling on the fluidity of A356.2. Addition of
almost 200 g of borax had a barely noticeable negative impact on fluidity, but at
the higher levels of addition and after longer melt mishandling a decrease in
fluidity was observed. This decrease came from an increased number of low
fluidity tubes, rather than from a gradual lowering of the average. Even at the
highest level of borax addition, there were still some tubes whose fluidity was
comparable to that of the baseline. This increase in the spread of points led to
the increased standard deviation of the mean of the points visible at the higher
borax levels.
4.5.7) Degassing
fluidity (cm)
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
gas content (mL/cc)
The above graph, Figure 4.5.7.A, displays A356.2 metal at three different levels
of gas inclusion. The baseline, undegassed, point is leftmost in this figure. A
slight decrease in fluidity at the highest levels of degassing was observed, but
this decrease is within the variation of the baseline data. Previous work on the
effects of hydrogen levels on fluidity found no impact on fluidity within the limits
of experimental uncertainty, but that work was done with sand molds which have
slower solidification times and permit gas to escape through the porous sand.
This suggests that data collected elsewhere in this dissertation, which was
conducted without degassing, is applicable to degassed metal of like chemistry.
The above output from MAGMASOFT is the result of a model run on A356 at 680
C. As compared to the experimental results for this temperature, this length is
too short. Also noteworthy is that MAGMA assumes metal will flow at higher
fraction solids than are suggested by the literature. From this we can conclude
that MAGMA is unsuitable for the modeling of fluidity under these heat transfer
dominated conditions.
The above output from CAPCAST is the result of a model run on A356 at 700 C.
As compared to the experimental results for this temperature, the fluid length is
again underestimated. Also noteworthy is that a final fraction solid was input
manually based on knowledge from the literature. The necessity of manual input
undermines the tool's utility for prediction of fluidity in the absence of good data
on what fraction solid results in flow stoppage, and often the literature is unclear
as to when flow stoppage will occur under circumstances similar to fluidity
It would seem that both of the major casting modeling software packages do not
accurately predict flow stoppage in narrow channels where heat transfer is an
important factor. (Experiments showing agreement between modeling and lab
testing for gravity-filled sand spirals have been published by Di Sabatino [56].)
While these packages may be suitable for bulk filling, it seems further work is
needed in the area of filling thin sections.
Based on these data, it seems that fluidity testing remains vital. One of the
dangers of models such as these is that they yield plausible, colorful results, and
if there is no experiment to compare them to, users may be insufficiently
Data from these experiments, especially those detailed in Section 4.4 may
constitute sufficient information to assist the improvements of these databases
for A356 (when coupled with Flemings' equation 4), and if so, further fluidity
experiments with other alloys of interests may help to populate that database.
Such work would require close cooperation from the software publisher, as they
would be the ones most able to identify when and how such a database module
would be consulted. These data are certainly not suitable for replacing the
portions of code that handle bulk filling. In sum, from these analyses it can be
concluded that the three modeling softwares examined do not predict fluidity
with fidelity to experimental data. This further underscores the need for robust
experimental methods such as those developed here for fluidity testing.
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99. Dewhirst, B., et al. Castability Measures for Diecasting Alloys: Fluidity, Hot
Tearing, and Die Soldering. in Proceedings of the 4th International High Tech
Die Casting Conference, HTDC. 2008. Brescia, Italy.
100. Dewhirst, B., et al., Castability Measures for Diecasting Alloys: Fluidity, Hot
Tearing, and Die Soldering. La Metallurgia Italiana, 2008.
101. Furlong, C., Ph.D. 2007.
102. Gennert, M.A. 2007.
103. Petruccelli, J.D. 2007.
104. Pan, Q.Y., et al., Optimization of 380 Alloy for Semi-Solid Processing. NADCA
Transactions, 2005.
105. Ravi, K.R., et al., Fluidity of aluminum alloys and composites: A review.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2008. 456: p. 201-210.
Appendix A
Fluidity Testing Data
The following are the data used to generate the presented charts in Section 4
Results and Discussion.
fluidity_eval update.xls
temp (C.) (cm) date
MSV data.xls
Dew Dew KS
Vac KS Vac SL Vac Ntec Ntec SL Ntec
1 255 520.7 237 678 793.26 631
2 244 304.8 240 607 300.015 537
3 122 317.5 210 302 742.41 1071
4 297 304.8 242 566 750.04 858
5 273 317.5 236 317 635.625 784
6 244 304.8 239 360 931 823
7 289 317.5 237 731 883 954
8 264 320 234 800 675 822
9 134 322.6 236 835 665 906
10 259 325.1 251 375 500 583
11 330 sp
zero 248
one 270
* Data for the bold numbers was replaced by the zero and one values in the following
Phase I master.xls
Phase II master.xls
no degassing 1- no degas 1- no degas 1- degas degas degas
25 24 28 high.a high.b high.c
22.8 22.6 22.9 21 27.3
23.2 23.3 22.4 20.4 24.6 24.3
26.1 22.3 23.7 20.1 23.4 21.5
24.2 24.1 23.8 20.6 26.2 23.6
33.4 22.8 22.7 23.5 24 23.7
25.5 22.7 23.3 22.3 26 22.3
23.7 21.3 24.7 22.4 23.6 23.2
(grain refinement)
plain 1-
29 1.a 1.b 1.c no xtra 1-31 1.d 1.e
21.4 21.2 23.3 20.6 20.5 24.6 20.9
23 23.3 21.9 21 22.1 22.1 22.8
22 22.6 20.8 22.8 19.6 25.4 21.4
21.7 23.4 23.4 22.3 20.6 23.5 23
22.6 22.8 22.5 20.3 22.9 24.3 21
grams added
base 0 13.41 0.253618
1x 27.35 13.1575 0.16602
2x 150.03 13.364 0.150909
3x 284.45 13.0075 0.303048
(Si variations)
2/6/2008 2/7/08 3-19 3-20 3-26
base base base base base ++ Si.A ++ Si.B ++ Si.C
23.5 19.4 19.3 23.2 17.2 26.1 25.2 24.6
21.7 21.3 18.9 22.2 19.4 23.1 22.4 22.5
22.8 20.5 21.3 22.1 19.7 23.9 22.3 22.4
21.6 21.7 20.7 21.5 20.6 23.5 24 23.3
24.3 21.1 20.4 22.4 21.3 22.7 23.9 23.5
22.3 25.5 20.4 20.5 21.4 24.5 22.6 24.2
22.7 21.5 21 21.3 21.7 22.6 22.3 22.7
21.9 21.4 21.1 23.9 21.5 23.3 23.1 24.2
22.9 21.7 19.3 22 20.7 24 23.3 24.3
21.6 20.4 22.5 20.3 20.4 24.2 22.5 21
(Constant superheat)
6-25 baseline +Si one +Si two -Si one - Si two
23.3 21.4 25.7 21.7 20.1
23.7 22.7 21.6 17.5 20.9
22.1 20.2 23.1 22.1 22
22 22.8 23.8 20.6 21.7
20.7 22.6 22.6 20.5 24.6
20.8 23.3 27.7 20.8 21.7
23.3 24.3 23 21.4 21.3
22 24.2 21.5 21.6 21.3
21.5 20.3 22.5 22.2 21.7
22 22.7 21.4 21 23.6
(pure aluminum)
eye chin
44.2 51.3
43.4 48.7
47.7 53
45.5 51.4
48.5 55.3
44.7 50.8
45.6 52.8
45.7 50.9
46.4 52.2
46.8 52.8
45.7 52.1
45.4 50.4
45.6 50.9
46.5 52.4
45.7 51.3
40.3 43.5
44.6 49.6
45.7 51.2
46 51.2
45.47 51.15
1.71 2.33
0.39 0.53
36.47 42.15
(Strontium addition)
2-11 11base 2-12
base b base str.1a str.1b str.1c str.2.a
20 18.5 17 19 19.8 20.5 19.5
20.1 23.2 21.3 19.7 19.7 18.5 19.7
20.5 21.1 21.5 19.7 19.6 19.6 20.4
18.2 22.3 22.9 17.7 21.3 20.2 18.5
19.7 20.6 20.1 19.9 21.2 20.9 22
18.5 20.4 20.7 19.4 19.7 18.7 21.9
20.7 19.4 23.4 20.4 19.4 17.8 20.4
19.4 20.1 19.9 15.4 17.9 19.9 20.3
19.6 22.7 16.4 18.6 20 20.4 21.6
20.8 21.8 22.1 19.5 23.5 20.7 20.6
str.2b str.2c
21.6 19.4
21.1 20.6
21.2 19.8
20.7 20.4
22.6 20.5
20.8 20.3
20.3 20.6
19.5 21.7
20 21.1
21.4 20.7
20.92 20.51
0.88 0.63
0.28 0.20
11.92 11.51
6/11 high
base 6/11 b base Sr.1 high Sr.2 high Sr.3
16.8 21.3 22.2 19.3 23.7
21.9 21.3 21.8 19.5 19
22.7 22.2 19.4 19.4 18.7
21.3 19.8 19.8 19.6 18.8
21.6 19.8 20.1 19.8 19.2
20.9 19.6 18.9 20.7 19.3
20.6 18.7 19.2 19.7 20.2
22 21.4 18.6 20 19.5
20.7 18.7 19 19.8 19.4
22.4 20.2 19.4 18.7 19
20.70 19.72
0.33 0.20
11.70 10.72
oxide lv oxide lv
3.B 3.C
19.4 20.1
18.5 20.5
18.9 20.5
20.2 21.6
20.5 19.3
19.5 24
19.6 20.6
17.1 18.4
19 18.8
19.3 18.4
19.20 20.22
0.94 1.70
0.30 0.54
10.20 11.22
borax lv borax lv
3.a 3.b
18.3 19.4
20.7 17.6
14 21.4
12 22.4
15.7 19.6
11 20.2
19.4 15.4
20.9 15.9
19.3 19.4
18.5 20.8
16.98 19.21
3.58 2.28
1.13 0.72
7.98 10.21
Appendix B
Consortium Survey and Results
Over half of the ACRC members replied, which when one considers that not all
member companies are alloy producers or foundries was a very good response.
One in three of those who responded to the survey report that they do some
kind of fluidity testing at their company, at an attached research unit, or have
such work done at an external lab. Subsequent replies suggest that not all
respondents think about fluidity testing the same way.
Sand spiral testing appears to be the most common diagnostic technique in use,
with just under half of those who conduct fluidity testing using sand spirals.
Horizontal vacuum testing and step molds are also used.
Responses to the third question indicate that fluidity testing is most often
performed in response to a specific problem, during alloy or process
One respondent pointed out that Prefil by ABB Bomen is in use at their foundry
twice per shift per line. Rather than indicating this is a rare practice, it instead
reflects the perception of what is and is not a test of fluidity.
One respondent indicated there was monthly fluidity testing, although the
technique in place was unclear from their other responses. As this was the least
frequent printed option, this may indicate intermittent use for process/alloy
development as discussed above.
Q4: If you do not do any fluidity testing, are there other tests you carry
out to characterize the melt’s ability to fill a given cavity? Please
explain whether these are experimental or computational (simulation)
Of those who provided more detailed replies, many made use of fill analysis
software. Half indicated they used Magma, while others failed to indicate which
program they used or indicated Procast. Interestingly, some of those who
indicated they conducted fluidity testing indicated they used these tools as well.
One group indicated this was the only form of fluidity testing they performed.
Obviously, there is some ambiguity where fluidity begins and ‗castability‘ testing/
analysis/ modeling end.
One group indicated they did not conduct fluidity testing as they had never
had problems. Others indicated they did not do such testing because they
worked with known alloys or customer specified compositions. Presumably,
this indicates agreement with those who view fluidity as a diagnostic tool for
alloy/process development as opposed to a regular test to insure process
Appendix C
Castability Measures for Diecasting Alloys:
Fluidity, Hot Tearing, and Die Soldering
Over the years, castability has been addressed through various angles and
perspectives. However no matter what has been accomplished, it is fair to state
that at the present there is not a single method that the community can point to
as a means of defining an alloy‘s castability in terms of measurable quantitative
parameters. It is critical that means for controlling the casting process be
developed. Without robust measures, one will not be able to control the casting
process. It is the latter that is the motivating force behind this project. Hopefully,
the investigative techniques being developed in this research will become
This paper will focus on three parallel lines of research with applicability to light
metals diecasting: Fluidity, Hot tearing (as it relates to stresses developing within
solidifying metals as a function of chemistry and microstructure), and die
soldering. Each of these three areas of research has the potential to positively
benefit the HPDC industry, either directly or as an accompanying benefit to
research conducted for other purposes. Vacuum fluidity testing allows for the
evaluation of various alloys and process modifications in a laboratory setting
under rapid solidification conditions, but suffers from a poor reputation and, as a
consequence, has principally been used for qualitative experimentation. Hot
tearing, a consequence of stresses developing during feeding until the casting
tears itself apart, is not found in alloys used in HPDC, but the investigative
techniques being applied to understand hot tearing are providing a window into
how these stresses develop. Die soldering is important because, in improperly
designed castings, soldering can be a significant problem that can severely
inhibit productivity.
Fluidity is a material‘s ability to flow into and fill a given cavity, as measured by
the dimensions of that cavity under specified experimental conditions, and
fluidity is heavily dependent on heat flow during solidification.
Thanks in large part to the work of Ragone in developing his vacuum testing apparatus,
which Flemings et al. built upon, fluidity has seen great advances since Ragone’s 1956
doctoral thesis [1-6]. Over a period of 8 years, Flemings and collaborators produced the
fluidity equations and solidification mechanisms which are at work in linear castings
during standard fluidity tests.
The fluidity equation from Flemings [3], for metal with some superheat T and a mold
which conducts heat rapidly is given below as Equations 1 and 2.
Flemings reports that the critical solid concentration is between 0.2 and 0.3 fraction solid,
and Campbell gives 0.5-0.6 using slightly different criteria [4,7,8]. This is the fraction
solid where, as will be discussed under flow stoppage mechanisms, the flow is choked
off. Attempts to tie this choking off to dendrite coherency by Dahle, as explored by
Backerud, were inconclusive. He did not find an unambiguous impact of dendrite
coherency measurements on fluidity [9-11]. The specific fraction solid at which this takes
place varies with alloy composition and solidifying phase morphology. This critical
fraction solid is likely to be higher for die casting due to the increased pressure involved,
but the extent of increase is likely to depend on alloy-specific morphology characteristics.
Much work on the relevant solid fractions where flow is possible has been carried out in
the area of SSM, both in terms of alloy rheology and thermodynamics, and this may have
much to contribute in understanding how this factor changes according to the specific
casting and alloy conditions [12].
Past work in the field has focused on maximizing fluidity, however we believe
that decreasing the variations in fluidity is as important as determining under
which conditions fluidity is maximized. There are two main aspects to variation in
One is the standard deviation of test methods used in the lab to
determine fluidity.
The other is the range over which fluidity values will vary in a real casting
environment where alloy chemistry, temperature controls, etc. vary within
some range.
Given the high part numbers involved in die casting, questions of repeatability
are especially important. Thin sections are desirable for a variety of reasons, and
can be achieved with increased mean fluidity, but if that increase is coming at
the expense of increased fluidity variation, this will have the undesirable effect of
increasing scrap rates. Often, the factors which can be adjusted to improve
fluidity have other impacts on the casting process, and so a careful tradeoff must
be achieved between insuring there is enough fluidity (and a margin of safety)
without causing deleterious side-effects. Greater fluidity is often achieved by
increasing melt superheat, but as will be discussed below, this has negative
implications for die soldering. Mold coatings can decrease the heat transfer
coefficient, and thus increase fluidity, but this may have a small negative impact
on cycle time. While minor alloy additions often have little impact on fluidity, the
secondary alloy components (specifically, their heat of fusion and morphology)
do contribute to fluidity.
Though hot tearing is a casting phenomenon that occurs in sand castings and
processes where the solidification rate is slower than in die-castings, the
mechanism of stress distribution during solidification is appropriate for discussion
in high integrity castings. This is more so than ever now that we can measure
and quantify stresses during solidification. Material behavior during solidification
is what matters.
Campbell [7] defines a hot tear as a uniaxial tensile failure, which results in
cracks on the surface or inside the casting. Alloys having a wide freezing range
have a higher tendency to hot tear. Variables that influence hot tearing include
alloy composition and processing variables [13,14].
Measuring the development of strains and the evolution of hot tearing during
solidification is not trivial. The Metal Processing Institute is a member of the
Light Metals Alliance, and we have teamed up with our alliance partner CANMET
to address hot tearing in aluminum alloys. The constrained bar mold used in this
study was developed at CANMET Materials Technology Laboratory (MTL) and
designed to measure load and temperature during solidification. Figure 1 shows
one of the mold plates and testing setup. The mold is made of cast iron and
coated with insulating mold wash. The test piece has two arms. One test arm
(12.5mm) is constrained at one end with heavy section (22.5mm) to keep the
bar from contraction, so the tension will be developed and hence cracking could
be induced during solidification. The other arm is for load and temperature
measurement with one end connected to a load cell. This opened end of the
mold is closed with a graphite cylinder block which can move freely in horizontal
direction. The block is connected to the solidifying material on inner side with a
screw and on external side with a load cell. Two K-type thermocouples are used
for the temperature measurement. One is positioned at the riser end and the
other at the end of the bar as shown in Figure 1. After pouring the melt into
the mold, the temperature and load were recorded with a computer data
acquisition system.
Thermocouple 1 Thermocouple 2
Screw Graphite
Figure 1: Cast Iron Mold designed to detect the onset of the hot tearing
Commercial cast alloy 713 and 518 were evaluated; the
former is known to be sensitive to hot tearing, and the
latter has good resistance to hot tearing. The pouring
temperature was set at 60˚C above the melting point of
the alloy during this effort. The mold temperature was
maintained around 200˚C.
Figures 2 and 3 show the measured temperatures and load recorded during
casting as a function of time for alloy 713 and 518 respectively. The load
represents the tension force developed in the casting during solidification. The
cooling curve T1 was recorded with thermocouple tip positioned at the riser end
and T2 with thermocouple tip at the end of the bar as shown in Figure 1. A
rapid rise in temperature (both curves) was observed immediately after pouring
and the temperature started falling shortly. It‘s noticed that negative loads
(compressive forces) were developed shortly after pouring for the tests, probably
due to the pressure head of the melt [16]. When the rod begins to solidify but
cannot contract freely, the tension force increases. Figure 2(b) and 3(b) are
derivatives of load vs. time curve to determine onset of hot tearing. An obvious
change in the rate suggests that cracking might occur there.
T1 Load
T2 Crack at 530˚C
From Figure 2b, load began developing at proximately 9 seconds and the
solidification temperature was around 617˚C (Figure 2a), then increased
rapidly. It is shown that the rate changed abruptly to zero at 16.5 seconds,
suggesting a severe tear occurred there. Hot tearing occurred at around 530˚C,
corresponding to 94% solid, according to Pandat Scheil solidification calculation.
Die soldering occurs when the cast aluminum alloy comes into contact with die
steel. Due to the natural affinity of iron and aluminum, a reaction occurs at the
surface which results in the formation of intermetallic phases. Over a series of
shots, a significant amount of aluminum becomes stuck to these phases at the
die surface, and the resulting cast part can begin to miss critical tolerances or to
lose integrity. At this point, the die must be shut down and cleaned, which is an
With such a large economic effect on the casting process, it is clear why die
soldering needs to be controlled. There are several ways in which this can be
achieved. These can be broken down into three groups, which will be discussed
further below: melt chemistry, process conditions and the die surface condition.
Figure 4: Main effects plot of the effect various alloying elements on die
soldering. Iron, Manganese and Titanium show strong positive effects on
reducing soldering, while Nickel promotes soldering [17].
Not surprisingly, iron had the greatest effect of any alloying element in the study
on reducing die soldering. Iron has long been added to die casting alloys in order
to reduce the die soldering tendency of alloys. It is well known that alloys with
insufficient iron content (<0.8-0.9%) will solder readily to the die under the right
conditions. A look at the phase diagram in
Figure shows that the solubility of iron in aluminum with 10% silicon at typical
casting temperatures is quite low, around 2-3%. At temperatures where the melt
is likely to be in contact with the die, this solubility drops even lower. Therefore,
even at low concentrations the presence of iron in the melt reduces the chemical
potential gradient of iron from the steel to the melt significantly and slows the
reactions that occur at the surface.
00 11 22 33 44 55
Al, 10%Si w%(FE)
w% (FE)
Of the other alloying elements, strontium also has the potential to help control
die soldering, in addition to its common use as a eutectic modifier. In industrial
trials a small strontium addition was shown to reduce die soldering by more than
20%. The effect is not apparent in the main effects plot above because both of
the levels selected were at or above the critical concentration.
The mechanism behind this reduction has to do with the effect strontium has on
the viscosity and surface tension of the alloy. As Figure shows, the addition of
strontium changes the apparent viscosity and subsequently the surface energy of
the alloy. This causes a reduction in the ability of the alloy to wet the die surface
and reduces the contact area and the reaction between the two.
Figure 6: Change in viscosity of an Al-Si alloy with the addition of 230ppm Sr [18].
High temperatures and high melt velocity are process conditions which lead to
soldering. Of the two, high temperature is the most important to avoid in order
to prevent soldering. This can most effectively be done through careful design of
the die. By configuring the part and optimizing the design of the die cooling
system, the potential for soldering can be greatly reduced. It is very important to
consider this during the design phase of a die because once a die is
manufactured it is very difficult to reduce any hot spots. Other potential solutions
include using additional spray in the high solder areas to reduce temperature or
the use of inserts with high conduction coefficients
SSM processing can help to reduce both the temperature and velocities apparent
in the casting system, and should help reduce die soldering [12].
Die coatings can be useful as a diffusion barrier between the steel in the die and
the aluminum in the cast alloy. An effective coating must be able to withstand
the harsh conditions at the surface of the die, however. Coatings which are
sometimes used include CrN+W, CrN, (TiAl)N and CrC [19]. Additionally, surface
treatments such as nitriding and nitro-carburizing can help to strengthen the
surface and prevent erosion, which accelerates the soldering process by
roughening the surface and creating local temperature excursions at the peaks of
the die surface which solder very quickly.
Accurate modeling of the casting process during the design phase is very
important to an effective control against die soldering. All of the previously
mentioned controls require additional cost during the design and manufacturing
of the die, and it must be understood how badly soldering will affect the process
before the costs of any of those controls can be justified.
Though these three alloy characteristics seem tangentially related, they are
factors that influence castability. In order to control these castability indices, it is
necessary to develop experimental methods until robust quantitative analysis is
possible. Once quantitative data can be extracted, the improvement in our
understanding will occur. In the case of die soldering, multiple possible avenues
to reduce the problem have been identified. Even when the initial intention was
to resolve problems occurring in sand and permanent mold castings, such as hot
tearing, the information gleaned about how stresses develop in liquid metal has
wider applicability. Though die casting usually assures good fluidity through the
use of pressure, if fluidity (and the factors which influence its variation) are well
understood, it is possible to operate within tighter processing windows.
1) D.V. RAGONE, C.M. ADAMS, H.F. TAYLOR, AFS Trans. 64, (1956), p.640.
2) D.V. RAGONE, C.M. ADAMS, H.F. TAYLOR, AFS Trans. 64, (1956), p.653.
3) M.C. FLEMINGS, Brit. Foundryman 57, (1964), p.312.
4) M.C. FLEMINGS, Solidification Processing. McGraw-Hill, New York (1974).
5) M.C. FLEMINGS, E. NIYAMA, H.F. TAYLOR, AFS Trans. 69, (1961), p.625.
6) J.E. NIESSE, M.C. FLEMINGS, H.F. TAYLOR, AFS Trans. 67, (1959), p.685.
7) J. CAMPBELL, Castings. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford (1993).
8) A.K. DAHLE, L. ARNBERG, Materials Science Forum, 217-222, (1996), p.259.
9) A.K. DAHLE, L. ARNBERG, Materials Science Forum, 217-222, (1996), p.269.
10) L. BACKENRUD, E. KROL, J. TAMMINEM, Solidification Characteristics of
Aluminum Alloys Volume 1: Wrought Alloys. (1986).
11) L. BACKENRUD, G. CHAI, J. TAMMINEN, Solidification Characteristics of
Aluminum Alloys Volume 2: Foundry Alloys. (1986).
12) Science and Technology of Semi-Solid Metal Processing. North American Die
Casting Association, (2001).
13) G.K. SIGWORTH, AFS Trans. 104, (1996), p.1053.
14) A.S. METZ, M.C. FLEMINGS, AFS Trans. 78, p.453.
15) D.G. ESKIN, K.L. SUYITNO, Progress in Materials Science, 49, (2004).
16) G. CAO, S. KOU, Met. Trans. A. 37A, (2006), p.3647.
Appendix D
Flemings’ Equation Derivations
Taylor‘s 1956 AFS Trans. article (dealing with spiral casting). He also makes
reference to two more detailed papers (Niesse, Flemings, and Taylor; 1959 AFS
We further know that for a thin tube of circular cross section, (V/A) = a/2
v=x/t… or v= Lf / tf
We are assuming that the casting will reach its final length when the entry area
has completely solidified. After the derivation, cases where this may not hold are
Now, if we did have some superheat (T), we can account for it by including it
with the latent heat of fusion term as we have done in Flemings for previous
v= sqrt (2*g*h)‖ which doesn‘t seem like it would hold for a more
general case, but is fine when the pressure is due to a physical column of
molten metal as with the spiral test. The two cases should be equivalent.)
He adds, surface tension matters most in thin sections, where the diameter is
Appendix E
Pumping Calculations
1 2.51 1 6.9 d
2.0 * log d
or 1.8 * log
f 3.7 Re d f
f Re d 3.7
* Vo * L Vo * L
p- density
Vo- velocity
L- ―characteristic length‖
v- kinematic viscosity
(Height of a column of this oil with the above properties we can draw up.
Calculation will differ for Aluminum, or any other fluid with different density etc.)
We can use a Moody chart to get the Re for a smooth-walled (glass, drawn
metal) tube.
Vo * L
Re= (as stated above) Re
V = average velocity (m/s)
* R2
Full pipes are assumed, so Q is a constant, so (as long as the pipe isn‘t taller
than the above calculation allows) Q=constant-> velocity is constant (by
conservation of mass and incompressibility of our fluid).
This result holds (or should hold) for both vertical vacuumed and un-
vacuumed tubes, assuming fully developed flow.
1st order estimate potential energy change (will depend on tube diameter)
(p*v)*g*z= delta U
(p*(*r^2)z)g*z= delta U
p**r^2*z^2*g= delta U
P 1atm 101,325
z max
g g g
U max r 2
101325 2
U max r 2
Pi ~3, density of aluminum~ 3; g~10
If r=1 cm
Umax ~= 100,000 (joules) ~=130 hp
This is, of course, an approximate solution. Pump efficiency is not taken into
account. As the tube diameter is decreased, the power requirements drop off
(Remember as well that the vacuum assembly includes a reservoir which has
been pumped down to vacuum. While it only has a ½ hp pump, it can displace
more aluminum in the short term as a result.)
Appendix F
Calibration Nomogram
The above nomogram allows the user to calculate the true height of a sample by
drawing a straight line between points corresponding to the observed height and
the height of the pupil of the operator‘s eye in centimeters. A different geometric
setup will require a different chart. The above chart solves the following
ht= ho + ((L-l)(x+X-ho)/L)
ht= true height
ho= observed height
L= distance from ruler to parallel point under operator‘s eye = 52.9 cm
l= distance from sample base to parallel point under operator‘s eye = 35.3 cm
x= height from line drawn between operator‘s pupils to parallel line drawn under
chin when chin is resting on a level surface (12 cm for primary operator)
X= height from base of ruler to operator‘s chin = 16.8 cm
Appendix G
Microstructure Schematic
Appendix H
Phase 1 Procedures
N-Tec procedure:
1. Coat all metal tools (other than N-Tec mold or coupon mold) with
hardcoat boron nitride and allow 24 hours for drying (grey)
2. Coat all ceramic surfaces with Lubricoat (white or blue) and allow 24
hours to dry
3. Ensure mold thermocouple is working
4. Clean N-Tec mold with a brush or vacuum
5. Preheat N-Tec mold by setting the Backplate to 320 C
a. 304-264 C is an acceptable range for the mold temp, but as it cools
during operation one ought to start higher (294 C) in anticipation of
it getting lower (274 C) during operation.
6. There is an insulating cover to place on the fluidity mold as it heats up. It
should be placed on top of the mold during mold heating. It must be
removed before testing.
7. Remove one of the coupon molds from the shelf.
8. Use induction heating procedure, attached, to melt the metal
9. Obtain 35 lb ingot of the metal to be tested (in this case, A356)
a. no degassing (for this experiment)
b. no grain refiner added (for this experiment)
10. Use the large ladle with the rounded bottom
11. Insert a sand pouring sleeve (without a filter at the bottom) into the
measuring ring
a. Attach the carrying handle and block without crushing the filter, as
b. Using the carrying handle, place the filling cone as shown, so that it
is suspended at a constant depth from the bottom of the mold.
Sampling procedure:
Labeling Procedure:
Fluidity samples and chemistry coupons must be given matching labels which
identify the tester and the sample number. For example, one would write ―BD 1‖
on both the fluidity sample and the top rim of the coupon. (Were one running
many tests, one might write ―BD 1-1‖ to indicate it is the first sample in the first
Measurement Procedure:
Prep procedure:
1. Coat all metal tools (except coupon mold) with hardcoat boron nitride and
allow 24 hours for drying (grey)
2. Coat all ceramic surfaces with Lubricoat (white or blue) and allow 24
hours to dry
3. Thermocouple preparation
4. Remove one of the coupon molds from the shelf.
5. Crucible must be of the same size throughout experimentation, and
whenever possible the same crucible should be used throughout.
6. Use induction heating procedure, attached
7. Obtain 35 lb ingot of the metal to be tested (in this case, A356)
a. no degassing (for this experiment)
b. no grain refiner added (for this experiment)
8. Attach the compressed air hose (keeping it clear of where it might be
exposed to liquid metal) at the fitting.
9. Turn on the flow of air by opening the valve at the wall
10. Plug in extension (keeping it clear of molten metal)
11. Plug in vacuum pump
12. Make sure valve between pump and tank is closed, and that vacuum is
developing according to gage
13. Unplug vacuum pump
14. Test pneumatic jack by turning the valve to the ‗up‘ position and setting
the melt timer to a low temperature (the stage should rise)
15. Set the pneumatic valve to the ‗down‘ position so that the stage lowers
once again, and then set the melt timer to the desired testing temperature
(700 C)
16. Attach the (101.6 cm ( 40‖) long, 0.5 cm diameter) Pyrex (borosilicate)
glass tube to rubber stopper so that bottom is flush with indicator, as
shown. Transfer the glass tube inside the Lexan protective case while
keeping the end of the tube at this height (by keeping the rubber stopper
at the same height, and cross-checking with the indicator)
c. Bottom of glass tube should be 15.24 cm (6‖) from bottom of
lowered platform
17. Attach black hose to end of stopper
Sampling procedure:
18. (Note: With care, testing can be conducted with the induction unit running
19. Plug vacuum pump in. Vacuum pump should not be left on for extended
periods between tests.
20. Check to make sure melt timer is on
21. Open the black valve so the end of the glass tube is under vacuum
22. Skim oxide from top of melt with the back of the skimmer
23. Grip the sampling crucible with tongs, and lower it into the melt until full
(but not so full that it will spill on transport or when the pneumatic jack
24. Transfer ladle to inside of plexiglass cabinet
25. Insert a (coated) large size thermocouple into the crucible to determine
when the superheat of the melt has decreased to the desired temperature
for testing
a. Watch the melt timer to see when the thermocouple has risen to a
temperature above the setpoint (700 C). Pneumatics must not
be turned on before this occurs
26. Turn handle to put pneumatics into ‗up‘ position (after thermocouple is in
hot melt and melt timer is properly set) so that jack will raise melt into
vacuumed tube when it reaches desired temperature
27. Once the desired temperature is reached, the jack will automatically raise
the melt and a sample will be taken
28. After sampling has occurred, close black handle and
29. Lower pneumatic jack by moving pneumatic lever to ‗down‘ position
30. Remove thermocouple from melt
31. Pour coupon into coupon mold as soon as possible after preparing to take
the fluidity sample
a. After initial solidification, open the coupon mold on at least one
side. If one waits until it cools, this is nearly impossible.
32. Allow time for glass to finish fragmenting
a. Alternately, measure the sample before fragmenting begins and
transfer sample to the galvanized steel can. (Measurement is
discussed below.)
33. Remove sample for measurement. (Measurement discussed below)
34. It is preferable to remove metal from crucible while still molten or semi-
solid. Some flash can be removed after solidification, but it is hard to
empty the whole block out.
35. If the sample‘s fluid length is less than 50-60% of the mean, or if the jack
triggered immediately after the pneumatic valve was thrown (and the
temperature gage indicates it was either below 700 degrees at this time,
or the thermocouple was still heating up and the temp is too high)
disregard the result and repeat.
Repeat above procedure until desired number of fluidity samples have been
Labeling Procedure:
Chemistry coupons must be given matching labels with the post-vacuum samples
which identify the tester and the sample number. For example, one would write
―BD 1‖ on both the fluidity sample (by way of a small piece of tape) and the top
rim of the coupon. (Were one running many tests, one might write ―BD 1-1‖ to
indicate it is the first sample in the first group.)
Measurement Procedure:
Appendix I
Phase 2 Procedure
Prep procedure:
1. Coat all metal tools (except coupon mold) with hardcoat boron nitride and
allow 24 hours for drying (grey)
2. Coat all ceramic surfaces with Lubricoat (white or blue) and allow 24
hours to dry
3. Thermocouple prep
4. Remove one of the coupon molds from the shelf.
5. Crucible must be of the same size throughout experimentation, and
whenever possible the same crucible should be used throughout. It
should be inscribed at a depth of 3 inches (7.62 cm), measured
from the inside, and must be visible during filling.
6. Use the ACRC induction heating procedure
7. Obtain 35 lb ingot of the metal to be tested (in this case, A356)
d. No degassing (unless otherwise specified)
e. No grain refiner added (unless otherwise specified)
8. Attach the compressed air hose (keeping it clear of where it might be
exposed to liquid metal) at the fitting.
9. Turn on the flow of air by opening the valve at the wall
10. Plug in extension (keeping it clear of molten metal)
11. Test pneumatic jack, vacuum pump, and melt timer
12. Attach the (101.6 cm ( 40‖) long, 0.5 cm diameter) Pyrex (borosilicate)
glass tube to rubber stopper so that bottom is flush with indicator, as
shown. Transfer the glass tube inside the Lexan protective case while
keeping the end of the tube at this height (by keeping the rubber stopper
at the same height, and cross-checking with the indicator)
a. Bottom of glass tube should be 15.24 cm (6‖) from bottom of
lowered platform
Sampling procedure:
13. (Note: With care, testing can be conducted with the induction unit running
14. Switch vacuum pump on. Vacuum pump should not be left on for
extended periods between tests.
15. Check to make sure melt timer is on and set to the specified
16. Skim oxide from top of melt with the back of the skimmer
17. Grip the sampling crucible with tongs, and lower it into the melt until it
reaches the fill line.
18. Transfer crucible to inside of the plexiglass cabinet
19. Insert a (coated) large size thermocouple into the crucible to determine
when the superheat of the melt has decreased to the desired temperature
for testing
a. Watch the melt timer to see when the thermocouple has risen to a
temperature above the set point. Pneumatics must not be turned
on before this occurs.
b. It may be necessary to pre-warm the thermocouple and
mold at the beginning of testing. If it does not reach the
target temperature, return the melt to the induction unit
and try again.
20. Turn handle to put pneumatics into ‗up‘ position (after thermocouple is in
hot melt and melt timer is properly set) so that jack will raise melt into
vacuumed tube when it reaches desired temperature
a. See 27
21. Once the desired temperature is reached, the jack will automatically raise
the melt and a sample will be taken
22. Lower pneumatic jack by moving pneumatic lever to ‗down‘ position
23. With one’s chin flat on the corner of the fluidity cart where
indicated and with one’s head upright, measure the height of the
sample against the meter stick affixed to the plexiglass with only
the right eye.
24. Remove thermocouple from melt
25. Remove the tube and place it into the metal waste bin before it
begins to fragment.
a. Alternately, allow time for glass to finish fragmenting and
do not return the glass-rich metal back into the induction
unit subsequently
26. Pour the metal from the crucible back into the induction unit.
27. Pour a coupon into coupon mold as soon as possible after preparing to
take the fluidity sample
a. After initial solidification, open the coupon mold on at least one
side. If one waits until it cools, this is nearly impossible.
b. Often, it is possible to prepare a coupon between turning
the pneumatic valve to the ‘up’ position and the collection
of a sample
28. If the sample‘s fluid length is less than 50-60% of the mean, or if the jack
triggered immediately after the pneumatic valve was thrown (and the
temperature gage indicates it was either below 700 degrees at this time,
or the thermocouple was still heating up and the temp is too high)
disregard the result and repeat.
Repeat above procedure until desired number of fluidity samples have been
Labeling Procedure:
Chemistry coupons must be given matching labels with the post-vacuum samples
which identify the tester and the sample number.
Measurement Procedure:
Appendix J
Phase 3 Procedure
Prep procedure:
1. Coat all metal tools (except coupon mold) with hardcoat boron nitride and
allow 24 hours for drying (grey)
2. Coat all ceramic surfaces with Lubricoat (white or blue) and allow 24
hours to dry
3. Thermocouple prep
4. Remove one of the coupon molds from the shelf.
5. Crucible must be of the same size throughout experimentation, and
whenever possible the same crucible should be used throughout. It should
be inscribed at a depth of 3 inches (7.62 cm), measured from the
outside, and must be visible during filling.
6. Use the ACRC induction heating procedure
7. Obtain 35 lb ingot of the metal to be tested (in this case, A356.2)
a. No degassing (unless otherwise specified)
b. No grain refiner added (unless otherwise specified)
8. Attach the compressed air hose (keeping it clear of where it might be
exposed to liquid metal) at the fitting.
9. Turn on the flow of air by opening the valve at the wall
10. Plug in extension (keeping it clear of molten metal)
11. Test pneumatic jack, vacuum pump, and melt timer
12. Attach the (101.6 cm (40‖) long, 0.5 cm outer diameter) Pyrex
(borosilicate) glass tube to rubber stopper so that bottom is flush with
indicator. Transfer the glass tube inside the Lexan protective case while
keeping the end of the tube at this height (by keeping the rubber stopper
at the same height, and cross-checking with the indicator)
a. Bottom of glass tube should be 15.24 cm (6‖) from bottom of
lowered platform
Sampling procedure:
13. (Note: With care, testing can be conducted with the induction unit running
14. Switch vacuum pump on. Vacuum pump should not be left on for
extended periods between tests.
15. Check to make sure melt timer is on and set to the specified temperature
16. Skim oxide from top of melt with the back of the skimmer
17. Grip the sampling crucible with tongs, and lower it into the melt until it
reaches the fill line.
18. Transfer crucible to inside of the plexiglass cabinet
19. Insert a (coated) large size thermocouple into the crucible to determine
when the superheat of the melt has decreased to the desired temperature
for testing
a. Watch the melt timer to see when the thermocouple has risen to a
temperature above the set point. Pneumatics must not be turned
on before this occurs.
b. It may be necessary to pre-warm the thermocouple and mold at
the beginning of testing. If it does not reach the target
temperature, return the melt to the induction unit and try again.
20. Turn handle to put pneumatics into ‗up‘ position (after thermocouple is in
hot melt and melt timer is properly set) so that jack will raise melt into
vacuumed tube when it reaches desired temperature
a. See 28
21. Once the desired temperature is reached, the jack will automatically raise
the melt and a sample will be taken
22. Lower pneumatic jack by moving pneumatic lever to ‗down‘ position
23. With one‘s chin flat on the corner of the fluidity cart where indicated and
with one‘s head upright, measure the height of the sample against the
meter stick affixed to the plexiglass with only the right eye.
24. Remove thermocouple from melt
25. Remove the tube and place it into the metal waste bin before it begins to
a. Alternately, allow time for glass to finish fragmenting and do not
return the glass-rich metal back into the induction unit
26. Pour the metal from the crucible back into the induction unit.
27. Prior to the first test, following the last test, and following any
introduction of agents to modify alloy chemistry, conduct a
coupon test as follows: Pour a coupon into coupon mold as soon as
possible after preparing to take the fluidity sample
a. After initial solidification, open the coupon mold on at least one
side. If one waits until it cools, this is nearly impossible.
b. Often, it is possible to prepare a coupon between turning the
pneumatic valve to the ‗up‘ position and the collection of a sample
28. If the sample‘s fluid length is less than 50-60% of the mean, or if the jack
triggered immediately after the pneumatic valve was thrown (and the
temperature gage indicates it was either below 700 degrees at this time,
or the thermocouple was still heating up and the temp is too high)
disregard the result and repeat.
Repeat above procedure until desired number of fluidity samples have been
Labeling Procedure:
Measurement Procedure:
29. Coupon evaluation procedure:
a. Refer to Spectro procedure
b. If the composition of the coupon is outside of that of A356.2
aluminum, that fluidity test is to be rejected and repeated.
30. For exact fluidity measurements, it is necessary to subtract the height of
the inscribed line and melt stand from the final result, as the meter stick is
affixed level with the melt lift stage. The proper offset is 9.0 cm. An
operator-based correction may also be needed to accommodate operators
of different head heights. This data was collected with an operator
whose pupil height was 12 cm.