MTH306 Syllabusf21 Ode

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Department of Mathematics This document is published as an indication of the

Office of Undergraduate Studies core content of the course. Instructors have
233 Mathematics Building responsibility of deciding on additional topics to be
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Course Number: MTH 306

Course Title: Introduction to Differential Equations
Credit Hours: 4

Textbook: J. Lebl, et. al. Notes on Differential Equations, UB edition 2. This is an Open Source
textbook. The UB edition contains Lebl’s original text and some additions made by Hassard, Javor,
Ringland, and Viraj. Students can get a PDF for free from the department or the web. They can
order a print copy from Amazon. Be sure to get the UB edition.

Prerequisites: MTH 141-142

Notes: MTH 241 is not a prerequisite for this course: it cannot be assumed that all students have
knowledge of multivariable calculus. This course is approved for satisfying the “Computer
Applications” requirement in the Math Major. It is therefore expected that students receive
substantial exposure to computing.
This schedule is written for 13 weeks of instruction. A typical semester has 14 teaching weeks. Thus, some flexibility is built in.

Week Sections Topics

0.1- 0.3,
1 Introduction to ODEs, Classification of ODEs, Integrals as solutions, Slope fields
1.1, 1.2
Separable equations, Linear equations and the integrating factor, Substitution, Autonomous
2 1.3 – 1.6
3 1.7, 1.8, 2.1 Numerical methods: Euler's method, Exact equations, Second order linear ODEs
MIDTERM EXAM I Constant coefficient second order linear ODEs, Higher order linear ODEs,
4 2.2 – 2.4
Mechanical vibrations
5 2.5, 2.6, 3.1 Nonhomogeneous equations, Forced oscillations and resonance, Introduction to systems of ODEs
6 3.2 – 3.4 Matrices and linear systems, Linear systems of ODEs, Eigenvalue method
7 3.5, 3.6 Two dimensional systems and their vector fields, Second order systems and applications
8 3.7, 3.8 Multiple eigenvalues, Matrix exponentials
9 3.9, 8.1 MIDTERM EXAM II Nonhomogeneous systems, Linearization, critical points, and equilibria
10 8.2 – 8.4 Stability and classification of isolated critical points, Applications of nonlinear systems, Limit cycles
11 8.5, 7.1, 7.2 Chaos, Power series, Series solutions of linear second order ODEs
Singular points and the method of Frobenius, The Laplace transform, Transforms of derivatives
12 7.3, 6.1, 6.2
and ODEs
13 Convolution, Dirac delta and impulse response
6.3, 6.4

Updated: 2021.08.11 JH, JF; prepared by J-H. Jung 1

Student Learning Outcomes for
MTH 306 Introduction to Differential Equations

Assessment measures: weekly homework assignments, 2 midterm exams, final exam.

At the end of this course a student will be able to: Assessment

- understand the concept of existence and uniqueness of solutions of a DE HW1, Midterm I

- understand the concept of a general solution, a particular solution and initial conditions Final Exam
- draw slope fields by hand and also by computer
solve 1st order DEs (both nonlinear and linear) using various techniques: integrating factor, HW2, Midterm I
separable DE, substitution method, exact DE Final Exam

- understand the equilibrium solutions HW3, Midterm I

- draw the phase diagram Final Exam
- perform the stability analysis: identify stable points, unstable points, saddle points, and bifurcation

- solve 2nd order constant coefficient homogeneous DEs HW4, Midterm I

- understand the concept of linear independence and determine if functions are linearly Final Exam
independent using Wronskian.
- understand that linear combinations of two linearly independent solutions give the general

- solve non-homogeneous 2nd order DEs HW5, Midterm II

- use the method of undetermined coefficients to find the particular solution Final Exam

- understand the “resonance” and “beat” phenomena HW6, Midterm II

- understand what the system of equations is Final Exam
- solve DEs using the method of elimination (convert two DEs into one and vice versa).
understand the basic notions of linear algebra such as vector, matrix, determinant, and eigenvalue HW7, Midterm II
Final Exam

- rewrite the system of DEs in the matrix form HW8, Midterm II

- compute eigenvectors and eigenvalues for the derived matrix Final Exam
- solve the system of equation using the eigenvalues in three different cases: real distinct roots,
repeated roots, and complex roots

- sketch the direction fields and indicate stability on the phase plane HW9, Final Exam
- perform the stability analysis of a linear system using eigenvalues
- draw slope fields and solution curves using a computer.

- predict behavior of solutions of some nonlinear system using analysis of eigenvalues HW10, Final Exam
- set up a power series and the Taylor series of a function
- compute the radius of convergence of a power series

The table below indicates to what extent this course reflects each of the learning objectives of the undergraduate
mathematics program. A description of learning objectives is available online at

Computational Skills: Analytical Skills: Practical Problem Solving: Research Skills: Communication Skills:
extensively little or not at all extensively little or not at all moderately

Updated: 2021.08.11 JH, JF; prepared by J-H. Jung 2

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