1 DPS-100
1 DPS-100
1 DPS-100
May 2014
DPS 110 is a robust and reliable DGPS sensor suitable for a wide range of marine applications. It utilises the
new Seastar SGG service capable of world wide sub-metre accuracy. Performance is independent of distance
from reference stations.
Seastar SGG service The DPS product series is developed and suitable for all appli-
DPS 110 has been developed to utilise the new Global Satel- cations in need of a confident position solution when operating
lite Based Augmentation System (Global SBAS) introduced by in safety-critical environments.
Fugro Satellite Positioning, the Seastar SGG service. Unlike
regional SBAS services such as WAAS, EGNOS, GAGAN and The DPS 110 is an addition to the existing well proven DPS
MSAS, and local DGPS services such as IALA DGPS, Seastar range comprising DPS 132/232/4D/5D. The high end solutions
SGG utilises Fugro’s own network of dual system reference offer decimetre level position accuracy, IMU integration (DPS
stations to calculate ‘orbit and clock’ corrections. The service 4D/5D), application tailored HMI, extended DP operation func-
provides consistent sub-metre level accuracy positioning with tionality and extended interfacing capabilities.
global validity.
DPS 110 is even capable of supplementing Seastar SGG cor- DPS 110 is a cost efficient DGPS solution designed for users
rections with regional SBAS and local IALA DGPS corrections. where availability and reliability are paramount with a meter-lev-
el position accuracy. DPS 110 has a built-in display for easy
A member of the DPS Family system configuration and status monitoring and is an ideal
The Kongsberg Seatex DPS product line is well-proven and solution for workboats and platform support vessels.
in use by professional marine and offshore users worldwide.
By complementing the DPS product line and introducing the
Seastar SGG service, Kongsberg Seatex and Fugro Satellite
Positioning extend the user segment to new and less complex
vessel categories.