Comments on Spells
This introduction contains new & updated information for magic use in my campaign. Items marked with a † are from the Tome of Magic, spells marked with a ‡ are from The
Complete Wizard’s Handbook, and all other spells & items are from the Player’s Handbook. Some of the entries contain optional material, presented in a separate paragraph.
Abi-Dalzim’s Horrid Wilting †: The maximum damage is 16d8.
Alacrity †: This spell can be very useful for reducing spell casting times. Apply the local multiplier to a spell’s casting time before calculating the alacrity spell’s effect.
Antimagic Shell: This spell temporarily suppresses magic within its area of effect, but it does not destroy or dispel enchantments or kill magical creatures. The spell has no effect
on golems, simulacrums, clones, or other constructs which are imbued with magic during their creation process & are thereafter self-supporting. Most undead creatures are
likewise unaffected. Some of these creatures’ special abilities may be temporarily nullified, however (see below). Any creature, including a golem or other construct, that is
conjured, summoned or from another plane of existence is hedged out of an antimagic shell.
An antimagic shell suppresses any spell or spell effect brought into or cast into the area of effect. A hasted character, for example, is not hasted while he remains in the area of
effect. Permanent spells are not removed, but cannot be used to produce magical effects within the area of effect. For example, an antimagic shell does not harm a PC who has
been resurrected, but a PC with a permanent tongues spell loses the ability to converse in an unknown language while within the area of effect.
An antimagic shell suppresses special attacks & innate abilities that function over a distance, including breath weapons, gaze attacks, sonic attacks, and psionics, but not touch-
delivered special attacks such as energy draining or the corrosive effects of green slime. A lich, for example, cannot employ spells within an antimagic shell & its ability to cause
fear is suppressed, but its paralyzing touch is still effective. Note that holy water is not magical & is fully effective within an antimagic shell.
An antimagic shell suppresses most potions & their effects; see the note on potions for details.
Astral Spell: This spell sends a projection of the caster’s body into the Astral Plane. If the caster elects to take other PCs along, the spell creates projections of them, too. An astral
traveler can enter other planes while projecting, but forms a new physical body, identical to the original, to do so.
Only magical items are projected along with a traveler’s body, but normal equipment can be rendered temporarily magical by casting Nystul’s magical aura, continual light, and
other spells that temporarily imbue objects with magical properties.
A traveler’s physical body falls into a deathlike trance & requires no food or water while the caster is projecting. The physical forms of projected magical items become inert on
the Prime Material Plane. Damage to a traveler’s physical body does not affect the projected form, but the PC dies immediately if his physical body is killed. Projected equipment
vanishes if its physical form is destroyed.
Damage inflicted on an astral traveler’s projected form affects the PC normally. If a traveler is damaged when returning to his body the damage must be healed normally.
If an astral traveler dies, the PC must attempt a system shock roll. If the roll fails, the PC dies & any items projected along with him dissolve into nothingness. If the roll succeeds,
the traveler is drawn back to his original body & wakes up with 1 hit point. The process is debilitating & the PC cannot cast or memorize spells. The PC can move at half speed,
fight, use proficiencies & other skills, but at a -4 penalty to dice rolls. The restrictions & penalties remain until the PC regains at least half of his hit points.
A successful dispel magic cast on a traveler’s physical body ends the spell, drawing the traveler back to the Prime Material Plane without being otherwise harmed; any companions
accompanying the caster are likewise forcibly returned.
While traveling through the Astral Plane, a projected form can move by pure thought; a PC’s astral movement rate is 30 times his Intelligence score.
Blink: Spellcasting is not possible while blinking.
Clairvoyance: The spellcaster must describe where the sensor this spell creates is to appear. Once created, the sensor cannot be moved.
When placing the sensor, the caster must be precise & state the location in terms he knows or are fairly obvious. For example, the caster cannot place the sensor 6” from Ren the
wizard’s left ear if he has no idea where Ren is at the moment. He can place the sensor in the exact center of Ren’s laboratory if he has a reasonable idea where the laboratory is
located. A general location for the sensor is permissible if the location is based on something known or obvious to the caster. For example, the caster could specify the exact center
of the chamber beyond a closed door nearby.
Clairaudience: The caster must describe where the sensor this spell creates is to appear, see the clairvoyance spell for details.
Color Spray: The area of effect for this spell is a plane 5’ wide at the caster’s hand, 20’ long, and 20’ wide at the far end.
Cone of Cold: The maximum damage from this spell is 10d4+10 points.
Continual Light: This wizard spell is not reversible, though the priest’s version is.
Delayed Blast Fireball: This spell inflicts up to 15d6+15 points of damage.
Dispel Magic: A dispel magic spell cast directly upon an unattended magical item automatically renders the item inoperable for 1d4 rounds. If dispel magic is cast upon an item
that is in the possession of another creature, the item is unaffected by the dispelling attempt if the creature makes a successful saving throw versus spell. If the creature fails its
saving throw, the item is rendered inert for 1d4 rounds.
Temporary effects from potions can be dispelled, see the section on potions for details.
To be dispelled, permanent spells must be individually targeted, requiring a separate dispel magic for each permanent effect. Unlike a magical item, a permanent spell is destroyed,
not temporarily rendered non-operational, by a successful dispel magic. A creature or item never gains a saving throw to avoid a dispelling attempt against its permanent effects,
but the dispel magic is not automatically successful either. The caster of the dispel magic must still be of higher level than the caster of the permanency spell, and he must still
make a successful dispelling roll. More detailed information is found at the permanency spell description.
Casting dispel magic on a creature or object does not radiate an area of effect. Thus, spells such as stoneskin, minor globe of invulnerability, and barkskin could not be dispelled as
the result of trying to negate the magic of a wand of lightning.
Spells & potions whose basic durations are permanent cannot be dispelled. A cure light wounds spell or potion of extra-healing, cannot be dispelled after their healing properties
have occurred. A potion of heroism could be negated while its effects were in operation, however.
A successful dispel magic versus a 10th level spell temporarily negates the spell’s effect for 1d4 rounds. It has no effect against a permanent 10th level spell cast on a creature.
ESP: The caster perceives the subject’s surface thoughts - that is, whatever the subject happens to be thinking about at the time. Note that close interrogation might bring buried
thoughts to the surface, but wary individuals can fight off the probe & gain a saving throw against the spell. The subject’s Wisdom bonus (or penalty) always applies to the saving
throw, along with an additional bonus of up to +4, at the DM’s option.
The bonus depends on how closely the subject wants to guard the sought-after information. In addition, even seemingly innocuous questions could reveal information that the
target of the spell desires to keep secret. In cases where there is a conflict between the bonuses listed, always grant the higher bonus.
Trivial matters merit no bonus. These include questions related to general knowledge (What flag flies over the keep?) and personal questions whose answers are obvious (What
color is your hair?).
A +1 bonus to the saving throw is warranted when the subject dislikes the interrogator or if the questioner is asking non-threatening but potentially embarrassing requests. For
example, the subject is being prompted to reveal a minor transgression, such as overcharging a customer, or admit a minor shortcoming, such as fear of a spouse or military
A bonus of +2 is warranted if the interrogator is hostile to the subject or is asking damaging questions. For example, the subject is prompted to reveal indirectly harmful
information, such as where personal treasure is hidden, or is asked to betray a trust.
A +3 bonus is granted if the interrogator has attacked the subject or is asking seriously damaging questions. For example, the subject is being prompted to reveal a secret vital to
his future, such as military plans or trade secrets.
A +4 bonus to the save is warranted if the interrogator has killed one of the subject’s companions or is asking deeply personal or damaging questions. For example, the subject is
being prompted to reveal information vital to himself or to someone important to him, such as the location of a family heirloom, an employer’s daily routine, or a carefully guarded
Feather Fall: This spell can be cast in reaction to a fall or a missile attack, provided the caster has not already made an attack or cast a spell in the current round. In the case of an
attack, the caster must win initiative to complete the spell before the missile arrives; use the normal initiative procedure from the PHB. In the case of a fall, the caster can be
assumed to automatically cast this spell at the beginning of any fall of 10’ or more provided he is not prevented from casting spells (silenced, gagged, etc.).
If the caster is falling an extreme distance (in excess of 120’/level), the caster can opt to delay the feather fall spell so that its duration does not expire before the caster lands. When
in doubt about the caster’s ability to complete the spell before impact, roll initiative. The caster makes a normal roll, adding +1 for the spell’s casting time, and the DM rolls for the
fall, adding +1 for each 120’ of free fall. If the caster loses the initiative roll, impact occurs before the spell is completed.
This spell does not provide any method by which the spellcaster can determine the length of a fall. Thus, a wizard falling into a lightless pit has no way to determine if the fall is
going to be 10’ or 1000’.
Fly: It is important to remember that this spell bestows Maneuverability Class B upon the recipient, which limits the user to turns totaling 180° or less per round. This might make
it difficult for the user to negotiate a twisting corridor at full speed. Once the flying PC has completed his allowable turns, he must either finish the round flying in a straight line or
Fear: If made permanent, a fear spell causes the recipient to continually radiate a fear aura.
When cast on an area, a permanent fear effect creates a cone as described in the spell description. The caster can orient the cone in any direction, but the direction cannot be
changed thereafter. Creatures entering the cone must save vs. spells or flee for 1 round per level of the caster at the time the spell was cast.
When cast on an object or creature, the recipient radiates a cone of fear that can be pointed in any direction the recipient desires once per round as though wielding a wand of fear.
Even though this attack requires no casting time or command word, it still counts as an action for that round and has an initiative modifier of +3.
In the permanent version, the caster is granted a limited ability to shape the spell’s parameters to suit his needs. For example, a creature with a permanent fear aura might be
granted a gaze attack with a range of 10’-60’, a touch, or a continuous globe of fear with a radius of 5’-20’.
An object with a fear aura might cause fear when handled, shed continuous fear in a 5’-20’ radius, or inspire fear when viewed clearly.
Permanent fear on an area might affect creatures passing though a portal or opening up to 60’ by 60’, a cube of up to 30’ per side, a sphere with a radius of up to 20’, or a
hemisphere with a radius of up to 25’. The shape & dimensions of this spell cannot be changed once set.
Haste: A creature who has been subjected to 2 or more haste-type effects gains the benefit of only the best of the group. A haste spell never magnifies the effects of magical items,
such as boots of speed or a potion of speed.
The 1 year of magical aging inflicted upon the recipients of this spell requires the recipient to make a system shock roll; failure results in death. This magical aging only occurs
during the first round of the spell’s effect, and multiple haste spells do not cause additional aging unless their effects overlap. For example, casting an additional haste spell 1 round
before an existing haste spell ends would cause another year of magical aging once the new spell took effect.
Identify: PCs seeking to purchase magical items might employ this spell to get some idea what they are buying. Remember that the spellcaster must spend the 8 hours preceding
the casting of this spell purifying the items to be identified. Most NPCs do not allow anyone to keep an item for that long; at least not without a substantial advance payment.
Dishonest sellers might pocket the advance & disappear, leaving the PCs with a cursed or bogus item.
The spell also requires the caster to handle the item, and a good way to keep magic under control in a campaign is to require the caster to actually wear or wield the item as it was
intended. This requirement means some cursed items are going to affect the caster.
Be sure to impose the eight-point temporary Constitution loss the spell inflicts (which provides enemies with an excellent opportunity to attack the weakened spellcaster). Note that
there is a limit to the number different magical properties this spell can reveal during a single casting & that the exact number of charges and magical pluses are never revealed.
Invisibility: If this spell is made permanent, the recipient gains the ability to become invisible & remain so indefinitely. Any attack breaks the invisibility, but the recipient can
become invisible again during the next round. The return to invisibility has an initiative modifier of +3, and the recipient can take no action other than normal movement during a
round in which he becomes invisible.
Light: The wizard’s version of this spell is not reversible.
Limited Wish: The magical aging inflicted by this spell is a function of the caster’s natural life span. Typical aging is 1 year for a human, 2 years for a halfling or half-elf, 3 years
for dwarf, 4 years for a gnome, and 5 years for an elf.
This spell functions as a wish spell in most respects, but it cannot produce wealth or magical items. A limited wish can mimic the function of most other spells of 7th level or less. If
used to alter reality, the changes must be minor. For example, a single creature automatically hits on its next attack, all opponents currently attacking the caster’s party suffer a -2
attack penalty for the duration of the encounter, a single creature regains 20-50% of lost hit points, or a single creature fails its next saving throw are all possible uses for the spell.
Major changes in reality persist for a limited duration, such as a single creature regaining all lost hit points for 24 hours, a hostile creature becoming cooperative for an hour, or an
alert sentry falling asleep at his post.
Magic Mirror: This spell creates an invisible sensor similar to the one created by a clairvoyance spell; the sensor has the same visual capabilities as a clairvoyance sensor, but the
spellcaster can also employ other spells to enhance the effect (see spell description). As with the clairvoyance spell, the user must state where the sensor is to appear; however, the
user is free to state the sensors location with respect to the subject without knowing the subject’s exact location. No matter what the spell’s actual duration, the user’s knowledge of
the subject limits how long this spell can be safely used; see the crystal ball description for details.
Magic Staff †: Spells stored in the staff are unusable on worlds rated M4 or less. A low-magic world does not dispel the stored spells, however, and the spells can be used again if
the staff is taken to a world with a higher rating before the magic staff spell’s duration ends.
Otiluke’s Dispelling Screen ‡: This spell has no effect on permanent spells unless those effects are in operation at the time the individual walks through the screen. For example, a
creature made permanently invisible would become visible when walking through the screen & then disappear again on the other side. The screen must still successfully dispel
magic against the spell in order to even briefly negate it. Magical items are likewise unaffected by exposure to a dispelling screen.
Since this spell cannot focus its dispel magic effect, it cannot destroy permanent spells or negate the powers of magical items.
Permanency: The caster can use this spell to make another spellcaster’s spell permanent. The permanency must be cast simultaneously with the spell to be made permanent & the
permanency caster must touch the other caster.
A permanent spell cast upon the caster himself or upon a living creature can be dispelled only by a spellcaster of a level greater than the permanency caster at the time he cast the
spell. Further, the dispel effect must be targeted solely upon the caster to be effective (see dispel magic spell description & the note on dispel magic in this section).
The following spells can be made permanent if the caster uses the spell on him:
comprehend languages protection from evil detect disease ‡ protection from hunger and thirst ‡
detect evil protection from normal missiles detect invisibility protection from paralysis †
detect life ‡ read magic detect magic tongues
infravision unseen servant past life †
The following spells can be made permanent if cast on a creature other than the permanency caster:
enlarge invisibility* fear*
The following spells can be made permanent if cast on an object or area:
alarm prismatic sphere audible glamer solid fog dancing lights
stinking cloud* distance distortion teleport* enlarge Von Gasik’s refusal †
fear* wall of fire gust of wind wall of force magic mouth
web Otiluke’s dispelling screen ‡*
A permanent spell cast upon an object or area can be dispelled by any caster, but the dispel effect must be targeted solely upon the object or area carrying the permanent spell. A
dispel magic cast against a permanent effect can only dispel 1 effect per casting. See the notes at dispel magic entry for more information.
* See this section for further notes on this spell.
Polymorph Any Object: The DM usually must determine how long this lasts. If employed as a simple polymorph other or stone to flesh spell, the duration is permanent. If
employed to turn a creature into an object or an object into another object, the duration is measured in hours or turns, as noted in the spell description.
Generally, the duration should not be less than 2 hours or turns. A change whose duration is measured in turns should not last more than a week, and a change whose duration is
measured in hours will not last more than a day. The more radical the change, the shorter the duration. For example, turning a human into a teacup involves a change of kingdom
(animal to mineral), plus a change in size & shape: This change might last 1d4+1 turns.
Polymorph Other: This spell causes the target to assume the form of another creature of the caster’s choosing. The caster cannot turn a creature into a plant or object. If the
recipient fails the saving throw against the spell, there is an immediate system shock check to see if the creature survives the change. If the recipient survives, the creature gains all
the new form’s purely physical abilities, but no abilities based on magic, agility, or intelligence. If the recipient’s mentality changes to match the new form, the creature gains all
the form’s abilities.
If the caster chooses a form that cannot survive under the local conditions, the recipient suffers 1d4 to 1d8 points of damage each day, hour, turn, or round it is exposed to such
conditions. For example, a goldfish in a desert might suffer 1d8 points of damage every round from heat & dryness. The same goldfish might suffer 1d6 points of damage every
turn on a dungeon floor or 1d4 points of damage every day in a frigid mountain pool. Some creatures might be immune to environmental damage as long as their mentality remains
intact. For example, a mummy turned into a goldfish does not suffer from the desert heat.
Polymorph Self: When the caster assumes a new form, the caster gains only the new form’s normal mode of movement & breathing. The caster does not gain any special attacks or
unusual abilities. The spell description uses the form of an owl as an example - the caster gains the ability to fly but not an owl’s extraordinary night vision (which is a special
When deciding what abilities are gained, the DM can immediately rule out any ability that does not arise from the form’s physical characteristics. For example, a quickling’s speed
comes from its magically accelerated metabolism & is not derived purely from its physical form.
In general, the DM should consider any non-flying movement rate of greater than 24 or flying movement rate of greater than 36 as a special ability.
The caster can assume the forms of creatures he has personally seen. For example, a caster who has never seen an ochre jelly cannot change into one.
Power Word, Stun: Creatures affected by this spell are unable to take any meaningful actions. They cannot communicate, employ spells, use magical items, initiate psionic
abilities, use spell-like abilities, fight, or move freely. Movement is limited to 1/3 the creature’s current movement rate, or a rate of 3, whichever is less. Attacks against stunned
creatures gain a +4 bonus.
Protection from Evil: Contrary to popular belief, this spell does not hedge out undead creatures (except ghouls) unless they have been brought to the scene by a conjuration/
summoning spell (such as monster summoning III) or have come from another plane.
Rope Trick: A rope trick can support about 1000lbs, but the DM is free to assign a higher or lower limit. A frayed or rotten rope might break before the spell’s limit is exceeded.
Placing another extra-dimensional space inside the area created by a rope trick spell has catastrophic effects, see the note on extra-dimensional spaces in the magical items section.
This spell is ineffective in the Astral Plane & in any locale where extra-dimensional spaces are inaccessible or nonexistent. Creatures within the space created by a rope trick can
breathe normally for the duration of the spell.
Shape Change: This spell functions in much the same way as a polymorph self spell except that the caster can assume non-animal forms & there are no size limitations. Unlike the
polymorph self spell, the caster gains any ability the assumed form has provided the ability is not magical or mental in nature. For example, a PC who changes into an owl gains its
night vision, but changing into a cockatrice does not grant the monster’s petrifying touch. The spell does not bestow magic resistance.
Stinking Cloud: A permanent stinking cloud remains where it is created & generally is not disturbed by minor effects. If dispersed by a strong breeze or a gust of wind spell, the
vapors return 1 round after the breeze or wind ceases. Even hurricane force winds cannot destroy the cloud, though the vapors are dispersed & ineffective while the winds last.
Stoneskin: This spell is subject to considerable abuse by PCs. Multiple stoneskins placed on a single creature, are not cumulative. If 2 or more stoneskin spells are cast on the same
creature, roll normally for the number of attacks each spell protects against. If a new spell protects against more attacks than the present spell does, the recipient gets the benefit of
the increased protection; otherwise there is no effect. The caster does not necessarily know how many attacks the spell can shield him from.
Stoneskin protects only against blows, cuts, pokes, and slashes directed at the recipient. It does not protect against falls, magical attacks, touch-delivered special attacks (such as
touch-delivered spells, energy draining, green slime, etc.), or non-magical attacks that do not involve blows (such as flaming oil, ingested or inhaled poisons, acid, constriction, and
suffocation). Stoneskin lasts for 24 hours or until the spell has absorbed its allotment of attacks.
Teleport: Regular use of this spell is very dangerous, as there is a slim chance that there can be an error even if the caster travels to well-known locations. Additional notes
regarding the definition of a well-known location are found under the teleport without error listing.
Even minor alterations to a site can affect the caster’s knowledge of a location. For example, Rozmare has spent many hours in her study, and the DM allows her to use the “very
familiar” category when determining how accurate her teleport spells are, when her study is the destination. If a rival breaks in & rearranges the furniture, however, Rozmare’s
knowledge falls to “studied carefully” or worse because she is not as familiar with the way things are currently arranged. If the intruder removed all the furniture & filled the study
with boulders, Rozmare’s knowledge falls to the “never seen” category.
Some players might attempt elaborate precautions to protect their PCs from the disastrous effects of failed teleport spells; as the DM, you should not discourage such efforts, but
keep the following in mind:
A teleport spell requires a firm surface as a destination. The caster cannot choose to appear in the air or in a pool of water to avoid teleporting low. It is possible, however to
teleport to a firm surface with a space or water underneath. If a teleporting PC arrives low, roll 1d100 to see how many yards below the surface the caster’s feet land. Note that a
low teleport is always fatal if the caster arrives within any solid object no matter how thin or flimsy the object is; teleporting low into a pile of feathers is just as deadly as
teleporting into rock. Teleporting low into water is not immediately fatal, but the PC still might drown if he can’t hold his breath until he reaches the surface.
A permanent teleport spell affects a single object with a volume of no more than 1000 cubic feet (a 10’ cube) or an area no larger than 400 square feet (20’ square). The caster
names the destination & rolls once for accuracy. The destination cannot be changed once set. The caster can assign a command word or non-verbal triggering device if he desires.
This can be as simple or complex as the caster desires; see the magic mouth spell description for limitations. If no command or trigger is set, anyone passing through the area or
touching the object is teleported.
Usually, only 1 creature can be teleported each round. It is possible to have several creatures teleport simultaneously provided they are touching the first creature to trigger the
teleport & the additional creatures & their equipment do not exceed the spell’s weight limit, which is the same as the caster’s weight limit at the time the original spell was cast.
If a permanent teleport spell is inaccurate, both the permanency & the teleport spell fail, but the caster can attempt a system shock roll to avoid losing a point of Constitution. If
this option is in play, the caster also might be allowed to set multiple destinations with the same permanent teleport spell. The caster must name a different trigger for each
destination & roll for accuracy each time a trigger is set.
Teleport Without Error: As with teleport, this spell only allows travel to known locations. To know a location, the caster must learn what the place looks like or must be able to
surmise where it is. For example, if the caster has been blindfold, carried into a chamber, then allowed to look around, the PC could use teleport without error to return to the
chamber even though he has no idea where the chamber is. The caster also could teleport without error into the courtyard of a castle visible in the distance even if he had never
seen the courtyard before. Note that in both cases the caster could employ a normal teleport spell, but the caster’s lack of knowledge about the destination would make the attempt
A teleport without error spell has no chance for error if the destination lies in the same world as the caster. If the caster accidentally specifies a destination already occupied by a
solid object, the PC is automatically displaced a sufficient distance to allow for a safe arrival.
Teleport without error also allows travel between world (planes, crystal spheres, and pocket dimensions) but there is a chance for error, see the spell description for details.
Unseen Servant: The force this spell creates does not possess any senses or powers of reason. It is incapable of any action except following its instructions to the letter. For
example, an unseen servant can be sent to the bottom of a pool to grab whatever objects it encounters, but it cannot be directed to grab any coins or gems that it finds.
The permanent version of this spell creates an invisible servant that always hovers within 30’ of the caster. If destroyed, it reforms in 2d10 rounds.
A permanent unseen servant can be cast on an area & instructed to endlessly perform a single task, such as forever cleaning a room. Once a task is set, it cannot be changed.
Web: Webs must be properly supported if they are to be made permanent. Permanent webbing remains where it is created, if torn away, new webs spring into existence to take its
place. Chunks of webbing carried out of the area of effect dissolve in seconds. Creatures can break through the webbing at the rates given in the spell description, but the webs
immediately fill in behind them. Creatures who blunder into permanent webbing (or who are thrown in) can be trapped & suffocated if they fail to save vs. spell just as they can if
caught in normal webbing.
Permanent webs can be burned away with fire, but they spring back into being 1 round after the flames die away.
Wish: Most uses of this spell lower the caster’s Strength score by 3 points & force the caster to take to his bed for 2d4 days. Lost Strength returns at the end of the rest period. If
the caster’s Strength score falls to 0 or less, he loses consciousness until he has rested.
A wish essentially allows the user to change reality to suit his tastes. The alteration, however, can have unintended consequences, especially if the wish is poorly worded or the
caster gets greedy. Generally, the more local & personal the effect, the less chance there is for complications. Adjudicating this spell is tricky, as the DM must be sure to give the
players results that reflect the power of the wish, but not so much that the players come to rely on wishes to solve all their problems. A wish can always duplicate any spell of 9th
level or less.
To avoid the bed rest & Strength loss associated with a wish spell, the caster must effect a change that does not leave him better off than before the events that preceded the wish.
For example, if a powerful monster defeated the wizard’s party, the caster could wish that they had never met the creature. This change in reality brings his companions back to life
as if the encounter had never occurred. The caster ages 5 years, but he does not have to rest for 2d4 days from the wish since he is not in a better position than before the events
If the caster wished for his party to return but the monster to remain dead, he would be subject to the debilitative effects, since the creature being dead is considered an advantage
that the spellcaster did not have before the events occurred. Any time a wish creates an advantage for the caster the loss of Strength & the 2d4 days of bed rest occurs.
The effective power of a wish is based upon the availability of money & magical items in your campaign world. If these are in abundance, the power of the wish is enhanced.
Likewise, in a world where money & magical items are scarce, the power of a wish is reduced. As DM, you need to determine the relative power of a wish in your world. Here are
a few guidelines for a world that has a moderate amount of wealth & magical items:
A wish can produce a magical item but not an artifact. To avoid suffering bed rest & Strength loss, the caster should place a limit on the length of time the item is kept, typically
about 1 hour. The item isn’t actually created, it’s just borrowed & goes back where it came from when the duration expires. If the item is particularly rare or valuable, or has been
borrowed before, the true owner might resent the loan.
A wish can bring the user wealth. The DM should decide how much a PC can wish for without trouble. The amount gained should be significant but not so great as to disrupt the
game. For most campaigns, a random amount of 5000-40000gp (5d8x1000) shouldn’t cause problems.
A wish can change a PC’s race permanently, allowing an elf to become a human.
A wish can usually negate or change events that the user finds undesirable - this is why wishes are part of the AD&D game. A wish used to alter a campaign’s history should be
immediate - made on the spot or very soon after the event to be altered took place. Wishes that allow PCs a second chance to achieve a goal after an unlucky failure or disastrous
mistake should be allowed, as long as the terms of the wish don’t guarantee success.
When assigning consequences to poorly worded or inappropriate wishes, it is best to follow 2 guidelines: First, the errant wish should follow the player’s wording to the letter.
Second, the result should follow the path of least resistance; that is, the result should involve the simplest & least complex warping of reality. For example, a greedy PC who tries
to wish for a staff of the magi might very well find himself standing naked & alone, staff in hand, in front of the staff’s former owner (perhaps a dragon or lich). Escaping from the
former owner & returning home is the PC’s problem.
As with limited wish, the unnatural aging caused by the spell is dependent upon the race of the caster; 5 years for a human, 10 years for a halfling or half-elf, 15 years for a dwarf,
20 years for a gnome, and 25 years for an elf. The aging requires a system shock roll, and failure results in death for the caster.
A List of Cantrips
Useful Cantrips
Bath (Abjuration) Area of Effect: 1 creature, large or smaller. Dry (Abjuration) Area of Effect: 1 cubic yard or 27ft3
This causes the caster or the willing target to enjoy similar benefits of a nice bath with warm, This will dry out the area, render wet or damp clothing dry, parchments crisp, dry up small
soapy water. The target must be nude to employ this cantrip on them and receive full benefits, puddles, etc., and in other ways drive off excess moisture. It is especially good for drying
otherwise, dirt and odors from clothing may simply reapply themselves to the skin. Thus, by herbs & spices or dehydrating meats & fish, vegetables, and fruits. It has no appreciable
casting this cantrip, external body odors are eliminated from the target. This cantrip, effect on the inner or natural levels of moisture of living creatures or living tissue, though it
however, will not clean one's clothing, nor freshen one's breath or clean one's teeth. If the may dry off their wet clothing, skin, and/or fur after an unfortunate dunking in the river, for
caster's well trusted, even a dumb animal may benefit, such as one's mount being cleaned & example. While the area must be inside the 1 cubic yard limit, the actual amount of water
bathed, a pet, etc. The cantrip does not actually use soap or water but simply removes the driven off can be no more than 1 cubic foot (about 8 gallons). This cantrip has no affect on
offending soils, excess oils, & odor causing substances as effectively as soap & water. Thus, other liquids (pure alcohol, mercury, etc.).
one could wash vegetables, for example, and not leave a soapy residue. The cantrip usually Dust (Abjuration) Area of Effect: 10’ Radius or 300 square feet
doesn't bother target creatures (as a cat might be bothered by a real bath). Substances that This will remove loose, fine dust & grit from exposed surfaces such as floors, shelves, etc.
won’t readily wash off with warm, soapy water will also not be well affected by this cantrip. The material (often mostly comprised of flakes of dead skin and hair) is removed to a handy
Skunk spray, for example, will not be completely removed, but the cantrip may help, and dust bin within range or piled up where the caster wishes within range (10’). The removed
several applications will begin to take its toll. material may not exceed 10lbs in weight. Care should be exercised while dusting delicate
Blue Light (Conjuration) Area of Effect: 3” diameter sphere works of art (i.e. paintings, frescoes) as this cantrip may remove fine plaster or flecks of
This summons a blue light & illuminates a 5’ radius area with an eerie blue light as long as paint. The duration is instantaneous & normally takes no supervision, but if the mage
the caster concentrates upon it. It won’t affect Infravision/Ultravision, nor cast reflections concentrates on the task & oversees it for 1 turn/10 square feet, no damage will come to fine
outside its sphere of illumination. The caster may read by this light, but may not do battle, objects.
cast spells, or in other ways devote too much concentration elsewhere other than to maintain Exterminate (Abjuration)
the illumination. Area of Effect: 1 small creature or a flat area of 20ft2 or less may be erected.
Breath (Evocation) Area of Effect: 10 x 10 x10 or 1000ft3 The mage may actually kill a small creature of animal intelligence or less (no save) who
This cantrip will summon air to the caster if there is some available within 100 yards/level. normally has 1HP or less. (One could not kill a fighter currently at 1HP, for example). Thus a
Poisons in the air will not be summoned, but only nitrogen & oxygen will be brought forth. fly, mouse, beetle, bat, etc. may be killed if it is within range. The mage must be able to see
Such air will fill the area around the caster up to 1000ft3 (enough air for 1 man-sized, resting it, or, must be within 1’ of it & be able to discern it in some manner. This spell will have no
creature, to last 24 hours before the carbon dioxide build up would be sufficient to kill him, effect on enchanted beings. If an invisible wall of 20ft2 or less is erected (such as in a
assuming no other air source is handy and the room or cavern or whatever is hermetically doorway, open window, or tent opening), creatures effected by this spell will be killed as they
sealed). Any other non-magically summoned poisonous air already in the vicinity of the come in contact with the wall if they fail save vs. spell. If they save, they will simply be
caster will be removed on a 1-to-1 basis (by volume). It will not, however, affect dragon turned away as if hitting a pane of glass. Thus, flying & crawling pests may be kept away.
breath, Cloud Kill, Stinking Cloud, or other such spells. On the other hand, the cantrip may This spell will have no effect on summoned or enchanted creatures (such as a swarm).
simply freshen a room's air, removing smoke & lingering odors, replacing them with fresh air Extract (Abjuration) Area of Effect: 1 small object
from outside. This cantrip will give a surprising strong, sudden yank when directed at a small object within
Brush (Abjuration) Area of Effect: 1 mouth & its contents. range. There’s no direction or control to the object after the initial yank, & it may fly almost
This cantrip removes foreign materials from one's teeth, gums, and tongue, removes plaque & in a random direction. Thus, one may yank a small book off a table or shelf, a mug off a
bacterial build-up, tarter, food particles, & helps eliminate bad breath. Furthermore, a table, or pull a single nail out of a board. This cantrip may be used on willing targets (or
flavored residue may remain in its place (mint, cinnamon, or plain). Finally, this residue may domesticated animal) to quickly yank a rotting tooth out of their mouth. Yes, it hurts like hell,
even slightly strengthen teeth. Such a cantrip may be employed on friendly animals. Used but it is usually worth it to be free of such a cavity.
once per day, it is so effective it will prevent cavities & gum diseases such a gingivitis. It Fire Finger (Alteration) Area of Effect: 6” line
won’t, however, reverse the effects of preexisting cavities. This cantrip causes a 6” jet of flame to spring from the caster's finger causing easily
Chill (Evocation) Area of Effect: 1ft3 combustible objects to ignite. It last 6 seconds. The aura of living creatures (of more than
Non-living, non-magical liquid or solid materials may become up to 40° C lower in animal intelligence or more than 1HP) can ward off its effects (no damage). The cantrip is
temperature (not to be lower than 0° C). The duration is instantaneous and then nature reigns. handy for starting campfires & the like, or even sterilizing daggers. It’s better than Spark, for
i.e. the target will warm up or cool down as normal from that point due to ambient example, in that it may set aflame harder to burn objects, but worse than Spark, in that it has
temperature. Thus, a tepid or warm drink may be chilled to a frosty temperature. no “within 10 foot” range & must be used up close.
Clean (Abjuration) Area of Effect: 4 square yards Flavor (Enchantment) Area of Effect: One object or ½ cubic foot
This removes heavy soils, dirt, and like material from the area of effect such as floors, walls, This cantrip may greatly enhance the flavor of food, perhaps even making bland gruel taste
dishes, windows, a pile of vegetables, etc. The total material removed may not weigh more like lobster bisque. Naturally, some people may still not like this flavor. The chosen flavor
than 50lbs. This material does not vanish, but will be collected in a container provided by the will reflect the caster's desires and all who eat the flavored food or drink the flavored liquid
mage (a dust bin for example) or piled up where the mage so designates within the 1’ range. will taste what the caster intended (unless they make save vs. spell). The more radical or even
Color (Evocation) Area of Effect: 1 cubic yard obvious the change, the more likely it’ll be perceived as the actual food would normally taste.
This brings color to an object. It may restore faded colors or add a tinge of new color. Even If this is only a slight enhancement (bland gruel to slightly better gruel or the like), no save is
hair or skin may be so colored. If cast upon a non-creature the effect will last for 30 days permitted. Moderate changes will afford the taster a normal save vs. spell, and if they
before fading back to the original color. If cast upon a willing or domesticated creature (such succeed, the food will taste as it normally did without the enhancement. If a fantastic
as a dog, horse, etc.), the effect will last for 1 day/level of the caster. If cast upon an unwilling enhancement is used (going from a bitter poison to undetectable poison or bland gruel to
living target, they receive a +4 bonus to their save vs. spell. Success negates the effect, failure lobster bisque), one will get up to +4 to the save vs. spell to detect it (before swallowing).
indicates the color only remains for 1 day. This spell will not affect magical things, nor will it affect wholesomeness. Spoiled food is
still spoiled (and will still make one sick), & a poisoned drink is still poison, though these
Dampen (Evocation) Area of Effect: 1 cubic yard/27ft3 (no dimension less than 1’)
things may go unnoticed. After the duration expires (1 hour/level), the food's normal flavor
The area of effect will be permeated by a fog-like dampness that will leave all materials
returns. If consumed before that time, no notice is taken (unless it was spoiled or poisonous).
within moist and damp to the touch, hard to set aflame, or in other ways limp with moisture.
This cantrip, due to the forced saving throw even for willing creatures, isn’t as good as other
Parchment may be ruined, inks may run, and powders may cake, for example. Items or
cantrips such as Spice, but that cantrip may require some measure of cooking skill so one
creatures within can still be seen, but their details may be obscured in this light fog. At the
does not over spice their food. The Flavor cantrip requires absolutely no skill along these
end of the cantrip's duration, the moisture will quickly dissipate and evaporate as normal.
Depilatory (Alteration) Area of Effect: Selected areas on 1 creature, or 1 object
Freshen (Enchantment) Area of Effect: One object or ½ cubic foot
This cantrip is used to shorten hair and/or fur up to and including shaving it clean off in the
This will bring freshness to things like beer, milk, meat, raw vegetables, and the like. It may
desired areas (head, face, legs, body, body parts, etc.). If used to remove all hair from a
restore freshness to drooping, cut flowers or herbs. Though it’ll remove the taint of slight
selected area, it does this so well it’ll be 6+1d6 days before the hair will start to grow back
spoilage, it is not as effective as Purify Food & Drink. The freshness will last only 1 hour. If
(an individual need not roll this each time, but only once; it will be assumed for that
the object is consumed before then, no ill effect will come as the duration expires. If cast
individual whatever they rolled is typical of them). If the target is an unwilling recipient,
upon a creature normally harmed by such spells as Purify Food & Drink, they are not
they’ll get +6 to their save vs. magic. Success negates the effect. This cantrip will also
immune to this cantrip and will receive 1d4 damage if they fail a normal saving throw vs.
remove peach fuzz on a peach, make a small patch of carpet bald, etc., or do similar things to
hair & fur-like materials one could do with time, scissors, & a razor.
Gather (Alteration) Area of Effect: 1 square yard but no more than ¼ cubic foot
Drink (Evocation) Area of Effect: 1 quart
Numerous small items may be gathered, picked up, or stacked into neat piles. Nails, nuts,
The mage holds his hands in the shape of a cup & utters the words and summons (from the
coins, & papers are fine examples. A wonderful application of the cantrip may sort items if
nearest, freely available source) fresh, pure, water. Even a tainted or poisoned source will do
their differences are readily apparent to the caster. For example, a pile of gold and silver
as only the water is summoned & not the impurities. Unless pure water is available within 1
coins can be so separated, just as grains of salt and pepper may be. The caster must be able to
mile/level of the caster, the water is rather tasteless (distilled), but provides up to 1 quart of
readily see this however. He couldn’t, for example, separate the fine gold dust amid the black
the required liquid. If NO liquid (or frozen) water (fresh or otherwise) is within 1 mile/level,
dirt as it’s too well hidden, nor would he be able to separate platinum coins & silver coins
the cantrip has no effect. As always, spells attempt to bring forth the easiest source, so a
unless there was something else besides a difference in metal (i.e. one may be much bigger
friend's water skin isn’t easy as water in the possession of a creature would get a save. The
than the other). Each application of the cantrip will separate out one type of item (all gold
cantrip will first search for other sources before it even attempts to affect such an “owned”
coins or all copper coins, etc., and leave the rest). In essence, if the caster could do it by hand
and without special equipment if he had enough time, this cantrip will handle it in less than a
minute (even water and a pan while panning for gold is considered special equipment).
A List of Cantrips
Humus (Evocation) Area of Effect: 1ft3 Stitch (Alteration) Area of Effect: Special
This spell gathers dirt & organic materials, moisture, and bacterial ingredients within 1 This will produce similar results to the work of a seamstress for about 20 yards of cloth or 2
mile/level of the caster and places the mixture anywhere the caster wishes within range. This yards of leather. The sewn seam is no stronger or weaker than a normal hand sewn seam. It
is humus, the black, enriched soil excellent for growing plants in pots or gardening. Of may be used to repair old work or create new work.
course, the mage may use it however he wishes, but it is usually for growing things in pots & Sweeten (Evocation) Area of Effect: One object, up to 1 gallon.
window boxes. If no such materials are within 1 mile/level, the cantrip has no effect. Similar to the Spice cantrip, except the summoned material is a sweetener such as sugar,
Polish (Alteration) Area of Effect: One object or set. Up to 1000ft2. honey, or even syrup. Up to 1 gallon of material may be sweetened (it does not summon a
This will smooth and bring luster to objects of wood, metal, stone, leather, or ceramic. The gallon of syrup, for example, but may sweeten a gallon of liquid). The sweetener so
object must first be cleaned by hand or by the Clean cantrip. The smaller the area or object, summoned has no duration.
the better the job. Several applications may be required to 'sand' rough wood down to such a Tanning (Alteration) Area of Effect: One pelt of size M
smooth finish. This cantrip will help remove blood and bits of flesh from the hide or fur of a recently
Salt (Evocation) Area of Effect: 1 object, up to 4 square yards, up to 30 gallons. skinned animal, and further treat the surface with tannic acid to cure it and prevent rotting.
This spell actually summons salt. It salts food for flavor, covers a patch of nasty weeds or an The pelt of one medium or man sized creature may be so treated. Two or more applications
icy walk way, will help salt fish or meats, etc. It is assumed the caster can control this & will be required for larger pelts.
bring in the desired amount of salt up to the limits & thus may be able to preserve a barrel of Tie (Alteration) Area of Effect: One object
fish (30 gallons or less) for example, or lightly salt his steak. The summoned salt is This will cause thread, string, cord, rope, or even cable to make a knot around a similar object
permanent as there is no duration on this cantrip. or a fixed object within range (10’). The knot will be a square knot, half-hitch, running
Shine (Alteration) Area of Effect: One object, up to 100ft2. bowline, or whatever sort of knot the mage could tie by hand if he could easily reach the
This will remove tarnish, corrosion, & similar substances from the desired object. (Note, object. If they have no knowledge of knots, a granny knot will be tied. Thus, this cantrip is
removing rust, won’t restore the metal; it only gets rid of the rust). The cantrip will bring primarily to tie hard to reach things together, though they must still be within 10’ of the
objects capable of it to mirror brightness. It is excellent for cleaning coins, gems & jewelry, caster. Bootlaces may be so tied, but if some unwilling target is wearing those boots, they
and if done before sale may even slightly affect the evaluation of the object (make it a bit will get a saving throw at +4.
higher (no more than 5%)). Untangle (Alteration) Area of Effect: One object, up to one cubic yard
Smoke Puff (Evocation) Area of Effect: 1’ diameter cloud Similar to Tie, this works on finer material like thread, hair, small grasses, causing them to
This creates a cloud of colored smoke (caster chooses the color of blue, gray, yellow, red, become untwisted & free of tangles. It may be used to good effect on wind blown hair and
orange, white, blank, pink, purple, or green) to appear within 10’ of the caster, and it will will leave such hair looking rather well brushed or combed.
behave as smoke would (ascending & dissipating, usually, or flowing with the prevailing air Warm (Evocation) Area of Effect: 1ft3
currents). Non-living, non-magical liquid or solid materials may become up to 40° higher in
Spark (Alteration) Area of Effect: A tiny area, fist sized temperature (not to be higher than 100° C). Duration is instantaneous & then nature reigns.
This cantrip excites & agitates one small, non living, easily flammable substance to kindling i.e. the target will warm up or cool down as normal from that point due to ambient
temperature. Thin, dry wood, parchment or paper, candle wicks, torches, oil slicks, lanterns, temperature & conditions. Thus, a cold liquid (cold tea or coffee, for example) may be
and the like may be so ignited & set aflame. The object must be within 10’ of the caster & not warmed to a higher temperature. Even a bath may be warmed, though 1 ft3 only, and then its
held at all unless held by a willing target. If no gaseous oxygen is in the area to support the heat will spread out according to normal laws of physics. This cantrip could easily turn 1ft3 of
flame, the cantrip won’t have any effect other than an instantaneous spark of light. snow or ice into water.
Spice (Evocation) Wash (Abjuration) Area of Effect: 1 set of clothing.
Area of Effect: 1 object, up to 1 square yard, up to 5 gallons (food for a dozen people) This cantrip will remove odors and stains from one garment or a series of small garments
This cantrip actually summons a suitable spice. Thus ginger, pepper, oregano, bay leaves, (enough for one person's outfit and under cloths). Particularly dirty or smelling garments
garlic, etc. can be summoned, but only 1 spice per cantrip, and the caster must choose which (such as sweat and blood soaked leather padding in armor) may take up to 4 applications to
one & how much, so knowledge of cooking or cooking skills will help. The spice will totally remove the odors & stains. Naturally, the garments cannot be worn at the time of
remain, however, only for 1 hour/level unless consumed or used in food preparation before washing.
then. Thus, one can’t stock up on spices, sell them (honestly), or in any other way keep them Wrap (Alteration) Area of Effect: 1 cubic yard
around except if they are consumed or used to mix with other food, so the mage must really A strong sturdy wrapping comes forth & wraps around small targets - a bit of herbs, a heap of
summon them as needed. The cantrip is particularly effective for always having that one coins, a bundle of cloth. The wrap is of excellent quality & may even be waterproof. A living
elusive ingredient, but even a good cook who employs this cantrip will have most of their creature may not be so wrapped. The wrappings are easily opened by hand (they may not be
spices as normal & from normal sources if they can get them (or it may take several “willed” open by the caster). The wrapping is permanent (i.e. will not wink out at duration's
applications to do a good job). end).
Sprout (Alteration) Area of Effect: 1 cubic yard
This will cause an acceleration of growth in plants, particularly with respect to the
germination of seeds. It will make young, new plants grow about one inch, cause buds to
flower, non-ripened fruits to ripen (or ripened fruits to over ripen).
Reverse Cantrips
Curdle (Enchantment) Area of Effect: One object Ravel (Alteration) Area of Effect: Special
This does more than curdle milk, but will also hasten the spoilage of most items such as cut If a non-magical garment or object has a lose thread, this cantrip will unravel it and cause it
flowers, and many foods & beverages that can naturally spoil with time. It isn’t as effective to come apart. Compare Stitch.
as Putrefy Food & Drink, however, but its duration is permanent. Compare Freshen. Sour (Evocation) Area of Effect: One object
Actually, if one knows how, one can make cheese from milk using this cantrip, but a This will cause the target food or drink to take on a vinegar like taste. It can spoil wine, beer,
knowledge of this skill is not imparted simply from learning the cantrip & must be learned pastry, etc. Of course, it can also summon about a pint of vinegar for normal purposes too.
separately. There is no duration on such a summoned liquid, and food or drink spoiled in this manner
Dirty (Evocation) Area of Effect: 4 square yards will not return to freshness.
The opposite of the Clean cantrip, this will soil, spot, and sully walls & floors, dishes, etc. A Spill (Alteration) Area of Effect: 1 container up to a gallon, no more than 10lbs.
handy source of dirt or mud must be available & in range to do a good job, for if this spell This will simply over turn such a container within range. A character or creature may not
must summon such material, only ¼ to ½ the same area may be so sullied. hold the container, but sitting next to them is ok.
Dusty (Evocation) Area of Effect: 10’ Radius or 300ft2 Tangle (Alteration) Area of Effect: One object, up to one cubic yard
This will cause a fine layer of dust and grit to settle, or a residue of grime to build up in the Similar to Tie, this works on finer material like thread, hair, small grasses, etc., causing them
area of effect if such debris is handy. If the spell must summon the material, only ¼ to ½ the to become twisted and entangled. It will take 3d4 rounds to untangle such a mess unless one
area of effect will be so dirtied. doesn't care if they damage the material.
Hairy (Alteration) Area of Effect: One object or creature Tarnish (Alteration) Area of Effect: One object
This cantrip will cause a willing or domesticated creature’s hair or fur (or object) to grow 2”- The reverse of Shine, objects normally affected by oxidation such as tarnish, rust, corrosion
12” of new hair or fur or fuzz; the smaller the area, the longer the growth. Unwilling and the like will quickly be affected.
creatures get +4 to the saving throw. Success negates effect. Such objects must be naturally Unlock (Conjuration) Area of Effect: One simple lock
hairy or fuzzy. One cannot have hair grow on rocks, for example. This cantrip will open the simplest of locks (such locks would give your normal rogue a good
Knot (Alteration) Area of Effect: One object laugh & allow him +25% or more to his normal open locks skill).
Similar to Tie, this will simply make the knot a tangled mess and difficult to untie (taking 2d4 Untie (Alteration) Area of Effect: One object
rounds). This will not affect taut items (like a bow string) or magic items. The knot will, This is simply the reverse of Tie.
however, not accidentally slip apart for at least 8 rounds, so one might climb down a rope
knotted to a post if quickly done. Wilt (Enchantment) Area of Effect: One object
The reverse of Freshen, but this will affect only vegetable material (growing or picked), and
not meat.
A List of Cantrips
Legerdemain Cantrips cubic yards still disappear, but reappear after 1 second. The object may not be larger than 100
Change (Alteration) Area of Effect: 1 object on the smaller side of medium cubic yards in any event or it won’t be affected even for a second. The caster may
This can cause a change in one object from a kingdom (animal, plant, mineral, fungus) to a prematurely drop the illusion any time they wish.
similar item in the same kingdom. I.e. change a bat into a rat or a bird, turn parchment into Palm (Illusion) Area of Effect: One small item (palm sized or less)
colored cloth, a copper coin into a silver coin, etc. The more radical the change, the shorter This cantrip creates an illusionary duplicate of an object that will last 1 segment (6 seconds).
the duration. Changes normally last 1 turn, but radical changes may last 1 round or less Attention is drawn toward that object and if the caster can conceal it before the duration
(copper to silver, 1 round, copper to gold, 30 seconds), and very minor changes may last up expires (putting it in a pocket, behind a scarf, under a cup, etc.), viewers won’t notice it wink
to a day (change in color). Living & unwilling targets (if they have more than animal out of existence. During this equally short time, the real object becomes invisible & the mage
intelligence) get +4 to their saving throw vs. Polymorph. Normal creatures of animal may be able to palm the real object before it becomes visible at the same time the duplicate
intelligence with 1HD or less do not get a save. Animal intelligence with more than 1HD will winks out of existence. The illusionary object only has visual components, so one may not
get a normal save. This spell may alter the mass of the object by an increase or decrease of no hear it, feel it, taste it, etc., but may only see it. The mage may act as if he can do these
more than 50% of the original mass. This cantrip won’t affect magical items or creatures that things, & it’ll look as if he's touching it & moving it, for example, but it’s an illusion. There
are naturally magic. The cantrip must be employed each time the caster wishes to change the is normally no save vs. this cantrip as it happens so fast, but anyone of 1st level or higher,
object into a new form. No system shock is required for creatures. Furthermore, this cantrip more than 1+1 Hit Dice, or more than average intelligence may, if they suspect something
won’t affect objects in the possession of intelligent, unwilling creatures. For example, you before hand & deliberately looks for an illusion, gets a saving throw. This would mean, for
could not turn that man’s metal mug of beer (if he is holding it) into a metal rod (thus causing example, a player of such a character would have to tell the DM he’s trying to disbelieve
the beer to spill on him), but you could if he set it down or wanted you to change it anything he sees because he's suspicious before it happens. Thus, if the cantrip is employed
(willingly). only once & the audience has no reason to expect it, there’s usually no save, but if a cautious
Distract (Enchantment) Area of Effect: Special individual states they are really looking hard (even the first time) or looking hard the second
This cantrip will cause creatures of low intelligence or lower, 1HD or lower, or 0 level to time, they may get a save vs. spell. Success allows them to perceive the illusion and ignore it
look for 1 segment to the left or the right of the caster (up to 10’ away) allowing the caster to if they wish.
do something with their opposite hand & have it go unnoticed. Creatures of 1st level or higher Present (Alteration) Area of Effect: One small item or a series of a dozen tiny items
& intelligence higher than “low” (must have both these qualities), or 1+1HD or higher, get a This spell will cause an item within a range of 2’ to appear in the caster's hand upon the
save vs. spell to avoid this distracting effect. Thus, a farmer or shopkeeper would not utterance of the proper command word. A minor Dimension Door, if you will. An object as
typically get a save, but all adventurers would. large as a tankard or mug of ale will exhaust the spell, but a dozen coin sized objects could be
Hide (Illusion) Area of Effect: One object produced over the duration of one turn. If these objects are in the possession of an unwilling
This cantrip simply causes an object of the caster's choice to become invisible to those in creature, they get a normal saving throw, but if the creature is 1st level or higher or has
front of the caster (characters and creatures to the side or behind him can see it normally). 1+1HD or more, they get a +4 bonus to their save. A successful save will shatter the spell
The object cannot be the caster, nor may it be any unwilling target creature (it may be a bringing it to an end. The caster must know the exact nature of the item(s) and their exact
domesticated or trained animal). The duration is 1 turn for objects of 2 cubic yards or less and location to do this at all. He may not attempt to bring forth, for example, 'whatever' that guy
is reduced by one round for each additional 2 cubic yards up to 20 cubic yards when it is has in his left pocket, but may bring forth the silver coin that guy just put in his left pocket (if
hidden for only 1 round. After that, each additional 2 cubic yards reduces the duration by 1 that guy fails save).
segment until up to 40 cubic yards which will be hidden for 1 segment. Objects larger than 40
Person-Affecting Cantrips
Note: These cantrips have no affect on magical creatures, summoned creatures, spell casters Nod (Evocation) Area of Effect: One person
currently casting a spell, or creatures actively attempting to employ a spell like ability. Thus, Successfully saving vs. this cantrip will negate the effect, but failure will cause the target to
one may not use them to disrupt spell casters. 1st level or higher PCs and/or creatures with give a short nod of the head as if in agreement or as if greeting someone. This is due to an
1+1HD or more will, if successfully making their save, totally negate the cantrip effect. involuntary muscular contraction.
Where it says there is an effect even for those who make their save, this refers to 0 level Scratch (Evocation) Area of Effect: One creature
characters or creatures with 1HD or less only. This will cause the target who fails their save to scratch at an itch for 1-3 seconds. The itch
Belch (Evocation) Area of Effect: One person goes away after it's scratched. Saving negates the effect entirely.
The target creature will belch, but gets a save vs. spell. Success indicates the belch is low and Sneeze (Evocation) Area of Effect: One creature
muffled, failure indicates it is loud and noticeable. This will cause the target who fails their save to sneeze once. The nasal irritation goes away
Blink (Evocation) Area of Effect: One person after the sneeze. Making the save negates the effect entirely.
This causes the creature who fails their save to momentarily blink (1/2 a second). Twitch (Evocation) Area of Effect: One creature
Cough (Evocation) Area of Effect: One person This will cause the target who fails their save to twitch in the selected area (head, limb, etc.).
This cantrip causes the target to spasmodically cough. A successful save vs. spell indicates Making the save negates the effect entirely.
one cough, a failure indicates 3 to 5 seconds of coughing. Wink (Enchantment) Area of Effect: One person
Giggle (Charm) Area of Effect: One person This causes the target to wink. Save indicates a rapid, not very noticeable winking, failure
This will cause the target to giggle or laugh. Save indicates one slight chuckle, failure indicate a long & very noticeable wink of 1 eye (several seconds).
indicates 1 to 3 seconds of giggling. Yawn (Evocation) Area of Effect: One creature
Save negates the effect, but failing will cause the target to yawn for 1-3 seconds. If a Sleep
spell then blankets the area & such a creature (who already failed their save vs. Yawn & could
normally be affected by a Sleep spell, will fall asleep, but does not count toward the Sleep
spell's normal limit of hit dice that may be affected.
Creature Summoning Cantrips
Note: When it said (above) cantrips will have no affect on summoned creatures, it didn’t Gnats (Summoning) Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot
mean a particular creature summoned by a cantrip. Those aren’t considered summoned Similar to Bee, available gnats will appear & the cloud will swarm around the head of a target
creatures and this usually means from other planes of existence. creature within the 10’ range. Such a target spends 1-4 segments swatting them away before
Bee (Summoning) Area of Effect: One bee the cloud breaks up. This cantrip won’t break spell caster concentration.
This summons 1 active bee if it’s within 1 mile/level of the caster. If this isn’t available (as in Mouse (Summoning) Area of Effect: One mouse
winter, for example), the cantrip has no effect. Such a summoned bee will land on a target If a mouse is within 1 mile/level of the caster, this cantrip summons it to within 10’ of the
creature within the 10’ range & is 90% likely to sting the target. This will cause the stung caster and it will magically appear & behave as a mouse would.
creature to behave just as you would expect, but this is less than 1HP damage, so this cantrip Spider (Summoning) Area of Effect: One spider
won’t cause spell casters to lose concentration (unless they’re allergic to bee stings). Similar to a Bee cantrip, this summons a spider from within 1 mile/level to appear within 10’
Curiously, if one cast this cantrip in the dead of winter & a bee did appear, one might have to of the caster upon a target creature. If poisonous spiders are in the area, there’s a 5% chance
wonder from whence it came. Thus, such minor cantrips may be the source of unexpected the spider is poisonous. If only poisonous spiders are in the area, there’s a 25% chance that
information. the spider will come & a 75% chance no spider will come at all. If one is summoned, there is
Bug (Summoning) Area of Effect: One bug a 90% chance the spider will bite the target. Chances are the target will get a save vs. poison
Similar to Bee, an available bug will bite its target (90% of the time). See Bee. at +4 or succumb to its venom. If a non-poisonous variety, it will distract the target for 1
segment. This cantrip will not prevent a caster from casting his spell, but the poison may
prevent further castings in the next round (if such a poison normally would).
Haunting-Sound Cantrips
Creak, Tap, or Whistle (Evocations) Area of Effect: Special
These cantrips (3 separate ones written here to save time) create real forces to generate real sounds within 10’ of the caster. Creaking, tapping, or whistling sounds are self explanatory. Such
sounds persist as long as the caster concentrates on them or until the duration of one turn expires.
Footfall, Groan, Moan, Rattle, or Thump (Illusions) Area of Effect: Special
These illusionary cantrips (five separate ones written here to save time) create illusionary sounds (self explanatory) within 10 feet of the caster. Unlike Creak, Tap, or Whistle, creatures get a
save vs. spell and may ignore the effect (do not hear it) if they successfully make their save.
Other Cantrips
It is possible to come up with more cantrips. Even special cantrips for a particular school of magic may be devised. Illusionists, for example, have this list:
Colored Lights, Dim, Haze, Mask, Mirage, Noise, Rainbow, and Two-Dimensional Illusion. Only Illusionists may employ such cantrips.
Magical Incantations – Level 1
First Level Spells
Accuracy (Enchantment/Charm) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 missile/level Saving Throw: None
Using this spell, the mage can temporarily enchant missiles (normal & magical) to improve the chance of hitting distant targets. Missiles that can be so enchanted include all items
that can be discharged or thrown by a normal man-sized creature. A bundle of arrows could be so enchanted, but the bolt fired by a ballista could not. Likewise, a stone thrown by
a giant is not affected by this spell nor could the boulder thrown by a character wearing a girdle of giant strength be affected. Upon casting the spell, the missile is enchanted &
glows faintly, making it easy to distinguish from normal missiles. For the duration of the spell, all range categories for the missile are double their normal range. Thus, an arrow
fired from a daikyu (great bow) would have ranges of 14” (short), 28” (medium), & 42” (long) instead of the normal 7”, 14” & 21”. This improves the accuracy of the missile since
the range modifiers may be less than those that would normally apply. The enchantment remains on the missile until the duration ends & it is possible that a missile fired at an
opponent could be fired back, if it can be easily found. The reverse of this spell, inaccuracy, is cast upon a creature, not a missile. For the duration of the spell, all missiles fired at
that creature are treated as if the target were one range category farther away than it actually is. Short range becomes medium range, medium range becomes long-range, and long-
range targets are considered out of range. The material components for the spell are brush & ink, which are used to write a mystical character on each missile so enchanted. A thick
piece of ground glass is required for the reverse of this spell.
Acidic Curse (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Negates
With a successful casting, the mage can cause a victim’s eyes (within 25’ + 5’/2 levels) to burst with acid, inflicting 1d6HPs of acid damage & blinding the target for 1d4 rounds.
Creatures who do not suffer damage from the acid (due to a successful saving throw, an immunity, or a spell granting resistance) are not blinded. The material component for this
spell is a bit of ragweed.
Anavar’s Anticipated Attack (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
The caster can peer momentarily into the future, enough to be warned of a coming attack. The first time the caster is attacked within the spell’s duration, the attack suffers a -4
attack penalty. After the first attack, the spell’s effects disappear.
Alter Protection Type (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the mage to alter the type of protection that is gained from a protection spell (to it’s opposite type) cast in the round following the casting of this spell. If this
cannot be done, the caster is unable to alter the spell. For example, a caster wants to cast protection from cold, but only has protection from heat. By casting alter protection type
before casting protection from heat, the caster is able to gain the effect wanted.
Amplify (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: None
This spell doubles the volume of all sounds issuing from the affected person. The spell is typically used during speeches & the like. If the shout spell, a Horn of Blasting, or
something similar is used, a -2 penalty to saving throws is suffered by all those affected. Multiple castings of this spell in the same area have no additional effect. The affected
person may elect to shout or scream causing all of those within a 15’ radius to save vs. spells or suffer -1 to attack rolls for the duration of the screaming. This screaming drowns
out normal conversation within 30’. Those who are deaf or have plugged their ears are immune to these effects. A person may scream for as many consecutive rounds as ¼ of their
Constitution rounded down to the nearest round. They may again scream after 1 round of resting their voice - no talking or spell casting allowed, or after 3 rounds of normal
conversation or spellcasting. While screaming, no other form of hard exertion is possible - running or sprinting is not possible, although attacking & normal movement is possible.
Animated Broom (Conjuration, Summoning)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
The animated broom is a spell originally created & used by laboring apprentices, but their masters soon saw other possibilities in the spell. The energy of the spell serves to
animate a certain number of brooms, depending on the level of the caster. As a standard, the brooms will perform the tasks normally associating with such tools, sweeping floors,
dusting tables, etc. They will perform this task tirelessly for the duration of the spell or until commanded to do otherwise. They have no mind of their own, and will continue even
if the task has already been performed satisfactorily & is no longer necessary! In addition to being a great housekeeping tool, the animated broom can also be use as an offensive
tool. If commanded to attack a specific object or person, the broom(s) can make a bludgeoning strike with a THAC0 of 19, causing 1d4HPs in damage for each hit. The brooms
themselves are considered to have an AC of 8, with 6 HPs each. As when sweeping, the brooms will continue to attack until destroyed, commanded to stop, or the spell runs out. A
broom can be animated for every 3 caster levels (one at 1st level, two at 3rd, three at 6th and so forth). The material component for this spell is the required number of brooms.
Appraisal (Divination)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 object/round Saving Throw: None
By use of this spell, the caster can identify the type and quality of gems & precious metals. Gemstones are identified by type, relative size, & quality. Precious metals are identified
by type, weight, & purity. This spell does not give actual values in gold pieces for gemstones, since that varies by location & availability. The approximate value of precious metals
is apparent from their weights. A caster using this spell can immediately spot fake gems or gilded coins, and illusionary or conjured valuables are also revealed. The material
component of this spell is a small glass lens worth 5gp. It may be re-used.
Arctic Spray (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 5’ long arc Saving Throw: ½
Similar to the burning hands spell, when the arctic spray spell is cast, the wizard must hold his hands with the thumbs touching & the fingers fanned out in front of him. An icy
sheet of frost & small icicles bursts forth from the caster’s hands at a 120° arc for a distance of 5’. Any creature in the area of effect suffers 1d6HPs of damage, plus an additional
2HPs for every experience level of the caster, up to a maximum of 1d6 +20HPs of damage. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces the damage by half.
Ash Imprints (Enchantment, Elemental-Ash)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: None
Upon the completion of the spell the affected object is coated with a fine layer of invisible ash. Anyone that touches the object during the duration of the spell will have invisible
ash where he made contact with the object. Only the caster can see these imprints. The ash on the object no longer leaves traces after 10 minutes per casting level, but it remains
visible to you for 1 day per 2 levels of the caster.
Ashen Buckler (Elemental-Ash, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
The caster of this spell creates a small buckler, made of ash, which floats in front of him. The buckler moves with amazing speeds to parry all incoming attacks against the caster &
absorbs the damage they were supposed to cause. It can absorb up to 2 points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 30 points of damage. Only 1 such spell can be
active at any given time, and it cannot be in effect while the caster has any spell upon him that prevents attacks from hitting him completely (i.e. stoneskin, protection from normal
missiles). It will work along with spells that reduce the caster’s AC or other spells that provide temporary HP like this spell. The material component for this spell is a miniature
brass buckler (worth 5sp) smeared with ash, which is consumed in the casting.
Balance (Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: None
When a mage casts a balance spell, he enables a person to balance on one or both feet in a precarious position where that person would otherwise fall. Thus, the mage or a
companion may walk a tightrope, cross a narrow or unstable ledge, or fight near the edge of a cliff with no fear of falling. Any unhindered balancing action requiring a Dexterity
check will automatically pass. This spell does not modify the recipient’s AC, fighting, missile bonuses, or climbing bonuses, though no penalties to these factors are taken from
balancing. If other factors are introduced, such as being pushed, injured, or exposed to high winds, the recipient must make a Dexterity check on 1d20, with a 20 indicating failure
(otherwise, the recipient is assumed to simply move his body to recover from the force exerted on him). The material component is the hoof of a mountain goat, which is reusable.
Blast Missile (Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: None
This spell is identical to the 1st level magic missile, except that it affects non-living objects (within 60 yards + 10 yards/level) only - inflicting 1-4HPs of bludgeoning damage per
caster level. Those items that suffer more damage than they have hit points that are normally immune to bludgeoning damage will be broken in two or more pieces, otherwise they
Magical Incantations – Level 1
are unharmed. The spell creates only 1 missile, which can be targeted against hand-held objects as well. Such items can be disarmed as if the mage were attacking with a medium-
sized weapon as a fighter of equal level. Other objects can be targeted with similar effects. Targeting the spell against a living creature will not result in damage, although the
missile will disrupt concentration - enough to interrupt spellcasting or the like.
Blood Spikes (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
With this spell, the caster causes the blood of 1 creature to suddenly coagulate & harden into spikes, which then thrust out of the creature’s flesh. This eruption inflicts 3d6HPs of
damage on the subject. If the creature survives, it can then use the spikes as weapons for the duration of the spell. The spikes add 1d6 points of damage to any grapple or unarmed
attack the subject makes.
Breathwrench (Elemental-Air, Elemental-Vacuum, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell forces air out of a creature's lungs, thus it will only affect creatures that breathe, causing them to choke & gasp for air. The spell is instantaneous, but may carry over into
the next round. When cast, the creature must make a saving throw vs. spells. If it succeeds in this check, it merely suffers 1d3 points of damage, gasps, and swallows in enough air
to function as normal on the next round. It is unpleasant, but not entirely debilitating. If the check is failed, however, the creature takes 1d4+1 points of damage, and suffers a -2
penalty to all attack rolls for that round & the round following, while trying to recover from the attack. Furthermore, no spellcasting is possible during the second round of
debilitation, as the creature is too busy gulping in air. The material component for this spell is a handkerchief, which is drawn through a loop created by the caster’s thumb &
forefinger, and then wrapped around the caster’s wrist. It magically clings to the wrist for the duration of the spell (either instantly, then falling, or staying on the wrist for 2
rounds). It is not consumed in casting.
Campfire (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 2ft2 Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a fire that is as powerful as a campfire, both in heat & light. This fire will burn in all weather situations like high wind & heavy rain, but it will not burn
underwater. The material component is a piece of wood that acts as the source of the fire & is consumed at the end of the spell.
Chameleon (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell alters the coloration of the recipient to match that of the surrounding background. When moving through areas where the background changes gradually (such as
stepping from the edge of a forest into a green field), the coloration changes automatically. When the background changes abruptly (from forest to gray stone wall), 1 round is
required to effect the change in coloration. The coloration allows the character to blend in with his surroundings, making him difficult to spot & attack. At ranges greater than 10”,
the PC cannot be spotted (although he can be seen if pointed out by another standing closer). At closer ranges, the character is treated as if he had a 20% chance to Hide in
Shadows, although he is not required to remain still. In addition, characters that can Hide in Shadows gain a bonus of 20% to their normal chance of success if they remain still.
Missile weapons suffer a -4 penalty on their chances to hit this PC. The material component for this spell is the shed skin of a small lizard.
Chill (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell chills the victim, lowering its body temperature & slowing reactions. Any creature that fails its saving throw suffers a -2 penalty to initiative & a -1 to-hit. Any creature
without a normal, living body is immune to this spell (golems, undead, elementals, etc.). Creatures immune or resistant to cold are also immune to this spell.
Circle of Reason (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Negates
This spell causes creatures in the area of effect (10’ radius + 10’/level) who fail their saving throw to view any reasonable statement made by the caster in the most favorable way.
For example, if the caster were about to be robbed by a group of thieves in an alley & another person walked by, he might say, “That fellow might be a better target than me. He
looks like he has more money & he probably won’t put up as much of a fight.” This being a reasonable suggestion, the thieves would leave the caster to attack the unfortunate
passerby. However, if the person the caster referred to were only a beggar, the thieves would ignore the caster’s remarks & continue their attack, because the wizard made an
unreasonable statement. The wizard could also suggest to a shop owner that he give the wizard a 10% discount because he would thereby gain a loyal customer & the shop owner
would comply, but if he suggested that he give him a 90% discount he would not. The caster can continue to make reasonable statements as long as he has not made a prior
unreasonable statement. Once the caster makes an unreasonable statement, all future statements made by the caster for the duration of the spell will be viewed as unreasonable
(even if they would normally be reasonable requests or statements). The spell’s radius is centered on the caster. This spell only effects intelligent creatures & in no way gives the
caster the ability to communicate if he does not know the language of the creature(s) he is trying to effect. Undead & other creatures who are unaffected by charm spells cannot be
affected by this spell. Note, unlike the friends spell, this spell does not predispose the recipient(s) to help the caster. They will do so only if the caster requests their help & the
request is a reasonable one. Orcs guarding a treasure room wouldn’t consider it a reasonable request to leave their post to get the caster a drink of water. In addition, the caster
cannot control the actions of a victim like he could with a charm person. After the spell expires, the victims will not realize that they have been effected. The material component
of this spell is a powdered rose colored gem of at least 50gp value that must be sprinkled in a circle around the caster, and 3 rose petals.
Cloud Ladder (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d4 rounds + 1/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10 yards/level Saving Throw: None
Using this spell, the mage can mold & shape ordinary smoke into a misty ladder. The material component for the spell is a large fire of green wood. Reaching into the smoke, the
mage casts the spell while shaping the ladder. Up to 10 yards of cloud ladder can be shaped per level of the caster. The ladder weighs virtually nothing & 1 person can easily
handle a cloud ladder of any length. Furthermore, the ladder is always steady & rigid; it need not be supported or leaned against an object. The mage simply places it in the desired
position & climbs. The ladder can only be used by the mage & 1 other creature per level of experience of the caster (as designated by the mage). The ladder remains in place until
the duration of the spell expires or until the caster wills it to vanish. At the end of the spell’s duration, the mage has the option to cast an additional cloud ladder spell on the ladder
previously created, maintaining its form for an additional duration.
Cloud Messenger (Conjuration, Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell can be cast only on a day with cloud cover: mist, rain, snow, and so on. The spell summons a small cloud to act as a messenger for the caster. The caster can impart a
message of up to 5 minutes in length to the cloud, which then hurries across the sky to the intended recipient. Its maximum move is 96”, though favorable gales might increase this.
The cloud messenger must be told the location & general appearance of the recipient; it is incapable of asking for directions. It is not entirely substantial & so can go through tiny
openings & survive heavy winds. It can carry objects weighing up to 10lbs for delivery. When it reaches its recipient, it relates the entire message including whatever emotion it
heard in the caster’s voice. The cloud messenger then returns to its caster; one may follow it to the caster’s location. The material components for this spell are fresh flowers & a
bottle of rainwater.
Cold Fire (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell alters all existing fire, be it magical or non-magical, in the area of effect (5’ radius + 1’ radius/level). The effect is instantaneous, but the effect on the flames enchanted
by the spell lasts until those flames run out of fuel or are extinguished in any way. All fire within the area of effect no longer produces heat. The fire will continue to consume the
material it is burning, but will not spread any further than currently burning. As an added bonus, the fire lasts 20% longer than it would otherwise (rounded down). The cold fire
produces no damage if stepped in, thrown at, or in any way touched, to items, people, or anything else. Light ability of the fire is totally unaffected, and the cold fire can be
extinguished in any regular manner. Note that a cold fire in a fireplace could not be further stoked, and would merely burn the wood it was using at the casting of the spell, and
then it would extinguish. This spell is very useful for homes & in cramped quarters for torches or candles. Libraries would pay well for this spell. This spell has no effect on
creatures of magical flame.
Cold of the Grave (Necromancy, Elemental-Ice)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 2d6 rounds Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast, the caster’s hand is surrounded in a flickering blue radiance. The radiance lasts for 1 round per level of the caster. When the caster touches another creature
(requiring a successful attack roll if the target is unwilling), the flickering radiance briefly surrounds the target, then vanishes. The target must make a Body save or be paralyzed
Magical Incantations – Level 1
for 2d6 rounds. Protection from paralysis wards against this spell. The paralysis can be ended prematurely by dispel magic, remove paralysis, heal or similar magic. Undead &
creatures from other planes are immune to this spell.
Compass (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 7 days + 1 day per level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell enchants a special device so that it always points in a direction defined by the caster. This is often a map direction, but it can be more abstract: the compass may always
point to their homeport, or their destination, for example. The caster can choose only a familiar direction, such as a place he has seen or a direction he is certain of. The spell’s
material component is a brass bowl filled with water, with a circle of cork set afloat in it. Atop the cork is affixed a long iron pin or needle, painted red on the pointing end. When
the spell is cast, the cork stays centered in the bowl & rotates until the pointer aims in the direction defined by the caster. In calm weather, the compass is easy to read, but in rough
waters the float bobs about enough that reading the compass properly requires a successful Intelligence ability check; if the check fails, the read is off by 20° to 180° (2d10-2, with
20° the minimum result). If all the water is drained from the bowl or the cork is removed, the spell is broken. For this reason, the compass often is covered with glass to keep the
water & float in place.
Cool Breeze (Evocation, Elemental-Ice, Elemental-Air)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
The weakest of Uazzigaaeld’s cryomantic legacy, cool breeze is the only spell in the nine-spell set that does not inflict damage. The spell only serves to create a brisk breeze that
penalizes all non-magical missile attacks within the area of effect (a field 40’ long, 40’ wide & 10’ high) by -2. The spell can be ended with dispel magic, another characteristic
that separates it from its brethren.
Copy (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: One object Saving Throw: Special
Copy enables the caster to make a perfect copy of a map, letter, or any other written or drawn document. The caster must have a blank parchment or a book with blank pages of
sufficient size to hold the copy. The caster holds the blank object over the object to be copied, then casts the spell; the copy immediately appears on the formerly blank object. The
copy is permanent & is a perfect duplicate of the original. Copy can also be used to copy spells from a new spell book into the caster’s spell book, assuming the caster’s spell book
is of sufficient size to contain the new spells. The caster must first roll to see if he can learn the new spells; if so, he can cast copy to instantly copy them into his spell book. The
material components for this spell are a piece of blank parchment (or a book with blank pages, as described above), and a drop of black ink.
Craft Divining Rod (Rhabdomancy, Alteration, Enchantment)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 hour Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
The first task a rhabdomancer must undertake in his career is the finding & crafting of a suitable divining rod. A forked branch of hazel or filbert (the woods of choice) must be
found. The length of the rod should be 1.5’, the whole no thicker than a finger, and the tree it was cut from not more than a year old. Over the next hour as the mage slowly intones
the words of the spell, he gently shapes & smoothes out the wood with the simplest of tools. At the end of this time, the divining rod is ready to be used. It bears a slight dweomer,
as if the wood retains residual magic. Of course, the rod can easily be broken, thus sending the rhabdomancer on the search for another sapling. At the DM’s discretion, certain
woods have different effects when crafted into a divining rod. For example, ash has long been held to be associated with storms & lightning, and perhaps a rod fashioned from this
wood may be used to predict bad weather. Magical trees may be sought after by adventurous rhabdomancers to give them an edge; in such cases the mage must succeed in a saving
throw vs. magic while casting this spell. Failure means that the rod is flawed & useless, while success will impart some measure of the wood’s magic to the divining rod. The
rhabdomancy guilds ensure that all apprentice rhabdomancers learn this spell.
Dancing Lightning (Elemental-Lightning, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/4 levels Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 10’ cube/4 levels Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes the area to erupt with dancing lightning. Any creature passing through this area suffers 1d4HPs of damage from the lightning.
Dark Fire (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 5’ radius + 1’/level Saving Throw: None
In contrast to the cold fire spell, this spell, which has the same range & duration as cold fire, removes the light-producing ability from fire & flame, while keeping the heat ability
(the fire will still spread normally, however). The flames will appear as a smoky darkness, not a fiery light, and cast no light of their own, though they still produce the normal
amount of smoke. Items will blacken, burn & radiate heat, but no light will manifest itself at all. Dark fire has the same duration as a normal fire, and needs all the same fuel. It
deals exactly the same damage as a bright fire of equal size. This spell has no effect on creatures of magical flame. The spell is very useful for campfires at night, when heat is
important, but being unseen is also important, and for burning down a building without giving a large signal that the fire is there.
Detect Earth (Elemental-Dust, Elemental-Mineral, Elemental-Earth, Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 turns Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the wizard to specify 1 type of natural earth product, such as a mineral, a rock, soil, sand, and so forth. The wizard could choose diamond, but could not choose
smelted & shaped iron, as iron is not a natural earth product, iron ore is. Likewise, gold deposits could be found, but not gold coins, since gold coins would have been melted &
cast. For the duration of the spell, the caster can scan a 60’ long + 10’ long/level path, which is 10’ wide, once per round. All the locations & sizes of the specified natural earth
product will be known to the wizard on an intuitive level. Note that in certain situations, this can lead to navigation in the dark (down a stone corridor, for example). The caster can
choose to detect up to 1 natural earth product (emeralds, limestone, granite, etc) per 4 levels of the caster. The results are simultaneous - he will know each presence of every
product he is searching for, as well as which are which. The caster can detect cut gems & statues, or earth products that have been superficially shaped, since they are still natural
earth products, just shaped by man, but no earthen product that was smelted, mixed, etc. The material component of this spell is an earthworm, alive or dead, which is consumed in
the casting.
Detect Undead (Divination, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 turns Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to detect all undead creatures out to the range of the spell. The area of effect (60 yards + 10 yards/level) extends in the direction the caster is facing.
Scanning in a direction requires 1 round, and the caster must be motionless. While the spell indicates direction, it does not give specific location or distance. It detects undead
through walls & obstacles but is blocked by 1’ of solid stone, 1 yard of wood or loose earth, or a thin coating of metal. The spell does not indicate the type of undead detected only
that undead are present. The material component for this spell is a bit of earth from a grave.
Devlin’s Barb (Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 minute/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
The caster can create an arrow, bolt, bullet, or sling stone (with no magical or masterwork properties). The created object disappears when the duration is over. Assassins use this
spell even when ammunition is plentiful, because the spell leaves no trace of the weapon that caused the wound.
Disdain the Divine (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: S, M Duration: 1 minute/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Negates
The creature that you touch gains a bonus of +1 for every 4 caster levels to saves made against divine spells (maximum +5). The material component for this spell is a broken holy
Disregard (Illusion, Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0 Components: S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
When this spell is invoked, the caster begins to radiate an aura making him unremarkable. Any person viewing him for the duration of the spell sees nothing unusual about him
and, if questioned later, retains only vague recollections of seeing someone. He is unable to identify the caster or put any specific features to him. In order for the spell to be
effective, the caster must be in or near a group of 4 or more people. (The caster could sneak into a guarded area if he tagged along with a group on legitimate business, but not
unaccompanied.) This spell is most effective when used in crowded areas, such as city streets or marketplaces. The caster may be wearing or carrying anything he desires: the spell
renders him inconspicuous no matter what his appearance, so long as it is not unusually frightening or strange. (A heavily armed character or a character carrying a bag of loot is
fine; a character drenched in blood will be noticed.) Otherwise, only the caster’s actions determine whether the spell is broken. The spell ends instantly whenever the caster takes a
hostile action or does anything to call attention to him. The use of abilities such as Pick Pockets is acceptable, so long as the caster does not fail a roll. Speaking with any person
for any reason during the course of the spell negates its benefits. The material component is a small quantity of diamond dust, worth 25gp, which is destroyed in the casting.
Magical Incantations – Level 1
Earthstrike (Elemental-Earth, Alteration)
Range: See below Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell causes shards of earthen elements near the feet or below target creatures to be formed. They then shoot at the target creatures (within the range of 30 yards + 10
yards/level & within 20’ of each other) with incredible speed & accuracy, striking in the same manner as magic missiles (all spells that stop or affect magic missiles affect
earthstrike). Each target must be standing on earth, sand, dirt, soil or other natural or man-shaped earth (not glass or metal), although the target can also be up to 5’ off the ground
per caster level & still be affected. This spell is therefore useless on a ship, in a wooden-floored building, in water, etc. The spell causes a shard of the natural or man-tooled
element to rip free from the ground & strike the target. Shards are solidified & magical in nature, so that sandy ground will still produce a sharp shard of rock. The shard deals 1d4
points of damage, and appears from within a 5’ radius around the target, striking on an angle, not from directly below. If cast over stone floor or natural stone or hardened earth
product, the spell leaves a 1” diameter hole, about 5” deep or so. For every odd level of the caster, the spell can create a single earthstrike shard, or make an existing shard gain a
+1 bonus to damage. Thus, a 1st level wizard can only make 1 1d4 shard. A 3rd level wizard could make 2 1d4 shards, or 1 1d4+1 shard. Likewise, at 19th level, a wizard could have
up to 10 shards, or 1 that deals 1d4+9 points of damage. This is important in that the wizard can aim only 1 shard at a single target. (His only way to improve the damage against 1
creature is to sacrifice a possible shard & give the one striking the creature a +1 bonus).
Eldritch Fire (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 60’ Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: ½
The wizard hurls a magical bolt of flame which does 1d6 points of damage on impact & has a 50% chance of catching the target’s combustibles on fire (burning clothes do 1d6 to
2d6 points of damage depending on how heavy they are). The victim may make a save versus spell for half damage. Fire-based creatures take no damage while cold-based ones
take double.
Elemental Burst (Conjuration)
Range 60 yards Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10 yard diameter Saving Throw: Special
Upon uttering a twisted phrase of great potency, the caster indicates the target point within the range of the spell. The target point must be an item composed of 1 of 4 elements -
fire, water, stone, or air. The element then releases the magical energy within it in a sudden burst. Stone items throw off sharp slivers in all directions out to the radius of the spell.
All within the area of effect must make a successful Dodge save or suffer 1d8 points of damage. The damage is halved if the saving throw is made. Fire shoots off glowing sparks,
causing 1d4 points of damage & a successful Magic save results in no damage. The sparks have a 5% chance of igniting flammable objects in the area of effect. Water pushes out
in a strong wave, knocking down all that fail to successfully roll a save vs. Magic (boats & vessels are unaffected by this wave). An air burst creates a concussive wave, stunning
all in the area of effect for 1-2 rounds unless a successful Magic save is made. In no case does the spell noticeably affect the structure of the target item.
Expeditious Retreat (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
When cast, expeditious retreat provides the wizard with an amazing fleetness of foot, enabling him to run in great leaps & bounds. The caster’s movement rate is tripled for the
duration of the spell, so a wizard with a movement of 12 would be able to run at a rate of 36 while the spell was in effect. In addition, the wizard can jump up to 5’ in the air or
make a 15’ horizontal leap with ease. The wizard does not have to move while the spell is in effect, but if he moves at all, his unnatural speed & bounds prevent him from taking
any other actions except for running - in other words, he can’t take a half-move & throw a missile, or charge, cast a spell, or do anything else except move. The wizard cannot
increase his movement further by any means, including additional movement-affecting magical spells or items.
Fiery Eyes (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Caster only Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the caster’s eyes to glow with an unnatural fire. So lit, they project beams of bright light to a range of 3’, clearly illuminating the area as if lit by a lantern. By
fixing his sight on one spot for 3 rounds, the caster can cause combustible materials to burst into small, flickering flames if desired. In addition, any creature looking at the caster
must make a saving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw is failed, the creature hesitates for an instant, fascinated by the unearthly light. Creatures so affected automatically lose the
initiative on the next combat round. Finally, if cast in conjunction with a hypnosis, hypnotic pattern, or mass suggestion spell, the victims suffer a -1 penalty to their saving throws
if they are looking at the spellcaster The caster can control the color of the light emitted from his eyes, ranging from a reddish glow to brilliant yellow.
Fiery Motes (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a single burning fiery mote for every 2 levels of the caster beyond the first (2 at 3rd, 3 at 5th, to a maximum of 9 at 19th). The fiery motes burst into being within a
minute, one by one. The casting time of the spell is 1 per fiery mote (to a maximum of 9). The motes swirl around the caster in a tight circle. Once all the motes have arrived, they
streak off to their targets (within 30 yards + 5 yards/level). If the spell is interrupted, all motes currently in motion flash & strike the first named targets, in order. For example, a
19th level wizard casting the spell rolls a 4 for initiative. An enemy who has an initiative of 8 strikes him. Only 4 of the motes will exist & fly off to strike enemies, even though the
wizard could have created 5 more. They strike the first 4 named targets of the spell. Each mote deals 1d6HPs of damage, and each must strike at a different target than the others.
Each target may make a save vs. spells to take half damage. Each mote automatically hits as per magic missile & any defense that works against magic missile will also work
against this spell.
Fingers of the Wind (Evocation, Elemental-Air)
Range: See below Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1-3 targets Saving Throw: None
This spell creates small pockets of extremely fast moving wind (about 500 miles per hour). Each caster starts with 1 finger at his disposal, and gains 1 more every 2 levels, up to a
maximum of 6. Only up to 3 creatures can be targeted with this spell (within 100 yards + 10 yards/level). Each finger does 2d4+1 points of damage to the target. Targets cannot
avoid being hit by this spell by non-magical means. The targets must be visible during casting.
Firecracker (Evocation)
Range: 90 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 10’ radius Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the wizard creates small, firecracker-type explosions within the area of effect. One “string” of 10 firecrackers is created per level of the caster. The strings appear
10 seconds after each other. The firecrackers appear in a 10’ radius & inflict 1HP of damage per string to all in the area. The firecrackers are loud & create quite a bit of acrid
smoke that, unless dispersed by a strong wind, remains in the area for 1d3 rounds after the spell is finished. Any creatures in the area must successfully save vs. poison, or the
smoke makes their eyes smart & water, giving them -1 on attack rolls. If the spell is used in a surprise situation, the party being surprised has a +4 penalty to the die roll. The
material component is several hairs from a black cat.
Flame Finger (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: ½
When this spell is cast, a thin bolt of searing flames shoots forth from the wizard’s index finger. This bolt will automatically hit a single target inflicting 1d6 points of damage, plus
1 point per level of the wizard, up to a maximum of 1d6+10. A successful save vs. spell reduces this damage by half. If a save is failed, possessions do not have to make a save,
unless they were targeted specifically by the spell, in which case the owner suffers no damage, but the object must save vs. magical fire (at +2) or be destroyed (only 1 object may
be targeted per casting).
Flaming Darts (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Up to 5 creatures Saving Throw: ½
This spell shoots forth, bright flaming bursts of fire. For every odd level the caster has attained (1st, 3rd, 5th, etc.) the caster can create 1 flaming dart, to a maximum of 5 darts, or
they can add a +2 damage bonus to an already created flaming dart. The base damage for a flaming dart is 1d3+2 points. All damage bonuses & targets must be decided before the
attack rolls are made. The flaming darts require a successful attack roll on the target, although the wizard rolls the attack with a +1 bonus to-hit per 4 levels of the caster (+5
maximum at 20th level), and includes any missile attack adjustment bonuses. Thus, a 20th level caster may create 5 1d3+2 darts, and may assign 5 +2 bonuses to damage to those
darts as desired, even piling them all onto 1 dart, for a single dart that does 1d3+12 points of damage (save for half). The wizard handles the flaming darts as normal multiple
attacks. Knocking the caster unconscious will destroy any darts that have yet to appear. The darts will appear one by one, as listed, and hover in front of the caster’s outstretched
finger. The caster points at the desired target (within 10 yards per level), and the dart launches itself at the target. The target creature, if struck, gains a saving throw for half
damage. The darts may ignite combustibles - if the target fails his saving throw, item saving throws apply. The material component for this spell is a single sliver of gold per
flaming dart to be created.
Magical Incantations – Level 1
Flaming Weapon (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1round/2 levels Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 weapon Saving Throw: Special
A single weapon can be affected by this spell, and the caster is the only one who may hold such a weapon. If he lets go of the weapon, the spell will end at the end of that round,
rather than lasting the full spell duration. Thus, missile weapons (such as a thrown dagger or a sling-stone) reduce this spell’s duration to one-shot. A single weapon, wielded by
the caster at the time of casting, gains a light fiery aura for the duration of the spell. Whenever the caster hits in normal combat with the weapon, the victim struck by the weapon
must make a save vs. spells on every hit. If they make their save, they take 1 extra point of fire damage from the aura. If they fail their save, the victim takes extra 1d3 points of fire
damage from the spell. The caster himself suffers no damage through the fiery aura on his weapon. Thrown daggers & sling-stones only work once - the spell fails after the item is
thrown & hits (or misses, in which case the spell is wasted). Furthermore, the spell confers no combat bonus or penalty, merely more damage from a normal weapon by adding
magical fire to it’s damaging capabilities. The material component for this spell is the weapon to be enchanted & a piece of singed wood. The wood is consumed in casting, but the
weapon is not.
Flashing Light (Elemental-Radiance, Alteration)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 20’ radius globe Saving Throw: Special
This is a version of the light spell that was originally developed to use against the drow, and now it’s use has spread. When this spell is cast, a light appears in the area of effect &
instead of remaining constant, it flashes bright & dim. Anyone in the area of effect suffers -2 to his attack rolls, and +1 to his AC if attacked by creatures that are outside the area.
Those creatures that have the Blind-Fighting proficiency suffer only -1 to their attack rolls if inside the area or they attack normally against someone that is in the area (he doesn’t
gain the +1 bonus to AC against their attacks). Drow & other creatures that suffer penalties to their attacks when in sunlight will add the -2 to attack rolls to their normal penalties
when fighting in the light. Also note that the hand of darkness spell will not negate this spell but will cause the penalty to attack rolls to be only -1, and light-hating creatures will
only suffer -1 to their attack rolls if they are in the area of effect.
Foul Rigging (Alteration) Reversible
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast, the rigging of the affected ship (within 100 yards + 10 yards per level) becomes tangled, jumbled, and otherwise unmanageable. In game terms, the ship is
slowed by 1 mile per hour per level of the caster, to a maximum penalty of one-half its movement. The rigging takes 2 hours per level of the caster to untangle. The reverse of this
spell, Untangle rigging, has no save & counters this effect. The material components are a bit of canvas & twine wrapped in a tightly knotted ball.
Frost’s Bite (Alteration, Elemental-Ice)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell is a cryomantic version of shocking grasp. When the spell is cast, a flickering blue radiance surrounds the caster’s hands. The spell remains in effect for 1 round per level
of the caster or until he touches another creature. The frost’s bite delivers 1d8 points of damage, +1 per level of the caster (e.g. a 2nd level caster would inflict 1d8+2 damage).
While the wizard must come close enough to his opponent to lay a hand on the opponent’s body, a like touch from the opponent does not discharge the spell. Unlike shocking
grasp, the caster must touch the opponent directly; he cannot touch a conductor, as this spell is not electrical in nature.
Ghost Light (Conjuration)
Range: 120 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 10 square yard Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster summons a ghostly green radiance anywhere within the range of the spell. The light can be used to illuminate some object or can be shaped in any form
within the limits of the area of effect. Furthermore, the caster can control the movement of the light. The ghost light could be formed in the shape of a man & then commanded to
walk or fly, for example. The spell lasts as long as the caster continues to concentrate on it. Common superstition holds that various evil spirits radiate a light similar to that
produced by ghost light. Creatures with a low Intelligence rating or less than 1HD must make a Mind save upon seeing the ghost light. If the saving throw is successful, the
creature stands his ground, albeit nervously. Those who fail their saving throw, panic, running their full movement rate away from the light for 1 round. If they are unable to flee,
they cower & attempt to hide. If forced to fight under these conditions, they suffer a penalty of -2 on all attempts to hit. The material component is a piece of phosphorus.
Glowing Wisps (Alteration, Elemental-Radiance, Elemental-Steam)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: See below Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 10’ cube/level Saving Throw: None
The spell conjures a single 10’ cube of wispy, glowing vapors into being per caster level, that last 2d4 rounds + 1 round/caster level. Each cube of wisps must touch another, and
although curves & twists of a long-line of wisps can be made, at no point can the wisps be more than 10’ higher than the ground. The glowing wisps give off light equal to about 1
candle/caster level to all within their light. Unfortunately, the cloudy nature of the wisps, coupled with the light, reduces all normal (and infra-) vision to one-half range. Outside of
the area affected, the wisps supply light for a 5’ radius around the edge, and leave the rest in natural lighting (or darkness). The light conjured by the glowing wisps can be white, or
red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo or violet, and radiate the color designated by the caster. If the caster desires white glowing mists, the spell has no material component. If the
caster desires a colored mist, he must have a piece of silk, of any size, of the color desired. It is consumed on casting.
Hail of Stones (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 35’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 5ft2/level Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell, the mage summons a hail of stones in the area of effect, causing damage to creatures & objects within this area. A to-hit roll is made for every creature in
the area of effect, at the caster’s chance to hit. If the roll is successful, one or more stones falling from the sky have hit the creature. The amount of damage caused is 1d3 points per
level of caster (up to a maximum of 10d3). These stones can strike any number of creatures if all are within the area of effect. The material component for this spell is a piece of
jade worth at least 1sp, which is thrown at the desired target.
Harassing Weapon (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 100’ + 10’/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast a melee weapon of pure force springs into existence & attacks a designated opponent (during an attack of opportunity), dealing 1d8 points of damage per hit.
The weapon is visible & takes the shape of any normal-sized weapon the caster desires. It strikes (using the THAC0 of the mage) as a spell, not as a weapon, so, it can strike
incorporeal creatures. The weapon follows the foe chosen by the caster as long as he remains within range. Occupying the same area as the foe, it makes attacks of opportunity
whenever that particular foe provokes them, but otherwise it takes no actions. If the weapon goes beyond the spell’s range, the spell ends. Once a foe has been designated, a new
opponent cannot be chosen to be harassed with this spell. The harassing weapon cannot be attacked or damaged. If an attacked creature has spell resistance, check for resistance
the first time the harassing weapon strikes it. Successfully resisting the weapon dispels the spell. Otherwise, the weapon retains its normal full effect for the duration.
Healing Touch of Salt (Elemental-Salt, Necromancy)
Range: Touch Components: V, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 being Saving Throw: None
After casting this spell, it’s energy then seals all of the target’s bleeding wounds, even if a sword of wounding caused them. This is accomplished by creating a thin layer of salt on
the surface of the wounds. Due to the salt’s stinging quality, the recipient will suffer -1 to all of rolls for the next 1d4 hours, while the wounds close. The material component is a
bit of salt that is touched to the recipient.
Hostility Field (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
Upon casting, the sorcerer creates a temporary aura of hostility (lasting 1d4 rounds + 1 round per level) around the victim (who must have an Intelligence greater than 3). This aura
influences the creatures in his immediate surroundings, making them uncomfortable in his vicinity or even hostile. All creatures able to see or hear the victim will be influenced by
the aura, resulting in the victim’s Charisma diminishing by 1d4+1/level, to a maximum of 1d4+3. This is caused by apparent uncivilized behaviour from the victim. Bystanders
that make their Mind saves, or knowing the spell has been cast, recognize these effects, but are not insulted by them. Dispel magic will disrupt the spell & detect magic will reveal
the aura. The material components include a piece of parchment bearing the victim’s signature or a crude drawing of the creature, and a hair from the tail of a skunk.
Human Torch (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the wizard & all of his clothing to become engulfed in flames. These flames do not harm the wizard or his equipment but cause 1d4 points of damage to anyone
within 5’ & an additional 1d6HPs to anyone who actually touches him. The flames themselves are only about as hot as a torch but the surrounding area will feel like a blast
Magical Incantations – Level 1
Ice Blaze (Evocation, Elemental-Ice)
Range: 20’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Creature struck Saving Throw: ½
A silver rod (not enchanted) studded with blue gems (worth at least 500gp) is required to cast this spell. When the spell is cast, a freezing bolt of ice blasts forth from the tip of the
rod, streaking out to up to 20’. The bolt trails snowflakes & makes a high-pitched screeching sound as it flies through the air. An attack roll at the caster’s THAC0 is required. The
bolt inflicts 1d3 points of damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10d3. A saving throw vs. spell is applicable for half damage; creatures immune to cold take no damage. The
bolt is strong enough to shatter clay & glass, but is harmless to ivory, bone, wood & stronger materials. The material component of this spell is the rod mentioned above, which is
not consumed in the casting.
Ice Burst (Elemental-Ice, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 10’ radius circle Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast upon solid ice, it causes the ice to shatter & explode, shooting arrows of sharp ice. All creatures within 10’ of the ice source suffer 1 point of damage per
level of the caster (maximum of 10 points). Victims who make a saving throw successfully, suffer no damage. This spell destroys the ice, which must be at least 1ft3 in size.
Creatures made of ice are immune to this spell, and ice created through other spells can be affected. This spell might be used to break a small hole in a wall of ice, if the wall isn’t
thick enough to handle losing a cubic foot.
Ice Staff (Elemental-Ice, Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 quarterstaff Saving Throw: Special
This spell summons a staff into the hands of the caster (equal in all regards to a normal staff) made of ice & weighing twice as much as a normal staff. The staff lasts for 2 rounds
plus 1 round per level of the caster. The staff is summoned from the para-elemental plane of ice, but is not entirely sturdy. Every round that it deals normal damage for a successful
strike (1d6 damage), there is a 5% chance per point of damage inflicted (including Strength bonuses) that the staff will shatter on the victim, ending the spell, but forcing the victim
to make a saving throw vs. spells. If this save fails, the victim is numbed for 1d3 rounds, having its movement rate reduced by half, and its chance to hit reduced by 2. Proximity to
major sources of heat, such as a roaring bonfire, improves the creature’s saving throw by +2. A creature succeeding at its save suffers no numbing at all. The material components
for this spell are a drop of water from melted snow & a sliver of wood from a quarterstaff, which are both consumed in the casting.
Icicle Strike (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures Saving Throw: None
This spell creates 1 wickedly sharp icicle for every 2 levels of the caster (rounded up), to a maximum of 5 icicles. Each icicle then streaks out at a separate target (within 10 yards +
5 yards/level), striking with the THAC0 of a warrior of the same level as the wizard. All creatures must be within a 180° arc of the wizard’s facing, and within the spell’s range.
Each icicle deals damage equal to a dagger (1d4 against S/M, 1d3 against L) if it strikes. The wizard has the option of creating less than the maximum amount of icicles. If she
does so, for each icicle reduced from the maximum, all others gain a +1 to strike. Thus, a 7th level frost mage casts this spell, creating up to 4 icicles. Instead, the caster creates 2,
and each strikes as a 7th level warrior, with a +2 bonus to hit. No bonus to damage is ever gained through the use of this spell.
Icy Missile (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell produces up to 5 icy missiles that shoot from the wizard’s hand & unerringly strike a single target. Potential targets must be seen & identified by the caster at the time the
missiles are released. It is not possible to target a particular location on a creature (the eyes, for example.) Each missile inflicts 1d4+1HPs of cold damage to creatures. The missiles
have no effect on inanimate objects. A wizard of 1st or 2nd level produces only 1 icy missile upon casting this spell, but for each 2 levels beyond 1st, he gains an additional missile,
up to a maximum of 5 missiles. All icy missiles must be directed at 1 target. The material component for this spell is a smoky quartz crystal that is not consumed by the casting.
Ignite (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 5ft3 + 1ft3/level Saving Throw: None
This spell can ignite non-living matter & will not target any item in contact with a living creature (such as a shirt or a cloak). The caster can start the fires but need not fill the entire
area of effect. For example, if there were 3 lanterns, side by side, the caster could light the wicks, but not have to light the woven mat the lanterns stood upon. The caster can ignite
as many different objects as he wishes, so long as they are all within the area of effect. The fires start fairly small, but will spread, as per the situation & DM’s wishes. The fire will
burn for as long as it could were it started by natural means. The flames are not magical after they have burned for a round or more, but can be dispelled or magically snuffed
before then.
Immunity to Adherence (Abjuration, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell confers upon the recipient temporary immunity to magical & natural webs, the sticky secretions & natural glue-like properties of quicksand, roper strands, mimic
pseudopods, cave fisher filaments, and similar impediments. These perils do not hamper or cling to the spell recipient, who may move & act normally. The material components
for this spell are a milkweed seed & a drop of water.
Intensify (Alteration)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 turns Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
By use of this spell, a wizard can double the effective radius of a light source. Torchlight augmented by intensify has an effective radius of 30’, rather than the usual 15. Darkness
cast upon a light source already under intensify will fail unless the caster of the darkness himself saves vs. spell. One light source may be affected for every 4 levels of experience.
The material component of this spell is a polished silver disc.
Inversion (Elemental-Fire, Elemental-Ice, Alteration, Abjuration) Reversible
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Negates
This spell can be cast upon a single creature within sight, or fixed in place. Either version of the spell creates a cylinder-like field where any flame or heat capable of causing
damage is instead inverted to cold or ice that is capable of causing equal amounts of damage. First, a fire-based attack entering the field turns into cold radiance or frost or ice, and
therefore will not cause any fires as a side effect. Second, for all intents & purposes for saving throws, the attack becomes ice & cold based - so a creature immune to fire can then
be harmed by fire-attacks, so long as the creature either stays within the radius of the inversion, or is the target of the inversion. Unwilling targets must make a save vs. spells to
avoid the effects of inversion. Third, saving throw bonuses of ice elementalists do count, as, for the purposes of magical attacks, any fire attack has been changed into an ice attack,
and is thus applicable for saving throws. And finally, all fires burning before the spell is cast vanish when they hit the area of effect. Casting this on him, the caster can wander
through a burning place & put the fire out as he walks. If cast on a creature, the spell only reaches out as a cylinder whose radius is 1’ per level. If cast upon a place, immobile, the
cylinder is 10’ in radius, plus 1’ in radius per caster level. If cast on a creature, that creature also gains a +1 bonus vs. all cold or ice based attacks. Damage is not further effected.
A fireball bursting within the inversion will still burst. If it would normally do 6d6 points of fire damage, however, it now does 6d6 points of ice/cold damage instead. The material
component is a lit candle & either some snow, ice, or a shard of rock crystal. One of the last 3 must be used to douse the flame at the beginning of the spell. All components vanish
at the end of the spell. This spell can be reversed, changing all ice & cold based attacks into fire & heat based attacks for the same duration. The material components would be the
same, except the ice or snow would be held over the flame & melted, and the rock crystal would be held in the flame until it scorched.
Irritating Dust (Elemental-Dust, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, a cloud of dust stirs in the area of effect (1d4 creatures in 10’ cube) & all creatures affected have the dust settle on them, making them feel uneasy if they
fail their save. The dust causes -2 to AC & -1 to hit for the duration of the spell unless the save is made, in which case it only lasts 1 round. Whatever the case, the victims will take
1 round to scratch to the exclusivity of anything else. The material component for this spell is a pinch of dust.
Know Heading (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 ship or the caster Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster gains an instant & exact knowledge of his heading (e.g., north, south, south by southwest, etc.). The spell gives no other information. It may also be used
on land. The material components for this spell are a small piece of lodestone & a needle.
Land Call (Divination)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 10 Area of Effect: Caster’s ship Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster knows the location of the vessel’s port of call (or any other port from which he has soil), no matter where the ship is or what the weather & light
conditions are. This spell is especially useful in foul weather or when sailing with no instruments. The material component for the spell is a pinch of soil from the chosen port.
Magical Incantations – Level 1
Light Bolt (Elemental-Radiance, Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a bolt of blazing white light that streaks towards the target (within 30 yards + 5 yards/level), striking as a rogue of equal level to the caster. The spell causes a
base damage of 1d4, and momentarily surrounds the target with a blaze of white light. A successful save vs. spell means the target is blinded until the end of the round (the rest of
the round), failure means blindness for 1d4 rounds. For every 3 levels of the caster, a bonus of +1 to hit, -1 to the opponent’s save, or +1 to damage may be added. Thus, a 9th level
wizard could create a +1 to hit, 1d4+1 damage light bolt that forces the opponent’s save at -1 or imposes a -3 penalty to the save. Any creature that is vulnerable or suffers penalties
in bright light saves at -2.
Lightning Blast (Elemental-Lightning, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: ½
When the spell is cast, small bolts of lightning leap from the caster’s hand & strike the designated target (if within range). The lightning causes 1d4+2 points of damage per level of
the caster, to a maximum of 1d4+20 at 10th level. The target gets a save vs. spells for half damage.
Link Lightning (Invocation)
Range: 100’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a very weak variant of the 6th level chain lightning. It causes a small spark of lightning to appear, striking a specific target, which must be visible, within range of the
spell. The small bolt then arcs to any other creature within 50’, whether that being is visible or not. The bolt continues to strike beings within 50’, striking 1 target for each level the
caster has. Each target can be hit only once by each casting of this spell. When struck by the lightning spark, each target suffers 1 point of damage & feels a strange tingling
sensation that causes a -1 penalty to attack rolls the following round. A successful saving throw versus spells eliminates the tingling sensation, but not the damage. The material
component for this spell is an iron nail, bent & twisted into the shape of a lightning bolt. This nail is consumed during the casting.
Liquid Orb (Conjuration, Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 pint/level Saving Throw: None
When the spell is cast, an orb of nonflammable liquid comes into existence in the caster’s palm & is held by the conjurer through a magical increase in the sphere’s surface tension.
The liquid maintains its spherical shape until released by the caster or the spell ends. The spell can be used to supply the caster with small amounts of drinking water, ink, or other
substances that are harmless to normal creatures. Note that the liquid is permanent. The sphere may be used to put out fires covering up to 4 squares per pint. The sphere also does
1d4 HPs of damage to fire-based creatures per gallon (8 pints). If thrown, the range is 30 yards & the caster has -2 to hit.
Little Bird (Apportation)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn + 1/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: None
By casting this spell, the caster can direct 1 object to fly through the air under his control. Although slow-moving (movement rate 6), the object can turn & stop on a dime
(maneuverability class A) & respond instantly to the caster’s mental commands. However, the affected object can weigh no more than 1lb per level of the caster. Little bird is
generally employed as a laborsaving device, because its uses in combat are limited. A transfuser attempting to wrest an object from an enemy, for example, must overcome the
enemy’s Strength. The enemy can hold onto the object by making a successful Strength check, with a -2 adjustment to the die roll. Alternatively, picking up loose objects with the
spell & flying them at the enemy requires a successful attack roll & inflicts no more than 1d3HPs of damage. Some transfusers, however, have been known to use this spell as a
diversion (for instance, ringing a gong next to an enemy’s head).
Lock Jaw (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
By means of this spell, the caster causes the jaw of 1 creature within range to lock shut. This effect prevents the casting of spells with verbal components by the victim & can
interrupt spellcasting if the caster acts before his opponent in melee. This spell also prevents any attack which involves biting or which requires the mouth to be open to be
effective (such as a dragon’s breath weapon). The spell does not silence the victim; a victim may still grunt or speak using ventriloquism. This spell does not affect undead or
creatures without jawbones. The material component of this spell is any rusty object.
Love Spell (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
After touching the intended “victim” who fails their Mind save, the next intelligent creature of the opposite sex that the victim touches will become wildly enamored with him -
throwing herself upon him sexually & doting on his every action. The new “love” of the victim will follow him everywhere & constantly voice her concern about his well being.
Any attempt by the victim to rid himself of his new “love” will result in tears & will be of only temporary effectiveness (the “love” will return in 1d4 rounds to ask forgiveness).
The other victim of this spell (the one touched by the original victim) is entitled to a saving throw vs. this effect. The spell will remain in effect for 1 day per level of the caster
regardless of whether the intended victim touches another creature of the opposite sex during that time. If the first creature the victim touches saves vs. the effect, the spell will
continue for its duration until the victim touches a creature of the opposite sex that fails its save. At the duration of the spell the effect ends instantly & without warning. There is a
50% chance that the creature enamored by the spell will have a hostile reaction to the victim if he treated her badly or was anything other than a gentleman in her presence. This
spell can be removed by a remove curse spell. The material component is a personal item belonging to the victim. Note if the caster uses this spell on him, he will be unable to
cancel the affects without the benefit of a remove curse spell.
Magnetize (Elemental-Lightning, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1lb/level Saving Throw: Special
The spell causes 1lb of metal per level of the caster to become magnetized (the entire item must be affected for this spell to take place). The item attracts other metals in a 5’ radius
per caster’s level. If the item affected is light & there is a heavier metal item in the radius of effect, then the item will move quickly in that item’s direction. This spell can be used
to hit heavily armored opponents with thrown weapons if there’s no other metal item in the vicinity. Items held or carried by unwilling subjects get a save vs. spells with their
wielders’ saves.
Map (Alteration)
Range: 1’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day per level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell animates mapping tools so that they map any area within sight of the caster. These animated instruments will diligently record all islands, reefs, shoals, and coastlines.
On the open ocean, the tools chart a ship’s route. This spell is extremely useful on voyages of exploration. The material components are a set of inks, charts, blank paper, pens,
compasses, rulers, and other mapping instruments of at least 750gp total value. These may be reused.
Melody of Chaos (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 120’ Components: V Duration: 6 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
When casting this spell, the caster suddenly starts emitting strange sounds. These sounds will be heard in a different way for each creature within 120’ from the wizard. Any
creature within range that is able to hear must roll a percentile dice. If it gets a result of 1-50, the creature will hear the tune as an inspiring battle-tune or whatever sound that can
inspire it to greater deeds, and will thereafter get a +1 to attack & morale until the spell stops. If the result is 51-100, the creature will hear some very distracting noises which are
very irritating to the creature, which gets a -1 on “to hit” rolls. All creatures friendly to the caster, will receive a -15% bonus to their roll. The caster, who can stop the spell any
time at will, is not affected by this spell.
Mind View (Divination)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to view an image in the mind of a willing intelligent creature, or to allow another to view the image. The image viewed can be one that was seen or one
that is imaginary. The viewer is aware whether the image is one that was seen or imaginary. Most people’s minds only recall small pieces of memories so generally the image is
brief. The caster must touch the person whose mind is to be viewed, and also touch anyone wishing to view the image. Only one other viewer is allowed, in addition to the caster.
In addition only 1 mind can be viewed for the duration, although multiple images are possible until the duration expires. The material component of the spell is a copper piece that
is consumed in the casting.
Magical Incantations – Level 1
Miniature Fireball (Invocation)
Range: 50’ Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: ½
This spell was developed mainly to impress common people or to weaken the morale of groups of beings such as goblins. It creates a small ball of fire 2’ in diameter & sends it
flying toward the target. It can strike only 1 target before disappearing. When struck by this spell, the victim suffers 1d4 points of damage for every 3 levels the caster has, up to a
maximum of 7d4. If a saving throw is successful, the victim only suffers ½ damage.
Mistwrap (Elemental-Radiance, Elemental-Steam, Enchantment, Evocation)
Range: 30’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures Saving Throw: Special
This spell can affect up to 2d4HD worth of creatures who are within the range of the spell. It will only affect creatures that are fully included by the HD maximum rolled, though
the caster gets to decide which creatures are affected upon casting the spell. Any creature with more than 4HD gains a saving throw vs. spell; if the save is successful, the spell has
no effect. The spell surrounds the creatures with strange, multi-colored wisps of mist & vapors that dance around the victims, blurring vision & annoying the eyes with shifting
color patterns. The mists & vapors distract the victim, and they suffer a -2 to hit & to damage rolls. As well, the victims of the spell gain a -2 penalty to AC for any attacks not
coming from directly in front of them, as peripheral vision is sorely confused. Furthermore, normal (and infra) vision is reduced in range by half for those surrounded in the wispy
vapors. The vapors last for 1 round per caster level, unless there is a strong wind, in which case the spell’s duration is halved, and the penalties are all reduced by half (though
vision is still cut in half). The material components for this spell are 3 strips of cloth of different colors from 3 separate cloaks.
Mud Mold (Elemental-Ooze, Conjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster can create a mold of any small to medium sized objects. Any object of up to 1/10 pound of weight can be molded. For example the caster can create a
mold for a key, an emblem & even a small box. During the casting, the mage has to hold the object he wishes to mold in one of his hands. Upon completion of the spell, the caster
will have a mold of the object (made of a mud-like substance) in his other hand. The mold can be used to make a duplicate of an object by pouring heated metals into it, whereupon
it dries up & must be broken to extract the object. Note that the mold will stay “wet” until used, or until 1 year has passed, but it cannot be shaped into other forms unless a stone
shape, or similar spell is cast on it. The material components for this spell are the object to be molded (not consumed in the casting) & a bit of mud.
Odeen’s Magic Tailor (Alteration)
Range: 2’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell alters the size & shape of a garment or piece of leather or cloth armor to fit its wearer. Size may be altered up or down by 10%. The person who will use the garb must
wear the garment or armor at the time of the spellcasting. The spell affects only 1 outfit or suit of armor with each casting of the spell. Magical garments, such as a robe of
blending, are entitled to a saving throw vs. acid against alteration, but the magic remains unaffected regardless of the result of the saving throw. Magical & metallic armor is not
affected by this spell. The material components for the spell are a small bone needle, a length of silken thread, and a bit of wool.
Orb of the Elements (Elemental-General, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell causes a 4” diameter sphere to appear in the caster’s hand. Within the limits described below, the sphere can appear in a variety of forms, each elemental based &
indicating a different special power. The caster can hurl the sphere at an opponent up to 30 yards away, providing there are no barriers between the caster & the target. If the target
is no more than 10 yards away, the to-hit roll is made with a +3 bonus. If 10-20 yards away, the caster’s roll is made with a +2 bonus. Finally, if the target is 20-30 yards away, the
caster’s roll is made with a +1 bonus. If the orb of the elements misses its target, it dissipates without effect. If the target creature makes a successful save, the orb of the elements is
also ineffective. Otherwise, the form of the orb determines the amount of damage inflicted & its special power, as summarized below. The caster can create any single orb of any
form listed for his level or lower. The material component for an air orb is any clear or white gem. The material component for a fire orb is any gold, yellow, or amber gem. The
material component for a water orb is any blue or green gem. The material component for an earth orb is any gray, black, or brown gem. All gems must be worth at least 50gp.
Type of Orb Level Damage Effect Type of Orb Level Damage Effect
1st 1d3 Mist 1st 1d6 Light
Air Orbs 3rd 1d4 Gas Fire Orbs 3rd 1d8 Heat
5th 1d6 Suffocate 5th 1d10 Fire
1st 1d6 Dust 1st 1d4 Drench
Earth Orbs 3rd 1d8 Shards Water Orbs 3rd 1d6 Chill
5th 1d10 Crush 5th 1d8 Freeze
Mist Orbs appear as a hazy ball of whirling wisps. When it strikes, a mini wall of fog springs into being within a 5’ radius of the target. The mist moves with the target, and lasts
1d4 rounds.
Gas Orbs appear as a tight sphere of a greenish gas. When it strikes, the target must make a save vs. poison. If it succeeds, the creature suffers a -1 penalty to all attacks, saving
throws & to AC from nausea that lasts 1d4 rounds. If the save fails, the target is struck reeling & unable to attack because of nausea for 1d4 rounds, as per a stinking cloud spell.
Suffocation Orbs appear as a strange empty space that gas & moisture build up on the outside of. When it strikes, the target creature has it’s breath drawn from it’s lungs. This lasts
for 1d4 rounds, and deals 1d4 points of damage a round, although a successful Constitution check means that the creature gulped in enough air to take only half-damage.
Dust Orbs appear as a swirling orb of thick dust. When it strikes, the creature is covered in a layer of thick dust. This will extinguish all open flames the target is carrying, and
unless the target makes a save vs. spells, it will also be blinded (dust in the eyes) for 1d4 rounds. Blind creatures suffer a -4 to all attack rolls & a -4 penalty to AC.
Shard Orbs appear as a rock sphere made up of many small shards of rock. When they hit, they explode, and all creatures within a 5’ radius must make a saving throw vs. spell or
take 1d4 points of damage.
Crush Orbs appear as sphere of solid rock, and when they hit, they cause the creature to make a Dexterity check or be knocked down. If this check is failed with a natural roll of
18, 19, or 20, the creature must also make saving throws vs. crushing force against any items currently held or worn in the hands, arms, chest, waist, and back.
Light Orbs appear as a glowing sphere of white light. The light orb causes the victim to be surrounded by light to a radius of 20’, as if affected by a light spell. The effect lasts for
1d4 rounds, during which time the victim makes his saving throws & attack rolls with a -4 penalty, and his AC is penalized by 4.
Heat Orbs appear as glowing spheres of yellow-orange light. The heat from the orb is intense enough to melt 1 cubic yard of ice. The victim struck by the orb loses 1 point of
Strength & Dexterity (or, for creatures, a -1 to-hit & a -1 penalty to AC) for 1d4 rounds.
Fire Orbs appear as glowing orbs of burning flame, red-orange in color. It ignites all combustible materials within 5’ of the target & deals 1d4 points of burn damage to all
creatures within 5’ that fail a saving throw.
Drench Orbs appear as spheres of tightly packed salt water. When they hit, they drench the target completely, putting out any open flames & causing the target to need to roll a
saving throw vs. spells. If it fails, salt water gets into the eyes of the victim, blinding the victim for 1d4 rounds.
Chill Orbs appear as glowing spheres of blue-white light, which numb the target creature. Movement rates of the affected creature are halved, and the creature’s chance to-hit is
reduced by 2. Both of these effects last for 1d4 rounds.
Freeze Orbs appear as spheres of solid ice. They explode when they hit, causing all creatures within 5’ of the target to make a save vs. spells or be numbed, as per a Chill Orb.
Note that elementalists cannot conjure orbs from their opposing element, and that effective level determines the orb that can be conjured & thrown. Thus, a 1st level Fire
elementalist, rolling a 4 on the 1d4 that can be rolled once/day to determine effective level of a spell, can create a Fire Orb, as he is effectively 5th level.
Preserve (Alteration, Elemental-Salt)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Until dispelled Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 pound/level Saving Throw: None
Preserve can only be cast on animal matter, as long as it is not alive. The purpose of this spell is to give the mage a simple way to preserve meat. The spell salts the meat so that it
can be preserved for a long period of time, but it takes out most of the moisture from the meat. The spell has been known to be used by necromancers to preserve cadavers, and
later animate them as zombies, or use their bodies as components for the creation of flesh golems. To dispel, you have only to wet the meat with fresh water, so crossing rivers &
lakes is somewhat risky.
Protection from Chaos (Abjuration) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
The spell is identical in every respect to the protection from evil spell, save the chaos/law bias. The material component for this spell is powdered granite, traced in a 3’ diameter
circle upon the ground; for its reverse, powdered quartz, likewise spread.
Magical Incantations – Level 1
Protection from Rust (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 year/caster level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Target object Saving Throw: None
Using this spell, the mage can protect an item from mundane rust (oxidation) for 1 year per caster level. The spell also provides a one-time bonus of +1 per 3 caster levels on
saving throws versus rust monster effects. The spell is intended for use on small to medium metal items (daggers, swords, pieces of armor), not large metal structures. The material
component (consumed) is a specially formulated lacquer, which the mage applies to the item to be protected. This lacquer costs not less than 5gp per application.
Protective Amulet (Abjuration, Enchantment)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 turns Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell must be cast on a small talisman, such as a pendant, amulet, or other item or jewelry. It is now transformed into a protective device against a single specific spell, which
lasts up to 1 week/level. This must be one the caster knows & for which a saving throw is allowed. For instance, an amulet can be made to protect against charm person, but not
against sleep or magic missile. If the wearer of the protective amulet is attacked by the spell the amulet was made to ward against, the wearer rolls his saving throw in the normal
fashion. However, if he fails his saving throw, the amulet absorbs the energy of the spell. The amulet shatters but the wearer is treated as having made his saving throw. A
protective amulet must be an item of jewelry. Its cost must be at least 10gp (to protect against a 1st level spell). The cost increases to 20gp for an amulet against a 2nd level spell,
40gp against a 3rd level spell, and so on. If a person wears more than 1 protective amulet at the same time, their energies cancel out & none of them work until 1 amulet is removed.
Purity of the Spring Rains (Alteration)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell removes the impurities from water (1 gallon/level) & makes it drinkable. Water so contaminated as to be less than 75% pure is not affected. This is a general prerequisite
in the production of many alchemical potions & substances. The material component is a small piece of fine parchment.
Quick Boost (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1d4 rounds Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 living creature Saving Throw: None
Calling up a short-lived but intense burst of positive energy, the caster bestows a +1 bonus to the Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity score of 1 creature.
Remove Trap (Alteration)
Range: 1 yard Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 trap Saving Throw: Special
This spell improves the ability of the caster to remove a trap by 6% per level. This means that a 2nd level thief-mage who normally has a 25% chance of removing a trap would
have a 37% of removing a trap in 1 segment by casting this spell.
Rime Strike (Elemental-Ice, Alteration)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell conjures a soft blue glowing bolt of cold. The caster then chooses 1 item or target creature within range, and the bolt unerringly strikes it. The item may not be more than
5lbs plus 2lbs per level of the caster, and cannot be a liquid. If the target is an item, the item is covered with a frigid layer of frost. The item then becomes too cold to handle with
bare hands, and those doing so encounter a -3 or -15% penalty (whichever applies) to the actions they are attempting with the item. If the person touching the item is barehanded,
then he suffers a -3 to his attack & damage rolls. If the wielder or user is wearing gloves or gauntlets, the penalty drops to -1 or -5%. The duration of the frosty coating & penalties
is 1d4 rounds plus 1 round per 3 caster levels, doubled if the temperature is near freezing or lower, but halved if the temperature is very warm (subject to the DM’s discretion). The
other option of the spell is to target a creature. If a creature is hit, it makes a saving throw vs. spell. If the creature fails this save, it takes 1d4 points of damage & suffers a -2 to
attack & damage rolls, a -10% to any applicable actions, and has a -2 penalty to AC for the same duration as above. If the creature makes its save, it takes no damage, and has only
a -1 or -5% penalty for the duration of the spell. This spell has no effect on creatures resistant or immune to cold, and even a mere ‘warmth’ cantrip can cancel the effects of the
spell. People suffering from the effects of the cold can cast spells on any round that they did not take damage, as per normal.
Rock Climbing (Elemental-Dust, Elemental-Mineral, Elemental-Earth, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Creature Touched Saving Throw: Negates
Rock climbing is a modified spider climb spell. The caster’s hands & feet (both of which must be bare for the spell to work) develop the magical ability to cling to any natural or
man-tooled earth or stone product (including gems, stone, metal, glass, dirt, sand, etc). The affected creature can climb at a movement rate of 6 (3 if at all encumbered), but the
creature can handle any non-stone items without trouble. Stone/earth/glass/metal/dirt items weighing less than 1lb are unmanageable, since they stick to the user’s hands & feet.
The caster can end the spell at will. The material component for this spell is a small statue carving of 2 hands interlocked, of no incredible value, consumed in casting.
Salty Wounds (Elemental-Salt, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 being Saving Throw: Negates
The recipient of this spell will have small salt crystals conjured into his wounds. The salt will cause him pain, thereby lessening the effectiveness of his blows & slowing his
defensive moves. The recipient suffers -2 to his to-hit rolls & -2 penalty to his AC. Obviously the creature must have wounds for this spell to take effect & it cannot affect creatures
without blood (i.e. undead, golems).
Sharp Edge (Alteration, Elemental-Mineral)
Range: Touch Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1weapon/2 levels Saving Throw: None
The caster touches a weapon &, through this spell, grants it a sharpness that can otherwise only be available to weapons crafted by a skilled weaponsmith. Only weapons of
piercing or slashing nature may be affected by this spell, making them so sharp they cause 1 extra point of damage per hit for a period of 1 round per level of the caster. Once the
duration expires, the weapon resumes it’s normal edge & loses the extra point of damage. Only one sharp edge spell may be in effect on a weapon at the anytime, but the caster can
affect up to 1 weapon for every 2 levels he’s gained. The material components are the weapons to be enchanted & a grindstone.
Shield Flame (Rhabdomancy, Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 torch-size flame Saving Throw: None
When cast, this spell protects an open flame from exposure to drafts & volatile gases. For the duration of the spell, non-magical gusts or breezes are unable to extinguish the torch.
Any vapors that would normally explode upon contact with fire (such as black damp or natural gas) have no effect on a shielded flame. Of course, the spell may also be applied
above ground to areas too windy to hold a lit torch or candle aloft.
Shield of Protection (Alteration, Abjuration)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a shield (5 x 5 x 3 yards/level) that cannot be penetrated by solid, fluid or gaseous matter. Moreover, magic of the same or lower level is stopped (note this works
two ways). Any attack on shielded creatures must first overcome the AC of the shield. The force needed to destroy the shield is comparable to the force needed to attain certain
THAC0s & depends on the caster’s level, as stated in the table below. The power & the abilities of the shield increase at higher spell levels. Thunderstorms, in particular lightning,
make the casting of this spell impossible. One should compare this spell to the 2nd level force field. The main difference between the 2 spells, is that force field consists of
magically condensed air, while shield of protection consists of pure energy, accounting for the higher magical resistance. The material components include pieces of steel plating &
glass crystal.
Caster spell AC HD for Possibilities Caster spell AC HD for Possibilities
Level Shield Destruction Level shield Destruction
1 3 4 2 dimensional 6 0 9 Irregular shapes
2 2 5 Globe 7 0 10 More parts
3 1 6 Move 1”/sec. 8 0 11 Permeability
4 0 7 Pulsate 1”/sec. 9 0 12 Envelop others
5 0 8 Mathematical shapes
Shocker (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 5’ Components: S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes the caster’s hand to develop a massive charge of static electricity. When he or she comes within 5’ of an opponent, this energy can be made to rush into the victim
via a small bolt of lightning, causing 1d6 points of damage, plus 1 point per caster level (maximum of 10). A successful saving throw versus spells reduces damage by ½.
Magical Incantations – Level 1
Silent Sound (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See below Components: S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature/object Saving Throw: None
The caster fires, from his fingertip, a focused beam of sonic energy too shrill to hear. To do so, he must make a ranged attack roll and the target must be within 25’ + 5’ per 2 caster
levels. On a hit, the caster inflicts 1d6 points of damage/level (5d6 maximum).
Sleeping Missile (Necromancy)
Range: See below Components: V, S Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 10’ cube Saving Throw: Special
A black & silent missile flies from the caster’s pointing finger upon the casting of this spell. For every 2 levels beyond the first, the caster can sling 1 additional missile, to a
maximum of 5 missiles. They unerringly strike the selected target(s), as long as those targets are within the area of effect & range (60 yards + 10 yards per level). Those affected
immediately collapse & fall into a deep slumber. If the target has 4+3 or fewer HD, no save is allowed. If the target has more than 4+3HD, it gets a save vs. spells to negate the
spell’s effect, -1 for each missile beyond the first. Creatures with more than 8HD are not affected at all by this spell. The spell works by shorting the victim’s brainwaves, causing
the onset of a deep sleep.
Small Fireball (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: ½
This is similar to a normal fireball spell with the following exceptions. Only 1 target (within 5 yards + 5 yards/level) is affected (the wizard chooses the target & the small fireball
expands until the target is engulfed), damage is 1d4HP per level (up to a maximum of 10d4), and exposed items receive a +2 on their saving throws. The material components for
this spell are a bit of burning incense & any gems worth at least 5gp; both are consumed with the casting.
Smokepuffs (Elemental-Smoke, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a thick puff of smoke around 1 target creature. Should the target(s) then inhale the thick smoke (which is the desired effect of the spell), the creature(s) must
make a saving throw vs. spells. If the creature(s) succeeds, it breathes in a small amount of the smoke & merely coughs a little for the duration of the round, taking a -1 penalty to
hit, to damage, and to AC until the end of the round. If the creature(s) fails its save, it takes 1 point of damage from smoke inhalation, has a -3 penalty to hit, damage & AC until
the end of the round. Coughing in the round following the smoke inhalation causes him to suffer another -1 penalty to hit, to damage, and to AC. The caster can target 1 creature
within a 20’ cube, plus another creature at every 3rd level (2 creatures at 3rd level, 3 creatures at 6th level, etc.) to a maximum of 5 creatures. This spell has no effect on creatures
that do not breathe air, or are from the elemental plane of fire. This spell also has no effect on creatures made of elemental air, earth, or water. The material component for this
spell is a charred bit of white cloth per target to be affected by the spell.
Smoky Figure I (Elemental-Smoke, Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 fire source Saving Throw: Special
When cast on a fire source, the spell causes the ensuing smoke to take on a vaguely human form wielding a great polearm made from smoke. The smoky figure is only an illusion
& cannot harm anyone (treat as phantasmal force). This spell is usually used to frighten campers, as it can’t do more than that. Creatures viewing this creature can get a save vs.
spells if they disbelieve it. The material component is the fire source.
Soot Cloud (Elemental-Ash, Invocation)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 10' radius Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, it creates a 10’ radius soot cloud. The spherical cloud causes 1d4 points of damage for every odd level of the caster (maximum of 5d4 damage) to every
creature in the area from the hot ash that falls on their skin & which is being inhaled into their lungs. The soot also blinds those in the area for 1-2 rounds. A successful saving
throw vs. spells will halve the damage & prevent the blindness from occurring.
Spark Aura (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration, Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes the caster’s hand to be surrounded by sizzling & sparkling red-orange sparks of fire. The sparks are useful in hand to hand combat, adding 1 point of fire damage
to any successful punching or wrestling or grappling attack successfully made with the enchanted hand. The sparks remain around the caster’s hand for up to 3 rounds, no longer.
The true use of the spell, however, is that every successful touch attack causes the victim to make a saving throw versus spells. If the save is failed, the sparks flash from the
caster’s hand & surround the target. The sparks will dance & fly around the target for 1 round per 3 levels of the caster (1 round at 1st level, 2 rounds at 3rd, etc). At the beginning
of each round, the victim must make a save vs. spells. If the victim succeeds, the sparks did no significant harm to the target. If the victim fails its save, the sparks deal 1 point of
damage that round (and ruins all spellcasting). Whether the spell is on the hand or around a creature, the sparks produce light equal to that of 3 candles.
Spectacular Effects (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Every spell cast by the wizard within the duration of this illusionary spell, will seem to be out of the ordinary & not of the standard stock. When casting a lightning bolt, the caster
will, for example, seem to pick the lightning out of the skies & hurl it at the targets. A hold person spell might illustrate the target(s) being wrapped in chains, and the victim of a
slow spell, might suddenly find himself with a ball & chain around his wrist. The possibilities are many & varied, as decided by the caster. The effects of the spells may stay the
same, but the victims might think that they are the targets of new & inventive spells, putting them off guard. Only those who actively declare that they are using the Spellcraft
NWP, and make their check, might notice what spells the caster is actually casting. Successfully disbelieving will show the spell effect without the spectacular illusionary cover.
Spell Echo (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 0 Components: S Duration: 1-2 rounds Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a silent illusory scene that depicts the operation (unleashing) of a previously launched magic. The duration & size of the scene varies according to the nature of
that previous spell’s effect. It always includes its caster (or magical item activator) if he was present at the time of the original magic taking effect, and any creatures in the
immediate vicinity who were affected by the spell. Any amount of time can elapse between the original spell & the casting of the spell echo. But the caster of the spell echo must
occupy some part of the precise area of effect of the original spell, or the spot in which its caster or activator stood at the time, or the spell fails without effect. If multiple spells
have taken effect in the area or have been cast from the spot chosen by the echo-caster, the caster is made aware of much information. The race of the caster or activator of each
spell, the school or sphere of each magic, and the approximate time of casting, can be known & the caster must choose to display just 1 of the previous magics from that
information. Multiple spell echo spells can be cast in the same spot to “sort through” multiple previous enchantments, without affecting the “recalls”. A spell echo is purely an
illusion, but it is known to be a true illusion, not susceptible to alteration by any known magic - and therefore acceptable as evidence of who did what to whom in the past.
Spidereyes (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 spider Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to temporarily see through the eyes of any living arachnid, which must be touched. This creature, and a strand of spider-web, are the material
components of the spell. The spell does not give the caster any direct mental contact or empathy with the spider, and does not confer any sort of control over the arachnid. Most
spiders have 8 eyes (2 compound eyes, 6 simple eyes) whose vision is not readily understandable to most intelligent races. The spell allows the caster to comprehend what the
spider sees (with range, focal viewpoint, and usually infravision) as readily as the spider does. The range between spider & caster is limited only by the spell duration & the
spider’s travels, but the spell is broken if either spider or caster moves to another plane of existence. The interposition of certain magical barriers, such as a minor globe of
invulnerability between caster & spider will also end the spell. Sometimes, this spell is cast on a giant spider (a successful attack roll is required) to see through its eyes while
battling it, so that the caster & companions can strike from areas that the arachnid cannot see.
Still Water (Alteration) Reversible
Range: 1 yard/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 30ft2/level Saving Throw: Special
This allows the caster to calm even the most turbulent waters except those of tsunami force, rendering them placid & still for the duration of the spell. Upon casting the spell, all
water in the area of effect becomes calm & settled - stormy oceans become smooth, raging rapids subside, flood waters flow calmly. The spell changes the rate of flow of the water
& the force with which it moves to a gentle flow. Thus, the whirlpools & turbulence of rapids become a gentle stream easily negotiated. The spell does not alter the amount of
water passing through the area, only the force it carries. If cast on a water elemental or other creature from the Elemental Plane of Water (or a creature of watery substance), the
target is allowed a save vs. Magic. If the save is successful, the spell has no effect. If the saving throw is failed, the creature becomes incapable of directly hostile actions, although
it can still cause harm indirectly. If such a becalmed creature is attacked, the spell effect is instantly negated. The material component for this spell is a tiny flask of whale oil. The
reverse of this spell, turbulence, increases the choppiness of water. Still water becomes white-capped & choppy, white-capped waves become strong waves capable of capsizing
Magical Incantations – Level 1
canoes & small boats. Stormy ocean water becomes huge mounting waves capable of swamping small ships. If cast upon water elementals or similar creatures, it makes them
hostile & belligerent. The material component required is a small ornamental fan.
Sting (Alteration)
Range: 40 yards Components: S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell enables the caster to harm a single creature in a minor way. By making a buzzing noise & pointing an extended finger at an area of his anatomy, the caster causes a brief
(2 second) but intense pain in the corresponding area of the target creature (unless the latter saves vs. spell). This pain causes no permanent damage, but if applied to the eyes it can
cause blindness for 1 round, or it can silence coherent speech by afflicting the tongue, or cause delicate manipulation of tiny objects to be ruined, and the handled items dropped or
fumbled. Thus, spell-casting can ruined by successful use of this spell.
Stonestaff (Elemental-Earth, Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 quarterstaff Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a stone staff into the hands of the caster, equal in all regards to a normal staff, except that it weighs 3 times the weight. This staff lasts 2 rounds plus 1 round
per level. The staff is summoned from the elemental plane of earth, and is imbued with the magical energy of that plane. For every 5 levels of the caster, the staff acts as a +1
weapon in regards to whether or not the weapon can damage creatures normally immune to non-magical weapons. The staff itself does not gain any magical bonuses, but it does
gain the ability to harm creatures not normally harmed by mundane weapons. The staff, once summoned, can be given to others. The material component for this spell is a sliver
from a quarterstaff, which grows & turns to stone for the duration of the spell, and crumbles to dust at the end of the spell.
Sweat (Elemental-Steam, Invocation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell will cause a small vortex of hot steam to appear around the target. The steam then swirls around, causing the target to feel tired & to sweat for a number of rounds equal
to the caster’s level. This effect causes the target to suffer a -2 to his attack rolls & makes spellcasting difficult - a Constitution check at –2 is needed, with failure indicating that
the spell fails but is not lost from memory. A successful save vs. spells at +1 will negate this spell. The material component is a sprig of desert bush that is consumed in the casting.
Swim (Alteration) Reversible
Range: 120 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell gives the recipient the ability to swim with the ease of a fish. The character has a swimming rate of 12” & can carry his normal load of equipment with no difficulty. A
normally outfitted character cannot drown while this spell is in effect. Excessive weight still causes the character to sink & drown normally, however. The spell does not impart the
ability to breathe underwater. The reverse of this spell, sinking, reduces the swimming ability of the target by 1 class unless a successful saving throw vs. spell is made. Thus,
natural swimming creatures are treated as land creatures trained in swimming, those with Swimming proficiency are treated as characters without this ability, and those without
Swimming proficiency sink like stones. The material component for either spell is the scale of a goldfish.
Swim as the Dolphin (Elemental-Water, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell grants the ability to swim with complete skill & ease, and at a movement rate of 30, for the duration of the spell. This spell does not give the creature touched (which can
be the caster) the ability to breathe water in any way. Normal fatigue rates apply, even though the swimmer now has a base move of 30, not 12. Further, the swimmer is assumed to
have full facility in the water. The spell grants the Swimming proficiency to those who do not have it, and grants a +1 bonus per 3 levels to the Swimming proficiency score of a
proficient recipient of this spell. Checks are still required as normal (in very rough seas, for example).
Swirling Shield (Evocation, Elemental-Air)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a barrier of quickly moving wind that protects the caster from attacks. The wind affords protection against missile & thrown weapons as AC 0, against other
attacks it is AC 3. A saving throw bonus of +2 is made to all wind, fire, and water frontal attacks while the shield is up. The material component for this spell is a piece of
windswept plain’s grass.
Unhand (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See below Components: S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to attempt to disarm a creature (within 100’ + 10’ per level) with a blast of force. The caster & the defender make opposed rolls (caster uses Willpower,
while defender uses Strength). The size of the weapon or object is irrelevant. If the defender uses his weapon in 2 hands, he gets an additional +2 bonus. If you beat the defender’s
check, the defender is disarmed. The object falls to the ground at the defender’s feet.
Waking Light of Dawn (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: None
This spell causes sleeping creatures to awaken. If naturally asleep or affected by sleep, the creatures awaken instantly. If under the influence of a more powerful enchantment, the
creatures are given new saving throws against the effect, modified by +1 per 4 levels of the caster. If the creatures are suffering from a sleeping poison or disease (such as that from
the tsetse fly), the spell works exactly as a slow poison on the affected creatures. The spell doesn’t simulate the effects of a good night’s sleep, nor can it reduce the sleep necessary
before memorization of spells. The material component is a lock that must be unlocked during casting.
Water Bolt (Elemental-Water, Alteration)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
This spell makes an amount of water (about equal to a full wineskin) form into a hard sphere of liquid & lash out at a target (within 15 yards + 5 yards/level). If the caster uses his
own water source (wineskin, bottle, cup) to form the missile, he strikes as a fighter of equal level as the caster, and the water bolt deals 1d4 points of damage, as well as soaking
the target. The target must make a Dexterity check or all open flames carried by the target are doused. If the caster is near another source of open water that is within 5 yards per
level, the water bolt can be formed from line of sight, and will strike from the water source, forming & leaping from the water's surface. This gives the caster a surprise advantage,
as few suspect a nearby pond as a source of attack. This attack is made as a fighter of equal level to the caster with a +2 bonus. If created from a water source larger than 2
wineskins (whether from the caster’s hand or a far pool), the water bolt deals 1d4+1HPs of damage. If the water is boiling, the spell deals double damage. The spell can be used to
make a “called shot”, and hit the target in the eyes. The target must make a save vs. spells or be effectively blind until the beginning of the next round. In any case, the target can
make a save vs. spells to incur half-damage.
Water Protection (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d3 turns + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell protects the recipient from the dangers of drowning. It also protects his equipment from water damage. The recipient gains the ability to breathe normally underwater for
the duration of the spell. Furthermore, the character & the equipment he carries don’t become wet. Torches held in hand can burn underwater & words can be spoken normally.
The spell does not give the character the ability to swim & movement (including combat) underwater is still slowed by the resistance of the water. Potions cannot be drunk, since
the liquid mixes with water upon opening, unless a special container has been previously prepared. Obviously, characters with this spell in effect cannot drown. The spell in no
way affects the character’s ability to breathe air normally. The material component for this spell is a small golden statuette of a fish held by the recipient.
Waveride (Elemental-Water, Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is a handy way to cross small bodies of water, or to quickly move within any sized watery environment on its surface. The spell creates a magical wave beneath the
caster, which rises & supports him, and then speeds off in 1 direction, chosen by the caster at the time of casting, carrying him along with it. The caster cannot change the direction
of the wave once chosen, and when the spell duration runs out, the wave dissipates. If the wave hits a shore or a solid object, the wave also dissipates, and in both cases, the wave
disperses gently, causing no ramming damage at all. If cast on an unwilling creature, the creature can make a saving throw vs. spells in order to avoid the affect, though if the
creature fails the saving throw, it is most likely removed from the combat entirely. The wave travels at a maximum movement rate of 12 plus 1 for every even level of the caster
beyond the first. The caster can adjust the movement rate at casting, but once chosen, the rate cannot be changed. Thus, a 12th level caster could make the wave move up to a
movement rate of 18, or 180 yards per round. Spellcasting is not possible while travelling on the wave if the spell needs somatic or material components. Also, the traveler suffers
a -2 penalty to AC & to all combat rolls while waveriding. If the target is the caster, he can elect to take up to 1 more willing person per every even level after the 1st (bring 1
person with him at 2nd, 2 at 4th, and so forth). The spell cannot affect more than 1 target, if cast on an unwilling victim. The material component for this spell is some sand from any
beach where waves crash, and it is consumed in the casting.
Magical Incantations – Level 1
Weathertell (Divination)
Range: Caster Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Immediate area Saving Throw: None
This enables the caster (who must be able to see the sky & listen to the winds) to predict the general weather conditions for the upcoming 1 hour per level of the caster. These are
the natural weather conditions at the caster’s current location (and probably the nearby area) assuming that no magical manipulation occurs. Thus, this spell could predict the
natural rain shower that will be coming in 3 hours, but could not predict the magically created storm tomorrow morning. Upon casting this spell, the caster discovers the general
wind speed & prevailing direction of the wind that will be extant for the indicated time period. Specific timing of gusts & wind shifts is not available, however. Similarly, the
caster discovers whether it will be raining (or snowing), and approximately how hard any precipitation will be. Exceptional weather patterns (such as tornadoes) are revealed to the
caster, but he cannot predict their path with any accuracy.
Zephyr’s Hand (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: See below Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell grants the caster the ability to control the air around him to such a degree that bursts of wind seem to launch & carry the caster for fairly significant distances. One flight
can be made per round. Outdoors, these trips can be up to 30’ forward or straight upward, or up to 10’ backwards. Indoors, these trips can be only 15’ forward or straight upward,
though backward flight is not altered. Horizontal flights forward or backward cause the caster to rise 1’ off the floor per 10’ of distance traveled. Zephyr’s hand does not ensure
safety in landing or grasping at the end of the leap. This spell appears as a whipping mini-whirlwind around the caster’s legs & feet at the time of use, and throughout the flight. It
dissipates with landing, until summoned again, a maximum of once per round, for 1d4 rounds plus 1 round per level of the caster. The flight is a burst only & sustained flight is
impossible due to the fact that the spell only creates bursts of wind that carry the caster in short hops.
Magical Incantations – Level 2
Second Level Spells
Acuminate (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 10 minutes/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
The caster transforms his hand or other limb of his choosing into a sharp, pointed object of metallic hardness & appearance. The caster may then make attacks with this weapon
with no nonproficiency penalty & a +1 magical bonus (on attack rolls). The pointed weapon inflicts 1d8 + 1 points of piercing damage, plus your Strength modifier. The material
component for this spell is a sharpened bit of steel.
Advanced Animated Broom (Conjuration, Summoning)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 rounds/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 broom/4 levels Saving Throw: None
As an upgrade of the 1st level animated broom spell, advanced animated broom is another creation intended to help in the work of hard-pressed wizard apprentices. The spell will
animate 1 broom for each 4 levels achieved by the caster. As the animation takes the place, the brooms come to life with 2 small wooden arms & hands, halfway up the handle.
These arms make them much more adept when managing tasks in the house. Besides sweeping floors & such, they can now also be used to fetch water in buckets, clean up the
laboratory, do the dishes, etc. These advanced tasks, make it twice as necessary to keep an eye on the brooms, as they continue their tasks until other orders are issued or until the
spell runs out. One story tells of a powerful wizard who commanded his brooms to fetch water for his bath. While waiting for the tub to be full, the wizard fell asleep, waking
again an hour later to find his tower flooded. The brooms had continued adding water to the bath, even though the tub was already full. More offensive wizards have also found
possibilities in the use of the advanced animated broom, as their arms make them stronger adversaries. Besides the usual bludgeoning attack, the brooms can also be commanded
to attack with small weapon like daggers, knifes, etc., making 2 attacks in each round possible. The advanced brooms are considered to have a THAC0 of 18, deal 1d4HPs in
clubbing damage, have an AC of 8 & 6HPs each. As when sweeping, the brooms will continue to attack until destroyed, commanded to stop, or the spell runs out. A broom can be
animated at 1st level, 2 at 4th, 3 at 8th & so forth. The material component for this spell is the required number of brooms, plus a reusable piece of wood from a tree having been
animated by a Treant.
Air Fist (Elemental-Air, Evocation)
Range: 100’ Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a magical fist of air that attacks 1 creature & does 1d4 points of damage for each level of the caster, plus the target’s AC in damage. The caster must make a
successful attack roll to hit the target with the fist, but strikes as if the target had an AC of 10, minus the target’s Dexterity defensive adjustment & any magical armor bonuses,
excluding shield bonuses. For example, a fighter with plate mail +2, a Dexterity of 15, and a shield +1 has a -1 AC. When the caster rolls his attack roll, he has to hit AC 7 (-2 for
the armor & -1 for Dexterity; the shield bonus does not apply), but when he rolls the damage, he subtracts 1 from the total because the actual AC of the fighter is -1. Note that if the
target’s AC is negative, it will negate damage to a minimum of 0 points.
Air Sphere (Elemental-Air, Abjuration, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1-yard radius/level Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a sphere of whipping wind that surrounds the caster, moving with her, and offers a type of protection from all physical incoming missile fire. The spell offers
protection in the form of a -1 penalty to-hit for all physical incoming missile fire, with another -1 for every 2 levels gained past third level. (-2 at 5th level, -3 at 7th level, -4 at 9th
level, to a maximum of -5 at 11th level). Furthermore, any missiles that manage to hit the target after passing through the air sphere deal 1 less damage (to a minimum of 1 point of
damage). The sphere itself can be enlarged at the casting to a size that is a maximum of 1 yard per caster level in radius. People can move freely through the sphere, but missile
attacks that pass through the sphere, whether from within or without, suffer the same penalties. Magical attacks that are not physical are not effected by this spell. A magic missile
would ignore the effects, as would a ray of enfeeblement, but an ice knife or acid arrow would suffer the penalty. The spell has another added benefit: if the caster is falling, it will
reduce all damage to all those within the radius of the sphere by half, as the swirling sphere of air causes a protective updraft. On steady ground, this only creates a mildly
interesting visual effect - the caster’s robes ripple & flow about her. The material components for this spell (consumed in the casting) are a feather & a small glass marble.
Animate Water (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 20 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 5-yard cube/level Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to animate any amount of water up to the area of effect. The caster cannot shape the water, but can bid it to flow in any direction he desires. So long as
the mage continues to concentrate on the spell, he can cause the water to move about at the rate of 6”. However, the water is still subject to the natural laws of evaporation,
absorption, and gravity. Thus, fire & heat quickly do away with the water form, while earth turns to mud, drawing off most of the watery body. The caster can cause the animated
water to climb gentle grades, but walls, staircases, and other abrupt rises are impassable to it. If used for attack, the water does 1-2 points of damage per 5 yard cube of water
animated, crashing in a wave against opponents. While concentrating on the spell, the caster can move up to 3”, but no other actions can be taken. If the caster’s concentration is
broken before the end of the spell duration, the spell is canceled. The material component for this spell is a small vial of pure spring water mixed with cinnabar ore.
Apparition (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell transforms the recipient’s face into a horrible & terrifying mask. The caster can create nearly any combination of hideous features - blue skin, parrot face, elephantine
nose, or rotting tusks. The spell does not allow the caster to duplicate the appearance of any known creature, although portions from differing creatures can be combined to create
something new. The effect of this apparition is startling to the unprepared & those of little experience. The apparition increases the surprise of opponents by +1 in situations where
surprise is rolled. Creatures with 1HD or level & less must make a successful save vs. Magic or flee in fright for 1-3 rounds at the sight of the horrific apparition. However, the
spell does not distinguish between friend & foe, affecting all (even the recipient) who look upon it. If the spell is cast upon an unwilling victim (to then be sent back to his
comrades), the victim is allowed a save vs. Magic to avoid the effect. The material component for this spell is a miniature palette dotted with paints of assorted colors.
Bloodfire (Elemental-Fire, Evocation, Necromancy)
Range: 40 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: ½
This spell engulfs a creature with blue fire that burns for 1d4 points of damage per 3 wizard levels (or fraction thereof) on round 1, then loses 1d4 points of damage per round until
it goes out. The flames do not ignite flammable objects they just hurt creatures. The material component of this spell is a bloodstone (50gp minimum) that has been bathed in fire,
and which is consumed upon casting of the spell.
Boost Effect (Illusion/Phantasm) Reversible
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell is designed to help a wizard appear to be more than he is. Enemies & opponents always judge a wizard on the power of his spells. How many magic missiles were they
hit by? If only 3, then the caster is probably no more than 5 level, but if they see 5 missiles launched, then they know they are dealing with a mage of at least 9th level (since few
mages choose to launch less missiles than they are able to do). Similar, a fireball will gain in intensity (as its size doesn’t) as the caster gains in level. The same goes on for other
common spells like lightning bolt etc. This spell allows the caster to change the appearance of his spell making their effects seem more spectacular, giving the illusion of him being
of higher level. More magic missiles will seem to be launched than he is able to, and his fireballs will seem to explode in a searing inferno compared to normal. The damage will
never change, the opponent will just believe himself having been lucky, but his perception of the caster will change if he is intelligent enough to recognize the power level of the
spells. The illusionary boost to the caster’s spell-effect will be 1 level for every 2 levels achieved, rounded up. Therefore, a 4th level caster who normally would launch 2 magic
missiles, will seem to fire 3 missiles as a 6th level mage. Similarly a 6th level mage will loop fireballs with a visible 9th level intensity. The reverse of this spell, turn down effect
serves to disguise the relative strength of the caster by lowering the visible effect of his spell with the same rate as when boosting them. This way the caster seem less experienced
in the eyes of the opponent. They take the same amount of damage, but consider themselves unlucky. When cast, both versions of this spell will interfere with all spells cast
afterwards, except when the caster chooses to have them not affected, and the duration is not exceeded. The spell is also only effective on spells with visible & dramatic effects.
Spells like hold person are unaffected.
Breath From Within (Elemental-Air, Alteration, Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: See below Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 target or caster Saving Throw: None
This spell conjures breathable air into the lungs of the target at a rate normally used by the individual. The duration of this air is such that the target need not breath or hold their
breath while it is in use - until 1d4 rounds plus 2 rounds/caster level have passed. This is an improved version of Lasting Breath, except the target can function totally normally,
speaking & so forth, in normally toxic or suffocating environments.
Magical Incantations – Level 2
Burst of Soot (Elemental-Ash, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round /4 levels Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 10’ cube Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a cloud of soot that hampers vision & hinders movement within a 10’ cube. All the creatures in the affected area that must breathe are slowed to 1/3 of their
movement. The visibility is reduced to 1 yard for all creatures in the area as the soot hinders their vision. Any attacks in the area suffer a -4 penalty & no missile weapon can be
used in the area or into the area. If the creatures make their saving throw then they are slowed only to 2/3 of their movement rate & suffer only -2 to attacks. Creatures that remain
in the area of effect must make a new saving throw every round until either they leave the area, the spell’s duration expires, they fail a saving throw, or they cast a spell that
protects them from these effects. Note that the effects of this spell lasts for 1d4 rounds after leaving the area of effect, or after the spell’s duration expires. The caster needs a small
pouch of soot to cast the spell
Bursting Cloud (Evocation)
Range: 15’ +5’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 or more clouds Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a 10’ diameter cloud of yellow-green opaque vapours, similar to a stinking cloud, +1 additional cloud for every 3 levels the caster has attained. The clouds can be
directed to move at a speed of 15’ to the limit of the spell range, are heavier than air (sinking at 5’ per round if undirected) & all must move in the same direction. They can move
against a gentle breeze, no more. When a cloud comes into contact with iron or steel, it vanishes in a small explosion which does 1d6HPs of damage + 1d6HPs per 3 levels of
experience (save for half) in a 5’ radius (i.e. 2.5’ beyond the cloud’s edge). The material component of this spell is a small ball of iron, & one of stone.
Charge (Conjuration, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 rounds Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: Special
The caster of this spell brings forth an electrical charge from the quasi-elemental plane of Lightning, to be placed onto an inanimate object or item to protect it from the touch of
any but the caster. If placed on a living being or sentient object, the dweomer fails & the spell is lost, doing no damage to the target or the caster. The first living creature to touch
the charged object is shocked by an electrical discharge for 2 points of electrical damage per level of the caster. A save for half damage is allowed. The charge is transferred
through any conductive material, so it passes through daggers, tools, etc. The charge lasts until triggered by a living creature, dispelled, or negated by the caster. The caster may
negate the charge by touching the object so protected if she desires, but the spell will not harm the caster in any event.
Chill (Evocation)
Range: 30’ Components: V, S Duration: 1d4+1 rounds Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell creates an area of intense cold around the target, causing it to shiver regardless of how much clothing or fur is worn. For the duration of the spell, the target moves at
half-speed & suffers a -2 penalty on attack & damage rolls provided he fails a saving throw vs. magic. An interesting side effect of the chill spell is that, if it is cast on a target
under the effects of a chill metal spell, the target suffers a -2 penalty on AC as well. Note that a resist cold spell (or any other related protective magic) prevents this from working.
Clarity of the Void (Elemental-Vacuum, Abjuration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10ft3/level Saving Throw: None
The casting of this spell creates a small (6” in diameter) globe of vacuum that absorbs all harmful gases in the spell’s area of effect. The globe may absorb up to 10ft3 of harmful
gases per level of the caster, after which it disappears. Within the void the gases disappear without leaving a trace, sucked into the plane of Vacuum. If the globe is not able to
absorb its allotted amount, it will dispel itself 24 hours after being cast. The material component is a small, tightly sealed glass bottle.
Clay Object (Elemental-Ooze, Conjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 Object Saving Throw: None
The caster, with the aid of this spell, can duplicate any small object up to 1lb in weight. The caster has to hold the object in one of his hands to cast the spell, and the other hand
must be empty, as the duplicate appears in it. Upon completion of the spell the caster has a hard clay duplicate of the object. Note that the duplicate does not have any magical
properties the original might have had. Objects created like this are made of dry mud & as such are very easy to break, so care must be taken with them if they are to last. The spell
can also be used to create an object of appropriate size to which the caster has its mold. The duplicate is rock-hard & very difficult to break. The component of this spell is a small
globe of ordinary, unbaked, clay.
Cloud Walk (Elemental-Air, Elemental-Smoke, Elemental-Steam, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d6 turns + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the recipient to walk on any form of fog, cloud, or smoke as if it were solid. The recipient may move at normal movement rate, plus the movement rate of the
smoke (thus a rising column of smoke from a fire might carry the recipient up at movement rate 12). The smoke must be reasonably thick, reducing visibility significantly. This
spell will not allow walking on fine mist. The material component is a hair from a nightmare. Of course one should consider that smoke would disperse after a while.
Club of Ogres (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
A carefully grunted word invokes the power of this spell. It has 1 of 2 possible effects; it can turn a stick into a powerful weapon or enhance an existing club. In both cases it
confers on the caster the ability to use the weapon as if he were proficient in it. The club can not be thrown without having it revert back to its former nature. Sticks of various sizes
gain these statistics: Damage 2d4/d6, SF 2, Size S (for determining critical hits it counts as a large weapon). A club will gain an additional d4 in damage, have its SF reduced by 2
& its size increased large for critical hits. While the spell is in effect only spells from the Giant Path can be cast. The material component is the stick or club to be transformed,
which is not consumed at the end of the spell.
Cold Snap (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
Upon casting this spell, the caster releases a cone of frost from his hand. This cone is 30’ long & 20’ wide at its end. The frost does 2 points of damage per level of the caster. If
those in the area make their saving throw, they take only half damage.
Cold Wind (Evocation, Elemental-Ice, Elemental-Air)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Negates
Cold wind creates the same brisk breeze as cool breeze, penalizes non-magical missile attacks within the area of effect by -2. In addition, all creatures within the area of effect (a
field 40’ long, 40’ wide & 10’ high) must save vs. spells or take 1 point of damage. Creatures immune to cold need not make this save; they are immune to this damage. A
successful saving throw indicates no damage.
Concussion Bolt (Air, Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell causes concussion bolts to travel through the air to their intended targets (within 60 yards + 10 yards/level). The mage must be able to see the target(s) to hit them, but
they can be in melee, or partially obscured. Each bolt does 1d4+1 points of damage. For every 2 levels of experience the mage gets another bolt, which can be fired at the same, or
a different, target within the area of effect (1 or more creatures in a 10’ cube).
Creating the Magical Mannikin (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 mannikin Saving Throw: Negates
This spell turns a small pre-created mannikin into a link to the target’s body, so that person-affecting ‘touch’ spells may be cast from afar. The mannikin appears identical to its
linked person, and damage inflicted on one is reflected in the other. A saving throw is permitted each time damage is done to the mannikin, even if a spell does not normally permit
one. The material component is a bundle made up of at last 3 items personal to the target, which must include a body part.
Curse of Tantalus (Enchantment/Charm, Abjuration)
Range: 40 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
While this spell is in effect, water & other drinkable liquids will stay outside the target’s lips. While this is designed as a curse, it has the beneficial side effect of reducing the
chance of drowning by 40%, as water can enter through the nose. The material component is a handful of sand.
Detect Chaos (Divination) Reversible
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 10’ path Saving Throw: None
In most respects, this spell works as detect evil save for its law/chaos bias. Aligned undead can be sensed only if they are inherently lawful or chaotic in their evil.
Magical Incantations – Level 2
Dispel Silence (Abjuration, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
The caster, through this spell, creates a powerful dweomer that negates existing magical silence within the area of effect (10-yard radius sphere) & dispels any silence created for
the duration of the spell. This is accomplished by means of a hand gesture & the casting into the air of a pinch of powdered diamond (worth at least 80gp). Dispel magic will in
turn destroy a dispel silence, but silence will not return unless cast anew, or of a permanent sort. The dweomer created by this spell is always a sphere centered upon the spell
caster, unhindered by intervening objects.
Displace Self (Alteration, Dimension)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
Emulating the natural ability of the displacer beast, this spell causes the caster to appear to be about 2’ away from his true location. Any creature making a melee or missile attack
against the caster automatically misses with his first attempt & suffers a -2 penalty on all subsequent attack rolls. In addition, the wizard also gains a +2 bonus on saving throws for
any spell or special attack aimed directly at him, not at any other characters or the area around him. The only spell that will reveal the caster’s true location is true seeing. The
material component for this spell is a small strip of leather made from displacer beast hide that is twisted into a loop.
Dustcloud (Elemental-Dust, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a cloud of thick dirty dust within a 10’ cubed area, plus 10’ cubed for every 3rd level (3rd, 6th, etc). While the spell is in effect (for 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level),
vision is reduced to one-half. Furthermore, all invisible creatures reveal themselves by the swirling patterns of dust & an apparent ‘hole’ in the dust they create. Also, the dust is so
thick that any creature in the cloud must make a saving throw vs. spells. If the save is successful, the creature coughs & sputters mildly, taking a penalty of -1 to attack, damage,
and initiative rolls. If the save is failed, the creature cannot help but cough & hack this round. He takes a -4 penalty to AC, a -4 to all hit & damage rolls, a -4 to initiative, and can
only move up to 1/3 the normal rate until the end of the round. Any creature that coughs & hacks in a given round suffers a -2 cumulative penalty in the next & all rounds
thereafter. Any creature that coughs & hacks for 3 successive rounds will pass out until the spell duration ends & they breathe clean air for 1d4 turns. One round of breathing clean
air, per round of coughing & hacking, will remove the penalties for those victims that escaped passing out. A moderate breeze (8-18mph) will halve the duration of this spell, and
the spell is dispersed in 1 round by a stronger breeze. The material component of this spell is a fistful of dust, which is consumed in casting.
Dusty Trail (Elemental-Dust, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the recipients’ trail to disappear 1’ behind them. The spell causes dust to be swept so that it disguises the tracks, inflicting a -25% to the tracking ability of anyone
who follows. The caster can affect himself & one more being for every 2 levels, but he needs to touch those he want to affect. The material components are a small duster & a leaf.
Eagle Eyes (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour per level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell confers upon the recipient especially keen distance vision, effectively doubling the range at which he can see things, as well as enhancing the details that he can make
out. The effect can be disorienting at first, and the recipient must make an Intelligence check or become dizzy & confused for 1d10 minutes. The material components are the eyes
of a keen-sighted animal.
Earthen Strengthening (Elemental-Earth, Alteration) Reversible
Range: 5 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 item Saving Throw: None
This spell strengthens a single, non-magical, stone item (up to 5ft3/level) against harm & breakage. A series of connecting walls is considered 1 item, so long as the area of effect is
continuous. No 2 sections of wall, unless they touch, can be strengthened with one casting of this spell. For the duration of the spell, the stone item affected by earthen
strengthening gains a +1 saving throw bonus per 3 levels against all attacks, be they magical or not. Furthermore, any straight-damage done to stone items protected by this spell is
reduced by 1 per 5 levels of the caster, though no successful attack can deal less than 1 point damage. Stone weapons that rely on blunt impact damage gain a +1 bonus to damage
for the duration of the spell. Catapult shots, sling stones, etc, can all be affected, but only 1 item per casting of the spell, and none of these enchanted stone weapons will break on a
natural roll of 1. The reverse of the spell, earthen weakening, merely changes all bonuses to penalties. Thus, saving throw penalties are -1 per 3 levels, damage done to stone items
is increased by 1 per 5 levels of the caster any time that item is struck. For the duration of the spell, enchanted stone weapons deal 1 less damage, and always break on a natural to-
hit roll of 1.
Enchanted Blade (Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
When cast, this spell causes a sword blade of crackling electrical energy to appear in the recipient’s hands. It is the size of a normal long sword, but is virtually weightless.
Electrical sparks flash up & down the length of the glowing blade. The enchanted blade can be used in 2 ways - in normal melee combat or to fire a bolt of crackling energy from
its tip up to a range of 3”. A hit roll must be made in either case. Either method can be used at any point in a combat (the wielder decides). The spell has an absolute duration of 1
turn. However, it can disappear earlier. The sword can do damage up to the caster’s level in six-sided dice before disappearing. Before rolling the hit, the wielder states how many
dice will be used. If the hit is successful, that amount of damage is done, and that many dice are subtracted from the sword’s remaining potential. However, the defender, if hit, is
allowed a save vs. Body. If this save is successful, damage is halved. If a 7th level mage casts the spell. one attack can be made, doing 7d6 of damage, or several attacks can be
made whose total damage equals 7d6. The enchanted blade is magical energy & thus can be used to hit creatures that can only be hit by magical weapons. However, the magical
bonus to hit such creatures is only +1 for every 4 levels of the spell caster’s experience levels (+1 at levels 1-4, +2 at levels 5-8). This bonus is only used to determine if the
weapon can strike the creature. It does not improve the chance to hit or the damage caused by a successful hit. The material components for the spell are a small wooden sword & a
silver rod.
Explosive Air Burst (Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: ½
Upon casting this spell, a sphere of highly compressed air flies from the fingertips of the caster to the target, who must be within 25’ + 5’/2 levels. The air explodes in a powerful
blast of winds that will instantly snuff any small flames within a 30’ radius. A 20’ radius opening will instantly appear in any cloud of mist or gas. Anybody standing within 5’ of
the center of the explosion will suffer 2d6HPs + 1HP/level of subdual damage. This damage is reduced by 2HPs for every 5’ from the center of the blast. Those who make their
Dodge saving throw are able to avoid some of the impact & thus only suffer half damage as a result. Those that fail their roll will be knocked off their feet & stunned for a full
round. The material component is a small, airtight bladder, which is inflated prior to casting the spell.
Extract Salt (Elemental-Salt, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level Saving Throw: None
Extract salt causes all the minerals & salts in a given body of liquid (in a bottle, canteen or well, for example) to sink to the bottom & collect in a thin layer of particles without
dissolving into the liquid until the end of the spell. Thus, this spell may enable wizards to extract minerals & salts from a liquid, and at the same time purifying that liquid. After 3
rounds/level, unless removed, the salts will once again dissolve into the liquid. Extract salt is mainly used in laboratories, or for purifying drinking water.
Falling Wall (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 2” x 2” x 4” thick Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to create a temporary wall of armor plate, which “falls” into place from above. The wall is stationary, once it strikes an immobile surface (floor or
ground), and remains unmoving, regardless of force directed against it, until the spell expires (whereupon it melts away). It can withstand anything short of dispel magic or
disintegrate spells, or contact with prismatic magic of any sort. Fireballs & similar spells will rebound. Magic missiles can dodge around the wall if it does not totally block the
opening. A falling wall is lightning fast: it is very rare for one to come down on top of a creature or moving object - but if this occurs, the wall will strike for 2d4 + 12HPs of
damage. More often, the wall appears in the face of an onrushing missile or charging being; creatures that strike a falling wall will be stopped by it, and typically take 1d6 to
5d6HPs of damage. A running warrior in plate armor usually takes 3d6HPs of damage. A caster cannot will his own wall to vanish. The material component for this spell is a piece
of tempered metal or any metal that is, or was once, part of armor worn into battle.
Fantar’s Shoal (Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 100 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 ship Saving Throw: Negates
This spell creates a magical barrier, that lasts for 1 hour + 10 minutes/level, just under the ocean’s surface. Ships striking the barrier become grounded as if on a shoal or shallow. It
causes no structural damage but effectively arrests movement for the duration of the spell unless the ship’s navigator or captain makes an effective save vs. spell. The material
Magical Incantations – Level 2
components are a piece of coral valued at least 100gp & a bit of sand from a shoal. They are consumed with the casting of this spell. The caster’s level determines the size of the
ship that can be affected:
Level Ship Level Ship Level Ship
1-3 raft, canoe, small row boat 10-12 large barge, fishing vessel 16-18 medium-sized ship
4-6 row boat, outrigger, small long boat 13-15 small ship 19+ large ship, galleon
7-9 long boat, small barge
Fiery Circle (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: ½
When the wizard casts this spell, his hands must be held together, thumbs touching, fingers spread. Then, with a sweeping gesture, the caster moves his hands apart & around,
forming a jet of searing flame, much like the burning hands spell, but in a full, complete 360° circle, 5’ in length. Any creature in the area of the flames suffers 1d3 points of
damage, plus 1 point of damage for every level of experience (to a maximum of 1d3+20 points damage). Those successfully making a saving throw vs. spell receive half damage.
Flammable materials touched by the fire burst into flame; such materials can be extinguished in the next round if no other action is taken.
Fiery Disc (Elemental-Fire, Invocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds per level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting this spell, the caster must hold both hands out in front of him, palms outward. A disc of fire will then appear, centered on his hands, directly in front of the caster. The
disc is large enough to reach to within 1” of the ground in radius, but will be smaller if cast in the confines of a tunnel, for example, to its maximum use. To keep the fire burning,
the caster must maintain a certain level of concentration. He may walk & talk, but he may not run, nor may he cast magical spells. Furthermore, if he is damaged in any way, the
spell will end. The fiery disc functions as a frontal defense; against missile weapons, the fiery disc provides an AC bonus of +1, due to the fire making it hard for the attacker to
perfectly identify the location of the target, and the interference of the fire on missile-fire flight paths. All non-magical missiles of wood are destroyed if they pass through the disc,
and all magical missiles of wood must make a saving throw vs. spell to survive the fiery disc (with a bonus equal to any bonuses to strike). In melee, if anyone comes close enough
to the wizard to strike him, the wizard first enjoys a +3 to his AC (due to the fiery disc getting in the way of a good shot, and the heat being uncomfortable to the foe). Second, any
time an enemy attempts a frontal-based melee attack, he suffers 2d4 points of fire damage (save vs. spells for half damage). The caster can move well enough to keep the disc
between himself & 1 foe, but if 2 foes coordinate, he will have to pick which foe will suffer the effects of the disc. This is not true if the caster is in a hallway or other limited area;
then the caster can maneuver him against any number of creatures, as determined by the DM. The disc is also very effective for starting fires, as it burns as normal, hot fire for its
duration. The fire in no way harms the caster. The material component for this spell (consumed on casting) is a red, gold, or yellow candle that has been melted into a disc-shape.
Filter (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an invisible globe of protection (10-yard radius) that filters out all noxious elements from poisonous vapors; therefore, a creature protected by filter takes no
damage & suffers no penalties from poison gas of any kind, including those created magically (such as stinking cloud). The exceptions are poisonous vapors created by a dragon’s
breath weapon (such as the chlorine gas of a green dragon); in these cases, the creature protected by filter suffers half damage. The material components for this spell are a strand
of spider web & a scrap of cotton approximately 1” square.
Firebird (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell conjures a magical bird that appears to be about the size & shape of a large hawk, but is entirely red, orange & gold in coloring, and surrounded by a hazy fiery aura. The
firebird has AC 6, can fly at a movement rate of 36, and has maneuverability class B. It has 1HD, a THAC0 of 19, and deals 1d2/1d2/1 points of damage in combat
(talon/talon/beak). Once per round, the firebird can attempt a dive attack, in which case it can make no beak attack that round, but gains a +2 to attack, dealing double normal talon
damage on a successful strike. It is size S (4’), and is worth 65XP to those killing it. The firebird is under the complete control of the caster, and thus makes no morale rolls of its
own. On any successful strike, the firebird forces the stuck opponent to make a saving throw vs. spell. If the victim fails that saving throw, the victim takes an additional 1d4+1HPs
of fire damage. The firebird will last for the duration of the spell, and the caster need only speak to direct the firebird on which target to attack. If the bird is reduced to 0HPs, it
vanishes in a black puff of smoke. The material component for this spell is the feather of any size S bird, and a single candle. The feather is burned by the lit candle, and the candle
melts away throughout the spell, turning into a puddle of wax at the spell’s end.
Fireproof (Abjuration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell is cast on items within the spell radius (10 yard radius + 5 yards per caster level) to protect them from ordinary fires. Only 1 type of item can be protected, and that type
must be named when the spell is cast: masts, for instance, or sails. If the spellcaster seeks to protect 2 things at the same time, 2 separate fireproof spells must be cast. The spell
prevents ignition by normal fires, and bestows a saving throw against the effects of magical fire. If the saving throw is successful, the fire does not burn; if failed, half the normal
damage is inflicted. The material component is a dash of baking soda.
Firestaff (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, a spellcaster can cause balls of blue flame to come into being at both ends of a non-magical staff, pole, log, club, or tree limb. The object must be of wood
& have 2 discernible ends; it is not consumed or altered by the spell or the spell’s flames. The wizard cannot choose to cause only 1 end of the staff to be alight, and he cannot
extinguish the flames at will; the spell must be allowed to expire or a dispel magic must be used. The burning staff does 1d6HPs of damage, plus 2d4HPs of flame damage, per
blow (the staff is considered a magical weapon for determining what creatures it can hit, but it has no to-hit bonuses). The staff can be wielded by creatures other than the caster &
can ignite flammable materials as well as being used as a weapon. The material components of this spell are a piece of phosphorous or a flame of any sort, the wooden object to be
used, and a pinch of iron filings.
Flame Whip (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell conjures a whip made of flickering flames into the hand of the caster. The whip of fire deals no damage to the caster for summoning it, but can be used as a normal whip.
It has the statistics of a normal whip, and if the caster has no proficiency in the whip, she has no proficiency in the flame whip (suffering the normal penalties). The flame whip
strikes for 1d2/1 points of damage, and with a speed rating of 8. However, on a successful strike, the target must make a saving throw vs. spells or suffer 2d4 points of fire damage.
As a final use of the spell, the caster can whirl the whip overhead in a circle, and then release the whip with a crack at a single target within 20 yards. The whip will flare at the
target, dealing 3d6 points of fire damage (save for half), then extinguish itself once striking. All attacks with the whip use the caster’s THAC0, but for every 5 levels of the caster,
the whip grants a +1 to hit (no bonus to damage). The material component for this spell is a piece of burned leather.
Flight of the Gentle Breeze (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1-6 turns + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell is an easier version of the fly spell, but very limited as well. Upon casting this spell, the creature rises to his or her desired height of travel above the ground, whereupon
he floats along with the breeze. Thus the mage has no control over his direction or speed of travel, though he can control his height to a limited extent, MC E. The material
component is a swan’s feather.
Force Field (Alteration)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: 10ft2 + 5ft2/level Saving Throw: None
The force field is impenetrable by solid, liquid or gaseous matter. Magic is also hindered: 5%-90% of all spells are neutralized (40% +/- 5% per level difference of the 2 casters).
These effects work both ways. Side effects of its deployment include a slight breeze & the creation of some condensed water. Objects piercing the force field while it’s forming are
enveloped by it. The force field can be destroyed by dispel magic, disintegrate, vacuum, and by creatures of HD of twice the level of the wizard. A strong wind slows the formation
of the field. The field may take all mathematical two- & three-dimensional forms, but may never be longer than 50’ or thinner than 1”. The physical resistance of the field is 100
atmospheres, which equals 1.5 times the impact power of a normal arrow. The field may move at a rate of 2’ per round/level. It may envelop creatures, incurring damage through
oxygen deprivation & pressure. A nice trick is to put the field around a creature, then shrinking it until the internal pressure is about 20 atmospheres, & then change it to a two-
dimensional plate, allowing for a very quick decompression. When used in defense, the field induces an extra attack roll versus an AC of 0. Material components include pieces of
plate steel, glass crystal & air.
Magical Incantations – Level 2
Forcewave (Abjuration, Evocation)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell enables a wizard to hamper the activities of a single creature for 1 round. A wave of translucent, silent, colorless force, visually resembling an ocean wave breaking on a
beach, comes into being in front of the caster & sweeps toward a target creature. The caster must point to, name, or concentrate upon the intended target during the casting. The
wave rushes toward the target with a movement rate of 30. It has no effect on nonliving objects or any creature but the intended target. If the target creature is within range, the
forcewave strikes it - no saving throw to avoid. The target is allowed a save vs. spells to determine the forcewave’s effects, however. If the save is successful, the creature suffers
1HP of impact damage & is thrown off-balance; a running or charging creature, or one on a narrow bridge or high place, must then make a Dexterity check on 1d20 to avoid
falling. If the target fails its saving throw, it suffers 1d4+1HPs of impact damage, is repulsed (forced away from the caster) by 10’, has any ongoing spell-casting ruined, and can
make only missile attacks on the round in which it is struck. A Dexterity check must be made to avoid falling (at -1 if the target creature is small, weak, surprised, or precariously
situated). Ethereal beings cannot be affected by a forcewave, but a being employing blink or a displacement effect that shifts rapidly from one plane to another can be affected by
this spell. The material components of this spell are a small piece of rope or string & a drop of water, spittle, or a tear.
Gas Barrier (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 5’ square/level Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a sparkling, transparent barrier that will block the passage of all types of gas & vapors in both directions. However, denser objects, including fluids & dust, can
freely cross, as can containers & non-gaseous beings. Gaseous creatures can seep through the barrier, but it requires a full round for them to do so & they are effectively helpless
while doing so. This spell is useful, for example, to seal a passage from a harmful gas, or to prevent air from leaking off into a vacuum. To be completely effective, however, the
spell should be cast in a location where it can form an airtight seal on all sides. The spell will block the flow of a cloudkill or fog cloud spell, but will not seal out a smoke cloud
from a pyrotechnics spell.
Ghoul Touch (Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is in effect, the caster’s touch causes any single human, dwarf, gnome, half-elf, or halfling to become rigid for 1d6+2 rounds unless the victim makes a successful
saving throw vs. paralyzation. Additionally, the paralyzed victim exudes a carrion stench in a 10’ radius that causes retching & nausea. Those within this area who fail to save vs.
poison will make their attacks with a -2 penalty until the spell reaches the end of its duration. The material component for this spell is a small scrap of cloth taken from the clothing
of a ghoul or a pinch of earth from a ghoul’s lair.
Gift (Alteration)
Range: 5’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
An unpleasant spell, used to transform a small creature (often a venomous one) into a bauble of some sort, usually a gem. The bauble can then be given away, and at the end of the
spell duration (or when the mage deliberately cancels the spell), resumes its natural form. The spell usually frightens the subject, which naturally bites or stings the nearest
convenient creature, gaining the advantage of surprise (+4 to hit) & usually the benefit of a barehanded or merely gloved AC. The material component is a smaller than man-size
living creature, which gets a save vs. magic at -4.
Glitterdust (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 20-yard cube Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a cloud of glittering golden particles within the area of effect. Those in the area must roll a successful saving throws vs. spell or be blinded (-4 penalty to attack
rolls, saving throws, and AC) for 1d4+1 rounds. In addition, all within the area are covered by the dust, which cannot be removed & continues to sparkle until it fades. Note that
this reveals invisible creatures. The dust fades in 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level. The material component for this spell is ground mica.
Greater Divining Rod (Rhabdomancy)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell, similar to the 2nd level spell, locate object, aids in locating a known or familiar object or site. The rhabdomancer casts the spell while holding aloft his divining rod. As
he slowly turns, he feels a tug along the rod’s length when he is facing in the direction of the sought after commodity or place, provided it is within range (60 yards + 20 yards per
caster level). The spell can locate such objects as coal, water, tools, or even find a mineshaft or tunnel entrance. Attempting to find a specific site requires an accurate mental
image; if the image is not close enough to the actual, the spell may lead the caster astray to the nearest similar site (at the DM’s discretion). Unique items desired cannot be located
by this spell unless the caster knows them. The spell can be blocked only by magic (such as obscure object). The material components are the rhabdomancer’s divining rod and, in
cases where a physical object is sought, a small sample of the substance, which is rubbed along the rod’s length.
Guiding View (Divination)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell provides the target with an unobstructed overhead view from a great height of the land within a day’s travel. He can use this view to find a suitable place to hide, see an
escape route, locate large buildings or landmarks, or determine the best places to hunt, etc. While the spell is active the target has his normal sight completely obscured by the
magical view. This spell will only function outdoors with the sky visible. Low clouds or fog can obstruct some or all of the view. The material component is the feather of an eagle.
Harlequin’s Cat (Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round +1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
The victim of this spell has their power of speech controlled by the caster. The caster can make the victim say anything desired, but only in languages the caster understands & is
capable of speaking. The victim cannot speak of their own volition while the spell is in effect, but may otherwise act as desired.
Hooves of Thunder (Alteration)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: 10 minutes/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 mount/level Saving Throw: None
This spell magically enchants the iron shoes of the designated mounts (within 25’ + 5’/2 levels), allowing the animals to gallop much faster than would normally be possible &
leap across large gaps. The mounts can gallop at twice their normal rate, and provides them with the equivalent of the jump spell. While the horses are galloping, their shoes flash
sparks & make noises like thunder whenever they strike the ground. At the expiration of the spell, the mounts will be exhausted for 1 full minute for every 10 minutes they have
been galloping. This spell has no effect on mounts that do not have shoes. The material component is a lava projectile thrown from a volcano.
Hypnotic Pattern (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 0 Components: S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 3 yard x 3 yard area Saving Throw: Negates
Using this spell the caster summons a weaving pattern of spinning colors that cause up to 24HD or levels of creatures facing the pattern to stand still, fascinated by the colors. The
spell lasts as long as the caster maintains it. The material component of the spell is a glass tube containing 2 fireflies.
Ice Knife (Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
This spell fires a dagger of ice at the target. The caster makes a normal attack roll as if attacking with a missile weapon, factoring in the range from the attacker to the target (the ice
knife has a long range of 30 yards, a medium range of 20 yards, and a short range of 10 yards). A successful hit causes 2d4HPs of damage. If the ice knife misses its target, it is
treated like a grenade-like missile. When an ice knife strikes a solid object or a creature, the knife shatters, releasing a wave of numbing cold. All creatures within a 10-yard
diameter must make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation or suffer 1d4HPs of cold damage & become numb for 1d3 rounds. Numbed creatures have their movement rates
reduced by half & their chance to hit reduced by 2. Proximity to major sources of heat, such as a roaring bonfire, improves a creature’s saving throw by +2. An ice knife that misses
or is lost cannot be picked up by the caster (or anyone else) & thrown again. If the ice knife is touched, it instantly shatters, releasing a wave of cold as described above. If a lost ice
knife is not touched, it melts away in a pool of water 1 round after it was originally created; this melting occurs regardless of the environmental temperature. The material
components for this spell are a drop of water from melted snow & a tiny silver dagger.
Icy Blast - (Elemental-Ice, Evocation) - 2nd level
Range: 5’ + 1’/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: ½
When icy blast is cast, an icy cold ray spreads out from the caster’s hands, covering a 45° angle in front of the caster. Anyone in this area must make a save vs. spells or take 1d6
points of damage plus 3 points per level of the caster (to a maximum of 1d6+30). If the save is made, half damage is then taken.
Magical Incantations – Level 2
Immunity to Spider Venom (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell confers upon the recipient (who, if not the caster, must make a saving throw to break the spell, even if willing) absolute immunity to all effects of the venom, internal
fluids, digestive juices or secretions (i.e. corrosive as well as poison effects are negated). Fresh-spun webs will not adhere to the protected being, and the spell recipient is even
immune to the blinding effects that would normally result from being sprayed in the face by such fluids. The spell also confers upon the protected being a +2 saving throw bonus
against all other venom, acids, and poisons. The material component for this spell is a poisonous spider; it is crushed during spellcasting.
Improved Identify (Divination)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: Special
This is an improved version of the 1st level identify. As opposed to that spell, the improved identify doesn’t need extensive preparations & doesn’t have any deterrable effects on the
caster (although it’s been rumoured to have a disruptive influence on the menstruation cycle. The use of this spell is not recommended during pregnancy). After a thorough
examination of the object, the caster can determine the following characteristics independent from each other:
- The amount of charges left (5% per level, maximum 90%). - The bonus or penalty the object incurs (5% per level, maximum 80%).
- The functions of the object (10% per level, maximum 99%). - Whether the object is cursed (the object saves vs. spell, 5% per level, maximum 75%).
- The history of the item: former owners, decisive moments in its history (1% per level).
For the duration of the spell, the caster is shielded against the object, giving him a +4 bonus on saving throws or forcing a save vs. spell. The material components include: a small
diamond (500gp), a blessed lock of hair from a priest, a strange mix of sulfur, green ink, and small pieces of papyrus.
Improved Sleep (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
The area of effect for this spell is 1d6HD of targets, per level, within a 40’ globe. Further modifications from sleep include:
- Creatures of up to 4+3HD are treated as by sleep. - Creatures from 4+4 HD to the caster’s level receive a saving throw vs. spell.
- Creature of HD higher than the caster’s level automatically save.
Improved Waveride (Elemental-Water, Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is similar to the 1st level waveride, with a few differences. First, the caster can raise or lower the movement rate by up to 2 per round. Second, the caster can cause the
wave to turn up to 90° in a single round. If the wave is motionless, the caster can even cast another spell. All alterations to the path of the wave take about as much concentration as
walking, and thus the caster is fairly useful in other situations. The changes in course of the waveride can only be done by the caster, and thus, even if successfully cast on an
unwilling victim (who still gets a save), the caster can change the waveride’s path for the victim at will, so long as he remains in sight. All changes in course or speed of the
waveride occur at the end of the round they were desired in. The caster must decide the course of the wave before any initiative rolls are made.
Incandescent Ooze (Elemental-Ooze, Conjuration)
Range: 15 yards Components: V, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
With this spell the caster creates a globe of dark green ooze & hurls it upon the target. The globe spreads & covers targets of up to large size. The oily substance that the globe is
made of is flammable; it does not cause any damage by itself but contact with the open air will ignite it. When set on fire, it burns for 1 round/2 levels of the caster & causes 1d10
points of damage every round. A dispel magic can extinguish the conflagration, as can any spell that causes the air around the target to be drenched with water or creates a vacuum,
although the latter may kill the target. There is no save against the damage. The material component of this spell is a small vial of mire ooze.
Infratorch (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 wooden object Saving Throw: None
A wizard casting this spell creates a special torch that allows all those within a 15’ radius to see as if they had infravision. The infravision extends 60’ from the torch. The torch
does not give off light or heat, and looks like nothing more than a burnt-out torch or piece of wood. The material component for this spell is a piece of wood.
Insatiable Thirst (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell instills in the victim an uncontrollable desire to drink. The victim is allowed a saving throw to avoid the effect. If the roll is failed, the creature must consume any
potable liquids it can find (including magical potions, which might result in strange effects if potions are mixed). Although poisons are not considered potable, a victim may not
realize that a liquid is poisonous. The victim will not consume a liquid he knows to be poisonous. No matter how much the creature drinks, its magical thirst is not quenched until
the spell ends. During this time, the creature can do nothing but drink or look for liquids to drink. Victims of this spell believe they are dying of thirst and (depending upon their
nature) may be willing to kill for drinkable fluids.
Instant Propulsion (Elemental-Vacuum, Alteration)
Range: 20 yards Components: S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to cause any 1 object within 20 yards of him whose weight is 1lb or less in any direction. The caster can fling a blowgun dart, an arrow & any other
small object by creating a funnel of vacuum around part of it. The range of the flung object is 5 yards per level of the caster. The caster must make an attack roll as if he were a
fighter of 2 levels higher & the object causes the target 3d4 points of damage if it hits. If the object being propelled is held by someone then a Strength check is made to determine
whether the object is flung away or the holder maintains his grasp. The material component is the object to be flung, which is not consumed in the casting.
Leomund’s Many Life Preservers (Abjuration)
Range: 100 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 day per level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates 1 circular buoyant ring of force for each level of the caster. Each ring has sufficient buoyancy to keep 2 unarmored man-sized creatures afloat for the duration of
the spell. The rings are virtually indestructible & cannot be harmed in any way short of dispel magic, disintegrate, or similar methods.
Lightning Blade (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special (up to 1 turn) Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
When cast, this spell causes a sword blade of crackling electrical energy to appear in the caster’s hands. It is the size of a normal long sword, but is virtually weightless. Electrical
sparks flash up & down the length of the glowing blade. The enchanted blade can be used in 2 ways - in normal melee combat or to fire a bolt of crackling energy from its tip up to
a range of 30 yards. A hit roll must be made in either case; the caster is automatically proficient with this “weapon”. Either method can be used at any point in combat. The spell
has an absolute duration of 1 turn. However, it can disappear earlier. The sword can do damage up to the caster’s level in 6-sided dice before disappearing. Before rolling the hit,
the wielder states how many dice will be used. If the hit is successful, that amount of damage is done, and that many dice are subtracted from the sword’s remaining potential.
However if the defender is hit, he is allowed a Body save to reduce the damage by half. The lightning blade is magical energy & can thus hit creatures hit only by magical
weapons. For this purpose only (there is no bonus to hit or damage), the magical bonus is +1 for every 4 levels of experience. The material components for this spell are a small
wooden sword & a silver rod.
Lightning Speed (Elemental-Lightning, Alteration)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/2 levels Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the recipient to be able to run & walk at triple speed. This spell does not grant any bonuses in combat as it only affects cross-country movement. Like haste, this
spell also ages the recipient faster but only at the rate of 1 week’s aging for every hour’s duration. The material component is a horseshoe & a small crystal.
Lightning Strike (Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 or 2 creatures Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes a small bolt of lightning 1” wide to shoot forth from the caster’s outstretched fingertip, striking the indicated target (who must be within 10 yards +1 yard/level).
th th th
It causes 1d6 points of damage for every 3 levels of the caster (2d6 at 4 , 3d6 at 7 , to a maximum of 5d6 at 13 ), with the target receiving a save for one-half damage. The bolt
may be forked as a normal lightning bolt, striking 2 targets that are within 10’ of each other for the full effect. The lightning strike is not powerful enough to cause structural
damage to any building or wooden craft, as a lightning bolt does. The spell is otherwise the same as lightning bolt except that the strike will not rebound off solid materials such as
stone walls.
Magical Incantations – Level 2
Maneuverable Floating Disc (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 12 hours + 1 hour/level Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Using this spell the caster creates a concave, circular force field (as per the spell). This disc has a diameter of 1 yard & is 1” thick. It can support up to 100lbs per level & has a
movement rate of 12. The maneuverability class depends on the Dexterity of the caster. The caster can freely move the disc within in a 10 yard area. When not controlled, the disc
floats at a constant distance from the caster. In this position, it matches the caster’s speed, even if above MR 12. The control of the disc’s movements is no more difficult than
horseback riding. Simple movements are almost instinctively, complex demand full attention. During the last half hour of the spell’s duration, or after a successful dispel magic,
the air of the disc slowly evaporates & the disc slowly descends. The caster can create an amount of discs equal to his spell level. The material components include a glass crystal
& a breath of air.
Man-sized Net (Evocation)
Range: 35 yards Components: S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature. Saving Throw: Negates
Upon the casting of this spell, a net (2 yards x 2 yards) appears & is thrown at a creature. If the creature has room to dodge the net, it receives a Dodge save. Once hit, the net
attaches itself & can’t be removed by normal means for the duration of the spell (1d4 rounds + 2 rounds/level). An edged magical weapon can be used to cut strands of the net &
neutralize its effects in 1d6 rounds. The net can be destroyed by dispel magic. The caster may remove the net at will. The magical net does no damage, but disrupts every attempt
to cast spells involving a somatic component. All Dexterity bonuses of the victim are negated, the victim moves at half its rate, and he receives a -2 penalty on defense, attack &
saves. The material components are cobwebs collected at dawn.
Map Area (Conjuration, Illusion)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 day Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a map of any given area, anything from a planet to a house. It shows details of any part the caster is familiar with, having traveled through it. If another person is
familiar with the place, he or she must hold hands with the caster while the spell is being cast for that area to show up on the map. Anyplace not known will show up as a gray area.
Therefore, it can only show how to get back to a place already known. It cannot show how to get to a new location. The spell is cast once, and then the map can be called up at
will. It changes as the caster’s knowledge increases, or that of anyone linked to the spell. New people cannot be linked after the spell is cast. The map itself is up to 10 square feet
in area & is two-dimensional. The caster specifies the size & scale at the casting. It is an illusion & can be copied from, if a person wants a paper map or some such. This is
probably a good idea in most cases, since the illusionary map lasts only for a day and is very noticeable.
Mass Jump (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 10’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell confers the ability to leap once per round for the spell duration (1d3 rounds + 1 round/level) on all creatures within the area of effect. Leaps can be up to 30’ forward or
upward, or 10’ backwards. Horizontal leaps forward or backward have a slight arc plus about 2’ per 10’ of distance traveled. The mass jump spell does not ensure safety in landing
or grasping at the end of the leap. The material component of this spell is a grasshopper’s hind leg, to be broken up by the caster as the spell is cast.
Mist (Evocation, Elemental-Steam)
Range: 60’ + 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell is a version of stinking cloud, without the yellow color or the choking fumes. Within the area of effect (50’ x 50’ + 10’ x 10’/level), climbing is reduced by 20% (the
moisture of the cloud makes things slippery), saves vs. fire are made with a +1 bonus, and the chance of surprising opponents are increased by 1. The mist will extinguish small
flames such as candles or match flames. The mist also acts to deaden sound; sonic attacks are saved against with a +2 bonus. The caster can determine how the mist will move (for
the full duration of 10 rounds + 2 rounds/level), but this must be set before the spell is cast. The material components for this spell are a small wet sponge & a silver sieve.
Misty Trail (Elemental-Steam, Divination)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds per level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell aids the caster in locating items of her desire. The caster places a candle on the floor (the material component of the spell) or ground, and utters the words to this spell.
At the casting of the spell, the candle will light, and wispy vapors will reach from the candle, and begin to float towards any one non-living thing the caster desires. Once chosen,
the item cannot be changed. Also, if the candle is disturbed in any way, the spell will end & the candle will go out. The wisps travel 10 yards in a single round, leaving a wispy trail
all the way back to the candle itself, and constantly shifting & changing colors. The wisps seek the most direct route to their source, but will not go through walls or through other
small holes or cracks. If the wisps hit a door, for example, they will wait for someone to open the door before continuing. Lead blocks this spell, and anything sought that is
entombed in lead will not be found. Items found by this spell include things such as apparel, jewelry, furniture, tools, weapons, ladders, staircases, or even a specific object (if the
caster can create a clear mental picture of the item). Furthermore, if the caster so desires, he can burn some hair from a specific person or creature in the candle-flame upon casting,
and the mist will seek that person out instead. The wisps will continue to travel towards the target in the most direct route possible (making this spell useful in a labyrinth, castle, or
dungeon-like setting) that is passable by the caster (though stopping for doors to be opened, etc). At the end of the spell duration, the wisps vanish, and the candle has melted away
into nothingness. The wisps will always head towards something, no matter the distance, but if more than one item exists that meet the specifications of the caster, the closer of the
two is chosen. The material component for this spell is a candle of any color, (and perhaps some hair); all components are consumed upon casting. If there is a strong wind, the
duration of this spell is halved.
Morning Glory (Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a cone of flaming sparks that arc outward (within 50 yards + 10 yards/level) from the caster’s hands starting 10’ wide at the base of the arc & ending with a 50’
wide terminus. The sparks range in color from red to white. Creatures in the fan suffer no direct damage but must save vs. spell or have any combustible clothing or gear catch fire.
Any ship caught within the arc suffers 1 point of structural damage per 3 levels of the caster, up to a maximum of 5 points of structural damage. Thus, a 9th level mage would cause
3 points of structural damage. Damage is from drying out the hull or rigging, causing snapping or fraying, or from small fires caused by the sparks. If the ship makes a successful
saving throw vs. magical fire, it suffers only half damage. The material component is a handful of iron filings.
Musk of the Frightened Skunk (Evocation)
Range: 5’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d4 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures Saving Throw: Negates
A jet of skunk musk sprays from outstretched hand of the caster (in a 5’x10’ cone) towards the target. The stench of the musk is bad enough to cause almost any animal to bolt
(initiative check at -4), and to require anyone hit by it to save vs. poison or be incapacitated by gagging for 1d4 rounds. The unfortunate target will be at +4 to AC, -4 to hit & will
have a +2 to initiative. All those within 5’ of the target must move away immediately or be similarly incapacitated. The smell will fade only slightly during the day, leaving the
target quite socially unacceptable. The material component is the yolk from a rotten egg, which is smashed in the hand & blown at the target.
Nereid Spit (Elemental-Water, Alteration)
Range: 20 feet Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round per 3 levels Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to create a mouthful of venomous-saline water like the water elemental-kin Nereid, and spit it up to 20’ at target victims. The caster can target 1
creature per round, with a normal THAC0 roll against the victim. If hit, the creature is blinded for 2d6 rounds or until it washes the venom away with water. Blinded creatures
suffer a -4 to AC & to all combat rolls. The caster can spit 1 venom attack at 1 target per round, to a maximum of 5 attacks at 15th level. If the caster so desires, he can forgo an
attack in any given round so that additional spellcasting is possible (losing the venomous spit), although the duration is not affected. The material component is a drop of salt water.
Northlight (Elemental-Radiance, Alteration, Divination, Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 lantern Saving Throw: None
This spell must be cast on a new, never-before-used lantern. The lantern must be filled with oil while the spell is being cast & it lasts until the oil burns out, the lantern is put out or
until more oil is added (putting the maximum duration at 1 pint or 1 hour). For the duration of the spell, the lantern will act as a beacon lantern, except that its light will always aim
north. The material components for this spell are oil, any normal hooded lantern, and cartographer’s tool or piece of map. All components vanish at end of the spell, including the
Plug Leak (Alteration)
Range: 10’ Components: V, S Duration: 2 hours + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates invisible walls of force that plug small leaks in a ship’s hull, shore up cracks & splits, and otherwise temporarily repair similar structural damage. One point of
hull damage for every 2 levels of the caster can be repaired in this way to a maximum of 10 hull points. These force barriers eventually weaken & break but allow time for proper
repairs to be conducted. This spell is most commonly used during battle, when there isn’t time to effect proper repairs.
Magical Incantations – Level 2
Quicksand (Alteration)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 cubic-yard/level Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster is able to transform an amount of normal earth or sand into quicksand. The altered earth or sand will not alter its appearance, merely the
consistency & ability to carry weight. Any creature or object larger than a small rabbit, caught in the quicksand will begin to sink into the sand. The creature or object trapped
within the sand will sink at a rate of 2’ each round. If struggling to get out, the rate is doubled. The material component of this spell is a small amount of water.
Read the Earth (Elemental-Dust, Divination)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
The wizard, when casting this spell, kneels or sits down on the ground, or just bends over. He or she then touches the ground, which must be of earth or stone or dirt or sand
products (but not metal or glass, though the earth products can be man-shaped or altered, not that far). He instantly gets a ‘surface’ reading of the ground in his mind, centered on
where his hand touches the ground, within the area of effect (30 yard radius + 10 yard/level). He gains a mental representation of the top surface of all the ground looks like, as
well as whatever is immediately on top of that ground. For example, the caster could know there is a pit trap (since the actual surface of the ground slopes down into a pit) & know
that there is wood across the top of the pit (since the wood touches the sides of the pit) but not that dirt or leaves was piled on top of the wood. He could know there is a rug in the
stone dining-hall to his right, as well as a table & chairs, but not what was on the table, chairs, or rug. If cast in a stone building, the spell will only grant knowledge of the current
level of the building (the level the caster is upon), as well as stairs leading up or down from the level, but not any other levels. Walls or doors do not stop this spell, as the spell
simply ignores the walls as ‘space’ before the ground continues. The caster can therefore get a detailed map of a floor, by filling in walls where he feels a ‘space’ of no level
ground. The image stays clear & precise as it was the instant the caster touched the ground in the caster’s memory for 1 round per level (it does not update itself every round).
After that, the caster’s normal memory is used to determine what he or she remembers (the DM may give the player a map, but take it away after 1 round per level that has passed).
Smart casters will sit down & sketch a rough map as fast as possible when using this spell to navigate. This spell is useless if the caster cannot touch natural or man-tooled earth, or
in wooden buildings. Furthermore, it will not read any earth more than one-half foot per caster level under water (so the spell fizzles out at water’s edge). The material component
for this spell is any writing or charting implement used by a mapmaker (usually his pen, ink, or quill). It is consumed upon casting.
Reek (Alteration) Reversible
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 turns + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell causes all organic matter, dead or alive, to emit its natural odor at 3 times its normal intensity. The least effect is a curled nose from passers-by; the worst is that any
creature which hunts by smell can easily track its quarry. The reverse, deodorize, similarly masks all organic odors. When the wizard casts the spell, all organic material caught
within the area of effect is immediately affected, even if later removed from the area. The material component of this spell is a dried odor gland from a skunk, while the reverse
requires a flake of soap.
Ride the Wind (Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Negates
This spell allows creatures targeted by the caster to become virtually weightless & be lifted upon the wind. Affected creatures can control their altitude by rising or descending at a
movement rate of a 12, but are at the mercy of the wind for speed & direction. Recipients can stop forward movement only be grasping something to anchor them in place. If no
wind is present, this has no effect. Unwilling targets are allowed a saving throw to resist the effect. Each subject & his equipment must weigh less than 100lbs per level of the
caster. Thus, a 6th level wizard could affect 6 creatures each weighing 600lbs or less. This spell may be cast only on living creatures. The material components for this spell are a
small handful of straw & a dry leaf.
Salt Crystals (Elemental-Salt, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
The spell causes salt crystals to fly from the caster’s hands & hit the specified target. The crystals inflict 1d3 points of damage per level of the caster, and since the salt enters the
bloodstream, the victim is stunned for 1 round from the pain. If a save is made then the victim suffers only half the damage & is not stunned, only suffering -1 to AC & to-hit rolls
for 1 round. The material components are salt crystals that are thrown at the target during the casting.
Sand Blast (Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
When this spell is cast, it causes a cone-shaped jet of high velocity sand, originating at a point 5 yards/level from the caster. The cone extends 30’ away from the caster, and is 10’
wide at the base. Any creature caught in the blast suffers 1d4 points of damage for each experience level of the caster. A successful saving throw will reduce this damage by half.
A failed saving throw will cause all exposed items on the target to make a saving throw vs. crushing blow (metal items save at half). The material component of the spell is a pinch
of sand & a small paper cone.
Sandstorm (Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
By casting this spell, the magic user creates a swirling tornado of airborne sand. The abrading impact of this sand causes damage to every creature within the area of effect equal to
that creatures adjusted AC, including magical bonuses, up to a maximum 10 points of damage (no saving throw is allowed). Creatures from the Elemental Plane of Earth may be
resistant or even immune to the effects of this spell. The sandstorm is roughly circular in shape, and extends from the ground up to a height of 10’. The diameter of the storm is 10’
per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 100’. The caster designates the direction & range at which the eye of the sandstorm will appear. This location must be at ground level.
Note that if sandstorm is cast in a confined space that is smaller than the area of effect, then the spell will fail completely. The material component of the spell is a pinch of sand.
Sashelan Blessing (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 hours/level of caster Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell places the target person into a state of deep slumber as its most immediate effect. It infuses the target(s) (1 target/3 caster levels) with the ability to breath water, survive
underwater pressure, and remain dry (including all belongings held when spell was cast) while under the effects of the Sashelan blessing. If the target of the spell remains above
water, he continues to breathe air, but the spell only lasts for 2 rounds per level if the target is not submerged. The spell leaves a minor coral-pink glamour over the target that is
visible only in the upper 50’ of water. Once submerged below that point, the shifts in color make it invisible except by detect magic spells. This spell cannot be cast on someone
who already has some active water-breathing magic (or the innate ability) active in his system, nor does it work on any creatures larger than Medium size. Like a normal sleep
spell, the target’s slumber can be broken by damage or loud noises, but the hum of the deep (the constant background noise of the sea & its inhabitants) or any non-damaging
impacts (with dolphins or the like) are not enough to break the spell. If the target is awakened, the water breathing effect remains for only 1d6 rounds. Sashelan blessing allows sea
elves to immobilize struggling surface dwellers in danger of drowning & provide them with the means to survive a trip either to shore or other safe havens. In ideal casting
situations, folk would know what was occurring & voluntarily submit to the spell, knowing it spared them the sometimes terrifying trip down through the depths to the haven of a
sea elf city. Now, the few elves & humans that know it think of it as a rescue spell for overboard sailors that allows them to survive until they can be brought to shore.
Self-Duplication (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
Upon the casting of this spell, an exact copy of the wizard appears within 15 yards + 5 yards/level. At the same time, the caster becomes invisible to his ‘victims’. The double looks
like the caster at the moment of casting & speaks with the same voice as the caster. The caster can control the double as long as he concentrates upon it. When his concentration is
broken, the image blinks or even fades. The double may only move & speak, and cannot pick anything up or attack. A successful attack upon the double reveals it as an illusion,
until, at 3rd level, the caster is able to simulate wounds. The double is AC 10, modified for the caster’s Dexterity, while having as much HPs as the caster. If the double in this form
is destroyed, the small silver mirror (material component worth at least 10gp) shatters.
Seeking (Enchantment, Invocation)
Range: 100 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
The seeking allows the caster to ensorcel a number (1 missile/level up to a maximum of 5) of normal, non-enchanted missiles no larger than a javelin. When they have been
enchanted, the caster may either use them or distribute them to his companions. When shot or hurled at a target, the missiles still needs a roll to-hit but will hit nothing but the
target. The missile can go around objects or corners if the target was visible when the spell was cast, but the missiles cannot pass through solid obstructions. For example, if the
target closes a door, the missiles slam into the door & cannot be removed until the spell wears off. The normal range can be extended to the distance of the target as long as the
opponent uses only ordinary methods of escape. If the target plane shifts, teleports, blinks, or uses some other form of instantaneous transport, the missile can no longer home in on
Magical Incantations – Level 2
its target, it falls to the ground, useless. This spell allows archers & slingers to fire into melee, sure not to hit those who are on their side. For the spell to work, the bowman must be
able to see his target when he fires his shot.
Sense Shifting (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 turns Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
Sense shifting allows the wizard to affect all spells of levels 1 through 3 that he casts within the duration of the spell. For each spell, he can modify 1 of the 3 sensory features
pertaining to the spell: colour, sound, or patterned visual appearance of the spell effect. The changes produced by this spell do not affect the functions of the affected spell nor any
saving throws that apply against their effects. Sense shifting might be used to produce green fireballs, magic missiles that streak through the air with a scream, colored continual
light globes, customized designs for a hypnotic pattern, or a spectral hand that makes a scrabbling sound as it attempts to grasp a target. Sense shifting cannot create any form of
invisibility. It cannot completely silence a spell effect (thus, a fireball’s blast may be muted, but not wholly eliminated). The material component for this spell is a twist of multi-
coloured ribbon with a small silver bell fastened to its end.
Servitor of Air (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a very minor air elemental, similar to an unseen servant, which has 6HPs, and a limited degree of intelligence, It can be driven off by dispel magic or by being
slain (magic to hit). It cannot be trained to attack, and has no particular skills. It needs to be given particular orders & its senses aren’t very good, save with respect to its element. It
does not talk. It can move at 24” through the air, and can carry up to 20lbs.
Servitor of Earth (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a very minor earth elemental, similar to an unseen servant, which has 6HPs, and a limited degree of intelligence. It can be driven off by dispel magic or by
being slain (magic to hit). It cannot be trained to attack, and has no particular skills. It needs to be given particular orders & its senses aren’t very good, save with respect to its
element. It does not talk. It can move at 6” on or through earth/rock/metal, though it can not cross gaps (even if filled with wood). It can lift up to 50lbs, or move twice that weight
across a smooth floor.
Servitor of Fire (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a very minor fire elemental, similar to an unseen servant, which has 6HPs, and a limited degree of intelligence. It can be driven off by dispel magic or by being
slain (magic to hit). It cannot be trained to attack, and has no particular skills. It needs to be given particular orders & its senses aren’t very good, save with respect to its element. It
does not talk. It can move at 24” through fire, 3” through the air, or 6” along flammable substances. It cannot carry weight but can burn through things by raising temperatures by
100°C in a cubic foot around them. This heat production can be concentrated or dispersed (the amount of temperature increase being inversely proportional to the square of the
side). While it can hold this increased temperature indefinitely, it will take 1 round per 100° to reach it. It cannot produce temperatures above that of lava.
Servitor of Water (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a very minor water elemental, similar to an unseen servant, which has 6HPs, and a limited degree of intelligence, it can be driven off by dispel magic or by
being slain (magic to hit). It cannot be trained to attack, and has no particular skills. It needs to be given particular orders & its senses aren’t very good, save with respect to its
element. It does not talk. It can move at 24” through water, and can move up to 20lbs, or add/subtract 40lbs of buoyancy. It can rise up to a cubic foot of water, 1 foot in a round.
Shadow Bolt (Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a bolt of gray, shadowy force that leaps from the caster to a target creature. If the target is within range & visible to the caster as casting is completed, the bolt
cannot miss. If not, the bolt is wasted. If another creature deliberately blunders into the bolt, it suffers the spell’s full effects; the bolt vanishes after it strikes a living creature. Any
being struck by a shadow bolt must make a saving throw. If it fails, the victim suffers 1d6 points of damage plus 1 point per level of the caster. On the round after the bolt hits, the
victim is wracked by pain & suffers a -1 penalty on AC, saving throws, attack rolls, & ability checks. After that round elapses, the spell’s effects end. If the saving throw succeeds,
the target takes only 1d4HPs of damage total, and does not suffer from the pain effects.
Shark Bolt (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 target/bolt Saving Throw: ½
Use of this spell creates 1 or more bolts of water, each the size & shape of small shark (size S). Once the spell is cast, each shark bolt ‘swims’ directly from the caster’s hand
through the air or water to bite the indicated target (within 50 yards + 10 yards/level). The bolt moves at a rate of 24 & strikes targets as a 6HD monster, doing 2d4HPs of damage
per bolt. Each bolt continues to pursue its designated target until striking or traveling beyond the range of the spell. Concentration is unnecessary, the bolts pursue targets as long as
the targets were visible to the caster at the time of the casting & did not go invisible, teleport or similarly escape by magical or mundane means. The bolt may be attacked &
reduced in strength. The bolt is AC 4; if successfully struck by a physical weapon, it loses some of its volume, reducing it to a 3HD shark doing 1d4HPs of damage. If struck twice
the bolt dissipates. The spell creates a number of bolts equal to half the level of the caster (rounded down). The material components for this spell are a pinch of salt, 3 whole
shark’s teeth, and a dram of water (or ink). If cast underwater (with water, not ink) the shark bolt are AC 0.
Shieldbreaker (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 weapon Saving Throw: None
The weapon that this spell is cast upon becomes particularly useful against opponents with shields. The wielder ignores armor and bonuses to a foe’s AC gained from a shield.
Further, instead of making a normal attack, the weapon’s wielder can make a sundering attack against a nonmagical shield that automatically destroys the shield if the attacker
wins a Strength roll opposed by the defender. Shields with a +3 bonus or the equivalent in magical abilities are immune to this spell. If used against a foe with the shield spell
active, this weapon immediately dispels the spell.
Shifting Colors (Elemental-Radiance, Alteration)
Range: 25 yards Components: S, M Duration: 1 week Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature or object Saving Throw: Negates
With this spell, the caster can change the color of a living thing or an object for a period of 1 week. The caster uses a prism to break the surrounding light into its components. This
has to be done outside during the day, or by the aid of a light spell. The caster then chooses a color or a combination of colors & casts it on his subject. The subjected object or
creature then assumes the color. A successful throw against spells negates the spell’s effect. A dispel magic will not remove the color change, as it becomes the natural color of the
object or creature for the duration of the spell. A small crystal prism (worth 2000gp) is necessary for the casting of this spell.
Sight of the Blind (Divination/Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to see the images he would see if he had his eyes open & working. While the spell’s name is somewhat misleading, in that the eyes must be physically
functional for the spell to work (Sight for the Blind negates blindness), the penalties associated with attacking monsters with gaze attacks, such as medusas & catoblepas are
negated. The material component is the eye of a cat.
Six Stones (Elemental-Earth, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell enchants 6 rounded river-stones, each about twice the size of a sling bullet, to take up orbit around the caster, and swoop & swirl to attempt to intercept incoming
physical attacks. For every pair of stones that whirl & dance around the caster, the caster receives a +1 AC bonus against all physical attacks (thrown knives, sword slashes, rotten
apples, anything). The stones attempt to swoop & dive in front of any physical attack, including those from behind, and continue to offer their protection of the caster is asleep or
unconscious or blinded or surprised. The stones will keep in orbit up to 5 rounds plus 1 round per level of the caster. They are the material components of the spell, and each stone
must be selected by hand, by the wizard, from a river or beach, and carved with runes. They are not consumed in casting. Another option for this spell is to mentally instruct the
stones to attack. The range is abysmal, a mere 10’ maximum, and the stones strike with the caster’s THAC0 (modified for missile attack adjustment & any applicable magic). If
they hit, the stones deal 1d4 points of damage to medium sized foes or smaller & 1d3 points of damage to larger foes. Firing off a rock causes it to crumble to dust, whether or not
it hits, and thus lessens the protection of the spell, and means the wizard must get himself a new stone to replace the one he lost. The rocks orbit around the caster in a constant 1’
distance from his body, and will adjust themselves in order to provide protection in cramped environments.
Magical Incantations – Level 2
Skyhook (Evocation)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 turns + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a solid hook of magical force, invisible to all but the caster, at a desired location. The hook need not be attached to anything, and is usually created in midair over
a pit or chasm. Once cast, it remains immobile. Creatures can hang onto it, ropes can be tied to or hooked over it & so on. It supports loads of up to 700lbs. If the weight limit is
exceeded, the skyhook instantly vanishes. Otherwise, the skyhook cannot be physically harmed, though it may cause damage to creatures moving into it. Two rounds before the
spells expires, it turns invisible even to the caster. A skyhook is too small to be stood upon, but its hook is large enough to provide purchase for thick cables or up to 6 pairs of
grasping hands. It’s caster can destroy a skyhook, in 1 segment, and saves as its caster against disintegrate spells. The material component for this spell is a miniature metal
Slimy Object (Elemental-Ooze, Conjuration)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: Negates
After casting this spell, the caster points at the object he wants to affect (usually an opponent’s weapon, a wand, etc.). The spell causes the object, if the item fails its save, to
become softer, malleable & slimy so as to render it ineffective & slippery making it impossible to wield them unless glue or the spider climb spell is used. If the item is held then it
gets its wielder’s save vs. breath weapon, otherwise it makes a save vs. crushing blow. Cloth & leather cannot be affected by this spell. Armors & shields will offer half the
protection it normally does (rounded down, so, for example, shields offer no protection if affected) protection except for bludgeoning weapons & to grappling attacks, in which
case it offers normal protection. Weapons affected by this spell are ineffective & cannot do damage, except for their magical bonus, if applicable. The material components are a
bit of clay & jar with a pudding, jelly, slime or ooze inside it. The jar’s occupant will suffice for 2-5 uses before consumed.
Slumber of the Magi (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 wizard Saving Throw: None
This spell places the wizard in a comatose state for a period of 1 hour. When the wizard awakens, however, he has gained the benefits to mind & body of a full 12 hours sleep. This
spell will function only on the casting wizard or another mage or specialist; it will not function for any other class or spell-using creature. The slumber can be cast on any given
wizard only once every 3 days. The slumber has a potentially lethal drawback. Once in the grip of the spell, the wizard can’t be roused by any means short of a wish, regardless of
whatever dangers may be threatening him. The material component of this spell is a handful of fine white sand, sprinkled in the wizard’s hair.
Slumberward (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell protects 1 creature against drowsiness & similar conditions caused by magic. Unconsciousness, stunning (however caused), and all forms of sleep cannot occur or have
any effect upon the protected being, who also gains a +1 bonus on saving throws against charm, suggestion, command, hold & similar will-force magicks & spell-like natural
powers. The caster may use this spell on him or others.
Smoke Shape (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to shape & mold masses of smoke, mist, or fog into any form he desires. A misty warrior could be made or thick smoke could be fashioned into a
solid-looking wall. The shape still has all the properties of smoke or fog, but retains its form under all conditions until the spell’s duration is over. Furthermore, upon finishing the
completion of the form, the caster can give it a gentle push, propelling it in one direction at the rate of 3” per round. The fineness of detail permitted by the spell is not great, but is
sufficient to fool onlookers at a distance. At the end of the spell’s duration, the form dissipates quickly. The spell requires no material component, but a source of mist or smoke
must be present for the caster to work upon - early morning fog or a large smoky fire.
Smoke Sleep (Elemental-Smoke, Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour + 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
A variation on the normal sleep spell, smoke sleep causes thin wisps of smoke to form in the air around the targets of the spell as they fall into deep slumber. During the first hour
of the original casting of the spell, these strands of smoke thicken in the area of the targets, until the air is thick with smoke & breathing it causes 1 hit point of damage per round.
Normal methods of awaking the victims of smoke sleep such as slapping, wounding or attacking will end the enchantment, but not the damage caused by breathing of the smoke.
Thus, if the air is not dispersed after 1 hour since the casting time, or the spell is not ended (either by the spell’s duration or waking the targets), targets may suffocate to death. The
spell affects 2d4 HD of targets, although creatures with more than 5HD are unaffected by the sleep, although they may still suffer damage from the smoke. The material
components for this spell are a smoking candle, or a pinch of dry hash.
Smoky Form (Alteration, Elemental-Smoke)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell changes the caster & all he carries or any creature touched by him into a cloudy mass of smoke. Unwilling creatures are allowed a save vs. Magic to avoid the effect. The
mass has roughly the same shape & appearance of the original creature, but possesses the insubstantial properties of smoke. While in this form, the caster cannot be hurt by
weapons of +2 or less & can easily disappear into a mass of smoke or fog. Spells cannot be cast while in smoky form, nor can the character take part in combat. The spell does not
alter the dimensions of the character & cannot be used to slip through cracks or other small openings. It does, however, give the creature the weight properties of smoke. Thus, a
caster in smoky form could step off the top of a castle wall & gently drift to the ground below without suffering any damage. While in smoky form, the creature is particularly
susceptible to winds. Light breezes push the smoky form about while strong breezes can easily sweep him away. A gust of wind spell causes 2d10 points of damage to the
character. Wind breath causes twice the normal amount of damage to a creature in smoky form & a divine wind destroys him utterly. The material component for this spell is a
stick of burning incense.
Spark (Evocation, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 20 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 10’ cube Saving Throw: ½
Spark creates a massive buildup of electricity in the area of effect. After a few seconds of this, the area is momentarily filled with blazing sparks. Any creatures not immune to
electricity take 1d12 points of damage plus 1 point per level of the caster. Metal creatures or those carrying or wearing metal are not allowed a saving throw; all others are allowed
a saving throw vs. spell for half damage.
Spell Shield (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a magical shield in front of the caster that prevents 1st level spells from penetrating to the caster. However, the spell shield can only absorb a number of spells
equal to the caster's level. The spell will terminate either if this last occurs or otherwise at the end of the duration. The spell shield instantly turns to meet any spell & protects all
behind it from ray-like spells, such as burning hands or colour spray.
Spider Gout (Conjuration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: See text Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a magical glob of spider venom in the caster’s mouth, which the caster spits out at any single target within range. The caster may retain the venom for a number
of rounds equal to half his level. If he retains it longer, he suffers the full damage. The caster must make a successful attack roll to strike the target. Failure indicates the venom
glob missed, causing it to dissolve harmlessly. Creatures struck must save vs. poison or suffer 2d4HPs of damage plus 1HP per level of the caster to a maximum of +10HPs. A
successful save indicates half damage. The material component is a living poisonous spider, which is swallowed in the casting.
Steam Cloud (Elemental-Steam, Evocation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a cloud of vapor (a 10’ cube plus 10’ cube/level) that is very similar to wall of fog in appearance. The vapor, however, is boiling steam. All vision, including
infravision, is reduced to 2’. A strong wind will blow the vapors away, and a moderate wind will cut the duration in half. Also, if it is very cold (below 0°C), the spell duration will
also be halved. The maximum duration of a steam cloud spell is 5 rounds. However, for determining how many rounds the steam cloud will last in strong wind or cold conditions,
first figure out the 1 round/level for the caster’s level, then cut it in half. If the caster has 5 or more rounds left, even after the duration has been halved, the spell lasts 5 rounds. The
caster must create a roughly cubic or rectangular mass, at least 10’ wide in its smallest dimension, but may choose to create less than the listed maximum area of effect. On the 1st
round of 5, the spell deals 1d8 points of steam damage. On the 2nd round of 5, the spell deals 1d6 points of steam damage. On the 3rd round of 5, the spell deals 1d4 points of steam
damage. On the 4th round of 5, the spell deals 1d3 points of steam damage, and on the final, 5th round of 5, the spell deals 1 point of damage. On any given round, all those within
the area of effect may make a saving throw vs. spells to take half damage (rounded up). If the spell lasts for less than 5 rounds, then the final round deals 1 point of damage, the 2nd
Magical Incantations – Level 2
last deals 1d3, the 3rd last deals 1d4, and so on. The material components for this spell are a small paper fan & a wineskin of water, which magically boils & blows to the target at
the beginning of the spell. All items except for the wineskin container are consumed in the casting.
Stone Sleep (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 3-9 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast, the caster forces 1 creature made of earth & stone, as well as any from the elemental plane of Earth, into a state of dormancy. The caster uses a tuning fork
to create a deep resonating tone over which he speaks the verbal component. Once the spell has taken effect, the creature stops in its tracks, moving & attacking no further. The
creature is still aware of everything around it, but has been momentarily soothed by the tone of the tuning fork. The caster may only move at half normal movement while
concentrating & must keep the tuning fork pointed toward the affected creature. Attacks made against the creature break the spell, and it may then resume moving & attacking as
normal if this happens. This spell may effect such creatures as earth elementals, clay & stone golems, galeb duhr, mud men & xorn. The material components for this spell are a
platinum tuning fork worth at least 500gp & a smooth stone with which to strike it. The tuning fork is not consumed in the casting.
Stone Swallow (Alteration, Elemental-Earth)
Range: 20’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
Stone swallow causes the earth or stone (10’ square/3 caster levels) underneath an object to open up & swallow whatever small objects lie on top of it. One hole can be opened for
every 3 levels of the caster. Once covered by the earth or stone, the object must be dug or chiseled out. The spell only affect objects & can not be used against living items. Stone
swallow will not affect things or animals that appear inanimate (such as pelterasts or mimics). The holes that this spell creates can only swallow small things, thing no bigger than a
large dagger. If a large object is swallowed, then it will be partially encased in earth or stone, but is easily pulled out. Typically this spell is used by drow to swallow continual light
pebbles or the like. However, drow also use the spell to construct spiked pits & traps. The material components for this spell are a small pinch of lime & an equal amount of acid.
The lime is added to the acid & becomes sludge during the casting of the spell.
Stoneshards (Elemental-Earth, Conjuration, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 5’ radius + 1’/level Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a sphere of sharp stone shards, each barely as long as a needle, all around the caster, which explode out from around him, hitting all within a 5’ radius of the
caster, plus 1’ per level. The damage dealt by the shards is 1d4 plus the target’s armor class, making only 1 roll per casting of the spell. (If the targets include a man in chain mail
(AC 5) & a lich with powerful protective magic (AC -3), and the roll is a 4, the man will take 9 points of damage, the lich will take 1, as 4 plus -3 is 1.) Another side effect of this
spell, is that anyone hit by the stone shards (whether damaged or not) will have any spell-casting attempt ruined. The material component for this spell is any piece of a stalactite or
stalagmite, which is consumed in the casting.
Storm Cloud (Evocation, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 4 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a small storm cloud that hovers about for 4 rounds. The caster can cancel the spell at any time with a whim. On the first round of its creation, the cloud can emit a
15’ lightning bolt that inflicts 1d4 damage. On the second round, it can emit a 20’ bolt that inflicts 2d4 damage. On the third round, it can emit a 25’ bolt that inflicts 3d4 damage.
On the fourth round, it can emit a 30’ bolt that inflicts 4d4 damage. In all cases, a saving throw vs. spells is allowed for half damage. The caster does not have to make the cloud
emit a bolt on any round of its existence, although holding back a bolt wastes it. The bolts are generally too weak to affect objects; objects struck by any bolt save against
electricity (not lightning) with a bonus equal to 5 minus the bolt’s strength (thus the weakest bolt allows a +4 bonus while the strongest allows a +1 bonus).
The Gentle Bridle (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
The spell causes a horse or similar riding animal to know instinctively what the caster wishes for it to do without the need for a bridle. The animal is under no compulsion to obey,
however. The mount must like the caster for this to work (Friendly or greater on a reaction check), otherwise the spell automatically fails. By means of the spell, riding proficiency
checks for the animal in question are made at +2, and there is a +1 to hit on mounted combat maneuvers, because the hands are free. In general, the spell affects only mundane
mounts such as horses. However, a caster of over 12th level may affect magical mounts, and one of over 18th level may work in conjunction with a dragon mount. The material
component is a lump of sugar, or other treat appealing to the mount.
The Imperceptible Magicks (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell interferes in the fabric of magic itself. Upon casting it, the effects of the next spell cast will be invisible & inaudible, though effects other than visual or audible ones will
remain the same. Thus invisible fireballs are possible, although these will still radiate heat, and may start fires, as would a normal fireball. The spell to be affected must be begun
in the next round, otherwise, The Imperceptible Magicks is wasted. Finally, the spell to be affected must have a visible or audible component in order for these to be negated.
Thorgan’s Darts (Alteration, Enchantment)
Range: 40 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, a wizard creates an especially enchanted dart which magically explodes upon impact with a target, causing 1d4HPs + 1HP/level damage. The caster must
roll a successful to-hit score modified by range for a dart. The dart has a +1 bonus to hit for every 5 levels of the caster & is treated as a magical weapon for purposes of hitting
creatures normally only hit by +1 or better weapons. If a dart misses its target it will cause 1d3 points of damage, as a grenade-like weapon, to all creatures within a 10’ radius. A
wizard may create 1 dart for every 5 levels of experience he has achieved. The darts will maintain their temporary enchantment for 1 round per level of the caster. The material
components of this spell are darts, a pinch of sulfur, and a powdered gem of not less than 50gp value (for each dart created). The powdered gem & sulfur must be sprinkled over
the darts. The color of the gem used in the casting determines the color of the magical explosion.
Threatening Weapon (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 5’ square Saving Throw: None
A melee weapon made of pure force springs into existence (within 100’ + 10’/level) & attacks opponents when they provoke attacks of opportunity, dealing 1d8 points of damage
per hit. The weapon is visible & takes the shape of any medium-sized weapon that the caster desires. It makes attacks as the caster would. It strikes as a spell, not as a weapon, so,
for example, it can strike incorporeal creatures. The weapon threatens the 5-foot area around it & makes attacks of opportunity to any within this area that provoke them even the
caster or his allies. The weapon can make 1 attack of opportunity per level per round, but otherwise it takes no actions. If in a position where it is flanking an opponent with
another combatant, it provides a flanking bonus for the other attacker and gets one itself if it has the opportunity to strike. If the weapon goes beyond the spell range, if it leaves the
caster’s sight, or if the caster is rendered helpless, it returns to the caster and hovers. Each round after the first, the caster can use a standard action to move the position of the
weapon to threaten a new area anywhere within range. If the spellcaster decides not to, the weapon remains where it is. The threatening weapon cannot be attacked or damaged. If
an attacked creature has spell resistance, check for resistance the first time the threatening weapon strikes it. If the creature successfully resists the weapon, it dispels the spell. If
not, the weapon retains its normal full effect for the spell’s duration.
Transmute Water to Ice (Elemental-Ice, Elemental-Water, Alteration) Reversible
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: a 20' cube/level Saving Throw: None
This spell transforms natural water of any sort into an equal volume of ice. The depth of the ice can never exceed more than one-half its breadth or length. Ice will melt normally,
depending on the temperature, but all creatures in the water will be frozen in it, subject to either suffocation, or mere annoyance, depending on the depth involved. Note that ice not
frozen to the ground of a body of water will float. The reverse of this spell turns an equal amount of ice directly into water, and at a temperature of 2°C per caster level, and subject
to re-freezing depending on the environmental conditions. The water will immediately attempt to flow downhill, losing any shape the ice may have held. The material component
for either version of the spell is a drop of water & a chip of quartz or ice.
Tremor (Elemental-Earth, Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
At the casting of this spell, the wizard raps his staff against the ground near his feet. The spell creates a ripple of force, like an earthquake tremor, in a narrow path towards 1
creature, which must be standing on the natural ground, and be within 20 yards + 5 yards per level of the caster. This spell has no effect on flying, immaterial, or levitating
creatures, and will not work indoors. The ripple races to beneath the feet of the caster, then the ground beneath the creature shatters and breaks as if a tiny earthquake had occurred
under its feet, including a minor explosion of rocks & pebbles. The creature must make a saving throw vs. spells. If it succeeds, it takes 1d4 points of damage, and must make a
dexterity check or fall down, and be unable to stand until the beginning of the next round. All spellcasting & further attacks are ruined. If the creature fails its save, it takes 2d4
points of shrapnel damage, and is thrown to the ground & dazed, unable to act for 1d3+1 rounds, after which he can rise & act as normal. Dazed creatures are not entirely helpless,
Magical Incantations – Level 2
but are on the ground & treated to be lying down for purposes of combat, and cannot initiate attacks or move, so severe is the shock to the system. Still, they are not considered to
be an automatic kill. Victims gain a +1 to their saving throw for every leg or tail they possess beyond two, and mounted riders suffer no ill effect, though they must make a riding
check if their mount is dazed or fall off the mount. The material component of this spell is the caster’s staff, which is not consumed upon casting.
Unyielding Frost (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting this spell, the caster calls forth a torrential spray of small ice shards, snow, and sleet, and cold to issue forth from the caster’s outstretched hands, which are held
together as if casting a burning hands spell. The spray can only be targeted at 1 creature, up to 20 yards away. So long as that creature is within 20 yards, the unyielding frost
automatically hits, doing 3d4+2 points of cold damage, with no save. The spray is 5’ wide, and goes from the caster’s hands to the target in a straight line. If others get in the way,
they take 1d4+1 points of damage (save vs. spells for negation of damage, however). The caster of the unyielding spray cannot choose to do anything but stand there & let the
spray shoot out at the target for 2 whole rounds. On the second round, assuming that the victim is still within range, the damage is once again applied, with no save. If the victim
moves out of range, there is no damage, but the spray will always aim towards the victim for the full 2 rounds that the spell is active. Thus, an intelligent enemy could wander
around, and even turn the spray on the friends of the caster, by maneuvering himself behind them, though still staying out of range of the unyielding frost. The caster cannot move
while the unyielding frost is issuing forth.
Updraft (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a cone of fiercely strong wind that travels straight up. It can be placed up to 10 yards from the caster per level & creates a cone 5’ plus 1’ per 2 caster levels in
radius. No height need be determined, as the cone will reach as high as possible. The cone will lift all items & creatures within it straight up (no horizontal movement), but can
only lift items & creatures weighing up to a maximum of 25lbs per caster level (a 5th level wizard can create an updraft so strong it lifts 125lb items & creatures). Items & creatures
caught in the updraft rise at a movement rate of 1 per round plus 1 per 5 levels (2 at 5th level, 3 at 10th level, 4 at 15th level, and 5 at 20th level). The caster can cause the winds to
decrease so that all items hover, but cannot reverse the airflow - no one can be gently lowered to the ground with the use of the updraft spell. Most wizards use this spell to get to
balconies, or to keep enemies from moving around. Once the spell expires, creatures & items caught in the updraft suffer normal falling damage. Any missile fire passing into or
out of the updraft suffers a to-hit penalty equal to the current movement rate strength of the wind (no penalty if the caster is causing all items to hover, -1 if the movement rate for
rising is 1, and so forth). For creatures attempting to make attacks while above the ground, the stability penalties of the levitate spell are used to determine penalties. While rising
or hovering, the caster loses all Dexterity adjustments to AC. Each turn, any unwilling creature can make a saving throw vs. spells to not be affected by the wind that turn -
effectively staying in place, wherever that may be. (At the beginning of the spell, making a save will allow the creature to stay on the ground, but if they have risen a few feet
during the spell, a save makes them go no higher that particular round - it does not cause them to sink.) The material components for this spell are a feather & a small circle of
silver wire, which are both consumed in casting.
Venom Bite (Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 10-yard square Saving Throw: Special
When cast, this spell brings into being a small set of pointed teeth that are fired outward from the caster’s body. One set of teeth is created for every 2 levels of experience beyond
the 3 possessed by the caster to a maximum of 4 sets of teeth. The teeth strike with a THAC0 of 15; any creature struck by a set of teeth (within 5 yards + 5 yards/level) must save
vs. spell or be slowed for 1d4 rounds. The caster can fire the sets of teeth as he sees fit. Hits from multiple venom bites require multiple saves, but the target can only be slowed
Vivid Discharge (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 minute/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell wraps the caster in a scintillating sheath of energy. The next time anyone strikes the mage in melee, the attacker suffers 1d6 points of electrical damage per level
(maximum 10d6). The caster cannot prevent the discharge from happening - it happens the next time that they are struck.
Vocalize (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: S, M Duration: 5 rounds Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the recipient (a spellcasting creature) to cast spells that normally require a verbal component without the caster needing to make a sound. Such spells must be cast
within the duration of the vocalize spell. This spell is also useful in situations where quiet is desired, or when the recipient is under the influence of a silence spell. Vocalize does
not negate a silence spell, but merely offsets it for the purpose of spell casting; if a spell caster under the effect of vocalize casts a spell that has some audible effect, that sound will
be masked for as long as silence remains in force. Vocalize does not affect normal vocal communication. The material component for this spell is a small golden bell without a
Wall of Gloom (Conjuration/Summoning, Shadow)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a wall or barrier of ominous shadow in any area within the spell range, which lasts for 2d4 rounds + 1 round per caster level. The wall of gloom does not obscure
sight completely, but objects or creatures within the wall, or on its other side, are dim shadows that can barely be seen. Creatures attempting missile fire through the wall suffer a -2
penalty to their attack rolls. In addition, the supernatural cold & darkness of the wall of gloom may cause creatures moving through the wall to recoil in fear. Creatures of 4HD or
less who enter the wall must make a saving throw vs. spell or retreat for 1d3 rounds; creatures of 4+1-7HD must save or hesitate for 1 round before entering the wall; undead &
creatures of 7+1HD or more ignore the wall’s fear effects. The wall can take any shape the caster desires, as long as it is at least 10’ high & 10’ thick; it’ll create two 10’ cubes +
one 10’ cube/level (maximum is 8 cubes). The material component is a bit of fleece from a black sheep & the eyelash of a revenant.
Warstone (Alteration, Elemental-Earth)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell enchants up to 3 small pebbles, which can be no larger than sling bullets. They can then be hurled or slung at an opponent. The warstones have a +3 to hit & damage,
and are considered to be enchanted for purposes of determining if a creature can be struck. Upon striking, the stone shatters & flings shards in a 5’ radius (less if smaller than sling
bullet sized), inflicting 1-3 points damage. The stone will still shatter if it misses. The material components are 3 unworked stones.
Waterproof (Alteration)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 12 hours + 1 hour/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
By the use of this spell, the wizard can make any physical object completely waterproof. Cloth will not soak, sealed containers will not admit water, exposed metals will not rust,
& even living beings will be kept dry if immersed. Up to 100lbs of inanimate matter or creatures can be affected per level, or one person and all the gear the person is carrying. The
spell doesn’t make an object buoyant, nor will living beings be protected from drowning (breathing water will still displace air in the lungs). The material component of this spell is
a wooden rod, coated with wax or pitch.
Weather Dome (Alteration, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d4 hours + ½ hour/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell protects the caster & all those within 5’ of him from the effects of weather. Thus they will not get wet in a rainstorm, heatstroke in the desert or blown about in the wind.
Even spells that produce effects of weather must overcome the caster’s Magic save to penetrate the dome. Once any weather phenomenon penetrates the dome, the dome falls. The
material component is a square of waxed cloth, 1’ across.
Welter (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: None
The caster causes chaotic energies to violently shake and disorient the targets of this spell. These targets must be within 100’ (+10’/caster level) & within 20’ of each other. Those
affected are shaken (-2 penalty on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and saving throws) for 1 round & must make Dexterity checks (-3) or fall prone. The material component for
this spell is an empty eggshell with tiny stones inside it, forming a rude rattle
White Mist (Elemental-Ice, Elemental-Steam, Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a cloud of snow-white vapor that is icy & cold to the senses. The cloud can be up to 10’ + 10’ cubed per level of the caster, but must be roughly square or
hexagonal, and can never be more than 10’ high off the ground. The cloud is numbing cold, and every round that a victim is inside it, 1d3 points of damage (save vs. spells for ½)
Magical Incantations – Level 2
is caused. Furthermore, as soon as a creature fails this save, it gains a -1 penalty to attacks & damage, loses Dexterity bonuses & takes a -1 to AC, as well as having their
movement rate reduced by 1/3 due to the cold & shivering. Those who are cold or shivering will do so for 1 round after they leave the cloud, keeping the penalties for that 1 round.
The material component is a piece of white silk, consumed in the casting.
Wind Breath (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell allows the caster to fill his lungs & expel a mighty breath of air of tremendous strength (in a cone 60’ long & 30’ wide at the base). The strength of this wind is
approximately 5MPH for every level of the caster. If the wind is blowing at 30-50MPH (a strong gale), there is a 10% chance that small boats capsize, a 1% chance that ships
capsize, and a 10% chance that a man is knocked over. There is a 20% chance that branches snap, light articles are blown away, and tents or sails tear. A man receives 1 point of
damage from sand & grit. If the wind blows at 60-70MPH, the storm force winds create a 70% chance that small boats capsize, a 20% chance that ships capsize, and a 50% chance
that a man is knocked down. In this wind, trees bend & there is a 70% chance that branches snap, and a 20% chance that a trunk snaps. Medium size articles are blown away, and
there is a 50% chance that tents or sails are torn in the winds, and a 40% chance that shacks are blown down. A man receives 1d4 points of damage from sand & grit. Flying
creatures are blown back 10’-30’. If the winds are hurricane force (80-130MPH), there is a 100% chance that small boats capsize, a 70% chance that ships capsize. There is a 70%
chance that a man is knocked down, a 30% chance he is knocked down & bowled 10’-40’ (1d6 damage/10’). In this wind, there is a 70% chance that tree trunks snap, and a 100%
chance that branches are ripped from trees. Heavy articles are blown away, medium articles are ripped from fastenings, and tents & sails are destroyed 70% of the time. There is a
20% chance that common buildings are blown down & a 60% chance that shacks are flattened. A man receives 1d8 points of damage from blown objects, and flying creatures are
blown back 50’-100’. During winds of 140-180MPH, ships are capsized, men are knocked down & blown 10’-60’ (1d6 damage/10’), and they also receive 1d12 points of damage
from blown stones. Flying creatures are blown out of the sky (51% damage suffered). Trees are uprooted, large stones are flung into the air, tents & sails are destroyed, and shacks
are flattened. There is a 70% chance that common buildings are blown in, a 50% chance that roofs are torn away, and a 10% chance that stone walls collapse. When winds are
190MPH or more, ships are capsized & broken up, wooden buildings collapse, and roofs are torn away. There is a 50% chance that stone walls collapse. Men are blown 50’-100’
(1d6 damage/10’) & also suffer 3d10 points of damage from blown items. Flying creatures are forcibly knocked from the sky (75% damage suffered. The DM must adjudicate the
effects of the wind on other items, using the above effects as a guideline. Those outside of the area of effect do not notice the tremendous winds, although objects may be blown
out of the spell’s area into their path. The material component for this spell is a fan with an artistic value of 5gp or more.
Windwarp (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 10’ radius/level Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to control the direction of wind within a 10’ per level radius of where she is standing. All the wind in the radius is affected - she merely decides which
direction she wishes the wind to go, and it will go that way. The area of effect moves with the caster. This spell, however, has no effect on wind-strength or speed. So, if there is
only a light breeze present, the caster can only change the direction of the breeze within the range of the spell, not raise the breeze to a gale force. The direction of the wind can be
changed once per round, as the caster desires. The spell takes no concentration to maintain, and the caster is free to cast other spells. Note that with strong enough winds, this spell
becomes an effective way to deal with most gas-based spell attacks, since the caster can decide to have the wind come from behind her, and therefore push the gasses away from
any direction she is facing. The caster is not, however, protected from any wind-based spells that occur if they are of 3rd spell level or higher, or 1st or 2nd level wind based spells
cast by a higher level caster. Also, any natural consequences of the wind are not ignored - a gale force wind still has the normal destructive potential, and the caster of windwarp
only has the added bonus of picking which direction she desires to be flung. The material component is a small paper fan, which is consumed in casting. The caster must have one
hand free to point to change the wind direction in any given round.
Wizard’s Script (Evocation)
Range: 5’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 surface Saving Throw: None
A variation of the message spell, this spell writes up to 20 words in a silvery script on any flat surface. They are visible only to the intended recipient(s), and will fade even as they
are read. For each level above 3 that the caster has attained, he may add 2 additional words to the message. Only standard, non-lethal messages may be written by means of this
enchantment - no spells, and certainly no symbols, glyphs or suchlike are possible. The material component is the saliva from a giant slug & a feather from the wing of a sylph.
Magical Incantations – Level 3
Third Level Spells
Absorb Lightning (Elemental-Lightning, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to absorb with minimal damage electrical attacks directed at him. The caster can absorb a total of up to 10 points of damage for every level he has &
suffers only 1 point for every 10 absorbed from the slight overload in his body. If an attack causes more than then the caster can absorb then he absorbs what he can & the rest of
the damage is reduced normally. Note that the caster still gets a save to reduce the damage caused by electrical attacks if applicable. The spell lasts until the caster absorbed all he
can or until 24 hours have passed, whichever comes first. The material components an oaken staff taken from an oak tree that was hit by lightning..
Alpha’s Comet (Elemental-Fire, Elemental-Earth, Conjuration, Evocation)
Range: 10’ + 5’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a flaming missile with a trail of superheated noxious gasses. The comet unerringly strikes one target, the impact causing 3d6 points of damage & the flames an
additional 3d6. Furthermore, any creature within 5’ of the comet’s path will suffer 2d4 points of fire damage. All those within 5’ of the point of impact will suffer 3d4 points of
damage. Anyone who suffers damage from this spell is also considered to have been engulfed in the noxious fumes, and will be at -2 on all rolls (10% spell failure chance) for 1d6
rounds due to coughing, choking, and blurred vision. The material component is a ball of pitch mixed with sulfur & phosphorus.
Alpha's Night of the Leonids (Elemental-Fire, Elemental-Earth, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell can only be cast outdoors at night. It calls down a number of flaming meteorites to strike unerringly any targets within range (30 yards + 10 yards/level). The wizard can
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call down 1d4 meteorites, plus another for every 5 levels of experience (1d4+1 at 5 -9 , 1d4+2 at 10 -14 , etc.). Each meteorite strikes a single target, though more than one may
strike any given target. Each of these “Leonids” comes blazing down from the heavens, striking for 1d6+1 points of impact damage & an additional 1d6+1HPs of fire damage. The
material component for this spell is a bit of meteoric iron.
Analyze Magic (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 5’ x 30’ path Saving Throw: None
This spell acts as detect magic but, while it is in operation, the caster can concentrate on 1 spell/item at a time & define the properties listed below in any order at the rate of 1 per
round. He can also tell which objects/parts thereof are magical. The caster can discriminate between up to 3 separate effects per level on the same item.
Type: enchantment, keyed enchantment, spell in operation, spell waiting activation, intrinsic magic of creature/material, combination, or other.
Class: type of constructor (magic-user, cleric, fairy, god, etc. - only gives styles of magic the caster is familiar with, otherwise is vague)
Level: level of caster/constructor to +/-2 levels
Elements: enchantment, evocation, conjuration, illusion, etc in any combination. Elemental alignments or components (fire, water, positive, light, plant, etc) are also given
Duration: time effect will last; duration +/-20%, until dispelled, until destroyed, until activated, forever, unknown
Duration Once Activated: as above, or until condition met
Type of Enchantment: permanent, one-shot, charged, %age fully charged (to 20%)
Purpose: 5% chance per level of divining approximate purpose of enchantment (e.g. trap, transport, attack, defense, detection, bluff, combination or unknown, etc.)
Range: whether finite or infinite, if finite to within 20%.
Area: whether finite or infinite, if finite to within 20%.
All the above save Elements, Class & Purpose have a 10% per level chance of being found out by a given casting of the spell. If the roll to determine if the property can be
determined is made by 100% the accuracy improves one step (+/-20% -> +/-10%, +/-3 -> +/-2, etc) & if it is made by 200% by another step (+/-5%, +/-1), etc The material
components are a crystal lens & a prism worth 20GP in total.
Astral Wall (Abjuration)
Range: 1 yard/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10 cubic feet/level Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a wall (which can have any shape the caster desires, including a sphere) which prevents physical effects that would pass through normal walls, such as teleport,
dimension door, etc. Any such attempt by a character will fail, leaving the character on the other side of the wall. It is, however, possible to simply walk through an astral wall. If
the spell is linked to an existing physical wall (including one created by wall of stone or iron), the duration becomes 1 hour per level. The astral wall can be disrupted by dispel
magic cast from either the physical or astral plane. The material component is a piece of parchment.
Battle Curse (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell enables the caster to adversely affect creatures visible to him. The targets are allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the save succeeds, the only effect of the spell is to
prevent the foe from launching an attack on the following round (defensive spells, movement, readying of weapons, and parrying are permitted). The victim’s AC worsens by 4 if
the save fails. The material components for this spell are a hair (broken or split) & a gem of not less than 200gp value.
Blinding Ray (Elemental-Radiance, Alteration, Illusions/Phantasm)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negated
When this spell is cast, the caster’s index finger begins to emit a beam of light (at a target within 30 yards + 10 yards per level), about as bright as a beacon lantern. The beam can
be shorter, but that must be decided upon casting, and can’t be changed thereafter. No concentration is required to keep the beam going - in fact, it can’t be put out for the spell
duration, even if unconscious. Each round, the beam can be aimed at one creature with eyes. Each target is allowed a save versus Magic, with success indicating that nothing
happens. Should the creature fail, it is blinded as per the 2nd level spell, for 1 turn per caster level. If the spellcaster casts another spell with a somatic component while under
effects of this spell, there is a 5% chance per spell level being cast of blinding himself or a nearby person (normal save). Note that having a finger like a beacon lantern makes it
hard to sneak around. The material component is any shard of a broken mirror.
Bolt of Conjuring (Conjuration, Summoning)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
The caster fires a blast of magical force that strikes a target (within 100’ + 10’/level) unerringly, inflicting 1d4 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d4). Further, at the
time of striking, the bolt summons an outsider as if monster summoning I had been cast. The summoned creature can act immediately upon appearing & remains for 1 round per
caster level.
Bolt Fist (Alteration, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: ½
When the spell (a more powerful version of shocking grasp) is cast, both of the caster’s hands are surrounded in a bright, flickering radiance. When the caster touches another
creature or a conductor another creature is touching, the radiance leaps from his hand & shocks the target, inflicting 4d6 points of damage, +1 per level of the caster, to a maximum
of 4d6+10 damage. Each fist’s charge can be used once. The caster cannot use weapons or hold onto things while the spell is in effect or the charge effects the object (save vs.
lighting). The charges last for 2 rounds per level of the caster or until discharged.
Bone Club (Enchantment, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 bone Saving Throw: None
A wizard can use this spell to enchant a bone, causing it to become a magical club. This magical acts as a club +4 against undead, and a club +1 against all other opponents. The
bone can be from any animal, providing the bone normally could be wielded as a club; for instance, a human femur could be enchanted by this spell, but a skull could not. At the
end of the spell’s duration, the bone club reverts to a normal bone. The material components for this spell are an appropriately sized bone & a pinch of dirt from a grave.
Brutal Seething Surge (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Special
By welling up corrosive power within his hand, the caster turns into a powerful weapon, capable of a vicious touch attack. The caster’s touch inflicts 1d8 points of acid damage,
plus 1 point per level. Further, the victim (a creature or object) must make a Body saving throw or become dazed for 1d3 rounds (subject can take no actions other than self-
defense). The caster can make a total of 1 successful touch attacks per level (successful in that the caster touches the subject - not dependent upon actually inflicting damage or
dazing him). Of course, the caster is still limited by the total number of attacks available to him per round.
Magical Incantations – Level 3
Buoyancy (Alteration)
Range: 150 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Negates
This spell causes affected creatures to float to the surface of the water as if they were as buoyant as cork. Even the most heavily armored knight can thus be suspended on the
surface. Similarly, underwater creatures can be forced to surface in this way. The spell does not affect creatures more than twice the size of an average man. It affects only living
things. Unwilling creatures can save vs. spell to avoid the effect.
Chamber of Soothing Waters (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 hours + 1 hour/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
The use of this spell creates a room-sized pool (15’ diameter sphere) of hot water, suitable for bathing in. The outside of the sphere is opaque, so that passers-by can’t intrude on
the bathers, but those in the bath can see out. The water is always at the desired temperature of the caster, provided he is actually in the water, and constantly refreshes itself
throughout the duration of the spell. It is possible to drink the bath water, but this has 2 side effects. Anyone foolish, or desperate enough to do so, must save vs. poison at +2 or fall
immediately ill, retching & choking, due to the oils & soaps in the water. Anyone who becomes ill is at -2 to all proficiencies for the next 12 hours. Furthermore, at the conclusion
of the spell, the bath & its water disappear, so that anyone who has drunk the bath water to slake a thirst may end up very thirsty after all. The material components are a vial of
holy water & a sliver of soap, both of which are consumed in the casting.
Charmthwart (Abjuration, Incantation)
Range: 0 Components: S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This magic protects its caster against enchantment/charm magic. The caster receives a normal saving throw vs. spell against all enchantment/charm spells that normally allow no
saving throw & a +3 bonus on saving throws against enchantment/charm spells that do allow a saving throw. A faint, high-pitched, continuous singing sound surrounds the head of
a being protected by charmthwart. The sound is audible 20’ away in quiet conditions & about 10’ away in conditions of average or normal noise. Charmthwart can be ended
instantly before its expiration by the silent will of the caster.
Clay Critters (Elemental-Ooze, Enchantment, Alteration)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1-4 clay statuettes Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to create small golem-like creatures. The caster must first craft small clay creatures that the spell will animate. Anything will do, as long as it has a
means of mobility (legs or feet, or wings in some cases) & some method of attack or manipulative appendage (a bite, claws, tentacle, a hand, etc). Once the spell is cast, these mini
clay statuettes (which can be prepared ahead of time) vanish, and the creatures appear up to 20 yards away from the caster, as life-sized finely sculpted clay creatures. The
creatures will either attack target creatures named by the wizard or perform any tasks the wizard asks, to the best of their ability. If they are destroyed, they & the clay statuette are
lost. Otherwise, at the end of the spell duration, the clay statuettes return to the caster’s hands. The caster has 4HD to play with - he can create 4 1HD clay creatures, 2 2HD
creatures, 1 3HD & 1 1HD creature, and so forth, as he desires. The creatures have a starting THAC0 as a monster of their HD, deal 1 attack per round for 1d4 damage (no matter
the method, be it bite, a claw, or punch), have a movement rate of 12, and are AC 6. The caster can sacrifice 2HD worth of the spell to give 1 creature the ability to fly at a
movement rate of 12 & a maneuverability rating of C. The caster can sacrifice 1HD worth of the spell to grant a single creature another attack per round (2 or more, 1 extra granted
for each 1HD the caster does not use up elsewhere). The caster can sacrifice 1HD worth of the spell to make 1 creature's attack deal 1d6, not 1d4 (no matter how many attacks it
has, all will deal 1d6). Finally, by sacrificing 1HD worth of the spell, the caster can also grant 1 creature +6 to its ground movement rate (never its flying ability). Thus, the wizard
could create 4 1HD clay critters, THAC0 20, that have one attack per round & deal 1d4 points of damage on a successful strike. Or, the wizard could sacrifice 3HD worth of the
spell & create a single 1HD creature that flies & has 2 attacks at THAC0 20 that deal 1d4 points of damage. Or, the wizard could create 2 1HD creatures that have 1 attack each at
THAC0 20 that deals 1d6 points of damage on a successful strike. The clay critters in no way have to resemble real creatures. The material component for this spell, other than the
clay statuettes that must be crafted by the caster, is any tool of any worker of stone or clay that has been used at least once. It is consumed in casting, the statuettes are not
necessarily consumed (only if the critter is destroyed while animate).
Clicking Shield (Alteration)
Range: ½ yard Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a disc divided in 4 parts, which moves around the caster. The parts unite when the caster is attacked & interpose themselves between the caster & the threat
(reaction time ½ seconds). The disc is transparent & has the color of platinum. Material components include air & a platinum coin. This spell comes in 2 variations:
A) Anti-sniper shield: Works against arrows, bullets, magic missiles, darts, stones, etc. Its diameter is 10”, it has an AC of -3, ½ of the HP of the caster, and its duration is 1 hour
per level. Successful attacks result in a second attack against the caster's AC. If the caster is missed, the attack hits the shield.
B) Bodyguard shield: Effective against all attacks, diameter 20”, AC -1, 1 x HP of the caster, duration 1 round per level, +2 savings against physical attacks.
Coldburst (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes a shimmering star-like bolt of light to form at the caster’s fingertip. The caster points, and the bolt streaks to wherever the caster wishes the effect to occur, up to
10 yards per level away. The starlight mote will streak to the target, and then explode with a flash of white light. A cold wave will be released upon the casting of the spell (at the
time the wizard’s turn in initiative arrives), dealing 1d4 points of damage per 2 caster levels, to all those within a 5’ radius sphere plus 1’ per caster level of where the mote
exploded. All creatures gain a saving throw vs. spells for half damage. At the end of the round that the caster uses a coldburst spell, the secondary magical wave bursts from where
the shimmering mote flared. It deals 1d6 points of damage per 3 levels of the caster, and is a wave of hard, blunt, force. Again, a saving throw vs. spells is allowed for half damage,
but if the saving throw is failed, the creature is knocked off its feet & moves 1’ directly away from the center of the coldburst effect per caster level. If this causes a collision with a
wall or other unmoving object, the creature takes 1d4+1 more in impact damage. It takes a full round to stand up & prepare to move again. The material components for this spell
can be either a piece of glass & a piece of ice, or a single pearl worth at least 50gp. All are consumed upon casting.
Continual Darkness (Alteration)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 40’ radius sphere Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a permanent sphere of magical darkness. If this spell is cast onto a creature, the creature is entitled to a saving throw. If this saving throw is successful, the spell
is centered on the area (i.e., the location), and not on the creature.
Control Normal Fires (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 1’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1ft3/level Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the wizard to cause fires as small as a torch or lantern to become as large as a 6’ diameter bonfire or to cause a bonfire to shrink to the size of a torch or explode
into a fire with a diameter of 18’. In this process, fuel is burned according to the size of the fire. Also heat dissipation can be adjusted which will also affect the amount of fuel
used. The amount of change a wizard can affect in a fire is determined by taking the wizard’s level divided by 2, and rounding down. This is the maximum multiplier or divisor for
the size (in volume) & effects of the fire. The material component differs for the two 2 uses of the spell: if the spell is used to increase a fire, the material component is a tinderbox,
which is not consumed in the casting. If the spell is used to shrink a fire, the material component is a drop of water.
Crackling Eyes (Evocation, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 20’ Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: ½
When the spell is cast, twin bolts of blazing electrical energy leap from the caster’s eyes & strike any creature within range of sight without any chance of missing. The bolts inflict
3d4+4 damage on any creature not resistant to electrical damage. A saving throw is allowed for half damage.
Crafting the Raging Flames (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to shape flames (within a 5’ x 5’ x 5’ area/level) from a single natural source as desired. The intensity of the flames cannot be changed (so intensity will
still diminish at distance from the source), though direction of flame may be changed (making the fire burn horizontally instead of vertically, for instance). The effect is only
permanent for so long as the fire has fuel to burn. The spell is effective in controlling blazing buildings.
Cyclone (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: See text Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
This spell has a strong capability to do some serious damage, especially outside or during a storm, but has the rather unfortunate trait of being a fairly slow spell. This spell creates
a mini-cyclone from the caster’s fingertips. The caster holds her arms outstretched, elbows touching, and begins to pull in air in a magical vortex. Each round the magical vortex
grows stronger, building up more power. The caster can hold the vortex together for up to 1 round per level of the caster. When the vortex is released at the end of a round, or the
Magical Incantations – Level 3
caster reaches the maximum casting time for her level, the cyclone lashes out as a cylindrical cone 1’ in diameter per 5 levels of the caster, and 5’ long per caster level from the
caster’s fingertips. The spell deals 1d4 points of damage, plus 1d4 per round the caster managed to maintain the vortex after the first. If the vortex is interrupted, by taking damage
or by casting a new spell, the vortex is unleashed directly forward from the caster’s facing direction. Otherwise, the caster can choose any direction to aim the cyclone, even
straight up. All creatures within the cone take damage, but all may make a saving throw vs. spells to take half damage, those that fail this save are also knocked down. Against
physical objects, this spell causes a save vs. crushing blow, with a +5 bonus, modified by -1 per d4 damage over the first. If cast outdoors during strong winds, this spell gains +1
per die of damage. If cast outdoors during a full-blown storm (rain, thunder, snow or any other kind of storm), the spell deals double damage. Note this means the spell has a
maximum damage of 20d4, 20d4+20, or (20d4) x2 - but only after 20 rounds of preparation.
Dark Wings (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell transforms a piece of bat wing & a piece of bone into a short-lived, magically-assisted pair of giant bat wings. These powerful appendages have a 15’ tip-to-tip span, and
sprout from the shoulders of the caster or one who is touched by him (who must save to negate the spell, even if willing). The wings allow the affected being to fly clumsily (MV
17 (D)), but with great power. With these wings, a being can slow a fall, carry companions or gear of up to twice his normal body weight, or glide to bring up to 3 times the winged
being’s normal body weight to a harmless landing. In flight, the wings can buffet other creatures for 2d4 damage per round (slowing movement to 7 per round), and be used to
shield the winged creatures & others, giving them the wing’s AC of 4 if desired. The wings can take any amount of damage without collapsing or harming its owner. They slow
walking movement rate to a maximum of 7, however, dragging behind the being on which they have grown. The caster cannot will the spell to end.
Darksense (Alteration)
Range: 120’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
When a mage evokes the power of a darksense spell, he begins to transmit & receive high-pitched sounds, as many bats do. From the transmission & reception of these sounds, the
caster is able to gain a clear “picture” of the physical area that surrounds him. Colors are not perceived, nor are variations in heat levels or distinctions between light & dark. Thus,
some actions such as the reading of scrolls are not possible while the caster is under the influence of a darksense spell. The caster is unable to detect any visual illusions, colored
gases, clouds of dust or mist, mirror images, insubstantial beings such as certain undead, etc. Any spell of silence will nullify this spell. The caster does not need to use any other
sensory organs besides his mouth & ears (thus he cannot be gagged or have plugged ears if he is to use this spell); indeed, the caster may even be blind, though he must close his
eyes if he is not. No concentration is required to maintain the spell, but the caster may end the spell at any time before it expires. For the duration of the darksense spell, the mage
will suffer no penalties for being in darkness or light. One drawback to this spell is that any creature that is gaseous or insubstantial in nature is able to attack the caster as if he
were blind, gaining +4 to hit. The material components of the spell are 2 bats’ ears & a small silver tuning fork, which must be rung audibly upon completion of the spell’s casting.
Neither component is consumed by casting the spell.
Delay Death (Necromancy)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell enables 1 person or creature to postpone death. If delay death is cast before the indicated creature or person reaches 0HPs, he is able to fight, cast spells, communicate,
and take all other normal actions until he is reduced to -10HPs. However, from the time he reaches 0HPs, the affected person or creature makes all attack rolls & saving throws at a
-2 penalty, and his movement rate is reduced by half. When the subject reaches -11HPs, he is dead, and delay death is no longer in effect. Note that the spell has a limited duration;
if the spell expires after the affected subject has reached -4HPs, the subject dies instantly. Any cure wounds spell will dispel the dweomer, but will cure half the normal amount of
hit points (round down). A deceased subject previously under the effect of delay death can be raised normally by raise dead & similar spells. The material component for this spell
is a chip from a tombstone or a sliver of wood from a coffin.
Devlin’s Venomblade (Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 minute/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: a slashing weapon Saving Throw: None
The caster creates any slashing weapon desired (with no magical or masterwork properties) that is coated with poison. The venom inflicts 1d4 points of temporary Strength damage
and 1d4 more a minute later. The blade lasts until it inflicts a wound or until the duration expires, whichever comes first.
Distract (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
A mage can use this spell to distract all within hearing distance who are trying to do any sort of work other than combat. The material component of the spell is a flute. While the
caster plays the flute (no proficiency necessary), those wishing to continue in their work must make a Willpower check each round to concentrate on their task at hand. Willpower
checks are at +4 if stopping work would result in imminent harm (failing to shore up a seawall during a monsoon, for example). Distracted persons cannot formulate strategies,
instruct others, or otherwise do complex work. However, the spell does not pacify those present, so they may attack the caster if they desire. If the caster stops playing the flute
before the duration is over, the effect ends.
Dust Blind (Elemental-Dust, Evocation)
Range: 30’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 2d4 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
When cast, a miniature blizzard of swirling dust appears around the target, causing the target to suffer near total blindness and all penalties associated with it. The dust stays for 2-8
rounds, unless a successful save is made, in which case the duration is only 1d4 rounds. The material component is a desert hawk feather, which is not consumed in the casting.
Dust Vortex (Elemental-Dust, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10' radius Saving Throw: ½
This attack spell creates a fast moving vortex that tears the skin of those in the 10' radius it affects. The spell causes 2d6 points of damage every round from the dust particles. The
vortex moves at the speed of 24 & must be directed by the mage or it will continue in the previous round’s direction & speed. Material component is a handful of dust that the
caster must blow upon.
Dusting (Elemental-Dust, Alteration)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 10’ cube Saving Throw: Special
The spell removes all the dust & sand from the area of effect. Although it is a good house cleaning spell it’s main purpose is against things of a dust & sand nature. Any creature of
sand & dust within the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. spells or suffer 1-3 points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum damage of 15d3. If the save is
successful then he only suffers half damage. Spells of elemental dust within the 10’ cube are checked as if a dispel magic spell was cast on them by a mage of the caster’s level.
Magical dusts & sands are affect to as if a dispel magic spell was cast on them. The material components are a small duster & a wind fan (both costing 5gp)
Earth Blaster (Elemental-Earth, Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 target/5 levels Saving Throw: Negates
At the start of the spell, the caster draws up energy from the earth via the components (a medium-sized black pot filled with 3 pints of muddy water, and 25gp placed inside) into
his left hand. The caster then levitates 7’ off of the ground, continually drawing energy from the black pot in the form of a light purple vapor. At the end of the energy transfer, the
caster’s hand explodes into a flash of lightning which surges upward to the caster’s right hand, held high above the mage’s head. Following this, the caster shoots from his right
hand 2d6 glowing, violet charges + 2 extra charges/level. The charges inflict 1d3 of earth damage each, exploding into a small violet burst when connecting with the target (within
20 yards + 7 yards/level). The target must also make a Strength check at -1 or lose 1 point of Strength for the duration of the battle, as well as a Dexterity check at -2 or lose 2
points of Dexterity for the duration of the battle. The caster may select an additional target for the pulses every 5 levels. Targets are hit simultaneously, but damage done from the
pulses is divided between targets. A saving throw vs. spells may be rolled for negating this spell (the spell has missed if the throw succeeds), but each target must roll.
Earth Fist (Elemental-Earth, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: ½
The caster, in activating the spell, must throw the spell components into the air, then punch them when they come back down to fist level. Upon this action, the earth fist projectile
is released, and hits an opponent (within 10 yards + 5 yards/level) for 1d4 + 1 points of damage per level of the caster. This spell may be blocked by shield magic of any type, with
the exception of spells with an anti-magic prefix in their name (i.e. anti-magic wall, anti-magic shell, etc.). The material components are a bit of rock & a dull crystal worth at least
Earthen Sphere (Elemental-Earth, Abjuration)
Range: 30’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 30’ globe Saving Throw: None
Magical Incantations – Level 3
This spell creates an earthen sphere to protect an area chosen by caster. The only problem is that only 1 turn of air is trapped & those within the earthen sphere cannot see or hear
outside of it and no air or sound can get through.
Electrify (Evocation/Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: S Duration: 2d4 + 2 weeks Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
With the help of this spell, the caster is able to electrify a metal object of no greater volume than a normal suit of plate mail. In order to place the enchantment, the caster must
touch the object while casting the spell. Thereby the caster will suffer 1d4+1 points of damage, unless protected against lightning or electricity. This is because it is his own body
that charges the object with its electricity. Any creature that thereafter touches the object takes 3d4+1 points of electrical damage plus 1d4 points for each level the casting wizard
has achieved above 3rd level, to a maximum of 10d4+1, unless he is properly protected. As long as the creature stays in contact with a touched object, no harm will come to that
particular person again from this spell, but if the object is dropped & then picked up anew, damage applies once again unless the duration has expired. Note that the caster is not
immune to this spell’s effects.
Elemental Indifference (Elemental-General, Abjuration) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to seem entirely non-threatening & beneath notice to all creatures from one chosen elemental plane (or para-elemental plane). For the duration of the
spell, the person protected by elemental indifference will not become the subject of attacks from creatures native to that plane. Thus, if the spell protects the user from the
elemental plane of earth, the user wouldn’t be attacked by earth elementals of any kind. This protection is a form of indifference on the part of the creatures. They cannot seem to
bother to notice the individual as a threat. The individual is not invisible, just not worth bothering with. If a wizard told an elemental to guard a door & attack all that try to enter,
the elemental would guard the door from the individual, but would not harm them in any way. Furthermore, if the individual protected by elemental indifference should attack a
creature native to the plane the spell protects him from, the spell ends immediately. The material component is a small jar full of some material that is common to the plane chosen
(charcoal for fire, smoke for air, sand for earth, and brine for water). The reverse of this spell, elemental antagonism forces all creatures native to the chosen plane to make a saving
throw vs. spells any time they see the person under the influence of the spell. If they fail their save, and are hostile, they will attack the individual over all others. If the native of the
plane chosen is not hostile, it will still be antagonized & hostile, if not violent to the individual.
Elemental Lash (Elemental-General, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting this spell, the caster creates up to 4 separate lashes of elemental magic, one of each element, or any combination. Note that elementalist wizards cannot create a lash
of their opposing element type, so a fire elementalist could create 2 fire lashes, 1 air lash, and 1 earth lash, but never a water lash. The caster has 10 yards per level of range to play
with, which must be divided up between the 4 lashes. All 4 lashes must be aimed at targets in front of the caster (in an 180° arc in front of the caster). All lashes strike with the
THAC0 of a fighter of equal level to the wizard, any missed lashes will travel to their maximum range, with effects determined by the DM.
Fire Lash - This lash creates a swath of fire from the caster’s hand swipe, which lashes out towards a target creature. If the lash hits, it deals 1d4+1 points of damage per 10 yards
the lash traveled, to a maximum of 5d4+5. The target creature may save vs. spells for half-damage. Creatures vulnerable to fire take double damage, making the fire lash most
effective against such creatures.
Air Lash - This lash is a blast of very strong wind, which knocks a creature back if the strike is successful. For every 10 yards the lash traveled, the creature is knocked back 1d4
yards & takes 1 point damage, and falls down, to a maximum of 5d4 yards & 5 points of damage. If the creature strikes a solid surface (such as a wall), it incurs another 1d4
points of collision damage. If the creature makes a successful saving throw vs. spells, it will only be forced back ½ the listed amount, takes no damage, and will not fall down,
though in either case spellcasting is ruined. Obviously, the air lash is most effective in knocking a creature back, or distracting spellcasters, not damaging them.
Water Lash - This lash is a burst of cold water that strikes out at the target creature. It deals only 1d3 points of impact damage per 10 yards traveled, to a maximum of 5d3, and
deals no damage if the creature makes a successful save vs. spells. However, regardless of whether or not the creature makes a successful saving throw, the creature is totally
soaked, and all flames carried by the creature are doused if they would at all be vulnerable to the water lash. Creatures vulnerable to water take 1d6 points of damage per 10
yards, to a maximum of 5d6, save vs. spells for half damage. Obviously, the water lash is most effective to creatures vulnerable to water.
Earth Lash - This lash is a series of sharp shards of stone, dirt & pebbles that whip out at a high speed. They pepper the target for 1d4 points of damage per 10 yards traveled by
the lash, to a maximum of 5d4 points of damage, but the target’s AC is added to the roll. Thus, a creature with AC 3 hit by a 20-yard lash would take 2d4+3 points of damage,
where a creature with AC -4 would take 2d4-4. Any creature hit can make a save vs. spells to take half damage. Obviously, the earth lash is most effective to creatures not
wearing armor.
The spell can be cast as a single lash or up to 4 lashes in any combination desired by the caster (even 4 of the same element), but each lash must be sent at a different target. The
material components depend on which lashes are going to be summoned. A single feather is needed for each air lash, a lump of coal for each fire lash, a pebble for each earth lash,
and a drop of water for each water lash. All components are consumed in the casting. Lashes can be longer than 50 yards, but damage maximizes at the 50-yard or longer range.
Elemental Staff (Elemental-General, Enchantment)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 staff Saving Throw: None
A wizard can use this spell to enchant a staff, causing it to become a magical quarterstaff. This magical weapon acts as a staff +4 against creatures of a chosen elemental plane,
inflicting 5-10 points of damage (1d6+4), and as a quarterstaff +1 against all other opponents, inflicting 2-7 (1d6+1) hit points of damage. The staff is perfectly normal before &
after the spell, and must not be already magical before the spell begins. The bearer of the elemental staff is proficient with the staff only if they have the staff weapon proficiency,
otherwise they incur normal non-proficiency penalties. The elemental plane to which the staff is effective must be chosen upon casting, and cannot be changed thereafter. The
material components for this spell are the staff, which is not consumed, and an item that depends on the plane to be chosen: a stick of incense for the elemental plane of air, a
handful of dirt for creatures of the elemental plane of earth, a drop of water for creatures of the elemental plane of water, and a lump of charcoal for creatures of the elemental
plane of fire. Para-elemental staves can be created, if appropriate substances are used (ice for the para-elemental plane of ice, and so forth).
Elf-shot (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 hours/level Casting Time: 5 rounds Area of Effect: 1 arrow Saving Throw: Special
The material component of this spell is an arrow. The arrow does not disappear during the casting as is normal, but is imbued with magic. If it is fired while the bowman speaks a
special phrase, it will reduce the target’s hit points to 0 on a successful hit. The caster speaks the intended phrase or code word for that particular arrow during the casting, and the
bowman must repeat this when firing. The bowman is thus vulnerable to silence or forgetfulness. If the arrow is shot without the accompanying phrase, the magic is lost, but the
arrow may still hit for normal damage. Furthermore, targets with a level or hit dice higher than half that of the caster cannot be affected. Arrows that are magic beforehand cannot
be dedicated to elf-shot. The arrow dedicated becomes magic, but gains no bonuses “to hit”, and is not considered a magic weapon for this purpose. If the arrow is not used before
the duration ends it simply becomes normal again. Note that if the phrase is spoken when the arrow is shot, the arrow will disappear regardless of the outcome.
Embrace of the Steel-Vice (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2d4 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell imbues the caster with great strength in the chest & upper arms. He may embrace someone or something in a wrestling lock, crushing them with tremendous strength.
Damage is 1-6 points per round, and armour only protects against the damage for the first round, plus 1 round for each +1 of any magical armour. Bracers, rings & cloaks are not
regarded as magical armour for the purposes of this spell. The target needs a Bend Bars roll to break free from the embrace. The material component is the heart of a bear.
Enchantment of Intoxication (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell changes a small percentage of the target’s blood into wine, not enough to kill him, but certainly enough to make him drunk. The target must make a save vs. poison at -2,
and the amount the target fails by is subtracted from all of his ability scores except Constitution, which will gain an equal amount. Should a score reach 0, the target will fall
unconscious, and if any score falls to -9, the target is dead. Note that repeated casting of this spell may kill a target, but there are simpler ways. Dwarves are immune to the spell,
and hairfoot halflings save at +1, rather than -2. The material component is a small amount of wine, which is flicked in the direction of the target.
Eyes of the Lowly Beast (Divination/Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
The caster can effectively ‘sense’ through the senses of a target animal. Thus, although the animal may not be able to understand speech, the caster, hearing the sounds, could.
Provided the animal remains on the same plane as the caster & within 10 miles, the caster can (by concentration) experience what the animal is experiencing. Communication in
Magical Incantations – Level 3
this manner is one-way only (animal to caster). The spell requires a touch on either the eyes or ears of the target animal to activate, requiring a barehanded THAC0 roll, and if the
animal is resisting, it is permitted a saving throw to escape the effects. A familiar would not take kindly to the use of this spell.
Faceless Horror (Illusion)
Range: 100’ + 10’/level Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast, a target creature is overcome with a sense of fear. To them, a nameless thing is about to leap out of the shadows, or appear behind them & attack. This fear
causes the target to act as if they are always flanked. The material component for this spell is any part of an undead or lower planar creature.
Fantar’s Reef (Alteration, Evocation)
Range: See Below Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 ship Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a more powerful version of Fantar’s shoal. It creates a reef-like construct of magical force underneath the ocean’s surface (at a range of 200 yards + 10 yards per
caster level). Any ship striking this magical barrier sustains 1d4+1 points of hull damage per level of the caster. The ship can save vs. crushing blow for half damage. Unless the
ship’s navigator makes a successful Navigation skill check, the ship has “run aground” for the duration of the spell. The barrier is invisible & indestructible, but a dispel magic
spell negates it. The material component for this spell is a piece of coral of at least 500gp value. The caster’s level determines the size of the ship that can be affected:
Level Ship Level Ship Level Ship
1-3 raft, canoe, small row boat 10-12 large barge, fishing vessel 16-18 medium-sized ship
4-6 row boat, outrigger, small long boat 13-15 small ship 19+ large ship, galleon
7-9 long boat, small barge
Fantastic Cloud (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a faintly glowing blue-white cloud (5’ in diameter, 1’ thick) beneath the caster. The cloud seems insubstantial but is actually dense enough to support weight; it is
a magical force under the caster’s mental control. The cloud cannot be affected by weapons or spells but can be dispelled normally. If the caster loses contact with the cloud it
fades, and should the caster be slain or rendered unconscious, the cloud continues to perform the last order it received. The cloud has a movement rate of 12 & a maneuverability
class of A, climbs at a rate of 6 & dives at a rate of 24. It is somewhat affected by winds & either gains or loses one to its movement rate for each 5mph of wind speed. The cloud
can carry up to 100lbs per level of the caster. If overloaded, the additional weight falls through. The caster can engage in other actions but the cloud will continue to obey the last
order it was given.
Fiery Backlash (Elemental-Fire, Charm, Evocation)
Range: 360’ + 30’/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/2 level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Negates
This spell creates invisible dweomers around the targets (1d4 targets within a 30’ radius) chosen by the caster. When the target attempts to cast a fire-based spell, the spell is
immediately redirected onto the casting being or object with all normal effects.
Fiery Bands (Elemental-Fire, Evocation, Conjuration)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: up to 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Up to 3 creatures Saving Throw: Special
This spell was invented to hold people hostage for a short amount of time but it could also have a defensive purpose. The spellcaster creates 3 flaming rings which then flash out
from the caster’s hands & surround up to 3 targets (1 ring each; 2 rings on 1 person, 1 ring on another; or 3 rings on 1 target) or himself (all 3 rings). The rings form a fairly tight
loop around the person targeted. There is not enough room for the target to wield a weapon, or perform any spellcasting that needs somatic components. If material components are
needed for a spell, they can only be cast if the components are on the person’s waist, in their hands, belt-pouch, etc, but not in a backpack, sack or other hard-to-reach places. The
bands of fire will not move if cast on a target other than the caster. If someone who is trapped by a fiery band tries to move, he will incur 2d6 points of fire damage (save vs. spells
for half-damage) per ring that surrounds him. If the creature is able to fly straight up, or levitate, or in any other way remove himself vertically, no damage is taken. Other creatures
that pass through the fiery band can have the spell’s effects occur to them. If the caster chooses to put all 3 rings on him, he becomes a walking weapon. All he has to do is get near
enough to someone for them to get the 2d6 points of damage (save for half) for each ring around him. He needs to be within 1 yard of someone for him or her to burn. However, he
cannot cast spells (as above) unless he is willing to be burned (in which case the spell will fail anyway), and cannot wield melee weapons without getting burned, either. However,
while under the effect of the fiery rings, any time anyone gets close enough to attempt to hit him (whether or not they succeed) with a melee weapon, they will take the damage as
above (with save). The material component for this spell is 3 gold rings (of any quality).
Find Companion (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 1 mile/level Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 8 hours Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This is similar to the 1st level find familiar; however, it brings to the caster an animal companion with enhanced abilities. The creature attracted benefits a wizard by conveying its
sensory powers to its master, conversing with him, and serving as a guard, scout, or spy. A wizard can have only 1 companion at a time, though he also can have a normal familiar
drawn by the 1st level spell. The companion enters into a magical bond with the wizard & will no longer age at the rate a similar normal animal would. The animal lives as long as
its wizard mentor - unless it’s killed earlier by spells, physical attacks, or neglect. In addition, like a familiar, the companion gains the saving throws of its wizard-mentor. The
wizard gains an empathic link with the animal & can issue it mental commands at a distance of up to 10 miles. Because it is enhanced through the casting of the find companion
spell, such an animal usually has more hit dice & a better Armor Class than a creature like it would normally possess. Its hit points are improved also. In addition to rolling hit
points based on the animal’s HD, a number of hit points are added equal to the caster’s level - to a maximum of 20. For example, a 7th level wizard with a badger companion would
add 7HPs to the creature’s total. A 9th level wizard would add 9HPs. Wizards can call upon these creatures to perform various tasks and missions & can rely upon their innate
magical abilities. Smarter than a natural creature, companions can easily carry out basic orders & can understand when their masters are in danger. All animal companions initially
have a Neutral alignment. Through association with the wizard, however, the companion assumes the same alignment as its master. If the companion's separated from its wizard
mentor by more than 50 miles, the wizard loses 1HP a day until he dies (at which time the companion also dies) or until the companion returns to within the 50-mile radius. These
improved familiars gain the saving throws of their wizard-masters. If the companion is killed, the wizard must successfully roll an immediate system shock check or lose two
levels of experience. If the check is successful, the wizard loses 1 level of experience. Companions vary in power and abilities, and the type of companion gained is random. Roll
1d20 and consult the following chart:
1 Raccoon 5 Spider 9 Vulture 13 Stag 17 Horse
2 Badger 6 Iguana 10 Bat 14 Otter 18 Cooshee
3 Winged serpent 7 Talking owl 11 Monkey 15 Fox 19 Brown bear
4 Rat 8 Falcon 12 Snake 16 Wolf 20 Cheetah
Badger: HD 2+1; AC 3; THAC0 19; #AT 3; Dmg l–3/1–3/1–4; MV 9, burrow 6; SZ S
A sturdy burrowing animal with thick hair, a badger is a loyal & fierce companion. A wizard who has this animal as a companion develops a patch of white hair at the top of his
head, just as a badger has a patch of white hair on the top of its head. Some wizards cover up this patch so others won’t learn about the presence of a badger companion. A badger
companion, once a day, can add 15 bonus HPs to its wizard-master & confer to its master an AC of 3. The AC benefit does not apply if the wizard already has an AC of 3 or better.
This is done at the wizard’s request or if the badger senses its master is in serious danger. The added HPs & AC remain for 6 turns (1 hour). The badger does not lose any of its
HPs, nor does its AC worsen in the process.
Bat: HD 1+2; AC 7; THAC0 20; #AT 1; DMG 1–3; MV 1; FI 24 (B); SZ T
A bat companion is small & has a wingspan of 6”-1’. Bats come in shades of gray, brown, & black, and their wizard companions’ hair quickly matches the hue of the bats’ leathery
wings. A bat companion is loathe to be about during the day - unless in an underground setting. During the daylight, its movement rate is cut in half. At night, because of its sonar,
it has the equivalent of infravision to 120’ & can ignore the effects of fog & magical darkness. Once an evening, it allows its wizard-master to fly with a movement rate of 12 (B),
& to transform himself into a bat with a flying rate of 24 (B). These abilities last for 1d6 +2 turns.
Brown bear: HD 5+5; AC 5; THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg 1–6/1–6/1–8; SA hug; MV 12; S L
An aggressive hunter that stands 9’ tall, a bear companion gifts its master with the hunting proficiency at a score of 18. This companion animal has such keen senses that 3 times a
day he can detect illusions within a 30’ radius. This information can be readily passed to its wizard-master. A wizard with this companion grows long, thick, shaggy hair.
Cheetah: HD 4; AC 4; THAC0 16; #AT 3; Dmg 1–3/1–3/1–8; SA rear claws 1–3 each; SD surprised only on a 1; MV 15, sprint 45; SZ M
A sand-colored cat that stands 4’–4½’ tall, the cheetah is a skilled hunter that can use natural camouflage. It is surprised only on a 1. Unless springing to the attack, it has a 90%
chance to go unseen in woodland settings, an 80% chance in farmlands or plains, & a 70% chance in shadowy buildings or underground areas. The cheetah possesses the following
Magical Incantations – Level 3
non-weapon proficiencies: hunting (15), tracking (16), & survival (16). When its wizard-master is within 30’ of it in an outdoor setting, the effect is as if the wizard was wearing a
cloak of elvenkind. Further, while the wizard is within 10’ of the cat, he is surprised only on a 1. The wizard companion develops cat’s-eyes.
Cooshee: HD 4+3; AC: 4; THAC0 16; #AT 3; Dmg 1–4/1–4/2–8; MV 15, sprint 45; SZ M
Recognized as an elven dog, the cooshee only barks to warn its wizard-master of danger. A cooshee companion can puss without truce at will, as per the 1st level priest spell, &
allows its wizard to do the same once a day. In addition, the dog has infravision to 90’ can detect secret or concealed doors on a 1–2 on a d6, can move silently in any woodland
setting, and has the tracking non-weapon proficiency at a score of 18. A cooshee companion has a very magical nature, and once a day it can identify wizards within a 60’ radius.
A wizard who has this animal for a companion has brown patches on his back.
Falcon: HD 2; AC 4; THAC0 19; #AT 3; Dmg 1–3/1–3/1–3; MV 1, fly 36 (B); SZ S
Small, maneuverable birds of prey, falcons form fast bonds with their masters. Like the falcon, the wizard gains a taste for raw meat & periodically has an urge to hunt for his
dinner. A falcon companion, once a day, allows its master to cast a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spell through it. For example, a wizard with a falcon flying high overhead could cast a magic
missile or a web at a foe that would otherwise be out of the wizard’s range.
Fox: HD 2; AC 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–6; MV 15; SZ S
Members of the dog family, foxes are noted for their bushy tails & large erect ears. A wizard who gains a fox companion also gains a slight point to his ears, making others suspect
that there is a hint of elven blood in his lineage. Elves gain an even more pronounced point to their ears. Especially clever & quick, foxes bestow improved movement, so that the
wizard has a maximum normal movement rate of 15. Three times a day a fox companion is able to dimension door into trees & bushes, similar to the way a dryad can dimension
door into an oak tree. The fox can stay in a tree or bush as long as it or its wizard-master desires. Once a day the fox can confer one of its dimension door uses to its master.
However, the wizard can stay inside a tree for only up to 8 hours. At the end of that time, the wizard finds himself expelled from the tree.
Horse: HD 4+4; AC 6; THAC0 16; #AT 2; Dmg 1–8/1–8; MV 15, gallop 30; SZ L
A companion horse is large and muscular, an impressive mount that is tremendously loyal to its master. It can travel long distances without tiring, and it can fend for itself, feeding
on plants & grasses - even locating food for its master, if necessary. Twice a day, at its master’s request, a companion horse can determine how many spells remain in a designated
wizard’s memory. However, it cannot determine the levels or kinds of spells. A wizard with this companion comes to favor apples, oats, and sugar.
Iguana: HD 2; AC 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–4; MV 9, climb 6; SZ S
A large herbivorous green lizard with a dorsal crest, an iguana companion perhaps best serves as a guard for its wizard master or his home & treasures. A wizard who attracts this
animal through this spell quickly loses an appetite for meat. Like his iguana companion, the wizard now prefers fruits & vegetables. Once a day, an iguana can be commanded to
guard an object or individual. If its charge is threatened, the iguana changes form to defend its charge. It retains this new form for 3d4 turns: HD 6; AC 0; THAC0 13; #AT 1; Dmg
4–16; MV 18, climb 12; S M. In addition, once a day the iguana can cast a strength spell upon its master. The spell grants the wizard 1d4 additional points of Strength, which lasts
6 turns.
Monkey: HD 2+1; AC 7; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–3; MV 9, climb 9; SZ S
A small primate with a long tail, a monkey is fiercely loyal to its master. The wizard with this companion prefers to eat fruits, nuts, and the occasional insect. The wizard gains the
ability to climb trees at 90% & to climb walls at 50%. Twice a day, the monkey can call upon innate jump ability, as per the spell, with each session lasting 10 rounds & allowing
him to travel much farther than would normally be possible. Also twice a day, the monkey grants its master the ability to speak with monkeys, as per speak with animals. Each use
of this ability lasts 1 turn.
Otter: HD 2; AC 4; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–3; MV 12, swim 18; SZ S
Having webbed & clawed feet & dark brown fur, an otter companion is a fast, agile swimmer that gifts its master with the swimming proficiency at a score of 18 & a swimming
movement rate of 12. A wizard with such a companion has no desire to eat red meat. He prefers fish above all other foods - raw or cooked - and goes out of his way to dine on
freshwater fish. Twice a day, an otter companion can breathe water as if it were air for up to 4 hours at a time. If it desires, or if the wizard requests it, the otter can bestow one of
those water-breathing uses upon its master.
Raccoon: HD 2; AC 8; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–4; MV 9, swim 9; SZ S
A small, flesh-eating mammal with a bushy, ringed tail, the raccoon bestows on its wizard master a 40% chance to climb walls and an 80% chance to climb trees. Like his animal
friend, the wizard prefers to eat meat - and only eats vegetables or fruit when there is no meat available. The raccoon is a timid animal and only ventures into dangerous terrain
when commanded. Raccoons see well in darkness, and once a day - at its master’s request - it can grant the wizard infravision to 60’. This ability lasts 1d4 hours. If its master
already possesses infravision, the raccoon increases its master’s infravision range by 25% during this time.
Rat: HD 2; AC 6; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–3; MV 15, swim 6; SZ T
A small gnawing mammal with white, brown, or black fur, a rat serves as an excellent spy. A wizard with this creature as his animal companion quickly learns that his hair
matches the color of his companion rat. Once a day, the rat can assume gaseous form for one hour. If the rat does not assume gaseous form at all during the course of a day, it can
instead confer upon its master the ability to turn gaseous. The wizard must make this request.
Snake: HD 3+1; AC 5; THAC0 18; #AT 2; Dmg 1–3 (bite)/1–3 (constrict); MV 9; SZ S
A 5’–6’ long constrictor, the snake causes its wizard-master’s tongue to thin slightly & to fork. The wizard gains a permanent +2 bonus to saving throws vs. snake poison. Twice a
day, the snake can transform itself into a wooden staff. Each transformation lasts up to 2 hours. If used as a weapon, the staff inflicts 1d6HPs of damage. The staff has the snake’s
AC & can withstand the snake’s HPs in damage before it - and the snake - are destroyed. Once a day the wizard can meld form with the snake, though not while it is a staff. During
the meld, the snake assumes the wizard’s HPs & movement rate. The wizard cannot cast spells while melded with the snake. The meld lasts 1d4+4 turns, with the wizard being
able to break the meld earlier.
Spider: HD 1; AC 7; THAC0 20; #AT 1; Dmg 1–2; MV 12, web 9; SZ T
The smallest of animal companions, the spider is roughly 2”–3” across. Attracting this creature through the find companion spell causes the wizard’s eyes to become black &
glossy. Those looking closely at him see the faint outline of a spider in the center of his pupils. A spider is small enough to slip into most places unseen, acting as an excellent
information-gatherer for its master. Three times a day the spider can confer upon the wizard the spider climbing ability, as per the spell. The duration of each use is 1-3 turns, and
the wizard must communicate his desire for the ability. In addition, the wizard gains a +2 to his saving throws if a web spell is cast in his vicinity.
Stag: HD 4+2; AC 6; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1–8; MV24; SZ M
As tall as a horse, though lacking some of the bulk, the stag is an elegant-looking companion. An unarmored wizard-master can use it as a mount. Three times a day, at its master’s
request, a stag can determine the alignment of a designated individual who is within 60 yards. The wizard with this companion grows twin nubs on the top of his head, roughly
where antlers would be on a stag’s head.
Talking owl: HD 3+2; AC 2; THAC0 18; #AT 1; Dmg 1–4/1–4/1–2; MV 1 fly 36 (B); SZ S
A diminutive bird of prey with a large head and a small hooked bill, the owl can fly at any time of the day, though it is clear the bird prefers to be about in the evenings. Its master
soon feels more at ease when the sun sets, and he acquires a taste for small rodents. A talking owl speaks the language of its master, plus 6 additional tongues. The bird can detect
good at will 6 times a day. However, if it forgoes any of the uses of that ability in a day, it can transfer them to its wizard-companion. For example, if a talking owl decided not to
use its detect good ability during the course of a day, it could grant its master six uses of the detect good spell. The owl is immune to the following spells: cause fear, charm person,
command, friends, hypnotism, forget, hold person, ray of enfeeblement, scare, and fear.
Vulture: HD 2+1; AC 5; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1-4; MV 3, fly 27 (E); SZ M
Scavengers with bodies roughly 2’ long and wingspans of up to 7’, vultures are far from the most attractive of animal companions. They have greasy-looking blue & black feathers
over their bodies, save for their heads, which are bald and pink-skinned. A wizard with such a companion also is bald. Because vultures have a knack for finding dead creatures, 3
times a day they can detect undead: within a 120’ radius. They suffer only half-damage from physical attacks of undead creatures, and they ignore the following effects caused by
undead aging, level draining, fear, mummy rot, and paralyzation. A vulture bestows upon its companion the ability to ignore one aging or one level-draining attack per day. For
example, a wizard with a vulture companion would ignore the first attack from a vampire that would normally cause a loss of two experience levels. However, a second attack by
the undead would result in the level drain.
Winged serpent: HD 4+4; AC 5; THAC0 15; #AT 1; Dmg 14; MV 12, fly 18 (B); SZ L
Colorful snakes with hues of green, blue, purple, yellow, and orange, these companions are 8’–10’ long and have wingspans of 10’–15’. The bite of a winged serpent is venomous,
inflicting 1-4 hp damage the first round & 2–8 hp damage the following two rounds, save vs. poison for half damage. Three times a day the serpent can use a breath weapon, which
consists of a cloud of dancing sparks 10’ in diameter. All those within the cloud suffer 2-16 hp damage, save for one-half, and the sparks ignite exposed flammable materials. The
serpents are especially vulnerable to fire-based attacks, suffering a -2 saving throw. If they fail their saving throw against a fire attack, its wings are incinerated. The serpents can’t
use their breath weapon while wingless. The serpents are immune to all electrical attacks, and they are able to regenerate their wings in 1–3 days. If they tuck their wings in close
Magical Incantations – Level 3
to their bodies they can spider climb at will. Once per day the serpent can transfer its breath weapon to its master. The wizard with this companion must spend 100gp a month on
special fruits & nuts for the winged serpent. After a few months in the company of this creature, the wizard’s diet starts to mirror the serpent’s diet.
Wolf: HD 4; AC 6; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 2–5; MV 38; SZ S
Standing between 3’-4’ high at the shoulder, this companion confers upon its wizard-master a permanent +1 bonus to saving throws vs. charm attacks. The wolf also enjoys this
benefit. In addition, twice a day the animal can turn itself into a worg with these statistics: HD 5; AC 5; THAC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 2–8; MV 18; SZ M (4’–7’). The form lasts 2d4
turns. When in the presence of its wolf companion, the wizard is able to speak with wolves, as if using speak with animals. A wizard with a wolf companion becomes almost
exclusively a meat eater.
Fingers of Mist (Elemental-Steam, Evocation, Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates wispy vapor from each hand of the caster. Each hand creates a misty double of the caster’s own hands, on a long trail of mist that leads back to the caster’s hands,
which must be free for the duration of the spell to use the spell’s abilities. Each round, the caster can move the misty hands up to 10’ (the hands are slow). Thus, if the caster
wanted to reach something 30’ away, it would take 3 rounds for the caster to stand still & concentrate enough for the misty hands to travel 10’ per round. When the caster stops
concentrating, the spell ends. This includes spellcasting, or being hurt in combat. Each hand can manipulate up to one half-pound per caster level (both hands together can
manipulate 1lb per caster level). The caster can divide up the hands to 2 separate tasks, and need only slightly mimic what he wants the hands to do with his own. The caster can
use the misty hands to pick up objects, gather items, pull a key to him from within a cell, and open a door or chest. This can be done only if the door or chest is light enough or
balanced for easy use - the spell has a relative strength rating of about 1-3). If both hands are used, the spell can be made to actively bother an opponent in combat; the opponent
gets a -1 to all to-hit & damage rolls, a +1 AC penalty, and a +1 penalty to initiative. In a strong wind, this spell’s duration is halved.
Fire Extinguisher (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 120 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 10 cubic feet/level Saving Throw: None
This spell is a more powerful version of the affect normal fires spell. It can douse both magical & non-magical fires. It is mainly used to help control large fires or those that are
started & fueled by magic. The material component is a magically burnt piece of wood.
Fire Phantom (Conjuration, Summoning)
Range: 15’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This is a spell used to summon one of the weaker types of fire elementals: the fire phantom. The summoned creature has 2+2HD, AC 5, MV 12”, and can be hit by ordinary, non-
magical weaponry. The fire phantom attacks once per round for 1d8HPs of damage, and can ignite any combustible materials upon contact. The physical appearance of a fire
phantom is a fiery outline of a vaguely humanoid form, 7’ in height. The phantom must always remain within 30’ of the spell-caster; if it moves beyond this range the spell expires.
Materials set aflame by the fire phantom continue to burn normally after the phantom is gone. The fire phantom (being of low intelligence) follows all commands given by its
summoner as long as the magic-user concentrates on controlling it. If the spellcaster’s concentration is broken, the phantom immediately attacks the summoner. Otherwise, the fire
phantom remains until it is destroyed or until the spell’s duration expires, whereupon it vanishes. Note that any more powerful creature from the Elemental Plane of Fire can
dismiss the fire phantom at will, or even turn it upon its summoner, regardless of other circumstances. The material component of this spell is a pint of oil, which must be poured
out & ignited during the casting of the spell.
Fire Rain (Evocation)
Range 240 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 30 yards square Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes threads of magical flame to stream from the sky over the target area. All within the area of effect (except those immune to fire) must make a save vs. Magic.
Those who fail suffer the full damage of the spell, while those who make the save suffer half the damage. The spell causes 1d8 points of damage for every 2 levels of the caster
(rounded down). In addition, there is a 50% chance that combustible materials in the area of effect are ignited, starting a small fire (although this may quickly spread). The spell is
only effective outdoors & characters in a building or under solid cover are protected. The building or protection may be set on fire, however. The material components for this spell
are a small blowpipe through which the caster must blow a mouthful of lamp oil.
Fire Wings (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Caster only Saving Throw: None
This spell transforms the caster’s arms into phoenix-like wings of brilliant fire. The caster & all he carries suffer no damage from this flame, but all within 3’ suffer 1-2 points of
damage each round (unless immune to fire). Since the caster’s arms are transformed, he cannot hold items in his hands or cast spells while using the fiery wings. However, rings &
bracers can still be worn, fitting around the pinions of feathery flames. The wings give the caster the ability to fly at a rate of 24”. They cast a light to a radius of 6”. Although the
wings are ill-suited to combat, the mage can use them to wing buffet opponents. However, he does so using his non-proficiency penalty when determining if he hits. A successful
attack inflicts 2d6 points of damage (no saving throw allowed). The wings can be snuffed out if the mage is hit by a large quantity of water, freezing cold, or a wind of hurricane or
greater force. The material components for this spell are a golden amulet shaped like a phoenix & the feather of a bird, which must be burned upon casting.
Fireflight (Elemental-Fire, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds + 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell surrounds the caster with an aura of explosive flames, strongest at his feet, that grants him the ability of flight. However, the explosive force that grants flight has quite a
few drawbacks. First, the caster cannot hover at any point once flight is reached. He must keep flying, at a minimum speed of 6, or the spell will fizzle out. Second, when he first
takes off, the spell looses a backlash of fire at his feet, dealing 2d6+1 points of fire damage to all within a 5’ radius of the caster’s take-off point (they may each attempt a save vs.
spell for half-damage). Third, if the caster lands before the spell duration is over, the spell will release an equal backlash of fire damage to all within a 5’ radius of the caster’s
landing point (again, 2d6+1 damage, save vs. spells for half). And if the caster does choose to land before the spell duration is over, the spell ends immediately. On the positive
side, the fiery aura around the caster does serve to give him a +1 bonus to his AC, just from the protection & haze provided by the fire & heat. The fire & heat in no way harms the
caster of the spell. However, in melee combat that is hand-to-hand or with weapons of size M or S, those struck by the flying caster must make a saving throw vs. spells. If they fail
their saving throw, they take an additional 1d4+1HPs of damage. If they succeed the saving throw vs. spells, they take only 1 point of damage, in both cases from the sparks &
motes of fire that surround the caster. The caster has a flying movement rate of 20 (twice that when diving, half that when rising), and a maneuverability class of C. If the caster is
still flying when the spell ends, he falls, and suffers damage as normal. The material components for this spell are two fold: a candle shaped to look like the caster, lit at the start of
the caster’s spellcasting, melting away to nothing at the end of spellcasting; a small token made of gold in the shape of a wing feather from any bird (costs about 25gp to create).
Both are consumed in casting.
Flaming Fingers (Alteration)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: As burning hands Saving Throw: ½
Similar to burning hands. The position of hands & fingers are free, giving 2 firing arcs/cones of 90° and a range of 1.5 yards plus one-quarter yards per level. Damage equals
1d3+3HPs per level.
Flaming Missiles (Elemental-Fire, Enchantment, Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Special
A more specialized version of flame arrow, this spell enchants up to 2 missiles per caster level. Missiles can be sling rocks or bullets, crossbow bolts, throwing knives, darts,
spears, arrows, or whatever else can be used as a missile weapon. The wizard must be within 10 yards of the missiles to be enchanted, and they can be prepared to fire if necessary.
After casting the spell, the missile weapons selected remain magical for 1 turn. After that, they are no longer enchanted by the flaming missile spell. When thrown or fired, the
missile weapon’s magic is activated. Upon impact with creature, ground, or other physical force, the weapon deals normal damage as usual, then bursts into flame. All creatures &
items struck make a save vs. spells (vs. magical fire for items) or take 1d3 points of extra fire damage. Creatures or items making their save take only 1 extra point damage.
Furthermore, all items may suffer incendiary damage. In any case, the missile weapon enchanted is destroyed (the spell will not affect magical items). The material components for
the spell are a bottle of oil & a shard of flint, both consumed in the casting.
Flare (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/5 caster levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
While the flare spell is active, all non-instantaneous fire elemental spells cast by the caster last 1 round longer per 4 levels of the caster. Also, any fire spells that cause damage,
whether instantaneous or not, gain a bonus of +1 per die of damage rolled. A fireball cast by a 9 level mage normally inflicts 9d6 damage. If cast while flare is in effect, it deals
9d6+9 points of damage. Flare lasts 1 round for every 5 levels of the caster. This spell is a modified augmentation I spell, except by narrowing the focus of the spell’s effects to
Magical Incantations – Level 3
fire spells only, the wizard who created it found she could affect any level of fire spell she knew. At higher levels the mage can even extend the duration of the flare spell & get off
2, 3, or 4 fire spells with added benefit. The material component is a piece of coal from a fire started by any magic (including a simple cantrip), that is consumed in the casting.
Forceblast (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
A blast of pure magical force (within 100’ + 10’/level) is projected from the caster’s hand, that deals 1d4 points of damage per caster level (maximum 10d4) in a rectangular area
5’ wide & up to the total spell range in length. Corporeal creatures of Large size or smaller that fail the Dodge saving throw are knocked down. Because magical force harms
incorporeal creatures & objects, some casters refer to this spell as “spiritslayer”.
Frigid Gale (Evocation, Elemental-Ice, Elemental-Air)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
Frigid gale is a large step up from its predecessor, cold wind. The spell penalizes all non-magical missile attacks within the area of effect (field 40’ long, 40’ wide, 10’ high) by -2,
and also inflicts 1d3 damage per level of the caster every round to all creatures within the area of effect. A saving throw is allowed for half damage; creatures protected against
cold attacks are immune to this damage.
Frost Fire (Alteration, Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a magical fire that “burns” ice cold. It looks like a fire with bluish-white flames, but absorbs heat instead of producing it. It spreads very quickly over anything
that is warmer, including water, until the object reaches 0°C. The fire otherwise lasts for 1 turn, but the wizard can also extinguish it at will. Ice walls & similar cold barriers will
block the spread of the fire. At 3rd level, the initial area of effect is 10ft2. For every level thereafter, the caster can increase the initial area of effect by another 10ft2. Any creature
caught in the flames takes 2d6 of cold damage & must make a saving throw versus breath weapon to avoid catching fire. If unsuccessful, the victim stays aflame, taking 1d6HPs of
cold damage & suffering a -1 penalty to all attack rolls until his temperature reaches 0°C. For all heat- & fire-loving creatures, the effects, damage & penalties, are doubled. When
hit points are reduced to zero, the victim is frozen solid & immobile. The material component is a small handful of powdered magnesium to be thrown on the “area of ignition”.
Frostball (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 15’ radius Saving Throw: ½
Very similar to fireball, frostball lets loose a scolding blast of pure cold which deals freezing damage to everyone caught in the blast, within the spell’s range (20 yards + 5
yards/level). Like a fireball, the frostball deals 1d6 points of damage for each level of the caster, up to a maximum of 10d6. The area of the ball is a little bit smaller than the
fireball’s, only having a 15’ radius, but the cold is so incredibly intense that those struck must save vs. spells for half damage with a -2 to their save. The area affected will be
covered by ice for 1d4 rounds after the spell has been cast (depending on the weather forecast & the DM), duplicating & creating the effects of a grease spell for that duration. If
the spell is cast underwater, the blast of ice is hindered by the resistance of the water, causing it to give only half damage, with a save for one third. The material component of
frostball is a crystal & some spring water. Both are consumed.
Giant Power (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
Giant power is a special form of the 2nd level strength spell. It will give the target enormous physical power. The spell gets this strength from the power of the caster’s mind,
effectively making him less intelligent. At the casting of the spell the caster chooses a modifier to his Intelligence, up to 1 point per level, and one which won’t reduce his
intelligence below 1. This modifier is subtracted from the caster’s Intelligence & added to the target’s Strength. This modification lasts until the end of the spell’s duration. The
target will grow 3”-6” & gain 50lbs when the spell is cast. For example a 10th level wizard with 16 Intelligence casts the spell on a 6th level fighter with Strength of 14. After
casting, the wizard has an effective intelligence of 6, and the fighter an effective Strength of 24.
Guiding the Hunter’s Arrow (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 missile Saving Throw: None
This spell increases the accuracy of a missile weapon by +4 for 1 shot. The target must be in the caster’s line of sight & must be the same one the archer is aiming at. As with
Support the Lofted Arrow, spell effects may not be enhanced, but enchanted weapons may.
Hand of Darkness (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
On the round after casting this spell, the radiances caused by glowing, magical items, light spells, torches, and other light sources within the area of effect (30-yard radius sphere)
‘go out’. They are not extinguished, they simply give off no light. The caster must launch the spell (i.e. the center of the area of effect) as if it was a missile. A dispel magic could
end the spell, but might also put out the light sources. Subsequent light spells in the area will not dispel the hand of darkness, but may work after the hand expires. Light sources
brought into the area will be ‘extinguished’. The spell will cause total darkness, but does not affect infravision. Beings inside the area of effect cannot see outside lights. The
material components for this spell include a piece of coal, a small sphere of black glass, and a scrap of black cloth.
Haste of the Playful Porpoise (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
The target of the spell gains speed & control of motion in water. While he must be able to swim in the first instance, the spell gives a +2 to appropriate swim rolls & doubles
swimming speed. The material component is a fish scale.
Heat Shield (Elemental-Fire, Elemental-Ice, Alteration) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour/Level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell gives the caster the ability to endure the effects of prolonged exposure to the cold. It raises the temperature of the immediate area around the caster to 70°F. This allows
the caster to suffer no ill effects from temperatures as low as -40°F for the duration of the spell. This spell will not protect the caster from breath weapons, magical attacks or cold
using creature attacks.
Heat Wave (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
Upon casting this spell, the wizard releases a rippling wave of heat that inflicts 1d4+1 points of damage per level of the spellcaster (maximum damage of 10d4+10) to each creature
within its area of effect. A successful saving throw vs. spell reduces this damage to half (round fractions down). The wave begins at a range & height decided by the caster, and
streaks outward in a direct line from the casting wizard. The wave can begin up to 20 yards + 5 yards/level away. The heat wave is visible as a visual distortion of hot airs (a
rippling effect). The heat wave may ignite very dry combustible substances (straw, paper, etc.). An item saving throw vs. fire is used to determine if the object catches on fire.
Wood may smolder & blacken, but will not burst into flame. The heat wave ends if it strikes a solid surface (wall, ceiling, door, etc.). The spell’s area of effect is chosen by the
spellcaster: either a wave 10’ in width & 40’ in length, or a wave 5’ in width & 80’ in length. The material components for this spell are a piece of wax from a once-lit candle, a
piece of gold, orange, or yellow ribbon, and a piece of flint. All are consumed in casting.
Heatshadows (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 10ft3/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates infrared ‘phantoms’, virtually identical to those created by living human, demihuman, or humanoid bodies as perceived by infravision. One heatshadow can be
created for every experience level of the casting wizard, up to a maximum of 12. These shadows can be made to act as living beings in all respects, & move at a maximum rate of
15; the amount of control the wizard has over each individual shape is determined by the DM. Note that there is only a 10% base chance, +1% per Intelligence point, of being able
to distinguish actual beings from heatshadows. The material component of this spell is a lump of coal or charcoal.
Hedge of Thorns (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 hours Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Negates
With this spell, the caster orders all plant life to spring up in a hedge of thorns anywhere within 50 yards. The hedge can be made to grow up in front of, around or even on top of
creatures if the caster wishes. The hedge is made of magic thorns that grow so quickly that they can easily trap & kill anyone in the area of effect (10-yard x 70-yard strip or a 20-
yard radius circle). Each creature within the area is allowed a Dodge save to jump free of the hedge. If the saving throw is failed, they suffer 1d4 points of damage per level of the
caster. In addition, movement is reduced to a maximum of 2 yards per round. Once created, the hedge of thorns cannot be dispelled. The hedge withers quickly, however, and will
be gone in 6 hours. Before that, it is flammable & will burn down in 2 rounds, causing any remaining in the hedge to suffer 1d6 points of fire damage in each round.
Magical Incantations – Level 3
Hiding the Flame (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 15 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 fire Saving Throw: None
This spell makes a flame & its burning source (such as coals) invisible, giving off no light. Flames up to the size of a campfire can be affected. The flame still gives off heat,
however, and can still spread, and fires started by the flame are visible as normal flame.
Hooded Flame (Alteration)
Range: 10’ Components: V, S, M Duration: See text Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell causes an object to shed light, of a similar kind to that created by a light spell, for as long as it is held (1d10 rounds + 1 round/level). The practical benefit of the spell is
that only the nominated creature can see the light, and any objects revealed by it. Thus, demihumans can use infravision without endangering their human companions, who can
benefit from the spell instead. Moreover, since the light remains magical, anything with magic resistance will appear as a dark shadow in this light, even if it is invisible to normal
sight. The material component is a candle.
Hovering Skull (Necromancy)
Range: Special Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a glowing human skull with sharp fangs. The skull hovers about a foot above the caster’s shoulder; as the caster moves, the skull hovers along with him. If the
caster stops moving & concentrates, he can mentally command the hovering skull to move in any direction within a 30-yard radius. The caster can see through the skull’s eyes as if
they were his own; for instance, the hovering skull could be ordered to investigate a dark cave or peek over a high wall. Additionally, the caster can order the hovering skull to
attack victims with its razor-sharp teeth. If the caster’s concentration is interrupted while controlling the skull, the skull immediately drops to the ground (but it takes no damage).
If the caster resumes concentration, he can continue to command the skull. The hovering skull has the same statistics as the caster, except the skull has 3HPs & inflicts 1d6HPs of
damage with its bite. Attacks directed at the skull do not harm the caster, nor does damage directed at the caster affect the skull. The material component for this spell is the tooth
from a human skull.
Ice Bolt (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10’ x 40’ bolt Saving Throw: ½
Ice bolt is similar to the lightning bolt spell. When cast, the wizard releases a powerful bolt of cold energy (within 40 yards +10 yards per level) that inflicts 1d4+1HPs of damage
for each experience level of the spellcaster (maximum damage is 10d4+10). Ice bolts are 10’ wide, 5’ high, and travel a maximum distance of 40’. Unlike lightning bolts, ice bolts
do not reflect or rebound off solid surfaces. If an ice bolt reaches an unyielding barrier before it has traveled its full 40’ distance, it dissolves harmlessly upon impact. Creatures
within the area of effect are given a saving throw vs. spell to halve damage. Though the ice bolt is uncomfortably cold, the damage is caused by magical energy & is subject to
magic resistance. Creatures immune to cold still suffer damage from an ice bolt. The material components are a bit of wool & a bolt-shaped crystal; both are consumed in the
Ice of Light (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell enchants a block of ice, such that it will give off heat & light commensurate with a normal campfire. The cube, which is about 1’ on a side, will glow with diminishing
intensity until it melts, 1 hour/level after casting. The block may be broken into glowing chunks that produce proportionately less light & heat than the whole. This spell combines
well with Vulcan's Bath, effectively giving a permanent fire. The material components are a block of ice & a sprinkling of hot sauce, the kind used to flavour meat.
Icelance (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell’s material component is a chunk of ice weighing no less than 10lbs, but the remains of an ice storm will suffice, if cast within 2 rounds of the ice storm. The spell causes
the shards of ice to reform into a long magical lance of ice, which the caster can then will to fly against a target within his range. The icelance strikes with a THAC0 as the caster,
it is +4 to hit, however, for all purposes. If it hits, it causes 5d6 points of damage. In addition, the target must save vs. spells or be stunned for 1-4 rounds. The icelance flies in a
straight line towards its target, if it hits something on the way it crumbles harmlessly to ice shards. It also crumbles to ice shards if it hits its target. In both cases, the spell could be
cast anew on the shards. If the lance misses its target, the shards are lost.
Icy Aura (Invocation, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 10’ radius Saving Throw: ½
This potent invocation creates an aura of intense icy cold around the caster. The cold is so intense that it has the power to freeze any entering the area of effect & encase them
within chilling ice. Any creature entering the area of effect takes 2d4 points of damage per round of cold damage, although a saving throw vs. spell will halve this. The real danger
comes from prolonged exposure, however. After remaining in the icy aura for more than 2 rounds, any creature failing his saving throw is effectively held in a sheath of ice until
the duration of the spell expires. Creatures who are immune to cold or size H or larger are not affected by this spell. The material component for this spell is a tiny pair of ice cube
tongs. They are not expended during the casting.
Icy Touch (Evocation, Elemental-Ice)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, the mage’s hand is surrounded by a flickering aura of black & blue flames. The flames last for 1 round per caster level or until another sentient creature is
touched. If another creature is touched (requiring an attack roll if the target is unwilling), the flames briefly surround the target, then vanish. The target takes 1d10 damage & must
save vs. paralysis or be paralyzed indefinitely, or until cured by a remove paralysis. A protection from paralysis spell protects against the paralysis but not the damage; immunity
to cold protects against the damage but not the paralysis. Undead are not affected by this spell. The material component to the spell is a scrap of flesh, bone or cloth from a lich.
Improved Force Field (Alteration)
Range: 10 yard/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
The force field created by this spell is similar to the 2nd level spell, force field, filling an area 1 yard3 + ½ yard3 per level. The improved force field can take on any two- or three-
dimensional form. Its maximum length is 10 yards, its minimum 1”. The physical strength of the field is 200 atmospheres (100 N/inch or the impact force of 3 arrows), while its
AC is -2. The force field can move & transform at a rate of 2 yards per round per level (MR 2 per level). The force field can exert a pressure of 100 atmospheres. Creature of HD
twice the level of the caster can break through the field. Material components include: air, plate steel, and glass crystal.
Improved Shatter
Range: 30’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 4lbs/level Saving Throw: Negates
The improved shatter spell affects non-magical & magical objects of crystal, glass, ceramic, porcelain, cloth, leather, wood, metal, stone, or ice. Such items are shattered into
dozens of pieces by the spell. Objects of 4lbs per level of the caster may be affected. Only 1 object may be affected even if it is very light. A save vs. crushing blow must be
successful at -2 or the object will be shattered. Magic items gain bonuses to this save as related in the DMG. The material component for this spell is a chip of granite.
Improved Stonestaff (Elemental-Earth, Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
An improved version of the stonestaff spell, this spell conjures into being a stone staff, exactly as per the stonestaff spell. However, this staff is inherently magical, and unlike
stonestaff, actually functions with a magical bonus to hit & to damage, instead of being merely able to affect creatures as if it had the bonuses. Improved stonestaff has a +1 to hit &
to damage for every 5 levels of the caster against ordinary foes, and is in all other ways a normal quarterstaff (same damage, weapon speed, etc.). However, if the staff is used to
strike creatures of elemental earth or native to the plane of elemental earth, the staff inflicts double damage. As per stonestaff, the improved stonestaff can be given to others. The
material component for this spell is any splinter of wood taken from a quarterstaff, and a handful of dirt. The splinter grows into the stonestaff for the duration of the spell, then
crumbles into dust, along with the dirt, at the ending of the spell.
Invisible Mail (Evocation, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
A variation of the armor spell, this spell enables the caster to cover his body with an invisible suit of plate mail to temporarily raise his AC to 3. Its effects are not cumulative with
other armor or magical protection (a character cannot improve his AC better than 3 through use of this spell), but Dexterity bonuses still apply. For each level of the caster, the
invisible mail absorbs 1HP of damage that would normally hit AC 3; however, the invisible mail offers no protection against magical weapons or attacks. When the invisible mail
has absorbed as many HPs of damage as the wizard has levels of experience, the invisible mail disappears. The invisible mail does not hinder movement, nor does it add weight or
Magical Incantations – Level 3
encumbrance. It does not interfere with spell casting. Example: A wizard with a normal AC of 10 has shielded himself with invisible mail. The first opponent attacks with a normal
dagger; the attack is made against the AC 3 of the invisible mail. The attack is successful, causing 2HPs of damage, but this damage is absorbed by the invisible mail & the wizard
is unharmed. A second attack is made with a sword +1. The invisible armor offers no protection against this magical weapon, so the attack is made against the wizard’s normal AC
of 10. The material component is a small fragment of plate mail.
Iron Mind (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: S, M Duration: 1 hour Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
The person or creature affected by iron mind is immune to all charm & hold spells for a full hour. Additionally, he automatically disbelieves all illusions cast by 3rd level wizards
(or their equivalent) or lower. The material component for this spell is a small chunk of iron ore or any small item made of solid iron, such as a nail.
Ironwood (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 2’ x 2’ x 2’ of wood Saving Throw: None
Ironwood temporarily lends the strength of iron to the common wood used in a ship. This spell is most often used to reinforce the planking of a hull, and sometimes to brace spars
& masts. Although the wood gains in strength, it becomes no heavier. The 8-cubic-foot area of effect can protect an area of hull nearly 2’ wide by 4’ long. A 6th level sea wizard,
for instance, could make an almost 6 x 8 area iron-strong, or an area of 4’ x 12’. Thus vulnerable areas near the waterline can be protected, or the prow reinforced if ramming is
expected to take place. Ironwood doubles the amount of impact, stress or fire damage the effected area can normally sustain. Wood enchanted in this manner gains a saving throw
against the effects of warp wood. The material components are a spike of iron & the dust of 1 small diamond of 500gp value, consumed in spell casting. It is also possible to make
this spell permanent.
Leomund’s Lifeboat (Abjuration, Conjuration)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day per level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a magically sustained lifeboat large enough to hold up to 10 humans or human-size creatures. It has a cover & a sail, and it provides shelter & warmth. It cannot
be sunk or capsized through normal means. The boat’s stores provide food & water sufficient to sustain its passengers for the duration of the spell. Further castings may renew the
spell before it expires. The lifeboat conjured, moves at a constant rate of 10 miles per hour. The material component of this spell is a miniature replica of the boat, made from the
finest materials of no less then 1000gp value.
Lesser Rhabdomancy (Rhabdomancy)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This is a more powerful variant of the greater divining rod spell, one known & practiced only by rhabdomancers in their pursuit of adventure. Where greater divining rod will only
dowse for objects & sites, lesser rhabdomancy allows the wizard to divine for creatures, individuals, and locations. During the spell’s casting, the rhabdomancer must decide upon
what he is seeking. If he is divining for a certain race or creature, the dowsing rod will point & lead to any such being within range of 20 yards per level. An individual or specific
place may alternatively be named during the casting. No real range is necessary, as the dowsing rod will begin tugging to lead in the direction that person or site can be found; if
not reached by the end of the spell the rod becomes still. Note, though, the caster need never have met or seen either the person or location sought. However, the person or place
must be referred to by name. Thus, using lesser rhabdomancy to hunt down the “captain of the city guard” or “the nearest armory” causes the spell to fail; rather “Captain Jenkins”
or “The Shrine of Exegete” would lead the wizard onward.
Lethargic Fog (Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: Negates
This spell creates a cloud of glowing, blue-white mist in a 20’ radius area. All creatures caught within the confines of this cloud must save versus spell or be slowed (as per the
slow spell) for 1 round per level of the caster. If the saving throw is successful the creature is unaffected. This spell cannot be cast underwater & has no affect on those who do not
need to breathe. After 1 round, the cloud dissipates into twinkling motes of blue-white lights.
Light and Night (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast (within 100’ + 10’/level), the affected area fills with a boiling cloud of brilliant bursts of white light & pitch-black explosions of darkness. The constant
bursts of light & darkness make attacking into the cloud exceedingly difficult, and creatures that rely on their vision will suffer a -2 penalty to their attacks. If movement is
attempted within the cloud, a save vs. Magic is required to avoid becoming disoriented & being unable to determine the current direction of travel. Most likely the victim will
wander randomly within the cloud. Visibility within the cloud is limited to a maximum of 5’. The flashing lights will dazzle the eyes, and anybody within 40’ who gazes into the
cloud will be dazzled for a full round. Since the cloud is constantly being reinvigorated, it cannot be negated by spells of light or darkness. The material component is a mixture of
magnesium & coal dust burned in a flame.
Lightning Shield (Abjuration, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the formation of a negative-charge electrical area around the recipient of the spell; this is an area reaching around the recipient for 1’ in all directions, which will
absorb electrical damage. The shield absorbs 5 points of electrical damage for each level of the caster. Note that any prior defenses, such as partial immunities to lightning,
protective magical items (rings, bracers, etc.) or saving throws will first come into account. Only after these protections apply will the lightning shield take effect. Due to the nature
of the spell, it is prohibited for the recipient to carry more than 1lb of conductive metals. Carrying such a load will prevent the spell from working. This does not include magical
protections such as bracers & rings but does include swords & helmets, even if they grant any kind of magical protection. The wearing of any kind of metallic armor is also
forbidden as it will immediately abort the spell & cause both the caster & the recipient 1d6 points of electrical damage (if the caster casts this spell on himself, he only takes 1d6
points of damage). A side-effect of the spell is that the negative charge surrounding the recipient causes anyone who comes in contact with the recipient’s body, be it actual skin or
through a conductive material, to suffer 1d4 points of electrical damage for each round of contact. The material components of the spell are wire made of a conductive metal
(usually copper) wrapped around a rod of coal, or the same wire placed in a bowl filled with smoking incense.
Locate Person (Divination)
Range: 1 mile/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell provides the caster with a target person’s current range & direction, relative to the caster. The caster must have an accurate description of the target to use this spell. The
base chance of success is 5% per level of the caster. If the caster is familiar with the target, apply a +10% bonus to the base chance. If the caster has a piece of clothing or other
personal item belonging to the target, add a +20% bonus. These modifiers are cumulative. The caster can automatically locate anyone who is wearing any item wizard marked with
the caster’s personal rune. In addition, the range of the spell doubles. All wizard-marked items within range show as small red lights in the mirror used for the spell. Locate person
can be blocked by 10’ of earth, 2’ of stone, or 1” of lead. A number of spells (such as non-detection, aura alteration, sanctuary, the interior of rope-trick spell effect, etc.) also
block locate person. The material component of the spell (not consumed) is a fine silver mirror worth at least 100gp.
Maladweomer (Alteration)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Negates
By means of this spell, a caster causes any and all spells/spell-like powers cast or wielded by a target creature (within 10 yards + 10 yards/level), including those of items employed
by the target, to be at the nadir of their effectiveness. This means that any damage caused by offensive magics will be the minimum possible, saving throws vs. such magics are
enhanced by a +4 bonus, and spells which are extant (such as charms) & ongoing at the time the maladweomer takes effect are altered in efficacy. For instance, a charmed
individual who had previously failed to save would immediately be allowed another saving throw, with the +4 bonus. The material component for this spell is a small, clear glass
or crystal prism, which is smashed in the spellcasting.
Masking the Lingering Odors (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 5’ radius Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster & anything within 5’ of him at the time of casting do not give off odors of any kind for the duration of the spell. This makes tracking difficult (-2
to -8 chance, depending on who/what is doing the tracking) & permits socially unacceptable cargoes, such as cadavers or raw offal, to be moved more easily. The material
component is a pinch of rose-petals.
Magical Incantations – Level 3
Masks (Illusion)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 30 minutes/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell will allow the caster to assume a sequence of illusionary disguises, with each functioning identically in all respects to a form that can be created with the change self
spell. This spell always allows 1 disguise to be created. An additional disguise can be added for every 4 levels of experience of the caster. The disguises are layered on top of each
other upon the caster & always appear in the same sequence to any disbelieving observers. If a disguise is successfully disbelieved then the next illusion in the sequence will
manifest itself to that observer. Only if all disguises are successfully penetrated is the underlying appearance of the caster visible. At any time the caster can strip away the current
overlaying illusion & so change his appearance to the next underlying disguise. However, doing so in the presence of any witnesses will make it immediately obvious that he was
wearing an illusionary guise. Once removed the overlaying disguise can not be recovered until this spell is cast again. Note that this spell can not be layered on top of other
illusionary disguises, including another masks spell. The material component is an onion that must be peeled while casting the spell.
Mathias’ Total Immolation (Evocation)
Range: 120 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
Upon casting this spell, a pillar of fire comes up from the ground under the target creature. If the creature successfully rolls a Dodge saves, the spell will have no effect, as the
creature has avoided the pillar. Otherwise the creature attacked is totally immolated by the pillar & suffers 1d8 of damage for each level of the caster with the following exceptions:
1. Creatures especially vulnerable to fire suffer double damage.
2. Creatures immune to fire (such as those wearing a Ring of Fire resistance) suffer no damage.
3. The creature attacked must be on some kind of surface otherwise the spell fails.
All items worn by an affected creature must make a saving throw (versus magical fire) to determine whether they are destroyed by the spell. If the creature hit by the pillar is slain
by the spell, its body is burned to ashes. The pillar disappears after 1 round.
Melf’s Acid Missiles (Invocation)
Range: as magic missile Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: ½
A cross between Melf’s acid arrow & magic missile, this spell produces multiple missiles with an instantaneous acid splash, inflicting 2d4+1 points per missile, for 1 round only.
Casters get 1 missile for every 2 levels of experience, to a maximum of 5, and can affect 1 creature/object per missile.
Memory (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell allows the caster to plant a fictitious memory in the mind of another. The spell can be cast on any intelligent creature able to understand the speech of the caster. The
victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. However, if the victim is unconscious or asleep, the saving throw is made at a -2 penalty. Upon casting the spell
(which takes only a few moments), the caster continues the casting by describing the memory implanted. Memories of events can be implanted (up to 1 turn in length per level of
the caster). The exact casting time is the time required by the wizard to describe the memory. The spell gives the caster limited knowledge of memories already possessed, but only
for the purpose of fitting the new memory into the flow of events so that is seems to fit logically in the victim’s mind. The new memory can be used to supplant a memory already
in the mind of the victim (changing the outcome of an encounter or the orders the victim may have received) or can be wedged into “blank space” (describing an encounter during
a journey that was otherwise forgettable). The memory has no magical properties (it is not a suggestion spell), but can be used to promote friendliness, hostility or change the
victim’s mission. Obviously, the wizard must take pains to create logical memories - occurrences must mesh with the personality of the victim or be logically explained. Telling an
intelligent evil monster he likes a traditional foe of his race simply because he was nice is not sufficient. Telling him he likes the character because he spared its life is much more
acceptable. If the DM rules the implanted memory is totally out of character for the victim, he is allowed a second saving throw at the end of the spell, with a +4 on the die roll. The
material components for this spell are a sheet of white paper, a brush, and a pot of ink.
Mentap’s Mine (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a small ovoid sphere that appears on the hull of the vessel in question (within 30 yards + 10 yards/level). The sphere is dark blue & blends in with the water. It is
about 6” in diameter & cannot be removed from the ship’s hull by normal means. After a time specified by the caster, the sphere detonates with a large explosive force. Any
creature within 30’ of the blast suffers 1d6HP damage per level of the caster; save vs. spell for half. The ship sustains 1 point of structural damage per level of the caster (save vs.
magical fire for half) & may be set on fire. The caster can cause the charge to detonate up to half an hour plus 1 minute per level after the charge is placed. A thief who makes a
successful Remove Traps check can disarm the sphere. The material component for this spell is a small wad of sulfur & pitch placed inside a sealed steel tube.
Mirror Sphere (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 10’.radius globe Saving Throw: None
Upon completing this spell, the caster is wrapped in a polished mirror globe that blocks all sight into the interior. Those within the sphere can see clearly through the barrier, but
the light is somewhat dimmed. The sphere provides a +2 bonus to any saving throws against both gaze attacks & any light-based magic coming from the exterior, including color
spray, prismatic spray, and sunray spells. The material component is some jeweler’s rouge rubbed on the fingertips.
Misleading Missiles (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 100’ + 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Special
On the round this spell is completed, the caster & his possessions become completely invisible to sight for 1 target creature per level. The targets must be selected at the time this
spell is cast. Each round thereafter the caster can launch a glowing spark of electricity that will unerringly strike a creature selected from among the targets. The spark can be made
to launch from any location within the spell range, giving the impression that the caster is now standing at that location. Each such spark does 1d6HPs + 1HP points of damage per
caster level, but a successful Dodge saving throw will halve the damage. When used with cunning, this spell can cause an opponent to waste valuable energy launching useless
attacks at empty air, while continually inflicting damage with small but steady jabs. A successful Mind save will allow the target(s) to disbelieve the effect. The material
component is a copper mirror.
Mistform (Elemental-Steam, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell changes the caster & all she is wearing and carrying into a pale mist that is the same color as the caster’s eyes. The mist is amorphous, a low-sitting cloud of vapors. In
this form, the caster can travel through any crack or hole or opening of any kind or size. The caster can only be harmed by magical weapons (+1 or better) for the duration of this
spell. The cloud can be safely stretched (the caster has some control over the shape of the vapors) to dimensions 10’ in each direction (10’ cube). However, for each foot beyond
10’, the caster suffers 1d4 points of damage every round. The mistform is resistant to wind, but a strong wind reduces the spells duration to half (or, at the DM’s discretion, ends
the spell, causing the caster to coalesce into solid form). The caster can see & hear, but has only about ¼ his sense of touch or smell, no sense of taste, and cannot speak at all. Any
saves vs. gas attacks are automatically failed. The caster can float along the ground at a rate of 12, or can fly above the ground at a rate of 6 per round (moving up, down, or
horizontal without being within a foot of the ground is considered flying for the purposes of the spell). If the caster returns to solidity in the air, he will fall as normal. The caster
has maneuverability class D while in mistform. The caster can remain in mistform for 2 rounds plus 1 round per level, or dispel it at will. The material component for this spell is
any piece of silk.
Molten Ground (Elemental-Magma, Alteration)
Range: 20’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1’/level radius circle Saving Throw: None
This spell causes an area of the earth to bubble up molten lava in its area of effect. After the wizard spends 1 round casting, using up the material components of sulfur & lava rock,
the spell begins. In the 1 round the ground tremors slightly, and those not wearing heavy foot covering such as metal boots can feel a slight warmth. In the 2nd round of the spell,
the heat becomes very pronounced & will ignite paper, cloth, and dry vegetation touching the ground (damage to those in the area of effect begins this round as well). In the 3rd
round the ground becomes molten lava, wooden furniture bursts into flames, and metals with low melting points start to soften. Anyone in the area of effect takes 3d6 points of
damage, 2d6 this round only if wearing thick shoes. In each additional round spent in the area of effect a person takes 3d6 points of damage, and any items carried by the person
must safe vs. fire or be destroyed. The intense heat of the lava may cause structural damage to walls that are near or in the area of effect. Wooden walls will be destroyed by fire
just like wooden furniture. Protection from fire will protect a person but not his items from this spell. Note that lava rock is relatively hard to obtain & that the lava generated by
this spell will not work as a component for later casting (it’s marked by magic).
Magical Incantations – Level 3
Narcomb’s Battened Hatches (Alteration, Abjuration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour per level Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 ship Saving Throw: None
This spell causes all the hatches, doors, and windows on a ship to close tightly. If these have locks or seals, they bolt themselves in place; however, they are not wizard locked. A
magical watertight seal comes into being around all the hatches. No force of wind or wave can burst the hatches. Unless otherwise locked or barred, intelligent creatures can still
open & close the doors normally. Opening or closing hatches does not affect the duration of the spell.
Nose of the Wolf (Divination/Alteration)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell greatly heightens the sense of smell & permits the analysis of smells in the air (within 400 yards + 10 yards/level). It allows tracking by smell with a quality similar to a
wolf (base of 16). This requires concentration in order to maintain, and whilst tracking by scent, spellcasting, fighting, praying or thieving pursuits are not possible. The material
component is a sprig of garlic, which is held under the nose of the recipient whilst casting.
Numbing Darkness (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 25’ + 5’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 15’ radius sphere Saving Throw: See text
This subtle, but effective spell creates a thick, inky cloud that is so utterly dark & disturbing that it saps the will to move. The cloud is 30’ in diameter & is utterly impenetrable to
all forms of sight. The pattern of disturbing darkness created by this spell can leave weak-willed creatures unable to summon the desire to escape. Only the strong willed, creatures
from the demi-plane of shadow, undead, constructs, or those who lack any means of sight are able to flee from this trap while the spell remains active. This numbing darkness will
penetrate even tightly closed eyes. Any seeing creature that begins a round within the cloud must make a Mind saving throw or be unable to find the will to do anything other than
to stand in place & peer into the darkness. For each consecutive round a creature spends within the cloud, its saving throw is adjusted by a cumulative -1 penalty. Physically the
dark cloud behaves much like a fog cloud spell & can be moved or dispersed by sufficiently strong winds. The material component is a 1’ glass rod with a bulb at one end. The
long end of the rod must be completely covered in soot from an oil lamp flame. Any bare spots must be touched up before it can be used to cast this spell.
Pain Touch (Divination)
Range: Touch Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
Pain touch enables the caster to touch an opponent in such a way as to induce extreme pain. The spell works if the caster touches any exposed part of an opponent’s body. The
spell requires a normal attack roll. The pain causes no damage, but for the next 1d4 rounds, the victim will be -2 on his chance to hit & his AC worsens by 2. The caster can cast
the spell & touch the victim in the same round. Pain touch is only effective on human, demihuman, and humanoid opponents. The material components for this spell are a needle
& the finger from a scorched glove.
Palm of Neptune’s Flame (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 10’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: fan 5’ across at apex Saving Throw: Special
This spell is identical in effect to burning hands, except in the form of the fire produced. This fire is immune to the effects of water. Even placing it underwater doesn’t extinguish
it. Only immersion in sand or soil, a suitable anti-flame spell or a successful dispel magic can extinguish the effects of the fire. After 4 rounds of burning, the Neptune's flame will
have burned itself out, and any fire remaining will be of the conventional variety. Flame with this property would consume wood more quickly, treating wet wood as dry kindling.
Patch of Glue (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d8 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 5’ x 5’ square Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster creates a 5’ diameter patch of very sticky glue, within 15 yards + 2 yards/level. Anything which comes into contact with the patch will be stuck
fast, and be unable to move whatever is in the glue. This gives the victim a penalty of 4 to their AC & -1 to initiative. A successful Bend Bars check will free the trapped one, but
at the cost of 1HP of damage for each point of Strength, due to muscle & ligament damage
Proficiency (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell, the wizard magically empowers himself or another individual to use one or more weapons that he is not proficient with. The affected individual will be
able to use the weapon(s) in combat without non-proficiency penalties of any kind for the duration of the spell. The base number of weapons that proficiency is gained in is 1, and
1 extra weapon can be gained for every 3 levels above 5th that the wizard possesses, i.e., an 8th level mage can empower a creature with 2 proficiencies. The proficiencies cannot be
split among different individuals. Care must be taken when allotting weapon proficiencies for use; if a cleric who worships a god of peace suddenly gains proficiency with a two-
handed sword, he may have some atoning to do. Because the spell only grants a nominal degree of skill with a weapon, it cannot be used to augment the abilities of a character that
is already proficient with a weapon. Thus, a fighter who can already use a long sword cannot have his skill with the weapon improved to “specialized’ through the use of this spell.
The material components for the proficiency spell are a bit of fleece & a miniature bronze weapon or weapons of the type that the spell’s recipient will gain proficiency in.
Protection from Chaos, 10’ Radius (Abjuration) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10’ radius sphere Saving Throw: None
Save for the law/chaos bias of this spell, it functions exactly as the protection from evil, 10’ radius spell. To complete this spell, the wizard must trace a 20’ diameter circle of iron
shavings upon the ground, while the reverse requires powdered quartz; this then creates a sphere of protection around the creature touched.
Protection from Glebes (Rhabdomancy, Abjuration)
Range: Special Components: V, S Duration: 3 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
The first rhabdomancers developed this spell, with its multiple aspects & uses. First & foremost, protection from glebes can be cast to provide a globe of protection 10’ wide that is
centered on the rhabdomancer & moves with him. Any protected individual within this area may break the warding effects by engaging in melee with a glebe. Otherwise, no
creature originating from the Elemental Plane of Earth (whether or not this protects against the para- & quasi-elemental planes bordering the Elemental Plane of Earth is unknown)
with 8HD or less can intrude upon the protected area. In addition, any magical or spell effects cast upon those inside the globe by a “glebe” are saved against with a +3 bonus. The
second application of this spell is to create a ward that prevents egress. The caster merely draws a line (no more than 10’ long) before him on the ground & casts the spell.
Thereafter, for the duration of the spell, no glebe can cross this line. This includes bypassing it by flight or burrowing. Minor protection may also be offered to any item. In such a
case, the ward is placed directly on the object, and any glebe that touches the item suffers 1d6HP damage plus an amount equal to the caster’s level, no saving throw allowed. A
side effect of this spell that latter day rhabdomancers discovered is that individuals so protected receive a +5 bonus on all saves vs. petrification, whether this be from a creature’s
gaze or by spell.
Rain of Hailstones (Alteration)
Range: 40’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 40’ square Saving Throw: Negates
This spell, which must be cast during a rainstorm, turns raindrops into hailstones just before they strike the target. These hailstones do 1-2 points of damage per round against
exposed flesh & preclude any spellcasting in the area. The material component is a handful of split peas.
Rhuva’s Spellscan (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 hours + 10 minutes/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10 yards/level radius Saving Throw: None
Provided the caster is conscious & within the area of effect, he will be made aware of any spellcasting conducted in that area. The particular spell cast is not made known, but the
location of the wizard is, precisely if the caster is familiar with the area, generally otherwise. The notification is strong enough to wake the original caster from sleep & to disrupt
casting in progress, but he may opt to suppress the spellscan before beginning another casting. If suppressed, the caster will not know whether the scan was triggered. The material
component is a handful of crystal dust.
Robes of the Newborn Child (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Negates
On casting this spell, a beam of light emits from the caster’s finger. When pointed at a target person, all objects of plant matter on the target disintegrate, including the target’s
clothes. A saving throw vs. disintegration is permitted, with magical apparel & spellbooks permitted an additional save vs. spells. The material component is a dried rot grub.
Salty Essence (Alteration, Elemental-Salt, Elemental-Water) Reversible
Range: 10’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 pint/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell will transform any liquid targeted, to a maximum amount of 1 pint per level of the caster, into a salt cube. The salt cubes created are a 1” cubed for every pint
transformed. Note that this spell also affects magical liquids such as potions. The transformation is permanent unless the reverse of this spell is cast upon the liquid or dispel magic
Magical Incantations – Level 3
is used. If returned to it’s liquid state, it will resume it’s previous form & retain it’s abilities (i.e. poison retains it’s potency, and magical potions regain any magical properties).
This spell can also be cast upon water-based creatures, in which case it causes them 1-2 points of damage for every pint of liquid it would otherwise affect. The damage caused by
this spell is permanent unless the creature manages to take the salt cubes to someone who could restore them to their original form while he wields them. These creatures get a save
vs. spells to avoid the effects of the spell. The material components are the liquid to be affected & a pinch of salt.
Scourge of Stars (Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 12 rounds Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell brings into being a weightless whip extending from an appendage of the caster. The wizard (who can hold other items in a hand that it may extend from) need not grasp
it, but it does preclude other spellcasting on the part of its caster that requires somatic & material components. The whip appears as a band of shadow dotted with thousands of tiny,
twinkling motes of light, & it strikes silently. It can’t be grasped or snagged on things, and its reach is the length of the casters appendage plus 10’. A scourge of stars strikes with a
THAC0 of 6 points better than that of its caster, and it deals 2d4HPs of damage per round. Any damage it inflicts is bestowed on its caster as extra or healing hit points (any excess
hit points vanish when the scourge does, but until then, all damage suffered by the caster is taken first from these extra points). The scourge may strike only once in a round, can
never harm its caster, and has no tangible existence (i.e., it can’t be tied to anything, or be cut by an opponent, or used to entangle a weapon). The material component of a scourge
of stars is a string of 9 diamonds or other clear, colorless faceted gemstones of any type & value. The gems must be pierced & have a single, continuous chain or cord running
through each stone to link all of them. Other gems & adornments may be present, but all are consumed in the spellcasting.
Scry (Divination, Elemental-General)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 36”/level Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to see & hear events within the area of effect of the spell, regardless of most obstructions. The material component for the spell is a large bonfire, pool
of still water, mass of clouds, or section of smooth natural stone (depending on the element, if any, favored by the caster). Upon casting the spell, the element forms a smooth
polished mirror, unaffected by any outside disturbance. By concentrating on this mirror, the caster can call forth any scene currently occurring within the area of effect. Standing
outside a castle, a caster could scry into a pool of water to see what is currently transpiring within the walls of the castle. The spell provides a perfectly clear picture & normal
sound just as if the caster were present where the scene is taking place. The communication is strictly one-way - the caster cannot speak or otherwise influence the scene he is
observing. Spells cannot be passed through this mirror. A thin coating of lead or gold (at least 1/8” thick) blocks the scrying. Of course, there are numerous magical protections
which likewise prevent the operation of a scry spell.
Searing Serpent (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds +1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Use of this spell conjures a serpent composed of writhing flame from the elemental plane of Fire. The serpent appears anywhere within the spell’s range & may be moved at a rate
of 15 if concentration is maintained & as long as the serpent remains in the spell’s range. The serpent may also strike targets using the caster’s THACO, causing 1d8HPs of fire
damage per successful strike. The serpent also sets fire to flammable items that its body contacts (wooden floor, bed, carpets, etc.), requiring a save vs. normal fire for every round
of contact. For every additional round after the first that an item is fully exposed to the serpent’s flame, a -1 penalty is applied to the save, to a maximum of -3. Items on a target,
such as clothing, are also required to make an item saving throw. This spell may not be cast underwater & is easily extinguished by as little as a quart of water (a successful attack
must be made against the serpent, using the mage’s AC, for the water to extinguish the serpent).
Shoal of Air (Elemental-Air, Alteration, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
By far the weakest of the shoal spells, this spell forces air to compact & form a dense barrier of wind & air against the body of the caster. It is visible in that it seems like a small
windstorm that is whipping closely to the caster’s body, and twigs, dirt, etc. will whip around the caster while he walks. The spell creates a tight cushion of air around the caster,
leaving only his eyes, nose, ears, hands, and mouth uncovered. The cushion gives an overall AC improvement of only +2, but has a greater effect than that. The shoal has no effect
on magical spells or spell-like abilities, and the AC bonus is not included in any spells that target the victim based on his AC. All blunt weapons or attacks, when striking the shoal
of air, only do 1 point of damage per die, before any bonuses or additions are added. A punch would do 1 point of damage; a war hammer would do 2 points, not 1d4+1. All
slashing weapons do half-damage (rounded down), to a minimum of 1. All piercing weapons do full damage minus 1, to a minimum of 1 point of damage. Magical weapons add
their bonuses after the base damage has been determined as above. As mentioned earlier, this spell is no help against magical attacks such as ice knife, lightning bolt, magic missile,
or other attacks, even if they are blunt or slashing or piercing in nature. The cushion of air, however, absorbs the damage dealt to it. The caster suffers none of it. The shoal can
handle 1HP of damage per level of the caster before it dissipates. The caster does not suffer this damage. Any damage that dissipates the shoal, if more than necessary to do so,
carries over to the caster. For example, a 6th level caster casts shoal of air. He normally has AC 9 (due to Dexterity). He now has AC 7. A club hits him, and the shoal takes 1 point
of damage (it can handle 5 more points). The next round, he is hit by an ice knife attack, which goes against his normal AC of 9, not 7, as it is a magical attack. Luckily, it misses.
The next round, he is hit by a short sword +1, which deals 1d6 damage, -1 for being a piercing weapon, and then +1 for being magical. A 6 is rolled, and this is modified to a 6.
This is 1 extra point of damage than the shoal can handle, and the shoal collapses, the spell ends, and the caster take 1 point of damage. The caster gains a +4 bonus on all saving
throws made vs. gas or wind/air-based attacks for the duration of the shoal spell. The caster can end the shoal at will.
Shoal of Earth (Elemental-Earth, Alteration, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell, which offers the easiest protection of all the shoal spells, causes the ground at the caster’s feet to move & mold over him, creating armor that the caster can maneuver
with & still cast spells while wearing. In all cases, the armor covers the caster’s entire body, except for slits for the ears, eyes, nose, mouth, and hands. Dexterity bonuses to AC
still apply, though the magic isn’t cumulative with other protective magic. If the caster is standing on sand or loose dirt, the shoal of earth spell creates a sandy or dirt armor that
grants AC of 7. This armor provides a +1 save vs. fire attacks. If the caster is standing on soft earth, such as damp soil, the shoal of earth creates a soil armor that grants AC of 6.
This armor provides a +2 save vs. fire attacks. If the caster is standing on hard earth, such as dried soil, the shoal of earth creates a harder dirt armor that grants AC of 5. This
armor grants a +3 save vs. fire attacks. His movement rate is reduced by ¼, however. If the caster is standing on a lot of stones, such as a riverside full of pebbles, the spell creates
a suit of pebbles that grants AC 4. This suit is almost like scale mail, but has enough holes that fire attacks deal normal damage. If the caster is standing on solid stone, such as a
marble floor, or the side of a mountain, or on top of a boulder, the spell creates what appears to be plate mail made of stone, that grants AC 3. This armor offers a +4 on all saves
vs. fire attacks, and reduces damage dealt by piercing attacks to a mere 1 point of damage per normal die of damage, as a shoal of air spell does for blunt damage. His movement
rate is reduced by ½, however. The shoal of earth absorbs all damage dealt to it, and lasts until it takes 1 point of damage per level of the caster. Thus, a 6th level caster standing on
a boulder would benefit from an AC of 3 that lasts until the armor absorbs 6 points of damage. If there is ‘overkill’ on the armor, remaining damage is applied to the caster, as per
the shoal of air. Note that the shoal of earth will act against magical incoming spell attacks that deal with the caster’s AC. (An ice knife strikes against the caster’s AC & if it hits
the damage is absorbed by the armor). However, area-effect attacks are not absorbed by the armor, though the protective value still stands. (A stone shoal of earth provides a +4
save vs. fire, but wouldn’t absorb the damage from a fireball, for example; the caster would take all damage suffered to his hit points). The caster can dispel the shoal at any time,
and it is a very obvious spell to behold. Note the caster will be dirty when the spell ends, or standing in a pile of pebbles & rock.
Shoal of Water (Elemental-Water, Alteration, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This spell has 2 versions, depending on what material the caster is standing on during the casting of the spell. If the caster is standing in water, the spell covers the caster in a layer
of tightly compressed water, much as the shoal of air spell does with wind & air. If the caster is standing in ice, the spell creates a suit of plate-mail made of ice, much like the
stone version of the shoal of earth spell. In either case, the armor provided leaves the eyes, ears, nose, mouth, and hands uncovered. As well, the armor absorbs 1 hit point of
damage per caster level, then vanishes, with ‘over-kill’ being dealt to the caster, as per the shoal of air spell description. If the water version is created, (which is the case for rain,
water, snow, slush, and anything other than solid ice), the caster gains a bonus to his AC of +3. Slashing attacks deal half-damage, blunt attacks deal only 1 point of damage per
die, and piercing attacks deal one-less point of damage than usual, in all cases a minimum of 1 point damage is dealt. For magical effects, the water version of the shoal of water
spell is the same as the shoal of air spell - magical attacks that rely on the caster’s AC slice right through the +3 protection as if it weren’t there. One exception is made, however.
Fire attacks deal only 1 point of damage per die rolled, and this damage is absorbed by the armor, even if the attack was an area-affect. (A 10D fireball, for example, hits the caster.
The armor absorbs 10 points of damage, and the caster takes none, if the caster happened to be of 10th level or higher. Otherwise, it would absorb as much as possible, and the
leftover would hit the caster as normal. A 7th level shoal of water, for example, against a 10D fireball would absorb 7D of damage, and fall apart. The caster would take only 3d6,
saving for half.) Even if the fire attack is usually an automatic hit, the absorbing occurs. If the ice version is created, the armor is AC 4, and any Dexterity bonuses apply, though
more magical protection does not apply. The ice provides the same protection against fire that the water shoal does, reducing the caster’s movement rate by ½, and reducing all
piercing attacks to 1 point of damage per die normally rolled, as a shoal of earth, stone version. Slashing attacks deal half-normal damage, to a minimum of 1 point of damage, and
Magical Incantations – Level 3
blunt attacks are as normal. This spell can be dispelled at will, and is a very obvious spell to see. Note that the end of the shoal spell means that ice or water comes loose - the
caster will most likely be drenched or standing in a pile of ice.
Shadow Blink (Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This spell is a limited form of teleportation that allows the caster to instantaneously blink from shadow to shadow. The shadows must be within 60 yards of each other, and must be
large enough to allow a thief the size of the caster to hide in shadows. The caster arrives in exactly the spot desired. The caster can blink to another shadowed area he can see
within range, or that he knows by direct & recent knowledge is present. The caster can blink up to 250lbs of encumbrance. If the desired destination is occupied by a solid object, if
no shadow exists at the intended destination, or if the weight limit is exceeded, the attempted blink fails & is wasted. Shadow blinking is strenuous; the caster can take no other
action in the same round after arriving at the destination. The caster can make 1 blink per 3 levels of experience; thus two at 6th, three at 9th, etc. Only 1 blink can be taken per
round, and all must occur within 1 round per caster level or be wasted.
Shadow Spy (Divination)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 minute/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 shadow Saving Throw: None
The caster can employ any shadow that is visible & within range of this spell (25’ + 5’/2 levels) to serve as a spy for the caster. Once the spell is complete, the caster can both see
& hear anything witnessed by that shadow, even if the shadow belongs to a moving creature or target. When no light source is present to cast the shadow, such as after dusk, this
spell will cease to function. The spell is also negated if an additional light source lines up to completely eliminate the shadow. The material component is a handful of powdered
Shadow Viper (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 60’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
By casting this spell, a piece of shadow is transformed into a 5’ long black snake with milk white eyes. The snake will obey simple commands to attack, however, it lacks the
substance to carry things or move even small objects. The snake has hit points equal to the caster’s maximum, attacks as the caster, has a base move of 9”, a size of M, an AC of 4,
attacks once per round, and does 1 point of damage plus injecting a numbing venom. The venom causes a cumulative -2 to hit & a 20% chance of dropping a held item. A save cuts
the effects of the venom in half. The effects of the venom last until the end of the duration of the spell or until the snake dies. The material component is a shed snakeskin.
Shock Shield (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 individual Saving Throw: Negates
Use of shock shield creates a near invisible field around the target of the spell. This field is for defensive purposes only & causes 2d4 points of damage to any who contact it with
flesh (including attacks from monks & natural weaponry attacks from creatures). Any who attack a person protected by this spell with a metal weapon will damage themselves
equal to the amount that inflicted upon the one protected. The material component required is a small, 1’ long, metal rod that must be held by the one to be protected by the spell.
Shocking Web
Range: 2.5’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 turns/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
The shocking web spell is essentially a combination of the 1st level shocking grasp & the 2nd level web. The area of a shocking web is the same as for web. The same rules for
saving throw, escape, and burning apply. The only difference is that if the creature(s) affected are caught by the shocking web, either partially or wholly, they will suffer the effects
of a shocking grasp spell the first round they are stuck (1d8+1HPs/level of caster). The material component for this spell is a bit of a spider’s web.
Sight for the Blind (Divination, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 12 hours + d12 hours Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell gives the target ‘sight’ by projecting the images that her eyes would be seeing into his mind. The spell works while the recipient’s eyes are closed, but not while covered.
It may also be used to restore sight on a temporary basis to someone who has been blinded. The material component is a gauze bandage, soaked in the eye-fluid of a medusa.
Sight of the Finger (Divination, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This is a limited form of clairvoyance that allows the caster to shift his point of view to any body part, thus allowing sight while, for instance, blindfolded. The spell also offers the
benefits associated with Sight of the Blind. The material component is the eyestalk of a giant slug.
Silver Weapon (Enchantment, Artifice)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: Weapon(s) touched Saving Throw: None
This spell temporarily allows an ordinary weapon to hit creatures that are normally hit only by silver or magical weapons. The spell does not give any actual combat bonuses to the
weapon, but it allows it to strike at creatures with varying levels of protection according to the caster’s level, as shown in the following table (note that each level also includes all
previous ones). The spell can affect 1 melee weapon, or 1 small missile such as an arrow, quarrel, or bolt per round. Casting this spell on a bow or other missile weapon is possible,
but will have no real effect, as the weapon does not impart its hitting power to the missiles it shoots. Missiles enchanted by this spell lose their dweomer after successfully hitting a
target (but as noted above, 1 missile can be enchanted per round of the spell’s duration); an affected melee weapon retains its enhanced powers for the full duration of the spell.
Caster Level Can hit creatures hit by Caster Level Can hit creatures hit by
5th-6th Silver weapons only 10th-12th +2 or better weapon
th th
7 -9 +1 or better weapon 13th & up +3 or better weapon
Skin of the Fire Tiger (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
When cast on the caster or another creature, this spell imbues the subject with glowing orange stripes across his skin. These stripes generate deep, internal warmth that acts as a
resist cold spell. While in effect, the subject’s skin is scalding hot to the touch, so anyone touching the subject’s open skin suffers 1d3 points of damage. If the subject uses an
unarmed combat attack or is attacked by an unarmed foe, the damage is applied to the subject’s foe. The subject and his garments are unaffected by the scalding effect but are not
otherwise protected from fire or heat. After the spell elapses, the subject will be incapacitated for 1 round due to shivering unless endure cold or resist cold is cast on him. The
material component of the spell is a tiger-eye gem.
Slime (Elemental-Ooze, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell covers the caster with an almost invisible slimy material that enables the caster to move freely through web & entangle spells, making it impossible to grab or grasp him
(including bear hugs & other grips). As a side effect, the caster cannot wield any weapon during the spell’s duration but can still manipulate spell components. Material
components are a bit of slime, ooze or pudding.
Slumber (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This is an advanced version of the more common sleep. While it affects only 1 creature, its range & duration are both greater than those of its parent spell, and the caster can affect
creatures of more than 4HD. Not only does this spell place its victim in deep, unbreakable slumber (unlike the sleep spell), but it also stimulates the sleeper’s subconscious, causing
him to dream. The caster cannot influence what sort of dreams the victim experiences without casting another spell. Slapping or wounding a creature enchanted with slumber does
not awaken it, nor does loud noise or any other normal means of waking a sleeper. Casting a successful dispel magic is the most economical way to awaken a victim of this spell. A
victim of slumber may save vs. spells to resist the effects of the enchantment, but the saving throw is modified by the difference between the victim’s & caster’s levels or hit dice.
Thus, a 5th level warrior saving against this spell when cast by a 10th level wizard makes his save at a -5 penalty. The material component for this spell is a pinch of sand from the
eyes of a hibernating bear, or the crushed petal of a blue lotus flower. The latter component is so potent that the victim’s saving throw suffers a -4 penalty.
Snapping Teeth (Conjuration, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature/object Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster causes a set of teeth to appear on a person or object; the teeth appear in the exact location touched by the caster. The snapping teeth are contained
in a mouth-like orifice about 6” in diameter & are capable of snapping at victims within 1’. A person or creature with the snapping teeth can cause them to snap at will, effectively
giving him an extra attack per round. A normal attack roll is made, and a successful hit inflicts 1d4HPs of damage. Note that the victim must be within range of the teeth & that
normal facing considerations must be accounted for. Snapping teeth can also be placed on a non-living object, such as a tree or a door. In such cases, the snapping teeth are
Magical Incantations – Level 3
invisible until they make an attack. The snapping teeth will attack any victim that comes within 1’; they attack as a 4HD monster, and each successful hit causes 1d4HPs of
damage. These attacks are automatic & are not controlled by the caster. Attacks cannot be directed against the snapping teeth, but dispel magic causes them to vanish. The material
component for this spell is a tooth from any carnivorous animal.
Snowball (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 2-yard radius sphere Saving Throw: ½
A snowball is an explosive burst of cold gas, which comes into being (within 100 yards + 10 yards/level) with a loud “whoosh” & delivers damage proportional to the level of the
mage who cast it, i.e. 1d6 per level of the spellcaster, to a maximum of 10d6. The snowball doesn’t expend a considerable amount of pressure, and it will generally conform to the
shape of the area in which it occurs, thus covering an area equal to its normal spherical volume. The area, which is covered by the snowball, is a total volume of roughly 33,000
cubic feet. Besides causing damage to the target, the snowball freezes all liquids within its radius. Items exposed to the spell’s effects must make a saving throw to avoid being
affected. Items carried by a creature that makes its saving throw are considered to be unaffected. The mage points his finger & speaks the range (distance & height) at which the
snowball is to come into being. A streak flashes from the pointing digit & unless it impacts upon a material body prior to attaining the pre-described range, blossoms into the
snowball. If a creature fails its saving throw, it takes full hit point damage from the spell. Those who make their saving throw manage to dodge, fall flat or roll aside, and thus take
only half damage from the effect of the spell. The material component of this spell is a hollow crystal filled with water; suspended in the water are tiny white quartz flakes
Snowballing Doom (Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: 1 target creature Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a snowball in the hands of the caster that can then be thrown immediately against any target within range. The snowball hits automatically for 1d4 points of cold
damage. If a “4” is rolled, however, it is replaced by 4d4. The new dice are rolled again, and the process is repeated if any 4s come up this time, that is, each 4 is replaced by 4d4.
The process stops whenever no 4s are rolled, or if the total number of dice rolled exceeds the level of the caster. At 10th-14th level, the process starts with 2d4, and at 15th level or
higher, the process starts with 3d4. This is the maximum starting number. The casting time is equal to the initial number of d4. The material component for this spell is a small
pebble. To release the true power of this spell, the material component must be a frost giant’s finger. This pure form of the spell is called snowballing finger of doom. The spell is
basically the same, but the snowballing starts with 1-3 d6, and any 5s or 6s rolled are replaced with 5d6 or 6d6, respectively.
Sounds for the Deaf (Divination, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 12 hours + 1-12 hours Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell works in the same way as Sight for the Blind, save that sounds rather than visions are transmitted. The material component is the ear of a siren.
Spider Web (Conjuration)
Range: 100’ + 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 minutes/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20’ radius spread Saving Throw: Negates
This improved version of the web spell covers the strands of the web with many hundreds of small spiders of various sizes & types. Any strenuous movements within the web will
immediately attract the attention of these spiders & they will swarm all over the target, biting & stinging repeatedly. For every round of normal movement through the web, each
creature suffers 1HP of bite damage & the effects of the spider venom. The spider toxin also deals 1d2 points per round of temporary Strength damage immediately & another 1d3
of temporary Strength damage 1 minute later. A Body save can negate each instance of damage. The material component is a spider web cocoon containing live spider eggs.
Spirit Armour (Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the caster to surround him with a portion of his own life essence, which takes the form of a shimmering aura. The spirit armour offers protection equivalent to
splint mail & grants the wizard a +3 bonus to saving throws vs. magical attacks. The spirit armour’s effects are not cumulative with other types of armour or magical protection,
but Dexterity bonuses apply. The spirit armour is effective against magical & non-magical weapons and attacks. It does not hinder movement or add weight or encumbrance. It
does not interfere with spellcasting. When the spell ends, the aura dissipates & the caster temporarily loses a bit of his life essence, suffering 2d3 points of damage unless he
succeeds in a saving throw vs. spell. If the hit points are lost, they can only be regained through magical healing.
Spit of the Viper (Evocation)
Range: 10’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
The spell enables the caster to produce a venomous spit, which may then be disgorged at a target. A roll to hit is required to strike a target, but at +3 on the caster’s THAC0. A
successful hit causes 1-6 points of damage/level of the caster, to a maximum of 5d6. A natural 20 means the target has been hit in the eye, resulting in blindness in that eye, & a -2
to hit from loss of binocular vision. The material component is a swig from a potion of poison. Unless the caster has taken special precautions to accustom himself to the poison
(DM’s discretion how this may be done) he must immediately save vs. poison or take the full effects of the poison personally.
Statue (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 turns/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell turns the caster or another creature touched into solid stone in a single round. The affected being can still see, hear, and think, and may return to normal state in 1/6 of a
segment, and may similarly switch back to stone form, for the duration of the spell. The statue may be wounded by chipping or breaking off part, but is as hard as granite. For the
initial transformation, the recipient must roll 82% or less on percentile dice as a system shock roll, -1 to the roll for every point of Constitution. The material components are
mortar, sand, and lime, mixed with water & stirred with a bar of iron.
Steam Blast (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: ½ round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
The steam blast spell creates a billowing cloud of scalding water vapor. The blast forms a cone, 40 yards long that is 10 yards wide at its terminus. The scalding vapors
immediately cause 1d6HPs of damage per level of the caster. Besides this damage, the steam also causes heat & water damage to exposed items, requiring a saving vs. normal fire
to determine if they are harmed. All air-breathing creatures are blinded for as long as they remain in the vapor & for 1d2 + 1 rounds after leaving the area. Those inside the vapor
area must save vs. breath weapon or pass out for 3d4 rounds from choking. Those who pass out continue to take 1HP of drowning damage every round until revived or removed
from the area of vapor. The vapor surges forward from the open arms of the caster & fills the entire area of effect immediately. The spell causes half damage to elemental creatures
composed of water or air. A successful save from such creatures reduces damage to one-quarter. No damage is caused against creatures composed of mist or fog. Spells or
protective items that give protection from non-magical weather conditions impart no protection from this spell. This spell functions underwater, although the steam dissipates
immediately after the spell is cast. The material components are 2 tealeaves & a drop of mist dragon spittle.
Steam Breath (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell allows the caster to expel a powerful breath of superheated steam (in a cone 30 yards long & 20 yards wide at base). This steam billows forth from the caster’s mouth,
instantly filling the area of effect with scalding clouds of mist. All those within the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon. Those failing the save suffer full
damage from the spell; those making the saving throw suffer half damage. The steam causes 1d6 points of damage for every level of the caster. Creatures from the Elemental Plane
of Fire suffer one additional point of damage for every die of damage done. Creatures from the Elemental Plane of Water suffer only half damage if they fail the saving throw & no
damage if the saving throw is successful. Furthermore, normal fires in the area of effect are automatically extinguished & magical fires are extinguished 50% of the time, although
those that can be rekindled are not permanently affected. The steam clouds dissipate instantly once the spell is cast. The material component for this spell is a glowing piece of
charcoal doused with water.
Stoneburst (Elemental-Earth, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell can affect up to one-half cubic foot per level of natural earth (not glass or metal) of the caster, and causes this material to explode. It explodes in a radius of twice the
amount of cubic feet affected, as a spherical radius (thus, causing 2 & one-half cubic feet of rock to explode affects a 5’ radius sphere around it). Mud or sand deals 1d3 points of
damage per cubic foot exploded (maximum of 10d3). Soft earth (planting soil) deals 1d4 points of damage per cubic foot exploded (maximum of 10d4), hard earth (packed earth,
frozen ground) deals 1d4 points of damage per cubic half-foot exploded (maximum 10d4 damage), and stone deals 1d4+1 points of damage per cubic half-foot exploded
(maximum 10d4+10 damage). The caster can choose how much material to explode, and can pick material to explode by line of sight, up to 5 yards away per level. Note that all
the material to be exploded must be continuous (you cannot create 2 small explosions, only one big one). This spell, at high levels, could be used to blow a hole in a stone wall, or
even dig a tunnel (in a haphazard way). The shards of flung earth products that scatter about in the explosion cause the damage, and they will be stopped as makes sense (stone
Magical Incantations – Level 3
walls would curtail the explosion’s radius, but a glass window might shatter & allow the full area of effect, DM’s discretion). The material component for stoneburst is any rock
(of any size) dug up from at least 1 yard underground by the caster himself, which is consumed in casting.
Stonesphere (Elemental-Earth, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a magical stone sphere around the caster. The stone sphere is made of solid granite, and is 6” thick, plus 1” for every 2 levels above 6th (7” at 8th, 8” at 10th, to a
maximum of 1’ at 18 ). The sphere is magically connected to the ground. The sphere is large enough to comfortably stand, or to lay out flat, hollow inside, and with enough air to
survive the spell duration. The interior is magically lit with a dull, glowing light that seems to come from tiny mineral gems in the stone. The stonesphere makes all saves as solid
stone, and has any bonuses to saving throws that the caster may have, through magical items or inherent abilities. The caster & those inside the stonesphere with him cannot see
what goes on outside the sphere, and vice-versa. The stonesphere will last 2 rounds per level, or until it has been successfully damaged (by weapon or magic) 1d4 times plus 1 per
level. Thus, a 6th level caster creates a stonesphere that will last 12 minutes, or until 7-10 attacks have been made upon it. For the purposes of determining whether a non-magical
weapon attack dealt enough damage to harm the stonesphere see the following: treat only blunt attacks that deal 2 or more points of damage, slashing attacks that deal 3 or more
points of damage, and piercing attacks that deal 4 or more points of damage as successful. Thus, peppering the stonesphere with arrows is not as useful as bashing it with a mace.
The DM rolls the ‘hypothetical’ damage to see if the stonesphere was harmed enough to count as 1 attack. The material components are a small shard of quartz, and a granite
marble, both are consumed in casting.
Stonewalk (Elemental-Earth, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 turn/level or special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell makes the caster’s body phase in regards to natural & man-tooled earth, dirt, stone & soil. Wood, iron & glass are not included in this spell. For the duration of the spell,
any earth, dirt, stone or soil attack on the caster simply passes through him, and the caster cannot handle any objects that he was not carrying at casting of the item types listed
above. The true use of this spell, however, is the ability to walk through stone, dirt, brick, soil & earth as if it were not there. This puts more of a strain on the spell, and the caster is
limited to a total of 10 yards worth of phased walking per caster level. If the caster uses up all these phased walking before the 1 turn/level time limit of the spell, the spell ends
prematurely. The caster can breathe, even when totally encased in stone or earth or dirt - for it does not exist for him in any physical sense. Nor does his passing in any way disturb
the earthen solids. The caster can also dive into the ground & ‘swim’ underneath the surface. He can also walk on top of soil or dirt or stone or other earth type without sinking into
it with minimal concentration, even cast another spell. A downside to this spell is that while it is in operation, the caster cannot cast any other earth elementalist spell, as the magic
is out of phase with his existence. The caster can end the spell at any time. While this spell would seem to offer excellent protection from earth elementals (and indeed, other earth
& stone creatures cannot harm the caster), the caster, and his magic, can have no effect on natural & man-tooled earth for the duration of the spell. A fireball cast by a stonewalking
wizard will not burn an earth elemental, nor will it be stopped by earthen walls. Whether this is a blessing or a curse will depend on the situation. The material component for this
spell is a piece of sandstone with a nail driven through it. Both vanish upon casting.
Stormwall (Elemental-Lightning, Elemental-Steam, Evocation)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
The stormwall spell brings forth an immobile curtain of dark, swirling clouds that crackle & rumble with small flashes of lightning & low rumbles of thunder, like a storm on its
edge. The spell creates either an opaque wall of stormy clouds up to one 10’ square per level of the spellcaster, or a ring with a radius of up to 5’ + 5’ per 2 levels of the caster. In
either form, the stormwall is 20’ high. The stormwall must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. Whenever someone passes through the wall, they are electrocuted
for 2d4 points of damage with no save. If wearing metal armor or carrying significant amounts of metal, such as a long sword, the creature will in fact take double rolled damage
(DM’s discretion as to what constitutes enough metal), and they release a booming thunderclap from the point at which they passed through the wall. All within 10’ of this point
must make a saving throw vs. spell. If they succeed, they are deafened (as per the spell) for only 2d4 rounds. If they fail, they are deafened for 2d4 turns. Also, this sound can be
heard by those further away, and makes for a good warning that people come. Objects passing through the spell do not cause either effect. The wall itself is a mere 2’ thick. The
wall lasts for as long as the wizard concentrates on it, or for 1 round/level of the wizard in the event that he does not want to concentrate on it. The material components for this
spell are a drop of rainwater collected during a rainstorm, a small piece of amber or glass, and a pinch of fur. All are consumed in casting.
Support the Lofted Arrow (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 missile Saving Throw: None
The spell doubles the effective range of a missile weapon for 1 shot, without impairing accuracy. Count the range of the target as half the actual distance for purposes of the shot.
Spell effects may not be enhanced by means of this spell, but enchanted weapons may.
Tarqin’s Sudden Approach (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell enables the caster (only) to move so silently & unobtrusively so as to gain automatic surprise in the next encounters. The surprise is gained no matter if the encounter is
friend or foe, or if surprised would have been gained anyway. When surprise is achieved, the spell ends. There is no limit to the number of creatures that may be surprised, but the
creatures must be within 100 yards + 30 yards/level of the spot where the spell was cast, and the encounter must happen within 1 round/level of the casting. Creatures with
exceptionally keen senses or high level/hit dice (10 or more) gain a saving throw vs. spell at -4. If a creature has both high level & keen senses or is “never surprised” (or DM’s
judgement), there is no penalty on the saving throw. For each creature that makes a successful saving throw, surprise is rolled normally. If the caster is moving with a party, the
spell will only have any effect in the case that the party (as a whole) fails to surprise, but the caster (because of the spell) surprises all subject creatures (i.e. nobody saves). In this
case the caster gains his usual surprise round. Note that gaining surprise does not guarantee the caster a free attack, nor does it insure the caster from being surprised. For example,
if the surprising caster fails to notice a lurker above, the caster could be in for a nasty surprise. However, the caster will know when the spell ends. The material components for
this spell are a flawless tiger-eye gem worth not less than 130gp & a cat’s whiskers.
Teleport Object (Apportation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: Special
By casting this spell, a wizard instantly transports a small object (weighing no more than 1oz.+2 oz. per level) to another location. Distance is not a factor, but interplanar transport
is not possible. Like the teleport spell, accuracy depends on the caster’s familiarity with the target location. This spell may not be used to place objects within any solid, such as a
wall or an enemy’s spleen. Like all teleports, the destination must be a surface, not empty air or inside a solid or liquid. Further, control of this spell improves with time. The 5th
level transfuser may teleport only non-magical items, and then only if the item is unencumbered (not tied down or in someone’s grasp). A 7th level transfuser may teleport a
magical item, but only at 9th level does he gain the skill necessary to affect an item in someone else’s grasp. To teleport an object held by someone else, the wizard must first make
a successful attack roll to touch the object. As this is a called shot, the mage suffers a -4 penalty to his attack roll & a +1 penalty to his initiative roll. The owner of the item may
avoid the spell with a successful saving throw. Since a sheet of parchment usually weighs less than 2 ounces, transfusers often use this spell to send written messages.
Tenser’s Deadly Strike (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This spell improves the martial prowess of the caster. All melee attacks made by the caster are at the usual chance to hit, but every successful attack does maximum normal damage
to the opponent for the duration of the spell. The spell only affects handheld melee weapons & hurled weapons, not device-propelled missile weapons. Multi- or dual-classed
characters may use this spell, but if so the character must use his magic-user THAC0. The material component is a set of tiger claws.
The Key (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell frees the being touched from any spell of binding that they may be affected by (if the spell is 5th level or lower). For example, this spell would free a recipient from a
hold monsters spell, or a bind spell, but would not work on forcecage since that spell is of too high level. The material component is a small silver key worth 5gp.
The Path of Darkness (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster acquires the ability to Hide in Shadows, as a thief. The caster is completely invisible so long as he stays in shadow or darkness. The caster won’t
cast a reflection in a mirror, but the spell is cancelled as soon as the caster is touched by direct sunlight, or exits shadows & darkness. The material component is a piece of coal.
Magical Incantations – Level 3
The Path of Travel (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour + 1 hour/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: None
Cast upon a target that is moving along a particular road or trail, the target won’t fatigue so long as she continues moving on the path. As soon as the target stops moving or leaves
the trail, the spell ends, & the target will immediately become fatigued. Note that combat in almost any form requires stopping or leaving the trail. The material components are a
map of the trail, which may be reused, and a tonic potion, produced by a herbalist-alchemist, and worth 5gp.
The Watchman’s Fire (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 campfire Saving Throw: None
This spell keeps a fire up to the size of a campfire burning even after it uses up all its fuel. Sufficient wood must be available to establish the fire, but once this has been used (after
half an hour or so) the enchantment will maintain the fire at its maximum efficiency for the duration of the spell. The material component is a measure of fine brandy or other
spirit, which is poured on the wood prior to lighting.
Thick Air (Elemental-Air, Alteration, Elemental-Steam)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell affects movement in a given area (within 120 yards + 5 yards/level) affected by a thick air spell. Movement in such areas become sluggish & considerably slower -
speed factor is cut down to ¼ speed. The air, while it does not actually change, feels like a gelatinous material - thus constricting movement of creatures, objects & forces. Even
winds are slowed in areas of thick air, and attacks are slowed as well. Missiles are affected considerably by this spell. Any arrows shot from bows lose their momentum & fall to
the ground diverted by the change in consistency of the air. Only crossbow bolts, shot from medium or heavy crossbows may still continue their flight, albeit their ranges are cut to
half. Except for a hardly noticeable blurring of vision in the area of effect, thick air areas are impossible to detect.
Thunder Wall (Conjuration/Summoning, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
This powerful spell creates a large field of static electricity barely visible as a shimmering, hazy field. The thunder wall must be anchored to at least 1 flat surface; thus, it could
stand tall based on a floor or hang off of a roof. Note the area of effect (1’ thick, 2’ high/level, 5’ long/level) is a maximum; if the thunder wall is cast in an area too small to
accommodate it, it simply forms as large as possible. Any creature passing through a thunder wall takes 6d6HPs of damage + 1HP per level of the caster. Those who are immune
to electrical energy take no damage, while others are allowed a saving throw vs. spells for half damage. Any creatures wearing or carrying a substantial quantity of metal have a -2
penalty to their saving throw. The material component is a small cube of amber.
Thunderclap (Alteration, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Negates
Thunderclap creates a miniature sonic boom at a point anywhere up to 5 yards per level of the caster away. All creatures within hearing range must save vs. paralysis or be stunned
1d4 rounds. Regardless of whether they save or not, all affected creatures suffer a -2 penalty to all rounds for 1 turn. This spell has no effect on deaf creatures, other planar
creatures & undead.
Traces in the Dust (Enchantment/Charm, Elemental-Dust)
Range: 5’ Components: S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10’ radius/3 levels Saving Throw: None
With this spell, a mage may enchant a given area in order to identify creatures that pass through it. The caster first spreads fine sea-sand over the area of effect & enchants it,
causing the sand to become invisible. Any creature passing through the area will leave a magical imprint in the dust that only the caster may see. The caster, upon seeing the
enchanted area, will immediately recognize the race of any creature that passed through the dust. At any later time, the caster may select one set of tracks, causing the enchanted
dust to rise & form the precise shape of the specific creature. Every outer physical detail may be viewed & the creature may be recognized. Even small details such as scars &
clothing worn may be identified. Once a set of footprints is chosen & the creature’s shape is viewed, the spell is nullified. Material components include fine sea-sand, or the dust of
eagle bones.
Tracking (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 rounds Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
The spell allows the caster to unerringly track any intelligent creature. If the creature has passed within the range (30-yard radius around the caster) in the last 72 hours, then the
caster will see the path as a faint glow. The material component for this spell is an item that was in contact with the person for up to 72 hours before the spellcasting. If the item
was moved after the contact with the target, the caster must backtrack with the item to the spot where the item & target parted. Note that the item disappears in the casting. If at any
time, more than 72 hours have passed since the creature (or item) came within range of the spell, the spell ends. Otherwise it ends when the target comes within range, or the caster
aborts it. While tracking, the diviner cannot cast or regain spells. If the material component was a part of the target’s anatomy, the diviner will know the current location (direction
& distance or plane) of the target at the time of the casting.
Transpose (Apportation)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
The most mysterious of the transfuser’s powers appears is the result of this spell - the ability to transfer qualities of an object or person to another object or person. With this spell,
the eyes of a courtesan can be given the exotic golden color of a topaz, and a mage flying nearby can be given the weight of a rather large boulder. Only weight, volume, or color
can be transposed. When the spell is cast, the donor & the recipient exchange their respective amounts of the specified quality. In the above example, the topaz now is the color of
a courtesan’s eyes, and the nearby boulder now weighs as much as a mage. The amount that can be moved depends on the caster’s level:
Weight: Up to 200lbs plus 50lbs per level. Largely effects encumbrance, although flying creatures may not be able to stay aloft (DM’s option).
Volume: Up to 1 size code per 5 levels of the caster (round down). A 5th-9th level caster could change a Medium size creature to a Small or a Large, while a 10th-14th level caster
could make it Tiny or Huge. Like enlarge, only strength & weight vary with volume - all other characteristics stay the same. Increase damage done & weight by 50% per size code
enlarged, or decrease both by 25% per size code shrunk.
Color: This version of the spell has only cosmetic effects but may be used for disguise. Color may be moved to or from any object weighing 1000lbs or less.
Transpose is not a perfect spell - the caster may never remove more than 99% of a subject quality. In addition, the apportation has a curious side effect. If the spell is directed at an
unwilling target who successfully makes a successful saving throw vs. spells to avoid its effects, the caster must also immediately save or be affected by his own spell. Fortunately,
a successful saving throw also damps out the spell before it affects other bystanders. The material component of this spell is a miniature set of scales set with 7 gems, each a
different color of the rainbow. This item costs at least 500gp, but it is reusable.
Trigger (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 30’ path, 100’ long Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to trigger both normal & magical traps of all types. Traps & snares made of non-magical machinations are automatically triggered & work as they were
intended to. Magical traps (glyphs, illusions, and other arcana) have a 5% chance per level of caster to be set off. The material component for this spell is a wood coin for normal
traps, and a diamond for magical traps, neither of which are expended.
Turbulence (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds / level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell alters the airflow within a sphere 10’ + 5’/level in radius to become entirely unstable. The wind whips & turns in on itself, with a wicked turbulence. The effect of the
turbulence is threefold. First, all missile attacks that come through the turbulence at any point in their flight are at a -3 penalty to-hit. Any attacks made while airborne (by flying
wizards or any other non-grounded creature) are made at a -2 to hit also (for a cumulative penalty of -5 if a flying archer were to attack, for example). This is due to lack of
stability, and wind interference with flight paths. Second, the maneuverability class of flying creatures or items is considered 1 class worse (A becomes B, B to C, and so forth). If
a creature or object is maneuverability class E before entering the turbulence, it will begin to lose control & must land in 1d4 rounds (no damage, just grounded). If it stays up in
the air anyway, it will crash in 1d3 more rounds, taking 1d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 8d6). Crash-landing items must make a saving throw vs. crushing
blow - if they succeed, they lose only ¼ their current structural capacity/hit points. Otherwise, if the roll is failed, it loses half. And third, while within the turbulence, all flying or
levitating or otherwise non-grounded creatures & objects have their movement rate reduced by half. The material components for this spell are 4 paper fans, tied together to create
a circle. They are consumed in casting.
Magical Incantations – Level 3
Unstoning (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 hour Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell reverses petrification by a flesh-to-stone spell or by creatures such as medusae. For a successful casting, the wizard must have an item available specifically owned by
the petrified creature or organic material from that creature (hair, nails, excrements). The item or material may not be petrified & isn’t consumed in the casting.
Vacuum Seal (Invocation/Evocation, Elemental-Vacuum)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: None
This spell affects 1d6 container-type objects (of up to 30lbs) causing them to be sealed with a vacuum. These objects then become harder to open, resistant to surrounding
conditions (such as heat/cold, strong winds, etc.) & even harder to open (requires at least a Strength of 12 to open). Wines in casks, perfumes in vials, coffee in cans all remain
fresh & unaffected by outside conditions when under the effect of this spell. Even gases become less prone to leak from containers sealed in this manner. Materials thus protected
will receive a +4 bonus on all saving throws. The effect of the spell ends once the container is opened. The material component is the container & a sealed sphere of glass.
Vulcan’s Bath (Evocation)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 3 gallons/level Saving Throw: None
This spell creates drinkable water, enough to fill a large container of the size of the tanks used by blacksmiths for tempering metals. Should the container used be too small for the
amount of water created, the remainder will spill out as normal. The water created by the spell has the additional property of being immune to the effects of mundane fire or heat.
Thus, it neither becomes warmer nor cooler, except as a result of other spells. Exposure to any other spell will heat or chill the water as normal, and thereafter it will be normal
water. It would not freeze in cold weather, nor would it boil over a fire. The water so produced is in liquid form, at room temperature. It is greatly prized by artificers of metals, for
obvious reasons. Many dwarves regard the spell as a gift from their gods & will react favorably to a spellcaster, even an elf, who would create such water for them. The material
component is a pinch (10gp) of mercury, which is consumed in the casting.
Wall of Dust (Elemental-Dust, Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
This spell brings forth an immobile curtain of thick dust (2’ thick, 10’ wide x 10’ high/level), which is magically suspended, in the air. It swirls in & around itself, and is so thick
that normal vision (infravision included) cannot penetrate the dust at all. Further, fire or fire attacks passing through the wall must make a saving throw vs. spell. If normal fire (i.e.
a torch, or a candle) fails this save, it is extinguished. If normal fire makes the save, it does not go out, but will flicker & flame low for a full round (half-normal damage & light
produced, etc.) If a magical fire passes through the wall of dust (a fireball, or flame arrow), the caster must make a saving throw vs. spell. A successful roll means that the fire
spell has ½ normal duration, effect, and damage/light, while a failed roll means the fire spell has ¼ normal duration, effect, and damage/light. Fire elementals passing through the
wall are unaffected - the wall of dust isn't enough to hamper them. If a creature passes through the wall of dust without protecting its eyes, it must make a saving throw vs. spell or
be blinded (-4 to hit, and to AC), for 1d4 rounds while the dust is cleared out of the eyes. The dust also covers anyone walking through, and makes him or her exceptionally dirty.
A successful saving throw means no effect. Note that the wall of dust has no effect against the undead or other non-living, non-corporeal creatures. The material component for this
spell is a pinch of dust, tossed into the air upon casting.
Wall of Heat (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
The wall of heat spells brings forth an immobile curtain of magical heat, visible only as a shimmering distortion of hot air amidst cooler air (as seen over deserts & the like).
Visibility through the wall of heat is good enough so that there are no penalties to combat or visibility in any way, though fine details are fuzzy & hard to determine. The spell
either brings forth a sheet of heat up to one 10’ square per level of the caster, or a ring with a radius of up to 5’ + 5’ per 2 levels of the caster. In either form, the wall of heat is 20’
high. The wall of heat must be cast so that it is vertical with respect to the caster. Those within 15’ of the wall (either side) must make a saving throw every round or suffer 1d4
points of heat damage. Those within 5’ of the wall will take 2d4 points of heat damage, with a saving throw for half. If any creature passes through the wall of heat, it will take 2d4
points of damage, plus 1 per level of the caster, with a saving throw for half damage. Note that trying to catch a creature with a wall of heat is difficult at best, the creature is
allowed to make a saving throw vs. spell. Success meaning the creature is not caught, and is on a side of the heat wall that makes sense due to its direction & speed. The wall of
heat will last as long as the caster concentrates. If the caster chooses not to concentrate while casting the spell, the spell will last 1 round per level. The material component for this
spell is a lump of charcoal.
Wall of Mist (Elemental-Steam, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a wall of strange, pale blue & violet mists that curl & twist within them. Each 10’ by 10’ section (per caster level) of the wall must touch another, but the caster is
free to warp the shape as desired (making spheres, curves, corners, etc). At any point, the wall is 2’ thick. The wall provides total concealment to all attempting to attack those on
an opposite side of the wall, for no normal vision, infravision or otherwise, can penetrate the misty wall. Furthermore, any fire passing through the wall, be it magical or not, must
make a saving throw vs. magic as either the caster or the bearer of the fire. If the saving throw is failed, the fire is extinguished (no damage), and if the saving throw is made, the
fire is reduced by half intensity (half whatever damage would normally be done by the spell, and then take into account the saving throws provided by the spell itself). People
passing through the wall must hold their breath. However, if someone breathes the vapors of the wall, they must make a Constitution check. Failure means the loss of all actions on
the round they passed through the wall, and the round thereafter, as the victim chokes & coughs on the strange vapors. They gain a -2 penalty to AC & lose Dexterity bonuses
while coughing & choking, and have movement rates reduced by half. Strong winds will reduce the duration of this spell by half.
Warboulder (Elemental-Earth, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This creates a similar enchantment as the 2nd level warstone, but on a single boulder (up to large catapult size). The wizard can then make this boulder hurl itself up to a distance of
10’ per level, doing damage as if hurled by a catapult. Upon striking, the boulder shatters & inflicts 2d8 damage in a 30’ radius.
Warmth of the Icy Deep (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Negates
After casting this spell, any water with which the caster comes in contact is instantly brought to a temperature warm enough for the caster to be comfortable. Thus, the caster could
swim in very cold waters without any ill effects. This spell only raises water temperature, so the caster is not immune to hot water while under its effects. The material component
is a scale from a fire lizard.
Water Bomb (Alteration)
Range: 25 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell fetches a globe of water, of up to 4 pints maximum (but no more than actually exists) from a nearby source & flings it at the target. The spell does no damage, unless the
water is boiling hot. Hot water does 1-3 points of damage per pint thrown, with the normal chances of splash damage for those nearby. The material component is a small tin cup,
which may be reused.
Water Scout (Elemental-Water, Conjuration/Summoning, Enchantment)
Range: 30’ + 10’/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
When using this spell, the caster can cause any amount of water within range to form a double of him, as per watery double. The water scout, however, has no attacks & no ability
to harm others. If it is hit for 1 point of damage per 2 levels of the caster, it will fall apart. It has an AC of 10. The water scout has no function other than to walk & move as the
caster desires. This takes limited concentration. The scout walks (on or away from water) at twice the caster’s speed, and while concentrating, the caster can move at ½ normal
speed. Also, the water scout can seep through any size opening in a single round, but must spend the entire round to accomplish this feat. The scout itself cannot open a door or any
other manipulation of a physical object. If the caster stops concentrating, the spell does not end, but the double stands still. At any time, the caster can ‘see’ out of the eyes of the
water scout, and if the caster has infravision - through magical or non-magical means - so does the scout. This is not something that requires concentration, and the caster can still
see normally. Any other sensory abilities of the caster that are natural are also granted, but no other magical sight abilities will work through the water scout. The scout can only
form from water, not any liquid, though it can be salt or fresh, or even boiling. If the caster tries to attack with the scout, the scout will splash into nothingness. The scout will use
all the water it can to attempt to be the same size as the caster. But if it cannot, it will be a scaled-down version, and will only move at a speed equal to the caster’s (no matter how
small it is, this is as slow as it will move). The caster can make the scout run if he so desires, but each round spent doing so reduces the duration of the spell by 1 round, as water
splashes off from the scout.
Magical Incantations – Level 3
Watery Form (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn / level Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
When affected by this spell, the caster, and anything he wears, turns into what appears to be a puddle of water. This form cannot be absorbed or divided into smaller parts. It has
the same hit points & Strength as the spellcaster & moves at his movement rate on land or in the water. While in this form, the spellcaster blends undetectably with a body of
water, wet spots on the deck of a ship, etc. The form does not drown in water & can swim at any depth the spellcaster chooses. If desired, the form can flow out of the ocean, up
the side of a ship, and onto the deck. This is exhausting to the spellcaster as if he had climbed that distance in his regular shape. If the form is attacked, it remains in one piece but
the spellcaster suffers damage. Weapons & spells inflict normal damage, and other objects injure as determined by the DM.
Weaponwarp (Alteration)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 weapon/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell enables the wizard to bend the weapon of an enemy into a twisted, useless mass of metal or wood, irreparable by normal means. The wizard can bend 1 weapon/level,
and that weapon must be in plain sight; weapons that are sheathed or concealed are immune. Only magical weapons are allowed a saving throw, either as wood, thick, or metal vs.
disintegration as applicable, and the standard saving throw bonuses of magical weapons also apply. The material component is a thin strip of lead, twisted in the wizard’s hands.
Wind Servant (Conjuration)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d6 turns + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell conjures a weak form of air elemental. This creature is incapable of entering combat, as it has no effective attacks against corporeal creatures, nor can normal (non-
magical) weapons affect it. The wind servant’s only power is to generate a strong wind over a localized area. A wind servant can make any one of the following changes: increase
or decrease wind speed by 1 category (light breeze to favorable winds, or gale to storm); change the wind direction by 1 “step” (from N to NE, S to SW, etc.). Any such effect on
the wind applies to only 1 vessel within the area of affect. The wind servant is too small to create widespread weather effects, instead changing the weather by filling the sails of
the affected vessel with its own essence. The caster can order the wind servant to do more than one of the above tasks, but at a cost. For each round that an additional task is
ordered (i.e., changing wind direction by 2 points, or affecting wind speed & wind direction), the number of rounds which the wind servant must stay is decreased by 1. Thus, for
example, a mage ordering a northerly breeze when the current winds are southerly reduces the wind servant’s tenure by 3 rounds for each round of such an activity. Wind servants
are lazy & disobedient, although not hostile. The caster must give the wind servant continual guidance or the creature allows normal wind conditions to resume. On the other
hands, the caster may change his direction to the wind servant at any time, and the wind servant will respond in 1d3 rounds. Although wind servants cannot be struck by corporeal
weaponry, they can be affected by magic. A wind servant who takes more than 30 points of magical damage flees back to the Elemental Plane of Air, abandoning the caster. The
material component of this spell is a lit block of incense worth at least 50gp.
Windrein (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/2 levels Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell, upon casting, forms a series of rings of constrained, whipping wind around the caster. The wizard can then fly at a rate of 18, (twice that when diving, half that when
rising). The movement class of the caster is C, making this spell less delicate or controlled than a fly spell, and with a lesser duration. However, this spell has other benefits. If cast
outdoors during a strong wind, this spell lasts 1 extra round per caster level. If cast during a wind storm or other storm with high winds, not only does the spell gain the extra
duration of 1 round per caster level, but it also improves in speed, allowing the caster to reach speeds of up to 24. All bonuses continue even if the weather conditions change.
Another bonus of the spell is the ability of the wizard to release some of the stored wind in bolts of hard air, which race at targets chosen by the caster. The caster can release 1 bolt
per round. The bolts have an initiative modifier of 3, and they roll to strike as the caster’s normal THAC0, and have a range of 30 yards. Any strike deals 3d6 points of damage &
knocks man-sized or smaller targets down. If a save vs. spells is made, the bolt deals half damage & the target does not fall over. The down-side, however, is that the wizard has
released some of the stored wind that the caster reined in to create the spell, and for each bolt fired, the caster loses 1 turn of normal duration, as well as a lowering of maximum
airspeed by 2. Thus, a 10th level wizard using the windrein spell begins with airspeed of 18 & 6 turns of duration. If she fires off 2 bolts, the airspeed has dropped to 14 maximum,
and the duration falls to 4 turns. If ever duration or airspeed drops to 0 or less, the spell expires immediately. Once the spell expires, the caster falls to the ground if she is not
standing on it already, suffering normal damage. The material component of this spell is a feather, which is sealed inside a small glass bottle. At the end of the spell, the feather has
turned to dust. If the caster uses the wind bolt ability of the spell, even once, the bottle will also crumble to dust at the end of the spell. Otherwise, the bottle is not consumed.
Winter’s Chill (Evocation, Elemental-Ice)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: ½
This spell is a cryomantic version of fireball, although the spells’ appearances are different. Winter’s chill has no outward appearance; when it is cast within 10 yards + 10
yards/level, the area of effect is suddenly plunged into a momentary freeze that damages all creatures within the area of effect. The spell inflicts 1d6 damage per level to a
maximum of 10d6 damage. Creatures immune to cold take no damage; others are allowed a save vs. spells for half damage. The material component is a bit of ice or snow & a
piece of a plant that died from frost.
Wizard Sight (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
Upon completion of this spell, the caster’s eyes glow blue & he is able to see the magical auras of spellcasters and enchanted objects. Only the auras of those things normally
visible to the caster are seen; this spell does not grant the wizard the ability to see invisible objects, nor does it give him X-ray vision. This spell does not reveal the presence of
good or evil or reveal alignment. While wizard sight is in effect, a wizard is able to see whether someone is a spellcaster & whether that person is a priest or a wizard (and what
type of specialist, if any). He can sense if a non-spellcaster has the potential to learn & cast wizard spells. Although a spellcaster’s level cannot be discerned, the wizard can see the
intensity of a spellcaster’s aura & guess at the individual’s magical power (dim, faint, moderate, strong, or overwhelming). This can be extremely ambiguous even when a wizard
has some method of comparison; the DM night announce that a subject’s intensity is roughly equivalent to that of a companion, or he might announce that a subject’s aura is the
strongest the wizard has ever encountered. An object’s magical abilities cannot be discerned. The fact that it is magical & the type of magic (abjuration, alteration, etc.) are
obvious. The wizard can see the intensity of an item’s magical aura & guess at its power, but cannot tell whether a magical item is cursed.
Wood Shape (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1ft3/level Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to shape & form natural wood into any shape desired. Like the smoke shape spell, the details of the image are rough & crude, but sufficient to fool at a
distance. Doors can be made in wooden walls or a chest from a tree trunk. Once created, the item shaped is permanent unless destroyed by fire, rot, or chopped apart. The spell
does not make the material light or easily moved & the caster needs help moving larger objects into the desired position. The material component for this spell is a miniature
carpenter’s adze.
Magical Incantations – Level 4
Fourth Level Spells
Acid Bolt (Conjuration)
Range: 200 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
With this spell the caster creates a continuous, straight stream of shimmering liquid that emerges from the hand of the caster, and can be aimed. On impact, the bolt forms a 10’-
radius sphere of acid, and explodes outward in a burst of liquid. Creatures struck by splashes from the acid bolt take 2d4HPs of damage. Creatures struck directly by the bolt suffer
4d4HPs, and all items worn or carried must make saving throws. Splash damage only lasts 1 round. Direct hits do damage for multiple rounds, unless the acid is somehow
neutralized. The acid bolt lasts an additional round for every 3 levels of the caster, doing 1d4HPs of damage each round. The material components for this spell are spittle from the
caster, a dart, a crystal sphere & a clear glass vial of acid.
Airball (Elemental-Air, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: ½
An airball spell is an explosive burst of air, which detonates with a low roar & delivers damage proportional to the level of the mage who cast it - 1d6 points of damage for each
level of experience of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d6). The burst of the airball creates little pressure & generally conforms to the shape of the area in which it occurs
(within a range of 10 yards + 10 yards/level). The airball fills an area equal to its normal spherical volume (roughly 33,000 cubic feet - 33 10’ x 10’ x 10’ cubes). Exposed items
require saving throws vs. crushing blow to determine if affected, but items in the possession of a creature that rolls a successful saving throw are unaffected by the airball. The
mage points his finger & speaks the range (distance & height) at which the airball is to burst. A streak flashes from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or
solid barrier prior to attaining prescribed range, blossoms into the airball (an early impact causes early detonation). Creatures failing their saving throws suffer full damage from
the blast. Those who rolled a successful saving throw manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside; each receives half damage. The material component is a tiny ball of bat guano & a
small container of air.
Akasha (Divination)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
With this spell the caster can tap the Akashic Record, i.e. the memory of the universe, to learn past events that have transpired in a specific place. The spell must be cast in the
place that the caster desires information for (current locale up to 50-yard radius). The caster must spend 1 round in trance for each week into the past he is viewing. The material
component for this spell is an hourglass not worth less than 60gp. Another use of this spell is to learn the past of a specific object (animate or inanimate). The range into the past is
2 months (rather than weeks) per level of the caster. In this case the material component is the object itself, which will disappear when the spell is successfully completed. The
caster must in all cases touch the object for the whole duration, and should the object be animate, it is allowed a saving throw versus death magic to resist the spell. If the object of
the spell successfully saves, the spell fails. If the spell fails for this or any other reason, the caster must save versus spell or disappear (as if disintegrated).
Amgig’s Rowers (Alteration, Conjuration)
Range: 20’ Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour per level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 ship Saving Throw: None
This spell creates banks of magical glowing oars on the sides of a vessel that row with their own power. For each level of the mage, the oars increase the vessel’s movement by 1
mile per hour, up to double the normal movement rate. If the mage maintains concentration on this spell, he can direct the speed & direction of the vessel with the oars; otherwise,
the ship goes straightforward at its maximum movement rate. The oars are magical constructs. Although they can be dispelled, they cannot be damaged by normal means.
Argaster’s Cloak of Shadows (Alteration)
Range: 0/Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d4 + 2 rounds Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster or a recipient to be obscured by an ever-shifting, rolling web-work of intangible dark shadows. Argaster’s cloak of shadows veils the recipient’s face,
overall appearance, and precise location. The caster can reveal his face or hide, as desired. The result is that the recipient gains a 2-point AC bonus, and missile weapons aimed at
the being suffer a further -1 penalty on attack rolls. Web & Evard’s black tentacles destroys/are destroyed by a cloak of shadows, upon contact. Because the rippling waves of
varying darkness are quite noticeable in all but the worst lighting, thieves “wearing” a cloak of shadows only gain a +5% bonus to their Hide in Shadows ability. The material
components for this spell are a bit of cobweb & a pinch of dust.
Attacking Mist (Elemental-Steam, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell can summon a Class II type of intelligent mist from the elemental plane of steam. The creature is summoned when an event triggers the spell (similar to magic mouth).
The mist attacks the first person encountered & will stop an attack after it has been summoned upon conditions set by the wizard. The mist is actually a being from the elemental
plane of air (albeit a low powered one). The difference between intelligent mists & other summoned creatures is that the mists actually have access to the knowledge of their
summoner. This includes 1 language (chosen by the wizard) & information (not spells) dictated by the casting wizard. For a detailed description of the different types of intelligent
mists, see the monster description provided with the 5th level magic mist. Whether the mist stops attacking or wins the battle, it will not return to its own plane until either dispelled
or the spell duration expires.
Backlash (Necromancy)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 spellcaster Saving Throw: Negates
This spell affect only spellcasters, and is wasted if cast on persons currently without casting ability. An emplaced backlash spell takes effect only when the victim first employs an
offensive spell that fails - i.e. interrupted spellcasting, a successful saving throw negating the spell, or target’s immunity or magic resistance. The backlash causes the spell to work
with full effect on the caster of the failed spell. It negates any saving throws or immunities that would normally apply. The spell leaves only a faint dweomer, waiting inactive for
later triggering. It cannot be removed by a dispel magic, but will be ended by a remove curse or more powerful spell. A backlash only works once, and only 1 spell may be
‘sleeping’ on a given victim (lasting up to 1 month per caster level).
Bargain (Summoning)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is used to obtain the services of lesser supernatural powers, spirits, demons, etc. Before the spell is cast, the caster must sacrifice something of value to the desired spirit
(if nothing it at hand, 100gp’s worth of incense will do). If the spirit makes its saving throw, it refuses the summoning. Otherwise, the spirit heeds the summoning, but any contact
will be mental, the spirit does not appear on the Prime Material Plane. Once contact has been made, the caster can bargain for the services of the spirit. The spirit cannot render
services that require it to leave its plane of existence, but it can divulge knowledge. The spirit cannot lie, but may not know the truth or refuse to tell it. Typical barters are items of
value, a service done for the spirit or a summoning contract. A summoning contract means that the caster allows him to be summoned (as in monster summoning) at any point in
the future. The spirit can then pass the contract on to others. At a point in the future, the caster & all willing creatures close to him will be summoned to another creature (perhaps
another magic-user) to do his bidding for 3 turns, after which period they are returned to their original spot. If the caster refuses to fulfill his part of the bargain, he is cursed terribly
by the gods, effectively losing 1 level until he makes up to the spirit somehow. In addition to the above, the material component for this spell is a bowl of incense.
Blasting Sand (Elemental-Dust, Conjuration, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature/round Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a forceful, biting stream of sand, which flays & cuts at the target of the stream. The caster must hold both hands out, and point them at the target (who must be
within 10’ plus 5’ per 2 levels of the caster, for that is the maximum length of the stream of sand). Once the stream of sand hits a single creature, however, it does not go further.
The base damage of the stream of sand is 1d6 per 2 levels of the caster. Each round, the base damage drops by 1d6, and when the spell has no more base damage capability, it ends.
Add the target’s AC to the damage received each round (i.e. an 8th level caster aims at a warrior in chain mail, who receives 4d6+5 points of damage; on the next round, the caster
aims the sand at a warrior in chain mail +3 with a shield +3, dealing 3d6-1 damage). The caster can switch to a new target at the start of every round. The caster can dismiss the
spell by thought. The initiative modifier of using the stream of sand is +1 on all rounds after the casting of the spell, and a target is picked upon casting the spell. If the same target
has no protection from sand (magical protection, a visor, or other protective device) & is chosen for 3 consecutive rounds or more, he can be blinded. The target must make a
saving throw vs. spells at the end of the 3rd round or be blinded by the sand & dirt that has managed to get into his eyes. Treat as the 2nd level spell blindness, with a duration of 1d4
rounds after the sandy assault has stopped. If the assault lasts for more than 3 rounds, the save must be made every round thereafter until the save is failed. A creature making this
extra save is not blinded. A creature under assault by the blasting sand is at -2 to-hit & suffers a -2 AC penalty. The target chosen by the caster is automatically hit, but may make a
saving throw vs. spell to take half damage. The material component for this spell is a pinch of sand & some powdered quartz.
Magical Incantations – Level 4
Blessing the Newborn Child (Enchantment/Charm, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 child Saving Throw: None
Generally regarded as a priest spell, this enchantment is nevertheless popular in pagan communities where organized religion has no hold. Cast on a child of less than 1 year old, it
ensures the child will grow up healthy & free of the normal childhood diseases. This doesn’t, however, grant immortality, as the child is still vulnerable to murder, fire, etc. The
spell lasts until the child’s 16th birthday. The material component is a lock of hair from a faerie, which is woven into a necklace or bracelet.
Blinding Flash (Elemental-Radiance, Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a flash of blinding light centering any point up to 10 yards away for every level of the caster. Those within 60’ of the flash must save vs. spells or be blinded
permanently as the spell. Note that normal ways of removing the effects of the blindness spell will succeed in restoring the lost sight. If the victim saves, he is only blinded for 2d4
rounds. Should the caster choose to have the spell center on him, he himself will not be subject to the spell’s effects; rather the spell will affect all those within 120’ of the caster.
In addition, those who make a successful save vs. spells will be blinded for 1 turn, and not 2d4 rounds. The material components for this spell are a clear quartz gem worth at least
100gp & a white candle (both components consumed in casting).
Bloom of Distant Fire (Alteration)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d4 rounds Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
The spell produces blue faerie fire around the target, with the standard benefits, and sufficient heat to do 1d6 points of burning damage. This damage may be saved against, but the
faerie fire effect may not. Since the fire is created only around the target, there is no danger of accidentally hitting other things, unless those other things are touching (or nearly
touching) the target. For instance, a wizard can stay behind a line of warriors, and cast this spell upon a monster on the other side of the line, without danger of hitting the warriors,
as long as the wizard can see the monster. A smell of ozone lingers in the air around the target. The material components are a vial of blue dye or juice & a pea.
Cage Lightning (Elemental-Lightning, Invocation/Evocation, Alteration)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10’ radius Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a cage made of crackling lightning around the target(s), from which they get 1 chance to escape if they successfully save vs. breath weapon. If they fail their
save, then they are trapped for as long as the caster maintains his concentration on the spell & for 1 round every 4 levels thereafter. Anyone inside the cage suffers 1d4 points of
damage from lightning every round & 4d4 damage if they touch the “bars”. The caster can move the cage, with or without it’s occupants, but if he moves it without it’s occupants,
then they suffer 4d4 damage & get a new save to escape the spell. The material components are a small iron bar worth at least 20gp & a bit of copper wire.
Chill of the Void (Elemental-Vacuum, Elemental-Ice, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell brings forth a wave of supernatural cold, rolling forth from the wizard’s outstretched arms to the maximum area of effect (20’ wide, 5’/level long path). Its cold vacuum
kills all normal vegetation in the area except for trees, which have a 50%-100% chance to survive (DM’s discretion, based on size & native environment). This cold inflicts 3d4
damage & the vacuum an additional 3d4 to all living creatures within the area of effect. Vegetable & fungoid monsters suffer double damage from this spell. The material
component is a piece of ice.
Control Oozes (Elemental-Ooze, Charm)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: Negates
This is a specialized version of the charm monster spell but it affects only oozes, slimes, jellies & puddings. The spell causes 2d6HD worth of these creatures that are in a 20’
radius to be charmed if they fail their saving throw vs. spells. Any damage inflicted on these creatures on the round of casting grants those who were hurt a new save with a bonus
of +1 for every point of damage inflicted. Those affected by the spell will not harm the caster or his allies unless attacked by them, in which case they will attack the one who
attacks them (if the caster attacks them, then they immediately break the spell). The caster can only relay simple commands to them & in an emphatic manner (they’ll sense his
desire). Those affected gets a new save every period of time.
Corrode (Alteration) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Object(s) touched Saving Throw: Special
This spell has the power to reduce any object of iron, copper, or their alloys (steel, brass, bronze, etc.) into corroded dust. The item or items touched must weigh 30lbs or less per 3
levels of experience, and each casting allows but 1 touch. Only magical items are permitted a saving throw vs. disintegration. The effect is instantaneous; a wizard grabbing a
sword swung at him will suffer no damage as the weapon crumbles in a flash at his touch. The reverse of this spell, restore metal, restores items destroyed by a corrode spell or by
natural forces to their original state. The material component of this spell is any part of a rust monster; its opposite, a small bar of iron or copper.
Dawn ‘til Dusk (Elemental-Radiance, Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/4 levels Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10’ cube/level Saving Throw: None
The caster can change the hue & color of the light during daylight hours, to resemble the hue of any weather & time of day. Thus he can create the illusion of afternoon in the
morning & of a cloudy sky on a sunny day. He can set the color in the area of the spells effect & hold it without concentrating. Should he want to change the light again he has to
concentrate for 1 segment. Although this spell may seem not to be useful it may prove a great help when trying to fight or capture creatures that move around only on a certain time
in the day. Thus a lion could be sent to seek a shade if used to create a feeling of an African afternoon, or a snake could be made to get out of it’s lair if convinced that daylight is
waning. The material component is a 500gp worth crystal.
Delayed Magic Missile (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: 1 round per level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
Visually, this spell is nearly identical to the 1st level magic missile spell; however, it has several differences: delayed magic missile deals more damage, staggered over a longer
time; second & subsequent attacks do not automatically hit; a shield spell does not block the attack. When cast, darts of magical energy shoot from all of the wizard’s fingertips (to
a range of 80 yards +10 yards/level), collecting into 1 missile just before striking the target creature, which must be at least partially in sight at the time of the casting. The missile
causes 1d6 points of damage for every 3 levels of the caster (for example a 12th level caster deals a total of 4d6 points of damage). The initial impact deals 1d6 points of damage to
the target, and another 1d6 damage strikes each round thereafter until the duration is reached. On each round after the first, the target can attempt a saving throw vs. spell at -2 to
dodge damage for that round. If successful, the creature can act normally; failure means the 1d6 points of damage for the round are taken. The staggered attacks do prevent a
targeted spellcaster from concentrating on a spell. Regardless of previous saving throws, the magic remains potent until the duration runs out. For example, an opponent making 11
successful saving throws against the spell as throw by a 12th level wizard takes only the initial 1d6 points of damage.
Detect Ensorcellment (Rhabdomancy)
Range: Special Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Special
Through this spell, a rhabdomancer can not only determine if a person or object (per round) is charmed or cursed, but also may gain some insight into the origin of such
ensorcellment. The creature (or object) is allowed a saving throw vs. spell modified by the difference in levels between the caster of the enchantment or curse & the rhabdomancer
(thus a minotaur under the influence of a 7th level evil wizard’s charm monster would save at -2 if this spell is cast by a 9th level rhabdomancer). If the saving throw is successful,
then the caster only learns of the presence, if any, of ensorcellment but nothing more. A failed saving throw reveals the exact nature of the spell, including effects, duration, and
sphere of origin. In addition, the rhabdomancer has a 5% chance per level of further discerning the identity of the ensorcellment’s caster. The information discovered would be that
of race, class, relative magical strength, and alignment. A Dowsing skill check may also be rolled then and, if successful, the location & (common, not true) name of that
spellcaster is also learned. Should a creature or object be under more than 1 magical effect, a Dowsing skill check is necessary to pierce each such spell. A failed roll means that
nothing more can be learned after the first charm or curse has been discovered.
Dimensional Earthwalk (Elemental-Earth, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to a dimension door spell. Upon casting, the wizard, as well as up to 1 other willing creature per 3 levels of the caster (rounded down), gain the ability to
instantly slide into any natural or man-tooled earth & stone. They temporarily exist on the elemental plane of earth, and then reappear up to 40 yards away (per caster level). The
reappearance is just as strange - the people who took the dimensional jump arrive out of stone or earth, sliding into existence. The jump can be made through any stone or earthen
surface, and must also end at a stone or earthen surface. Walls can be used, as can floors or even ceilings (though the drop might be interesting). The caster can visualize where he
is going (if he knows it), or give a direction. If the wizard or his companions arrive in a space already occupied by matter or other bodies, those who would arrive inside something
are stuck in the elemental plane of earth. The earthwalk must occur through earth products that touch each other or are continuous (through castle walls, or hills, or from inside a
castle to the cliffs below the mountain that the castle stands upon, etc.) The spell always transports perfectly, to where the wizard desires. All companions also arrive as the wizard
Magical Incantations – Level 4
desires (he can arrange them at will). There is no recovery period after the transport. At the end of the round the spell is cast, the earthwalk will have occurred. By the start of the
next round, the group can act.
Dust Cloud (Elemental-Dust, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 10’ radius/level Saving Throw: ½
After the spell is cast a cloud of dust swirls in the area of effect reducing sight to a mere 1’ range, causing 1 point of damage per level of the caster & causing a penalty of -1 to all
rolls. Those in the area of effect get a Body save. If successful, they suffer no penalty to their rolls. The material component for this spell is a small fan made of paper.
Earthball (Invocation/Evocation, Elemental-Earth)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: ½
An earthball is an explosive burst of earth, which detonates with a low roar & delivers damage proportional to the mage who cast it - 1d6 points of damage for each level of
experience of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d6). Exposed items require a saving throw vs. crushing blow to determine if they are affected, but items in the possession of a
creature that rolls a successful saving throw are unaffected by the earthball. The mage points his finger & speaks the range (distance & height - 10 yards + 10 yards/level) at which
the earthball is to burst. A streak flashes from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining the prescribed range, blossoms into
the earthball (an early impact results in an early detonation). Creatures failing their saving throws each suffer full damage from the blast. Those who roll successful saving throws
manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, each receiving half damage. The material component of this spell is a tiny ball of bat guano & a small handful of earth.
Electrical Wards (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 3-5 months Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 metallic object Saving Throw: ½
This variation of shocking grasp can be cast on any metallic object. If anyone touches the object without first suspending the spell by speaking a word of release (this word is
different for each casting of the spell), the dweomer delivers 2d10 points of electrical damage. The dweomer can only be triggered twice; then the wards are gone. The spell also
discharges if the object is moved quickly or violently. The spell causes the affected material to glow with a faint, blue light (25% of detecting it in daylight, 80% in shadow or half-
light, and 100% in darkness). It also causes the air within 1” of the treated material to feel unnaturally cold. The material component for this spell is a short length of copper wire.
Elemental Control (Elemental-General, Abjuration)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the caster to seize control of an elemental (within 10 yards + 1 yard/level) summoned by someone else. The caster has a 50% base chance of success; the roll is
adjusted by ±5% for the difference in level or Hit Dice between the caster & the creature he seeks to control (in the case of a free-willed elemental) or the difference between the
original summoner’s level & the caster’s. If an elemental is summoned through the use of a scroll or magic item, the effective casting level of the scroll or item is used to determine
the chance for success. Only 1 attempt to control may be made per creature; if the caster does not seize control of the elemental, no future efforts will succeed. If the effort is
successful, the elemental obeys the wishes of the caster for the remainder of its stay on the physical plane.
Elemental Turning (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 + 1d4 rounds Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 60 yard radius Saving Throw: Negates
This spell allows the caster to drive off elementals. Before casting the spell, the caster must determine the type of elemental to be affected. When the spell is cast, all elementals of
that type within the area of effect must make a saving throw vs. spell. If the save is successful, the creature can ignore the spell effect. If the saving throw is failed, the creature
flees the area of effect & does not enter it again for the duration of the spell. The spell centers about the caster & moves with him as he moves about. If the elemental creature is
forced into a position where it cannot escape the area of the spell, it disappears to its own plane instead of remaining. The spell does not break the concentration of any other
creature controlling the elemental. The material component for this spell is a pinch of the element opposed to the type being turned - fire for water elementals, earth for air
elementals, a puff of breath for earth elementals, and a drop of water for fire elementals.
Elemental Vulnerability (Elemental-General, Abjuration, Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: Special
This spell is used to invert the abilities of natural or magical resistance to flame, frost, or lightning. However, it may only affect one such resistance, and must be memorized
beforehand against said type (for instance, the caster must choose fire vulnerability when memorizing). This has a different effect depending on the type of protection offered
(either natural or magical). Against a being with natural protection or magical protection, a hell hound being immune to fire or a person wearing a ring of fire resistance, this spell
simply causes such protections to cease (if the save is failed) or to only have half its normal stopping power. (If it normally stopped all the damage, the being will take half; if it
normally reduced the damage, the amount of reduction is cut in half). In addition, if the save is failed & the protection is magically created, the magic actually enhances the
incoming elemental magic (+1 per die of damage, -2 on saves). Note that this works only against spells or natural abilities that hinder, reflect, or stop fire, frost, or lightning
damage specifically. It does not work against spells that reflect or absorb incoming spells (such as a globe of invulnerability, spell turning, spelltrap, wall of force, prismatic
sphere, etc.). The material component is a piece of the body of a creature that is immune to the type of elemental attack mentioned (scale, eye, blood, etc.).
Energy Burst (Evocation, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 20’ cube Saving Throw: ½
When the spell is cast, the area of effect is momentarily filled with a powerful electrical charge. Any creatures within the area of effect take 5d4+30 points of electrical damage.
Metal creatures are not allowed a saving throw; others can save vs. spells for half damage. Objects within the area of effect must save vs. lightning or be destroyed.
Energy Field (Elemental-General, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: a 10’ cube/level Saving Throw: ½
When cast, this spell brings into being a field of energy wherever the wizard desires, within the area of effect. The distribution of the cubes is also under the wizard’s control with
the exception that they must all be contiguous. The field itself can be cold, hot, or electrical at the wizard’s discretion. It causes 1d6 damage plus 1 point per level of the wizard
(e.g. a 10th level wizard would cause 1d6+10HPs of damage). The damage is delivered once per round to any being in it with a save for half damage. The material component is a
tinderbox that is destroyed when the spell is cast.
Excite Fire (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 20’ Components: V, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 fire source Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes fire to hurl itself at a victim for up to 5’ per point lost for a maximum of 60’. Upon contact with the victim, the fire does 1d4 points damage per level of the
wizard minus range loss & divided by 2 if a saving throw versus spell is successful. Since the fire is dragged from a source (the material component), that fire is effectively lost
from the source. Candles supply 1 point each, torches can supply 6 points, flasks of lighted oil supply 12 points, and average sized fireplaces or campfires supply 30 points.
Eyes of the Fleeing Fox (Divination, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Person touched Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell the recipient’s vision is enhanced, so that he can see in a 360° arc, 180° at a time. The recipient may shift the angle of his gaze by concentrating, so that any
arc may be covered. The material components are a eye of an umber hulk & a dog fox.
Fiery Personality (Alteration)
Range: 1 yard Components: V Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes the caster to burst out in flames. Creatures within 1 yard of the caster receive 1d4 points of damage per level, those touching or being touched by the caster 2d4
points per level. Combustible materials are set afire when touched. The caster’s equipment & clothes are not effected. The heat & light from the flames make it harder to hit the
caster: -3 in melee, -2 ranged. Successful attacks in melee cause 1d4 points of damage per level to the attacker, and wooden weapons burn. After the spell ends, the wizard remains
immune to fire & heat for 1 additional round per level. The verbal component is some boisterous, delirious singing.
Fire Aura (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
By means of this spell, the caster surrounds his body with an aura of magical green fire. The fire aura extends 1’ from the caster’s body & provides illumination in a 1-yard radius.
The fire aura provides complete immunity to all forms of fire, both natural & magical; the flames can be extinguished only by dispel magic or similar spell. Those touching the fire
aura suffer 2d4HPs of damage; additionally, if the victim fails to make his saving throw, his body is set afire with green flames. The flames persists for 2d4 rounds & can be
extinguished only by dispel magic or similar spell. Each round the victim is engulfed in these flames, he suffers an additional 1d6HPs of damage; the victim’s attack rolls are made
with a -2 penalty during this time. The material components for this spell are a scrap of singed paper & a piece of flint.
Magical Incantations – Level 4
Fire Blast (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell can have one of 2 effects (same area of effect, for either version). It creates a ray, 1’ in diameter & 5’ long per 2 caster levels, directly aimed out from the caster’s
pointed hands. Thus, a 10 level caster creates a column from his fingertips that is 5’ in diameter & 25’ long. The first version of the spell creates an incredible heat within the area
of effect. All creatures must make a saving throw vs. spells or suffer 1d4 points of damage per 2 caster levels (save for half damage). The heat may be enough to ignite some
materials (very dry straw, for example). The second version of the spell creates a searing ray of flame within the area of effect. All creatures must make a saving throw vs. spells or
suffer 1d6 points of damage per 2 caster levels (save for half damage). This version of the spell will also ignite all combustibles within the area of effect. For either version of the
spell, the caster needs a small tube made of gold or a crystal substance that is red or orange, which is consumed upon casting.
Fire Enchantment (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 240 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10 yard radius Saving Throw: Negates
By means of this spell, the caster is able to enchant a fire within range of the spell. Through this enchantment, the caster can deliver a suggestion spell coming from the dancing
flames of the fire. All within the area of effect must make a successful saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect of the suggestion. Those who fail to make the saving throw have
looked at the fire & fallen under the spell’s effect. All the normal rules concerning the duration & type of suggestion apply to fire enchantment. The material components for this
spell are a mirror & a lighted candle.
Fire Gate (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
Upon casting this spell the caster may step into a large fire (with at least a 2’ radius) & immediately reappear in another similar-sized fire up to 50 yards/level away. If no such fires
exist within range, the spell does not function & the caster remains in the initial fire. If multiple large fires are available, the caster can choose from them. If there is a large, solid
object blocking the exit fire gate, then the caster is mired in the Plane of Elemental Fire, and will remain there until he either finds another way out or he is rescued. It is
recommended that the spellcaster have some form of protection from fire before attempting it. The material component for this spell is the large fire, which will go out with the
caster. It may be re-lit.
Firebolt (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
The spell creates a powerful bolt of fire that inflicts 1d8 points of damage per level to those in its area of effect (maximum damage is 12d8). This bolt is 60’ long by 5’ wide. It can
not be forked. It streaks outward (to a range of 20 yards + 5 yards/level) much like the spell lightning bolt, but does not reflect, however. If the firebolt hits a wall, the fire spreads
out in a 5’ radius hemisphere, causing damage to any in the hemisphere. Thus it is possible to hit someone standing near a wall twice with the firebolt, once with the bolt & once
with the back-blast. The firebolt automatically sets fire to anything combustible in the path or in the hemisphere. It has the same penetration ability as a lightning bolt. The material
components are a stick, a bit of sulfur, and a dab of honey.
Firedart (Evocation)
Range: 300 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell brings into being 1 fiery dagger/level of its caster. These look like 4”-long knives, whose blades are wavering tongues of flame & which flicker into existence around the
caster’s head & shoulders. They can’t harm the caster who creates them or cause harm to any non-living material (they can’t ignite wood, cloth, paper, etc.) but are deadly to living
& undead targets. These firedarts fly at targets chosen by the caster. They must be visible to the caster as spellcasting begins, but they need not be so after; the firedarts follow &
seek the targets, MV Fly 20 (A), THAC0 4, 2 attacks allowed (the 2nd only if the 1st misses). Contact with any magical barrier/spell effect, or passing out of spell-range, causes a
firedart to vanish instantly & harmlessly. A firedart that misses on both attack attempts fizzles out & vanishes, harmlessly, wasted. One that strikes, it deals 1d4HPs of piercing
damage & is quenched, its magic expended. The target is allowed a saving throw vs. spell, and if failed, the dart also inflicts 1d4+1HP fire damage. A caster can elect to hurl each
firedart at a different target, or group them in attacks against various targets, or even “save” some to attack on the 2nd round of the spell. All of the firedarts vanish when they miss
or hit, or if they haven’t been fired when the spell expires. Decisions about the targets of firedarts saved until the 2nd round need not be made until that 2nd round, but the targets are
still limited to creatures visible to the caster when the spell is first cast. The material components are a fragment of flint & a feather (may be of any size & from any source).
Firefall (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell functions exactly as the “fireworks” application of the 2nd level pyrotechnics spell does with respect to duration, area of effect, saving throw, and the blinding effect
created. However, the “fireworks” created by this spell are much improved. It’s more along the lines of a geyser of brightly burning liquid fire, arcing upwards approximately 60’
into the air & raining down within a 30’ radius area surrounding the perimeter of the basic fire source. All in this area of effect suffer 2d6 points of fire damage with no saving
throw allowed. Further, a central prominence of flame is thrown upwards by this spell, and the wizard may direct this column of fire at a single target within 60’ of the fire source.
This plume of fire will inflict 4d10 damage to the victim, although a saving throw vs. breath weapon is possible to halve this damage. The liquid fire continues to burn during the
following round, under the same conditions as during the first round, although the fire is less intense & inflicts only half the damage caused during the first round. Combustibles in
the area of effect must save vs. normal fire (if struck only by the burning spray) or magical fire (if the victim of the central plume fails his saving throw or if the central plume is
directed at an inanimate object) to avoid being set afire. A creature within the area of the spray that is targeted by the central plume will not also suffer fire damage from the spray,
as this minor flame is all but lost in the fury of the central prominence. The spray does not fall within the area of the original fire source, but only within 30’ of the perimeter of the
fire source. An aerial creature flying within 60’ above the rising geyser of liquid fire is affected just as a creature on the ground would be, and may also be targeted with the central
plume, if the wizard so desires. The material components for this spell are a lump of pitch mixed with sulfur, saltpeter, and magnesium, as well as an existing fire source.
Flame Ward (Elemental-Fire, Elemental-Ice, Abjuration) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Caster/1 person Saving Throw: None
This spell works similarly to the armor spell in that it lasts until the recipient has taken a certain amount of damage. It differs in that the spell only cares about fire damage, and
absorbs the fire damage entirely. This spell can absorb 8 points of fire damage, plus 2 points per level of the caster, or 8 points of damage plus 1 per level if cast on another. This
damage must be fire-based, whether magical or not, and the caster must still make any saving throws normally granted. So, a wizard under the flame ward spell that is hit by a
fireball must still make their save (and succeed well enough so that the flame ward doesn’t end). The flame ward ends when all the potential damage has been done, or until time
equal to 1 day per 2 caster levels has passed. Any damage over the absorption potential is suffered fully. For example, a creature has 18 points of flame ward protection, and is hit
by a 13-point fireball (after save). They have 5 points of protection left. Later, a burning hands spell hits them for 9 points of damage, and they take 4 of that, the other 5 being
absorbed by the spell. Fire damage neither bothers nor interrupts the spell-casting abilities of a person under a flame ward. The material component of a flame ward is a piece of
fire-forged steel in a vaguely humanoid shape, which is consumed upon casting. The spell can be reversed into a chill ward, which works exactly the same as the flame ward, but
affects only cold & ice based damage, be it magical or not. The material component for this version is either a piece of ice carved into a generally humanoid shape, or rock crystal
humanoid statuette, either of which is consumed in casting. A creature can only benefit from 1 flame ward & chill ward at any given time, even if said ward has only 1 point of
damage protection left.
Flames of the Faltine (Elemental-Fire, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell sheathes the wizard in hot yellow flames & blurs the wizard’s features somewhat, causing them to assume a smooth & somewhat indistinct shape, also turning a dark red
color. The flames will always appear to be present, even coming out of the wizard’s eyes & mouth. These flames give the wizard no special protection, but they do shed bright
light in a 30’ radius. Furthermore, any creature striking the wizard with a claw, bite, or similar attack or a hand-held weapon less than 5’ long will suffer damage as though
contacting a wall of fire - 2d6 points of damage + 1 point per level of the wizard. Any undead suffer double damage, and creatures especially susceptible to flame may also take
additional damage. The wizard may attempt a melee attack to burn others with this fire, a successful blow causing 1d6 points of damage + 1 point per 2 levels of the wizard.
Creatures passing within a 5’ radius of the wizard suffer 1d4 points of heat damage. By standing still & concentrating, the wizard may extend this heat radiation, inflicting 2d4
points of damage within a 5’ radius & 1d4 within a 10’ radius, but this falls back to the usual level if the wizard stops concentrating or resumes moving. The wizard can attempt to
destroy inanimate objects by touching them, requiring a save vs. normal fire to avoid destruction. This may be attempted once per round, at a -1 cumulative penalty for each
consecutive round of handling. Items on the wizard’s person at the time of the casting of this spell are unaffected by the flame. The wizard may end this spell prematurely if
desired. The material component for this spell is a flask of oil poured over the wizard’s head during the casting of the spell, and an open flame of any size.
Magical Incantations – Level 4
Flexibility (Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round per level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster is able to stretch his limbs to ten times their length. The body of the caster becomes extremely flexible & gains a stiff elastic texture, but his mass
doesn’t increase. The caster’s AC drops by 1 & he receives ½ damage from blunt weapons. When he stretches his limbs, his AC increases by 1d3 points. The material component
is a piece of flexible & elastic material.
Fountain of Soothing Waters (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 hours + 1/2 hour/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 8’ tall fountain Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the Chamber of Soothing Waters, but with one important difference. Anyone spending the entire spell duration immersed under the fountain will regain 1HP
for each full hour spent doing so, from the therapeutic massaging of the water. Furthermore, if the spell is cast on an existing fountain, the noise of the falling water has the effect
of calming the thoughts of those nearby, such that the memorization of spells may be subsequently be done as though the spells were 1 level lower. The material components are a
vial of holy water, a sliver of soap & a reed or straw.
Forcefend (Alteration, Incantation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell cloaks its caster with a temporary protection against all hostile spells & magical item discharges that have a specific target - when the intended target is the caster. A
forcefend enables the caster to redirect all such magics at another suitable target within spell range. The new target can never be the original source of the attack & cannot be an
invalid target, under the terms of the spell attack. The new target is allowed a saving throw vs. spell; if failed, the magical attack takes its full effect on the new target rather then on
the forcefend caster. If the new target’s saving throw succeeds, the magical attack rebounds to strike at any valid target (except the original source & the forcefend caster) within 30
yards of the intended new target. The forcefend caster cannot choose this secondary target, and if more than 1 valid target exists, the actual target affected is chosen randomly. The
secondary target is allowed a normal saving throw vs. spell; if failed, the secondary target takes the full brunt of the original attack. If the secondary target’s saving throw also
succeeds, the spell attack fades harmlessly away & is lost, harming nothing & no one. A forcefend protects its caster against all hostile magics during its 2 rounds of existence; the
caster can redirect multiple attacks against various targets without penalty for “being so busy”. Any spellcasting on the part of the forcefend caster while the forcefend is in effect
instantly negates it, but the caster can employ magical items & undertake strenuous or demanding physical activities, including combat, climbing, and readying material
components for future magics.
Forceful Mists (Elemental-Steam, Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/2 levels Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 or more creatures Saving Throw: Special
The mists created by this spell only affect a target who breathes, and affects the target being by forcing itself into the mouth & nose (or other breathing orifice) of the creature,
making it near impossible to breathe. Each round, the victim gets a Constitution check. If it makes its check, it takes only 1 point of damage & manages to breathe in some air. If
the check fails, the creature takes 1d4 points of damage that round. If a creature fails 3 consecutive checks, it passes into unconscious for 2d4 rounds (the caster can still aim the
forceful mists at the prone creature, which no longer gains any saves, for lesser damage). The caster can choose a new target each round, so long as they are within range. When a
creature is under attack by this spell, it cannot cast other spells, and has a -1 penalty to AC, to-hit rolls, and damage rolls, due to a lack of concentration.
Form of Air (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell turns the recipient & all they carry into a vaguely humanoid airy form for the duration of the spell. The recipient retains HPs, THAC0, damage, etc, subject to DM twists.
They get the movement modes of an air elemental, and can survive in all environments an air elemental could. This is essentially a variant polymorph self to enable easy
exploration of elemental planes. The material component is the caster’s breath.
Form of Earth (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell turns the recipient & all they carry into a vaguely humanoid stony form for the duration of the spell. The recipient retains HPs, THAC0, damage, etc, subject to DM
twists. They get the movement modes of an earth elemental, and can survive in all environments an earth elemental could. This is essentially a variant polymorph self to enable
easy exploration of elemental planes. The material component is a handful of sand.
Form of Fire (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell turns the recipient & all they carry into a vaguely humanoid fiery form for the duration of the spell. The recipient retains HPs, THAC0, damage, etc, subject to DM
twists. They get the movement modes of a fire elemental, and can survive in all environments a fire elemental could. This is essentially a variant polymorph self to enable easy
exploration of elemental planes. The material component is a small fire.
Form of Water (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell turns the recipient & all they carry into a vaguely humanoid watery form for the duration of the spell. The recipient retains HPs, THAC0, damage, etc, subject to DM
twists. They get the movement modes of a water elemental, and can survive in all environments a water elemental could. This is essentially a variant polymorph self to enable easy
exploration of elemental planes. The material component is a bowl of water.
Freedom of Movement (Abjuration, Enchantment/Charm)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell is effective against magic spells & spell-like powers that impede movement. This includes such spells as slow or web & magic items such as iron bands of Bilarro. It is
also effective against non-magical items or effects (such as the webs of giant spiders, weapons such as whips & nets, or even ordinary bonds or shackles). Any such item or effect
is simply unable to restrict the subject of this spell. This does not prevent weapons or other effects from causing damage; it only prevents any effects that would restrict movement.
This spell does not allow freedom of movement in abnormal environments (e.g., underwater). The material component of this spell is a silk scarf that must be worn around the
affected creature’s neck. The scarf disintegrates when the spell expires.
Gaseous Form (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round /2 levels Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the recipient & gear he carries to assume solid or gaseous form, at will, for the duration of the spell. Each change requires a full round, with no other actions
permitted. The gaseous form is transparent & insubstantial, flowing at a base speed of 3 per round. Any area effect spells will harm the caster but not much else.
Geyser (Elemental-Water, Elemental-Steam, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round per level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a jet of steaming water, which extends 60 yards in a straight line & is 5 yards wide, from the wizard’s hand. All fires, normal & magical, will be extinguished.
Any creature struck by the stream must save vs. Body at a -1 or be blinded until the stream is moved or stopped. Regardless of the save, there will be a substantial amount of
damage done due to the heat (2d6HPs of damage). The material component of this spell is a drop of water.
Gigantic GrowthBall (Elemental-Ice, Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 5’/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a ball of ice in the caster’s hand, roughly 3” in diameter. The caster then proceeds to throw this ball at his opponent(s), hurtling it across the floor or ground. This
requires a successful attack roll on the part of the caster, with modifiers from Dexterity adjustments, and no penalties for distance. Additionally, the caster receives a +1 to attack
for every 2 levels he has (e.g. +1 at level 2, +2 at level 4, etc.), due to the size of the GrowthBall. For every 5’ of distance, the ball grows half a foot in diameter, starting at one
half foot at 5’. While in the spell’s range, the GrowthBall strikes opponents & does not stop unless it comes upon an obstacle that requires it to travel straight upward
(perpendicular to the surface). At this point, it will cease to move if it cannot break through using its own size & velocity, and the spell’s duration will end. Once the GrowthBall
has rolled out of the spell’s maximum range, it ceases to grow & continues to roll without the aid of magic to maintain inertia. The GrowthBall causes 1d6 points of damage per 1’
diameter attained, with a maximum of 10d6 at a 10’ diameter (the maximum size), with a saving throw for half damage. Although the ball is made entirely of ice, it is not a cold-
based attack, and creatures that are immune or harmed by cold based attacks are not affected abnormally by this spell. The GrowthBall need not necessarily roll in a straight line in
order to gain mass & volume. It is possible to cast this spell at opponents at the bottom of a hill, and although out of the spell’s range, the GrowthBall will still continue to roll
down the slope of the hillside (picking up more speed than it originally had). If the GrowthBall exceeds the maximum roll distance for the spell, it does not shrink, but characters
Magical Incantations – Level 4
do receive a +1 bonus to save vs. spells for every 10’ across level ground. This is further modified for the incline or decline of the terrain, until it has rolled 10’ per 1’ of diameter
(DM’s discretion). The GrowthBall may be manipulated by anyone once it has rolled its maximum distance, although it disappears once the duration expires.
Giga Bolt (Elemental-Lightning, Elemental-Earth, Invocation/Evocation, Conjuration)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
Upon casting the spell, a reddish-brown bolt of lightning, surrounded by earth-based debris, strikes a target (selected by the caster within 15 yards + 10 yards/level) from the sky,
exploding into several small bursts. The spell deals 7d4 points of damage to the bolt recipient, and 2d4 points of damage to all life forms within the bolt’s aftermath bursts. This
spell is especially effective against elemental water creatures, dealing double damage (7d6 & 2d6 respectively). This spell can be stopped by all appropriate shield spells. The
prime components for this spell are a glass rod of no less than 120gp value, smeared with mud & powdered with ash. The mud & ash are consumed by the spell, but the rod
remains intact.
Halo of Eyes (Abjuration, Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Halo of eyes creates a halo of functional eyeballs that sits atop the caster’s head, enabling the caster to see in all directions at the same time. Additionally, these magical eyes all
have infravision (60-yard range). The caster can see opponents on all sides of him, providing they are not invisible, and therefore can never be struck from behind or suffer penalty
for a back attack. Under normal conditions, the caster cannot be surprised. Attacks cannot be directed against the magical eyeballs, but blindness & other magical and natural
effects that would hinder the caster’s normal sight, obscure their vision. The material components for this spell are the feather of an eagle & an eyelash from the corpse of any
Heat Cloak (Elemental-Fire, Alteration, Illusion)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a shimmering aura of heat that surrounds the caster. This gives off no heat, but it does create an effect that tricks the vision of any creature that is looking at or
attacking the caster. It appears that the caster is standing in one area when in fact they are off a few feet. This spell bestows similar effects of a cloak of displacement, except that
the creature gets a -2 penalty when attacking the caster after the first attack, for the duration of the spell. Any spell that is directed at the caster (touch spells, disintegrate, finger of
death, etc.), and is not an area of effect spell (will damage caster with no penalty/bonus), gives the caster a +2 to their saving throw.
Heat Lightning (Elemental-Lightning, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: ½
This spell calls down a bolt of reddish-purple lightning, which strikes a single creature within range. The bolt inflicts 1d6 points of damage per level of the wizard. Cold or water-
based creatures suffer an additional 1 point of damage per die, while creatures resistant to heat or electricity will suffer half damage (¼ with a successful save). All non-magical
metal worn by the target must save vs. lightning (at +2 if the save was made, but at -2 if the save was failed) or be fused to any nearby metal (sword fused to gauntlet, pieces of
armor fused together, preventing movement). The material component of this spell is a short glass rod, a bit of fur, and a bit of iron or lodestone.
Heat Sphere (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: See below Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 5’ radius/2 levels Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates intense heat around the caster (who is not affected by the heat). It lasts 1 round for every 2 caster levels. On the 1st round, the spell deals 1d4 points of damage to
all those within 5’. On the 2 round, the spell deals 2d4 points to those within 5’, and 1d4 points to those within 10’. On the 3rd & consecutive rounds, the spell deals 1d4 more
damage to those within 5’, and losing 1d4 damage for every 5’ away from the caster the creature is thereafter. At the end of the spell, all heat dissipates. The caster must maintain a
fair level of concentration to keep the spell building. If at any time the caster is hit for combat damage, casts another spell, or is knocked unconscious, the spell begins to falter,
losing 1d4 points of heat damage each round or until the normal duration of the spell would play out. The maximum duration is 1 round per 2 levels of the caster, up to 10 rounds.
The intense heat harms all creatures within range, although all within range may make a Body save each round for half damage. At damage levels of 3d4 or higher, flammable
objects may ignite, if very dry (such as paper or thatch).
Icespears (Evocation, Elemental-Ice)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 9ft2/level Saving Throw: ½
When the spell is cast, a torrent of enlarged icicles rains down on the area of effect. All creatures not immune to cold take 10d4 points of damage, plus 3 points per caster level, to a
maximum of 10d4+30 damage. A Dodge save is allowed for half damage. Those armored in field plate, plate mail or banded mail & possessing a tower, kite or full shield save
with a +3 bonus; solid creatures (aurumvorae, gorgons, etc.) & those made of stone or with a stone-like hide save with a +5 bonus. Army units affected by this spell must pass a
morale check or rout. The material component is an icicle.
Illusionary Wall (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell creates the illusion of a wall, floor, ceiling, or similar surface (10 yards x 10 yards x 10 yards), which is permanent until dispelled. It appears absolutely real when
viewed, even magically, as with the clerical spell, true seeing, or its equivalent, but physical objects can pass through it without difficulty. When the spell is used to hide pits, traps
or normal doors, normal demihuman & magical detection abilities work normally, and touch or probing searches reveal the true nature of the surface, though they do not cause the
illusion to disappear. The material component is a rare dust that costs at least 400gp & requires 4 days to prepare.
Improved Stone Swallow (Alteration, Elemental-Earth)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
Improved stone swallow causes the earth or stone underneath an object to open up & swallow whatever small objects lie on top of it, just as the 2nd level stone swallow does.
However, the duration of the spell allows the spell to be used as a guardian spell. Any objects that fall on a surface protected by improved stone swallow (20’ square per 3 caster
levels) will be immediately swallowed by the earth or stone. The spell lasts for the stated duration or until 1 object per level of the wizard has been ‘swallowed’ by the ground.
Once covered by the earth or stone, the object must be dug or chiseled out. Note that this spell must be cast on a bare & clean surface, or the spell will clean the area by swallowing
all loose objects on the ground. The material components for this spell are a small pinch of lime, an equal amount of acid, and a copper coin. The lime is added to the acid &
becomes sludge during the casting of the spell. The copper coin slows the reaction of the lime & acid.
Incandescent Spheres (Elemental-Magma, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 70 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 50’ radius Saving Throw: ½
With this spell, the caster creates 2 balls of lava for every 4 levels of experience. When hurled, every sphere causes 1d8 points of damage & ignites flammable materials upon
contact. A creature can only roll a save once against any spheres that hit him, and only on the round of impact. If successful, then the damage is halved & the victim will suffer
another 1d4 points of damage during the next round (no save allowed). If the save fails then the damage continues for 2 more rounds as the magma continues to burn the victim’s
skin & flesh. In these rounds, he will suffer 1d6 points & 1d4 points, respectively (again no save is granted against this). The caster can designate all the spheres to strike a single
target or he can distribute them among as many enemies as he wants, as long as all opponents are in a 50’ radius within the spell’s range. The material component is a piece of coal
or obsidian.
Instant Sublimation (Elemental-Ice, Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Instant sublimation causes all snow & ice within the area of effect to rapidly evaporate. Thus the caster might employ the spell in much the same fashion as the dig spell,
burrowing a hole into a glacial wall or creating a slippery trench to hinder pursuing foes. Creative casters have been known to use instant sublimation to evaporate a slide - like a
trench down the side of an icy hill for a quick escape route. The area of effect equals the cube of the one-half the caster’s level (rounded up) in feet. Hence a 7th level caster could
eliminate an area of ice equal to 64 cubic feet. This could be a 4’ x 4’ x 4’ cube, a 64’ x 1’ x 1’ trench, etc., as long as the total cubic footage is no greater than 64 cubic feet. The
process leaves no trace of ice & uses no heat. Instant sublimation can also be used to damage ice elementals, frost mephits & similar creatures composed of ice. Within the spell’s
range, any 1 creature of HD equal to or less than the level of the caster can be targeted, and once targeted must make a Magic save or have a portion of their mass (equivalent to the
spell’s area of effect) evaporated. Even if it weren’t enough to totally destroy the target creature, most living ice beings would not be able to withstand such a loss. Nevertheless,
those saving suffer 1d6 points of damage.
Magical Incantations – Level 4
Iron Spears (Elemental-Mineral, Conjuration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 60’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell cause the area affected to be smitten with iron spears that fall & disappear to wherever they came from. Any creature in the area of effect is hit by 1-3 spears that inflict
1d10 damage each. The material components are a bit of iron & dust from a gem worth at least 10gp.
Lava Wave (Elemental-Magma, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to lava bolt except that it conjures a wave of molten lava over the given area (a 20’ x 40’ rectangle or 30’ square). All creatures within take 1d6 per 2 levels of
the caster (rounded up; maximum 6); unless a successful saving throw is made, this damage will continue, at the rate of 3d6 per round, for 1 round per 3 levels of the caster beyond
fourth. The material component is 4 ounces of volcanic rock & an open flame of any kind (the flame is not extinguished in the casting).
Locate Creature (Divination)
Range: 50 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the 2nd level locate object spell. Instead of finding an inanimate object, however, it allows the caster to find a creature. The magic-user casts the spell, slowly
turns, and is able to sense the direction of the person or creature, provided the subject is within range. The caster learns how far away the creature is & in what direction it is
moving (if at all). This spell can locate a general species of creature (a horse or umber hulk, for instance) or can be used to find a specific individual. The magic-user must have
physically seen the individual or the type of creature at least once from a distance of no more than 10 yards. Unlike locate object, this spell is not blocked by lead. It is blocked,
however, by running water (such as a river or stream). Objects cannot be found through use of this spell. The material component is a bit of a bloodhound’s fur.
Mage Armour (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 turns Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a magical aura around the recipient of the spell, so that he is made harder to hit in combat. The spell lowers the AC by 2 regardless of other protection but it
automatically dispels any other spell of the same type in effect (such as armour, shield, phantom armour & invisible mail). Additionally, the mage armour is able to absorb 20HPs
of damage that would otherwise have hit the lowered AC. When the mage armour has absorbed 20HPs, it is dispelled (any remaining hit points of damage is inflicted on the
recipient). The mage armour only affects attack forms that normally requires a to hit roll, and vice versa. The material component for this spell is a pair of meazel claws. If only
one claw is available, the spell may be cast at reduced efficiency (AC -1, absorbs 10HPs). Furthermore, if ink is prepared from ground gems not worth less than 700gp, a scroll
with the effects of the spell may be created for any class to use. Note that this scroll is not a spell scroll, but rather a protection type scroll.
Messerschmidt (Alteration, Evocation, Conjuration)
Range: 10 yards + 2 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This enhanced version of the maneuverable floating disc is shaped like a 4-man bobsled. It has MR of 20, maneuverability class B, carries 2 magic missiles per level & 1 Melf’s
acid arrow per 3 levels. It can fire 1 missile per round & cause 3D4 bumping damage (THAC0 caster). Additional casting only possible when the Messerschmidt remains floating.
The Messerschmidt can carry up to 100lbs per level. The material component is a little glass facsimile of the spell effect.
Mind Probe (Divination, Enchantment/Charm; Mentalism)
Range: 5 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the caster to probe the subject creature’s mind for information for an extended period of time (1 round per level of the caster). The subject of the spell, if
unwilling, is allowed an initial Mind save to resist the effect. If the subject of the spell meets the caster’s gaze during the casting, there is a -2 penalty to this saving throw. No
additional saving throws or bonuses are given to protect sensitive information or for wary/suspicious subjects. The caster must be able to see the subject when the spell is cast. If
the subject creature fails its saving throw, it will remain still & quiet for the duration of the spell, except for obeying simple movement commands from the caster (e.g., to sit
down). The caster may then probe the subject’s mind to gain the answer to 1 question per round until the spell expires. Verbal questioning may be used, but is not required; the
information may be gained by mental power alone as long as the caster can see the subject’s eyes. The questions answered do not have to be yes/no questions only, but the
information gained must be of the same general order of complexity; e.g., questions such as “How many guards are waiting behind the iron gateway?” are allowed, but probes such
as “Give me complete directions to the Castle Garth!” are not. The information gained may be of any level of sensitivity or importance to the subject without imposing additional
penalties or requirements. Although the questions asked & answers given need not be spoken aloud (after the initial casting of the spell), the subject creature’s mind will still
provide information in a language-linked fashion. A comprehend languages or similar effect must be used to understand the answers if the caster does not speak the subject’s
language. Only information that could be consciously recalled by the subject can be gained through this spell; it cannot reveal unconscious or instinctive knowledge, motivations,
or desires. The spell also cannot reveal information that is magically warded or otherwise protected. The DM has the final judgment on what information can be gained through
this spell. During the last round of the spell’s effect, the caster may, instead of probing for the answer to a question, choose to give a brief suggestion (see the 3rd level spell
suggestion). If this is done, the subject gains a second saving throw vs. magic to avoid carrying out the suggestion. This save is at a -2 penalty because the subject is in an
unusually receptive state of mind. Note that the caster must be able to speak the subject’s language to give a suggestion (or must use a tongues spell or similar effect), even though
this is not required for the rest of this spell’s effect. In any event, the subject of the spell does not remember afterwards that the spell took place, or what happened during it; the
time taken up by the spell is experienced simply as a short period of unconsciousness. The material component of this spell is an elven silver or electrum piece; the only known
source at present is the Library of Elvendorgn, and not enough human wizards have had access to it to research an alternate version with a different material component. Elven
coins are not normally used for trade in human kingdoms or societies, so it may be necessary for a non-elven wizard to travel some distance from his home base to find them.
Minor Frost Mantle (Elemental-Ice, Elemental-Air, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d6 turns + 1/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1’ radius field around the caster Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster creates a small, luminescent, magical field of intense cold & turbulent wind. Visually, the initial effect is similar to faerie fire, tracing the caster’s
silhouette. All these spells have a bright blue or white glow (caster’s choice). This spell does not adversely affect the caster. A minor frost mantle lowers the caster’s AC by 2 (AC
8 becomes AC 6, 5 becomes 3, etc.). This bonus is cumulative with any applicable bonuses for high Dexterity or magic, but not actual armor. If any armor is worn during casting,
the spell instantly fails & is lost from memory. More impressively, though, the magical cold & arctic wind of a minor frost mantle lessens damage suffered from successful melee
attacks. When a non-magical melee weapon strikes the caster, the attacker rolls damage normally. The caster rolls a 1d4, adding +1 for every 2 levels he has. The caster’s roll is
subtracted from the attacker’s rolls & the result is the damage suffered by the caster. Thus, if a foe successfully attacks a 3rd level wizard with a long sword & rolls 6 points of
damage, the caster rolls 1d4+3 (+1 for each experience level). He rolls a 2 for a total of 5; the caster suffers only 1 point of damage. Bonuses from Strength are not counted (that is,
an attacker with a +3 bonus to damage due to high Strength would automatically deal 3 points of damage, regardless of the effects of the spell). If the minor frost mantle absorbs all
damage caused by a non-magical melee weapon, however, a thick layer of ice has formed around the weapon. This gives the attacker a -2 to hit & a -3 penalty to weapon speed (or
to initiative, if the weapon speed rules aren’t in effect), and inflicts 1 point of cold damage each round. Also, successive attacks with that weapon deal only a meager 1d2HPs of
bludgeoning damage. The ice surrounding the weapon melts as per the climate (i.e. in temperatures below freezing, the ice will virtually never melt). The material components for
this spell are 50gp worth of diamond dust & a small, polished, silver disk worth no less than 50gp, both of which are consumed in casting.
Mirror Communication (Alteration, Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 1 hour Area of Effect: One mirror Saving Throw: None
This spell changes a normal mirror into a communications device of both sight & sound, though only between enspelled mirrors. Chance for establishing contact is as per crystal
balls, with a +20% modifier. The mirror of the person called will glow & beep until acknowledged by someone. A specific (enspelled) mirror may be called if the person knows
where it is (as opposed to calling a specific person, and reaching his mirror, wherever it might be). The material component is a highly polished & finely wrought silver mirror of at
least 1000gp value, which is not consumed, and nitric acid, copper, and zinc, which are. The mirror must be securely mounted & each turn it is moved, there is only a 5%/level
chance the spell will still function. Either party can terminate contact at any time, but only 1 contact attempt can be made per turn, otherwise it is not limited. Users cannot get
through to a mirror communicating to a third party, unless it was enspelled with Advanced Mirror Communication.
Mirror Gaze (Abjuration, Alteration, Dimension)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 40 rounds Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is a useful defense against creatures with gaze weapons, which is more capable than the gaze reflection spell. Against “active” gaze weapons, such as that of a basilisk,
the shimmering mirror-like field called up by the spell acts similarly to its 1 level cousin, but the saving throw of the creature with the gaze weapon is at -2 due to the potency of
the dweomer. However, the field also affects “passive” gaze weapons, such as that of the medusa, just as if the creature were looking in a mirror. Saving throws against this effect
are normal, since it is considerably more difficult to “capture” passive-gazers in this way. It should be noted that the effects of this spell also extend into the Astral & Ethereal
planes against creatures who can extend their gazes from those planes to the Material, and vice versa.
Magical Incantations – Level 4
Mold the Living Clay (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1’ x 1’ x 1’ of body/level Saving Throw: None
The caster can shape the target’s limb like clay so long as the caster concentrates & the target is willing. The limb (including skin, muscle, and bones) can be shaped in any way,
and the blood in the limb ceases to flow while the shaping is taking place. This spell will greatly help the caster heal a damaged or wounded limb, giving +4 to the caster’s healing
roll. Bodies may be reshaped to fit through tight spaces, area of effect permitting. The target will feel no pain while the shaping occurs but will feel other sensations, including the
sensation of the limb being warped & molded.
Molding the Liquid Light (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5’ x 5’ x 5’ of light/level Saving Throw: None
This spell shapes light in an area into any shape the caster desires. The spell does not change the intensity of light - brightness is still relative to the distance from the source - but
allows the caster to prevent the light from reaching outside the shaped area. Sculptures created have no depth, and so cannot be transported. This is the pyromantic equivalent of
Shaping the River’s Blood.
Molding the Morning’s Breath (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5’ x 5’ x 5’ of air/level Saving Throw: None
The aeromancer’s sculpting spell, this shapes air into unnatural shapes, allowing the caster to shape weather & air phenomenon and to move bodies of air into liquids. The volume
shaped has boundaries that air will not cross, but anything else may pass normally. The volume of air that can be shaped is a 5’ diameter globe - enough air for 1 person to breathe
for 30 minutes. The spell is thus of use in fishing communities by divers.
Mourning Stone (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Up to 1 ton/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell channels a person’s grief over loss of a loved one into stone. When cast upon a subject & an amount of stone, the spell pulls the grief from the subject’s heart & forces
the stone to grieve instead. The subject gets a saving throw vs. magic to avoid the effects if he wants to retain his grief. When affected by the spell, the subject feels the weight of
sorrow unburdened from his heart. The stone shows its grief by becoming pristine white and refracting light like a prism, never appearing exactly the same twice. Persons viewing
the stone are awestruck & saddened for 1 round though not stopped from acting. Within 10’ of mourning stone, emotion, and other such spells & effects are cancelled. Stone
enchanted by this spell can be used to erect buildings, in the manner of beautiful & enigmatic mausolea like the Taj Mahal.
Perimeter Watch (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d6 hours + 1/2hr per level Casting time: 4 Area of Effect: 30’ radius sphere Saving Throw: None
This spell establishes a circle around the caster (and his encampment) & alerts the caster when someone has entered this circle (who did not previously exit). It also gives him a
general idea (within 90°) in which direction the perimeter was broken. Perimeter watch can detect creatures of 1HD or larger, or multiple creatures of less than 1HD. The
perimeter, once broken, will only remain in effect for 1 round per level of the caster. Note that this spell will awaken the caster if necessary, but will not interrupt spellcasting in
progress. The material component is a bit of string tied around a canine tooth.
Power Word - Shatter (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 100’ Components: V Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time:1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
The pronouncing of this word enables the caster to cause a piece of a targeted substance to burst apart. The amount of material affected is determined by the caster’s level, the
nature of the substance & a saving throw. Only nonliving substances can be effected & they receive a saving throw vs. crushing blow.
Material Size/Level Material Size/Level Material Size/Level
Wood 1” per 3 levels Iron 1/3” per 3 levels Crystal 1.5” per 3 levels
Bone 1” per 3 levels Ice 2” per 3 levels Ceramic 1.5” per 3 levels
Stone ½” per 3 levels Steel ¼” per 3 levels Mithril 1/8” per 3 levels
Prismatic Rings (Elemental-Radiance, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 20 yards + 1 yard/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn or special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: up to 7 creatures Saving Throw: Negates
This spell creates 7 shimmering rings of force, one for each of the colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet & indigo. Each prismatic ring can be tossed at 1 creature each, or
the caster can put multiple prismatic rings on each creature desired. No roll to hit is necessary & each creature struck by a prismatic ring must make a Magic save: If the victim
succeeds the save, then the spell has no effect & dissipates. If he fails, then the prismatic ring surrounds, constricts & is anchored to the victim, holding that person still & unable
to move from their current position, but not limiting speech in any way. Each prismatic ring (beyond the 1st) tossed at a single creature causes other prismatic rings to be saved
against with a -1 cumulative penalty. Each prismatic ring exists for 1 turn. When the caster finishes casting this spell, he can decide to have the prismatic rings explode at the end
of 1 turn & deal damage to each person inside the area. Note that each prismatic ring has a different effect (see below). Furthermore, if the target inside the prismatic ring succeeds
at Bending bars/Lifting gates, then the ring releases him, but will burst as described below:
Red: 2d6 damage, save for half (fire damage).
Orange: 3d6 damage, save for half (heat damage).
Yellow: 4d6 damage, save for half (force damage).
Green: 3d8 damage, save for half (poison damage).
Blue: Save vs. Body; Success - slowed for 1d4 rounds; failure - paralyzed for 1d3 rounds.
Indigo: Save vs. Magic; Success - headache, -2 attacks & AC for 1d4 rounds; failure - confusion for 1d6 rounds.
Violet: Save vs. Magic; Success - blink out to limbo until end of round; failure - blink as per spell for 1d4 rounds.
The material components for this spell are a silver chain or rings upon which are little metal rings painted with the colors listed above. All the rings & the chain are consumed in
casting this spell.
Protection from Ice (Abjuration, Elemental-Ice)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell, like the priest spell protection from fire (from which it is derived) has 2 versions. The caster can either choose to ward him or another when he casts the spell. If he
protects himself, he receives complete immunity to normal snow, ice & adverse effects of such (he can pass through snowdrifts like air, does not get cold or wet from melted snow,
etc.). He also receives complete immunity to all magical cold & ice attacks until the spell has absorbed 12 points of ice damage for each caster level. Note every 5 minutes of
exposure to frigid conditions counts as a point of damage. If the spell is cast on another creature, that creature receives immunity to normal cold & the effects of such as described
above, a +4 to saving throws vs. magical cold & a 50% reduction in all damage from cold. This form of the spell lasts 1 hour per caster level.
Reflex Shield (Elemental-Fire, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an invisible shield that will reflect flame sources at 45° angles either up or down (1d6). It can only reflect 1 source per round from any direction, even if the
caster does not know it’s there. That includes spells like fireball (it would reflect it upwards if the range was past the caster, but if the fireball explodes, the shield does not help).
This spell does protect against dragon breath.
Robe of Reflection (Conjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
The caster can create a robe-like aura of energy around a single subject, then specify 1 energy type (acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic). The wearer ignores any damage suffered
from that energy type, from any source, whether a targeted or area effect. The wearer can, in fact, choose to redirect the damage to any target within 100’. Thus, if you wear a robe
of reflection (fire) & walk through a wall of fire, you suffer no damage & can inflict the wall’s damage on anyone within 100’ of you. You do not have to reflect the damage if you
choose not to. The material components are 5 threads woven around a small mirror worth at least 20gp.
Rock Wall (Elemental-Earth, Summoning, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 3 foot radius Saving Throw: None
Upon casting the spell & driving the component into the ground with an earthward stab, a rock wall made entirely of granite, shoots up to 8’ from the ground & surrounds the
caster in a 3’ radius. The caster can control the height of the wall, but it can not exceed 8’. The granite wall will protect the caster from most spells below 4th level & attacks made
by non-magical weapons, but the wall will shatter if hit by an enchanted weapon of +3 or more. Otherwise the wall will take 2 hits by an enchanted weapon for every point of
Magical Incantations – Level 4
enchantment below 3 (i.e. an enchanted weapon of +2 would have to hit the wall twice, and a +1 six times). The shattered wall will harm neither the attacker nor the caster. The
component for this spell is a dagger-shaped rock, embedded with a small, clear gem worth at least 50gp. The rock isn’t consumed in the casting, but the gem is.
Sailor’s Delight (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 boat, not bigger than 60’ long Saving Throw: None
This unusual spell stops water from entering a boat. No water can pass through the planking or over the gunwales, and those inside will stay dry (except from rain). The spell
however is of little help if the boat capsizes. The material component is a scraping of pitch, or the wing feather from a duck.
Salt Javelins (Elemental-Salt, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
This spell causes 1 crystalline javelin per level (up to a maximum of 15) to appear near the caster. These javelins may be magically hurled upon command towards 1-3 targets. The
javelins need not be actually thrown, instead the wizard may simply point one of his hands at the target, and the javelins will fly to hit. Each javelin attack must be rolled using the
THAC0 of the caster (with a +2 bonus). The target takes 1d6 points of damage for every javelin that successfully hits. Once a javelin has been used, whether it hits or misses, it
shatters into a fine salt crystal powder. The spell’s greatest strength is its penalty of to the target’s AC & attack rolls, applying a cumulative -1 for each javelin that hits its mark.
The salts that enter the target’s wounds when the javelins hit cause this effect. In order to cure the victim of this effect, one must first cast purify water & then any healing spell
(I.e. cure light wounds) on the wound. The material component for this spell is a blade carved from a natural block of salt, or a mix of 3 different colored salts which are consumed
during the casting of the spell.
Scholarship (Divination, Invocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 2 turns Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell calls upon the vast knowledge of otherworldly entities in order to grant the wizard either one of 2 abilities:
(1): the power to read & write an ancient, long dead, or otherwise obscure language, be it human or demihuman in origin, or
(2): the power to fluently speak the living tongue of a faraway or exotic people, or of a specific monster or group of monsters, such as the tongue of dragon-kind.
The spell can’t grant both powers simultaneously; only one can be granted per casting. The incantation for the first option must be written in the language to be imparted. It must
be written upon a sheet of flawless parchment, the black ink laced with gold dust, & written with a quill from a fantastic animal such as a Pegasus or roc. The transcription must be
as perfect as that of a magical scroll (the odds of penning a faulty scroll are described in the DMG). If the scroll is flawed, the spell will fail, and the wizard must save vs. spell or
else suffer the effects of a feeblemind spell for 1d4 days. The second option of this spell requires that the wizard have a body part of the being or monster in question (a fingernail
of a giant, a scale of a dragon, etc.) Either option requires the subject to make a Mind save; failure results in the subject becoming comatose for 3d6 hours.
Seeking the Oasis (Divination)
Range: 5 miles Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
The caster is guided by a vague hunch, to the nearest drinkable body of water larger that a pond in range. He’ll receive a brief mental picture of the area in question, but no details
of how to get there or any potential dangers. A Wisdom check is necessary to grasp the image, and if this is failed, or if there is no water within range, the spell will fail. The
material component is a forked twig, which may be reused.
Serpent Garland (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 item Saving Throw: Special
By casting this spell, the mage turns his ordinary scarf, necklace, or other neckwear into a poisonous snake. The snake appears to be the normal piece of clothing or jewelry until
the caster desires it to attack. It strikes as a warrior with a level equal to that of the caster. Its bite causes 1d2 points of damage, plus it also injects a poison if the victim does not
make a saving throw vs. poison. The poison may be of the caster’s choosing: lethal (save or die), paralytic (save or be paralyzed for 4d4 turns), or soporific (save or fall into a
coma for ld4 days). The snake may attack once per round, during which time it is revealed as a serpent. Reversing the sticks to snakes spell cancels this magic, and the snake is
subject to snake charms. When the duration elapses or the effect is dispelled, the garment or jewelry returns to normal.
Shaping the Flickering Shadows (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5’ x 5’ x 5’ of shadow/level Saving Throw: None
The practical equivalent of Molding the Liquid Light, save that shadow, rather than light is molded.
Shaping the River’s Blood (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5’ x 5’ x 5’ of water/level Saving Throw: None
Use of this spell shapes water into unnatural shapes. The shapes thus created are solid & resistant to pressure. While the spells have obvious artistic uses (the caster must have
artistic ability in order to create a work of worth) it can be used to move a body of water along land, for example to a drought-affected area.
Shadowstrike (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level or 1 attack Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 attack Saving Throw: None
This spell is a used by wizards to attack a creature through its shadow. Once the spell is cast, the wizard must thrust his weapon into the shadow of his opponent. Target shadows
are AC 10. If the shadow is hit, the creature takes damage as if struck by the weapon, plus 1 point of damage per level of caster. After the attack is successfully made, the spell
ends. The shadow must be attacked soon after the spell is cast, otherwise it become ineffective after 1 round/level of caster.
Speed of the Startled Hare (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: None
On the casting of this spell, the recipient is imbued with short-term sprinting ability. His base movement is quadrupled for as long as he continues running, and may be increased
by conventional means. Fatigue at the conclusion of the spell is as for normal running, as the spell just allows much greater speed. The material component is the heart of a hare or
Spellwater (Elemental-Water, Enchantment, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: 1 Aquamarine Saving Throw: None
This spell changes a single aquamarine gem into water capable of producing a spell effect when even a slightest bit of the water is imbibed. For every 3 levels of the caster, the
th rd
gem can turn into water capable of casting a spell of 1 spell level. Thus, a 9 level caster can create water that can create spell effects of up to 3 level. If even a tiny bit of the
water is drunk, then the spell takes effect. The rest of the water becomes non-magical. It can be stored as desired, and can even change containers. If the volume of the liquid (a
gem forms enough water to fill a waterskin) is split up, the larger half maintains the magic, and the other half becomes non-magical. The stored spell will last 1 hour per caster
level. The spell cast on the gem must be one that can target 1 person (such as blindness, hold person, magic missile, detect invisibility, armor). However, spells that require
judgement cannot be used, such as teleport (since the caster has to decide where to go) or limited wish (since the caster has to decide what to wish for). The spell produces all
visible effects as normal - for example, someone drinking fireball spellwater will seem to explode suddenly, the center of effect of the fireball spell. Whoever drinks the spellwater
is automatically the target of the spell - drinking an ice-knife spellwater does not allow the imbiber to aim the knife outward - the knife simply lashes out from the drink & hits the
drinker (with all usual saving throws). Casting a dispel magic spell on the water will cause it to become normal, non-magical water. Mixing the water with other liquids, or cooking
with it, does not affect the magic of the water at all - though dividing it into portions may make it hard to determine which bowl of stew holds the ice storm spell. Any wizard who
knows the spellwater spell can tell if a portion of water has a spell in it, and what spell is in the water. The material component for this spell is an aquamarine worth 500gp per
spell level. If the caster cannot find a gem valuable enough, he may add any number of aquamarines he can find, as long as their value adds up to 500gp per spell level to be
created. The caster will also need a container to place the gems in, as they turn to water as soon as the wizard casts the spell he wishes the gems to create upon them. The casting
time, material components & memory loss of the spell placed on the aquamarine(s) is as normal. Only 1 gem can be turned into spellwater per casting of this spell.
Starfire (Elemental-Fire, Elemental-Radiance, Evocation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 5’ diameter column, 30’ high Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a column of brilliant, blazing silvery-white flames. All within 10’ of the column not looking away must save vs. Magic or be blinded for 1 round & dazzled (-2 to
hit, +2 to be hit) for an additional 1d3 rounds. Creatures adversely affected by bright light (e.g. drow, duergar) save at -3 versus this effect. Any creature within the narrow column
of fire (most likely only a single creature) is automatically blinded & dazzled as above and additionally suffers 1d6 points of damage per level of the wizard, up to a maximum of
10d6. A save vs. Magic will halve this damage. If the spell is cast outdoors under a night sky, a bonus of +1 per die of damage is added. The material component for this spell is a
bit of silver & a shard of crystal.
Magical Incantations – Level 4
Stone Beam (Elemental-Earth, Evocation, Conjuration)
Range: 35 yards + 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting the spell, the caster’s hands are held out in front of him, and a sword-thick beam shoots forth from them, dealing the target (and anyone else that enters the path of the
beam) 1d8 points of damage, and the beam ends in a stony blast. If the saving throw made by the victim(s) succeeds, full damage by the beam is taken but no effects occur. If the
saving throw fails, the victim must roll a 1d20 to decide his fate. Results are as follows:
Roll Effect
1-5 Victim’s feet are locked in stone for 1d6 rounds (victim can still attack or defend within the range of his weapon, but can’t move or turn around.
6-10 An extra 1d8HPs of earth damage is given to the victim.
11-15 The victim’s Dexterity goes down 1 point per 2 levels of the caster.
16-19 The victim’s movement rate is slowed to ¼ of what it is for 1d4 rounds. A dispel magic spell will end the effect.
20 The victim is turned to stone. Only heal, stone to flesh, dispel magic, or remove curse spell will restore the victim to normal.
The main components of this spell are a feather bound in a gray ribbon to a rock & a gray crystal worth no less than 150gp
Stonespells (Elemental-Earth, Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: One or more prepared Spellstones Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to store earth elementalist spells in specially prepared stones. One spell level can be stored for every 3 levels of the caster (thus, a 9th level wizard can
st nd rd rd
store up to 3 levels of spells: 3 1 level spells, or 1 2 level spells & 1 3 level spell, or 1 3 level spell, for example). Spells to be stored in the stones are memorized normally,
then cast after stonespell is cast, using up all material components as normal. The spell is wiped from memory, and the casting of the spell requires normal casting time. All spells
to be stored in stones must be cast into the stones within 1 turn. To release a spell from a stonespell, the caster merely touches the stone & concentrates for a moment, giving the
spell a casting time of 1. All stored spells remain in their respective stonespell until cast, dispelled, or up to 1 hour per level of the caster. After this time, all stored spells fade
away. Only wizards who know this spell can cast spells from another wizard’s spellstone. This applies to wizards who have never learned or could not normally cast the spells
stored in a given stone. If the caster of this spell so desires, however, he can include a command word with each stone that must be known by anyone wishing to use a given stone.
The material components for this spell are the spellstones. The stones are not consumed in casting, but each stone must contain a 500gp emerald for every spell level the stone is to
store. A given spellstone can only store 1 spell, no matter the level of the spell. So, if a 9th level caster wishes to hold 3 1st level earth elementalist spells in spellstones, he needs 3
spellstones, each containing a 500gp emerald. If he also wishes to have a stone capable of holding a 3rd level spell, he needs to craft one with either three (3) 500gp emeralds, or an
emerald worth 1500gp or more.
Summon Firebrats (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a swarm of small insects from the Elemental Plane of Fire. The Firebrats will arrive in 1-4 rounds at the spot desired (usually some pile of paper) by the
wizard. Harmless on their own plane, they devour books, tomes, and scrolls on the prime planes with an affinity towards magical writings. Once summoned, the wizard has no
control over what books or papers will be attacked. A bane to any library or collection, the swarm will eat an average sized book in 3 turns. An observant person might notice small
wisps of smoke emanating from a book being consumed. To be rid of these bugs (i.e. eliminate them) you must cast dispel magic, spells banishing extra-planar creatures, or cold-
based magic. When the temperature falls below 55°F, they will lie dormant & can be destroyed one by one (a tedious proposition). Otherwise they’ll start eating again when it is
warmer. The material component is a fire opal gemstone (1000gp) which is consumed in the casting.
Sunlight (Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 10’/level diameter sphere Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a sphere of magical light. The light is equivalent in brightness to natural sunlight & has all of its properties (plants can grow, certain undead are harmed, etc.).
The center of the effect is as uncomfortable to directly look upon as the sun itself. If this spell is cast onto 1 or more creatures, the creatures are entitled to a saving throw. Those
creatures that succeed at the save will be blind for 2d4 full rounds after leaving the area of effect. Those who fail will be blind for 2d4 turns after leaving the area. If the wizard
casts this spell directly upon the eyes of a creature, that creature must make a separate Body save. Failure indicates that the creature is blinded for 1 full week per point that he
missed his saving throw.
Tangled Thicket (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5’ x 5’ area/level Saving Throw: None
This spell causes strong woody vines to grow out of fertile earth. The vines cover an area 5’ across per caster level & reach 6’ high. Anything caught in the area is trapped until
they make a Strength roll to move 5’. Someone outside the circle may cut those who are trapped free at a rate of 10’ per round. After an hour, the vines weaken & wither away.
The material component is a pinch of decomposed plant.
Tap Menhir (Rhabdomancy, Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day per level Casting Time: 1-3 rounds Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This is the first of the spells developed by rhabdomancers to allow them to use their dowsing rod to tap into an existing supply of magical energy. Rural traveling mages enjoy the
benefits of this particular spell in regions that harbor rings of stone or monoliths. Such formations are often known to contain latent arcane power. Upon casting this spell, the
rhabdomancer has a time period of 1 day per level to find a suitable menhir, with his dowsing rod leading him in the proper direction. Once at such a site (the spell must be cast
again should it reach its duration), the mage can use his rod as a channel between his person & the menhir. Due to the unnatural energies drawn from the menhir to course through
the caster, a system shock roll is required. A failed roll means that the caster could not contain the arcane energy & suffers a loss of half his current hit point total. But should the
rhabdomancer be successful, the tapped energy grants him several benefits. First, the instant regaining of 1d4 spells per caster level. Next, the caster gains 1d4 points of Strength &
recovers a number of hit points equal to double that amount. Finally, the mage makes all saving throws at a +1 bonus. The additional Strength & saving throw bonus lasts for a
number of days equal to half the caster’s level. No benefits are gained if this spell is intoned again before the benefits of the first casting have expired. Not all menhirs contain the
reservoir of magic necessary for the successful use of this spell. Some may even have a limited pool to draw from & may be drained after only a few castings.
Telesight (Alteration) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell magically alters the lenses of the eyes of the recipient so that they can function as telescopes, enabling the creature to see things at great distances. The reverse,
microsight, alters the eyes to function as microscopes, enabling the recipient to see things that are very small. In either case, the wizard takes the material components (2 lenses
crafted from quartz) & places them over the eyes of the object of the spell (which may be the casting wizard, but need not be). The lenses must be held there for a full round, after
which they vanish & the spell takes effect. For the duration of the spell, the recipient may change the “focal length” of his or her eyes as many times as desired, but not more often
than once per round, focusing at any distance up to the maximum spell power. Each change happens instantly, but if a change is made during combat, it imposes an additional -1
penalty to the subject’s initiative for that round (if a change is made at the end of a round, the penalty is imposed on the following round). Vision may be extended by a
multiplicative factor equal to the level of the wizard in the direction applicable for the version of the spell being used. The spell cannot be negated once in effect except by a dispel
magic cast upon the recipient, which will cause blindness in that creature for 1 round. If the spell expires normally, the vision of the target creature simply returns to normal with
no ill effects (but with the same initiative penalty as above if the spell expires during combat). Note that, since the vision of the recipient is under that creature’s conscious control,
this spell cannot be used to force a creature to focus vision at the wrong distance.
The Black Rose (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: S, M Duration: 1 minute/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell turns a black flower into a weapon for the caster (so that he can never be without a weapon). Each component of the flower becomes a different tool. The Stem becomes
the equivalent of a +1 Quarterstaff. The Petals become a soft black cloak that give a 50% bonus to Hide in Shadows & Move Silently checks. As long as the wearer of the Petals is
in a shadowy area, the Petals shift & flow providing the benefits of a blur spell. The Leaves (3 Leaves created) become throwing stars with sleep poison on them (Body save at -4
or sleep as per the sleep spell). The Thorns on the staff can be cast-off to form a magic missile spell. There are only enough Thorns to do this once. The caster is proficient in all
weapons created by the spell, and is the only one able to use them.
The Slippery Ground (Evocation)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
The spell creates a layer of ice on the ground in a 20 yard radius circle around the caster, with the exception of a 1’ hole where the caster is standing. Effects are similar to those of
the grease spell, save that there is no saving throw permitted. Those affected cannot stand still long enough to fight or cast a spell with a casting time of longer than 1 segment.
Magical Incantations – Level 4
They may move 1’ per round to the edge of the icy area if they wish, modified by 1’ for every 3 full points of Dexterity possessed. The material component is a vial of water that
contains diamond dust worth at least 500gp, consumed in the casting.
Thirsting Flame (Alteration)
Range: 40 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 10’ x 10’ square Saving Throw: None
This spell changes an existing natural flame (of up to bonfire size) into a more pure form of fire. This fire consumes water as though it were oil or wood. It will then spread & grow
so long as there is water to feed upon. The spell would be particularly dangerous is a wet forest or marsh, and could be used to actually burn a river. The material component is a
quart of good brandy.
Transfix (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 120 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 20 yard sq. area Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is a more powerful version of the hold person spell. When cast, the caster identifies the center point of the effect. All creatures within the area of effect must make a
Magic save. If successful, the spell has no effect on that creature. If the saving throw is failed, that creature is transfixed. Transfixed creatures cannot move, speak, cast spells, or
take any action. Once creatures are transfixed, the caster must state some condition that must be met to release the victims – “Wait here until I return”, or “Stay there for all
eternity!” The condition can be anything, however implausible. If this condition is met, the creatures are automatically released. For every 6 turns the creatures remain transfixed,
they are allowed another Magic save to escape the spell. Furthermore, creatures entering the area of effect after it is cast must also make a saving throw (at +4 on the die roll) or
also be transfixed. A save must be made each time a creature enters the area of effect. Creatures removed from the area are instantly freed from the spell. The spell is considered to
be active as long as at least 1 creature is transfixed by it. The material component is a barnacle crushed underfoot when the spell is cast or a drop of pine resin.
Transfuse (Apportation)
Range: 3 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 hours + 1/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 2 creatures Saving Throw: None
A more potent version of transpose, this spell allows the transfer of specific parts of a person with those of another human, demihuman, or humanoid. For anyone willing to take
the risk, heightened Strength, increased Willpower, or even a new set of abilities can be magically gained. Unlike transpose, however, there is no reciprocity. Instead of an
exchange between two, this spell simply moves something from one person to the other. The recipient’s gain is the donor’s loss. Some transfusions are easier than others. At 7th
level, the caster can move 1 of the physical attributes (Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity). At 9th level, he can move 1 mental attribute (Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). In
either case, for each point gained by the recipient, the donor loses a point, up to a limit of 6 points by one casting. All benefits or penalties of the altered ability scores apply. (Of
course, gaining a mage’s high Intelligence does not also confer the mage’s spells - but see below.) Finally, at 12th level, the caster may move a complete ability from one person to
another. One ability is defined as 1 proficiency (weapon or non-weapon); 1 language; the ability to cast 1 priest or mage spell once; or 1 thief or bard ability (Pick Pockets, Open
Locks, Find/Remove Traps, Move Silently, Hide in Shadows, Detect Noise, Climb Walls, or Read Languages). In each case, the success chance for the recipient with a new ability
is the same as for the donor who gave that ability, modified by situation. For example, a thief with an 80% chance to his Move Silently gives this skill to a fighter in studded
leather armor, which drops the 80% to 50%. This spell is not without risks. When the spell expires, the transfused material attempts to return to its natural place - but it might not
make it. If the donor is more than 3 yards away from the recipient, the donor must make a successful Magic save to regain what he donated, with a -1 penalty to the roll, for each
100-yard increment. If the saving throw fails, not only does the donor never regain the lost material, but he must also make an immediate Magic save or lose a point of
Constitution. The recipient suffers no ill effects from this loss beyond the material originally gained, but he may have alignment problems if he knowingly avoided the donor. The
material component of this spell is diamond dust worth at least 250gp, consumed in the casting. Casting this spell on an unwilling donor is an evil act.
Trappings of the Traitor (Alteration)
Range: 25 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 3-12 rounds Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the target’s clothing animates, attempting to strangle, trip, and otherwise harass the target. The target will be unable to cast spells, suffers -4 to any actions
(other than attempts to get free), and loses 1 Constitution point per round in attempting to get free. The target may cut or rip her way free with 1 point of damage per point of
Strength used if he can make a roll of Bend Bars x 3. The material component is a piece of cloth with many knots in it.
Tremors (Elemental-Earth, Evocation)
Range: 1’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5’ radius/4 levels Saving Throw: Special
This spell is an improved version of tremor. The area of effect is ring-shaped, with a hole in the middle where no effect occurs. The ring is always centered on the caster. The hole
can be up to 1’ per caster level (so as not to include the allies of the caster). Once it starts, the ring affects an area 5’ thick per 4 levels of the caster. All those within the area are
affected as if a tremor spell was cast. The material component for this spell is the caster’s staff rapped on the ground to start the spell. It is not consumed on casting.
True Dream (Enchantment/Charm, Divination)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 sleeping creature Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast, the recipient experiences a vivid dream relevant to whatever thoughts he held just before sleeping. The dream reveals, however obliquely, the answer to one
question or problem, as long as the DM agrees that the answer can come from the dreamer’s own subconscious, even through a wildly illogical leap. For instance, if the dreamer
wishes to divine the identity of the person who sent him a blackmail note, the DM can decide that the dreamer could intuitively guess that the villain is a merchant who eyed his
heavy pouch of gold coins early last month. The spellcaster is not privy to the results of the dream unless he also casts a successful enter dream spell to observe its effects. Willing
recipients of this spell may attempt to compose their thoughts on a particular subject by making a successful Wisdom check. Success indicates that the dream imagery will address
the intended question; failure means that the recipient still experiences a dream, but that it is not relevant to the question. This spell can reveal a previously forgotten or blocked
memory, revealing through dream imagery an important event, conversation, or even a single word important to the dreamer. The exact nature of this recovered knowledge is at the
DM’s discretion, which may determine that no such useful knowledge exists for a particular subject. In this case, the DM may devise some colorful but irrelevant vision for the
affected PC. As an example, a dreamer may experience this spell while thinking of his brother, who died as a child. The true dream could reveal the previously repressed memory
of his father killing his brother in a sudden fit of anger. The material components of this spell are a pinch of ground willow bark & a small amount of silver filings (1gp value).
True Nightmare (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 sleeping creature Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast, the victim suffers nightmares - not illusions, but genuine terrors from his subconscious. The victim remains asleep, but upon waking he remains exhausted,
enjoying no natural healing from rest. Until the victim sleeps undisturbed by nightmares, he suffers a -1 penalty to surprise & initiative and a temporary -1 reduction in all ability
scores. These penalties are cumulative for each night spent in the throes of a true nightmare, but even 1 night of undisturbed sleep (at least 6 hours) cancels the ill effects.
Spellcasters who suffer from a true nightmare cannot refresh their spells until they have had a night’s undisturbed sleep. The material components of this spell are a pinch of
ground willow bark & a small amount of iron filings (1gp value).
Turnblade (Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 8 rounds Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: One weapon Saving Throw: None
This spell allows its caster to transform any weapon (any object that one being can lift & wield, that has in the past been used to cause damage to a living or undead creature) into
any weapon of his choice. The “new” weapon must be a copy of an item the caster has personally seen before. Its size, appearance, composition & construction (e.g., silver-coated,
non-ferrous, or specific to a left- or right-handed user) conform to the caster’s desires, but the new weapon has no magical properties beyond having +3 bonuses on all attack &
damage rolls. Its base damage is that of the weapon-form chosen, regardless of size. For damage purposes, treat all weapons not easily classified as a standard weapon type as
either a quarterstaff or a club, depending on rough overall size. This spell is most commonly used to transform a dagger into a long sword +3 or a two-handed sword, or to turn a
dagger into an axe when the latter weapon is needed as a tool (i.e., to chop through a door to freedom). The weapon can be wielded by anyone (even against the caster or in
defiance of the caster’s wishes) & is considered a +3 magical weapon for purposes of determining what creatures it can hit. A turnblade spell can’t be ended before the weapon it
affects has existed in its transformed state for 8 full rounds. The weapon affected is the material component of the spell & it is consumed by the magic, vanishing forever when the
spell expires.
Ultravision (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 turns + 6 turns/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the magic-user empowers the recipient to see radiation in the ultraviolet spectrum. In night conditions this means that vision will be clear, as if it were
daylight, to a range of 100 yards, and shadowy & indistinct from beyond 100 yards to about 300 yards distance. If the night is very dark, with thick clouds overhead, reduction of
ultravisual sight is 50%. Where more than about 8’ of earth or 3’ of stone interpose between the sky & the individual (such as in virtually any underground area), ultravision allows
only vision of the dimmest sort in about a 3’ radius, since the ultraviolet rays are screened out. (Of course, if an emission source is nearby, the visual capabilities improve
Magical Incantations – Level 4
accordingly.) Nearby light, including the radiance shed by magic items tends to spoil ultravision, the brightness of the rays “blinding” the eyes to dimmer areas more distant. The
material component for this spell is a crushed amethyst of at least 500gp value.
Vacuum Tunnel (Elemental-Vacuum, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 rounds + 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Creating a closed tunnel devoid of matter, this spell is used mainly for moving objects from one place to another, especially when the object is delicate or dangerous. The spell
works by creating a force field tunnel closed off from the environment for its length, which can reaches up to 3d6+1 yard/level. Opened at both ends, the caster can choose what
matter will be able to move through (whether water, gas or a steel sword); at the caster’s will, they will be sucked into the tunnel and exit from the other end at incredible speed.
The caster may determine the speed of the object’s movement through the tunnel. If used to hurl weapons at creatures, the attack roll will follow the priest’s THAC0 chart, not that
of the caster. The tunnel itself is 1 yard in diameter, and thus objects placed in it may be limited by size. Living beings may not enter the tunnel & any attempt for such to happen,
will cause the spell to abort, causing a wild magic surge in the process. The material components are a crystal tube (1’ long) & sap from a hardwood tree.
Vengeance (Invocation)
Range: 0 Components: V Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Caster only Saving Throw: None
This powerful spell is only used in the face of impending death. When cast, it allows the caster to take one final act of revenge even though he has been killed. When the character
is slain, his spirit remains for 1 round to carry out whatever final thought the caster had fixed in his mind at the moment of death. If a spell is to be used, the specific spell must be
clearly stated. This final action must be a deed that could be accomplished by the character in 1 round at the moment he died. Thus, the caster could not cast a spell he did not have
memorized, had memorized & already cast, or which required more than 1 round to cast. If there is confusion concerning what the final thought of the character was, a Mind save
should be made. If successful, the player is allowed to choose the deed; otherwise it must be adjudicated by the DM. The vengeance is directed at the thing or person that caused
the caster’s death. His vengeful spirit has no regard for the lives of others & carries out its final deed even if it imperils or harms the lives of friends or innocents. If it is possible,
the deed of vengeance must be carried out; it cannot be retracted once announced. In the next round the deed is performed. The spirit, through the energies sustaining it,
automatically gains the initiative over all other parties. If the body is present, the spirit re-animates it to accomplish the vengeance. If the body is not available, the spirit appears in
ghostly form to perform its deed. This action is subject to all the normal rules of hitting & saving throws, and thus may not be successful in its stated goal. However, success or
failure is not the key issue. Only the opportunity to perform the deed is granted by the spell. Once the deed is done the spirit vanishes & is at rest.
Voice for the Beasts (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: Negates
A limited form of polymorph, but at a specialist level, the spell transforms the vocal cords of a beast to allow intelligible speech, in any language spoken by the caster. The spell
does not transform the mind of the beast however and so conversation, although possible, may be limited. If the target creature is unwilling (anything less than a Friendly result on
a reaction check counts as unwilling) a Magic save is permitted. The material component is a fine reed flute, worth at least 50gp, which must be made by the caster. The flute is not
consumed in the casting & may be reused.
Wall of Bones (Conjuration, Necromantic)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10ft2 & 1/2’ thick/level Saving Throw None
When cast, this spell causes a wall of bones to erupt from the earth in whatever shape the caster desires within the limits of the area of effect. The wall must be solidly based or it
will collapse in a random pile. The wall is not solid, having many small openings & gaps. Missiles can be fired through these & those sheltering behind the wall are considered to
have 50% cover. Creatures of small size can slip & wriggle through the openings in the wall at the rate of 10’ per round. However, the wall is quite spiky & those moving through
it suffer 1d8 hit points of damage for every 10’ traveled. The wall can be cast under the feet of creatures. When this is done, the wall appears everywhere except where the creature
is standing, possibly entrapping them within it. Creatures in the area of effect suffer 2d8 points of damage when the wall appears. Creatures with an 18 or greater Strength can
smash down the wall if they use a blunt weapon. Every 10 points of damage the creature inflicts on the wall causes the collapse of a 5’ x 5’ x ½’ section of the wall. The wall is
composed of bones of many different types of creatures, fused in bizarre angles. It cannot be animated by an animate dead spell. The material component for this spell is the
branch of withered peach tree taken from a cemetery.
Wall of Lightning (Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 minute/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20ft2/level Saving Throw: ½
Upon casting this spell, a straight wall of sparking electrical discharges appears between the floor & the ceiling. The vertical wall is 20ft2 per level of the caster, with the width
greater than the height. Two solid surfaces must exist across either the entire length or the full height of the wall. The multiple bolts of electricity constantly snap & twist between
these 2 parallel surfaces. The lightning will inflict 3d6HPs +1HP per level of the caster upon any creature attempting to pass through it. A successful Dodge save will reduce this
damage to half but it must be made each time a target passes through the wall. The material component is a copper sphere, which is rubbed by a cloth.
Wall of Steam (Invocation)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a wall of roiling, scalding steam. The wall is 20’ high, 2’ thick per level of the wizard & has a width of 15’ per level. Thus, a 7th level wizard can create a wall
14’ thick, 20’ high, and 105’ wide. If the wall is cast inside a confined space, it will retain its normal thickness & the “excess” will not spread to fill out the space. Any being
merely touching the wall suffers 1d6HPs of damage while anyone entering the wall suffers 1d10HPs of damage upon entry & another 1d10 points every round spent in the wall. In
all cases, successful Magic saves reduce damage by half. A gust of wind will not disperse the wall, but a fireball, wall of fire, or flame strike will dissipate the wall in 1 round. The
material component of this spell is a handful of ash from a coal fire.
Wall to Dome (Alteration)
Range: 25’ + 5’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 wall spell Saving Throw: None
This spell only affects other magically created walls (i.e. wall of stone, prismatic wall). The magical wall targeted by this spell retains its thickness & other special attributes, but it
is changed from a wall to a dome. The dome will have a radius that is 1/3 of the original area of the wall. The material component is a piece of a wall that fell in battle.
Water Blast (Elemental-Water, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell can have 1 of 3 effects. For all three cases, however, the spell creates a cone-effect to appear from the caster’s hand, 1’ in diameter & 5’ long for every 2 levels of the
caster. The first use of the spell creates a numbing cold, similar to that of the higher-level cone of cold spell. Those within the blast of cold must make a saving throw vs. spell or
suffer 1d4 points of damage per 2 levels of the caster. Those who make their save suffer only half-damage. The second use of this spell creates a solid jet of fast moving water. It
will douse all non-magical flame & cause magical flame to be reduced by half intensity (half base damage) for 1d4 rounds if it is a persistent effect, or snuff it to half its potential if
it is instantaneous or only 1 round in duration. Those hit by the stream of water must make a saving throw vs. spell or suffer 1d3 points of damage, plus 1 point per 2 caster levels,
of blunt force damage. If they make their save, they get half damage, but if they fail their save & have ocular organs like those of a human being (typical eyes), they are also
blinded (with the penalties of the blindness spell) for 1d4 rounds as the salty water splashes into their eyes. The final use of this spell is to create a sharp barrage of shards of solid
ice. This stream of ice shards deals 1d4+1 points of damage per 2 caster levels as a piercing attack to those within the attack, who may make a saving throw vs. spells to suffer only
half-damage. Creatures vulnerable to any one particular form of this spell will suffer double normal damage. Creatures resistant to any one particular form of this spell will suffer
half damage. The material component for this spell is a small tube made of glass or ice or clear crystal rock, which is consumed upon casting.
Waterball (Invocation/Evocation, Elemental-Water)
Range: 10 yards + 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: ½
A waterball is an explosive burst of water, which detonates with a low roar & delivers damage proportional to the mage who cast it - 1d6 points of damage for each level of
experience of the spellcaster (up to a maximum of 10d6). The burst of the waterball creates little pressure & generally conforms to the shape of the area in which it occurs. A
waterball fills an area equal to its normal spherical volume (roughly 33,000 cubic feet - 33 10’ x 10’ x 10’ cubes). Exposed items require saving throws vs. crushing blow to
determine if they are affected, but items in the possession of a creature that rolls a successful saving throw are unaffected by the spell. The mage points his finger & speaks the
range (distance & height) at which the waterball is to burst. A streak flashes from the pointing digit and, unless it impacts upon a material body or solid barrier prior to attaining
the prescribed range, blossoms into the waterball (early impact results in an early detonation). Creatures failing their saving throws each suffer full damage from the blast. Those
who roll successful saves manage to dodge, fall flat, or roll aside, each receiving half damage. The material component of this spell is a tiny ball of bat guano & a small container
of water.
Magical Incantations – Level 4
Whirlwind (Elemental-Air, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell mimics the ability of an Air Elemental to form a whirlwind. The whirlwind is 10’ in diameter at it’s base & 30’ in diameter at it’s top, like a truncated, reversed, cone.
Upon casting the spell, the winds in the area begin to warp & speed. The caster need not concentrate and, in fact, cannot stop the process once the spell is cast. Winds continue to
get worse for 1 turn. At the end of that turn, the whirlwind appears, where chosen by the caster, and lasts for 1 round. Then it takes another turn to dissipate, though it has no
harmful effects beyond that 1 round. The whirlwind is 40’ tall, plus another 20’ tall at 12th & at 16th level (maximum height of 80’ at 16th level). Any creature caught within the
whirlwind of 3HD or less is killed instantly, swept away by the incredible force of the winds. All others are dealt 2d8 points of damage from debris. During that 1 round, missile
fire in & out of the whirlwind is impossible, and controlled flight is equally impossible (hence the damage or death). If for any reason (overhead obstruction, for example) the
whirlwind cannot reach its maximum height (the caster cannot choose to make it smaller), it will kill only those creatures of 2HD or less, and deals 1d8 points of damage to all
others. A dispel magic at any point before the whirlwind hits will dispel the whirlwind, and stop it from occurring. Due to the 1 turn lag, this spell is most often cast at the
beginning of a battle, where the caster is sure enemies will still be when the whirlwind strikes. The winds whip & tear before the whirlwind hits, and the DM may allow Weather
Knowledge or Spellcraft rolls to interpret what is about to occur. Otherwise, most will think the whirlwind’s buildup is nothing more than bad weather.
Whirlwind Travel (Elemental-Air, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None or Special
This spell encapsulates the wizard & possibly more people and/or equipment inside a conjured whirlwind. One of two variations of this spell may be cast without prior preparation
at the option of the wizard. The first variation can be used for personal transportation or protection. While encapsulated in the whirlwind’s eye, the wizard can view the outside
normally & cause the whirlwind to travel over any relative continuous surface with short hops over ditches or small obstacles (not over 4’ in height) being possible. The wizard
may not carry more than his normal encumbrance & all equipment must be on his person (exceeding this limit causes the whirlwind to fizzle). No other creature may occupy the
whirlwind unless it is carried. On solid ground, the whirlwind can move up to 24 + 1 per level above 5th level. Rate of Movement is the same at all times. There is change going
uphill, downhill, or on stairs. Over loose sand or marsh, the movement rate is 2/3 of normal & over water, the movement rate is ½ of normal. Wind velocities can affect the rate of
travel. This variation’s duration is 1 turn per level & can be turned on and off any time during the duration. It takes 5 segments to turn the winds on or off (a good wizard would
calculate a spell so that it goes off the segment after the whirlwind stops). The wizard is still susceptible to outside damage from spells, but will only take ½ or no damage if saving
throws are made while inside the whirlwind. Projectiles of a small nature will not penetrate the winds & the wizard’s AC and Dodge saves have a +4 bonus while inside the eye of
the whirlwind. The second variation is not as fast & cannot be turned on and off (it is only good for a one-way trip). But, its area of effect is a 20’ diameter column which is 10’
high (centered on the wizard) & it can carry along anything in the area of effect on a relatively safe ride over long distances. Movement conforms as above but the base rate is 12 +
1 per level of the wizard over 5th level & the duration is 1 hour per level. All spells cast from inside conform as above, as do effects of area spells cast at the whirlwind. All inside
have a +4 AC bonus since they cannot be seen but there are no dodging bonuses (Dodge saves are based on the wizard for the entire group). Weight is not a factor when
determining what is picked up for the ride. Anything not securely rooted to the ground will be picked up. Once started, the winds may only be exited or penetrated after startup by
making a successful saving throw vs. spell at a penalty of 1 for every 3 levels of the wizard, rounded down. Flying creatures that enter or exit from the top have no penalty on their
saving throw. Creatures larger than the area of effect will simply push the whirlwind away if they try to enter it. The wizard may stop the winds at any time. The material
component of this spell is a piper’s flute, which is played to bring the whirlwind from the elemental plane of air.
Wind Shear (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell does very little to creatures that are on the ground. It causes the wind to whip wildly around 1 creature, pulling, tugging, and pushing all at once. Those on the ground are
battered for a mere 2d4 points of damage, and must make a saving throw vs. spell or be unable to move for the round (they can still defend themselves, with a -2 penalty to their
AC). Against flying creatures, however, this spell is dangerous. The whipping winds deal 6d6 points of damage, and worse, the spell reduces the creature’s Maneuverability class
by 2 steps (from A to C, from C to E). If a creature’s maneuverability class is reduced below the lowest (E), it will spiral out of control & be unable to recover for 1d4 rounds. This
may mean a crash into the ground. A saving throw vs. spells will reduce this disorientation & lack of control to a single round. Against Air elementals & creatures made of
wind/gas, this spell deals 1d4 points of damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10d4. The material component is a sheet of parchment, which is ripped, torn apart & tossed into
the wind at the casting of the spell. Note that indoors, or in areas sheltered from the natural winds, this spell does ½ damage, cannot stop a creature from moving if grounded, and
drops maneuverability class by only 1 class.
Magical Incantations – Level 5
Fifth Level Spells
Advanced Mirror Communication (Alteration, Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 hours/level Casting Time: 1 hour Area of Effect: 1 mirror Saving Throw: None
As mirror communication, except as above, and as follows. It can make contact with a regular mirror (not enspelled). Frequency of contact attempts to normal mirrors is limited to
the same number allowed by crystal balls. It can contact 2 people at the same time (they will hear each other, but will not see each other unless their mirrors are enchanted by this
spell. The mirror need not be secured in place. An additional material component is diamond dust (100gp), which is consumed.
Aerial Protector (Elemental-Air, Conjuration, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell summons an air elemental to protect the caster by surrounding the caster with its body, which can enable the caster to breath where there is no air & protects him from
poison gas (turning it into harmless gas when it comes into contact with the elemental). If dragon breath is involved, the air elemental cannot change the breath into harmless gas.
Instead, it redirects the breath weapon around the caster so that it hits him in the front & comes out the back. The spell cannot be dispelled, and lasts for the full duration. The
caster can only fight with weapons & cannot cast other spells once this one is in effect. If he does, there is a 5% chance per caster level that the elemental will go free willed &
attack its summoner. The maximum duration of this spell is 3 turns & every time the elemental changes harmful gas into pure air, this duration is shortened by 1 round. When
protecting the caster from poisonous gas, 1 round of duration is lost for every 3 dice of damage caused.
Alpha’s Saint Elmo’s Fire (Elemental-Lightning, Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/2 levels Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell ionizes the air around the target of the spell, surrounding him with a blue-white, glowing nimbus of electrically charged air in a 5’ radius. The target of the spell may
make a Dodge save to avoid the spell. This save is at an additional -2 if the target is carrying large, mostly metallic weapons (e.g. swords, battle-axes) or wearing partial metal
armor (e.g. studded, ring), and at -4 if wearing full metal armor (scale or heavier). If successful, the target will suffer only 3d6HPs of electrical damage as he dodges out of the area
of effect, and the spell dissipates that round without a focus to coalesce about. If the save is failed, the victim will suffer 4d6HPs of damage every round until a Body save (with
modifiers as for the initial save, but with a +1 cumulative per round bonus) is successful, at which point the spell will dissipate. Any creature entering the 5’ radius nimbus suffers
1d6HPs of electrical damage with no save. Any creature that touches or is touched by the victim of the spell will suffer 3d6HPs of damage with no save if the contact was via skin,
or 2d6HPs if it was through a conductor. If the target is in water, the electricity will inflict 3d6HPs of damage with any contact, 2d6HPs within 5’, and 1d6HPs within 15’. The
target of this spell may, if desired, intentionally try to use the nimbus of electricity & the personal electrical charge as a weapon. The wizard may end this spell at any point, if
desired. The material components are phosphorus, a bit of fur, amber, and a bit of cold iron.
Animating the Magical Mannikin (Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 mannikin Saving Throw: Negates
This is a variant of The Running Mannikin, which can breach physical barriers. When the mannikin is placed upon a map representing the target’s location it comes to life & walks
to the point on the map where the person it is linked to is (regardless of the distance involved). For the duration of the spell, it moves around the map following their movements
exactly. Should the person leave the map, it will walk continuously around the edge until it meets its counterpart’s position & then will follow again. Should the mannikin be
removed from the map, the spell ends & will need to be recast. The material component is a bundle made up of at last 3 personal items of the target, which must include a body
part & a map of the location (which may be reused if necessary).
Arrow of the Certain Death (Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Negates
This dangerous spell enchants a normal arrow to slay a specific person, from whom you have a piece of hair, nail, skin, etc. The enchantment is placed on the arrow, which must be
of the finest manufacture, and worth at least 1000gp. When the arrow is fired, a normal to-hit roll is made, and if the arrow strikes home, the target must make a Body save or die.
The material components are the specially prepared arrow, and the physical link, which must be small enough to fit into a groove in the arrow’s shaft.
Ashen Reconstruction (Elemental-Ash, Alteration)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 item Saving Throw: Special
The casting of this spell causes the reconstruction of a burned item from its remaining ashes, even if only a small piece of the original item remains. The item is permanently
restored, although it may once again be burned. Reconstructed items do not regain their magical enchantments, but do retain their original quality & material, and may be
enchanted again. Ashen reconstruction can affect up to 20ft3 of volume per level of the caster (this area of effect is true for the item’s original size). To successfully be
reconstructed, the leftover remains of the item must save vs. crushing blow as the material they were before being burned (i.e., the ash of a burned ship would save as wood).
Should the item be made up of a multitude of materials (like a ship), it saves like the material that composed the majority of its original mass. The material components of the spell
are a small piece of the original item that survived the burning, some of that item’s ash & a jigsaw puzzle worth at least 50gp.
Astral Paths (Alteration)
Range: Personal Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day Casting Time: 6 rounds Area of Effect: 20-yard radius Saving Throw: None
The caster, and those that he includes (they cannot be unwilling), may travel on the Astral Paths that corresponds to the distances in the Prime Material Plane, thus progressing at a
speed equal to the normal walking speed multiplied by the caster’s level & divided by 3. The mileage will never be more (but may be less) than corresponding to a normal day’s
walk, regardless of the time spent wandering (i.e. walking more than 12 hours is a waste of time). While travelling in this way, all encounters will be astral encounters. Any person
not protected from evil at the outset of the journey will age 5 days instead of 1. The party cannot be joined underway, nor is it safe to leave the radius of the spell, if a traveler
chooses (he cannot be expelled) to leave the radius, he must make a Charisma check. If he fails, he dies. In any case the body will appear at a random location in the Prime
Material Plane. The material component for this spell is a pair of leather boots for each traveler.
Astral Well (Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 segments/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 4-yard radius/level Saving Throw: Negates
This spell creates a well of immense astral power. Creatures within the area affected must make a saving throw versus magic or be transported to a random location in the Prime
Material Plane. All creatures affected by the same spell are transported to the same spot. Only inanimate objects in the possession of affected creatures can be transported. The
material component for this spell is a glass of the finest brandy (worth at least 15gp), which is swirled & thrown at the spell’s intended center.
Blizzard (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 5’ radius/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a blizzard to hit the area of effect (maximum 100’ radius), resulting in the following: movement rate is cut in half due to drifts & wind, no missile fire or flying
due to wind, and all normal flames are extinguished. This will negate a heat metal spell, and affects magical fires as if they had been hit with dispel magic. There are no saving
throws versus these effects. In addition, great chunks of ice & snow will fall within the area of effect, causing 3d12HPs of damage per round to anyone caught inside. A successful
Body save reduces this damage to ½ the normal amount. The material components required for this spell are 5 acorns & any semi-precious gem worth at least 100gp.
Call Wind (Alteration, Conjuration) Reversible
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 day + 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
This spell, used by sea wizards, has 2 effects. The first increases the force of the prevailing wind by 1 factor for every 4 levels of the caster. Thus, a calm can become a light breeze
or a brisk wind. The caster can choose how much of an increase he desires. It is important to note that this affects only the vessel in question; other ships in the area are not
affected. Alternatively, the caster can change the direction of the wind for 1 vessel. He can affect the wind’s vector by 5° per level. The navigator of a ship who would not desire to
be affected by this wind must save vs. spell to avoid the effect. The reverse of this spell, calm wind, reduces the ferocity of the wind in respect to a vessel.
Cloak of Disappearance (Alteration)
Range: 0/Special Components: S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell is cast by simply wrapping a cloak about oneself & then using the proper somatic component. The cloak must shroud the caster’s features to have any effect. The cloak
remains standing, just as if the caster were still inside it, for up to 1 turn or until touched, at which point, it will simply crumple to the ground. The caster is transported away by
dimension door. The cloak is the material component & is not consumed by the casting. While a cloak is traditional, any clothing that completely covers the body can be used.
Magical Incantations – Level 5
Cloak of the Chameleon (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the target will take on the predominant color of its surroundings for the duration of the spell. Unlike a natural chameleon, this color change is immediate,
making the target very difficult to spot even when the target is moving. All Perception rolls to see the target are at -7, and if the target is stationary & in the coloured area, he will
be 95% undetectable, as though he were Hiding in Shadows (as per the thief ability). The material component is the whole skin of a chameleon.
Cloak of Winter (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 week/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 20’ cube/level Saving Throw: None
This spell works on an enclosed area such as a cave or a building. It coats the entire area in ice (roughly 1” thick), covering any objects in that area & keeping the area constantly
cooled, despite external weather conditions. Cold-dwelling creatures are not hindered by the cloak of winter, and it can serve more mundane purposes (e.g. keeping perishables
fresh). In the affected area, movement rates are cut by 2/3 & Dexterity related bonuses are negated for those not used to movement in such conditions. Cold spells function with
greater effectiveness in the area (+1 per die of damage, -1 to saves), while the opposite is true for heat-based spells. Fire can melt 1ft2 of ice per 5HP of damage rendered, negating
its effects in that area. The ice reforms in 1 day, duration permitting. The spell is best cast on stone surfaces because of the effects of damp. The caster can place the spell over any
size of area, up to the maximum area of effect. It can, for instance, merely be cast on a single stretch of dungeon or inside a one-room larder. The material components for this spell
are a piece of clear crystal & a winter bloom.
Conduit (Enchantment, Invocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 5 missiles Saving Throw: None
Using this spell, the caster can temporarily enchant 5 missiles with another spell of a level no higher than 4th. This enchantment is simply a casting of the given spells shortly after.
The conduit spell effectively extends the range of the second spell, casting that spell out to its full range from the point the missile hits its target, the effects of the radiating
forward, unless otherwise specified when the spell is cast. Missiles affected by this spell must begin to be fired within 1 turn after the last is enchanted, and the last must be fired
within 1 hour of the casting of the conduit spell. Each missile must be ensorcelled with a separate spell that the caster has memorized that day. The 5 loaded spells are triggered
when the arrowhead (or its equivalent) strikes something hard. If the caster is within the normal spell range, he can control the spell, as if he had just cast the spell. Otherwise, the
spell is out of his control, allowing targets at least a normal saving throw. Any variable size or effect of a spell must be specified at the enchanting of the missile. If an archer firing
the missile wishes to hit a specific spot, he must hit AC 6 (notwithstanding modifiers for range) to do so. The material component for this spell is copper wire (about 12gp worth)
twisted into the shape of an arrow.
Cone of Electricity (Evocation, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell is the effluviamancers’ answer the to the cryomantic copying of shocking grasp to frost’s bite. When cone of electricity is cast, it causes a cone-shaped area of extreme
static charge originating at the effluviamancer’s hand & extending outwards in a cone 5’ long & 1’ in diameter per level of the caster. The charge inflicts 1d4+1HPs of damage per
level of the caster, to all creatures within the area of effect. For example, a 10th level wizard would cast a cone of electricity 10’ in diameter, 50’ long & inflicting 10d4+10 points
of damage. The material component is identical for the cryomantic version of the spell: a crystal or glass cone of very small size.
Cone of Fire (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
When this spell is cast, it causes a cone-shaped area of fire originating at the wizard’s hand & extending outwards in a cone 5’ long & 1’ in diameter per level of the caster. It
causes inflammable objects to catch on fire, and great heat in nonflammable objects. Damage is 1d4+1HPs per level of the wizard. For example, a 10 level wizard would cast a
cone of fire causing 10d4+10HPs of damage. The material component is a red garnet worth at least 100gp.
Cone of Steam (Elemental-Steam, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell is identical to cone of cold, except that it inflicts damage with superheated steam. The material component is a small cone made of salt from boiled seawater.
Conjure Nightmare (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour + 4d6 turns Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
The caster of this spell summons a nightmare from the plane of dreams, as it carries a dreamer on its terrible ride. Thus, the summoned nightmare is always frustrated at losing its
dreaming victim, and it requires an immediate offering from its summoner (included in the material components). The nightmare serves its summoner willingly, as long as the
tasks it is given are evil. It can understand the summoner’s commands even if he is not evil, but it may feel that something is wrong if its caster is good. If ordered to perform tasks
without an obvious wicked purpose, the nightmare rebels at the first opportunity. Because the nightmare is summoned from the plane of dreams rather than from a lower plane, it
remains only until the dreamer it haunted awakes. The spell grants no control over the source of the summoned nightmare, so the caster cannot, for instance, cast eternal slumber
on a victim, cast a true nightmare, and then cast a summon nightmare with the expectation of a long-term or permanent servitor. The material components include a pinch of
ground sulfur, crushed bark of the willow, and a handful of flaked platinum worth no less than 100gp.
Conjured Fireball (Conjuration, Elemental-Fire)
Range: 5’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: ½
Elementalists use this spell to bypass the MR of creatures. Only an elementalist can cast this spell since they understand the workings of the inner planes better than most. When
this spell is cast, a tiny portal to the inner plane of fire opens momentarily & fire pours out in a 20’ radius from where the caster targeted the spell. It does 1d6HPs of damage per
caster level (up to a maximum of 10d6). There is a 20% -1% chance per caster level that something will come through the portal that has been opened & attack the caster.
Conjured Frost Bolt (Elemental-Ice, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
Elementalists use this spell to bypass the MR of creatures. Only elementalists can cast this spell since they understand the workings of the inner planes better than most. This spell
conjures a bolt of frost & ice from the para-elemental plane of ice. The bolt is 50’ long & 10’ wide; anyone hit by the bolt (within 20 yards + 10 yards/2 caster levels) suffers
1d6HPs of damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 10d6). There is a 20% -1% chance per caster level that something follows the spell through from the ice plane. If so, the
creature is not under control of the caster of this spell. The material component for this spell is a large chunk of ice or snow (consumed with the casting).
Conjured Light (Elemental-Radiance, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 5’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 30’ long Saving Throw: ½
Elementalists use this spell to bypass the MR of creatures. Only elementalists can cast this spell since they understand the workings of the inner planes better than most. When cast,
a tiny portal to the inner plane of radiance opens momentarily, shooting out a thin beam of light that acts like a laser (which can be reflected with a mirror). The light beam does
1d4HPs of damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 10d4). There is a 20% -1% chance per caster level that something will come through the portal that has been opened &
attack the caster.
Conjured Lightning (Elemental-Lightning, Conjuration)
Range: 5’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 40’ line Saving Throw: ½
Elementalists use this spell to bypass the MR of creatures. Only elementalists can cast this spell since they understand the workings of the inner planes better than most. When cast,
a tiny portal to the inner plane of lightning opens momentarily, shooting out a lightning bolt. It does 1d6HPs of damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 10d6). There is a 20%
-1% chance per caster level that something will come through the portal that has been opened & attack the caster.
Continual Fly (Elemental-Air, Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: One creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell function as the 3rd level fly spell except that the duration applies to time actually spent flying, not time elapsed since the casting of the spell. E.g., you can fly for a total
of 1d6 turns + 1 turn/level. You can use half the duration today & the other half tomorrow.
Creeping Darkness (Evocation)
Range: 240 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 30ft3 Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an amorphous cloud of inky blackness. The cloud can be shaped & moved as desired by the caster throughout the duration of the spell if he maintains
concentration upon it & it does not move beyond spell range. It has a movement rate of 6”. It can seep through the smallest cracks & float in the air, as desired. The cloud is
impenetrable to all types of vision except a true sight or similar spell. All sound is blotted out within the cloud, thus preventing the casting of spells by spellcasters encased by it. It
Magical Incantations – Level 5
is susceptible to wind, however, so the area of effect is reduced by 1ft3 & the duration by 1 round for every 5 miles per hour of wind. While concentrating on the spell, the caster
can normally move no more than 3” per round. The material components for this spell are a whisker from an old black cat & a tiny bottle of smoke captured on a moonless night.
Cruise Fireball (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 1 mile/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: ½
This spell is a long-range fireball. It can be cast at any line of sight target with a range equal to the caster’s level in miles. However, the cruise fireball is not as fast as a normal
fireball & can be seen coming. It takes a full round to cast cruise fireball & it only travels at the speed of 1 mile per round (60 mph). Furthermore, for each mile that the cruise
fireball travels, it loses 1 die of damage. When it runs out of dice, the fireball collapses causing no damage.
Crystal Wall (Elemental-Mineral, Conjuration, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 3’ radius Saving Throw: None
Casting the spell successfully creates a rainbow tinted, many-faceted crystal wall (gleaming with magic) from the ground & protect the caster from most spells – 5th level & below.
The wall may be no more than 7’ in height. In addition, the wall will refract spells in a different, random direction (which may hit friend or foe) due to its many surfaces. Magical
weapons will not break the barrier by any means. Only normal weapons will, and they must hit once per level of the caster (no matter how much damage they inflict). The
components for this spell are 3sp, 1 small glass globe, and 1 polished crystal worth no less than 200gp. All materials are consumed by the spell during casting.
Dark Twin (Necromancy)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
By means of dark twin, the caster forces the shadow of a target creature (within 10 yards + 5 yards/level) to gain life on its own & attack its owner. The shadow of the victim will
have as many hit points as its owner at the moment, and will attack as a monster with the Hit Dice as the level or Hit Dice of the victim. Otherwise the shadow shares
characteristics with the undead monster (AC 7, Dmg 2-5 + Strength Drain, +1 or better weapon to hit, some spell immunity). The shadow will begin to attack its owner at the start
of the next round. Once the shadow is reduced to 0HPs, it will revert to its normal form.
Discord (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Negates
This spell affects only individuals who are hostile to the spellcaster. Any such creatures within the spell’s area of effect must successfully save vs. spells or immediately attack
their closest friend or ally. The attacks must be capable of inflicting damage. The material component for this spell is a small mirror.
Disguise of the Stolen Form (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Negates
By means of this spell, the caster is transformed into an almost exact physical replicate of the target, a piece of which is used in the spell. The physical statistics of the caster
(Strength, Dexterity and Constitution) are replaced by those of the target. Intelligence & Wisdom are recalculated on the average of the 2 individuals, rounding down. The material
components are a shard of mirror & a piece of wet clay.
Domination (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Negates
The domination spell enables the caster to control the actions of any person until the spell is ended by the subject’s Intelligence (see the charm person spell). Half-elves & elves
resist this enchantment as they do all charm-type spells. When the spell is cast, the subject must roll a saving throw vs. Mind at a penalty of -2, but Wisdom adjustments apply.
Failure means the magic-user has established a telepathic link with the subject’s mind. If a common language is shared, the caster can generally force the subject to perform as the
caster desires, within the limits of the subject’s body structure & Strength. Note that the caster does not receive direct sensory input from the subject. Subjects can resist this
control, and those forced to take actions against their nature receive a new saving throw with a bonus of +1 to +4, depending on the type of action required. Obviously self-
destructive orders are not carried out. Once control is established, there is no limit to the range at which it can be exercised, as long as the caster & subject are on the same plane. A
protection from evil spell can prevent the caster from exercising control or using the telepathic link while the subject is so warded, but it cannot prevent the establishment of
Dragon’s Bile (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a spray of acid that arcs out from the caster’s hand, towards the target area. The spray is a half foot across at the peak (the caster’s hand) & 1’ across at the base,
which is 5’ distant per level of the caster. Damage from the acid is 1d4HPs per level of the caster, and will do damage to everything it hits. Item saving throws may apply. A
successful Dodge save allows for half damage, but if failed, the target is hit in the face for an additional 1d2HPs of damage per level of the caster, and a subsequent Body save
failure indicates the target has been blinded. The material component is a scale from a black dragon & a piece of rhubarb, which is placed in the mouth & spat towards the target.
Dream Message (Invocation, Illusion/Phantasm) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
The dream message spell enables the caster, or a messenger touched by the caster, to send messages to others in the form of dreams. At the beginning of the spell, the caster must
name the recipient or identify him by some title that leaves no doubt as to his identity. As the caster completes the spell, the person sending the spell falls into a deep trance-like
sleep, and instantaneously projects his mind to the recipient. The sender then enters the recipient’s dream & delivers the message unless the recipient is magically protected. If the
recipient is awake, the message sender can choose to remain in the trance-like sleep. If the sender is disturbed during this time, the spell is immediately cancelled & the sender
comes out of the trance. The whereabouts & current activities of the recipient cannot be learned through this spell. The sender is unaware of his own surroundings or the activities
around him while he is in a trance. He is totally defenseless, both physically & mentally (i.e., he always fails any saving throw) while in the trance. Once the recipient’s dreams are
entered, the sender can deliver a message of any length, which the recipient remembers perfectly upon waking. The communication is one-way, the recipient cannot ask questions
or offer information. Nor can the sender gain any information by observing the dreams of the recipient. Once the message is delivered, the sender’s mind returns instantly to the
body. The reverse of this spell, nightmare, enables the caster to send a hideous & unsettling vision to the recipient, who is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to avoid the effect. The
nightmare prevents restful sleep & causes 1d10HPs of damage. The nightmare leaves the recipient fatigued & unable to regain spells for the next day. A dispel evil spell cast upon
the recipient stuns the caster of the nightmare for 1 turn per level of the cleric countering this evil sending.
Drifting Blizzard (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a cold-based version of cloudkill, creating a light grey cloud (40’ wide, 20’ high & 20’ deep) that leaves frost in its wake. It functions just like cloudkill, except that
damage comes from cold, making fire-based creatures more vulnerable to the spell (treat them as having 2HD fewer, and they automatically take double damage). Creatures that
fail their saves by 4 or more are encased in a thin layer of ice (about ¼ inch). Those who make their saving throws still take appropriate damage (1d10). Cold-based creatures are
immune to this spell, and some (like white dragons) might find it refreshing.
Hit Dice Fire-Based creatures Saving Throw
4 or less 6 or less Killed instantly
4+1 to 5+1 6+1 to 7+1 Save vs. Spell at -4
5+1 to 6 7+1 to 8 Save vs. Spell
6+1 or more 8+1 or more None, 1d10 damage (2d10 for fire based)
Dust of the Ancient Tomes (Elemental-Dust, Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: M, S Duration: Until discharged Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 closed object Saving Throw: Special
This spell is usually cast by the mage upon a tome or a document he wishes to see protected, although it can also be cast on chests, drawers & other objects that can be closed of a
size equal to or less than 3' cube. The caster spreads a thin layer of dust upon the object & casts the spell. Upon completion of the spell the dust becomes invisible. If someone who
is not the caster touches the protected objects the dust rises in a cloud to engulf the offender completely. The dust follows the victim & suffocates him in 1d6 rounds. If the victim
succeeds in the saving throw against spells then he is only rendered unconscious for 1d12 + 4 rounds. A mage within the cloud cannot cast any spell. A dispel magic spell can
disperse the cloud of dust & negate the spell. The component necessary for this spell is dust that was undisturbed for several (at least 10) years.
Dweomermist (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 12 hours Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 person/4 levels Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the wizard to mask the auras radiating from any magic item (save artifacts & relics), making them appear to be normal everyday items, even under the most
intense magical scrutiny. Once cast, the wizard must touch each individual item to be protected by the spell, & the wizard only has 1 turn in which to do this. Note that if the
Magical Incantations – Level 5
magical properties of an object are used in any way, the dweomermist is broken (but only for that particular item). The only exception to the rule is armor & weapons, which lose
their protection either when the wearer is attacked or attacks him.
Earth Magnet (Alteration)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: See below
The earth magnet spell creates an increasing attraction, almost magnetic in nature, between the target of the spell & the ground immediately below it. If cast upon a creature on the
ground, its movement is slowed by 6 each round until it reaches 0, at which time the victim is fixed in place, unable to lift any limbs from the ground. Once this occurs, the victim
spends the rest of the earth magnet spell’s duration under the effects of a slow spell. It can physically attack with only appendages not touching the ground (a troll could still use its
2 claws & its teeth against anyone within range; a dragon could still bite, but couldn’t use its claws or tail to attack). If cast on a creature in flight, the creature loses one
Maneuverability Class per round as it is pulled to the ground at half its flight speed (if it struggles against the spell), or at twice the normal speed (if it does not try to resist, or was
already diving towards the ground when the earth magnet was first cast). Diving creatures forced to crash-land suffer falling damage as normal. Only potential victims in flight are
allowed a saving throw at the beginning of the earth magnet spell, due to their initial distance from the ground. Once the spell takes effect, though, there is no further saving throw,
& the victim must “ride out” the duration of the spell. The spell is often used to either force dragons to the ground or to prevent them from taking to the air once battle has begun.
The earth magnet spell is useless against beings from the elemental plane of Earth. It is particularly effective against creatures that crawl on the ground - snakes, giant worms, and
the like - as it usually pins them, preventing all attacks. The spell requires a small magnet & either a clump of dirt or a handful of pebbles. All material components are consumed
during the casting of the spell.
Elemental Domination (Elemental-General, Abjuration, Enchantment)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 turns per level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
In the casting of this spell, the wizard must choose 1 element to have dominance over. Elementals of this plane cannot approach within 5’ of the wizard or attack the wizard in any
way. The wizard can forego this protection if desired, and attempt to charm the elemental (cf. charm monster), applying a -2 penalty to the save. If this is attempted, than this total
ward against elementals is lost. In any event, any elemental creature (water weird, xorn, etc.) is at -1 to hit & -1 per die of damage when attacking the wizard. The wizard makes all
saves vs. their attacks at +2. The wizard’s own attacks are at +4 to hit (or -4 to the target’s save) & +6 to damage. He can further affect any elemental creature with any weapon,
regardless of its level of enchantment. The wizard may converse with creatures of the chosen element, and they will respect him if alignments are similar, or fear (if the wizard
appears strong) or hate & desire to slay (if the wizard appears weak) if alignments are dissimilar. The spell’s associations with one-element results in a saving throw penalty to the
wizard while the spell is in effect, depending on which element is chosen:
Element Saving Throw Penalty Element Saving Throw Penalty
Air -2 vs. petrification Fire -2 vs. water or cold
Earth -2 vs. electricity Water -2 vs. fire
The material component is a substantial amount (at least 1 cube foot) of the element in opposition to the element the wizard desires to dominate.
Elemental Transformation (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell transforms the caster into the single elemental type of his choice. This includes all the basic elementals (fire, air, earth, and water) as well as any other elemental that the
caster has seen (such as an ice elemental). While under the effect of this spell, the caster & all items carried by the caster turn into the form of the elemental. The caster retains his
own hit points, but other than that, gains all the movement rates, armor classes, damage abilities, etc. of the elemental chosen. The caster gains all of the magical immunities of the
form, magical attacks, and other natural abilities of the elemental form chosen (water elementals can squeeze through small openings, earth elementals can travel through stone,
etc.) However, caster’s using this spell are constrained to all the natural vulnerabilities of the spell. If any ability of the elemental is based on hit-die, the ability is only given if the
caster has that many levels or more (for example, the cyclone ability of the air elemental). The caster may choose which elemental form he takes, but elementalists cannot choose
their opposing element. If killed or knocked unconscious, the caster returns to his normal form. No items carried by the caster may be used while in elemental form - they are
absorbed into the form itself. The caster cannot speak normally while in elemental form, therefore, the caster cannot cast other spells. The spell lasts until the caster wills it to end,
or until 1 turn plus 1 round per level has passed. The material component for this spell is as conjure elemental. New elementals (such as the ice elemental) may require further
research by the caster in order to determine what material components are required.
Empower Gem (Elemental-Mineral, Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 gem Saving Throw: Negates
This spell enchants 1 gem so that it can hold a spell in it. The spell in the empowered gem is counted towards the total number of spells that the mage can cast in a day. For
example, a 9th level mage that has cast this spell, and put a flaming sphere spell in the gem will be able to learn for the next 9 days (the spell’s duration) only 2 spells from 2nd
level. The spell to be stored must be cast on the gem on the round following the casting of this spell. The caster can choose to put any spell of 1st-2nd level or even 3rd level (if
abjuration or metamagic). A gem will glow with an inner glow when it has a spell in it. To release the spell, a person must touch the gem & will it to release the spell, giving the
spell a “casting” time of 1. Please note that anyone can use the empowered gems, so mages should be careful not to let them be stolen since they can be used against him. A caster
can have a maximum of 1 empowered gem per 5 levels operating at the same time. The material component is the gem (of no less than 100gp of value) upon which the spell is cast.
Every time the spell is discharged, the gem loses 10gp of value.
False Vision (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: See text Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 30-yard radius Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the wizard is able to confound any attempt to scry (by means of either a spell or a magical device) any point within the area of effect of the spell. To use the
spell, he must be aware of the scrying attempt, although knowledge of the scryer or the scryer’s location is not necessary. Upon casting the spell, the caster & all he desires within
the radius of the spell becomes undetectable to the scrying. Furthermore, the caster is able to send whatever message he desires, including vision & sound, according to the medium
of the scrying method. To do this, the caster must concentrate on the message he is sending. Once concentration is broken, no further images can be sent, although the caster
remains undetectable for the duration of the spell (1d4 rounds + 1 round/level). The material component for this spell is the ground dust of an emerald worth at least 500gp, which
is sprinkled into the air when the spell is cast.
Fiery Retribution (Elemental-Fire, Abjuration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell make the caster totally immune to all damage caused by fire, be it magical or non-magical, for the duration of the spell. Furthermore, the caster can ‘store’ the damage
that would have occurred inside her & channel it back out in the form of K bolts. The wizard must still make all saving throws for fire spells used against her, and thus, saving
against a fireball gives her less damage to return upon her foes. Roll damage normally, except apply none to the caster. Instead, note the number of points of damage the caster
would have received at the hands of the fire damage as ‘stored damage’. At the start of any round, the wizard can decide to release stored fire damage as magical flame bolts. The
bolts strike with the caster’s THAC0 +2, and with a range of 50 yards. Firing stored damage as bolts has an initiative penalty of +3. For every 4 points of stored damage the wizard
drains into the bolt, the bolt deals 1d4 points of damage (the recycling nature of the abjuration magic causes significant damage loss). The wizard can choose to use however much
she desires in the bolts, so long as she has 4 stored fire damage for every 1d4 she wishes to expel. When the spell expires, any remaining fire stored inside the body of the caster
lashes out, directly ahead of the caster (in whichever position the caster is facing), streaking out 50 yards (or until the first physical object) & dealing 1d4HPs of damage per 4
stored damage placed in the caster. Any remnant fire damages (1, 2, or 3 points) simply fades, doing nothing. This spell can be particularity deadly if the caster has a large fire
source to stand in. Note that the fire protection extends to the caster’s clothing & equipment, though not to a mount or significantly large equipment (a flag on a pole, for example,
or a ladder). The material component is a small silver mirror that is held in a candle flame until it blackens. The mirror is consumed in the casting.
Fire Breath (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell allows the caster to breathe a cone (30 yards long x 15 yards wide at the base) of magical flame into the area of effect. All within the cone suffer 1d6 points of damage
for every level of the caster unless they make a successful saving throw vs. breath weapon (which reduces the damage to half). Combustible objects (other than the clothing & gear
of creatures in the cone) are ignited automatically. This may cause additional damage to those within the area. The DM must rule on these situations. The material component for
this spell is a piece of red hot charcoal clenched in the teeth of the caster. This charcoal does no damage to the caster.
Magical Incantations – Level 5
Fire Protection (Elemental-Fire, Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell is exactly the same as the priest spell, protection from fire. The caster has total invulnerability to normal fire & heat. The caster absorbs 12 points of heat & fire damage
per level until the spell is negated. The spell can last up to a maximum of 1 turn per level of the caster.
Fire Warrior (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 30’ Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to summon warriors from the elemental plane of fire. These warriors will protect the caster from physical harm for the duration of the spell or until
they are destroyed. These special warriors fight with fire swords that inflict 1d10 points of damage, plus 2d4 points of fire damage for all those within 10’ of the warrior from the
intense heat. Any cold using, avian, or regenerating creatures take double damage from these warriors. Any heat-using creature will only take half damage from the weapon & no
heat damage. These warriors have an AC of 2, half the hit points of the caster & attack as fighters 3 levels less than the level of the caster. When the warriors are destroyed they
return to the plane of fire. The caster can summon up to 1d4-fire warriors. The material components for this spell are sulfur, phosphorus, and a small replica of a long sword.
Fire’s Perfected Fuel (Alteration)
Range: 100 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 100 yard radius Saving Throw: None
This spell dries out all wood (living or dead) in range. While this has no lasting effect on living wood, due to the short duration, wood so affected will burn easily & quickly, so a
town or forest or part of a city that has had this spell cast upon it can be burned down with little trouble. While in such an area, the fire will be nearly impossible to put out & will
probably cost many lives. If cast on a treant or other sentient plant, subsequent fire-based damaging spells within the 1 turn duration will always have maximum effect. The
material component is a bone.
Flameshroud (Elemental-Fire, Abjuration, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, the wizard is enveloped in an invisible shroud of flames; a true seeing spell or similar magic will reveal the shroud, and detect magic will reveal strong lines
of abjuration & evocation magic. The spell imparts on the wizard the equivalent of fire resistance for the duration of the spell (see Ring of Fire resistance description). In addition
to the protection aspect of this spell, the wizard may also use it offensively. Any target that comes within 10’ of the wizard may be attacked using the shroud. A small finger of
(clearly visible) flames shoots from the shroud & strikes the victim, inflicting 1d4 points of damage, plus 1 point per level of the wizard (up to a maximum of 1d4+20). A
successful save vs. spell reduces the damage by half. Only one such attack may be made per round, and each attack reduces the spell’s duration by 1 round (thus, an attack may not
be made the last round the spell is in affect). Anyone who scores a successful melee hit on the wizard while he is under the protection of this spell, suffers damage equal to that
inflicted by an attack from the shroud (1d4 + 1 per level); again, a successful save vs. spell reduces the damage by one half. The duration of the spell is not affected in this case.
The material component for this spell is any normal cape with a chunk of sulfur placed in the pocket. The cape must be worn throughout the duration of the spell; if it is removed,
the spell ends prematurely. The cape is not affected by the casting of this spell, but the sulfur is consumed when the spell ends.
Fog of Voices (Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 yard/level radius Saving Throw: Special
A mass of fog, similar in effect to the wall of fog spell forms upon casting this spell. This fog can not be moved by magical winds less then 6th level. Non-magical winds can cause
them to halve if strong enough. Intelligent creatures inside the fog hear whispering voices in any language the caster knows. If they can understand these voices, they must make a
Mind save or be affected by the fear spell. The whispering & fog masks sounds, making it impossible to hear quiet noises less than 5’ away & moderate noises 20’ away. The spell
component is a split-dried pea & a tooth of some fearful creature (e.g. vampire, snake, spider, etc.)
Force Shapechange (Necromancy)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Special
With this spell, the caster can force any shapechanger or magic-wielder using any form of a shapechanging spell to instantly revert to his true form (or his most common form). To
use the spell, the caster points at the creature(s) he knows or believes to be a shapechanger(s). If the creatures are indeed shapechangers, they must make a successful saving throw
or immediately revert to their true form & suffer 3d10HPs of damage from the wracking pain caused by the forced change. The change takes a full round, during which time a
victim can take no other actions. If the saving throw is successful, the victim does not change form, but still suffers half damage. The material components for this spell are a hair
from the hide of any lycanthrope & a live butterfly, released when the verbal component is uttered.
Freeze Ray (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: 5’/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This is a modified cone of cold that effects only 1 creature. It creates a beam of intense cold 5’ long per wizard level, but only a tenth of an inch wide. If the target fails its saving
throw, it takes 1d8 points of damage per wizard level (up to 12d8). If the target makes its saving throw, it narrowly dodges the beam, but is close enough for its body heat to
dissipate the beam. Of course, that also means the beam cools down the target, causing 1 point of damage per wizard level (up to a maximum of 12). Creatures that are cold-based
(like white dragons or ice para-elementals) take no damage from this spell, but fire-based creatures (like red dragons & salamanders) take +1 point of damage per hit die. Undead
takes no damage from this version.
Frigid Encasement (Elemental-Ice, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature/level Saving Throw: Special
In casting frigid encasement, the wizard calls forth around the target an area of cold so intense as to freeze all moisture in the surrounding atmosphere. Targets failing a saving
throw vs. spell receive a -3 penalty on all attack & damage rolls for 1d4 rounds plus 1 per level of the caster. In addition, those failing their initial saving throw must make a saving
throw vs. paralysis or be totally encased in a covering of solid ice approximately 1” thick for every 2 levels of the caster. The ice melts at 1” per round in normal heat (about 60°F);
however, if cast in colder climes (below freezing) the ice lasts for 1 turn per inch, and in warmer temperatures (above 60°F) the ice melts twice as fast as normal (2” per round).
Those affected are allowed a bend bars/lift gates roll to escape, with every inch lessening chances by 1%. Obviously, encasing one’s entire body in ice is debilitating; however, the
greater danger lies in suffocation. If a breathing target fails both saving throws & becomes covered in ice, the target takes 1 point of suffocation damage per round, cumulatively.
So the target takes 1 point of damage the first round, 2 points the next round, etc. If the target is not protected from cold (either by a resist cold spell or by similar measures) or if
the target is not a cold-using or cold-dwelling creature, this damage is doubled due to cold. A fireball or similar magic may melt the ice created by frigid encasement, but creatures
inside the ice must save vs. spell to avoid taking damage from the magical fire. The material component for this spell is a tiny bit of fur & some water or snow in a small glass vial.
Giant Weapon (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 or 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 weapon Saving Throw: None
This is an improved version of the club of ogres spell. It has 2 effects, which depends on the focus of the spell. When cast on a dagger used by the caster, the spell has duration of 2
rounds per level & has the following statistics: Dmg 4d4/3d4, size is considered Huge for critical hits. Any other weapon that this is cast on gains 200% more dice in damage (2d4
-> 6d4, d10 -> 3d10), and is considered 1 size class larger for critical hits. When not cast on the mage’s dagger, then the duration is only 1 round per level. The material component
is the weapon to be affected - it is not consumed by the spell.
Greater Rhabdomancy (Rhabdomancy)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
A more potent version of the lesser rhabdomancy spell, this spell allows the wizard to search for a desired physical object, a place, person, creature, magical effect, or an affection
or quality not discovered by normal divinatory means. Thus, the rhabdomancer may use his rod & this spell to seek out a silver vein in a mine shaft, ferret out a thief in a town,
discover the site of a dimensional vortex, or even, find true love. The caster need only hold out his divining rod, mentally picture the desired end of the spell, intone the words, and
rotate until he feels the tuggings in the wood that show the direction he must travel to find what is sought. Obviously, certain applications of this spell require the forethought &
attention of the DM. Due to this, and the fact that greater rhabdomancy is infallible unless disturbed or dispelled by other magic, the duration of the spell can be as long as the DM
feels necessary. While the desired end may be found, the hunt may take far longer than the wizard wishes or can handle. But many an adventure has occurred along the trail to
whatever is being sought.
Hearth to Hearth (Elemental-Smoke, Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
A unique form of communication, hearth to hearth enables a mage to whisper a short message (a maximum of 6 words per level) to an existing fire source of minimal size (must
be at least the size of a small cooking fire). The mage then designates another fire source (within 100 miles per 2 caster levels) to receive his message. In the receiving fire source,
the face of the caster will then appear formed by the smoke rising from the fire, speaking the message. The caster must know the general area where the designated receiving fire
Magical Incantations – Level 5
burns. If the designated place is a doused fire or hearth, a small fire will suddenly come to life & the face will appear to relay the message; afterwards the fire dies. Should the
person receiving the message be a mage of the same level (or greater) of the caster, then he may reply in a similar fashion without casting the spell, and without knowing the
location of the original caster’s fire. Please note that this does not reveal the identity of the casting mage, and only people familiar with the mage will recognize his face in the
smoke. The spell may only reach fire sources on the same plane & may not cross any planar boundaries. The material components for this spell are the fire source & the feathers of
a pigeon that must be burned in the fire.
Heat Pattern (Elemental-Fire, Illusion)
Range: 30’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell is used to fool creature with infravision. It creates 1 heat source per level & makes others think that there are more of you. The caster controls each & can make them
attack but only if infravision is in use. Each does 1 point of damage per level & has the THAC0 of caster. 75% of the damage is not real but can be dispelled or disbelieved. Each
has 2HPs/level but takes double damage from any slashing weapon. If cast in light (or when infravision is not in use), the spell does not work; it must be cast in darkness.
Heat Wave II (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Negates
This spell creates a wall of heat (40' wide, 20' high, 20' deep) that moves away from the caster at a rate of 10’ per round. The wave cannot be turned back towards the caster but a
cone of cold will negate its effects. The wave increases the temperature of the area effected by 90° + 2°/level. The wave causes 2d6 + 1 point of damage per level of the caster each
round to any creature caught in the effect. Because of the intense heat, the vision of creatures that are caught in the wave is affected. Creatures become disoriented & their
movement rate is reduced by 1/3 if they are caught in the wave. This spell does double damage to any cold using or regenerating creatures & no damage to fire based creatures.
Icetrail (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Negates
This spell creates a wave of hardened ice, which the wizard actively directs. After casting, the wizard simply taps the ground to activate the spell. The wave of ice begins where the
wizard taps the ground, and reaches its full dimensions after advancing only 10’. It travels at a speed of 40’ per round. The crest of the wave is 10’ high & 15’ wide; after the crest
of the wave has passed, the height of the remaining “trail” is only 3’ high. Creatures coming into contact with the crest suffer 2d6 points plus 1 point damage per level of the
wizard, or half this amount if the creature is cold-using (in general, cold-dwelling creatures take half damage from this spell, rounded down, and cannot suffocate as a result of this
spell). In addition, creatures of less than large size must make a Dodge save or be buried under the crest. Buried individuals take an additional 1d3 points of cold damage each
round & must initially make a Body save or start to suffocate under the ice (use the rules for drowning). Trapped creatures may break free, taking 1 more point of damage per level
of the wizard from sharp ice. The crest of the wave can be disrupted by 30 or more points of fire damage, or negated by a wall of fire. At the end of the spell duration, the crest of
the ice wave immediately loses all momentum & melts; the spell will cause no more damage, and trapped creatures can easily break free taking no damage. The material
components for this spell are a steel pin & a glass of ice water.
Icicles to Daggers (Alteration, Elemental-Ice) Reversible
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
A cryomantic version of the priest spell sticks to snakes, icicles to daggers changes 1d4 icicles + 1 icicle/level in a 10' cube into steel daggers of totally average construction; thus a
11th level wizard can change 12-15 icicles into a like number of daggers. The daggers can then be distributed as the caster wishes. Note when the icicles become daggers they fall to
the ground when applicable. Affected icicles must be at least 4” long & no longer than 2’. Similarly, they must be at least 1” in circumference & no more than 1’ in circumference.
The material components of the spell are the icicles to be changed. The reverse of the spell changes an equal number of normal daggers (whether they be wood, steel, bone or
something else) into icicles for the duration of the spell. Note that if the environment is warm & the icicles melt, they will not reform into daggers at the end of the spell’s duration.
Daggers held may make a saving throw equal to the possessor’s saving throw vs. polymorph. This form of the spell also cancels the reverse.
Icy Sentinel (Conjuration/Summoning, Elemental-Ice)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell must be cast on a massive golem-like statue hewn of pure ice. The spell imbues the statue with some sense of intelligence. The statue only obeys the orders of its creator
& never goes berserk like some golems. The material component for the spell is the statue to be enchanted.
Icy Sentinel: THAC0 11; #At 1; Dmg 2d6+7 (punch); AC 2; HD 10; hp 55; MV 9; SD immune to most spells & cold; SW destroyed by transmute ice to wood spell, takes double
damage from elemental spells, not immune to elemental lightning spell; SZ L (12 feet); INT Semi- (2-4); AL N; ML fearless (20); XP 12,000.
Invulnerability to Normal Weapons (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 10-yard diameter Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere around the caster that cannot be penetrated by non-magical blunt weapons, edged weapons, or missile weapons.
The caster can use these weapons from inside the sphere to attack opponents normally. Spells can also be cast through the sphere. The sphere can be negated by dispel magic. The
material components for this spell are a piece of a broken non-magical weapon & a scale from a dragon.
Ironside (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: See text Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 vessel Saving Throw: None
This more powerful version of the 3rd level ironwood increases the strength of the recipient vessel’s entire hull (for a period of 1 turn +1 round/level). Saving throws vs. crushing
blow are made against iron. Attacks against the ship are made against AC 0. Note that this spell in no way affects the flammability of the vessel, it only modifies durability. In all
other respects, it still has the same properties of its constituent material. The material component for this spell is a bit of ironwood.
Jelly Armor (Elemental-Ooze, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell is an improved version of the 3rd level slime spell. The creature touched is coated by a gelatinous substance that prevents him from being gripped, webbed or entangled
but also reduces damage from piercing/slashing weapons by half & prevents the recipient from being damaged by bludgeoning weapons. Material components are a whole jelly,
ooze, slime or pudding (that is consumed in the casting) & a medium shield.
Khazid’s Procurement (Divination, Summoning)
Range: Special Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to more easily access rare or dangerous spell components. The wizard casts his spell upon a silver mirror while concentrating on a mental image of the
material he desires. The base chance of success is 50%, modified by the following factors:
• +1% per level of the caster
• +10% if the caster has seen the same type of substance or object before, OR
• +20% if the caster has a sample of the material or the same type of object in his possession.
• +30% if the wizard knows the location of the desired object.
• -50% if the caster has never seen the same kind of material before
If the percentile roll indicates failure, the caster is unable to locate the desired ingredient & the spell ends. If the roll indicates success, the wizard has located the object or
substance & the mirror becomes a magical gate through which the caster can see the target. The size of the gate is determined by the size of the mirror, to a maximum of 3’ by 2’.
The gate always appears within arm’s length of the target, allowing the wizard to reach through the mirror, grasp the object of his desire, and draw it back through the gate. The
wizard must risk his own safety - the gate does not allow the use of probes, long-handles ladles, tongs, or other equipment to gather the material. The caster cannot completely
move through the gate. The gate vanishes when the duration expires or when the target or the wizard moves more than 10’ away from it. The gate is visible from both sides, and
other creatures can reach through the gate. Breath weapons, gaze attacks, missiles, spells, and similar attacks cannot pass through the gate. Because creatures can pass their limbs
through the gate, physical attacks & touch spells can be used. The only limit to the range of this spell is that the caster & the component must be on the same plane of existence.
Elemental forces (not creatures) will not pass through the gate. Thus a wizard does not run the risk of flooding his laboratory by opening a gate beneath the sea, for example.
However, the spell does not provide any sort of protection against a hostile environment. The material components are an exquisite silver mirror of no less than 10000gp value & a
black opal worth at least 1000gp, which must be powdered & sprinkled on the mirror. The mirror is not consumed during casting & may be used again, but the powdered opal is
Magical Incantations – Level 5
Know Value (Divination)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10-yard cube Saving Throw: None
Know value enables the caster to know the total value of all coins, gems & jewelry within the area of effect, within the limits that follow. The items must be clearly visible. They
cannot be concealed on people, hidden in a chest, or buried in the ground. Further, know value will reveal only the value of 75% of the total number of objects in a treasure pile, up
to a maximum of 10 pieces; the DM determines which pieces the spell affects, and the caster does not know which particular pieces have been appraised. The spell does not detect
the presence or value of magical items, and it ignores the value of personal property, such as clothing, weapons, and other equipment. Know value does not reveal the number or
nature of any type of hidden objects. The material components for this spell are a copper piece & a phony gem.
Lava Pool (Elemental-Magma, Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 40’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell causes a 40’ radius of earth to change into lava with the middle of the lava being 10’ deep. The lava is formed at the end of the 3rd round, stays fully formed for 4 rounds
& reverts back to earth at the start of the 8th round. Movement through the magma is half normal. On the 1st & 10th round, the pool causes 1d4 points of damage. On the 2nd & 9th
rounds it causes 2d4 points of damage. On the 3rd & 8th round it causes 3d4 points of damage. Finally, on the 4th through 7th rounds, the lava inflicts 4d4 points of damage per
round. The material component is a small golden drop worth at least 20gp. The golden drop is not consumed in the casting of the spell.
Lethal Spawn (Necromancy)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
Upon utterance of this spell, the caster conjures up a small 1” diameter egg that fires outward from the caster & toward the target. The target is then entitled to a Dodge save. If the
save succeeds, the spell has no effect. Failure indicates a more gruesome fate: The egg enters the victim’s body & begins to grow. For the next 4 rounds, the target starts each
round making a Body save at a -2 cumulative penalty. Each failed save results in a loss of 25% of the target’s full hit points. If the target makes a successful save during this time,
the spell is halted & the egg’s growth stops and then deteriorates. If the target dies, or fails its save for the final time, a newborn giant spider erupts out of its body.
Lightning Ward (Elemental-Lightning, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 30' radius Saving Throw: None
Lightning ward establishes a 30' radius globe around the caster that prevents lightning & electricity from entering the sphere & harming any under its protection. The theory behind
the spell is that the magic decreases the probability that lightning strikes & electric discharges will happen within the area of effect. There is a second effect of this spell that is
more protective. Any who were not in the area of effect of the spell when it was cast have a 5% chance per round the spell has been active of being struck by lightning when they
enter the area. Once this strike has occurred, then the new person is under the effect of the spell. The DM determines damage caused by this lightning strike, but in a normal
thunderstorm, it is typically 8d8 points of damage. A Dodge save will reduce this damage by half, but will leave the victim prone on the ground (he dove for cover from the bolt)
whether he succeeds in the save or not. If any individual who was under the protection of this spell leaves the area of effect, there is 5% chance per round of protection that they
will be struck by lightning immediately after leaving the area of effect. Once this strike takes place, then the lightning ward no longer protects the individual. If he seeks to re-enter
the area of effect, then he will be struck by lightning before being protected once again (as detailed above). Again, the DM determines damage, but in a normal lightning storm, it
is typically 8d8 points of damage. Again a save is applicable, though it will leave the victim prone on the ground whether he succeeds in his save or not. If allowed to end
normally, no lightning bolts will strike the caster or any others that were once under its protection. While under the effects of this spell, wands of lightning & any other spells that
have electrical effects (such as shocking grasp) cast by someone under its protection automatically fail though the spell is cast. Lightning quasi-elementals are unable to enter the
area of effect of a lightning ward & this enrages them. They have been known to follow someone under the protection of this spell & attack when its duration ends. The material
component for this spell is a 2’ length of iron & a ball of rubber that is placed on the rod during the casting of the spell. The rod & rubber disappear that the end of the spell. If
destroyed prematurely, the spell ends immediately.
Lower Resistance (Alteration, Abjuration)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
Using this spell, a wizard may attempt to reduce the magic resistance of a target creature. The magic resistance of the victim works against the lower resistance spell itself, but
only at half its normal value. No saving throw is permitted in addition to magic resistance. Magic resistance is reduced 30% plus 1% per experience level of the caster, if the victim
does not resist the effects of this spell. This spell has no effect on creatures that have no magic resistance. The material component for this spell is a broken iron rod.
Magic Circle (Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning; Geometry)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 30’ diameter circle Saving Throw: None
This spell is used in dire situations when a dangerous creature has been summoned unexpectedly from another plane. It conjures a magical protective circle around such a being,
similar to those normally drawn or traced on the ground in a specific area in preparation for such summoning; however, the circle is magically called into being, and physical
tracing of the protection’s area is not required. The material component of the spell is a mixture of iron & silver dust, which is tossed into the air as the spell is spoken; the
dweomer then swirls this dust into the required circle of protection - hopefully before the summoned creature has had time to react!
Magic Mist (Elemental-Steam, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round per level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a Class III intelligent mist from the elemental plane of air. The creature has spellcasting ability, and can cast its own spells as well as any spells given to it by
the wizard. It can only have one-third of the caster’s level in spells, and only 4th level or lower spells that must be memorized when he cast the magic mist. Other than this
increased ability, these mists conform to the attacking mist spell.
Magic Staff (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: Caster’s staff Saving Throw: None
This spell allows a wizard’s staff to store 1 spell level for every 3 levels of the caster. Thus a 9th level mage can store 3 spell levels (e.g. a 1st & 2nd level spell). Spells that are to be
stored in the staff must be memorized normally by the wizard. The spells are then cast as normal when charging the staff; casting requires the spell’s normal casting time plus 1
round. The spell is wiped from memory & material components are consumed. All spells to be stored must be cast into the staff within 1 turn. All stored spells have a casting time
of 1 segment, reflecting the uttering of a few command words. Spells remain in the staff until cast or dispelled, or up to 1 hour per level of the caster. After this time, the staff (see
below, however) and all stored spells fade away without harmful effects. A magic-user that know the magic staff spell may use another wizard’s magic staff, if he knows the
correct command words, even if this means casting a spell he could not normally cast. The material component for this spell is a staff cut from an ash tree. For each spell level the
caster intends to imbue into the staff, it must be inlaid with rubies worth at least 1000gp; if the caster successfully casts enchant an item on a freshly prepared staff, the staff may be
used as a magic staff repeatedly until dispelled or destroyed.
Maximum Damage (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell causes non-magical weapons to inflict maximum damage for 1 round (only) after it is cast. The caster can enchant a number of weapons equal to his level. Magical
weapons are unaffected by this spell. The material component is a silver rod worth at least 100gp, which must be touched to the weapons in order for spell to be effective.
Mind Fog (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 80 yards Components: V, S Duration: 3 turns Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20-yard cube Saving Throw: Negates
A mind fog is a physical block of fog that enables the caster to weaken the mental resistance of his victim. Victims are allowed a saving throw at a -2 penalty to avoid the effects. A
creature who falls victim to the mind fog suffers -2 penalties to all saving throws against 2 categories of magic: all spells of the illusion/phantasm & enchantment/charm schools
that affect the mind directly; and spells of 1st through 5th level which affect the mind directly. For example, phantasmal force is a mind-affecting spell; phantom steed is not. The
penalty to saving throws operates cumulatively with any penalties that operate for other reasons. Affected creatures suffer the penalty as long as they remain in the fog & for 2d6
rounds thereafter.
Minor Spell Immunity (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting time: 1 round Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell, along with its higher-level cousins is similar in purpose to the spell known as Serten’s spell immunity, but it differs from that spell in several important details. The spell
can only affect 1 creature, and it protects against a slightly altered set of mind-affecting spells (all spells belonging to the Mentalism school & similar spell-like effects or magical
items such as a rod of beguiling) of 1st-5th level (for this level version of the spell). It gives saving throw bonuses against all protected spells according to the table in the Serten’s
spell immunity spell - note that this includes allowing a saving throw against effects that would normally not allow a saving throw. The material component is any gemstone (a
diamond is not required) of at least 100gp value, which must be kept on the person of the creature to be protected by the spell. When the spell expires, the gem is consumed.
Magical Incantations – Level 5
Monochromatic Light (Elemental-Radiance, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 10’ radius/level Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster creates a sphere of monochromatic light with him at its center. Within the area of effect, the only discernable color is gray. All hidden doors, monsters &
objects resident or moving through the area of the spell’s effect are revealed to the eye & all illusions are seen for what they are, making any sort of magical disguise unusable
within this area. When a creature moves out of the sphere of gray light all spells of illusion will again take effect, as the spell does not negate the magic. The duration of the spell
still runs, even while in the gray light sphere. The components for this spell are a tallow candle in a pure crystal holder 100gp worth.
Obsidian Shards (Elemental-Earth, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/3 caster levels Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
Upon casting the spell, a large slab of obsidian rock rises up from the earth & at the caster’s command, starts to spin top over bottom very quickly. When the slab reaches
maximum velocity, large, dagger-like shards break loose from the slab & careen at a target of the caster’s choosing (within 130 yards + 30 yards/level). The slab lasts 1 extra round
for every 3 levels of the caster, and with each additional round, another target can be specified & bombarded with shards. At the end of the duration of the spell, the obsidian slab
disintegrates. Should the recipient roll a failing saving throw, the shards inflict 1d10 points of damage & can shatter almost any spell barrier, such as a wall of light or protection
from normal missiles spell, and the shattered barriers’ shards inflict 1d4 damage within 5’ of the barrier’s radius. A successful saving throw means that the obsidian shards have
been evaded, and will disintegrate upon missing the target. The material components for this spell are a small chunk of obsidian, and a dark gem or piece of onyx worth no less
than 400gp. All materials are consumed by the spell during casting.
Otiluke’s Nautical Screen (Abjuration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 vessel/Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an invisible screen of energy that surrounds a ship, even below the waterline. Solid objects - water, projectiles, fish, etc. - can pass freely through the screen,
while any magical energy that strikes the screen (firebaIl, lightning bolt, etc.) is absorbed & dissipated. The screen is able to absorb 1d8HP damage per level of the caster before
being disrupted. (Divide this number by 10 & round up to determine the number of hull points the screen can absorb.) If cast somewhere other then on a ship, e.g., on land, the
screen (a sphere of 10 yards + 1 yard per caster level in radius) is immobile but has virtually the same effects. Note, this spell was originally named, simply, Otiluke’s screen.
Passweb (Abjuration, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell enables the caster (or 1 creature) to pass through existing webs, both natural & magical, as though they did not exist. It also permits passage through barriers of rope or
vine, provided the area to be passed through incorporates only non-magical, organic materials. The webs are not disturbed or altered in any way by this spell or the passage through
them. A recipient of this spell may try to free creatures or objects already trapped in a web. Three successful Strength checks & a Dexterity check must be made in the same round,
for an attempt to be successful (assuming a non-resisting creature). The caster is always affected by his own passweb, but a touched target, even a willing one, gets a saving throw
vs. spell. If it is successful, the spell fails & is lost.
Preemptive Casting (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 8 hours Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell is somewhat similar to a contingency spell, in that it delays the execution of a magical effect, but a preemptive casting has its own unique properties. Preparing this spell
requires the following procedure: the wizard first casts preemptive casting upon himself, and then casts any desired spell of the 3 level or lower. The preemptive casting will
absorb the energy of the 2nd spell, which can be released later at the caster’s discretion (for combat purposes, this means that the wizard merely adds a +1 modifier to his initiative
roll). Only 1 spell can be stored in this manner for every 5 levels of experience, & spells may not be repeated. The material component of this spell is a patch of sealing wax, mixed
with powdered pearls, bearing the fingerprints of the wizard.
Prismatic Bolts (Elemental-Radiance, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Special
When the caster uses this spell, 7 bolts of light, as per the light spectrum, spring forth from his hand. The red ray appears to the left & each color proceeds in order from right to the
left: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. The light must be aimed in an arc no larger than 180° (at up to 7 creatures or targets) in front of caster. The Violet bolt
hits the target most to the right, the Red bolt hits the target most to the left, and the others hit in order between. Each bolt strikes with the THAC0 of the caster, with a +1 to hit for
each 4 levels of the caster (rounded down). Each bolt deals a different effect:
Red: 1d4+1/caster level of fire damage, save versus spell for half.
Orange: 2d4+2/caster level of heat damage, save versus spell for half.
Yellow: 4d4+4/caster level of force damage, save versus spell for half.
Green: Bolt of poison, onset time 1d4 rounds, save vs. poison: 20 points if fail, 5 points if succeed.
Blue: Save vs. paralyzation or be paralyzed for 2d4 rounds. Succeed: slow for 1d4+1 rounds.
Indigo: Save vs. wands or act as if affect by the spell confusion for 1d6+1 rounds. Succeed: major headache for 1d6+1 rounds, -2 to AC attacks, saves & loses dexterity AC bonus.
Violet: Save vs. spells or vanish to dimensional limbo for 2d4 rounds. Succeed: vanish to dimensional limbo for remainder of round and all of next round.
The material components for this spell are 7 strips or any cloth or silk or threads of the 7 colors of the spell. The threads, strips or cloth vanish on casting.
Pyroblast (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates billowing blasts of fire that can streak out to a maximum of 10 yards + 10 yards/level at all targets within a 10’ cube + 5 cubic feet/level of each other. The
pyroblast has a damage potential of 1d6HPs per caster level, to a single pyroblast maximum of 10d6, but each pyroblast can only hit & damage 1 creature. The caster chooses to
divide up the dice as he pleases; thus a 12th level wizard could fire off 3 blasts: 4d6, 3d6 & 5d6, or any other combination that adds to 12d6. A 16th level caster would be able to
create a 10d6 & a 6d6 pyroblast, but could not create a 16d6 pyroblast, as the maximum for 1 blast is 10d6. For each die in a given blast beyond the first, the damage gains a +1
bonus. Thus, the examples above would create these pyroblasts: 4d6+3, 3d6+2 & 5d6+4; and 10d6+9 & 6d6+5. The spell strikes as per the caster’s THAC0, with a +3 bonus to hit
as well as any missile attack adjustments. The material components for this spell are a needle made of fine gold & 1” of golden thread per single blast created by the spell. All
creatures hit by a pyroblast may make a saving throw vs. spells to incur half damage.
Repair Breech (Alteration, Conjuration)
Range: 20’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: One vessel Saving Throw: None
This spell causes hull & other damage to regenerate. The caster can repair 1d6+1 points of hull damage per level. The effect is nearly instantaneous & is permanent; it cannot be
dispelled. The material components for this spell are a tiny set of shipwright’s tools worth at least 500gp.
Retracing the Arrow’s Path (Alteration)
Range: 120 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 missile Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster reverses 1 missile per combat round back upon the attacker. The attacker makes an attack roll to hit the intended target, and if it is successful, that
attacker is hit. There is no size limitation on missiles that may be hurled, so that giant-thrown rocks can be returned. Note that this may cause additional damage if the missile (e.g.
an arrow) has already struck a target for damage. The material component is a band of rubber or animal gut.
Risley’s Rainbow (Elemental-Radiance, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
When cast, the spell conjures a rainbow that appears somewhat like a bridge, and acts as one. The bridge is 10’ wide & can stretch out for as long as 20’/level of the caster in
length, and with the height of 10’ for every 20’ of length. The bridge is sturdy enough to support 500 pounds per level of the caster of weight but will disappear immediately when
it’s duration expires or when dispelled. If the caster has the Tactics of Magic proficiency, then he can make a bridge whose height will reach a castle’s wall, for example. The
material components are a drop of water & a mirror.
Safeguarding (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
Use of this spell protects the caster & anyone in the area of effect (a 30-yard diameter sphere) from damage caused by the rebounding of the wizard’s spells. This includes damage
from a fireball cast in area too small for its effects, a rebounding lightning bolt, or any other offensive area spell that overlaps the safeguarding’s area of effect. The protection is
effective against spells of 7th level & lower. The protection does not apply to damage from spells rebounding by any form of magical spell turning. This spell does not protect the
Magical Incantations – Level 5
wizard against damage from spells or attacks cast by enemies or other party members. A wizard who has casts safeguarding is free to move & act normally. The spell’s effect is
always centered on him, regardless of his actions. Other creatures are free to enter & exit the area of effect. An area spell cast by the wizard will take effect normally, but its effects
will be negated within the area of the safeguarding spell. This applies only to area spells centered outside the radius of the safeguarding spell. If the caster casts an offensive area
spell within the safeguarding, the safeguarding is immediately negated & those within suffer full damage from the spell. The wizard is free to cast non-offensive area spells &
individually targeted spells within the area of the safeguarding. The material component is a piece of a preserved skin from any creature that possesses natural magic resistance.
See Backwards (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Caster; 30’ radius Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the caster immediately becomes invisible & intangible, seeming to disappear from the rest of the world. From his perspective, time seems to flow
backward, so that after 1 turn, he sees & hears events that happened exactly 1 turn ago. With this spell, the caster can go as far backward as he likes, witnessing events as they
happened within the area of the spell. Since events are reversed, and at normal speed, some details may be missed. The caster does not need to eat or rest while in this state, and
can remain in the state as long as desired. The caster is absolutely unable to affect anything seen & cannot cast other spells while in this state. Divination spells that were in effect
when the see backward spell was cast however, still function for their normal duration. Only those events that happened within the area of effect can be seen & heard. This spell
also grants the caster to understand speech spoken backwards during the duration of the spell. The caster cannot see anything happening outside the area, so his tower could be
invaded & he would not know it until he abandons the spell & returns to normal time. The spell is ended by the caster’s command or by a successful dispel magic, or by the caster
attempting to leave the area of effect. When the wizard returns to normal time, an amount of time has past in normal time equal to the time he spent in the past. If the caster spent 2
hours in the past, he would appear in normal time 2 hours later then when he originally cast the spell. The material component is a scale, hair or bit of bone from a creature over
100 years old.
Servant Horde (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 turns + 2 turns/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a number of invisible servants similar to the unseen servant spell, within a 6” radius of the spellcaster. The number of servants that can be created is equal to
2d6+1 per level. These servants have all the limitations of the unseen servant except that they can also be used for common laboring tasks, provided they are carefully directed by
the spell caster. They could serve at a banquet, help dig earthworks, row a ship, act as porters, or assist in a farmer’s fields. The material component for this spell is a small stick
crossbar to which many lengths of knotted thread are attached.
Shadow-Form (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: Unlimited Components: S Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 shadow-form Saving Throw: None
With this spell, the caster creates a transparent duplicate of him. The duplicate, or shadow-form, appears adjacent to the spellcaster. It wears all the equipment that were in the
caster’s possession when he cast the spell, leaving him unclothed & unarmed; the clothing & equipment are not transparent. For the duration of the spell, the caster controls the
shadow-form’s actions & sees through its eyes. It is an extension of him, and possesses all his physical & mental skills but not his magical abilities (i.e. it moves, sounds, and fights
like the caster, but can’t cast spells). The caster sees thought both sets of eyes at once. When the shadow-form is waiting or resting, the caster can take actions on his own, but he
cannot make both his real body & his shadow-form act at the same time. If the shadow-form is hit in combat or struck with dispel magic, it disappears - leaving behind all the
clothing & equipment it was carrying. Also left behind is a handful of leaves inside the clothes, all that remains of the insubstantial body. Spellcasting spies & assassins use this
spell to perform short-term assignments. The shadow-form can be sent off to attack someone, to deliver a message, to scout a dangerous area, or to undertake any sort of action in
which the caster cannot afford to be caught. Usually the spellcaster dresses in a nightsuit before casting this spell, so that it in not readily obvious that the form within the clothing
is transparent. When the shadow-form wears a nightsuit & moves around in the dark, it is difficult to see that it is not a physical being.
Shield Bubbles (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell will create several shimmering bubbles of magical force that float about under the command of the caster. One bubble can be created for each level of the caster. For
each such bubble, the caster must designate a single target. That bubble will then maneuver to remain between the target & the caster, quickly countering every action the target
makes. Each such bubble will completely & unfailingly absorb any single ranged attack between the caster & the target, including spells. Once the attack has been absorbed, the
bubble will then pop out of existence, dropping the missile to the ground. Absorbed spell energy is merely negated. At the start of each round the caster can designate new targets
for the remaining bubbles, and they will maneuver to block this new opponent. More than one bubble can be directed against a single opponent, making a series of obstacles that
will block repeated ranged attacks. The bubbles will otherwise have no effect, and will not block movement or pose an obstacle of any sort. (Although an unknowledgeable foe
may approach such bubbles warily.) Any melee attacks directed against these bubbles will merely pass through the surface. The material component is a drop of bathing oil.
Shielding the Rain of Death (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: See text Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This useful spell makes the caster immune to all objects (including spells that create missiles) which travel through the air, leaving the hands of the wielders, before striking the
caster. This applies only in the direction the caster is facing and lasts for 1-4 rounds + 1 round/level - missiles from the rear aren’t deflected. The material component is a prism of
clear crystal, worth 50gp, which shatters upon expiration of the spell.
Shock Shield (Invocation)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Negates
The invisible shell created by this spell (a 10-yard diameter sphere) does not keep anything out. Spells can be cast at the recipient of this spell, and attacks can be made with
missiles & hand held weapons. The shell causes 1d6 points of damage per round to all who enter the area of effect & fail their saving throw. A familiar, if the recipient of this spell
has one, is unaffected by this spell, but the caster is, if not cast upon himself.
Shock Sphere (Elemental-Lightning, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 5’ radius/level Saving Throw: Negates
This spell calls into being a large, semi-transparent, greenish sphere to appear at any location within range, as appointed by the caster. This sphere is intangible, and anything can
pass through it, although living creatures will feel a distinct “electric” feeling. One round after blinking into existence, the area within the sphere will flare into a green electrical
frenzy, with forks of electricity crackling from one end of the sphere to another, filling the area of effect. This lasts for 1 round, after which the sphere & the electricity blink back
out of existence. Any creatures caught within the sphere during “discharge” must save vs. spells (without dexterity bonuses) or be jolted into unconsciousness. Undead creatures &
those with complete immunity to electricity are unaffected. Those partially affected by electricity receive a +5 bonus to save. Creatures that are larger than the area of effect, but
still have appendages within the area of effect are affected normally. Unconsciousness is not prolonged magically, but creatures affected in such a manner may only be brought
back to consciousness using extreme procedures (smelling salts, excessive damage, or any other shocking circumstances). Otherwise, they remain unconscious for 1d10 turns. The
material component for this spell is a ball of cat fur, or any other substance, which is to be statically charged, through rubbing or other means.
Sight of the Sounds Flow (Divination)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1-6 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
The caster can “see” sound as waves in the air, similar to smoke, within the area of effect (20’ by 20’ cube). The caster can thus trace the origin of sounds within range (200 yards
+ 10 yards/level) by following the motion back to the source. Sounds of different pitches are different colours, mostly shades of yellow & red, and louder sounds are more distinct.
With training (10 casting-hours), individual words & phrases may be learned, such that the spell may be used to read lips, with a -2 chance vs. Intelligence. The material
component is a modulated tuning fork.
Silent Alarm (Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 rounds Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: None
This dweomer combines attributes of the spells magic mouth, message & ESP. When a pre-stated condition is met (for example: “when an unauthorized person enters the gem-
cutting room”), the dweomer is triggered. A telepathic message - again pre-stated - is sent to a predetermined person. This message is strong enough to wake “the target” from
sleep & is repeated twice. No one else knows that the spell has taken effect. The silent alarm works as a magic mouth, but can also recognize a number of persons up to the level of
the caster as authorized. The material components are a button & a strand of hair from any person to be recognized as authorized.
Sleepless Curse (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
When this dire enchantment is cast, the wizard curses a single target to endure restless & sleepless nights. For the duration of the spell, the victim cannot sleep. Furthermore, he is
immune to all spells that cause sleep, and not even a dispel magic can relieve this condition. However, a wish spell, or a dispel magic followed by a remove curse, lifts the
Magical Incantations – Level 5
enchantment. The spellcaster can cancel the spell at any time. For each sleepless night, the victim loses 1HP, as well as 1 point from each ability score. When any score reaches 0,
the victim dies of exhaustion & delirium. Once the spell ends, the victim recovers ability score points & hit points at the rate of 1/hour for each hour of sleep after the first eight.
The material components for this spell are a dried petal of a lotus flower & a small, burning brazier, into which the petal is dropped.
Slimy Blob of Imprisonment (Elemental-Ooze, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/caster level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell allows its caster to imprison a creature in a globe of viscous ooze. The caster hurls the blob at his victim & entraps him within its confines. The shape of the blob can be
changed to encompass the whole or part of the victim, thus allowing him to breathe or strangling him. The creature, once trapped, cannot move. If enclosed, breathing creatures
suffocate & suffer damage at a rate of 1d4+2 points of damage per round. The material component necessary for this spell is a vial of bog-mire ooze. The creature gets a saving
throw with the following modifiers according to their size:
Size Modifier Size Modifier
Tiny -3 Large +1
Small -1 Huge +3
Medium No modifier Gargantuan +5
Slitherform (Elemental-Ooze, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 turns/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
When cast on a willing creature, that creature & all of its belongings change in form, causing it to become a Slithering Tracker. The caster moves at a speed of 12, being almost
invisible to detection (5% to be spotted), and without making any noise. Creatures in this form may move through the tiniest of cracks & crevices although in this form, mages
cannot attack, use any item or cast spells. The polymorphed subject retains his original hit points & intelligence, but can only use the creature’s special attack form & THAC0.
Thus, creatures transformed by the spell may use the paralyzing attack of the Slithering Tracker, although they may not gain sustenance from victims thus subdued. Like the
polymorph self spell, the recipient is in no danger of alterations to his personality or mental condition & he retains his, or her, own intelligence. The material component is a small
amount of the jelly-like material from which the body of a Slithering Tracker is made of.
Smoky Figure II (Alteration, Elemental-Smoke)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 fire source Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to the smoky figure I spell except that the figure is partially real. The creature’s statistics are as following: AC 0; HP 60 (HD 10); #AT 2; Dmg 1-12/1-12;
THAC0 11; Movement 12. If the creatures seeing him disbelieve, then they suffer only half damage from his attacks & they attack him as if he has AC 6 & only 30HPs.
Spur the Galloping Horse (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 hours + 1 hour/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
The spell will cause the targeted horse, or another trained riding animal to break into an immediate gallop, running without pause, without hunger, thirst, or exhaustion, at its
maximum movement rate until the spell expires. The mount is permitted a save vs. spells in order to ignore the enchantment, and, if the save is unsuccessful, at the conclusion of
the spell, the horse must then save vs. petrification, modified by -1 for each hour or part of hour over the base seven, which it has been running for. Failure means death from
exhaustion. While the morals of the spell are possibly questionable, it should be possible to cover well over 100 miles in one day on a good road. The material component is a
switch of broom-twigs or similar, which are lashed against the flank of the mount at the start of the spell.
Summon Frozen Shade (Conjuration/Summoning, Necromancy, Elemental-Ice)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 10’ cube Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the wizard conjures one frozen shade from the para-elemental plane of Ice for every three levels of experience he possesses. The monsters are under the
control of the caster & attack his enemies on command. The shades remain until slain, turned or the spell duration expires. The material component for the spell is any small blue
or white gem (consumed in the casting).
Frozen Shade: THAC0 14; #At 1; Dmg 1d4 damage/ AC above 0 (at least 1d4 damage); AC 0; HD 7; MV 15; SA paralysis as lich; SD standard undead immunities; SW turned as
ghost, 2d4 damage from holy water, double damage from fire; SZ M (6 feet); INT Low (5-7); AL CE; ML champion (15-16); XP 9,000.
Sustenance of the Heart (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 week Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Target creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the target to go without food & water for 1 week. At the conclusion of the spell, the target will be extremely hungry & food not eaten must be made up for, unless
a saving throw vs. spells is made. If the spell is used on a repeated basis in order to avoid eating, there is a 5% cumulative chance of failure, saving throws notwithstanding, & the
target must then eat all of the food missed out on. There is thus a strong possibility of starving to death unless large quantities of food are available. The material component is a
potion prepared by an NPC alchemist/herbalist (the dual status is important!) comprising of herbs & animal extracts.
Sword of Deception (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a shimmering pale green blade anywhere the caster desires within the range of the spell (60 yards + 10 yards/level). This sword hovers & dances in the air,
striking of its own accord if the caster concentrates on it. The sword strikes as if it were wielded by a fighter of the same level as the caster & causes 1d4 points of damage. Since it
is magical it can strike any creature hit only by magical weapons. In addition to the damage done, each hit of the sword lowers the chances of the victim making his next saving
throw by -1. This effect is cumulative up to -5. After this is reached, additional hits only cause damage. The sword can be moved from creature to creature within the duration of
the spell, but only one creature can be attacked at a time. The saving throw penalty remains in effect until the creature is forced to make a saving throw in a dangerous situation.
Thus, a companion of the victim could not cast a relatively harmless spell on him to cancel the effect. Remove curse, limited wish, and wish can be used to negate the effect. The
material components for this spell are a miniature replica of a sword & a set of loaded dice.
Talons of the Wind (Alteration)
Range: 100 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: ½
This spell transforms an existing breeze into an abrasive whip that claws & tears at anything in its path (20’ across, 100 yards long). Tiny creatures are blown away & small ones
blown over unless they save vs. breath weapon, and everyone in the area of effect takes 1d10+8 points of damage from innumerable cuts & abrasions; soft materials such as leaves
& clothes are shredded (save vs. disintegration at +4, with each -1 on the save representing 10% destruction of clothing),. Spellcasting & combat with missile weapons is
impossible in the remainder of the round after the spell comes out. The material component is a handful of gravel & a whole raspberry.
The Running Mannikin (Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 hours/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 mannikin Saving Throw: Negates
Using the same fetish as in Creating the Magical Mannikin, this improved version once again animates the mannikin, but instead when placed upon the ground it will run off
towards the person it is linked to by the most direct route unless it was placed upon his tracks in which case it will follow those. The mannikin at full sprint moves at effectively a
brisk walk (MV 9') and it can leap gaps up to a yard wide. When it reaches the target it will leap onto his leg and hug the person tightly until pried off, affecting armour class by +2
and precluding effective casting of spells with somatic components. The material component is a bundle made up of at last 3 items personal to the target, which must include a
body part, and a pinch of hair from a dog or a feather from a pigeon.
The Stagnant Flesh (Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 28 days + 1 day/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Negates
This spell destroys the target’s ability to heal naturally, without actually doing any damage to the target. Wounds will fail to clot, & the target’s body won’t fight off illness, poison,
or infection. The target may be magically healed as normal, but mundane healing, including the acts of a herbalist aren’t successful. Additionally, the target saves at -2 to poisons
for the duration of the spell, and has an added 20% chance of contracting some disease. This spell requires a piece of the target’s body & a successful to-hit roll, or fetish object.
Throbbing Bones (Necromancy)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes the bones of the affected creature to throb & pulsate inside his body. The spell can be cast upon any single living creature or person, providing the creature has a
physical form & has bones inside its body; for instance; throbbing bones will not affect insects, ghosts, or worms. For the duration of the spell, the affected creature’s AC worsens
by 2, its movement rate is halved, and all its attacks are made with a -2 penalty. Additionally, it suffers 1d4HPs of damage per round; this damage is halved if the creature makes a
Magical Incantations – Level 5
successful saving throw. However, the saving throw has no effect on movement, attack & AC penalties. The material components for this spell are both pieces of a small bone that
has been snapped in half.
Thultaun’s Thrust (Abjuration, Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
By casting this spell, a wizard creates a powerful, invisible magical force emanating from his own body. It can be directed against a chosen creature, and an affected target being is
snatched off its feet & shot through the air along a straight line away from the caster, up to 80’ distant or until it strikes a solid barrier. Damage from the tumbling is 2d4HPs, and a
saving throw vs. crushing blow is forced on all fragile items worn or carried by the target being. If a solid barrier is struck, the hurled being takes 5d4HPs of damage & may harm
the barrier. If the barrier is another being, this second being takes 2d4HPs of damage & must make a Strength check to avoid being knocked down Subsequently, all of its fragile
items must also make saving throws vs. crushing blow. Neither a tumbling target being nor any being it strikes can successfully cast spells while being affected by this spell. Target
beings receive a base saving throw against the spell of –5. This is modified cumulatively as follows: +1 if the target is undead, +1 if the target has a Strength of 17 or better, +2 if
the target is at least L-sized or weighs more than 400lbs, and +3 if the target is gaseous or incorporeal. The material component for this spell is a small, carved fist or hand that
must be made from an organic substance.
Transmute Water to Lava (Alteration, Elemental-Fire, Elemental-Water) Reversible
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 10’ cube/level Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to change water to lava, and the reverse, transmute lava to water, changes an equal amount of lava to water. Note that the spell will not work on
magical water, such as a magical pool or water elemental, or on holy or unholy water. The material component is a volcanic rock that must be thrown into the water while the spell
is uttered. For the reverse of the spell, note that no material component is required. A dispel magic will not restore lava created by this spell to its original form; only the reverse of
the spell can do so.
Usury of the Body (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
The caster ‘borrows’ any one physical characteristic from the target (who must be willing). The target & the caster will have each other’s ability score in that characteristic for the
duration of the spell. The caster chooses which characteristic is taken, but the target must be willing to lend that characteristic, or the spell will fail.
Valiancy (Alteration)
Range: 90 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This powerful spell enables the casters (or a recipient creature seen by the caster) to gain an extra attack at the end of the round following the casting of the valiancy (that is, in
addition to the being’s normal attack(s)). The spell’s recipient can elect to undertake an additional activity (fleeing, readying a weapon, etc.) rather than attacking, but the spell
does not aid the mind or speed up magic, so the extra activity cannot be the casting of an “extra” spell or the triggering of a magical item. This spell has no aging or other harmful
effect on the recipient, and has only a minor effect on movement (a benefit of 2; i.e. from MV 12 to MV 14).
Von Gasik’s Refusal (Abjuration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 20’ square/level Saving Throw: None
This powerful spell is designed to prevent unauthorized spellcasters from entering a hallway, doorway, window, or other point of entry. The spell creates an invisible barrier that
blocks the targeted area. Any non-spellcasters & those spellcasters specifically named by the caster may pass freely. All other spellcasters collide with the invisible barrier.
Members of classes with lesser spellcasting abilities (paladins, rangers, bards, etc.) are blocked only if the character is of sufficient level to cast spells. The caster is able to ward 1
area up to 20ft2 for each level of his experience. The area of effect may be divided among several smaller portals as long as the total area does not exceed the caster’s limit. Each
portal must be in range & sight at the time the spell is cast. The barriers exist until the spell expires, unless they are dismissed by the caster or dispelled. A disintegrate spell
immediately destroys a barrier, as does a rod of cancellation or a sphere of annihilation. Physical blows, cold, heat, or electricity does not affect the invisible walls. Thrown &
projected weapons (both magical & mundane) are not repelled by the barrier & may pass through the area normally. Spells can be cast through the barrier. Dimension door,
teleport, and similar effects can bypass the barriers. The material component for this spell is a pinch of dust from any wizard’s tomb.
Wall of Admittance (Elemental-Earth, Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/2 levels Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a stone wall, exactly like the 6th level spell Wall of Stone, though it has a different range. Also, the wizard can only create a wall 1/4-inch thick & 5 feet square
per level, not 20. The true advantage of this spell, however, is that in its casting, the wizard can designate 1 individual per caster level (named during casting) to be able to pass
through the wall of stone created as if the wall did not exist. For everyone else, the wall is solid rock. For those named (of which the caster is automatically named, and does not
count for the total number of people named), the wall might as well not be there, though it appears to be (hence, they cannot see through the wall without stepping through it). This
aspect of the spell does not affect its structural integrity, and the wall can be dispelled, disintegrated, or destroyed naturally as rock. The material component is a small block of
granite, with one silver spike driven through it per person named in casting. All material components are consumed.
Wall of the Standing Waves (Evocation)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
The spell creates a wall of water 10’ high, 40’ long & 5’ thick, which falls at high speeds, as though from a tall waterfall. Anyone attempting to pass through the wall must take 1
round to do so, raising their AC by 4, and must make a successful Bend Bars roll with a 10% bonus to break through the other side of the falls. Those who fail are stuck within the
wall, possibly knocked down (save vs. breath weapon to remain standing, and must hold their breath as if submerged, or they will begin to drown (d4 damage per round, successful
save vs. breath to stand if prone & successful Bend Bars, without the bonus to break out). Any fire up to the size of a bonfire will be snuffed by this spell in 1 round, & larger fires
will be snuffed or at least greatly reduced after multiple rounds of submersion. The material components are a sheet of quartz or similar opaque rock & a peach or some other juicy
fruit, the one driven into the other.
Wall of Vacuum (Invocation/Evocation, Elemental-Vacuum)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
The spell causes an area (20' cube plus 10’ cube per level of the caster) to become devoid of air, for 1 round per caster level. The wall causes all who pass through it to suffer 4d4
points of damage for every 10’ they traveled through. Creatures that need not breathe suffer only 2d4 points of damage; this is due to the fact that their bodies try to expand to fill
the vacuum. The vacuum has an additional ability - any missile weapon will be slowed as they pass through the wall. Small missiles, like arrows, sling bullets, and such, will not
cause damage. Boulders & missiles from catapults, ballista or those thrown by giants will fall short of their target by 5’ for every 10’ they passed through the wall. If they hit a
creature, use the next lowest dice to calculate damage (i.e. if a boulder would normally have done 3d6 then it causes 3d4 instead). The material component is an air-tight container.
Warp Metal (Elemental-Mineral, Alteration) Reversible
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 3 pounds/level Saving Throw: Special
When cast, a volume of metal (any kind of metal) equal to 3 pounds per level of the caster or less, becomes bent & warped forever unless it is shaped anew in a forge or by another
spell. Note that a dispel magic spell will have no effect. Warped missile weapons are useless & warped melee weapons suffer -4 to hit & inflict their minimum damage if they hit.
Metallic armors are only half as effective & they cannot be removed unless special measures are taken (since they’re so warped). Also note that the wearer cannot move with the
armor unless it’s only a breastplate. In order to affect enchanted metal items the caster must be of a level higher than the level of the item’s enchanter. The chance is 5% per level
of difference (artifacts & relics cannot be affected by this spell). The reverse straighten metal will cause bent metal objects to straighten to their former form, thereby negating the
effects of this spell. The material component for either version is a piece from a mimic.
Watchware (Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 item Saving Throw: None
When a watchware is cast upon an item, the caster is warned thereafter at the moment that the item moves or is moved from the place or position it was in at the time of spell
casting, or whenever the item is touched by any living creature. A watchware may be cast on any non-living object of any size, but is usually cast upon a spellbook, lock, door,
wand, staff, or item of treasure. On the first occasion after the completion of casting a watchware that the item is disturbed, the caster (even if asleep, charmed, or unconscious &
across any distance in time & place) will receive mental images of the item & its surroundings. If living creatures are within 10 yards of the item or have touched it, the caster will
receive clear images of them & their doings for 1 round per level of the caster (when casting) after they disturb the item. Items upon which a watchware has been cast radiates a
faint dweomer; if dispel magic is cast upon the item, the watchware will be immediately activated, not dispelled. Death of the caster ends the magic, even if the caster is
subsequently raised. The material components for this spell are a strand of spider-web, a tiny brass or silver bell, and an eyeglass or speculum of glass or crystal.
Magical Incantations – Level 5
Water to Poison (Alteration) Reversible
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 turns Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10-yard cube/level Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to change any water (or drinkable liquid) to an ingestive poison. This poison does 1d4 points of damage per level of the caster. If a saving throw vs.
poison is made, the amount of damage taken is reduces by half. A single swallow is sufficient to cause this damage. In addition, those smelling the liquid have a 1% chance per
level of experience of noticing the poison. The poison can be diluted up to 50% its normal strength, the amount of damage being reduced accordingly. If diluted greater than this,
the poison has no effect other than to make those who drink slightly ill. The reverse of this spell, poison to water, has the opposite effect from that given above. The spell requires
the fang of a poisonous snake that dissolves in the liquid to be poisoned or purified.
Weapon Break (Evocation, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
Weapon Break is a defensive spell that protects by trying to break the weapon used against the caster. The spell takes effect as soon as the casting is over & lasts until it has “fired”
or a turn has passed, whichever comes first. Any weapon swung at the caster is a viable target for the spell, though the caster can, by concentrating, cause specific weapons to be
Magical Incantations – Level 6
Sixth Level Spells
Acid Fire (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a fiery, acid cloud to form anywhere within range of the spell (5 yards + 10 yards/level). The cloud billows out to its full dimensions (10’ x 10’ x 5’ for each level
of the wizard) instantaneously & everyone caught inside the area of effect suffers 4d6 points of damage; a successful save vs. spell reduces damage by half. Anyone who fails the
save must roll saves vs. Acid for all possessions to avoid destruction. Immediately after the acid fire forms, it bursts into flames, inflicting another 4d6 points of damage to all
inside. As before, a successful save vs. spells reduces the damage by half; those individuals who successfully saved vs. the acid, receive a +4 bonus to saves vs. the fire. If this
second save fails, possessions must save vs. magical fire or be consumed (the +4 bonus mentioned previously, does not apply to these saves). The material components for this
spell are the intestines of a black dragon & the heart of a red dragon; both are consumed when the spell is cast.
Alpha’s Firefountain (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to the 4th level Alpha's Firefall spell, but is more powerful in 2 ways. First, the spray of liquid fire burns for a total of 3 rounds, inflicting 3d6 points of damage
the first round, 2d6 the second, and 1d6 the third. There is no saving throw vs. the damage inflicted by the spray. Second, the wizard is able to throw up 1 prominence of flame (for
4d10 fire damage the first round, and 2d10 the second, with a save vs. breath weapon to halve damage) for every 6 levels of the wizard (rounding off all fractions). The material
components are a lump of pitch, sulfur, saltpeter, and magnesium & an available fire source.
Alpha’s Shooting Stars (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 5’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates glowing missiles with flaming trails, 1 for every 6 levels of the wizard (dropping all fractions). The victim of the spell receives no saving throw, and suffers 4d6
damage from the impact & 8d6 from the fiery blast that accompanies the impact. All within 5’ of the impact point are also in the blast radius, but they may save for half damage.
The original intended target may attempt to save vs. petrification to avoid being struck. This save is at -4 if within 20’ & at -2 if within 40’. If this save fails, he suffers as above. If
he succeeds, however, the shooting star(s) directed at him continue on in a straight line to the extent of their range, at which point they explode in a fiery burst as above. Anyone
else in the path of the shooting star(s) must save as for the original intended target, or become the victim of the spell. If the wizard has more than 1 missile, he may direct them at
one or several targets as desired. Anyone within 5’ of the path of the missile will suffer 2d6 points (save for half) of fire damage simply from the heat of the passage of the
shooting star. The material component is a bit of meteoric iron & a piece of igneous rock.
Alter Dream (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell acts as an enter dream spell, but it allows the caster to affect the course of the dream, much as a director affects the course of a play. The caster has the same control over
the events of the dream as an illusionist has over his phantasms; however, the caster must take care not to disrupt the natural flow of the dream, or else the dreamer may sense the
presence of an intruder. If the caster makes only “logical” changes in a dream, the dreamer gains no saving throw & must simply experience the dream to its conclusion or to the
end of the spell’s duration. For instance, if the image of the dreamer’s mother turns from singing a lullaby to chiding the dreamer for cheating a business partner, the dreamer
senses no intrusion. On the other hand, if the dreamer’s mother suddenly transforms into a troll & attacks the dreamer, the sudden shock allows a saving throw vs. spells. Success
indicates that the dreamer becomes aware of the spellcaster’s intrusion & may attempt to eject the spellcaster from the dream. The spellcaster must roll a saving throw vs. spells
every round. As long as he succeeds, he may remain in the dream; if he fails, he awakes & cannot return to the dream without casting another alter dream spell. In addition to
acting as an enter dream spell, alter dream allows the caster to implant a suggestion (as the spell). Alter dream also permits the caster to warp the dream so that it attacks the
dreamer, with the same effects as the illusion spell phantasmal killer. However, any failed attempt to kill the dreamer automatically alerts the victim to the caster's presence &
gives him a chance to turn the phantasmal killer back on the spellcaster. The spellcaster must immediately end the spell or else face the phantasmal killer. The material
components of this spell are a bit of melted glass & a one-ounce strip of willow bark.
Beings of Mist (Elemental-Steam, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round per level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell summons forth, minor elemental-kin known as Mystlings. The spell will conjure forth 1 Mystling per 5 casting levels. The beings will perform any tasks as you desire,
but they are made entirely of misty vapors, and can only affect the real world (for carrying, lifting, etc) as if they have Strength of 3. They have no real physical form to speak of,
and accomplish these physical attacks through willpower & by strengthening the misty form of their hands to be as solid as possible. The Mystlings can only be harmed by magical
weapons of +1 or better. The Mystlings have 4HD, a movement rate of 12, and a flying speed of 6 (maneuverability class D). Being incorporeal, the Mystlings only attack is to
attempt to force themselves inside an individual’s orifices in an attempt to stop their breathing. This forces the individual to make a Constitution check. If the check is made,
enough air is gasped in to take only 1 point of damage. If this check is failed, the being takes 1d4 points of damage. This attack has no effect on non-breathing creatures. Another
option is for the mist beings to swirl around a being & bother it. This leaves the being with a -2 to AC, halves his vision range & speed, and gives him a -1 penalty to attack &
damage rolls from the distraction. The material component for this spell is 1 candle per mist being to be summoned, each of which must have been lit once & blown out by the
caster at some point before the casting of the spell.
Barrier Reaver (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell forces an opening in any magical barrier, including an anti-magic shell, a layer of a prismatic sphere, or a conjured physical barrier such as a wall of iron. The opening
(a cylinder, 1’/level in diameter) comes into being at the end of the round of casting & lasts for the entire next round. During this time, spells & other attacks can be launched
through the opening, creatures that can fit through it can pass the barrier, and what is beyond the opening can be observed. The caster of the barrier reaver is free to cast another
spell during the round in which the opening exists. The spell does not destroy the barrier; the opening closes at the end of the round, doing 6d6HPs of shearing damage to any
creature caught within it & forcibly expelling them or their remains on a random side of the barrier. The material component for this spell is a small metal key.
Become Ethereal (Alteration)
Range: Personal Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
The caster can use this spell to enter an ethereal state. Once ethereal, the caster cannot attack non-ethereal creatures in any way, but may, however, move through solid objects
(such as walls, closed doors, or other characters), and cross obstacles or difficult ground, including water, without penalty. The caster may remain ethereal for 1 turn for each of his
experience levels. Clothing & carried possession also become ethereal. The caster can also become visible or invisible at will. The ethereal wizard may move as he could normally
(e.g. up or down at staircases), but cannot move vertically through objects unless he has further modes of locomotion such as a levitate spell. He may cast any spells he likes, but
they will only affect ethereal creatures, and will expire when the ethereal state ends. Though the caster may carry a torch or other light source, he will not be able to shed light on
non-ethereal things. Note that an ethereal character is vulnerable to dispel magic or phase trap, and these spell might be lethal if the caster is partly or wholly within solid objects.
The material component for this spell is a piece of gossamer.
Blackmantle (Necromancy, Enchantment)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 30-yard diameter Saving Throw: Negates
Blackmantle creates a shimmering aura around all creatures within the affected area that negates all healing & regeneration, both natural & magical. For instance, a potion of
healing has no effect on a creature under the influence of blackmantle, a troll cannot regenerate lost hit points, and cure light wounds is useless. Blackmantle is negated for any
target creatures that make successful saving throws. If the creatures are still alive at the end of the spell’s duration, any active curative forces will operate normally; for instance, a
ring of regeneration will resume its function. However, consuming a potion of healing or applying a staff of curing while blackmantle is in effect will have no effect when
blackmantle wears off, since these types of magic works instantly, they are effectively wasted. If they are applied after the spell wears off, the healing magic will work normally.
The material component for this spell is a small, mummified animal.
Bloodstone’s Spectral Steed (Necromancy)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to create a quasi-real, vulture-like creature. The flying steed can carry the caster & 1 other person per 3 levels of the necromancer’s experience. All
passengers must be specifically named during the casting. The spectral steed looks like a huge, skeletal vulture with tattered wings. As it flies, it utters hideous screeches that echo
through the sky. The spectral steed flies at a movement rate of 4 per level of the caster, to a maximum of 48. It appears with bit & bridle, plus 1 saddle per passenger. All normal
Magical Incantations – Level 6
animals shun the spectral steed & only monsters will attack it. The mount has AC 2 & 10HPs plus 1HP per level of the caster. If it loses all of its hit points, the spectral steed
vanishes. It has no attack mode. The material component for this spell is a hollow bone from a vulture’s wing, which must be carved into a whistle & blown when the spell is cast.
Breath of the Djinn (Alteration)
Range: 35 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 2d4 rounds Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 30’ tall whirlwind Saving Throw: ½
A whirlwind is formed out of the air by this spell, which is 30’ tall. It may cause up to 2d6 points of damage per round to anyone within 10 yards, due to flying debris. This is
dependent on the circumstances; a wooded area contains limbs & sticks which will cause damage, while a wheat field only contains wheat & dirt which will cause less). Also,
those who come within 10’ of the whirlwind must make Dexterity checks to avoid being sucked up into it; these people are buffeted by the winds. When the whirlwind ends, they
fall up to 20’ to the ground, taking commensurate damage. The material component is an egg whisk.
Calm (Enchantment/Charm; Mentalism; Song) Reversible
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 40’ cube Saving Throw: Special
This spell dispels or cancels all effects, normal or magical, that affect the emotions of the target creatures (all within the chosen area of effect). This includes spell effects such as
fear, the effects of innate powers of monsters or extraplanar creatures, and the effects of symbols & the like. It also includes non-magical emotional effects such as the fear of
combat manifested by a failed morale check. The spell does not remove the source of the emotion (e.g., a symbol); it only dispels its effects on the target creatures. The spell also
does not dispel charms & similar effects that control or affect the subject’s mind; the effect is limited to emotions only. The effect of this spell is instantaneous & permanent; the
target creatures are free to act in whatever fashion they would have without the dispelled or canceled emotional influence. However, this spell does not provide continued
protection; re-exposure to the source of the emotional influence - looking at a symbol again, or going into combat again & failing another morale check - will have its normal
effect. Note that in rare cases, a target of this spell may not wish to have an emotion dispelled (e.g., a berserker); in such cases, that particular target gains a saving throw vs. magic,
adjusted for Wisdom, to avoid the effect. The reverse of this spell, improved emotion, functions as a more powerful version of the 4th level spell emotion. This version of the spell
affects all creatures in the chosen area for as long as the wizard maintains concentration. For any emotion (of those listed in the emotion spell description) that gives a specific
penalty or bonus to the target creatures (e.g., berserker rage gives +1 on all attack rolls), the reverse of this spell gives double the penalty or bonus (e.g., +2 for berserker rage). For
these emotions, the target creatures gain a saving throw vs. magic, adjusted for Wisdom, to avoid the effects. For emotions which do not give specific penalties or bonuses (e.g.,
friendship), the target creatures must save at -2 to avoid the reversed spell’s effect, and do not get any bonuses for high Wisdom scores. Also, such emotions will continue to affect
the target creatures for 1d4 rounds after the spellcaster stops concentrating on maintaining the effect.
Casting Control (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
For as long as this spell is in effect (starting in the round after it is cast), any spell of 6th level or lower that the wizard begins casting in a given round cannot be interrupted by
successful attacks on the wizard during that round. The spell’s effect ends if the caster dies, loses consciousness, or suffers any attack that affects the mind; any successful attack
that has one of these effects also disrupts whatever spell the wizard was casting at the time. This spell does not allow the caster to maintain concentration on spells such as illusions
that were cast in previous rounds; it only affects spells that are actually being cast in the round in which the attack against the caster succeeds. This spell does not allow the caster
to completely disregard initiative in casting spells; it only protects spellcasting that begins earlier in the round than any attacks that cause the caster damage. For example, the
wizard Kek has a casting control in effect, and decides to cast a death spell at a fighter who is annoying him. He rolls an unmodified 5 for initiative, and the fighter rolls a 4. The
fighter is using a short sword (speed factor 3), so his modified initiative is 7; his attack will occur prior to the spell taking effect (spell casting time 6, for a modified initiative of
11). However, Kek will actually begin casting the spell at initiative 5, so the casting control will enable the spell to complete despite the hapless fighter's attack. If the fighter had
been lucky enough to roll an unmodified 1 for initiative, his attack would have occurred prior to the start of Kek’s casting, and so he would have disrupted Kek despite the casting
control. The material component of this spell is a nail paring or strand of hair from an extraplanar creature having some innate magical ability, of the same alignment as the caster.
Claws of the Umber Hulk (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the subject’s hands widen & his fingernails thicken & grow, becoming equivalent in size & power to the iron-like claws of an umber hulk. The
transformation takes 1 full round & is excruciatingly painful, requiring a system shock roll. A failed roll causes the subject to suffer 3d4HPs of damage. The subject can burrow as
an umber hulk, cutting through 10’ of solid stone or 60’ of soil per turn. The only limitation to this is the subject’s stamina; at the end of each turn of burrowing, the subject must
succeed a Constitution check or be forced to rest for 1 turn. Burrowing through soil does not necessarily create a passable tunnel. If the subject wishes to make a passage in which
others can travel or that he can exit when the spell ends, he must dig at a rate of 30’ per turn. Cutting a tunnel through solid rock does not require extra care or time. The recipient
of this spell can make 2 claw attacks per round, each inflicting 2d6 points of damage plus any Strength bonuses. Each attack is made with a -2 penalty to hit. This penalty applies
until the subject has made 2 successful consecutive attacks (not necessarily in the same round), at which time he is accustomed to using the claws. The penalty is dropped for the
remainder of the spell. The material component is the claw of a burrowing animal.
Communicate (Alteration)
Range: Unlimited Components: V, S Duration: Varies Casting Time: Varies/6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell is an improved version of the whispering wind spell. By means of this spell, the wizard is able to either send a message to a selected person, or to engage in a two-way
conversation with someone. If used to send a message to someone, the caster can send a monologue of a length of 1 turn/level. After the caster is finished speaking the monologue,
he must designate a specific person as the recipient of the message; the caster must know this person. The message then instantly travels to the recipient, regardless of distance, as
long as they are on the same plane. If the recipient is unable to receive the message for any reason, then the caster immediately knows as the spell dissipates. When the recipient
receives the message, he immediately knows it. The recipient can mentally hold the message for up to 1 hour/level of caster & can replay it at will, either audibly or only mentally.
For an easily understandable modern analogy, it’s as if someone mentally paged you & left you a voicemail that may be up to 1 turn/level of caster in length. The voicemail is
automatically deleted though after 1 hour/level of caster. The other version of this spell allows the caster to immediately engage in a conversation with anyone on the same plane.
The recipient of the spell immediately realizes that someone is trying to magically converse with them, and may choose to converse with them or to reject the conversation &
cancel the spell. The participants may then choose to either communicate mentally directly or audibly, and likewise may choose whether they hear the person on the other side of
the spell only in their head or if their voice is actually projected. The maximum length of the spell using this form is 1 turn/2 levels (round down). As with the whispering wind
spell, no spells may be cast via communicate. It should be noted that the conversations & messages sent by this spell couldn’t be overheard or blocked by spells of 8th level or less.
This includes spying on creatures using communicate with ESP, mind scan or similar spell or using mind blank to block the communication.
Communication Link (Evocation, Conjuration/Summoning, Dimension)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell is an altered & enhanced version of the 5th level sending which allows continuous, extended voice communication between the caster & another creature. Unlike its
precursor spell, this spell only works when the target creature is on the same plane of existence as the caster, but subject to this restriction the range of the spell is unlimited. The
target creature’s name & appearance must be known, however, just as with a sending spell. The spell does not grant any other powers of communication besides the voice, and
does not confer the ability to comprehend languages not otherwise known. Normally, the voices of the caster & the target creature are inaudible to anyone except each other;
however, at the caster’s option, the voices can be heard by others, just as if the people speaking were physically present in the other location. Note that the caster does not have to
do anything to get the target creature’s attention other than to begin speaking once the spell takes effect; his or her voice will be automatically heard by the target creature. The
target is by no means required to respond, but every word spoken by the target will be heard by the caster whether the target wants this or not (and vice versa - i.e., neither the
target nor the caster can choose what spoken words the other will hear during the spell). The material component for this spell is the same as for a sending spell.
Construction (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
With this spell, natural materials such as stone, crystal, and wood can be transformed into sculptures, shelters, buildings, or even great palaces. The building material must maintain
contact with the earth at all times & still be in contact at the end of the spell. The material being used is drawn from the earth & then shaped by the caster. Any sort of material may
be used. The object being shaped must be within a radius equal to 10’ times the level of the caster. The caster can create any object with a volume equal to 1000ft3 per level. Each
volume so created takes 1 entire day. Once created, the object can be added to at the same rate (1000ft3 per level per day) for as long as the caster wishes. The DM should work
with the player to determine the exact nature of the object or structure created. It can be subdivided with rooms, walls, hallways, or chambers as the caster wishes, but the creation
of complex areas such as vaulted ceilings, columns, or galleries will add to the overall construction time. Once construction is complete, the structure is permanent & need no
further magical enhancements or maintenance. Buildings constructed using this technique will maintain the appearance & texture of the substance they were created from. These
Magical Incantations – Level 6
structures are also much stronger then those constructed using non-magical techniques. If besieged or attacked, they receive a +5 bonus to all saving throws & also have 25% more
structural points the standard structures of their type.
Cubehopper (Transmutation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 2 cubes of Acheron Saving Throw: None
The cubehopper spell opens a temporary door between any 2 cubes in the same layer of Acheron, providing quick, safe transportation for small raiding parties. The spell lasts until
a number of creatures equal to the caster’s level have passed through or until its duration expires. The caster can dispel the cubehopper spell at will. Leaders of Acheron’s orc &
goblin armies are notorious for using this spell to escape routs & massacres (providing, of course, that their opponents haven’t been quick enough to cast gate seal over the
battlefield). Naturally, this spell can be cast only on Acheron. Rumours abound about cubehopper spell variants that can be used to teleport between the layers of Acheron, but this
is said to require a special spell key - which the rumourmongers never seem to know. The material component is a chip of iron from each of the cubes connected by the gate.
Dead Man’s Eyes (Necromancy)
Range: Special Components: S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Dead Man’s Eyes causes the whites of the eyes (of the caster) to turn black & the pupils to reshape themselves into small white skulls. The caster can affect 1 victim per round,
providing the victim is within 3’ of the caster & meets his gaze. Victims are affected as follows:
• Victims with 2 Hit Dice or fewer, (level 2 or less), instantly die. No saving throw is allowed.
• Victims with 2+ to 5 Hit Dice or fewer (levels 3-5) instantly die unless they save vs. Body at a -2 penalty. Those who succeed in their saving throw suffer 2d6HPs.
• Victims with 5+ Hit Dice or more (levels 6 or greater) suffer 2d6HPs of damage unless they save vs. Body.
If the caster’s gaze is reflected back on him (by a mirror, calm water, etc.), he must make a saving throw vs. Magic or suffer 2d6HPs of damage. At the end of the spell’s duration,
there is a 5% chance that the caster will become blind for the next 5-10 hours. The material components for this spell are 2 eyeball-sized glass marbles. The marbles must be the
same size as the eyes of the caster.
Dimensional Blade (Invocation, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: None
This spell makes a single weapon incredibly sharp by reducing one of its physical dimensions to an infinitesimal measurement. The dimensional blade can slash through matter
with as much effort as it takes to wave a stick through the air. Even stone & iron can be carved to pieces with ease. The spell can be cast on almost any hand-held slashing (type S)
weapon, as well as a few thrown weapons of this type, such as the chakram, shuriken, or a hand axe. Against creatures, the dimensional blade ignores any portion of Armor Class
derived from armor itself; only magical & Dexterity adjustments affect the opponent’s AC. For example, a warrior in chain mail +2 with a Dexterity of 17 is normally AC 0, but
against the dimensional blade he only applies the adjustment for Dexterity & the 2-point magical adjustment. Creatures wearing purely magical armor (such as bracers of defense)
may keep the full magical adjustment. Monsters with thick or toughened hides, such as dragons, may lose part of the AC at the DM’s discretion. The weapon gains a +2 bonus to
attack & damage rolls in any event, but the wielder ignores any Strength-based combat adjustments - muscle power doesn’t help the blade at all. The dimensional blade is also
quite effective against inanimate objects. Any object with a diameter or thickness smaller than the blade’s length must make a saving throw vs. disintegration when struck, or be
cleanly severed in twain. Larger objects can be sawed through or sliced away at the rate of about 5ft3 per round. It’s dangerous to attempt to disarm a dimensional blade; the
weapon used must make an item saving throw vs. disintegration or be destroyed. Finally, the blade is also effective against phased or ethereal creatures since part of its existence is
forced into the Ethereal Plane. If the wielder has some way to detect creatures concealed in this way, the blade can strike & affect them normally, but without the power to negate
AC or other combat bonuses. The wizard must touch the weapon to be affected by the spell, but afterward anyone may wield it. The material component is a shard of glass.
Dispel Possession (Abjuration, Incantation, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, a spellcaster can temporarily free a recipient creature from the effects of any charm-type spell (or other magic-based mental dominations & controls),
psionic attack or domination, or ESP or similar eavesdropping magics. If dispel possession is cast upon the body of the victim of a prior magic jar spell, the life force controlling
the victim’s body is driven out of the stolen body back into its jar. If the jar is not within range of the body (see the magic jar description in the PHB) when the dispel possession is
cast, the life force is merely quelled for the duration of the spell, allowing the mind of the true owner of the body to reassert itself & temporarily regain control of its body. By
application of this spell, a charm is forever broken, but other mental attacks & controls resume at the spell expiration. The material component of this spell is a teardrop from a
human, elf, or half-elf.
Dragon Scales (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell causes the body to become completely covered with dragon scales, effectively raising the subject’s AC by 2 for the duration of the spell; this modification is in addition
to the subject’s normal AC. The material component for this spell is a scale from any dragon; the colour of the dragon scales is the same as that of the material component, but this
has no bearing on the effect of the spell. The subject’s Charisma temporarily reduces by 2.
Dweomerburst (Alteration, Incantation)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes any 1 magical barrier within range that was created by a spell of 5th level or less to explode in a burst of magical force. The barrier is destroyed, and the
destructive energy of its blast streams directly away from the caster, dealing 1d6HPs of damage per level of the spell that created it (save vs. spell to suffer only half damage) to all
beings within 20’ of the point of ignition. All beings caught in the area affected by a dweomerburst must also make a saving throw vs. spell. Failure indicates they are stunned
(reeling, unable to think coherently or perform any deliberate act) for 1d4 rounds and, if spellcasters, lose a randomly chosen spell from any spells currently memorized. Success
indicates that they are merely stunned for 1 round. The material component of this spell is a specially manufactured slender blown-glass spindle that is snapped between the
caster’s fingers during casting.
Dweomer Divest (Rhabdomancy, Evocation)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
This is perhaps the most infamous spell in a rhabdomancer’s possession. Using this powerful magic, the wizard can steal away the dweomer from an enchanted object & use it for
his own ends. The caster must aim his dowsing rod at the magical item & intone this spell. Then he must make a saving throw vs. magic adjusted as listed below:
Item Type Save Adjustment Item Type Save Adjustment Item Type Save Adjustment
wand or rod 0 ring -4 weapon/armor -6
staff -2 miscellaneous -4 artifact spell fails
potion -2
The rhabdomancer’s saving throw determines the spell’s effects. An abysmal failure (a 1 - which may be a modified roll) means that the magic was stolen, but the power cannot be
contained or controlled by the caster, and the magic “detonates” on the caster. Offensive spells are resolved normally, though the rhabdomancer still receives any relevant saving
throws. Other magical effects are twisted so as to be detrimental in some fashion to the mage. For example, an invisibility spell divested from a ring may only cause the caster to be
invisible to his own sight!). A failed saving throw, but not an abysmal roll, results in no power being divested, and the caster suffers a -2 on all saves against that item should be
used against him within the next 24 hours. A successful saving throw indicates that a small portion of that item’s power is taken by the rhabdomancer. Defensive magic (like that
of a cloak of protection) is automatically applied to the caster. All other magic is released immediately in the phase following the dweomer divest, with target of the spell decided at
the rhabdomancer’s whim. All stolen magic functions at a level of ability equal to 6th level for wands, 8th level for rods, 12th level for potions, rings, staves, and miscellaneous
items. This affects duration, range, and possible inflicted damage (though some offensive spells, like fireball, will still have an instantaneous effect). A critical success, a natural
roll of 20, means that the rhabdomancer has greater control of the magic, as long as the dweomer is not from the schools of Conjuration/Summoning or Illusion, and the magic in
question is of a spell level (or approximate power level, at the DM’s discretion) that the rhabdomancer can cast. When the caster meets these requirements, he may choose to
memorize the magic as a bonus fixed magic rather than immediately cast it. The caster may exceed his maximum spell points when taking such an action, but in any case, the
points are only a temporary bonus and the power to cast the fixed magic will fade if not used after one day per caster level. The caster may possess only one such bonus spell (of
any level) at any given time. A potion that has been divested loses the equivalent of one dose, while charged items lose one charge with each successful casting of this spell. All
other items become non-operational for 1d4 rounds following the casting should their dweomer be lifted.
Magical Incantations – Level 6
Elemental Beast (Elemental-General, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Like all of the spells of the general elemental school, this spell has 16 different versions, one for each of the elemental planes. With the aid of this spell the caster can summon a
beast of the elemental planes, whose plane of origin is according to the version he memorized that day. If the mage memorized this spell more than once then he can conjure
several of these beasts, even from different planes, but the more beasts he conjures, the more chance he has of losing control on them. As with conjure elemental, the caster must
concentrate on the beast to control them or they’ll turn on him. There is a 5% chance that the beast will break free from his control & attack him. The roll is made at the end of the
second round & every round thereafter. The caster can only control the beasts he summoned or summon more beasts, if he has memorized this spell more than once, but cannot
cast spells whose casting time is 1 round or more, or spells of 7th level & above. For every extra beast beyond the first, the chance of them breaking free increases by 5%, so a
mage that conjured 4 beasts has a 20% chance per round (for every beast) of it breaking free. Note that if a beast breaks free, the caster has only a 50% chance of being able to
dispel it. The caster can control the beast for a range of up to 50 yards per level. The material component is a small quantity of the element from where the beast will come from.
(I.e. lighting for lightning beast, vacuum for vacuum beast, etc.).
Elemental Square (Elemental-General, Abjuration)
Range: 10 feet Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 10ft2 /level Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the elementalist inscribes a square into a circle. Within the square, the wizard is protected from elementals & elemental forces but can cast elemental spells
out of the square. The material components for this spell are a vial of water, some dust, and burning incense, that must be placed in 3 of the 4 corners of the square. The wizard
must blow in the fourth corner to complete the spell.
Entrapping the Spirits of Fire (Conjuration, Summoning, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 10’ circle Saving Throw: Special
This spell holds safe fire elementals & others from that plane. The wizard draws a binding circle prior to the casting of the spell, in the form of a pentagram or magic circle. Any
appropriate entity within the circle when the spell is cast is unable to leave the circle or disturb it in any way unless it has more than twice the HD of the caster. Once trapped, the
entity may be given 1 instruction, which it must obey to the best of its ability. If the entity has been conjured by a hostile wizard, the caster must save vs. spells in order to wrest
control of the elemental, with the original conjurer counter-saving until one or other fails. Should the circle be broken in any way, the entity is free to go, but most try first to seize
the caster & carry him off. The material components are 500gp of powdered silver & a brazier containing burning spices appealing to fire-dwellers.
Find Minion (Conjuration, Summoning)
Range: 1 mile/level Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 12 hours Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This enchantment is similar to the 1st level find familiar & the 3rd level find companion; however it brings to the caster a minion with powerful abilities. The creature attracted
benefits a wizard by conveying its sensory powers to its master, conversing with him, and serving as a guard, scout, or spy. A wizard can have only 1 minion at a time, though he
also can have a normal familiar drawn by the 1st level spell & a companion drawn by the 3rd level spell. The minion enters into a magical bond with the wizard & no longer ages at
the rate a similar normal animal would. The animal will live as long as the wizard unless it is killed earlier by spells, physical attacks, or neglect. In addition, like a familiar or
companion, the minion gains the saving throws of its wizard-mentor. The wizard gains an empathic link with the minion and can issue it mental commands at a distance of up to 30
miles. In addition to rolling HPs based on a minion’s HD, a number of HPs are added based on the wizard’s level, to a maximum of 20 bonus HPs. For example, a 12th level wizard
with an owl-bear minion would add 12HPs to the creature’s total. A 16th level wizard would add 16. Wizards can call upon these creatures to perform various tasks & missions and
can rely upon their special abilities. Minions easily carry out basic orders and understand when their masters are in danger. If the minion is separated from the wizard by more than
100 miles, the wizard loses one hit point a day until the wizard dies (at which time the minion also dies) or until the minion returns to within the 100-mile radius. If the minion is
killed, the wizard must successfully roll an immediate system shock check or loose two points of Intelligence. If the check is successful, the wizard loses one point of Intelligence.
Minions vary in power and abilities, and those attracted by the spell are determined randomly. More information on each minion can be found in the Monstrous Manual. Roll 1d12
and consult the following table.
1 Owl bear 3 Blink Dog 5 Unicorn 7 Displacer Beast 9 Pegasus 11 Hippogriff
2 Elven Cat 4 Umber hulk 6 Pseudodragon 8 Peryton 10 Dragonne 12 Griffon
Blink Dog: HD 4; AC 5; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 1–6; MV 12; SZ M
A blink dog minion looks like a stocky mutt or mongrel, making their kind difficult to distinguish or recognize as special. A wizard with this minion has unkempt, shaggy hair.
Blink dogs have their own complex language of barks and yelps, which their masters can understand. These creatures have an innate ability to blink, with no possibility of ending
up inside something solid. Roughly 75% of the time they are able to attack targets from the rear because of this ability. Twice a day, a blink dog minion grants to its wizard master
the ability to blink, as per the spell for 6 rounds.
Displacer Beast: HD 6; AC 4; THAC0 15; #AT 2; Dmg 2–8/2–8; MV 15; SZ L
Looking like a puma with two tentacles, a displacer beast minion causes its master to have jet-black hair. This creature retains its lawful evil alignment, no matter the alignment of
its master - who it faithfully serves. Such a minion can: displace itself, allowing it to appear about 3’ from its actual location; make all saving throws as if it were a 12th level
fighter; cause attacking opponents to suffer -2 penalty. A displacer beast grants to lawful neutral & lawful evil wizard-masters the ability to displace themselves 1’-2’ from where
they are actually standing for up to 1 hour a day. This ability acts effectively as a cloak of displacement, which is listed in the DMG.
Dragonne: HD 9; AC 6 flying, 2 ground; THAC0 11; #AT; Dmg 1–8/1–8/ 3–18; MV 15, fly 9 (E); SZ M
A dragonne companion resembles a lion with long, feathery eyebrows and large, webbed wings. A wizard-master also gains overlong, feathery eyebrows. Three times a day this
minion can emit a terrible roar that causes weakness in creatures within 120’ of it unless they make a successful saving throw vs. paralyzation. Any creature within 30’ of the roar
is deafened for 2–12 rounds, and all those hearing the roar suffer –1 on attack rolls. A dragonne’s master is immune to the effects of the roar. A dragonne minion is more powerful
than its brethren. While they can fly for 1–3 turns at a time, the minion can fly for 2–8 turns.
Elven Cat: HD 3+6; AC 4; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1–2/1–2/1–3; MV 18, swim 9; SZ T
Looking like a normal house cat, often with gray or brown fur and black stripes, these minions have their own language and also understand the elvish tongue. Unlike other cats,
they love water, and they are frequently found swimming or playing in streams and puddles when not performing a task or mission These minions are surprised only on a 1;
impose a –5 to opponents’ surprise roll; enjoy a 99.9% chance to move silently and a 90% chance to hide in wilderness areas; and can leap 20’ with ease. Further, they have limited
ESP, can use enlarge and trip once a day, and can employ reduce and tree twice a day - at the 9th level of ability. Enlarge doubles the minion’s Hit Dice and damage; tree allows it
to assume the shape of a tree limb. Once a day, they confer to their master the ability to use the enlarge or tree spell. This does not count against a wizard’s spell allotment, though
it prevents the minion from using the chosen ability that day. A wizard with an elven cat as a minion develops a taste for swimming and playing in the water.
Griffon: HD 7; AC 3; THAC0 13; #AT 3; Dmg 1–4/1–4/2–16; MV 12, fly 30 (C, D mounted); SZ L
A ferocious avian that looks like the meld of a lion and a giant eagle, these minions, which can serve as mounts, are prized and powerful. A wizard with this minion either has his
hair turn a golden brown, or his skin (50% chance for either.) Further, a wizard feels compelled to provide the minion at least 1 horse, pony or donkey each week. In exchange, the
griffon grants its wizard-master the ability to once a week control horses, as per the animal control potion. The wizard can influence the emotions and drives of 1d4+4 horses for
1d4+4 turns (10 to 80 minutes).
Hippogriff: HD 3+3; AC 5; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1–6/1–6/1–10; MV 18, fly 36 (C, D mounted); SZ L
This monstrous hybrid of an eagle and a horse is one of the more prized minions. It will readily lay down its life for its wizard-master. Because of the bond established, the wizard
cannot eat until he is certain his hippogriff is sated - even if that means offering the animal his food. Once a day it can change its form to that of a light riding horse, a shape it can
hold for 3d6 turns (30 minutes to 3 hours), and twice a day it can assume the form of a regular-sized eagle, a shape it can hold for 2d4 turns (20–80 minutes). The hippogriff gifts
the wizard with the ability to speak with horses and to speak with eagles each once a day, as per the speak with animals spell.
Owl-bear: HD 5+2; AC 5; THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg 1–6/1–6/2–12; SA hug; MV 12; SZ L
Appearing as a cross between a giant owl and a bear, these minions weigh in excess of 1000lbs and are often aggressive and vicious. A minion owl-bear will not fight to the death
unless it is commanded to do so by its wizard-master or unless its master is in serious danger. Though these minions prefer heavily-wooded forests, they usually stay at their
masters’ sides - no matter where he travels. Unlike other owl-bears, these minions do not lay eggs. However, like their brethren, they hibernate in the winter – provided they and
their wizard-masters live in lands that have such climates. A wizard with this minion develops a small crest of yellow-brown hair at the top of his head, mirroring the owl-bear’s
crest. A minion owl bear possesses 1 special ability: once a day, for 2d4+4 turns (1-2 hours), it can assume the form of a giant owl or a brown bear. It retains its normal hit points
and Armor Class during the transformation.
Pegasus: HD 4; AC 6; THAC0 17; #AT 3; Dmg 1–8/1–8/1–3; MV 24, fly 48 (C, D mounted); SZ L
Magical Incantations – Level 6
A formidable winged steed, a minion Pegasus can be found in hues of white, gray, tan, and dark brown. Such a minion can understand most human common tongues. A Pegasus
remains chaotic good, and over the course of a few months; its wizard-master’s alignment changes to chaotic good. A Pegasus minion can attack an opponent with its rear hooves,
inflicting 2–12 hp damage; dive from 50’ or higher at +2 to attack, with its front hooves inflicting double damage; and detect evil and detect good in a 60 yard range at will. The
Pegasus’ wizard-master is granted the ability to cast detect evil and detect good each once a day. A wizard with a Pegasus minion is only able to eat fruit, grass, and other plants.
Peryton: HD 4; AC 7; THAC0 17; #AT 1; Dmg 4–16; MV 12, fly 21 (C); SZ M
A peryton minion looks like a giant dark green eagle with a blue-black stag’s head, obsidian antlers, and red-orange eyes. Typically an evil creature, this minion’s alignment
quickly changes to match that of its wizard-master. In return, its master’s eyes become orange-red. Such a minion gains +2 on all attack rolls, is immune to non-magical weapons,
and can plunge from several hundred feet at a target for an additional +2 attack bonus. A wizard with a peryton minion gains an immunity to non-magical weapons once a day for
1d6 turns (10 minutes to one hour).
Pseudodragon: HD 2; AC 2; THAC0 19; #AT 1; Dmg 1–3; SA poison sting; MV 6, fly 24 (B); SZ T
Resembling a miniature red dragon, a pseudodragon minion is +4 on attack rolls. Its poison is quite potent - all those who fail a saving throw against it fall into a state of catalepsy
that lasts 1–6 days. The creature’s chameleon-like power enables it to blend with a forest background, giving it an 80% chance to be effectively invisible. A pseudodragon has
infravision to 60’, can see invisible creatures & objects, and has a 35% magic resistance. Once a day, a pseudodragon minion will grant to its wizard master infravision of 60’ for
3d4 turns (30 minutes to 2 hours) and the ability to see invisible objects and creatures for 1d4 turns (10–40 minutes). These abilities are granted when the wizard requests them. A
wizard with this minion will grow a circular band of red scales about his wrists or ankles (50% chance for either location).
Umber-hulk: HD 8+8; AC 2; THAC0 11; #AT 3; Dmg 3–12/3–12/1–10; MV 6, bur-row 1–6; SZ L
An umber-hulk retains its chaotic evil alignment, even though it will obey its wizard-master, who can be of any alignment. Wizards with these minions have eyes that look like
blackened circles. A powerful subterranean creature, the umber-hulk prefers to remain in dark confines, where it has a greater chance to surprise opponents. Like other umber-
hulks, a minion can easily bite through hide or bone, cause opponents underground or in dark chambers to suffer a -5 penalty to surprise rolls; burrow; dig through stone; cause
cave-ins; and cause confusion per the spell - if a victim looks into its eyes. This minion has infravision to 90’ and grants an evilly-aligned wizard-master the same infravision
ability. If the wizard is evil and is an elf or half-elf, his infravision range is increased to 180’.
Unicorn: HD 4+4; AC 2; THAC0 15; #AT 3; Dmg 1–6/1–6/1–12; MV 2; SZ L
A unicorn minion retains its chaotic good alignment, no matter the alignment of its wizard-master & will unerringly serve a master of any alignment. Such minions can sense an
enemy up to 240 yards away, cause opponents to suffer -6 on their surprise rolls, gain a +2 bonus to hit, charge an opponent with its horn for 3-36 points of damage, and teleport
themselves and their wizard-master once a day up to 360 yards away. These minions can never be charmed or held by spells, they are immune to death spells, and they make
saving throws as if they were 11th level wizards. A unicorn minion will gift to a goodly-aligned wizard-master a permanent immunity to charm person or hold person spells - the
choice is the wizard’s Because of the wizard’s close ties to its minion, his hair becomes stark white, matching the hair color of the unicorn.
Fire Encasement (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell encases 1 creature of any size that fails their save. It prevents that creature from attacking or moving at all. Every round, it takes 10 points of damage, for a total of 10
rounds. A save can be made every round for half damage. The material component is a small fire inside a glass case. During the casting, the case is thrown onto the ground.
Fire Maze (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a maze of opaque fire 20’ high & up to 30ft2 per level of the caster. There can be 3 types of mazes that the caster may use. A circular maze, a square maze, or a
garden maze. The circular & square mazes both start at the center & work there way out by a constant expansion to an exit. The garden maze is square, but it has walls that dead-
end or walls with only 1 exit from the inner section to the next wall out. The exits are 10’ wide & distinguished with a dark glow around them. There is ultimately 1 exit from all 3
mazes that the victims can use to escape. The walls in all 3 mazes are 10’ apart & inflict 2d4 points of damage per round. If the creature passes through a wall, not using the true
door, they receive 2d6 points of damage plus 1 point of damage per level of the spell caster. If the creature passes through more than 2 walls, not using the doorways, they receive
full damage from any remaining walls they pass through. Any creature that is within 5’ of the outside wall of the maze must make a saving throw. If they make it, they are outside
the effect of the maze. If they miss they are placed in the outermost wall of the maze. Any creature inside the maze that is close to a wall when it first appears, gets a saving throw
to see if they are moved closer to the center or moved away from the center of the maze. The material component for this spell is phosphorus & a model of a maze.
Flame Arc (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell is similar to the 1st level burning hands, but is much more potent. When cast, this spell will emit an arc of flames from the hand of the wizard; the arc may be 1 of 4 sizes
as listed: 90° (20’ range), 180° (15’ range), 270° (10’ range), and 360° (5’ range). The arc of flames will have a width of 1’, centered on the wizard’s hand, so the height of the
wizard’s hand at the time of casting will determine the height of the flames. Thus if the flames are at waist level, it is possible to escape the effects of this spell if lying prone. The
wizard may elect to cast the arc in a “doughnut” shape; that is, he may create an area around himself that is untouched by the flames (a good idea if the wizard is in the midst of a
friendly party). The radius of the hole may be any size the wizard desires, up to half the range as given above. Anyone hit by the flames suffers 4d10 points of damage, plus 1 point
per level of the wizard (to a maximum of 4d10+20); a successful save vs. spell reduces the damage by half. If a victim fails a save, all possessions must save vs. magical fire or be
consumed. Obstacles block these flames & the flames do not rejoin behind the barrier. This will create gaps in the arc, therefore, if a target is standing behind a large enough
obstacle, he will be shielded from the flames, even if the blocking obstacle is tens of feet away. The material components for this spell are a chunk of volcanic rock & a lit candle;
the rock is consumed with the casting, but the candle is not.
Flame Dome (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 80 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the wall of fire spell, but it creates a dome of flames instead of a wall. The dome has a radius along the ground of 10’ plus 5’ per level of the wizard; it is 25’
high at its peak. The dome must be cast so its base is resting on solid ground. Unlike a wall of fire, the flame dome gives off waves of heat on all sides; anyone within 10’ of the
dome suffers 1d6 points of damage, while those within 20’ suffer 1d4 points of damage. In addition, the dome inflicts 2d6 points of damage, plus 1 point per level of the wizard on
anyone who passes through the dome (like a wall of fire, creatures subject to fire will suffer more damage at the DM’s discretion, and undead always suffer double damage). The
procedures for trapping creatures with the dome, as well as the duration of the spell, are as per the wall of fire spell. The material components for this spell are specimens of
phosphorus & sulfur, both of which are consumed with the casting.
Forest’s Fiery Constrictor (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 source of fire Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a tentacle of magical flame to snake forth from any existing source of natural or magical fire. The flaming tendril is 10’ long, has AC 7, can be hit only by
magical weapons of +2 or better, and has hit points equal to double the caster’s level. Any creature within 20’ of the tentacle is subject to attack as directed by the caster. The
victim must attempt a saving throw; if successful, the victim has avoided entanglement, but suffers 1d6 points of fire damage from contact with the tendril. If the saving throw is
failed, the victim is entangled by the flaming serpent & suffers 3d6 points of fire damage each round until the tendril is destroyed or the spell expires. If the fire source from which
the tentacle emanates is destroyed, the remaining time that the fiery constrictor may exist is cut in half. The material component for this spell is a scale from a red dragon.
Frigid Snowstorm (Evocation, Elemental-Ice)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
This mighty spell creates a swirling miasma of snow, ice & howling winds in the area of effect (a field 40’ long, 40’ wide & 10’ high). Non-magical communication is impossible.
The snowstorm also penalizes all non-magical missile attacks within the area of effect by -4, as well as inflicting 1d6 damage per 2 levels per round to all creatures within the area
of effect. Creatures immune to cold do not take this damage; all others are allowed a saving throw vs. spells for half damage. All objects must make a save vs. cold with a +1 bonus
or be destroyed.
Glass Coffin (Elemental-Mineral, Summoning, Alteration)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: ½
When cast, a victim must roll a save vs. spell or have one of their legs or arms start to crystallize. The first round the spell takes effect, they lose half of their HP as they turn to
crystal. The next round, they get another saving throw (rolled at a -4 penalty); if they pass then the spell ends then, but they are still half crystal & will die in 1d4 days if a stone to
Magical Incantations – Level 6
flesh spell is not cast on the crystallized body parts. If they fail, then they are turned into a statue of crystal, but this is not where the spell ends. In another round the statue will
explode causing everyone within 100’ 6d6 points of damage. The material components for this spell are a piece of glass & a sprinkle of saltpeter.
Globe of Corroding Waters (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 5’ diameter area Saving Throw: ½
Similar to Dragon’s Bile, this evocation creates a globe of acid that may then be flung at the target area (within 40 yards + 5 yards/level). A roll to hit is required, but the globe will
strike like a grenade, so that something will always be damaged. Damage is 1d4HPs per caster level to all in the blast radius, and a natural 20 means that the globe strikes an
unprotected part of the body for an additional 1d2HPs of damage per level. An unsuccessful save vs. breath weapon means the target has been blinded. The material component is
the stomach of a venomous snake.
Hidden Lock (Alteration, Illusion; Artifice)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 portal Saving Throw: None
This spell combines a wizard lock with an illusionary wall effect to not only secure a portal but also render it indistinguishable from the surrounding wall. The portal is
undetectable by divination spells or similar magic, and elves passing near it will note nothing unusual. A gem of seeing or similar device will reveal that there is a portal, but it
remains wizard locked even if detected.
High-Speed Flight (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to fly, except that the flight speed of the recipient has the potential of being significantly higher. The flier may take off at an initial speed of 6”, and accelerates
every round. The flier has a speed of 7” the second round of flight, 9” on the third, 12” on the fourth, etc. The flier may choose to stop accelerating, but then any subsequent
accelerating must start again (+1” the first round, +2” the second, etc.). Deceleration may occur at the same rate in reverse (-1” the first round, -2” the second, etc.) Maximum
speed possible with this spell is 670” (Mach 1). Fliers using this spell may attack, but at speeds above 36” this becomes difficult - a -1 to hit penalty is assessed at 36”, and another
-1 is assessed for every 5” above 36”. However, flying creatures gain a double damage bonus at 36-60”, triple damage at 61-85”, quadruple at 86-110”, etc. The material
components of the spell are a flask of kerosene, the blood of a red dragon, and a single feather from some high-speed bird (eagle, hawk, owl, etc.).
Holl’s Shadowdog (Conjuration/Summoning, Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: See text Casting time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
Casting this spell summons materials from the Demiplane of Shadow to come together in the form of a dog of the same alignment as the caster. It will act as both a travelling
companion & a fierce guard dog (for a period of 2 hours/level, up to a maximum of 48 hours). The dog will have a low intelligence & an empathic link with his summoner. If, for
any reason, the dog loses all his hit points, he will be abjured back to the Demiplane of Shadow. The shadowdog is 80% undetectable unless in bright light, where it suffers a -1 to
attack & armor class. Note that this spell may only be cast once a day (DM determines the effects of multiple castings in 1 day). With each casting, there is a 1% chance that the
shadowdog will become living. A living shadowdog loses 1 full hit die, but they gain the ability to heal their wounds overnight by licking them. If the caster is 16th level or higher,
this chance increases to 5%. The following table determines the combat abilities of the shadowdog:
Caster Level Dog’s HD THAC0 # Att AC Damage
12-13 3+3 17 1 6 1d8
14-15 4+4 17 1 5 1d8+1
16-18 5+5 14 2 5 1d6+1
19+ 7+3 11 3 4 1d6+11d6+1/1d8+1
Note that Holl’s Shadowdog & Mordenkainen’s Faithful Hound will attack each other on “sight”.
Ice Bolt (Elemental-Ice, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
With this spell, the wizard opens a small hole into the supernatural cold of the para-elemental plane of ice. It brings forth a shaft of solid para-elemental ice, 6” thick & 10’ long
(the hole is opened for only a very brief time). This missile hits with great force, causing 3d10 points of damage from the impact alone. If the target saves vs. Dodge, only a
glancing blow is dealt, and the victim suffers only 1d10 points of damage. An additional save (also vs. petrification, and at +4 if only a glancing blow was suffered) must be made,
or the victim will be stunned for 1d6 rounds from the force of the blow. The ice absorbs heat from the nearby air, and this causes 1d6 points of cold damage (no saving throw) to
all within 5’ of the bolt’s path, and within a 10’ radius of the target creature. The bolt shatters upon striking its target, and the victim will suffer an additional 4d6 points of cold
damage (2d6 if only a glancing blow was suffered). Fire-using creatures take double damage from the cold caused by the bolt, while those resistant to cold take none. Both types of
creatures suffer full damage from the bolt itself. Water-based creatures in liquid form will suffer only 1d10 points of damage from the blow, and cannot be stunned, but they will
automatically be slowed for 2d4 melee rounds. If the target creature is struck fully (i.e. fails the initial saving throw), then exposed items on that side of the wizard must make a
save vs. crushing blow, and all items carried by the wizard must save vs. magical frost. (Note also that items on the side struck by the bolt must save at -10, due to the cold and the
blow). The material component of this spell is a clear gem worth not less than 100gp.
Ice Bubble (Evocation/Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
The spell creates a thick hemisphere of ice around the caster. If anyone else is within 5’ of the caster at the time of casting, a saving throw is permitted them to escape the sphere,
otherwise they are trapped, and will take 1d4 points of suffocation damage each round. The caster may breathe freely within his sphere. The ice is thick, so most physical attacks
will be unable to break through immediately. The sphere is AC 4 & can withstand 24 points of damage, or 36 from solely fire-based attacks before it is destroyed. In any case, fire-
based spells of less than 7th level will be useless on the first attempt, as they melt the ice slowly. The ice is totally clear, so there is no impediment to vision, although sound is
totally blocked out. Spells with no verbal component may be cast through the ice. Finally, the caster may roll about within his sphere at a rate of 3’ per round. The material
component is a pearl of at least 500gp value, which is consumed in the casting.
Immolation (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Upon casting of this spell, the wizard chooses up to 1 creature per caster level, within the spell’s range. The creatures must all be within a 15' cube of each other (per caster level).
Once cast, all creatures selected burst into flame. The creatures must each make a saving throw vs. spells (consult the chart below).
Creature's Hit Die Save failed Save succeeded
Under 2 Explode Explode
2 to 4 Explode Die
4+1 to 6+3 Die Damage
6+4 to 8+3 Damage Half Damage
Over 8+3 Half Damage No Effect
Creatures that explode are slain & leave no body behind. They also deal 4d6 points of fire damage to all within 10’ of the explosion, with a saving throw vs. spells for half damage.
Creatures that die, are charred to a cinder by the flames of this spell, and all those within 5’ suffer 2d6 points of heat damage, save vs. spells for half damage. Creatures that are
damaged, take 8d6 points of fire damage (4d6 for half-damage). The material component for this spell is a ruby worth no less than 500gp, which shatters upon casting the spell.
This spell has no effect on creatures made of fire, native to the elemental plane of fire, or protected from fire damage. Any creature vulnerable to fire is treated as having only ¾ its
real Hit Die for the purposes of determining the effects of the spell, rounded down.
Improved Haste (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell lets the wizard bestow tremendous speed on any 1 creature. The quickened creature functions at double its normal movement & attack rates; basically moving &
attacking normally, but twice in the round. The quickened creature rolls initiative for each round normally; his first basic action always happens as if he had rolled a “0”, and he
then goes again according to his rolled initiative number. The recipient also receives a +4 bonus to his Dexterity score (to a maximum of 25) for the duration of the spell, which can
affect his reaction adjustment, missile attack adjustment, and defensive adjustment. Casting the spell takes 1 entire round, during which both the recipient & the caster can do
nothing else (or just the caster when he is casting the spell on himself). Unlike the normal haste spell, this spell has no effect on the recipient’s age. This spell negates the effects of
a slow spell. It is not cumulative with itself or with other similar magic.
Magical Incantations – Level 6
Improved Slow (Alteration)
Range: See below Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Negates
This spell causes the affected creatures (within 90 yards + 10 yards/level) to move & attack at 1/9 their normal rate. In combat, affected creatures only attack every 9th round, and
they cannot cause damage from normal melee attacks. However, they do attack with -8 penalty for nonstandard melee attacks, such as touch energy drain and paralysis such
attacks; if successful, the stated effects are without penalty. Creatures under this spell have a +8 penalty to their AC as well. The caster can vary the area of effect as desired,
arranging the thirty 10’ cubes (30,000 cubic feet total) in any continuous shape, provided no section extends beyond the range of the spell. All creatures entirely within the area of
effect may be slowed, but each is entitled to a saving throw versus spell to negate the spell. This spell negates the effects of a haste or improved haste spell. The material
component for this spell is a tin golden statue (minimum 10gp value).
Intoxicating Fumes (Invocation/Evocation, Elemental-Steam)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 10’ cube/2 levels Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a cloud of alcoholic fumes to appear, filling an area of up to 80 cubic feet (10 cubic feet for every 2 levels of the caster, up to level 16). Anyone within the area
must make a saving throw vs. breath weapon or become intoxicated - suffering a -4 to all ability scores & required rolls, and losing all spell memory. However, the effect of the
alcohol fumes cause the intoxicated victim to gain a +4 to morale & +20% to their HP due to the effect of the alcohol on their mind & body - the fumes causing a numbing of the
senses due to the intoxication. Those who succeed in their saving throw will suffer only half the above effect. In both cases, for those who fail & for those who succeed, the effect
lasts 2-4 hours. The fumes remain in place for 2-4 rounds, after which they dissipate into the air without a trace. The material component is a bottle filled with any strong alcoholic
beverage in it. Note that if a weak form of alcoholic beverage, such as beer or ale, is used then the creatures get a bonus of +1 to their saving throws against the spell’s effect.
Invulnerability to Magical Weapons (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10-yard diameter Saving Throw: None
This spell creates an immobile, faintly shimmering magical sphere around the caster that cannot be penetrated by magical blunt, edged, or missile weapons. All such weapons are
harmlessly deflected (missile weapons strike the sphere, then immediately fall to the ground). However, the sphere offers no protection against magically created creatures (such as
golems) or from creatures whose attacks are magically based (such as the gaze of a medusa). The sphere offers no protection against spells such as magic missile, or spells that
simulate the effects of weapons. The caster can use magical weapons from inside the sphere to attack opponents normally. Spells can also be cast through the sphere. The sphere
can be negated by dispel magic. The material component for this spell is a piece of a broken magical weapon.
Lightning Travel (Elemental-Lightning, Alteration, Apportation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This is the lightning mage’s version of the teleport spell. This spell operates only in cloudy weather. A lighting bolt falls from the sky, striking the recipient & then streaks back up
to the sky, coming down again in a different location where it deposits the person. The point of destination must have clouds in at least a 50’ radius, but if not then the spell will
carry the person to a place as close as it can. Although the spell cannot take a person between planes, the teleportation is without error (i.e. the person is always on solid surface.
The recipient of this spell can take along with him 100lbs plus 50lbs per level of the caster above 10th.
Lorloveim’ Shadowy Transformation (Illusion)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: 1d4 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
When this spell is cast, the illusionist transforms 1 creature or a specified amount of non-living material into shadow, making it insubstantial. Thus, a door could be turned to
shadow & entered. The maximum amount of inanimate material that may be transformed is 1 cubic foot per level of the caster. Unwilling creatures are allowed a saving throw to
resist the shadowy transformation. Magical items & the magical effects of spells (such as Bigby’s forceful hand or wall of stone) cannot be affected. A transformed creature & all
its gear become insubstantial. The creature can pass through small holes, narrow openings, and the smallest cracks. The creature cannot fly without additional magic. No form of
attack is possible when in shadow form except against creatures that exist on the ethereal plane. In this case, all attacks are normal; however, the shadowy creature may be harmed
only by magical weapons of +1 or greater. Spells & special attacks have normal effects. Most undead creatures will ignore a creature in shadow form, believing it to be a wraith or
spectre; however, liches & powerful undead may save vs. spell with a -4 penalty to recognize the spell. A dispel magic, successfully cast, forces the creature in shadow form back
to normal form.
Magical Deconstruction (Divination)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 item Saving Throw: None
When a magical deconstruction is cast, any 1 item touched by the wizard can be completely identified & the making of the item can be subsequently determined. This spell will
determine exact powers of any single magical item, including determining exact damage bonuses on weapons, exact number of charges in multi-use items, and all individual
powers in a multi-function item. This spell will also reveal command words or rituals necessary to activate all powers of an item. In addition, the spell will also divine processes &
rituals used in the creation of the item. Magical deconstruction will reveal specifically all processes, materials & conditions in the creation of the specific item. This spell
effectively reduces research time to create a magical item to 0, as long as the mage has a copy of the item he plans on creating. Therefore this spell is useless for creating unique
magical items. This spell will function, at the DM’s discretion, when used upon artifacts. The material component for this spell is the magical item that is to be deconstructed. This
item is consumed in the casting (at the DM’s discretion). The spell could, possibly, completely destroy the item if it is a one-use item (e.g. a potion), or lessen the bonus on a
magical weapon by 1, or permanently deactivate 1 power in a multi-function item. The caster can prevent damage to the deconstructed item by performing a ritual cleansing &
purifying of the object for 4 hours preceding the casting of the spell. The cleansing ritual requires materials of at least 500gp value.
Mental Enfeeblement (Enchantment/Charm; Mentalism)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell takes the form of a ray, similar to the 2nd level ray of enfeeblement, but it affects the Intelligence of the target creature rather than its Strength. Unlike the feeblemind
spell, which has a similar effect, this spell is not specifically targeted at magic-using creatures; any creature which has an Intelligence score (either an ability score or a monster
Intelligence rating) can be affected. The ray projected by this spell reduces the target creature’s Intelligence to 3 (or Low) unless it makes a successful saving throw vs. magic,
adjusted for Wisdom. Thus, if the saving throw fails, the target cannot cast spells or use spell-like powers, or take any other actions that require normal or greater Intelligence. The
enfeeblement is permanent unless a wish or heal spell is used to cancel the effect. Magic-using creatures, although not specifically targeted by this spell, do suffer the same saving
throw penalties as for the feeblemind spell (note, however, that priests do not get bonuses), and do not gain any bonuses for high Wisdom, as they are more susceptible to the
effect. The material component of this spell is a small sphere of clear crystal, which must be shattered as the spell is cast.
Painlessness (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell makes the recipient immune to any adverse effect from damage. For spell-casters, damage will not disrupt their concentration. The spell may be used to dispel other
spells that cause pain, such as symbol of pain. The material components for this spell are leaves of coca, or a similar soothing herb, costing about 90gp.
Phantasmal Desire (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S Duration: Permanent until touched Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Special
When cast, the wizard probes the mind of the intended victim (unless protected by a spell which shields the mind from such assaults), and collects a mental picture of that thing
most desired by the subject, be it living or inanimate. The wizard then conjures a flawless illusion of the object, complete with sound & smell components, just as the subject
imagines it to be. Upon spying the illusion, the subject must make an unusual saving throw: the subject’s Intelligence & Wisdom scores are added together, & then 6d6 are rolled.
If the roll exceeds the combined ability score, the victim lunges uncontrollably to seize the illusion. If restrained, the victim will actually attack his fellows with whatever means
available in order to reach his goal. Once the object is touched or the victim is restrained for more than 5 rounds, the object vanishes, and the victim is struck as if by a feeblemind
spell. This condition lasts for 1-3 days, at which time the subject will suffer the full effects of a mindshatter spell (as described in the ToM). Regardless of the type of madness
inflicted (DM’s choice), the subject will feel a bitter, violent enmity for any & all beings that kept him from his prize - and will act accordingly. These conditions are permanent
until a wish, limited wish or heal spell, coupled with a remove curse is cast upon the subject.
Plane of Electricity (Evocation, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 30 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn + 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a more powerful version of wall of force. The spell creates an invisible, immobile barrier that is totally unaffected by most spells, including dispel magic. A
disintegrate, sphere of ultimate destruction or Mordenkainen’s disjunction spell, a rod of cancellation, sphere of annihilation or a wand of negation will destroy the wall. Blows,
cold, electricity, fire, missiles, etc do not effect the wall. Spells & breath weapons cannot pass through it in either direction, although dimension door, teleport & similar spells can
Magical Incantations – Level 6
bypass the barrier. The caster can, if desired, form the wall into a spherical shape with a radius of up to 1’ per level or an open hemispherical shape of 1.5’ radius per caster level,
as long as the total area covered does not exceed 10ft2/level. The plane of electricity must be continuous & unbroken when formed; if any object or creature breaks its surface, the
spell fails. The caster can end the spell on his command. If any creature comes in contact with the wall, or a conductor comes in contact with a creature & the wall, the creature
takes 1d4 points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 20d4 points of damage. This damage does not reduce the duration or other properties of the wall in any way.
Creatures not affected by electrical damage can touch the wall without consequence, but still cannot pass through the wall. Creatures taking damage from the wall are allowed a
saving throw vs. spells for half damage. The material components are a pinch of powdered diamond worth 5000gp, a small amber, glass or crystal rod & a bit of fur.
Protection from Elements (Elemental-General, Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: Special
This spell gives complete protection against the elements. The first attack of each element is immediately canceled, with no damage incurred to the subject of this spell. After
protecting against an element, further attacks will be handled normally. Only 1 such spell can be in effect at a single time, and subsequent castings will not affect the being, unless
the spell was negated, run out of duration, or did it’s work. The material component is a ring with 16 different gems, worth no less than 9000gp. The ring is not lost in the casting
but for every casting, a gem disappears. Each gem costs no less than 500gp.
Protection of the Hungry Flame (Abjuration/Alteration)
Range: 10’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 2-12 rounds Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
A variant improvement of the Fire Shield spell, this enchantment surrounds the caster for 10’ with brilliant, raging flames. These do not burn him, or anyone else in close physical
contact (such as a familiar) but anyone else in the range on the flames, which automatically includes anyone attacking the caster with melee weapons, takes 1-6 points of damage
each round they are in range. Anyone attacking from outside the flames (with missile weapons or aimed spells) has a -5 to hit from the difficulty of seeing the caster. Water-based
attacks are, of course, useless. The spell is centered on the caster and moves around with him. The caster is not made immune to other flame by this spell. The material component
is the whole cocoon of a fire-moth.
Pulsing Fireball (Evocation)
Range: 400’ + 40’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 5 rounds Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: ½
With this spell, the caster can hurl a fireball at a specified target point. The resulting explosion is identical to that of a fireball in all respects, inflicting 10d6 points of fire damage.
Each round after the initial explosion on the mage’s initiative, the spell detonates another fireball at the same target point. Each additional fireball inflicts 2d6 less damage than the
previous round’s explosion. Creatures caught in the blast radius must make a Dodge save or suffer full damage each time they are caught in an explosion. A successful dispel
magic cast on the target point will negate this spell. The material components for this spell are 12 pebble-sized pieces of sulfur tied together by a length of string.
Quicksand (Elemental-Dust, Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 10’ cube/level Saving Throw: Special
When cast, the spell turns rock or sand into quicksand of equal volume. The volume is 10’ cube per level of the caster & the depth of the quicksand cannot be more than its length
or breadth (whichever is shorter). Those in the area of effect must make a Dodge save to escape the area of effect or to be unaffected by the quicksand for this round. Creatures
who fail their save sink at a rate of 5’ per round & start suffocating if wholly submerged. If the creatures’ Strength (or HD if they have no Strength score) is twice the caster’s, then
he can escape by himself, moving at a rate of 10’ per round. The quicksand remains until dispelled or until 1d6 days have passed, in which time it returns to its previous form. The
material components are a handful of sand & some water.
Restore the Bounty of Flesh (Alteration, Necromancy) Reversible
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell reduces the physical age of the caster by one to ten years. Benefits of aging are still accrued, but physical decrepitude may be offset. There is a cumulative 5% chance
per casting of the spell of reversing the effects of all previous castings and applications of similar anti-age techniques. The reverse of the spell, Take the Bounty of the Flesh, ages
the target by one to ten years, but this requires a roll to hit, and the unwilling target is allowed a save vs. spells. There is no chance of a botched spell in the reverse format.
Reverse Scrying (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 10-yard radius Saving Throw: Special
This spell is usually cast then the caster begins an undertaking for which he desires secrecy. It might also follow the detection of scrying by another divination spell. Reverse
scrying finds the source of the magical watcher & gives the caster a mental image of who is watching him (which lasts for one round per caster level), allowing the caster to
determine knowledge based on a visual appraisal, such as clothing, race, sex, size & identity, if the watcher is known to the caster. The watcher may continue to watch, as this
divination spell can do nothing on its own to stop the scrying. This spell does allow other divination spells to be cast through it though, allowing spells such as detect magic, know
alignment, clairvoyance, etc. The watcher has a 5% chance per level each round of realizing that the scrying has been reversed. Breaking the original scrying ends the reverse
scrying instantly. It does not end other divination spells that the wizard may have cast since beginning of the reverse scrying spell. For example, the wizard casts reverse scrying,
& gets an image of another mage. He then casts clairvoyance to spy on the watching mage. When the watching mage ends his divination spell, the reverse scrying ends, but not the
clairvoyance. The material components are a silver mirror and some mercury. The mirror is not consumed in the casting.
Salt Pillar (Alteration, Elemental-Salt)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
The spell works the same as flesh to stone except that it changes flesh to salt. Another difference between these 2 spells is that the caster must set a condition for the spell to work,
therefore making the spell dormant until the condition is fulfilled. The condition can be any that the mage chooses, but only the target can fulfill it. So, for example, if the mage
sets the spell up to work if a goblin is killed, then if the target kills a goblin the spell will work. The material components are some salt & a drop of water.
Semi-Permanency (Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell acts in much the same manner as permanency, save that its duration is finite, and doesn’t rob the wizard of Constitution points. The spell sustains the spell effects
described under permanency for a period of 1 month per level of the wizard. The spell can also temporarily enchant magic items. Note that all the requisite care, expense &
preparatory spells must be put into the item before this spell is cast. The semi-permanency preserves the dweomer of magic items so created for only 1 week per level of the wizard
(the figure is rolled by the DM). Note that the item will take on a bright green glow for 1-12 rounds prior to the spell’s expiration on an item, and that it may never be enchanted
again unless finished by a true permanency spell.
Shadowsteal (Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 being Saving Throw: None
This spell can be triggered at its casting or long after the casting by uttering a command word or by the fulfillment of certain conditions set during the casting (as a magic mouth
spell). It affects the caster or a willing recipient touched by the caster during casting. Once the spell is activated, it lasts for 1 hour per level of its caster, or until the special
conditions defined below occur. When the shadowsteal is activated, the protected being acquires a shapeshifting, shadowy appearance that conceals its identity & even its race.
The continually altering shape emits ever-changing heat & cold that foils even infravision. All opponents relying on sight attack the protected being at a -3 penalty to their attack
rolls. The shadowy being can move, cast spells if a spellcaster, and fight normally. There is no real alteration of its body or any worn or carried items. The protected being sees &
speaks normally, and this spell empowers it to dimension door once any time while the spell continues, but using this ends the shadowsteal instantly. A shadowsteal spell waiting
to take effect is negated by the death of the being it is cast on or by a successful dispel magic. It is unaffected by other magic. The material component is a smoky topaz worth at
least 500gp that has been exposed to a full eclipse. The gem is not consumed in the casting.
Snowstorm (Elemental-Ice, Conjuration/Summoning, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/3 levels Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
Once the spell is cast, a heavy snow begins to fall, inflicting 1d2 points of cold damage. Then, upon reaching the second round of action, winds begin to whip around the effected
area (35 yard radius + 5 yards/level), and hailstones begin to fall. All non-magical fires in the area will be extinguished at this point, and recipients within the field of the spell
receive 1d8 points of cold damage, plus a -2 penalty to hit, due to heavy snow. Those outside of the spell’s radius will be unharmed. Upon the third round of action, bigger
hailstones fall from the storm-riddled sky, and snow now whips at the spell recipient’s faces, causing 2d6 of cold damage, and giving the caster’s party a +3 bonus to escape. At the
beginning of the fourth round (if the caster has enough levels for the spell to go that far), gigantic hailstones (approximately 5’ in diameter) careen to earth, causing 2d8 points of
cold damage. The spell’s recipients must roll a saving throw vs. spells or be frozen with cold & numbness for 1d4 rounds. Upon surpassing the fourth round, the spell ends & the
weather returns to normal. A saving throw vs. ice (same as saving throw vs. fire) may be rolled at the beginning of each round the spell is in effect for a chance to take ½ damage
Magical Incantations – Level 6
from the spell. The components for this spell include dust from a crushed crystal worth no less than 500gp, a clear gem of any kind worth at least 300gp, and a sphere molded out
of ice. All 3 are thrown into the air when the verbal part of the spell is cast, and all 3 are consumed by the spell.
Spell Trigger (Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 item Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the 6th level contingency, but it is cast upon an inanimate object rather than on the caster. The spell to be stored for release by the trigger is cast following
this spell, just as with a contingency, but the condition for the release of the stored spell is specified in terms of the item rather than the caster. Thus, the spell could be released
whenever the item is broken, thrown to the ground with a certain force, immersed in water, etc. Unlike the contingency spell, the spell stored in a spell trigger need not affect only
the enspelled item; however, it cannot require any parameters to be specified at the time of release. Thus, spells which require specifying a target, range, direction, etc. can only
target the item itself, and must have all other parameters pre-determined (e.g., if a fireball were to be triggered, it would have to burst with the item as its center, or at a point pre-
indicated, thus “burst 20 yards north of the item” - but a condition such as “burst centered on the nearest creature to the item” would fail). Spells of 6th level or lower can be stored
in a spell trigger, provided their level is no more than 1/3 the caster’s level, just as with a contingency. The item to hold the trigger takes the place of the statuette required for the
contingency spell, but the other material components of that spell are the same for this one (100gp worth of quicksilver & the eyelash of a spell-using creature).
Spiritwrack (Evocation/Abjuration)
Range: See text Components: V, M Duration: Special Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
The spiritwrack is a powerful spell used against a creature of the lower planes (within 10 yards + 10 yards/level) whose name is known. The material component of the spell is a
vellum sheet upon which the incantation & the creature’s name is inscribed in ink made of demon ichor & powdered rubies (1000gp for the vellum, 5000gp for the rubies for each
document). Only one such document may exist for any creature at one time, and a caster may only possess 1 document at a time. If the creature is present, it is rooted to the spot
unless it makes its magic resistance roll (if any). If it makes the roll, the reading makes it so uncomfortable that it flees to its home plane unless held by magic. In the second round
the pain increases, and the creature loses 1 hit point for every hit die possessed. In the third round of reading, the creature loses 50% of its existing hit points, and is banished to its
home plane for a number of years equal to the level of the caster casting the spell. Most creatures of the lower planes are loathe to be subject to this spell, so there is a 25%
cumulative chance per round that the creature submits to other demands to prevent the spell from being finished. In any event, the being is the sworn foe of the caster thereafter.
Spray of Thorns (Evocation)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 60° arc Saving Throw: ½
A shower of fast-moving, sharp thorns sprays from the caster's outstretched hand in a 60° arc by means of this spell. Though the thorns are not enough to seriously hurt someone
(unless it hits them in the eyes!) they are each coated with a tiny bit of poison, so that all people in the area must save vs. poison or take 4d8 points of damage, reduced by 1 point
for every yards they are away from the caster. The thorns have a maximum range of about 20 yards, after which they fall to the ground & vanish inside of a round. The material
components are a rose thorn & the whole poison sac of a scorpion.
Static Field (Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 object/creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a field of electricity around any object of the caster’s choosing. The object receives a saving throw of a 20, with a +2 bonus if it is a magical item, plus any
magical bonuses it may have. A successful Dodge save by the target (with a +2 bonus, if a living creature) indicates that they evaded the static field before it fully enclosed; failure
means entrapment. Anyone attempting to enter or leave the sphere may not, as the field acts as a wall of force, and anyone touching it takes 2 points of damage per level of the
caster, or one-half damage if a save vs. spells is made. The caster cannot be harmed by the spell, but may not enter the static field as long as it is intact. The sphere can be created
to a maximum of 2’ in diameter, plus 6” for every 2 level of the caster. Only objects that fit within the sphere can be so protected, otherwise the spell fails. The static field is
immobile & cannot be moved, thereby trapping any living creature within. The sphere may be brought down by a disintegrate spell (which has a 25% chance of affecting the
enclosed item(s)) or a successful dispel magic cast by someone of higher level than the caster. The material component for this spell is a perfectly formed glass globe, 2”-3” in
diameter, containing a chip from the tooth of a blue dragon. The globe is broken on the item or creature to be enclosed, not harming the item or creature to be enclosed but
shattering the globe & dissolving the chip. Breaking the globe on a conscious creature requires a successful attack roll. This spell is affected by the permanency spell.
Stealing the Vigor of Years (Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Negates
This spell ages the victim and, at the same time, transfers a portion of the age to the caster, reducing the caster’s age. A to-hit roll is necessary, & success ages the victim, similar to
the aging attack of a ghost. For each 5 years so added to the target’s natural age, 1 year is removed from that of the caster. There is believed to be a variant lich-designed version,
which, instead of removing years from the caster’s age curses the target, instead. While this would be feasible, it has never been proved. The material component is a fragment
from the shroud of a ghost slain with a holy blade.
Stonesplit (Elemental-Earth, Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 10’ cube/level Saving Throw: Special
The wizard who casts this spell cleaves the next stone object he touches, the force from his fingertips manifesting in a spray of light & a thick, winding crack that appears in the
stone with considerable force. The crack reduces an amount of stone to rubble equal to the spell’s area of effect, but it does nothing to clear this rubble away. Rubble fills the gap to
a height of half that of the original wall & sloping away from each side at about a 45° angle. There is a 3 segment delay between the magic-user’s touch & the full extent of the
spell’s damage, which is usually enough time for a mobile caster to escape being crushed by his own spell. A successful dispel magic during this interval period negates this spell.
If this spell is cast on a stone floor, a fissure opens & the rubble settles quickly, dropping the floor 1-4 feet & causing 1d4 points of damage to all in the area of effect. It causes 1d8
points of damage per level to stone creatures (save vs. spell for ½). Any magical items that are made of stone must save at -4 vs. disintegration. The material component for this
spell is a 1000gp diamond-tipped chisel, which disappears at the end of casting.
Summon Lightning Shadow (Conjuration/Summoning, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 10’ cube Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the wizard conjures 1 lightning shadow (a special type of undead) from the para-elemental plane of lightning. The shadow obeys the wizard’s commands to
the best of its abilities, and will fight for the caster. The shadow remains until slain, turned or the spell duration expires. The material component for the spell is any small yellow or
white gem (consumed in the casting).
Lightning Shadow: THAC0 9; #At 1; Dmg 3d8+8; AC –1; HD 12; MV 15; SA +8 electrical damage; SD standard undead immunities, immune to electricity; SW turned as ghost,
2d4 damage from holy water, double damage from water attacks; SZ L (7 feet); INT Low (5-7); AL CE; ML champion (15-16); XP 12,000.
Summon Magman (Conjuration/Summoning, Elemental-Magma)
Range: 20 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell summons a Magman from the para-elemental plane of magma & binds him to do the bidding of the caster for the duration of the spell. Mostly summoned when a wizard
wants to start up a forge or burn things, Magmen are happy to comply when their mission involves burning many strange & different materials. However, they are very reluctant to
fight & if ordered to attack creatures more powerful than themselves, the mage will need to contest his Will against the summoned Magman. The Magman’s Will is determined by
his Intelligence + his morale rating (since Magman are a cowardly race, their fear is as much a factor as their intelligence). If the wizard wins the battle of wills, the Magman will
do his bidding - but not whole-heartedly; should the Magman win, the spell is broken & the creature is loose. If the summoned Magman is incapable of completing the task he was
set to before the duration of the spell ends, again - the spell is broken & the caster has a loose Magman on his hands. Unlike most summoning spells, if the spell is broken, the
Magman cannot return to his home plane. The only way for him to return to where he was prior to his summoning is by completing the task he was set to or the caster banishing
him. The material component of the spell is a stone bowl filled with burning oil & coal.
Summon Spider (Summoning)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 6 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell calls 1 spider per level of the caster, of any type & size. The summoned spiders may be of various types. The arachnids appear in the following round within spell range
& attack creatures indicated by the caster until the spell expires, the caster commands them to cease or they are slain. The spiders never attack the caster, and do not check morale.
If commanded to attack each other, slain in battle, or if another being attempts to usurp control of them by magical means, the summoned spiders simply vanish. If no opponent
exists to fight, the spiders can perform other services. They will obey only the caster. The material components for this spell are a bag, a small candle, and a spider corpse.
Magical Incantations – Level 6
Sword of Darkness (Evocation/Necromantic)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a jet-black sword that radiates a palpable aura of evil. The sword can appear anywhere within the range of the spell. When the spell is cast, the caster targets it on
1 creature. Thereafter, the sword can only attack that creature. The wizard must concentrate on the actions of the sword, causing it to strike as if he held it in his own hand (non-
proficiency penalties do not apply). On a successful hit, the sword temporarily drains the creature of 1-3 levels or hit dice. The sword itself causes no physical damage. If the
victim is reduced below 0 level, he is slain. In 1-3 days, his spirit returns as a wraith. Lost levels are regained in 1-3 turns after the sword of darkness disappears, provided the
character has not died. However, spells lost are not regained, since they were wiped clean from the character’s mind. These spells must be memorized again before they can be
cast. The material component for this spell is a long sword worth at least 40gp, which is shattered against a stone.
Tentacles (Conjuration, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster causes two 10’ long greenish tentacles to grow from his body. One tentacle grows on each side of the caster’s body, centered between his armpit
& his thigh. The caster can use the tentacles as normal appendages to grasp tools, use weapons, or help with climbing. Each tentacle can make an attack, effectively giving the
caster 2 extra attacks per round; a tentacle can strike to inflict 1d6HPs of damage, or it can wield a sword, dagger or other weapon (at the same ability of the caster). The flexible
tentacles can easily reach victim on any side of the caster’s body. If an unarmed tentacle makes a successful strike against a victim who is man-sized or smaller (less than 7’ tall), it
also grabs & holds the victim to inflict an automatic 2d4HPs of damage in every subsequent round. The victim must sever the tentacle to free himself; there is no way to loosen the
grip other than severing the member, killing the mage, or negating the spell with a dispel magic. A tentacle is severed if it takes 10HPs of damage; damage directed at the tentacle
has no adverse effects on the caster. A caster with 2 intact tentacles adds a 40% bonus to his climbing success rate; 20% if only 1 intact tentacle remains. The material component
for this spell is a dried tentacle from a small octopus.
The Cleansing Flame (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 20’ x 20’ square Saving Throw: None
This spell makes a natural fire up to the size of a house hot enough to melt iron & stone. The fire will thus burn out five times quicker than normal, and will scorch the earth on
which it stands, but everything in the area of effect will be reduced to dust, unless it saves vs. fire at -6. The material component is a miniature bellows.
The Frosty Javelin (Evocation)
Range: 120 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster creates a spear of hardened ice in his hand. In the round following, the caster may throw the javelin, which flies off towards the target on the wave
of the caster’s hand. This strikes as though the caster had the THAC0 of a fighter of his level, and causes damage of 1d8 per level, to a maximum of 10d8. Creatures from the
elemental plane of fire take an extra 1 point of damage per level, and must save vs. petrification or lose initiative in the following round. The material components are a miniature
silver javelin, worth at least 10gp, and an icicle.
The Spontaneous Conflagration (Alteration)
Range: 150 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 10’ x 10’ area/level Saving Throw: Special
Everything flammable at a location within 150 yards of the caster immediately bursts into flame, after which, they will continue to burn normally. Creatures have a save vs. spells
for half damage in the round of casting, thereafter the save is vs. burning damage. Items save vs. burning. High level casters should beware of centering the conflagration too close
to them. The material component is a ball of sulphur & bat guano, and a sling, which may be reused. No martial skill with the sling is necessary.
Torrent of Water (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 1 target Saving Throw: ½
Similar in format to The Frosty Javelin, this spell creates a torrent of water, which shoots forth from the caster’s hand, towards the target area (within 25 yards + 5 yards/level).
The jet is a half foot across at the peak (the caster’s hand) & 1’ across at the base. The target takes 1d4 of buffeting damage from the torrent per caster level. Furthermore, there are
2 versions of the spell, one that produces boiling water & one that produces water that is almost freezing. Creatures specially susceptible to cold take an extra 2 points per die of
damage from the boiling version, while those affected by heat take an extra 2 points per die from the freezing one.
Vacuum Trap (Alteration, Elemental-Vacuum)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Until triggered Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 room Saving Throw: None
A vacuum trap spell enables that caster to enchant a room, chamber or large container (must be large enough to hold at least 10 human-sized creatures) & sucks out all of the air in
it, creating a vacuum after which the chamber must be sealed. It need not be locked, only airtight (the vacuum will hold the door closed tight enough). The trap works when the
door to the enchanted chamber is opened. The vacuum causes the air (or water, if underwater) to be pulled in, with whomever opened the door, or stood near. The change in
pressure hurls the trap’s victims into the chamber where sharpened stakes, acid or other deadly things may await them. Another use for the trap is when the door to the room is
fixed so that it will open in when triggered, but once the victims are pulled in, another door will cover the opening, and the vacuum will hold this closed tight - preventing escape
before suffocation of the victims. The material components of this spell are a sealed platinum bottle, holding a vacuum inside, which is opened upon the completion of the casting.
Veil of Watchfulness (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to gain a total awareness of any disturbance within an area familiar to him (usually the wizard’s residence). The caster must designate an area to be
watched over, and for the duration of the spell the wizard instantly knows via a mental image (no sound) the location & activities of any intruders, or any significant disturbances
among items in the area. Only intruders larger then a normal rat are registered. The caster need not be in the area to become aware of intruders, and the spell ceases to function only
if the caster journeys to another plane. Any individuals in the designated area at the time of casting are not detected, even if they leave the area & later return while the spell is still
in place. The mental image does not interfere with the wizard’s actions (e.g. if he was casting a spell at the same moment a band of thieves were entering his study, the mental
image would not cause the spell to be lost). However, he must concentrate to keep intruders observed beyond the first round. The area must be well-known to the wizard (DM’s
discretion) & the spell simply fails if cast on an unfamiliar area. There are certain areas where casting this spell would be pointless, e.g. a busy city street. The veil can function
over an area of up to 4000ft2 floor space. The material components of this spell are a bit of fur from a guard dog & a gem of minimum 500gp worth. Neither component is
consumed in the casting.
Volcanic Geyser (Elemental-Magma, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 240 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 60 yards radius Saving Throw: None
This spell causes an area of the ground to open up & volcanic lava to shoot from it. All those within 30’ of the epicenter are inflicted with 1d10 points of damage for every 2 levels
of the caster. Those between 31’ & 60’ are inflicted with 1d10 points of damage for every 4 levels of experience of the caster. The lava continues to burn for 1 turn after the
eruption, inflicting 2d8 points of damage per round to those standing or moving through the lava. All those within 10’ of the lava take 2d6 points of heat damage & 1d6 points of
damage for those within 20’ of the lava. The material component for this spell is a piece of hardened lava & a red ruby worth 500gp.
Wall of Magma (Evocation, Elemental-Magma)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
A combination of the more common wall of fire & wall of stone spells, wall of magma brings forth a wall of blazing rock, still hot & partially melted. Essentially, a wall of cooling
lava which the caster can place anywhere between 2 rock surfaces, adjoining them. The thickness of the wall never changes, and will always be 1’ thick. However, its surface may
reach up to 25 square feet per level. Differing from its original component spells, wall of magma radiates heat to both sides, and does not need to be placed vertically to the
positioning of the caster. Furthermore, the damage it does is much greater: 1d6 points of heat damage to those 15’ away, 2d6 to those within 10’ of the wall, and 3d6 points of
damage to all those within 5’ of the wall. Since the wall isn’t completely solid, it is still physically possible to walk through it, albeit with difficulty - it is similar to walking
through hardening cement, if one can ignore the heat. All those who attempt such a feat, without magical protections from heat & fire, will suffer 6d6 points of fire damage. The
duration of the spell, however, greatly differs from other “wall” spells, within the first 15 rounds of the spell, the caster may decided for the wall of magma to burn out in 1d4
rounds after the decision, thus the wall may disappear from where it was placed. If the wizard chooses not to, or fails to decide on time, the wall will harden to a granite rock wall -
identical to the wall of stone spell. The material components for this spell are a block of cement made with pieces of granite & phosphorus.
Magical Incantations – Level 6
Weapon Return (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 20 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 thrown weapon Saving Throw: None
This spell enchants any thrown weapon, or any item that can be used as a thrown weapon, to return to the thrower’s hand 1 segment after the item hits any target. If the weapon
misses its target, it continues to the full range of the spell & returns to the caster at the end of the round. Each “+” of a magic weapon reduces the effective level of the caster by 1
for the purposes of duration & range.
Wood Rot (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell accelerates the decay of a ship’s hull or deck structure. The wood thus affected crumbles away at a rate of 1ft3 per round, effectively destroying the hull integrity, mast or
up to 12ft2 of 1” thick deck each round. All affected wood must be in a continuous area (10’ x 10’ of planking); the rot cannot be sped up in more than 1 location. The material
component is a woodborer worm. The reverse of this spell is restore wood, which can nullify the effects of a wood rot attack or of natural decay. The material component for the
reverse of the spell is a piece of petrified wood.
Wrath of the Desert (Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d6 rounds Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: 20’ radius circle Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a sandstorm in an area delineated by the caster’s open arms, up to 10 yards + 10 yards/level away. Strong winds & sand whip up in the circle, interfering with all
perceptions, making movement difficult, and stinging all those within with the sand. The storm will be more vicious the smaller the area. Penalties to perceptions & movement are
-5 for a 10’ or smaller diameter area. For each 2’ larger of the diameter, the penalties reduce by 1 (-4 for a 12’ diameter area, -3 for 14’, etc.). Damage to those within is 10d3HPs
for a 10’ diameter area, -2d3HPs per extra 2’ of diameter. The caster may expend the entire spell in 1 round, for the full 10d3HPs of damage, or spread it out over the partial of full
duration, for a reduction of 2d3 total damage for every extra round. Those within who fail movement rolls must make Dexterity rolls of 6+ (including or be knocked down by the
strong winds. Those knocked prone are at -9 on movement & take an additional 2d3HPs of damage per round. The material components are a pinch of sand & a fine china teacup.
Magical Incantations – Level 7
Seventh Level Spells
Acid Storm (Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 20-yard radius circle Saving Throw: ½
This deadly spell unleashes a downpour of magical, gelatinous acid droplets. All creatures within the area of effect are coated by globs of gooey acid. The acid can be washed off
only with wine, vinegar or by a successful dispel magic or similar spell. The acid remains present for 1 round per level of the caster, then vanishes. Creatures coated by the acid
suffer 1d4 hit points of damage each round during rounds 1-3, 1d6 points in each of rounds 4-6, and 1d8 points on each round thereafter. Characters who successfully save vs. spell
during the first round suffer only half damage for the remaining rounds. When the spell expires, no further damage is inflicted. Acid damage can be healed through any means
except regeneration. The material component is a drop of acid.
Alpha’s Shadowfire (Elemental-Fire, Evocation, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
This spell calls forth a seething black ray shot through with veins of green fire. All creatures in the path of the ray (1’ diameter, 5’ long/level) will suffer 1d4 points of damage per
level of the wizard, up to a maximum of 20d4. A successful Body save will result in only half damage. A creature that is immune to fire or to energy drain will suffer only ½
damage (¼ if a successful save is made). If the damage rolled exceeds a target’s remaining hit points, that target is disintegrated. The material component is a black opal worth at
least 500gp.
Avenging Flame (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 20’ radius globe Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a fireball (within 10 yards + 10 yards/level), with all normal effects save one. The flame effect will not damage anything without some sort of alignment, i.e.
stones, clothing, trees, etc, and will affect only certain alignments, at that. The caster may choose either to “destroy” or “protect” 1 alignment, for each ethos (law/chaos) &
morality (good/evil). For example, Daryl the mage & his party (all good) are fighting a mixed group of orcs (evil) & mercenaries (neutral). Because the enemies are in melee with
the party, Daryl decides to cast an avenging flame spell. He decides to “protect good” & lets loose the fireball, killing or harming both the orcs & mercenaries (all neutral or evil)
& leaving his friends unharmed. If there were also some good creatures Daryl wanted dead, he could have restricted his protection to Neutral Good (leaving the neutral goods alive
& all other alignments dead or harmed). The wizard always has the choice of not affecting ethos (good/evil) or morality (law/chaos), but must always affect at least one (the mage
may decide to protect lawful goods or destroy chaotic evils, or he may decide to protect good alignments only or destroy chaotics only). When the choice is made to “protect” an
alignment, the resulting fireball will affect every alignment except the named one. When a wizard chooses to destroy a certain alignment, only that alignment will be harmed by
the spell. In no case will the spell ever affect the wizard (exceptions: spell turning, DM’s discretion, etc). The material components are a pinch of sulfur & a holy symbol (which is
not consumed).
Baneful Bloodfrost (Elemental-Ice, Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This dangerous spell allows the caster to actually freeze a victim’s vascular system (heart & blood vessels) from the inside out. The process is difficult, however, and requires that
the caster stay in contact with the target for the full casting time of the spell; a target who makes its saving throw vs. spell has avoided the caster’s icy touch & broken the spell.
Note that “contact” need not be skin-to- skin. A caster wearing gloves is still able to deliver the spell. If the victim fails its save, it dies instantly, as its veins & heart freeze solid.
Undead & those creatures without vascular systems suffer no damage from the spell regardless of saving throw, although puddings, jellies & so forth are affected as if under a slow
spell. However, most wizards dare not cast bloodfrost on puddings & their cousins, as the caster must physically touch the target for the spell to take effect, and most such
creatures secrete deadly acids as part of their attack routines. Baneful bloodfrost actually repairs ice golems & other magical constructs made of ice, healing 3d8+3HPs or structural
points. The material component for the spell is a small, faceted ruby (worth no less than 100gp) frozen in a ball of ice.
Body Outside Body (Conjuration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/2 levels Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 duplicate/5 levels Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to create 1 or more duplicates. These duplicates have the normal ability scores & personality of the caster. They carry all the normal equipment of the
caster, but have none of his magical items. Neither do they possess any of the spell abilities of the caster. Their hit points are one quarter those of the caster. When created, they are
obedient to the caster & cooperative with each other, essentially having the same mind. The duplicates can do anything the caster is normally capable of, except cast spells. They
suffer damage, as do normal characters except that if slain they instantly disappear. Each time a duplicate is slain, the caster suffers 10 points of damage. At the end of the spell
duration, all duplicates disappear without causing damage to the caster. The duplicates are indistinguishable from the caster, even to a true sight spell. The material component for
this spell is a few hairs from the caster’s head or beard.
Bolt of Death (Necromancy)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
The bolt of death snuffs out the victim’s life force. If successful, the victim can neither be raised nor resurrected. In addition, in human subjects the spell initiates changes to the
body such that after 3 days the caster can, by means of a special ceremony costing not less than 1000gp plus 500gp per body, animate the corpse as a juju zombie under the control
of the caster. The changes can be reversed before animation by a limited wish or similar spell cast directly upon the body, while a full wish restores the subject to life. The caster
utters the bolt of death spell incantation, points his index finger at creature to be slain, and unless the victim succeeds in a saving throw vs. spell, death occurs. A creature
successfully saving still receives 3d6 points of damage. If the subject dies of damage, no internal changes occur & the victim can then be revived normally.
Breath of the Black Sleep (Alteration)
Range: 5’-40’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 40’ square Saving Throw: Negates
The caster becomes empowered to breathe 1 breath of foul, black, poisonous gas. The gas spreads out in a cone from the caster’s mouth up to 40’ away, where it covers an area 40’
in diameter. The poison does 4d8 to all within each round, and will remain for 3 rounds, after which it will dissipate. Once the spellcasting has been completed, the caster may hold
his breath, and expel the gas at will (although this requires concentration, and precludes verbal communication or spellcasting). Should the caster be injured while holding the spell,
he will inhale the gas for the full damage, unless he can hold his breath (Constitution check at -2).
Cacofiend (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10’ Components: V, S, M Duration: See text Casting Time: 1d8 hours Area of Effect: 10’ square Saving Throw: See text
This perilous spell summons a powerful fiend: a true tanar’ri, a greater baatezu, or a greater yugoloth. Cacofiend isn’t powerful enough to summon a unique fiend, and lesser sorts
cannot be summoned with this spell. If the caster is interrupted during the casting time, his spell fails. If an interruption occurs after the fiend appears, there is a 10% chance that
the fiend can escape its boundaries & attack the wizard. This percentage chance is cumulative for each round of interruption. A fiend is entitled to a special Will saving throw
against this spell: if the fiend rolls greater than the caster’s Willpower score on 2d10, the summoning fails. When this occurs, either the name was not properly correct or the
named fiend is already imprisoned or dead, so the caster must call another fiend. In any event, the caster must know the true name of the creature he is summoning. A fiend so
summoned is most angry & vilely disposed. The caster must be warded & protected by a protection from evil & the fiend must be confined within an inwardly focused magic
circle against evil if the wizard wants to avoid being slain or carried off bodily. The summoned fiend can be coerced to perform some deed in one of three ways, as follows:
1. By threatening to cast a spirit wrack spell, the wizard can force the monster to swear an oath to follow a certain course of action, freeing the fiend only when the creature
completes the service. This method is extremely dangerous, for a fiend seizes on any minor error in such a bargain to spoil the desired outcome or to simply kill the summoner.
Further, the fiend bears great hatred for the wizard after such forced obedience.
2. By offering tribute (blood & sacrifices), the summoner may convince the fiend to serve willingly. The caster is well advised to have ample magical protection & power to
defend himself, for the fiend might decide the offer is insufficient and not accept the proffered bargain. Though the fiend must abide by a pledge, since its name is known, it
must hold only to the exact word of the agreement, not the spirit. However, only highly evil mages are likely to attempt such a bargain, and a summoned fiend might be
favourably disposed toward such a character.
3. The summoned fiend can be the target of a trap the soul spell. In this case, the wizard does not speak with the creature or bargain for its service, although the fiend might be
eager to reach an agreement with the wizard before being forced into imprisonment. Attempting to trap the fiend is risky only if proper precautions are ignored, for failure
means only that the fiend escapes to its home plane. If trapped, however, the fiend remains imprisoned until the owner of confining object breaks it & frees the creature, at
which time the wizard must ask the fiend to perform a service before it returns to the Lower Planes. If the person freeing the fiend fails to demand a service when the monster
asks what is required of it, the fiend is under no constraint not to slay its liberator on the spot. If a service is required, however, the creature must first do its best to perform the
task & then must return to its home.
Magical Incantations – Level 7
The fiend serves only for a limited duration unless it serves willingly. Any action that is impossible or requires more than a week to perform is 50% likely to free the fiend from its
obligations. A liberated fiend may seek revenge against the caster, for the creature can remain on the plane it was summoned to for up to two years. Like spirit wrack, this spell
originated on Acheron & was created to add to the armies of the conflicts there. Its use has spread throughout the planes, and is the bane of fiends that do not wish to be disturbed
(which, obviously, is most of them). This spell is without effect if cast on the home plane of the creature to be summoned, or within areas like Sigil. The material components for
this spell include white wax, mandrake root, a bottle of red wine, a piece of parchment inscribed with the target’s true name, and an offering that would tempt a fiend.
Control Undead (Necromancy)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: See text Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: up to 6 undead Saving Throw: Special
This spell enables the caster to command up to 6 undead creatures for a short period of time (3d4 rounds + 1 round/level). Upon casting the spell, the necromancer selects 1 point
within range of the spell. Those undead nearest to this point are affected, until either undead equal in Hit Dice to the caster’s level or 6 undead are affected; undead with 3 Hit Dice
or less are automatically controlled. Those of greater Hit Dice are allowed a saving throw vs. spell, which if successful negates the attempt to control that creature. Regardless of
the success or failure of the saving throw, each creature that requires a check counts toward the Hit Dice limit of the spell. The caster can command those creatures under the
control of the magic-user if they are within hearing range. There is no telepathic communication between the caster & the controlled undead. There is no language requirement
either. Even if communication is impossible, the controlled undead do not attack the spellcaster. At the end of the spell, the controlled undead revert to their normal behaviours.
Those not mindless will remember the control exerted by the necromancer.
Create Lava (Elemental-Magma, Summoning)
Range: 100’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: None
This spell makes a square of molten lava appear in the area of effect (30’ square/level, 5’ high). Every round that creatures are in the lava, they take 30 points of damage unless
they’re protected from fire. In that instance, they only take 15 points of damage. Movement is restricted to ½ when in the lava. The material components needed for this spell are
some hardened lava, 5 live fire snakes, and 1 red dragon scale. All components are consumed in the casting.
Deathly Cold (Evocation, Elemental-Ice)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
This spell is one of Uazzigaaeld’s 2 spells that do not penalize missile fire within the area of effect. This spell drastically lowers the temperature in the area of effect (a field 40’
long, 40’ wide & 10’ high), inflicting 1d8 points of damage per 2 levels of the caster, per round, to all creatures within the area of effect. Those that are immune to cold do not
suffer this damage; others are allowed a save for half damage. Objects must save vs. cold with a -2 penalty or be destroyed.
Dragon Breath (Evocation)
Range: Varies Components: V, S, M Duration: 3 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This powerful spell enables the wizard to unleash dragon breath up to 3 times (once per round, if no other spellcasting is undertaken) as if the wizard was a dragon. There is an
incantation for each of the most widely known dragon types, and the wizard must use the proper incantation & the correct material component, a tooth from a dragon of the given
type. The effects of each breath weapon duplicates the dragon’s breath, and if it inflicts damage, the damage is half the wizard’s levels (round down) in d4 plus half the wizard’s
levels (round up). For example, a 15th level wizard would inflict 7d4+8, while a 16th level wizard inflicts 8d4+8. If a mage tries to combine attributes of various breath weapons,
uses a wrong incantation or otherwise fails the result is always the explosion of the tooth (which the caster must hold in his hand during casting) into a magic missile erupting in all
directions. All beings within 120’ should save vs. spells to see if they get hit. If struck, 1d2 missiles hit them. Beings within 30’ of the caster must save 4 times, the caster 10 times
(each failure indicates d2 hits).
Dweomer Warp (Alteration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This insidious spell is effective against enemy spellcasters (creatures with spell-like abilities are not affected). The caster simply points her finger at an enemy spellcaster & a green
ray unerringly shoots from his hand enveloping an opponent in a coruscation emerald field (with radiance equal to a faerie fire spell). While this field is in place, the affected
spellcaster will find that the way he channels spell energy is strangely affected. There is a 90% change (-2% per level of victim) that the spell energy is warped & the intended spell
is bent, wasting the spell & causing the victim’s body to be ravaged by magical flames (1d6 damage per level of intended spell). An affected mage can use magic items normally,
& the magical flames can cause no damage to equipment, clothing, etc. The material component for this spell is an emerald that has been bathed in the fiery breath of a fire-
breathing creature. The emerald is not consumed in the casting. The spell has no effect on non-magic-using creatures.
Emblazonment (Elemental-Fire, Enchantment)
Range: 30’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
Emblazonment dispels any & all fire resistance (natural immunity, fire shields, elemental auras, rings of fire resistance, resist fire, endure heat, protection from fire, etc.) presently
on the targets & twists the magic to make them especially susceptible to fire magic such that they take +1 damage per die of damage rolled. It will not work to enhance the fire
damage on a person that is not protected against fire magic, as it requires the energy of the previous dweomer to twist. An odd twist to this magic is that the more powerful the
spell protecting the person, the less likely it is to ward off this magic as it is usually even more focused on fire protection than normal. As a result, for every 3 levels of the spell
protecting a person, he gets a -1 to his save (thus, a 4th level fire shield would give a -2 penalty). This will not work against such magic as minor globe of invulnerability, etc.; it
only affects fire preventive magic.
Faerie Sword (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/2 levels Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a slender, shimmering sword in the caster’s hands, allowing the mage to attack as a fighter of equal level. The sword inflicts 4d4/5d4 (SM/L) damage. It has no
magical bonus, but can hit all enchanted creatures as well as those that can only be hit by magical weapons (consider it to be a +5 weapon when determining what it can hit). When
the caster hits a target, he or she can elect to either inflict damage or inflict a random magical effect upon the target. If the caster elects to inflict a magical effect, roll d100, add the
caster’s level, and refer to the following table. There are no saves to these effects unless otherwise noted.
Die Roll Effect Die Roll Effect
0-25 No effect; no damage. 91-95 Target turned to stone (save: neg.)
26-50 8d4 damage. 96-97 Target teleported d100 yards.
51-75 10d4 damage. 98-99 Target teleported d100 miles.
76-85 Target imprisoned in forcecage. 100+ Target dies; saving throw vs. death magic to take 10d4 damage instead.
86-90 Target randomly polymorphed.
The material component of this spell is a tiny gold or crystal sword (worth at least 250gp), which disappears immediately after the spell is cast.
Fire Globe (Elemental-Fire, Evocation, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 10 rounds Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10’/level Saving Throw: ½
Only a fire elementalist can control the power of this spell. If any other casts it, they are burned from the inside out with no save. When cast, a portal opens into the hottest place on
the plane of fire, fire rushes out, and the fire elementalist shapes it into a globe. All in the area of effect are affected & take 5d6 points of damage every round, with a save for half
every round for 10 rounds. A Body save is also rolled to avoid being burned up by the intense heat (the caster must make this save also). The caster is not immune from the damage
created by this spell & any protections from fire are negated, for the caster only. Movement within the globe is as follows: 10’ from caster ¼MV, 30’-40’ 1/3MV, 50’+ ½MV. The
material components are the caster’s finger (it disappears when the spell is cast), a lock of the caster’s hair, and a ruby worth 5000gp that has been to the hottest place on the fire
Fire Hurricane (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: special
This spell causes a hurricane of fire to coalesce around the caster. Any 1 or 2HD monsters in the area of effect are slain. Others are pulled into the hurricane & must save or get
knocked out by flying objects. Creatures in the hurricane take 3d6 points of fire damage every round & can save vs. breath weapon to get out. The storm will burn any flammable
material & anyone who comes within 10’ of the effect will start to get pulled in (save vs. spell). The storm is 2’/level high & the caster is in the eye of the storm. The caster’s
movement is halved & he cannot cast any other spells without losing this spell. Up to 1 man-sized/level can be held in the hurricane or 1 large creature/2 levels.
Magical Incantations – Level 7
Fireshove (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell weakens the dimensional integrity between the prime material plane & the elemental plane of fire. More specifically, it does so next to the creature chosen by the caster.
The caster points at the creature, and the creature must then make a saving throw vs. spells. If the creature fails, it is given a one-way shove into the plane of elemental fire, and
most likely killed (as per the DM’s desires, and the abilities of the creature). In any case, the spell provides no way back, and such creatures can usually be counted on to not return
any time soon after the casting of this spell. If the creature makes its save vs. spells, it is not shoved into the plane of elemental fire at all. In either case, the dimensional weakening
allows tendrils of flame & heat to break through to the prime material plane. All those within 5 yards of the target (including the target itself, should it make its save & remain on
the prime material plane) will take 3d8 points of fire damage. All creatures except for the target gain a saving throw vs. spells for half-damage. The material component for this
spell is a gold gauntlet, made to fit the caster’s hand, worn while casting. It is not consumed in casting, however, the caster must also have a ruby worth at least 250gp, which he
holds in the gauntlet wearing hand, and which he crushes to dust upon casting the spell.
Flame Chase (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 90’ + 30’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds + 1round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
Upon casting this spell, the wizard causes several paths of flames to begin to pursue all opponents in the area, in order to engulf each of them in a column of flames. The spell
creates one 3’ wide path of flame for every 2 levels (maximum of 6). The paths begin 3’ away from the caster & travel straight toward any foe on the ground (within spell range)
that the mage is aware of. The MV is 24 & it can travel across any horizontal surfaces except water, snow, ice, and other wet surfaces. The fire does not need combustible materials
to travel. When the path catches its target, the victim will be engulfed in a column of flames that causes 3d6 points of damage immediately & 1d6 points damage per round for the
remaining duration of the spell. The flame path & column continues to follow burning victims until the spell is dispelled, or it crosses the above surfaces. Any items in the path or
on a person who is burning must save vs. magical fire each round. The path can climb 45°, as long as the surface is wide enough to take the path’s width. Victims able to
outdistance the pursuing flames & are within 10’ at the end of the round, get a flame jumping at them doing 6d6 points of damage. This only happens if MV is greater that 24 or
there is an obstruction. Items save vs. fire at -2 with this last jump of the spell. Unintended victims caught in the flame’s way take 1d6 points of damage as long as they’re in the
path. Any incidental fires caused by the spell are considered non-magical for the purpose of saves & may not be dispelled. The material components are a small pouch filled
equally with sulfur & coal dust, a live caterpillar, and a live firefly. The material components are consumed in the casting.
Flame Fog (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 40’ x 20’ x 20’ cloud Saving Throw: ½
This spell creates a fog resembling that produced by a cloudkill spell. The cloud may be created up to 10 yards away, and moves 10’ per round as directed by the wizard; strong
winds will move the cloud in the other direction, but will not disperse it, nor will they move the cloud back towards the wizard. Thick vegetation will break up the cloud in 3
rounds. The fog itself is not harmful, and has no other affect besides obscuring vision. During any round after the spell is cast, the wizard may ignite the fog with a single word.
When this is done, the entire fog cloud becomes a roaring sheet of flames inflicting 5d10 points of damage, plus 1 point per level of the wizard (up to a maximum of 5d10+20) to
those caught inside. A successful save vs. spell reduces the damage by half. Those victims who fail their saves must roll for all their possessions vs. magical fire; those items that
fail their saves are destroyed. If any type of fire comes into contact with the fog cloud, it ignites immediately; if a fireball, or similar spell, is cast into the cloud, the damage
inflicted is cumulative, and a saving throw for each effect must be made separately. The material components for this spell are several strands of hair from a cloud giant, and the
scales of a red dragon; all components are consumed when the spell is cast.
Gathering in the Raging Flames (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This allows the caster to gather in any fire or flames that come within range, absorbing them within him. The source of the flames is unimportant, and may be mundane, monstrous
or magical. In effect this gives 1 round of fire resistance, as the ring. As this occurs the caster seems to glow with the suppressed fires which are held, becoming slowly brighter &
brighter. In order to gather in the fires, the caster must consciously concentrate on the act, and fire can be held up to damage value equal to the caster’s level plus hit points. The
remainder dissipates without harm. At any time, the fire held within can be let forth on any within 40 yards, up to 1/3 of the total points held, in a welter of flame. There is no save
against this effect. Should at any time a concentration roll for this spell be failed (i.e. the caster is struck for damage) all the remaining fire held in, immediately damages the caster
with no magic resistance possible. The material component is a clay pot with a copper wire embedded in the base.
Gem Swirl (Alteration, Elemental-Mineral)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/2 levels Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
After this spell is cast, all gems within a 60 yard radius of the caster will separate themselves from their places, unless stuck with universal solvent, and start swirling, causing
anyone inside the area to suffer damage. For every 5 gems, or a fraction thereof, the area they swirl in has a radius of 5’. It has been noted that this spell also affects crystal & glass
baubles, although every 10 of these are equal in effect to 5 gems. The gems cause any creature inside the area 4d4 points of damage every round. All creatures in the area are
eligible to a saving throw in order to sustain only half damage. Once the spell ends, all the gems return to the locations they were in before the spell was cast, as if nothing had
happened (including gems that were embedded in weapons & jewelry). Should no gems be present in the area during the casting of the spell, the magic will be nullified. The
material components for this spell are the gems & baubles that are affected by it.
Healing Flame (Elemental-Fire, Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell is only available & can be cast by a Fire elementalist. Any damage taken in the round this spell is cast, and the following round, by fire or heat adds to the caster’s hit
point total if a successful save is made. If the save fails (even if immune to fire), the caster takes full damage from the fire or heat, with no save possible to lessen the damage. Only
spells that are cast by others will allow the caster to get any sort of healing. This spell allows the caster to go past his HP total (up to double), and these extra HPs will remain for
10 rounds.
Howling Horror (Evocation, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell causes a wraithlike flying form to be emitted from the caster. Moaning eerily, it flies at a target being within line-of-sight that has been mentally selected by the caster.
This howling horror is a magical force, not an undead creature, and cannot be turned. It lasts until the target creature perishes, the duration ends, or it is destroyed. The howling
horror is not fooled by feign death spells or similar conditions. The caster need not concentrate on the horror to maintain its existence. Once a target is selected, a howling horror
cannot be redirected against any other being. A howling horror is a faceless, translucent gray, wispy being that whirls & drifts in response to weapon blows & moving objects.
Only physical attacks that pass through the volume of air it occupies harm it. It moves at a flying speed of 14 (class A), is AC 5, has 22HPs, and attacks twice per round, each time
automatically hitting for 2d4HPs. For every hit point of damage the howling horror inflicts, a hit points is gained by its caster. If the caster has been hurt, these points heal him.
When the caster is at full hit points, these points become extra, phantom hit points that remain with the caster for 1 turn. Any damage suffered by the caster is taken from them
first. Area-of-effect spells have no effect on a howling horror, which in turn does not alter them in any way. Spells directed specifically against a howling horror does it no harm
(except for dispel magic & similar spells), but the spell effects are transmitted to the caster. The caster in turn suffers no harm from them, and can emit them at any chosen target
(not necessarily the horror’s target). This retransmission is not considered spellcasting & occurs in addition to the activities of the caster. It does not disrupt the caster’s
spellcasting. If the caster is unconscious, spells are retransmitted in random directions. A howling horror cannot form underwater. The material component of the spell is a small
cone made of bone.
Ice Blight (Evocation/Summoning) Reversible
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This powerful spell summons fearsome freezing winds, ice, and snow in the area of effect (1/2-mile diameter per caster level). Once cast, gray scudding clouds gather & rain
begins to drizzle down. The temperature begins to fall abruptly - 40° in a single day. Winds begin to blow, gently at first, but slowly gaining strength. Each day the weather
conditions worsen. The clouds thicken, the rain falls heavier, the air gets colder, and the winds blow more fiercely. The temperature can drop no colder than -20°. In arctic &
winter conditions, the snowfall begins after 6 hours. In temperate climes, snow begins to fall by the end of the first 24-hour period. In desert lands the snow starts 36 hours after the
casting of the spell, while tropical areas experience snow by the end of the second day. Thereafter, the snow continues to fall at the rate of 1” per hour to a maximum depth of 48”.
The winds whip the snow into huge drifts (5’-12’ or more) & the wind chill is extreme. During the snowfall, visibility is limited to 20” & movement rates will be 1/4 the normal.
Creatures exposed to the weather without adequate warm clothing, fire, and shelter suffer 1d8 points of damage each turn. Control weather spells cannot cancel the effects of the
ice blight, but can be used to lessen the severity by raising the temperature, slowing the snowfall, and breaking the cloud cover. The reverse of the spell, drought, can cancel the
Magical Incantations – Level 7
effects of ice blight. Drought has effects similar to ice blight, raising the temperature & drying the land instead of covering it with snow. When cast, the sky quickly clears of
clouds & remains so for the duration of the spell. No rain falls for the duration of the spell. The temperature can soar up 20° per day to a maximum of 120° during the day & a cool
100° at night. Fields become hard & cracked after 4 days, small streams dry up after 6 days, all but the deepest wells go dry after 10 days, small rivers are reduced to a trickle in 14
days & go dry after 20 days. Large rivers drop noticeably in 10 days & become little more than streams after 20 days. On the 25th day of drought, only extremely deep wells still
have water, all else having evaporated or been soaked away. Plants suffer according to their size & normal habitat. Desert plants hardly notice the drought while those of tropical
jungles die & wither rapidly. Normal creatures flee the area of the drought, returning only when normal conditions have been restored & the land recovered. Creatures exposed to
the full light of the sun for an entire day suffer 2d6 points of damage a day if without adequate shade & water. Characters in bulky & metallic armors suffer 1-3 points of damage a
turn from the blistering heat & exhaustion. The effects of the spell can be lessened by a control weather spell, and a drought is automatically canceled by the casting of ice blight.
Casting ice blight or its reverse is an extremely difficult process for the caster. He is seeking to control magical energies powerful enough to affect a huge area. Upon uttering the
final word of the spell, a tremendous blast of mystical energy leaps through the caster, ravaging his body & spirit. The caster instantly forgets all other spells memorized the
moment this spell is cast. His Strength & stamina are broken, causing him to lose all but 1 hit point. All his ability scores are temporarily reduced to 3 & he must have immediate
bed rest (the caster is at the center of the area of effect). Each day the caster regains 1 point to each ability score. Only when all his abilities have returned to 50% or more of
normal can the caster begin to recover his lost hit points (although once this occurs, cure spells can be cast to speed recovery). Likewise, no spells can be memorized until all
scores are returned to normal. The material component for ice blight is a piece of ice, while drought requires a handful of desert sand.
Intensify Summoning (Conjuration/Summoning, Necromancy)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell enhances the strength of creatures summoned by the caster via 1st through 6th level conjuration/summoning spells. Only spells which brings summoned creatures to the
caster are affected. The first 2 conjuration/summoning spells cast by the magic-user within 1 turn following the intensify summoning spell are affected. Summoned creates gain 2
hit points per hit die. The affected creatures retain their hit die bonus until the normal expiration of the spell that summoned them. The material components for this spell are a
small leather pouch & a miniature silver candelabrum.
Kyrell’s Explodet (Evocation, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 50 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 5-yard radius/level Saving Throw: ½
This spell, a very powerful lightning version of fireball, differs from that spell in numerous ways. First, the spell does not include any sort of warning - the spell is cast & the area
of effect is filled with superheated air, sparks, electrical energy & crushing force. Second, the spell has a far more superior range & area of effect. Third, the spell must be cast at
ground level & cannot be cast to attack a flying opponent. The spell does not manifest as an explosion similar to that of fireball. Rather, it is a hemisphere of blazing fire, energy &
force that quickly grows to encompass the area of effect then collapse on itself, creating a huge plume of superheated oily smoke that smells of ozone & ash. Creatures caught in
the area of effect take 20d4 points of damage, with a saving throw vs. spells allowed for half damage. Of course, creatures immune to electricity take no damage. Structures must
save vs. crushing blow at -4 or be ruined & vs. magical fire at -8 or catch fire (or melt, as befits metal, stone, etc.).
Light of a Thousand Suns (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
The spell creates a brilliant flash of light, brighter than the sun, above the caster’s head. At night, it is bright enough to light up the landscape to day-like brightness for 5 miles
around. Even in daytime, it is visible for several miles. Anyone facing the light within 300 yards must save vs. death magic to avoid being blinded for several rounds (1 round per
point that the roll was missed). If it was missed by more that 12, the blindness is permanent. Additionally, creatures particularly susceptible to bright lights, such as vampires &
some denizens of the Underdark, must save vs. spells or suffer 1-6 points of damage per level of the caster, to a maximum of 10d6.
Lode Avalanche (Elemental-Earth, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 20-yard radius Saving Throw: ½
With this spell, the caster summons a rainstorm of giant lodestone boulders, crashing onto the ground, causing 1d2 points of damage for the first boulder, 1d4 for the second, 1d8
for the third, 2d8 for the fourth, 4d8 for the 5th, etc. The caster can rain 4 boulders upon victims at first use of the spell, but gains an extra boulder for every 3 experience levels
past level 7 (maximum 7 boulders). Targeted creatures, if failing the saving throw, must make a dexterity check at -4 or be temporarily stunned for 1d4 rounds, due to the effects of
the massive impact. As well, any victims wearing metal armor receive a +3 AC penalty due to dents. But, if the first saving throw rolled (the one for half damage) was successful,
the character only takes ½ damage, and does not gain any AC penalties, get stunned, etc. The material components for this spell is a crystal magnet, and an amount of smoky glass
orbs equal to the number of boulders intended to fall on the targeted area, worth at least 10gp each. The glass orbs are thrown into the air at the beginning of the spell, and then the
caster throws the magnet straight into the ground, invoking the falling boulders. The orbs are consumed by the spell, as is the magnet, but there is a 50% chance that the magnet
may remain after the spell is cast.
Malec-Keth’s Flame Fist (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 1 creature or object Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is completed, one of the caster’s hands (his choice) bursts into light & is surrounded by an aura of flame. The caster suffers no damage from this effect.
Illumination is equal to that of a torch. If the wizard successfully touches an opponent, the subject must attempt a saving throw. If the roll is successful, the flame remains on the
caster’s hand (and he may use it to make further attacks until the spell’s duration expires) & the touched creature suffers 1d4 + 2 points of fire damage. If the save is failed, the
flame leaves the caster’s hand to surround the victim’s body in an aura of searing fire. The superheated aura burns for 1 round, inflicting 1d4 points of damage per level of the
caster. Instead of attacking a creature, the caster may choose to touch any single object, which is automatically surrounded by the searing aura for 1 round & must succeed at an
item saving throw vs. magical fire or be destroyed. The aura can surround an object up to 5 cubic feet in volume per level of the caster.
Mass Hold (Enchantment/Charm; Song)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting time: 7 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Negates
This spell immobilizes up to 1 creature of any type per level of the caster. All affected creatures must be within a cube 80’ on a side, whose center is within the spell range, and
within sight of the caster. Target creatures may make a saving throw to avoid the effect. If more than 4 creatures are targeted, all saving throws are normal; if 3 or 4 creatures, each
saves at -2; if only 2, each saves at -4; and if a single creature is targeted, it saves at -6. Held creatures cannot move or speak, but can use abilities not requiring motion or speech,
and continue to suffer the effects of wounds, disease, or poison. The caster can end the spell with a single word at any time prior to the expiration of its normal duration. Any attack
or effect which causes damage to a held creature frees that creature from the spell but has no effect on any other subject creatures. The material component of this spell is a weight
of iron equal to 1gp per creature to be affected (or 1lb per 10 creatures). The iron may be in a single mass (such as a bar) or distributed among individual items (such as small nails,
spikes, etc.). The iron vanishes when the spell is cast.
Mystic Link (Divination)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a telepathic bond between the caster & another creature with an Intelligence of at least 6. This bond has the sole purpose of enabling the caster to teleport to the
recipient at a later time. Regardless of which teleport spell is used, there is no chance of error; once the caster has teleported to the creature, the mystic link disappears; otherwise
the mystic link remains in effect until the duration ends, or one of the linked (caster or recipient) dies, notwithstanding raise dead. Thus the caster will know if the recipient is alive,
but will not in any other way know the condition or whereabouts of the recipient. The material components for this spell are fresh blood drops from caster & recipient, which are
mixed in the casting.
Obedience (Enchantment, Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: Negates
This spell allows the caster to force any non-undead or spirit creature to totally obey the caster’s will. Although the spell can be cast on unintelligent creatures, it does not have a
useful effect unless the creature can understand the speech of the caster. The caster must touch the creature to cast the spell & the creature is allowed a saving throw vs. spell to
avoid the effect. If the saving throw is failed, the creature is affected by the spell. The spell creates no change in the will of the creature or its personality. It can still refuse to obey
orders or attempt to harm the caster. However, the caster, by uttering a few mystical words, can cause wracking pains in the affected creature. These pains are so intense that the
creature cannot do anything, barely able to breathe or talk. By chanting these words over & over, the caster can sustain the pain until the creature relents & obeys. For every round
the pain is maintained, the creature suffers 1d10 points of damage. Each day the creature is under the spell it is allowed a new saving throw vs. spell to escape the effect. However,
this save is made with a -4 on the die roll. The material component for the spell is a circlet of gold placed on the head of the creature once the spell is cast. Until a successful saving
throw is made, this circlet cannot be removed by the creature, nor does it fall off of its own accord. However, the caster can easily remove the circlet, breaking the spell. A dispel
Magical Incantations – Level 7
magic, limited wish, or wish spell can also be used to remove the circlet. Finally, there is the smallest chance that a merciful deity will, upon seeing the sufferings of the creature,
lift the spell. The DM must decide if this occurs. The deities often view this spell as a means of punishing & correcting evil creatures. Once the circlet is in place, there is no
limitation to the range of the spell. The caster can be hundreds of miles away & still maintain his hold over the creature.
Object to Ash (Elemental-Ash, Alteration) Reversible
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 object Saving Throw: Negates
With this spell, the caster can shoot from his hand a black ray, aimed at a single object within 5 yards per caster level. The item so struck must save vs. disintegration at -2 (note
that it doesn’t matter if it’s being wielded or not) or it will turn into ash. The spell may seem similar to disintegrate but it can only affect nonliving material & is reversible. The
caster can affect a single object whose volume does not exceed 5’ cube per level of the caster but the material can be anything, it doesn’t affect only objects that can be burned
down, so even metal an be affected. The reverse, ash to object, will cause a pile of ash to return to its former shape, including items that were destroyed using this spell. The
material components are a pinch of ash & a zombie’s bone.
Prismatic Armor (Elemental-Radiance, Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 5 rounds + 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a colored aura around the caster (only 1 color can be used at any given time), with the order of Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Should the
caster not choose, it starts with the color Red. Any round where the caster doesn’t concentrate on the spell, the aura will progress 1 color along the spectrum (from Red to Violet).
If the caster concentrates (spellcasting disrupts concentration, although the caster can still move & attack), he can choose which color surrounds the caster for that round, even
making the spell only create 1 color for it’s entire duration. Each color aura protects against something different, and has a weakness. Should the caster be exposed to that which
negates his current aura, that weakness will cause the given aura to vanish from the spell, and it will be skipped from then on & can’t be selected thereafter. If all 7 auras are
diffused, the spell ends.
Red: complete protection (no damage) from non-magical missiles. Weakness: Cone of Cold.
Orange: complete protection from magical missiles. Weakness: Gust of Wind.
Yellow: stops all poisons, gasses, and petrifaction attacks. Weakness: Disintegrate.
Green: stops all forms of breath weapons. Weakness: Passwall.
Blue: stops all location/detection spells and mental attacks. Weakness: Magic Missile.
Indigo: stops all new magical spells from affecting the caster (even his own). Weakness: Continual Light.
Violet: stops all kinetic attacks - is a force field (although won't stop things like a cone of cold, or a ray of enfeeblement). Weakness: Dispel Magic.
Ravaging Spheres of Fire (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is an enhancement of the 2nd level flaming sphere. The spell creates one 3’ radius, burning globe of fire per level of the wizard. The globes all appear within 30 yards of
the wizard & roll in whichever direction the wizard points, at a rate of 200’ per round. The spheres can roll over any obstacle, even a city wall. Combustible substances are ignited
by contact with a sphere. Creatures contacting a sphere must successfully roll a saving throw versus spells or suffer 2d4HPs of damage. Those within 5’ of a sphere must also save
or suffer 1d4 points of damage. A successful save means that no damage is suffered. The spheres move in the direction the wizard directs, otherwise the spheres will wander
aimlessly. Spheres can be extinguished by the same means as any normal fire of their size. The surface of the spheres has a spongy, yielding consistency & does not cause damage
except by its flames. It can not push an unwilling creature aside or batter down large obstacles. If the spell is unleashed on a large source of easily combustible material (such as a
city of at least 50% wooden buildings or a dry forest) there is a 25% chance that a firestorm will start. A firestorm will burn out of control for many days until at least 90% of the
combustibles are burned. It will also be so hot that it will melt soft metals & crack thin stone walls. The material components are a pinch of sulfur, a bit of tallow, a dusting of
powdered iron, and a live fire dwelling/using creature, such as a fire beetle or fire bat, which must be slain during casting.
Reflection (Evocation, Abjuration; Force)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a specialized wall of force that will reflect spell energy cast at it. It will reflect all spells cast by spellcasters of lower level than the wizard casting the reflection,
and spells from higher-level spellcasters have a 5% chance per level above the caster of the reflection to break through it. If a spell succeeds in penetrating the special wall of force,
the reflection spell is ended. Reflected spells can affect the caster & any other creatures in his or her vicinity, depending on the nature of the spell cast, its range, area of effect, and
so forth; however, any saving throws versus the reflected spell are at -3 for the first reflection due to the unexpected nature of the effect, and at -1 for all subsequent reflections.
The spell can only be negated by the method outlined above before its normal duration expires. The reflection spell works in either direction; if the caster is foolish enough to cast
a spell at the special force field from the inside, it will reflect back at her! The force field can take 1 of 2 forms: a wall of 20ft2 per level of the caster, or a sphere of 20’ diameter
per level of the caster. Either form must be centered on a point within the spell range determined by the caster; once created, the force wall is totally immobile, and the caster can
enter & leave the area at will, as can any other creature. The spell has no effect on physical objects, even if magically endowed; it only affects actual magical energy released in the
casting of a spell. The material component of the spell is a silver mirror sprinkled with the dust of a gem of not less than 500gp value as the spell is cast.
Seeker (Elemental-Magma, Evocation)
Range: 300 feet Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 20' radius Saving Throw: ½
This spell follows a chosen living target that is in the range of spell. If the mage does not select a target, the spell goes after a random target. The ball of fire created by this spell
flies at 15” & will explode on contact with a hard, solid object or living being. It looks like a 3’ diameter ball of liquid lava. When it connects with the target, it does 1d6+1 points
of damage per caster level (up to a maximum of 15d6+15). The material components needed for this spell are bat guano, sulfur, and an arrow of seeking (this last item is not used
up during the casting).
Semipermanency (Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell affects the duration of certain other spells, making the duration significantly longer. To the casual observer, the effects may seem permanent, but in fact the duration is
limited to some number of years, based on the caster’s level; roll 1d20 & subtract the result from the caster’s level to yield the duration of the spell in years. If the result is 0 or less,
roll ld12 instead to find the spell’s duration in months. The DM should roll these duration dice & keep the results secret from the caster. Casting this spell has no effect on the
caster’s Constitution score. The personal spells upon which a semipermanency spell is known to be effective are the same as those listed for the more powerful permanency spell.
The wizard casts the desired spell upon him (only) & then follows with the semipermanency spell. Only a wizard of greater level than the spellcaster was (when he cast the spell)
can dispel this application of semipermanency. This spell can also be used to lengthen the duration of object/creature or area-effect spells, these are same as for the permanency
spell. In applications other than those directed on the caster, this spell can be dispelled normally to negate its effects. The DM may allow other selected spells to be made
semipermanent. The selected spell must be researched anew, costing as much & taking as long as its original research. The DM must decide whether a specific spell can be made
semipermanent. This spell cannot be used in the process of manufacturing magical items. The material components are a drop of dwarf’s blood & a permanent magic item.
Shadowcat (Illusion)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, the illusionist brings into being a cat made out of shadow. The shadowcat is the size of a normal cat & may be either grey or black at the caster’s option.
The caster has complete telepathic control of the feline; he can see, hear, or speak through it as long as it remains within range. At the moment it moves out of range, the
shadowcat vanishes. The caster does not need to concentrate on the shadowcat. The shadowy feline is insubstantial, making it subject only to magical or special attacks, including
those by weapons of +1 or better. It has AC 5, a movement rate of 18, and saving throws equal to those of the caster. The cat dissipates if it loses hit points equal to half the caster’s
total hit points. The shadowcat has no attacks of it own & cannot touch or carry objects. A dispel magic successfully cast causes the cat to vanish. A shadowcat makes no sound as
it moves. It is 90% undetectable in all but the brightest conditions. It can pass through small holes or narrow openings. The material components for this spell are a black pearl of at
least 100gp value & a claw from a grey or black cat.
Shield of Disintegration (Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: Special
Any creature launching a successful physical attack against the caster must save vs. disintegration or be disintegrated. If the save is successful, the victim will take 2d12 points of
damage. The shield is normally invisible but will flare when hit.
Magical Incantations – Level 7
Smoke Screen (Elemental-Smoke, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 70 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
This spell (which lasts 2d4 rounds + 1 round/3 levels of the caster), causes a large area to be immediately filled with smoke. Smoke screen limits both vision & infravision to a
range of 2d4 feet within the smoke filled area. Furthermore, the spell utterly prevents the working of true sight in its area of effect. All creatures in the affected area, besides the
visions limitations, must also save vs. breath weapon & save vs. death magic. Failing the breath save causes 6d6 points of damage from choking, and success reduces damage by
half. A successful save vs. death will result in coughing for 1d4 rounds, which prevents any action in those rounds short of running at quarter speed out of the smoky area. Failing
the save results in 2d4 rounds of blindness. Every 4 rounds in the spell’s area of effect will mandate another save vs. death. Note that creatures who don’t breath will not be
affected by the smoke, but will still be hindered by the spell’s affects on vision. The material component for this spell is the eye of a beholder that must be burned during the
casting of the spell.
Spectral Navigator (Conjuration, Summoning)
Range: 10’ Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour per level Casting Time: 10 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a ghostly, quasi-tangible navigator who will, for the duration of the spell, steer the ship. The navigator unerringly avoids all natural obstacles, if possible, and
always takes the course most likely to allow a vessel to reach port safely. The spectral navigator is immune to all physical & magical attacks, but may be dispelled by a successful
dispel magic. The material components of this spell are a tiny golden ship’s wheel & a chart with the ship’s position at the time of casting & the desired destination plotted.
Spell Immunity (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting time: 1 round Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to its lower-level cousin, minor spell immunity, except that it can protect against spells of 1st-7th level. The material component is a gemstone, as with the
lower-level spell, but its value must be no less than 500gp.
Spell Turning (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Up to 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Personal Saving Throw: None
This powerful abjuration causes spells cast against the wizard to rebound on the original caster. This includes spells cast from scrolls & innate spell-like abilities, but specifically
excludes the following: area effects that are not centered directly upon the protected wizard, spell effects delivered by touch, and spell effects from devices such as wands, staves,
etc. Thus a light spell cast to blind the protected wizard would be turned back upon & possibly blind the caster, while the same spell would be unaffected if cast to light an area
within which the protected wizard is standing. Seven to ten spell levels are affected by the turning, with the exact number never known to the wizard. A spell may be only partially
turned - divide the number of remaining levels that can be turned by the spell level of the incoming spell to see what fraction of the effect is turned - the remainder affects the
wizard. For example, if an incoming fireball is centered on a wizard with 1 spell level of turning left. This means that 2/3 of the fireball affects the protected wizard, 1/3 affects the
caster, and each is the center of a fireball effect. If the rolled damage is 40 points, the protected wizard receives 27 points of damage & the caster suffers 13. Both (and any
creatures in the respective areas) can roll saving throws for half damage. Partially turned hold or paralysis spells will slow those who are 50% or more affected. If the protected
wizard & a spellcasting attacker both have spell turning effects operating, a resonating field is created that has the following effects:
Dice Roll Effect
01-70 Spell drains away without effect
71-80 Spell affects both equally at full damage
81-97 Both turning effects are rendered non-functional for 1-4 turns
98-100 Both caster go through a rift into the Positive Material plane
The material component for this spell is a small silver mirror.
Spontaneous Human Combustion (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: Special
This powerful spell causes the creature that the spell is centered on, to erupt in a fiery explosion that completely destroys them. If the target makes their save, there is no effect. But
if they fail their save, the explosion is equal to an 8d8 fireball. All creatures caught in the area of effect of the fireball can save for half damage. Only a resurrection or wish spell
can bring the exploded creature back. The material component of this spell is a small doll covered in sulfur & bat guano and a ruby worth 1000gp.
Steal Enchantment (Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, (M) Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 hour Area of Effect: 1 item Saving Throw: Negates
This spell ‘steals’ the enchantment from a magical item & places it within another, non-magical item. The wizard must touch both objects during the casting. The 2 items must be
of the same category (blunt weapon, edged weapon, ring, amulet, shield, armour, wand, etc.) The enchantment can be transferred only to a non-magical item. Only the energy of 1
item can be transferred; it is not possible to combine 2 magical items into 1 item. The new item has all the properties of the original item (including the same number of charges, if
any). At the culmination of the spell, the original magic object is allowed a saving throw vs. disintegration with all of the modifiers it is allowed as a magical item. Exceptionally
powerful items (such as artifacts) will automatically succeed the saving throw. If the saving throw is successful, the magical object resists the effect & the spell ends in failure,
destroying the intended receptacle in the process. If the roll is failed, the magical item loses all of its powers, which are transferred to the previously non-magical object. Even if
the magical item fails its saving throw, the spell’s success is not guaranteed. There is a chance the enchantment might be lost. The caster must roll equal to or less than his level on
a d20, or both items become non-magical. The material component is the non-magical item, which is to receive the enchantment. It must be of equal or greater value than the
object to be drained. Note that this spell in some special cases can be used to ‘salvage’ the enchantment of an item that is broken, but still retains its magic.
Suffocate (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: 30 yards Components V, S, (M) Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: Negates
This spell draws the breath out of all creatures within the area of effect (a 10-yard radius circle), that fails a saving throw. Their breath is placed within a small silk bag held by the
caster. Each round, a victim of this spell must attempt a Constitution check. If failed, the creature suffers 2d4 points of damage. If successful, the victim has taken in enough air to
reduce the damage to 1d4. As they struggle & gasp for air, affected creatures move & attack at half their normal rates, have a -4 AC penalty, an attack penalty of -4, and lose all
Dexterity combat bonuses. Effects of this spell continue each round regardless of whether the victims remain in original area of effect. The damage accumulates until the spell
expires, the silk bag is opened, or a successful dispel magic is cast upon the bag. The penalties to combat remain in effect for 1d3 rounds after the spell ends. The material
component is a small silk bag studded with black opals worth a total of no less than 5000gp. The bag is not destroyed during casting, but becomes useless for future castings if
successful a dispel magic spell is used on it.
Summon Wind (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 ship Saving Throw: None
With this spell the sea wizard calls up a steady wind to fill his sails & blow the ship in a desired direction. The wind never blows harder than required for a moderate rate of travel,
but it is completely reliable for as long as it lasts. It is unaffected by prevailing winds. To cast this spell, the wizard must know the true name of a wind elemental, whose help he
calls upon to direct the magical winds. If the same elemental has been called previously, there is a 5% cumulative chance per summoning that the elemental refuses to serve. If this
happens, the elemental arrives, but is uncontrollable. Once the spell is successfully cast, the duration of the resulting wind must be determined. First, make an Intelligence ability
check. If it fails, the wind blows for 1 hour & then dies out. If the check succeeds, the wind lasts all day or until dismissed by the wizard. For each day of sailing, another
Intelligence check must be made. When the check fails, the wind ceases. The wizard may do other spellcasting while the wind blows, but once it stops it does not start again unless
magically summoned once more. The material component is a flask of air captured & sealed in a bottle on the plane of Elemental Air or a bit of the air essence of a creature from
that plane. The spell takes effect when the bottle is opened and the air released.
The Protection of the Sea (Evocation/Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
An improved version of ice bubble, this spell creates a globe of water 10’ thick which completely surrounds the caster. The caster can breathe as well as he could if the globe were
not present. Note that this means he can still drown if the globe is submerged. It tends to make the caster rather difficult to hurt with fire soaking up the first 2 points per die of all
fire damage, and also makes him very hard to attack. Anyone trying to melee him with a weapon less than 10’ long is inside the globe & thus drowning, taking 1d4 points of
drowning damage per round & unable to act offensively. Arrows tend to be stopped by the water, which provides -4 to the caster’s AC versus normal missiles & absorbs the first
point per die of missile damage. However, giant-hurled rocks & those from siege engines strike as normal. The globe will reshape itself to pass through doorways & other
constricted passageways. Finally, the caster & his gear remain dry throughout the spell. The material component is a pearl (at least 1000gp), which is consumed in the casting.
Magical Incantations – Level 7
The Sea’s Mouth (Alteration)
Range: 50 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
The spellcaster causes a large body of water to “swallow” a ship or other buoyant object up to 60’ long, by dragging it down into the water. Once the object is below the water
level, water will cover the object. Each round, the caster must make a save vs. spells in order to continue the casting, checking against the table below.
Roll Effect Roll Effect Roll Effect The caster must maintain concentration in order to keep the spell
15+ Object sinks 10’ 0 Object stays in position 10- Object rises 10’ in effect. The caster may end the spell at any time, and the
10+ Object sinks 5’ 5- Object rises 2’ 15- Spell ends targeted ship will rise at movement rate of 12’ to the surface.
5+ Object sinks 1’ The material components are a bowl of water & a toy ship.
Third Eye (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a swirling spiral on the caster’s forehead that casts beams of annihilation. The third eye fires a ray that has the same attack roll as the mage. The beams must
attack a target every round, living or otherwise. Creatures hit by the third eye’s ray must save vs. spell or be killed, while inanimate objects must save vs. disintegration or break
apart. While this spell is in effect, the caster may use no other spells or attacks. At the end of the spell, the caster must make a System Shock roll to avoid falling unconscious for
3d4 rounds.
Timed Stasis (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 20 + d100 days Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 container Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast on a container (27 cubic feet maximum volume) - a chest or safe, typically - that container is totally impervious to any attempt to open it for a preset length
of time or for a predetermined period each day (such as “from dusk to dawn”). In fact, for the container & its contents, time has come to a complete stop. The protected container is
immune to all physical, magical & scrying effects - short of a wish. In effect, the container & its contents are no longer part of the normal universe. The period of stasis cannot be
changed while the spell is in effect. The material component is a small spring made out of platinum (valued at no less than 500gp).
Transmute Blood to Water (Elemental-Water, Alteration) Reversible
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell strikes at the blood of a living being & attempts to magically turn the blood into water, thereby killing the creature. The creature gains a saving throw vs. spells, and if
they made, they instead take only 1d6+1 points of damage from the small minute amounts of blood that did change into water. A creature killed by the blood to water spell cannot
be brought back to life by most means unless the water is somehow turned back into blood, either through the reverse of this spell, limited wish, or a wish. A raise dead will not
suffice, though a resurrection will. Another version of the blood to water spell would turn 10 cubic feet of non-living blood (blood not in the veins of a creature) into fresh or salt
water (as desired by the caster), with no saving throw required. The reverse of the spell, transmute water to blood has 2 uses. Either to undo the effects of a previously successful
casting of the blood to water spell (it does not restore life, however, just turns the body of water back into a body of blood). Or transform one 10’ cube of water, per caster’s level,
into an equal amount of blood from the same type of creature as the caster himself. Creatures made of water hit by the water to blood spell gain a saving throw vs. spell, or receive
1d6 points of damage per caster level, success meaning half-damage. The material component for this spell is a drop of water & a drop of blood, regardless of whether the spell or
its reverse is being cast. Furthermore, 500gp worth of powdered bloodstone is required for the water to blood spell, and 500gp worth of powdered aquamarine is required for the
blood to water spell. Both are consumed in casting.
Vacuum Bubble (Invocation/Evocation, Elemental-Vacuum)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
A powerful attack spell, vacuum bubble causes a sphere, empty of matter, to form around a single living target. The target must then save vs. death magic at -2 penalty or blow up,
as the particles which make up his being begin breaking up into gas, and then into plasma. The visage is horrifying, as one actually sees the victim of the spell break up in seconds,
and after the round of the spell, the bubble breaks & out of the air falls a pile of gray colorless dirt & some gases. Beings under the effect of temporal stasis, statue spells & the like
are unaffected by a vacuum bubble spell.
Vipergout (Conjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell causes live snakes to be created in the mouth of the wizard, who must spit them out. They do not choke or otherwise harm the caster. Until the spell expires (lasting up to
2 rounds/level), they serve the caster, fighting to the death. One snake appears for every 3 levels of the wizard (rounding down); each round, roll 1d4 to determine how many
serpents issue from the caster’s mouth in that round, until all the snakes have appeared. Until all have issued forth, the wizard cannot speak, cast spells with a verbal component, or
utter command words - but can breathe normally, swallow without affecting the arrival of the snakes, and may freely engage in movement & combat. The snakes are normal
(constrictor or poisonous), not giant sized. A summoned snake cannot be made to attack its fellows, the caster, or itself. Dispel magic, and all other means short of slaying caster or
snakes will fail to break the caster’s control over the snakes. Controlled snakes attack as the caster wills. They can switch targets, constrict without biting, use their jaws to turn
keys, move small objects about, gnaw ropes, and engage in other non-combat activities. The material component for this spell is a piece of snakeskin.
Wind Tunnel (Elemental-Air, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, M Duration: See text Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
By use of this spell, the caster creates a cylindrical tunnel of wind (appearing 10’ directly in front of the wizard) that is 10’ in diameter, and stretching 10’ per level in length. As
long as the wizard maintains concentration on the spell, the tunnel’s primary section will be under the caster’s control. Once concentration is broken, however, it cannot be
retained, and the tunnel will move & grow in a random fashion for the spell’s duration (1d10 rounds + 1 round/level), which cannot be shortened. The tunnel is capable of moving
10’ per round & growing at both ends at the same rate. If it splits into parts due to this movement, it will grow at all loose ends for the duration of the spell. The caster &
designated friends may pass through the controlled tunnel unscathed. Others, however, must make Strength checks to avoid being pulled into the tunnel, make melee attacks at -2,
and may take a point of damage per round from loose sand, dirt, or pebbles. While in the tunnel, missile & hurled attacks are made at -5. Such attacks through the tunnel “skin” are
next to impossible. Note that the caster may walk, communicate non-verbally, and still maintain control, however if the wizard is hit or distracted, then control is lost. The material
component for this spell is a fan.
Withering Palm (Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: ½
This spell acts similar to a staff of withering. Upon casting the spell, the caster must touch the victim. If a successful hit roll is made, the victim suffers 3d6 points of damage &
must make a successful saving throw vs. spell to avoid the withering effect. If the saving throw is failed, one limb of the creature (either the limb touched or one randomly
determined) becomes shriveled & useless. The head is not considered a limb! If the saving throw is successful, the creature still suffers damage but does not undergo withering. If
an arm is withered, the character can still fight, though he cannot use two-handed weapons. Spells requiring somatic components can be cast 75% of the time. If a leg is withered,
the character’s movement rate is reduced to ¼ its normal. Armor Class decreases by 3 & the character suffers a -4 on his chance to hit. A withered limb can be restored by the use
of heal, limited wish, and wish spells.
Zombie Double (Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a ju-ju zombie duplicate of the caster. The zombie double has the same memories, consciousness, and alignment as the caster; essentially, the caster now exists in
2 bodies simultaneously. In all other respects, the zombie double is the same as a normal ju-ju zombie (see Monster Manual for statistics). The zombie double cannot cast spells,
but it can use any weapons that the caster can use. It is also able to climb wall as a thief (92%). The zombie double can be turned as a spectre. If it strays more than 30 yards from
the caster, the zombie double becomes inactive & collapses to the ground; it becomes active again the instant the caster moves within range. The material components for this spell
are a bit of wax from a black candle & a lock of hair from the caster.
Magical Incantations – Level 8
Eighth Level Spells
Absolute Zero (Evocation, Elemental-Ice)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
Contrary to the name, this spell does not reduce the temperature to absolute zero, although the creatures caught in this terrible spell’s area (a field 40’ long, 40’ wide & 10’ high)
would not be able to tell the difference. The spell inflicts 1d10 points of damage per 2 levels per round to all creatures not immune to cold. All others can save vs. spell for half
damage, while objects must save vs. cold with a -4 penalty or be destroyed.
Air Burn (Elemental-Air, Elemental-Fire, Alteration, Evocation/Invocation)
Range: 200 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10’ radius/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell burns all the oxygen out of the area effect, by a 15d6+15 fireball that explodes in the area. For 3 rounds, there is no air in the area, if it is cast outside. Any victims in the
area must make a save vs. breath weapon at -3 for every round they remain in the area. If the victims’ Constitution score is 14-15, they get a +1, 16-17 +2, 18 +3, and 19+ +4 or
pass out. If cast in an area where air is not circulated, it lasts 10 rounds. The blast can be as small as a fireball or as large an area as the caster chooses. The material component
must be a piece of metal melted by red dragon breath, a piece from the elemental plane of fire, or a piece from a fire elemental.
Airball (Elemental-Air, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: 10’ diameter sphere Saving Throw: None
Then this spell is cast, a boulder-sized sphere of air under incredible pressure is created within a 100’ radius of the caster. If the cast in the air, the ball falls toward the ground. If it
has fallen 20’ or more, the ball breaks into 8 separate blasts of wind upon striking the ground, each equal to a gust of wind spell in all respects (winds of 30MPH) & each blowing
in 1 of 8 compass directions from the point of impact. In addition, the winds stir up all local dust & dirt for 1d4 rounds, limiting all vision to 10’ in their areas of effect. If cast in
desert area, damage is 1d10 & 1d6 the second round. The airball is a stormy blue in color & cannot be moved, if it fails to burst, once it touches the ground. The ball is stationary
& permanent until broken. The sphere is AC 6; any damage will penetrate its sensitive surface & set it off, although touching or pushing on it won’t do so. The material component
for this spell is open air in, at least, a 100’ x 100’ x 100’ area.
Airboat (Alteration, Enchantment)
Range: 1 mile Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell must be cast under a cloudy sky. The caster points at a cloud, which immediately descends towards him. As it comes closer, the cloud changes shape, becoming any sort
of vessel imagined by the wizard (a dragon-shaped galley, a one-man dinghy, etc.) Although the airboat is made of cloud, it feels solid & can support the weight of the caster plus
1 passenger per level of the caster. It can fly at any speed up to 5MPH per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 90MPH. The caster maintains total telepathic control over the
airboat’s speed & direction. While controlling the vessel, the wizard is able to perform other actions, but may not cast other spells.
Backshift (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 creature Save: Special
This spell forces its target (who must be visible to the caster when casting begins) back into previous body shapes the target has assumed. If it is cast on a creature that has never
changed its shape, the spell is wasted. Purely illusionary disguises, and minor changes to the nature of a targets body such as in growing & aging do not count as “changes in
shape”. Backshift forces its target back into the last 3 body shapes it has assumed that weren’t its own. If the target has taken fewer than 3 shapes since birth, the spell displays all
forms it has taken. The target creature appears into these shapes in reverse chronological order (that is, the most recently-taken form first) for 1 round each. If there are fewer than
3 shapes available, the spell cycles through them, never including the form the creature was using when first struck by the backshift. There is no saving throw against this initial
part of the backshift, and this spell can force creatures into shapes not adapted for survival in the current surroundings (such as aquatic forms, on dry land). Target activities, such
as spell-casting & weapon use, may be hampered or aided by the forms taken (dropping weapons is common), but the backshift spell itself doesn’t prohibit them. At the end of the
3rd round, the victim of a backshift is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the save succeeds, the spell ends, and the creature is instantly returned to the form it had at first contact
with the spell. If the save fails, the caster of the spell can freely choose any 1 of the 4 forms (the initial 1 & the 3 forced “returns”) as the target creature’s new form. As the magic
expires, it puts the target creature into the chosen form. This change is permanent unless altered by later magics, though the chosen form isn’t the creature’s “true” form, a simple
dispel magic causes the creature to revert to its true form. Once a backshift has been cast, its caster is free to undertake other activities during later rounds (while its victim is
undergoing the spell effects). The death of the caster frees the target from the backshift immediately, but movement out of spell range does not. The material components of a
backshift are a strand of spider web, a whole, raw egg & a fragment of shell from an egg that has hatched. Both the whole egg & the shell fragment may come from any egg-laying
creature, and they need not both be from the same individual or even species. This spell was originally developed to unmask individuals who employed shape-changing magics to
conceal their identities when they openly carried out crimes. For safety reasons, a backshift spell is usually memorized by at least 1 senior participant prior to any “twenty
transformations” game.
Call (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Creature called Saving Throw: Negates
When cast, this spell allows the caster to summon any single creature he knows by sight into his presence. The caster must know the specific identity of the creature called, not just
the general type. Calling for a ki-rin is not sufficient, the caster must have a specific ki-rin in mind. Creatures with names must be summoned by their true name. A successful
saving throw vs. spell allows the creature to ignore the call. Creatures called must be on the same plane as the caster. Once called, the creature is under no compulsion to remain or
aid the caster. Deities & similar powerful beings are not forced to heed the call spell. The material components for this spell are a stick of incense & a strip of paper, burned when
the spell is cast.
Calling the Wrath of the Storm (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 360’ radius Saving Throw: halves
Cast during a storm, this spell allows the caster to call down lightning (1 bolt every 3 rounds) upon targets in the storm for 2d8 points of damage plus 1d8 per level of experience of
the caster per bolt. The spell lasts until the storm disperses (for any reason). Unless the caster is firmly grounded, he may well be struck by one of his own bolts. An improved
version of the 3rd level priest spell, the material component is a handful of copper rods.
Cloud Trapeze (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to soar on a magical cloud at incredible speeds. Upon casting the spell, the caster gently lifts into the air on a small cloud & then whizzes away in
whatever direction he desires. The caster can take 1 human-sized creature with him for every 4 levels he possesses. The rate of movement is 10 miles every round. In a single turn,
the caster can cover 100 miles! Those riding on the cloud feel none of the effects of this swift movement & the ride is perfectly steady & calm, even through the worst weather. At
the end of the spell or when the caster decides to land, the cloud settles gently to earth & disappears. The material component for this spell is a boll of cotton.
Conjured Delayed Fireball (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration)
Range: 10 feet/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/3 levels Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell opens a portal to the elemental plane of fire for a number of rounds. While the portal is open, it is open at the center of a fireball. The fireball does 15d6+15 & on the
next round, the portal opens & the fire plane material spills out to fill any empty space at a rate of 70’ per round. Any in the area of effect must save vs. death or be vaporized
unless protected from fire. If a save is successful, the creature takes 5d6 points of fire damage. A save must be made for every round that that those caught by the spell remains in
its area of effect. The material component for this spell is fire from the elemental plane of fire.
Create the Humble Servant (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a human servant to perform at the caster’s orders. The casting time is a base of 40 days, modified by 1 day less for each point of the caster’s base Wisdom, & the
caster must work for 12 uninterrupted hours each day. At the end of the spell, the nascent servant must save vs. spells at his master’s level, and success means he is born, fully
functional. The servant will have 10’s in all but 1 attribute, which may be as high as the caster’s Intelligence & which may not be Intelligence. The servant will be able to speak 1
language of the caster’s choice (that the caster knows), and may have 1 other talent, skill, or knowledge (NWP) at the caster’s level. The servant will have no personality traits or
direction of its own to begin with, & will follow orders from anyone who gives them (even if ordered not to by the caster). As the spell duration is permanent, the servant will
‘grow’ mentally as any normal child, and will age normally (assume a starting age of 20).
Magical Incantations – Level 8
Curse of the Ravenous Swarm (Conjuration, Summoning)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 10 Area of Effect: 1 square mile Saving Throw: Special
A more deadly version of the 2nd level summon swarm, this conjuration calls a pestilence (of locusts, flies, etc.) upon an area, destroying plant life & fields. Any creatures in the
affected area will take 1d4+1 points of damage each hour unless a saving throw vs. breath weapon is made, and active steps are taken to either quit the area or swat the bugs. In the
first hour, the pestilence affects an area of 100 yards square, and spreads outward at 100 yards on a side every hour until it encompasses an area of 1 square mile in the last hour.
The pestilence will not extend past the 1 square mile, and at the end of the spell’s duration, the insects all die, leaving many thousands to rot, blighting the fields for a further 1-6
months. Needless to say, casting this spell is unlikely to endear one to the local druids. The material component for this spell is a piece of rotten meat, which is tossed into the
center of the affected area.
Death Spider (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
This horrible spell causes one of the victim’s limbs to instantly become a mindless, hairy black spider. The spider twists about & starts eating the victim’s flesh, doing 1-2 points of
damage per round. Anything worn or carried by that limb drops away. The victim is allowed an initial save against the spell. If it fails only a remove curse in tandem with a
polymorph spell, or a limited wish or more powerful means, will end the condition. Dispel magic will be effective only if cast within 2 rounds of the touch that confers the death
spider condition. The afflicted limb may be severed & burned to destroy the death spider. If done within a round of its creation, only a hand or foot will be lost (with
accompanying 1d4+1HPs of damage & System Shock roll). If left until longer, the entire limb will have to go, with a loss of 1d12+4HPs & System Shock roll. A death spider
never has a poisonous bite or other spider powers, but if unchecked, it will inexorably consume its entire host. The spider can only be stopped by the means mentioned above. One
day after the host is entirely eaten, the death spider will become a normal giant spider in all respects. The material components for this spell are a small live spider, a drop of
digestive juices from any creature, and a tooth.
Defoliate (Necromancy)
Range: 30 yards Components: S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster causes all vegetation within the affected area (50-yard square/level) to wither & die, crumbling into black ashes. All vegetation is affected, from
the tallest tree to the tiniest blade of grass. Intelligent plant life (such as treants) is also destroyed. The power of a wish or its equivalent is required to restore the destroyed
vegetation; otherwise, nothing can grow in the defoliated area for a full year. Note that since the defoliate spell causes plants to crumble to ash, there is no danger of a creature
being struck by a toppling tree; however, creatures hiding in trees will find themselves plummeting to the ground when this spell is cast. The material components for this spell are
the petal from a withered flower & a sliver of charred wood.
Dripping Flesh (Elemental-Ooze, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
One of the most powerful touch-attack spells, dripping flesh causes the target’s body to become a jelly-like substance & ooze away in 1d4 rounds. Unless the victim saves & the
spell is thwarted, the change is permanent & will result in the target’s death unless a limited wish is cast within the 1d4 rounds he is oozing away. Otherwise, only a carefully
worded wish spell will return the victim to life. The material component for this spell is a living piece of ooze in a closed container.
Elemental Triads (Elemental-General, Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
When this spell is cast, 3 bolts of fire, electricity, frost, water, or acid shoot forth from the palm of the wizard and streak towards 1, 2 or 3 targets (within 15 yards + 10
yards/level). If more than 1 target is struck, the targets must be within 60° of each other. The damage inflicted is 1d6HPs + 1HP per level. The wizard must be able to see the
targets. Successful saving throws halve the damage. A save applies to each separate bolt, so if only 1 creature is attacked then it must make 3 saves. The material component for
this spell is a small piece of gold shaped like a pyramid.
Endless Slumber (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 object or creature Saving Throw: None
This powerful enchantment places its victim in a permanent, unbreakable sleep. While sleeping, the victim remains in a state of suspended animation, requiring no air, food, or
water. Victims of this spell do not age, but they always dream. Endless slumber must be cast either directly on the victim by touch, or else cast on an object that delivers the spell to
its target. If used on a mobile (yet unwilling) victim, the caster must make a successful attack roll. If the attack roll fails, the spell is lost. If the spell is cast on an object, the victim
must devour the object (such as a fruit), be wounded by it (a dagger or arrow), or wear it (as a medallion or ring). Each method of delivering the spell has its own advantages. If
used on food, the spell dissipates (if the object is not eaten within 1 day of the enchantment). If cast on a weapon, the enchantment fails after the first failed attack. If cast on a
decorative object, the enchantment fails when the token is removed from the sleeper. Dispel magic or limited wish spells do not affect this enchantment, but a wish spell cancels it.
Otherwise, the only means of waking the victim of an endless slumber spell is a single strict-but-possible condition chosen by the caster upon completing the spell. The most
famous conditions include the sleeper’s return to the place of his birth, a solar eclipse, the death of an immortal dragon, or even the fall of a great empire. The material components
of this spell are an entire, lotus flower and a chunk of amber.
Fear Ward (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10-yard diameter Saving Throw: None
Fear ward creates an aura around the caster that makes him immune to all forms of fear, including that caused by dragons. Additionally, fear ward protects the caster from attacks
by all forms of undead; the spell is equally effective against physical & magical attacks. Dispel magic has no effect on fear ward, but a wish will negate it. The material
components for this spell are the fangs of a spider & a hair from the head of ghoul.
Fire Cage (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 10’ cube Saving Throw: Special
This spell calls forth fire from the elemental plane of fire to surround a creature in the form of a cage. The fire cage is solid to the touch & the bars give off no heat, but its true
power is seen when the imprisoned creature tries to escape. If the fire cage is touched, it inflicts 2d10 points of damage with no save. If the creature inside tries to teleport or
dimension door through the fire cage, it inflicts 1d8 points of damage per level of the caster. The fire cage can only be destroyed by a disintegrate spell or an extinguish spell. This
powerful spell can also be used in conjunction with a firetrap or explosive runes spell. The creature gets a save vs. the first spell, and if they are successful they get a save versus
the fire cage. If the save versus the fire cage is made, the fire cage does not come into existence. But the creature that triggered the spell takes double damage from the first spell’s
effects. If the save versus the fire cage is failed, the fire cage comes into existence. If the save against the first spell is failed the creature gets no save versus the fire cage.
Fire Gem (Elemental-Fire, Abjuration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 turns Area of Effect: 1 gem Saving Throw: None
This spell requires an expensive gem, whose value depends on the number of spell levels that will be cast into the gem. The gem’s value must be 1000gp per spell level of the spell
or spells (cumulative). This spell causes a gem to have a flame appear at the center. The flame has no real significance other than that the gem is ready to receive spell(s). After a
spell is cast into a gem, it can be called forth in 1/10 of a round. The spell will act at the level it was cast into the gem. The gem will decay by 100gp each time a spell is released.
Spells can be held inside a gem for 1 day per level. The total spell levels placed into a fire gem must be equal to or less than the wizard’s level. So a 18th level wizard could place
18 spell levels into the fire gem. If permanency is cast on the fire gem, each spell can be used 1/day. Note that the gem still decays, so after some time the gem will disappear.
Fire Grasp (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell works very similar to Bigby’s grasping hand. Not only does it disable your opponent & slow their movement, but it also damages them with fire. The hand inflicts 2d4
points of damage each round to the held creature & 1d4 points of damage to all creatures within 10’. The hand can be brought down with a successful dispel magic spell. The hand
has an armor class of 0 & has the caster’s hit points. The material component is a glove covered in sulfur.
Flame Jet (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/5 levels Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
When this spell is cast, a jet of flames shoots forth from the wizard’s hand; this jet is 5’ wide & has a length of up to 5’ per level of the caster (the wizard may vary the length from
1’ up to the maximum range). The flame jet travels in a straight line & is blocked by normal obstacles (i.e. stone, metal, etc.). If the flame jet is blocked, it will not rebound, but
may flow around the barrier if it is small enough (less than 5’ across). Anyone struck by the flame jet suffers 1d10 points of damage per 2 levels of the wizard (up to a maximum of
10d10). A successful save vs. spell reduces the damage by half. If this save fails, all possessions must save vs. magical fire or be consumed. The flames from this spell will melt ice
Magical Incantations – Level 8
& ignite wood on contact. They are able to melt a hole in a wall of ice in a single round (though they will not destroy it), and can bring down a wall of fog instantly; other wall
spells are not affected by this spell. The flame jet will remain in effect for 1 round for every 5 levels of the wizard, up to a maximum of 4 rounds. A single creature must be chosen
as the target for the flame jet (but others may be struck if they are in the path of the flames) & a new target may be selected each round the spell is in effect. If the wizard chooses,
2 jets (one from each hand) may be employed instead of one; if this is the case, range & damage are halved (in some cases, 1 jet will do 1 more die of damage than the other). A
separate target may be chosen for each of these jets each round they are in effect. At the beginning of each round the spell is in effect, the wizard may split a single jet in 2, or may
combine 2 jets into a single one. The material components for this spell are a powdered ruby & a powdered fire opal, which must be worth a least 500gp together. The powdered
gems are mixed together in the hand(s) of the wizard at the time of the casting; all material components are consumed with the casting.
Flaming Wheel (Elemental-Fire, Invocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds / level Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: ½
By using this spell, the caster is able to destroy any object within the 20’ radius of the flames. All people in the area must make a successful save or take half damage that round,
and additional rounds that the victim(s) are in the round causes the next save to have a +4 penalty. Anyone in the area takes 1d10 damage per level of caster (up to 16d10). Any
non-living objects must make a saving throw vs. magical fire or become dust. The caster acts as the center point for the flaming wheel & cannot move or be distracted; if he is, the
spell puffs up in smoke causing blindness for 1d4 rounds to everyone within 40’ (including the caster), unless the characters pass a saving throw. The smoke lasts for only 1 round.
The material components for the spell are flammable oil in a glass flask (oil is magically burned in the flask during the spell & must be replaced after each use).
Flashburn (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 20’ + 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes a stunning burst of fire to explode around the victim. Such is the suddenness of this burst, that any creature so struck must make a save vs. paralyzation or be
stunned for 1d6 rounds. While this explosive shock is intense in the extreme, it is also confined so that others even within a couple of feet of the victim will receive no damage. All
items on the person of (or being touched by) the victim must save vs. magical fire or be destroyed. The individual graced by this spell will receive 1d6 (counting all ones as twos)
of damage per level of the wizard (maximum of 15d6). There is no saving throw vs. the fire effect of this spell unless the creature struck is resistant to fire. In this instance, a save
for half damage is applicable. The material component of this spell is a jasper stone worth at least 50gp.
Freeze Storm II (Elemental-Ice, Invocation)
Range: 10’ per level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 30’ cube Saving Throw: Negates
Freeze Storm II causes rain, sleet, and freezing temperatures in the area of effect. All creatures caught in this storm that fail to make their saving throw are frozen solid & unable to
move. Any creature having cold protection spells or devices in effect at the time of the storm will be granted an additional +3 on their saving throw. While frozen, the victim(s) are
in a state of suspended animation. Thawing them out will return them to active duty. Note that in an arctic or mountain top campaign, or any other area where the snows never
melt, the victim will be unable to escape without the aid of someone. In any other campaign, the sun will eventually melt the victim free.
Giant Size (Alteration) Reversible
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2d4 rounds Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Caster only Saving Throw: None
This spell allows the caster to assume truly gigantic proportions. As soon as the spell is cast, the caster must make a System Shock roll. If the roll is failed, the character
permanently loses 1 point of Constitution. The spell causes the caster to instantly grow, adding a height of 3’ for every level of experience. An 18th level caster would be about 60’
tall & a 29th level caster would stand a colossal 93’ tall. The Strength of the caster increases proportionately - 1 point of Strength for every 3 levels of experience to a maximum of
25. However, the giant form is awkward & clumsy, so the caster does not receive any hit bonuses for his increased Strength (although he does receive damage bonuses). Damage
bonuses for Strengths above 18 are equal to +6 + 1 point for every point of strength greater than 18. The AC of the caster is improved by 1 for every 12’ of height gained. The hit
points of the caster remain unchanged & the movement rate also remains unchanged, because of the slow & lumbering body of the caster. While in giant form, the caster cannot
cast spells of any type. Items carried by the caster do not increase in size, except for normal clothing. Obviously, because of this, the caster cannot use normal weapons. However,
he can uproot trees to use as clubs (2d10 points of damage) if a successful bend bars/lift gates die roll is made. Boulders can be hurled, again if a successful bend bars/lift gates die
roll is made. Each boulder thrown causes 3d6 points of damage. Other acts of rampage & destruction must be adjudicated by the DM, using the general guidelines of Strength &
the bend bars/lift gates die roll. Also, since the spell causes a sudden spurt of growth, the caster should take care in picking the place the spell is used. If cast underground or in an
area smaller than the full size attained by the caster, the caster is going to take damage, possibly even die because of the squeezing & crushing that occurs. The material component
for this spell is the scale of a dragon or hairs from the head of a giant. The reverse of this spell is minute form. When cast, the size of the caster reduces by 3” per level thereafter
An 18th level caster reduces by 54”. When the caster shrinks to 1” in height only 1/8th of an inch is lost per level thereafter. The maximum reduction allowed is 1/8th inch tall. The
AC of the caster remains unchanged, but all attacks must be made on a character of tiny proportions (a successful Perception roll must be made before each attack). The movement
rate is reduced by 1” per foot of height lost. Upon reaching the last foot of height, the movement rate is reduced 1” for every further 3” reduction in height. The movement rate can
never be less than 1’ per round. Upon reaching 1’ in height, the creature suffers only half normal damage from falls. At 1” or less of height, no damage is suffered from falls.
However, the creature is highly susceptible to winds & breezes and can be easily blown about by gust of wind, wind breath & similar spells. Although all items shrink when this
spell is cast, most are rendered unusable or negligible in their effect. The ranges & effects of magical items & spells are adjusted proportionately to their size. The material
component for this spell is a flea swallowed by the caster
Gunther’s Kaleidoscopic Strike (Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: ½
When this spell is cast, a thin beam of shimmering, kaleidoscopic light shoots from the wizard’s fingertips toward his target. This spell has no effect on non-spellcasters, causing
them no harm whatsoever. Creatures with innate spell-like abilities are also unaffected. Against magic-users & priests, this spell can be devastating. It ‘short-circuits’ the arcane
energy stored in a spellcaster’s mind, wiping away a number of memorized spells. Lost spells must be memorized again. The number of spell drained is equal to the caster’s level
minus 1d20. Any result of 0 or a negative number (after subtracting the die roll from the caster’s level) indicates that the victim loses no spells. The victim is allowed a saving
throw to halve the number of drained spells (round the number of lost spells up to the nearest whole). Spells are drained from the victim’s memorized spells beginning with 1st
level spells & working up to higher levels. Any decision regarding which spell should be drained from a specific spell level should be determined randomly.
Homunculus Shield (Evocation, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
By creating a homunculus shield, the caster separates a portion of his mind in the form of an exteriorized magical homunculus. This creature is invisible to all but the caster &
appears as a miniature version of the caster perched atop the caster’s head. The caster may move & act normally while this spell is in effect. The magical homunculus operates as
an independent spellcaster. It may cast only teleport, contingency, and protective spells of 4th level & lower. It casts only spells from the wizard’s memorized store of spells, but
any spells cast by the homunculus are done so with a casting time of 1 segment. The wizard selects which spells are cast by his homunculus; after they are cast, they are wiped
from the caster’s memory. The homunculus has 1HP per 2 levels of the caster. These points are ‘borrowed’ from the caster; while the homunculus is present, the wizard’s hit points
are reduced by this amount. The homunculus cannot be struck by melee or missile weapons separately from the wizard. It can be damaged separately from the wizard (e.g. by a
magic missile or by area effect spells). The homunculus has the attributes & saving throws of the wizard. At the end of the spell’s duration, or if the homunculus’s hit points are
reduced to 0, the homunculus disappears & any hit points it had are restored to the wizard. Hit points lost by the homunculus (it cannot lose more than it starts with) can be
regained only by magical healing. If the caster’s hit points are reduced to 0 at any time during the spell, the wizard is dead even if the homunculus had hit points remaining. A
wizard with an active homunculus shield suffers a -4 saving throw penalty against magic jar spells cast upon him due to the division of his mental energy. The material component
is a miniature sculpted bust of the spellcaster.
Icesteel (Elemental-Ice, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: Object touched Saving Throw: None
Essentially an ice-based version of the glassteel spell, icesteel gives normal, non-magical ice the physical resilience of steel. The object remains cold to the touch, but will not melt
unless subjected to the heat normally required to melt steel. This spell is useful for creating durable weapons & tools, such as long swords, ladders, etc., out of ice. Only a small
amount of ice can be affected with any one application of the spell, up to a maximum of 10lbs per level of the caster, and it must form 1 whole object. The Armor Class of the
object is 1. The material components of the spell are a small piece of steel & a chunk of smoky quartz, which are not consumed in casting.
Magical Incantations – Level 8
Incendiary Cloud (Alteration/Evocation)
Range: 30 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 rounds + 1d6 rounds Casting Time: 2 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell appears similar to the smoke version of the pyrotechnics spell, except that its dimensions are a cloud 10’ high by 20’ square. On the third round, the cloud bursts into
flame, inflicting on those within it ½ point of damage per level of the caster. This increases to 1 point of damage per level in the next round, then reduces to ½ point of damage per
level the round following. The caster must have an available fire source, the material components for a pyrotechnics, and a pinch of dust.
Infernal Tornado (Elemental-Fire, Invocation)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round per level Casting Time: 1 day Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
While the wizard is casting this spell, a dark ominous cloud begins to gather in a 1 mile-diameter region centered over the target. Upon completion of the spell, a dark, fiery
tornado of fire grows from the base of the cloud until it touches the ground. The whirling mass of fire proceeds to wander about the area, incinerating everything in its path. Each
round, the tornado travels in a random direction at a movement rate of 20. The flames inflict 10 points of damage for every level of experience of the spellcaster, every round. The
diameter of the cylinder is 50’, and anyone within 25’ must roll a Strength check each round to keep from being sucked into the cylinder by the powerful blast of winds. The
material component of this spell is a large iron pot filled with charcoal that must be kept burning for the duration of the casting. Sulfur & 500gp worth of crushed amber must be
gradually added to the pot.
Life Illusion (Illusion/Phantasm)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
Similar to a maze spell, this spell creates a new mental world in which the subject can live. The illusionary life (maya) can include any manner of new persons, surroundings, and
even new classes & abilities for the subject. The subject is allowed a saving throw vs. spells to avoid entering this new world, but if he fails, the subject retains only dream-like
memories of his real life. Entire months or years can pass in this new life, though time passes much faster here than in the real world. No method of exit is allowed while in the
illusory world, except the priest spell penetrate cosmic ignorance.
The illusion seems real but may contain flaws & misperceptions Subject’s Wisdom Score Time Between Saving Throws The material component is a sketch of the
based on the subject’s lack of understanding of his new under 3 2d4 days environment in which the subject will stay. If
surroundings. Thus, the subject is allowed new saving throws vs. 3-6 1d4+1 days the sketch is marred or destroyed during the
spells every so often based on his Wisdom score. If a saving 7-10 2d8 hours spell’s duration, the subject immediately
throw is successful, the subject returns to reality with much of the 11-14 1d8+1 hours returns to reality.
memory of the illusory life, though no new abilities are retained. 15-18 1d4 hours
New saving throws are allowed on the following schedule: 19 and up 1d4 turns
Lightning Storm (Evocation, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: See text Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
Lightning storm is an effluviamantic adaptation of meteor swarm. The spell creates 1 lightning bolt (with the statistics of the 3rd level lightning bolt cast at the caster’s level) for
each 5 levels of experience the caster possesses (round down). The caster can either launch all the bolts in a single round (within 40 yards + 10 yards/level), at multiple or a single
target, or launch 1 per round & perform other actions as well (excluding spellcasting). The caster can also choose whether each bolt is forked or straight. If the caster casts a spell
while lightning storm is in effect, his remaining bolts are lost. Each bolt has the exact statistics of a lightning bolt cast at the caster’s level of experience. The material components
are a bit of fur & a small rod made of amber, crystal or glass.
Magma Ball (Elemental-Magma, Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 10 feet/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell appears to transform the caster into a 3’ diameter ball of molten lava, which races toward a singular target. The caster takes ld4 points of damage, so he can momentarily
transport himself to an extra dimensional safe hold. Magical means can only heal this damage. On contact with the target, the magma ball explodes (very much like a fireball)
inflicting 60 points of damage. All other targets within a 20’ radius of the blast receive 2d12 points of damage. After the explosion, the caster blinks within a 60’ radius of the
explosion & reappears at the end of the following round. During the round that the caster is in his safe hold, he may cast a spell, read a scroll, or make preparations in anyway,
before returning. However, the action must be completed within 1 round. Note that the caster can also choose not to detonate the magma ball & still blink, reappearing at the end
of the following round.
Mass Sleep (Enchantment/Charm; Song)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell is similar to the 1st level sleep, except that the total levels/hit dice of the affected creatures cannot exceed twice the level of the caster. Affected creatures are only
allowed a saving throw if they have 5 or more hit dice or levels of experience; even then, saving throws are at -2 due to the potency of the dweomer, and the Wisdom adjustment
for saving throws vs. charm-type magic does not apply. All affected creatures must be within the spell range. If a single creature is the target of this spell (e.g., a very high-level
opponent), the saving throw is at -4. Creatures friendly to the caster may also be affected if they are inside the spell range; the spell simply moves outward from the caster until its
range limit is reached, or until the maximum levels/hit dice have been affected. Undead are not affected by this spell. The material component of this spell is a cloth bag filled with
fine sand weighing 1gp for every level/hit die of creatures affected (or 1lb for every 10 levels/hit dice). The sand (but not the bag) is consumed when the spell is cast.
Medusa’s Hideous Gaze (Alteration)
Range: 10 yards Components: V, S Duration: 1-3 rounds Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Negates
The target of this spell is turned to solid granite, instantly. The target gets 1 chance to save vs. petrification. The target will look like a very finely crafted statue. Any changes (e.g.
carvings, cracks, breaks, etc.) to the statue will be reflected on the target as wounds if the magic is dispelled. Such wounds will begin healing normally as soon as the spell ends.
Mine the Earthspark (Rhabdomancy, Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S Duration: 1 day per level Casting Time: See text Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: Special
This rare spell shows obvious dwarven influences. Indeed, it can be cast, taking 1d4+1 rounds to do so, only in the dwarven tongue. It leads a rhabdomancer toward those rare
areas underground where magical power is held deep within the earth. Sages sometimes refer to such deposits as nodes or sarsens, and they can be magically tracked via the lines
of power & emanations radiating from them. The dwarves have another name for them: Hordask Thar’dik, or Seat of the Earthspark. Should the rhabdomancer finally arrive at
such a site & the spell duration has not expired, he may seek to draw into his person some of the vast arcane energy of the sarsen by using his dowsing rod. This is dangerous, as a
mortal shell is not built to contain such power. The wizard attempting this action must make an immediate System Shock Survival roll to survive tapping the Earthspark. Failure
means death, as the body is blackened by the vast power drawn. Should the roll be successful, the benefits are many. The rhabdomancer’s Strength & Constitution are instantly
increased to 18. Any wounds the caster may have suffered are healed, as if he were the beneficiary of the priest spells heal & regenerate - scars vanish, wounds close, diseases are
cured & even lost limbs & other body parts are regenerated. The rhabdomancer seems to seethe with an unnatural power that can cause awe or fear (depending upon the character’s
actions) in any individual or creature below 4th level or 4 Hit Dice. Because the Earthspark is connected with the energies of the Elemental Plane of Earth, all spells cast by the
rhabdomancer that deal with earth, dirt, or stone have double the normal area of effect & duration. Also, creatures from that plane will not attack the caster, either out of respect or
fear (if an opposing alignment), except in self-defense. Likewise, any attempt to petrify the caster ends in failure. The power of the Earthspark remains with the rhabdomancer for a
number of days equal to half his level. No benefits are gained if this spell is intoned again before the benefits of first casting expire. Some dwarven scholars have suggested that
continued exposure to the Earthspark corrupts a man, making him miserly & mean-spirited. This may be true, for obviously, the location of any sarsen is a prize much sought after
by high-level rhabdomancers, and such mages jealously guard these sites with traps & guardians, hoping to protect their claim from other rhabdomancers seeking power. Not all
sarsens hold the same store of power. Some may be drained after only a single casting of this spell, while others may hold sufficient power to fuel hundreds of castings (DM’s
Perpetual Annihilator (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 10 feet/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
All intended creatures within the area of effect (1 creature/level within a 30’ radius sphere) must make a saving throw vs. death magic or be slain. Otherwise, all intended creatures
receive 5 points of damage + 1 point per round for the duration of the spell. This damage is due to “internal fire damage”, and weapons, armor, and other equipment are unaffected
by this spell. A successful dispel magic (or similar spell) will dispel the perpetual annihilator, and at any time, the sorcerer can end the spell before expiration by silent act of will
Magical Incantations – Level 8
Protection from Time (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 week Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, it creates a magical barrier around the recipient at a distance of 1”. The barrier moves with the recipient & protects him from the adverse effects of time.
This spell can be cast on any living creature, but multiple spells are not cumulative. The recipient does not age during the spell’s duration, though this won't have a noticeable
effect on his lifespan unless many such spells are cast in series. The recipient should keep track of how many protection from time spells have been cast on him so the DM can add
1 week to his total natural lifespan for each. A significant number of such spells can postpone aging effects for the recipient. When confronted with a magical aging effect (such as
a wish spell or a hit by some powerful undead creatures), the recipient gets a saving throw versus spell to avoid the effect (or an additional save, if one is already allowed). Whether
or not the save succeeds, the protection from time spell is dispelled immediately. The spell is not automatically dispelled upon the character’s death - it continues to protect the
body. The recipient does not automatically lose 1HP each round after falling to 0 or below. Also, for purposes of magical resurrection through raise dead or reincarnation spells,
time since death for the recipient’s dead body does not start accumulating until after the protection from time spell has ended. This spell does not cause time to stop within the
barrier around the recipient; he moves through time at the same rate as other characters. The character must still eat, drink, and rest as usual. This spell does not affect the duration
of other spells. The material component is a golden hourglass filled to capacity with diamond dust (minimum 75gp value).
Pyric Ring (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 5' radius/2 levels Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes a blazing ring-of-fire to issue forth from around the caster, who holds her arms out at her sides to form the ring. The ring then flares off, growing, in a perfect
circle, and lashes out to the full area of effect. The ring itself is as tall as the caster, but never actually touches the ground. All in the path of the ring take 1d8 points of damage per
2 levels of the caster (maximum of 10d8), but any 1s are re-rolled (thus damage is 20-80 points). Those making successful saving throws vs. spell take only half damage.
Furthermore, all objects in the path of the pyric ring’s wave must make saving throws vs. magical fire or be destroyed. Even if they make the save, they will at least be singed.
Creatures who fail their saving throws must make item saving throws for all of their equipment vs. magical fire. The pyric ring will stop if it hits walls that succeed in their saving
throw, or any impassable barrier, forming a ‘wedge’ of safety behind it. Otherwise, the ring will expand to its maximum range. There is an ‘eye’ in the center of the ring that is
under the control of the caster, but can be up to 1’ in radius per 2 levels of the caster, thus the caster’s companions might not be harmed. Note that this spell is particularly nasty if
cast in a forest. The material component is a golden ring large enough to be placed on the caster’s head as a tiara. It must also contain any number of red-hued gems worth 200gp in
Rain of Blood (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: 120 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1d4 hours Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 square mile Saving Throw: None
The spell turns all rain falling within 1 mile of the caster at the time of casting into blood. All those outdoors when the spell is cast take 1 point of damage for each turn they are
exposed to the rain, and Charisma is effectively lowered to 3 until they can clean up. The area the spell covers stays constant once the spell is cast, allowing the caster to move out
of the area. The material component is the heart of a recently-killed mammal.
Rain of Stalactites (Conjuration, Elemental-Mineral)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S Duration: 2+1 round/5 caster levels Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
Rain of stalactites causes rock from the ceiling of a cavern to melt into many stalactites which fall on all those in the area of effect of the spell (15 yards + 1/level in radius) causing
10d6 + 8 points of damage for each round to all those in the area. Unless they reach cover (at least 1’ of wood, or half a foot of stone), or attempt to dodge the stalactites, all those
in the area of effect will suffer the damage. In order to dodge some of the stalactites, one must be successful in 2 Dexterity checks. This will result in a reduction of a third of the
damage. Rumors of an even more powerful version of the spell, rain of stalagmites claim that such a spell can be used anywhere - as the rain comes from the ground, rather than
the ceiling.
Raise Vessel (Alteration) Reversible
Range: 20’ Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour per level Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: One vessel Saving Throw: Negates
This spell causes 1 sunken vessel to be raised intact to the surface of the sea. If a vessel is sinking or only partially submerged it is raised & held afloat by the power of this spell as
well. The reversal of this spell, sink vessel (the effect of which is permanent), causes the recipient vessel to sink below the waves in 2d4 rounds. The ship’s captain is allowed a
save vs. spell to avoid this effect.
Rediscovering the Lost Knowledge (Divination/Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 scrap of paper Saving Throw: None
This spell takes a small piece of a book or other document & temporarily recreates the whole book for a short time. Though the book is only temporary, the mage can copy the
knowledge therein into a permanent record. Note that this spell will only recreate knowledge written before the piece being used was lost - if something was recorded afterwards, it
will not appear. Transcription must be by hand - no magical means are possible - and it may be necessary to cast the spell many times to allow the entire book to be transcribed.
Screen (Divination, Illusion)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 30-yard cube/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell combines several elements to create a powerful protection from scrying & direct observation. When the spell is cast, the magic-user dictates what will & will not be
observed in the area of effect. The illusion created must be stated in general terms. Thus the caster could specify the illusion of him & another playing chess for the duration of the
spell, but he could not have the players take a break, make dinner, and then resume their game. He could have a crossroads appear quiet & empty even while an army is actually
passing through the area. He could specify that no one be seen (including passing strangers), that his troops be undetected, or even that every fifth man or unit should be visible.
Once the conditions are set, they cannot be changed. Attempts to scry the area automatically detect the image stated by the caster with no saving throw allowed. Sight & sound are
appropriate to the illusion created. A band of men standing in a meadow could be concealed as an empty field with birds chirping, etc. Direct observation may allow a saving throw
(as per a normal illusion), if there is a cause to disbelief what is seen. Certainly onlookers in the area would become suspicious if the column of a marching army disappeared at
one point to reappear at another! Even entering the area does not cancel the illusion or necessarily allow a saving throw, assuming care is taken by the hidden beings to stay out of
the way of those affected by the illusion.
Shadow Form (Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, the caster temporarily changes into a shadow. The caster gains the movement rate, AC, hit dice, and all abilities of a shadow. His chilling touch (requiring a
normal attack roll) inflicts 1d4+1HPs of damage on his victims as well as draining 1 point of Strength (with the same effects as for a normal shadow). All the caster’s weapons &
equipment stay with him, but he is unable to use them while in shadow form. He is unable to cast spells while in shadow form, but he is immune to sleep, charm & hold spells, and
is unaffected by cold-based attacks. He is 90% undetectable in all but the brightest of surroundings. Unlike normal shadows, a wizard in shadow form cannot be turned. At the end
of the spell’s duration, there is a 5% chance that the caster will permanently remain as a shadow. Nothing short of a wish can return the caster to his normal form. The material
components for this spell are the shroud from a corpse at least 100 years old & a black glass marble.
Smoke Cage (Alteration, Elemental-Smoke)
Range: 10’/level Components: V, S, M Duration: See below Casting Time: 7 Area of Effect: 20’ radius Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a 20’ radius cloud of purple & black smoke up to 10’ away per level of the wizard. The smoke is impervious to all forms of vision. The smoke cage is extra-
dimensional, employing forces similar to the distance distortion spell. The internal diameter of the cloud is 100’ to 150’; furthermore, the vapors contain a powerful misdirection
spell (save -2) which prevents those within from wandering out. The cloud persists for 1d4 rounds plus 1 round per level of the wizard, after which it disperses. Only a strong wind
will break it up prematurely. Extra-dimensional devices in the cloud are unaffected. The material components are a black pearl worth at least 500gp & a bent compass needle.
Stone Protection (Elemental-Earth, Abjuration)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 30 cubic yards/level Saving Throw: None
This spell will protect any magical or non-magical stone in the area of effect from the following spells: transmute rock to mud, passwall, phase door, disintegrate, stone to flesh,
animate object, earthquake, polymorph any object, stone shape, distance distortion, and animate rock. Furthermore, it gives the stone affected a +3 on saving throws against other
attack forms (fireball, lightning bolt, cold, acid, blows, etc.). An earth elemental can neither be conjured in the area nor enter it. This spell will have no effect on stone golems or
clay golems, but it will prevent xorn, umber hulks, purple worms & similar creatures from burrowing in the affected area. At the DM’s option, non-standard spells, spell-like
effects (e.g. Horn of Blasting), and psionic abilities which affect stone may be prevented from operating. This spell can be made permanent by a permanency spell with the loss of
1 point of Constitution from the caster due to the use of the permanency spell. The material component of this spell is a boulder of at least 400gp weight.
Magical Incantations – Level 8
Teleportation Gate (Alteration, Evocation; Dimension; Artifice)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a temporary inter-dimensional gate that functions similarly to a teleport spell for anyone who steps through the gate during the duration of the spell. There is no
chance of error in the teleport itself, but there is a chance of the gate not being set up properly when the spell is cast. This chance is based on the caster’s familiarity with the
destination location for the gate; the table for the teleport spell is used, and any roll of “high” or “low” means the gate failed to set up properly, since it must have a solid surface to
“land” on. If the gate fails to set up, the spell does not take effect, but it is still used up & must be re-memorized to be cast again. The material component of this spell is any
horizontal surface of at least 10’ x 10’ dimensions, which must be level & fairly smooth. A normal dungeon floor will suffice provided there is nothing resting on it & that it is not
on a slope. The caster must pace out the area in which the gate is to be called into being, 10 paces along each side of a square. Then, standing outside the spell area, the caster
speaks the final words of the spell, and the gate springs into being (assuming the targeting roll succeeds). It appears as a shimmering portal approximately 8’ high by 4’ broad,
facing the caster, in the center of the area designated. At the same time, a similar portal springs into being at the destination location. Beings can then pass through the gate in either
direction & be teleported from one location to the other. Note that the source & destination locations can be any distance apart, as long as they are on the same plane of existence.
It is rumored that it is possible to eliminate the chance of error in setting up the gate by properly preparing the origin & destination locations. However, the precise procedure for
this is not known (or at least not revealed).
Total Enfeeblement (Enchantment/Charm)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Negates
This spell projects a ray that renders the target creature unable to use any of its physical or mental abilities. The ray can affect any creature that has either physical or mental ability
scores or the equivalent (any creature capable of either physical attacks or spell-like abilities has the equivalent of ability scores). The effect of the ray is to reduce all of the target
creature’s ability scores to 3 (or the equivalent). Thus, creatures affected by this spell cannot make physical attacks, cast spells or perform any normal tasks without help. The
target creature gains a saving throw vs. magic to avoid the effect, but there is a -4 penalty due to the potency of the dweomer. Affected creatures remain in the enfeebled state
permanently unless the effect is countered by a wish or magic of similar power. A heal spell or the equivalent will not counter this spell’s effect, although it is possible that certain
more powerful priest spells might do so. The material component of this spell is a crystal sphere with a lump of mineral ore sealed inside it. The ore must be mined personally by
the caster; it cannot be bought, traded for, or otherwise procured through the labor of another. The crystal sphere is shattered when the spell is cast, releasing the ore, which is then
consumed by the spell.
Tunnel of the Selkie (Elemental-Water, Alteration)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
The spell creates a dimensional flux, forming a tubular, cylindrical tunnel of raging, circular water that can be swum or sailed (depending on the caster’s wishes) through the
elemental plane of water, as a sort of shortcut. The mage casts the spell, and the caster & up to 10 cubic feet of other material (including people) per level enters the strange tunnel.
The tunnel allows normal travel for what appears to be a mere 10 minutes. However, at the spells end, a huge distance can be traveled. The distance traveled can be up to 2 days
worth of travel, at the current speed & move used when entering the tunnel, per caster level. Thus, after 10 minutes, a 16th level caster could have moved up to over a month’s
travel away. The limitations of the spell are the amount of material the caster can bring into the tunnel, and that the start & end of the spell must be locations familiar to the caster,
and on water. The water need not be continuous (the caster could move his ship to a pond if he really wanted to, though he’d have to use the spell to get back out). As a further use
of the spell, the caster can over-exert him & pull more material into the tunnel. For each factor the material affected by the spell that the wizard increases the normal limits of the
spell, he will remain unconscious for 1 hour after the casting of the spell. Nothing short of a heal spell or a limited wish will rouse him earlier. And if the caster is unconscious for
more than 1 hour per his maximum constitution score, he must make a system shock roll or perish. This roll is made with a +10% penalty per extra hour over & above his
constitution score he remained unconscious, and is made at the end of the time asleep. No matter how much the wizard over-extends himself, whether it be 1 hour or 10, he loses
all memorized spells upon waking. Further, until he has had a full night’s rest thereafter, he is shaky & weak, suffering a -2 to all ability checks, attack & damage rolls, and saving
throws. For example, a 16th level wizard wishes to bring 1000 cubic feet of companions & materials with him during the casting of the spell. Normally, he is allowed 160 cubic
feet. By multiplying by a factor of 7, he will bring 1120 cubic feet with him on the journey, and remain unconscious for 7 hours after arriving, and will wake with no spells
memorized. If his Constitution were only 6, he would have to make a system shock roll, with a +10% penalty, or die. The material components for this spell are 2 crystal glasses,
worth no less than 50gp each. One must be full of water, with a pearl inside it. The caster pours the pearl & water from the one glass into the other during the casting of the spell,
and all components vanish upon casting the spell.
Vac (Elemental-Vacuum, Evocation, Alteration)
Range: 30 feet/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 rounds/level Casting Time: 5 rounds Area of Effect: 100 yards/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell removes all the air from a closed off area (including the air inside creatures’ lungs). Every breathing creature must make a save vs. breath weapons every round. If failed,
they die due to lack of air. All fires within the spell effect go out. If some openings are present in the area, victims get +2 to saves & the spell duration is halved. The material
component for this spell is an air elemental (must be summoned first), which is used to remove all the air from area. At the end of its task, the elemental is released.
Waterspout (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn + 1 turn/level Casting time: 6 Area of Effect: 10 yard radius Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, a tornado forms (within 100 yards + 10 yards/level) on the surface of the water. The resulting waterspout is 10’ high for every level of the caster. If the
spellcaster wishes, the waterspout can be shorter than this maximum, decreasing in increments of 10’. The waterspout travels wherever the caster directs it at a speed of MV 12, up
to the maximum range of the spell. It attacks as a monster with as many Hit Dice as the caster’s level. If the waterspout comes into contact with objects on sea or in the air, it
inflicts 1d4HPs of damage for every 10’ of height that it has. A waterspout is not affected by dispel magic, but can be countered by wind elementals or other winds of magical
origin (like summon wind), blowing in a direction counter to the waterspout’s rotation. Each level of the opposing wind reduces the waterspout by 10’. Thus, a 210’ waterspout
could be completely countered by 7 gust of wind or 3 summon wind spells.
Magical Incantations – Level 9
Ninth Level Spells
Althiaost’s Effluvia Column (Conjuration/Summoning, Elemental-Lightning)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
When this spell is cast, a blazing, stationary column of electricity forms anywhere within the range of the spell. If the column cannot form to its maximum size (a column up to 90’
high, 10’ in diameter), it manifests as large as possible in the given space. Note the diameter cannot be made to increase if the height is reduced, and vice versa. No object or
creature can break the column’s area or the spell will fail. Anyone touching the column takes 6d6 points of damage (with a save vs. spells allowed for half), but that is not the
purpose of the spell. Any electrical ray or bolt attacks, spells or spell-like abilities cast or used within 200 yards of the column, and not obscured by a solid barrier, will not reach
their target. Instead, these attacks are sucked into the column & wasted (increasing the damage caused by touching the column by the amount of damage the attack would have
done). Touch attacks, such as shocking grasp, function normally, but behir, bronze dragon & blue dragon breath, lightning bolt, chain lightning & similar electrical attacks are
pulled into the column. Dispel magic will not dispel the column, though a wall of water or improved create water spell centered on the column will cause it to explode, inflicting
half as much damage as it would normally to all creatures within 30 yards (with a saving throw for half damage allowed). Wish, Mordenkainen’s disjunction, a rod of cancellation
or a wand of negation will destroy the column without the explosion. Note the caster can leave the vicinity of the column & cast other spells at will after the casting is complete.
He can also cancel the spell at will, if within 200 yards & line-of-sight.
Black Blade of Disaster (Evocation, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell enables the caster to create a black, blade-shaped planar rift. It moves about as the caster wills, providing the caster can see & concentrate on it, at a rate of up to
90’/round. If the wizard ceases concentration on the effect at any time, the blade collapses into nothingness at the end of that round. A black blade of disaster can cut through
prismatic walls & spheres, walls of force, and all other known magical barriers, including an anti-magical shell. Such a blade can also be used to strike in battle, twice per round
(with a THAC0 as its caster). A black blade does 1-12 structural (or hull) points of damage (1d12 x 10) to inanimate objects that do not bear dweomers. If walls have spells upon
them, consider them magical barriers (see above). Against creatures, a black blade does 2d12 of damage per strike, and absorbs all magical attacks and effects directed at it.
Anyone trying to seize or physically attack it is affected as if struck by the blade. If the caster rolls a natural 20, the blade causes the victim to disintegrate. Nothing short of a wish
will restore a character destroyed in this fashion.
Blizzard (Evocation, Elemental-Water)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 80’ diameter sphere Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a powerful evocation of cold that is similar to, but far more powerful than, an ice storm. Within the spell range (10 yards + 10 yards/level) & area of effect, a massive
downfall of ice, snow, hail, and sleet occurs instantly upon casting of the spell. This storm causes 10d10 + 10 points of damage from the extremely intense cold to all creatures
within its area of effect, with no saving throw allowed except for creatures that are within 10’ of the boundary of the sphere; such creatures can attempt a save, and take only half
damage if successful. Essentially, the spell instantly deep-freezes the liquid parts of all living things within its area. It also makes all surfaces so slippery that all creatures will fall
at once & slide in whatever direction (not discounting gravity) they are moving in when the spell takes effect, if any (i.e., a creature moving uphill will stop quickly & start sliding
back downhill). This is perfect frictionless Newtonian physics; creatures can gain no traction at all until they leave the spell’s area of effect. Any attempt to grasp an object rooted
to the ground, such as a tree limb or rock, will instantly freeze the grasping appendage to the object, causing 1d8 points of damage as well as rendering the grasping creature
immovable. The appendage cannot be unfrozen except by waiting for things to warm up normally, by using heat sources or magical means, or by cutting the appendage off (and
taking the appropriate damage). At the DM’s option, a frozen appendage might be removed (in the round immediately following its being frozen) by a successful bend bars/lift
gates roll, but this will cause the creature making it another 1d8 points of damage, whether it is successful or not, and if successful, the creature must roll a Constitution check to
avoid having the appendage break off. After 1 round, the appendage is frozen so solidly, that it simply cannot be freed except as noted above. The area of cold left by this spell
does not dissipate normally except by heat transfer from the surroundings, which can be exceedingly slow, depending on the time of day, weather conditions, etc. (for these
purposes, assume the spell area to be at a temperature of 100° below 0 Fahrenheit when the blizzard finishes); normally a period of several hours (sometimes even days) must pass
before the area is normal again by this means. Fire or a similar heat source can be used to hasten the process, particularly with small objects that are frozen together. It takes 1 turn
for a heat source such as a torch held within 1’ of a frozen object to unfreeze it, and another turn to warm it up to normal temperature. Note that to hold a torch near a frozen object,
some means must be found to remain anchored within the spell area without touching anything (such as a levitate spell); otherwise the torch holder will simply be frozen too.
Magical fire can warm things up much more quickly, but is also very risky if there is anything living in the frozen area!
Cataclysmic Blizzard (Evocation, Elemental-Ice)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 2 rounds Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: ½
This spell is the most powerful that Uazziggaeld ever created. The spell makes non-magical missile attacks & non-magical communication impossible within the area of effect (a
field 40’ long, 40’ wide & 10’ high). In addition, creatures within the area of effect not immune to cold damage take 10d10 points of damage the first round & 6d10 points of
damage the second round of the spell, with a saving throw for half damage both rounds. Objects must save vs. cold with a -6 penalty or be destroyed.
Chain Contingency (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 2 turns Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This powerful spell is similar to the 6th level contingency spell. Chain contingency allows the caster to designate either 2 or 3 spells that will take effect automatically under a
specific set of conditions. In other words, when a set of conditions are met, the designated spells are ‘cast’ immediately without the caster’s intervention. Chain contingency must
be cast together with the spells it is to trigger. The caster may choose either 2 spells to occur simultaneously or 3 spells to occur consecutively, 1 per round. Spells must be 8th level
or lower. Only the 6th level contingency spell may not be included. The casting time of 2 turns includes the casting of the spells to be triggered. Unlike the contingency spell, spells
‘stored’ in chain contingency can affect creatures other than the caster. These instructions must be carefully worded, but may be as limiting or general as the caster desires. The
caster also states the exact order, target, range, and manner in which the stored spells are to be cast. The spell has several limitations in triggering its spells. It does not have any
powers of discernment; thus, an instruction to “target the highest-level enemy” is not possible. Furthermore, the conditions cannot involve a delay; a spell cannot be ordered to
trigger “three turns after I sneeze”. When the named conditions are met, the chain contingency is automatically triggered. If all specifics of casting a spell are not specified (e.g.
target or area of effect), the effect is automatically centered on the caster. Possible triggers might include a fall from a distance greater than the caster’s height, the appearance of
the first beholder within 30’ of the caster, or the wizard pointing his finger & pronouncing a specified word. Only 1 chain contingency can be placed on the spellcaster at any one
time. If a second is cast, the first chain contingency is cancelled. It is possible to have both a contingency & a chain contingency operating at the same time, provided there is no
overlap in the conditions specified for triggering the 2 spells. Spells triggered by the chain contingency have a casting time of 1 segment. If the spell is triggered under conditions
that are impossible to fulfill, it fails. If one of the spells in a series cannot be fulfilled, the remaining spells in the series are lost. Normal conditions, including line of sight to the
target, must be fulfilled. All spells originate from the caster; thus it is not possible for a caster to flee & leave behind a series of fireballs to blast his enemies. In this case, the
fireballs would either fail or destroy something at the caster’s destination. The material components are (in addition to those of the companion spells) 500gp worth of quicksilver, a
gem of at least 1000gp value, an eyelash from an ogre mage, ki-rin, or similar spell-using creature, and an ivory statuette of the caster. The latter is not destroyed in the casting or
triggering, but the components must be carried by the spellcaster in order for the chain contingency to perform its function when triggered.
Concentration (Enchantment/Charm; Mentalism)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This spell forms a protective shield about the caster’s mind that prevents her from losing concentration on a spell that is being maintained (e.g., an illusion that requires
concentration to continue). The protection takes effect in the round after this spell is cast, and for its duration, any attacks upon the caster which cause damage cannot break her
concentration, so long as they do not kill the caster or render her unconscious (either of these 2 events ends the spell immediately). Also, the caster receives protection equivalent to
a mind blank against all spells & effects directed against her mind, so that these too cannot interfere with concentration. This spell itself does not require concentration on the
caster’s part; once cast, the protection it affords is automatic until the end of its normal duration. This does not, however, remove the other restrictions on maintaining spells by
concentration: the caster still may not take any other actions during a round in which concentration is required for a spell such as an illusion. This spell only allows the caster’s
concentration to remain unbroken while withstanding physical or mental attack. The material component of this spell is a gemstone given freely to the caster by an elf. This
gemstone will be of a type favored by elves (sapphire, ruby, and emerald are all likely choices), and must be of not less than 1000gp value. The gem must be on the caster’s person
during the casting & duration of this spell. When the spell expires, the gem is consumed.
Magical Incantations – Level 9
Conflagration (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 150 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 4 rounds Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This spell causes a fiery explosion similar to that of a fireball, but with a smaller radius (initially a 20’ radius sphere). However, the flames caused by this spell will continue to
burn for 4 rounds (the initial round, plus 3 additional rounds). The damage inflicted on victims inside the area of effect, the bonus to the victim’s saving throw, and the radius of the
flames vary according to how long the flames have been burning, as follows:
Round Damage Radius Save Bonus Round Damage Radius Save Bonus
1 8d8 20’ 0 3 2d8 10’ +2
2 4d8 15’ +1 4 1d8 5’ +3
Damage suffered is cumulative from one round to the next, but the save bonus is not. Anyone who makes a successful save takes only half damage that round, and automatically
saves on any subsequent rounds; those who fail their saves suffer full damage, and must have all their possessions save vs. magical fire to avoid destruction. If anyone leaves the
area of effect & returns later, a new save must be made, even if the previous one was successful. The conflagration may, or may not conform to a confined space, at the wizard’s
discretion. Apart from the changes mentioned above, the conflagration otherwise acts like a fireball. The material components for this spell are the heart of a red dragon, and a
powdered diamond worth at least 600gp.
Continuous Spontaneous Human Combustion (Elemental-Fire, Evocation)
Range: 10 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 6 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This extremely powerful spell is similar to spontaneous human combustion. If the original creature makes their saving throw, nothing happens. If the original creature misses the
save & explodes, any creature caught in the 30’ radius fireball must make 2 saving throws. The first save is to see if they explode themselves. If the creatures caught in the fireball
make this first save, they do not explode & do not need to make that save again for the remainder of the combat. The creatures must then make the second save versus full or half
the damage of the 10d8 fireball. However, any time a creature within the 30’ radius of a fireball misses their first save, they themselves explode causing a new fireball. Every
creature within the 30’ radius of each new fireball, regardless of a successful first save, must make a saving throw for full or half damage for each new fireball. It is possible that
numerous fireballs are exploding around a creature at the same time. The more creatures that explode, the further the spell moves away from the epicenter. The material
components for this spell are 2 matching rubies both valuing 2500gp each.
Crafting the Lordly Knight (Alteration/Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Special
This spell creates a human warrior to perform at the caster’s orders, much like Create the Humble Servant. The casting time is a base 60 days, modified by 1 day less for each point
of the caster’s base Wisdom, and the caster must work for 12 uninterrupted hours each day. The warrior will be exactly as the servant, but with no ability score below 12, and 2
attributes equal to his creator’s Intelligence (neither of which may be Intelligence). Furthermore, the knight will have a starting THAC0 equal to that of the caster, but will
thereafter advance as a warrior, speak 2 languages of the caster’s choice, and have 2 NWPs at levels equal to that of the caster. As with Create the Humble Servant, the knight will
‘grow’ mentally as any normal child, and will age normally (assume a starting age of 20).
Dimensional Firehole (Elemental-Fire, Alteration)
Range: 15 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: See below Saving Throw: Special
This spell opens a small hole between the prime material plane & the elemental plane of fire, spewing forth a spherical, blazing, magical flame in all directions. The full radius of
the sphere (10 yards + 5 yards/level) is split into 3, however, to determine the effects of the spell. In the inner third of the spell, all items must save vs. magical fire at -4 each round
or be destroyed. All creatures within the middle third of the spell are simply incinerated, with no save, unless they have magical protection against fire, in which case they may not
be affected. The middle third of the sphere is less hot, though still incredible. Items must save vs. magical fire every round with a -2 penalty of be destroyed, and creatures are
incinerated unless they make a saving throw vs. spells at -2, in which case they still take 10d8 points of fire damage. The outer third of the sphere is the least damaging, though still
incredibly hot. Items must make a saving throw vs. magical fire every round or be destroyed, and all creatures take 10d8 points of damage, save vs. spells for half. Walls & solid
rock must make the saves required as any other item, however, the flame effect will not pass through walls that have yet to be destroyed. This spell, however, can destroy a decent
chunk of a castle, and smoke & set fire to the rest. The material components are a piece of red silk, a gold needle (which pierces the silk at the casting of the spell), and a ruby
worth no less than 1000gp, all of which are consumed in casting. Note that creatures able to withstand the heat & flame may make total use of the dimensional hole that appears in
the center of the spell’s target (it is 6” in radius per caster level) & this includes creatures on the elemental plane of fire.
Echo of the Body (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Special
An improved version of clone, this creates a duplicate of the caster, identical in all ways except that it is mindless. The caster can control it, moving it about by concentrating.
While concentrating, he can sense what the echo hears, feels, and sees, but only in an abstract way, as if he were remembering it. So he is not affected by the hunger or fatigue of
the echo (though if the echo goes unconscious or is incapacitated, the caster cannot do more through the echo than he could if he were incapacitated or unconscious.) When not
concentrating on the echo, he will not be aware of what the echo senses & the echo will fall unconscious until the caster again concentrates. The echo can die normally, through
wounds or hunger or thirst, but mind-affecting spells have no effect on it. The caster can use the body to perform any spells he knows, but this fatigues the caster normally. The
casting time is 120 days, modified by 1 day less for each point of the caster’s base Wisdom, and the caster must work for 12 uninterrupted hours each day.
Elemental Aura (Abjuration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V Duration: 1 hour/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
This spell has 4 very different effects depending on the type (air, earth, fire, water) of elemental aura cast. Only the caster may receive an elemental aura, and it is not possible to
benefit from more than 1 aura at one time. Each aura is 3” thick & covers the caster’s entire body. An aura of air is hazy white in colour, an aura of earth is dull grey, an aura of
fire is a flickering red, and an aura of water is a shimmering blue. The auras have these effects:
Air Fire
• immunity to gas & air-based attacks • immunity to normal & magical fire
• total protection from physical attacks by creatures of the elemental plane of Air • total protection from physical attacks by creatures of the elemental plane of Fire
• ability to cast fly & protection from normal missiles once each • ability to breathe & move at full movement rate within the element of fire
Earth • total protection from hostile environmental effects while travelling on the plane of Fire
• immunity to attacks from non-magical weapons made of stone or metal • ability to cast wall of fire once
• immunity to physical attacks by creatures of the elemental plane of Earth Water
• ability to breathe & move at full movement rate within the element of earth • immunity to water & cold-based attacks
• ability to cast wall of stone once • total protection from physical attacks by creatures of the elemental plane of Water
• ability to breathe & move at full movement rate within the element of water
• ability to cast wall of ice once
The auras do not restrict the caster in any way. He is free to move & act normally while under the influence of an aura.
Enslavement (Enchantment/Charm, Mentalism, Song)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 1 person Saving Throw: Special
This very nasty spell completely enslaves a single person to the caster’s will. The subject must be a “person” within the definition given for the charm person spell. The target
person does not receive a saving throw to avoid the effect. The subject does, however, get a Wisdom check when the spell is cast, which may receive a penalty based on the
caster’s Charisma, according to the following table:
Ability Score Penalty Ability Score Penalty Ability Score Penalty
14 or lower None 17 -3 19 -5
15 -1 18 -4 20 & up -6
16 -2
If the caster is a specialist in the Enchantment/Charm, Mentalism, or Song schools of magic, the subject suffers an additional -2 penalty to the Wisdom check. A successful check
does not mean that the spell is negated, but it does mute the effect so that it is treated in most respects as an ordinary charm person, although the effect cannot be broken by dispel
magic or other normal means, and will continue even if the subject is not in the presence of the caster. The duration of this spell if the target’s initial Wisdom check succeeds is
Magical Incantations – Level 9
determined in the same way as for the charm person spell. If the initial Wisdom check fails, however, the spell’s duration is permanent, unless the caster voluntarily ends it. The
death of the caster also ends the effect. In any event, a normal dispel magic, as well as most other spells that are designed to free the mind of influences, will not end this spell, but
a wish might if properly worded. Also, unlike a normal charm person, this spell continues to affect the subject even if separated from the caster for an indefinite period. If the
initial Wisdom check is failed, the subject of this spell will obey virtually any command the caster gives, regardless of consequences, and will perceive any word or action of the
caster’s in the most favorable possible way, regardless of any other factors, including the plain evidence of his own senses. For example, the subject will believe the caster’s
statement that “I am only trying to help” even while watching the caster harm a companion; the subject’s mind will always be able to come up with some sort of rationale that
makes the caster’s action plausible. The subject will even obey a command that will cause him direct harm or death (“jump off this cliff” or “drink this poison” with no other data
given), and will believe any statement the caster makes, however outlandish (“if you eat this little berry, you’ll become a Greater Power”). The subject has virtually no freedom to
judge or interpret the caster’s words & actions, but will simply blindly follow the caster’s will. At the DM’s discretion, the subject may receive another Wisdom check to avoid
carrying out an obviously pointless suicidal command, but making this check will not end the spell. It will only prevent the subject from following that specific order (the subject
will simply stand there shaking & unable to act until the order is withdrawn). As with other charm-type magic, this spell confers no additional linguistic abilities; the caster must
still speak the subject’s language or duplicate such ability magically to have commands understood. Even without this, however, the subject will consider the caster as worthy of
absolute protection, and will use whatever means seem appropriate to ensure the caster’s safety, including sacrificing his own life to save the caster’s. Again, the subject has
virtually no alternative but to ensure that the caster’s desires (or perceived desires, if communication is not possible) are met. The material component of this spell is a piece of
jewelry of not less than 10000gp value, which must be inscribed with a special formula specific to the intended subject. This formula must be researched as if it were a 10th level
spell for purposes of determining time & cost, and in addition will require information from extraplanar sources including, at the very least, legend lore & contact other plane. Any
extraplanar beings contacted for information are extremely likely to demand a service from the caster in return; the caster should bear in mind that beings willing to give out
damaging information of this sort are usually very evil. At the end of the research process, the wizard must roll for success just as for any process of spell research; if the roll fails,
the formula for the intended subject cannot be researched again until the next experience level (the formula for another subject can still be researched). The jewelry is not
consumed by the casting of the spell, but if the spell is ever successfully dispelled, the formula vanishes from the jewelry, and must be researched again. Unlike charm person, this
spell erases the subject’s memory of what happens while under its influence. The spell does not simply mislead the will, as charm person does, but actively suppresses it, making
the subject into something perhaps more than a mindless automaton, but certainly less than a person. In any case, the effect of this spell indicates that it would be virtually
impossible for a wizard to use it & remain of good alignment.
Estate Transference (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 10 turns Area of Effect: 1000ft2/level Saving Throw: None
This powerful spell allows a caster to transfer a large area of land in the Prime Material plane to any of the elemental planes. All buildings, people, and wildlife within the area of
effect are also transported. The land forms a pocket of the Prime Material plane within the elemental plane. The pocket is a sphere with a diameter equal to the diameter of land.
The surface of the pocket allows creatures to enter & exit the pocket, but prevents the elements from entering the pocket. Inside the pocket, the land is surrounded by air of a
temperature matching that of the Prime Material plane at the moment the land was moved. In addition, a source of water is created within the pocket. Before the spell is cast, the
area to be moved must be surrounded by solid markers of material from the destination plane. Thus, if a wizard wants to move his castle to the Elemental Plane of Fire, he must
first surround the area with solid blocks of matter from the Elemental Plane of Fire, such as hardened magma or magically crystallized fire. The blocks must be spaced no more
than 5’ apart & may be placed above ground or under the surface - at a depth of no more than 3’. The wizard must be within the area to be moved when he casts the spell. When
the land is moved, a hemispherical crater is left behind in the Prime Material plane. Inside its pocket on the desired plane, the land continues its existence as if nothing changed,
with the exception of occasional visits from planar creatures. Any land that is moved in this manner can never again be moved with this spell. The material component (in addition
to the markers) is the appropriate magical device to control elementals of the desired plane. The item must be permanently placed at the heart of the area of effect & cannot be used
for any other purpose. If the device is disturbed in any way, the spell immediately fails, allowing the energies of the elemental plane to flood into the protected area.
Fiery Death (Elemental-Fire, Conjuration)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 3 rounds Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 1 cubic foot/level Saving Throw: Special
This spell draws a sphere of fire from the Elemental Plane of Fire. If the creature being targeted by the spell makes their save, a 12d8, 30’ radius fireball explodes. If the creature
misses their save, an opaque sphere of fire that nothing can see or pass through (including dimension door, teleport, and teleport without error) comes into existence. After the
sphere is in existence, a 10d6 fireball explodes inside the sphere every round for the duration of the spell. This fireball always goes first in the round & each creature is given a
save for half damage. Any creature within 10’ of the sphere will suffer 1d8 points of damage per every 3 levels of the caster, no save is given for this effect. At the end of the spell,
the sphere explodes into a 10d8 fireball effecting all creatures within a 30’ radius of the sphere, including the trapped creature. The sphere can be brought down with disintegrate,
limited wish or a wish spell; dispel magic will not work.
Fire of Death (Evocation, Necromancy; Elemental-Fire)
Range: 30’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell is considered a necromancy spell because its purpose is to slay opponents by direct damage to their life forces, but its method of doing so is both unusual & insidious.
Instead of opening a direct channel to the Negative Material Plane (which is the normal method by which necromancy injures or kills victims), this spell taps magical energy from
some little-understood source (as most evocation spells do) & channels it against the life forces of the target creatures. The energy so channeled “burns away” all life forces that it
touches. This effect can be applied in one of two ways, either to a group of creatures, or to a single target. With the first application, every creature within the spell range (except
the caster) must roll a save vs. death. All creatures of lower level than the caster who fail the save are slain; those such who make their saves, and creatures of equal or higher level
who fail, take as many dice in damage as the caster has levels/hit dice, and lapse into a coma for 1d4 turns. Those of equal or higher level/hit dice who save successfully take half
the caster’s hit dice as damage & are rendered unconscious for 1d4 rounds. The type of damage dice depends on the caster’s class. Thus, for example, a fire of death cast by an 18th
level wizard would do 18d4 hit points of damage to all creatures of 17 or lower levels/hit dice who make their saves, or 18 or more levels/hit dice who failed their saves, and half
that total to those 18th level or over who make their saves. (Monsters, such as dragons, who by some evil chance learn this spell, use their full hit dice for damage as well - thus a
dragon might do 20d8 or more damage with this spell. Needless to say, the DM should retain tight control over what characters & creatures know this spell.) There are thought to
be a very few protective measures that can reduce or eliminate the period of unconsciousness for creatures who save successfully against the first version of this spell, but these do
not include any commonly known spells. Negative plane protection, at least in its normally known version, does not work, since the spell’s energy does not come from that plane,
and known spells that protect against magical fire also do not work. This use of the spell does not have any further effect on the life force once slain; such creatures are treated as
having been normally slain in battle, can be raised, resurrected, etc., and have no chance of becoming undead. Those few who have resisted this spell successfully report feeling a
burning sensation that begins in the head & gradually washes through the whole body, and it is this that gives the spell its most commonly used name. Those who successfully use
a protective spell or effect will still feel a splitting headache & will suffer a -1 penalty to all attack & saving throw rolls & ability checks for 1 round per level of the caster of this
spell. Note that this penalty also applies to subjects who take damage from the spell but are not slain by it. The second application of the spell is less often used in group combat,
but it is far more feared in situations (such as single combat) where its use is more appropriate. It concentrates the spell energy against the life force of a single target creature
within the spell range, designated by the caster (usually by a pointing finger & mental image). This creature must save vs. death or be instantly transformed into an undead creature
similar to a ju-ju zombie as its life force is consumed. This transformation is irreversible short of a wish or similar magic, and even if this form of rescue is successful the victim
may require a quest, atonement, or other such magic to restore former alignment & status. The transformed undead creature is under the control of the spell caster, and only
becomes free-willed if the caster dies. Target creatures who successfully save must make a second save vs. death, and are then treated as if they had been subjected to the first
application of the spell, described above, using the second save & comparative level to determine results. The material component of this spell differs according to which
application is being used. For the first application, the caster must hold aloft a piece of material from the Elemental Plane of Fire (which may be enclosed in a suitable container) &
speak the words of the incantation, at which time the material is consumed. For the second application, the caster must hold, in addition to the material for the first application, a
pint of blood from the target creature & a piece of flesh from an undead creature. These must be immersed in the blood, in one hand, while pointing a finger of the other hand &
speaking the spell, which consumes all the materials. Using the second application of this spell is definitely an evil act, and any wizards who do so will be twisted towards evil
alignment if they are not already evil. Good-aligned wizards, in most situations, can use the first application where other high-level attack spells could be used (although the
extreme damage potential may make its use problematic in some cases).
Flame Sheet (Elemental-Fire, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
This is an improved version of flame arc; it is identical to that spell, with the following exceptions. The flames fall to the ground from the height at which they were cast, so in
effect, anyone at the initial height or below is affected by the flames. In addition, if an obstacle blocks these flames, they will flow around the barrier & will rejoin at a distance
Magical Incantations – Level 9
equal to the width the obstacle; therefore, if a 2’ wide boulder blocks the flames, they will rejoin 2’ behind the rock. This applies in both the horizontal & vertical dimensions. The
flames from this spell will continue to burn for 1 round after the spell is cast; anyone hit by the flames on the first round suffers 10d10 points of damage, and those hit on the
second round suffer 5d10 points of damage. On either round, a successful save vs. spell reduces the damage by half (saves for the second round are at +2); if this save fails, all
possessions must save vs. magical fire or be destroyed. Note that damage is cumulative if caught in the flames on both rounds the spell is in effect. The material components for
this spell are as per those for the flame arc spell, with the addition of 1 or more gems worth at least 500gp. The gems & the volcanic rock are consumed when the spell is cast.
Foresight (Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2-8 + 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell grants the caster a powerful sixth sense in relation to him or another. Although cast upon him, the caster can specify that he or another is the beneficiary of the spell.
Once the spell is cast, the caster receives instantaneous warnings of impending danger or harm to the object of the spell. Thus, if he were the object of the spell, the caster would
know in advance if a thief were about to attempt to backstab him or if an attacker were specifically targeting him with a spell/missile weapon. When the warnings are about him
personally, the caster cannot be surprised & always knows the direction from which any attack is made. In addition, the spell gives the caster a general idea of what action he might
take to best protect himself - duck, jump right, close his eyes, etc. - and gives him a defensive bonus of 2 to his AC. When another is the object of the spell, the caster receives
warnings for that person. He must still communicate this to the other to negate any surprise. Shouting a warning, yanking the person back, even telepathically communicating
through a crystal ball can all be accomplished before the trap is sprung - if the caster does not hesitate. The object of the spell does not gain the defensive bonus to his AC,
however. The material component for this spell is a hummingbird’s feather.
Gate to Inner Planes (Elemental-General, Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 10’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell opens a portal to any of the Inner planes that the caster has visited. The portal is two-way, but if the caster does not want creatures to come through, he must make a save
vs. spell at -4 & even then, can only close the portal before creatures comes through. A caster can only open 1 portal with this spell, but if many spells are cast, he can have a
maximum number of open portals equal to his level divided by 6. The spell duration is as long as the caster concentrates on the portal(s). But if he casts any other spell other than
another gate to inner planes, the portal will start to shrink. If not concentrating on the portal(s), then it will last 1 hour/level. The caster can stop concentrating & then begin again
afterwards but the total never changes. For example, if a mage casts the spell & then decides to go to sleep for 8 hours, once he wakes again & concentrates on the portal, 8 hours
of the duration has been used. The material component for this spell is piece of the plane that the gate would need to open to.
Glorious Transmutation (Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell turns iron into silver or lead into gold at the caster’s option. The prime ingredient for this spell is a magical item called the philosopher’s stone, which must be touched
by the wizard & alchemically combined with the metal during casting. The formula for mixing the stone & the metal must be known by the caster; this information is not provided
by this spell & the spell is useless without it. Philosopher’s stones vary in quality so much that each is capable of transmuting either 1d10x50 pounds of iron into an equal quantity
of silver or 1d10x10 pounds of lead into the same amount of gold. It is not possible to know how much metal can be transmuted until the process is complete. If the caster has more
iron or lead prepared than the spell is capable of changing, any excess is unchanged. The entire transmutation must be made at one time. Only 1 stone may used per casting of the
spell. The entire philosopher’s stone is consumed in the process.
Ice Swarm (Elemental-Ice, Evocation)
Range: See text Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: ½
An ice swarm is a very powerful & spectacular spell that is similar to the explosion of many fireballs, except the explosions in ice swarm are all of frigid cold, ice, and sleet/snow.
When it is cast, either 4 spheres of 2’ diameter or 8 spheres of 1’ diameter spring from the outstretched hand of the wizard & streak in a straight line to the distance demanded by
the spellcaster, up to the maximum range (40 yards + 10 yards/level). Any creature in the path of these missiles receives the full effect of the missile, or missiles, without benefit of
a saving throw. The ice missiles leave a long trail of ice, slush, and swirling snow, and then each bursts similar to a fireball. The large spheres inflict 10d4 points of damage,
bursting in a diamond or box pattern. Each has a 30’ diameter of effect, and each sphere is 20’ apart, along the sides of the pattern, so that there are overlapping areas of effect, and
the center will be exposed to all 4 blasts. The 8 spheres have half the diameter & half the damage potential (15’ diameter, 5d4 damage). They burst in a pattern of a box within a
diamond, or vice-versa, each of the outer sides 20’ long. Note that the center has 4 areas of overlapping effect, and there are numerous peripheral areas that have 2 overlapping
areas of effect. A saving throw for each area of effect will indicate whether full damage or half-damage is sustained by creatures within each area, except as already stated with
regard to the missiles impacting.
Improved Casting Control (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 2 rounds Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to the 6th level casting control in all respects except those noted herein. Spells of up to 9th level can be protected by an improved casting control. The material
component of this spell is the same as for the casting control spell. A single wizard cannot have a casting control & improved casting control in effect at the same time; the latter
takes precedence & the former is ended.
Improved Spell Immunity (Abjuration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting time: 1 round Area of Effect: Creature touched Saving Throw: None
This spell is similar to its lower-level cousins, detailed earlier, except that it can protect against spells of 1st-9th level. The saving throw bonus against 9th level spells is the same as
th th
that given for 7 -8 level spells in the description of the Serten’s spell immunity spell in the PHB. The material component is a gemstone of not less than 1000gp value, which, as
with the lower-level applications, must be kept on the person of the creature to be protected, and is consumed when the spell expires.
Improved Spell Trigger (Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 item Saving Throw: None
This spell is identical to the 7th level spell trigger, except that spells of 8th level or lower can be stored in the trigger, provided their level is no higher than one-third the caster’s
Internal Fire (Evocation)
Range: 60 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a deadly raging heat within the bowels of the victims, causing them to be consumed by flame from inside; death occurs instantly. There is no saving throw for
this spell. When more HD or levels equal to the caster’s level, are within the 20’ area of effect than can be affected by the mage, those with the fewest HD/levels are affected first.
Partial totals are unaffected by the spell. If a 20th level wizard has already affected 15HD or levels of creatures, a 7HD/level creature would be unaffected. Additionally, although
there is no saving throw for this spell, magical items which confer protection from fire and fire-based attacks make the wearer immune to the effects of this spell. The material
component for this spell is an iron brazier filled with red-hot charcoal.
Lichcraft (Necromancy)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: See text Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: Special
This spell makes the caster a lich. The caster must be specialized in necromancy. If the spell fails in any way, the caster is killed. The material components are a number of bodies
at least equal to the level of the caster. The bodies must have been killed by a bolt of death & have been prepared in a similar ceremony. In this case, the bodies are destroyed in the
casting. During the casting the necromancer disembowels himself, which requires a system shock check, and if it fails the caster cannot be raised or resurrected. If it succeeds, the
caster becomes the ultimate in evil. He becomes almost indestructible. The lich is immune to all normal physical damage (including aging). Only weapons in some way dedicated
to combating undead or liches will deliver full damage, other magical weapons will deliver 1HP if they hit. Magic (except sleep, charm & hold person) will affect the lich
normally, but in all cases, the lich will regenerate all hit points & regain full control of his body and mind at the end of each round. Should the body of the lich be totally destroyed
in 1 round (e.g. disintegrated), it will reform in 1d6 days. The only way to destroy a lich is by destroying the apparatus that contains the viscera. This apparatus cannot directly be
magically protected & can be destroyed by any character spending 1 round (if in combat consider it AC 0, having 5HP). This spell is only cast once in its full form (taking 6d6
hours to complete), but must be renewed daily. The necromancer need not memorize the spell, so in effect the caster loses his 9th level specialization bonus spell. After the spell is
cast, the necromancer cannot be more than five times his level in miles away from his device or be destroyed. The lich will, at all times, know the exact location of his device. A
lich created by this spell is turned as a ‘special’ undead, with the cleric attempting to turn considered 1 level lower for each 5 levels of the lich. If cast by a non-necromancer
wizard, the spell will turn the caster into a lich as described in the Monster Manual. The material component is the same, and a system check is still made. There is no apparatus,
however, and the spell affects the mind of the caster to a much larger degree, causing the caster to gain no experience.
Magical Incantations – Level 9
Luminescent Wrath (Elemental-Radiance, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 rounds Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
Luminescent wrath is a unique spell that utilizes the light in the area surrounding the caster directing it into harmful energies. The spell focus is a rare & unique clear gem (usually
a diamond) worth at least 30000gp, on which the spell is cast. The gem concentrates all the light in a 30’ radius (centered on the caster) on itself & contains it, where it breaks the
light to its composite colors that the mage may now use in various attacks. The light caught in the gem, split to its 7 component colors, may now be used by the mage to create the
following effects:
Red: Shoots out a ray of red light, causing 10d4 heat damage & setting fire to combustible and flammable materials. Save vs. spells for half damage.
Orange: The use of this color forces the target to make a saving throw vs. petrifaction, a failed save resulting in the victim's turning to stone.
Yellow: The caster directs a powerful ray of magical force at the target, causing 5d4 damage & throwing the victim back 10d4 feet, causing 1d6 damage for every 10’ thrown back.
A saving throw vs. breath weapon is allowed only for the force damage, halving it if successful.
Green: Fired at a target, this ray causes an acid effect that causes 5d8 corrosive damage. The victim may save vs. spells to halve damage, with a failed save to be followed by saves
vs. acid for all of his possessions.
Blue: Affecting only undead, this ray of light affects its unliving targets like a mace of disruption.
Indigo: The target of this spell, should he fail his save vs. petrifaction, will be paralyzed for 5d6 rounds. Should he save, he will only be paralyzed for 1 round.
Violet: Using this color, the caster may send out a ray of light causing 10d4 extreme cold damage. Saving vs. spells will reduce the damage sustained by half.
All saving throws for the target’s possessions are to be penalized at -2 Every attack may only be used once, and only 1 attack may be used each round, restricted to a single target
up to 80’ away. The changes in light in the 30’ area of the effect cause a blur-like effect that lasts for the spell’s duration. If spell effects from the school of elemental radiance
occur within the 30’ radius of the mage, for every 3 spell-levels of these radiance spells, the caster of luminescent wrath will regain the use of 1 expended color. In any event, the
radiance spell will not take effect & will be absorbed by the gem. Material components for this spell include only the gem (mentioned above), which is consumed in the casting.
Mass Enervation (Necromancy)
Range: 5 yards/level Components: V, S Duration: 1d4 hours Casting Time: 4 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell is an advanced version of the 4th level enervation, which can suppress more life energy & can also affect a larger number of creatures than its lower-level cousin, all of
which must be within the spell range. When casting the spell, the caster must choose how many life energy levels will be suppressed per target creature (the number must be the
same for each creature affected by the spell). Every creature within the spell range then temporarily loses that many life energy levels or hit dice, subject to the limitation that the
total number of creatures affected, times the number of levels/hit dice to be suppressed per creature, cannot exceed twice the caster’s level. If there are more creatures within the
spell range than can be affected under this limitation, the spell fails (obviously the caster should choose the levels/hit dice to be suppressed per creature appropriately to ensure that
this does not happen). The caster cannot choose which creatures will be affected by the spell; all creatures within range except the caster, friendly or otherwise, are affected. Unlike
the enervation spell, there is no visible manifestation of the dweomer, and hence no saving throw. The suppression of the life force wears off in 1d4 hours, although it is
conjectured by some that have encountered this spell that there may be ways of hastening this recovery. As with the enervation spell, creatures reduced to 0 levels/hit dice by the
spell must roll for system shock to survive, and are in any case completely helpless until the effect wears off.
Mentalism Arcane (Enchantment/Charm; Mentalism; Song)
Range: 5’ Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Special
This spell allows the caster to conduct an extended dialogue with any creature while the latter remains in an enspelled state & responsive to the caster’s vocal commands and
questions. The spell requires the subject creature to remain quietly standing or seated while it is cast; this can be accomplished by casting on a willing recipient (see below for
possible uses of this application) or by using another spell such as hold person to keep the subject still until this spell takes effect. After the caster has spoken to the subject for one
round, the subject will become quiet and responsive to questions, and will sit down (if not already seated) and remain seated for as long as the caster desires. Unwilling recipients
of the spell gain a saving throw vs. paralyzation to avoid the effect. Once enspelled, the subject will answer any questions put by the caster. The subject will also listen to and later
act on post-hypnotic suggestions (but no more than two of these may be given in a single use of this spell). The caster must speak a language the subject knows to effect the spell
(or must simulate such an effect - for example, tongues could be used). When the caster desires to end the spell, she counts to three and snaps her fingers, and the subject awakens.
The subject will not consciously remember anything that happened during the spell, although the fact that the spell took place is remembered unless a suggestion is used to cause
the subject to forget it. For the duration of this spell, all other spells & influences that affect the subject’s mind (including the effects of previous uses of this spell) are suspended;
however, they are not dispelled, and will resume when this spell ends. This includes any protections placed by the subject on himself or herself to prevent magical or other
invasions of the mind (even including powerful spells such as mind blank), as well as any effects imposed upon the subject’s mind by others. For example, the original memories
and personality of a subject who had previously suffered a programmed amnesia would be accessible, although they would be lost again at the conclusion of this spell. This effect
can be particularly useful when no means are at hand for permanently dispelling or negating the influences on the subject’s mind. In fact, one of the primary uses for this spell is to
help willing recipients who have suffered mind effects, by finding out exactly what was done to them in order to discover the right means of negating it. Note in this regard that
telling the subject afterwards what he said or did during the spell effect will not necessarily circumvent the restrictions given above; the subject may simply not believe what he is
told, particularly if it is damaging in some way. For example, if under the spell a paladin revealed that he had committed evil acts under a curse or mental control, and was then
ordered to forget them, the character may simply refuse to admit the truth of this after the spell ends, because it would require him to undergo a difficult process of penance &
absolution or risk losing paladin-hood. Even a willing subject with a high level of trust in the spellcaster will find it difficult to accept "hidden" information revealed by the spell;
after all, the subject’s mind has been tampered with, and his reactions are not entirely normal. Persistent efforts to get a subject of this spell to consciously remember or believe
otherwise hidden information will force both the subject & the caster to make a Wisdom check, possibly with a penalty of -1 to -5, at the DM’s discretion (depending on the
variance of the hidden information with the subject’s conscious beliefs and personality). Should either the subject or the caster fail this check, both will become insane. Generally,
the safest course is to wait for time and other events to allow the subject to come to terms with what has happened without outside interference.
Monsoon (Conjuration/Summoning)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 2 turns/level Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 10d100 miles2 Saving Throw: None
This spell can only be cast in a climate that could have monsoons, such as a semi-tropical coastline. When cast, the spell conjures up the most powerful of wind & rainstorms to
ravage the area. Winds come at hundreds of miles per hour, smashing boats & unstable structures. Rain pounds the area, swamping piers & depressions. The spell causes siege
damage as by a screw or drill on all structures & trees in the area of effect, and all unmoored ships must make sea-worthiness checks. Creatures that cannot take adequate cover on
high ground must save vs. paralyzation to avoid drowning. From the caster’s point of view, the most dangerous aspect of this spell is its range of 0. This means the caster must be
amid the effect; if he’s not protected, he’s subject to the same effects as everyone else. The monsoon can be countered using a control weather spell, but the caster of that spell
must roll greater than the monsoon creator’s Intelligence on a d20, with +1 added to the roll for each level that the control weather caster exceeds the level of the monsoon creator.
Once the monsoon is unleashed, the caster has no control over it, and it may combine with existing weather conditions to have greater duration & effect than anticipated.
Multiple Contingency (Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 2 turns Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell is an enhanced version of the 6th level contingency that allows more than 1 activating condition to be specified. The spell allows up to 4 conditions, each which can be
not more complex than would be permissible with a normal contingency. The magic stored in a multiple contingency will then take effect when any 1 of the conditions is fulfilled.
The procedure for casting this spell is the same as for other contingency-type magic: the spell itself is cast, and the spell to be triggered is cast along with it. The casting time of 2
turns includes the casting of both spells. Once cast, the multiple contingency remains in effect until 1 of its activation conditions is fulfilled, or until its duration of 1 day per caster
level expires. Any spell stored in a multiple contingency can only affect the caster, and is activated immediately upon triggering. Spells of up to 9th level can be triggered by a
multiple contingency, provided their level is no more than 1/3 the caster’s level. A single wizard cannot have more than one multiple contingency in effect at one time, but can have
a contingency & a chain contingency also in effect, provided that none of the conditions of any of the spells overlap. The material components for this spell are 200gp worth of
quicksilver, the eyelash of an ogre mage, ki-rin, or similar spell-using creature, and a gem of not less than 500gp value, all of which are consumed (the material components of the
companion spell are also required, of course). Also, just as with other contingency-type spells, the wizard must carry a statuette of himself or herself carved from elephant ivory on
his person for the spell to function.
Mystra’s Unraveling (Alteration, Enchantment)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 1 Area of Effect: 30’ radius Saving Throw: None
This spell instantly destroys all spells & enchantments linked to, focused on, or held within items. Imprisoned beings are set free, magically preserved items are exposed to all the
aging effects they’ve been protected from, and so on. Magical items automatically lose their powers, and barriers & wards connected to doors, anchor points, or other solid things
Magical Incantations – Level 9
collapse. Items connected to other planes lose those connections; if the linkages are to non-living items, those items are yanked fully into the plane wherein the unraveling is cast.
All portions of a large item are affected if any part of it is within range of the unraveling. This magic has no effect on magical items touched by the caster during casting or carried
on the caster’s person. It also leaves untouched spell effects not attached to an item, including those that originated in magical item discharges. An unraveling reveals the multiple
powers of artifacts (to the mind of its caster only) in precise & fine detail, but it doesn’t affect or harm them - beyond the fact that its touch won’t activate an artifact, regardless of
the artifacts normal conditions for activation. Alternatively, an unraveling can be cast with a different incantation word. In such cases, it leaves magical items & artifacts
completely untouched, and it works only against enchantments. It can affect such magics regardless of their age & origin, even if they are quiescent, awaiting later activation,
within an area or a being. Such an unraveling successfully destroys multiple linked enchantments without triggering their magics, penetrates all known barriers (including
prismatic effects & anti-magic shells), and is roughly the equivalent of 4 dispel magic spells.
Ooze Twin (Conjuration/Summoning, Elemental-Ooze)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
This spell is similar to the clone spell in that it creates a duplicate of the creature, with all the memories & abilities of the original but there are several differences. The duplicate is
made of mud & ooze, not from flesh & blood, so any damage it suffers is permanent, it cannot be healed unless a wish spell is used (in which case it recovers 10-60 points of
damage). Furthermore, the twin is very sluggish & moves at ¾ the movement rate of the original. The caster must be able to touch the subject during the entire casting time & if
interrupted, the spell is lost. As soon as the casting is over, a duplicate of the creature appears next to it & is under the control of the caster. Like the clone spell, the original & the
twin will seek each other out, trying to kill the other. The material components are the original creature to be cloned & the remains of oozes and slimes whose total HD equal the
creature’s HD or level.
Parboiling Cloud (Invocation/Evocation, Elemental-Steam)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 5 rounds Casting Time: 5 Area of Effect: 50' radius Saving Throw: ½
The spell creates a great cloud of hot steam around the caster, extending for 50’ around him. Anyone within this cloud (except for the caster) must make a saving throw vs. spell or
suffer 6d4 points of damage every round. If the saving throw is successful, they suffer only half damage. The caster is unaffected by the cloud, and can also see through it as if it
didn’t exist. Anyone else suffers -2 to their attack rolls & saving throws. Due to the large amount of moisture & heat in the area, all fire & ice spells are only half as effective as
they would normally be for the duration of the spell. This is somewhat offset by the fact that since the creatures inside cannot see much they receive no saving throws, unless
someone can warn them about the danger. When cast underwater, this spell has a 100’ radius, but causes only 4d4 points of damage per round.
Phoenix (Elemental-Fire, Necromancy, Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This is a very powerful spell that activates only upon the death of the mage. One round after death, the remains of the body become extremely hot igniting any nearby
combustibles. The spell will not function if less than 50% of the remains exist, whatever shape they may be in, or if body parts are spread out over a 10’ radius. During the next 9
rounds, the remains will continue to magically burn. At the end of 1 turn, the flames will erupt into a fireball, the size of which is 2.5-yard radius sphere per level of the caster. The
blast will cause 1d6 points of damage per level to anyone or anything - ½ damage if a saving throw is made. Any remaining possessions of the mage or objects within 20’ are
totally destroyed in the blast. From the flames, the spell enables the soul of the deceased to create a firebird - a flaming roc-like bird described below. The main objective is to fly
home to a specially prepared nest to be reborn. However, the mage can use her new form to attack her enemies. She has a potent new body to fight with, but there is a price for
quick revenge. Every round that is not spent flying towards the nest will reduce the chance of rebirth by 5%. The nest is usually located in some secret place known only to the
caster. The location is usually stockpiled with water, clothes & a spare spellbook, and is carefully warded against intruders. The nest is composed of chunks of jet (at least 10%) &
stones from the mage’s homeland stacked together in an oval shape, the size of which is about 5’-6’ long & 2’-3’ wide. The nest’s bottom is sprinkled with 10000gp worth of
diamond dust & 1 pint of the caster’s dried blood. When the firebird arrives at this nest, it immolates itself. Within the ashes, an egg is formed & lies incubating. The egg incubates
& grows a number of days equal to the number of levels the mage had. Note that the caster’s egg is very vulnerable to attack during this time. At the end of the last day, the mage
must make a system shock survival roll. For example, the recently deceased mage had 12 Constitution & spent 8 rounds fighting before flying away. Thus she needs to roll (80 - 40
= 40) 40% or less to live again. If she flew directly to the nest & didn’t fight, her chance of making the system shock roll is 80%. In addition, the spell must be renewed with ritual
utterances every new moon. The spell is cast into a golden amulet shaped like a phoenix with deep blood red ruby eyes, the minimum value of which is 15000gp. It must be worn
singly (other magical amulets, medallions or necklaces will negate its effects) at the time of death for the spell to take effect.
Activity Cycle: Any Intelligence: Same as the caster Treasure: None Armor Class: 2
Movement: 3"/36" class B Hit Dice: Same as the caster Magic Resistance: Same as the caster Size: Wingspan is 2’/every level of the caster
THAC0: Attacks as a monster equal to caster’s level # of Attacks: 2 claws or 1 bite Damage/Attack: 2-12/2-12 or 3-18
Special Attacks: Excess heat causes all within 10' to take 1-6 points of damage/round.
Special Defenses: Ethereal at will, homing instinct for nest, hit only by +2 or better weapons.
Protection of the Raging Storm (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn Casting Time: 8 Area of Effect: 360’ radius Saving Throw: halves
Cast under a cloudy sky, this spell calls lightning down around the caster, making it dangerous for people to attack him directly. Every round, 1 or 2 lightning bolts strikes within 5
yards of the caster (70% chance of 1 bolt). All people touching the ground within that radius, with the exception of the caster, must save vs. breath weapon. The DM then rolls a
save for the ground, trees & so on within the area. The highest total (or 2 totals) gets hit - damage is 2d8+1d8 per caster level. Ties mean the bolt forked for half the damage each.
The spell ends when the caster goes inside or the sky clears. The material component is a specially-prepared copper fork, worth no less than 100gp, which disappears on the
conclusion of the spell.
Re-Integrate (Alteration)
Range: 40 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell is not definitely known to exist; only certain tales suggest that the formula might be possessed by a very few of the ancient elves. As its name implies, it enables the
caster to restore an item or creature to its original form from the dust left behind by a disintegrate spell. However, the spell must be cast in the round immediately after
disintegrate, or the dust will disperse & the item or creature will be irrevocably lost. There is no saving throw against the effect, but living creatures must survive a system shock
roll to be successfully re-integrated; if they fail, their bodies are not reformed even as corpses. The material component of this spell is the dust of the item or creature, and a two-
headed coin that must be tossed in the air as the caster speaks the words of the spell. The coin is consumed by the spell effect.
Retributive Strike (Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 hour + other spells Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Special
This spell is a customized version of the 6th level contingency, for use when breaking a staff of power or staff of the magi in a retributive strike. Its purpose is to allow the staff-
breaker to avoid being destroyed or sent to another plane by the breaking of the staff. Because of the difficulty of maintaining such protection, however, this spell does have some
strict limitations. To cast this spell, a wizard must have 1 of the 2 magical staves mentioned above on hand, and it must be present & touched by the caster during the casting. Only
this staff will then be capable of triggering the spell’s effect, and the caster can only have 1 such spell in effect at a time. The casting of this spell takes 1 hour. Immediately
following this, the caster must also cast a teleport & a wish, which provide the additional energy to be tapped when the spell is triggered. The wording of the wish must specify the
exact way in which the triggering of the spell is to save the caster from the effects of breaking the staff, in addition to being teleported away at the precise moment of the strike (for
example, where the target of the teleport is, and what sorts of damage that might be taken from the retributive strike are to be guarded against). This wording may be talked over
with the DM prior to the casting of the spell; the intent is not to force the caster to have to guess how the spell will work when the time comes, but only to ensure that a precise
effect is agreed upon in advance. During the casting of these additional spells, the caster must continue to touch the staff, which serves as the material component of all the castings
(any other components normally required by the other spells are not required for this special use). At the end of all the castings, the retributive strike goes into effect & remains in
effect until the staff used in the casting is broken in a retributive strike, runs out of charges, or leaves the possession of the caster. Having the staff stolen does not count as leaving
the possession of the caster; only voluntarily giving up the staff does. The death of the caster will also end the effect of this spell. Only breaking the staff in a retributive strike
actually triggers the spell’s effect; the other ways of ending the spell simply cause its energy to dissipate. The caster cannot voluntarily end this spell except by one of the ways
noted above (for example, if the caster acquires another staff that he prefers, the new staff cannot be made the object of this spell unless the original staff is broken, discharged, or
given away). When the breaking of the staff triggers this spell, the teleport takes effect & whisks the wizard away an instant before the damage of the retributive strike would have
reached him. The wish also takes effect, and its wording determines where the caster will end up, and what damage from the strike will have been prevented. The wish cannot be
used to heal damage suffered by the caster previous to the strike. The target location for the teleport must be specified in the wish in terms of parameters known to the spellcaster at
Magical Incantations – Level 9
the time the retributive strike is prepared. Thus, a wording such as “Target the teleport to the magic room of my castle” is acceptable, but a wording such as “Target the teleport to
the last place I slept prior to breaking the staff” is not. The target location may be specified relative to the staff itself, instead of as an absolute location, but this imposes more
stringent conditions (see below). Additional precautions can also be taken in the wording of the wish to ensure that the destination of the teleport is a safe location (i.e., that the
teleport does not arrive too high or too low). Alternatively, a teleport without error may be used instead. However, if the target of the teleport is specified relative to the point
where the staff breaks (e.g., a wording such as “Target the teleport to a location 1000 yards north of where the staff breaks”), a teleport without error must be used to ensure safe
arrival. Otherwise the normal chances for a teleport to come in too high or too low apply, with the target location considered as “never seen” (unless particularly lucky
circumstances apply). This restriction applies to any method of specifying the target location such that the caster does not know it in advance. A teleport without error can also be
used instead of a teleport to allow the caster to be transported between planes of existence. In that case, the normal chances for awry teleporting apply, as noted in the teleport
without error spell description in the PHB.
Salt Boulders (Salt, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 120 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 60-yard diameter Saving Throw: Negates
One of the most powerful attack spells among the Quasi-Elemental Schools, salt boulders causes 3d4 large salt boulders to fall from the sky in an area of the caster’s choice. Upon
impact with the ground (or anything else unlucky enough to end between it & the boulders) the boulders shatter, hurling many sharp shards of hardened salt crystals in all
directions. While the 5d4 points of crushing damage by the boulders is only caused in the limited 30-yard radius circular range where the boulders may fall, each shattered boulder
will cause more damage from flying shards in relations to the distance from the point of impact. Within the basic 30-yard radius - 5d4 (crushing damage) + 12d4 (shards); 30-40
yard radius - 10d4; 40-50 yard radius - 8d4; 50-60 yard radius - 4d4. Please note that the shard damage range is not only in radius in parallel to the ground, but also in a sphere
towards the sky as well. If cast in mid-air, it will affect a full 60-yard sphere from the target point. In addition, due to the large amounts of salt in the victim’s wounds, no healing
(short of the 6th level priest spell heal) will work on the spell’s victims for the next 1d10 rounds. The material components of this spell are 3 round, hard, salt balls with the
wizard’s personal symbol or insignia carved into them, and filled with melted platinum.
Sammaster’s Conjunction (Alteration, Incantation)
Range: Special Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This powerful enchantment has 2 forms.
Combined: The combined form brings into being a 70’ tall ovoid of glowing blue light directly in front of the caster. On the 2 rounds following his or her casting of the
conjunction, the caster must cast 2 additional spells (both of the 7th level or less). If 1 of these additional spells is an evocation attack spell, the caster remains outside the ovoid &
casts the spell into it; the caster moves into the ovoid to cast all other sorts of spells. Both spells are swallowed by the conjunction, which then fades from view, having been
charged with the 2 spells. Thereafter, when the caster repeats the last word uttered in his or her casting of the conjunction, both of the stored spells instantly & simultaneously take
effect, operating normally, with the conjunction empowering the caster to achieve normal control over both simultaneously. For example, the caster could launch a fireball & at the
same time teleport away. This form of the spell allows the caster to memorize other spells in place of the 2 absorbed by the conjunction.
Conjoined: The conjoined form of the spell (once cast) allows the caster to choose any 2 memorized spells she or he is carrying. On the next round or on any later round in the
same turn, if the caster undertakes the normal casting process for the simpler, faster, or lower level of the 2 spells selected, both take effect at once. The caster’s control over them
is unimpaired as if she or he was devoting all due concentration to 1 spell alone. For instance, casting magic missile would unleash both it & fireball, or casting invisibility would
also hurl lightning bolt at one’s foes. These spells are discharged from memory in the usual way.
If the simpler spell is not cast during the turn, neither of the 2 selected spells takes effect, but the conjunction (and its link between the spells) is lost. The caster is free subsequently
to use the memorized spells separately in the usual manner. The material components are a hair originally from the head of one of the (current or past) Chosen of Mystra & a
faceted clear quartz crystal.
Shadowform (Alteration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Caster Saving Throw: None
This spell transforms the caster into a shadowy image without substance. In this form, he is not affected by the real world, nor can he affect it, allowing him to easily pass through
walls, floors, etc. The image is easily visible as a dark shadow in daylight, but is harder to notice in dimmer light. The caster cannot cast spells that affect the real world (i.e. most
spells other than Illusion & Enchantment spells). The caster is completely silent while in this form unless he wishes to make a sound. The material component is a black opal worth
at least 5000gp.
Skycastle (Apportation)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: 1 castle Saving Throw: None
Casting this spell on a castle or other building gives the castle the ability to fly, controlled by the caster’s mental command. Although relatively slow (movement rate 30) & clumsy
(maneuverability class E), the skycastle has a tremendous carrying capacity & can travel even when the caster is asleep, as it can maintain a particular course & speed unattended.
Siege engines & the like affect the skycastle normally, but do not remove the dweomer until the skycastle has been breached on all 4 sides. A successful dispel magic removes the
spell, however. In both cases, the dweomer is so large & diffuse that it does not end immediately. When negated, the spell takes time to drain, according to the following schedule:
on round 1, the skycastle stops in mid-flight; on rounds 2-5, it sinks earthward at 10’ per round; rounds 6-9, it drops earthward at 100’ per round; & from round 10 on, it plummets
earthward. Plummeting more than 200’ destroys the skycastle & kills everyone within. If in doubt, assess falling damage versus the inhabitants normally, plus saving throws vs.
death magic for those in danger of death from massive damage, as per the DMG. Deliberately dropping the skycastle on a soft target such as a cottage or a living creature crushes
the target. Dropping it on a hard target damages both structures equally. To cast the spell, the mage must have an absolutely clear mental image of the skycastle - equal to that
gained by overseeing its construction or walking every inch of it for at least 1 month. Reading a map or blueprints is not sufficient. The material component of this spell is a
beautifully appointed couch or sofa (1000gp minimum), which must be occupied by the caster for the entire turn. A new couch must be purchased for each casting.
Smoky Figure III (Conjuration/Summoning, Elemental-Smoke)
Range: 100 yards Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 1 fire source Saving Throw: None
This spell’s name is similar to the smoky figure I & smoky figure II spells but this is where the similarity ends, for the spell summons the creature known as Hazer through a gate
opened in the fire source. The creature’s statistics are as follows: INT 13; AC 0; HD 16 (100HP); THAC0 5; #AT 2; Dmg 2-20/2-20. The creature looks like the smoky figure
created by the smoky figure I spell but is very substantial.
Stasis Clone (Alteration, Necromancy)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 2 turns Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a duplicate of a human, demihuman or humanoid creature from any scarp of bone, hair, tissue, or at least 6 drops of blood from that being. If the caster is not the
being to be duplicated, that living creature must touch the duplicate body, as it forms, to give it life. The clone is identical to the original being in memories, skills, experience
level, and appearance at the time the organic tissue was obtained from the being. It has 1 less point of Constitution than the original being & it cannot form at all if the original
being has a current Constitution of 1. All other ability scores are identical. Unlike duplicates created by the clone spell, the copy of the being is never aware of the existence of the
original (but see below). It remains in magical stasis & is mentally unreachable (with a sole exception noted hereafter). It does not age, decay, or need air, water, food, or other
essentials that living things require. A stasis clone can be stored in a coffin or other confined space, and isn’t awakened by handling. It can be damaged or even destroyed by any
force that would harm its living counterpart. A stasis clone holds the pose it was last placed in by living hands, and can thus be dressed to act as a decoy. Whenever the original
being touches the stasis clone, the clone’s memories, skills and experience levels are updated to match the original being. The clone in this process does not mirror purely physical
differences, such as aging, a wound, or an amputation the original being has gone through. The stasis is normally only lifted when the original being dies, though up to 2
contingency spells may be applied to any stasis clone to modify when & how it activates. Repeated castings of this spell can create multiple stasis clones. These stasis clones can
even be linked to each other by custom-devised transferal spells mated to contingency spells so that the death of the first awakens only the second, its death in turn activates just the
third, and so on. When the stasis clone has been activated, the clone enjoys a grace of 1 hour per level of the caster, during which it is not aware of being a clone, unless
circumstances obviously point to the fact. After this period, the conditions of the clone apply (basically the clone has 1 week to kill any duplicates).
Tempestcone (Alteration, Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 round per level Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a shadowy, upright cone of force surrounding the caster or 1 creature touched by the caster. The cone comes to a point a few feet above the recipient’s head, and
extends to the floor (or, if the caster is flying, falling, or otherwise removed from a solid surface, to just below the lowest part of the caster’s body). The tempestcone moves with
the caster, and seems to be a faintly-shrieking, tumultuous chaos of whirling winds & shadowy clouds (hence its name). Its only effect is to “drink” all magic coming into contact
Magical Incantations – Level 9
with it (including magical-item charges & spells cast by the caster it is protecting), and transforms them into magic missiles. The caster is unharmed by the whirling cone of winds
(and is unaffected by all incoming spell effects); the magic missiles created by a tempestcone whirl around the cone until hurled unerringly at targets within 140’ by the being
enveloped by the cone. The protected creature can hurl the missiles even if it isn’t a spell-caster; a mental command is all that is needed. The missiles are identical in all respects to
a magic missile spell. A tempestcone creates 2 magic missiles per spell level absorbed, each doing 1d4+1HPs of damage & flying unerringly at MV Fl 24 (MC: A). If the
projectiles pass more than 140’ from the cone, or are unused when the spell expires, they fade away harmlessly. Magical-item discharges for which no spell equivalent exists are
considered 6th level for purposes of generating magic missiles.
Tendrils of Dust (Invocation/Evocation, Elemental-Dust)
Range: 20 yards/level Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 round/level Casting Time: 1 round Area of Effect: 50’ sphere Saving Throw: ½
The caster of this spell creates a sphere of dust in his hand, from which extend 10 tendrils. The caster can choose to control the tendrils or to cast another spell; the dust sphere does
not hinder his ability. The tendrils can reach any creature within 50’ of the caster, attaching itself to the creature, preferably to the nose & mouth. Every tendril causes 1d10 points
of damage per round. Every round beyond the first that the tendril is attached to the same target, that person suffers a cumulative -1 to his hit & saves, as he is being gagged with
sand & dust. The penalties remain for the same number of rounds that the tendril remained attached or until the victim spends 1 round to get it all out. The caster can use more than
1 tendril against a single target in which case the effects are multiplied by the number of tendrils attached to him. Every round, the target gets a save vs. spells to suffer half damage
& evade the penalties. Any creature that dies from this spell will rise as a Kyolith if an animate dead spell is cast on him. The material component is a bit of bone dust.
The Sleeper Wakes (Alteration, Divination)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 2 hours Area of Effect: The caster Saving Throw: None
Combining elements of the temporal stasis spell & the contingency spell with divination, this spell places the caster in a temporal stasis until a certain event is about to occur. The
event to trigger the temporal reinstatement must be phrased so that it can be carved in runes on a sundial (about 30 words). The sundial must be inlaid with large & flawless
diamond, emerald, ruby, and sapphire stones. Three of each is required, costing no less than 60000gp. The sundial disappears when the spell ends. If the triggering event is about to
happen in the same room, the caster is awakened a number of rounds equal to his level before the event. If it would happen within a mile, he wakes his level in turns beforehand. If
it is about to happen further away than a mile (e.g., a world-shaking event), he wakes a number of days equal to his level ahead of the event. There is no paradox if the expected
event never happens, this could very well be the purpose of the spell. The caster is awakened if the event would happen were he to continue sleeping. If the foreseen event does not
happen regardless of the caster awakening, he just continues to sleep until the temporal stasis is dispelled or negated in some way. He may not include sub-clauses in the stating of
the event. This spell may be cast on another creature already in temporal stasis, in which case the caster can elect to remove the time span between the awakening & the event.
Tobian’s Ultimate Circle (Abjuration)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 turn/level Casting Time: 9 rounds Area of Effect: See text Saving Throw: None
This spell is the final word in defensive magic: completely invulnerable to those against whom it is cast, yet cannot be used to protect an attacker. To set the spell, the caster makes
a circle (2’ in diameter/level) using gold dust - at least 500gp worth per caster’s level. While being cast, the wizard decides whether the circle protects against the inside or the
outside. If inside, nothing within the lines can escape or attack through the barrier until the spell expires or the circle is broken. If set to protect against the outside, whatever is
within the lines is absolutely invulnerable to every conceivable attack. In all cases, any force or attack brought to bear against the invulnerable side of the circle is reflected back
against the initiator of the force. However, if a creature on the protected side moves or attacks through the barrier, willingly or not, the spell is broken. The above rule has one
exception: the caster of the circle can open the circle for an instant to teleportation or planar travel - just long enough to trap someone inside or bring someone across into the
protected side. This is the only way a creature can pass through the wall without being reflected back or breaking the spell. The caster can make the circle permanent by casting a
permanency spell, though it can still be broken by someone walking through the opposite side. Legends tell of an archmage who did just this, and put a second circle around the
first, with the invulnerable side out, thus trapping an enemy inside forever.
Tsunami (Evocation)
Range: Special Components: V, S Duration: Special Casting Time: 1 turn Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
When this spell is cast, an underwater earthquake is generated that in turn creates a gigantic wave. The wave is high, fast-moving, and is most destructive when it washes over a
shoreline, swamping everything in its path as it roars inland. Tsunami can be cast anywhere but is dangerous to the caster unless cast at sea in deep waters. The first effect of this
spell is identical to the earthquake spell, centered beneath the sea wizard’s feet & spreading in a line in the direction he wishes the tsunami to follow. If cast in deep waters, the
vessel tosses & heaves a bit, but doesn’t endanger anyone. In water less than 50 yards deep, a sailing proficiency check is required for the ship’s master & crew to maintain control
of their vessel amid the suddenly heaving waves. A tsunami is most effective when cast approximately ½ - 1 mile offshore. At that range it is ruinous along a 1-mile broad
beachfront, devastating structures along the shore where it hits & destroying everything for ½ a mile inland. The next ¼ mile inland suffers heavy flooding. Saving throws vs.
spells are required for persons caught in the ½ mile danger zone to escape with their lives, or for structures to survive the giant wave. Within the ¼ mile flood zone, roll 1d8 to
determine how much damage is done to buildings, and allow persons to try to swim or run to safety. If the tsunami is triggered closer to shore, it attacks half as much beachfront
(½ mile broad); if triggered farther out to sea, it hits 2-3 miles of beachfront. In either of these instances, however, the tsunami has either dissipated some of its violence, or not had
enough room to develop heavy wave action. In such cases, there is no ½ mile danger zone along the coast. Waters rush only ¼ mile inland; flood damage & human endangerment
are treated as in the ¼ mile inland zone described above.
Tymessul’s Cerulean Traverse (Alteration, Enchantment)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: 1 day/level Casting Time: 3 rounds Area of Effect: Caster plus special Saving Throw: None
When a mage invokes this powerful enchantment, he enables himself & a limited number of companions to journey through space & across planar boundaries. The caster may
affect 1 companion for every 6 levels he possesses, in addition to himself (all fractions rounded down). For example, a 23rd level mage could cast the spell upon him & 3
companions. Each recipient of the spell must hold hands with the caster for the entire time that the spell is being cast, or be a part of a circle that includes the recipients & the
caster. Any interruption of the circle will ruin the spell. Once the dweomer is cast, the individuals affected by the spell may separate, though the recipients must rejoin in a circle if
they wish to cross any planar boundaries. Although there is no saving throw against a cerulean traverse, it will not work on an unwilling or unconscious subject; if this is tried, the
entire spell will be ruined for all involved. The prime function of the traverse is to allow the mage & his companions to move to other planes, as if they had passed through a small,
personalized gate. All the subjects of the spell, in unison, must cross each planar boundary that is crossed through the power of the traverse. Concentration must also be maintained
for 1 round while the planar boundary is crossed. Each planar boundary so crossed reduces the duration of the spell by 1 day. Furthermore, while under the influence of this spell,
no person may cross a planar boundary by any means other than the traverse, including wish, gate, a well of the worlds, or even through the presence of an artifact. This spell
grants certain lesser powers that may be utilized by the recipients, with no need to stay in a circle. These actions include the ability to fly (as per the mage spell) & the ability to
enter into gaseous form at will (along with all equipment) & move thus at three times the normal movement rate. A person in gaseous form is extremely hard to damage, not being
subject to most magical attack forms & virtually all physical attacks, but may not cross a magic circle or anti-magic shell. The use of this spell in no way guarantees the safety of
its users once they reach their destination, and will in no way protect them from any damage they may take during their journey or while they are on a foreign plane. The material
components of the spell are a circular platinum chain large enough for all who are to be affected by the spell to grasp, which must cost a minimum of 10000gp for each person the
spell-caster wishes to enchant, and at least 1000gp of powdered emerald for each subject, to be sprinkled in a circle enclosing the subjects. The chain is not consumed by the spell,
but the powdered emerald is.
Tymessul’s Planar Pacifier (Alteration, Evocation)
Range: Touch Components: V, M Duration: 1 week/level Casting Time: 1/object Area of Effect: 1 object/6 levels Saving Throw: None
The casting of a planar pacifier by a mage enables some types of magical items to operate normally while being used on a foreign plane. The magical items a planar pacifier may
affect include only those items that have “pluses” (e.g., swords, shields, armor, rings & cloaks of protection - but not bracers of defense, luck-stones, and so on). The protection
extends across 1 planar boundary for every 3 levels of the mage casting the spell. While the objects so enchanted remain within this limit, they operate at their normal strength.
Thus, a shield +4 taken to the 1st layer of the Nine Hells is still +4 in strength. However, once the object becomes farther removed than this from its plane of origin, it will lose 1
“plus” for each additional plane it crosses, over & above the limit imposed by the level of the caster. Thus, if an 18th level wizard were to protect a sword +4, the sword would
remain +4 on the Astral plane & on the first 5 layers of the Nine Hells; on the 6th layer, it would be reduced to +3; on the 7th, +2; the 8th, +1; and if taken to the 9th layer, it would
lose all magical power as long as it remains there. The spellcaster loses 1HP for each item he protects with a planar pacifier, investing this hit point as a bit of energy from the
Prime Material plane which surrounds the object & simulates Prime Material plane conditions for the object. Furthermore, the mage may protect only half as many items as he has
Constitution points (even if he casts the pacifier multiple times). The mage may regain his lost hit points simply by touching the enspelled items within 1 day of the end of the
dweomer. If the magic is dispelled or otherwise removed from the item (e.g., by means of Mordenkainen’s disjunction or a rod of cancellation), the hit points are permanently lost
& may be regained only by means of a wish. The pacifier cannot be removed by dispel magic, but more powerful magicks may dispel it. Magical items from other planes may be
Magical Incantations – Level 9
protected in a similar manner, but only if the caster comes from the same plane as the item to be protected, or is able to expend a wish to enhance the pacifier’s power (which will
also make the pacifier permanent). In any case, the spell will work only if cast while on the item’s plane of origin. The material components of this spell are a drop of the caster’s
blood & 5000gp worth of powdered diamond for each item to be protected. Both substances are consumed when the spell is cast.
Vampiric Youthfulness (Necromancy, Alteration)
Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Permanent Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: Negates
With this spell, the caster makes him younger by leeching the life energy out of another creature. The victim must have Hit Dice or levels at least equal to the caster’s level, and he
must be at full hit points at the time the spell is cast; undead, extra-planar beings (such as elementals), and other non-corporeal creatures cannot be affected by this spell. A
charmed creature will not willingly submit to this spell, though a creature under the effects of a domination spell will; even a willing victim makes a saving throw to negate this
spell. The caster & the victim must be touching for the entire casting time of the spell; any interruption negates it. Once cast, the victim ages 10 years immediately. If this would
take the victim beyond his normal life span, he dies; otherwise, the victim remains unconscious for 24 hours. The victim may suffer aging effects immediately upon regaining
consciousness. The caster becomes 1 year younger. Present damage is not healed, nor are curses or diseases removed. The caster retains all memories & experience points.
Wail of the Banshee (Necromancy)
Range: 0 Components: V, S, M Duration: Instantaneous Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 30’ radius sphere Saving Throw: Negates
At the culmination of this dreadful spell, the caster screams like a banshee (a groaning spirit). For each level of the caster, 1 listener within a 30’ hears the wail. Those who fail a
saving throw vs. death magic die instantly. The necromancer cannot be the victim of his own spell, nor can he choose who will be affected. If there are more potential victim than
the level of the caster, the DM must randomly determine which creatures are affected. Creatures who cannot hear (due to ear plugs, deafness, etc.) can be targets, but cannot be
affected & are considered to automatically make their saving throws. The material component is a lock of hair from an evil female elf.
Ward of Power (Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning; Geometry, Artifice)
Range: Touch Components: V, S, M Duration: Permanent Casting Time: Special Area of Effect: 1 portal/container Saving Throw: Special
This spell places a more powerful version of the 8th level symbol on a portal or container. The symbol cannot be avoided by anyone touching the portal or the area around it in an
attempt to open it, or by anyone casting a spell on the portal to open it. The spell also causes the portal to be wizard locked, and even if the symbol is passed, the portal remains
wizard locked. The ward of power remains on the portal permanently; the symbol can only be bypassed if a save is successful (see below), and the wizard lock can only be
bypassed by a knock spell or by a wizard 4 or more levels higher than the caster. The ward cannot be dispelled or erased. Note that the caster can designate a command word that
allows anyone speaking it to pass the ward; if this is not done, only the caster can pass the ward unaffected. The difference between the ward placed by this spell & an ordinary
symbol (apart from the above) is that the effect produced when the ward is activated can be that of any spell the caster can cast. The caster must actually cast the desired spell (one
spell only) immediately after the symbol is inscribed (which takes 1 round), and the spell is then stored in the ward, and is released when the ward is activated. Note that this
“release” does not mean the spell is drained from the ward; it is still there to be released the next time the ward is activated (i.e., there is a permanency-type magic included in the
effect of the ward of power spell). Also note that only the caster of the ward can store a spell in it. When the ward is activated, the stored spell takes effect exactly as if the caster
had cast it; all areas of effect are centered on the warded portal or container, and all permitted saving throws are made by those activating the ward exactly as they would be against
the caster of the ward (the caster’s statistics are, of course, those which were effective at the time the ward was cast). The material component of this spell is a staff wrought of
gold, silver, and ivory worth not less than 5000gp, which the caster must use to inscribe the symbol on the portal. After casting the spell to be released when the ward is activated,
the caster then raises the staff & pronounces the command word (if desired), and the staff disappears, placing the ward.
Windwar (Elemental-Air, Elemental-Lightning, Invocation/Evocation)
Range: 0 Components: V, S Duration: 1 turn + 3 rounds/level Casting Time: 9 Area of Effect: 1-mile radius sphere Saving Throw: Special
This spell brings forth a powerful tempest of thunder, lightning, wind, and rain that may damage multiple targets in aerial combat with the caster. The primary effect of the spell is
its turbulent winds. Winds continually buffet & whip all targets in the area of effect, tossing them through the air in various random directions. In order to simulate the swirling of
wind in the area of effect, roll 1d8 for the compass direction (1 = N, 2 = NE, 3 = E, etc.) & 1d6 x 10 for the distance in yards that each target is flung through the air. However, the
effects of the winds on all aerial targets are variable according to the victims’ sizes. Small targets of 2HD or less take 2d8HPs of damage per round & are hurled twice the usual
distance; attacking, defending, & normal movement are impossible. Man-sized targets are buffeted as per normal rules, taking 1d8HPs of damage per round, but otherwise move at
half-speed & attack at -4 to hit. Larger-than-man-sized creatures have their movement reduced by one-third, but they aren’t buffeted about & take no damage; larger beasts are
unaffected. Creatures composed of air (air elementals, aerial servants, etc.) are also completely unaffected by the winds created by the spell. The DM may deem that other creatures
with considerable power over the air are likewise totally unaffected. Spells that generate gaseous effects, such as cloudkill, are immediately disrupted by casting windwar.
Lightning also strikes out at selected living targets in the area of effect: 1d4 single lightning bolts affect randomly selected targets every 1d6 rounds as per the spell lightning bolt.
The bolts do 3d6HPs of damage to 1 target each, and a saving throw for half damage is applicable. Targets should be selected randomly by the DM. In addition, thunderclaps
sound every time the lightning bolts strike. All targets in the air must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for 1 round by the deafening thunder. Those affected are stunned & unable
to act for the round. Flying creatures with less than 8HD also must make a second save vs. paralyzation to remain aloft, otherwise plummeting to earth. The heavy, swirling rains in
the area also reduce visibility to one-half but cause no damage, except to those creatures affected by water. (As a general rule, such creatures take 1d6HPs of damage per round in
the area of effect.) The caster must be airborne for the spell to work, and it will cease to function if its area of effect ever contacts the ground. The caster is never affected by the
spell, save for the reduction in visibility, and any mount he may be riding is likewise unaffected. The spell follows the caster wherever he flies & continues to affect all other
targets in the area regardless of his wishes.
Worldwalk (Alteration)
Range: 15’ Components: V, S, M Duration: Special Casting Time: 3 Area of Effect: Special Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell, an ultra-dimensional connection is temporarily created between the plane of existence the caster is on & another, chosen by the caster. This portal, similar
to a gate, resembles a circular, shimmering disc of force, floating on edge just above the ground up to 15’ distant from the caster, located as he or she wills. The portal can be
placed against solid material (such as walls), and will function normally, or may be cast in mid-air, so that it is reachable only by creatures able to levitate or fly. If a specific
location is not chosen by the caster, the portal will always appear in front of the caster in the direction the latter is facing, 5’ distant, so that it can easily be stepped through. The
portal will last for up to 1 turn per level of the caster, unless the latter causes it to vanish (which can be done at will), but while the portal is in existence, creatures can pass through
it freely from both sides. If a portal is dispelled (by dispel magic or upon the will of the caster) while a creature is traversing it, that creature will be flung into the uppermost plane
of Limbo. The caster need not concentrate on the portal to maintain its existence. After casting, the subsequent absence, death, or mental disability (such as unconsciousness,
feeblemindedness, etc.) of the caster will not affect the portal. The portal has a diameter of 10’, and any creature able to pass within its confines can use it. Creatures able to assume
or revert to a smaller form (such as a magic-user employing polymorph self) will be forced into that form by the portal’s nature if (and only if) they cannot pass through it
otherwise; creatures too large to pass through the portal are simply left behind; the portal has no effect on them. A creature takes 1 segment to traverse a portal (not including any
time taken to approach it); thus, a maximum of 10 creatures can pass through a portal in a given round (if they are lined up & ready at the beginning of the round). Missiles & other
objects not borne directly by a creature will not pass through a portal; they will be deposited at random in Limbo (see above). The plane reached by a portal may be one known to
(and visualized during casting by) the spell-caster, or an unknown plane from which the caster has solid physical material of any size (which must be touched or grasped when the
spell is cast; this becomes a material component of the spell, but is not consumed, and may be carried through the portal if it will fit, without causing the portal to vanish), or at
random. Note that any spell components carried by a magic-user are likely to have come from his or her plane of existence. A portal may also be created to reach a random
(unknown) plane. There is a possibility of error in the destination reached by the portal, of 100% if the caster is of first level, 95% if of second level, and so on, decreasing by 5%
per level. A wrong direction is more likely (60%) to be another (parallel) Prime Material Plane, rather than other sorts of planes of existence. A portal’s destination cannot be
changed, once it is created. If a worldwalk is cast to reach a plane merely heard of, or one fulfilling certain imagined conditions (i.e., “where magic does not work”), the destination
is 10% (+1% per level of the caster) likely to be such a plane (if one exists); the destination will otherwise be at random. (In Elminster’s case, many planes are initially reached via
research from written records, encountered inter-planar travelers, and a few by random exploration.)