Santos Et Al. 2022

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Ethnobiology and Conservation, 11:03 (27 January 2022)

ISSN 2238-4782

A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for

the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Sérgio Ricardo Santos1∗ , Márcio Luís Chagas Macedo1 ,
Thaís Rodrigues Maciel1 , Gabriel Barros Gonçalves Souza1,2 ,
Laís da Silva Almeida3 , Otto Bismarck Fazzano Gadig4 and Marcelo Vianna1


An ethnoichthyological survey was conducted with fishers from traditional communities distributed
between the Lakes Region and the northern Fluminense region, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The study was developed based on semi-structured interviews, with fishers with at least 30 years of
experience. Fishers were asked about changes noted for the biological communities with which they
interact with, such as reports concerning abundance changes, the disappearance of certain species or the
insertion of new ones, as well as weight and size changes. The reported ethno-names were confirmed at
the specific level whenever possible through photographs and complementary descriptions. Eighty-five
fishers aged between 39 to 83 years old were interviewed. Fishing activity times ranged from 30 to 68
years, averaging 40.6 years. Fishers reported differing estimates from what was expected according to
the known length-weight relationship for the reported species. In general, length estimates were closer to
the expected for medium-sized fish from 0.3 m to 1 m. Sixty-nine ethno-names and their variations were
identified, associated with 58 fish categories. Of this total, denominations were associated to 47 local
fauna species or genera, while one ethno-name was not linked to any taxonomic identification. This study
is the result of research financed by the Brazilian Fund for Biodiversity and the Pescarte Environmental
Education Project, a mitigation measure required by the Federal Environmental Licensing, conducted

Keywords: Ethnoknowledge; Small scale fisheries; Common names.

1 Laboratório de Biologia e Tecnologia Pesqueira (BioTecPesca), Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ,
21941-590, Brazil.
2 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, 21941-590, Brazil.
3 Universidade Federal Fluminense, Niterói, RJ, 24220-008, Brazil.
4 Laboratório de Pesquisa de Elasmobrânquios, Universidade Estadual Paulista, São Vicente, SP, 11330-900, Brazil.
∗ Corresponding author . E-mail address: SRBS ([email protected]), MLCM ([email protected]),
TRM ([email protected]), GBGS ([email protected]), LSA ([email protected]), OBFG ([email protected]),
MV ([email protected])

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

The scarcity of adequate official Brazilian fisheries data is a known obstacle for a clear picture of the decline
of exploited populations and hinders the application of efficient management policies. Ethnoknowledge held by
traditional communities offers a complementary data source even more important in the context of tropical and
developing countries, where artisanal fisheries are presently and historically relevant. The survey carried out
herein sheds light on a period of over 50 years of artisanal fisheries in one of the first exploited coastal waters
since the European colonization of the Americas. This research also compiled an extensive list of ethno-names
applied to the local fish populations and their closest taxonomic species, which is potentially useful to adequately
attain a species-level fisheries statistics. The study also allowed for the establishment of two important new
records on the presence of the white shark Carcharodon carcharias in the southeastern Brazilian coast.

INTRODUCTION Canty et al. 2019).

Although the Shifting Baseline Syndrome (SBS)
Fishing activity impacts must be analyzed in is addressed in several studies where this concept has
a context of continuous and historical ecosystems been demonstrated (e.g., Giglio et al. 2015; Barbosa-
changes, alongside regional colonization, demographic Filho et al. 2020), an effort to improve the under-
expansion, and technological fleet and capture equip- standing under which conditions guide cases of change
ment changes. Therefore, fishing activities represent a is required, also taking into account the spatial scale
changing scenario where optimal ecosystem condition in which they occur (Soga and Gaston 2018). Stud-
parameters should reflect how much the environment ies on artisanal fisher ethnoknowledge serve as an
has already changed over time. The “Shifting base- excellent object to broaden ecosystem understanding
line syndrome", a concept proposed by Pauly (1995), (Ladislau et al. 2021) and offers not only a data source
is described as the adulteration of collective mem- for the observation of temporal patterns, unavailable
ory by gradual changes in environmental conditions in the academic literature or monitoring bodies, but
due to loss of past information and lack of experi- also allows for the assessment of cases of change in
ence of new generations with past conditions, making isolated and restricted communities concerning their
change perceptions unfeasible. Without an accurate ability to move and exploit resources (Soga and Gas-
record of these changes, the conservation status of a ton 2018). The present study focuses on artisanal
certain ecosystem reflects a generational component, fishers between the Lakes Region area and northern
and what a group of people deduces as a pristine en- Fluminense region in the state of Rio de Janeiro,
vironment state does not match the same perceptions southeastern Brazil, who display notorious wisdom
of previous or later generations. This necessarily im- concerning fishing stocks, environmental conditions,
plies that the state considered as ideal for a fishing technological changes and the biological communities
area does not represent the optimum trophic web con- with which they interact with. The study area is of
dition in place prior to any human intervention. This significant historical, economic and ecological inter-
is even more relevant in the historical context of arti- est, and the interviews aimed to observe fisher per-
sanal fishing communities and concerning the impacts ceptions concerning environmental changes based on
already caused by these and other human interven- the history of local fisheries production and their char-
tions (Pinnegar and Engelhard 2008). acteristics.
Fishing activity history surveys allow for the un-
derstanding of and inferences on trophic and ecosys- MATERIAL AND METHODS
tem changes over time and space, as well as for accom-
panying technological changes that have altered fish- The area between the Lakes Region and the north-
ing efforts (Freire et al. 2015; Prestrelo and Vianna ern Fluminense region of the state of Rio de Janeiro,
2016). In the case of Brazilian artisanal fisheries, al- located on the southeastern Brazilian coast, extends
though academic contributions have been published from 21◦ S to 23◦ S, comprising 11 municipalities and
(e.g., Silva-Júnior et al. 2008; Prestrelo et al. 2019), over 1.3 million inhabitants (IBGE 2010) (Figure 1).
government agencies from different spheres and pe- Two water bodies predominate over the continental
riods have failed to monitor fisheries throughout the shelf of the region, the South Atlantic Central Wa-
20th century. This is repeated to a greater or lesser ter (SACW), characterized by cold waters (6◦ C-18◦ C,
extent in several other countries, especially those in 34.5‰ S-36.0‰ S) and flowing in the opposite di-
development, revealing the need to apply empirical rection of the Brazil Current, and the ocean surface
knowledge accumulated by artisanal fishers to recon- water (SW), a combination of coastal and ocean wa-
struct fishing histories and minimize temporal data ters (<18◦ C, > 36‰ S) with continental inputs and
gaps (e.g. Blythe et al. 2013; Saldaña-Ruiz 2017; periodic SACW insertions caused by also periodic up-

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

Figure 1. Marine area exploited by artisanal fishers from the Lakes Region and Northern Fluminense region
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), which stretches from the coast to the 100 m isobath.

welling phenomena (Viana et al. 1998). This water and/or who were appointed as leaders and bearers
body meeting is dynamic, resulting in a rich ecosys- of fishing memory in or in part of the study region.
tem, with the simultaneous occurrence of species from The research followed the Declaration of Helsinki and
both tropical and temperate areas, many of which dis- Tokyo guidelines for humans and was approved by
play economic interest (Coelho-Souza et al. 2012). the National Health Council research ethics com-
The human occupation history in the region is an- mittee (Plataforma Brasil/Ministério da Saúde) no.
cient, as the area has been inhabited since before the 4,269,532 in August/2020.
European colonization of the 16th century, by native Fishing time, age and gear used by the respon-
populations practicing various types of fishing, many dents were surveyed, as well as family ties to fishing,
of which are still in use in the region by local arti- expressed as kinship degree. Fishers were asked about
sanal fishers (Bernardes and Bernardes 1950; Lopes their perceptions regarding changes in the local bi-
et al. 2016). ological communities with which they interact with,
The study was developed based on the application such as reports on species abundance changes and fish
of semi-structured interviews and carried out between disappearance or the appearance of new species, as
November/2020 and February/2021. The snowball well as weight and size changes. Photographic re-
sampling method was chosen for the study (Grønmo ports and reports on the most memorable catches
2020) and to ease the access to fishers, the local lead- (records) of the main local fish species were also ob-
ership was previously contacted. The study was fully tained, such as greater capture concerning total pro-
explained along with the questionnaire to the leaders duction volume, larger individual and greater weight.
while they were interviewed. After this initial inter- The data were organized in spreadsheets and comple-
view, they were asked to offer the initial list of fish- mented with biological information available in the
ers to be contacted. Interviews were performed for literature.
local fishers with at least 30 years of experience in
artisanal fishing and displaying a substantial knowl- Data analysis
edge in the study area. These fishers represent the
small-scale fisheries practiced using a wide variety of The cornerstone of the study is the large record
gear in a Brazilian coast area historically known for or catch reported by fishers in presential interviews.
its fishing activities (Braga et al. 2020). Preference Since the limit of what can be considered a large catch
was given to fishers with longer fishing experiences can vary from fisher to fisher, we relied on what the

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

fisher considered worth mentioning as a memorable across the studied region, ranging from 16 interviews
moment in his professional career. The ethno-names in Arraial do Cabo, São João da Barra and Campos
obtained in the interviews were confirmed at the spe- dos Goytacazes each to three in Rio das Ostras, with
cific level whenever possible through photographs and an average of 10,6 fishers per location (Figure 3). Mu-
complementary descriptions. Records of all species nicipalities visited for the study also included Cabo
were grouped due to great differences on the number Frio (11 fishers), São Francisco de Itabapoana (10 fish-
of reports for different species. The reports per species ers), Macaé (8 fishers) and Armação dos Búzios (5
varied from one to 18, with an average of 5 records fishers). From this dataset, 81 interviews were used
per species. The records were organized in three size for further analysis, removing interviews from arti-
classes (TL> 1 m, 0.3 m <TL< 1m and TL <0.3 sanal fishers under 40 in order to emphasize the infor-
m) to allow comparisons between and within classes. mation from the knowledge producers with the longest
Since the restriction was only based in total length experience. The records reported by the fishers re-
and weight, all three groupings are multispecific. fer to catches obtained mainly by gillnets (48.1%)
Size and weight values were recalculated based on and hooks and lines (29.3%), also accompanied by
biological parameters of the species known length- an expressive use of bottom trawling (12.2%). Long-
weight relationship (LWR) (Hansen 1986; García et line (4.8%) and traps (5.7%) were also mentioned but
al. 1998; Kohler et al. 1995; Mollet and Cailliet 1996; were less important (Figure 3). The interviews recov-
Frota et al. 2004; Vianna et al. 2004; Madureira ered 253 events of noteworthy catches between 1960
and Rossi-Wongtschowski 2005; Motta et al. 2013; to 2020, with a total combined capture of 637.2 t of
Puentes et al. 2014; Catelani et al. 2017; Costa et fish (average=2.5 t, std. dev.=5.9 t, median=1.0 t).
al. 2018). These calculations were then used to esti- Other 52 events could not be used for the temporal
mate the difference between what was reported by the analysis because the precise date could not be pro-
interviewed fishers and what was expected based on vided. These catches considered memorable by fish-
length-weight relationships. Maximum known sizes ers, while similar in number from the last two decades,
for the reported species were obtained from the Fish- reflected a decrease of 53.25% from 2001-2010 to 2011-
Base platform (Froese and Pauly 2019). Comparison 2020 in total catch per record. (Table 1).
between the recorded weights and lengths reported by Artisanal fishers reported the capture of 58 fish
artisanal fisher respondents and the recalculated val- categories treated under 69 common names, the most
ues based on the LWR from the literature were made recurring being bonito-serra, Sarda sarda, sardines
in order to evaluate differences for all fishes and the (Clupeidae), xerelete, Caranx spp, bonitos (Thun-
three size classes. Mean, median and standard devi- nini) and bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix. Among
ation were calculated based on those differences (the these, common dolphinfish, red porgy and bluefish
reported and the calculated values) for each record. presented a total length reduction reported for records
The differences are presented in percentage for weight prior to 2009 and the last decade (Table 2). Mi-
(Dif.TW) and length (Dif.TL) with positive values cropogonias furnieri and Caranx spp, relevant local
when the reported weight/length is above the ex- fisheries categories, exhibited mean length increases,
pected by LWR conversion and negative values when although they were been reported in only some inter-
fishers underestimated the values of weight/length as views.
indicated by the LWR conversion. Sell price obtained
from fishers was converted to US Dollar (US$), based
on the exchange rate as in October 20th 2021. Weight and size estimates
The estimated sizes provided by fishers showed de-
RESULTS viations from the expected when compared to known
length-weight relationship for each species. This dif-
Artisanal fishers and fishing technology ference, nonetheless, was not similar between differ-
ent size classes of fishes. The accuracy of estimates
A total of 85 artisanal fishers from 39 to 83 years for individuals between 30cm and 1m was higher than
old from eight municipalities were interviewed, with those above 1m and below 30cm. Based on 90 catches,
an average age of 59.4 (±9.2), of which 70.6% are still length reports differed from the expected by 11.3%
active and the rest are retired. Fishing activity time (± 30.2%). However, when grouped by size (TL>
ranged from 30 to 68 years, averaging 40.5 (±9.1). 1 m, 0.3 m < TL< 1m and TL <0.3 m), accuracy
Of this total, 35.3% were fishers with no fishing fam- was greater in medium-sized fish from 0.3 m to 1
ily tradition, 31.8% were fisher children, 14.1% repre- m, underestimated by 13.5% (± 28.7%). Small indi-
sent the third fisher generation and 18.8% belong to viduals were overestimated by 18.0% (± 22.0%), and
ancient fisher lines associated to four or more gener- large individuals over 1 m, underestimated by 22.4%
ations (Figure 2). The sample was well distributed (± 27.1%). When the same analysis was applied to

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

Figure 2. Percentage of artisanal fisher respondents dedicated to fishing in the Lakes Region and Northern
Fluminense municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, categorized by family generation.

Figure 3. Records categorized by fishing gear reported by artisanal fisher respondents from the Lakes Region
and Northern Fluminense municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

weight estimates, reported data were more conflict- for lighter fish (<1 kg), but with greater precision,
ing concerning what was reported and what was ex- by 30.1% (± 97.4%). The intermediate group (1 kg<
pected according to length-weight relationships, with TW< 10 kg) presented the greatest distortions be-
a clear weight overestimation trend in relation to re- tween reported and expected weights, overestimated
ported size noted. Based on 96 catches, weight re- by 112.7% (± 169.4%) (Table 3).
ports were overestimated by 78.9% (± 151.1%), and as
with size estimates, differences in accuracy were iden- Two sets of species presenting ecological and eco-
tified between weight ranges. Reports overestimated nomic importance, sharks and pescadas/pescadinhas,
weights for fish with higher body masses (> 10 kg) by exhibited opposite behaviors. Sharks form a large
44.4% (± 139.3%). Weights were also overestimated group of Selachii where they are treated as a sin-
gle group called cações. Although the artisanal fish-

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

Table 1. Total production per records reported by artisanal fisher respondents from the Lakes Region and
Northern Fluminense municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, grouped by decade.

Decade Total (kg) Records Mean Median

1981-1990 134.486,0 45 2.988,6 1.150,0

1991-2000 145.737,0 62 2.350,6 1.550,0
2001-2010 221.343,0 76 2.912,4 700,0
2011-2020 103.472,7 59 1.753,8 700,0

Table 2. Mean total length variations reported by artisanal fisher respondents from the Lakes Region and
Northern Fluminense municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in records (maximum registries),
prior to 2009 and in the last decade (2010-2020) and the national threat status (IUCN 2012; ICMBio 2018) for
each species. The column “Records” represents the total number of records reported by fishers concerning each
listed commercial category.

Category Records 1960-2009 St.Dev. 2010-2020 St.Dev. IUCN

Coryphaena hippurus 9 125,0 25,0 55,7 11,7 LC

Pomatomus saltatrix 22 70,0 21,8 55,0 34,6 LC*
Pagrus pagrus 15 48,3 18,4 27,5 4,3 LC
Balistes capriscus 15 34,0 15,3 36,0 8,0 LC*
Sarda sarda 11 51,0 9,0 55,0 14,3 LC

* Considered vulnerable (VU) at the global threat level.

Table 3. Comparison between the record weights and lengths reported by artisanal fisher respondents from
the Lakes Region and Northern Fluminense municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and estimated
values based on weight-length ratios. Fish are grouped by size (total length, TL, m) and weight (total weight,
TW, kg). SD= standard deviation.

All fishes (N=90) Dif.TL (%) TL>1m Dif.TL (%) 0,3m>TL>1m Dif.TL (%) TL<0,3m Dif.TL (%)

Mean -11,3 Mean -22,4 Mean -13,5 Mean 18,0

Median -13,8 Median -18,6 Median -19,6 Median 19,8
St.Dev. 30,2 St.Dev. 27,1 St.Dev. 28,7 St.Dev. 22,0

All fishes (N=96) Dif.TW (%) TW>10kg Dif.TW (%) 1kg>TW>10kg Dif.TW (%) TW<1kg Dif.TW (%)

Mean 78,9 Mean 44,4 Mean 112,7 Mean 30,1

Median 24,6 Median 3,5 Median 57,8 Median -0,4
St.Dev. 151,1 St.Dev. 121,9 St.Dev. 169,4 St.Dev. 97,4

ers are able to identify species and smaller groups time (62.4%). Concerning pescadas/pescadinhas, the
such as hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.), tiger comparison between the last 20 years and the previous
shark (Galeocerdo cuvier ) and mako shark (Isurus two decades indicated a 36.5% reduction in the total
oxyrinchus), among others, this group is treated landed volume on record, with a similar drop (35.7%)
as grouped for one or some fishing landing cate- in the number of occurrences (Table 4). Large catch
gories. Pescadas/pescadinhas reflect a diverse group events in the last two decades for shrimp, another rel-
of Sciaenidae species displaying similar morphology, evant and historical resource in the study region, also
mostly comprising Cynoscion and Macrodon (Santos decreased, both for landed volume (78.2%) and num-
and Vianna, 2017). The catches informed by arti- ber of events (63.2%). In comparison, bluefish, also
sanal fishers indicate a reduction of events of sharks a typical monospecific resource, displayed a 63.2%
captured in records (60.4%), while the total weight decrease in the landed total of record catches, even
recorded on these events also showed a decline over though the number of events in the last two decades

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

Table 4. Temporal variations for sharks, pescadas/pescadinhas, bluefish and shrimp category records reported
by artisanal fisher respondents from the Lakes Region and Northern Fluminense municipalities in the state of
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Category Period Records Total capture (kg)

Sharks 1961-1980 2 1300,0

1981-2000 15 22242,0
2001-2020 6 8370,0
Shrimps 1961-1980 2 4000,0
1981-2000 19 17740,0
2001-2020 7 5460,0
Bluefish 1961-1980 1 12000,0
1981-2000 8 22740,0
2001-2020 10 8367,0
Pescadas/pescadinhas 1961-1980 2 1700,0
1981-2000 14 11350,0
2001-2020 9 7210,7

was higher (25%) than that reported for the previous ecosystems. Bony fishes also represented the main
two decades (Table 3). source of species included in non-specific groupings,
such as the large number of species cited as sar-
dines, anchovies and groupers, as well as the afore-
Ethno-names and historical records mentioned pescadas/pescadinhas. The three main
commercially exploited crustaceans (Artemesia long-
A total of 69 ethno-names used by fishers, includ-
inaris, Xiphopenaeus kroyeri and Farfantepenaeus
ing variations, were identified herein, associated with
spp.) were also mentioned by the artisanal fisher re-
58 fish categories. Of this total, the names were as-
spondents (Table 5).
sociated to 57 local ichthyofauna species or genera,
while one could not be linked to any taxonomic iden- This study allowed for the retrieval and addition of
tification. In addition to the ethno-names associ- two more records of the presence of the white shark
ated with sharks and pescadas/pescadinhas, the use Carcharodon carcharias in Brazilian waters (Figure
of seven other ethno-names was also observed, in- 4), previously reported as rarely occurring on the At-
cluding nonspecific fish or crustacean groupings, as lantic coast of South America (Gadig and Rosa 1996;
in the cases of sardines (sardinhas, Clupeidae), an- Cione and Barla 2008; Amorim et al. 2018), but con-
chovies (manjubas, Engraulidae), groupers (garoupas, firmed by the fisher survey concerning records, con-
Epinephelinae), bonitos (Thunninae), prawns (ca- taining both information and photographic evidence.
marões, Penaeidae), octopuses (polvos, Octopodi- The oldest account, concerning the capture of a C.
dae) and squids (lulas, Loliginidae). Thirteen ethno- carcharias in 1968, was reported by a 76-year-old
names were used for Selachii species, ranging from fisher who reported a size of 11 m and 6 ton. The
generic names, such as sharks, to specific ones such preservation of the photographic record of this cap-
as whale shark, Rhincodon typus. Elasmobranchs ture allowed for confirmation of the species’ occur-
also presented multiple designations for the same rence and was also used to correct the fisher’s size
species, such as for Galeocerdo cuvier (marimbondo, estimate. Length was obtained based on fin size, in-
tubarão-tigre, tintureira) and Carcharodon carcharias dicating a 5.3 m specimen with an estimated weight
(tubarão-branco, anequim-boto). Although shark and of 2.2 ton. Other records were indicated by artisanal
cação are equivalent designations, Selachii are pre- fishers and reported in this study, such as the occur-
dominantly treated under the same name. Teleosts rence of the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier, comprising
were categorized by the greatest diversity of ethno- four reported catches, with specimens ranging from
names, reflecting their diversity in the study area 20 to 360 kg (161 to 393 cm TL) TL), indicating the

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

Figure 4. Photographic accounts of record catches provided by artisanal fisher respondents from the Lakes
Region and Northern Fluminense municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, for the last 50 years.

presence of both juvenile and adult individuals in the Ninety-six percent of records (n = 204) reported
region, proven by a 1990 photographic record. As by the fishers described a scenario of population de-
with the individual records, the data retrieval car- cline of commercial species in the region, while most
ried out herein was also informative concerning large fishers did not report any perceived change in total
catches with regard to production volume, notably the length through time for the categories they remem-
beach seine fishing of a considerable number of spinner bered (57%) (Figure 5). Fishers attributed the ob-
sharks Carcharhinus brevipinna in Arraial do Cabo, served impacts to increased fishing pressures (59%),
in 2005. A report on the capture of a common snook but also consider area use conflicts as relevant (19%).
specimen, Centropomus undecimalis, which may be Pollution was identified as responsible in 7% of the
the largest record for the species, was also obtained. stories (Figure 6). The fishers reported the effects of
The reported weight for the captured specimen was of decreased abundance and/or size on various fish cate-
30 kg, which potentially represents an individual with gories, the most recurrent comprising bluefish, tiger
about 1.5 m TL. This is larger than the records re- shark, shrimps, largehead hairtail (espada, Trichi-
ported for this genus in Brazil (1.13 m TL) and in the urus lepturus) and grey triggerfish (peruá, Balistes
rest of the Western Atlantic (24.3 kg) (IGFA 2019). capriscus). This was reinforced when they mentioned
the “disappearance” of these species over time. This
Fisher perceptions and the Shifting removal does not necessarily means the local extinc-
tion of a species but the depletion of the fishing stock
Baseline Syndrome
to a point where an incidental catch might occur
The fishers were asked about alterations in the but will not provoke or sustain an increase of fish-
biological communities that sustain their fishing ac- ing effort. On the other hand, categories that re-
tivities, in order to assess the most important fish cently began displaying higher fish landing impor-
categories for artisanal fisheries and fishers. The fish- tance comprised a diverse group of current artisanal
ers were free to give their opinion on all fish they fishing targets mentioned by fishers, such as shrimp,
wished to report. The following question comprises red porgy, pescadas/pescadinhas, Jamaica weakfish
three main axis: A perception of abundance and size (goete, Cynoscion jamaicensis), jacks and sardines.
alterations, fish that disappeared over a long period Pelagic species such as mackerel and common dolphin-
of time and fish recently becoming the most captured. fish are also included, as well as categories mentioned
Based on 85 interviews, 221 perceptions of fishers were as declining, like grey triggerfish and bluefish. Change
obtained for relevant fishery categories in the study perceptions were also distinguished by age groups
region. (<55 years old, 55-65 years old,> 65 years old) and

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

Figure 5. Perception of artisanal fishers regarding ecosystem changes in Lakes Region and Northern Flumi-
nense municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when asked if decreases in fish sizes exploited in the
region have occurred.

Figure 6. Perception of artisanal fishers concerning ecosystem changes in in Lakes Region and Northern Flu-
minense municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, when asked what are the causes for the decreases
in the abundance/size of the fish populations exploited in the study region.

allowed for the identification of an impasse concern- 193 out of 201 reports pointing to decreased catches
ing the observation of fish population size changes, al- for several categories (Figure 7).
though the prevailing trend in the 55-65 class was to
consider that no noticeable changes have taken place
(Figure 7). In the case of captured biomass, the sce-
nario of commercial species population declines was
clearly described by fishers from all age groups, with

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

Figure 7. Fisher perceptions concerning changes in (A) fish abundance and (B) fish size declines regarding the
commercial fishes reported for the Lakes Region and Northern Fluminense municipalities in the state of Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.

DISCUSSION by previous generations to minimize the loss of ac-

quired knowledge. Thus, when the SBS translates
into composition and biomass changes, the loss of tra-
Artisanal fishers and fishing technology
ditional knowledge also instills a loss concerning the
ability to recognize the local fauna, which makes it
The approach to traditional knowledge in a marine
impossible for changes in these components to be per-
ecosystem context is a relatively recent and rapidly
ceived by subsequent generations.
expanding theme, requiring investments in a collab-
orative structure that unites researchers, managers Catch volumes do not establish a direct relation-
and fishers, aiming to integrate empirical and scien- ship with the local fisheries production scale, but it
tific knowledge (Thornton and Scheer 2012; Abreu is acceptable that commercial species biomass reduc-
et al. 2017). The interviewed fishers demonstrated tions provide fewer opportunities for large catches by
that most professionals comprise first- or second- fishers. The present study demonstrated that cap-
generation fishers. In a previous study, Bender et al. tured volume and the number of recorded events have
(2014) pointed out the occurrence of the shifting base- decreased in the last three decades. Bender et al.
line syndrome (SBS) in interviews with fishers from (2014) also pointed out fish stock declines in the re-
Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro, indicating species gion, based not only on the analysis of catches com-
removals and biomass losses in several commercial prising different items following fisher interviews in
categories, including sharks and groupers. The SBS Arraial do Cabo, but also on the observation of fish
exposes not only long-term losses of the reference of abundance by a visual census and fisheries production
collective knowledge on environmental changes, but data. The interviews with reports of records through
it also involves another even more damaging loss in the use of different fishing gears, although mainly nets
the context of traditional communities. Traditional and lines, suggest that a similar scenario reported by
knowledge demands that new generations be trained Bender et al. (2014) has been present in the region

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

for the past 30 years, also corroborating a scenario The reliability of size estimates by experts was also
of declining environmental health in the region and compared to that of lay observers for Carcharodon
its ichthyofauna and decreases in certain fish sizes as carcharias (May et al. 2019), with experienced scien-
cited by the fisher respondents, such as bluefish, P. tists displaying higher accuracy than the lay public.
saltatrix, red porgy P. pagrus and dolphinfish C. hip- The experience and constancy with which the fish are
purus. This suggests that the stocks of these species observed and identified is essential to the quality of
are under great fishing pressure. It is important to reported size records. In this context, the accuracy of
note that all reports are based on interviews with arti- experienced fishers is closer to that reported by sci-
sanal fishers, although the same resources are shared entists compared to the lay public, with greater pre-
with industrial fisheries, even comprising a point of cision observed for large commercial interesting fish,
conflict between both fisheries. However, the initial as identified in the present study. Concerning weight,
records remembered by the oldest fishers already re- the lower accuracy for all weight ranges was also noted
flect the presence of a nascent industrial fleet whose for fishers. This suggests less confidence in the use
presence in the region started in the 1960s and ex- of these data, with average differences of over 79%
panded in the following decades (Ritter and Galheigo and high variations. Given the clear data deficit for
2009). Brazilian fisheries, which still lack accurate and con-
tinuing fisheries statistics, the opportunity to recover
data on past fishery stock conditions based on size
Weight and size estimates estimates cannot be overlooked, even more so when
Accurate data concerning estimated fish sizes and taking into account the precision displayed by the in-
weights are extremely important for the use of these terviewed fishers.
values as a complement to official data of past fish-
ing activities and productions. This potential is Ethno-names and historical records
even greater considering the historical gaps concern-
ing knowledge on commercial species and small-scale The use of common names in fishing activity mon-
fishing activities (Begossi et al. 2016). When the itoring in Brazil is a known problem concerning data
estimated values were compared to length-weight re- quality and the correct determination of fishing efforts
lationships, it was noted that the fishers reported val- to which exploited species are subjected to (Freire and
ues close to the expected in the case of size, especially Pauly 2005). The problem is even greater in the con-
for medium-sized fish. Although the variation was text of the names used in artisanal fishing practices,
considerable for both the aggregated records and an- where the isolation of fishing communities allows for
alyzed size classes, the difference averaged less than the development of a characteristic language, includ-
12%. This demonstrates the feasibility of obtaining ing ethno-names used to name the most common or
fishing data and stock conditions based on fisher mem- most interesting fishing species (Santos and Vianna
ories. Even if it is not possible to replace these data 2017; Marques et al. 2019). In a survey conducted by
with those generated by continuous fishing activity Freire and Pauly (2005) based on official data from
monitoring efforts, an indispensable practice for sus- Brazilian fisheries monitoring efforts, the ethno-name
tainable fisheries management, they do allow for a cação was used for 20 shark species. Pescadas/pescad-
punctual reference to the most cited fish categories inhas are ethno-names associated with 13 species, ba-
of a given community or region as reported by ar- sically Sciaenidae, but also Sphyraena (Sphyraenidae)
tisanal fishers. The observed distortion concerning species (Freire and Pauly 2005; Santos and Vianna
blennid Salarias fasciatus estimates was evaluated by 2017). Barbosa-Filho et al. (2021), based on inter-
St. John et al. (1990) based on dive data obtained views with fishers from northeastern Brazil, reported
in Australia. The authors compared the estimates of an average of 4.8 ethno-names per shark species, in-
expert divers and recorded an average size accuracy of dicating that such a wealth of names makes it impos-
86% compared to biologist estimates. Accuracy was sible to monitor fishing landings at the specific level
slightly higher than the average for all fish cited by if it is not performed alongside specialist fishers from
artisanal fishers, which can be credited to the fact the monitored region. Despite fewer names reported,
that divers were usually focused on only one species. the same recommendation stated by Barbosa-Filho
In addition, another important aspect raised by St. et al. (2021) applies to the present study. Name
John et al. (1990) is that observer bias can over- or richness, however, is not random and names apply
underestimate fish within a certain size range. This anatomical, ontogenetic, ecological or behavioral ref-
aids in understanding the high standard deviation val- erences, which open the opportunity to take advan-
ues presented herein concerning the size class average tage of ethnoknowledge to improve monitored data.
differences, ranging from 22% for fish smaller than 30 This suggestion, also made by Barbosa-Filho et al.
cm to 28.7% for fish between 30 cm and 1 m. (2021), must consider the ethnoknowledge from dif-

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
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ferent fisher generations from the same community, point to both a weight limit, where all individuals less
as well as differences between communities. The in- than 1 kg were associated with pescadinha, and a size
terviews carried out herein in the studied region re- limit, with shapes smaller than 40 cm also mentioned
vealed distinct ethno-names for the same species, such as pescadinha. As a consequence of this reasoning,
as for the tiger shark Galeocerdo cuvier, also called specific size limitations may acquire a certain degree
tintureira and marimbondo. The variety of ethno- of taxonomic precision. Acoupa weakfish (pescada-
names has taken hold in nearby communities in the amarela) Cynoscion acoupa adults, that reach over 1
last 30 years, demonstrating that different names can m in length, would not be described as pescadinha,
coexist without the predominance of only one form. only in their young forms, but all Isopisthus parvip-
The use of the names pescadas and pescadinhas is innis individuals would be treated as faneca or as-
exemplary to demonstrate the complexity of ethno- sociated with pescadinha, since the species does not
names and the limits of their use by the academy reach 40 cm. Ethno-names applied to different sizes
and by fishing effort monitoring bodies. The main are also recurrent in other fish groups, as described by
family associated with this ethno-name, Sciaenidae, Ferreira-Araújo et al. (2021) for small pelagics from
is one of the most important in commercial Brazil- northeastern Brazil, treated as ginga or sardines. The
ian fishing. Concerning this family, the ethno-name authors report that the first ethno-name is basically
pescadas and pescadinhas encompasses the highest associated with Clupeidae individuals smaller than 7
number of species, applied to both the marine forms cm, while specimens larger than 10 cm were cited by
of Cynoscion and Macrodon, as well as freshwater fishers as sardines. More interviews are required to
Pachyurus, Plagioscion and Pachypops. Furthermore, validate the values indicated by the data obtained
other Sciaenidae species are also associated with the herein, and it is necessary to verify how much personal
name, such as Isopisthus parvipinnis, more commonly variations displace these limits within a fishing com-
associated with the ethno-name faneca, and Nebris munity, while also evaluating intergenerational ethno-
microps, known as pescada-rolão, pescada-banana or knowledge changes.
pescada-rosa (Santos and Vianna 2017). The difficul- The white shark C. carcharias is an emblematic
ties encountered for pescadas and pescadinhas are also species in the popular imagination, rare in Brazil-
repeated for other Brazilian fishing landing categories, ian waters and with only a few dozen occurrences
such as flounders. The continued use of these ethno- recorded along the coast, with Rio de Janeiro being
names in fisheries statistics without proper taxonomic the northernmost area of South American occurrences
identification represents a major obstacle to the use (Gadig and Rosa 1996; Cione and Barla 2008). The
of official landing data, with consequences already oldest record reported by fishers was from 1968, with
identified regarding the scientific production pace on the specimen being called an anequim-boto, followed
the biology and fishing of these species (Santos and by another more recent incident, in 2010. Gadig and
Vianna 2017; Santos and Vianna 2018). Pescadas and Rosa (1996) indicate the occurrence of this species in
pescadinhas are also applied to distinct groups such Rio de Janeiro due to a local seasonal upwelling phe-
as species belonging to the Sphyraena (Sphyraenidae) nomenon.
genus, which are commonly known as barracudas. In The present study allowed for the understanding
addition, cultural traces of a Portuguese origin still of several ethnoknowledge aspects and its potential
remain in fishing communities in Brazil, which is par- as a source of data and as a contributor to the un-
ticularly important in the state Rio de Janeiro, one of derstanding of regional fisheries. Records, past data
the oldest Portuguese colonization sites in the Amer- and criteria that permeate the ethno-taxonomy of the
icas. The pescada ethno-name, applied to Merluccius fishing communities allow us to observe and under-
(Merluccidae) on the Portuguese coast, is also used stand periods not considered in academic studies or
by fishers from the coast of Rio de Janeiro, cited as in official data. Despite supporting fisheries statis-
Portuguese hake (pescada-portuguesa) for Merluccius tics, ethno-names lack taxonomic specificity for sev-
hubbsi, although this species is more commonly known eral groups, and fishers may contribute to resolve in-
in Brazil as merluza (Santos and Vianna 2017). consistencies between popular and scientific knowl-
The ethno-names pescadas and pescadinhas were edge. The nomenclatural complexities observed for
relevant in the present study, mentioned in 27 re- sharks or pescadas/pescadinhas require attention, as
ports, but only thirteen included weight and size es- these groups display economic interest and/or are un-
timates. Even so, that these ethno-names may be ap- der a certain degree of threat. While ethno-names are
plied as a reference to the size of captured specimens, of interest as capture records, they also reflect knowl-
being relatively independent of species. Thus, the edge on species biology. Despite the focus on size
same species may be treated as pescadas or pescad- or landed volume records, many of the species listed
inhas, depending on the size range limit interpreted herein are categorized by more than one ethno-name.
by the fisher. Although arbitrary, the collected data However, unlike the representation of regional or in-

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
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tergenerational variations, ethno-names may identify suring less than 1 m, indicating a predilection for
ontogenetic phases. Conversely, the use of ethno- juvenile individuals, corroborated by the difference
knowledge also indicates the need for attention con- in prices applied for individuals in this size range
cerning the validation and selection of the reported (US$ 1.07 to US$ 3.58) and for those larger than 1
knowledge. In addition to differences regarding cur- m (US$ 0.54 to US$ 1.43). When cross-referencing
rent ethno-names, that display regional and inter- the data obtained for current fishing practices in the
generational variations, weight and size estimates re- Lakes Region and Northern Fluminense areas with
ported by fishers were characterized by significant de- fisher reports, the results indicate that most current
viations from what was expected, although demon- shark captures and consumption refer primarily to
strating greater average accuracy than expected for the sharpnose sharks Rhizoprionodon lalandii and R.
the lay public. These estimates may be indicative of porosus, smaller species usually measuring with less
the state of fishery stocks at the time, but do not re- than 1 m when caught.
place technical data produced by government agencies The interviews carried out herein indicate that
or academic studies. over 10% of the reports concerning fish abundance
and size decreases refer to sharks, especially G. cu-
vier, a large shark that can reach over 7 m and 800
Fisher perceptions and the Shifting
kg (Froese and Pauly 2019; IGFA 2019), comprising
Baseline Syndrome more than 40% of elasmobranch reports. The case of
The perception of elasmobranch population losses the study area points to the possibility that the pref-
was well marked in the fisher reports obtained herein, erence for sizes smaller than 1 m compromises the
addressing a wide variety of sharks, but particularly recovery capacity of populations of large fish species,
the tintureira, G. cuvier. This was the most men- such as G. cuvier, but also includes other sharks such
tioned species and its decline is attributed primarily as hammerhead sharks Sphyrna spp., spinner sharks
to fishing impacts from both industrial and preda- Carcharhinus brevipinna and thresher shark Alopias
tory fishing, although the deleterious effects of pollu- spp., as also reported by Barbosa-Filho et al. (2019).
tion were not forgotten. Martins et al. (2018) evalu- The current situation regarding the predominance of
ated fishing practices and the value chain associated the landing of smaller species, such as Rhizoprionodon
with shark captures and concluded that, although spp. may reflect the loss or declines of large shark
fishers recognize declining elasmobranch populations, populations in the region over the past 70 years.
they rarely act to conserve and maintain their stocks. Fishers also pointed out biomass and size de-
This observation also applies to artisanal fishers in creases for sardines in the Lakes Region and North-
the Lakes Region and Northern Fluminense study ern Fluminense areas. Ethnoknowledge assessments
area, although the responsibility attributed to over- were applied by Braga et al. (2018), in Arraial do
fishing is also accompanied by the claim that the im- Cabo, who verified a wide understanding regarding
pact generated by industrial fisheries is much greater reproduction, diet, behavior, trophic interactions and
than artisanal fisheries effects. Ignorance regarding habitat. Fisher interviews indicated a historic loss of
environmental legislation was also mentioned in the sardine landings, especially the Brazilian sardinella,
study carried out in northeastern Brazil (Martins et Sardinella brasiliensis, attributed to excessive fish-
al. 2018) and was confirmed in the Lakes Region and ing pressures by industrial fleets. Studies indicate
Northern Fluminense study area. Despite the exis- that, despite the declines in S. brasiliensis stocks re-
tence of regulation currently in effect (MPA/MMA ported by fishers, following a national collapse (Freire
2012), resources obtained with non-selective fishing et al. 2015), sardine supplies are still maintained, sup-
gears, such as gillnets, responsible for the capture of ported by the Atlantic thread herring Opisthonema
most elasmobranchs, are difficult to monitor due to oglinum. This point is of special ecological interest,
deficiency in inspection. as small pelagic foragers comprise an essential trophic
In an ethnoecological survey on artisanal shark web link concerning energy transfers from the lower
fishing in the Brazilian state of Bahia, Barbosa-Filho levels (plankton) to higher ones (medium and large
et al. (2021) indicated a great shark meat appre- predators) and significant knowledge gaps for their ef-
ciation by the local population. Their field activi- fective management are still noted (Peck et al. 2021).
ties developed with fishers, consumers and employees The continuous decline of these populations can cause
from the fishing value chain indicate that the same a cascade effect including other resources that de-
is valid for the Lakes Region and Northern Flumi- pend on this food item, with potential negative con-
nense areas, as low prices facilitate the access of small sequences for fisheries production and the associated
traders and lower-income populations to these fish. It value chain, as already pointed out in a simulation
is important to note that Barbosa-Filho et al. (2019) performed by Vasconcellos and Gasalla (2001).
also pointed out a preference for smaller sharks mea- Marine spatial planning is still under development

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
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in Brazil. Local experiences are consistent, but a gov- fisher interview results, as bonito (Thunnini), mack-
ernmental structure or forums for debates among the erel (Scomberomorus cavalla) and common dolphin-
various actors involved in marine space use are still fish (Coryphaena hippurus), all medium and large mi-
lacking (Gerhardinger et al. 2019; Borges et al. 2020). gratory pelagic fish, both coastal and oceanic, were
Several of the interviewed fishers reported conflicts identified as resources with catches extended over
concerning the use of fishing areas and oil activities, time. Furthermore, increased bonito and mackerel
either due to the presence of vessels at the service productions were attributed to the appreciation of
of exploration companies or the production facilities these species, and in the case of the latter, due to the
that began to occupy the local landscape in the last fact that it served as a substitute due to the decline
70 years. Other impacts pointed out as responsible of another pelagic species, bluefish.
by fishers can also be partly and indirectly associ-
ated with the development of local oil exploration,
such as increased light and noise pollution, remov-
ing stocks from areas previously considered as fish- CONCLUSION
ing areas by traditional communities. This negative
interaction was pointed out for several important lo- The use of traditional knowledge as a tool for the
cal resources, such as pelagic bluefish, demersal grey historical retrieval of fisheries information was proven
triggerfish, benthopelagic largehead hairtail and the valid, but some care is required in the validation of
shrimp Farfantepenaeus brasiliensis (camarão-rosa), this information. Science is built by a continuous ev-
suggesting that these impacts reach several trophic idence and knowledge accumulation process, and sci-
levels and different habitats. entists always attempt to work with the best infor-
The survey carried out herein also evaluated in- mation available. However, empirical knowledge is an
creased local fisheries production resources, compris- interpretation of reality based on personal experiences
ing the mention of new resources, either distinct or and, therefore, susceptible to different truths. Conse-
scarcely mentioned when fishers were questioned con- quently, the use of scientific evidence associated with
cerning declining resources over time. The dynam- traditional knowledge is a very promising means to
ics of species exchanges brings up the discussion of fill temporal gaps.
the concept of “fishing down marine food webs” pro- The research, through the access of the collective
posed by Pauly et al. (1998). This process can be memory of artisanal fishers, showed a complex sce-
described as continuous population losses of higher nario that described changes in fishes targeted by
trophic level species, which potentiate trophic web commercial fisheries. Furthermore, the study was
collapses due to the absence of predators, as well as in- able to determine the usefulness of incorporating this
creasing the populations of originally predated species source of information to solve some of the knowledge
that end up becoming the only available resources for gaps that hinders the development of effective man-
local fisheries and reflect decreases in average trophic agement plans. Nonetheless, this must be done with
levels of local fisheries productions. A marked de- extreme care and must be compared to and validated
cline concerning sharks was noted for both size and by the current knowledge for each species in order to
in biomass by local fishers, most noteworthy for the eliminate bias from the fishers viewpoint.
tintureira (tiger shark), G. cuvier, but also for blue-
fish, shrimps, Brazilian sardinella and grey trigger-
fish. The history of fishing landings in the study area
demonstrates that, although top predators have been ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
exploited, more important resources such as Brazil-
ian sardinella and grey triggerfish have also suffered This study was supported by a compensatory mea-
intense fishing pressures, resulting in the collapse of sure established by the Conduct Adjustment Term
these resources, even though they are not high trophic under the responsibility of PetroRio, conducted by
level species (Vianna et al. 2007; Freire et al. 2015). the Federal Public Ministry - MPF/RJ, with the im-
The presence of an upwelling system at Arraial do plementation of the Brazilian Fund for Biodiversity
Cabo (Coelho-Souza et al. 2012) and a coastal con- - Funbio and the Pescarte Environmental Education
formation that brings together the oceanic environ- Project, which is a mitigation measure required by
ments of the coast (Viana et al. 1998) are also rel- the Federal Environmental Licensing, conducted by
evant for the analysis and for the local trophic web, IBAMA. The authors would like to thank Maurício
providing a unique Brazilian coast environment, in- D. Abreu for the 2010 Carcharodon carcharias photo-
creasing primary production and, consequently, the graph, Dr. Rachel Ann Hauser-Davis for translating
presence of small pelagic and large predators, includ- the manuscript and the fishers who participated in
ing oceanic species. This point was supported by the the survey by answering the questionnaire.

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

DATA AVAILABILITY Bender MG, Machado GR, Silva PJdA, Floeter SR,
Monteiro-Netto C, Luiz OJ, Ferreira CEL (2014) Lo-
The data used to support the findings of this study cal Ecological Knowledge and Scientific Data
are available from the corresponding author upon rea- Reveal Overexploitation by Multigear Arti-
sonable request. sanal Fisheries in the Southwestern Atlantic.
PLoS ONE doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0110332.

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records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

Table 5. List of ethno-names reported by artisanal fisher respondents from the Lakes Region and Northern
Fluminense municipalities in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, alongside their closest taxonomic correspon-

Categories Species
Specific identified groupings
Teleostei 39
raquete Aluterus monoceros
salema Parona signata
peruá Balistes capriscus
xerelete, graçainha Caranx crysos, C. latus
xaréu Caranx hippos
robalo Centropomus spp.
roncador Conodon nobilis
dourado Coryphaena hippurus
maria-mole Cynoscion guatucupa
goete Cynoscion jamaicensis
pescada, escamuda Cynoscion spp.
marimbá Diplodus argenteus
mero Epinephelus itajara
garoupa-verdadeira Epinephelus marginatus
cherne Hyporthodus niveatus
baiacú Lagocephalus spp.
prejereba Lobotes surinamensis
peixe-sapo Lophius gastrophysus
vermelho Lutjanus spp.
corvina, corvinota Micropogonias furnieri
tainha Mugil liza
badejo, badejo-saltão Mycteroperca spp.
guaivira Oligoplites spp.
pargo Pagrus pagrus
maria-luisa Paralonchurus brasiliensis
solteira Parona signata
enchova Pomatomus saltatrix
olho-de-cão, mirassol Priacanthus arenatus
namorado Pseudopercis numida
sarda, serra Sarda sarda
cavalinha Scomber colias
cavala Scomberomorus cavalla
galo Selene spp.
olhete Seriola lalandii
barracuda Sphyraena barracuda
bicuda Sphyraena guachancho
cabeça-dura Stellifer spp.
pampo Trachinotus carolinus
espada Trichiurus lepturus
Crustacea 3
camarão-barba-ruça Artemesia longinaris
camarão-rosa Farfantepenaeus spp., Pleoticus muelleri
camarão-sete-barbas Xiphopenaeus kroyeri
Elasmobranchii 6
cação-corre-costa Carcharhinus brevipinna, Rhizoprionodon spp.
tubarão-branco, anequim-boto Carcharodon carcharias

Santos et al. 2022. A tale that never loses in the telling: Considerations for the shifting ethnobaseline based on artisanal fisher
records from the southwestern Atlantic
Ethnobio Conserv 11:03

cação-marimbondo, cação-tigre, tintureira Galeocerdo cuvier

cação-niquim Isurus oxyrinchus
cação-baleia Rhincodon typus
cação-martelo Sphyrna spp.
Multispecies groupings 9
polvo Octopodidae
cação-areia, cação-olho-azul, cação-troce- Selachii
troce, cação, cação-tubarão, tubarão
bonito Thunnini
pescadinha Sciaenidae
camarão Penaeidae
lula Loliginidae
manjuba Engraulidae
sardinha Clupeidae
garoupa Epinephelinae
Non-identified categories


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