Pool Boiling (Experiment 3)

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To study about the critical flux in a pool boiling
2. AIM:
To determine the critical heat flux of a given wire.
To study the heat transfer to the boiling liquid at various temperature.
To study the pool boiling phenomenon up to critical heat flux point.

This experiment set-up is designed to study the pool boiling phenomenon up to
critical heat flux(heat flux) The pool boiling over the heater wire can be visualized in
the different regions up to the critical heat flux point at which the wire melts.
heat flux from the wire is slowly increased by gradually increasing the
convection to nucleate boiling can be seen. The formation of bubbles and their growth
in size and number can be visualized followed by vigorous bubble
formation and their
immediate carrying over to surface and ending this in the breaking of wire indicating
the occurrence of critical heat flux point. This is repeated for
various temperatures of
the water in the container up to the saturation temperature.

When heat is added to a liquid from a submerged solid surface
which is at a
temperature higher than the saturation temperature of the liquid, it is used for the part
of the liquid to change phase. This change of phase is
called 'Boiling'. Boiling of
various types, the depending upon the temperature difference between the surface and
the liquid. Thedifferent types experimental boiling curve
obtained in a saturated pool
of liquid.
The heat flux supplied to the surface is plotted
against (Ty - T), The difference
between the temperature of the surface and the saturation
temperature of the liquid.

Pool Boiling Apparatus

It isseen that the boiling curve can be divide into three regions;
(1) Natural Convection Region,
(II) Nucleate Boiling Region, and
(III) Film Boiling Region.
The region of natural convection occurs at low temperature differences (of the order
of 10° C or less). Heat transfer from the heated surface to liquid in its vicinity'causes
the liquid to be superheated. This superheated liquid rises to the free liquid surface by
naturalconvection, where vapour is produced by evaporation.
Asthe temperature difference (T w - T) is increased, nucleate boiling starts. In this
region, it is observed that bubble start to form at certain locations on the heated
surface. Region II consists of two parts. In the first part, II-a, the bubbles formed are
very few in number. In the second part, II-b, the rate of bubble formation as well as
the number of locations where they are formed, increase. Some of the bubbles now
rise allthe way tothe free surface. With increasing temperature difference a stage is
finally reached when the rate of formation of bubble is so high, that they start to
collapse and blanked the surface with a vapor film. This the beginning of region II,
Film boiling: In the fast part of this region, III -a, the vapour film is unstable, so that
film boiling may be ocurring on a portion of the heated surface area, while nucleate
boiling may be occurring on the remaining area. In the second part, II-b, a stable film
covers the entire surface. The temperature difference in this region is the order of
1000 deg C and consequently radiative heat transfer across the vapor film is also
In region I, the heat flux is proportion to (Tw - Ts)" where 'n' is slightly greater than
unity (about 1.3 when the transition from nature convection to nucleate boiling
occur, the heat flux starts to increase more rapidly with temperature difference, the
value of n' increase to aboutat the end of region I, the boiling curve reaches a peak.
Beyond this, region l-a, in spite of increasing temperature difference, the heat flux
decrease because the thermal resistance to heat flow increase with the fornmation of a
vapor film. The heat flux passes through a minimum (Point B) at the end of region
II-a .It starts to increase again with (Tw - Ts) only when stable film boiling and
radiation becomes increasingly important.
It is of interest to note how the temperature of the heating surface hangs as the heat
flux is steadily inerea_e from zero. Up to natural convection boiling and then nucleate
Pool Boiling Apparatus 2
boiling oCcur and the temperature of the heating surface is obtained by reading the
value of (Tw - Ts) from the boiling curve

heater coil for initial
The apparatus consists of container housing thetest heater and
(Heater) and the
heating of water. This heating coil is directly connected to mains
mains via a dimmer stat and an
Test Heater (Nichrome Wire) is connected also to
it to read the current and
ammeter is connected in series while a voltmeter across
provided to measure the
voltage. A micro controller based peak detector has been
viewed through a
maximum current during the process. The heater wire can be
transparent window.

Amp. socket with earth
1. Electricity Supply: Single Phase, 220V AC, S0 Hz, 5-15

2. Water Supply : Initial Fill

3. Drain Required
4. Floor Area Required : 1mx Im


1. Fillthe water bath with water up to the desired level

2. Connect the spinfied gauge/test heater wire.
3. Set the desired bath temperature with the help of DTC (50° - 80°C)
4. Initialize the peak indicator by pressing the button provided.
5. Switch-ON the test heater.

6. Very gradually increase the voltage across it by slowly changing the variac from
one position to the other and stop a while at each position to observe the boiling
phenomenon on wire.
7. Record the voltage and current at various intermediate stages. This can be used to
find the resistance of wire at varying temperature. Note down the resistance at
room temperature of test wire-Resistance temperature co-efficient for
wire using this T, surface temperature can be calculated.
8. Go on increasing the voltage till wire breaks and carefully note the voltage and
current at this point.

Pool Boiling Apparatus
9. Bring the variac tozero voltage and note down the maximum current.
10. Repeat this experiment by altering the bulk temperature of water.


d 0.1219 mm
L 80 mmn

R 42


S.No Voltage Amperage Boiling Temperature



W=V*I, Watt

qc = 7*d*L

W Heat supplied by the heater
Critical heat flux.
Voltmeter reading.
Ampere reading.
d Diameter of Test Heater Wire
Length of the Test Heater Wire
R Resistance of wire


1. Never run the apparatus if power supply is less than 180 volts and above than 230
2. Never switch on mains power supply before ensuring that all the ON/OFF
switches given on the panel are at OFF position.
3. Voltage to heater starts and increases slowly.

Pool Boiling Apparatus

4. Always keep the apparatus free from dust.

Check the main
1. If electric panel is not showing the input on the mains light.

Hill, NY, 1976.
1. Holman, J.P., Heat Transfer", 8" ed., McGraw
McGraw Hill, NY, 1965.
2. Kern, D.Q., Process Heat Transfer", 1 ed.,

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