Numerical Modeling of Direct Shear Tests On Sandy Clay: January 2012

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Numerical modeling of direct shear tests on sandy clay

Article · January 2012


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3 authors:

Reza Ziaie moayed S. Tamassoki

Imam Khomeini International University Universiti Putra Malaysia


Ehsan Izadi


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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012

Numerical Modeling of Direct Shear Tests on Sandy

R. Ziaie Moayed , S. Tamassoki , and E. Izadi

 element method was used. The material model takes into

Abstract—Investigation of sandy clay behavior is important since account the effect of friction angle, Young's modulus and
urban development demands mean that sandy clay areas are cohesion. The soil parameters were described by the modified
increasingly encountered, especially for transportation Drucker-prager model. The case study investigated here in this
infrastructures. This paper presents the results of the finite element
analysis of the direct shear test (under three vertical loading 44, 96
study is the one which experimentally studied [9].
and 192 kPa) and discusses the effects of different parameters such as
cohesion, friction angle and Young's modulus on the shear strength of II. MODIFIED DRUCKER-PRAGER MODEL
sandy clay. The numerical model was calibrated against the The Drucker–Prager/cap plasticity model has been widely
experimental results of large-scale direct shear tests. The results have
used in finite element analysis programs for a variety of
shown that the shear strength was increased with increase in friction
angle and cohesion. However, the shear strength was not influenced geotechnical engineering applications. The cap model is
by raising the friction angle at normal stress of 44 kPa. Also, the appropriate to soil behavior because it is capable of
effect of different young's modulus factors on stress-strain curve was considering the effect of stress history, stress path, dilatancy,
investigated. and the effect of the intermediate principal stress. The yield
surface of the modified Drucker–Prager/cap plasticity model
Keywords—Shear strength, Finite element analysis, Large direct consists of three parts: a Drucker–Prager shear failure surface,
shear test, Sandy clay.
an elliptical cap, which intersects the mean effective stress
axis at a right angle, and a smooth transition region between
the shear failure surface and the cap, as shown in Figure 1.
Elastic behavior is modeled as linear elastic using the

E NGINEERING practice need to predict behavior of

engineering structures founded on clay within a certain
tolerance, in bridges, road, highway and embankments and
generalized Hooke’s law. Alternatively, an elasticity model in
which the bulk elastic stiffness increases as the material
undergoes compression can be used to calculate the elastic
cuts. The shear strength is one of the parameters affecting on strains. The onset of plastic behavior is determined by the
the behavior of the soils from the geotechnical engineering Drucker–Prager failure surface and the cap yield surface. The
point of view. The direct shear test is a very popular test for Drucker–Prager failure surface is given by:
determining shear strength of soils.
Many experimental, analytical, and numerical studies have ‫ܨ‬௦ = ‫ ݐ‬െ ‫ ߚ݊ܽݐ݌‬െ ݀ = 0 (1)
been performed to investigate the shearing behavior of soils
[2]-[4]. The Numerical methods enable the determination of
material parameters that would have been difficult to measure
in the experimental study [1]-[3]-[6]-[7]-[8]. The development
of numerical procedures of calculations caused some
important idealizations of the problem. The main ones deal
with the following elements: geometry of model; loading
conditions; material properties and constitutive models of
materials and selection of numerical technique.
The intention of the paper is to show the effects of sandy
clay parameters such as cohesion, friction angle and Young's
modulus on the shear strength of sandy clay. Numerical
calculations were carried out to simulate the material behavior
in a direct shear tester [5] and a true simple shear tester under
Fig. 1 Yield surfaces of the modified cap model in the p–t plane [10]
the same initial conditions. In the numerical analysis, a finite
R. Ziaie Moayed, Associate Professor, Civil Engineering Department,
Imam Khomeini International University (phone: 281-837-1153; fax: 281- the p–t plane, as indicated in Figure 1. As shown in the figure,
837-1153; e-mail: [email protected]). the cap yield surface is an ellipse with eccentricity = R in the
S. Tamassoki, M.Sc. Student, Civil Engineering Department, Imam p–t plane. The cap yield surface is dependent on the third
Khomeini International University (e-mail: [email protected]).
E. Izadi, M.Sc. Student, Civil Engineering Department, Imam Khomeini stress invariant, r, in the deviatoric plane as shown in Figure 2
International University (e-mail: [email protected]).

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012

are given by: ௉್ ିோௗ

ܲ௔ = (6)
௃భమ ଵ
‫ = ݍ‬ඥ3‫ܬ‬ଶ஽ = ට3 ቀ‫ܬ‬ଶ െ ቁ = ට [(ߪଵ െ ߪଶ)ଶ + (ߪଶ െ ߪଷ)ଶ + (ߪଵ െ ߪଷ)ଶ] (2)
଺ ଶ
ଶ଻ ଶ଻
‫ܬ ( = ݎ‬ଷ஽ )ଵ/ଷ = ( ‫ܬ‬ଷ െ 9‫ܬ‬ଵ ‫ܬ‬ଶ + ‫ܬ‬ଵଷ )ଵ/ଷ (3) The Mohr–Coulomb parameters (c , ) can be converted to
ଶ ଶ
Drucker–Prager parameters as follows:

‫= ߚ݊ܽݐ‬ (7)

ଵ଼௖ ௖௢௦‫׎‬ᇲ
݀= (8)

The cap hardening curve is obtained from the isotropic

consolidation test results (Cc and Cs) then we can calculate the
plastic volumetric strain as [10]:
Fig. 2 Projection of the modified cap yield on the-plane [10] ఒି఑ ௉ᇲ ஼೎ ି஼ೞ ௉ᇲ
ߝణ௉ = ݈݊ = ݈݊ (9)
ଵା௘బ ௉బᇲ ଶ.ଷ(ଵା௘బ ) ௉బᇲ
The cap surface hardens (expands) or softens (shrinks) as a
function of the volumetric plastic strain. When the stress state In this research, the soils parameters were described by the
causes yielding on the cap, volumetric plastic strain modified Drucker-Prager plastic model (Cap Plasticity) with
(compaction) results cause the cap to expand (hardening). But an elastic model, using the parameters given in Table I and II.
when the stress state causes yielding on the Drucker–Prager Note that the parameters given in the Table I are taken from
shear failure surface, volumetric plastic dilation results, previous studies [9].
causing the cap to shrink (softening). The cap yield surface is
ோ௧ A. Model geometry
‫ܨ‬௖ = ට(ܲ െ ܲ௔ )ଶ + ( )ଶ െ ܴ(݀ + ܲ௔ ‫ = )ߚ݊ܽݐ‬0 (4)
ଵାఈିఈ/௖௢௦ఉ A series of 3D finite element analysis has been conducted to
simulate the large-scale direct shear tests using ABAQUS 6.9
Where R is a material parameter that controls the shape of application. The model geometry is shown in figure 4. The
WKHFDSDQGĮLVDVPDOOQXPEHU W\SLFDOO\WR used metal box of the direct shear apparatus was modeled by rigid
to define a smooth transition surface between the Drucker– surfaces in the numerical model. The interface between soil
Prager shear failure surface and the cap: and box walls was modeled using Tie constraint by
discretization method surface-to-surface capability

‫ܨ‬௧ = ට(ܲ െ ܲ௔ )ଶ + [‫ ݐ‬െ (1 െ
)(݀ + ܲ௔ ‫])ߚ݊ܽݐ‬ଶ െ ߙ(݀ + ܲ௔ ‫ = )ߚ݊ܽݐ‬0 (5) implemented in ABAQUS/Standard.
Pa is an evolution parameter that controls the hardening–
softening behavior as a function of the volumetric plastic GEOTECHNICAL PARAMETERS OF THE STUDIED SOIL [9]
The hardening–softening behavior is simply described by a Symbol Quantity Value
piecewise linear function relating the mean effective (yield) ߩ Dry unit weight 18.15 kN/m3
stress ‫݌‬௕ and the volumetric plastic ܲ௕ = ܲ௕ (ߝ௩௢௟௉௟
), as shown c Cohesion 32 kPa
in Figure 3. This function can easily be obtained from the ߮ Friction angle 29.94 [°]
ߴ Poisson's ratio 0.25
results of one isotropic consolidation test with several E Young's modulus for normal 7, 8 and 8.5 MPa
unloading–reloading cycles. Consequently, the evolution stresses 44, 96 and 192 kPa
parameter, pa, can be calculated as:


Symbol Quantity Value a

d Material Cohesion 200 kPa

ߚ Angle of Friction 50.13 °
R Cap Eccentricity 0.2
- Initial cap yield surface position -
ߙ Transition surface radius 0.01
K Flow Stress Ratio 0.778

Fig. 3 Typical cap hardening behavior [10]

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012

B. Loading condition
The analysis was carried out considering two steps. In the
first step, only normal stress was applied on tthe top surface of
the model and in the second step, shear stresss was applied. All
of the analyses were performed using normaal stresses of 44,
96, and 192 kPa.

Fig. 6 3D mesh of modeling of direct shear test


The analysis carried out for each three
t normal stress 44, 96
Fig. 4 The model geometry (the dimension of the bboxes are according and 192 kPa in FE model. The resultts are in a good agreement
to ASTM-D5321) with experimental data obtained from m the case study which
C. Boundary condition mentioned before [9], the results of numerical
n modeling are
Figure 5 shows the boundary condition of the occupied shown in Fig. 7.
model. The bottom of the model is restraained in x and z
direction. In the initial and first step, thhe upper box is A. Effect of friction angle
restrained in x, y direction and The lateral w
walls of upper and The effect of friction angle on sheear strength is illustrated in
beneath boxes are restrained against in movem ments in x, y and Figure 8. As shown in this figure, the shear strength of soil
z. In the second step, the lateral walls of upper box are was increased with increase in fricttion angle in normal stress
restrained in x, y and z, however the beneathh box is restrained 96 and 192 kPa.
in x, z and a horizontal displacement of abbout 0.01 mm is However, the shear strength wass not influenced by raising
applied to the beneath box in y direction. the friction angle at normal stress off 44kPa. In normal stresses
of 96 and 192 kPa, an increment in friction angle lead to
increase the interlocking between soil particles and hence
increasing shear strength of soil.
B. Effect of cohesion
Figure 9 shows the effect of coh hesion on shear strength of
soil. It is found that an increase in the
t magnitude of cohesion
can raise the shear strength. Tab ble III gives relationship
between cohesion and shear streng gth under different normal

Fig. 5 Boundary conditions of moddel

The FE mesh of the model is shown iin the Figure 6.

Because of the composite geometry of the prroblem, the mesh
was implemented using “structured meshh” technique in
ABAQUS application. The sandy clay w was modelled by
C3D8R (8-node linear brick, reduced integgration, hourglass
control) elements. Dynamic analysis was occuupied here in this

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012


Sress (kPa)


Experimental, 192 kPa [9] Experimental, 96 kPa [9] Experimental, 44 kPa [9]
Numerical, 192 kPa Numerical, 96 kPa Numerical, 44 kPa
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
Fig. 7 Comparison of experimental and numerical modeling of direct shear test on sandy clay

2.50 C. Effect of Young's modulus:

The elasticity modulus of soil is not a unique property but
2.00 varies widely with stress level, stress history, time, type of
loading, and soil disturbance. In general, the modulus of a soil
Stress (kPa)

1.50 decreases with

1. An increase in deviator stress.
192 k Pa 2. Soil disturbance.
96 k Pa
44 k Pa And it increases with:
0.00 1. An increase in consolidation stress.
15 18 21 24 27 30

Ø [°] 2. An increase in over consolidation ratio.

Fig. 8 Effect of friction angle on shear strength of sandy clay 3. An increase in aging.
4. An increase in strain rate [11].
Figure 10 shows the effect Young's modulus on stress-strain
Normal stress Equation R2 curve gradient (which is another definition for the stiffness). It
is observed that increasing the elasticity modulus lead to
192 kPa y = 59.723x + 2523.3 0.99
96 kPa y = 69.94x + 745.72 0.99 increase the shear stiffness of the soil samples.
44 kPa y = 70.12x + 342.29 1
x: Index cohesion (kPa).
y: Index shear strength (N).
R2: coefficient correlation. 2
Stress (kPa)

2.5 1.5

2 1 E=10 MPa
E=20 MPa
Stress (kPa)

1.5 E=30 MPa

E=40 MPa
1 E=50 MPa
192 k Pa 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08
0.5 96 k Pa Strain
44 k Pa
(a) Normal stress of 192 kPa
10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Cohesion (kPa)
Fig. 9 Effect of cohesion on shear strength of sandy clay

World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 61 2012

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Stress (kPa)

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0.4 E=30 MPa [4] J. WookPark, J. JoonSong, “Numerical simulation of a direct shear test
E=40 MPa on a rock joint using a bonded-particlemodel,” International Journal of
E=50 MPa Rock Mechanics & Mining Sciences, vol. 46, pp. 1315–1328, 2009.
0 [5] JG. Potyondy, “Skin friction between various soils and construction
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 materials,” Geotechnique, vol. 4, pp. 339–353, 1961.
Strain [6] H.J. Burd, G.T. Houlsby, “Numerical modeling of reinforced unpaved
roads,” Proceeding of the Third International Symposium on Numerical
(b) Normal stress of 96 kPa Models in Geomechanics, Canada, 1989.
[7] K. Kazimierowicz-Frankowska, “Influence of geosynthetic
reinforcement on the load-settlement characteristics of two-layer sub
grade,” Geotextiles and Geomembranes , vol. 25, pp. 366–376, 2007.
[8] P.K. Anubhav, Basudhar, “Modeling of soil–woven geotextile interface
1.2 behavior from direct shear test results,” Geotextiles and Geomembranes
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Stress (kPa)

[9] R. Ziaie Moayed, M. Kamalzare, “Influence of Geosynthetic

0.8 Reinforcement on Shear Strength Characteristics of Two-Layer Sub
grade,” Imam Khomeini International University Department of
E=10 MPa Engineering, June 2010.
E=20 MPa [10] S. Helwany, “Applied Soil Mechanics with ABAQUS Application,”
E=30 MPa Printed in the United States of America, pp. 61–66, 2007.
E=40 MPa [11] T. William Lambe, R.V. Whitman, “Soil Mechanics,” SI Version,
E=50 MPa Massachustts Institute of Technology With the assistance of H. G.
0 Poulos University of Sydney, 1928.
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08

(c) Normal stress of 44 kPa

Fig. 10 Effect of different Young's modulus on the shear strength

The present study shows a set of analyses were carried out
on sandy clay. The parameters such as cohesion, friction angle
and Young's modulus varied in analysis and their effects on
shear strength of sandy clay were investigated. The following
conclusions could be drawn;

(1) The numerical model was in good agreement with

experimental results of large-scale direct shear tests on
sandy clay.
(2) The shear strength is not affected by friction angle at
normal stress of 44 kPa. However, at normal stresses of
96 and 192 kPa the shear strength is increased.
(3) With increase in cohesion, the magnitude of shear
strength was increased.
(4) An increment in Young's modulus leads to increase the
stiffness of the soil.


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