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series eDiToriaL


Walter Cerroni Alex Galis Kohei Shiomoto Mohamed Faten Zhani

W elcome to the first appearance of the Network

Softwarization and Management Series of IEEE
Communications Magazine. This series represents
a scope consolidation of the two previous series: (1) Tele-
com Software, Network Virtualization and Software Defined
Network Softwarization and Management standards, open-
source projects and solutions.
The first issue of this series features six papers, grouped
according to key covered topics as follows.

Networks, and (2) Network and Service Management. We Network Slicing, Edge/Cloud-Native Networking, Reliability
would like to thank the authors, reviewers and editors of the of Softwarized Network Architectures.
previous series for their great and successful expert effort In the first article, “Breaking Down Network Slicing: Hier-
and dedicated support. archical Orchestration of End-to-End Networks” by Santos
This renewed series focuses on softwarization, manage- et al., the authors present a novel hierarchical orchestration
ment, and their integration in communication networks and scheme for end-to-end (E2E) networks, a paradigm shift from
their services. “Network Softwarization” advocates for net- traditional E2E network orchestration solutions that centralize
work architectures that separate the software implementing the intelligence for managing the network infrastructure in a
network functions, protocols and services from the hardware single monolithic entity. Network orchestration and slicing is
running them. Propelled by the maturity of technologies one of the key enabling techniques for 5G (Fifth Generation
like network function virtualization and software-defined Technology Standard), allowing network providers (NPs)
networking, softwarization is radically changing the way com- to support services with diverging requirements on top of
munication infrastructures are designed, programmed, inte- their physical infrastructure. The proposed new hierarchical
grated and operated, enabling rapid and innovative service orchestration architecture is both modular and extensible,
creation with easy deployment and opening the door to a capable of supporting new types of network segments and
faster pace of innovation. Complementing and leveraging resources unforeseen at design time. The distributed nature
network softwarization, “Network Management“ is the pro- of hierarchical orchestration architecture introduces negligi-
cess of administering networks and supporting all network ble overhead for provisioning network slicing, also confirm-
operations. It aims to integrate fault, configuration, account- ing the need for a hyperstrator for coordinating network
ing, performance, and security capabilities in the network segments ensuring consistent QoS (Quality of Service) for
and to support self-management features, integral automa- network slicing.
tion and autonomic capabilities, empowering the network In the second article, “MESON: Optimized Cross-Slice
with inbuilt cognition and intelligence, and the move from Communication for Edge Computing” by Papathanail et al.,
a “managed object” paradigm to a “management by objec- the authors tackle the relevant issue of optimizing commu-
tive” paradigm. The key role that software and management nications between network slices instantiated on the same
are increasingly playing in telecommunications is enabling physical infrastructure. They propose MESON, a novel man-
unprecedented levels of abstraction, disaggregation, opera- agement and orchestration architecture aimed at improving
tion, integration, robustness, precision delivery, composition cross-slice communication at the edge, taking advantage of
and programmability in network infrastructures and services. the reduced latency and improved security due to service
This renewed series selects and publishes in-depth, cut- co-location. A prototype implementation of the MESON
ting-edge articles on state-of-the-art technologies and architecture is also presented and validated, showing the
solutions, bringing together the latest advances, technical required interactions for cross-slice service discovery and
innovations, case studies, research, and development in optimized communications.
Network Softwarization and Management in terms of main In the third article, “Reliability-Aware Network Slicing in
paradigms and systems, architectures and methodologies, Elastic Demand Scenarios” by Gomes et al., the authors tack-
software approaches, resources, functions, modelling, mea- le the relevant issues of elastic demand for network resources
surement and performance analysis. This series also wel- that impact quality of service and the elastic life-cycle of a
comes experience reports from experimental testbeds, network slice, which defines the network elements as parts of

14 IEEE Communications Magazine • October 2020

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Series Editorial

a slice. It presents a new reliability strategy to network slicing reviewers who contributed to the series, as well as the IEEE
preparation for elastic demand scenarios. Experiments using Communications Magazine editors and staff for their continu-
a real resources demand dataset suggest that the new reli- ous support. We hope that you will enjoy this first issue of the
ability strategy improves the resilience of the service delivery. new series and find these papers as inspiring and impactful as
we do. While we are currently selecting the articles for the
Performance Measurements and Evaluation, Monitoring for next issue, we invite interested authors to submit their work.
Network Management and Softwarized Networks. We welcome paper submissions anytime during the year.
The fourth article, “5G URLLC: A Case Study on Low-La- The call for papers is available at https://www.comsoc.org/
tency Intrusion Prevention” by Gallenmüller et al., focuses publications/magazines/ieee-communications-magazine/
on the challenges to overcome in order to satisfy latency cfp/network-softwarization-and-management. The submitted
requirements when deploying network slices. The authors papers will undergo a rigorous peer-review process and, if
present a system architecture specifically tailored for hosting accepted, they will be published in the first slot available for
low-latency virtualized network functions, which relies on this series.
advanced software technologies and CPU (central process-
ing unit) configurations for efficient packet processing and Biographies
virtualized communications. They evaluate the performance Walter Cerroni [M’01, SM’16] ([email protected]) is an associate professor
of their architecture applied to the use case of a virtualized of communication networks at the University of Bologna, Italy. His recent research
interests include software-defined networking, network function virtualization,
intrusion prevention function, proving that low-latency net- service function chaining in cloud computing platforms, intent-based northbound
work slicing is achievable even with off-the-shelf hardware interfaces for multi-domain/multi-technology virtualized infrastructure manage-
ment, modeling and design of inter-data and intra-data center networks. He has
and widely adopted software components. co-authored more than 130 articles published in the most renowned international
The fifth article, “A Virtual PEP for Web Optimization over journals, magazines and conference proceedings. He serves/has served as an asso-
a Hybrid Backhaul” by Bujari et al., proposes an enhanced ciate editor for IEEE Communications Letters and as a Technical Program Co-Chair
for IEEE-sponsored international workshops and conferences.
performance enhancing proxy (PEP) implemented as a chain
of custom virtual network functions (VNFs) showing how Alex Galis is a professor in Networked and Service Systems at University College
London (UCL) (www.ee.ucl.ac.uk/∼agalis/). His current interests are in 5G and
virtualization could help to optimize Web traffic performance beyond networking, management, AI enabled networking, virtualization and soft-
in the particular context of satellite communications. The warization, deterministic and high precision networking and servicing, network
authors also demonstrate how such virtual PEP can leverage and cloud programmability. He has co-authored more than 250 publications in the
future Internet areas and standards including 11 research books. He is a co-editor
the advanced features of the most recent IETF protocols like of the IEEE Communications Magazine series on Network Softwarization and Man-
QUIC (Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) with much-re- agement, the IEEE JSAC series on Network Softwarization and Enablers, and the
duced latency) and MPTCP (Multipath TCP). ETRI Journal published by Wiley. He has served as general chair/TPC chair/keynote
and panel chair/tutorials for IEEE conferences such as NOMS/IM/CNSM/ICIN/
The sixth article, “From Capturing to Rendering: Volumet- CloudNet/NetSoft.
ric Media Delivery with Six Degrees of Freedom” by van der
Kohei Shiomoto [M’90, SM’15] is a professor at Tokyo City University, Tokyo,
Hooft et al., focuses on key aspects and challenges in terms of Japan. He has been engaged in R&D in the data communication industry for over
quality of experience for delivering immersive media stream- 25 years since he joined NTT Laboratories in 1989. He has been active in the areas
ing services enhanced with six degrees of freedom capabil- of network virtualization, data-mining for network management, traffic and QoE
management, since he joined Tokyo City University in 2017. He served as Guest
ities. The authors present an end-to-end system architecture Co-Editor for a series of special issues established in IEEE TNSM on Management
involving the content source, the network domain, the client of Softwareized Networks. He has served in various roles organizing high profile
IEEE ComSoc conferences such as IEEE NOMS, IEEE IM, and IEEENetSoft. He is the
side, as well as the required techniques to perform quality lead Series editor for the Network Softwarization and Management Series in IEEE
and perception evaluation. They also report on the results of Communications Magazine.
a subjective analysis of rendered immersive video, identifying
Mohamed Faten Zhani is an associate professor at ÉTS Montreal, University of
future research directions and opportunities in this area. Quebec, Canada. His research interests include network function virtualization,
software-defined networking and resource management in large-scale infrastruc-
tures. He has co-authored several research papers published in renowned confer-
In our role as series editors, we strive to achieve a fast, ences and journals. He served as the general/technical program chair of several
quality and selective review process for all submissions in international conferences and workshops. He is co-editor of IEEE Transactions on
order to quickly publish high-quality and cutting-edge papers Network and Service Management and the IEEE Softwarization Newsletter. He
received the IEEE/IFIP IM 2017 Young Researchers and Professionals Award for
on relevant topics in the Network Softwarization and Man- outstanding research contributions and leadership in the field of network and ser-
agement areas. We would like to thank all the authors and vice management.

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