A Survey of Programmable Networks

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A Survey of Programmable Networks

Andrew T. Campbell1, Herman G. De Meer2, Michael E. Kounavis1,

Kazuho Miki3, John B. Vicente4, and Daniel Villela1
Center for Telecommunications Research,
Columbia University
University of Hamburg, Germany
Hitachi Limited
Intel Corporation
[email protected]

In this paper we present a programmable networking model that provides a common
framework for understanding the state-of-the-art in programmable networks. A number
of projects are reviewed and discussed against a set of programmable network
characteristics. We believe that a number of important innovations are creating a
paradigm shift in networking leading to higher levels of network programmability. These
innovations include the separation between transmission hardware and control software,
availability of open programmable network interfaces, accelerated virtualization of
networking infrastructure, rapid creation and deployment of new network services and
environments for resource partitioning and coexistence of multiple distinct network
architectures. We present a simple qualitative comparison of the surveyed work and
make a number of observations about the direction of the field.

1. INTRODUCTION enable future networking infrastructures to be open,

extensible and programmable.
The ability to rapidly create, deploy and manage
novel services in response to user demands is a key Before we can meet this challenge, we need to better
factor driving the programmable networking research understand the limitations of existing networks and
community. Results from this field of research are the fundamentals for making networks more
likely to have a broad impact on customers, service programmable. There is growing consensus that these
providers and equipment vendors across a range of network fundamentals are strongly associated with
telecommunication sectors, including broadband, the deployment of new network programming
mobile and IP networking. Competition between environments, possibly based on “network-wide
existing and future Internet Service Providers (ISPs) operating system support”, that explicitly recognize
could solely hinge on the speed at which one service service creation, deployment and management in the
provider can respond to new market demands over network infrastructure. For example a future
another. The introduction of new services is a programmable network operating system could be
challenging task and calls for major advances in based on active network execution environments [42]
methodologies and toolkits for service creation and operating on node operating system [40] or open
enabling network technologies. A vast amount of signaling network kernels [30] supporting the
service-specific computation, processing and coexistence of multiple control architectures [33].
switching must be handled and new network Both of these proposals squarely address the same
programming environments have to be engineered to problem: how to open the network up and accelerate
its programmability in a controlled and secure
manner for the deployment of new architectures, 2. METHODOLOGIES
services and protocols. There has been an increasing demand to add new
The separation of communications hardware (i.e., services to networks or to customize existing network
switching fabrics, routing engines) from control services to match new application needs. Recent
software is fundamental to making the network more examples of this include the introduction of integrated
programmable. Such a separation is difficult to and differentiated services to IP networks offering
realize today. The reason for this is that switches and enhanced IP QOS. The introduction of new services
routers are vertically integrated - akin to mainframes into existing networks is usually a manual, time
of the 70s. Typically, service providers do not have consuming and costly process. The goal of
access to switch/router control environments (e.g. programmable networking is to simplify the
Cisco’s IOS operating system), algorithms (e.g. deployment of new network services, leading to
routing protocols) or states (e.g., routing tables, flow networks that explicitly support the process of
states). This makes the deployment of new network service creation and deployment. There is general
services, which may be many orders of magnitude consensus that programmable network architectures
more flexible than proprietary control systems, can be customized, utilizing clearly defined open
impossible due to the closed nature of network nodes. programmable interfaces (i.e., network APIs) and a
The question is, how do we go about ‘opening up the range of service composition methodologies and
boxes’ for deployment of third party control software toolkits.
and services? Two schools of thought have emerged on how to
This paper examines the state of the art in make networks programmable. The first school is
programmable networks. In Section 2, we present and spearheaded by the Opensig community, which was
discuss two schools of thought on programmable established through a series of international
networks advocated by the Active Networks (AN) workshops. The other school, established by
[20] and Open Signalling (Opensig) [39] DARPA, constitutes a large number of diverse AN
communities. The state-of-the-art in programmable projects. The Opensig community argues that by
networks is rather complex to analyze beyond modeling communication hardware using a set of
historical differences. Recently, a number of open programmable network interfaces, open access
programmable network toolkits have been to switches and routers can be provided, thereby
implemented. By reviewing each contribution in turn, enabling third party software providers to enter the
we arrive at a common set of features that govern the market for telecommunications software. The
construction of these programmable networks. In Opensig community argues that by “opening up” the
Section 3, we present a generalized model and switches in this manner, the development of new and
common set of characteristics to better understand distinct architectures and services (e.g., virtual
the contributions found in the literature. Following networking [34]) can be realized. Open signaling as
this, in Section 4, we discuss a number of specific the name suggests takes a telecommunications
projects and characterize them in terms of a simple approach to the problem of making the network
set of characteristics. In Section 5, we present a programmable. Here, there is a clear distinction
simple qualitative comparison of the surveyed work between transport, control and management that
and make a number of observations about the underpin programmable networks and an emphasis
direction of the field. We believe that a number of on service creation with QOS. Recently, the IEEE
important innovations are creating a paradigm shift in Project 1520 [9] on Programmable Interfaces for
networking leading to higher levels of network Networks is pursuing the Opensig approach in an
programmability. This leads us to the conclusion that attempt to standardize programming interfaces for
the ultimate challenge facing the programmable ATM switches, IP routers and mobile
networking community is the development of telecommunications networks. Physical network
programmable virtual networking environments. devices are abstracted as distributed computing
objects (e.g. virtual switches [15], switchlets [33],
and virtual base stations [6]) with well-defined open
programmable interfaces. These open interfaces been focused on IP networks, where the control and
allow service providers to manipulate the states of the data paths are combined.
network using middleware toolkits (e.g., CORBA) in
order to construct and manage new network services. 3. PROGRAMMABLE NETWORKING MODEL
The AN community advocates the dynamic 3.1 Communications and Computation
deployment of new services at runtime mainly within A programmable network is distinguished from any
the confines of existing IP networks. The level of other networking environment by the fact that it can
dynamic runtime support for new services goes far be programmed from a minimal set of APIs from
beyond that proposed by the Opensig community, which one can ideally compose an infinite spectrum
especially when one considers the dispatch, execution of higher level services. We present a generalized
and forwarding of packets based on the notion of model for programmable networks as a three-
“active packets”. In one extreme case of active dimensional model illustrated in Figure 1. This model
networking, “capsules” [42] comprise executable shows the Internet reference model (viz. application,
programs, consisting of code (for example Java code) transport, network, link layers) augmented with
and data. In active networks, code mobility represents 1
transport , control and management planes. The
the main vehicle for program delivery, control and division between transport, control and management
service construction. The granularity of control can allows our model to be generally applicable to
range from the packet and flow levels through the telecommunications and Internet technologies. The
installation of completely new switchware [3]. The notion of the separation between transport, control
term ‘granularity of control’ [12] refers to the scope and management is evident in architectures. In the
of switch/router behavior that can be modified by a case of Internet there is a single data path but clearly
received packet. At one extreme, a single packet one can visualize transport (e.g., video packets),
could boot a complete software environment seen by control (e.g., RSVP) and management (e.g., SMNP)
all packets arriving at the node. At the other extreme, mechanisms. In the case of telecommunication
a single packet (e.g., a capsule) can modify the networks there is typically support in the architecture
behavior seen only by that packet. Active networks for transport, control and management functions.
allow the customization of network services at packet This division is motivated by the different ways these
transport granularity, rather than through a networking functions utilize the underlying hardware
programmable control plane. Active networks offer and by the distinct time scales over which they
maximum flexibility in support of service creation operate. In both cases, the planes of our generalized
but with the cost of adding more complexity to the model remain neutral supporting the design space of
programming model. The AN approach is, however, different networking technologies.
an order of magnitude more dynamic than Opensig’s
quasi-static network programming interfaces. The programmability of network services is achieved
by introducing computation inside the network,
Both communities share the common goal to go beyond the extent of the computation performed in
beyond existing approaches and technologies for existing routers and switches. To distinguish the
construction, deployment and management of new notion of a “programmable network architecture”
services in telecommunication networks. Both from a “network architecture”, we have extended the
movements include a broad spectrum of projects with communication model and augmented it with a
diverse architectural approaches. For example, few computation model, explicitly acknowledging the
AN projects consider every packet to be an active programmability of network architectures. We can
capsule and similarly few Opensig projects consider view the generalized model for programmable
programmable network interfaces to be static. The networks as comprising conventional communication,
Opensig approach, however, clearly separates encompassing the transport, control and management
network control from information transport and is
primarily focused on programmable switches that
provide some level of QOS support. In contrast, 1
In this case planes collectively represent cross-layer services
projects under the AN umbrella have historically and protocols.
planes, and computation as well, as illustrated in network architectures. The lower set of interfaces
Figure 1. Collectively, the computation and represents the node interfaces between node kernels
communication models make up a programmable and network programming environments. We believe
network. The computation model provides that there needs to be some agreement or
programmable support across the transport, control standardization of these interfaces to allow platform-
and management planes, allowing a network architect independent network programming. This is likely to
to program individual layers (viz. application, happen through a number of forums, e.g., IEEE
transport, network and link layers) in these planes. Programmable Interfaces for Networks [9], DARPA
Another view is that programmable support is Active Networks [20], Multiservice Switching Forum
delivered to the transport, control and management [38], OPENSIG [39] and IETF (e.g., the new work
planes through the computation model. item on GSMP) or by the emerging new
programmable network industries [48] [19].

n Research on programmable networks is focused on
ion ica l
tat l un all facets of this model. Different programming
mp od
e m de
co m m mo
co methodologies, levels of programmability, and
management plane

communication technologies have been investigated.

application layer
control plane

Some projects, especially from the Opensig

transport plane

community have placed more emphasis on API

transport layer definitions. Others focus on issues related to code
mobility or contribute to the application domain.
network layer Dynamic “plug-ins” have been investigated for the
construction or potential extension of new protocols
link layer or applications. In what follows, we provide a more
detailed overview of the components in our
generalized model. It is our belief that independent
Figure 1: Computation and Communication Models contributions to the field are beginning to converge
and it is our intention to indicate this convergence by
In Figure 2, an alternative view of the generalized way of survey.
model is shown. The key components of the
computation model are represented as a distributed 3.2 Node Kernel
network programming environment and a set of Many node vendors incorporate operating system
“node kernels”2. Node kernels are node operating support into their switches and routers to handle
systems realizing resource management. Node kernels communication functions of network nodes, e.g.
have local significance only, that is, they manage CISCO routers use the IOS environment and ATML
single node resources, potentially shared by multiple ATM switches use the ATMOS micro-kernel.
programmable network architectures. The network Typically, these node operating systems support a
programming environment provides middleware variety of communications activities, e.g., signaling,
support to distributed network programming services. control and management processes, inter-process
Figure 2 illustrates the separation of switching communication, forwarding functions, and
hardware from programming and communication downloading of new boot images. Currently, these
software. Two sets of interfaces are exposed. The node operating systems are closed to third party
first set of interfaces represents the network providers because of their proprietary nature, and
programming interfaces between network they are limited in their support for evolving network
programming environments and programmable programming environments. While the idea of
introducing computation power into nodes is not new,
there is a greater need for computation elements to
We borrow the term node kernel from the work on NodeOS
abstract node functionality and allow it to be open
[40] and broadband kernels [30] by the active networking and
Opensig communities, respectively. and programmable. The computation
communication programmable network architecture network

network programming environment

node kernel node kernel

node HW node HW

Figure 2: Generalized Model for Programmable Networks

model, introduced in the previous section, enables the application domains. Network programming
programmability of the communication model and environments operate over a set of well-defined node
requires low-level programmable support for kernel interfaces offering distributed toolkits for the
communication abstractions (e.g., packets, flows, realization of programmable network architectures
tunnels, virtual paths), dynamic resource partitioning through the deployment of distributed service
and security considerations. components. In this sense, one can view network-
programming environments as the “middleware glue”
We describe this low-level programming environment
between executing network architectures and the node
that runs on switch/routers as the node kernel. The
kernels themselves, as illustrated in Figure 2.
node kernel represents the lowest level of
Network programming environments provide network
programmability, providing a small set of node
architect/designers with the necessary environment
interfaces. These interfaces support the manipulation
and tools for building distinct network architectures
of the node state (e.g., accessing and controlling the
that run in a distributed fashion on multiple node
node resources) and the invocation of communication
kernels. In this sense network programming
services (e.g. communication abstractions and
environments support the programming of network
security). The node kernel is responsible for sharing
architectures in the same way that software
node computational (e.g., sharing the CPU) and
development kits (SDKs) allow developers to build
communication resources, (e.g., partitioning the
new applications that run on native operating
capacity of a multiplexer), as well supporting core
security services. A node kernel may operate on any
type of network node, end-system or device, for This “middleware glue” can be constructed from
example, IP router, ATM switch, or base station. It scratch or be built on top of well-defined distributed
may also provide access to dedicated hardware object computing environments. For example, the
offering fast packet processing services to network xbind [15] and mobiware [6] toolkits address
programming environments. A node kernel has local programmability of broadband and mobile networks,
significance only, providing the network respectively, and are built using COBRA middleware
programming environment with a set of low-level technology. Other approaches use mobile code
programming interfaces, that are used by network technology and virtual machines to dynamically
architects to program network architectures in a program the network. For example, the Active
systematic manner. Network Transport System (ANTS) incorporates
capsule technology [45], leveraging the Java Virtual
3.3 Network Programming Environment Machine for new protocol deployment. Both
Network programming environments support the approaches result in toolkits that execute on node
construction of networks, enabling the dynamic kernels offering a high level of programmability for
deployment of network services and protocols. service creation and deployment of distinct network
Network programming environments support architectures.
different levels of programmability, programming Network programming environments offer a set of
methodologies, networking technologies and open interfaces and services to network
designers/architects to program distinct network • multiple time scales, which impact and influence
architectures. Network programming environments the design of the network algorithms; and
support the construction of network architectures
• network state management, which includes the
through service composition, service control, and
state that the network algorithms operate on (e.g.,
resource and state management. Services offered by
switching, routing, QOS state) to support
network programming environments can range from
consistent services.
simple Remote Procedure Calling (RPC) between
distributed network objects to sophisticated dynamic Network programming environments offer creation
loading of mobile code and fast compilation of and deployment tools and mechanisms that allow
intermediate machine-independent representation. network architects to program and build new network
Different types of network programming architectures. Programmable network architectures
environments offer different levels of are realized through the deployment of a set of
programmability to network architectures. For network algorithms that take into account network
example, mobile code technologies offer the most state and reflect the time scales over which these
radical solution to the development of services in algorithms operate. Network algorithms are
programmable networks when compared to RPC- potentially as diverse as the application base that
based object middleware. We identify the ‘level of exists in the end-systems today. Programmable
programmability’ as an important characteristic of network architectures may range from simple best-
programmable networks. effort forwarding architectures to complex mobile
protocols that respond dynamically to changes in
3.4 Programmable Network Architecture wireless QOS and connectivity. Given this diversity,
The goal of network programming environments is to it is necessary that both network programming
provide the necessary support to dynamically environments and node kernels are extensible and
program new network architectures. Network programmable to support a large variety of
programming environments do not offer core network programmable network architectures.
algorithms (e.g., routing, signaling) that define and
differentiate network architecture in the same way 4. PROGRAMMABLE NETWORKS
that operating systems do not embed application Following on from the discussion of the generalized
specific algorithms in the kernel. Rather, a network model for programmable networks, we now survey a
programming environment offers a set of network number of programmable networking projects that
programming interfaces for constructing network have emerged in the literature. We attempt to identify
architectures. Philosophically this is similar to essential contributions of the various projects to the
constructing new applications using software field in terms of a set of characteristics. The survey is
development kits. However in this case the not intended to represent an exhaustive review of the
application is the network architecture. field4. Rather, we discuss a set of projects that are
representative of each programmable network
We broadly define network architecture as having the
characteristic introduced, focusing on the pertinent
following attributes3:
and novel features of each project and then, in
• network services, which the network architecture Section 5, we compare them to the generalized model
realizes as a set of distributed network algorithms introduced in the preceding section.
and offers to the end systems;
4.1 Characteristics
• network algorithms, which includes transport,
signaling/control and management mechanisms; A number of research groups are actively designing
and developing programmable network prototypes.
Each group tends to use its own terminology.
This is of course an over simplification of a complex system. However, on examination one can observe a common
Our goal here is to be illustrative in support of the
generalized model and not definitive regarding a definition of
network architecture. 4
For a survey on active networks see [43].
set of characteristics that govern the construction of in an attempt to overcome particular deficiencies
these programmable networks. We use these associated with supporting communication services.
characteristics to better understand the field:
4.2.1 IP networks: Smart Packets
• networking technology, which implicitly limits
the programmability that can be delivered to The University of Kansas has developed smart
higher levels. For example, some technologies are packets, a code-based specialized packet concept
more QOS programmable (e.g., ATM), scalable implemented in a programmable IP environment [29].
(e.g., Internet) or limited in bandwidth Smart packets represent elements of in-band or out-
availability (e.g., mobile networks); of-band mobile code based on Java classes. Smart
packets propagate state information in the form of
• level of programmability, which indicates the serialized objects and carry identifiers for
method, granularity and time scale over which authentication purposes. An active node architecture
new services can be introduced into the network supports smart packets by exposing a set of resource
infrastructure. This in turn is strongly related to abstractions and primitives made accessible to smart
language support, programming methodology or packets. Active nodes incorporate:
middleware adopted. For example, distributed
object technology can be based on RPC [46] or • resource controllers, which provide interfaces to
mobile code [45] methodologies resulting in node resources;
quasi-static or dynamically composed network • node managers, which impose static limits on
programming interfaces; resource usage; and
• programmable communications abstractions, • state managers, which control the amount of
which indicate the level of virtualization and information smart packets may leave behind at an
programmability of networking infrastructure active node.
requiring different middleware and potentially
The active node supports a feedback-scheduling
network node support (e.g., switch/router, base
algorithm to allow partitioning of CPU cycles among
station). For example, programmable
competing tasks and a credit-based flow-control
communications abstractions include virtual
mechanism to regulate bandwidth usage. Each smart
switches [30], switchlets [33], active nodes [40],
packet is allocated a single thread of CPU and some
universal mobile channels [32] and virtual active
amount of node resources. Active nodes also include
networks [21]; and
router managers that support both default routing
• architectural domain, which indicates the schemes and alternative routing methods carried by
targeted architectural or application domain (e.g., smart packets. The smart packets testbed has been
signaling, management, transport). This used to program enhanced HTTP and SMTP services
potentially dictates certain design choices and that show some performance benefits over
impacts the construction of architectures, and conventional HTTP and SMTP by reducing
services offered, calling for a wide range of excessive ACK/NAK responses in the protocols. A
middleware support. Examples include, beacon routing scheme supports the use of multiple
composing application services [4], routing algorithms within a common physical IP
programmable QOS control [30] and network network based on smart packets.
management [41]).
4.2.2 ATM Networks: xbind
4.2 Networking Technology ATM technology provides connection-oriented
A number of programmable network prototypes have communications and has been tailored towards QOS
been targeted to specific networking technologies. provisioning of multimedia networks. Although
The motivation behind these projects is to make the essential features of QOS provisioning, such as
targeted networking technology more programmable admission control and resource reservation, are
inherently supported by the ATM technology, its
signaling component is unsuitable for practical usage • mobile soft-state, which provides mobile devices
due to its significant complexity. xbind [15] with the capability to respond to time varying
overcomes these service creation limitations by QOS through a periodic reservation and
separating control algorithms from the renegotiation process; and
telecommunications hardware. Emphasis is placed on
• flow bundling, which supports fast handoff in
the development of interfaces to provide open access
cellular access networks.
to node resources and functions, using virtual switch
and virtual link abstractions. The interfaces are The mobiware testbed supports a variety of scalable
designed to support the programmability of the audio and video services to mobile devices in addition
management and control planes in ATM networks. to traditional web based data services.
The xbind broadband kernel [47], which is based on 4.3 Level of Programmability
the XRM model [15], incorporates three network
models abstracting a broadband network, multimedia The level of programmability expresses the
network and service network. The multimedia granularity at which new services can be introduced
network supports programmable network into the network infrastructure. One can consider a
management, network control, state management, spectrum of possible choices from highly dynamic to
connection management and media stream control. more conservative levels of programmability. At one
The xbind testbed incorporates multivendor ATM end of this spectrum, capsules [42] carry code and
switches using open signaling and service creation to data enabling the uncoordinated deployment of
support a variety of broadband services, transport protocols. Capsules represent the most dynamic
and signaling systems with QOS guarantees. means of code and service deployment into the
network. At the other end of the spectrum there are
4.2.3 Mobile Networks: Mobiware more conservative approaches to network
programmability based on quasi-static network
Mobiware [6] is a software-intensive open
programming interfaces using RPCs between
programmable mobile architecture extending the
distributed controllers [46] to deploy new services.
xbind model of programmability to packet based
Between the two extremes lie a number of other
mobile networks for the delivery of adaptive mobile
methodologies combining dynamic plug-ins, active
services over time-varying wireless links. Mobiware
messaging and RPC. Different approaches have a
incorporates object-based, CORBA programmability
direct bearing on the speed, flexibility, safety,
for the control plane but also allows active transport
security and performance at which new services can
objects (i.e., code plug-ins) based on Java byte code
be introduced into the infrastructure.
to be loaded into the data path. At the transport
layer, an active transport environment injects 4.3.1 Capsules: ANTS
algorithms into base stations providing value-added
service support at strategic points inside the network. ANTS [45], developed at MIT, enables the
At the network layer, a set of distributed objects that uncoordinated deployment of multiple communication
run on mobile devices, access points and mobile- protocols in active networks providing a set of core
capable switches, interact with each other to support services including support for the transportation of
programmable handoff control and different styles of mobile code, loading of code on demand and caching
QOS adaptation. The MAC layer has also been made techniques. These core services allow network
programmable. architects to introduce or extend existing network
protocols. ANTS provides a network programming
The following mobile services have been programmed environment for building new capsule-based
using the mobiware toolkit [37]: programmable network architectures. Examples of
• QOS-controlled handoff, which supports such programmed network services include enhanced
automatic media scaling and error control based multicast services, mobile IP routing and application-
on an adaptive-QOS API and wireless channel level filtering. The ANTS capsule-driven execution
conditions; model provides a foundation for maximum network
programmability in comparison to other API which may represent major releases of switch code,
approaches. Capsules serve as atomic units of and more lightweight security checks on active
network programmability supporting processing and packets. This approach allows the network architect
forwarding interfaces. Incorporated features include to balance security concerns against performance
node access, capsule manipulation, control operations requirements. The security model of Switchware
and soft-state storage services on IP routers. Active considers public, authenticated and verified facilities.
nodes execute capsules and forwarding routines,
maintain local state and support code distribution 4.3.3 Composition Languages: CANEs
services for automating the deployment of new Capsules, active messages and active extensions
services. The ANTS toolkit also supports capsule promote the creation of new services through the
processing quanta as a metric for node resource composition of new building blocks or by adding
management. components to existing services. The CANEs project
led by researchers at University of Kentucky and
4.3.2 Active Extensions: Switchware Georgia Tech. aim to define and apply service
Switchware [3], being developed at University of composition rules as a general model for network
Pennsylvania, attempts to balance the flexibility of a programmability [14]. A composition method is used
programmable network against the safety and to construct composite network services from
security requirements needed in a shared components. A composition method is specified as a
infrastructure such as the Internet. The Switchware programming language with enhanced language
toolkit allows the network architects to trade-off capabilities that operates on components to construct
flexibility, safety, security, performance and usability programmable network services. Attributes of a good
when programming secure network architectures. At composition method include high performance,
the operating system level, an active IP-router scalability, security and ease of management.
component is responsible for providing a secure Features of well-structured composition methods
foundation that guarantees system integrity. Active combine:
extensions can be dynamically loaded into secure
• control on the sequence in which components are
active routers through a set of security mechanisms
that include encryption, authentication and program
verification. The correct behavior of active extensions • control on shared data among components;
can be verified off-line by applying ‘heavyweight’
• binding times, which comprise composite
methods, since the deployment of such extensions is
creation and execution times;
done over slow time scales.
Active extensions provide interfaces for more • invocation methods, which are defined as events
dynamic network programming using active packets. that cause a composite to be executed; and
Active packets can roam and customize the network • division of functionality among multiple
in a similar way as capsules do. Active packets are components, which may either reside at an active
written in functional languages (e.g., Caml and node or be carried by packets.
PLAN [28]) and carry lightweight programs that
PLAN, ANTS and Netscript [21] (described in
invoke node-resident service routines supported by
Section 4.4.2) are examples of composition methods.
active extensions. There is much less requirement for
LIANE is proposed within the CANEs project as a
testing and verification in the case of active packets
composition method that incorporates all the
than for active extensions, given the confidence that
aforementioned features. The key idea of LIANE is
lower level security checks have already been applied
that services are composed from basic underlying
to active extensions. Active packets cannot explicitly
programs that contain processing slots. Users insert
leave state behind at nodes and they can access state
programs for customization in these slots. The
only through clearly defined interfaces furnished by
CANEs definition of service composition
active extension software. Switchware applies
encompasses the Opensig approach to network
heavyweight security checks on active extensions,
programmability indicating how different approaches
to programmable networking complement each other framework. NodeOS provides node kernel interfaces
by addressing the same goal from different at routers utilized by multiple execution
perspectives. environments, which support communication
abstractions such as threads, channels and flows.
4.3.4 Network APIs: xbind Development of an execution environment is a
The xbind broadband kernel is based on a binding nontrivial task and it is anticipated [12] that the total
architecture and a collection of node interfaces number of execution environments will not be large.
referred to as Binding Interface Base (BIB) [2]. The Encapsulation techniques based on an active network
BIB provides abstractions to the node state and encapsulation protocol (ANEP) [5] support the
network resources. Binding algorithms run on top of deployment of multiple execution environments
the BIB and bind QOS requirements to network within a single active node. ANEP defines an
resources via abstractions. The BIB is designed to encapsulation format allowing packets to be routed
support service creation through high-level through multiple execution environments coexisting
programming languages. The interfaces are static on the same physical nodes. Portability of execution
while supporting universal programmability. The environments across different types of physical nodes
quasi-static nature of the BIB interfaces, allow for is accomplished by the NodeOS, by exposing a
complete testing and verification of the correctness of common, standard interface. This interface defines
new functions, on emulation platforms, before any four programmable node abstractions: threads,
service is deployed. The concept of active packets or memory, channels and flows. Threads, memory and
capsules containing both programs and user data is channels abstract computation, storage, and
not considered in the xbind approach to communication capacity used by execution
programmability. Rather, communication is environments, whereas flows abstract user data-paths
performed using RPCs between distributed objects with security, authentication and admission control
and controllers based on OMG’s CORBA. The facilities. An execution environment uses the NodeOS
approach taken by xbind promotes interoperability interface to create threads and associate channels
between multi-vendor switch market supporting with flows. The NodeOS supports QOS using
resource sharing and partitioning in a controlled scheduling mechanisms that regulate the access to
manner. node computation and communication resources. The
architectural framework for active networking is
4.4 Programmable Communications being implemented in the ABONE testbed [1]
Abstractions allowing researchers to prototype new active
Abstractions and partitioning of resources are architectures.
essential concepts in programmable networking.
Programmable communications abstractions may 4.4.2 Virtual Active Networks: Netscript
range from node resources to complete programmable The Netscript project [49] at Columbia University
virtual networks. Other programmable takes a functional language-based approach to
communications abstractions include programmable capture network programmability using universal
virtual routers, virtual links and mobile channels. language abstractions. Netscript is a strongly typed
Abstracting the network infrastructure through language that creates universal abstractions for
virtualization and making it programmable is a major programming network node functions. Unlike other
contribution of the field that encompasses a number active network projects that take a language-based
of different projects. approach Netscript is being developed to support
Virtual Active Networks as a programmable
4.4.1 Active Node Abstractions: NodeOS abstraction. Virtual Active Network [21] abstractions
Members of the DARPA active network program can be systematically composed, provisioned and
[20] are developing an architectural framework for managed. In addition, Netscript automates
active networking [11]. A node operating system management through language extensions that
called NodeOS [40] represents the lowest level of the generate MIBs. Netscript leverages earlier work on
decentralized management and agent technologies
that automatically correlate and analyze the behavior 4.5.1 Application-Level: Active Services
monitored by active MIB elements. A distinguishing In contrast to the main body of research in active
feature of Netscript is that it seeks to provide a networking, Amir et al. [4] call for the preservation
universal language for active networks in a manner of all routing and forwarding semantics of the
that is analogous to postscript. Just as postscript Internet architecture by restricting the computation
captures the programmability of printer engines, model to the application layer. The Active Services
Netscript captures the programmability of network version 1 (AS1) programmable service architecture
node functions. Netscript communication abstractions enables clients to download and run service agents at
include collections of nodes and virtual links that strategic locations inside the network. Service agents
constitute virtual active networks. called “servents” are restricted from manipulating
routing tables and forwarding functions that would
4.4.3 Virtual ATM Networks: Tempest
contravene the IP-layer integrity. The AS1
The Tempest project at the University of Cambridge architecture contains a number of architectural
[34] has investigated the deployment of multiple components:
coexisting control architectures in broadband ATM
environments. Novel technological approaches • a service environment, which defines a
include the usage of software mobile agents to programming model and a set of interfaces
customize network control and the consideration of available to servents;
control architectures dedicated to a single service. • a service-location facility, which allows clients to
Tempest supports two levels of programmability and ‘rendezvous’ with the AS1 environment by
abstraction. First, switchlets, which are logical obtaining bootstrapping and configuration
network elements that result from the partition of mechanisms to instantiate servents5;
ATM switch resources, allow the introduction of
alternative control architectures into an operational • a service management system, which allocates
network. Second, services can be refined by clusters of resources to servents using admission
dynamically loading programs that customize control and load balancing of servents under
existing control architectures. Resources in an ATM high-load conditions;
network can be divided by using two software • a service control system, which provides dynamic
components: a switch control interface called ariel client control of servents once instantiated within
and a resource divider called prospero. Prospero an AS1 architecture;
communicates with an ariel server on an ATM
switch, partitions the resources and exports a • a service attachment facility, which provides
separate control interface for each switchlet created. mechanisms for clients that can not interact
A network builder creates, modifies and maintains directly with the AS1 environment through soft-
control architectures. state gateways; and

4.5 Architectural Domains • a service composition mechanism, which allows

clients to contact multiple service clusters and
Most programmable network projects are related to interconnect servents running within and across
the introduction of services into networks. However, clusters.
most projects are targeted to a particular
architectural domain (e.g., QOS control, signaling, The AS1 architecture is programmable at the
management, transport and applications). In what application layer supporting a range of application
follows we discuss three projects that address the
application, resource management and network 5
Servents are launched into the network by an active service
management domains. control protocol (ASCP), which includes an announce-listen
protocol for servers to manage session state consistency, soft-
state to manage expiration due to timeouts and multicast
damping to avoid flooding the environment with excessive
domains. In [4], the MeGa architecture is 4.5.3 Network Management: Smart Packets
programmed using AS1 to support an active media The Smart Packets Project [41] (not to be confused
gateway service. In this case, servents provide with University of Kansas smart packets) at BBN
support for application-level rate control and aims to improve the performance of large and
transcoding techniques. complex networks by leveraging active networking
technology. Smart Packets are used to move
4.5.2 Resource Management: Darwin
management decision making points closer to the
The Darwin Project [17] at Carnegie Mellon nodes being managed, target specific aspects of the
University is developing a middleware environment node for management and abstract management
for the next generation IP networks with the goal of concepts to language constructs. Management centers
offering Internet users a platform for value-added and can send programs to managed nodes. Thus the
customizable services. The Darwin project is focused management process can be tailored to the specific
toward customizable resource management that interests of the management center reducing the
supports QOS. Architecturally, the Darwin amount of back traffic and data requiring
framework includes Xena, a service broker that maps examination. A smart packet consists of a header and
user requirements to a set of local resources, resource payload encapsulated using ANEP [5]. Smart packets
managers that communicate with Xena using the may carry programs to be executed, results from
Beagle signaling protocol, and hierarchical execution, informational messages or reports on error
scheduling disciplines based on service profiles. The conditions. Smart Packets are written in two
Xena architecture takes the view that the IP programming languages:
forwarding and routing functions should be left in
tact and only allows restricted use of active packet • sprocket, which is a high-level C-like, language
technology in the system. with security threatening constructs, and

Alongside the IP stack, Darwin introduces a control • spanner, which is a low-level assembly-like
plane that builds on similar concepts such as those language, that can result in tighter, optimized
leveraged by broadband kernels [30] and active code.
services [4]. The Xena architecture is made Sprocket programs are compiled into spanner code,
programmable and incorporates active technologies which in turn is assembled into a machine-
in a restricted fashion. A set of service delegates independent binary encoding placed into smart
provides support for active packets. Delegates can be packets. Meaningful programs perform networking
dynamically injected into IP routers or servers to functions and MIB information retrieval.
support application specific processing (e.g.,
sophisticated semantic dropping) and value-added 5. DISCUSSION
services (e.g., transcoders). A distinguishing feature We have introduced a set of characteristics and a
of the Darwin architectural approach is that generalized model for programmable networks to
mechanisms can be customized according to user help understand and differentiate the diverse set of
specific service needs defined by space, organization programmable network projects discussed in this
and time constraints. While these architectural paper. In what follows we provide a brief comparison
mechanisms are most effective when they work in of these projects and other work in the field.
unison each mechanism can also be combined with
traditional QOS architecture components. For 5.1 Comparison
example, the Beagle signaling system could be
In this section we present a simple qualitative
programmed to support RSVP signaling for resource
comparison of the programmable networks surveyed
reservation, while the Xena resource brokers and
in Section 4. Table 1 presents the comparison with
hierarchical schedulers could support traffic control.
respect to the characteristics and generalized model
for programmable networks presented in Section 3
and 4, respectively.
5.2 Open Programmable Interfaces graft new APIs onto routers at runtime. The xbind
The use of open programmable network interfaces is approach lacks this dynamic nature at the cost of a
evident in many programmable network projects simplified programming environment. Other projects
discussed in this survey. Open interfaces provide a adopt hybrid approaches. For example the mobiware
foundation for service programming and the toolkit combines the static APIs with the dynamic
introduction of new network architectures. introduction of Java service plug-ins when needed
[7]. A clear movement of the field is to open up the
The xbind broadband kernel supports a networks and present APIs for programming new
comprehensive Binding Interface Base using architectures, services and protocols. As we discuss
CORBA/IDL to abstract network ATM devices, state in the next section the field is arguing that the
and control. A number of other projects focussed on switches, routers and base stations should open up
programming IP networks (e.g., ANTS, Switchware, ultimately calling for open APIs everywhere.
CANEs) promote the use of open APIs that abstract
node primitives, enabling network programmability 5.3 Virtualization and Resource Partitioning
and the composition of new services. Many network Many projects use virtualization techniques to
programming environments shown in Table 1 take support the programmability of different types of
fundamentally different approaches to providing open communication abstractions. The Tempest
interfaces for service composition. The programming framework [33] presents a good example of the use
methodology adopted (e.g., distributed object of virtualization of the network infrastructure. Low-
technology based on RPC, mobile code or hybrid level physical switch interfaces are abstracted
approaches) has a significant impact on an creating sets of interfaces to switch partitions called
architecture’s level of programmability; that is, the switchlets. Switchlets allow multiple control
granularity, time scales and complexity incurred architectures to coexist and share the same physical
when introducing new APIs and algorithms into the switch resources (e.g., capacity, switching tables,
network. name space, etc.). Typically, abstractions found in
Two counter proposals include the xbind and ANTS programmable networks are paired with safe resource
APIs. While the ANTS approach to the deployment partitioning strategies that enable multiple services,
of new APIs in extremely flexible presenting a highly protocols and different programmable networking
dynamic programming methodology it represents a architectures to coexist. Virtualization of the network
complex programming model in comparison to the in this manner presents new levels of innovation in
simple RPC model. In contrast, the xbind binding programmable networks that have not been
interfaces and programming paradigm is based on a considered before. All types of network components
set of CORBA IDL and RPC mechanisms. In can be virtualized and made programmable from
comparison to capsule-based programmability the switches and links [15] to switchlets [33], active
xbind approach is rather static in nature and the nodes [40], routelets [13] and virtual networks [21],
programming model less complex. These approaches [34], [13].
represent two extremes of network programmability. The NodeOS interface [40] provides a similar
One could argue that quasi-static APIs based on RPC abstraction to node resources. The use of open
is a limited and restrictive approach. A counter interfaces allows multiple network programming
argument is that the process of introducing and environments (or execution environments using active
managing APIs is less complex than the capsule- networking terminology) to coexist within a common
based programming paradigm, representing a more physical node architecture. In this case, the ANEP [5]
manageable mechanism for service composition and protocol provides encapsulation as a mechanism for
service control. Similarly one could argue that active delivering packets to distinct execution environments.
message and capsule-based technologies are more
‘open’ because of the inherent flexibility of their
network programming models given that capsules can
Table 1: Comparison of Programmable Networks
Using encapsulation in this manner allows for creation, deployment and management of distinct
different overlay execution environments (e.g., network architectures “on-the-fly”. The term
ANTS, Switchware, or Netscript) to execute on the “spawning” finds a parallel with an operating system
same router using a single, common node kernel. The spawning a child process, typically operating over the
notion of virtualization is not a new concept, same hardware. We envision programmable networks
however. Similar motivation in the Internet as having the capability to spawn not processes but
community has led to the advent of the Mbone. New complex network architectures [31]. The enabling
directions in the virtualization of the Internet have technology behind spawning is the Genesis Kernel
prompted the proposal for X-bone [44], shown in [13], a virtual network operating system that
Table 1, which will provide a network programming represents a next-generation approach to the
environment capable of dynamically deploying development of network programming environments.
overlay networks. As Table 1 illustrates, other A key capability of Genesis is its ability to support a
projects such as Supranet [23] advocate tunneling virtual network life cycle process for the creation and
and encapsulation techniques for the separation and deployment of virtual networks through:
privacy among coexisting, collaborative
environments. • profiling, which captures the “blueprint” of a
virtual network architecture in terms of a
5.4 Programmable Virtual Networking comprehensive profiling script;
The dynamic composition and deployment of new • spawning, which executes the profiling script
services can be extended to include the composition to set-up network topology, and address space
of complete network architectures as virtual and bind transport control and management
networks. The Netscript project [49] supports the objects into the physical infrastructure; and
notion of Virtual Active Networks [21] over IP • management, which supports virtual network
networks. Virtual network engines interconnect sets architecting and resource management.
of virtual nodes and virtual links to form virtual
Virtual networks, spawned by the Genesis Kernel
active networks. The Tempest framework [34]
operate in isolation with their traffic being carried
supports the notion of virtual networks using safe
securely and independently from other networks.
partitioning over ATM hardware. Tempest offers two
Furthermore, “child” networks, created through
levels of programmability. First, network control
spawning by “parent” networks inherit architectural
architectures can be introduced over long time scales
components from their parent networks, including life
through a ‘heavyweight’ deployment process.
cycle support. Thus a child virtual network can be a
Second, ‘lightweight’ application-specific
parent (i.e., provider) to its own child networks,
customization of established control architectures
creating a notion of “nested virtual networks” within
take place over faster time scales. The abstraction of
a virtual network.
physical switch partitions within the Tempest
framework has led to the implementation of multiple 6. CONCLUSION
coexisting control architectures. The Tempest
In this paper, we have discussed the state-of-the-art
strategy aims to address QOS through connection-
in programmable networks. We have presented a set
oriented ATM technology and investigates physical
of characteristics and generalized model for
resource sharing techniques between alternative
programmable networks, which has allowed us to
control architectures. Both Darwin [17] and Netscript
better understand the relationship between the
[49] projects support the notion of sharing the
existing body of work on programmable networking.
underlying physical infrastructure in a customized
The generalized model comprises communication and
way as well. As discussed in the previous section, the
computation models. By “grafting” a computation
NodeOS [40] project also provides facilities for
model to the communication model a network
coexisting execution environments.
architecture can be made programmable. The
5.5 Spawning Networks generalized model includes node kernels to manage
network node resources, and network programming
In [13] we describe spawning networks, a new class
of programmable networks that automate the
environments that provide tools for programming 8. REFERENCES
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