Monthly Electricity Billing With Bill SMS Using Pic
Monthly Electricity Billing With Bill SMS Using Pic
Monthly Electricity Billing With Bill SMS Using Pic
Dept of Electrical and Electronics Dept of Electrical and Electronics Dept of Electrical and Electronics
Engineering Engineering Engineering
Bannari Amman Institute of Bannari Amman Institute of Bannari Amman Institute of
Technology Technology Technology
Sathyamangalam, Erode Sathyamangalam, Erode Sathyamangalam, Erode
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
Automated and smart metres are tools that In recent years, the usage of microcontrollers and the
can track the power users' energy usage in real-time. Internet of Things (IoT) in power billing systems has
They are regarded as important technological grown in popularity. The ATmega microcontroller is
enablers of the smart grid because the real-time one such device and is a well-liked option for usage in
consumption data they can gather allows for the power billing systems because to its low cost,
creation of novel, complex charging systems. It could adaptability, and simplicity. Using IoT and Atmega,
enable more effective operation of the power the idea of monthly power billing entails collecting
distribution system and might result in a number of and processing data from electricity metres using
value-added services. Utilizing power monitoring sensors and microcontrollers. The information is then
techniques enables power monitoring systems to analysed and utilised to create billing information for
receive information remotely, in relation to clients after being transferred through the internet to a
coordinates, and at certain times. This project's central server. Real-time monitoring and billing,
major goal is to alert consumers to electricity theft. increased accuracy, and a decrease in billing mistakes
Through embedded technology, it persists. This are all benefits of implementing IoT and Atmega in
system is able to measure both the power transmitted power billing systems. With the use of this technology,
over the load and the power used by the load over utilities may also give consumers more thorough
time. IOT is used to monitor parameters. This method billing details, such as usage trends, peak usage
will notify the user of the payment via the user. if the periods, and other information that can be used to
customer fails to pay the invoice. Automated and assist customers better control their energy usage. The
smart meters are tools that can track the power users' effective and correct administration of power billing is
energy usage in real-time. They are regarded as crucial to the efficiency of the whole electricity supply
important technological enablers of the smart grid chain. Electricity bills are still often mailed out, and
because the real-time consumption data they can clients must visit a payment location to make their
gather allows for the creation of novel, complex payments. This takes a lot of time and may lead to
charging systems. It could enable more effective missing or late payments. In this study, we suggest a
operation of the power distribution system and might PIC microcontroller-based system for sending SMS
result in a number of value-added services. alerts of monthly power bills. Customers receive real-
Customers may examine their monthly power bill on time billing information from the system, which
an LCD display and by mobile SMS. IOT allows for decreases the need for manual bill payment and boosts
the graphical display of daily consumption. The user the efficiency and accuracy of invoicing. The project
may be informed to pay the cost of the power. offers a system that enables readings of the amount of
Utilizing power monitoring techniques enables power spent in units and the maximum amount of
power monitoring systems to receive information current a user may use to prevent electricity theft. Our
remotely, in relation to coordinates, and at certain device displays power readings on an LCD panel and
times. may SMS the user with this data and the cost. This
eliminates any possibility of bill manipulation by
Keywords:--Transformer,ATMEGA328p, providing the user with information about his precise
ESP8266(IOT), CurrentSensor. power units utilized and cost directly from his meter.
The project enables a bidirectional reading. One is on
© 2023, IRJEdT Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | March-2023
an LCD screen, while the second is by SMS. The microcontroller increased bill computation precision
ATMEGA328p family of PICs is connected to IOT as and decreased billing mistakes.
part of our project. The technology determines the unit
usage while continually tracking electrical pulses. IV. METHODOLOGY
III. LITERATURE REVIEW This system for displaying monthly electricity bills
includes bill SMS functionality and is powered by a
[01] Through the IR sensor unit, this device gauges Pic ATMEGA328p chip. The message can be sent via
power usage. The ARM processor will detect the unit WhatsApp in addition to mobile. Current Sensor is
pulse after obtaining the power consumption. The unit used to determine current use. Additionally, it sends
will then be translated to our currency using through the server to the ATMega the values that were
government tariff values and displayed on the LCD saved and sent to the ESP8266p WiFi Module. For
screen for a specific user. It is a time-consuming and demonstrational reasons, we will attach a lightbulb to
complex system. It does not save the data. To the system to test it. We regulate the load current by
overcome this, we using IOT to save data in the Cloud means of a relay. However, we would examine the IoT
and response of data is faster. [02] This technology and its Server to make sure they were functioning
established the idea of automated meter reading correctly before turning on the output load. To save
(AMR), which transfers the automatically gathered electricity, the usage is stored on an IOT server and
data to a central database for invoicing. Zigbee is used daily comparisons are made. The current device also
in the system so there is a limitation of range. Also has theft detection integrated, which is shown on the
faces the problem of image processing. We overcome LCD. Following the creation of the monthly power
this problem using IOT. [03] This paper presents a bill, the microcontroller (PIC) transmits the electricity
smart energy meter for an automatic metering and bill notification signal to the customer's mobile phone
billing system. In this meter energy utilized and the through IOT and, if necessary, generates a bill as well.
corresponding amount will be displayed on the LCD Additionally, the microcontroller shows this bill and
continuously and communicated to the controlling its units on the system LCD display.
base station. Its limitation its work for the limited time.
[04] The main idea of the project is to modernize our A. Block Diagram:
billing system using GSM. The GSM is a technique
works on the principle of TDMA – time division
multiple access and operates at the frequency off
900MHZ. The details of power displaced in the energy
meter are transferred to the mobile. Less efficient more
data are not Displayed. [05] In this paper, a wireless
method is proposed which puts emphasis on Intelligent
Energy meter (IEM) reading and bill generation using
Arduino Mega and Ethernet Shield. The monthly
generated bill will be sent to the consumer through
SMS. Complex system, Data based handling is
difficult. To overcome this type of problem Save the
data using IOT and indicate the costumer via sms. [06]
According to one study, PIC microcontrollers are
suitable for use in power billing systems because they
are affordable, simple to use, and flexible. The study
employed a GSM modem to deliver SMS alerts to
clients with their bill amount and due date and a PIC
microcontroller to communicate with a power metre. Fig:1.0 Block Diagram of the Project
The findings demonstrated that the system could
B. Proposed System:
compute bills with accuracy and deliver SMS alerts in
real-time, making it a practical option for small- to The following elements make up the suggested system
medium-sized utilities. [07] According to the study, for monthly power billing utilising IoT and an Atmega
utilising a PIC microcontroller to calculate bills and microcontroller based on Fig:1.0:
deliver SMS alerts greatly cut down on the time and
labour needed for human billing operations. The Current Sensor: The system has a sensor that measures
outcomes also shown that the use of a PIC and records each customer's power use. the sensors
that provide the microcontroller with use statistics.
© 2023, IRJEdT Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | March-2023
Microcontroller: The system's main processing Low voltage operation and low power consumption
component is the Atmega microcontroller. It gathers make the microcontroller perfect for battery-powered
information from the electrical metres, processes it, applications.
and then transmits it through the internet to the main
server. Data is transmitted from the microcontroller to Simple to use: A wide range of software development
the main server over the internet by the system using a tools and libraries support the ATMEGA328P, making
communication module, such as a (MSP) Wi-Fi it simple for programmers to create new applications
module. This makes it possible to track and charge for and projects.
power use in real time. Data from the microcontroller
is received and processed by the central server. Based Cost-effective: The ATMEGA328P is a popular
on each customer's power use, it creates billing choice for DIY and hobby applications since it is
information for them and communicates it to them by reasonably cheap.
SMS or email.
High performance: The microcontroller is well suited
Database: The system includes a database that houses for applications that need real-time data processing
information on each customer's power use. The and control because it offers quick processing and
database is utilised to provide billing data and give effective data storing.
clients access to their usage history.
2. Stepdown Transformer: An example of a power
The Current Sensor will track the user's energy use and supply equipment that transforms high-voltage AC
relay that information to the controller. The controller power into low-voltage DC power is a 230V to 12V
will continuously track energy use and update the IOT transformer. Lighting, motors, and security systems
with the measured use value. The utilisation in a are just a few of the applications that frequently
certain IOT website might be seen by the user or the employ this kind of transformer.
official. Through IOT, this system will notify the user
of the payment. This system has a power theft A transformer's primary operation is to employ
detecting feature. This system is able to measure both magnetic induction to change a high-voltage AC
the power transmitted over the load and the power used power source into a low-voltage AC signal. The result
by the load over time. This power theft is discovered of rectifying this signal is a DC voltage. The primary
as a result. The IOT is updated together with the LCD coil, secondary coil, and core, which is commonly
display of the monitored parameters. constructed of iron, are the key parts of a 230V to 12V
The suggested IoT and Atmega microcontroller-based
3. Bridge Rectifier: An electrical circuit known as a
monthly power billing system has a number of benefits
over conventional billing methods. Electricity use is bridge rectifier transforms an alternating current (AC)
tracked and billed in real-time, with increased input into a direct current (DC) output. A typical
precision and fewer billing mistakes. Additionally, it power supply circuit converts the AC input voltage
makes it possible for utilities to give consumers more into a DC voltage that may be utilised to power a
thorough billing details, including as consumption variety of electronic devices. Four diodes are stacked
trends, peak usage periods, and other information that in a bridge arrangement to make up a bridge rectifier.
may be used to assist customers better control their The way the diodes are linked prevents them from
energy usage. conducting electricity in any other direction except
from the positive terminal to the negative terminal.
C. Parts and Its Uses: The diodes only let current to flow during the positive
half-cycle of the input voltage when the bridge
1. ATMEGA328p: A popular microcontroller rectifier is subjected to the AC input voltage. The
integrated circuit used in many different electronics diodes stop current flow during the negative half-
applications is the ATMEGA328P. It is an 8-bit cycle. A DC output voltage that is proportionate to the
microcontroller with great performance and low power input voltage's absolute value is the outcome.
consumption built on the AVR architecture. Its
essential characteristics include: 4. Current Sensor: An electronic device that gauges the
flow of electrical current in a circuit is called a current
Flexibility: The ATMEGA328P is appropriate for a sensor. In many kinds of electrical systems, such as
variety of applications, including robotics, smart home power supplies, motor drives, and power distribution
systems, automotive, and consumer electronics. systems, it is used to observe and manage the flow of
current. Current sensors come in a variety of forms,
including linear Hall effect sensors, Rogowski coils,
© 2023, IRJEdT Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | March-2023
and Hall effect sensors with Hall effects. Hall effect disagreements between power companies and their
sensors provide a voltage proportionate to the current customers.
using the magnetic field produced by the current flow.
Wire coils called Rogowski coils provide a voltage
proportionate to the rate at which the current in a
conductor changes. One variety of Hall effect sensor
that produces a linear output proportional to the
current flow is the linear Hall effect sensor.
© 2023, IRJEdT Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | March-2023
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