English Tests From Bucklets

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KROK 2017
Tests from booklets 2005-2016 (eng.)

1. Enzymes are widely used as drugs in pharmacy. What is

the main difference that separates enzymes from non- 7. Intracellular metabolism of glycerol starts with its
biologicalcatalysts? activation. What compound is formed in the fi- rst reaction
+High specificity and selectivity of its conversion?
High universality +α-glycerolophosphate
Low universality Pyruvate
High dispersion Lactate
High homogeneity Choline
Acetyl coenzyme A
2. Parents of a 10-year-old child have made an
appointment with endocrinologist due to complaints of 8. The end product of starch hydrolysis is:
the child’s low height. The child’s appearance is +D-glucose
corresponding with that of a 5-year-old. What hormone D-fructose
causes such changes in physical development, if its Saccharose
secretion is disrupted? Maltose
+Somatotropic hormone D-galactose
Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Thyroxin 9. Accidental ingestion of death cap mushrooms containing
Testosterone α-amanitin causes intoxication. What enzyme is inhibited
Insulin with this toxine?
+RNA polymerase II
3. A patient complains of tachycardia, insomnia, weight DNA polymerase
loss, irritability, sweating. Objectively: the patient has DNA synthetase
goiter and slight exophthalmos. What gland is affected, Peptidyl transferase
and what functional disorder is it? Translocase
Hypothyroidism 10. An ophthalmologist has detected increased time of
Hyperparathyroidism dark adaptation in a patient. What vitamin deficiency can
Hypoparathyroidism result in such symptom?
Adrenomedullary hyperfunction +A
4. Purine ring biosynthesis occurs in ribose-5-phosphate by K
gradual accumulation of nitrogen and carbon atoms and B1
closing the rings. The source of ribose phosphate is the B6
process of:
+Pentose phosphate cycle 11. A 70-year-old patient presents with cardiac and
Glycolysis cerebral atherosclerosis. Examination revealed changes of
Glyconeogenesis blood lipid spectre. Increase of the following lipoproteins
Gluconeogenesis plays a significant role in atherosclerosis pathogenesis:
Glycogenolysis +Low-density lipoproteins
Very low-density lipoproteins
5. What enzyme allows for synthesis of various genes from Intermediate density lipoproteins
template-RNA to DNA in genetic engineering (this enzyme High-density lipoproteins
catalyzes the process discovered in RNA-viruses)? Chylomicrons
+Reverse transcriptase
Exonuclease 12. A patient demonstrates milkywhite color of blood
DNA-ligase plasma due to high content of chylomicrons.
Helicase Disintegration of triacylglycerol is disrupted. Deficiency of
Endonuclease the following enzyme activity is observed:
+Lipoprotein lipase
6. Diet of an individual must contain vitamins. What Amylase
vitamin is usually prescribed for treatment and prevention Tripsin
of pellagra? Cholesterol esterase
+Vitamin PP Lactase
Vitamin C
Vitamin A 13. A woman noticed that a cut on her skin was still
Vitamin B1 bleeding even after 20 minutes had passed. What vitamin
Vitamin D deficiency causes such condition?
+Vitamin K detected. There is significant amount of urobilin in urine
Vitamin A and stercobilin in feces. Name the pathology characterized
Vitamin D by given symptoms:
Vitamin E +Hemolytic jaundice
Vitamin B12 Obstructive jaundice
Jaundice of the newborn
14. Primary structure of nucleic acids is a polynucleotide Hepatocellular jaundice
chain that has a certain composition and order of the Atherosclerosis
nucleotides. What bonds stabilize this structure?
+3 , 5 –phosphodiester 21. Cataract (lenticular opacity) has developed in a 52-
Peptide year-old woman with diabetes mellitus. Lenticular opacity
Glycosidic was caused by intensification of the following processes:
Disulfide +Protein glycosylation
Amide Lipolysis
15. Natural peptides can perform various functions. What Protein proteolysis
bioactive peptide is a major antioxidant and performs Gluconeogenesis
coenzyme functions?
+Glutathione 22. A patient with hyperproduction of thyroid hormones
Bradykinin has been prescribed Merkazolilum. This drug inhibits the
Oxytocin following enzyme participating in iodothyronine synthesis:
Liberin +Iodide peroxidase
Anserine Aromatase
16. An elderly man exhibits low levels of red blood cells Decarboxylase
and hemoglobin in blood; however, his color index is 1,3. Aminotransferase
Blood smear analysis revealed megaloblasts. What type of
anemia is observed in this case? 23. A patient consulted an ophthalmologist about
+B12-folic acid deficiency deterioration of twilight vision and xerophthalmus. What
Iron-deficiency drug should the doctor prescribe?
Acquired hemolytic +Retinol
Hereditary hemolytic Pyridoxine
Chronic posthemorrhagic Tocopherol
Ascorbic acid
17. After drinking milk a 1-year-old child developed Cocarboxylase
diarrhea, flatulence. The baby is likely to have deficiency of
the following enzyme: 24. A patient demonstrates symmetrical dermatitis on the
+Lactase palms. A doctor made a diagnosis of pellagra. What
Maltase vitamin deficiency can result in such symptoms?
Aldolase +Nicotinic acid
Hexokinase Cobalamin
Glycosidase Ascorbic acid
Folic acid
18. Patients with severe depression demonstrate Cholecalciferol
decreased serotonin levels in brain and cerebrospinal fluid.
What aminoacid is a serotonin precursor? 25. The second stage of detoxification involves joining
+Tryptophan certain chemical compounds with functional groups of
Threonine toxines. Select one such compound:
Tyrosine +Glucuronic acid
Glutamic acid Higher fatty acids
Aspartic acid Cholesterol
19. Fatty acids synthesis occurs in human body. What Pyruvate
compound is initial in this process?
+Acetyl coenzyme A 26. A patient undergoes chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil
Vitamin C that is a competitive inhibitor of thymidilate synthase.
Glycine What process is inhibited by this drug?
Succinate +Thymidine monophosphate synthesis
Cholesterol Purine nucleotides disintegration
Adenosine triphosphate synthesis
20. A patient has icteric skin; unconjugated bilirubin Purine nucleotides salvage
content in blood is high; conjugated bilirubin in urine is not Glucose synthesis
+They emulsify dietary lipids
26. Universal system of biological oxidation of nonpolar They keep balance of alkaline environment in the
compounds (numerous drugs, toxic agents, steroid intestines
hormones, cholesterol) is microsomal oxidation. Name the They participate in the synthesis of lipids
cytochrome that is included in oxygenase chain of They are part of LDL
microsomes: They activate the formation of chylomicrons
+Cytochrome Р-450
Cytochrome C 33. A patient with atherosclerosis has been prescribed
Cytochrome A3 Linaetholum containing essential fatty acids. Which of the
Cytochrome A following acids is an essential part of the preparation?
Cytochrome C1 +Linolenic
27. Structure of proteins includes proteinogenic amino Crotonic
acids. What is the position of the amino group in the Stearic
structure of these amino acids? Oleic
β-position 34. In response to the administration of protein drugs, a
γ-position patient developed an allergic reaction. The development
δ-position of the allergic reaction is caused by the increased synthesis
-position of the following compound:
28. Name the disaccharide with the following structure: Choline
α-lactose 35. The patient has icteric skin; unconjugated bilirubin
β-maltose content in blood is high; conjugated bilirubin in urine is not
β-cellobiose detected. There is significant amount of urobilin in urine
Saccharose and stercobilin in feces. Name the pathology characterized
by the given symptoms:
29. Chromatin contains positively charged histone +Hemolytic jaundice
proteins. What amino acid is contained in histone proteins Obstructive jaundice
in large amounts? Jaundice of the newborn
+Lysine Hepatocellular jaundice
Alanine Atherosclerosis
Threonine 36. A patient complains of pain in the small joints. High
Serine concentration of uric acid is detected in his blood plasma.
What pathology causes such changes?
30. A man presents with signs of albinism: blonde hair, +Gout
extreme photosensitivity, impaired vision. What amino Diabetes mellitus
acid metabolism is disrupted in the patient? Phenylketonuria
+Tyrosine Lesch-Nyhan syndrome
Methionine Diabetes insipidus
Histidine 37. Hemoglobin catabolism results in release of iron which
Valine is transported to the bone marrow by a certain transfer
protein and is used again for the synthesis of hemoglobin.
31. Substrate-linked phosphorylation occurs in the cycle of Specify this transfer protein:
tricarboxylic acids. What compound takes part in this +Transferrin (siderophilin)
reaction? Transcobalamin
+Succinyl coenzyme A Haptoglobin
α-ketoglutarate Ceruloplasmin
Acetyl coenzyme A Albumin
Malate 38. A patient has a mental disorder due to the insufficient
synthesis of gammaaminobutyric acid in the brain. Such
32. Inhibition of the synthesis of bile acids from cholesterol pathological changes might be caused by the deficiency of
in liver of an experimental animals has caused the following vitamin:
maldigestion of lipids. What is the role of these acids in the +Pyridoxine
enteral lipidic metabolism? Tocopherol
Cyanocobalamin Dipeptidase
Folic acid Hexokinase
45. Information transfer from peptide hormones to
39. The method consisting in removal of low-molecular intracellular second messengers occures involving
impurities from colloidal systems and high-molecular adenylate cyclase. What reaction is catalyzed by adenylate
compound solutions by semipermeable membrane cyclase?
diffusion is called: +Cyclic adenosine monophosphate production
+Dialysis ATP breakdown into ADP and inorganic phosphate
Electrodialysis ATP synthesis from adenosine monophosphate and
Ultrafiltration pyrophosphate
Decantation ADP breakdown with adenosine monophosphate and
Compensatory dialysis inorganic phosphate production
ATP breakdown into adenosine monophosphate and
40. Fatty acids arrive into mitochondria, and there their pyrophosphate
oxidation occurs. Name the vitamin-like substance that
takes part in transportation of fatty acids through 46. When hydrogen peroxide solution is administered to
mitochondrial membrane: bleeding wounds, it is broken up by one of the blood
+Carnitine enzymes. Point out this enzyme.
Choline +Catalase
Biotin Monoamine oxidase
Pantothenic acid Cytochrome oxidase
Folic acid Aspartate aminotransferase
Lactate dehydrogenase
41. A 5-year-old child presents with abdominal distension,
abdominal cramps, and diarrhea occurring 1-4 hours after 47. Natural peptides can carry out various functions. What
drinking milk. Described symptoms are caused by the lack biologically active peptide is one of the main antioxidants
of enzymes that break up: and carries out coenzyme functions?
+Lactose +Glutathione
Glucose Bradykinin
Maltose Oxytocin
Saccharose Releasing hormone (Liberine)
Fructose Anserine

42. Albumine, blood serum proteins, and gastric juice 48. Tetanic spasms of skeletal muscles occur under low
pepsin consist of macromolecules of polypeptide chains calcium concentration in blood. What endocrine disorder
that are joined with hydrogen bonds into hydrophilic can this condition be associated with?
spheres. These proteins are named: +Hypofunction of parathyroid glands
+Globular Hyperfunction of adrenal cortex
Fibrillar Hypofunction of adrenal cortex
Structural Hyperthyroidism
Synthetic Hypothyroidism
49. Eicosanoids, - hormone-like compounds, - are used to
43. Parents of the 10-year-old child have made an stimulate labor and for contraception. What substances
appointment with endocrinologist due to complaints of have such an effect?
child’s low height. The child’s appearance is corresponding +Prostaglandines
with that of 5-year-old child. What hormon secretion Interleukines
disorder causes such physical development changes? Endorphines
+Somatotropic hormone Angiotensines
Adrenocorticotropic hormone Enkephalines
Testosterone 50. A newborn infant has hemolytic jaundice caused by
Insulin rhesus incompatibility. What bile pigment will be
concentrated highest in the blood of this infant?
44. During gastric secretory function research decrease of +Unconjugated bilirubin
hydrochloric acid concentration in gastric juice was Conjugated bilirubin
detected. What enzyme will be less active in such a Urobilinogen
condition? Stercobilinogen
+Pepsin Bile acids
51. The 49-year-old female patient suffering long-term Phenylalanine
from pancreatic diabetes has developed the following Valine
symptoms after administering insulin: weakness, facial Arginine
pallor, palpitation, anxiety, double vision, numbness of lips Methionine
and tongue apex. Glucose molar concentration in blood
was 2,5 mmol/l. What complication has developed in the 58. The 13-year-old female patient having suffered from
patient? measles complains of dry mouth, thirst, body weight loss,
+Hypoglycemic coma polyuria, her glucose concentration in blood is 16 mmol/l.
Hyperosmolar coma What disease can be suspected?
Hyperglycemic coma +Type I pancreatic diabetes
Hyperketonemic coma Type II pancreatic diabetes
Uremic coma Diabetes insipidus
Steroidogenic diabetes
52. L-DOPA and its derivatives are used in treatment of Glycogenos
Parkinson’s disease. What aminoacid is this substance
made of? 59. The patient with mushroom poisoning has developed
+Tyrosine the following symptoms: yellow coloring of skin and sclera,
Asparagine dark-colored urine. Hemolytic jaundice was diagnosed.
Glutamate What pigment causes such coloring of the patient’s urine?
Tryptophan +Stercobilin
Arginine Conjugated bilirubin
53. Milk intake has resulted in the one-year-old child Unconjugated bilirubin
having diarrhea and abdominal distension. What enzyme Verdohemoglobin
deficiency does the child have?
+Lactase 60. During long-term carbon tetrachloride poisoning of
Maltase animals significant activity drop of aminoacyl tRNA
Aldolase synthetase in hepatocytes was detected. What metabolic
Hexokinase process is disrupted in this case?
Glycosidase +Protein biosynthesis
DNA replication
54. The 56-year-old patient has developed megaloblastic RNA transcription
anemia in the course of alcoholic cirrhosis. What vitamin Post-translational modification of peptides
deficiency is the main cause of anemia in this patient? Post-transcriptional modification of RNA
+Folic acid
Lipoic acid 61. Nucleoproteins contain signifi- cant amount of alkaline
Biotin proteins. What propteins carry out structural function in
Thiamine chromatin?
Pantothenic acid +Protamines and histones
Albumines and globulines
55. Ketoacidosis occurs during starvation. What metabolite Prolamines and glutenins
blood concentration increase is symptomatic of this Hemoglobin and myoglobin
medical condition? Interferones and mucin
Oxaloacetate 62. The patient has icteritous skin; unconjugated bilirubin
Malonate content in blood is high; conjugated bilirubin in urine is not
Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylglutarylCoA detected. There is significant amount of urobilin in urine
Acetyl-CoA and stercobilin in feces. Name the pathology characterized
by given symptoms
56. Streptomycin and other aminoglycosides by binding +Hemolytic jaundice
with 30Ssubunit of ribosome prevents formylmethionyl- Obstructive jaundice
tRNA joining. What process is disrupted due to this effect? Jaundice of the newborn
+Translation initiation Hepatocellular jaundice
Translation termination Atherosclerosis
Transcription initiation
Transcription termination 63. Oligomycin antibiotic is prescribed to the patient with
Replication initiation tuberculosis. What mitochondrial process is slowed down
by this medicine?
57. The patient has hypovitaminosis PP. What amino acid +Oxidative phosphorylation
taken with meals partially compensates patient’s need for Substrate-linked phosphorylation
vitamin PP? Microsomal oxidation
+Tryptophan Lipid peroxidation
Oxidative decarboxylation +A
64. The patient has been prescribed drug with E
antibacterial effect on tuberculosis mycobacteria. What C
drug is used in tuberculosis treatment and is pyridoxine D
+Isoniazid 71. After an insulin injection a 45-year-old female with a
Heparin long history of diabetes mellitus has developed weakness,
Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (Co-trimoxazole) paleness, palpitation, anxiety, double vision, numbness of
Streptomycin lips and the tip of tongue. Blood glucose is at rate of 2,5
Sulfanilamide mmol/L. What complication has developed in the patient?
+Hypoglycemic coma
65. Detoxication rate is 4 times lower in children than in Hyperketonemic coma
adults. What enzyme necessary for toxic compounds Hyperglycemic coma
conjugation has low activity in children? Hyperosmolar coma
+Glucuronosyltransferase Uremic coma
AspAT 72. A patient complains of severe abdominal pain, cramps,
Creatine phosphokinase blurred vision. His relatives exhibit the same symptoms.
LDH1 The urine is of red color. The patient has been hospitalized
for acute intermittent porphyria. This disease might have
66. Certain drugs can stimulate liver to synthesize enzyme been caused by the impaired synthesis of the following
systems taking part in drugs and toxines metabolism. compound:
What compound stimulates drug metabolism in liver Bile acids
microsomes? Insulin
+Phenobarbital +Heme
Heparin Collagen
Menadione sodium bisulfite Prostaglandins
Aspirin 73. It is known that malonyl-CoA is formed from acetyl-
CoA and carbon dioxide under the influence of acetyl-CoA
67. Barbiturates are used as soporifics. These substances, carboxylase. What vitamin is a coenzyme of this enzyme?
similarly to rotenone, are tissue respiration inhibitors. +Biotin
What complex level do these compounds suppress Ascorbate
respiratory chain at? Pantothenic acid
+NADH-coenzyme Q reductase Folic acid
Cytochrome oxidase Thiamine
Cytochrome C reductase
Adenosine triphosphate synthetase 74. A patient with myocardial infarction has been
Succinate dehydrogenase administrated intravenously a direct anticoagulant,
68. Inhibitors of one of the amides metabolism enzymes Vikasol
are used to treat depression. What enzyme inhibition has Calcium gluconate
such an effect? Thrombin
Flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)- containing monoamine Neodicumarin
oxidase (MAO) +Heparin
Formylkynureninase (Arylformamidase) 75. A patient was admitted to a hospital in a state of
Kynurenine 3-hydroxylase hypoglycemic coma. It occurs at the following level of
Lactate dehydrogenase blood glucose:
3,3 mmol/L
69. Pathogenic microorganisms produce various enzymes 4,0 mmol/L
in order to penetrate body tissues and spread there. Point 5,5 mmol/L
out these enzymes among those named below. +2,5 mmol/L
+Hyaluronidase, lecithinase 4,5 mmol/L
Lyase, ligase
Transferase, nuclease 76. A patient with Parkinson’s disease exhibits low level of
Oxydase, catalase dopamine which is produced from dihydroxyphenylalanine
Esterase, protease (DOPA). What enzyme catalyzes this convertion?
70. The patient has mucosal dryness and mesopic vision +Decarboxilase
disorder. What vitamin deficiency causes these symptons? Carboxypeptidase
Aminotransferase Succinate dehydrogenase
Hydrolase Aminotransferase
Lactate dehydrogenase
77. Blood pressure is regulated by a number of biologically Glutamate
active compounds. What peptides that enter the
bloodstream can affect the vascular tone? 84. During the gastric secretion, proteolytic enzymes are
Enkephalins secreted in form of zymogenes. What enzyme is activated
+Kinins by hydrochloric acid?
Leukotrienes Trypsin
Endorphins +Pepsin
Iodothyronines Chymotrypsin
78. Chronic pancreatitis is accompanied by the decreased Lipase
synthesis and secretion of trypsin. This impairs the
hydrolysis and absorption of the following substances: 85. The anti-tumor preparation Methotrexate is a
Disaccharides structural analogue of folic acid. The mechanism of its
+Proteins action is based on the inhibition of the following enzyme:
Polysaccharides +Dihydrofolate reductase
Lipids Creatine kinase
Nucleic acids Xanthine oxidase
Lactate dehydrogenase
79. In response to the administration of protein drugs, a Hexokinase
patient developed an allergic reaction. The development
of the allergic reaction is caused by the increased synthesis 86. A child exhibits physical and mental retardation. Urine
of the following compound: analysis revealed high concentration of orotic acid. This
Histidine disease can be addresses by the constant use of:
Cholin Glutamine
Adreneline Guanine
+Histamine Adenine
Serotonin +Uridine
80. Diabetes and starvation cause the excess production of
ketone bodies that are used as an energy source. They are 87. Growth of some cancer cells is caused by a certain
produced from the following compound: growth factor. Treatment of leukemia involves applying an
Isocitrate enzyme that destroys this essential factor. Specify this
Lactate enzyme:
+Acetyl-CoA Aspartate aminotransferase
Malate Succinate dehydrogenase
Ketoglutarate Glutaminase
81. The intracellular metabolism of glycerol starts with its Citrate synthase
activation. What compound is formed as result of the first
reaction of its conversion? 88. Food rich in carbohydrates at first increases the blood
Lactate sugar and then decreases its rate due to the insulin action.
Choline What process is activated by this hormone?
Acetyl coenzyme A Breakdown of glycogen
+Alpha-glycerolphosphate Breakdown of proteins
Pyruvate Gluconeogenesis
+Synthesis of glycogen
82. A patient has developed megaloblastic anemia on a Breakdown of lipids
background of alcoholic cirrhosis. The main cause of
anemia in this patient is the following vitamin deficiency: 89. Antidepressants can increase the concentration of
Thiamin catecholamines in the synaptic cleft. What is the
Biotin mechanism of action of these drugs?
+Folic acid Activation of acetylcholinesterase
Pantothenic acid Inhibition of xanthin oxidase
Lipoic acid Activation of monoamine oxidase
Inhibition of acetylcholinesterase
83. Vitamin B1 deficiency has a negative effect on a +Inhibition of monoamine oxidase
number of processes. This is caused by the dysfunction of
the following enzyme: 90. A 40-year-old male presented to the endocrinology
+Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex department with disproportionate enlargement of limbs,
mandible and nose. These manifestations are caused by
the overproduction of the following hormone: 97. A patient was found to have a tumor of pancreatic
+Somatotropin head, which is accompanied by the impaired patency of
Adrenalin the common bile duct. Blood test will reveal an increase in
Vasopressin the following substance level:
Corticotropin +Bilirubin
Aldosterone Insulin
91. After drinking milk a 1-year-old child developed Hemoglobin
diarrhea, flatulence. The baby is likely to have the Adrenalin
deficiency of the following enzyme:
Hexokinase 98. Sulfanilamides inhibit the growth and development of
Glycokinase bacteria. The mechanism of their action is based on the
+Lactase impairment of the following acid synthesis:
Aldolase Lipoic
Maltase +Folic
92. A child with PKU has an unpleasant mouse-like odor, Nicotinic
growth retardation, mental retardation. These symptoms Pantothenic
are associated with the high concentration of the following
substance in blood: 99. Addison’s (bronze) disease is treated with
+Phenylpyruvic acid glucocorticoids. Their effect is provided by the
Uric acid potentiation of the following process:
Cholesterol Glycogenolysis
Adrenaline Glycolysis
Glucose Pentose phosphate cycle
Ornithine cycle
93. Sulfanilamides are widely used as bacteriostatic +Gluconeogenesis
agents. The mechanism of antimicrobial action of
sulfanilamides is based on their structural similarity to: 100. A patient exhibits small (petechial) hemorrhages
Glutamic acid under the skin and mucous membranes, bleeding gums,
Folic acid tooth decay, general weakness, edemata of the lower
+Para-aminobenzoic acid extremities. What vitamin deficiency can be suspected?
Nucleic acid E
Antibiotics +C
94. A patient with hyperproduction of thyroid hormones A
has been prescribed Merkazolilum. This drug inhibits the D
following enzyme of iodothyronine synthesis:
+Iodide peroxidase 101. A patient with ischemic heart disease has been
Reductase administrated inosine which is an intermediate metabolite
Decarboxylase in the synthesis of:
Aromatase Glycoproteins
Aminotransferase Metalloproteins
95. A patient has obstruction of common bile duct. Which +Purine nucleotides
of these substances is usually found in urine in such cases? Ketone bodies
+Bilirubin 102. Depressive states can be treated by means of drugs
Uric acid inhibiting the enzyme that inactivates biogenic amines.
Ketone bodies Specify this enzyme:
Creatinine +MAO (monoamine oxidase)
AST (aspartate aminotransferase)
96. Hemoglobin catabolism results in release of iron which CPK (creatine phosphokinase)
is transported to the bone marrow by a certain transfer ALT (alanine aminotransferase)
protein and used again for the synthesis of hemoglobin. LDH (lactate dehydrogenase)
Specify this transfer protein:
Ceruloplasmin 103. Growth of some cancer cells is caused by a certain
Albumin growth factor. Treatment of leukemia involves applying an
Haptoglobin enzyme that destroys this essential factor. Specify this
Transcobalamin enzyme:
+Transferrin (siderophilin) +Asparaginase
Succinate dehydrogenase 110. Fatty degeneration of liver is prevented by lipotropic
Aspartate aminotransferase substances. Which of the following substances relates to
Glutaminase them?
Citrate synthetase +Methionine
104. Blood serum electrophoresis revealed interferon. This Glucose
protein is in the following fraction: Bilirubin
+γ-globulins Cholesterol
β-globulins 111. A patient with ischemic heart disease has been
α2-globulins administered inosine, which is an intermediate metabolite
Albumins in the synthesis of:
+Purine nucleotides
105. The intercellular metabolism of glycerol starts with its Ketone bodies
activation. What compound is formed in the first reaction Glycoproteins
of its conversion? Lipoproteins
+Alpha-glycerolphosphate Metaloproteins
Choline 112. A 40-year-old patient has developed polyuria (10 -12
Pyruvate liters per day), and polydipsia induced by damage to the
Acetyl coenzyme A hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract. What hormone
deficiency causes such disorders?
106. Amylolytic enzymes catalyze the hydrolysis of +Vasopressin
pоlysaccharides and oligosaccharides. They have an effect Somatotropin
upon the following chemical bond: Thyrotropin
+Glycosidic Corticotropin
Amide Oxytocin
Hydrogen 113. A patient has developed megaloblastic anemia on a
Phosphodiester background of alcoholic cirrhosis. The main cause of
anemia in this patient is the following vitamin deficiency:
107. The patient uses a daily basis for several raw eggs, +Folic acid
which contain antivitamin biotin – avidin. Violations of any Pantothenic acid
phase of lipid metabolism might arise? Biotin
+Fatty acid biosynthesis Lipoic acid
Lipid transport in blood Thiamine
Lipid absorption
Glycerol oxidation 114. A patient was found to have an increased blood
Cholesterol biosynthesis serum LDH-1 activity. In which organ is the pathological
process localized?
108. Urine analysis revealed a decrease in sodium ion +Heart
concentration. Which hormone provides an enhanced Kidneys
reabsorption of sodium ions in the convoluted nephron Muscles
tubules? Stomach
+Aldosterone Liver
Vasopressin 115. It is known that some chemical compounds uncouple
Adrenalin the tissue respiration and oxidative phosphorylation.
Somatostatin Name one of these compounds:
109. A 70-year-old patient has been found to have Antimycin A
atherosclerosis of heart and brain vessels. Examination Carbon monoxide
revealed the changes in the lipid profile. Pathogenesis of Lactic acid
atherosclerosis is greatly influenced by an increase in the Acetyl-CoA
following lipoproteins rate:
+Low-density lipoproteins 116. A patient consulted a doctor about sunburns,
Very-low-density lipoproteins decreased visual acuity. His hair, skin and eyes are not
High-density lipoproteins pigmented. He has been diagnosed with albinism. The
Intermediate-density lipoproteins patient presents with the following enzyme deficiency:
Chylomicrons +Tyrosinase
Histidine decarboxylase biological liquids. Point what method is used for this
Carbonic anhydrase purpose:
117. Caffeine inhibits phosphodiesterase which converts Denaturation
cAMP to AMP. The most typical feature of caffeine Electrophoresis
intoxication is the reduced intensity of: Sequencing
+Glycogen synthesis Dialysis
124. In medical practice preparations of protein hydrolyzate
Pentose phosphate pathway
are used for parenteral nutrition. Value of the hydrolyzates
Lipolysis is determined by presence of the essential amino acids in
Protein phosphorylation them. Point, which from the listed amino acids is essential:
118. A male patient was found to have hypovitaminosis Tyrosine
PP. What amino acid taken with food may partially Alanine
compensate the vitamin PP deficiency? Glycine
+Tryptophan Cysteine
Valine 125. One of the amino acids active form serves as a methyl
Phenylalanine group donator for pharmaceutical [drug] substance
Arginine methylation. Choose it:
119. The primary structure of nucleic acids is a Glutamine
polynucleotide chain which has a certain composition and Glutamate
order of the nucleotides. What bonds stabilize this
+3′,5′-phosphodiester 126. Albumins are blood serum proteins that are
Disulfide synthesized in the liver and fulfil sertain functions. Point
Peptide one of them:
Glycosidic +Pharmaceutical substances transportation
Amide Thrombi formation
Carbon dioxide (gas) transportation
120. Alkaptonuria is characterized by an excessive urinary Oxygen transportation
excretion of homogentisic acid. Development of this Antibody production
disease is associated with disorder of the following amino
acid metabolism: 127. Interferon was revealed under electrophoretic
+Tyrosine separation of the ill person blood serum. What fraction does
Tryptophan this protein belong to?
Alanine +Gamma–globulins
Methionine Albumins
121. A patient has an increased concentration of hippuric
acid in the urine. This acid is the product of benzoic acid 128. Irreversible changes of the protein conformation are
detoxification in the liver. In the human body benzoic acid observed during heat treatment of food. This process is
is formed from the following amino acid: named:
+Phenylalanine +Denaturation
Malate Renaturation
Lactate Salting-out
Succinate Dialysis
Aspartate Aquation

122. Under various diseases in support of diagnosis 129. Preparation tannin is used in practical medicine as an
analysis of the protein blood fractions is carried out in astringent under acute and chronic sicknesses of the
biochemical laboratories with the help of electrophoresis. intestines. The astringent action of tannin is connected
What protein feature is this method based on? with its ability to:
+Availability of charge +Denaturate proteins
Big molecular weight Hydrolyze proteins
Optical activity Renaturate proteins
Ability to swell Salting-out proteins
High viscosity Oxidize proteins

123. In pharmaceutical industry some proteins, which are

used as preparations for treatment, are isolated from the
130. Proteins have several levels of the three-dimensional
structure. What bonds take part in the formation of the 137. A structural specificity of fibrillar proteins is in forming of
secondary structure? multimolecular filiform complexes – fibrils that consist of some
+Hydrogen parallel polypeptide chains. Name a fibrillar protein that is included
Van der Waals forces in the composition of hair, skin, nails.
Ether +Alpha-keratin
Hydrophobic Albumin
Ionic Prothrombin
131. Basis of the amino acid structural classification is the Histone
structure of their side chain. Which of the listed amino
acids is basic? 138. In case of insufficient uptake or abnormality in
+Lysine formation of lipotropic factors in the human organism fatty
Proline degeneration of the liver appears. Which of the listed
Alanine compounds is lipotropic?
Leucine +Choline
Methionine Cholesterol
Cholic acid
132. Level of blood total protein is one of the metabolism Pyridoxine
indices in the human organism. A quantitative Nicotinamide
determination in clinicodiagnostic laboratories is based on:
+Biuret test 139. Bile acid preparations are sometimes recommended
Ninhydrin test with the preparation “Festal” (contains the pancreatic
Xanthoprotein test enzymes) for the improvement of digestion under pancreas
Fole reaction secretory insufficiency. What is the purpose of their usage?
Nitroprusside test +For emulsification of fats
For activation of the proteolytic enzymes
133. One of protein functions is a protection of the For activation of α- amylase
organism from infectious diseases. What preventive For stimulation of the pancreatic juice secretion
antiviral preparation of nonspecific defence is For stimulation of intestinal peristalsis
recommended at the time of influenza epidemic?
+Interferon 140. In a 60-year-old man with atherosclerosis some
Thymosin plasma membrane function abnormalities were observed
Thymolin because of the increasing of their harshness. What
Albumin membrane compound content increase can lead to this?
Sulfacetamide +Cholesterol
134. A patient with the damaged esophagus was Glycolipids
recommended a parenteral feeding. Point, which from the Phosphatidylethanolamine
listed preparations belongs to such a group? Proteins
Asparkam 141. A patient with ischemic cardiomyopathy was
Rheopolyglucin recommended to use fats which contain polyunsaturated
Polyglucin fatty acids in the diet. Which of the listed fatty acids is
Panangin polyunsaturated?
+Arachidonic acid
135. Biosynthesis of collagen – main protein of the Oleic acid
connective tissue – includes co- and post-translational Palmitic acid
modifications that lead to the mature collagen fibril Stearic acid
formation. In the basis of collagen formation is the process Myristic acid
+Hydroxylation 142. A doctor prescribed an anti-inflammatory drug to a
Proteolysis patient with ulcer. This drug is a derivative of prostaglandin
Phosphorylation E1. What compound is a metabolic source for that
Carboxylation substance?
Glycosilation +Arachidonic acid
Butyric acid
136. Albumins show the most electronegative properties Oleic acid
under electrophoretic division of the blood serum proteins. Palmitic acid
What amino acid that is contained in molecules of albumins Stearic acid
determines their acidic properties?
+Glutamic acid 143. Food fibers that are components of the plant cell wall
Leucine fulfill an important part in prophylaxys of GIT diseases.
Lysine What main polysaccharide is present in the plant cell wall?
Alanine +Cellulose
Tryptophan Starch
Glycogen lipoprotein level can lead to the atherosclerosis
Inulin development?
Chondroitin sulfate +Low density lipoproteins (β - LP)
144. Main structural component of the plant cell wall is the High density lipoproteins (α - LP)
homopolysaccharide cellulose. Like starch it contains Structural lipoproteins
glucose, but in contrast to the latter cellulose is not digested Intermediate density lipoproteins
in the human GIT. Why?
+Because glucose residues in cellulose are connected by β- 151. Secretion of the ionized copper with urine and deposit
1,4-glycosidic bonds of it in the tissues and organs is observed in a patient. Point
They joined by α-1,4-glycosidic bonds the protein which synthesis abnormalities lead to these
Because cellulose is not branched consequences.
As it contains galactose residues also +Ceruloplasmin
Because cellulose contains L-glucose Transferrin
145. A 30-year-old man is under hypoenergetic condition Haptoglobin
that is connected with functional abnormalities of the Cryoglobulin
electron transport chain cytochromes, which are by their
chemical nature: 152. Pathological types of hemoglobin can exist along with
+Hemoproteins the normal types in the adult organism. Point one of them.
Glycoproteins +HbS
Flavoproteins HbA2
Lipoproteins HbF
Retinalproteins HbСО2
146. Simple and conjugated proteins exist in the human
organism. What is the difference between conjugated and 153. Hemoglobin is a conjugated protein that transports
simple proteins? oxygen to tissues and takes out carbon dioxide (gas). Point,
+Existence of non-protein part in the protein what class of the compounds it belongs to?
Protein molecular conformation +Chromoproteins
Absence of non-protein part in the protein Lipoproteins
Sequence of the amino acids in the protein Glycoproteins
Quantity of the amino acids in the protein Nucleoproteins
147. Prosthetic group of conjugated proteins joins to the
polypeptide by different bonds. The residuum of 154. Preparation “Lidase” is used after burns, operations
phosphoric acid is joined to the protein part of and also haematomas for the resolution of scars. This
phosphoproteins by: preparation contains an enzyme that decomposes:
+ОН-group of serine +Hyaluronic acid
СООH-group of glutamine Keratan sulfate
СН-group of methionine Chondroitin-4-sulfate
NH-group of lysine Heparin
SH-group of cysteine Dermatan sulfate

148. Chylomicrons are formed in the wall of the small 155. To a patient who suffers from joint disease, a doctor
intestine after the absorption of fat components. What lipids perscribed an ointment which active substance was a
are transported in the chylomicrons? glycosaminoglycan – an important component of cartilage.
+Triglycerides, phospholipids, cholesterol and its esters What was this substance?
Only triglycerides +Chondroitin sulfate
Triglycerides and phospholipids Heparin
Cholesterol and its esters Glycogen
Phospholipids, cholesterol and its esters Arabinose
149. Carbohydrate component of proteoglycans is
represented by glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). Which from 156. In the process of hemoglobin catabolism ferrum is
the glycosaminoglycans is localized mainly in the liver, liberated. It then enters the bone marrow, and is again used
lungs and vascular wall? for hemoglobin biosynthesis. What protein is ferrum
+Heparin transported in a complex with?
Hyaluronic acid +Transferrin
Keratan sulfate Hepatocuprein
Dermatan sulfate Albumin
Chondroitin sulfate Haptoglobin
150. Changes in the blood lipoprotein level is an evidence
of lipid metabolism pathology. Increase of which 157. What fraction is not revealed at electrophoretic
separation of blood lipoproteins in a healthy human?
+Chylomicrons know their structure. What class of the biologically active
Lipoproteins of intermediate density compounds does polynucleotide (from
VLDL deoxyribonucletides) belong to?
158. Nowadays in the tRNA structure more than 50 minor Polysaccharides
nitrogenous bases exept 4 major types were found out. Lipids
Name one of them.
+Dihydrouracyl 165. In the last month of pregnancy a doctor prescribed
Cytosine “Vicasol” to a woman. Which vitamin analogue is it?
Uracyl +Vitamin К
5-methyluracyl Vitamin В6
Adenine Vitamin В5
Vitamin А
159. We can determine the biochemical function of Vitamin В12
biologically active compounds in the organism when we
know their structure. 166. Vitamin A is oxidized very quickly in an open air and
+DNA loses its biological activity. Which component in food
RNA products prevents vitamin A from oxidation?
Proteins +Vitamin Е
Polysaccharides Sugar
Abnormalities of rhodopsin synthesis Protein
160. What class of the biologically active compounds does Vitamin РР
polynucleotide (from deoxyribonucletides) belong to?
In a patient with cirrhosis an impairment in dark adaptation 167. A 35-year-old patient in a pre-surgical period was
was observed. What can be the most likely reason of that? prescribed vicasol (a synthetic analogue of vitamin K).
+Abnormalities of vitamin A absorption in the intestines What mechanism of action has this drug?
Lack of vitamin A in the diet +Prothrombin synthesis stimulation
Excess of vitamin A in the diet Plasminogen activation
Abnormalities of trans-retinal transformation into cis- Tissue thromboplastin synthesis stimulation
retinal Hageman's factor activation
Lipids Complement system activation

161. Nucleotides are monomers of the nucleic acids. What 168. In a 40-year-old woman with chronic kidney disease
compounds can be found after complete hydrolysis of the osteoporosis has developed. What compound deficiency is
ribonucleotides? the main reason for this pathology?
+Orthophosphoric acid, ribose, uracyl +1,25 (OH)2 D3
Cytosine, thymine, orthophosphoric acid 1(OH) D3
Guanine, deoxyribose, orthophosphoric acid Vitamin D2
Orthophosphoric acid, adenine, deoxyribose 25 (OH) D3
Ribose, thymine, cytosine Vitamin D3

162. Histones that have a positive charge are a part of 169. A woman took paediatrist’s advice about a bad state of
chromatin. Which amino acid from the listed is the most health of her 8-month-old child: hyperhydrosis, increase of
prevalent in histones and carries a positive charge? the fontanelle dimentions, delay in teeth eruption. What
+Lysine preparation should be administred first of all?
Threonine +Cholecalciferol
Valine Cobalamin
Alanine Calcium gluconate
Serine Thiamine bromide
Calcium pangamate
163. Nucleic acids provide storage and transmission of the
hereditary information to progeny, and the mechanism of its 170. Isoniazid was prescribed to a 30-year-old man who
realization. Which nucleic acid contains the information was consumptive. Which vitamin hypovitaminosis would
about quantity and order of amino acid residue interchange develop under a protracted course of therapy?
in the protein molecule? +Pyridoxine
+mRNA Thiamine
tRNA Cobalamin
28S rRNA Biotin
18S rRNA Riboflavin
171. Thiamine pyrophosphate is the coenzyme synthesized
164. We can determine the biochemical function of from vitamin В1. Point out the process which this
biologically active compounds in the organism when we coenzyme participates in:
+Oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate
Lipolysis 179. A patient with impaired immunity, susceptibility to
Gluconeogenesis catarrhal illness was recommended to take ascorutin as
Glycolysis more effective medicine compared with ascorbic acid.
Lipid absorption What substance in this medicine enhances the vitamin C
172. In test animals a vitamin influence on citric acid cycle +Vitamin Р
rate was investigated. What vitamin absence did not Vitamin А
decrease the rate of the CAC reactions? Vitamin D
+Cobalamin Glucose
Thiamin Lactose
Pantothenic acid 180. In the human organism most vitamins undergo some
conversions. What vitamin takes part in the formation of
173. Ascorbic acid hypovitaminosis leads to scurvy. the coenzyme of acylation (CoASH)?
Synthesis of what protein is damaged under this pathology? +Pantothenic acid
+Collagen Vitamin D
Albumin Vitamin С
Fibrinogen Vitamin A
Prothrombin Vitamin К

174. A patient eats every day some raw eggs which contain 181. A 50-year-old patient has hypovitaminosis of vitamin
an antivitamin for biotin – avidin. What stage of lipid C (scurvy) connected with the imbalanced food. Decreasing
metabolism can be impaired in this case? activity of which enzyme is a basis of the conjunctive tissue
+Fatty acid biosynthesis lesion under these pathology conditions?
Lipid transport in blood +Proline hydroxylase
Cholesterol biosynthesis Pyruvate carboxylase
Glycerol oxidation Thryptophan hydroxylase
Alanine aminotransferase
175. Vitamins and vitamin-similar compounds are Glutaminase
necessary for activation and carrying long-chain fatty acid
through the inner mitochondrial membrane. Point one of 182. Parents of a 10-year-old boy appealed to a physician
them: with a complaint about growth stop. During checkup the
+Carnitine physician found the changes in mucous membranes and
Riboflavin suspected cancerous anemia. He suggested that this
Ubiquinone pathology had been connected with a vitamin defficiency.
Biotin Point, what vitamin defficiency might cause development
Thiamine of this state?
+Folic acid
176. For vitamin absorption certain conditions are Nicotinic acid
necessary. An intrinsic factor (a glycoprotein secreted by Orotic acid
the oxyntic cells of the stomach) is needed for the Choline
absorption of: Arachidonic acid
+Vitamin В12
Vitamin В5 183. In the patient’s urine a certain compound that has an
Vitamin С isoalloxazine ring in its structure have been found. What
Vitamin В6 this compound is?
Vitamin В2 +Vitamin B2
Vitamin B5
177. Lack of which vitamin leads to decreasing of the Vitamin B6
aminotransferase and decarboxylase activities? Vitamin B1
+Vitamin В6 Vitamin B3
Vitamin В3
Vitamin В12 184. Which vitamin is needed to maintain the conversion of
Vitamin В2 pyruvic acid into acetyl-CoA?
Vitamin В1 +B1
178. Antivitamin to what organic compound that is used by B6
a bacterial cell for the folic acid biosynthesis (part of C
bacterial enzymes) sulfanilamide preparations are? D2
+Para-aminobenzoic acid
Nicotinic acid 185. Vitamin B2 is included in the composition of flavin-
Choline related dehydrogenase coenzymes. Point out such a
Riboflavin coenzyme.
Pyridoxine +FMN
NAD+ +DNA-ligase
NADP+ Primase
Coenzyme-A Exonuclease
TPP RNA-polymerase
186. Point the active form of vitamin D which functions in
the system of homeostatic regulation of calcium 193. AIDS virus RNA penetrated inside the leucocyte and
metabolism and osteogenesis: with the help of revertase (reverse transcriptase) causes a
+24,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol virus DNA synthesis in the cell. The base of this process is:
Ergosterol +Reverse transcription
Ergocalciferol Operon repression
Dehydrocholesterol Operon depression
Cholecalciferol Reverse translation
Convariant replication
187. A patient was diagnosed with hypoacidic gastritis and
gastroduodenitis. The result of blood analysis – 194. A 58-year-old man underwent the operation for
megaloblastic anemia. What substance deficiency caused removal of prostate (gland) cancer. In 3 months he took the
the development of anemia? course of a radial and chemotherapy. 5- Fluorodeoxyuridine
+Gastromucoprotein (thymidylate synthase inhibitor) was included to the
Ferrum medical preparation complex. Synthesis of what compound
Mucin was blocked by this preparation?
Gastricsin +DNA
Trypsin tRNA
188. For treatment of cancer tumors methotrexate – a iRNA
structural analogue of folic acid – is administred. This Protein
preparation is a competitive inhibitor of dihydrofolate
reductase, that is why it inhibits the biosynthesis of: 195. A large group of antibiotics, which are used in
+dTMP medicine, inhibits a nucleic acid and protein synthesis.
dAMP What specific process or reaction from the following is
AMP inhibited by erythromycin?
TMP +Ribosome translocation on mRNA in prokaryotes and
UMP eukaryotes
Transcription initiation in prokaryotes
189. In patients with alcoholism disorders of the central Peptidiltransferase reaction of the translation in prokaryotes
nervous system - memory loss, psychoses are often Aminoacyl-tRNA binding to the ribosome A site in
observed. These symptoms are caused by lack of vitamin prokaryotes
B1 in the body. Disturbance of formation of which Transcription in prokaryotes & eukaryotes
coenzyme can cause these symptoms?
+Thiamine pyrophosphate 196. In genetic engineering the way of synthesis of
Coenzyme A different genes from a RNA matrix chain to DNA is carried
FAD out with the help of the following enzyme (this enzyme
NADP catalyzes the process found in RNA-containing viruses):
Pyridoxal phosphate +Revertase
DNA- ligase
190. A consumptive patient was prescribed riphampicin Helicase
that inhibits an enzyme RNA-polymerase at the initiation Exonuclease
stage of the process of: Endonuclease
Translation 197. Protein synthesis in prokaryotes takes place on
Replication ribosomes after the amino acid activation and their
Reparation transportation to ribosomes with the help of t-RNAs. What
Amplification amino acid is the first in the biosynthesis?
191. One codon from 64 triplets that code amino acids is an Valine
initiation codon which codes the amino acid methionine. Serine
Point this triplet: Glycine
+АUG Cysteine
GGU 198. Delay of malignant tumor cell division occurs under
GАC the influence of preparations that block the dTMP
CАU synthesis, inhibiting thymidylate synthase. Choose a
compound which can have such influence.
192. DNA-polymerase creates the Okazaki fragments on +5-Fluorouracyl
the “replication fork” lagging strand. Point enzyme that Thymine
joins these fragments into one chain: Hypoxanthine
Dihydroorotic acid Amylase
Adenylosuccinate Arginase

199. Under ocassional usage of mushrooms (death-cup), 206. Enzymes catalyze proceeding of biochemical
which contain a venom – α-amanitin, poisoning of the processes in the organism. What is the optimal temperature
human organism occurs. Point, what enzyme is inhibited for their action?
by this venom? +37 0С –40 0С
+RNA polymerase II 0 0С –4 0С
DNA polymerase 28 0С –30 0С
DNA synthetase 2 0С-4 0С
Peptidyl transferase 18 0С –20 0С
207. Acetylcholinesterase inhibition occurs under usage of
200. A newly synthesized organic compound specifically proserin, which is the pharmaceutical preparation. Point the
oppresses the reverse transcriptase activity. What type of inhibition:
pharmacological action is most probable to this compound? +Competitive
+Antiviral Uncompetitive
Antimicrobial Noncompetitive
Antitumoral Allosteric
Immunosuppressive Reversible
208. Immobilized on bandage material trypsin preparations
201. Mechanism of antivirus and antineoplastic action of are used for purification of festering wounds and their fast
interferons is connected with the influence on the process cicatrization. What is their advantage over a free enzyme?
of: +Longer period of action
+Initiation of protein biosynthesis Stronger activity
Elongation of protein biosynthesis Higher specificity of action
Termination of protein biosynthesis Higher sensitivity to temperature
DNA biosynthesis Higher sensitivity to pH changes
RNA biosynthesis
209. Increasing of the LDH1, LDH2, AST, and creatine
202. DNA polymerases that take part in DNA replication phosphokinase (MB isozyme) activity was determined in
are not capable to start synthesis of a new strand of DNA the patient`s blood. Diagnose, what organ the abnormalities
without RNA-primer. What enzyme is needed for its of biochemical processes are taking place in?
(primer) synthesis? +Heart
+Primase Skeletal muscles
DNA-ligase Kidneys
Helicase Liver
DNA-polymerase I Pancreas
210. A patient with myocardial infarction was prescribed
203. Detoxification of heavy metals on molecular level in the fibrinolytic preparation “Streptodecase” that was made
the human organism is the consequence of: of a water-soluble matrix of polysaccharide nature using
+Metallothionein gene amplification the method of:
Microsomal oxidation +Enzyme immobilization
Formation of a complex with the active form of glucuronic Autolysis
acid Ultracentrifugation
Formation of a complex with the active form of sulfuric Electrophoresis
acid Extraction
Interactions with hepatocuprein
211. Preparation armine from a group of POC
204. In diagnostics of HIV-infection a method of (organophosphorous compounds) that has a strong
polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used. What is the PCR anticholinesterase activity was used as antiglaucomic
method based on? substance during last years. Point the type of
+Gene amplification acetylcholinesterase inhibition:
Gene recombination +Noncompetitive
Translation Uncompetitive
Transcription Allosteric
Genome cutting Substrate
205. Enzyme preparations are used in medical practice for
treatment of festering wounds. What enzyme from the 212. Dehydrogenases are enzymes that split hydrogen
listed below is used in these cases? atoms off a substrate. What class of enzymes does lactate
+Trypsin dehydrogenase belong to?
Acid phosphatase +Oxidoreductases
Alkaline phosphatase Transferases
Lyases Lipid
Isomerases 220. Injection of adrenalin to the organism results in the
increase of glucose level in the blood. What process is
213. Enzyme lipase splits ester bonds in triacylglycerol mainly activated in this case?
molecules. What class this enzyme belongs to? +Glycogen degradation
+Hydrolases Alcoholic fermentation
Transferases Pentose phosphate pathway
Isomerases Citric acid cycle
Oxidoreductases Glycogen synthesis
221. A patient was prescribed a steroid anabolic medicine.
214. Sulfanilamides are widely used as bacteriostatic What hormones synthetic analogues have been found an
substances. The mechanism of antimicrobial action of application in medicine as preparations with anabolic
sulfanilamide preparations is based on the structural action?
similarity with: +Androgens
+Para-aminobenzoic acid Mineralocorticoids
Glutamic acid Gestagens
Folic acid Clucocorticoids
Nucleic acid Estrogens
222. Cyclic nucleotides (cAMP and cGMP) are second
215. Acute pancreatitis was diagnosed in a patient. messengers in the transfer of information. What is the way
Determination of what from the listed below blood of their regulatory function?
enzymes could be a diagnostic criterion? +Specific protein kinase activation
+Amylase Histone phosphorylation
Aldolase Neurotransmitter activation
LDH CNS stimulation
Creatine kinase Transcription and translation stimulation
Alanine amino peptidase
223. A patient without consciousness was delivered to
216. Leading majority of cell enzymes has the maximum of reanimation. Marked smell of acetone from the mouth,
activity in the range of pH 6-8. But there is an enzyme acute hyperglycemia and ketonemia were observed. Which
which optimum lies in the interval of pH 9.5 -10. This complications of diabetes mellitus took place in that case?
enzyme is: +Diabetic coma
+Arginase Hypoglycemic coma
Pepsin Cataract
Trypsin Acetone acute poisoning
Papain Nephrite
224. What endocrine gland hormones express influence on
217. The enzyme urease is able to destroy the structure of energy metabolism due to increasing of oxidative
urea only. The type of its specificity is: phosphorylation rate in the mitochondria that is
+Absolute accompanied by increased oxygen consumption by the
Stereo-chemical organism and calorigenic effect?
Absolute group +Thyroid gland
Relative group Pancreatic gland
Classic Parathyroid gland
218. A burn scar has left in a patient. For its resolution an Adrenal medullary gland
electrophoresis with enzyme has been appointed to the
patient. Name the enzyme. 225. At insufficient consumption of carbohydrates with
+Hyaluronidase food the need in them for organism is compensated due to
Arginase gluconeogenesis. Which of the listed hormones express a
Asparaginase stimulating influence on gluconeogenesis?
ATP-synthase +Glucocorticoids
Glycine oxidase Mineralocorticoids
219. Vasopressin - a hormone which expresses a powerful Calcitonin
antidiuretic action, stimulating a return current of water Vasopressin
through the membranes of renal tubules. What is its
chemical nature? 226. Adrenal cortex glands produce some hormones
+Peptide revealing an anti-inflammatory effect. Point the main
Carbohydrate hormone which is carrying out this function?
Amino acid derivative +Hydrocortisone
Steroid Aldosterone
Testosterone Aminalon
Progesterone 234. In a patient with Itsenko-Cushing’s syndrome a steady
hyperglycemia and glucosuria are observed. What hormone
227. Cholecalcipherol (vitamin D3) in the liver and kidneys synthesis and secretion are increased in this case?
is activated and converted to the active form – 1,25- +Cortisol
dihydroxycholecalcipherol. Name a hormone which Epinephrine
regulates this process. Glucagon
Insulin Thyroxine
+Parathyroid hormone Aldosterone
Calcitonin 235. Under emotional stress triglyceride lipase is activated
Adrenocorticotrophic hormone in adipocytes. Point out, concentration of what second
messenger increases at that situation.
228. Sulfanilurea derivatives (e.g. butamide) are commonly cGMP
used at non-insulin dependent diabetes treatment. What is a Diacylglycerol
biochemical mechanism of their hypoglycemic action? +cAMP
+Strengthening of the insulin hypoglycemic action AMP
Reduction of the glucocorticoid hypoglycemic action Ca2+
Reduction of the insulin hypoglycemic action
Strengthening of the glucocorticoid hyperglycemic action 236. Name a hormone-synchronizer of biogenic rhythms in
Reveal a diuretic action the organism which is the derivative of an amino acid:
229. Non-steroid anti-inflammatory remedies, e.g. aspirin, Adrenalin
inhibit cyclooxygenase which converts arachidonic acid Dopamine
into: Noradrenalin
+Prostaglandins Thyroxine
Biogenic amines 237. A patient with the signs of feminization
Endorphins (eunuchoidism) was prescribed the most active male sex
Catecholamines hormone. Point it.
230. Amino acid tyrosine is a predecessor of some Testosterone
hormones. Point one of them, produced in the adrenal Progesterone
medulla glands. Androsterone
+Adrenaline Pregnenolone
Gastrine 238. A gynecologist used a neurohypophysis hormone for
Serotonin the stimulation of child birth activity. Name it.
Glucagon +Oxytocin
231. Tyrosine is used for the thyroxine synthesis. What Intermedin
atoms from microelements take part in this process? Chorionic gonadotropin
+I Serum gonadotropin
Cu 239. To initiate analgesia a peptide that reveals the
Ca morphine effect, but is synthesized in the CNS may be
Zn used. Name it.
232. In therapy of chronic inflammation processes a series Oxytocin
of medical preparations is used. Point out, which of the Somatoliberin
preparations reversibly inhibits cyclooxygenase (COX) of Vasopressin
arachidonic acid. Calcitonin
Antimycin 240. Renin is an enzyme which is produced by the
Vikasol juxtaglomerular cells of kidneys in response to blood
+Indomethacin pressure lowering. Its action is directed to:
Cholecalcipherol +Angiotensinogen – a protein, which is secreted by the
233. Cyclooxygenase activity may be inhibited by use of Natriuretic hormone, which is synthesized in atrium and
some medicines. Which of them irreversibly inhibits this brain
enzyme? Decrease of arachidonic acid availability for synthesis of
Allopurinol prostaglandins and leukotrienes
Insulin Stimulation of glucose transport into cells
Oligomycin Smooth muscle relaxation, artery and arteriole wall
+Aspirin widening
NADH - dehydrogenase
241. Atriopeptin, aurikulin, cardionatrin – the peptides ATP-synthase
which possess a diuretic effect that exceeds by 20 times the Cоenzyme Q
action of the pharmacological preparation furosemide.
What hormone synthetic analogues are they? 248. Antibiotic antimycine A blocks electron transport by
+Atrium natriuretic factor the electron transport chain. Mark what point does it affect
Antidiuretic hormone on?
Insulin +Between cytochromes b and c1
Somatostatin Between FADH2 and CоQ
Aldosterone Between cytochromes с1 and с
Between nucleotides NADH and FADH2
242. Hormones are divided into 2 groups in connection Between CоQ and cytochrome b
with cellular localization of receptor. Which hormone
influences directly on the nucleus initiating physiological 249. The biggest part of biochemical processes in the
effects? human organism is closely related with the use of energy.
+Estradiol What compound is the unique accumulator, donor, and
Growth hormone transformer of the energy in the organism?
Insulin +Adenosine triphosphate
Dopamine Phosphoenolpyruvate
Calcitonin Creatinephosphate
Acetyl -КоА
243. A 21-year-old sportsman has been taking anabolic Succinyl-CоА
steroids in for three months. How it may affect total protein
concentration in the blood serum? 250. Under some compound's action the blocking of
+Total protein concentration will rise oxidative phosphorylation occurs in the mitochondria,
Total protein concentration will lower however oxygen consumption takes place and substrates
Will not affect are being oxidized. Point compound that uncouples those
Immunoglobulin concentration will rise processes.
Cholesterol concentration will lower +Thyroxine
244. Parents noticed that their 6-year-old boy lagged Progesterone
behind in physical and psychic development. The boy Oestradiol
became inattentive, indifferent, incapable to memorize Somatostatin
simple educational actions. A doctor suspected in the
child’s organism a lack of: 251. Status of the patient's antioxidant system was
+Iodine estimated on basis of determination of one endogenous
Somatotropin antioxidant content. What namely?
Vitamin B1 +Alpha-tocopherol
Ferrum Trivalent ferrum
Calcium Ornithine
Hydrogen peroxide
245. Research of urine composition found a decrease of Cholecalcipherol
sodium ions concentration. Which of hormones provides
strengthening of sodium reabsorption in the convoluted 252. In a patient with stomatitis and necrotic alterations in
tubules of the nephron? the oral cavity an inborn catalase deficiency (acatalasia)
+Aldosterone was revealed. This enzyme (catalase) catalyzes the
Acetylcholine reaction:
Somatostatin +Cleavage of H2O2 to H2O and O2
Adrenaline Cleavage of H2O2 to H2O and O
Vasopressin Synthesis of H2O2
Synthesis of ATP
246. A number of enzymes takes part in the ATP synthesis Decarboxylation of α-ketoacids
in the cell. Enzymes of the electron transport chain, which
provide ATP synthesis, are localized in: 253. Inherited genetic defects lead to the abnormalities in
+Mitochondrion synthesis of some enzymes in the human organism. Point
Lysosome the enzyme which defect leads to derangements in lactose
Nucleus hydrolysis:
Peroxisome +Lactase
Ribosome Saccharase
247. Under intoxication by carbon monooxide the tissue Amylase
respiration in man is inhibited. Name the enzyme of the Peptidase
respiratory chain, which activity is sharply lowering at such
conditions. 254. A newborn has diarrhea, vomit, and since some time
+Cytochrome oxidase lenticular opacity (cataract) is developed. This disease is
Succinate dehydrogenase connected with the abnormalities in the synthesis of the
enzyme: +Lactate
+Galactose 1-phosphate uridyl transferase Serine
Hexokinase α-Ketoglutarate
Glucose 6-phosphatase Aspartic acid
Glycogen synthetase Glutamic acid
Glucose phosphate isomerase
262. The second event of aerobic degradation of glucose in
255. Influence of some hormones on carbohydrate the cell is the oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate. Point
metabolism express in stimulation of the glycogen the main product of this process.
degradation. What enzyme catalyzes the first step of the +Acetyl-CoA
glycogen degradation with glucose 1-phosphate formation? Oxaloacetate
+Glycogen phosphorylase Citrate
Glycogen synthetase Pyruvate
Phosphofructokinase Succinate
Pyruvate kinase 263. A suffer from diabetes mellitus got a high dose of
insulin. It caused giddiness, loss of consciousness and
256. The order and localization in the cell of the glycolysis spasms. What glucose blood level can be observed under
fermentative reactions are determined at present time. Point these conditions?
this localization. +2,3 mmol/L
+Cytosol 3,5 mmol/L
Mitochondria 6,5 mmol/L
Golgi apparatus 8,0 mmol/L
Lysosomes 12,5 mmol/L
264. Hyperglycemic coma has been diagnosed in a patient.
257. It is known that some carbohydrates are not digested What is a blood glucose level possible for these conditions?
in the GIT of the human organism. Choose such +18,0 mmol/L
carbohydrate. 3,0 mmol/L
+Cellulose 9,0 mmol/L
Sucrose 5,3 mmol/L
Lactose 7,5 mmol/L
Glycogen 265. Point a localization of the process of pyruvate
oxidative decarboxylation in the cell.
258. A sportsman finished the training. What process +Mitochondria
activation gives the result in increasing of lactate in the Cytoplasm
blood? Nucleus
+Glycolysis Ribosome
Gluconeogenesis Endoplasmatic reticulum
Tricarboxylic acid cycle
Glycogen synthesis 266. A 5-year-old boy is diagnosed cataract, fat
Pentose-phosphate pathway degeneration of the liver. Biochemical analysis revealed the
increase of blood galactose level and decrease of blood
259.The main source of energy for erythrocytes is glucose level. What metabolic disorder takes place in the
glycolysis. What is the energy output of glycolysis? patient?
+2 ATP molecules +Galactosemia
7 ATP molecules Fructosemia
5 ATP molecules Glycogen storage disease
3 ATP molecules Diabetes mellitus
4 ATP molecules Porphyria

260. In a 22-year-old woman after aspirin treatment the 267. At aerobic conditions pyruvate is oxidized, with loss
signs of hemolytic anemia were observed. It was due to of its carboxyl group by the pyruvate dehydrogenase
hereditary deficiency of the pentose phosphate pathway complex, located in the mitochondria of eukaryotic cells.
enzyme – glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase which Point one coenzyme, which is part of this complex:
supplies the organism with: +FAD
FMN Pyridoxal phosphate
NAD+ Metyl-cobalamine
FAD N-carboxybiotine
268. In a 5-year-old child with an increased body
261. In sportsmen in some time after physical activity the temperature after aspirin treatment an intensive erythrocyte
process of gluconeogenesis is activated. Point the substrate haemolysis was observed. What enzyme inherited
which is used for this process. defficiency could cause hemolytic anemia in the child?
+Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 275. Red blood cells use for their life energy in the form of
Glucose-6-phosphatase ATP. Specify the metabolic process that provides
Glycogen phosphorylase erythrocytes the necessary quantity of ATP.
Glucokinase +Anaerobic glycolysis
Gamma-glutamyl transferase Gluconeogenesis
pentose phosphate cycle
269. In a 40-year-old patient with schizophrenia normal Beta-oxidation of fatty acids
levels of glucose, ketone bodies and urea in the blood were Citric acid cycle
observed. Shock therapy by regular insulin injections led to
an insulin coma development. After that a psychic state of 276. The main mechanism of ammonia utilization in the
the patient became better. What was the most probable organism is the urea biosynthesis. What high-energy
reason for the insulin coma? compound formation in the urea synthesis the cycle begins
+Hypoglycemia from?
Hyperglycemia +Carbamoyl phosphate
Tissue dehydratation Citrulline
Metabolic acidosis Arginine
Glucosuria Fumaric acid
270. In a man after use of honey on empty stomach
hypoglycemia has developed. What inherited disease this 277. Irritability of the nervous system, which can be
may specify of? observed under a B6 hypovitaminosis, is connected with the
+Fructose intolerance lack of synthesis of a biogenic amine that has an inhibitory
Diabetes mellitus effect on the CNS. Name this biogenic amine.
Galactosemia +Gamma-aminobutyric acid
Glycogen storage disease Histamine
Milk intolerance Dopamine
271. One of the stages of aerobic oxidation of glucose is the Serotonin
oxidative decarboxylation of pyruvate. What vitamins take
part in this process? 278. A patient has liver function abnormalities. What
+PP, B1, B2, pantothenic acid biochemical index is necessary to measure in the blood to
A, D, C determine the liver state?
H, K, P +ALT
Bc, B12, B6 Creatine phosphokinase
B5, Bc, B12 Aldolase
272. In a patient who suffers from enterocolitis diarrhea, Lipase
cramps, flatulence have appeared after milk intake. What
enzyme deficiency these abnormalities are connected with? 279. Ammonia is generated in different tissues and organs
+Lactase and neutralized in the liver by converting into urea. What
Maltase amino acid transports it from the skeletal muscles to liver?
Saccharase +Alanine
Amylase Histidine
Glycogen synthase Glycine
273. Avidin – a hen egg protein - is a mighty specific Aspartate
inhibitor of the vitamin H-containing enzymes. What
conversion from the listed below will be blocked after 280. Ammonia is a toxic compound and its increasing in
avidin introduction? the blood is especially dangerous for neurons. What amino
+Pyruvate-oxaloacetate acid from the listed below is used as effective remedy that
Glucose-pyruvate binds ammonia in the brain?
Pyruvate-Glucose +Glutamic
Oxaloacetate-Glucose Succinic
Glucose-Ribose-5-phosphate Benzoic
274.Cleavage of starch and glycogen starts in the oral Sulfosalicylic
cavity due to the action of amylase that is excreted by
salivary glands. What bonds are hydrolyzed by the enzyme 281. Aminotransferases are the enzymes which transfer
in question? amino groups from one compound to another. Point the
+α- 1,4-glycosidic acceptor of amino groups.
α- 1,6-glycosidic +α-Ketoglutaric acid
β- 1,4-glycosidic Lactic acid
β- 1,2-glycosidic Succinate
α- 1,3-glycosidic Acetone
Butyric acid
282. Pancreatic enzymes are transported to the duodenum 289. A 23-year-old man was diagnosed muscular dystrophy
in inactive state. Point the enzyme that activates and recommended to use for intensification of the
trypsinogen. pyrimidine synthesis…
+Enterokinase +Potassium orotate
Gastricsin Ascorbic acid
Lipase Lipoic acid
Pepsin Cocarboxylase
Elastase Cyanocobalamin

283. Aminotransferases transfer an amino group from one 290. As a result of abnormality of nucleic acid metabolism
compound to another. Now more than 50 aminotransferases the precipitation of some salts in tissues, especially in the
are known. Point the substance that is a prosthetic group of joints takes place. That can provoke certain diseases. Point
these enzymes. the substance that forms the salts.
+В6 +Uric acid
В1 Glyoxylate
В5 Urea
В12 Allantoin
РР Lactic acid

284. In a patient the amino acid transport in the intestine 291. A 27-year-old patient went to a doctor with symptoms
cells is decreased. What substance participates in the amino of jaundice, high temperature and general weakness. It was
acid transport? diagnosed acute viral hepatitis. Which of biochemical
+Glutathione indices is prevalent in the peak of jaundice?
Antiserine +Conjugated bilirubin
Amylase Stercobilin
Ornithine Non-conjugated bilirubin
Alanine Verdoglobin
285. Point the normal values of gastric juice pH.
+1,5-2,5 292. In a patient the increasing of a conjugated bilirubin
4,0-5,0 level in the blood serum was observed, the faeces were
6,8-7,2 light-grey; the urine had a colour of beer. The skin and
1,0-5,0 mucous tunics were yellow. What type of jaundice took
2,0-4,0 place in this case?
+Biliary obstruction
286. At alkaptonuria an excessive excretion of Hepatic jaundice
homogentisate with the urine takes place. What amino acid Physiologic jaundice
metabolism the abnormality of this pathology appearance is Jilber’s disease
connected with? Hemolytic jaundice
Phenylalanine 293. To a patient who was diagnosed with viral
Alanine conjunctivitis a doctor prescribed eye drops which
Methionine contained:
Asparagine +DNA-ase
287. Pigment melanin synthesis doesn’t occur at albinism. Trypsin
Abnormalities that cause this disease are connected with Penicillin
metabolism of the amino acid: Streptocid
Asparagine 294. One of the main pathogenetic ways of radiation
Alanine sickness genesis is a free radical process intensification.
Methionine What substances are the primary source of free radicals?
Glutamine +Lipids
288. Mother of a 2-year-old boy told a doctor of a very Proteins
unusual smell of urine which resembled the maple syrup Water
smell. After carrying the analyses out the diagnosis was Metal ions
made. Ketoaciduria of branched acids. Which are these
amino acids? 295. For improving sports results a sportsman was
+Leucine, valine, isoleucine recommended to use carnitine. What process is activated by
Tyrosine, tryptophan carnitine?
Arginine, histidine +Transport of fatty acids
Proline, serine, glycine Transport of glucose
Phenylalanine, tyrosine Transport of vitamine К
Transport of calcium ions
Transport of amino acids
296. During one cycle of the beta-oxidation in 303. Choose the right definition to the term “xenobiotics”:
mitochondria 1 FADH2 and 1 NADH(H+) are produced. +Alien substances that enter the human organism and aren’t
They pass atoms of hydrogen to the electron transport used in it
chain, where in the oxidative phosphorylation are Low molecular weight organic substances that interact with
produced: enzyme and modulate its activity
+5 АTP Protein catalysts that accelerate reactions in the cell
10 АТP Allosteric effectors
8 АТP Substances that regulate metabolism and development of
15 АТP the organism
304. Cleavage of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in the human
297. Level of cholesterol in the blood of a patient who has organism to salicylic and acetic acids is by type a reaction
diabetes mellitus is 12 mmol/L. Point a possible of:
complication: +Hydrolysis
+Atherosclerosis Isomerization
Rickets Conjugation
Dermatitis Reduction
Paralyses Oxidation

298. The intracellular metabolism of glycerol begins from

its activation. What compound is synthesized in the first
reaction of its transformation?

299. In a 12-year-old child type I hyperlipoproteinemia was

diagnosed and characterized by a high content of
chylomicrons in the blood plasma. The high concentration
of chylomicrons was a consequence of the lack of:
+Lipoprotein lipase
Triacylglycerol lipase
Carnitine acyl transferase
Cholesterol esterase

300. Point the end product of β-oxidation of fatty acids

with odd number of carbonic atoms.

301. During fasting ketoacidosis is developing. Increased

concentration of which metabolite in blood is a symptom of
this condition?

302. A process of conjugation in phase II of toxic

compound neutralization is fulfilled by means of joining of
certain chemical compounds to their functional groups.
Choose one of such compounds:
+Glucuronic acid
Higher fatty acids

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