555 Ic

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Analog Al octvonte

B(ock diag am Tuwo tomp avator6, poten tial

oivcdlor, R4Ccp tlop, liamit or

valey Pavee

torspat al ovd

Groun d



|2 B55

bulput 6 Thethold
orteol veltega
Fune tions of Phs :
The pü number8 of lC 565 and their tuncteoro
ae dis ewMed bel ouo;
Pin I: Gao und:
I the vo tag e are meas uYodl wh Kespect

The C565 ses two coMpar atovQ. The voltnge

|div èder comsts of tAnee egual AL'stan ces . Oue to
voltage divtdet, the vollage os non -nver tth) terminal
f corvpar ator 2 s textd al ecly. Tho tnerttng tnp
o coyavalov d bhuch is compased wrth vcc Ia l9. 3
thng bt totgser tpul bvought out as pn
number When the cgger hput Es alghtly dess
than Yec l8. the Cortpaaalo 2 ouyut goes hugt
TAcs Dutpud s gå en to a2net onyul ob R 6
ip flop. do kiglh output ot eompav ator 2 erels
the tip- flops.
Pcn 3: Output
The complementayy gnal output (6)
( &) o tht
p top g0es to pin 8 oluch s the output The
load can be conhectecl n twD Loays. One betaween
pn 3 and ground Lohile othes between pn a and pu &.
enA : Roreb
an tntenul o the teming devie.
deyie andma keA it otl.Thuo, pcn 4 poYdeo on/of
Bealue to the
the 1G
1c h55,
b56. Thio
Thio 0sot
0set input overtdas
t nlleY uncteeons thip the timey hen t ts
momentavily groundod.
pstable Multivibrator uha
sh the connoc kod as an as table
ul tcvib rator. The 4heshold input CDYneched
to the tr!ger input, Two external e s tencLs RA, Re
and a eapa ctor C is wwed in he cir cult,



This ruk has ho elable state The cir cuts

Changes ts oati alternatel., Honce the operat tön
in bis
aleo allQd fee tunnng nonly
anwoLdal os ellot or.
ihuchh oives
Lhe tronistor Qd in satuatuon an d the tapac tor
getb discharg ed. Nlow te capact tor voltag &is nothing
but -lhe trgg
rc9g ex voliage, o tle deic hargtna , Lohen t
becomes loss than l/3 Vcc torvpal ator 2 ot puct g06
) gou
htah, is A06eBs Lu Blp -fops Aence Q 9005 low
and o g003 gh, The low O Q makes the dasystos
eff. thus Capacttor dlaxts cha ging through the
AoLLslance Kp, Re and ec. The charging. path to dhown
bu tflck vrows n the tgue. uds otal aosistana
n the chavgtn9 path is (Rn tRa), the chary i'y tCme
Condtant s (Rp tRe) C.
Now e capacitor vottage b aldo a thseshold
capactor voltage ney eahes
vo ltage whle chavgtbg ohen t
0) he thvceshold volta e incieasl8
then the eompara for l output gos hugh ohict sebs the
up tlop The lip - tlop ouctput Q becomes high and
output at th & dey @becowilS loo, Hig hh Q deives hansistos
@a cn satevation ad alolte d law 6 Thus

seha ng- teine cos tant 5 Rg C, LOhon capacetor e

Vo llage bacomeb les than /3 Vcc . Comparator
outpul 00s higb, Aes etttng the fup - tlop. This cycle.
output s
-Thus hen tapactoy s chal g.' kut
output s
|igh whlle when A s olis chargin he
A9cBangular oave The Capai toy
Los. The oulput i a Aset
vo ltage exp on enttally sing nd

Channg ve
puschat gins vo Pe


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