5cent-2nd LWB 2-Up Letter

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Table Of Contents

Majors ............................................6-16
Extra Majors ..................................17-18
Matches .........................................19-25
Teacups ..........................................26-32
Needles ..........................................33-39
Special Thanks...............................47

the 5-Cent tarot

The 5-cent Tarot is a fun and whimsical deck

loosely inspired by Victorian era poster art.
Using vintage images and remnants of biological
and botanical ephemera, this deck incorporates
keywords in the upright and reverse positions.

There are no people in this deck, but flora,

animals and insects with sometimes human
accessories and unexpected elements. This deck is
full of small surprises and fun bits of whimsy —
the idea is to engage the reader with images that
are interesting, yet clear and to the point.

Quirky and fun: in this deck, pentacles are

buttons, wands are matchsticks, swords are
needles and cups are vintage teacups.

The keywords in upright and reverse positions

are scaled to a size that will be helpful for new
readers, but also not a distraction for experienced
readers. The compositions also employ the
symbolism from traditional tarot and are
therefore, RWS-adjacent.

3 4
The Fool
A Message From Madam Clara
In animal symbolism, the frog
This little white book was created to provide brief
is associated with renewal and
insights into my inspiration for each and every
rebirth. Here, he is ready to throw
one of the cards in the deck. It is not intended
caution to the wind and jump
to be an in-depth guidebook; rather, a sentence
right in with a fresh new start.
or two for each card to give you an idea of my
This card is about big possibilities
thought process.
and the promise of unlimited
potential. Every free spirit needs a counter
In most cases, I will give you a description of
balance, so his sidekick grasshopper represents
the animal or insect I have chosen and why.
his inner voice and reminds us to also look
Sometimes, it’s a known symbolism reference;
before we leap.
other times, it may be more obscure from my
own twisted mind. Where appropriate, I make
reference to specific plants and flora; other times, The magician
they are merely vintage flourishes that work well
with my design system. The amazing spider represents
mystery, growth, and power, and
Every reader is different and we all draw from symbolizes the shadow of oneself.
our own personal experiences, connections and Like the magician, she is able to
teachers who have helped to shape our unique spin her web and create whatever
perspective. So, if you see a description or element she wants to be, or others to see!
on a card that doesn't vibe with your own, I hope She is the master of her own
you will accept it as a variation from a slightly destiny and bears a poignant message to all: life is
different angle. To me, this is why so many of us merely what you make of it!
have diverse tarot collections. I hope you enjoy!

5 6
The High Priestess The Emperor

Like the High Priestess, the owl The authoritative rockhopper

thrives under the mystery of crested penguin calls for self-
moonlight, magic, and ancient discipline and determination so
knowledge; a symbol of the divine that you can achieve your goals.
feminine. She pivots both the He is a fatherly energy, regardless
conscious and subconscious realms of being male or female, and
and draws on her intuition. In this provides and protects. This card
card, the High Priestess owl beckons us to trust calls to solid leadership and good advice from a
our inner voice and seek answers in our dreams. mentor with the wisdom of the ages.

The Empress The Hierophant

The crowned empress butterfly In this card, the wise praying

perfectly embodies her namesake. mantis presides over his pious
Butterflies are deep and powerful beetle subjects. In most cultures
representations of life and the the mantis is a symbol of stillness,
soul. Around the world, people giving testimony to the benefits
view the butterfly as representing of meditation, and calming our
endurance, change, hope, and life. minds. An appearance from
Here, she flutters about the fertile pomegranates the mantis is a message to be still, go within,
and wheat, reminding us of the need for time out meditate, and reach a place of calm. Here, the
in nature to rejuvenate our universal energy and message is one of wisdom whispering in your ear,
connection to the fertile earth. and a call to listen carefully.
7 8
The Lovers Strength

Historically, snakes represent Symbolic of our inner strength,

fertility and a creative life force. the multi-talented sea lion
As snakes shed their skin through performs effortlessly, perfectly
sloughing, they are symbols controlled and balanced above
of rebirth, transformation, the hard-shelled armadillo,
immortality, and healing. The also symbolic of protection and
entwined snakes of The Lovers boundaries. The ouroboros snake
card reassure us of a perfect soulmate in our speaks to infinite potential and wisdom.
midst, and promises made and kept. The angel To draw this card is to realize a connection to
figure has been fittingly replaced with a moth, strong will and determination.
symbolic of determination and attraction.

The Chariot The Hermit

Reindeer represent journeying, Like the Hermit, not only does

wandering, safe travels, strength the anglerfish have its own
and endurance. In many cultures, biological glowing lantern, but
they also symbolize wisdom and also symbolizes the unseen
resourcefulness, and are honored world, navigating darkness, and
for their nobility. Here, our driven luring energy. This remarkable
reindeer calls us to remain focused creature from the deepest depths
and confident and success will follow suit. The of the ocean implores us to retreat into our own
Sphinx moths here lead the way as powerful private world and take some alone-time for soul-
symbols of determination. searching and self-discovery.

9 10
Wheel Of Fortune The Hanged Man

The highly animated monkey Bats are symbols of transition,

is a powerful symbol of good initiation, letting go of the old
luck, representing a playful and and embracing the start of a new
lighthearted version of oneself. beginning — a fitting creature to
Here, the ancient and timeless figuratively and literally represent
proverbial three wise monkeys the hanged man. The advice we
refer to the virtues in being of can derive here: take pause to see
good mind, speech and action. The ultimate things from a whole new perspective! It's not
take-away: what goes around comes around, so only a time of rest, but also of reflection and
good will always beget good! emerging with a refreshed point of view.

Justice Death

In some ancient cultures, the crow The crow is most often associated
is believed to be the keeper of the with life mysteries and magic,
Sacred Law and divination. Many and has come to be connected
also believe crows hold memories with death on many levels in
of ancient worlds, bygone ways of so many cultures. In this card,
living, and beautiful secrets. She the symbolism is not about a
is mysterious and full of wisdom! devastating ending; rather, an
With a watchful eye, she implores us to be fair assertion of the powerful wisdom that as one
and impartial, for whatever we reap, we shall sow. door closes, another may open, signaling a pivotal
To expect truth and justice is to also be fair and moment to let go and move on.
truthful in return.
11 12
Temperance The Tower

The turtle is a sacred figure in All over the world, the tortoise
Native American symbolism as is seen as a symbol for security,
it represents Mother Earth and endurance, peacefulness, longevity,
signifies good health, patience and and patience. Here, that stability
longevity. The hard shell of the has been shaken, rocked to the
turtle represents perseverance and very core with a sudden upheaval.
protection. Here, with her angelic The eels represent the electrified
butterfly wings, she tells us to maintain our lightning bringing sudden destruction. The
balance by seeking what is important. takeaway: out of chaos and pain comes creation,
strength and renewal.

The Devil The Star

The remarkable stag beetle The starfish here beautifully

suggests that you reap what you illustrates the ideas of renewal and
sow, threefold; so it is important regeneration, as this fascinating
to resist negative temptations of creature can regrow its own limbs.
our shadow, or darker, selves. The The ibis is associated with the
devilish beetle here and his captive Egyptian God Thoth, the God of
larvae play out the iconic scenario wisdom, magic, writing and
of this card, reminding us that we ourselves wield insight. As such, this is a card of manifestation,
the power to break free from the fears that bind magic and the future being revealed. The Star
us. The larvae represent the vulnerable, perhaps brings renewed hope and faith, and a sense that
undeveloped, soul. you are truly blessed.
13 14
The Moon Judgement

The dog and the wolf manifest The angelic Monarch butterfly —
together, bringing the tamed symbolic of transformation and a
and wild aspects and polarity of fully transitioned soul, rises above
our minds. The wolf represents and welcomes the caterpillars,
guardianship, ritual, and intuition; or souls, at the beginning of the
while the dog symbolizes fidelity journey. The trumpet flower
and unconditional love. Both recalls the archetype of Archangel
appear to remind us to trust our hearts and Gabriel's trumpet, calling forth the dead. Here,
minds, and have control over our own lives. we are in a moment of rebirth, awakening an
Here, we are being asked to dig deep to reveal inner calling with a higher purpose.
our shadows and face our hidden fears.

The Sun The world

Basking in the soul-nourishing This card is about completion and

and regenerative warmth of manifestation, represented by the
the Sun, the lizard is a reliable entwined snakes as symbols of
messenger from the spiritual the creative life force, immortality
realm. They are highly adaptive and healing. Together, they speak
to their surroundings, capable of to the duality and balance of
overcoming adversity, which earns the polarities necessary to strike
them the symbolism of being able to go with the perfect harmony in life. The message here:
flow — a happy-go-lucky, of sorts. Here, we are at last, everything is coming together and
welcomed to enjoy this moment, for we have so fulfillment is yours.
much to celebrate.
15 16
The Unknown The Universe

This card represents the This card is about infinite growth

mystery of the unknown, as best on a higher level, as represented
represented by the unhatched egg by the remarkably perfect
and tightly closed flower buds, not mathematics of the nautilus. It's
revealing their full beauty just yet. about seeking grand possibilities
In a reading, perhaps it calls for far beyond the immediate world.
one to look to their curiosity and In reverse, we are called out for
have an open mind to discovery. In reverse, the stunting our own spiritual evolution and lacking
message may be that the person is too egotistical a growth mindset.
to see beyond the obvious and is perhaps too
shielded in their approach.

The Beyond The Messenger

This card is about the soul, as This card speaks to the presence
represented by the bones of a of our spirit guides and the
majestic winged creature and the messages they are specifically
time-worn rings of a mighty oak. trying to deliver us, represented
The bigger picture, the grand here by the mighty hawk. It's
existence. In a reading, it calls about our guardian angels and
upon us to believe and seek higher their watch over us, likely sharing
meaning from a higher power. In reverse, it reveals signs that we need to recognize. In reverse,
that we need to open up to the possibilities of perhaps we are either blind to these signs or
what lies beyond our worldly comprehension. unreceptive to their importance.

17 18
Ace Of matches three Of matches

Here, an effervescent and With a nearly 360º field of

inspired robin bird looks to the view, the common housefly here
distance and commands a vintage symbolizes the importance of a
telescope; she is a harbinger of completely open sense of vision
new ideas and vast opportunity. and determination. The eye
Behind our feathered friend, chart supports the idea of full
a large gear represents the focus to see what’s in front of us,
challenges of hard work with the promise of rich including potential challenges and opportunities.
rewards ahead. Blossoming flowers unfold to Two dragonflies dance about the match flames,
symbolize the growth potential of our efforts. representing movement and progression.

two Of matches four Of matches

Who better to represent long- A thriving and bustling hive

term planning and discovery is all abuzz with happy bees in
than a spirited woodland squirrel, full harmony as a community.
devoting an entire season to The floral garlands have helped
prepare for the next. The leaves provide the nectar and pollen for
are just beginning to turn, alluding their celebration, and a significant
to the onset of Autumn. Our goal or milestone has been met.
friend commands post inside an armillary sphere, This card is clearly about a sense of home and the
her celestial framework and guide. Her telescope joy and satisfaction that is being realized.
symbolizes a focus on the distance.

19 20
Five Of matches Seven Of matches

Even though they are all Hidden in plain sight, this

virtually equal, the warrior ants phasmatodean warrior — or
at battle have met their matches, walking stick bug — has a
perpetuating conflict without real natural defense in camouflage,
purpose. The rivalry here is clearly leaving him at once protected
pointless, while the competition and vulnerable. This card is about
persists. What they are not able perseverance, holding strong and
to see is that, together, they have the potential standing your ground, albeit sometimes with a
to compromise, achieve harmony and, perhaps, hint of uncertainty. The gnarly foliage underfoot
accomplish great things. represents the challenges being faced.

Six Of matches Eight Of matches

With head held high, the Here, our 8 matchsticks are raised
decorated ostrich is self-assured, up high behind a wind-propelled
poised and proud. The laurel hot air balloon and dynamic bird
wreath is a symbol of recognition in flight, swooping through the
and acclaim that is highly clear skies at high speed. Our gull
deserved. Body language and appears determined and laser-
posture here exudes confidence focused. The key ideas here: travel,
and success. Of course, the caution is that these change and rapid movement. You are cleared for
traits can lean egotistical in the reverse position! takeoff and nothing can stand in your way!

21 22
Nine Of matches Page Of matches

Injured and perhaps a little Behold the resplendent quetzal,

fatigued, our resilient and noble a colorful free spirit venerated by
parrot symbolizes all that is the ancient Aztecs and Mayans
possible and imminent, tending to and symbolic of goodness and
her own wounds before enduring light. Her companion, the fiery
a final round of battle and salamander strikes a match and
challenges, the last bit of darkness represents the creative spark of
before the dawn. This card is about a positive inspiration. The compass dial is a fitting backdrop,
energy and outlook as represented by this divine setting us on a path of limitless discovery, ready
beauty in all her colorful, brilliant glory. to explore.

Ten Of matches Knight Of matches

Heavy is the burden of the driven Poised and ready for action, the
and determined worker ant! noble Knight — the only piece
Here she is on the very verge in chess able to jump over others
of achieving greatness, but now — is crawling with salamanders,
must also bear the new burden of full of energy and passion, also
responsibility. The bundle of 10 represented by the flanking torch
matches represents achievement and vintage bulb. This card is
and completion — a mission accomplished, all about enthusiasm and motivation, or “fire”; so
well worth the effort! here, even the foliage has been rendered dynamic
and colored to resemble flames.

23 24
Queen Of matches ace Of Cups

All hail the Queen Bee, taking Entering the teacups suit, our
charge on a giant blooming angelic honey bee serves as a
sunflower throne, symbolic of provider of light, descending from
life, fertility, joy and satisfaction. the heavens as a steady pour of
This character is about getting life-giving brew overflows the
things done and radiating vitality. teacup. The lotus blossoms below
Her bold, commanding presence symbolize the awakening of the
is only countered by her companion cat, an human spirit. Intuition and creativity are at work
expression or subtle hint of her lesser-known here, inspiring us to embrace a new love, which
shadow self. promises to fill our hearts and fulfill our wishes.

King Of matches two Of Cups

Literally the king of the jungle, An inspired twist on the iconic

the born-leader lion is on top Caduceus of Hermes, the ancient
of the world, a spherical throne symbol of commerce, trade,
representing an ultimate victory and exchange. Here, our double
over every challenge taken in entwined snakes represent the
stride. His matchstick wand powerful energy that begins to
symbolizes life and creativity, stir when two become one. The
while his sidekick salamander represents fire and traditional lion’s head is replaced with flourishing
infinite drive, always pushing forward, regardless dandelions, representing youth and joy, while the
of obstacles. bee elicits shades of passion and fire energy.

25 26
three Of Cups Five Of Cups

Three is a party with the fabulous Alas, the overturned cicada is

flying fish sisters, raising their cups defeated, overcome with regret
in a toast of celebration and joy. and disappointment, paralyzed
They remind us that when good by his own failure. The three cups
fortune is upon us, it is best shared in his view are also overturned,
with friends. The ground here but he has no vision to see the
is the ocean floor, layered with potential in the upright cups out
flowing fountains, shells and coral, symbolizing of his view, ready to raise him up. The message:
the sea’s version of an abundant harvest and the we must realize that what’s done is done and it
goodness in life. is time to move on.

Four Of Cups Six Of Cups

Here we have what you might call The playful dolphins here are
a reluctant crab, oblivious to even the youthful free-spirits of
the most obvious opportunities the sea, calling on us to revisit
all around; retreating into its shell the innocence and comfort of
and too self-engrossed to notice. childhood memories. Teacups
Prospects are plentiful, but it may are filled with love, optimism,
be neither the right time nor the harmony and generosity, as a
right project. With an offer to be considered, flower is offered from one to the other. The
turning inward for guidance is the dominant message is to take pause from the burdens of
message here, for better or for worse. adulthood and enjoy, if only for this moment.

27 28
Seven Of Cups nine Of Cups

The water scorpion bug, or The graceful peacock —

Nepidae, has scythe-like front legs the epitome of beauty and
for seizing prey, here being the poise — offers lessons about
seven cups of wishes, dreams — self-love, honor, integrity and
and sometimes curses! All appear the importance of facing life’s
within reach, but choices need to challenges with courage and
be made, and all is not as it seems. confidence. This card is about
The message is to see beyond illusion and allure, contentment and emotional fulfillment in
and instead focus on reality and what is truly realizing your heart’s very deepest desires.
right for you.

Eight Of Cups ten Of Cups

Here, the nomadic hermit crab Here, a family of ducks represent

has retreated into a teacup shell, the divine love and emotional
turning his back and escaping fulfillment of an everlasting bond.
current realities. Due to their Swimming together as a unit, they
gradual growth in body mass, this symbolize happiness and fidelity,
creature moves from one shell to a connection to home and the
another; the transition necessary comfort of stability. Intuitively,
for eventual growth. Recognizing that alone time they have arrived here and can now enjoy the
is needed to reconnect with our inner selves, the harmony of family bliss.
inner journey ahead may be challenging, but
necessary for long-term happiness.
29 30
Page Of Cups Queen Of Cups

Surprise! The curious alligator Our graceful matriarch is aptly

reminds us to be open to represented by the shore-loving
opportunities to ingest new and statuesque flamingo, calling
knowledge and wisdom — the for us to be vibrant and outgoing,
unbridled creative forces of the well-balanced and resourceful.
world including the fury and Her covered teacup conceals her
ferocity of reptilian primal energy. subconscious mind and depths
The goldfish appears unexpectedly with a of her soul, while her empathetic heart brings
message that we must interpret, as if in a dream, comfort to loved ones.
to signal the beginning of something new.

Knight Of Cups King Of Cups

This knighted seahorse is a Master of his emotions and

charmer, gliding in slowly to symbolic of power and control,
sweep us off our feet with a the mighty king fish commands
romantic proposal — and we authority and rightful status.
are hooked! Still, with an air of Unfettered and entirely balanced,
unbridled power and energy, this this creative leader remains
character draws on creativity to focused, keeps calm and carries
help us imagine new possibilities and garner the on, even in turbulent waters. He is filled with
affections of the graceful jellies and goldfish. compassion and aware of his emotions, without
being overwhelmed by them.

31 32
Ace Of Needles Three Of Needles

The snake or serpent so often Chosen for very obvious reasons,

represents spiritual guidance, the heartbroken moth fly is
rebirth and transformation. an insect scorned, pierced and
Here, the snake heralds a sudden virtually paralyzed by the needles
breakthrough of clarity that of verbal, physical, and emotional
awakens your soul. The brilliant torment. The hope of storm
dandelion, held as a symbol of clouds clearing above reminds
the warmth and power of the rising sign, is also us that pain and sorrow today will bring great
a reminder to use intelligence in dealing with strength tomorrow.
every kind of situation.

two Of Needles Four Of Needles

The blindfolded bat appears In the wake of trying times, the

to have limited vision, but also sleeping kinkajou appears to
has other heightened senses. A symbolize the need for a moment
daunting decision is to be weighed to rest and relax. Both the
and made, but neither the vision umbrella and night cap shield him
nor the resolution are entirely temporarily from harm, while he
clear. The ultimate message to be gathers himself, recuperates and
heard here: always use your head, but trust your takes much needed pause for meditation. This
intuition and go with your heart. card is about putting yourself back on the charger
before forging ahead to the next set of challenges!

33 34
Five Of Needles Seven Of Needles

A battle has been fought and lost, The raccoon is often a symbol of
but what has been won? Here, our intelligence and curiosity, but here
fighting scorpions, symbolic of a in two-faced form, it represents
passionate and deeply emotional secrecy and disguise, theft and
personality, learn that winning trickery. This card may be a
is not at all what it seems when warning of betrayal revealed when
friendships perish. The scissor- the deceptor, even if it is you, lets
billed bird reminds of the dangers of cutting down their guard. Whether victim or guilty
remarks and the long-term results of combative party, the advice is to be wary, or self-aware of
behaviors. The advice: pick your battles wisely. the risks at hand!

Six Of Needles Eight Of Needles

The frog mother — able to thrive The blind and bound mole,
in water and on land — signals seemingly incapacitated and
a time for rebirth or renewal. limited, is adequately equipped
Here, with her baby in tow, she and actually quite capable of using
seeks the next chapter by forging her intuition and other senses
ahead and leaving the past behind. to escape the guilt or fears that
She reminds us to find a way bind her. This card is a call to free
to navigate between physical, emotional, and ourselves from self-inflicted shackles and limiting
spiritual planes, and find joy in life and nature. thoughts. The Eight of Needles assures you there
is a way out of your current predicament – you
just need a new perspective.
35 36
Nine Of Needles Page Of Needles

The Nine of Needles is Rise and shine — the boastful

represented here by the slow rooster is full of passion and
loris, a nocturnal primate with a enthusiasm, reminding you to
distinct air and look of despair. strike while the iron is hot and
In Malaysia, it is said that the your energy burns bright. You are
loris covers its face with its hands bursting with new ideas and plans
because it is always seeing ghosts. for the future — and now is likely
With thoughts weighing heavy and keeping us a time to crow for it! The fertile, lush evergreens
up at night, we are warned to beware of the self- suggest that your ideas will bring positive
fulfilling prophecies of worry and fear. change and forward movement.

Ten Of Needles Knight Of Needles

An almost literal manifestation, Here, we celebrate the greater

the spiny porcupine appears to roadrunner, relentlessly charging
have been stabbed in the back at its prey, with an eye always on
several times over. Here, the the prize. This fearless character
spirit creature urges you to free reminds us to think on our feet
yourself of negativity and know and take quick action on our ideas;
that protection is always available. insisting we have the knowledge,
Even as an unexpected betrayal catches you off wisdom, and wits to see everything through to its
guard, there is hope and opportunity in the next finish. Our knight exudes that energy and signals
chapter. Endings may be inevitable, but finality a time to embark on a bold new venture with an
can be freedom. unstoppable spirit.
37 38
Queen Of Needles Ace Of Buttons

In Native American culture, birds The revered rabbit has often

are believed to assist in matters been a symbol of fertility and
of higher knowledge. They are abundance. Here, atop a bustling
symbols of strength, freedom and contraption, our vibrant friend
unity of fellow creatures. The leaps out of nowhere to extend
majestic spoonbill is associated a divine offering and signal that
with sweeping obstacles out of prosperity lies in our direct path.
ones way, wariness and protection. Perched atop Opportunity awaits and the time is ripe to forge
a weather gauge, she reminds us to seek the ahead. Hard work and determination is likely
truth, think with our heads and logic will guide. to pay off.

King Of Needles Two Of Buttons

The determined ruler here is The mystical octopus symbolizes

represented by the powerfully flexibility, creativity, intelligence,
prepared swordfish, forever driven expansion and unpredictability.
and proud, with a look-before- Here, we have a fitting illustration
you-leap attitude. Decisive, of the balancing act before us,
yet flexible, fully balanced and requiring us to constantly adjust
of sound mind — the king and assess, manage our time,
exemplifies that good judgement and clear energy, resources and focus. There is a choice in
thinking must always be our guides. the path ahead and we must trust our instincts.

39 40
Three Of Buttons Five Of Buttons

Here we have hyenas in In many cultures, the pigeon

cahoots! This card is about represents love, kindness,
collaboration and teamwork, and understanding of life's problems
these characters are the perfect and sacrifice. Here, our destitute
embodiment of working together feathered friends have fallen on
for a common objective. They hard times, yet fail to see the
are shown with accordion bodies warm sanctuary that is available to
to represent their flexibility. It is about getting support and feed them. The message: all is not
things done by valuing all the varied skills of the lost, if you open your eyes, help — and hope —
team. Together, we will share success; all for one, is all around.
one for all.

Four Of Buttons Six Of Buttons

As totems, lemurs are symbols In the animal kingdom, the great

of many things, including grey shrike is a uniquely — and
superficiality. The miserly lemur morbidly — generous character,
was chosen here for his intense a carnivorous bird known for
grip on his precious coins — or sharing its kill with others. This
buttons. There is a prioritization is a card of giving and receiving,
here on possession and wealth, and the cycle of abundance. The
a fixation that can also be paralyzing for oneself message here is that generosity ultimately pays off
and alienating those around us. Financial freedom in the lives that we touch.
may be at hand, but we must hold on tight!

41 42
Seven Of Buttons Nine Of Buttons

It is no surprise that the busy In this card, the falcon symbolism

beaver rightfully symbolizes speaks about victory, success,
ingenuity and diligence, wisdom and vision. Similarly,
productivity and achievement. the ladybug is an embodiment of
Here, success is on its way and we Lady Luck, bringing good fortune
are being encouraged to persist and prosperity. As the insect
and press on until the task is leads a vibrant and colorful life, it
complete. With patience and at long last, you influences you to experience the joys of living
will reap the rewards of all your hard work. to the fullest. Having risen above challenging
situations, success is well-deserved and now life
is to be enjoyed.

Eight Of Buttons Ten Of Buttons

It is said that if a shark stops The rich legacy of the providing

moving, they will drown. The tree — roots, body and fruit —
fascinating hammerhead shark manifests the message quite well
figuratively and also quite in this card. At full maturity,
literally illustrates this headstrong success and accomplishments
independence and dedication to now provide prosperity and
a task at hand. The message here: security as well as connection and
focus and determination leads you to master a community for all — from the birds above to the
new skill. fish below. A life fulfilled will set you free to share
the wealth.

43 44
Page Of Buttons Queen Of Buttons

This card brings a welcome The kangaroo is the quintessential

message of new beginnings, embodiment of a mother and
inspiration and the initial stages provider, both in material and
of a creative project or venture. emotional support. Her rabbit
Spiritually, unicorns symbolize companion represents fertility and
possibilities and success — if you suggests that her life is in flow
summon the power of a unicorn and alignment. Here, the Queen
you will be given the blessings to succeed in reminds us to hold what's dear to us near to our
whatever you choose to pursue. Here, we are hearts and that a nurturing spirit is the light
given validation that a dream endeavor will that fuels our souls.
flourish into long-term success.

Knight Of Buttons King Of Buttons

The magnificent endangered The horned Taurus beetle holds

pangolin, clad in nature's scaly tremendous power — and the title
armor, always holds steady with for world's strongest insect, able
a detailed plan; forever driven to pull over 1100 times its own
on the quest for his next insect body weight! Here, he symbolizes
meal. Here, our knight represents great abundance and the ability
the tenacity to do all the work to sustain his wealth and the
required to realize the dreams we envision. This trappings of the good life over time through self-
card is about accepting responsibility, taking discipline, control and leadership. The lush vines
charge and putting forth all efforts necessary to and grapes underscore his attainment and thriving
pave a path to ultimate achievement. of material success.
45 46
Thank You

A special thanks to all who supported this deck in

its evolutionary second run. None of this would
be possible without your encouragement and
enthusiasm along the way.

Many design decisions and updates were made by

consulting the group, so you can all feel like you
were very much a part of the final creation.

— Madam Clara


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