5cent-2nd LWB 2-Up Letter
5cent-2nd LWB 2-Up Letter
5cent-2nd LWB 2-Up Letter
Majors ............................................6-16
Extra Majors ..................................17-18
Matches .........................................19-25
Teacups ..........................................26-32
Needles ..........................................33-39
Special Thanks...............................47
the 5-Cent tarot
3 4
The Fool
A Message From Madam Clara
In animal symbolism, the frog
This little white book was created to provide brief
is associated with renewal and
insights into my inspiration for each and every
rebirth. Here, he is ready to throw
one of the cards in the deck. It is not intended
caution to the wind and jump
to be an in-depth guidebook; rather, a sentence
right in with a fresh new start.
or two for each card to give you an idea of my
This card is about big possibilities
thought process.
and the promise of unlimited
potential. Every free spirit needs a counter
In most cases, I will give you a description of
balance, so his sidekick grasshopper represents
the animal or insect I have chosen and why.
his inner voice and reminds us to also look
Sometimes, it’s a known symbolism reference;
before we leap.
other times, it may be more obscure from my
own twisted mind. Where appropriate, I make
reference to specific plants and flora; other times, The magician
they are merely vintage flourishes that work well
with my design system. The amazing spider represents
mystery, growth, and power, and
Every reader is different and we all draw from symbolizes the shadow of oneself.
our own personal experiences, connections and Like the magician, she is able to
teachers who have helped to shape our unique spin her web and create whatever
perspective. So, if you see a description or element she wants to be, or others to see!
on a card that doesn't vibe with your own, I hope She is the master of her own
you will accept it as a variation from a slightly destiny and bears a poignant message to all: life is
different angle. To me, this is why so many of us merely what you make of it!
have diverse tarot collections. I hope you enjoy!
5 6
The High Priestess The Emperor
9 10
Wheel Of Fortune The Hanged Man
Justice Death
In some ancient cultures, the crow The crow is most often associated
is believed to be the keeper of the with life mysteries and magic,
Sacred Law and divination. Many and has come to be connected
also believe crows hold memories with death on many levels in
of ancient worlds, bygone ways of so many cultures. In this card,
living, and beautiful secrets. She the symbolism is not about a
is mysterious and full of wisdom! devastating ending; rather, an
With a watchful eye, she implores us to be fair assertion of the powerful wisdom that as one
and impartial, for whatever we reap, we shall sow. door closes, another may open, signaling a pivotal
To expect truth and justice is to also be fair and moment to let go and move on.
truthful in return.
11 12
Temperance The Tower
The turtle is a sacred figure in All over the world, the tortoise
Native American symbolism as is seen as a symbol for security,
it represents Mother Earth and endurance, peacefulness, longevity,
signifies good health, patience and and patience. Here, that stability
longevity. The hard shell of the has been shaken, rocked to the
turtle represents perseverance and very core with a sudden upheaval.
protection. Here, with her angelic The eels represent the electrified
butterfly wings, she tells us to maintain our lightning bringing sudden destruction. The
balance by seeking what is important. takeaway: out of chaos and pain comes creation,
strength and renewal.
The dog and the wolf manifest The angelic Monarch butterfly —
together, bringing the tamed symbolic of transformation and a
and wild aspects and polarity of fully transitioned soul, rises above
our minds. The wolf represents and welcomes the caterpillars,
guardianship, ritual, and intuition; or souls, at the beginning of the
while the dog symbolizes fidelity journey. The trumpet flower
and unconditional love. Both recalls the archetype of Archangel
appear to remind us to trust our hearts and Gabriel's trumpet, calling forth the dead. Here,
minds, and have control over our own lives. we are in a moment of rebirth, awakening an
Here, we are being asked to dig deep to reveal inner calling with a higher purpose.
our shadows and face our hidden fears.
This card is about the soul, as This card speaks to the presence
represented by the bones of a of our spirit guides and the
majestic winged creature and the messages they are specifically
time-worn rings of a mighty oak. trying to deliver us, represented
The bigger picture, the grand here by the mighty hawk. It's
existence. In a reading, it calls about our guardian angels and
upon us to believe and seek higher their watch over us, likely sharing
meaning from a higher power. In reverse, it reveals signs that we need to recognize. In reverse,
that we need to open up to the possibilities of perhaps we are either blind to these signs or
what lies beyond our worldly comprehension. unreceptive to their importance.
17 18
Ace Of matches three Of matches
19 20
Five Of matches Seven Of matches
With head held high, the Here, our 8 matchsticks are raised
decorated ostrich is self-assured, up high behind a wind-propelled
poised and proud. The laurel hot air balloon and dynamic bird
wreath is a symbol of recognition in flight, swooping through the
and acclaim that is highly clear skies at high speed. Our gull
deserved. Body language and appears determined and laser-
posture here exudes confidence focused. The key ideas here: travel,
and success. Of course, the caution is that these change and rapid movement. You are cleared for
traits can lean egotistical in the reverse position! takeoff and nothing can stand in your way!
21 22
Nine Of matches Page Of matches
Heavy is the burden of the driven Poised and ready for action, the
and determined worker ant! noble Knight — the only piece
Here she is on the very verge in chess able to jump over others
of achieving greatness, but now — is crawling with salamanders,
must also bear the new burden of full of energy and passion, also
responsibility. The bundle of 10 represented by the flanking torch
matches represents achievement and vintage bulb. This card is
and completion — a mission accomplished, all about enthusiasm and motivation, or “fire”; so
well worth the effort! here, even the foliage has been rendered dynamic
and colored to resemble flames.
23 24
Queen Of matches ace Of Cups
All hail the Queen Bee, taking Entering the teacups suit, our
charge on a giant blooming angelic honey bee serves as a
sunflower throne, symbolic of provider of light, descending from
life, fertility, joy and satisfaction. the heavens as a steady pour of
This character is about getting life-giving brew overflows the
things done and radiating vitality. teacup. The lotus blossoms below
Her bold, commanding presence symbolize the awakening of the
is only countered by her companion cat, an human spirit. Intuition and creativity are at work
expression or subtle hint of her lesser-known here, inspiring us to embrace a new love, which
shadow self. promises to fill our hearts and fulfill our wishes.
25 26
three Of Cups Five Of Cups
Here we have what you might call The playful dolphins here are
a reluctant crab, oblivious to even the youthful free-spirits of
the most obvious opportunities the sea, calling on us to revisit
all around; retreating into its shell the innocence and comfort of
and too self-engrossed to notice. childhood memories. Teacups
Prospects are plentiful, but it may are filled with love, optimism,
be neither the right time nor the harmony and generosity, as a
right project. With an offer to be considered, flower is offered from one to the other. The
turning inward for guidance is the dominant message is to take pause from the burdens of
message here, for better or for worse. adulthood and enjoy, if only for this moment.
27 28
Seven Of Cups nine Of Cups
31 32
Ace Of Needles Three Of Needles
33 34
Five Of Needles Seven Of Needles
A battle has been fought and lost, The raccoon is often a symbol of
but what has been won? Here, our intelligence and curiosity, but here
fighting scorpions, symbolic of a in two-faced form, it represents
passionate and deeply emotional secrecy and disguise, theft and
personality, learn that winning trickery. This card may be a
is not at all what it seems when warning of betrayal revealed when
friendships perish. The scissor- the deceptor, even if it is you, lets
billed bird reminds of the dangers of cutting down their guard. Whether victim or guilty
remarks and the long-term results of combative party, the advice is to be wary, or self-aware of
behaviors. The advice: pick your battles wisely. the risks at hand!
The frog mother — able to thrive The blind and bound mole,
in water and on land — signals seemingly incapacitated and
a time for rebirth or renewal. limited, is adequately equipped
Here, with her baby in tow, she and actually quite capable of using
seeks the next chapter by forging her intuition and other senses
ahead and leaving the past behind. to escape the guilt or fears that
She reminds us to find a way bind her. This card is a call to free
to navigate between physical, emotional, and ourselves from self-inflicted shackles and limiting
spiritual planes, and find joy in life and nature. thoughts. The Eight of Needles assures you there
is a way out of your current predicament – you
just need a new perspective.
35 36
Nine Of Needles Page Of Needles
39 40
Three Of Buttons Five Of Buttons
41 42
Seven Of Buttons Nine Of Buttons
43 44
Page Of Buttons Queen Of Buttons
— Madam Clara